News Letter corowa - National Historical Machinery Association Inc


News Letter corowa - National Historical Machinery Association Inc
NEWSLETTER October 2015
Return Address
Nellie Petzke
PO Box 149
Corowa NSW 2646
PO Box 149 Corowa NSW 2646
Ph 0260330318. Mob 0427856529 . Email—
Senior Vice President.
ERNIE WEMYSS: 3 Piggin Court Corowa 2646,
Ph 0260330606. Mob 0429666644.
Junior Vice President.
DAVID WILLIAMS: 258 Adams Street, Corowa.NSW.2646.
Ph/Fax. 0260333137. Mob. 0408122423. Email—
LYN PLANT: 56 Trudewind Road Wodonga Vic 3690
Ph 0260247021 Mob 0408208128 Email—
Assistant Secretary:
JOY McQUALTER: PO Box 363 Corowa NSW 2646 Ph 0260333150
LYN PLANT (temp) 56 Trudewind Rd Wodonga Vic 3690 ph and email as above.
Assistant Treasurer.
DAVID WILLIAMS: 258 Adams Str Corowa 2646 Ph 0260333137. Mob 0408122423.
Public Officer.
DAVID WILLIAMS. Ph. 0260333137. Mob. 0408122423.
NELLIE PETZKE. PO Box 149 Corowa NSW 2646
Ph. 0260330318. Fax. 0260335543. Mob. 0458371532. Email—
Facebook care taker.
GREG PLANT. 56 Trudewind Road Wodonga Ph 0260247021 Email
Safety Officers.
Ph. 0260330318. Mob. 0427856529.
DON COTTAM. Ph. 0357268203.
ROSS WOODBERRY Mob 0468724905
DON BRADLEY. Ph. 0358852717. Mob. 0429382371.
PETER COTTAM. Ph 0358298242.
WAYNE FRANKS Mob 0408698923.
Events Coordinators.
LYN PLANT. Ph 0260247021. Mob. 0408208128. Email—
NELLIE PETZKE. Ph 0260330318 . Mob 0458371532.
Registration Officer. (for club plates).
DON BRADLEY. 15 Carter Street Berrigan NSW 2712 Ph. 03 58852717. Mob. 0429382371.
Ph. 0260330606. Mob. 0429666644
Ph 0260330318. Mob. 0427856529.
Ph 0357261731
DAVID WILLIAMS. Ph. 0260333137. Mob. 0408122423.
Ph 0260335529
Ph. 0358852717. Mob. 0429382371.
LINDSAY McQUALTER Ph 0260333150 Mob 0429458212
Ph. 0260247021. Mob. 0408208128
WAYNE FRANKS Mob 0408698923.
Project Coordinator
ERNIE WEMYSS Ph 0260330606, Mob 0429666644.
Club Postal Address PO Box 22 Corowa NSW 2646 Email---
Hi Members
Another month gone it won’t be long Christmas will here.
We had a great display at the Corowa Show great to see so many members with Tractors, Trucks
and Cars. The weather wasn’t very kind but still a good day.
Quite a few members went to the Urana Tractor Pull and came home with Trophies.
Congratulations to Don Bradley and Alison Kingham on becoming grandparents of a little boy.
Next meeting Nov 8th at 10 am.
After the meeting there’ll be a BBQ with the Corowa Car Club.
Members to bring a Salad and Dessert please.
Have a Great Day
Female Mannequin
for a Vintage bathroom display
Ring Don Cottam 0357268203
Corowa Historic Vehicle & Machinery Club
Saturday December 12th
at Fairey’s Restaurant
RSVP by Dec 5th to Lyn or Nellie
Coming Events
October 31st & November 1st ---- Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally
Featuring International Harvester
December 12th ---- Corowa Historic Vehicle & Machinery Club
Christmas Party at Fairey’s Restaurant Waghunyah 6.30 pm
RSVP by Dec 5th to Nellie or Lyn
March 5th & 6th 2016 ---- Corowa Tractor Pull. For Inq Bill Petzke 0260330318
August 13th & 14th 2016 ---- Riverina Vintage Machinery Club Inc
Rally Leeton Racecourse For Inq 0269532105.
March 17th — 19th March 1916 ---- NHMA 2016 National Tractor Trek
Hosted by The Riverina & Urana vintage Machinery Clubs Inc.
If anyone needs a entry form let me know.
Entries to be in by 30th November 2015
Butch the Rooster
Sarah was in the fertilized egg business. She had several hundred young pullets and ten
roosters to fertilize the eggs.
She kept records and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.
This took a lot of time, so she bought some tiny bells and attached them to her roosters.
Each bell had a different tone, so she could tell from a distance which rooster was
performing. Now, she could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.
Sarah's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen but, this morning she noticed
old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all! When she went to investigate, she saw the other
roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets hearing the roosters
coming, would run for cover.
To Sarah's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak
up on a pullet, do his job, and walk on to the next one.
Sarah was so proud of old Butch, she entered him in a Show and he became an overnight
sensation among the judges.
The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the "No Bell Peace Prize" they also
awarded him the "Pulletsurprise" as well.
Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure
out how to win two of the most coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking
up on the unsuspecting populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention?
Vote carefully in the next election. You can't always hear the bells.
Corowa Show
Results Corowa Show Results Section J
J1 Best Working Display Alan Wilson Chamberlain
J2 Most Unusual Display Neville Smith Land Rover Army outfit
J3 Best Presented Tractor Ernie Wemyss Moline
J4 Best Presented Engine Neville Smith Commer TS3
J5 Best Presented Vehicle Russell Black 1936 Ford Coupe
J6 Best Display Memorabillia Bill Petzke Morris Cowley 1928
Overall a very good display with a bit of rain some of the time.
Resident Judge Ed Hopkins.
General Meeting held on 11th October 2015 at Corowa Show at 10am
PRESENT: Bill & Nellie Petzke, Lindsay & J oy McQualter, Bill Ritchie, Er n Wemyss, Don Cottam, Peter Cottam, Alan Wilson, Klaus, David Williams, Neville Smith,
Ian Bowkett, Russell Black.
APOLIGIES: Lyn & Greg Plant, Mor r ie Brown, Ed Far mer, Matt McQualter,
David Smith, Wayne Franks, Carolyn Young, Micka Gread, Chris & Ellie Bentley.
Moved Lindsay
Seconded Don
Metal Badges have been or dered
Term Deposit has been renewed for 100 days @ 2.55% with a balance of $26,000.
Lyn to do shopping for BBQ after next meeting.
Purchase of land. On the 29th September, Lyn, Bill, Lindsay & Garry, met with Chris
Gillard, general manager of Corowa Shire. Chris asked the club to look at all our
options (including relocating to a bigger site), before committing to purchasing.
Bill explained about the meeting with Chris Gillard.
Student scholarship Alan Wilson will handle it.
Moved Neville
2nd Nellie
Letter from Essential Energy. Power outage at the club house on the 11th October 2015
Newsletter from Corowa Car Club.
Email to Chris Gillard, General Manager of Corowa Shire, to say that club is in favour
to start negations to purchase the club grounds ( 17th September)
Email to Corowa Car Club inviting them to a BBQ on the 8th November at our club
Moved Ernie
2nd Bill Ritchie
TREASURES REPORT The Balance on the 30th September 2015 was 4,708.03
Moved Joy
2nd Ian
Garry Christensen for pipe used on new fence.
Rutherglen Show 18th October
Urana Rally 17th & 18th October
NEXT MEETING: 10am, 8th November followed BBQ with Corowa Car Club
The Adventures of Uncle Arthur Oct. 2015
Smiffy was with some of us out at Kidman’s AKA Gnomy the other
week, while we were having lunch Smiffy obviously ate too much
because his chair collapsed under him.
Bob Chamberlain AKA Level Bob was finishing off the wall on their
shed and actually used a spirit level.
Last week when we were working at Kidman’s AKA Gnomy we lost half a
piece of mesh when we moved from one job to the next, so Fox terrier Bill
drove back but couldn’t find it ( should have gone to Spec savers) so Jack
and Gnomy went and had a look and they actually found it, so they put it
in the back of Gnomy’s ute when they got back the mesh had slid out of
the ute and dropped over the ball pull dragging it along.
Ed Farmer AKA Chippy was happy that some of us have been out at
Kidman’s the last few weeks because he got a bigger share of the chips.
Having lunch at Kidman’s last week Caroline put out some Anzac biscuits
but before they had landed on the table Rod the Sod swooped on them like
a hawk and grabbed one.
Fox terrier Bill was changing the oil in his truck to go to Urana, he drained
the oil and went to put the new filter on (bugger) it was the right box but
wrong filter. His helper left him to it as the profanity got a bit strong.
Smiffy bought an outboard motor from Kidman and was told to leave the
stand, that was fine until the next time Gnomy went into his shed he was
cursing Smiffy for taking the stand. This went on for a couple of weeks
until last week Gnomy was in the shed and noticed the stand was there all
the time (should have gone to Spec Savers too).
Gnomy’s better half Caroline was in Wodonga the other day and decided
to fill the ute up with fuel, which she did and drove off down the road a
few hundred metres and the ute stopped “BLING” a light came on as to
why it stopped she had put petrol in instead of diesel( obviously the stress
of putting up with Gnomy).
All ended well after nephew came to the rescue.
Well that’s about all for this month so as Arthur would say don’t speed
between Albury and Corowa!! No that’s not right I meant Hooroo.
The Observer