AUF Annual Report 2014 - Adopta Una Familia, Inc
AUF Annual Report 2014 - Adopta Una Familia, Inc
Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Annual Report 2014 President’s Message I would like to greet you on behalf of the Board of Directors and to tell you how significant 2014 was for AUF. We completed our first year with 501(c)3 status and restructured the Board of Directors to include an Executive Board and four working committees: Operations, Finance, Marketing and Governance. AUF joyfully continues to partner with the This year we welcomed two young children who came with their parents who were past participants. people of Guasmo Sur. We work hard, build relationships and during our time in Ecuador, A whole new generation is being exposed to the lives are changed. Not only is significant beautiful quilt of global connectedness and love between people. improvement visible in the community, but the effect that the people of Ecuador have had on participants from the United States is lifechanging. Thank you to all who have continued to support our efforts with financial gifts and as participants in the different projects. I hope you will continue to tell the stories of your experiences to family and friends. Linda Smith, President Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Introduction AUF is a United States based, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization partnering with community leaders in Guayaquil, Ecuador in three key development areas. Our goal is to use local and global resources in the most efficient and effective way to promote opportunities for quality housing, education and health. Created as a grass-roots community project in the barrio of Guasmo Sur, Ecuador in 1999, AUF began with building bathrooms in families’ homes. It has since grown into a multi-tiered program that has enriched the lives of hundreds of people in Ecuador and North America. As a by-product of the program’s success, AUF is proud of its history of inspiring service in those that have participated over the years. Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Our AUF Support Team in Guasmo (l) Tania Tapia Sanchez, Jairo Vargas Solis, Angelica Montaño Reyes, Lilibeth Guerrero Ordoñez, Marjory Galarza Mora, Jose Luis Echeverria Lara By partnering with local leaders, AUF provides resources for community advancement and development through the support of volunteers with common values. The mission and programs of AUF are facilitated by our partners “on the ground” in Guasmo. Jose Luis Echeverria Lara is the General Co-ordinator of AUF projects. Jose Luis serves as liason between the AUF Board of Directors and Mi Cometa, our partner organization in Guasmo. Tania Tapia Sanchez is our Director of Building Projects. Angelica Montaño Reyes is Director of Education Projects. In addition to the programming direction provided by Angelica, our Education Project is assissted by Jairo Vargas Solis and Lilibeth Guerrero Ordoñez, two additional teachers. Jairo and Lili are both graduates of CASF (Creacion de Alumnos sin Fronteras, Creation of Students without Borders) and are now university students. Marjory Galarza Mora is Director of Health Projects. Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Housing Our housing project provides financial and h u m a n resources for one to two building trips each summer. Volunteers' fees cover travel expenses and a large portion of construction materials. We work with the Ecuadorian non-profit, Mi Cometa, and provide grants so that they may hire local community experts, Project Managers, and trades people to partner with U.S. Project Leaders to plan and complete building projects. Recipient families are associated with, and selected by, Mi Cometa. Our building trips cultivate a rich cross-cultural experience for all involved through rigorous construction work and also through family time and fun! AUF responds to the long term, as well as acute, needs of the community by looking for projects and relationships that foster developmental progress. We finance and assist with additional building or community projects at the request of community leaders. “It feels better to have a home where everyone has their own space. When you enter the house now, it is beautiful, organized. It makes me feel good inside to show people my home." Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Each year the reach and impact of the housing programs grows both in Ecuador and the United States. In 2014 the summer build trip included 60 volunteers from more than six different communities across three states! Additionally, as a working Board of Directors it The more in depth and complex nature of these projects speaks to the long term commitment of AUF with the Guasmo Sur community and the compounding effect of more than 15 years of construction projects. In the early years, projects would include a single bathroom for a family or just security walls; now we have the experience and ability is of critical importance to fully engage and participate in the core programming, and eight to evaluate family needs more completely and build a comprehensive architectural plan. board members joined the building volunteers in 2014. As the architectural designs and the needs of the families have evolved, it is common for a family to be engaged in renovations with AUF for more than one build trip. In 2014 two home renovations were completed and the first of two phases was started on a third home renovation. Adopta Una Familia, Inc. "The change has been marvelous! Before, we lived in a house with holes in the ceiling that would flood the floors when it rained. But now, I feel protected and safe. It's all I could have hoped for." of the success and smooth operations of the actual construction. Her work and partnership with the board of directors on building projects ensured that the cross cultural, cross language teams, with varied skill levels, that were providing the construction were able to work in harmony. 2014 was also the inaugural year for the core local roles including Tania Tapia Sanchez as the Director of Building Projects. Her leadership, dedication and commitment during as well as before and after the actual volunteer trip was an essential component Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Education AUF provides scholarship opportunities for local youths to attend primary and secondary school. In addition, AUF provides financial resources for the development and implementation of a weekly tutoring program for students receiving scholarships. This educational program CASF (Creacion de Alumnos sin Fronteras or Creation of Students without Borders) educates the participating students in multiple content areas in which they would not otherwise receive e n r i c h m e n t including health, poetry, astronomy, cooking, cultural awareness, human rights, and history. Stohler, a former CASF summer intern and current student at Harvard University’s School of Divinity. Hannah worked with the CASF staff to help clarify and implement roles and responsibilities and to guide Angelica out of the classroom and into her new role as Director of Education Projects. Hannah also helped the CASF staff begin to design a more transparent application process for potential students. The summer was a very busy time for our educational programs, with many other initiatives running concurrently. The CASF program was graced by summer intern, Maggie Rowe, a sophomore at Brown University majoring in Biology. She worked Our financial resources include funding for local teachers for the tutoring program, sponsoring summer interns, and materials for running the tutoring program’s weekly activities. Our education outreach took many great steps forward in 2014. There was continued success in the Creacion de Alumnos Sin Fronteras (CASF) program, as well as new opportunities that were explored in an effort to expand educational opportunities for the students in Guasmo. CASF went through a number of important changes this year while still providing scholarships and additional instruction to 45 students. One of the goals for 2014 was to improve the organizational structure of CASF and to provide more transparency in the selection process of potential students. This was guided through the summer internship of Hannah Ambar, current student: "Through CASF, I have learned to love reading, and I have made friends with people who I would not have known otherwise." Adopta Una Familia, Inc. streets of Guasmo with the participating youths dressed in homemade superhero costumes. Additionally, the pair lead seminars on Behavioral Modification strategies to help the parents in the community with their children. Jenny works as a Behaviorist, and her expertise was enthusiastically received. Ezekiel, recent graduate: "The support I have received through CASF has been very important because my father did not make enough to afford my going to school. I am working now, but I want to continue my studies so I can one day have a job that will allow me to have my own home." with the program on a daily basis and lead the students on an exploration of the Scientific Method through her creative experiments. A pair of additional educational programs ran in addition to CASF in 2014. These were led by two former participants of Housing projects: Christine Candler and Jenny Sheflin. Together, they designed and implemented two programs during the June Housing project. The first project was in the style of one of our Kid’s Camps, which have run in the past during housing projects as an opportunity to play with and challenge the youths in the community. They designed a week-long schedule of activities themed around what it means to be a superhero and how everyone can be a superhero. The week culminated in a superhero parade around the Another change in the program occurred with the departure of Diana Roldan, one of the program’s teachers. She was one of our first teachers and one of the first graduates through the Educational Grant program, the precursor to CASF. The CASF family is very thankful to her for all the work and love she has given them throughout the years, and are excited for her as she explores the next chapter of her life. This opened up the opportunity for a new teacher to join the CASF team, which will be one of the first activities to occur in 2015. Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Health For nearly 15 years, AUF has been bringing some form of health programming to Guasmo Sur. These initial projects included dental cleanings, gynecology clinics including PAP smears and contraceptive services, first-aid and surgical mission trips. While community members readily participated in these projects, AUF initially focused on its flagship program, construction, During 2014, AUF sought to make health a more permanent pillar of programming for the community of Guasmo Sur. Five years ago, President of AUF Linda Smith’s dream became a reality during what would become the inaugural year of the AUF Dental Project. Two Dentists and an Oral Surgeon, as well as support staff including dental hygienists and dental assistants, provided comprehensive dental care mainly to children, during a week long Dental Project. The Dental Project has continued to flourish and in 2014 a longterm partnership was created between AUF and the UCONN Dental School. This year’s week-long project included four supervising dentists (including the Dean of UCONN Dental), six third year UCONN dental students, one dental assistant, one hygienist, one translator, and two support volunteers. One h u n d r e d patients, 70 children and 30 adults, received exams and dental education as well as restorations and extractions when needed. Over 200 procedures were performed. Due to high demand and in order to promote improved oral health behaviors, priority was given to those who received a dental cleaning on their own during the year. Additionally, partnerships were built with local Ecuadorian dentists in order to provide continuing dental services throughout the year. AUF has begun to respond to the desires of the community to have more permanent general health programming. In addition to several new health related activities, AUF conducted a basic community needs assessment in order to make sure that the voices of AUF families were heard. By garnering data on the community, AUF plans to design future permanent health programming that will meet the perceived and expressed health needs of the community Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Capitalizing on the success of the dental program, AUF sought to further expand its health programming to meet the needs of the community. In 2013, 75 community members underwent free health screening in which their weight, blood pressure, and glucose were monitored. Following this event, a diabetes support group was created as a pilot health Preliminary data shows that every respondent reported at least one significant barrier to obtaining healthcare or maintaining her current health status. Perhaps most importantly, nearly every respondent would like to see AUF further develop its health programming and a significant number of respondents reports a desire for more health education groups and learning sessions. AUF plans to utilize the results of the community needs assessment in order to develop health programming which is aligned with community needs and desires. project, in which 12 participants have received on-going monitoring and support through home visits conducted by an AUF staff member. Indicative of the severity, nine out twelve participants are considered to have uncontrolled diabetes. Additionally, participants attend biweekly group meetings where they learn about and discuss diabetes related topics. In order to better determine the direction of future health programming, a basic community needs assessment was completed in 2014. Thirty-one female heads of household were interviewed to better understand AUF family demographics, health information, and program feedback. Twenty-one additional females in AUF families were interviewed regarding their demographics and reproductive health. Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Financials AUF, Inc. is exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our mission is supported by the generosity of our donors and the enthusiastic participants who raise funds to cover trip expenses each year. All donations for exempt purposes are tax-deductible. AUF, Inc. spent only 7.3% of its expense base on administrative costs and our donors can be confident that every possible dollar goes directly to fulfill our program missions. We are looking for new and renewed support in order to build and expand programming in the years ahead. Profit & Loss January through December 2014 Income Project Registrations 124,186.00 Board of Directors Contributions 11,765.39 Special Events 7,146.76 CASF Sponsorships 15,675.00 Online Shopping Donation Sites 1,032.84 Walking The Trail Donations 12,448.12 Holiday Gift Drive 2,330.00 Other Individual Donations 5,890.00 Grants 20,000.00 Corporate Matching 4,913.96 __________ Total Income 205,388.07 Expense Administration Travel Expense Building Project Education Program Dental Supplies and Expenses Mi Cometa Administration Special Events Expense Total Expense Net Income 10,075.67 77,521.00 63,750.00 35,465.00 8,550.00 5,000.00 4,332.41 __________ 204,694.08 693.99 Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Donors The Board of Directors of Adopta Una Familia, Inc. would like to gratefully acknowledge our generous donors. Without them, the successes of 2014 would not have been possible. $5000 or greater $250- $499 Asylum Hill Congregational Church – Hartford, CT The Massey Cameron Fund Carol Ann Anyan James Bannister Lois Begley Joan Bombardier William Carter Pat & Fred Cotton The D'Amico Family Marie Donofrio Michael Dwyer Ryan Finnegan DMD PC First Church of Christ Congregational- Clinton, CT Betsy Gay Joshua Geballe Peter Grandy James and Linda Grigsby Len & Barbara Hooton Margot & Jeffrey Johnson Cyrus Kanga Crystal Kofke Deborah Lyons Merrill Preston, Jr. Suzanne Reardon David Reif Bill & Sharon Reynolds Helen Silchenko Cindy Staton Ralph Takala James Teape Barbara Tedeschi Carol Tobin Kurt Weingartner $1,000-$4999 Susan Aller Brian Cameron The Chaney Family Foundation M.J. Knudsen Aetna Matching Gift Program J.P. Morgan Matching Gifts Program MetLife Foundation's Volunteer Ventures Program United Illuminating Employee Giving $500-$999 Gwen Bush David & Barbara Colley Richard Farr Gerald Garfield Robert Hacker Jack Heflin Susanne Lendler Marsh William Lowery Claudia Matthews Roy & Lyle Miller Hazel Teape Elizabeth Woodard Travelers Community Connections Matching Gifts Program Adopta Una Familia, Inc. Goals for 2015 Our goals for 2015 include analysis of the data from the Community Health Assessment, and expansion of health programming based on evaluation of the data. In addition, we have commissioned a multi-media, video presentation which will be completed in 2015. Officers President - Linda Smith Vice President - Erica Thompson Secretary - Erin Peterson Treasurer - Bonnie Ballantyne Board of Directors Bonnie Ballantyne Chris Giordano Stephanie Hackett Kevin Harrington Betsy Hyde* Seila Mosquera Laurie Parsons* David Peterson Erin Peterson Abby Ruiz* Linda Smith* Hannah Stohler Meg Teape* Mike Teape Erica Thompson* Beth Vossler *Member of Executive Board