Alumnews (May 2012 - Oct 2012) - Angeles University Foundation


Alumnews (May 2012 - Oct 2012) - Angeles University Foundation
May - October 2012
VOL. 12 NO. 1
AUF Alumni respond to Habagat victims
AUF-FAA President Engr. Roger Santos (center) with some University
Officials and student volunteers.
AUF-HS Batch ‘83 with AUF-EHSAA President Engr. Enrico V. Matulin
(2nd L) and other officers during the Operation Sagip Kapatid 2012.
In keeping with the 50th
anniversary theme “Serving
from the Heart of the
Church,” Angeles University
Foundation, together with the
AUF-Federation of Alumni
Associations (AUF-FAA)
spearheaded a medical mission
with a supplemental feeding
program for children and
senior citizens. About 750
residents living in tents were
served during the medical
mission last September 08,
2012 at Villa Sol, City of San
Fernando. The residents, who
came mostly from Barangay
Cutud, City of San Fernando,
were the hardest hit during the
onslaught of the habagat.
A U F - FA A d o n a t e d
Php10,000.00 for the
supplemental feeding
program. Engr. Roger Santos,
President of the AUF-FAA,
personally joined the medical
mission together with four (4)
other alumni from different
colleges. The AUF Canteen
and the College of Business
and Accountancy-Hotel and
Restaurant Management (CBAHRM) students headed by Mr.
Howard Dizon prepared the
The AUF-Elementary High
School Alumni Association
(AUF-EHSAA) also lent a
hand during the relief
distribution mission of AUF
at Barangay Candating in
Arayat, Pamapanga. Together
with the AUF-Integrated
School, the high school Alumni
Association donated 150 bags
of assorted grocery items
worth at least Php50,000.00
last August 18, 2012 to
affected residents.
Alumni were also present
during the actual distribution
at the said area.
The relief distribution,
medical mission and
supplemental feeding program
are part of the AUF – Sagip
Kapatid Program that aims to
provide immediate relief to
survivors of natural and manmade disasters.
- Glicel Grace DG. Tiamzon,
AUF 50th Anniversary Celebration
The Angeles University
Foundation successfully
held its 50th Anniversary
Celebration with the theme
AUF@50: Serving from the
Heart of the Church.
The week-long affair was
set with an assortment of
events which started with the
inauguration of the new AUF
Sports and Cultural Center
followed by the opening of
the “AUF @50: The Exhibit”
where collections of pictures
and office equipment used
over the years were showcased
r e ve a l i n g t h e h i s t o r y o f
the university. It was then
followed by a Piano Concert
by Mr. Gildo “Boron” A. Garcia
Later in the evening, a
huge number of people
continued on page 4
Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass led by the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines,
Arch. Guiseppe Pinto with Pampanga Archbishop Paciano Aniceto, Auxillary
Bishops assisted by former and incumbent AUF Chaplains.
May - October 2012
F eatured A lumni
Jerrence S. Taguines, BSCE 2011
Timeless Encounter
I am a warrior: A warrior without armour.
I am a traveller: Hunger is my companion.
I am a dancer: Dancing unshod with the music of life.
And I am a builder: Building houses of straw.
These were the lyrics of my life
when I entered Angeles University
Foundation. I was faced to battle
thousands of warriors with only a
dagger in hand. I set forth towards a
journey with nothing to eat. I needed
to perform a dance routine without
any cover on feet. I had to construct
a coliseum with only straws and
sticks to use.
But things have changed. Let me
tell you about my journey.
Season of Ploughing and Planting.
Angeles University Foundation
taught me to struggle in order to
achieve my goals.
In 2008 being a first year student
in the College of Engineering was
not easy. It certainly was the most
difficult stage in my college life.
As a BYA Scholar, I have to spend
more time and effort to maintain
my scholarship, because without
it, my family will have difficulty in
sustaining my education. This is
the time when I had to prove myself
to my classmates and instructors,
I realized that being an achiever in
high school doesn’t stop there, but,
continues until college.
Moreover, I had to cope with
my new world. It was then when
I realized the difficulty of adjusting
to things you’re not used to. And to
help me with this, I had to plant seeds
of relationships and gain friends.
AUF gave me not just companions
but life-long friends, who, until now,
are still guiding and supporting me
in my journey.
The university has given me a
lawn to cultivate and plant the seeds
of my dreams. Through AUF, I found
friends who helped me nourish my
The Days when I Built but Failed.
When I successfully finished 1st
year with my BYA scholarship still
intact, I gained the confidence I needed
to adjust to my new world. AUF is
longer a foreign place for me but a new
home. Then I started asking myself,
“Is this the only thing that I can do?”
I realized I wanted to do more. So
I joined various organizations and
secured positions with these. I was into
writing, community extension services,
tutorials, and student government. My
goal, then, was to prove to myself that
with all these extracurricular activities,
I can still maintain my scholarship. And
I was successful in proving it.
But suddenly, something went
wrong. During the latter part of my
2nd year, I ran for the highest position
in our college student government. But
I lost. It was one of the biggest failures
I faced as a student. And it turned out
that some of my so-called friends were
the one responsible for this failure. I was
devastated. It took me some months
before I can totally let go and move on
from this experience.
AUF opened my eyes to failures
and let me experience the bitterness of
failing from all the things that I have
built despite all my efforts.
Moment of Rediscovering and
Rebuilding. After those failures, I
lost my enthusiasm with the other
organizations. I was even tempted to
quit some of them. But then, I realized:
Why not divert my attention with other
things and discover my other capacities
and potentials? And that’s what I did.
I went into direct-selling businesses
to sustain my expenses; I focused on
my other organizations especially
community oriented one; I developed
my technical skills specifically in the
field of civil engineering; and more
importantly, I started to rediscover
myself and learned my other potentials.
It was in this stage when I started to
build my name again. This time, I run
for the highest position in the student
government, not in the college, but in
the whole university. And I made it!
Here, I learned to value the
importance of failures in my journey
because these failures became my
strength in reaching for higher goals
in life.
Period of Leading, Serving, and
Influencing others. This was the period
which I considered the most fruitful,
fun-filled, and experiential years of
my stay in AUF despite the sleepless
nights and tiring responsibilities.
It was during this period when
AUF opened various doors of
learning for me. These doors changed
me a lot: I was able to develop my
interpersonal communication skills
especially in dealing with mass
audience; I have built my capacity
to plan and implemen; I learned to
lead and influence others; and most
importantly, I learned to have a heart
in serving not only the university but
also the communities and families
outside it.
Angeles University Foundation
shaped the professional “me” during
this time not just teaching me the
principles of my profession, but
also integrating the values of being
mabuti, magaling, at may malasakit sa
The Process of Shifting while Reaping.
I’d reached a point in my college
life when I have to lessen or even
give-up some of my extracurricular
activities and focused instead in my
chosen profession. It was really a
continued on page 3
May - October 2012
Grand Alumni Homecoming
Last May 26, 2012, a long
line of vehicles roam the streets
of Angeles City as AUF and
its Alumni celebrate its Grand
Alumni Homecoming.
The event started with a
motorcade where all colleges
were well represented. It was
followed by a Thanksgiving
Mass officiated by AUF’s
a l u m n i p r i e s t s R e v. F r.
Raphieson Mutuc , Rev. Fr.
Marvin Sinlao and Rev. Fr.
Enrique M. Luzung. The event
was personally grace by AUF
Chancellor Dr. Emmanuel
Y. Angeles. Shortly after
was the Awarding of the
Most Outstanding Alumni
with honorees Corazon Y.
Capitulo, BS Education ’70
for Education; Engr. Rafael C.
Yabut, BS Civil Engineering ’76
for Government Service, Lyn V.
Lansangan, BS Education ’82
for Education; Ma. Antonette
C. Esguerra, BS Nursing ’87 for
Health Sciences; Ma. Therese
Zapanta-Verzosa, BS Nursing
’93 for Community Service;
PSupt Allan R. Macapagal,
BS Criminology ’93 for Law
Enforcement; Dr. Carmelo C.
Cunanan, BS Physical Therapy
’95 for Health Education; and
Rev. Fr. Enrique M. Luzung, BS
Psychology ’96 for Religious
A big number of alumni
and employees crowded the
AUFSCC Cultural Hall for
the concert of the evening,
where they witness at the Live
Acoustic Performances of the
Acoustic King Paolo Santos
and popular band MYMP. The
audience squeals and the entire
arena was on its feet singing
along and having fun during
the entire concert.
The event concluded with
the raffle draw courtesy of the
AUF Alumni Federation.
Paolo Santos performing at AUF-SCC during the well-attended Grand Alumni Homecoming Live Acoustic Concert with MYMP.
Taken after the Grand Alumni Homecoming Live Acoustic Performances of
Paolo Santos and MYMP. Student leaders with Atty. Joseph Emmanuel L.
Angeles, Dr. Sylvia M. Soriano, Vice President for Administration and some
university officials.
Timeless Encounter... from page 2
hard decision to choose
which to prioritize. It
was during this time that
I experienced the difficult
process of shifting from
the things you love to do
into things that you ought
to do. At this moment,
AUF taught me the
importance of managing
my time properly and
giving priority to what is
really needed.
Finally, this was when I
started reaping all the fruits
of my labour through various
distinctions and awards;
and paying back to AUF by
means of giving honour to
its name.
I even had the chance
to represent AUF and
the Region in Malacañan
during the Search for The
Ten Outstanding Students
of the Philippines (TOSP).
The 2012 Most Outstanding Alumni Awardees with Dr. Emmanuel Y. Angeles,
University Chancellor, AUF-FAA Pres. Engr. Roger Santos and Atty. Joseph
Emmanuel L. Angeles.
The medal and honor I
received here duly testify
the value AUF has made to
my personhood.
I may not be able to give
back all the honours that
the University deserves for
everything that it has given
me. But, by means of living
the teachings and the values
instilled in me, I can proudly
say that I’ll always be a living
example of a true Angelenean
and that makes the university
even prouder.
AUF gave me a sword.
It is a sword that gets
sharper as time goes by.
It gave me a bag to carry
all my tools in the journey
called life. It made a pair
of shoes for me so as to
guide me with the path
I take. And, it created
a strong foundation for
me, that no matter what
the load of problems will
my journey brings, still, I
can stand tall and never
fall again.
May - October 2012
The Angeles University
Foundation in
cooperation with the
Federation of Alumni
Association has granted
a scholarship to one of
the financially challenged
but deserving student,
Allan Christian Mallari,
a sophomore Civil
Engineering student.
Angeles University
Foundation Chancellor
Emmanuel Y. Angeles
was recently awarded with
plaque of appreciation
by the Federation of
Alumni Association. The
plaque symbolizes the
deepest gratitude of
the organization for the
unwavering and utmost
support that the Chancellor
has given to all the Alumni
projects and activities.
Angeles University Foundation in collaboration with the Fitness, Sports and Recreation Center has finally achieved the goal of providing physical facilities
enabling students, faculty and personnel to take pleasure by means of the newly built Sports and Cultural Center. The university proudly presents the much
awaited sports center that is comprised of facilities and equipment geared towards promoting variety of activities controlled and managed by several units.
Competent and well trained coaches and staffs are responsible in providing excellent sports development programs and trainings.
AUF 50th... from page 1
occupied the AUF Sports and
Cultural Center (AUFSCC)
as the Metro Manila Concert
Orchestra conducted by Prof.
Chino Toledo played a variety
of orchestral pieces which
truly entertained and awed
the crowd. Shortly after, the
audience is thumping to the
beat of the PAGCOR 5 as
they sing and dance to the
different tunes of the modern
T h e n e x t d a y, t h e
Anniversary Thanksgiving
Mass was led by the Apostolic
Nuncio to the Philippines
Archbishop Guiseppe Pinto
and Pampanga Archbishop
Most Rev. Paciano B. Aniceto
with Auxiliary Bishops Most
Rev. Roberto C. Mallari and
Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio
S. David and Rev. Msgr.
Gabor Pinter, Secretary to
the Apostolic Nuncio.
They were assisted by the
former and incumbent AUF
chaplains. It was followed by
a cultural number from the
AUF Performing Arts and the
Testimonial Program where
AUF benefactors and donors
were cited.
chairman of the board
lay-out artist
The Angelenean
published by the Office
of Alumni Affairs
and Placement
Services. The paper
welcomes manuscripts,
photographs and
other materials from
contributors. The editor,
however, reserves the
right to edit or reject
articles for publication.
For your comments and
contributions, PLEASE