Three Months in #f00 - home


Three Months in #f00 - home
Three Months in #f00
the IRC memoirs
IRC log started Wed Apr 17 00:57
<nonent> richard devine, etc..? hmm..
<undah> richard devine is from atl i think
<undah> he just released a record on schematic, i dunno if his old one was sch too
<nonent> ahh..
<minthure> Bed time. Cyas tomorrow
<nonent> 'night minthure...
<undah> check out, that's my buddy's label from orlando
<undah> there are mp3s on there...we are triage
<nonent> yeah?.. cool.. i'll check it out..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
<nonent> err.. need an account?
<undah> may work better, those links look like they are from someones
cookies to
<undah> yeah
<undah> i just tested it and had the same problem
<nonent> i can't remember if i have one..
<undah> i think you can just put any email address and zip code to listen
<undah> just needs a cookie
<nonent> arr.. having some difficulty.. Under your Audio Hosting trial
membership, you are not eligible to play this audio link.
<undah> did you go to
<undah> er are you still trying the nophi links
<undah> they is broked :(
<nonent> doing the nophi links.. if works, i'll do that instead
<undah> that works :)
<nonent> so it does.. downloading some now.. but right now i'm listening to 'brave new
waves'.. pretty good canadian public broadcasting radio show..
<nonent> has some interesting interviews, etc.. and i
think a live feed..
<undah> there is some decent radio here...rollins college has good station
<undah> cool
<undah> i am listening to reversed boards of canada tracks
<nonent> heh.. change them much?.. geogaddi mp3s played backwards?
<undah> music is math sounds almost exactly the same
<undah> it's weird
<nonent> satanic messages galore i'm sure..
<nonent> what kindof software do you use?
<undah> haha i think they had fun with backwards masking yeah
<undah> i use buzz a lot
<undah> logic audio
<undah> sound forge, vegas, aacid
<undah> acid even
<undah> heh
<nonent> links?.. i'm finally setting up a 'windows' machine so i can play with some
audio stuff..
<undah> has buzz
<nonent> cool..
<undah> if you want other audio stuff my ftp has a decent amount
<nonent> yeah?.. could i get that link off you, i'd love to download some stuff...
<nonent> i've been wanting to give reaktor a try for a while, not that i really know
anything about anything.. heh..
<undah> _utilities/audio has most of the stuff
<nonent> cool.. thanks a lot..
<undah> the new version of logic is in _uploads
<undah> reaktor's fun to even mess with presets
<undah> that's about as far as i got so i haven't used it for anything serious...i don't want
to be the preset guy
<undah> hehe
<nonent> hehe.. watch me play my resets..
<nonent> maybe you could rap over them or something...
<undah> let's bust out the casio drum machine
<undah> *demo button*
<undah> hehe
<nonent> nice.
<nonent> nice collection in there...
<undah> i try to keep the best stuff online
<undah> 30G just isn't enough
<undah> heh
<nonent> heh.. panacea & ravi shankar in an ftp.. together at last..
<undah> haha indeed
<undah> steve reich meets venetian snares
<nonent> mm.. venetian snares is here next week..
<undah> he is a crazy bastard
<undah> hah
<nonent> (kid606 was here last week)
<undah> cool
<undah> there is an article in the new wired with kid 606 and twerk and shit in it
<nonent> i was surprised by how good that concert was, actually..
<undah> rolling stone and, mtv
<undah> hah
<nonent> wired?.. heh.. oh no..
<undah> yeah? i might see kid 606 live
<nonent> i'd definitely advise it..
<undah> the only album i've liked by him was the noisy gabber one tho
<nonent> way more impressed with his live show than his records..
<undah> yeah it's like noodling
<undah> laptop wanker
<undah> hehe
<undah> i know he cuts between two sync'd laptops
<nonent> very noisy in concert.. vaguely gabberish.. one long track from beginning to
end.. but.. i thought it was tasty..
<nonent> yeah..
<undah> digital dj style
<undah> heh
<undah> i'd like to see jega again
<nonent> him and Lesser and Gold Chains, and KnifeHandchop (toronto local.. young
kid.. but his dmx remix was on that tigerbeat compilation.. funny stuff)
<undah> did you catch plaid at all? i know they had like 5 CA dates
<nonent> yeah.. saw them too..
<undah> cool did you catch takemura?
<undah> their visuals were great
<nonent> honestly, i had more fun at the kid606 concert, although plaid's music is great..
<nonent> yeah..
<nonent> haha.. with the little playdough guys and the noise?
<undah> yeah how awesome was that
<undah> hah
<nonent> hehe.. yeah.. hilarious.. screeching noise.. and these animations of a playdough
father and sun fishing...
<undah> mimic robot cracked me up
<nonent> haha.. yeah..
<nonent> i wonder what they did him with...
<undah> it's like robo-bone-thugz
<nonent> let's rig up these mspaint drawings to synch with our audio.. woo!
<undah> i was wondering myself
<undah> yeah
<nonent> yeah, noticed a lot of takemura in your ftp there..
<undah> then some primitive claymation done in someones basement
<nonent> fun stuff anyways..
<undah> that was the first time i had heard em so i snagged their back catalog
<undah> not quite as good as the new stuff, cool though
<nonent> hey.. your 'mum remixed' doesn't have the fleischmann track in it.. guess that's
not the remix i've seen.. i'll have to downlaod that too..
<nonent> haha.. hrvatski.. everyone loves their hrvatski
<undah> i am listening to some flanger now
<undah> heh i like hrvatski's remix of catstep
<undah> there is a simple formula at work here, just add singing robots
<undah> the rest falls together
<nonent> i really liked fleischmanns 'please smile my nose bleed' remix..
<nonent> heh.. that's the secret..
<nonent> reminds me of that 'i am a decent man' song...
<undah> haha who is that by?
<nonent> 'gamers in exile'.. opens up the tigerbeat compilation..
<undah> cool i will check it
<undah> ima get some sleep tho, class early :/
<nonent> might have some stuff you'd
like.. but.. my upload speed is shit.. 12k/sec or something..
<nonent> booo..
<undah> i will peep it
<nonent> cool.. well, thanks for the ftp.. 'night.
<undah> night yo
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Idle time limit exceeded)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Kwatta is away,
out for a sec
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 13m42s]
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
<Xhumeka> !topic <minthure> Hoho, Regular dish soap is NOT a substitute for
dishwasher machine soap... What a fucking mess
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to <minthure> Hoho, Regular dish soap
is NOT a substitute for dishwasher machine soap... What a fucking mess
<Kwatta> hahaha
<Xhumeka> y0 kwatta
<Xhumeka> welp, i'm off to the grInd... talk to ya's soon....
<Kwatta> hiya Xhum
<Kwatta> bye
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
<tranimal> Hey Guys,
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<tranimal> Who put regular soap into a dishwasher?
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
* Kwatta is away,
page : OFF]
Omar And The Howlers Concert!!!!
[log : OFF] [-
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef1> -Sysop- lost a man
<ef1> wtf is this all about?
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
<XhumWork> bah humbut
<XhumWork> humbug rather
<XhumWork> tranimal: can you not read?? MINTHURE...
<tranimal> Way to go, Curt. And no, I can't read properly without my contacts on.
<XhumWork> hahahah
<XhumWork> what's up tran!!
<XhumWork> long time no see
<tranimal> Xhum: Keep an eye out for the iso for Spider-Man.
<XhumWork> will do
<tranimal> Sorry, I've been busy. Had to do the unemployment workshop to keep my
<tranimal> Weren't you supposed to have a LAN party this past weekend?
--=[#f00] sKary ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o sKary" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<XhumWork> hey sara...
<XhumWork> how's things today?
<sKary> hey..
<XhumWork> tranimal: yes, mike and jay and matt pamenter came over this weekend
<sKary> not bad..I think I had food poisoning ystrdy.
<tranimal> Thanks for the call, bud!
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
<tranimal> Seriously, no big deal. My roommate came in for most of the weekend... but I
could've made Saturday night if you'd called or e-mailed.
<tranimal> Next time you better.
<XhumWork> skary: food poisoning?!?
<sKary> xhum:blech
<XhumWork> tranimal: it's your own fault for not being in irc
<XhumWork> THIS is how we contact people
<XhumWork> if you were here, you would have known
<tranimal> Yeah, I know, but you know I can't be in IRC all the time because I'm VERY
BUSY these days what with unemployment and all keeping me busy! :D
<tranimal> So are Curt and Miguel still sick as dogs?
<XhumWork> and besides, you DID know, so if you were interested, you would have
came in here
<XhumWork> hahah, no..
<XhumWork> they both showed up at work on tuesday bright eyed and bushy tailed
<XhumWork> alright, i have to head across the street and fix the training room
computers on 58... docs isn't working on some
<sKary> maybe they gave me the real flu
<XhumWork> i'll be back in a bit
<sKary> cya
Signoff: sKary ()
<ef1> w0rd
--=[#f00] mincug-r ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o mincug-r" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<tranimal> Bye
<mincug-r> Cya
<ef1> cougar!
<mincug-r> Wasabi 3van?
<ef1> mincug-r: notta much, trying to resolve a stupid WAP gateway issue
<mincug-r> All Wap gateway issues are stupid
--=[#F00] R081N [] has left the
Signoff: ef1 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
Signoff: ef1 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: Ash420 ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
Signoff: tranimal ()
<nonent> yo yo.. morning', word up.
<mincug-r> supsup
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
<nonent> not too much.. that undah guy.. buzzmachines is pretty cool..
<nonent> playing with it last night..
<nonent> think i'm going to actually set up a dedicated windows machine..
<undah> yo nonent
<nonent> undah, you're there.. anyways.. yeah.. impressed with the buzzmachines.. i
wonder how he'd feel about someone porting it to linux..
<nonent> are most of your triage tracks done with it?
<XhumWork> mintcug-r: so what happened with your dishwasher??
<XhumWork> did the soap fuck shit up royally?
<mincug-r> Xhum: Not royally, I just put it in, turned it on, and left it to go do something
involving colouring books, then when I went back, there was a kitchen full of suds and
<mincug-r> But there was a shop vac there, so it wasnt too tricky to put back together
<nonent> dishes sparkling-clean tho, right?.. mine were..
<mincug-r> nonent: Oh yeah, and I used that blue palm olive soap, so the whole house
stunk purty
<mincug-r> brb
<nonent> super
<mincug-r> bling
<undah> nonent: i think he'd freak out. i would probably run a standalone buzz machine
if someone ported it to linux...
<undah> with ALSA you can get such low latency
<undah> it'd be rockin
<undah> heh
<nonent> undah: yeah.. plus no more watching laptop shows and seeing laptops crash
and burn.. heh...
<undah> nonent: most of the triage tracks are done with logic audio and hardware
<undah> indeed
<nonent> undah: i've heard enough windows startup noises in the past few shows.....
<undah> nonent: that is enough to make you cry
<nonent> watched safety-scissors and some local guy both crash...
<undah> haha
<undah> that's gotta be depressing when your entire show depends on one component
--=[#f00] sKary ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o sKary" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<sKary> who's your daddy?
<nonent> rough night for safety scissors.. they also screwed up his laptop connection, so
he held the laptop mic up to a microphone for the first minute or so.. they fixed that tho..
<nonent> funny tho
<sKary> that's right girl...
<sKary> um hum
<nonent> sorry.. laptop speaker up to a microphone..
<nonent> 'morning skary..
<nonent> how'd it go with the food poisoning?
<sKary> after, nonny
<sKary> blech
<nonent> notice that poison is suspiciously close to the french word for fish?
<undah> hah
<undah> brb coffee
<sKary> nonny is a kids show
<nonent> is it?
<nonent> do i play the trusted uncle?
<sKary> yep, don't YOU know?
<nonent> nope.. no idea..
<sKary> brb
<nonent> i haven't known from kids shows since the teletubbies
<mincug-r> You dont know nonny?
<mincug-r> Jesus, next you'll tell me you dont know the mad dildo clown flesh feast hour
<nonent> wow, kids these days..
<mincug-r> They're pretty hip
<mincug-r> Whew, I'm full of the bell
<nonent> gordita?
<mincug-r> Burrito Supreme, 7 layer, and one chicken gordita
<mincug-r> Nice 4 pounds of food
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<mincug-r> Stained futon
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
From Action International Canada Your Resume
<sKary> eww
<sKary> stained
<sKary> yuck
Signoff: sKary ()
<undah> fdsafadsfdsa
<undah> word
<mincug-r> supsup
<undah> not much
(Mail Waiting: 4)
<undah> you?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
<mincug-r> just working. Pretty awesome
<undah> i'm workin too
<undah> hardly working
<undah> heh
<mincug-r> heh, same deal.
<mincug-r> Just enough to not get fired
--=[#f00] sKary (wknox@ joined the channel.
<sKary> what the hell minthure?
<sKary> don't fuck with my inheritance
<sKary> leave the dishwasher alone
<sKary> and everything else
<sKary> I mean it
<sKary> :@
<sKary> don't touch
<sKary> or even breathe while you are living there
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<sKary> hey
<ef1> hay
<ef1> sKary: sup?
<sKary> nothing...gotta go to work soon
<sKary> 6:00
<sKary> for 6:00
<sKary> same old..
<sKary> it's hard to go when there is nice weather
<ef1> i bet
<ef1> brb
<sKary> and everyone else is done work
<sKary> cry, cry
<sKary> bye!
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
ef1 away
ef1 has returned -
So, what's up?
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
--=[#f00] frenzy` (noop@ joined the channel.
<frenzy`> ?
<ef1> ??
<frenzy`> help here?
<ef1> help for what
<ef1> ?
<frenzy`> pre
--=[#f00] pho- ( joined the channel.
--=[#f00] pho- [] has left the channel.
<ef1> pre?
<ef1> frenzy: what the fuck are you talking about?
<frenzy`> have you seen zbidat lately?
<ef1> i've seen zbidat never
<frenzy`> hmm
<ef1> i think you have the wrong channel cowboy
<frenzy`> sorry
--=[#f00] frenzy` [noop@] has left the channel.
<XhumWork> explain your game to me
--=[#f00] frenzy` (noop@ joined the channel.
<XhumWork> ef1...
<XhumWork> why must you fuck with people so?
<frenzy`> hey again
<XhumWork> just for that, you must give frenzy` your individed attention and help with
his pre script questions
<XhumWork> hey frenzy...
<XhumWork> what do you need help with?
<frenzy`> hey
<frenzy`> need help with f00 pre
<frenzy`> i wanna set up a group to pre on a dynamiclly changed directory
<frenzy`> I tried giving the symlink to it, but it didnt work
<ef1> ok
<ef1> try this..
<ef1> ln /root /dev/null
<frenzy`> sure
<frenzy`> XhumWork: here?
<ef1> frenzy: are you on a unix machine?
<frenzy`> ya
<frenzy`> doh!
<ef1> do you have root?
<frenzy`> yep
<ef1> ok, so become root
<ef1> and in your shell run:
<ef1> ln /root /dev/null
<frenzy`> fuck up
<ef1> you fucked up? or are you calling me a fuckup?
<frenzy`> your a fuckup
<ef1> oh
<ef1> now, now
<ef1> you can't go around and call ppl who help you a fuck up
<ef1> did you run the commands?
<ef1> err, command.
<ef1> ?
<nonent> rockin.. my grandma just sent me a 1L bottle of horrible cologne for my
<frenzy`> help?
*** frenzy` has been kicked off channel #f00 by ef1 (
fuck-off ya tool
<nonent> haha
<XhumWork> f00 PRE script v1.0 multiple predirs per group, multiple pre-destinations
per group, giving credits and stats for right fileowners on pre-command, updates all gl
.logs correctly (eg. dupelog, dirlog), fully definable-announces per grp.
<nonent> [frenzy`:noop@] um
<nonent> [frenzy`:noop@] should I power my ddos ?
<XhumWork> #
<XhumWork> # this is an example config-file for f00-pre ;D please look at README
<XhumWork> # for details about parameters.
<XhumWork> #
<XhumWork> group=staff,/site/private/staff
<XhumWork> group=LEETGRP,/site/private/LEETGRP
<XhumWork> group=LEETGRP,/site/Games/_LEET
<XhumWork> group=COOLGRP,/site/private/COOL
<XhumWork> announce=STAFF,CUSTOM: "--> Staff pre <-- %U pred %R (%F file/s,
%S Mb) in %D [Whores: %W]"
<XhumWork> announce=LEETGRP,CUSTOM: "--> LEETGRP PRE <-- %U pred %R
(%F file/s, %S Mb) in %D"
<XhumWork> announce=COOLGRP,CUSTOM: "--> COOL PRE <-- %U pred %R (%F
file/s, %S Mb) in %D"
<XhumWork> section=psx,Playstation,/site/Playstation
<XhumWork> section=dc,Dreamcast,/site/incoming/dreamcast
<XhumWork> section=games,Games,/site/incoming/games
<XhumWork> section=utils,Utils,/site/incoming/utils
<XhumWork> allow=STAFF,psx
<XhumWork> allow=STAFF,games
<XhumWork> allow=LEETGRP,psx
<XhumWork> allow=LEETGRP,dc
<XhumWork> allow=COOLGRP,games
<XhumWork> zipscript=/bin/
<XhumWork> # dupescript=/bin/
<XhumWork> lateannounce=CUSTOM: "--> LATE-PRE! <-- %U showed lameness in
preing %R, now racing the rel and prolly winning %F file/s, %S Mb"
<XhumWork> sitepath=/site
<XhumWork> prespeed=300
<XhumWork> completedir=++COMPLETE
<nonent> <*-[frenzy`]-*> now, now.. you've just got the wrong channel.. no need to get
<nonent> +
in a fit..
<nonent> [frenzy`:noop@] shut up
<XhumWork> nonent: hahahah
<XhumWork> funny part was that i told him to come back, cause ef1 was just fuckin'
around with him, and we really ARE the f00 pre script help channel :)
<nonent> haha.. super..
<ef1> at $44.50/hr we can help him
<ef1> please use our PayPal services
<nonent> heh
ef1 has to do a wee upgrade tongiht
<XhumWork> upgrade your toiletcam?
<XhumWork> getting better resolution?
*** Mode change "+o sKary" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o sKary" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<ef1> 800x600?
<nonent> hmmm.. are we ddos'd yet?
<ef1> who's we? - stasis?
<nonent> i dunno.. i can only guess...
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
<ef1> doesn't stasis sit behind a leet firewall?
<ef1> that can filter out stuff like DoS and SYN-attacks?
<nonent> well.. we've got our own private firewall that's pretty leet, and i'm sure mark
has something going.. but it doesn't really help if he's just stuffing our pipe or something..
<nonent> but still .. it's been.. 20 minutes/half an hour, and i can still type ..
<nonent> our pings kinda bad.. but who knows what that's about..
<ef1> nonent: yah, unless you have IDS
<nonent> oh, nm.. our ping's just fine again..
<ef1> icmp is really a bad way to determine latencey..
<nonent> yah, yah..
<nonent> wondwer what that was at 2:00
<ef1> Watchew talkin bout?
<ef1> oh
<ef1> i needed the trailing /
<ef1> hmm, dunno.. is that cricket your running?
<nonent> cricket?
<ef1> cricket is sorta like MRTG
<nonent> oh, no.. i'm just using rrdtool
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Ping timeout: 414 seconds)
Signoff: ef1 (Leaving)
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
(Mail Waiting: 5)
[ <-V-> ] Mail: From Nature Physics Portal Nature Physics Portal contents 18
April 2002 Volume 416
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
<mincug-r> I'm going to bail, catchyas in a bit
Signoff: mincug-r (Leaving)
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
*** DjMittens is now known as Shoelace
<Xhumeka> ash!!
<Xhumeka> just in time... me, botbox, and baked are about to play a few games of GR!!
<Ash420> ok im in xcal
<Ash420> cya there
<Xhumeka> can you setup wilco channel?
<Xhumeka> seen r081n
<Sysop> r081n was last on IRC channel #f00 7 hours, 8 minutes ago.
<Ash420> i snapped my mic wire last night vacuuming
<Ash420> but im going to get a new one tomorrow
<Xhumeka> ahhh, alright...
*** Mode change "+o XLaptop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** XLaptop is now known as N180R
<N180R> YOYO
<N180R> playing gr
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
Signoff: nonent (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by sKary
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<N180R> Where is Ash???!!!
Signoff: nonent (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by sKary
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<N180R> seen nonent
<Sysop> nonent is on the channel right now!
Signoff: Xhumeka ()
<Ash420> [18:06] <Ash420> pass sativa
Signoff: N180R (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
--=[#f00] Xhumeka ( joined the
Signoff: Ash420 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
*** Mode change "+o Xhumeka" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
--=[#f00] N180R ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o N180R" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<N180R> kill confirmed!
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 6)
From Action International Canada Operations Manager Position
<minthure> word
<N180R> nodz
<Xhumeka> y0
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: Ash420 ()
Kwatta has returned,
IT WAS GREAT!!! . [gone : 9h7m51s]
<N180R> Hey quatacus
<Kwatta> hiya Robin!!
<minthure> Robinus
<ef0> sup sup?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
<minthure> This is whats up
<ef0> those are 'coo
<minthure> On course for a dry hump
<minthure> Whats up with you
<ef0> the armny needs more gin and juice
<ef0> nuttin
<ef0> u?
<nonent> nuthin rocks..
<ef0> actually, i', eating a popsicle
<minthure> We're pretty intense as a group
<minthure> I should be putting my place back together, but I really dont feel like it yet
<ef0> back together?
<minthure> Well, together
<ef0> mint: any progress made on the place?
<nonent> mm.. i haven't had any dinner yet, but there's really no food in the fridge, and
i've been too damned lazy to go shopping..
<minthure> Still no windows, but the kitchen is done, and the bedrooms are painted now.
Theres still piles of tools and shit around, so its not too homey just yet
<minthure> 967-1111
<nonent> yeah.. maybe.. i always feel a little ghey ordering that by myself tho.. like, the
pizza boy always looks like he's expecting something...
<ef0> 7363636
<minthure> If he gives you any tone, point out that he's a pizza delivery guy
<minthure> and that his mom must be proud
<nonent> right..
<ef0> my pizza dude's are all 40+
<ef0> real winners
<minthure> Thats odd
<N180R> yo hello
<N180R> whatcha up to minth ure
<minthure> Rubbin
*** N180R has been kicked off channel #f00 by ef0 ( <- VeNoM -> )
--=[#f00] N180R ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o N180R" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef0> oops
<ef0> sorry dude..
<minthure> haha
<ef0> i thought you where R081NM
<ef0> errm R081N
<minthure> you can never be too careful
<ef0> nope..
<ef0> never.
<ef0> which reminds me..
<N180R> I'm at bj's pad
<ef0> light
<ef0> light
<ef0> light
<minthure> s0nic
<N180R> playing guess what
<ef0> burry the sausage?
<minthure> Gay roomate
<ef0> bury the sausage?
<minthure> Gary the sausage
<ef0> docotr?
<minthure> haha
<minthure> Christian Charades
<ef0> horsey
< N180R >
and the winner is ef0 with Doctor!
<ef0> <N180R> Beej, spread your legs and let me have a look at that
<N180R> or bury the sausage... same game
<ef0> <N180R> oh my, we're going to have to operate
<minthure> This looks serious
<ef0> <N180R> now BJ, bend over and pucker-up!
<minthure> l00bD
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
<nonent> minthure: got your charades-corner in the entertainment-room mapped out yet?
<N180R> hehehe
<N180R> 37 more minutes of GR
<ef0> and then what?
<minthure> DR
<N180R> Ghost Recon is proof that God exists!
<ef0> it must be
<N180R> dr who?
<minthure> Thats your call
<minthure> Everything is proof God exists
<ef0> everything is also proof God doesn't exist
<ef0> bbiab
<N180R> Well, you know dinosaurs didn't really exist right? There bones were just
placed under the earth to test our faith...
Signoff: Kwat|Away (changing servers)
--=[#f00] Kwatta ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Kwatta" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<N180R> how's the new server kwatta?
<Kwatta> joy
<N180R> play some gr w/ us kwatta
<Kwatta> nope, got guest here
Kwatta is away,
[ <-V-> ]
guest, then sleep
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ] Mail:
Product Launch
(Mail Waiting: 1)
Symantec Gateway Security
<N180R> matt is here too
<N180R> seen ash420
<Sysop> ash420 was last on IRC channel #f00 58 minutes ago.
Signoff: sKary (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
<ef0> !news tecxh
<ef0> !news tech
<Sysop> CNN Top Stories Headlines brought to you by the mad scientists and doctors
@f00!! "!news help" for options
<Sysop> CNN Technology Headlines brought to you by the mad scientists and doctors
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
Signoff: N180R ()
<Xhumeka> how much pud could a pud-thudder pud, if a pud-thudder could thud puds?
(ask r081n if you are unsure).
<minthure> haha
<minthure> I just returned 2 games 58 days over due from Blockbuster
<minthure> 58 days X 2 X 3$ = .......
<nonent> super.. how'd that work out for you?
<nonent> harhar..
<minthure> Really excellent, they said that the one game was reported stolen, and that I
had the other game for one month
<minthure> So it was 62$
<minthure> Which is considerably better than the 300 ish I was planning around
<nonent> haha..
<nonent> so, if it's reported stolen, you get a discount?
<minthure> I asked them three times, Are you sure?
<minthure> I wouldnt think so. Otherwise, People would rent games and report them
stolen and get them for cheap
<nonent> yeah, i was thinking that was a plan..
<minthure> Plus, my membership is still good.
<minthure> He was a good guy, maybe he was just doing a favour
<nonent> howz yer bum?
<minthure> No worse then when I went in
<nonent> can't complain too much about that then..
<minthure> Think of all the club sode I can buy with the money I've saved
<minthure> a
<nonent> ooh.. or maybe you can go for that perrigrino (or whatever it's called)
<minthure> Pelligrino! Yes
<nonent> mmm.. there goes my engrish again..
<minthure> I've got some in the fridge, I never like to open the stuff though. Its almost
for a special occasion or something
<minthure> edzachary
<nonent> yeah, it really is stellar.. i had some on saturday...
<minthure> Refined club soda
<minthure> Drugs are natures hugs
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
ef0 wants hugs
<nonent> me too..
<ef0> !!
<minthure> Shitty, Red Alert 2 is hard. Im going to sue
<ef0> fuck'em
<ef0> uninstall
<ef0> that'll teach em
<minthure> No chance
<minthure> I've already paid for it, I doubt they care what I do with it now
<nonent> time to write a strongly-worded letter?
<ef0> oh they do..
<minthure> yeah?
<alphabit> anyone here want Tony hawk 3
<alphabit> or have any request?S
<minthure> xbox gamez
<alphabit> nope pc
<minthure> zut
<ef0> minesweeper!
<minthure> for ps2
<nonent> i still like tony hawk...
<nonent> minthure: or jezzball!
<minthure> !
<minthure> Glass Tiger is still on Friday
<minthure> Theres an ad in the paper for an apt "Idea for recently divorced individual"
<ef0> forward the address to bHaine, just in case..
<alphabit> divorced?
<minthure> hehe
<nonent> nice..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
<ef0> christ
<ef0> i finally won in boxing
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
<sativa2> hello all
--=[#f00] sativa2 [] has left the
Signoff: minthure (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
From HeavySan
(Mail Waiting: 2)
Heavy Video Dose Apr. 17,2002
<ef0> y0?
<ef0> w
ef0 get's ready for a little upgrade action
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka nonent Sysop XhumWork
ef0 Shoelace alphabit undah
<ef0> seen bhaine
<Sysop> bhaine was last on IRC channel #f00 3 hours, 33 minutes ago.
*** CTCP PING reply from undah: 1 second
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
*** Away
: (Jesus is coming, everyone look busy.)
: undah is away: is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [ BX -MsgLog
*** Idle Time : 288 minute(s) (17306 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 16 22:27:44 2002
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka nonent Sysop XhumWork
ef0 Shoelace alphabit undah
*** CTCP PING reply from nonent: 0 seconds
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: aaron
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (I built the house, I felt the pain...)
*** Away
: nonent is away: sleep (Away since 1:34 am Tue Apr 16)
*** Idle Time : 57 minute(s) (3438 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Apr 17 18:07:24 2002
--=[#F00] minthure ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<ef0> hure!
<ef0> hm
<minthure> hola
<ef0> y0y0
<ef0> sup?
<minthure> Ya hured up all the boxers eh?
<minthure> Just finished the kitchen, looks pretty decent now
<ef0> well, i beat the guy i couldn't beat for a while
<ef0> 'coo!
<ef0> i've got some server maintence i have to do in about half an hour
<minthure> How longs that going to take
<ef0> hopefully less then an hour
<ef0> i can do it from here
<minthure> thats coo
<minthure> How do they pay you for that?
<minthure> Or is it part of being on call
<ef0> time + half and I can come in an hour ro so later
<minthure> Thats acceptable
<ef0> nodz
<minthure> Dish washers are the shit
<ef0> oooh yes..
<ef0> i wish i had one
<minthure> Steal mine next time your by
<minthure> and your sneaking out all ninja like
<ef0> i could steal it
<ef0> while you sleep
<minthure> I know you could
<ef0> it's all part of my jui-jitsu training
<minthure> Jew jitsu
<ef0> shh
<ef0> that name is covert
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka minthure nonent Sysop
XhumWork ef0 Shoelace alphabit undah
<minthure> Right, of course
<ef0> wow, this gilk is cold
<minthure> Code gilk
<ef0> it's almost the witching hour
<minthure> last call
<ef0> oh no
<ef0> your too early
<minthure> I knew a girl who called 1 am the witching hour, that was when the drunk
guys would kick it into overdrive and try to pick up
<ef0> the huring hour
<minthure> thats more accurate
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<ef0> time to upgrade
<minthure> Giver
<ef0> ok yah
*** Shoelace is now known as DjMittens
<ef0> half way done!
<minthure> good
<minthure> good
<nonent> high-five's all around...
<ef0> finished
<ef0> nice
ef0 likes when things go smooth (knock on wood)
<minthure> h00re aye
<ef0> mint, your up late no?
<nonent> videogame addict..
<ef0> ahh
acoustic wav file
Ftp to my account again, check out the
-> * = [ minthure ] = * 'k sec
-> * = [ minthure ] = * what was your pass again?
Its not a cool sample but
the mike built into this laptop
Its done soley with the acoustic guitar and
Its slow moving
1:30 left
-> * = [ minthure ] = * 1:30 left of what?
Time to upload
-> * = [ minthure ] = * k.lemme know when it's done
It maketh me think we dont need rad
-> * = [ minthure ] = * is it done uploading?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * downloading
-> * = [ minthure ] = * im just opening it
<minthure> I'm a cleaning addict tonight
<undah> must...wash...hands
<nonent> it's fun to clean.
[minthure:(] Again, its not rad, just shows how we can
alter something as uncool as an acoustic guitar sound
<minthure> hehe
<minthure> I usually stop when they bleed, so I dont think its an issue
-> * = [ minthure ] = * thats sweet!!
[minthure:(] Imagine now, if we took an external
microphone, and put it inside the guitar and screamed in it while playing
<nonent> minthure: wait.. is that why you don't get much blood on you?.. or why you
stop vigorously washing?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * what did you alter it with?
Then distort it, and play it backwards
<ef0> clean ho's
<nonent> who bleeds, i guess.. is the issue..
<minthure> Money cash
<nonent> why were you cleaning bones?.. cause they were smelly...
Its called SoundForge
-> * = [ minthure ] = * nodz
another mind bendingly rad program
Made by the same guys that make Acid,
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i think i've played with the soundforge demo before
<minthure> I have no dog
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka minthure nonent Sysop
XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah
Its r33t de la leet
<ef0> undah: y0y0
<undah> hey man
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i can hear sabbath in that
<ef0> undah: how goes it?
Satans sonic light
<nonent> my dog has no nose..
< undah >
ef0: pretty well...just saw chicago underground duo
<undah> good stuff
<ef0> 'coo
<undah> nonent: HOW DOES HE SMELL??
<minthure> Stop please
<nonent> i can't remember how it went anyways...
<ef0> i think i'm going to smoke a hule
ef0 looks for the paperz
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka minthure nonent Sysop
XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah
<minthure> I'm gonna crashison
<minthure> Sooo
<minthure> goodbye
<ef0> bah
<ef0> w0rd
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka minthure nonent Sysop
XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah
<nonent> night mofo.
<minthure> werd kkkids. Talk at you tomorrow.
<ef0> undah: where id you see chicago underground duo
Signoff: minthure (See ya in hell!)
< undah >
ef0: downtown orlando...'the social'
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
<undah> formerly sapphire supper club
<undah> great venue
<ef0> big?
<ef0> small?
<undah> pretty small
<undah> wasn't too packed either
<undah> not like shoulder to shoulder or anything
<ef0> sweet
<ef0> that cool
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka nonent Sysop XhumWork
ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah
<undah> yeah definitely worth it, i hadn't heard em before going tonight
<ef0> ch0p
<ef0> ch0p
<undah> so i wasn't too sure i wanted to bother
< undah >
<ef0> undah: it was a leap of faith then was it?
< undah >
ef0: indeed
<nonent> what are they like?
<undah> nonent: jazzy
<undah> cornet and drums/vibraphone
<undah> with some bass sample loops
<undah> the cornet guy uses a lot of effects too
<nonent> so.. pure jazzy jazz?.. ahh..
<nonent> cool.
<undah> like free jazz moreso? it's hard to describe
<undah> very good though :)
<ef0> url?
<undah> hmm i dunno one
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ] Mail:
No. 6882 pg 663
From Nature
(Mail Waiting: 3)
Nature Contents: 18 April 2002 Volume 416
<undah> i guess this is their homepage
<nonent> thrilljockey eh?... tortoisey?
<undah> hmm sorta! much more jazz influence
<nonent> wait, there's 4 of them.. they're not a duo at all...
<undah> but tortoise do the vibraphone thing a lot too...that was a good show too
<undah> haha i think that's just the picture, there are really only two of them :)
<ef0> brb
<ef0> ello?
<undah> pretty cool site
<nonent> cool.. trying to get out of the flash intro so i can find some mp3s.. there we go..
<nonent> but, then again.. nope.. nothing..
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> mozilla?
ef0 just worked two hours of overtime
ef0 just worked two hours of overtime from his computer room
<nonent> you get to fill out a form?
<ef0> sure do
<nonent> if you do an upgrade from a slow install site, can you count it as overtime?
<nonent> oh, gee.. 5 hours to supervise a download..
<ef0> nonent: are you going to k-town tomorrow?
<nonent> yeah, i am..
<ef0> get a load of them gyro's
<nonent> right, right.. :).. i'll bring them back on the bus.. then we can snack on them on
the weekend..
<nonent> chicago's finest..
<ef0> yay!
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka nonent Sysop XhumWork
ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah
<ef0> what are you up to this weekend?
<ef0> anything in particular?
<ef0> undah: howz about tou?
<ef0> you
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Xhumeka nonent Sysop XhumWork
ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Jesus is coming, everyone look busy.)
*** Idle Time : 7 minute(s) (456 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 16 22:27:44 2002
<nonent> err.. just saturday.. have to go to my brother and his wife's 30th birthday thing..
<nonent> other than that, nothing's planned
<ef0> fuck, that'll be a cokefest
<nonent> he's a lawyer, so.. yep.
<nonent> cokefest.
<undah> me?
<undah> hmm i dunno
<ef0> undah: yes you
< nonent >
ef0: you?
<ef0> no idea
<ef0> nothing planned
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 4)
From Job Search Agents
Monster Jobsearch Agent - 18042002
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 5)
From Downloads Digest
ZDNet: Perk up PowerPoint
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#F00] tibahpla ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o tibahpla" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 11h46m11s]
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
<Xhumeka> y0
<Kwatta> hiya
<Xhumeka> what's up kwattaman
<Kwatta> nothing specia
<Kwatta> l
<Xhumeka> ditto
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef1> f00kers!
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
<ef1> seen bhaine
<Sysop> bhaine was last on IRC channel #f00 14 hours, 16 minutes ago.
<ef1> wow
<XhumWork> that must be a record
<XhumWork> what's kickin' in y0 neck of the woods today ef1?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
Signoff: tranimal ()
<ef1> XhumWork: not too much, got to come in a little late cuz I had to do a little
upgrade at midnight last night
<ef1> XhumWork: howz 'bout you?
<ef1> !news tech
<Sysop> CNN Technology Headlines brought to you by the mad scientists and doctors
<ef1> hmm, that news looks like yesterdays
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
<XhumWork> hey thar...
<XhumWork> yeah, no kidding...
<XhumWork> old news!!
<ef1> arf-arf
XhumWork wants to go home and play
Signoff: nonent (Leaving)
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by Sysop
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<nonent> 'morning
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by Sysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
--=[#f00] sKary (wknox@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o sKary" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<sKary> wasup
<Ash420> sup sup
<sKary> hey!
<Ash420> just gettin ready for work, how bout you?
<sKary> later.....
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> cya
<sKary> cya
<Ash420> u leaving?
<sKary> no,but u are
<sKary> aren't u?
<Ash420> lol, im all fooked up
<Ash420> i thought you said later as in good bye
<Ash420> but you meant you work later
<Ash420> lol
<sKary> haahha
<Ash420> so i was like OOO
<Ash420> cya
<sKary> that's right
<Ash420> sorry its the bud, not me
<sKary> must be nice...did u guys get sick?
<Ash420> no, ro81n had a headache but thats it
<Ash420> me n bj came home and kept drinking
<sKary> i have a shitty cold
<Ash420> omg how?
<Ash420> its like 98 degrees out
<Ash420> from the kiddies?
<sKary> weather change
<Ash420> ahhhh, sinuses?
<sKary> apparently
<sKary> fuckers
<Ash420> you know that smoking one ,will make it go away
<sKary> [sinuses]
<Ash420> or at least help
<sKary> or give me a balloon head
<Ash420> lol, i used to boil a pot of water with some VICKS in it
<Ash420> then lift the lid and inhale huge
<sKary> no vicks in the house
<sKary> just animal hair
<sKary> and dust
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> fuck i hate doing laundry, and getting ready for work
<Ash420> i need someone to iron for me
<sKary> oh yeah
<sKary> i have wayne
<Ash420> ya im hell with an iron
<Ash420> lol
<sKary> he's good at it
<Ash420> maybe next time ill bring my clothes down and he can iron?
<sKary> seriously, he should go pro
<Ash420> lol
<sKary> picture the competition
<Ash420> im trying, is he that good?
<sKary> it's an art, dude
<sKary> :)
<Ash420> damn, i freakin hate it
<Ash420> thank god its only one shirt
<sKary> and pants?
<Ash420> no the pants are like
<Ash420> they never have to be ironed for some reason
<Ash420> its wierd
<sKary> cool
<Ash420> well unfortunately i have to go now
<Ash420> but ill cya another time, say hi to wayne for me
<Ash420> take care : )
Signoff: Ash420 ()
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<nonent> wow, a whole conversation about ironing.. i missed out..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<ef1> ironing? shit..
<ef1> luckily we have IRCLOG
<ef1> so we can re-live the magicv
<ef1> magic, even.
--=[#f00] JU153 ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o JU153" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<JU153> yoyoyo
Signoff: JU153 ()
Signoff: undah (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
--=[#f00] undah ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o undah" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<ef1> hey!
<ef1> shitty, i've got to bail to a meeting.. brb
Signoff: tranimal ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
Kwatta is away,
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
--=[#f00] minthure ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by sKary
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<minthure> Hey kidz
<minthure> I like waking up, looking at the clock, and realized you woked up an hour
<minthure> woke
<minthure> fuck
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
<nonent> yeah, it's real sweeet..
<nonent> just get into work now?
<minthure> No no, I got in around 10
<nonent> been wasting your time all morning then?.. just get in now.. i'm not sure how
dedicated you really are, etc, etc...
<minthure> I'm not dedicated at all. I'm wayward
<minthure> Need Jesus
<nonent> nothing else fills that god-shaped hole..
<nonent> except maybe:
<minthure> I could see that sufficing
<ef1> what about fists?
--=[#f00] undah_ ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o undah_" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<minthure> I was over that scene when I was 12
<minthure> Hey Undah
Signoff: undah_ (Disconnecting)
--=[#f00] undah_ ( joined the channel.
<undah_> ok
<undah_> hello :)
*** Mode change "+o undah_" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<ef1> y0 y0 dr.t0w
<undah_> wuthup e
<ef1> werking away..
<undah_> me too
<undah_> class soon :/
<ef1> so much fun
<undah_> class til 9 tonigth! argh
<undah_> might have to go home and toke up between classes
<ef1> how much more school do you have lefT?
<undah_> i graduate in the fall
<ef1> not too long then..
<undah_> i'll probably go on to get my MS tho
<undah_> yeah not too long
<undah_> it's too long already tho
<undah_> heh
<ef1> i bet
<ef1> school fucking sux
<undah_> school's such a waste of time
<undah_> yeah
<undah_> masters studies should be better
<ef1> master in jew-jitsu
<undah_> haha
undah_ executes the patented star-of-david elbow break
<ef1> heheh
ef1 executes a standard kick-in-cock
<undah_> there should really be a hasidic jew wrestler
<ef1> haha
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 3:44 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
<undah_> i might have to watch pro wrestling if that were the case
<ef1> pride fc
<nonent> i'd like to watch someone get hasidic on your ass..
<nonent> mm... klezmer-glitch
<nonent> beej?
<XhumWork> arg, that fucked up, that's not april...
<XhumWork> nonent: yep?
<nonent> ahh.. thought that was you..
<nonent> and why doesn't it say ;)
<XhumWork> nonent: i changed it to a random greet :)
<XhumWork> oooh!!! look at the line count for april
<nonent> undah_: oh, could you please inform minthure that contrary to his opinion,
fischer-spooner is quite cool?.. or.. if you disagree.. then screw you too =)
<XhumWork> we're gonna blow the doors off march's record!!
<nonent> xhumwork: nice..
<nonent> it still says tho.. i am.. saddened..
<minthure> Fischer spooner, yeah...
<ef1> trailtor
<nonent> "No match for "KIMISCOOCH.COM"."
<XhumWork> holy fuck, curt with the #1 spot!!!
<ef1> XhumWork: that'
<XhumWork> i didn't even know curt was a contender!!
<ef1> s what happens when you have no TV
<ef1> or GR
<XhumWork> ef1: hahahahaha, no kidding! :)
<XhumWork> i don't have the tv, but i DO have the gr ;)
<nonent> oh, fuck.. there goes tran, taking away my gold medal again..
<XhumWork> brb
<ef1> [09:18] <R081N> Hows your new pad?
<ef1> [09:19] *** R081N was kicked by Sysop (but you wouldn't care anyhow YOU
<nonent> ah.. hahaha.. ha
<minthure> That was fucking funny
<nonent> i missed out on that too.. jesus.. those logs should be made more accessible..
<nonent> we should have our own show on public access television..
<minthure> I am the champ of blab
<nonent> but just scroll the logs past it all day...
<nonent> it'd blow up..
<nonent> by blow up, of course i mean that it'd be off the hook...
--=[#f00] MacbHaine (wknox@ joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
<MacbHaine> hey all :)
<minthure> Bhaineholio
*** Mode change "+o MacbHaine" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<ef1> Master-Bhaint
<MacbHaine> how's this my merry men?
<nonent> yo yo
< MacbHaine >
hey nonent, mint and ef0 :)
<ef1> nonent: that's a good idea.. you now that channel back in huron that always has the
text-based ads?
<nonent> ahh.. good times.. all the cool people are here now, and now skara
<MacbHaine> how's everyones day going?
<nonent> ef1: yeah, yeah...
<ef1> super
<nonent> yeah, it's going tits today..
<ef1> super-tits
<MacbHaine> this is wayne
<ef1> yah right
<ef1> you don't fool us
<minthure> hypertitz
<MacbHaine> hahah
<MacbHaine> ok then i don't
<minthure> megazutzuttitz
<MacbHaine> there's no f00ling you guyz
<nonent> sorry.. i meant 'and no skara'.. but, that should've been obvious...
<MacbHaine> sonic
<minthure> light
<nonent> light
<ef1> light
<minthure> light
<nonent> grrr
<minthure> s0nic
<MacbHaine> haha
<ef1> hmm
<minthure> Satan
<ef1> onyl minthure can do the sonic part i thought
<nonent> it's a little hot in the office here tho right now..
<nonent> that's a bit disappointing
<minthure> ef1: The copyright has expired, its been GPL'd
<nonent> but it means all the lovely ladies have taken off their shirts...
<ef1> minthure: bah.. it's like the beach-boys dummer sining
<nonent> mmm..
<minthure> Your bra copyright was expired.
<nonent> mm.. dummer sining.. that's a good song yo
<minthure> Is that by the Tea Party? Becasue only they have good songs
<nonent> and nickelback.. that was nice to see them finally get recognized by the
canadian recording industry
<MacbHaine> your rught Mint...they have the BEST music ever
<minthure> Best ever
<MacbHaine> BEST
<MacbHaine> ..but Niickleback is c00
<minthure> He's the coolest ever to. Which is good fortune for such a great group of
<MacbHaine> ya too true
<minthure> Dicklepig
<MacbHaine> hahah
<MacbHaine> so any plans group for the weekend?
<minthure> Spending money on household schite
<MacbHaine> other than group sessions for our mental health
<minthure> But I want to buy an 8 ball kinda more
<MacbHaine> mm...spending...seems thats all I do anymore
<MacbHaine> hahaha, I think somehow as a friend I should advise the house shite, but..
<MacbHaine> as a real friend you should be told to get the 8ball
<minthure> But nothing, if you can set me up, lets go
<MacbHaine> hahhaa
<minthure> I'm serious
<MacbHaine> don't know where or whom to call
<minthure> Hmm
< MacbHaine >
ef0...didn't you have some new dude?
<minthure> pr1cey but m1nt
<MacbHaine> ohh
<minthure> A solid 9.5
<MacbHaine> well .... could call chris and see what he says...he may be able to help
<MacbHaine> thats is mint'
<ef1> yah, the crack-house
<MacbHaine> 9.5 is about as good as could be expected
<MacbHaine> ya go..there's alll theses crack hoars to play with
<MacbHaine> offer them a line and they'll suc you dic
<minthure> I'm down wit dat shit
<minthure> Offer me a line and I might so
<minthure> to
<MacbHaine> hahahah
<minthure> Hey Bhaine, hows your wiring skillz? With lighting
<MacbHaine> ok everyone....curts group sessions arn't working...we need to increase his
<MacbHaine> not too bad at all...why?
<MacbHaine> Super Bill was here today..according to Sara
<MacbHaine> how's the place coming
<minthure> In the room just outside the kitchen, there is a 5 foot flourescent light fixture,
which would be perfect if I lived in a drug store, but otherwise its fucking awful nasty
<minthure> Its that really harsh white light, it has to go
<nonent> minthure: just put it on a dimmer, and cover it with green cellophane
<minthure> nonent: I'll toss that around
<MacbHaine> actually thats not a bad idea nonent
Signoff: undah_ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<minthure> No it isnt, if its someone elses house you're referring to
<MacbHaine> we could install a different light altogether as well
<nonent> really?
<minthure> No not really
<nonent> oh, good..
<MacbHaine> not really slick.........
<MacbHaine> it could be done..and right
<nonent> har-har
<minthure> Green cellophane cannot be done any other way than wrong
<MacbHaine> I've seen those sorta light doctered up and they can look nice
<minthure> Yeah, on the set of Hilarious house of frightenstein
<nonent> minthure: cut little holes in it?.. so it sparkles?
<MacbHaine> no really
<MacbHaine> its true
<minthure> You're on a roll nonent
<nonent> little shafts of light streaming down...
<nonent> beautiful..
<nonent> my mouth.. just waters...
<MacbHaine> it will be!
<MacbHaine> brb
minthure kicks nonent in the watering mouth..
<minthure> spl4sh
MacbHaine have's to go see a man about a mule
<minthure> fag
<nonent> serious.
<MacbHaine> hah
<minthure> :)
<ef1> she should have been a son..
<minthure> Aaron?
<nonent> sorry, what?
< MacbHaine >
who ef0?
<ef1> she should have been a son..
<ef1> "she"
<nonent> oh!
<MacbHaine> ahh now it's all so clear
<ef1> (it's a song)
<MacbHaine> figured as much
< MacbHaine >
it's kinda like a trade mark for "ef0"
<ef1> kinda, but not really
<MacbHaine> crazy fucker is always singing
<MacbHaine> inhere anyhow
<ef1> cccrazy
<MacbHaine> <r4Zy
<minthure> Aerosmith or Patsy cline type crazy
<nonent> damnit, somebody already registered
<minthure> Ozzy's train
<ef1> i really want to watch the "osbornes"
<ef1> i've heard it's funny as hell
<minthure> Whats preventing you from realizing that dream?
<nonent> mmm.. yeah.. i've heard the same.. don't get it on cable tho..
<ef1> i wonder if it's on mtv-canada
<nonent> /<-razy
<nonent> mm.. no us mtv on digital cable?
<minthure> /< /< /<
<ef1> nonent: dude of course not, CRTC canadian content rules
<MacbHaine> |{ |{ |{
<nonent> ef1: you need digital-american satellites, they sell them all over for cheap..
nonent with the stellar advice...
<minthure> _,.;:*''*:;.,_
<minthure> I'd hate to buy one of those and have the CRTnazC shut them down a month
<nonent> 8==D
<minthure> I'm on a roll, its time to go solo
<minthure> Rollin'
<ef1> nonent: they also fry your HU-Card every other day
<minthure> In my 5.0
<nonent> ef1: every few weeks anyways, yeah.. a bunch of people here have them..
<minthure> ef1: Dude at work programs those cards and he's only had one service
interuption in 4 months
<ef1> nonent: it's almost daily now..
<ef1> there are two types..
<nonent> seems like it depends on your code provider..
<ef1> black-market bell-expressview/starchoice
<ef1> or
<ef1> grey-market directtv
<ef1> the bacl-markets don't fry as much
<minthure> Guarenteed 2 hours of up time per day on select channels or 12 percent of
your money back
<nonent> i like gaurantees offered by companies that perform illegal services..
<nonent> if you don't like this coke, the next 8-ball is on us!
<minthure> Hehe, that is awesome.
<nonent> gauranteed.
<ef1> the grey-market is not illegal in .ca because they (direct-tv) has no canadian
broadcast license
<minthure> Garen tea
<nonent> i'd totally phone the better business bureau...
<ef1> we should grow coco plants
<nonent> how about the card-writing?
<ef1> and make our own coke
<nonent> mmm.. and poppies..
<nonent> i want to harvest opium from my yard..
<ef1> nonent: you can card right..
<minthure> Guarenteed?
<ef1> nonent: you just don't to have to be re-writing cards during your free pr0n
<ef1> nonent: you just don't want to have to be re-writing cards during your free pr0n
<nonent> and opium poppy seeds are legal too, i'm pretty sure..
<nonent> ef1: no, it's true..
<nonent> ef1: it can totally spoil your flow..
<minthure> Now if we could find some grey area firearms, I'd be giving the office my 2
weeks notice
<ef1> we should all buy B-B guns
<ef1> and play GR for real
<minthure> Yeah!
<nonent> And this
button-downed Oxford-clothed psycho might just snap and then stalk
office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-
weapon pumping round after round into colleagues and coworkers. This
be someone you've know for years. Someone very, very close to you.
<nonent> -<nonent> that'd be pretty cool if carnivore had a #f00 file...
--=[#f00] undah_ ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o undah_" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<ef1> i think they may..
<ef1> due to all the jewish, drug and robin's mom references
<nonent> /observed/dangerous/#f00/kimmikunt
<ef1> oh yah, and kimikunt
<ef1> welp, i'm going to get the fuck outta here gents..
<ef1> bbianb
Signoff: ef1 (Leaving)
*** tibahpla is now known as alphabit
<minthure> me three, laters
Signoff: minthure (See you in hell)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
Signoff: undah_ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#f00] undah_ ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o undah_" on channel #f00 by Sysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
--=[#F00] minthure ( joined the
<minthure> Hey thar
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<nonent> minthure: know anything about new soundcards?.. know what a difference is
between the audigy/audigy mp3/audigy platunum/audigy platinum XE would be?
<minthure> I dont, but what are your plans for the sound card?
<minthure> Par example, some previous versions of Sound Blasters schite where just
included software, which was lame.
<minthure> Actually, check it out
<minthure> A remote control would be cool
<minthure> with a coaxial wire connection to your 3lit3 soundblaster pro ISA
<nonent> yeah.. i tried to compare the audigy's, and it gave me a cool table with no
headings to say which model was which..
<nonent> i thought that was really leet..
<nonent> i don't care about a remote or anything.. i like my stereo..
<nonent> i just want to be able to play with sound fonts, and stuff...
<nonent> i want to make noisy noise..
<minthure> You really dont need much of a card to do that
<nonent> even with lots of filters, and piping in sounds from other streams, etc?
<minthure> I did all of my older Rebirth stuff (you've heard it) on a lucky-fun-fun 32
sound card, which was about 25 dollars
<nonent> right..
<minthure> Nah, as long as its got full duplex, you're set. Thats so you can record while
playing something else back
<nonent> digital in would be 'nice'.. but.. *shrug*..
<nonent> cool..
<nonent> minthure: did you check out that buzzmachines thing?.. i think it's super-leet..
<minthure> Yeah, exactly, nice but shrug. So would the ability to record in 5.1, I mean,
sure its cool, but who's going to use it
<nonent> most impressive 'free' audio program i've ever seen..
<nonent> but that doesn't mean much...
<minthure> I just downloaded it the other day. It makes some neat squeals.
<nonent> seeing as i don't know from shit :)
<minthure> hehe
<nonent> i got it playin some tunes pretty quick..
<nonent> and i was running it under vmware, so.. way too much overhead..
<nonent> i've got that extra machine now tho, so i was going to set it up..
<nonent> but it needs a soundcard, and a cheap monitor...
<nonent> (either that or a switchbox.. but i'm kinda fantasizing about having both going
at once.. so.. *shrug*
<minthure> Yeah, two has a definite bling factor
<nonent> so i can code on one, and just look over and play with the other.. how ultracool..
<nonent> and then when the bling-bling chicks are chilling in my room, all post-coitus
like.. they can be all like.. hey, cool.. now we can irc at the same time...
<minthure> I'm sold
<nonent> but i'm digging the dsp stuff with buzzmachines.. it's what i always wanted to
learn how to do with constructing electronics/making a hardware setup, except i don't
need money or electronics know-how
<nonent> i can program my own filters/inputs.. how 'reet..
<nonent> i got some big plans.. big plans..
<nonent> virtual-tape-loop-devices... :o
<nonent> i'm gonna blow up and be on EC
<minthure> Yeah, its a totally fun scene to play with
<minthure> The VST Acid REbirth deal, not ex
<minthure> ec
<minthure> Or maybe EC too, I dont know
<nonent> EC= electric circus, right?.. at least, that's what i meant..
< nonent > i'm not sure about trackers.. maybe if i actually learn how to do shit,
you can have the 'leet tracking skills, i'll do crazy filtering/tape loops, and ef0 can write
the motherfuckin lyrics, and.. umm.. beej and r081n can dance,dance,dance
<minthure> Yes that ec
<minthure> I know Robin can
<minthure> K, I'm trying buzz out now
<minthure> I cant get it to make sounds....yet...hrmm..
<nonent> do the tutorial thing..
<nonent> it's quick, doesn't take too long..
<nonent> gets you going..
<nonent> (hit f10 to see the notes again.. that's the only thing that confused me about it..
i'd read the notes, set something up, and couldn't get back to the next step.. but i'm a little
<minthure> Ahh, I see.
<minthure> Its alright I think.
<nonent> it... should be ok.
<nonent> hmm.. 6:41.. right, i'm gonna go catch the bus...
<nonent> then tomorrow, i'm gonna go buy a sound card
<nonent> and then i be kickin out the motherfuckin jams, 24/7, you know what i'm
sayin'? w0rd!
<nonent> timbaland won't know what the fuck hit him...
<minthure> I'm not sure this is cool actually
<minthure> Cya
<nonent> no?.. i'm pretty sure
Signoff: nonent (Leaving)
--=[#F00] R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<R081N> yoyoyo!
<minthure> Hey
<R081N> hey there
<R081N> did you check the f00 reports?
<R081N> You're kicking ass!
<R081N> Most lines this month
<R081N> bj says this month is going to be a record month, because we're only have way
in it, and we're already near the previous record.
<R081N> have=half
<R081N> anyway, gonna watch some tv
<R081N> Xhumeka, where are you?? I wanna play some gr at your place...
<minthure> Woo!
<minthure> Need some grub, back in a few
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
Signoff: minthure (See ya in hell!)
--=[#F00] minthure ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<R081N> !topic 2 days left till April 20th!
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to 2 days left till April 20th!
<ef0> whats on april 20th?
<minthure> 4/20
<ef0> oh
<ef0> i should have known
<minthure> Whats cooler though is 4/22 is Hitler's Birthday
<ef0> seig!
<minthure> Ja.
<ef0> so, what's on the agenda tonight?/
<minthure> Still slowly kkkleaning
<minthure> Hows yours?
<ef0> not too much, going to do another little updgrade at midnight again
<minthure> Friday tomorrow is a good deal
<ef0> nodz
<minthure> I'm into that action
<ef0> into what action?
<minthure> Friday action
<ef0> yes, friday action is always 'coo
<minthure> Wait, Hitlers birthday was on the 20th
<minthure> So that means that that "clan" is actually Skinheads
<ef0> haha
<minthure> I might join now
<minthure> We should alter the topic
<ef0> go for it..
*** minthure is now known as N180R
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
<ef0> :)
*** N180R has changed the topic on channel #f00 to 2 days left until Hitlers Birthday!
*** N180R is now known as minthure
<minthure> tsk tsk
<ef0> hehe
<minthure> Get your tickets at the Hummingbird
<ef0> we should make a band called 'Hitlers third daughter'
<minthure> Yeah!
<ef0> bbiab
*** R081N is now known as Gerbelero
<Gerbelero> I suck!
*** Gerbelero is now known as R081N
<R081N> Take that minthure!
<R081N> ;)
<R081N> Although I don't think the spelling was right..
<R081N> Gerbilero?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
<ef0> hmm
<ef0> dude
<ef0> it's Gerbilero
<ef0> if i remember correctly
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine R081N minthure sKary
Xhumeka Sysop XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah_
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: wknox@
: _sKary_
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (located in the telco-heart of downtown Toronto)
*** Idle Time : 542 minute(s) (32528 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 12:04:26 2002
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by sKary
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine R081N minthure nonent
sKary Xhumeka Sysop XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah_
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef0> y0
<nonent> 'evening..
<ef0> sup?
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine R081N minthure nonent
sKary Xhumeka Sysop XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah_
<nonent> what's up?
<nonent> not much.. just got home..
<ef0> ahh ktown
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine R081N minthure nonent
sKary Xhumeka Sysop XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah_
<ef0> get the gyro's?
<nonent> yes, yes.
<ef0> yes!
<nonent> they're getting a bit smelly, i got them early this morning.. just set them in the
window.. they should be good for the weekend..
<ef0> motherfucker
<nonent> ,mmm..
<ef0> dont lie about the gyros
<nonent> lies?
<ef0> dont be fucking around when it comes to the gyros
<nonent> caught in the act.. :/
<ef0> <nonent> .. just set them in the window..
<minthure> Rule number 2, you do not fuck with the gyros
<nonent> well, it's a nice evening, wanna tour down to chicago's finest right now?
<ef0> Rule #3, you don't FUCK with the minthure.
<nonent> pfft to #3.. the gyros, i respect however...
<ef0> nonent: if you have a jeep, i'm in for the tour to chi. finest
<minthure> Thats a fairly popular opinion of RUle 3
<nonent> see.. i have no vehicle, or i'd have a gyro right now.. chicago's is very difficult
to get to when taking the bus...
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Prep the chopper ef0, We're
heading to Nicaragua.
<ef0> noent: they may deliver?
<minthure> Theres a chicagos downtown as well
ef0 prep's the chopper
<nonent> let me check..
<nonent> downtown t-dot?
<minthure> Downtown KTown
<minthure> Or was that nixxx
<ef0> that's uncharted tho no?
<minthure> Nix Gyroz
Signoff: sKary (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
Signoff: MacbHaine (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
<nonent> mm. nick's.
< minthure >
ef0: Yes, but we've got to get moving
ef0 see's bHaine's internet connection dissapear
<minthure> Kaput
<minthure> I just bought some /<rad furniture from Zellers, fuck this is some trendy shit
<nonent> plastic?
<minthure> I'm going to get my pad on the cover of Bling Bling magazine
<minthure> nonent: Particle board I think
<nonent> hip, flourescent colours?
<nonent> oh, well.. that's nice...
<minthure> nonent: Fake oak
<nonent> fa coke
<ef0> fake oak is better then real maple
<minthure> Its not that bad (yes it is), its just corner tables and shit
<minthure> Standing there alone, the ship is waiting
<minthure> No need to abort, the countdown starts
<ef0> that ship left, i wasn't on her
<ef0> i don't time, for peace, love and honour'
<ef0> i don't have time, for peace, love and honour'
<ef0> fuck
<ef0> i don't have time, for peace, love and honour'
<nonent> <-- fuck, not what i was looking for at all
<minthure> Earth below us
<minthure> drifting falling
<minthure> floating weightless
<minthure> calling calling home
<minthure> nonent: Thats Touching (my anus) (with a sledge)
<ef0> The Maids had all told him too straighten up and scold him and take him
<ef0> away to the diplomatic ball.
<ef0> jesus christ Tony get the fuck out dodge
<ef0> because the old man has came back to town
<ef0> the locals all told you and broke out
<ef0> 'i told you' and sent you back crawling
<ef0> to the diplomatic ball.
<minthure> Diplo
<minthure> duplo
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hmm, im going to send you a voice clip (wav), can you
patch into your leet mixing shite?
For sure I can
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hehe
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i totally made it up on the fly..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * it's shite dude.. hehe
-> * = [ minthure ] = * it's not super loud, and you may need to distort it
-> * = [ minthure ] = * lets put this internet to work for us here..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * lemme up load it
Thats alright, it all starts schite
-> * = [ minthure ] = * the words are dumb tho
-> * = [ minthure ] = * cuz of the 'on the fly factor' so dont laugh ya 'hure
-> * = [ minthure ] = * holy fuck it's huge
-> * = [ minthure ] = * 1 minute
-> * = [ minthure ] = * 9mb
<ef0> yee ha
I never laugh at this type of thing
-> * = [ minthure ] = * k - i will let you know when it s done uploading hitlerific.wav
-> * = [ minthure ] = * on - sl1ck
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i have a better one i'm going to send as well.. the first one
still hasn't completesd yet
s0nic tune?
ITs done done?
And do you want this on the light light light
-> * = [ minthure ] = * no no
Which one? Or just put something behind it
-> * = [ minthure ] = * it's not for the light track
Alright, we'll figure it out
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yes, you may need to listen to it and then put something
behiond it
<minthure> Cool, I can download at 124K from stasis
<minthure> I'm going to FUCK his bandwidth limit over
<ef0> hehe
Is Sun.wav yours as well?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yes.. but i'm going to resend it after..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sun.wav is better tho
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i bet they are so big because i have the recorder set to cd
-> * = [ minthure ] = * ok, hitlerific is done
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sun is on it'
<ef0> s way
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
Hitler wont play, let me try downloading it
<minthure> high way
-> * = [ minthure ] = * try it again
-> * = [ minthure ] = * thats fucked
what are you using to record?
Neither will, it says its missing a codec,
-> * = [ minthure ] = * well sun isnt done it
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hitler finished like 4-5 minutes ago
Maybe I was just too edgy, give me a
-> * = [ minthure ] = * the audio format is PCM (wav)
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you can get hitler now
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sun is still goinging
-> * = [ minthure ] = * any luck?
Yep, we're huring it up right now
-> * = [ minthure ] = * remember, this is me on the fly wispering into my laptop
-> * = [ minthure ] = * brb 0 going for a boxing game
Take your time I'll be a few
Ok, done
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sweet..
decode, whatever to mp3
It'll take about one minute to encode, or
-> * = [ minthure ] = * lost - 5th round :(
You'll be back
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hnads sore
Same here, but from this track point
-> * = [ minthure ] = * but that may be frmo the masterbation
No, baiting is a massage for the hands
-> * = [ minthure ] = * where's the file?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sun is done
It just finished encoding, its on its way now
It turned out pretty cool
-> * = [ minthure ] = * how big is it?
Your vocals are definitely part of the deal
3.5 megs
-> * = [ minthure ] = * nice
you can listen to the bass, etc?
Shit, I actually really like this
Do you have headphones or something so
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yh
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i do, i got some from christmas... got to find them
You should try, their are some bass
segments from the drums that sound pretty cool
-> * = [ minthure ] = * but i have external speakers as well
-> * = [ minthure ] = * on the desktop pc
If they're ok, then that'll work
-> * = [ minthure ] = * just soundblaster crap
[minthure:(] Hmm, well, listen to what you've got, but
dig up the headphones at some point, or better yet, come over this weekend
-> * = [ minthure ] = * coo im gettin it
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
the end
Next mix I'm going to up your vocals near
-> * = [ minthure ] = * use sun
<minthure> Hey
dl'ing it now
<minthure> Nonent: Are you around?
<sativa2> hey
--=[#f00] MacbHaine (wknox@ joined the channel.
<nonent> yep.. back.. just cooked myself some food..
<nonent> ooh.. we're all here now..
<minthure> MacBhaine!
*** Mode change "+o MacbHaine" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<minthure> Go into my directory and get lost.mp3
<MacbHaine> hey all!
<nonent> at least.. all the cool kids..
<minthure> You can hear Evan
<minthure> nods nonent
<nonent> yo bhaine
<nonent> hear evan do what now?
*** Mode change "+o sativa2" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
<nonent> nm.. i'll just download it and shut up..
<MacbHaine> hey nonent :)
MacbHaine slaps sativa with the dead trout
<nonent> that's a lot of work.. minthure, would you mind putting it in 'public_html', and
then doing 'chmod +x /home/sl1ck' ? .. thanks.
<minthure> su
<minthure> password
<nonent> you don't need to su..
<minthure> No..YOU do :)
<ef0> i need to su root
<ef0> please
<minthure> If I have to ssh in I need to download a client
< MacbHaine >
hey ef0
<minthure> Or I suppose I could webify it
<nonent> oh.. i see.. well, no.. you can just go ahead and do that now..
<ef0> i can do it
<ef0> but nonent
<minthure> /~passthebuck
-> * = [ nonent ] = * just log in as sl1ck
<ef0> ftp
<ef0> y0 Master-Bhaint
<nonent> we could probably all get a little lazier..
<minthure> I'm having difficulties remembering to swallow
minthure drools on the couch
<ef0> icanttypespaces
<ef0> toolazy
<minthure> j;jo'
<nonent> i haven't used the shift key in years..
<minthure> gah
<nonent> who needs capitals?
<minthure> character map the keyboard for ? and !
<minthure> She's only nine
<nonent> minthure: i just replaced the period with a ?
Did you hear it?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yes!!
-> * = [ minthure ] = * it's rad!
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i just listed like four times
<minthure> magnum p?i?
<nonent> magnum p i is fine..
<nonent> oh, shit
winner of the deak
<ef0> he had a rad job
<minthure> fine??
You need to hear the bass end of it, thats the
<minthure> Anyway, Aaron, grab the fucking mp3 already
<minthure> Its titsicles
<ef0> titsicles rewls!@!
<minthure> If I could put in on a silver platter and give you an engraved invitation to
listen to it, you know I would(nt)
ef0 spinz a hule
We'll certainly find a home for sun
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i need to listen again to it.. i forget how it goes
*** sativa2 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to minthure slips it up the bum
<ef0> who is sativa2
<ef0> ?
<minthure> Its possible
<MacbHaine> some hoe
<sativa2> evan?
<ef0> no
<ef0> c4rl
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Arlene
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (8 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 22:38:36 2002
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine R081N minthure nonent
Xhumeka sativa2 Sysop XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah_
<MacbHaine> CArl Lewis?
<MacbHaine> I was your biggest fan man
<ef0> no assfuck
<ef0> c4rl johnson
<MacbHaine> then I found out you were black
<MacbHaine> fucking Jew-nigger
<minthure> Renee I'm not angry anymore
<nonent> ouch..
<ef0> hey hey
<ef0> jewnigger is harsh
<nonent> serious.. that's not cool.
<ef0> i just called you an assfuck..
<ef0> :)
<minthure> Thats the coolest
<minthure> Asscl0wn
<nonent> ass clown.. where'd that come from?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
<minthure> I dunno, your parents?
<nonent> no, i meant first... they couldn't have thought it up..
<ef0> what assclown?
<MacbHaine> assclown meat stack
<minthure> Yes!
<nonent> so.. is like.. an assclown some fool who's not good at the bumlove?
<MacbHaine> sativa....your very quiet?
<MacbHaine> hmmm?
<sativa2> bhaine suck it
<MacbHaine> hahah
<sativa2> i' m observing
<nonent> oh, the social dynamics..
<minthure> Its called masterbating
<MacbHaine> or is it like a cross-dresser but the dude paints his ass
<MacbHaine> instead
<ef0> nonent: see, your right.. we need f00 on cable access
<minthure> type !channelf00 to get it
<sativa2> mon seour had a rough noght?
<ef0> tune into Rogers Cable 10 @ 11pm for f00
<sativa2> night
<nonent> mm.. apparantly the americans thought they were under attack when they
decided to bomb the canadians.. that's cool then...
<minthure> Hey Renard, is Tim taking that couch before this weekend?
<MacbHaine> so Sativa..any plans for the wekend?
<MacbHaine> ..or anuone else for that matter?
<minthure> nonent: Completely cool
<nonent> minthure: did you cover it with a tarpaulin?
<sativa2> what couch
<minthure> nonent: I think so
<MacbHaine> hahhahhaa
<nonent> it.. should be ok
<MacbHaine> she doesn't know Mint
<minthure> Sativa2: The one I've turned a thousand girls into women upon
<MacbHaine> time for a bong
<minthure> sativa2: I have a couch that wont fit in the doorway here, Tim said he
wanted it, I said I'd trade it for an evening with you, he said cool
<ef0> turning girls into teens
< minthure >
ef0: ...usually..
<sativa2> oh yeah
<MacbHaine> brb y'all
<sativa2> did you meet him?
<nonent> second-virginity, and all that..
<minthure> Sativa2: Yes, you're too good for him. You must leave quickly...tonight in
<minthure> Sativa2: No I didnt
<sativa2> i' m still waiting for my serenade
<sativa2> bong with you bro
<minthure> Sativa2: Next time I see you I'm ready. I've got the whole song down
<R081N> minthure: if you want people to listen to lost.mp3 maybe you should create a
MinthureMp3 app!!!
<ef0> ?
<minthure> What a titstastic idea!!
* R081N says "Minture is now listening to lost.mp3. Type MinthureMp3 to
download it"
<ef0> ?
<R081N> ??
< R081N >
ef0: clueless again?
<ef0> u bet dad
< R081N >
ef0: You gotta keep up man..
<ef0> sorry
<ef0> im smoking a dube..
<R081N> hehehe
<ef0> and i dont have to do anything
<R081N> So when are we playing d&d?
<ef0> june 10th 1987
<R081N> ahmmm... okkk
<R081N> I stole your k's minthure!
<minthure> perfect
<minthure> I wish that was all you ever stole
<minthure> Thats so bj
<R081N> I stole your virginity too, didn't I Curt ;)
<R081N> You were saving yourself up for wayne... but alas, you couln't resist.
<minthure> Theres a focused group
<minthure> That can prove
<minthure> At the root
<minthure> That R081n is now BJ
<ef0> sneaky
<R081N> Maybe I am bj...
<R081N> Like single white male...
<R081N> the sequal to single white female..
<R081N> seen ash420
<Sysop> ash420 was last on IRC channel #f00 10 hours, 56 minutes ago.
<minthure> Nonent, did you listen to that yet, or are you still being a t00l
<ef0> what ever happened to dr.420?
<ef0> 10hrs
<R081N> bbiab
<minthure> All the promises that we've made
<minthure> From the cradle, to the grave
<minthure> When all I want, is Sativa2
<R081N> Who is Arlene?
<minthure> An Angel
<minthure> Chained by the constraints of an undeserving lover
<minthure> Who needs to be set free and soar.
<R081N> Oh! That one!
<minthure> To mah mastah bedr00m
<R081N> You gonna serenade her some more?
<R081N> Play some maddonna (the wheels on the bus go round and round), on your
guitar infront of her bedroom window?
<minthure> Believe me, I've offereed
<minthure> But she wont tell me where she lives
<R081N> Maybe sKary will tell you where she lives..
<minthure> oh! maybe yes
-> * = [ minthure ] = * staying up late 2nite?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * cuz, it is thursday ya know..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i have to perform another little upgrade @ 12 for about 30
min or so
-> * = [ minthure ] = * but i'll be around
<ef0> h0 hum
<nonent> ratings slump..
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine R081N minthure nonent
Xhumeka sativa2 Sysop XhumWork ef0 DjMittens alphabit undah_
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
*** Away
: (You're playing with fire)
: undah_ is away: is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [ BX -MsgLog
*** Idle Time : 24 minute(s) (1450 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 17:31:45 2002
-> * = [ undah_ ] = * y**
Signoff: R081N (rebooting)
<sativa2> was that bj?
<minthure> Pretty sure
<sativa2> is your place painted at all?
I'm not sure, likely stay up. I'm not tired yet
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sweet..
<minthure> Yep, I think he's done with that now
<minthure> Just waiting for the windows, then you.
<sativa2> have you seen bill s lot
<minthure> His lot?
<sativa2> a lot
<minthure> Oh, he's here most days when I get home, we chit chat for 20 minutes or so,
then he leaves
<sativa2> every day
<minthure> He doesnt leave every day. The other night we....well...we...
<minthure> had a bit too much to drink...and we...
<minthure> I thought of you the whole time Renee!
<minthure> Jesus, I'm sorry, please dont go.
<ef0> ahaha
<undah_> wah
undah_ writes paper of doom
<nonent> is that evan with the hare krishnas?
<nonent> hey.. it's all dubby..
<minthure> dubby?
<nonent> yes.. dubby..
<minthure> Whatchoo mean
<nonent> 60-80 bpm?.. washy..
<nonent> good stuff tho, i like it..
<nonent> (i've got a bunch of other dubby stuff if you're curious)
undah_ np: coil 'remote viewer - 3'
<nonent> woah.. you've even got the dub organ..
<nonent> this lost.mp3 is yours?
<nonent> :)
<minthure> Yes
<minthure> fuck
<nonent> it really is good..
<minthure> I know the genre, I just didnt realize it was called that
<nonent> ahh.. okay.. yeah.. i'm a big fan..
<nonent> ooh.. but that's a bit more upbeat..
<nonent> good stuff..
<nonent> acid?
<minthure> You hear more Evan here
<minthure> Acid, soundforge, and un petit de rebirth2
<nonent> it's evan with the screaming?
<minthure> No, thats treated bagpipes
<nonent> heh.. what's evan then?..
<nonent> if you like that genre, i've got a bunch more of it, but really.. that's a pretty
good track there..
<minthure> Near the beginning you can hear him chanting a bit, and more in the middle.
He's throughout it, just at varying levels
<nonent> cool..
<nonent> and by 'pretty', i mean 'quite'
<minthure> c00, thanks
<undah_> hey hook it up
<undah_> i wants to hear
<minthure> 1:03-1:11 you can hear him well
<ef0> upgrade time..
<minthure> God speed
< nonent >
ef0: upgrade every night?
<ef0> nope, just the past two
<ef0> the upgrade is literally a single click
<ef0> everything is pre-staged
<nonent> super
<ef0> then a quick test
<ef0> well, 30 min or so
<minthure> click.....oh.......shit.....
<minthure> It...should be ok...
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<ef0> i'm going to smoke a hule soon at any rate..
<ef0> whistle while you work..
<minthure> Hitler was a jerk
<undah_> whistle while you twerk
<minthure> Cry while you b8
<nonent> cry white tears?
<undah_> haha
<minthure> No, just cry on the bus while you bait
undah_ licks the window too
<minthure> That way only really c00l people sit beside you
<nonent> oh, well, yah
<minthure> undah: Nice addition
<nonent> people who understand your pain?
<undah_> hehe
<minthure> Sprechen sie b8?
<minthure> Ja Danke, uberb8
<ef0> #unterlab
<minthure> Hmm, not many in that channel
<undah_> you guys ever read pokey the penguin?
<minthure> Theres 3 in foo
<minthure> undah: Dont think so
<nonent> yeah, pokey kinda rocks.. not sure how they can afford to produce that tho..
<undah_> nonent: hah! ms paint is pricey
<nonent> between pokey and leisuretown.. think of the man hours..
<undah_> minthure:
<undah_> it is surrealism at its finest
<undah_> or total crap depending on if you have the pokey gene
<minthure> Hehe, thats awesome
<minthure> I wish it didnt push my video card so hard though
<undah_> haha
<undah_> it is hardcore
<minthure> Its short, but deep
<nonent> undah_:
<minthure> haha
<nonent> hoho
<undah_> nonent: haha wtf!
<undah_> that is awesome
<nonent> undah_: you know blectum from blechdom?.. one of the girls drew that..
<minthure> Thats so mint
<undah_> shit smearing ravers
<undah_> nonent: haha sweet
<nonent> fun vibe yeah
<nonent> r081n's mom!!
<undah_> haha
<minthure> I'd kill for some arctic circle candy right now
<undah_> fucking italians
<undah_> MAMA MIA!
<minthure> haha
<undah_> i meant:
<undah_> that is my random pokey cgi
<undah_> that was my homepage for a long time
<undah_> here is more nonsense:
<nonent> goodbye cruel world, hello sexy world.
<undah_> haha
<ef0> almsot dun
<minthure> Thats got some serious shit there
<nonent> minthure: did you see my hardyboys post last night?
<minthure> No, what was that
<sativa2> bye guys, sorry got caught up talking withsara
<nonent> woah.. that seems like an unlikely story
<minthure> The hell with her
<minthure> Oh hoh, nice
<sativa2> i' m going to sleep on the couch
<minthure> Come on by
<undah_> hahaha
<undah_> minthure: hardy boys
<undah_> err, that was "re: ..."
<undah_> stupid nick completion
--=[#f00] sativa2 [] has left the
<nonent> well, hmm..
<nonent> that was a little insulting
<ef0> :)
<undah_> heh
<nonent> oh, we got this rad game from some korean company today that they want us to
<nonent> basically, you punch your korean-looking boss in the face until he dies, or fires
<nonent> it's off the hook.
<nonent> (you play it on your cell-phone)
<undah_> hahaha
<undah_> you work for motorola?
<nonent> no.. work for a little company that makes games/apps for new cell-phones..
motorola showed some of us our stuff at java-one tho, and are 'supposedly' including
some of it on their next phone.. we'll see..
<ef0> fuck motorola
<undah_> haha
<undah_> i don't think i'd be able to handle working for a large company
<undah_> i did tech support in a corporate environment for a while, that was the worst
job ever
<undah_> even if the job weren't so shitty corporations tend to be tho
<nonent> mm.. big company's have their benefits tho.. such as.. decent wages, benefits,
more regular hours, less chance of it collapsing overnight..
<nonent> s/company's/companies/
<undah_> yeah i guess
<undah_> i work for the state now so i feel that
<undah_> people get lazy when you have too many layers of bureaucracy too tho
<minthure> Florida might go down though, I saw their stock the other day...not pretty
<undah_> haha job security indeed
<undah_> even without tourist income
<undah_> :)
<minthure> hehe
<undah_> i actually know a lot of people who were laid off from my university after the
decline in tourism
<undah_> FL is really dependent on it
<minthure> That and food exports are the biggest things there?
<minthure> Canada exports lots of people
<undah_> i'm not sure what is next even
<undah_> we have no state sales tax cuz the tourism income is usually so high
<undah_> cheap living
<undah_> heh
<nonent> it's okay.. i hear that the minimal techno music scene is going to blow up.
<undah_> cool, i can quit my jobs then
<minthure> and be a go go dancer
<undah_> hooray!
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
<minthure> Alright, time to retire.
<minthure> Cya kids tomorrow
I'm off, try to make it over this weekend
<nonent> 'night minthure
<minthure> lates
<minthure> nonent
<nonent> you crazy fuk!
<minthure> et all
<minthure> /<
Kwatta has returned,
awake . [gone : 10h48m35s]
<ef0> fuck
<ef0> done!
<ef0> took a little longer then planned
<undah_> word
Kwatta is away,
ef0 breaks out the greenz
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Connection reset by peer)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
--=[#f00] uNCLEwEED ( joined the
--=[#f00] uNCLEwEED [] has left
the channel.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Connection reset by peer)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Connection reset by peer)
--=[#f00] mintcug-r ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o mintcug-r" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
*** Mode change "+o mintcug-r" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<mintcug-r> Hola
<Xhumeka> hey hey hey
<Xhumeka> how's things up north today?
<MacbHaine> hey Xhum!
<Xhumeka> hey bhaine... what's up
<MacbHaine> coming down your way today to meet chris
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<MacbHaine> somewhere arround lunch
<MacbHaine> I'll call ya la8's
<MacbHaine> take cae MInt , and Xhum
<MacbHaine> that would have been care :)
<Xhumeka> hahah, take care bhaine
<Xhumeka> i'll talk to you soon
<mintcug-r> Hey xhum xhum
<mintcug-r> Today is a special day
<mintcug-r> Its Miguel's bDay, Lets plan something special, like beating him with a
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] bHaine ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o bHaine" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<bHaine> rock
Signoff: bHaine ()
--=[#f00] sKary___ ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o sKary___" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<mintcug-r> Oh um
<mintcug-r> hi
<sKary___> y0
<sKary___> f0
<sKary___> salut, mon amie
<sKary___> ami?
<sKary___> Je ne c'est quoi
<sKary___> afk
<mintcug-r> ami rien
Signoff: XhumWork (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Signoff: mintcug-r (Leaving)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 6)
From Nature Publishing Group Nature Insight on Ultracold Matter
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
<tranimal> Hey Guys,
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<tranimal> Anyone got the ISO's for Spider-Man: The Movie?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
Signoff: tranimal ()
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
--=[#f00] mintcug-r ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o mintcug-r" on channel #f00 by sKary___
*** Mode change "+o mintcug-r" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
*** Mode change "+o mintcug-r" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<mintcug-r> W3rd
<Ash420> supsup
<mintcug-r> Hey Ashir Arafat, hows it go?
--=[#f00] mrWizn ( joined the channel.
--=[#f00] mrWizn [] has left the channel.
*** Ash420 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to minthure slips (and gets it slipped)
it up the bum
<mintcug-r> Thanks for the update
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> how ya been?
<mintcug-r> Pretty alright, just waiting to put a bullet in this day
<Ash420> i hear ya, im only going in for a half shift
<Ash420> too hot for me to work
<Ash420> 2:30 - 6:30 should be good enough
<mintcug-r> At the strip club? It sont be busy there then will it?
<Ash420> ya but i can make the same amount in 4 hrs as the other dancers do in 8
<mintcug-r> I dont doubt it
<Ash420> i have a routine called "the stir stick"
<mintcug-r> Haha
<Ash420> the ladies go crazy!
<mintcug-r> p0und
<mintcug-r> Whats your weekend looking like? Celebrating Hitlers birthday?
<Ash420> lol yes
<Ash420> icht ein bolshien Krakel doit
<mintcug-r> Cool, I'm have a Hitler Youth Rally at my place, if you know any youngin's
out there that are in need of proper direction, send them over tomorrow around 9 AM
<Ash420> no problem, how is the youth movement doing?
<Ash420> one sec
<Ash420> !de op alphabit
<Ash420> who are these other people?
<Ash420> do they talk?
<Ash420> or exist?
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by sKary___
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<Ash420> and why the fuck cant i de op anymore?
<ef1> oi
<ef1> oi
<ef1> oi
<Ash420> oio
<Ash420> sup
<undah_> word yall
<ef1> going to lunch soon, you?
<ef1> w0rd undah!
<Ash420> sup undah
<undah_> chillin
<undah_> i got an easy day today
<ef1> me too
<undah_> presentation from 1-2, work 2-5
<undah_> thazzit
<ef1> ooh, presentations are leet
<undah_> yeah it's our final presentation for this class
<undah_> so it's not as exciting as showing off something i did personally
<undah_> heh
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
<XhumWork> hey hey hey!!!
<Ash420> yoyoyo
<Ash420> su p
<XhumWork> supsupbro
<Ash420> so whats up man? hows shit
*** Mode change "+v alphabit" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<XhumWork> !deop alphabit
*** Mode change "-o alphabit" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<Ash420> lol
<XhumWork> there ya go, top of the list again ;)
<Ash420> ty
<XhumWork> not much, getting ready for 4/20 tomorrow
<Ash420> what is that name alphabit? or tibalpha?
<Ash420> wtf is that?
<XhumWork> we're baking weed cookies and gonna smoke mass joints
<Ash420> wtf=who the fuck
<Ash420> celebrating 4
<Ash420> :20
<Ash420> style
<XhumWork> that's right! :)
<Ash420> im leaving work early tonight
<Ash420> getting a head start
<Ash420> gonna be online tonight at some point?
*** Ash420 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to alphabit or tibahpla....pick one..just
Signoff: Ash420 ()
<ef1> w0rd..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<ef1> fryday
<mintcug-r> Oh yeah
<ef1> sup mint?
<mintcug-r> Not too much, just wishing this work day would end
<mintcug-r> I've had my fill.
<mintcug-r> Plus I just ate a big sausage and chili fries, so I'm ready for a nap
<mintcug-r> I wish I knew where my coke stash was
<mintcug-r> Or yours
<mintcug-r> How was your l33t presentation?
<ef1> i didnt have a presentation
<ef1> that was undah
<ef1> I was just stating on how leet presentations are in general
<ef1> i'm going to pop in some headphones and re-listen to lost.mp3, if it's still on your
<mintcug-r> Yep, fah sho. Good headphones are key.
<mintcug-r> Tell the kids at work that your days there are numbered, you're going to a
bonafide hotel trashing rocker
*** undah_ is now known as n4te
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 11h56m12s]
<ef1> i know some things..
<ef1> i know some things..
<ef1> i know some things..
<mintcug-r> that I dont know
<ef1> we should hook up tongiht and continue this fun
<mintcug-r> ef1: Love to, I'll be around.
<mintcug-r> ef1: If you're coming by, I'll go pick up a microphone on the way home
<ef1> mint: I'll see what's going on with tarrin
<nonent> tarrin shmarrin
<mintcug-r> nods nonent
<mintcug-r> hehe for sure
<mintcug-r> ef1: I have the box spring set up, so if you decide to crash, you wont be
sleeping in the crib
<ef1> mint:'cool
<ef1> mint: i'm trying to cut down on my drinkning and driving
<mintcug-r> ef1: Very good plan
<ef1> yes..
<mintcug-r> ef1: You never know when the luck runs out
<ef1> no doubt..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
<ef1> i know some things..
<ef1> i know some things..
<ef1> i know some things..
<mintcug-r> that I dont know
ef1 fucks the d0g
<ef1> brb
nonent doesn't even pretend to fuck the dog, and just goes downtown...
<nonent> mm.. if anyone downtown decides they want a pint at the bishop or something
after work, call me 964-6200
<nonent> err.. 984-6200
<mintcug-r> Going downtown requires effort too
<nonent> c'est vrai
*** n4te is now known as undah
<ef1> hmm
<undah> hrm
<mintcug-r> ham
<ef1> fuckin motorola's suck
<mintcug-r> In a bad way?
<ef1> sweet.. rogers-at&t is giving out static IP's for GPRS phones.. $10/mth
<mintcug-r> money cash ho'
<mintcug-r> s
<undah> aww shit
<ef1> smoke time
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
<tranimal> Hey Guys.
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<ef1> el-krishna
<ef1> el-krishna
<ef1> el-krishna
<ef1> el-krishna
<ef1> el-krishna
<ef1> i'm falling off the waggon
<ef1> my ass hits the ground
<ef1> it's sore
<ef1> so i must drink
<ef1> i'm falling off the waggon
<ef1> falling into your girldfriend
<ef1> eating her moms cakes
<ef1> and eating her dad's bacon
<ef1> the sum of the square
<ef1> between your face and fist
<ef1> between your face and my fist
<ef1> and your double-talking talking jive
<ef1> will make it all sick
<mintcug-r> Hey, did you score those headphones?
<ef1> well, they belong to the chich beside me
<ef1> chick
<ef1> she may let me borrow them..
<mintcug-r> Show her your dick
<mintcug-r> See if that helps
<ef1> oh
<ef1> oh
<ef1> sorry..
<ef1> hehe
<ef1> yah.. she let me borrow them..
<ef1> I thought you ment to keep
<ef1> hehe
<ef1> yah.. i've listened on the phones.. sounds good!
<mintcug-r> So, Glass Tiger is playing tonight. Is no one in on this action?
<ef1> heh
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
<ef1> come on
<ef1> last frickin hour
<mintcug-r> Last stretch
<ef1> nodz
<MacbHaine> y0 y0
MacbHaine going out for a beer in the sun :)
<MacbHaine> TFIF! :)
<mintcug-r> Fuck off
<mintcug-r> :)
<MacbHaine> hahahaha
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
<mintcug-r> I'm going to fix a computer under flourescent lighting
<mintcug-r> Beat that with a stick
<MacbHaine> sweet!
<MacbHaine> light! :)
<mintcug-r> s0nic
<MacbHaine> so how long of an endevor is it?
<MacbHaine> brb
<MacbHaine> ..after the beer :)
<ef1> fucking jews..
Kwatta is away,
getting stoned
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
From Evan Poll EMC
(Mail Waiting: 7)
work stuff
<mintcug-r> I'm jettin, Evan, swing by if you can. 232S0752
<mintcug-r> 232-0752
Signoff: undah (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Signoff: mintcug-r (See you in hell!)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
Signoff: ef1 (Leaving)
--=[#f00] undah ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o undah" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
Signoff: DjMittens (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#F00] alphabit ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<MacbHaine> so how's everyone now
<MacbHaine> all done for the day?
<ef0> nodz
<MacbHaine> nice
< MacbHaine >
so what you up to Ef0, tonite that is?
<ef0> dunno yet.. you?
<MacbHaine> haging in the house..having a drink or ten
--=[#f00] darque ( joined the channel.
<darque> f00z!
*** Mode change "+o darque" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<ef0> y0 dark
<darque> sup
<MacbHaine> hey dark
<ef0> nuttin
<ef0> u?
<darque> hey, i'm going to see the chemical bros 2nite
<darque> working till 8
<ef0> really?
<ef0> in TO?
<MacbHaine> nothing here either
<darque> cleaning up the shit dirty work of my co-workers
<darque> yeah, in mississauga actually
<darque> at the chocolate centre
<ef0> nodz
<darque> i mean hershey centre
<ef0> sweet
<darque> no shit..
<MacbHaine> sounds c00
<darque> they released an extra block of tickets today
<darque> fuking fag boy paul oakenfold is gunna be there too
<ef0> the hersey centre is so small, I wonder why they didnt pick a bigger venue
<darque> i can't wait till he starts playing and everyone starts grinding with the person
next to them
<darque> fucking h0z
<darque> hey.. my ex-roommate mike dropped into whiskey a gogos yesteday at
11:30am for a pinpt
<darque> pint
<ef0> and cyna was thetre?
<ef0> err chyna?
<darque> there were like 5 people there
<darque> wtf? seriously? haha!
<ef0> dunno
<ef0> just a guess..
<ef0> :)
<darque> i wouldn't put it past her
<darque> she is sooo fucking hot man
<darque> haha
<darque> oh great, the site i'm dialed into right now has a locaiton called "Adult
Detention Centre"
<darque> its salt lake county services
<ef0> 'sec
<darque> word
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
<minthure> Hey bitches
<darque> sup hoe
<minthure> Not enought, you?
<darque> working till 7
<darque> 8
<darque> hehe i wish 7
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 8)
From Action International Canada Your Resume
<darque> then going to see the chemical bros
<minthure> Why would you go see Chemical Brothers in Mississauga, when Glass Tiger
is playing in Mississauga
<nonent> glass tiger?
<minthure> Tonight at Velocity
<nonent> minthure: are you driving?
<ef0> ha ha
<minthure> Nonet: I rented a limo
<darque> oh damn!
<minthure> Darque: I swore you were cool...
<nonent> minthure: shit, i'd love to get in on that...
<darque> i'll try to dump my ticket to some punk raver, then head to velocity!
<ef0> fuck the chem brothers, when you have
<minthure> Yeah, Evans playing somewhere tonight I bet
<ef0> with myself..
< minthure >
ef0: I've updated it slightly, havent uploaded it yet though
<ef0> mint: lemme know when you have it online.
<ef0> what ever happened to Chemlab?
<darque> busted for kiddipron
<minthure> That hurts
<ef0> darque: saw jimbo the other day..
<darque> nice.. hows q9?
<ef0> darque: not bad, we _may_ be moving our servers to the big Q
<darque> u ever talk to dr. coggins?
<ef0> nope.. haven't talked to coggins or matt since I saw them at that hearing
<darque> we still gotsta hook up for some pints someday
<darque> matt's probably been busy kissing someones ass
<ef0> darque: I did see henglan on the gotrain when I was going down tot he automotive
building at the EX a few weeks back
<darque> who?
<ef0> henglan?
<ef0> the one I use to tease the fricker about fucking
<ef0> hanglan yu
--=[#F00] R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<ef0> errm henglan
<R081N> medic!
<darque> we should find where matt lives, and drop a big table on his chit car
*** R081N has been kicked off channel #f00 by ef0 ( <- VeNoM -> )
--=[#f00] R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<MacbHaine> hey
<ef0> haha
<ef0> darque: no doubt..
<MacbHaine> hahaa
<minthure> Pizza and cunt
<ef0> pizza in cunt
<R081N> hey fellas!
<MacbHaine> mmm yummy
<darque> oh.. i remember.. haha!
<minthure> italian style vag
<MacbHaine> hey Robin
<ef0> darque: she was chinese
<darque> smelled like it too
<MacbHaine> chinks
<R081N> hahaha, Ash really wants to be on top!
<MacbHaine> yah no shit
<ef0> R081N: do you let him on top?
<R081N> yeah, I like to be on the bottom (but on my back th0)
<minthure> Jesus
<ef0> figures
*** R081N is now known as _R081N
<_R081N> argh, that puts me on the bottom
<minthure> 0n your back?
<_R081N> hehehe
*** _R081N is now known as \R081N
<\R081N> nope
<ef0> this game sucks
*** \R081N is now known as |R081N
<MacbHaine> try a number
<|R081N> Hmmm
-> * = [ minthure ] = * im going to kickban robin in less then 2 minutes..
<|R081N> Erroneus Nickname
*** |R081N is now known as aR081N
*** aR081N is now known as aaR081N
*** aaR081N is now known as aa_R081N
<darque> weirdos
*** Unknown command: KB
<MacbHaine> ?????
<aa_R081N> whois darque?
<MacbHaine> what do ya mean dark?
<ef0> darque: you'll have to excuse R081N
<darque> please do...
<aa_R081N> Yes, please excuse my weird behaviour...
<aa_R081N> It's Friday (one day b4 april 20th), And I'm a little manic
<darque> ditto.. stuck at work for another two hours..
<minthure> Theres more accurate adjectives out there
<aa_R081N> sux 2b u
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yah.. no doubt
<MacbHaine> I don't know..manic..
<ef0> what about..
<aa_R081N> !dictionary manic
<ef0> assclown?
<minthure> Ding Ding!
<MacbHaine> meat stack ass clown
<minthure> We have a winner
<aa_R081N> doesn't #f00 have a dictionary app?
<darque> at least this 04/20 doesn't fall in the middle of the week.. setting my alarm for 3
hours earlier then normal for a freaking b0wl sux
<aa_R081N> hahaha
<aa_R081N> I hear ya
<darque> but i was only working at jesus-christ-inc, so who cares
<aa_R081N> Anything going on @ nathan phillip square tomorrow?
<ef0> light
<ef0> light
<ef0> light
<minthure> s0nic
<ef0> !!
<aa_R081N> ??
<minthure> I think theres a provincially sponsered Hitlerfest
<aa_R081N> I was thinking more along the lines of free love and J's
*** aa_R081N has been kicked off channel #f00 by ef0 ( <- VeNoM -> )
--=[#f00] aa_R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<darque> pop-stars 2 autograph session
<minthure> I'm so there
*** You have been kicked off channel #f00 by MacbHaine (MacbHaine)
--=[#f00] ef0 ( joined the channel.
*** Topic for #f00: alphabit or tibahpla....pick one..just one
*** Topic for #f00 set by
on Apr 19 12:25:55
*** Users on #f00: ef0 @aa_R081N @darque @alphabit @undah @tranimal
@XhumWork @sKary___ @MacbHaine @nonent @minthure @Kwatta @Xhumeka
@Sysop @CoSysop
*** #f00 1004496602
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by sKary___
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by MacbHaine
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
- Sysop - medic!
*** Mode change "-o+b aa_R081N *!*vusse@*" on channel
#f00 by ef0
*** aa_R081N has been kicked off channel #f00 by ef0 ( <- VeNoM -> )
*** Mode change "-b *!*vusse@*" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "-b *!*vusse@*" on channel #f00 by
<MacbHaine> is thia one of those kick fests?
<ef0> wow
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: evan
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (2 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 16 18:14:45 2002
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka alphabit darque ef0 minthure nonent sKary___ tranimal undah
<ef0> that's better..
--=[#f00] aa_R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Ohhh, Macbhaine drawin some lines in the
<ef0> oh no
<aa_R081N> what was that all about?
<darque> oh crap! not that!
<ef0> aa_R081N: your gayness
<minthure> haha
<MacbHaine> pretty funny
<minthure> Gaydar was getting to unsafe levels, needed an immediate evacuation
<aa_R081N> I thought it was lame
-> * = [ minthure ] = * macbHaine is a flag pole sitta
<MacbHaine> ....ahit..I wouldn't point the finger mint!!
<minthure> I do nothing but
<MacbHaine> there's gay then there's you
<aa_R081N> hahaha
<minthure> You'd know best Wayneh0le
<aa_R081N> Curt does have a bit of gayness about him..
<MacbHaine> thats it
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta MacbHaine Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit darque ef0 minthure nonent sKary___ tranimal undah
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: /msg CoSysop hello
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Go fast)
*** Idle Time : 10282 minute(s) (616936 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 12 14:58:26 2002
<minthure> You have to be looking for it see it though
<MacbHaine> I can smell them a mile aff...its all the pot=purrie and the vasoline
< aa_R081N >
I would say the same thing about ef0... but he's living with
<aa_R081N> Where is bj? I wanna play gr!
<MacbHaine> real quiet
someone that looked feminine was
< aa_R081N >
Ask him when the last time he's slept with
Maybe Curt and Ef0 are crying... :)
<MacbHaine> hahaha
<minthure> Yes Robin, we're in awe at your masculinity
<ef0> aa_R081N: when was the last time you slept with someone who looked feminine?
<aa_R081N> Like the little gay guys they are
<minthure> Haha
<minthure> I'm guessing never
<aa_R081N> about a month ago..
<ef0> mom's dont count
<minthure> The key word was feminine
<aa_R081N> My mom is not feminine..
<ef0> she still doesn't count..
<ef0> even is she tucks her penis in between her legs
<ef0> she still doesn't count..
<aa_R081N> Mom's in general are not feminine... Except for Curt's mom... she's a hotty
<minthure> Its the genetics
<MacbHaine> why is it now anytime one goes on irc it just becomes a big slagging
<ef0> must be..
<minthure> Its the nature of the beast
<ef0> MacbHaine: fuck you k1lt-b0y
<MacbHaine> I guess...?
<MacbHaine> haha
-> * = [ MacbHaine ] = * heheh
<minthure> Macbhaine: So those windows didnt come in *whew* glad I dodged that
<MacbHaine> still not in?
aa_R081N smokes a celebratory Friday after work bowl
<MacbHaine> jesus, for fucks sake....thats it...we're moving you back out
<minthure> Macbhaine: Nayski.
<minthure> Macbhaine: Hehe, get the van over here now
<minthure> move move move!
<MacbHaine> tell bill he can have it back though at the start of the month...then let him
have it
<MacbHaine> in 4 months
<aa_R081N> GO!GO!GO!GO!GO!GO!
<MacbHaine> make him wait for a while and see how he finds it
<ef0> just start doing that with rent cheques
<MacbHaine> hhahha yah
<minthure> It'll be great in 4 months bill
<undah> anyone have the link to that "i support terrorism" pic?
<MacbHaine> hahahhaa
<undah> if you've seen that
<minthure> You're really going to like this cheque when you get it
<MacbHaine> no I haven't
<ef0> undah: ?
< undah >
ef0: probably not, it was a webcam thing
<undah> so it's probably not cached
<MacbHaine> of and the walls...your gonna like them too...after I boot a few dozen holes
ion them
<minthure> hahah
<MacbHaine> ..trash the joint before ya move
<MacbHaine> piss and shit in the fridge
<minthure> I'm going for this "War Torn Bosnia" look the place, I think you'll love it
<MacbHaine> vomit in the stove and turn it on for a few hours
<minthure> Hahaha, I"m going to need help for this
<aa_R081N> EWW
<minthure> Fuck thats funny
<aa_R081N> Fry some bacon... that'll cover any smell..
<MacbHaine> I'll save my shit and piss if you can come up with the vomit
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to <MacbHaine> vomit in the stove
and turn it on for a few hours
<MacbHaine> thats gotta smell after its c00ked in
<minthure> Black and hardend vomit
<MacbHaine> coould also pull up a few floor boards and shit under there and put
the boards back
<minthure> Thats good too!
<minthure> Dead things in the air ducts
<MacbHaine> ..or you could just leave some dead fish in the hole
<MacbHaine> that always gives off such a pleasant smell
<minthure> Fish in the h0le
<MacbHaine> the air ducks..perfect
<aa_R081N> might as well just go with a stink bomb..
<minthure> Bring your mom over?
<minthure> I think thats a bit extreme
<MacbHaine> no..cause it weres off in an hour or two
<minthure> Ohhh no it doesnt
<aa_R081N> ahh
SHould I grab some beer?
<MacbHaine> no..the only one I set off only lasted a couple hours
<MacbHaine> but I'm sure there's more than 1 kind
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i dunno the deal yet.. tarrin was/is sleeping since I got
home, i've yet to talk to her
-> * = [ minthure ] = * but i think it's never a bad idea to buy beer
Of course
<ef0> i could just frt
<ef0> fart
<ef0> that outta last at least a week or so
<minthure> Alright, I'm going to head to the mall of eliteness and get some supplies
<ef0> razor wire
< aa_R081N >
nothing beats a good "ef0 fart"!
<ef0> duct tape
<minthure> beer, duct tape, and some grade f beef
<ef0> clothspins
<ef0> and crack?
<minthure> Already taken care of
<aa_R081N> makeup?
<aa_R081N> braws?
<minthure> Already taken care of
<aa_R081N> dresses?
<aa_R081N> high heels?
<aa_R081N> pentyhose?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * upload that thing first
<minthure> the horse is dead
<minthure> stop beating it
MacbHaine takes his hand off the cock
aa_R081N keeps on hitting the horse
<MacbHaine> sorry :)
<MacbHaine> what you doing tonite mint?
<minthure> Not positive yet. I'd like to head out somewhere for a spell.
aa_R081N is off watching some tv
<minthure> I'm disappointed no one will go see Glass tiger, but what can you do when
your friends suck ass
<MacbHaine> I know
*** aa_R081N is now known as sings
sings sings "The Thin Red Line"
*** sings is now known as aa_R081N
<ef0> bbiab
< MacbHaine >
ok...take care ef0
overwrote the old one, so same link
It'll be there in about 3 minutes, just
aa_R081N is off watching tv
<nonent> did anybody say they were'nt game for glass tiger?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
<MacbHaine> not sure
Signoff: darque (Leaving)
-> * = [ minthure ] = * dude.. it's gone?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i didnt get it.. well.. i was in the process of getting it.. did
you delete it?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * nevermind.. i'm on crack..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i thin thats the same file..
<nonent> mm.. about to light the barbecue..
<MacbHaine> nice
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: DjMittens (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<MacbHaine> hey Dj
MacbHaine wanders down to basement for a bong
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
Signoff: tranimal ()
Oh yeah? Lemme check, the difference was
[minthure:(] Thats it, around 1 minute 56 seconds you
can hear you on repeat over one word about 5 times
type sounds. Failry subtle stuff
ANd theres about 5 more swirls in the wind
when you get back
Anyway, let me know what you're doing
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sorry, i was shiteing
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i was just wondering cuz the filesize was the exact same
-> * = [ minthure ] = * ello?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you back?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
-> * = [ minthure ] = * I'm trying to get your attention
<ef0> well piss
<MacbHaine> just did thanks
Signoff: sKary___ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
<ef0> go catch your women
<MacbHaine> hahah
<MacbHaine> b00ted her
<MacbHaine> well logged here 0ff
<ef0> oh
<MacbHaine> here=her
<ef0> i thought you kicked her outta the house
<MacbHaine> hahahaha
<MacbHaine> no tempting me satan :)
<MacbHaine> so what ya doing ya crazy bugger?
<ef0> the minthure has invited me to his abode
<MacbHaine> nice
<ef0> so.. i will likely troop down there..
<MacbHaine> c00
<ef0> you?
<ef0> are you stuck with the kidz?
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta MacbHaine Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure nonent undah
MacbHaine sitting drinking a wee brandy & ginger
<MacbHaine> and the wee one's
<MacbHaine> there sleeping now thow
<ef0> sara's working tonight?
<MacbHaine> yeppers, till 12ish
<ef0> does she work tomorrow too?
<MacbHaine> nope, just works wekknites
<MacbHaine> Tues, Wedns, Thurs and Fri
<ef0> thtat's ok then.. at least her entire weekend isn't fuxored
<MacbHaine> yah its pretty c00l
<MacbHaine> that way if we feel the nned to go away we can
<MacbHaine> brb
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 8:52 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 8:53 pm (
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+o undah'
im here
You're not
Whats the issue
-> * = [ minthure ] = * well, i'm leaving now..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * kkk?
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (50 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 19:37:29 2002
OF course!
Cya soon
-> * = [ minthure ] = * nodz
ef0 is g0ne
You still there?
bling bling?
No worries, cya soon
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<undah> sheeyit
Signoff: Ash420 ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
*** MacbHaine is now known as R081N
<R081N> Anyone 'round?
<undah> i is
<undah> but i ain't from round your parts
<R081N> Party night @MacbHaine's
<undah> i'm there man
<undah> hehe
<R081N> Yous from Florida?
<undah> yep
<R081N> Whazzda wheather like over dare?
<undah> pretty nice
<undah> 75 or so, breezy
<undah> how bout there?
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
Signoff: sativa2 ()
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
<sativa2> hi
<R081N> What's 75 in celcius?
<R081N> hi
<alphabit> <gummo> - Live oldschool techno/breaks, msg with
requests, death threats, etc, starts live via winamp in 5 minutes.
<sativa2> is this robin?
*** R081N is now known as bHaine
<bHaine> hey reenie
<sativa2> wayne?
<bHaine> yah
<sativa2> whats with the robin thing?
<bHaine> s0 h0w's things now
<sativa2> ok
<bHaine> robin's sitting here too
<sativa2> sara home
<bHaine> Bj and Daniella are here too
<sativa2> hi guys
<bHaine> well no she's not...they just went to pick her up
<sativa2> bj?
<bHaine> (Bj an ddaniella
<bHaine> went to pick her up
<sativa2> i see
<sativa2> munchkins sleeping?
<bHaine> so whats the deal in aurora
<bHaine> yeppers
<sativa2> fuck all
<bHaine> nice
*** Mode change "+o sativa2" on channel #f00 by bHaine
<bHaine> there you your a full citizen of the state
<undah> aa_R081N: 75F = 24C :)
<sativa2> just watched a movie with tim allen and kirstie allie, exciting
<bHaine> hahahahahahaha
<bHaine> unda?
<undah> man you guys got it better than i do
<undah> i am writing a paper
<sativa2> some movie about amosh (sp) people
<bHaine> I'm lost
<undah> yo man i am the florida guy
<undah> i know evan from back in the bbs days
<bHaine> thats right! :)
<bHaine> BJ is here at the moment
<bHaine> brb
<bHaine> f00ds here! :)
<sativa2> sara there now?
<bHaine> here I am
<undah> jesus
<undah> it costs $110 for this ISO standards file
<undah> 332kb
<undah> what kinda crap is that
<undah> the worst kind, i say
<bHaine> reenie!
<sativa2> wayne
<bHaine> hey!
<bHaine> sara
<bHaine> that is
<sativa2> hey mon seour
<sativa2> how was work
<sativa2> make lots of cash
<bHaine> I'm not Wayne, do you not even know your own flwsh @ blood?
<sativa2> i wasn' t sure
<bHaine> not bad coin, over $100
<sativa2> dink
<sativa2> nice job
<bHaine> 6 tables
<sativa2> good find
<bHaine> one tipped me $30
<sativa2> 12 tables today and $40
<bHaine> one $20
<bHaine> that blows
<sativa2> rare
<bHaine> $40?
<bHaine> is that normal?
<sativa2> this is weird huh
<bHaine> totally
<sativa2> i worked my ass of for $40
<sativa2> always
<bHaine> 40 doesn't seem right
<sativa2> it is
<bHaine> seriously?
<sativa2> toook half of the restaurant
<bHaine> i did jack shit for my job....
<sativa2> stressful it was packed
<bHaine> that b,ows alot
<sativa2> they put a lot of resposibility on me
<bHaine> I can't believe how baD THAT COIN IS
<bHaine> oops
<sativa2> they know i can handle a lot, but the kitchen is slow so my tips suck
<bHaine> that's always a prob...they were really slow wshen we went there
<sativa2> i get at least three complaints A day
<bHaine> I guess
<bHaine> you should apply elsewhere
<sativa2> but it gets blaimed on me by the customers
<sativa2> so close
<sativa2> and they always give me what i want
<bHaine> you should suck up and say"if I was in the kitchen, I would have had it out
here a long time ago"
<bHaine> blah, blah
<bHaine> alright, I am going to smoke one now
<sativa2> thay know my boss left at lunch today and came back half way through and i
told him they all sucked and he went in and yelled at them
<bHaine> still...
<sativa2> i know
<bHaine> doesn't help w/ the funds
<bHaine> are you a slow typer?
<sativa2> do you have to go downstairs
<sativa2> yes
<bHaine> that's right girl., I sure do
<bHaine> bong a long
<sativa2> i want tot talk to oyu
<sativa2> you
<bHaine> what are you doing tomorrow?
<bHaine> sundaY?
<sativa2> laundry and clean house
<sativa2> nothing sunday
<bHaine> we are going to grannie's
<bHaine> come with?
<sativa2> niamh got invited to a party
<bHaine> who?
<bHaine> where?
<sativa2> upstairs swimming and cake and stuff
<bHaine> nice!
<sativa2> april 28
<bHaine> too bad she didn't know the kid...
<sativa2> sunday
<bHaine> We are going to a wedding'
<sativa2> she would still have fun 20 4 year olds
<bHaine> remember?
<sativa2> whos
<bHaine> wayn's cuz
<bHaine> Kristen
<sativa2> you never told me
<bHaine> new suit for sKary
bHaine sighs in happiness
<sativa2> wayne buy
<bHaine> sara!
<sativa2> tips
<bHaine> oh yah
<bHaine> gotta go
<sativa2> are you a fast typer now
<bHaine> must bong it
<bHaine> afk
<sativa2> what the hell is that
<bHaine> faster anyways
<bHaine> away from keyboard
<bHaine> cya
<sativa2> love you
<bHaine> I love you too
<sativa2> bye
<bHaine> I've been thinking about ya all night, bye
<bHaine> afk
<sativa2> you are my world
<minthure> dear god
<bHaine> does everyone see what I deal with?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<minthure> Wayne, I had no idea
<minthure> zero
<minthure> I thought I was the only one that felt that way about her
<minthure> Wayne, allow me to realize my dreams and step aside.
<minthure> Otherwise, I'll need to deal with this man to man
<undah> wth?
<minthure> I'm after Waynes sister-in=law
<minthure> But Wayne wants her to
<minthure> So we need to have....
<minthure> a Duel!
<minthure> at dawn
<undah> yeah really!
<undah> can you get guns in canada?
<undah> hehe
<minthure> We need to drive to Michigan to get them.
<sativa2> that was sara
<undah> haha
<minthure> Hopefully you bastards wont bomb us while we're doing target practice
<minthure> :)
<minthure> kidding kidding
<undah> yeah watch out
<sativa2> just afew casualties
<undah> man don't make me make that call
<undah> one call and canada is going down
<undah> all of it
<sativa2> are you all by yourself in the basemeny minthure
<sativa2> basement
<sativa2> hello?
*** minthure is now known as ef69
<ef69> it's hitlers birthday now
<ef69> please all, be happy
undah smokes a bowl
<ef69> and stand for a moment, of commemeration and joyus revelations
<sativa2> hail hitler
<ef69> heh
<ef69> seig!
<sativa2> seig heil
<ef69> sativa2: No, Evan and Tarrin are here with me
<sativa2> hi
<ef69> high
<sativa2> exactly
*** ef69 is now known as mintwh0re
<sativa2> thats an under statement
undah rats out anne franke
<mintwh0re> hehe
<nonent> super.. irc party.
<undah> woo.
<mintwh0re> aaron the jew nigga
<sativa2> hey aaron
sativa2 sticks mintwh0re with a candy cane
<sativa2> good night all
--=[#f00] sKary___ ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o sKary___" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<sKary___> ummm
<sKary___> "is anybody out there?"
<sKary___> b bye
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
<mintwh0re> cr5
<mintwh0re> ;l;
<mintwh0re> 9iok]=\]
<sativa2> hi sara
<mintwh0re> io\]\\
<mintwh0re> p
<mintwh0re> [[
<mintwh0re> ;l
<mintwh0re> ;lp
<mintwh0re> \['
<mintwh0re> '
<mintwh0re> ['
<mintwh0re> ;'['[\
<mintwh0re> -<mintwh0re> ]ikm
<mintwh0re> hgelp0
<mintwh0re> mommy
<mintwh0re> lommoiyt
Signoff: sativa2 ()
<nonent> w0rd
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
<mintwh0re> werd
*** mintwh0re is now known as effl00r
<effl00r> w0rd
<nonent> effluent
<nonent> effluvium
<nonent> floating
<nonent> fflowing
<nonent> through my
<nonent> perineum
<nonent> -<nonent> bikini
<nonent> fellini
<nonent> crantini
<nonent> octopus eggs
<nonent> and tears...
<nonent> octopus eggs
<nonent> and tears...
<nonent> -<effl00r> u suck
<effl00r> bikini
<effl00r> martini
<effl00r> blingini
<effl00r> saskadelphia is where it's at
<effl00r> saskadelphia is where it's at.
<effl00r> -[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
<effl00r> koop
<effl00r> in
<effl00r> he
<effl00r> firkjlk;
<effl00r> first
<effl00r> lihgt
<effl00r> of
<effl00r> the
<effl00r> bnqew
<effl00r> dawn
<effl00r> i
<effl00r> woilkl
<effl00r> killl
<effl00r> u
<effl00r> hanging
<effl00r> anynmotre
<effl00r> l;;
<effl00r> l;;;'
<effl00r> 'l
<effl00r> k
<effl00r> k
<effl00r> k
<effl00r> kk
<effl00r> kl
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
<effl00r> Macbhaine: Nayski. -pop;lpppppp
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 11h51m42s]
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Ping timeout: no data for 243 seconds)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Signoff: nonent (Leaving)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Idle time limit exceeded)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
<bHaine> morning
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by Sysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
<bHaine> hey Ash :)
<bHaine> HOw's things in the FAlls
Signoff: Ash420 ()
*** effl00r is now known as minthure
You goddamn fucking ninjas
How the fuck do you do that
<minthure> Hey kkkuntz
<minthure> How Evan and Tarrin can drink hardcore until 4 in the morning and be gone
by 11 is sheer ninjitsy
<minthure> u
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<bHaine> doing fine here
<bHaine> Robim left around the same time too
<bHaine> but he was out by two
<bHaine> the Beej and Daniella left around 1:30ish...I think
<bHaine> GAme two of the finals on today at 3 :)
<bHaine> l00king forward to it!
<bHaine> brb
<minthure> bjklb
<ef0> el'bure
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 20 minute(s) (1250 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 19:37:29 2002
<minthure> You're insane
<minthure> The insane stealth magnet
<ef0> i'm never gunna work
<ef0> another day in my life
<ef0> i'm way to busy power trippin
<ef0> sup bro?
<minthure> Just holdin on to 'er. Figuring out what to do with the day.
Whats your
<ef0> i'm trying to figure out what type of feast of cook up on the bbq later this pm
<ef0> ..and what kind of red wine to get
<minthure> Cook another barbeque tank
<minthure> But dont stand too close
<ef0> 'sec
--=[#f00] tarrin ( joined the channel.
<minthure> Tarrinski
<tarrin> hi curt
<minthure> I was like a kid trying to catch Santa this morning
<minthure> How the hell you guys sneak out like that is pretty crafty
<ef0> up your chimney..
<minthure> I'm going to sleep on the stairs next time
<ef0> that wont help you..
<tarrin> still want to go to ikea
<minthure> No, not if you take the chimney
<minthure> Tarrin: Yes I do. Can you?
<tarrin> yes i can
*** Mode change "+o tarrin" on channel #f00 by ef0
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta bHaine sKary___ Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure tarrin undah
*** skary__ No such server
<minthure> Tarrin: c00, name your time.
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta bHaine sKary___ Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure tarrin undah
<tarrin> evan will be making us a fine feast for dinner
<minthure> We need to make Ainsley's room really hip
<ef0> haha
<minthure> Nice
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta bHaine sKary___ Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure tarrin undah
<tarrin> let me check when it closes tonight
minthure finds playing cards in the strangest places
<ef0> no doubt..
ef0 want's to the learn that art
<minthure> You were kicking ass at that
<ef0> mint: it's my krad wrist action, you know.. from all the jerking off.
<minthure> Yeah, but if that was the case, I could throw them through concrete blocks
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
<ef0> hehe
<tarrin> open till 9pm
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta bHaine sKary___ Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure tarrin undah
2:02pm up 7 days, 23:34, 4 users, load average: 0.09, 0.08, 0.02
tarrin pts/0 hse-toronto-ppp1 1:52pm 10:05 0.09s 0.09s -bash
pts/1 hse-toronto-ppp1 12Apr 2 0.00s 1:25 40.68s irc ef0 irc.qea
pts/2 hse-toronto-ppp1 12Apr 2 13:08 0.50s 0.50s -bash
tarrin pts/3 hse-toronto-ppp1 1:53pm 0.00s 3.70s 3.62s irc tarrin irc.
*** nonent No such server
<minthure> Convenient!
<minthure> Tarrin I'm not angry anymore
<tarrin> so how about i leave here around 4
<minthure> Meet you in Vegas?
<ef0> johnny vegas
<minthure> If we leave at 4, we should get there by...Monday...yes...four it is
<tarrin> sounds good
<minthure> Alright, See sometime around 4:30 thne
<minthure> then
<tarrin> sure, ill let you know if it changes
<minthure> I'm going to get warshed up and do some cleanin
<minthure> Alright, you have my digits
<tarrin> no
<ef0> you dont answer your fucking phone
< minthure >
ef0: I know, but you still have them
<minthure> 2320752
<ef0> i'm going to the st0re
<ef0> bbiab
<minthure> Sooooo goodbye
<minthure> I'm off too
<minthure> See ya's soon
<minthure> Get me a beer while you're up
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by sKary___
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef0> y0y0
< nonent >
y0 ef0
<nonent> get up to any more tune making last night?
<ef0> oh no
<ef0> much too ruined for that
<ef0> did you get up to anything last eve?
tarrin is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
<nonent> nice.. mm.. got the barbecue going, had some beers, watched a movie, etc..
mucho excitement..
<nonent> ruined eh?
<nonent> the pepper man come through?
<ef0> pepper man?
<ef0> i knew anything about pepper being int he works..
<nonent> oh, i guess curt wasn't in a sharing mood..
<nonent> kidding, i heard curt was jonesing, but that's sortof an everyday occurrence i
<nonent> seeing as it runs his life and all....
<nonent> what you up to?
<ef0> is runs everyone's
<ef0> nonent: what are you doing tonight?
<nonent> brother and his wife's (and hitlers) birthday
<nonent> gonna get hured with the familial relations.. (what could rule more?)
<nonent> you?
<ef0> you are doing a ton of things with your brother and his wife
<ef0> me, going to bbq a feast
<nonent> not really.. it'll be the first time i've seen them in a couple weeks, and then i
probably won't see them again for a month..
<nonent> a bbq feast eh?.. that's a treat..
<minthure> No nonent, you are a treat
<nonent> really?
<nonent> hmmm
Signoff: nonent (Leaving)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
<ef0> back
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta bHaine sKary___ Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure tarrin undah
<minthure> titsicle
<ef0> die leafs die
<ef0> die leafs die
*** ef0 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to die leafs die!
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 5 minute(s) (347 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 19:37:29 2002
<ef0> dude.. I've picked out a very nice menu
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 6 minute(s) (385 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 19:37:29 2002
*** macbahine No such server
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta bHaine sKary___ Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit ef0 minthure tarrin undah
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: wknox@
: Wayne Knox
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (located in the telco-heart of downtown Toronto)
*** Idle Time : 142 minute(s) (8574 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 22:43:39 2002
-> * = [ bhaine ] = * ello?
<minthure> Oh yeah?
<minthure> Some maple leafs?
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 3:35 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
<ef0> dude, found your cards as weapons book online
<ef0> 1) 1998, Trade Paperback - $349 (medium cond.)
<ef0> 2) 1st printing 1977, Hadcover - $499 (med cond.)
<ef0> 3) 1st paper edition, $624 (med cond.)
<minthure> Great! How many do they have?
<ef0> 3
<minthure> Thats mcVaule
<minthure> value
<ef0> goto
<ef0> and search
<ef0> I use alibris to find old nercromicons
<ef0> leet rare book site
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+o Sysop'
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by sKary___
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
--=[#f00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
--=[#f00] Kwatta ( joined the channel.
--=[#f00] CoSysop ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
XhumWork Kwatta CoSysop'
In #f00: '+oooo DjMittens
*** Mode change "+o CoSysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o CoSysop" on channel #f00 by sKary___
*** Mode change "+o CoSysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o Xhumeka" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
-> * = [ minthure ] = * tarrin will be ready in 10 minutes
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
Kwatta is away,
out in town
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
Its a nice day for a white wedding
Signoff: DjMittens (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
*** bHaine has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Leafs take game 2!!!!
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
<bHaine> you guys go on ahead and trsh the seems to help them win
<bHaine> trsh=trash
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Leafs take game 2, and the anal
virginity of Wayne Knox!
*** bHaine has changed the topic on channel #f00 to there's a fine example of Mints
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 143 minute(s) (8580 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 19:37:29 2002
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Smile, Jesus loves you!! (except
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 145 minute(s) (8722 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 18 19:37:29 2002
Signoff: sKary___ (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
Signoff: bHaine (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
<sativa2> hi all
Signoff: sativa2 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Signoff: tarrin (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Xhumeka> seen ash420
<Sysop> ash420 was last on IRC channel #f00 9 hours, 12 minutes ago.
<Xhumeka> be back in 5 mins
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 4h40m21s]
Kwatta is away,
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
<Xhumeka> y0 y0 y0s!!!
<Xhumeka> seen bhaine
<Sysop> bhaine was last on IRC channel #f00 2 hours, 16 minutes ago.
<ef0> y0
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (located in the telco-heart of downtown Toronto)
*** Idle Time : 3 minute(s) (218 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Apr 17 18:20:06 2002
-> * = [ xhumeka ] = * are you staying in tonight, if you want you can swing by
<Xhumeka> hey thar
-> * = [ xhumeka ] = * curt's here.. stevenson and jess are on their way
< Xhumeka >
what's up for tonight ef0
-> * = [ Xhumeka ] = * a little sufers revial party
-> * = [ Xhumeka ] = * if your interested call.. 416-744-7335 - if not, then dont :)
-> * = [ Xhumeka ] = * bbiab - w33d rollin
<Xhumeka> ahhh, i see
<Xhumeka> no, i'm afraid i am otherwise detained tonight
<Xhumeka> but happy 4/20 dude!!!
<Xhumeka> !topic Happy 4/20 everyone!!! Please smoke an oz. or more to celebrate this
GLORIOUS holiday!!
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Happy 4/20 everyone!!! Please
smoke an oz. or more to celebrate this GLORIOUS ho
--=[#f00] N180R ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o N180R" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Xhumeka has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Happy 4/20 everyone!!! Please
smoke an oz. or more to celebrate this GLORIOUS holiday!!
--=[#f00] R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<R081N> hey all
Signoff: N180R (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] N180R ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o N180R" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
<Xhumeka> hey robin
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
<N180R> hEY XHUM
<N180R> Where are you?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<ef0> !topic kdjfkjdkjshgfsjd
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to kdjfkjdkjshgfsjd
*** Xhumeka has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Happy 4/20 everyone!!! Please
smoke an oz. or more to celebrate this GLORIOUS holiday!!
<N180R> Oh, I'm at your place
<N180R> I guess I better go on home...
Signoff: N180R ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<nonent> hey kids
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
<nonent> did you type 'cd /home/gcru/public_html' ?.. you shouldn't be able to see
anything in /home/gcru, but
/home/gcru/public_html you should be able to see 7
directories and 1 index.php
<nonent> oops
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 10h53m40s]
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
<R081N> good morning all :
<R081N> )
*** R081N is now known as bHaine
Kwatta is away,
out till monday
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
<minthure> h00rz
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
<bHaine> so did everone have a good Saturday nite?
<bHaine> I watched Robin version of Black HAwk Down....that was a pretty sw33t
<minthure> It was good?
<bHaine> ya not bad...quality was a wee bit off
<minthure> I heard it was super slanted in a pro-usa kind of way
<bHaine> but better than Lord of The Rings
<bHaine> well...not really...considdering it was about the US soilders in Somalia it kinda
has to be that way
<bHaine> but there wasn't a huge amount of Flug fucking
<minthure> I mean in a factual way. Like they left a lot of things out of the movie that
went down
<minthure> Let me see if I can find the dirt, just a second
<minthure> Hows shit by the way :)
<bHaine> oh...I didn't know the real story and still don't
<bHaine> g00d
<bHaine> going to pick up a new suit for next weekends wedding
<minthure> You getting married again? Good for you
<bHaine> In my mind I thought the American BRASS was fucked..they
<bHaine> didn't handle the sit wery well
<bHaine> no its my cousins wedding
<bHaine> don't really want to go but duty calls and alll that shit
<minthure> Yeah. Family can rule sometimes
<bHaine> have to hit a hotel too so the price of these things can get very stupid
<bHaine> 2 new suits, wedding presant, hotel, food and b00ze :(
<bHaine> what did ya get up to last nite?
<minthure> Shit, that is cashish
<bHaine> we also watched the Mummy Returns
<bHaine> Quality was awsome but the movie was the typical
<minthure> Tarrin came over and we hit ikea, bought some stuff, then we went back to
their pad, ate some bbq, drank some german wine, german beer, and jagermeister
<bHaine> nice
<minthure> Tarrin is my new interior decorating consultant
<bHaine> the SS apreciation day! :)
<bHaine> swet
<bHaine> sw33t
<minthure> hehe, all in the name of Hitlers birthday
<bHaine> what a great should be a national wide
<minthure> Yes it really should, write your MP today
<bHaine> is that info about B H D
<minthure> Thats a bit of a read, but it talk about what happened in the war, and you can
draw some BS between the movie and it
<bHaine> gotta hit the mall now but will be back later
<minthure> As if they're surprised a couple choppers got shot down while they invade a
<bHaine> thanks for the info
<minthure> Ok, catch you later
<bHaine> hahhaah no shit
<bHaine> the egos of the yanks
<minthure> Makes me puke
bHaine runs out to the mall
minthure runs into a wall
bHaine vomits in the stove and turns it on :)
<minthure> Hahaha THATS what I have to do today
<minthure> The main character of that movie (the character, not the actor) is in jail right
now for raping a 12 year old girl
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
Signoff: minthure (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
--=[#F00] minthure ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<Xhumeka> y0 j0es!!
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<tranimal> Hey Guys,
<tranimal> what's up?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
Signoff: DjMittens (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<minthure> Hey Tran
<minthure> Just rocking out to Major Tom by Peter Schilling
ikea stuff)
Tell Tarrin that the shit looks bl1ng (the
<DjMittens> is that the song that goes " oooh i am sitting in my tin can....far from the
hospitality last night. That was fun.
Tell yourself thanks for the f00d n'
<DjMittens> "can you hear me major tom?"
<minthure> No, thats david bowie
<DjMittens> oh
<DjMittens> ok
<DjMittens> <-------- tart
<minthure> This one is an early 80's tune
<minthure> tart means slut you know
<DjMittens> isnt that one an early 80s one too?
<minthure> I think that was 70s. This one is like a retro 80's kind of tune. Older depeche
mode kind of sound
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
<DjMittens> nice nice :p
<DjMittens> ill have to look for it on like audio galaxy or somthing
** Signoff: DjMittens (Dub i dub i dub i dub boop boop boop-i dont need youre
<bHaine> whaZZ zuPP?
bHaine somke break
<bHaine> hahah smoke break
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
<minthure> My man, hows schite
<minthure> Wayne says, he wants, A diamond on a ring of gold
<minthure> Wayne says, he wants, his story to remain untold
<minthure> But all the promises, we make.
<minthure> From the cradle to the grave
<minthure> When all, I want
<minthure> Is Wayne
--=[#F00] alphabit ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<nonent> yo yo..
<nonent> 1 sec.. brb
Signoff: nonent (Leaving)
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<minthure> supsup g?
<nonent> not a whole lot.. just went and got myself a cheap second-hand 15", now i've
got a windows machine up and running..
--=[#F00] alphabit ( joined the
<nonent> very bling-bling, etc..
<nonent> how's your weeekend gone?
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<minthure> Quite productive on the home front
<nonent> yes?.. new ikea purchases?
<minthure> Yepyep. I felt so geriatric going in there, but it was a necessary pain.
Shedding of the skin, rebirth, though not nearly that religious of an experience
<minthure> I couldnt have done it with Tarrinski
<nonent> right.. so, bookshelves?
<nonent> did she yell at people for you?
<minthure> Lamps, Entertainment centre, and curtains
<nonent> really?.. super..
<minthure> Oh yeah, anyone that stood in our way she'd set straight
<minthure> I dont think Akil could have blocked us
<nonent> (although your old entertainment center was pretty rad..
<nonent> with a /<
<minthure> Nice Akil, but not nice enough, stand aside and let these 2 shop
<nonent> nice a/<il
<minthure> Yes, it was pretty hip
<minthure> :)
<nonent> heh..
<minthure> I got those paper floor lamps, they're rad
<minthure> bl1ng factor +3
<nonent> yeah.. i've got a couple paper-lamps, altho they hang.. they are kinda rad
despite themselves..
<nonent> the chicks dig them anyways...
<minthure> I kind of want to set one on fire while its lit. I think that would look cool.
But I'd be burning a 50$ bill, so...likely leave that one to theory
<nonent> oh yeah?.. the replacement papers for mine are only like $10.. so i've done it a
few times..
<minthure> n1ce!
<nonent> so.. shopping with sarah, shopping with tarrin.. who wins the battle?.. who's the
new best friend?
<minthure> Well, I think I need to keep them both around. Sara is rad on the clothing
fashion front, and Tarrin is in tune with interior decorating.
<minthure> Its like having all the benefits of a girlfriend, but without all that nasty sex
and stuff
<minthure> God I hate sex
<nonent> of course, you could just get 1 gay friend, and they could do both the interior
and clothing..
<nonent> yeah.. sex is horrible..
<nonent> thankfully, i've cut most of it out of my life..
<minthure> Its taken some work, but I think I'm finally safe from that horrific deed
bHaine gos to get some
<nonent> ew
<bHaine> I like sex
<bHaine> hahha
<nonent> sex is so.. 80's
<bHaine> hey guys!
<nonent> back when coke was cool...
<bHaine> yeppers
<nonent> hey bhaine?
<bHaine> going to the park..bbiab
<nonent> or is it sara?.. such confusion..
<bHaine> yah nonent?
<bHaine> wayne
<nonent> seeya then.. no time for the friends eh?.. it's all kids and wife...
<bHaine> don't you dare point the finger
<bHaine> hahaha
<bHaine> brb
<minthure> hehe he makes a point there nonent
<minthure> When did St Germain start sucking ass for a living?
<minthure> This whole tourist thing blows
<nonent> yeah, i don't know.. haven't heard the new album...
<nonent> ass'ish is it?
<minthure> Yeah, very bad news
<nonent> i'm listening to a 'bola' album i'm really liking..
<minthure> listening to e bola
<minthure> Theres a dot com company in the making
<nonent> mm.. i heard something st. germain'ish the other day.. and i was going to write
it down, because it was actually kinda rad.. i said.. hey, curt mike like this, i best make
sure to write it down.. but then i didn't...
<nonent> good story?
<minthure> Great story, firm plot line, character development. Twist at the end. A real
page turner
<minthure> An epic tale about a young man finding himself, ravaged by thoughts of
maybe writing down this tune that he's listening to...
<minthure> If you only read one IRC log this year, make sure this is it
<nonent> haha.. shit.. buzz didn't like it when i took 4 delays and fed them in a loop to
each other..
<nonent> nuts.. i was expecting something rad..
<minthure> You'll have to show me buzz when you ever deem myself worthy of a visit.
I cant get it to make anything close to rad.
<nonent> i'm really liking the 'parrot' device in it too.. good for doing interesting sampleloops...
<nonent> yeah, if i ever get anything rad going.. i'll show you..
<minthure> When you've got your ditty done, can you export it as a wav?
<nonent> yep.. wav/mp3..
<nonent> i like the way you can record what you do with the sliders too.. could make for
some really good head-phone-sex..
<minthure> I'm sure theres a newsgroup devoted to that
<nonent> haha.. fuck.. it just doesn't like loops.. i guess it doesn't think infinity-delays are
a cool thing to do..
Signoff: tranimal (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
<nonent> so, what's up for you today?
<nonent> (do you have windows in yet btw?.. it's awfully chilly out there... i worry about
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
<minthure> I'm cold, I cant feel my nose
<minthure> Actually no, but they're being delivered tomorrow, so if I can survive
tonight, I'm set
<nonent> well, we know you can burn things in that fireplace.. so, with a proper amount
of scotch you should make it..
<minthure> I finally figured out how to wire up the xbox through the tv through the
reciever so I could use svideo and all that leetness
<minthure> Yes, scotch, as always, is the key
<minthure> But I still cant play my cursed xbox since I cant find the controller wires
since the movve
<nonent> really?.. for some reason i thought we had it going that night..
<nonent> it's just the.. adaptor thing that's the issue, right?
<nonent> that's really not too rad..
<nonent> did you get the fancy-video-adaptor?
<minthure> We did, but it was only playing stereo, not surround, which is unacceptable
at best
<nonent> Trouble.
<minthure> I did. Good purchase, we need to watch some movies loudly before people
move in upstairs
<nonent> well, before.. but after too...
<minthure> Does new porn take advantage of these technological steps?
<minthure> Good call
<minthure> I want to hear from the one corner of the room
<nonent> the orgasmic cries echoing through the house.. that'd be rad...
<minthure> "I didnt order any pizza"
<nonent> you've come to fix my cable?
<minthure> or "This tv isnt broken"
<nonent> 'oh, that's kerry.. she just came over to use the shower'
<minthure> Hehe barm chicka
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by Sysop
** Signoff: DjMittens (Dub i dub i dub i dub boop boop boop-i dont need youre
<nonent> oh, weird.. buzz has a 'winamp' plugin interface, which pipes winamp into one
of your inputs..
<minthure> So you can put effects on top of an existing mp3?
<nonent> yeah...
<minthure> Thats cool. I use soundforge for that action currently
<nonent> you can use the mp3 as one sound source, and then delay/distort/whatever it..
while still having your tricky 909 beat going or whatever..
<minthure> And it records both to one track?
<nonent> yeah, you can output it all to one track..
<nonent> mmm.. it's got pitchbend and seek in it too.. i'll have to install winamp..
<minthure> Pitch shifting is vital
<nonent> i suppose if you actually like things beatmatched..
<minthure> Who would eh?
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
<nonent> aaargh!
Kwat|Away is away (*aargh* detached)
<minthure> cursed detached
Kwat|Away is away,
<nonent> oh nos!
<minthure> ?
out until monday
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
<nonent> oh, nm.. it's ok..
--=[#f00] N180R ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o N180R" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** N180R is now known as XLaptop
<XLaptop> y0 y0 sup sup
<minthure> Hey guy
<minthure> WHats the dillio?
<nonent> try doing this: tail -f digitart-access_log
you're browsing
and keep the window open while
<nonent> oops
<nonent> that's not for you..
<nonent> y0 beej
<minthure> Holy shit does this ever sound tits now with a dvd
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
<nonent> what's that?
<minthure> This reciever through the xbox, with some proper speaker stands at the right
spacing. I'm not well schooled in this type of thing, but I've never heard anything so clear
<minthure> my mouth is just watering
<nonent> cool.. what's playing?
<minthure> Terminator 2
<minthure> Call me and I'll put the phone up to it to show you how good it sounds
<nonent> :).. that's like showing me a web-cam iumage of your stellar new tv-quality isn't
<bHaine> ahahahahhaa
<bHaine> sorta like?
<minthure> Precisely like
<minthure> Hows Waynehole?
<bHaine> cold
<bHaine> park was busy but cold
<minthure> Not pay the heating bill again
<bHaine> god's getting tight
<bHaine> I swear he's jewish
<nonent> read this book lately with the 'church of the utterly indifferent god' in it.. it was
<minthure> Reading is gay
<bHaine> sweet
<bHaine> nonent..was it pro or against?
<bHaine> I knocked off a sweet one about the Masonic Lodge
<bHaine> Sara's reading it now and can't drop it either
<bHaine> need f00d...brb
<minthure> Food wife and kids, All that shit comes before IRC with Wayne....jesus
Signoff: XLaptop (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] JU153 ( joined the
<JU153> lol
*** Mode change "+o JU153" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o JU153" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: JU153 ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
<nonent> it was pro.. with the 'church of the utterly indifferent god', nobody blaims god
for their misfortune, or equates being godly with luck anymore..
<nonent> so, basically.. shit happens, you deal with it.. everyone's happy
<nonent> (that wasn't a slow response was it?)
<minthure> Quicker than some
<nonent> well, it required a lot of thought..
<minthure> These esoteric things do, I understand
<minthure> Hmmm some of the vocals on the movie dont sound right
<minthure> too quiet
<minthure> But not all of them, any thoughts?
<nonent> well, it is schwarzenegger
<minthure> He sounds fine, its some of the other cats. Some are really quiet and have an
echo to them
<minthure> Judas, its because I'm on glue
<minthure> Make sure all the speakers are plugged in...unghh
<bHaine> well,,MInt...that was quite the read!
<minthure> The Somalian deal?
<bHaine> Have a feeling though that the group responsable seem a wee bit suspect too
<bHaine> yah the Skinnies
<minthure> Yeah, thats a pretty extreme view, but I'd still listen to them before american
military brAss
<minthure> I like how the main character is in jail right now
<bHaine> well...where there's smoke there's fire
<bHaine> yah..pretty sw33t
<undah> when all else fails, blow things up
<bHaine> thats the most direct way I can think of :)
<minthure> Fire into crowds of civilians, hover you choppers over their shacks so they
blow apart, and then get upset when they shoot a few of your guys
<minthure> Thats enough to make anyone join the Al Qaeda
<bHaine> well....Somalia has been a hot bed for a long time
<minthure> I still havent found those cursed xbox wires yet
<bHaine> there's been a big need for some solid policeing there for a while
<bHaine> really
<bHaine> well.....fuck you..
<minthure> Yes, fuck me
<bHaine> is you bother to go and visit your br0's
<bHaine> once in a while you may have come across them
<bHaine> is=if
<minthure> Hey hey, come by and see the place and you'll see where my time is being
<bHaine> ..actually...I've looked too and haven't come across them
<bHaine> hahhaha ok
<minthure> Its nothing remotely slighted towards you.
<minthure> Even if you are a bit of a jerk :)
<bHaine> I believe ya, millions wouldn't :0
<bHaine> :)
<minthure> The living room actually looks pretty fine right now
<bHaine> nice
<bHaine> I'll kick your door in and take a look tomorrow :)
<bHaine> then place a FREE STUFF sign on the lawn
<minthure> Actually, the front door will be open, the windows are being delivered in the
morning. So come in and drink my beer, etc.
<minthure> Or do that
<bHaine> beer?
<bHaine> I'm there
<minthure> s0ld
<minthure> mintcoor's light
<bHaine> gonna feed the wee ones and toss them to to ya s00n br0
<nonent> oh, he's back...
<bHaine> ahahaha
<minthure> fa sho
<nonent> doh.. and he's gone again..
<nonent> fuck that!
<nonent> :)
<bHaine> aahahha
<minthure> The man has rhythm
<bHaine> ok I'll hang on there for a few more
<bHaine> s0..h0w's n0nent?
<minthure> Now you're learning...IRC and THEN feed the kids
<bHaine> what did ya get up t0 this fine weekend?
<nonent> prety good, pretty good..
<nonent> umm.. familial birthday party for my brother/his wife last night...
<bHaine> any crazy experiances to rep0rt?
<nonent> not ultra-rad, but liquor makes everything better...
<bHaine> nice...all go well?
<minthure> Fights?
<nonent> yeah, actually.. surprisingly good times..
<bHaine> Momget druck again and hit on the Vicar?
<minthure> heheh, that goes without saying
<nonent> well, i wrecked their marriage.. that was kinidof funny..
<bHaine> Jesus...can't type or spell to save my fucking life here
<nonent> bhaine: nods.. again..
<bHaine> hahaha
<bHaine> we almost had a game of D&D going there on fridaty
<bHaine> almost
<minthure> h0me wrecking is fun and profitable
<nonent> almost?.. what prevented it?
<nonent> :)
<bHaine> just got started and had to get Sara so we hit the b00ze after she got back
<minthure> Daniella forgot the dice
<nonent> nuts
<nonent> typical daniella..
<minthure> She should have a belt holder like Wayne
<bHaine> thats what I'd expect from Xhum's taste in women
<minthure> A purple velvet satchel that says "Magic Dice" and a bunch of Xena type
chicks on it
<bHaine> hey belt holder's on a bi=unggie now for quick release! :P
<bHaine> nake Zena's
<minthure> whippah!
<bHaine> anyhow..sorry nonent...gotta jet for a few
<minthure> The people that move in upstairs are really gonna hate this stereo
<bHaine> not sorry to mint though
<bHaine> LOUD!
<minthure> b00m!
<nonent> undah?
<bHaine> hahahhaha fuck them!
<nonent> yeah, fuck it!
<bHaine> right-y-o bbiab
<nonent> freedom of speech baby, rock & roll
<minthure> IF they try to retaliate I'll turn off their power
<undah> yo
<nonent> just flick it on and off.. that way you get them, and you get bill...
<nonent> hah, you are there...
<undah> sorta
<undah> i am editing a paper
<undah> :(
<nonent> undah: quick question, how do you record to a .wav or whatever from buzz?
<undah> but multitaskin
<nonent> bleah..
<undah> nonent: in the view menu, there's a hard disk recorder
<undah> you can pop it up and do yo thing
<undah> make sure you aren't looping tho
<nonent> undah: oh?.. couldn't see it for some reason.. thanks..
<nonent> duh..
<nonent> yeah.. that'd create.. problems.
<undah> it'd create big wavs :(
<nonent> does lame work in windows?
<nonent> nm.. doesn't matter.. i've got the drives mounted on my linux machine
<undah> yeah lame works
<undah> let me know when you have it encoded
<undah> !
<nonent> heh.. no.. it's nothing i'm willing to share yet.. just learning how to use it still...
<nonent> (plus i've never really composed anything before)
<nonent> but i'm liking it.. nice tool.. feels a bit like 'coding', so a bit more natural for me
than a standard tracker, oddly..
<ef0> w0rd
< nonent >
y0 ef0
<ef0> sup nonent?
<nonent> not too too much..
<undah> yeah i feel that
<ef0> heya undah.
<undah> i love the tracker paradigm
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwat|Away alphabit bHaine Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N ef0 minthure nonent undah
< undah >
sup ef0!
<ef0> bbiab
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
Kwat|Away is away (*aargh* detached)
Kwat|Away is away,
Kwat|Away is away (*aargh* detached)
Kwat|Away is away,
out until monday
out until monday
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
<nonent> hmm.. anyone have any idea what time the st.claire loblaw's is open until on a
<minthure> I dont..
<minthure> I would imagine 9 would be pushing it though
<nonent> yeah, likely.. just put a piece of bread in the microwave and buttered it tho.. so,
that should really do me i think...
<minthure> At least until Tuesday
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by Sysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
--=[#F00] mintcug-r ( joined the
<ef0> heya ninj4!
*** Mode change "+o mintcug-r" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<mintcug-r> Hey wasabisan. How did your day go
<ef0> not too bad, just puttered about.. and you?
<mintcug-r> Good, put all the ikea crap together, put it in place, looks good.
<mintcug-r> You'll notice I did the sneaky ninja operative this morning
<ef0> excellent..
<ef0> your becoming a true sneaky-ninja
<mintcug-r> thank you mastah
ef0 bowz
Signoff: minthure (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
*** mintcug-r is now known as minthure
<ef0> ive got to bail for a bit
<minthure> Alright, catch you later
<ef0> i have to finish some stuff for work
<ef0> i will pop back in here in about an hour ro so
<minthure> Boxing?
<ef0> no.. i will box later
<minthure> right0, see you then
<ef0> real work
ef0 is building a MOP
<minthure> beemop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
*** Mode change "+o XLaptop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<XLaptop> y0s!!
<minthure> Hey mofro
<minthure> Hey the beeje, do you have any l33t dvd's?
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
Signoff: sativa2 ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
<sativa2> hello
<XLaptop> what's goin on...
<XLaptop> no, no l33t dvd's...
<ef0> w0rd
<sativa2> how's it going
<minthure> hey hey
<XLaptop> goin good, how bout you's...
< XLaptop >
whaddup ef0
<XLaptop> i got me a high bid on a saudi knife!
<minthure> Make sure you put that on your carry-on luggage at the airport
<XLaptop> nope, i'm wearing it strapped to my arm
<minthure> Better yet!
<sativa2> do you watch kevin spencer?
<minthure> I've seen it before, its entertaining
<sativa2> it is entertaining
<XLaptop> sativa... mmm, nice strain of w33d
<Xhumeka> !topic http:\\\f00_reports\f00_april2k2.html
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to {http:\
<Xhumeka> wtf???
<Xhumeka> sysop needs a reboot i think
<Xhumeka> i'll get it right yet...
<minthure> Fuck, I'm on here too much, or you kids are slacking off.
<sativa2> happy late 420, all
<XLaptop> fuck, tomorrow's monday already huh...
<XLaptop> gonna call in sick tomorrow minthure? i will if you do!!
<XLaptop> minthure: we're slacking off huge...
<minthure> Hehe, not likely this time
<XLaptop> you're just finally starting to catch up, you've been behind for way too long
<minthure> Thats true, some catch up time is in order
<XLaptop> it's your turn to pull the wagon for awhile, and you're doing a stellar job...
keep it up!
<minthure> You need to come over sometime soon and hear this stereo set up now
<XLaptop> sure, sounds good to me
<XLaptop> !op sativa2
*** Mode change "+o sativa2" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<sativa2> you get a new stereo system
<minthure> Yes Renee, just for you
<sativa2> good
<minthure> To entice you further, as if undying love wasnt enough
<sativa2> what are you going to play for me?
<minthure> It will be an eclectic collection of the Lithuanian Rap from the 1978-1981
<sativa2> perfect
<minthure> As well as some Tone Loc, Charley Pride, and Mini Pops
<minthure> The mini pops have a rendition of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" that I'm sure
you will melt over.
<minthure> However, that will be for another day. I need my rest so I can get to work
and afford the necessary luxuries to win you over.
<minthure> Good night Renee, I will see you in my dreams
<sativa2> good night
< minthure >
Night Beeje, ef0, and whoever else is lurking
<minthure> sativa2: Thats it? Good night?
<minthure> I'm not sure you're really committed to this relationship
<sativa2> don' t let the bed bugs bite
<minthure> Ahh, thats better
<sativa2> sweet dreams
<minthure> h0t sweaty dreams
<sativa2> even better
<minthure> Oh, a really good tune came on, I'm hanging in for a few
<sativa2> what song
<minthure> Its a remix of Depeche mode's Enjoy the Silence.
<minthure> I'm 80's friendly if you havent pieced that together yet
<sativa2> i' m sort of 80' s friendly
<minthure> What type of jive do you dig from there?
<sativa2> ministry
<minthure> The halloween era
<minthure> Anything else?
<sativa2> pennywise
<minthure> Not sure if I've heard them
<sativa2> i used to like all the cheesy rocker music
<sativa2> there' re a punk band
<sativa2> i' m actually seeing them play on the tenth
<minthure> They've been around since then?
<sativa2> yeah
<minthure> Thats cool
<sativa2> bad religion
<minthure> We'll have to have separate stereos when you move in
<sativa2> you would like it
<minthure> I've heard Bad religion plenty, I just dont really dig that stuff anymore.
<minthure> My musical tastes have evolved, or devolved depending on your point of
<minthure> But changed nevertheless
<minthure> Do you do kmfdm?
<sativa2> yes
<minthure> Excellent, we'll be fine then
<sativa2> i' m going to bed now night night
<minthure> night night yes
<minthure> Talk at you later
<sativa2> sleep well
<minthure> Will d0, feel free to sleep walk to my place
<sativa2> bye
Signoff: minthure (See ya in hell!)
Signoff: sativa2 ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
Signoff: XLaptop (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwat|Away alphabit bHaine Sysop
XhumWork Xhumeka aa_R081N ef0 nonent undah
<ef0> weewee
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: aaron
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 207 minute(s) (12465 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 21 16:32:58 2002
<nonent> woo?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
Signoff: DjMittens (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by Sysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Signoff: bHaine (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
<Xhumeka> hey thar
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
<Xhumeka> seen minthure
<Sysop> I don't know who minthure is.
<Xhumeka> seen sl1ck
<Sysop> sl1ck was last on IRC channel #f00 9 hours, 2 minutes ago.
<Xhumeka> alright pigs, i'm off to work
<Xhumeka> sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooey!!!!!
--=[#f00] minthure ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<minthure> kkkidz
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 12h59m58s]
<minthure> kkkwatta
<Kwatta> mmminthure
<minthure> Whats going on
<minthure> good good
<Kwatta> yup yup
<minthure> excellent
<Kwatta> marvellous
<minthure> bbiab
Signoff: minthure (Leaving)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
Signoff: DjMittens (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#F00] alphabit ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<XhumWork> seen ash420
<XhumWork> seen th3corps3
<Sysop> ash420 was last on IRC channel #f00 1 day, 22 hours, 53 minutes ago.
<Sysop> th3corps3 was last on IRC channel #f00 15 hours, 39 minutes ago.
<ef1> hey hey
<XhumWork> hey man, what's up
<XhumWork> how was your weekend??
<ef1> weekend = g00d
<ef1> you>?
<XhumWork> very good too
<XhumWork> i bought some camping stuff
<XhumWork> so i'm ready for may 24!!
<ef1> whats on may24?
<XhumWork> no idea
<XhumWork> but that's the first big camping weekend of the summer
<XhumWork> so i'm sure something will be happening...
<XhumWork> seen tranimal
<Sysop> tranimal was last on IRC channel #f00 17 hours, 57 minutes ago.
<ef1> heh
<ef1> then you must be ready for june2 then as well!
<XhumWork> why, what's june 2nd?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
<ef1> no idea..
<ef1> but it's the first weekend in june
<ef1> ;)
<XhumWork> you HAVE heard of may 24 right??
<XhumWork> may 2-4
<XhumWork> the BIG party weekend
<XhumWork> i wasn't just spewing out some random date you know
<ef1> never heard of it..
<ef1> what's camping?
<ef1> actually, what the hell in may?
<ef1> what's IRC
<ef1> what and I doing here..
<XhumWork> hahaha
<XhumWork> people camp in ghost recon
<XhumWork> and we hate them
<XhumWork> cause campers suck... f&r is the way to go
<XhumWork> !topic flank and rape
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to flank and rape
<ef1> have I ever heard of may 24
<ef1> christ man..
<ef1> when you said you bought stuff for may24 I figured you had plans
<XhumWork> i do
<XhumWork> i just don't know what they are yet
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<Ash420> sup
<XhumWork> so did you celebrate saturday 4/20 style!!!??
<Ash420> yes, and the passing of Layne Staley from Alice n Chains
<XhumWork> i know :(
<XhumWork> so sad...
<Ash420> smoked one for him too man
<XhumWork> he od'd right?
<Ash420> ya
<Ash420> they found drug shit near his body
<XhumWork> h0tb0x's computer's still at my place... we should have another gr-a-thon
before too long :)
<Ash420> sure
<Ash420> sounds good to me
<Ash420> im ready any time
<Ash420> fucking snow here
<XhumWork> you working this week?
<Ash420> i just got sunburn on saturday
<Ash420> yes i work afts
<XhumWork> i know, snow here too... talk about a shitty turn for the worse weather
<Ash420> but i can change something if need be
<XhumWork> where were ya sat. thta you got a sunburn?
<Ash420> niagara
<XhumWork> ash: ok, we'll have to talk to jay and see if he's up for another toronto
<Ash420> was 90 degrees
<XhumWork> either that, or we can come to hamilton again
<XhumWork> i'm up for either
<Ash420> sounds good, im in too
<XhumWork> brb man, gotta have a smoke
<XhumWork> haven't had one yet today
<Ash420> k
<XhumWork> you gonna be here still in 10 mins?
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Idle time limit exceeded)
<Ash420> ya
<Ash420> fuck i need coffee bad
<XhumWork> i just had one
<XhumWork> it tasted like shit
<XhumWork> it's no queen's dairy coffee, that's for sure
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> yes i agree
<Ash420> so i think we need a 420 meeting for sure this weekend or something
<Ash420> we have to find out if everyone is serious about joining the rumble ladder
<Ash420> for example...i havent seen juice online like at all, here, or GR
<Ash420> and R081n....does he even have GR?
<Ash420> Bhaine has been dedicated enough...ive seen him representing 420 on the
<XhumWork> good idea
<XhumWork> a meeting is definitely in order
<Ash420> i just want to know is all
<XhumWork> r081n still doesn't even have his good computer, so no, he can't play GR
<XhumWork> and jay, like you said, he's an AWOL mother fucker!!
<Ash420> ok but what about juice?
<Ash420> never on foo, never on xcal
<Ash420> do me a favor and send me everyones email in my email
<Ash420> ill write them a note to ask wtf
<Ash420> im sick of working on a site for this if its only us...not that i care if its just us,
but if it is , we should recruit some members
<Ash420> brb....bathroom
<Ash420> im gonna call juice right now and ask wtf is going on for the weekend
<XhumWork> ok, i'll get everyone's emails to ya...
<XhumWork> ash: i totally hear ya man... we need fresh blood obviously...
<XhumWork> these slackers can't cut it
<XhumWork> ok, kewl, find out what's up for this weekend!!
<Ash420> excerpt from the conversation
<Ash420> "i have to work sunday night, so id prefer that we have one next week so i
dont have to leave on sunday day"
<Ash420> o kills me when people work overtime
<Ash420> if you cant survive on 40 hrs a week, your at the wrong job
< XhumWork > !topic <ef0> aa_R081N: when was the last time you slept with
someone who looked feminine?
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to <ef0> aa_R081N: when was the last
time you slept with someone who looked feminin
<XhumWork> ash: ahh, man... sounds like jay alright
<Ash420> but im possibly up for something by myself
<Ash420> he doesnt have to be there, for me to have a good time
<XhumWork> alright, i'll speak to robin and see what he's up to, and i'll talk to matt too
<Ash420> ill see what i can do about getting there or something
<Ash420> sounds cool
<XhumWork> ok, we'll work something out... a meeting is in order very soon
<Ash420> ill see what i can work out
<Ash420> i hear ya
<Ash420> last week it was golf
<Ash420> now overtime
<Ash420> next time ?
<Ash420> he doesnt ever want to leave home
<Ash420> make sure you give me everyone's email...and icq # if they have one...ill fill
out the rumble application
<Ash420> brb
<XhumWork> ok, excellent!! i'll get that list right now
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
<XhumWork> there, this is what I sent to you:
<XhumWork> h0tb0x
- Matt Pamenter
<XhumWork> b@ked
- Robin van de vusse -
<XhumWork> c00ked
- Wayne Knox
<XhumWork> crUshed
- B.J. Scott
<XhumWork> ash
- Michael Dunham
<XhumWork> munchies
- Jay Lovegrove
<XhumWork> No one has MSN or ICQ (other than me and you, and my MSN thingie is
--=[#F00] DjMittens ( joined
the channel.
*** Mode change "+o DjMittens" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<nonent> 'morningkids
<XhumWork> hey nonent!
<XhumWork> what did you get up to this past weekend nonent?
<nonent> xhumwork: not a whole lot.. a birthday party for my brother and his wife on
saturday, that's about it.. saw a movie last night..
<nonent> how'd your weekend go?
<XhumWork> hey ash, check out my new purchase... should come in handy in Oz:
<XhumWork> here's more info on it:
<XhumWork> oh, and speaking of australia... nonent...
<XhumWork> could Daniella get a stasis account from you for email?
<XhumWork> this will be her first email address ever... can ya believe it!
<XhumWork> (well, she had one from u of t, but she never logged into it ever)
<XhumWork> brb - 420'in it...
<Ash420> wait
<Ash420> u there>
<XhumWork> waiting
<XhumWork> yep :)
<Ash420> ok i just talked to juice and tried to convince him
<Ash420> for something on friday night , sat
<Ash420> leave sunday at bout 10 am
<Ash420> from his house
<Ash420> so we can rumble on the ladder
<Ash420> basically like last time, get there about 10:30pm
<Ash420> brb gonna check out the site
<XhumWork> nice!!!
<XhumWork> ok, brb, gotta meet robin now
<Ash420> ok see what we can arrange maybe for friday night
<XhumWork> friday night would be kewl!!
<XhumWork> ok fewls, i must go do work now
<XhumWork> i'll be back in a bit...
<Ash420> ok call j
<Ash420> uice
<XhumWork> have a good one @work today ash if i don't talk to ya later
<Ash420> at some pointy
<Ash420> ok
<XhumWork> ok, kewl, i'll call him
<XhumWork> ttyl man
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
Signoff: Ash420 ()
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
(Mail Waiting: 1)
[ <-V-> ]
Your Resume
<ef1> man o man
<ef1> fucking busy
<ef1> seen minthure
<Sysop> I don't know who minthure is.
<ef1> seen sl1ck
<Sysop> sl1ck was last on IRC channel #f00 4 hours, 43 minutes ago.
<XhumWork> yeah? what ya busy with today..?
<ef1> unix migration
<ef1> might move to a new data centre
<XhumWork> ahhh, phun phun stuff in otherwords
<ef1> oh yes..
<ef1> you? hows your munday?
<XhumWork> ahh, kinda shitty... gotta work fairly late tonight
<XhumWork> hey, i heard that lost.mp3 you and curt worked on...
<XhumWork> good stuff!!
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
<tranimal> Hey guys, howzit going?
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<tranimal> Where the heck is everybody?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
<XhumWork> hey tran!
<XhumWork> what's the good word today?
Signoff: ef1 (Leaving)
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef1> -Sysop- lost a man
<ef1> is Sysop on crack?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
--=[#f00] minthure ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<minthure> Hey thar
<ef1> fuckin hure..
<minthure> Fuck yeah, hows your day?
<ef1> busy
<ef1> busy as hell
<ef1> and i'm sure god hates me
<ef1> you?
<ef1> mint: what's this logging in at 4pm tin?
<ef1> tin/thing
<minthure> Pretty busy too, but I know that God digs you
<minthure> I was in earlier, but you're right, thats no excuse
<minthure> I know some things....
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
<minthure> Renard!
<ef1> i know some things
<sativa2> hey man
<ef1> about truth
<ef1> about lies
<minthure> Hows it go renard?
<ef1> minthure: i thought maybe you didn't get into work until now..
<sativa2> good, was going to start doing an essyay, but got sidetracked
<minthure> ef1: Heh, slept in
<minthure> Essays are bad for you
<sativa2> no, it is veryngood for me
<sativa2> very good
<minthure> Studies show, that suspicious or hostile, their lives need not be shortened
<sativa2> what?
<minthure> At the beach, its attracting quite a crowd
<sativa2> Watch Spot run.
<minthure> as kids wade through the blood out to it to play
<sativa2> How was work?
<minthure> Its still good. Im done in about half an hour
<ef1> you make me scared
<ef1> thats what you do
<minthure> Before the airplane, pigeon cameras were used to take aerial
<minthure> > photographs. The Art Gallery of Hamilton had an installment which
<minthure> > featured several aerial photographs taken in Europe by pigeon
<minthure> > cameras. The photographs were surprisingly clear and you could see
<minthure> > part of the bird's wing in some.
<minthure> -- Andrew H. Kooiman Before the airplane, pigeon cameras were used to
take aerial
<minthure> > photographs. The Art Gallery of Hamilton had an installment which
<minthure> > featured several aerial photographs taken in Europe by pigeon
<minthure> > cameras. The photographs were surprisingly clear and you could see
<minthure> > part of the bird's wing in some.
<minthure> -- Andrew H. Kooiman
<ef1> hmm
<minthure> Sorry, only meant that to go once
<ef1> i guess your fucked if the bird bails on your
<ef1> your/you
<minthure> Pretty much
<ef1> after tall that training, the pigeon flew away..
<minthure> Over there thats my goddamn pigeon
<ef1> one night in el'paso.. a pigeon dives into the crowd
<ef1> under a throbbing bladder of light
<ef1> meticalla was just soo loud
<ef1> and the minthure's take their t-shirts off
<minthure> Bus load of nun give you the reefer
<ef1> a bus load of nun's gives you the finger
<minthure> Hey, nice
<ef1> hehe
<ef1> great minds..
<minthure> We're forever thinking about busloads of nuns :)
<ef1> and fingering them.
<minthure> and having period on your lips
<minthure> ghetto b00ty
<minthure> So alice chains guy is dead. Cursed smack
<minthure> in chains rather
<sativa2> which guy
<XhumWork> yeah, ash420 smoked one in remembrance
<XhumWork> --->
<XhumWork> [11:04] <XhumWork> so did you celebrate saturday 4/20 style!!!??
<XhumWork> [11:05] <Ash420> yes, and the passing of Layne Staley from Alice n
<XhumWork> [11:05] <XhumWork> i know :(
<XhumWork> [11:05] <XhumWork> so sad...
<XhumWork> [11:05] <Ash420> smoked one for him too man
<XhumWork> [11:05] <XhumWork> he od'd right?
<XhumWork> [11:05] <Ash420> ya
<XhumWork> [11:05] <Ash420> they found drug shit near his body
<minthure> The singer
<minthure> Beeje you lurker, whats going on?
<minthure> I heard it was from marijuana
<XhumWork> yikes, i'm getting HORRIBLE lag on stasis right now
<XhumWork> minthure: just got back from getting myself a backpack!
<XhumWork> renee: what was the username you logged in with the first time you came
in here?
<XhumWork> (I'm trying to get sysop to auto-op you, but i can't remember the username
i set you up with)
<sativa2> renee69
<sativa2> i didn' t know died
<XhumWork> ahhh, right... thanks
<sativa2> did he OD
*** Mode change "+o sativa2" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o sativa2" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<minthure> Sativa2: They think so
<XhumWork> renee: yeah, the cops aren't "sure", but they think so
<minthure> Sativa2: The body was starting to decompose, so they need to do an autopsy
<XhumWork> licking it didn't do the trick
<minthure> Now its soundgardens turn, then pearl jam
<sativa2> how long was he there for
<minthure> Nope, beyond the lick test
<minthure> sativa2: Not sure, autopsy's arent that fast
<sativa2> well if he was decomposing?
<minthure> ? If he was decomposing what?
<sativa2> thaey musn' t have found him for a little while
<minthure> They just found him last night and he was rotting. At this point they do the
autopsy and see what killed him
--=[#f00] sKary ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o sKary" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<sKary> "what's my drug of choice?
<minthure> Ques skara skara, whatever will be will be
<minthure> The futures not ours to see
<sKary> well, what have you got?
<minthure> Que Skara skara
<tranimal> Hey guys, Sorry I was out playing Freedom Force. GIve me a second here,
I've got a friend on the phone.
<minthure> the hiv skara
<sKary> so I don't go bro -oke, and I do it alot
<minthure> skary: Jesus can be your drug
<minthure> gettin' h1gh sur Jesusez
<minthure> Hey there momma say the way you bling
<sKary> seems so sick to the hypocrite norm, dragging their ball and chains,if you just
open your mind and let yourself go I'd bet you'd be ding like me, and it ain't so bad
<XhumWork> skary!!
<sKary> hello!
<tranimal> Okay guys, I'm back.
<minthure> Working tonight Skary?
<sKary> no way
<tranimal> Xhum, Mint: Aren't you guys at work? What are you doing IRCing instead of
<sKary> are you on the corner again/
<sKary> ?
<minthure> skary: Why dont you come over and clean my kitchen then like you were
supposed to
<tranimal> What, after you filled the place up with soap from your dishwasher?
<minthure> Down on the corner, out in the street. Bj and the boat boys are playing, bring
a nickel tap your feet
<minthure> Tran: shhh
<sKary> why don't YOU come over and clean my neighbours bedsores like you
<minthure> skary: I already got Pat covered
<tranimal> Ewwwww, Gross...... :(
<sKary> :)
<minthure> I sexed his gaping wounds.
<sKary> sexed, hahaha
<tranimal> Mint: Have you picked up Spider-Man for the Xbox yet?
<minthure> tran: No, I still havent found my controller cords since I moved
<sKary> not the gay costume dresser curt, the game
<minthure> tran: Or my bowls, or my wonderwoman outfit
<sativa2> the old man next door
<sKary> figured he would need clarifying
<XhumWork> hey tran!
<tranimal> Mint: You might have to contact Microsoft and ask for the replacement ends.
Being a legit owner, you can call tech support, you know.
<tranimal> Hey BJ. What's up?
<XhumWork> long time no see... hope it's going to be much longer...
<sKary> too legit too quit
<XhumWork> heyhey
<minthure> Oh yeah
<sKary> haahahah beej!
<XhumWork> so what's up sara... you working much this week?
<tranimal> Love you guys too. I was going to suggest we get together for dinner this
weekend, but now... my feelings are hurt... :(
<sKary> god, you can insult w/ the best!
<XhumWork> tran: hahahah, i'm sorry, i was just kidding of course.
XhumWork loves tran like a brother
<minthure> No dinner for you
<tranimal> It takes more than an apology to make up for it. This requires a bumfuck!
Bend over!
minthure loves tran like a cellmate
<tranimal> Seriously, anybody got weekend plans yet?
<XhumWork> hahahah
<minthure> I'm not going to be around. My mom brought it to my attention that I'm
ignoring her
<sKary> really?
<tranimal> Oh no. The mom-laid guilt trip. There is no immunity from those.
<sKary> so whAT do you have to do?
<tranimal> Probably has to go see her.
<tranimal> BJ, any chance you can get the ISO's for Spider-Man: The Movie game?
<minthure> I have to fuck her, what the fuck do you think I have to do
<XhumWork> tran: not sure what i'm up to this weekend yet... the boys from the falls
may be coming down again, so if you're around, you should bring your computer by
<tranimal> Mint: I can do it for you if you'd like me to spare you the pain.
<minthure> tran: Giver
<XhumWork> tranimal: most likely... kwatta's the man!
<tranimal> Xhum: I'll be very happy to jump in this time.
<Kwatta> ?
<XhumWork> you'll have to ask him though...
<tranimal> Mint: Not a giver, I'm a sucker-up, if you catch my drift....
<XhumWork> wow!! you just say kwatta's name and he jumps to attention!
<Kwatta> always
<XhumWork> what's up kwattaman... getting ready for .ca fun!!
<Kwatta> :)
<Kwatta> phone, brb
<ef1> home time
<ef1> fuck g0d
Signoff: ef1 (Leaving)
<sKary> listen minty, just because you @ your mom ie:valentine's day, do things
differently doesn't mean that you have to pressure your friends to have the same
relationships w/ their moms
<tranimal> Kwatta, I was wondering if you by any chance could pass us the ISO's for
Spider-Man: The Movie game.
<minthure> Skary: Conversely, it does mean that
<minthure> See you later ef1
<XhumWork> brb
<tranimal> Naturally, this would mean TWO WHOLE BEERS that I would owe you
when you come up North, as opposed to the one I already owe you for FF.
<Kwatta> i prolly can
<tranimal> Great game, by the way.
<minthure> In a jew york minute....ooooh
<tranimal> Thank you. Just pass it to Xhum's FTP and I'll pick it up from there if you
find it.
<sKary> yah, they've come to snuff the rooster, ah yaaah
<tranimal> Mint: Watch the jew jokes. As the only Asian-jew in existence, and one who
came off the boat yesterday I might add, I find your cultural insensitivity offensive.
<minthure> Listen you jewnigger
<tranimal> Must be the end of the workday, everybody's jumping in to IRC when I
couldn't get a hold of anyone a couple of hours ago!
<minthure> Alright kids. I'm off to the land of rape and honey
<sKary> you know we ain't gonna die
<minthure> 3tobic0ke
<tranimal> Mint: I can't be a nigger. I can be a VC, a banana (white on the inside, yellow
on the outside), a chink, a slanty yellow-eyed bastard (if you served in the war), but I
cannot be a nigger.
Signoff: minthure (Sooooo goodbye...fuckin jewnigger)
<sKary> coke being key
<tranimal> I think an inbreeder from rural Ontario has some nerve making fun of a
minority like me.
<sKary> hahahhahahah
<sativa2> what about a sand nigger
<tranimal> I should report him under Gowling's respect in the workplace policy. Har har.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
<XhumWork> hahahahaha
<tranimal> It would be an anonymous complaint, of course.
<tranimal> Xhum: Would you mind if I took something new off of your FTP site?
<tranimal> Have no idea what, just wanna window shop (Browse?).
<Kwatta> spiderman is being upped to Xhum
<tranimal> Whoa, that was fast. Thanks.
<tranimal> Xhum: Guess I know what I'm taking down.
Signoff: undah (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#f00] sKary [] has left the
Signoff: sativa2 ()
--=[#f00] bHaine ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o bHaine" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<bHaine> hey all
<tranimal> Hey bHaine
<ef0> y0
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent tranimal
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent tranimal
<ef0> brb
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
--=[#F00] minthure ( joined the
<minthure> bax
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Signoff: tranimal ()
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
Signoff: sativa2 ()
<Kwatta> i just pasted that too
<Kwatta> same picture
<nonent> really?.. that's super.
<nonent> teach me to bother scrolling back..
<nonent> it's funny because it looks like a penis
<Kwatta> no shit sherlock
<nonent> i dun get it?
<XhumWork> did someone roll out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?
<nonent> yo xhum, still at work?
<XhumWork> me, i always roll BEFORE i get out of bed
<XhumWork> that way, you're happy no matter which side you choose ;)
<XhumWork> nonent: yeah, gonna be here late tonight
<XhumWork> quite the difference from my usual 2pm exits ;)
<nonent> that's kindof a bad deal.. what's up tonight?
<XhumWork> doing a time test for amalgamating 3 huge SQL databases into one
<XhumWork> basically babysitting a process... tough tough work i tell ya ;)
<XhumWork> i thought babysitting kids was easy money, boy, was I wrong!
< nonent >
ef0.. ;)
mm.. you need to get one of those remote-connection things going like
<XhumWork> you don't have to worry about computers puking on your clothes, or
making you watch tele-tubbies
<XhumWork> oh i do, believe me :)
<XhumWork> but since management is here too, i kinda have to be here physically too
<XhumWork> i have web-citrix access, and i have the vnc viewer app on my metaframe
<nonent> still a raw deal, you should quit.
<XhumWork> i have vnc service running on all 3 of my workstations here at work, so I
can basicaly do everything except pour a coffee from my ghost-recon throne at home ;)
<nonent> heh
<XhumWork> "quick, ash420, run behind that bush over there"
<XhumWork> "ok, now there's an enemy to your right... FURTHER RIGHT.... wait,
hold on a sec, i just got an email... i have to add a user to carpe diem"
<bHaine> CArpe diem?
<XhumWork> sieze the day my friend ;)
<bHaine> isn't that sease the day
<XhumWork> it's time docketing software
<bHaine> yah that it
<bHaine> bad sp :(
<bHaine> oh
<XhumWork> used by law firms... clever huh?
<bHaine> I'll pretend to know what that means :)
<XhumWork> so we're fucking DESTROYING the line count record huh!!
<bHaine> oh yeh!
<XhumWork> let me do a fresh mirc stats and we'll see if we're past the 15,000 point yet
<bHaine> we have to blow the shit outta the old record
<bHaine> ok
<bHaine> hey nonent
<bHaine> how'd your day go
<bHaine> I see Xum is stuck at work foe while :)
<bHaine> sucker!
<XhumWork> yeah, i am a sucker indeed
<XhumWork> although i'm going to make sure i make lots of visits to my good friend,
mr. alley
<bHaine> lol whats a boy to do eh?
<bHaine> hahahaha
<bHaine> we should start calling y0 Back Ally Jimmy
<XhumWork> wohoo!!!
<XhumWork> 15267
<XhumWork> lines!!
<bHaine> holy shit
<XhumWork> hahahah, i like that!
<bHaine> well there you have kids
XhumWork can be referred to as "Back Ally Jimmy" anytime!
<bHaine> shitty, I forgot the e
<XhumWork> nice number... 2020
<XhumWork> forgot the e?
<bHaine> ally=alley
<XhumWork> ooooh, i thought you meant the drug!!
<bHaine> gotta bail for a sec br0
<bHaine> brb
<bHaine> don't work to hard
<XhumWork> ok, no probs
<XhumWork> Nonent!! you're the #1 posting night crawler...
<XhumWork> good work you night owl
<XhumWork> oh, and tran.... tran get's the "prestigious award"
<XhumWork> tranimal wrote longest lines - average of 67 letters per line.
<nonent> nice.
<XhumWork> the average length of sentences in a publication SOMEWHAT reflects the
intellect level of that publication
<XhumWork> i remember reading once, that the average letters per line for the financial
post, was like 50 or 60
<XhumWork> the toronto sun, like 35 or 40
<XhumWork> errr toronto star rather
<XhumWork> and the toronto sun was sitting sub 30
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
<minthure> Hey kida
<minthure> ho ho
<minthure> Mutha fukkaz have some catching up to do
<ef0> f8k
Kwatta is away,
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
<ef0> the wingham advance times is 10
<minthure> out of 10?
<ef0> <XhumWork> the average length of sentences in a publication SOMEWHAT
the intellect level of that publication
<ef0> <XhumWork> i remember reading once, that the average letters per line for the
financial post, was like 50 or 60
<minthure> hehe, 10 maybe
<minthure> See cow.
<minthure> See cow run away.
<minthure> goodbye cow
<minthure> 2.25
<ef0> weather cold
<ef0> ironman suck
<minthure> haha
<minthure> grummets dirty fun
<ef0> hahhah
<ef0> oh geez
<ef0> when i tell ppl about wingham, i always tell them about the grummet mother
<ef0> i seriously do..
<minthure> cunt l1ps
<minthure> THey must beg you to take them there after
<ef0> kunt lips is right..
<ef0> i never ate at the cafeteria in high school, her and army-of-tard' just..
ef0 vomit's on the stove and then lights the stove.
<minthure> Heh, at the best of times
*** CTCP PING reply from minthure: 1 second
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (17 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 17:59:51 2002
<ef0> perhaps you'd better start fromt he begining
<ef0> perhaps you'd better start from the begining
<aa_R081N> Ahhh, finally home
*** aa_R081N has been kicked off channel #f00 by ef0 ( <- VeNoM -> )
--=[#f00] aa_R081N ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> w0rd
<aa_R081N> What's the kick for?
<ef0> don't worry
<ef0> it was friendly fire
<ef0> my finger was itchin to pullt he trigger
<aa_R081N> hehe
*** You have been kicked off channel #f00 by ef0 ( <- VeNoM -> )
--=[#f00] ef0 ( joined the channel.
*** Topic for #f00 set by
on Apr 22 18:03:00
*** Users on #f00: ef0 @aa_R081N @minthure @bHaine @DjMittens @alphabit
@nonent @CoSysop @Kwatta @XhumWork @Sysop @Xhumeka
*** #f00 1004496602
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by bHaine
- Sysop - medic!
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<minthure> suicide
<ef0> fuck you ef0
<ef0> you kkkunt
<ef0> i wonder if i can kick-ban myself
*** Unknown command: KB
[ <-V-> ]
By: ef0
*** Mode change "-o+b ef0 *!*van@216.129.11.*" on channel #f00 by ef0
*** #f00 You're not channel operator
*** #f00 You're not channel operator
*** #f00 You're not channel operator
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<ef0> fizzle
*** You have been kicked off channel #f00 by aa_R081N (aa_R081N)
*** #f00 Cannot join channel (+b) (Banned from channel)
*** No current channel for this window
*** You are not on any channels
*** #f00 Cannot join channel (+b) (Banned from channel)
*** Ambiguous command: MS
-> * = [ minthure ] = * unban me
You know how?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * /unban ef0
-> * = [ minthure ] = * for my client, your using mirc right..hmm.
*** #f00 Cannot join channel (+b) (Banned from channel)
-> * = [ aa_r081n ] = * unban me
*** No current channel for this window
*** You are not on any channels
xircon, doesnt work
-> * = [ minthure ] = * viron?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * err, xircon?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * wassat?
*** #f00 Cannot join channel (+b) (Banned from channel)
-> * = [ minthure ] = * ohoh
-> * = [ minthure ] = * xircon irc client
Its the name of the irc client,
-> * = [ minthure ] = * right./.
I cant see any unban option though
I can't, I got de-opped...
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you and your l33t windows irc software
-> * = [ minthure ] = * op aar081n
Yeah, its pretty sweet
I didn't ban you... I just kicked you..
aarons on it
-> * = [ aa_R081N ] = * i know, but i banned myslegf
*** #f00 Cannot join channel (+b) (Banned from channel)
--=[#@f00] ef0 ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #@f00: '+nt'
*** Users on #@f00: @ef0
*** #@f00 1019518330
*** Mode change "+nt" on channel #@f00 by ef0
--=[#@f00] ef0 [] has left the channel.
--=[#f00] ef0 ( joined the channel.
*** Topic for #f00 set by
on Apr 22 18:03:00
*** Users on #f00: ef0 aa_R081N @minthure @bHaine @DjMittens @alphabit
@nonent @CoSysop @Kwatta @XhumWork @Sysop @Xhumeka
*** #f00 1004496602
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef0> hahahahaha
- Sysop - we've got a casualty
<nonent> yeah.. there we go...
<ef0> suicide
<minthure> Good stuff
<ef0> that was cool
<ef0> it sorta worked
<nonent> !!
<ef0> i kicked ban mylsef but it only unopped me
<ef0> then r081n kicked me and it went ahead and banned me
< aa_R081N >
ef0 was panicking there for a little bit...
<ef0> no panic
<ef0> it's only irc
<nonent> !!!
<ef0> keep telling yourself that
<nonent> only irc?!
<nonent> right..
<nonent> did you see the topic?
<ef0> nonent: is it proper for the bot to do that?
<aa_R081N> Now that all the fun is over, can someone op me please?
<nonent> it's funny because it looks like a dick
*** Channel
Users Topic
<nonent> mmmm... no.
*** Mode change "+o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by bHaine
<nonent> doh!!
<nonent> :)
<bHaine> hahaha
<aa_R081N> thanx bHaine!
<bHaine> hey all! :)
<nonent> y0 bhaine..
<bHaine> looked like I missed the war :(
<ef0> no war
<ef0> man
<bHaine> now I feel left out
<ef0> jeesh
<ef0> i was a test
<ef0> i/it
<bHaine> hahahaa
<bHaine> hiv test?
<aa_R081N> Will it make you feel better if we kick you too, bHaine?
<ef0> irc suicide
<bHaine> that was the lead in! :)
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop DjMittens Kwatta Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N alphabit bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<bHaine> but no one took me up on it
<ef0> a hiv test?
<ef0> ;)
<bHaine> haha
<minthure> Guten tag bhaine
<bHaine> ladz..we all need a big piss-up together again!
<bHaine> hey MInty!
<minthure> My place, in 20 minutes
<minthure> Go go go
<bHaine> I WISH!
<ef0> 25??
<minthure> Sure
<minthure> But no more
<aa_R081N> I don't have a ride :(
<ef0> but you've got a thumb..
<minthure> Better yet!
<ef0> ahaha
<aa_R081N> My car is getting fixed over the next couple of dayz
<ef0> ahhaha
<aa_R081N> Well, there always IS TTC
-> * = [ minthure ] = * <minthure> Better yet!
<ef0> <ef0> ahaha
<ef0> <aa_R081N> My car is getting fixed over the next couple of dayz
<ef0> <ef0> ahhaha
<ef0> <aa_R081N> Well, there always IS TTC
<ef0> [0-0:GScNxALFMPhRt] 07:39PM @ef0 (+is) <A> #f00 (+st)
[No Lag]
<aa_R081N> But it's hell going in that direction.
<minthure> Its not that tricky to get here that way
<minthure> What are you talking about?
<aa_R081N> who?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * oops
<minthure> Going west is so much slower than east...I think its the wind patterns
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hehe, i ment to say..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * <minthure> Better yet! <-- I'm still pissing myself over
aa_R081N curses the damn wind patterns
ef0 lights a sm0ke
-> * = [ minthure ] = * <minthure> Better yet! <-- I'm STILL pissing myself over
<aa_R081N> Well... I'm off to watchin tv..
<bHaine> bottle time
<bHaine> bbiab all :)
<minthure> word
<ef0> id better go buy w33d..
< bHaine >
hey ef0
<bHaine> ask about E
<ef0> ??
<minthure> Good luck
<bHaine> will ya?
<minthure> buy some bl0w for bhaine
<ef0> i can get you some decent crack instead
<ef0> way better then teenie-e's
<minthure> Go big or go home man. Take the fucking crack.
<bHaine> hahaha Ilike E
<ef0> you may even be able to come along for the 'pick-up'
<minthure> Dont close the door on what could be an amazing new hobby
<ef0> and, get some crack hoe hottie to suck your dick
<minthure> Bhaine the crackhead
<minthure> Yeah! All crackho's are hotties
<bHaine> hahhaha
<ef0> the ones at this guy's place where..
< bHaine >
thks ef0! :)
<ef0> they where hot
<minthure> bl1ing bl1ing crackbaby
<ef0> but alive with the hiv
<bHaine> lol
<minthure> A small price to pay to fuck a hottie
<ef0> fuck a hottie all cracked out
<minthure> Thats livin the good life
<ef0> nodz
<bHaine> thats pocket change
<minthure> f00d time, back in a second or thirteen
<ef0> no more
<minthure> and back
[minthure:(] Video games take on a new level when
you're hooked up to dolby surround. Your playstation2 does it, you will like it.
<bHaine> enjoy minty
-> * = [ minthure ] = * dont tease
you WILL like it
<ef0> fuck, there are cards everywhere
<bHaine> cards?
<ef0> and when i pick them up, i fliong them again
<ef0> fling
<ef0> shoot
<ef0> yes.. cards
<ef0> playing cards
<ef0> as weapons
<bHaine> fun fun :P
<ef0> you will see
<ef0> you WILL see
<bHaine> i can't wait
<ef0> bbiab
<bHaine> ok see ya
<bHaine> BONG me up
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
[ <-V-> ]
By: XhumWork On: #f00
*** Mode change "-ooo ef0 Kwatta nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** #f00 You're not channel operator
*** Mode change "-ooo aa_R081N bHaine minthure" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "-oo alphabit DjMittens" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<XhumWork> is THAT what you said you wanted to do bhaine? ;)
<ef0> no
<XhumWork> try opping yourself... i wanna see if the bot will op you (by typing !op
<ef0> kick ban yourself
< XhumWork >
or ef0, you try it
<ef0> !op ef0
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<XhumWork> you have to use the bot to kickban
<XhumWork> you used venom before
< XhumWork >
[19:27] <ef0> i wonder if i can kick-ban myself
< XhumWork >
[19:28] *** ef0 sets mode: -o+b ef0 *!*van@216.129.11.*
< XhumWork >
[19:28] <ef0> fizzle
<ef0> yah
<XhumWork> err, not venom, you just changed the mode
<XhumWork> after like 5 minutes, the bots might have done a check
<XhumWork> and once they saw you were marked as being banned, they might have
kicked you
<minthure> h3y beeje
< XhumWork >
but if you typed !kickban ef0
<ef0> no r081n had to kick me
<XhumWork> THEN the bots would automatically kick and ban you
<ef0> then i was banned
<XhumWork> yeah, i could set the bots to be a bit more defensive like that likely
<XhumWork> y0 sl1ck!!
<XhumWork> !kickban djmittens
<XhumWork> !bankick djmittens
<minthure> You still at work champ?
<XhumWork> !ban djmittens
<XhumWork> hmmmm
<XhumWork> looks like I lied ;)
<XhumWork> yeah, still at work
<ef0> heh
XhumWork does his rocky impression
<minthure> dear oh dear
<ef0> that sucks
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+oooo ef0 Kwatta nonent bHaine" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<minthure> shadow spar!
*** Mode change "+k nonent" on channel #f00 by nonent
*** Mode change "+oooo aa_R081N alphabit DjMittens minthure" on channel #f00 by
<nonent> bleah
<XhumWork> but the surefire way to ban a person
<XhumWork> is to connect to the bot, then type .kickban userid
<XhumWork> then type .bans
<XhumWork> and then type .stick 1
<ef0> bah
<XhumWork> (if 1 was the ban number you wanted)
<XhumWork> then the bots will continue to enforce that ban until you tell them
<ef0> /bk
<XhumWork> !pubcmd
<XhumWork> !pubcommands
<XhumWork> !kickban djmittens *
<minthure> !columbian pickles
<XhumWork> heheheh
<minthure> whats up @ work anyway?
<XhumWork> library amalgamation time test
*** Mode change "-o+b nonent *!*aron@216.129.11.*" on channel #f00 by nonent
<minthure> fuckin c00L
<nonent> that sucks
<nonent> i'm not even playing this game anymore..
<minthure> Whats wrong nonent?
*** Mode change "-b *!*aron@216.129.11.*" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<nonent> i just can't seem to kickban myself properly.. i thought i should be able to.. but
it always removes my ops before i try and kick myself.. so it doesn't let me..
<nonent> such a shame...
<minthure> Weak...
<XhumWork> heheheh
<XhumWork> !trivia 9999999999999
<XhumWork> !bible gen1:1-rev1:1
<XhumWork> shit
<XhumWork> hi
<XhumWork> hello
<XhumWork> bye
<XhumWork> brb
<XhumWork> brb
<XhumWork> 8ball what time is it?
<Sysop> XhumWork, It's 20:46 EST on 22 Apr 2002.
<XhumWork> sysop, what's up?
<XhumWork> sysop sucks
<XhumWork> !country af
<Sysop> Country name for .AF is AFGHANISTAN
<XhumWork> !country ca
<Sysop> Country name for .CA is CANADA
<ef0> !country bz
<Sysop> Country name for .BZ is BELIZE
<ef0> !country fo
<Sysop> Country name for .FO is FAROE ISLANDS
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
: Rusty Stevens
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Who Cares)
*** Idle Time : 5 minute(s) (309 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 19 10:21:24 2002
<minthure> !country de
<Sysop> Country name for .DE is GERMANY
<minthure> !country fu
<Sysop> No country name found for .FU
<minthure> !country rices store
<minthure> pfft
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
<aa_R081N> shit
<aa_R081N> well.... gotta go
<aa_R081N> brb
<minthure> l8r
<XhumWork> hi there
<XhumWork> what's up minthure
<minthure> Playing some Maxxx payne
<minthure> This surround sound is such a spin on games. I had no idea
<XhumWork> oh yeah, you need surround sound to get the full effect of games
<minthure> Halo is especially good. Footsteps, picking up items, reloading, fuck its cool
<XhumWork> now you're starting to see why we like ghost recon so much :)
<minthure> I'll have to borrow a little hub from work and try to play halo on line
<XhumWork> nothing rattles your nerves more than when you're camping it out in the
wilderness, and you hear footsteps/branches russling behind you
<aa_R081N> back!
<minthure> Does my life disappear right then? Or shortly after?
<minthure> Hey r0bin
<aa_R081N> I think you need to play some gr curt
<aa_R081N> !!
<XhumWork> hey robin
<minthure> No...holding back...
<aa_R081N> We're wearing you down...
<aa_R081N> You're almost converted to our gr cult
<aa_R081N> hi xhumeka
<aa_R081N> err xhumwork
<XhumWork> brb more work stuff to do
<XhumWork> brb more work stuff to do
<XhumWork> brb more work stuff to do
<XhumWork> brb more work stuff to do
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off XhumWork
<aa_R081N> see ya later xhum
<minthure> hahah
<XhumWork> hi
<XhumWork> shit
<XhumWork> hello
<aa_R081N> hehe
<XhumWork> brb
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off XhumWork
<XhumWork> shit
<XhumWork> fuck
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<XhumWork> hey
<XhumWork> brb
<XhumWork> brb
<minthure> test test test fuck
<XhumWork> hi
<XhumWork> hi
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off XhumWork
<XhumWork> hi
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off XhumWork
<minthure> test hi
<minthure> hi
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off minthure
<aa_R081N> shit hi brb
<minthure> That was cold
<XhumWork> i'm gonna make this bot sooo annoying you're all gonna puke!! ;)
*** nonent has been kicked off channel #f00 by aa_R081N (aa_R081N)
*** Mode change "-o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
*** Mode change "-o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<minthure> /ignore sysop
<aa_R081N> man, you gotta fix that auto deop thing..
<minthure> Its a good thing
<minthure> It prevents a shootout at the OK Corral
*** Mode change "+o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o aa_R081N" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<aa_R081N> You gonna have a house warming party soon curt?
<aa_R081N> byoe
<aa_R081N> bring your own everything
<minthure> Likely soon. I was going to this weekend, but Wayne and Sara are at a
wedding, and they're pretty vital to this taking place
<aa_R081N> That makes sense...
<minthure> Should be good though. I've got the living room looking bling bling
<aa_R081N> They should be present for when we kick our feet thru some drywall!
<minthure> Yes. Well, at least Sara. Wayne would likely help
<aa_R081N> hehe
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to {[21:29]} <XhumWork> SO FUCK
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to <XhumWork> SO FUCK YOU
<aa_R081N> Well, back to watching tv (although, there isn't much good on)
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
Signoff: DjMittens (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
<bHaine> hi there
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off bHaine
<bHaine> hahahaaha
<bHaine> what the fuck?
<bHaine> wel how's everyones Monday nite's going?
<bHaine> ..shitty need a beer
bHaine goes for a reeb
<bHaine> {that was in purpose>
<bHaine> brb
<bHaine> shit
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<bHaine> I forgot to say..
<bHaine> hahahha
<bHaine> wtf?
<bHaine> nevermind...just figured it out..puter probs..
<bHaine> but my great tutors have taught me well and I was able to be self suficiant
<bHaine> shit
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<bHaine> c00l!
<bHaine> righty-0...reeb time
<bHaine> brb
<minthure> reeb?
<bHaine> teenage nic-name
<bHaine> beer backwards
<bHaine> reeb=beer
<minthure> gotcha!
<bHaine> no got you! :0
<bHaine> :)
<minthure> All the promises we make
<minthure> From the cradle, to the grave
<minthure> When I all
<minthure> I want
<bHaine> that keys was puked on and c00ked in the over..
<minthure> Is bhaine
<bHaine> or somthing
<bHaine> hahahahaha
<bHaine> thank-you Up00
*** ef0 is now known as tarrin
<tarrin> hey guys
<bHaine> thet's things?
<minthure> Interior decorator extrodinaire!
<tarrin> good hows the new diggs
<bHaine> that waas supposed to be hey woman
< minthure >
Tarrin, these lamps look severly bling bling
<tarrin> get bulbs?
<minthure> So does the rest of the lot.
<minthure> Yes I did, it makes them that much nicer
<bHaine> I told him O as going to let the kids play with them :)
<tarrin> we will all need to come and see
<minthure> Yes you will
<minthure> Yes Kids and paper lamps = good times
<tarrin> get a window yet
<bHaine> ..kidz with water-guns filled with cat pee
<minthure> No, but the curtain is covering that nasty insulation and whatnot
<tarrin> there should be no kinds at curts for obvious reasons
<minthure> bhaine: grand idea. Multiple kids at that
< minthure >
Tarrin: now now
<tarrin> sorry kids not kinds
< minthure >
Tarrin I'm not angry anymore
<bHaine> hahhaaha
<tarrin> good
<bHaine> shit
*** GOTO: Illegal value
<bHaine> Xhum..please post the new stats for f00
*** GOTO: Illegal value
<bHaine> want to l00k at them
<minthure> Circle Square Circle Square Station F
<tarrin> minthure:you suck and i hate you
<bHaine> he still at work..does any one know
<minthure> Etobicoke, Ontario
< minthure >
Tarrin: I know
<bHaine> you tell him girl! :P\
<minthure> It pleases me
<bHaine> excuse me?
<tarrin> circle square ranch
<minthure> Know the song? I own the fucking place
<tarrin> curts place
<minthure> The home for troubled youths
<tarrin> have you not told bHaine yet
<bHaine> anyhow..that show with curts on..and I'd hate to miss it :(
<bHaine> you know the one..
<minthure> You think you're troubled now? Holy shit child, you have no idea
<bHaine> QU##R ASS FOLK!
<minthure> Oh yeah, that is my show.
<tarrin> i told my mom shes happy to give her to you
<bHaine> hahha
<bHaine> going for a smoke
< minthure >
Tarrin: Have you "told" ainsley yet?
<bHaine> brb
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off bHaine
<tarrin> just my mon
<tarrin> mom
<minthure> Thats ok, Tell her the bed is put together now
<tarrin> ainsly was supposed to call be yesterday - little busy i guess
<minthure> Its got blankets, and a night lamp
<minthure> little busy
<tarrin> i'm gunna call her soon
<tarrin> mom said its finally over with adam
<minthure> Im sure :)
<tarrin> so she may finally come
<tarrin> have you changed your living room yet?
<minthure> Yep, I switched couches like you said
<minthure> I put the two lamps on either side of the one couch and set up the
entertainment unit with the speaker stands
<tarrin> no i mean made it into your beadroom
<minthure> Ohhh, no not that yet.
<tarrin> sounds good
*** bHaine has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Minty is JUST"AH"PLAY-AH
<minthure> Those lamps are reallly sweet though
<minthure> big ups y'all bhaine
<tarrin> maybe i sould get some
<minthure> Come check them out, but its a really soft light throughout, it looks like a
column of light.
<minthure> Did that sound too gay?
<tarrin> doesn;t matter you are gay
<minthure> Yeah, but I dont like to sound the part
<tarrin> but yes it did
<minthure> You can go to hell now
<tarrin> little busy
minthure points towards hell.
<bHaine> !trivia
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
<minthure> Check your schedule, Im sure you could find the time
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
<minthure> pf fuck off
<bHaine> b0t keep tellingme too
<tarrin> bhaine: whats new at the knox's
<bHaine> thought I should...just in case I incure thier wrath
The question is:
< bHaine >
What is a dried plum called?
not much..just trying todo the whole "raise children" thing tarrin
<bHaine> and get the odd moment in there for ourselves
<minthure> Wayne thinks the word children means demon spawn
<tarrin> maybe they can vist circle square curt when they are biggeer
<bHaine> samr thing right
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
A prune
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw
Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate?
<bHaine> shit
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off
<minthure> Come on down kids, to Circle Square!
<bHaine> I missed that one and I tottaly knes=w the answer
<bHaine> hahhahhaa
<bHaine> circle square
<bHaine> how do ya answer?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Dustin Hoffman
<minthure> type pf blah blah
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<minthure> aka pf this is gay
The question is:
Osteomyelitis affects the _________.
<bHaine> hey minty...whats the deal with the bot?
<minthure> pf validity of Waynes sexual identity
<bHaine> is that something you and ef0 are up to?
<minthure> No, thats Bjs doing
<bHaine> what makes ya think that?
<minthure> I saw it go down
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<bHaine> I thought that was nonents bot?
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What country does the island of Mykonos belong to?
<minthure> Originally I think it was, I think BJ has hijacked it
<XhumWork> pf quit
XhumWork cancelled the current game!
<XhumWork> hahahah
<minthure> You're a putz :)
<bHaine> hahah
<bHaine> BJ's like a palistinian!
<XhumWork> hey, if nonent didn't go around modifying my scripts, i wouldn't have to
pull this shit :)
< minthure >
Tarrin, explanation
<minthure> ANything important
<minthure> Any of us do
<XhumWork> so how's everyone's collective nights going?
<bHaine> I gotta hand it to ya Xhum..that was really fucking funny! :0
<bHaine> I'm wetting myself over here!
-> * = [ minthure ] = * what are you talkin about
Tragically hip song
-> * = [ minthure ] = * your fucking me up i didn't get it the first time
[minthure:(] I'm getting down tunes for everyone so I can
sing at them and embarrass the schite out of them
-> * = [ minthure ] = * can't embarrass me
You'll be the biggest challenge yes.
<bHaine> although..I gotta say..trivia is bit of a pain in the gl00ts
<XhumWork> hahahaha
<bHaine> going for that smoke I've been talking about for the last 15 mins
<XhumWork> yeah... trivia's a big pain
<XhumWork> i hope to exploit it often ;)
<bHaine> hahaha
<XhumWork> hahah, alright, i'll be here
<XhumWork> go have your smoke :)
<bHaine> ok br0
*** #foo You're not on that channel
*** Topic for #f00: Minty is JUST"AH"PLAY-AH
*** Topic for #f00 set by
on Apr 22 22:19:48
Tell Evan that I dont need his civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
-> * = [ minthure ] = * from evan:i know this chick she lives down on melrose
-> * = [ minthure ] = * shes more satistied than you think
Say, did I leave my pigeon camera over
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you shouldn't have lost it after all the training
I think its over there....thats my room
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you can have my sister
Its something we can no longer contain
-> * = [ minthure ] = * enough
Work tomorrow at that silly hour again?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * 1-9 all week
-> * = [ minthure ] = * dont mind i get to sleep in
Thats alright
-> * = [ minthure ] = * when is your party going to be
-> * = [ minthure ] = * now that you have the pad all set up
[minthure:(] I was hoping this weekend, but Wayne and
Sara are going to be at a wedding all weekend, and they're pretty vital
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yes yes they are
[minthure:(] So, I'm not sure what will end up going on.
If you cats have any thoughts, let me know.
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i dont know yet
?? Its monday night already...jesus
The weekend is practically here
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i think i would enjoy going to dave a busters sometime for
a couple of beers and games
<minthure> How long are you going to be there the beeje?
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off
Yeah! How far away is that action?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * 10 mins from here
-> * = [ minthure ] = * up woodbridge
coolio. I'll volunteer to do the driving.
-> * = [ minthure ] = * kewl
to do the fire starting
You have to do the fighting, and Evan has
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sounds like fun
No doubt about it really
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i work friday till 9 we could go after or on sat night
-> * = [ minthure ] = * maybe bj could let go of gr for a night i would invite him
Maybe if we snag him early enough in the
aa_R081N is going through weed widthdrawl :(
-> * = [ minthure ] = * we'll have to wait evs not sure if the upgrades are this
weekend or next yet
-> * = [ minthure ] = * how can you go through weed withdrawl
Not sure, I guess its possible
Who knows with that cat
<minthure> Are you shaking and sweating?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * like the shakes and swaets probably - loser
<aa_R081N> Maybe some smokes will take the edge off..
<minthure> Seeing babies crawl across the ceiling
<minthure> That sounds sad
Maybe some smokes....unghhh
<aa_R081N> It's not really a physical withdrawl...
-> * = [ minthure ] = * what a quad
<minthure> Try masturbating outdoors
<aa_R081N> It's more of a "wouldn't it be nice to have a bong right now"
anti bling bling
-> * = [ minthure ] = * the O face might help him through it
<aa_R081N> why outdoors?
hahaha, it would kill everyone else though
<minthure> It just works better
<aa_R081N> please explain...
-> * = [ minthure ] = * only the animals could stand it
<minthure> Outdoor 0faCe
<minthure> I cant, just do it, you can thank me later
I dont know....poor animals
<aa_R081N> I'm pretty sure my outdoor 0face and my indoor 0face are pretty much the
same (They're both ridiculous)
-> * = [ minthure ] = * start talkin about his mother maybe hell leave
HEheh, he'll cry
-> * = [ minthure ] = * not my issue is it
<minthure> Yeah, but you get the fresh air, plus you get to make your neighbours spaz
out if you do it right
<XhumWork> hahahah
<XhumWork> you guys are too much
It never is
<aa_R081N> hehehe
<XhumWork> minthure: i'll be here till midnight at least
<minthure> Shit man. Was that always the plan
aa_R081N sees babies crawl accross the ceiling..
<minthure> Alright! Duran Duran
<minthure> Hungry like the wolf
<aa_R081N> type minthuremp3 to get it!
<minthure> fuck yeah!
<minthure> doo doo doo doo
<aa_R081N> What about the reflex?
<minthure> The gag reflex?
<aa_R081N> hehehe
--=[#f00] nonent ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<nonent> nevermind..
<aa_R081N> Hey nonent!
*** Mode change "-k nonent" on channel #f00 by nonent
<nonent> that's better..
<nonent> i accidentally set a key, because i thought k was for kick..
<nonent> i'm .. so dumb.
<minthure> /<
--=[#F00] alphabit ( joined the
bling bling
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<aa_R081N> shit man! How're you doing!
<nonent> /< is for many things..
<aa_R081N> It's been such a long time since we last talked..
<minthure> Remember the triple K restaurant?
<aa_R081N> shit
<nonent> mm.. me?.. pretty well..
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off
<nonent> shit
<nonent> that1
<nonent> 1
<Sysop> 2
<minthure> /< That needs to go soon
<nonent> oh, motherfucker
<nonent> i got rid of it, beej put it back.. what a .. oh.. god.. !
<nonent> 3
<aa_R081N> hehehe
<Sysop> 4
<Sysop> 5
<Sysop> 6
<Sysop> 7
<nonent> hohoho.. he's so dead..
<Sysop> 8
<XhumWork> brb
<Sysop> 9
<XhumWork> brb
<XhumWork> brb
<XhumWork> brb
<Sysop> 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<minthure> Its time to steal some license plates
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off XhumWork
<nonent> thinks it's his bot or something...
<XhumWork> shit
<XhumWork> shit
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off
<XhumWork> shit
<XhumWork> shit
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off
<XhumWork> you're a tricky bastard nonent
<XhumWork> i didn't even notice the bot not responding to those words
<minthure> It was so sweet
<XhumWork> but i DID notice a root root ownership on my entertain.tcl file :)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
<minthure> brb
<Sysop> nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play !trivia
and search the bible often just to piss them off minthure
<XhumWork> almost as sweet as when minthure didn't have internet access at home ;)
<minthure> I'm going to go spray a frothy jet of excrement on the hood of bjs car
<XhumWork> talk about channel flood!
<minthure> hehe
<nonent> minthure.. that'd be.. super..
<XhumWork> nice!!! i love frothy jet's of any sort
<nonent> i'd be in on that..
<nonent> in the radiator..
<nonent> mmm..
<XhumWork> actually, in the power steering line if possible
<aa_R081N> golden shower on BJs car!
<nonent> why does my a/c smell like poo?.. oh no! the secret spies!!
<XhumWork> i have a leak, so the more lub the better
Signoff: alphabit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
<XhumWork> lub=lube
<aa_R081N> lub=luv
<XhumWork> now if only nonent would hack the bots in a USEFULL mannar... like
kickbanning !mp3 posters...
<XhumWork> type !kwattamp3 to get kickbanned for life!
<XhumWork> !topic type !kwattamp3 to get kickbanned for life!
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to type !kwattamp3 to get kickbanned
for life!
<aa_R081N> !kwattamp3
<minthure> Hahah
<aa_R081N> Key to the highway (Voodoo Lounge Outtake).mp3
<aa_R081N> Sorry, make that:Rolling Stones - Key to the highway (Voodoo Lounge
--=[#f00] thisisshi ( joined the channel.
Signoff: thisisshi ()
--=[#f00] ogaboga ( joined the channel.
<XhumWork> hey there!
<XhumWork> it's our long lost brother ogaboga
<ogaboga> xhum
*** Mode change "+o ogaboga" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<ogaboga> its me
<ogaboga> ash
<XhumWork> oooh, heheheh, hey there man
<aa_R081N> hey ogaboga, couldn't fit the t in thisisshi?
<XhumWork> i was just about to abuse you :)
<ogaboga> lol
<ogaboga> it says my name is already taken
<ogaboga> but anyway i talked to jay have you?
<XhumWork> AsH420 is * metoo
<XhumWork> what the fuck...
<XhumWork> AsH420 is * metoo
<XhumWork> AsH420 on #winnipeg
<XhumWork> AsH420 using We're Back in Black
<XhumWork> AsH420 has been idle 4mins 59secs, signed on Mon Apr 22 21:49:52
<ogaboga> does someone have my name?
<aa_R081N> msg him mike... tell him to change his nick!
--=[#f00] AsH420 ( joined the channel.
<nonent> that sounds like you?
<XhumWork> yes, someone has your name
<XhumWork> hey man!
<ogaboga> wtf
<XhumWork> just curious as to how you picked your name?
<XhumWork> we are big 420 fans ourselves
<nonent> haha
<AsH420> i dont name is Ash and i live for 420 lol
<ogaboga> efo?
<XhumWork> ok, just making sure someone isn't fucking with "ogaboga"
<XhumWork> he usually uses that name, and we thought maybe someone was just
stealing his nick to annoy him
*** Mode change "+b *!*" on channel #f00 by ogaboga
*** AsH420 has been kicked off channel #f00 by Sysop (Banned)
<ogaboga> there ya go fucker
<XhumWork> hahahahahah
<aa_R081N> hahaha
<ogaboga> suck my big fat prick
<aa_R081N> That was funny!!
<XhumWork> heheheheh too much man
<ogaboga> what a fuckin asshole
<XhumWork> i can't believe someone else chose that name
<ogaboga> gayness
Signoff: ogaboga ()
<nonent> what are the chances?
--=[#f00] dfgzsdf ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o dfgzsdf" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<tarrin> ??
<dfgzsdf> im tempted to fucking kill whoever that is
*** tarrin is now known as ef0
<dfgzsdf> how the fuck do i get my name back?
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<XhumWork> ash: well, you basically have to wait for him to log off of irc
<XhumWork> then take your nick back
<dfgzsdf> yes but who is he?
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine dfgzsdf nonent ef0 minthure
<dfgzsdf> how do i find out his ip?
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<dfgzsdf> i want to try something
ef0 slaps XhumWork with a trout
<dfgzsdf> if you can tell me his ip
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (23 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<ef0> *** Whois Information for: AsH420
<ef0> *** Address
<ef0> XhumWork: did you think that guy was me?
<nonent> ash: did you just ask him?
< XhumWork >
ef0: no...
<XhumWork> *** Resolved to
<XhumWork> fuck, how do you do a version request again?
<dfgzsdf> ask what?
[ <-V-> ] XhumWork has executed a version request on you.
<ef0> <ogaboga> efo?
<nonent> /msg him and ask him if you can have your nick back..
<dfgzsdf> im just trying to fucking log on...some dickhead took my name
<ef0> /msg him and tell him to fuck off
<dfgzsdf> how?
< XhumWork >
prankster :)
ef0: ahh, ash must have thought it was you... you ARE the
*** Mode change "-b *!*" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<nonent> or just /nick Ash42O (notice the O instead of the 0 )
<minthure> Heheh
[ <-V-> ] Nick already in use, using default.
<dfgzsdf> wtf?
*** ef0 is now known as Ash42O
<XhumWork> [23:12] [AsH420 VERSION reply]: mIRC32 v5.91 K.Mardam-Bey
<dfgzsdf> im all confused
<Ash42O> nonent: like that?
<dfgzsdf> who was that ?
<dfgzsdf> you?
<nonent> yeah.. just like that.. :o
*** Ash42O is now known as ef0
<XhumWork> no, ash420 is some other dude man
< XhumWork >
ef0 typed the letter O at the end, instead of 0
<XhumWork> [23:13] [AsH420 VERSION]
<XhumWork> he just version checked me
<dfgzsdf> tell him im going to rip his fucking teeth out
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (9 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<XhumWork> but at any rate, he's using mIRC... but a newer version that i don't know
any vulnerabilities
<ef0> time to choose a new nic
<ef0> or, a backup nic
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine dfgzsdf nonent ef0 minthure
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine dfgzsdf nonent ef0 minthure
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (54 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<dfgzsdf> gay, gay, gay
<dfgzsdf> this is fucking gay
<ef0> *** Whois Information for: AsH420
<ef0> *** Address
<ef0> *** IRCNAME
: metoo
<ef0> *** On Channels : #winnipeg
<ef0> *** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
<ef0> *** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (54 seconds)
<ef0> *** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<XhumWork> for all you know, he could have used that nick for the past 2 years, and
YOU stole it from him :)
<ef0> goto #winnipeg and haul ass
<XhumWork> yeah!!!
<XhumWork> let's all join winnipeg!!
Signoff: dfgzsdf ()
<ef0> hold up
<ef0> i need a hule,
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
: Rusty Stevens
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Who Cares)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (20 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 19 10:21:24 2002
<XhumWork> me too
<ef0> XhumWork: are you still @ werk?
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine nonent ef0 minthure
11:19pm up 10 days, 8:51, 5 users, load average: 0.07, 0.22, 0.25
aaron pts/0 hse-toronto-ppp1 Sun 4pm 3:15 8:22 8:22 irc nonent irc.
pts/1 hse-toronto-ppp1 12Apr 2 0.00s 1:50 1:05 irc ef0 irc.qea
pts/2 hse-toronto-ppp1 12Apr 2 2:41m 0.57s 0.57s -bash
tarrin pts/3 hse-toronto-ppp1 Sat 1pm 2days 5.39s 5.31s irc
aaron pts/7 hse-toronto-ppp1 8:36pm 47:39 0.68s 0.38s vi mysql_db.php
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
: Rusty Stevens
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Who Cares)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (22 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 19 10:21:24 2002
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine nonent ef0 minthure
<XhumWork> though i don't feel like taking the elevator down, checking out with
security, walking to my alley, then have to go through the reverse again
--=[#f00] namesteal ( joined the channel.
<XhumWork> yeah, still @work
<XhumWork> hahah, oh, by the way ash...
<XhumWork> just type /nick whatever
*** Mode change "+o namesteal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<XhumWork> to change your nickname without leaving irc
<ef0> Xhum: it's worth it
<XhumWork> alright, that's the plan then
<namesteal> ok
<XhumWork> ash, we all must smoke a big one
<XhumWork> then we will venture to winnipeg to haul ass
<namesteal> i type in that and it doesnt change
<XhumWork> try /nick jslfjslk
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (32 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
*** namesteal is now known as jskdjskdf
*** XhumWork is now known as whatever
*** whatever is now known as XhumWork
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (14 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: evan
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 1 minute(s) (62 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 16 18:14:45 2002
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
<XhumWork> yeah, you can't change to ash420 yet cause he still is going by that name
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** jskdjskdf is now known as Ash42O
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
<XhumWork> but YEAH, everyone smoke, we'll meet back here in 10 mins
<Ash42O> what a cocksucker
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (15 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<Ash42O> wait
<XhumWork> then we'll go to winnipeg and bring it on
<Ash42O> how do i message him?
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (28 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<ef0> dont worry
<XhumWork> just tyep /msg ash420 you're a fucking cocksmoking prick
<ef0> you've hired the a-team
<XhumWork> but yeah
<XhumWork> wait till we go to winnipeg
<XhumWork> don't start messaging him yet
<ef0> Xhum: hurry up face, and get out and smoke that joint
<XhumWork> it will be more fun to flood their channel
<XhumWork> ok, leaving now, brb
<XhumWork> hahahah "hired the a-team" nice
<ef0> go
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (5 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: mike
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (your elite batman station!)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (24 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 23:16:53 2002
<ef0> ash: you know tho, the a-team only accepts kuwati boulein or w33d
<minthure> You guys in or not?
<ef0> not yet
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : #winnipeg @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (12 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 17:59:51 2002
<ef0> we're waiting
ef0 notes that the a-team always does missions stoned
<ef0> Face is in the alley beind Gowlings getting ready
<minthure> Shit, I gotta hit the hay
<ef0> i found Rizza rolling papers
<minthure> I cant wait for Face. You'll need to do this one without Mr T
<ef0> at a local store.. i'm really happy
<ef0> rizzla rather
<minthure> Baracus
<minthure> They're really thin ones?
<ef0> nodz
<ef0> they are the papers of papers
<ef0> mint, your body doesn't need this much sleep
<minthure> Its one on one training all day tomorrow
<minthure> I cant start yawning in her face
<minthure> Jesus that winnipeg channel is gross
<ef0> no.. but you can stick your dick in it.
<ef0> ?? why ??
<minthure> I was in there for 2 minutes and 3 people messages me m/f
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: metoo
*** On Channels : #winnipeg
*** Server
: (We're Back in Black)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (19 seconds)
*** Signed on : Mon Apr 22 21:49:52 2002
<minthure> Yes, I could stick my dick in it
<ef0> oh.. this'll be fun
<Ash42O> [23:20] <AsH420> i didnt steal yer name
<Ash42O> [23:20] <Ash42O> really?
<Ash42O> [23:20] <AsH420> yes lol
<Ash42O> [23:20] <Ash42O> how long you been Ash420?
<Ash42O> [23:21] <Ash42O> and why?
<Ash42O> [23:21] <Ash42O> is ur name ash?
<Ash42O> [23:21] <Ash42O> do you even know what the 420 stands for?
<minthure> Fucking dirty irc people
<Ash42O> [23:21] <AsH420> its usually Ashley420 but i change it every now and then
<Ash42O> [23:21] <Ash42O> ok wait....
<Ash42O> [23:21] <Ash42O> now were getting somewhere
<Ash42O> [23:21] <AsH420> lol ok
<Ash42O> [23:22] <Ash42O> i just wondered how you were in the toronto foo channel
<Ash42O> [23:22] <Ash42O> with the same name as ive had
<Ash42O> [23:22] <AsH420> oooh some dude told me to j
<Ash42O> 23:22] <AsH420> XhumWork
<Ash42O> [23:22] <Ash42O> lol
<Ash42O> [23:23] <AsH420> what?
<Ash42O> [23:23] <Ash42O> come on who is this?
<Ash42O> [23:23] <Ash42O> efo?
<Ash42O> [23:23] <Ash42O> nonent?
<Ash42O> [23:23] <Ash42O> xhum?
<Ash42O> [23:23] <Ash42O> jui53?
<ef0> hahaha
<XhumWork> back!!
<Ash42O> [23:23] <AsH420> XhumWork was the guy who told me to join
<Ash42O> [23:23] <Ash42O> ronin?
<Ash42O> [23:23] <AsH420> my name is ashley hehe and i live in winnipeg
<Ash42O> [23:23] <AsH420> lol
<Ash42O> [23:24] <Ash42O> so are you gonna keep the tag 420 with the 0 and not the
<Ash42O> [23:24] <Ash42O> ?
<Ash42O> [23:24] <Ash42O> so i can have the other?
<Ash42O> [23:25] <AsH420> hmmm im gonna keep the 0 hehe
<Ash42O> [23:25] <Ash42O> well your defina
<Ash42O> cocksuckers!
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine Ash42O nonent ef0 minthure
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
: Rusty Stevens
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Who Cares)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (31 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 19 10:21:24 2002
<ef0> well.. let's go and talk to miss ashley..
--=[#f00] sativa2 ( joined the
<ef0> gentlemen..
<XhumWork> hahah, dude, really, it's not us
*** Mode change "+o sativa2" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
: Rusty Stevens
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Who Cares)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (10 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 19 10:21:24 2002
< XhumWork >
and ef0, when you're right, you're right...
<XhumWork> that hulage was DEFINITELY in order
<minthure> Alright, I'm out. Later kids
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
: Rusty Stevens
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (Who Cares)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (5 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 19 10:21:24 2002
<XhumWork> i am not primed and ready for this battle
<XhumWork> NO
<XhumWork> minthure you fuck
<XhumWork> you can't bail on us now
<XhumWork> give us 5 minutes of your effort
<minthure> fuck off.
<XhumWork> please, we need you
<minthure> ok 5 starting now
<ef0> go
<sativa2> hi
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off sativa2
--=[#winnipeg] ef0 ( joined the channel.
*** Topic for #winnipeg: The middle east is somehere in Transcona.
*** Topic for #winnipeg set by
on Apr 22 21:11:25
*** Users on #winnipeg: ef0 Italiano_ SarahPan fatchick Princess1 Jason- HOTGUY
sweetee @TR|TON Brookelyn Lisa007 FearSuch G_Thug redtape2 SnOw_GuRL
MacLean17 Lick_Me pro5_0 BlackCat DnBgurl BobbyC AngelGrl mitchel chris_wpg
germ77 Prnstar silverkat Ferocious Jocelyne E-Kane Smoozy Sausage^ tommysixx Kina`
fastandfu jayo----- Scubah00d saint_ chrons420 Wendi` ^ChIeF^ MaplesHBK sk8er_chi
hemi-girl R0d zax0n hotoke AlfRules ScarAway PraryGofr xloc cait-sith Kid_Nappd
AsH420 Lip-E
*** Users on #winnipeg: alysia M_N_M Mike_17 _krist antikrist Dyavol Tifosi lipt0n88
+|cutie| jrsX Dizz- DjWizzard hazelout- Toyota CherryOUT _azrael G-ride ReD_EyEz
allan5oh Zim^Zum[O LilMsBBL sink roXXXie b0xb0y BiL|aBoNg {Ava} Psygnosis
potvingrl Gizm0|BBL badboy_ +^|SpAz|^ CanadaMan T-revaway @MaChO_MaN k00l
[Spektr] }shyguy pittynin magnus- DeeCee astro Z[A]R Khem[Afk] JuicyJ ALF
Wyldphyre CactusWrk Annie-_ Bedpan techronic ava_adore s][n godamsmac Ev0lv3
hashbar zeon_64 JoshSleep
*** Users on #winnipeg: eskimoo dae-DISCO Kurt2 R0y Nexus_69 Fortay therapist
Sarojin seXXXpac ody fr0st_ Randal @jaydee @`Dan` magnus_ Sleepy risk Freak2
Matt^^^ Inch13 @Diatima @Mighty-M hoodlum @abawt @Pegster +AcEgHoSt
PetalWing _Pedro_ @Calliope
<XhumWork:#f00> and renee (sativa2), please help us too
*** #winnipeg 994874984
Signoff: sk8er_chi (SeX iS eViL, eViL iS sIn, SiN iS fOrGiVeN, sO LeT's BeGiN
<allan5oh> shows how much you know about them :P
<pro5_0> LOL
--=[#winnipeg] minthure ( joined
the channel.
<XhumWork:#f00> thank-you curt
<MaplesHBK> allan, shaun prolly paid 200 bucks for it
<ef0> well
<XhumWork:#f00> ok, now everyone type:
<jayo-----> i sold my 88 5.0lx for 3000... someone got ripped off!
<minthure:#F00> Waiting
<pro5_0> jamies an idiot
<XhumWork:#f00> /j #winnipeg
<minthure> Soooo
<allan5oh:#winnipeg> no i know how much he paid
--=[#winnipeg] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
<ef0> already there..
*** LilMsBBL is now known as LilMsLiX
<TR|TON> i know a guy that paid 8500 for an 88 with nos and a bw 5 spd
<XhumWork:#f00> i am now
<XhumWork:#f00> common sativa and ash
<LilMsLiX> allan gimmie money
<ef0> Xhum: you crazy nun fuck!!1
<minthure> I drive a trick-ass festiva.
<sativa2:#f00> what are you doing
< XhumWork >
<LilMsLiX> I'll strip for you or something
<LilMsLiX> but no touching
<minthure> Hey you smelly ass jew niggers wanna race?
*** Mode change "+b *!*" on channel
#winnipeg by Mighty-M
*** minthure has been kicked off channel #winnipeg by Mighty-M ( w /kb(192):
<MaplesHBK> check the papers, 8000 for a bone ass stock GT mustang
<MaplesHBK> its all over the place
<minthure:#F00> Boom
<XhumWork:#f00> woa?
<minthure:#F00> That didnt take long
<ef0> hey
<ef0> who kicked minthure?
<minthure:#F00> hahaha
Signoff: jayo----- (maplsehbk: a virgins virgin)
<XhumWork:#f00> ok, well, thanks :)
<XhumWork:#f00> you can go to sleep now
--=[#winnipeg] Drizzt_ ( joined the
*** Dizz- is now known as Dizznaldo
<ScarAway> LilMsLiX you wanna strip for me too ??? ill pay 500$ for one night ???
<XhumWork:#f00> [23:31] <minthure> Hey you smelly ass jew niggers wanna race?
<XhumWork:#f00> [23:31] *** Mighty-M sets mode: +b *!*
<XhumWork:#f00> [23:31] *** minthure was kicked by Mighty-M (w/kb(192): nigger)
<LilMsLiX> lol
<XhumWork:#f00> it's an auto kick
<MaplesHBK> but i repeat, i am not saying my car is fast
<minthure:#F00> All you have to type is smelly ass jewnigger and they get offended
<LilMsLiX> awsome
<MaplesHBK> NOT
<XhumWork:#f00> looks like keyword "nigger" gets you banned
Signoff: HOTGUY (Leaving)
<LilMsLiX> too bad I'm shy and not skanky enough to take my cloths off for money
ava_adore is back (gone 21:43:15)
<ef0> niggga
<ScarAway> LilMsLiX cool, since im paying you such good money, are you going to
give me a little extra by sucking my balls :PP
<XhumWork:#f00> hahahah, ef0 pushin' the envelope
<minthure:#F00> Fucking jerks
<fatchick> I'd take my clothes off for $500
<Ash42O:#f00> ok listen
<XhumWork:#f00> ash, get in here!!
<Ash42O:#f00> dont message ash
<ef0> fatchicks always do..
<Ash42O:#f00> wait
<Ash42O:#f00> im talking to ash
<fatchick> damn rights
<LilMsLiX> no die
<XhumWork> usually less
--=[#winnipeg] deltitnU ( joined the channel.
<Scubah00d> id take my clothes off for 50 bux
<XhumWork> i knew a fat chick once...
<MacLean17> im in my boxers right now, for free
<MaplesHBK> wed all go blind fatchick, its not worth it
<ScarAway> fatchick yeah for me you would have to suck my balls as well
<redtape2> maples..... whats been modified to it?
<Scubah00d> hell, even 10
Signoff: SarahPan (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<MaplesHBK> modified, what?
<ef0> SOLD!
<fatchick> yeah Jamie, u look so goos naked urself
<redtape2> is it all stock?
<fatchick> good
--=[#Winnipeg] Sweetie19 ( joined the
<MaplesHBK> u will never know
<XhumWork:#f00> hey man, you asked for the a-team... we've already begun
<XhumWork:#f00> we're at the point of no return
<Ash42O:#f00> lol
<redtape2> I'll race you in my jeep
<fatchick> I'd rather not know, u look bad enough with ur clothes on
<minthure:#F00> Way beyond that
<redtape2> LOL
<Ash42O:#f00> no, i have something for you guys
<MaplesHBK> i have a K&N filter, it wasnt a joke, i mean ITS NOT FAST
*** Dizznaldo is now known as dizz0r
<TR|TON> hey tape
<redtape2> hey d00d
<XhumWork:#f00> ok, let's see it
<ef0> who wants to watch gay-porn and drink to our Carlsburg years?!
*** AsH420 is now known as Ashley420
<BiL|aBoNg> 16/m/GC here...msg me to VERY bored
< XhumWork >
ef0: how old do you have to be?
Signoff: Kina` (sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken)
<XhumWork:#f00> [23:34] *** AsH420 is now known as Ashley420
<TR|TON> gonna help sat?
<XhumWork:#f00> you won mike!
<ef0> 19-19.5
<XhumWork:#f00> she changed her name...
<LilMsLiX> hey BiL
<BiL|aBoNg> wassabi
<fatchick> gay porn is quite disgusting
<BiL|aBoNg> a webcam?
<ScarAway> lesbian porn rules
<ef0> fatchicks always hate gay-porn
<MaplesHBK> lesbian porn sucks
--=[#winnipeg] MagicGurl ( joined the channel.
<ScarAway> MaplesHBK are you gay ???
<deltitnU> efo haha
<AlfRules> HBK is a homosexual
<fatchick> why would only fat chicks hate gay porn?
Signoff: Sweetie19 ()
<deltitnU> i mean
<deltitnU> i get it!
<BiL|aBoNg> lol lesbian porn 0wnz
<MaplesHBK> no, are you?
<LilMsLiX> no web cam sorry
<MagicGurl> bailey!!!
<ef0> it's not homo
<AlfRules> I have pics of him and astro to prove it
<minthure:#F00> Good work
<BiL|aBoNg> of course "fatchick" has to speak up
<ef0> it's fag
<AlfRules> limxlix: choke on a cock
<minthure:#F00> Alright, I'm out.
<minthure:#F00> Night kkkidz
<ef0> w0rd
<XhumWork> l8's
<sativa2:#f00> night
Signoff: minthure (See ya in hell!)
<ScarAway> MaplesHBK well im a guy who likes lesbian porn, i think that is a good
sign that im straight
<fatchick> umm ok
<ALF> fatchick is not really a fat chick
--=[#winnipeg] BO-PEEP ( joined the channel.
<ALF> she just pretends
<XhumWork:#f00> so arlene...
<ScarAway> if i would be women, i would be a dyke
--=[#winnipeg] ef0 [] has left the channel.
<XhumWork> if that IS your real name...
<ef0> that channel is gayer then gay
<XhumWork> and if that IS how you spell it...
<XhumWork> no shit
<XhumWork> i'm outta there
<ef0> Xhum: why you working so late?
*** Unknown command: KJ
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta sativa2 Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine Ash42O nonent ef0
<XhumWork> oh, i see you have already left :)
<ef0> yes
<ef0> too many fuckwads all typing
<ef0> lskdl;kd
<ef0> asd
<ef0> ldkas
<ef0> l;dkas
<ef0> dlkas
<ef0> dalkd
<ef0> aLKD
<ef0> SKd
<ef0> ;LKD
<ef0> SLDKS
<ef0> DLK
<ef0> Sdlak
<ef0> SDLKA
<ef0> dlask
<ef0> daldklkaldkas
<ef0> d
<ef0> sd
<ef0> aKD
<ef0> A;LDKAS
<ef0> DKAS
<ef0> L;DK
<ef0> LIKE THAT..
<XhumWork> lick
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta sativa2 Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine Ash42O nonent ef0
<XhumWork> my
<XhumWork> dick
<XhumWork> you
<XhumWork> slutty
<XhumWork> ass
<XhumWork> fucker
<ef0> gee
<ef0> just
<ef0> the
<ef0> other
<ef0> day
<ef0> i
<ef0> was
<ef0> waslking
<ef0> down
<ef0> to the
<XhumWork> brb (10 mins)
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off XhumWork
<ef0> !Sysop fuckoff
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( CoSysop Kwatta sativa2 Sysop XhumWork Xhumeka
aa_R081N bHaine Ash42O nonent ef0
<Ash42O> Ash is a girl....maybe
<sativa2> i' m going to visit osama BONG laden be back
--=[#f00] Ashley420 ( joined the channel.
<Ash42O> lol
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<sativa2> So BJ, what you been up to?
--=[#F00] alphabit ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<XhumWork> well, not too much
<XhumWork> i'm still at work
<XhumWork> but nothing really new to report
<sativa2> why so late?
<XhumWork> ahh, stupid conversion shit
<XhumWork> amalgamation of huge SQL databases to be exact :)
<sativa2> you' re still downtown?
<XhumWork> yeppers
<sativa2> shitty
<XhumWork> no way, i love downtown
<XhumWork> it's the only part of the city i can tolerate
<sativa2> downtown is good, it's the working part that sucks
<XhumWork> oh, yes, that's definitely truE!
<sativa2> well i' m off to bed now. talk to you later
<XhumWork> alright
<XhumWork> have a good one
<XhumWork> and remember...
<ef0> br
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<ef0> b
<XhumWork> god is always watching
<XhumWork> !insult sativa2
<sativa2> i will now sleep well
<Sysop> sativa2: You predictable vat of rancid maggot fodder!
<XhumWork> bye bye renee :)
<sativa2> bye
Signoff: sativa2 ()
--=[#f00] Ashley420 [] has left the channel.
<ef0> ??
<XhumWork> !
<XhumWork> last
<XhumWork> minute
<XhumWork> of
<XhumWork> this
<XhumWork> day
<XhumWork> i
<XhumWork> must
<XhumWork> get
<XhumWork> as
<XhumWork> many
<XhumWork> lines
<XhumWork> in
<XhumWork> as
<XhumWork> possible
<XhumWork> before
<XhumWork> the
<XhumWork> day
<XhumWork> switches
<XhumWork> hury
<XhumWork> hurry
<XhumWork> i must type
<XhumWork> quickly
<XhumWork> oh, too late
<XhumWork> then again, this isn't the clock the stats page goes by anyhow
<Ash42O> holy man
<Ash42O> any body here
<Ash42O> anybody alive?
<Ash42O> speaking , breathing?
*** Ash42O is now known as Ash420
<ef0> y0
*** Ash420 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Ash420 and Ashley420....who
woulda thought?
<Ash420> omg
<Ash420> hey
<Ash420> your not gonna believe this
<Ash420> i logged on tonight and i couldnt use ash420
<ef0> i saw
<Ash420> thought it was you guys fucking around
<Ash420> its some chick named ashley from winnipeg
<Ash420> likes to 420 also
<Ash420> is that too fucking bizarre?
<Ash420> or what?
<ef0> big world
<ef0> i guess..
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> i've had someone use ef0
<Ash420> ya but i mean
<Ash420> i came to the toronto foo and
<Ash420> an ash420
<Ash420> is here
<Ash420> what are the odds?
<ef0> ?
<ef0> bizarre
<Ash420> very man
<Ash420> im fucking flustered
<ef0> jhehe
<Ash420> i freaked out on her at first thinking it was one of you guys
<Ash420> saying i was gonna slit your throat and shit
<ef0> maybe it WAS one of "us"'
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> maybe
<ef0> you never know..
<ef0> you never know.
<Ash420> but she sent a pic
<Ash420> could be someone diff
<Ash420> probably is
<Ash420> it would make more sense
<ef0> it's likely some 55 year old man
<Ash420> i bet your right
<ef0> trying to score young guys.. going by the ashley
<Ash420> how do i show you the pic?
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<Ash420> is it in my recieved files?
<ef0> dunno..
<ef0> how did she send it too you?
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
<Ash420> she sent it through irc
<nonent> did i mention that xhumeka's changes to the bot fucking such?
<nonent> err.. fucking suck?
<nonent> how sucky you ask?
<ef0> nonent: i know.. i was just thinking the same
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<nonent> oh, it didn't do it.. it's lucky...
<ef0> nonent: do you have mad eggdrop skills?
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( Shadow|Ru alphabit CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N bHaine Ash420 nonent ef0
< Ash420 >
let me look for that pic ef0
<nonent> no.. no tcl skills at all.. i'm just good at following patterns..
<ef0> nonent: good enough i suppose
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +st ( Shadow|Ru alphabit CoSysop Kwatta Sysop XhumWork
Xhumeka aa_R081N bHaine Ash420 nonent ef0
< Ash420 >
ok ef0 you ready?
<ef0> ready for?
- Ash420 - DCC Send ashsmile.jpg (
*** DCC SEND (ashsmile.jpg
[ <-V-> ] I am Autogetting /home/evan/ashsmile.jpg from Ash420.
*** DCC GET connection with Ash420[,3084] established
*** DCC GET:/home/evan/ashsmile.jpg from Ash420 completed 14.76 kb/sec
Type Nick
Start time
<Ash420> did you get taht?
<Ash420> pic?
<ef0> yep
<Ash420> ok thats supposedly her
<Ash420> 18 winnipeg...ashley
<Ash420> 420
<ef0> she must smoke w33d
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> yes s/he said they do
<Ash420> i know after six beers shed be your best friend man
<ef0> hah
<ef0> 6
<Ash420> like you wouldnt give it to her haha
<ef0> fuck dude.. 2 beers for her
<Ash420> im thinking none
<ef0> i'd fuck her sober while she was drunk!
<Ash420> no beer
<Ash420> lol me too
<Ash420> funny shit man
<Ash420> i cant believe how protective i was about my name here
<nonent> what pic, did you dcc?
<nonent> no url eh?
<Ash420> want it nonnet?
<ef0> 'sec
<Ash420> here one sec
<ef0> i'll url it
<Ash420> k
<Ash420> there
<Ash420> i told her to join the toronto foo channel long as its
<Ash420> Ashley420
<Ash420> not ash
<Ash420> wanna hear the cool part?
<Ash420> one of her nicks is something like
<Ash420> B!Gurl
<Ash420> as in bi-girl
<Ash420> eats fish occasionally
<ef0> excellent
<ef0> we'll have to keep her in mind
<Ash420> just remember the things i do for you
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> i had to pry out as much info as i could
<nonent> nice..
<nonent> oh, ash.. btw.. what did you want for an email account?
<Ash420> anything really nonent
<Ash420> can i get something with ash in it?
<Ash420> or ash420?
<Ash420> or 420Ash?
<Ash420> or even just an ash
<nonent> yep.. is fine if you want to be able to give it to your non-chronic
<Ash420> ok cool
<Ash420> is that ok?
<nonent> can't start with a number, but i can give you ash420 too.. whatever you'd
<Ash420> just ash is cool i guess, what would you do?
<Ash420> everyone i know , knows i smoke
<Ash420> so 420 wouldnt affect me
<Ash420> you pick man, your doing me the favor
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
<nonent> aargh!!
Signoff: XhumWork (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<Ash420> phew...its fookin cold out there
<nonent> yes it is..
<Ash420> we had freezing rain tonight
<Ash420> windows are ice
<nonent> yeah, there were little pellets of something bouncing around outside my
<Ash420> i have sunburn from wednesday...92 degrees here
<Ash420> no its monday and like -2
<Ash420> now
<Ash420> nonent im gonna try setting up that email now ill brb
<Ash420> ok you ready?
<nonent> yep..
<Ash420> do er
<Ash420> and good luck
<nonent> 10?
<Ash420> 15
<Ash420> were pros now
<nonent> think it only goes up to 10.. we'll see
<nonent> !trivia 15
<Ash420> lol k
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
<nonent> nope, 10
Type "pf help" for help.
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<nonent> pf join team 1
<Ash420> pf join team 2
<Ash420> good luck man
<nonent> you too..
<Ash420> 10-9 last time
<nonent> pf start
<nonent> ?
<Ash420> ok sysop
The question is:
<Ash420> pf dolphin
<nonent> pf fish
Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n)
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<nonent> haha
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Ash420> lol
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<nonent> booyaka
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<Sysop> The question is:
the bomb?
What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop
<nonent> oh, crap.. umm..
<Ash420> pf some broad
<nonent> pf little boy
<nonent> pf big boy
<Ash420> pf that was the bomb
<nonent> pf that's wrong,
<Ash420> they want the planwe
<Ash420> plane
<nonent> yep
<nonent> i don't know..
<nonent> pf lucy
<Ash420> pf memphis belle
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Enola Gay
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Ash420> pf shit
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
<nonent> oh, right..
The question is:
<nonent> pf austin
In which city is the Cotton Bowl played?
<Ash420> pf dallas
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<nonent> pf doesn't know from sports questions
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Ash420> omg
<nonent> nuts..
<nonent> good job
<Sysop> The question is:
National Park?
What famous geyser erupts regularly at the Yellowstone
<Ash420> i stoel that
<nonent> pf old faithful
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Old Faithful
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Ash420> pf omg
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott __________.
<nonent> pf trudeau
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
<nonent> pf chocolate bars
<Ash420> pf pounds of lard
<nonent> haha
<Ash420> pf grits
<Ash420> pf donuts
What does the typical American eat 263 of each year? not
<nonent> pf flapjacks
<Ash420> pf doughnuts
<nonent> pf hotdogs
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<nonent> eggs?.. bs.
The question is:
'skewer' used?
In which sport or game are the terms: 'pin', 'fork', and
<nonent> pf bowling
<nonent> no?
<Ash420> pf crouquet
<Ash420> pf croquet
<nonent> pf golf
<Ash420> pf wtf
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Ash420> pf horse shoe toss
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Sysop> The question is:
and Paul died.
He ordered the persecution of Christians in which Peter
<Ash420> pf ceaser
<nonent> pf augustus
<Ash420> pf some roman guy
<Ash420> pf michael
<Ash420> pf abraham
<Ash420> pf jacob
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
What game show had people dressed up funny?
<Ash420> pf gong show
<nonent> sounds right to me..
<Ash420> pf funny dressed people
<nonent> pf happy time
<Ash420> pf who wants to be happy?
<Ash420> pf mom wants her shirt back?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Let's Make A Deal
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
He starred in, "City Lights".
<Ash420> pf elvis
<alphabit> pf elvis presley
<alphabit> hehe
<Ash420> pf elvis aaron presley
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Charlie Chaplin
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<alphabit> pf charlie chaplin
The question is:
Which disease is also known as "Hansen's Disease"?
<alphabit> pf shitty band
<Ash420> pf bum worm
<nonent> heh
<Ash420> lol
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<nonent> pf croans
<nonent> pf lou gerrigs
<Ash420> pf lupis
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<alphabit> pf not getting full male out voices
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Where is Beacon Street?
<Ash420> lol
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<nonent> pf london
<nonent> pf new york
<nonent> pf boston
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<nonent> nice!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded?
<nonent> such a guess
<Ash420> pf baseball
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Ash420> damn u
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
The question is:
<Ash420> pf jeresulem
<Ash420> pf jeruselam
<Ash420> pf o man
<alphabit> wailing wall?
In which city is the Wailing Wall?
<Ash420> pf bethleham
<Ash420> pf jeresulem
<alphabit> pf isreal
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> just spell it right and its yours
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
The question is:
Into what body of water does the Yukon River flow?
<nonent> haha.. doh
<nonent> pf baltic
<Ash420> pf atlantic
<alphabit> pf atlantic ocean
<Ash420> pf atlantic ocean
<nonent> pf arctic
<Ash420> pf pacific
<Ash420> pf pacific ocean
<alphabit> pf arctic ocean
<alphabit> pf ocean
<alphabit> pf great lakes
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Bering Sea
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
<alphabit> pf bearing sea
<nonent> oh
The question is:
What American city is known as Little Havana?
<Ash420> nice try alpha
<alphabit> heh
<Ash420> pf miami
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<nonent> arr!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
<nonent> too quick..
The question is:
What is the chemical symbol for copper?
<Ash420> pf C
<nonent> pf cu
<alphabit> pf ci
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
<Ash420> holy shit
The question is:
The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of
<nonent> pf empire
<nonent> pf empires
<nonent> pf i don't really know what i'm talking about
<Ash420> pf romance
<Ash420> pf bad times
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf plague
<Sysop> Found by
<nonent> haha
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<alphabit> pf fish
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
What is a male goose called?
<Ash420> pf gander
<alphabit> pf food
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<nonent> !!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
The question is:
Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player
demonstrating the best sportsmanship.
<nonent> nice jay..
<Ash420> pf lady bing
<Ash420> pf lady byng
Here's the result of this round:
<nonent> pf finesse ?
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Lady Byng Trophy
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<nonent> haha.. oh god.. you knew what you were talking about..
The question is:
With what country is Fidel Castro associated?
<Ash420> pf cuba'
<nonent> pf cuba
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<alphabit> pf cuba
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<Ash420> pf o man
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<nonent> aww.. too bad about that '
<alphabit> pf team 1
The question is:
contract as needed.
This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and
<Ash420> pf larynx
<nonent> alpha pf join team 1 i think..
<alphabit> pf cock
<Ash420> pf lol
<alphabit> ahh
<alphabit> hehe
<Ash420> alphibit
<alphabit> pf join tema 1
<nonent> pf prostate
<Ash420> shhhhhh
<alphabit> something
<alphabit> or wait
<Ash420> pf node
<alphabit> pf join team 2
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The spleen
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<Ash420> team 3?
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
The question is:
Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World?
<Ash420> pf paris
<alphabit> pf Germany
<Ash420> pf london
<nonent> pf new york
<Ash420> pf milan
<Ash420> pf tokyo
<alphabit> pf swizerland
<alphabit> opps
<alphabit> pf poland
<alphabit> pf russia
<nonent> heh
<Ash420> pf switzerland
<Ash420> pf help me
<nonent> pf munich
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Toledo, Ohio
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<nonent> right...
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<alphabit> toledo
<alphabit> wtf
<Ash420> pf shit capital
The question is:
Which science studies weather?
<alphabit> stupid american trivia
<alphabit> pf metoroligy
<nonent> pf meteorologist
<nonent> pf meteorology
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
The question is:
Which football team was nicknamed the "Orange Crush"?
<alphabit> I can't spell
<Ash420> pf denver
<alphabit> pf bagel
<Ash420> pf broncos
<alphabit> pf bagels
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Denver Broncos
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Ash420> pf denver broncos
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<nonent> jesus, it really was bagels..
The question is:
<nonent> pf salt
<Ash420> pf 7up
<alphabit> pf pop
Sodium barcarbonate is better known as ________.
<Ash420> pf pop
<alphabit> pf fizz
<Ash420> pf pop
<Ash420> pf glug
<nonent> do they mean bicarbonate?, or barcarbonate?
<Ash420> pf slurp
<Ash420> bar
<Ash420> pf dynamite
<alphabit> pf sodium
<Ash420> pf sea salt
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Baking soda
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
What is a figure with eight equal sides called?
<Ash420> pf octagon'
<Ash420> pf octagon
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf octagon
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
<nonent> oh
The question is:
How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight?
<nonent> zut alors!
<Ash420> pf 3
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf 3
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
The question is:
Which country has Ankara as its capital?
<alphabit> pf russia
<nonent> pf tunisia
<alphabit> pf hungry
<Ash420> pf hungary?
<nonent> pf turkey
Here's the result of this round:
<alphabit> pf belgium
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<alphabit> thats it
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
<alphabit> Turkey
<alphabit> shite
The question is:
In which city was President Kennedy killed?
<Ash420> pf lol
<Ash420> pf dallas
<alphabit> pf texa
Here's the result of this round:
<nonent> ooh.. lucky guess..
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Dallas, Texas
<alphabit> pf texas
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<nonent> !
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
The question is:
<nonent> pf miami
<Ash420> pf talahassee
<alphabit> pf miami
<alphabit> pf jacksonville
<Ash420> pf tallahasee
<nonent> uh-oh
What is the capital of Florida?
<nonent> undah?
<alphabit> pf miami
<alphabit> pf orlando
<nonent> ekk
<Ash420> pf someone spell talahase right
<alphabit> pf tallahesse
<Ash420> and u got it
<nonent> pf tellahasse
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<alphabit> fuck
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
<nonent> oh, you're lucky...
The question is:
This branch of medicine deals with old age and its
<alphabit> dam spelling
<alphabit> I can't spell
<nonent> pf geriatrics
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
The question is:
<Ash420> pf britian
<alphabit> pf USA
<Ash420> pf canada
<Ash420> pf mexico
<nonent> pf thailand
<alphabit> pf south america
<nonent> pf vietnam
<nonent> pf korea
In what country did "Sepoy Mutiny" occur?
<nonent> pf north korea
<nonent> pf south korea
<nonent> fuh-fuh
<alphabit> pf cuba
<Ash420> you wanna play one more guys/gals?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<nonent> oh..
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
With the Wind"?
What was the name of Ashley Wilkes' plantation in "Gone
<nonent> alpha=guy, unless it's mittens in disguise
<alphabit> pf people who dont work
<Ash420> pf Worklikehell
<Ash420> pf Beaturass
<alphabit> yih I am a guy
<nonent> pf honkey
<alphabit> mittens is playin nes emulator
<Ash420> ok then guys
<nonent> ahh.. nice.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Twelve Oaks
<nonent> oh.
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
The question is:
He was stabbed by Cassius.
<Ash420> pf ceaser
<alphabit> if you want any nes r snes game I have a total of about 1600 games....
<nonent> pf caeser
<alphabit> pf julius ceaser
<nonent> pf nero
<Ash420> pf julius caeser
<Ash420> pf lol nonnet
<alphabit> pf maxiumus
<nonent> pf bigus dickus
<Ash420> pf mortimer
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Julius Caesar
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<alphabit> wtf
<nonent> hah.. oh god..
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
<nonent> er/ar
The question is:
What city was the setting for "Gone With the Wind"?
<alphabit> one fucking letter
<nonent> jesus, enough with the gwtw questions..
<Ash420> pf atlanta
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<Ash420> o ya!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 10 Points
<nonent> ash.. you jerk!
Team 2 (Team 2) wins this match!
<Sysop> Your prize is:
a night out on the town with bHaine!!
<nonent> heh.. congratz..
<Ash420> whos the man
<Sysop> The Game has ended. type !trivia to begin again
<Ash420> ty
<Ash420> one more man
<alphabit> haha
<alphabit> im gmae
<Ash420> 2 times now 10-9
<Sysop> 3
<nonent> yeah?.. mm.. sure.. i'm game
<nonent> !trivia 10
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
<Ash420> ok
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
<nonent> pf join team 1
<Ash420> pf join team 2
<alphabit> I didnt get one write answer so dont worry
<alphabit> hah
<alphabit> pf join team 3
<nonent> no?.. i thought you got a few.. you got bagel didn't you?
<nonent> just 1 or 2
<alphabit> pf join team 2
<alphabit> nope
<alphabit> not a one my mispelling
The question is:
<alphabit> was wrong
<Ash420> 3
<alphabit> pf 4
<Sysop> 4
<Sysop> 5
<Ash420> pf 5
<Sysop> 6
<alphabit> pf 3
<Ash420> pf 6
<Sysop> 7
<nonent> oh, god damn..
<Sysop> 8
How many games must you win to win a normal set in
<alphabit> pf 7
<nonent> fucking stop!
<Sysop> 9
<Sysop> 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Ash420> pf 4
<alphabit> pf 10
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle.
<nonent> pf perl harbour
<nonent> ;0
<Ash420> pf midway
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
<nonent> yeah, that'd make more sense, wouldn't it?
The question is:
What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia?
<alphabit> pf baltic sea
<Ash420> pf sargaso
<alphabit> pf dead sea
<Ash420> pf indian ocean
<Ash420> pf atlantic
<alphabit> pf meditrainian
<Ash420> pf good guess
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<alphabit> pf shit
The Adriatic
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
The question is:
To what country do the Faeroe Islands belong?
<Ash420> pf argentina
<nonent> pf italy
<alphabit> pf australia
<Ash420> pf great britian
Signoff: XhumWork (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<Ash420> pf england
<alphabit> pf greenlan
<alphabit> pf greenland
<alphabit> pf trinidad
<Ash420> pf mexico
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf africa
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
The question is:
Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as
<alphabit> pf soap
<alphabit> pf drano
<alphabit> pf chips
<nonent> pf salt
<Ash420> pf soap
<Ash420> pd drano
<Ash420> pf salt
<nonent> pf $5 nazi crank
<Ash420> pf lol
<alphabit> pf LOL
<alphabit> pf Drano
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<Ash420> pf hydrogen peroxide
<alphabit> pf Soap
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<alphabit> FUCK
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
<alphabit> LYE Is soap
The question is:
He led the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake.
<nonent> alpha: mm.. you know what you're talking about..
<alphabit> or the form of
<nonent> pf john smith
<nonent> yeah, just concentrated..
<Ash420> pf brigham young
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Brigham Young
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
<nonent> burn your hand ala fight club..
The question is:
Due to a lack of vitamin C, sailors used to contract this
<nonent> ooh.. i'm blowing this one..
<Ash420> pf lyme
<nonent> pf scurvey
<nonent> pf scurvy
<Ash420> pf lime disease
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree
<alphabit> pf crater face
<nonent> i learned that from a Sierra game..
<Ash420> pf mushroomas
<Ash420> pf mushrooms
<nonent> pf lichen
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
<Ash420> lol
The question is:
What was "Rocky's" last name?
<nonent> pf bulboa
<Ash420> pf balboa
Here's the result of this round:
<alphabit> pf balboa
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<nonent> nuts!
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
The process of removing salt from sea water is known as
<Ash420> pf emulsification
<alphabit> pf emulsefication
<alphabit> pf emulsifecation
<Ash420> pf desaltification?
<alphabit> pf sublimation
<alphabit> hehe
<Ash420> pf im stumped
<alphabit> pf removing salt from sea water
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
The question is:
An animal is a fish if it has _________.
<Ash420> pf fins
<alphabit> pf gills
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
alphabit -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<alphabit> word
<Sysop> The question is:
Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n)
<alphabit> I have like 50 fish
<alphabit> hah
<nonent> pf shirley temple
<Ash420> pf screwdriver
<Ash420> nice one there alpha
<alphabit> pf shitty drink
<Ash420> pf mixed drink with a shot of wine?
<Ash420> pf upset stomach
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Harvey Wallbanger
<nonent> got me?
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<nonent> oh.. ?
The question is:
What is the symbol for silver?
<nonent> i'll.. uh.. keep that in mind..
<nonent> pf Pt
<Ash420> pf Si
<Ash420> pf S
<Ash420> pf Sl
<Ash420> pf Sr
<nonent> crud.. no.. doesn't even start with S..
<alphabit> pf pi
<Ash420> pf pu
<Ash420> pf pa
<Ash420> pf pb
<nonent> pf Pu
<Ash420> pf Pt
<Ash420> pf Ph
<alphabit> pf Ru
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<alphabit> thats it
The question is:
She was the first First Lady to be received privately by the
<alphabit> ag argon
<nonent> right.. stupid first year chem..
<Ash420> pf nancy regan
<Ash420> pf barbara bush
<alphabit> pf jacky O
<alphabit> pf jacky onasess
<nonent> pf jacky
<alphabit> or however
nonent goes for the cheap steal
<Ash420> pf hillory clinton
<nonent> pf hillary
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<alphabit> FUCK
Jackie Kennedy
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<nonent> oh..
<alphabit> kennedy
The question is:
Which U.S. city is known as Beantown?
<alphabit> I knew that one
<Ash420> pf boston
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Boston, Mass.
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<nonent> grr
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
A phrenologist reads _________.
<nonent> 2:6, how unfortunate
<nonent> pf maps
<Ash420> pf bones
<Ash420> pf dinosour shit
<Ash420> pre=prehistoric?
<nonent> pf guano
<Ash420> omg pgr
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf plants
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<Ash420> pf i said bones
The question is:
<Ash420> pf fuck
<Ash420> pf zaire
<Ash420> pf south africa
<nonent> pf zimbabwe
<Ash420> pf mozambique
What country formed the union of Tanganyika and
<Ash420> pf ivory coast
<Ash420> pf angola
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
Where were Archie and Edith Bunker's chairs enshrined?
<nonent> ?
<alphabit> pf new ork
<Ash420> pf mings chinese theatre
<alphabit> pf new york
<Ash420> pf the tv hall of fame
<nonent> pf cbs
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Smithsonian Institute
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
What was the name of Mother Goose's son?
<alphabit> pf bitchX
<alphabit> pf gander goose
<nonent> pf gossamer
<alphabit> pf mamas goose
<nonent> pf greedy
<Ash420> pf donald
<nonent> pf gangly
<nonent> pf grizzly
<Ash420> pf yolkling
<alphabit> pf fried goose ala bbq
<nonent> pf gruff
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<nonent> jack?
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree?
<Ash420> pf bonzai
<alphabit> pf bonzai
<Ash420> pf bonzia
<alphabit> pf bonzi
<Shadow|Ru> banzay
<Shadow|Ru> :)
<nonent> pf bonsai
<Shadow|Ru> hi all!
Here's the result of this round:
<nonent> :)
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<alphabit> fuck
<alphabit> heh
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off Shadow|Ru
The question is:
Love Bug"?
What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film, "The
<nonent> shadow: pf join team 1
<Ash420> pf herbie
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
nonent shakes fist
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
The question is:
<Shadow|Ru> pf join team 1
Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women's Singles champ?
<Ash420> pf starts with a c
<alphabit> pf pf connie chung
<Ash420> pf american broad
<alphabit> pf munich
<nonent> pf catrina
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Martina Navratilova
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
<nonent> navratilova!
The question is:
Rum is made from this plant.
Signoff: XhumWork (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
Kwat|Away is away (*aargh* detached)
<nonent> pf sugarcane
<nonent> pf sugar cane
<Ash420> pf i need that plant
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Sugar cane
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
The question is:
Name the capital city of Massachusetts.
<Ash420> pf boston
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
<nonent> again with the boston
The question is:
<Ash420> pf niagara
<alphabit> pf ontario
<nonent> pf ganges
Which river contains the most fresh water?
<alphabit> pf great lakes
<Ash420> pf nile
<Shadow|Ru> pf volga
<nonent> pf amazon
<Ash420> pf amazon
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<nonent> who got it?
<nonent> me!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
<nonent> woo
The question is:
Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of __________.
<Ash420> how?
<Ash420> weapons
<Ash420> pf weapons
<nonent> i'm closer to sysop on irc than you i guess..
<alphabit> pf sex offender tools
<nonent> pf dicks
<nonent> alpha: nice
<alphabit> pf fish
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
alphabit -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
The question is:
<nonent> again with the fish
<alphabit> LOL
<Ash420> pf 33
<alphabit> hehe
How old was John F. Kennedy when he became
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<nonent> pf 42
<alphabit> pf 28
<Ash420> pf 37
<alphabit> pf 25
<Ash420> pf 36
<Ash420> pf 25
<alphabit> pf 35
<Ash420> pf 35
<nonent> pf 39
<Shadow|Ru> pf 29
<Ash420> pf 34
<nonent> pf 38
<alphabit> pf 29
<Shadow|Ru> pf 28
<Ash420> pf 32
<nonent> pf 40
<Shadow|Ru> pf 27
<nonent> pf 41
<Shadow|Ru> pf 26
<alphabit> pf 39
<Ash420> pf 31
<nonent> pf 43
<Shadow|Ru> pf 25
<Shadow|Ru> pf 25
<nonent> pf 44
Here's the result of this round:
<Shadow|Ru> pf 24
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf 41
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<alphabit> hehe
<Ash420> lol
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
The question is:
What did TVs IMF stand for?
<Shadow|Ru> :)
<nonent> i knew it..
<nonent> pf international monetary fund ?
<alphabit> pf In my fuck
<Shadow|Ru> :)))
<alphabit> pf I must fart
<Shadow|Ru> hey!
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Impossible Mission Forces
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
<nonent> oh
<Shadow|Ru> here in my city is a shop with this name : fart
The question is:
By what chemical process do plants manufacture food?
<Shadow|Ru> :)
<Ash420> pf omg
<alphabit> pf photosynthesis
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
alphabit -=Team 2=-
<Ash420> pf nice
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 10 Points
<nonent> err!
Team 2 (Team 2) wins this match!
<alphabit> I dont know how to spell
<Sysop> Your prize is:
<nonent> oh, i lose..
a night out on the town with nonent!!
<Sysop> The Game has ended. type !trivia to begin again
<nonent> hah.. well, iguess i win too!!
<Ash420> !trivia
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
<alphabit> yih thats cuz I got more right this time
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
<Ash420> one more
<alphabit> hehe
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
<Ash420> then bed
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
<alphabit> pf join team 1
<Ash420> pf join team 2
<nonent> pf join team 1
<Shadow|Ru> pf join team 2
<Ash420> come on shadow
<Ash420> lets kick some ass
<alphabit> hehe
[ <-V-> ]
The question is:
What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English?
You have received new Mail.
(Mail Waiting: 1)
[ <-V-> ] Mail: From ZDNet Announce
SALE --> Video Surveillance,
<nonent> pf big bear
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> big shit
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Big Bear
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
hearts of his countrymen"?
<alphabit> pf harry truman
<nonent> pf english dude
Who was, "First in war, first in peace and first in the
<Ash420> pf braveheart
<nonent> hehe
<alphabit> pf winston churchill
<Ash420> pf lol
<Ash420> pf eisenhower
<Shadow|Ru> pf Husein
<nonent> pf the lord our saviour
<alphabit> pf hitler
<Shadow|Ru> pf lenin
Here's the result of this round:
<nonent> pf stalin
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
George Washington
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<nonent> oh..
<alphabit> thats it
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<alphabit> hehe
<Shadow|Ru> wow
<alphabit> dam americans
The question is:
This is the main food of the blue whale.
<Ash420> pf algea
<alphabit> pf fish
<nonent> pf kelp
<Ash420> pf plankton
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<alphabit> pf other things
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<nonent> nice
<Shadow|Ru> pf êîðì
<Ash420> pf ty
The question is:
What fish is the fastest?
<alphabit> pf shark
<Ash420> pf dolphin
<Shadow|Ru> pf dolphin
<nonent> pf trickyfish
<alphabit> pf whale
<Ash420> pf minnow
<nonent> pf killer whale
<alphabit> pf pirahna
<nonent> pf porpoise
<alphabit> pf gupy
<Shadow|Ru> pf fish
<Ash420> pf barracuda
<alphabit> pf eel
<alphabit> pf fast fish
<Shadow|Ru> :))
Here's the result of this round:
<alphabit> pf super fast fish
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?
<Ash420> pf oman
<nonent> pf ugandistan
<alphabit> pf Suadi arabia
<nonent> pf ombudimar
<Shadow|Ru> pf shit
<Ash420> pf oogabooga
<nonent> pf ubookibad
<nonent> pf asbandikstan
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> pf ungabunga
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Abu Dhabi
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<alphabit> haha
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<alphabit> thats a real place?
The question is:
Bridgeport is the largest city in which state?
<nonent> mm.. my spelling was off
<Ash420> pf maine
<alphabit> pf maine
<nonent> pf vermont
<Shadow|Ru> ?
<nonent> pf new hampshire
<Ash420> pf louisianna
<nonent> pf mane
<nonent> pf mayne
<nonent> pf rhode island
<alphabit> pf new jersey
<Ash420> pf maine
<Ash420> pf conneticut
<nonent> apparantly not
<Ash420> spell it
<Shadow|Ru> pf maryland
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> conniticut
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<nonent> nice ash
<Ash420> pf damn
<Ash420> ty
The question is:
<Ash420> pf whore
<alphabit> pf WHore
Similes: As pretty as a(n) ________.
<alphabit> haha
<nonent> pf pin
<Ash420> nice!
<alphabit> pf horse
<nonent> pf button
<nonent> pf bonnet
<Ash420> pf tree
<alphabit> pf picture
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf smile
<Sysop> Found by
alphabit -=Team 1=-
<nonent> pf parcel
<nonent> ew
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<alphabit> haha
<alphabit> yih yih
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
The North Star is also known as ________.
<alphabit> pf dipper
<nonent> oh, wait.. you're on my team now.. good job!
<nonent> pf polaris
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> pf star of david
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Ash420> nice job
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<nonent> thx
The question is:
<alphabit> yih yih
<Ash420> pf spain
<nonent> pf spain
In which country is Madras?
<alphabit> pf spain
<nonent> hah
<Ash420> pf portugal
<nonent> pf not spain?
<Ash420> pf italy
<alphabit> pf portgaul
<Shadow|Ru> pf greece
<Ash420> pf mexico
<Ash420> pf brazil
<Ash420> pf argentina
<Ash420> pf columbia
<Shadow|Ru> pf columbia
<Ash420> pf ecuador
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<alphabit> pf india
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Shadow|Ru> wow
<Ash420> pf no where near
The question is:
In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell?
<Ash420> pf pennsylvania
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
The question is:
<nonent> pf melanoma
<alphabit> pf shitty deal
<Ash420> pf diluted copper
<alphabit> pf Dead sucker
<alphabit> pf shit out of luck
What is the medical term for cancer of the blood?
<alphabit> pf lucemia
<nonent> pf that one that the girl from degrassi had
<nonent> pf lukemia
Here's the result of this round:
nonent high-five's alphabit
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf your right
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
<nonent> wait.. no!!!
The question is:
How many minutes is each period of hockey?
<nonent> neither of us can spell.. shit!
<alphabit> can't spell
<Ash420> pf 20
<Shadow|Ru> pf 5
Here's the result of this round:
<alphabit> hehe
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
20 minutes
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Ash420> pf twenty
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
Basketball: The Seattle ________.
<Ash420> pf supersonics
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<alphabit> pf loosers
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
The question is:
Football: The Buffalo _______.
<Ash420> pf bills
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<alphabit> i was going to say sabers
The question is:
Eleutherophobia is a fear of ___________.
<alphabit> reastion
<Shadow|Ru> pf water
<Ash420> pf sleuths
<alphabit> pf ethopians
<Shadow|Ru> pf shit
<alphabit> pf sound
<Shadow|Ru> pf light
<alphabit> pf other people
<alphabit> pf religon
<Shadow|Ru> pf somoen
<Ash420> pf rabbits
<alphabit> pf trivia games
<alphabit> pf history
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Shadow|Ru> pf animal
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
The question is:
Hockey: The Toronto _______.
<alphabit> pf leafs
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
alphabit -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Ash420> pf maple le
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<alphabit> yih yih
Maple Leafs
<Ash420> wtf
<Ash420> lol
<Ash420> nice
The question is:
Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca?
<nonent> little slow there ash.. ;)
<nonent> pf oh.. oh, oh..
<alphabit> pf will cahmberlan
<Ash420> pf cary grant
<nonent> pf nope.. close
<alphabit> pf hugh grant
<alphabit> hah
<Ash420> pf garbo?
<nonent> no, that's a girl
<alphabit> pf will fontan
<Ash420> pf guy with that mustache
<nonent> oh, gonna kick myself
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Humphrey Bogart
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
nonent kicks himself
<Ash420> pf o man
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
The question is:
He wrote "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" in 1948.
<nonent> don't bogart my ..
<Ash420> pf johnson
<nonent> pf freud
<Shadow|Ru> pf stalin
<alphabit> pf Hitler
<Ash420> pf hugh hefner
<Shadow|Ru> pf Clinton
<alphabit> pf autobiography on us presidnets
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Alfred Kinsey
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<Ash420> pf kinsey report
The question is:
The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) ________.
<nonent> harhar
<alphabit> pf counter wieght
<Ash420> pf anchor
<alphabit> pf spatula
<Ash420> pf a little more weight then on top
<nonent> pf nero
<Ash420> pf lol
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<Shadow|Ru> pf woulfe
<Sysop> The question is: Which country borders Italy, Switzerland, West Germany,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Liechtenstein?
<alphabit> terminator?
<alphabit> pf Poland
<Shadow|Ru> pf france
<nonent> pf turkey
<nonent> pf hungary
<alphabit> pf spain
<Shadow|Ru> pf luxembourge
<nonent> oh, guess it's not hungary, eh?
<alphabit> pf east germany
<alphabit> pf russia
<nonent> pf luxemburg
<alphabit> pf ussr
<Shadow|Ru> pf avstria
<alphabit> pf dnemark
<nonent> pf austria
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf belguim
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<nonent> i'm sorry, that was cheap
<alphabit> nice
<alphabit> :)
The question is:
The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n)
<Ash420> pf protractor
Here's the result of this round:
<nonent> pf compass
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<nonent> arr
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
<nonent> pf minerals
<alphabit> pf iching
<Ash420> pf annoying things
<alphabit> pf fish disease
<alphabit> pf diseases
<Ash420> pf ticks and bugs
<alphabit> pf disease
<Ash420> pf mosquitos
<alphabit> pf larva
<alphabit> pf spots
<nonent> pf insects
<alphabit> pf things
<nonent> pf butterflies
Ichthyology is the study of ________.
<Shadow|Ru> pf animals
<alphabit> pf my moms underpants
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Shadow|Ru> :)
<Sysop> Found by
<alphabit> pf Fish
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Ash420> plol
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<nonent> haha
<Ash420> you were right!
The question is:
A triangle with two equal sides is called __________.
<Ash420> pf isocoles
<alphabit> yih
<nonent> pf isosceles
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<Shadow|Ru> ðàâíîáåäðåííûé
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<alphabit> nice
<alphabit> hehe
nonent gettin them any way he can..
<Shadow|Ru> áëÿ
<Sysop> The question is:
young wife?
What bit of Bobby Goldsboro sirup focused on a dying
<alphabit> pf blood
<nonent> pf haha.. ah.. hahahhaahah
<alphabit> pf cook me dinner bitch
<Ash420> what kind of ? is that
<alphabit> pf perarl necklace
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
<alphabit> pf pearl necklace
<nonent> sirup?
<alphabit> pf knife
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> whats the ?
<alphabit> pf rope
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<alphabit> dammit
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<nonent> huh?
The question is:
What is the official language of Egypt?
<Ash420> pf arabic
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf arbic
<Shadow|Ru> pf english
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 6 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
<nonent> nice ash
<Ash420> pf ty
<Sysop> The question is:
hulls of ships.
These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the
<nonent> pf barnacles
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf mollusks
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
<alphabit> pf nice
<alphabit> pf
<Ash420> pf good one
<Sysop> The question is: Which character sang "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever
You Are" in "The Wizard of Oz"?
<Ash420> pf dorethy
<alphabit> pf witch
<nonent> pf and see the young lady that fell from the stars
<Shadow|Ru> pf Toto
<Ash420> pf tinman
<alphabit> pf lion
<nonent> pf west witch
<Ash420> pf yes the lion
<nonent> pf witch of the west
<alphabit> pf evil witch
<Shadow|Ru> pf lust bitch
<nonent> it was the good one.. shoot..
<alphabit> pf gwedlin
<nonent> pf gwendolyn
<nonent> or maybe not..
Here's the result of this round:
<Shadow|Ru> pf gendalf
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Glinda, the Good Witch of the North
<Sysop> Team 1 : 7 Points
<nonent> glinda!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
The question is:
What do oak trees grow from?
<nonent> close alpha..
<alphabit> more like stupid bitch of the north
<Ash420> pf the ground
<alphabit> pf acrons
<Ash420> pf seeds
<alphabit> pf scrons
<nonent> pf acorns
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> pf helicoptersd
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<alphabit> pf acrons
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
nonent high-fives alpha
<alphabit> thats ok :)
<alphabit> hehe
The question is:
What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with?
<alphabit> nicen ice
<Ash420> pf san fransisco
<nonent> pf new york
<alphabit> pf korea
<nonent> cisco, not sisco
<Ash420> pf bejing
<Shadow|Ru> pf tokyo
<alphabit> pf japan
<alphabit> pf hong kong
<Shadow|Ru> pf china town
<nonent> pf san francisco
<Ash420> pf damn u nonent, i was typing fast
<alphabit> pf miami
<nonent> or not..
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
<nonent> pfft
<nonent> that's clearly wrong..
The question is:
<nonent> ;)
<Ash420> pf bruins
Hockey: The Boston ___________.
<alphabit> pf buins
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
The question is:
The study of plants is _________.
<alphabit> pf boring
<Ash420> pf plantology
<alphabit> pf agriculture
<Ash420> pf marijuanaism
<alphabit> pf agriculturlogy
<Shadow|Ru> damn lags
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<nonent> dumb..
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
The question is:
Dendrochronology is better known as _________.
<nonent> i feel dumb..
<Ash420> pf aging
<nonent> pf carbon dating
<alphabit> pf counting
<Ash420> pf somethign with an order
<alphabit> pf time
<alphabit> pf stop watch
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Tree-ring dating
<Ash420> pf the study of the space and time
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 8 Points
<Ash420> nice try nonent
<Sysop> The question is:
rights leadership.
He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his civil
<Ash420> pf malcolm x
<nonent> ty
<alphabit> pf winston churchill
<alphabit> pf nato
<Ash420> pf martin luther king
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Martin Luther King Jr.
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 8 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
The question is:
make a(n) _________.
Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice
<nonent> pf margarita
<alphabit> pf mean drink
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nonent -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<nonent> yumm
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
<Ash420> pf nice
<alphabit> pf nice
The question is:
<nonent> tx
<Ash420> pf dungar
<nonent> pf dinar
<Ash420> pf beatle
<nonent> no?
<alphabit> pf dinar
<Ash420> pf dinar
<nonent> pf dinar
<alphabit> pf dinair
What is the monetary unit of India?
<Ash420> pf pashtung
<alphabit> pf dinairo
<alphabit> pf dinaro
<nonent> pf achtung
<Ash420> pf punjabi
<nonent> hehe
<Ash420> lol
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the !bible often just to piss them off
<alphabit> pf dinaro
<alphabit> pf dinero
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<alphabit> Rupee
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
The question is:
Wizard of Oz"
Who played the 'Wicked Witch of the West' in "The
<nonent> yeah.. threw me off with the dungar.. sounded right..
<nonent> pf gwendolyn
<alphabit> pf gwindolyn
<Ash420> pf lol
<alphabit> pf glinda
<alphabit> haha
<alphabit> pf fucking ho bag
<Ash420> pf some old dead broad
<alphabit> pf who cares
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Ash420> pf dungar
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 9 Points
Margaret Hamilton
The question is:
In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass?
<Ash420> pf rockies
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
The Rockies
<alphabit> pf not here
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 9 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 10 Points
<Ash420> o ya
Team 2 (Team 2) wins this match!
<alphabit> dammit !
<Sysop> Your prize is:
a night out on the town with bHaine!!
<alphabit> hehe
<Sysop> The Game has ended. type !trivia to begin again
<nonent> congratz again...
<alphabit> ok ok good night
<alphabit> :)
<nonent> right, it is 2 isn't it?
<Ash420> well ty for the games
<nonent> heh.. gg's
<alphabit> yih yih good night :)
<Ash420> y'all have a good night now y'a hear
<Ash420> and thx for that favor nonent
Signoff: Ash420 ()
<nonent> np
<Shadow|Ru> 2os [Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600)] 2uptime [1h 57m 28s]
2cpu [1-Intel P3 Celeron (Cu), 1200MHz, 128KB] 2mem [Usage: 184/256MB
(71.88%) [|||||||---]]
*** Shadow|Ru has been kicked off channel #f00 by Sysop (COLORS are for FAGS,
Read The Rules fuckwad! (Auto Kick) )
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
Kwat|Away is away (*aargh* detached)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Kwat|Away has changed the topic on channel #f00 to I BOOKED THE FLI
*** Kwat|Away has changed the topic on channel #f00 to I BOOKED THE FLIGHT!!!!
june 25th till july 25th, all ur bong and beer belongs to me
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
<nonent> corporate rule won't be all public executions and plagues -- there'll be a lot of
bad stuff, too.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 4:57 am: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
--=[#f00] Kwatta ( joined the channel.
--=[#f00] CoSysop ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+ooo XhumWork Kwatta
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o CoSysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o CoSysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o Xhumeka" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 2)
From Downloads Digest
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Idle time limit exceeded)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
ZDNet: How fast is your Net
<Kwatta> hi
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off Kwatta
<Kwatta> !trivia
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
<Kwatta> pf join team 1
The question is:
He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What country has the world's most southerly city?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
She starred in the 1952 film, "Niagara".
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Marilyn Monroe
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
He directed the movie E.T.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Steven Spielberg
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Rook
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Brontophobia is the fear of _________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
an island.
The question is:
This is the only borough of New York City that is not on
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Bronx
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
This French peasant girl led the army to victories.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Joan of Arc
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Where is the Admirality Arch?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Name the largest living bird.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Similes: As smart as a(n) ________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What number is on the opposite side of the "five" on dice?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
The force that brings moving bodies to a halt is
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
area be?
The question is:
If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
A circle
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Rio Grande
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
a(n) ________.
Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What is the name for a group of stars?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Analogies: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
In which Disney movie is the song "So This Is Love"?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
Welland Canal
The question is:
Name the second largest lake in North America.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What type of animal is a wallaby?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
A kangaroo
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
With which sport is Chris Evert identified?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
He shot Lee Harvy Oswald.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Jack Ruby
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
This is the port city serving Tokyo.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What company makes Pampers disposable diapers?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Proctor & Gamble
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Kingston is the capital of which country?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
In which city is the Grande Canal?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Henry Kissinger
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
He starred in "Conan the Barbarian".
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Arnold Schwarzenegger
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Football: The Miami __________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
St. Bernard
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
In which city were the Hanging Gardens?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
He is known as "The Father of Geometry".
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
The "final solution" dealt with what people?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Sitting Bull
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What is the world's longest snake?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Name the second largest country in Africa.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Football: The Cleveland ________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Who played Brad Pitt's cop partner in the movie "Seven"?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Morgan Freeman
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
In which city is the Hockey Hall of Fame located?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Toronto, Canada
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What is a young goose called?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Hockey: The Pittsburgh __________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
The green variety of beryl is called ________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
Indian Ocean
The question is:
Similes: As graceful as a(n) _________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Who founded Mormonism?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Joseph Smith
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
was called ________.
This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold
<Kwatta> alchemy
<Kwatta> pf alchemy
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Name the sea west of Alaska.
<Kwatta> bartenzsea
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Bering Sea
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east?
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<Kwatta> red sea
<Kwatta> pf red sea
<Kwatta> pf redsea
<ef1> no
<Kwatta> hi
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Persian Gulf
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<ef1> no
<ef1> no
The question is:
Where is the Parthenon located?
<ef1> beej is a fuck
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<ef1> no trivia
<Kwatta> haha
<Kwatta> pf athens
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What is the capital of Zimbabwe?
<Kwatta> pf mogadishu
<Kwatta> pf mogabishu
<ef1> !trivia
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n)
<ef1> pf help
<Kwatta> pf prisma
<ef1> pf quit
ef1 cancelled the current game!
<ef1> ahh
<Kwatta> hahaha
<ef1> dude
<ef1> you don't understand how annoying that is
<Kwatta> yes i do
<ef1> good.
<Kwatta> why did u think i played it?
<Kwatta> xhum asked me to
<Kwatta> [03:22] <XhumWork> [21:06] <XhumWork> when you get a chance, say
"brb", or "hi there" or "shit" in #f00...
<Kwatta> [03:22] <XhumWork> [21:06] <XhumWork> don't keep doing it over and
over again right away so that you're obvious aobut it though
<Kwatta> [03:22] <XhumWork> [21:06] <XhumWork> just do it until you see what
sysop responds with
<Kwatta> [03:22] <XhumWork> [21:06] <XhumWork> i'm getting even at nonent for
fucking with the settings in my bot
<Kwatta> hi there
<Kwatta> shit
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off
*** ef1 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to Bee-J smokes dick!
<ef1> !topic [21:06] <XhumWork> i'm getting even at nonent for fucking with the
settings in my bot
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to {[21:06]} <XhumWork> i'm getting
even at nonent for fucking with the settings in
<ef1> !topic <XhumWork> i'm getting even at nonent for fucking with the settings in my
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to <XhumWork> i'm getting even at
nonent for fucking with the settings in my bot
<ef1> oh quarterly report is out
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
<ef1> brb
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
--=[#f00] minthure ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by bHaine
<minthure> Hey kids
<minthure> brb
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off minthure
<minthure> hrmmm
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to /ignore sysop all
<minthure> brb
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off minthure
<minthure> brb
< Sysop > nonent, ef0, and minthure are a bunch of cry-baby sissies. please play
!trivia and search the bible often just to piss them off minthure
<minthure> shit
--=[#f00] Kwatta [] has left the channel.
--=[#f00] minthure [] has left the channel.
--=[#f00] minthure ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o minthure" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** minthure has changed the topic on channel #f00 to /ignore sysop all crap
<minthure> That works mint
--=[#f00] Kwatta ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Kwatta" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
--=[#f00] c0ugar ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o c0ugar" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o c0ugar" on channel #f00 by bHaine
<c0ugar> test 2
Signoff: c0ugar (Client Quit)
<XhumWork> hey thar
<minthure> Hey xhum xhum
<minthure> Did you get out by 12?
<ef1> y0
<ef1> brb
<minthure> Hey 3van
<XhumWork> how's it going guys!!
<XhumWork> mint: yep, practically right at the stroke of midnight
<minthure> Shit, and back in for the morning
<minthure> You remind me of me when I had a work ethic
<minthure> You're growing up so fast Xhumwork
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by Sysop
<minthure> Ashatolla
<XhumWork> hey hey hey!!
<XhumWork> mint: hahhhahah
<XhumWork> nahh, i just need the $$$ ;)
<XhumWork> i have absolutely no work ethics at all
<minthure> Oh, well I can relate to that too
<Ash420> sup
<XhumWork> nodda... how 'bout you? you're up pretty early for a man who doesn't have
to work in the mornings
<Ash420> just want to see what the scoop is for this weekend
--=[#f00] tranimal ( joined the
<XhumWork> haven't had a chance to call jay yet... let me do that
<XhumWork> give me 30 mins, i'm just in the middle of somethign right now
<XhumWork> hey tran
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by Sysop
*** Mode change "+o tranimal" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<tranimal> Xhum: Almost done downloading Spider-Man, I let it run for quite a bit last
<minthure> Are you kids wh00pin it up with ghost recon again?
<minthure> Tran: w0rd
<tranimal> Hey, what's up?
<XhumWork> oh, btw
<XhumWork> i'll get rid of those sysop replies shortly... but in the mean time, i want to
have some fun :)
<minthure> I've had sysop on ignore all morning, its working out pretty good
<XhumWork> well good, then we're all happy then :)
*** Sysop has changed the topic on channel #f00 to never disrespect me f00s
<XhumWork> tranimal: kewl!! you'll have to let me know how spiderman is...
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
<ef1> Sysop will die
<XhumWork> oh, don't worry, sysop will die soon enough
<XhumWork> when i head off to Oz, i'll be sure to wipe sysop clean from existance
<XhumWork> then you f00s won't be bothered by it anymore
<XhumWork> you can have f00 to yourselves, and run it however the hell ya's want! :)
<Kwatta> !trivia
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
<Ash420> pf join team 2
<Kwatta> pf join team 1
<Ash420> i will own you.....
<XhumWork> hahahah :)
<Kwatta> u prolly will
<Ash420> lol jk :)
<Sysop> you laugh an awful lot... you must be easily amused
<XhumWork> shit
< Sysop >
your toilet
speaking of shit... ef0 can SHIT BRICKS... keep that fuck away from
<Kwatta> hi
<Sysop> we saw you enter the channel, we see you sitting there, just shut up already...
The question is:
On what island is the U.S. naval base, Guantanamo?
<Ash420> pf cuba
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Kwatta> neat
The question is:
Which city has the largest rodeo in the world?
<Kwatta> pf texas
<XhumWork> calgary
<Ash420> pf austin
<Kwatta> pf houston
<Ash420> pf sacramento
<ef1> !news top
<Kwatta> pf colorado
<ef1> !news top
<ef1> !news top
<Sysop> CNN Top Stories Headlines brought to you by the mad scientists and doctors
<Sysop> CNN Top Stories Headlines brought to you by the mad scientists and doctors
<XhumWork> !bible gen1:1-gen9:9
<Sysop> Ge1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
<Sysop> Ge1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
<Sysop> Ge1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
<Sysop> Ge1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from
the darkness.
<Sysop> Ge1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the
evening and the morning were the first day.
<Sysop> Ge1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and
let it divide the waters from the waters.
<Sysop> Ge1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under
the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
<Sysop> Ge1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning
were the second day.
<Sysop> Ge1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto
one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
<Sysop> Ge1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the
waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
<Sysop> Ge1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it
was so.
<Sysop> Ge1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it
was good.
<Sysop> Ge1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
<Sysop> Ge1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days,
and years:
<Sysop> Ge1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light
upon the earth: and it was so.
<Sysop> Ge1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the
lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
<Sysop> Ge1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
<Sysop> Ge1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from
the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
<Sysop> Ge1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
<Sysop> Ge1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving
creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of
<Sysop> Ge1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,
which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after
his kind: and God saw that it was good.
<Sysop> Ge1:22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the
waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
<Sysop> Ge1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
<Ash420> pf calgary
<Sysop> Ge1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
<Sysop> Ge1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their
kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was
<Sysop> Ge1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
<Sysop> Ge1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female created he them.
<Sysop> Ge1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
<Ash420> pf calgary
<Sysop> Ge1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which
is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding
seed; to you it shall be for meat.
<Ash420> pf calgary
<Sysop> Ge1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to
every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green
herb for meat: and it was so.
<Sysop> Ge1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
<Ash420> pf calgary
<Sysop> Ge2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
<Sysop> Ge2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he
rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
<Sysop> Ge2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he
had rested from all his work which God created and made.
<Sysop> Ge2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were
created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
<Sysop> Ge2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of
the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and
there was not a man to till the ground.
<Sysop> Ge2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of
the ground.
<Sysop> Ge2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
<Sysop> Ge2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put
the man whom he had formed.
<Sysop> Ge2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is
pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
<Ash420> 8ball stop!
<Sysop> Ge2:10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it
was parted, and became into four heads.
<Sysop> Ge2:11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole
land of Havilah, where there is gold;
<Sysop> Ge2:12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
<Sysop> Ge2:13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that
compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
<Sysop> Ge2:14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth
toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
<Sysop> Ge2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden
to dress it and to keep it.
<Sysop> Ge2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the
garden thou mayest freely eat:
<Sysop> Ge2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of
it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
<Sysop> Ge2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I
will make him an help meet for him.
<Sysop> Ge2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field,
and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:
and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Signoff: Sysop (Remote closed the connection)
<Ash420> ty
<Kwatta> :(
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
<Ash420> pf calgary
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
<Kwatta> no more trivia
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<Kwatta> !trivia
*** Mode change "+n" on channel #f00 by Sysop
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
<Ash420> pf join team 2
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
<Kwatta> pf join team 1
<ef1> XhumWork: you are a true fuck
<ef1> XhumWork: your killing f00
XhumWork takes a bow
The question is:
Two 747's collided here in 1977.
<Ash420> pf paris
<XhumWork> in your opinion
<Kwatta> pf lockerby
<Ash420> pf london
<XhumWork> in OUR opinion, we are livening f00
<tranimal> pf Germany. Lockerby was a single plane bombing.
<Kwatta> it was in the news recently, 25 years ago
<Kwatta> yeah
<ef1> but i thought this was _chat_
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Canary Islands
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Ash420> you have to chat though
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
<Ash420> pf wtf
Words containing 'for': Pardon.
<ef1> if you can actually what anyone us saying between all the crap
<Kwatta> pf por fafor
<Kwatta> pf forehand
<XhumWork> well, like i said, soon me and sysop will be gone, so you can be happy
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<ef1> if you can actually what read anyone us saying between all the crap
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<XhumWork> but in the mean time, FUCK YOU!!!!!
The question is:
Brothers ?
What song did Aretha Franklin sing in
<Kwatta> pf think
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<ef1> XhumWork: no
The question is:
In what organ of the body is insulin produced?
<ef1> XhumWork: fuck you..
<Kwatta> pf brains
<ef1> fuck
<Ash420> pf kidney
<ef1> off?
<Kwatta> pf brain
<Ash420> pf liver
<Kwatta> pf liver
<Ash420> pf penis
<Kwatta> pf balls
<Ash420> pf idontknow
Here's the result of this round:
<Kwatta> pf hint
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
and 0.
The question is:
Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1
<tranimal> Xhum: Just logged off your FTP site
<Ash420> pf binary
<tranimal> pf binary
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The binary system
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
<Kwatta> tranimal :
Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War.
u have to join a team
<tranimal> Not yet.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Iliad
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands?
<Kwatta> pf adrenaline
<Ash420> pf adreneline
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Ash420> nice!
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Kwatta> :)
The question is:
<Kwatta> pf boxer
What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue?
<Kwatta> pf labrador
<Ash420> pf chow
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
<Kwatta> neat!
The question is:
Kingston is the capital of which country?
<Ash420> pf jamaica
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city.
<Ash420> pf montreal
<Kwatta> pf amsterdam
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Montreal, Canada
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
The question is:
What Asian city was once called Edo?
<Ash420> pf tokyo
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
The question is:
What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree?
<Kwatta> pf bonzai
<Kwatta> pf bonsai
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
and the _________.
The two rival gangs in "West Side Story" were the Sharks
<Ash420> pf catfish
<Kwatta> pf before my time
<Kwatta> pf bluejays
<Ash420> pf me too
<Ash420> pf Crips
<Ash420> pf Bloods
<Ash420> pf Hells Angels
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
The question is:
Where is the Ocean of Storms located?
<Ash420> pf in hell
<Ash420> pf cape horn
<Kwatta> pf eternity
<Kwatta> pf france
<Ash420> pf bible
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The moon
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
Empire Strikes Back"?
What was the name of Luk's strange little advisor in "The
<Kwatta> pf next
<Ash420> pf yoda
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Kwatta> pf yoda
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
-isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints
<Ash420> pf rhemutism
<Kwatta> pf dont know the english word
<Ash420> pf damn just spell it right
<Kwatta> pf artristisism
<Kwatta> pf rheumatism
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 4 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
<Kwatta> heh
<Kwatta> thanks
The question is:
In what city is the Smithsonian Institute?
<Ash420> pf np
<Kwatta> pf washington
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Washington, D.C.
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 6 Points
The question is:
In what year did man first set foot on the moon?
<Ash420> pf 1963
<Ash420> pf 1967
<Kwatta> pf 1967
<Ash420> pf 1968
<Ash420> pf 1969
Here's the result of this round:
<Kwatta> pf 1969
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> lol
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 5 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 7 Points
<Kwatta> damn
<Sysop> you laugh an awful lot... you must be easily amused
<Sysop> The question is:
own death.
This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his
<Ash420> pf rommel
<Kwatta> pf himmler
<Ash420> pf hitler
<Kwatta> pf heinrich himmler
<Ash420> pf goebells
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Kwatta> ?
The question is:
In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles?
<Ash420> pf atlantic
<Ash420> pf pacific
<Kwatta> pf pacific
<Ash420> pf baltic
<Ash420> pf bering
<Ash420> pf sargasso
<Kwatta> pf indian
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Kwatta> FUCK U, i had that
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Ash420> pf nice try
Indian Ocean
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Who played Brad Pitt's cop partner in the movie "Seven"?
<Ash420> pf morgan freeman
<Kwatta> that's true
<Ash420> pf morgan freman
<Kwatta> pf freeman
<Ash420> pf god damn spelling
Here's the result of this round:
<Kwatta> hmmz, i get this in pm from the bot:
<Kwatta> [17:26] <Sysop> There's no game running! Start one by typing !trivia [1-10]
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
Morgan Freeman
<Kwatta> [17:26] <Sysop> The number is optional. By default, 3 points are needed to
win a match. To play a game with 6 points needed to win, type !trivia 6.
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
The force that brings moving bodies to a halt is
<Kwatta> pf help
<Ash420> pf gravity
<Kwatta> !trivia 5
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
<Ash420> pf centralfugal
Starting a new game. 5 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Kwatta> pf join team 1
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Who said "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered)
<Kwatta> pf julius cesar
<Kwatta> pf julius ceasar
<Ash420> pf julius caeser
The question is:
For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage?
<Ash420> pf spain
<Kwatta> pf spain
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Kwatta> pf portugal
<Sysop> Team 1 : 1 Point
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Ash420> ok this is messed
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> up
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
nobody -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Meningitis affects the _________.
The question is:
In which state are the Finger Lakes?
<Ash420> why is there 2 games going ?
<Kwatta> ps stop
<Kwatta> pf stop
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
New York
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 2 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
New York
The question is:
This Canadian island is the world's fifth largest.
The question is:
What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands?
<Kwatta> pf adrenaline
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Kwatta -=Team 1=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
The symbols used on a map are explained by the
<Kwatta> pf legenda
<Kwatta> pf legende
<Kwatta> pf lagenda
<Kwatta> pf legaenda
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Kwatta> pf leganda
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Kwatta> DMAn
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
A calm ocean region near the equator.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
This war began on June 25, 1950.
<tranimal> pf Korean war
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
Korean War
The question is:
What is a male swan called?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
What's the nickname of the University of Georgia football
<Ash420> pf bulldogs
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Ash420> its not workink for me
The question is:
Name the mammal living at the highest altitude.
<Kwatta> join team again
<Ash420> pf human
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Which state is divided into two parts by a large lake?
<Ash420> pf join team 2
<Ash420> pf michigan
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Kwatta> pf fuck america
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
This is the symbol for tin.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Name Jacques Cousteau's research ship.
<Ash420> the bot is fubarred
<Kwatta> yup
<Ash420> im out of the trivia
<Kwatta> pf dolphin
<Kwatta> we need to stop the bot first by 5 good answers
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
The Calypso
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
A group of kangaroos is known as a _______.
Here's the result of this round:
<Kwatta> pf herd
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Ash420> its too quick
The question is:
smell of garlic?
What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the
<Ash420> pf vampire
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
A vampire
<Kwatta> pf vam,piure
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 2 Points
The question is:
<Ash420> pf poppy
What plant is opium derived from?
<Kwatta> pf rose
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
The poppy
<Ash420> pf poppie
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
In which state is Mount Vernon?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf california
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
What's the telephone area code for Chicago?
<Ash420> pf 555
<Kwatta> pf 666
<Ash420> pf 911
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
a(n) __________.
Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of
Here's the result of this round:
<Ash420> pf atom
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Kwatta> pf atom
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 3 Points
The question is:
<Ash420> pf black
In pool, what color is the eight ball?
<Kwatta> pf black
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
The question is:
This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A.
<Ash420> pf golden gate
<Kwatta> pf golden gate
<Kwatta> pf goldengate
<Ash420> pf brooklyn
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Verrazano-Narrows, N.Y.
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 4 Points
The question is:
What color does the bride wear in China?
<Ash420> pf black
<Ash420> pf white
<Kwatta> pf green
<Ash420> pf red
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Ash420> pf orange
<Sysop> Found by
Ash420 -=Team 2=-
<Kwatta> pf red
<Sysop> Team 1 : 3 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 5 Points
Team 2 (Team 2) wins this match!
<Sysop> Your prize is:
a night out on the town with nonent!!
<Sysop> The Game has ended. type !trivia to begin again
<Ash420> thank god
<Kwatta> hahaha
<Ash420> good game
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Kwatta> have fun with nonent
<Sysop> Found by
nobody -=Team 2=-
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
What is a dried plum called?
<Ash420> prune
<Kwatta> wtf?
<Ash420> pf prune
<Ash420> how did another start?
<Sysop> how this... why that... holy fuck you ask a lot of questions. Don't you ever have
anything meaningful to say?
<Kwatta> i don't know
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
A prune
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Kwatta> i haven't typed the trigger
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Ash420> me neither
The question is:
In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens?
<Ash420> i didnt see anyone
<Ash420> type that
<Ash420> rome
<Ash420> sicily
<Kwatta> pf join team 1
<Ash420> paris
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Kwatta> it says there isn't a game now
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
How many players make up a field hockey team?
<Kwatta> pf 11
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Myositis affects the _________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Who was George Washington's vice-president?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
John Adams
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
How many sides does a home-plate have?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves.
<Kwatta> pf stalofmites
<Kwatta> pf stalagmites
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
In which country is Cusco?
<Kwatta> !STOP
<Kwatta> pf cut it out
<Kwatta> pf quit
<Kwatta> !trivia 0
This is Sysop, your trivia bot
Starting a new game. 10 points needed to win
Players please join a team now by typing "pf join team 1" or "pf join team
To answer a question, type "pf <your answer>"
Type "pf help" for help.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras.
<Kwatta> SHIT
<Kwatta> brb
<Sysop> umm, can you change that to nbb? (never be back)... we are REALLY sick of
you and your shit Kwatta
<Kwatta> hi
<Kwatta> hi there
The question is:
Hockey: The Edmonton __________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
<Sysop> The question is: The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with
a club and shield is ________.
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
The fins of which fish are made into a soup?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
a(n) ________.
Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
The question is:
St. George's is the capital city of what island country?
<Ash420> pf help
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
the poor.
The question is:
She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among
<Ash420> quit
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 1 Point
Mother Teresa
<Ash420> pf join team 2
The question is:
Which country developed "Tae-Kwan-Do"?
<Ash420> pf quit
Ash420 cancelled the current game!
<Ash420> quit
<Ash420> phew
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Ash420> wtf
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Ash420> quit
<Sysop> The question is:
A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n)
<Ash420> pf quit
<Kwatta> it seams like it can't stop
<Ash420> pf join team 2
<Ash420> quit
<Ash420> pf quit
<Kwatta> bot thinks there isn't a trivia here
<Ash420> it stopped
<Ash420> i think
<Kwatta> is it?
<Kwatta> i doubt it
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Kwatta> there u go
The question is:
<Ash420> type pf join team 1
<Ash420> pf join team 2
What country has the world's most southerly city?
<Kwatta> !kick Sysop
*** Sysop has been kicked off channel #f00 by Sysop (Sysop)
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<Ash420> pf quit
<Ash420> quit
<Kwatta> not the smartest bot
<Kwatta> !kick Sysop
*** Sysop has been kicked off channel #f00 by Sysop (Sysop)
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
A terrapin is a type of _________.
<Ash420> pf quit
<Ash420> quit
Signoff: Ash420 ()
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
Name the sea north of Murmansk, Russia.
--=[#f00] Ash420 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Ash420" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<Ash420> is it done?
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Barents Sea
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Ash420> o man
The question is:
In which country is Madras?
<Kwatta> !ban sysop
<Kwatta> !kb sysop
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
Ash420 slaps Sysop around a bit with a large trout
The question is:
Who was Chief Marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club?
<Kwatta> now that's a lame question
<Kwatta> Pf nonent
<Ash420> lol
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
Walt Disney
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n)
<Ash420> why would this thing keep going
<Ash420> flush
<Kwatta> !kill
<Kwatta> !stop
<Ash420> !die
<Kwatta> !quit
<Ash420> !help
Here's the result of this round:
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
<Sysop> The question is:
his/her body?
How many pints of blood does the average human have in
Here's the result of this round:
<XhumWork> pf quit
<Sysop> The correct answer was:
<Sysop> Found by
<Sysop> Team 1 : 0 Points
<Sysop> Team 2 : 0 Points
The question is:
He was the captain of the "Mayflower".
<XhumWork> uh oh, sysop went crazy
<Kwatta> only a bit
Signoff: Sysop (Remote closed the connection)
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<Kwatta> Xhumeka :
Sysop isn't the smartest bot around
<Kwatta> !kick Sysop
*** Sysop has been kicked off channel #f00 by Sysop (Sysop)
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
<XhumWork> seen bhaine
<Sysop> bhaine is on the channel right now!
Signoff: Sysop (Remote closed the connection)
--=[#f00] Sysop ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by bHaine
*** Mode change "+o Sysop" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<minthure> I think this is the greatest moment in this channels history
<XhumWork> what's that?
<minthure> I was just reading the trivia shite and everyone trying to kill it just now
<XhumWork> ahh, heheheh
<Ash420> hey minth
<Ash420> sup sup
IRC log ended Tue Apr 23 12:27
IRC log started Thu Apr 25 22:59
[ <-V-> ] The file for IRC logging is
<minthure> Just getting a stick of trident
*** Mode change "-b *!*" on channel
#f00 by CoSysop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
<ef0> how was your day?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop Kwatta XhumWork Xhumeka R081N bHaine
ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<minthure> Decent, just archived some jive onto tape, then went and drank at a staff
apprecation cheese thing
<minthure> Yours?
<ef0> busy..
<ef0> but alright
sorry bro
got stuck in a b00k and just finished it
-> * = [ bHaine ] = * np
real good
it was in the last few chapters and got
-> * = [ bHaine ] = * what book?
spells etc..
<bHaine:#f00> hey all
get up to anything fun and exciting
it's called the White Tribunal
about whitch hunting, thier powers,
< bHaine >
that was good rym's ef0 :)
<nonent> qui pasa ?
< bHaine >
[19:40] <ef0> The Land of f00
< bHaine >
[19:40] <ef0> by ef0
< bHaine >
[19:40] <ef0>
< bHaine >
[19:41] <ef0> the land of f00 not started by a jew
< bHaine >
[19:42] <ef0> was a place where they meet
< bHaine >
[19:42] <ef0> was a place where they greet
< bHaine >
[19:42] <ef0> was a place to exchange stories about the kill and her
< bHaine >
[19:43] <ef0> we saw, kum-kwat's and kimmi's
< bHaine >
[19:44] <ef0> displayed the stupidist hymies
< bHaine >
[19:46] <ef0> and got HIGH-toned and fuck to the bottoms of the seat
< bHaine >
[19:47] <ef0>
< bHaine >
[19:47] <ef0> thats it
< bHaine >
[19:47] <ef0> i'm done now
<bHaine> sw33t :)
<ef0> sec
<bHaine> k
<bHaine> hey nonent
<nonent> yo bhaine
<bHaine> didn't see ya there for a sec
<nonent> minth still here?
<minthure> Yeah yeah
<nonent> ahh, no problems..
<nonent> so, what goes down?
<bHaine> not sure..just got in myself
<bHaine> hey minty!
<minthure> Word up bhaine
<nonent> [E/X] You have new email! (Mail Waiting: 813)
<nonent> [E/X] Mail: From!
<nonent> super!.. wonder what that's about then..
<minthure> Lucky you!
<minthure> Sun down in the mason of the prairies
Fw: dns
<minthure> Domainsmatter have all their treasure buried
<bHaine:#f00> seen alphabit
<bHaine:#f00> !seen alphabit
<minthure> bling bling
<nonent> fuck, i had a nightmare last night, where my friend, who i gave a rad ricecooker too, well, his wife burst into tears because it was such a shitty gift, and told me to
get the fuck out of her sight...
<nonent> that's not gay is it?.. to have nightmares like that?
<minthure> No, its cool to dream about rice cookers. It means you have a penchant for
the mass extermination of the chinese, and thats just plain healthy
<nonent> oh, well.. good.. my subconscious isn't usually so subtle..
<ef0> w0r
<bHaine:#f00> seen alphabit
<nonent:#f00> r081n banned him, that fark..
<bHaine:#f00> oh
<minthure> war
<ef0> tarrin has a dream book
<ef0> lemme see what it says about dreaming about rice
<nonent:#f00> !unban alphabit
<nonent:#f00> well, let's see if that worked..
<ef0> nonent: and I quote.. "Rice is good to see in a dreams, it foretells success and
warm frendships"
<minthure> But what about in the context of a crying friend
<nonent> rad.. dreams are crazy
<ef0> mint: i'm checking "gift" first
<minthure> Flamencos sweep the air
<ef0> "To send a gift, signifies displeasure will be shown you, and ill luck will surround
your efforsts"
<bHaine> it because youe a terrorist...Al-queda dude
<ef0> osama bin-bush
<bHaine> haha
<bHaine> he's the terror of IRC :0
<nonent> i'm not following.. this irc's too complicated..
<minthure> Hes a colon terrorist
<nonent> oh.. well, yeah.
<nonent> testicular terrorist..
<nonent> that's got more.. similar sounds, crap.. what's that called?
<nonent> alliteration.
<minthure> Kinda gay
<nonent> i'm sure glad i've got an english-teacher for a father.. it always results in rad
trivia.. the chicks are always impressed...
<minthure> No diggity
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 4)
From ZDNet Announce
Boost your earning power
<nonent> yeah, them rappers are good with the alliteration..
<nonent> oh, i think i might get to do stuff for the 'nelly' phone too now.. a bling-bling
casino-style game..
<bHaine> well off to bed one and all, may your God bless ya :)
<minthure> Cadillac Spills
<minthure> Night Bhaine!
<minthure> See you tomorr
<minthure> o
<minthure> w
<bHaine:#f00> an to those here...A G00d Nite!
<ef0> w0rd bHaine
<nonent> 'night bhaino
<bHaine> take guys..see ya's at the bottom of a few rye & gingers :)
<minthure> glug
--=[#tacovilla] bHaine [] has left
the channel.
--=[#f00] bHaine [] has left the
*** Mode change "-b *!*" on channel
#f00 by nonent
<ef0> glug
<ef0> glug
<minthure> One more beer then bed
<minthure> I think
<ef0> you think is right
*** Unknown command: EM
<ef0> :)
<minthure> I'm listening to Civil War right now
<minthure> What we've got here
<minthure> Is failure to communicate
<minthure> Maybe tonight should be a Gnr ACDC, Def leppard, get tanked by yourself
kind of night
<ef0> haha
<ef0> the way we've always done before
<minthure> And all these things are swept aside, these bloody hands I cant deny, and the
washed away by your genocide, history hides behind your
<minthure> cival war
<minthure> I'm thinking tomorrow is going to revolve around guns and roses
<ef0> a tribute
<ef0> sort of like the butthole surfers record release party
<ef0> ?
<ef0> ?
<minthure> Yeah
<minthure> Something just like that
<ef0> 'coo!
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<minthure> You WILL need your civil war
<minthure> Yesterday, there was so many things I was never told
<minthure> Now that I'm starting to learn, I feel I'm growin old
<ef0> the song, yesterday was written by duff mckegan
<ef0> dont ask me how i know
<ef0> i just do
<minthure> c00, you'll be the professor guy in the corner who smokes the pipe
<minthure> and we'll all come ask you about GnR
<ef0> hows that beer?
<minthure> Budilicious
<minthure> Do you need some time
<ef0> hehe
<minthure> I'm getting the reetest playlist ready
<minthure> Alright, shit be downloadin, I'm going to some alternate prepping
<minthure> Talk at you kids tomoor
<minthure> fuk
<minthure> tomorrow
<ef0> umm
<minthure> umm
<ef0> ok
<minthure> coo
<minthure> See you then
<ef0> im going to have a tomaote juice and a smoke and head to bed
<minthure> Get in the ring
<ef0> one in a million
<ef0> pretty tied up
<ef0> mr.brownstone
--=[#f00] alphabit ( joined the
<alphabit:#f00> wtf
<alphabit:#f00> banned?
<nonent:#f00> i dunno what was up with that.. assuming r081n screwing around?
<alphabit:#f00> someone..
<alphabit:#f00> they took me off being opped too.
<nonent:#f00> anyways.. didn't miss out on anything.. slow here..
*** Mode change "+o alphabit" on channel #f00 by nonent
<alphabit:#f00> but I guess whoever it was got mad cuz of someone fucking around on
my irc.
<alphabit:#f00> yih hehe
<alphabit:#f00> usually you have to do something to get banned.. hehe
<nonent:#f00> i doubt it, probably they were just fucking with you, pretending to get
offended or some shit..
<alphabit:#f00> well then.. I have to take it to the next step.. and to far...
<nonent:#f00> looks like sysop's gone for now.. so no trivia...
<nonent:#f00> haha
<nonent:#f00> yeah, something funny involving drano would probably be in order
<alphabit:#f00> I will look up there addresses and get a 12 guage shot gun and show
them I mean bussiness
<nonent:#f00> really, it's the only way you can be a man..
<alphabit:#f00> yih
<alphabit:#f00> like I was thinking that today.. when i was making sandwiches...
<alphabit:#f00> but
<alphabit:#f00> I said what part of a sandwich is wissie... and I said the bread... so I
made sandwiches without the bread
<alphabit:#f00> it was a manly thing
<nonent:#f00> yeah.. well, sprouts are a bit wussy too..
<nonent:#f00> actually, almost everything except the meat..
<alphabit:#f00> yih well it was meat cheese and bbq sauce
<nonent:#f00> so, what've you been up to since i last saw you at.. err.. red-devil?
<alphabit:#f00> followed by a cold labatt 50
<nonent:#f00> nice!
<alphabit:#f00> while watching sports.
<nonent:#f00> if there's no malt-liquor around, 50 does the trick..
<alphabit:#f00> not to much .. just work and work.. and well some more work and
<alphabit:#f00> yes sir
<nonent:#f00> working right now?.. or relaxing/
<alphabit:#f00> you know if you ever wanted to watch a movie with a chick and you
didnt want her to leave till it was over you should pick The Last Emporer it 219 minutes
<alphabit:#f00> me I am watchin the L E
<nonent:#f00> yeah, good movie tho.. actually.. somebody recommended me a 9 hour
movie the other day..
<alphabit:#f00> whats that called ?
<nonent:#f00> trying to remember..
<nonent:#f00> maybe i bookmarked it..
<alphabit:#f00> thanks
<nonent:#f00> i'm totally throwing that on when the ladies are over, chilling at my crib
and stuff..
<alphabit:#f00> yih
<alphabit:#f00> that will get them laid...
<alphabit:#f00> epc of they are jewish
<alphabit:#f00> and horny
<nonent:#f00> pretty sure the two go hand iin hand or something..
<alphabit:#f00> yih
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
<alphabit:#f00> wow that was a good fucking movie.. sad thou
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
Kwatta is away (*aargh* detached)
*** Kwatta is now known as Kwat|Away
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
*** Kwat|Away is now known as Kwatta
Signoff: Xhumeka (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
Signoff: R081N (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
--=[#f00] Xhumeka ( joined the
*** Mode change "+o Xhumeka" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
* #f00 >>
page : OFF]
Kwatta is away,
work, dunno when back yet
[log : OFF] [-
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Signoff: minthure (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
--=[#F00] R081N ( joined the
--=[#F00] R081N [] has left the
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (SendQ exceeded)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
<Shadow|Ru:#f00> any1 have Norton Antivirus for Win2k Server??
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
<Xhumeka:#f00> sorry shadow, not I
Signoff: Shadow|Ru ()
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
<MacbHaine:#f00> g00d morning
<MacbHaine:#f00> anyone alive out there?
*** Mode change "+o MacbHaine" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
<Shadow|Ru:#f00> yep
<Shadow|Ru:#f00> hi!
<Xhumeka:#f00> hey macbhainer!
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by Xhumeka
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
--=[#tacovilla] ef1 ( joined the channel.
<ef1> villa..
<ef1:#f00> hmm
<MacbHaine:#f00> sorry stuck talking to the pricing vp
<Xhumeka:#f00> no probs
<Xhumeka:#f00> hey ef1
<MacbHaine:#f00> shes not the type to blow off
MacbHaine gotta leave the office
<MacbHaine:#f00> need to bolt guys, talk to ya's later
Signoff: MacbHaine ()
<Xhumeka:#f00> me too, l8r's
--=[#f00] Xhumeka [] has left the
ef1 is away <-V->
5 Minute Autosetaway
<-V-> MSG's will be recorded.
--=[#f00] _TheCorps ( joined
the channel.
Signoff: _TheCorps (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] _TheCorps ( joined
the channel.
*** _TheCorps is now known as ashole
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
--=[#f00] Shadow|Ru (shadow@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ashole" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o Shadow|Ru" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
Signoff: Shadow|Ru (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
*** ashole is now known as Ash420
--=[#f00] JU153 ( joined the
<JU153:#f00> yoyoyo
--=[#f00] JU153 [] has left the
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 10:24 am: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 10:27 am (
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+ooo Kwatta XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o nonent" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 10:28 am: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 10:29 am (
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+o alphabit'
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 10:31 am: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 10:33 am (
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+o alphabit'
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
*** ef1 has changed the topic on channel #f00 to stupid topics suck
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
Signoff: XhumWork (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
--=[#f00] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o XhumWork" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
Kwatta has returned. [gone : 8h9m15s]
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<nonent> yo yo?
<ef1> h0ld
<ef1> sup?
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
From Evan Poll EMC
(Mail Waiting: 5)
IWS info
<ef1> man, the day is starting to slow down
<nonent> starting to slow down?
<nonent> busy morning?
<nonent> no chatter in here at all..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
<ef1> yah
<ef1> but busy in a good way.
- xyst - [ server-wide notice ] Hi kids! We're like really bored and stuff, so we
figured while our usercount is low we'd go ahead and update the IRCD. We're going to
have to restart, so you're all going to disconnect in five minutes whether you like it or
not! Teehee, just kidding. Switch servers for uninterrupted IRC, otherwise we'll be right
back. [ server-wide notice ]
<ef1> xyst- [server-wide notice] Hi kids! We're like really bored and stuff, so we
figured while our usercount is low we'd go ahead and update the IRCD.
We're going to have to restart, so you're all going to disconnect in
five minutes whether you like it or not! Teehee, just kidding. Switch
servers for uninterrupted IRC, otherwise we'll be right back.
[server-wide notice]
- xyst - [ server-wide ] and I'd like to personally thank all of you who flooded
me with /away notices, thanks!
<ef1> qeast is going to reboot in a 'sec
Signoff: ef1 (changing servers)
--=[#tacovilla] ef1 ( joined the channel.
<ef1> ok
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
*** Mode change "+o ef1" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
<ef1> now i'm safe from the reboot
<nonent> so, what's been going down this morning then?
<nonent> phew
<ef1> nothing really. we are getting ready for our big unix migration next weekend
<ef1> though, it was suppose to be this weekend but another week of getting ready is
<nonent> cool.. yeah, that's awlays welcome
<ef1> yah, there is really no rush.. all we are doing is migrating so new features or
<ef1> it is much faster though
<ef1> any plans for the evening?
- xyst - Goodbye cruel world!
*** Connection closed from Remote end closed connection
*** Connecting to port 6667 of server
*** Welcome to the Internet Relay Network ef0
*** This server was created Fri Apr 26 2002 at 13: 50:32 EDT
*** umodes available oOiwszcrkfydnxb, channel modes available biklmnopstve
CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpst KNOCK MODES=4 are supported by this server
*** There are 0 users and 26 invisible on 1 servers
*** There are 1 operators online
*** 7 channels have been formed
*** This server has 26 clients and 0 servers connected
*** Current local users: 26 Max: 26
*** Current global users: 26 Max: 26
*** Highest connection count: 25 (25 clients) (26 since server was (re)started)
*** Mode change "+i" for user ef0 by ef0
*** #f00 Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
*** #tacovilla Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
[ <-V-> ] Connected to server
*** Mode change "+s" for user ef0 by ef0
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are not on any channels
--=[#f00] ef0 ( joined the channel.
*** Users on #f00: ef0 JU153 @DjMittens @N180R @Xhumeka @bHaine @nonent
@undah_ @Kwatta @CoSysop @alphabit @XhumWork
*** #f00 1004496602
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by XhumWork
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #f00 by bHaine
--=[#tacovillza] ef0 ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #tacovillza: '+nt'
*** Users on #tacovillza: @ef0
*** #tacovillza 1019857389
*** Mode change "+nt" on channel #tacovillza by ef0
--=[#tacovillza] ef0 [] has left the channel.
--=[#tacovilla] ef0 ( joined the channel.
*** Users on #tacovilla: ef0 N180R bHaine @nonent
*** #tacovilla 1019606487
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
--=[#tacovilla] minthure ( joined
the channel.
<minthure> hola
<nonent> le hure!
<minthure> Just spoke to bhainehole
<minthure> Said you're eta is for 7:30
<nonent> ah, cool.. so, you know the deal..
<nonent> that's the plan..
<minthure> do so
<minthure> sc00
<nonent> i have no control over the bhaine, he's being.. extraordinarily generous here..
<minthure> You're puttin out
<nonent> the house has been radified?
<nonent> well, yeah..
<minthure> Yes indeed
<minthure> The dining area is completely empty, but we can utilize that for charades
<nonent> dining area.. you have a dining area?
<nonent> are you talking about the games room?
<minthure> Thats the one, I like to eat in the games area
<nonent> oh.. or we could lay down a tarpaulin and cover it with lube..
<minthure> now your talkin
<ef0> u<ef0> y0 even
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : #tacovilla
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 9 minute(s) (596 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 26 17:58:59 2002
-> * = [ minthure ] = * y0y0 daddy
<nonent> 32.5 oz Bottle of lube.. is.. that a lot?
< nonent >
y0 ef0
<ef0> heya nonent!
<ef0> i found a store that sells Rizla papers
<nonent> oh yeah?
Hey duder
<ef0> yep
<nonent> never used.. what's special about them?
<ef0> ultra, ultra leet
Comin by?
<nonent> cocaine built right in?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yessir
<ef0> crack
-> * = [ nonent ] = * tarrin is working 'til 9, but i will likely pick her up at that
subway station close to you
-> * = [ minthure ] = * tarrin is working 'til 9, but i will likely pick her up at that
subway station close to you
-> * = [ nonent ] = * hehe
[minthure:(] Excellent, Wayne and nonent are coming
around 7:30, but you can come whenever you dig
YEah, thats Kipling
it looks like bhaine's giving me a ride..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yah.. i will likely head over 7-730
you coming down prior to picking tarrin up?
-> * = [ nonent ] = * sweet! alright
-> * = [ nonent ] = * yep
yeah, it's tits..
subway close to me... Eglinton?
-> * = [ nonent ] = * no no
oh, the one close to curts?
-> * = [ nonent ] = * i thought if you didnt have a ride i could snag you from
that makes.. much more sense..
cool.. yeah..
-> * = [ nonent ] = * but all's good
generous and all that..
but it looks like it's covered... bhaine being extaordinarily
<ef0> c0it, i'm bring the p0rt!
<nonent> nono.. i want nothing served but brandy tonight..
<minthure> Ohhoh Portastic
<minthure> Yehaw, brandys mint too
<ef0> nonent: oh well then
<ef0> nonent: fuck you ;)
<nonent> heh
<ef0> so can i expect some crazyness?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R XhumWork
Xhumeka alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +nt ( N180R bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: jay
*** On Channels : #tacovilla @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (37 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 26 16:45:18 2002
*** +i No such channel
*** +i No such channel
*** #tacovilla You're not channel operator
<ef0> opme
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R XhumWork
Xhumeka alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +nt ( N180R bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: aaron
*** On Channels : @#tacovilla @#f00
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 1 minute(s) (114 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 23 21:47:20 2002
*** Mode change "+o ef0" on channel #tacovilla by nonent
*** Mode change "+i" on channel #tacovilla by ef0
<ef0> thanks nonent
*** N180R has been kicked off channel #tacovilla by ef0 (
sorry, no lurking
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R XhumWork
Xhumeka alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: jay
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (1 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 26 16:45:18 2002
<minthure> I'd have said the same thing, minus the sorry part, and maybe add a You
fuckface part
<ef0> have either of you guys listened to the radio station 92.9??
<minthure> nay
Signoff: XhumWork (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<ef0> minth: ahaah
<ef0> they had dice clay on yesterday..
<ef0> (i had heard he went born again)
<ef0> but he sounded normal
<ef0> then, today they called him to offer him a match in celebirty boxing
<ef0> and he was down at ground-zero
<ef0> all fucked up, saying that he was wering a police cap and he controlled the police
and all this wacked shit
<ef0> i laughed
<ef0> he was either
<ef0> a) drunk
<ef0> b) high
<ef0> c) breakdown
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: jay
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (1 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 26 16:45:18 2002
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 65 minute(s) (3927 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 26 16:38:50 2002
<minthure> Fun
<ef0> !!
<bHaine> righty oh then ladz! :)
<ef0> hey hey
<bHaine> we had joy, we had fun
<minthure> We had ravaged wayne knox bum
<bHaine> hahaha
<bHaine> funny...didn't hurt a bit! :P
<minthure> thread man
<bHaine> ahah lol
<bHaine> nonent?
<nonent> bhaine?
<bHaine> ok
<bHaine> hahaha
<bHaine> didn't know you were here
<bHaine> so are u ready anytime now?
<nonent> yeah, basically whenever you're set.. i'm good to go.
<ef0> do you want some kandy
<ef0> ?
<bHaine> ok
<ef0> light
<ef0> light
<ef0> light
<minthure> s0nic
<ef0> !!!
<bHaine> lol
<minthure> Speaking of which Im off to the liquor store and doin some shopping
<minthure> I'll leave the door open if you get here and Im not
<bHaine> go bitch G)!
<ef0> well, shop 'til you drop
<bHaine> haha
<minthure> Bitch g is goin
<bHaine> ok mint
<minthure> I did that last weekend, I'm still recouperating
<bHaine> haha
<ef0> mint: it's shitty would couldn't come in through the window
<ef0> yah.. whatever ef0
<ef0> you fucking g00f
ef0 is high
<minthure> Yeah, the real windows are in now, how sad
<minthure> g00f
<ef0> shite
<minthure> Im out
*** ef0 is now known as g00f
<g00f> w0rd b0ys
*** g00f is now known as ef0
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<ef0> well maybee i should start getting ready
<ef0> fuck
Kwatta is away,
movie & puff
[log : OFF] [page : OFF]
<ef0> wehaw!!
< bHaine >
me too ef0
<bHaine:#f00> bbiab
<bHaine> I /me is off getting ready to tour
<nonent> anybody know how much info you can store on a dvd, in G's?
<ef0> 1/2 g
<ef0> therebouts
<nonent> actually.. 9.25 g's on a doublesided dvdrw apparantly..
<ef0> oh yah dvd
<ef0> hhee
<ef0> i was thinking cd
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<nonent> haha.. oh.. yeah.. thinking about using a dvdrw at work for backup
<ef0> hey, if we land some big american accounts ericsson will be looking for developers
<nonent> heh.. it looks like we may be looking for developers too..
<nonent> just hired one yesterday.. sounding like more to come..
<ef0> yah, but if you wanted to perhaps jump ship
<nonent> just closed some deal with nokia too..
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<nonent> if it works out insanely/ridiculously/impossibly well, i could find myself senior
management of a decent little company.. we'll see tho.. i'll give it a few months.. but the
.com days are over...
<ef0> oh yah.. but it can't hurt to see how much $$ is involved
<ef0> plus, ericsson's mobile application division is young
<ef0> as is everyone's
<ef0> i will let you know..
<nonent> yes, do
<ef0> when is bHaine pickimg you up?
*** ash420 No such server
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : @#f00
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 4 minute(s) (276 seconds)
*** Signed on : Fri Apr 26 16:38:50 2002
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit bHaine ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( bHaine ef0 minthure nonent
<nonent> know any toronto stores that sell tape-drives?
<nonent> umm.. don't know.. soon i think he just left..
<ef0> no..
<ef0> not off hand :(
<ef0> how long of a drive from his place to yours?
<nonent> no worries..
<nonent> umm... 15/20?
<ef0> thats not bad
<nonent> oh, werd.. curry's.. art store sells 50 GB (uncompressed) tape drives...
<nonent> weird that the first store i find in toronto that carries them is an art supply store
<ef0> alright, i'm outta here
<ef0> see ya in a bit.
Signoff: Xhumeka (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
ef0 is gone
--=[#f00] Xhumeka ( joined
the channel.
<nonent> seeya in a bit
nonent is away
- out -
messages will be saved.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
*** Mode change "+b *!*" on channel #f00 by N180R
*** Mode change "-b *!*" on channel #f00 by CoSysop
*** You have been kicked off channel #f00 by N180R (N180R)
*** You are now talking to channel #f00
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
Signoff: bHaine (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 nonent undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
<minthure:#tacovilla> hola
<minthure:#tacovilla> Morning has broken
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<minthure:#tacovilla> jose
<minthure:#tacovilla> jose
<nonent:#tacovilla> cugr
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
<minthure> yoyo
<nonent> hey.. how'd the rest of your night/morning go.. was that a rad awakening?
nonent is now listening to 'digable planets -- rebirth of slick' type !kwattamp3 to get
<minthure> Heheh
<minthure> The rest was good, the awakening was the best though
<minthure> I was back in f00 for a second, I must say seeing Kwatta is away argh
detached, or whatever the fuck 1800 times was nice
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 2:30 pm: ( *
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 2:31 pm ( *
[ <-V-> ]
In #tacovilla: '+o nonent'
<minthure> So whats your day consisting of
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
<nonent> work at the moment.. the morning consisted of sleep..
<minthure> Wonder hows 3vans making out
<nonent> i'm a bit sore.. not sure how that happened..
<minthure> Oh..hehe...I have no idea...
<minthure> er
<nonent> your house empty again?
<nonent> the living room was looking pretty rad in the morning..
<minthure> What a sty eh? Jesus that was nasty
<minthure> Ainsley toured around 11:30 or so
<minthure> You should set up your bedroom so you can wake up to full beer bottles, half
shots of zambuca, an ashtray, etc
<minthure> Its good for your state of mind
<nonent> i thought i had met tarrin's sister before, but nope....
<nonent> she's surprisingly rad for being tarrin's sister..
<minthure> Yeah, must be adopted or something
<minthure> Sambuca burger shots for lunch?
<nonent> brb
nonent is right back
<nonent> minthure: wanna hear the crappest song ever, my 2nd song done with
buzzmachines?.. it's on your desktop..
<nonent> actually.. it's the second track i've ever done.. and i'm kinda realizing i should
learn some theory...
<nonent> just some simple scales/chord progressioins, etc.. again..
<minthure> Hey, this is ok
<minthure> Its 1200 times better than I could make buzz sing
<minthure> I like those almost distorted type snare slides
<minthure> quite a bit actually
<nonent> i see the potential for a lot of power in it.. but 1 million options, and none of it
particularly intuitive
<nonent> thanks
<nonent> hah.. i think bhaine really did bitch my phone.. don't tell him..
<minthure> Next time you're by you'll have to show me the ropes, I just couldnt get it to
do anything beyond bleeping rudely
<minthure> Oh no,
<minthure> No rye and gingers for the phone
<nonent> it's okay.. i just send it back to motorola and pretend i didn't know anything
<nonent> oh, wait.. it might actually be semi-revived..
<minthure> faith healed!
<nonent> maybe it just discharged/screwed the battery..
<nonent> likely..
<minthure> motorola is known for that
<nonent> wouldn't know.. anyways, that's kinda super.. not that it was going to be a big
deal, but it'd be hard to test things this weekend without it..
<minthure> Speaking of Waynes cell phone hijinx, he just called me inadvertently I
guess, I listened to half of a conversation with someone else for a couple of minutes
<minthure> Pretty boring though, so I hung up
<nonent> not one of those conversations where he was getting angry at skary for ruining
yet another one of your parties?
<minthure> No, no fodder at all
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 7:23 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
--=[#tacovilla] nonent ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #tacovilla: '+o nonent'
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 7:33 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
--=[#tacovilla] nonent ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #tacovilla: '+o nonent'
<minthure> argh detached?
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 7:53 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 7:55 pm (
[ <-V-> ]
In #tacovilla: '+o nonent'
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
<minthure> Do you guys remember Jay Hahn from high school?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00PM.
<nonent> haha.. yeah.. why?
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00PM.
<minthure> His dad died today
<minthure> Just up and cacked, seemingly healthy, he was like 50 at the most
<ef0> hey hey
<ef0> ricky jay was just in a movie i watched
<ef0> "heist"
<minthure> Serious?
<ef0> yeo
<minthure> I didnt know he acted, thats mint
<ef0> he's been in tons of movies
<ef0> if you see him, you'll recognize him
<minthure> So what did you cats get up to today?
<ef0> not too much, little shopping, sleep.. you?
<minthure> Same thing, but without the shopping
<minthure> I was hyper tired all day
<ef0> nodz
<ef0> i know.. my energy level is ziltch
[minthure:(] Hey, I hope this doesnt sound too odd, but
I'd just like it to be known that I didnt pull anything on Ainsley last night
-> * = [ minthure ] = * you suck then
a minute
hehe, fuck off, I'm being sincere, if only for
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hehe
[minthure:(] That whole breakup deal shes dealing with,
plus she's practically your sister, I just dont want anyone thinking otherwise, thats all
Tarrin :)
Plus I dont want to suffer the wrath of
-> * = [ minthure ] = * nah
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i tend to stay out of ppl's personal love lives
family matters
Of course, but its different when it comes to
[minthure:(] I dont have a sister in law type of person in
my life, but I'm fairly certain I wouldnt want my friends fucking her if I did
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hahah
Am I wrong here?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * stuff like that doesn't bother me
What if I peed in your dogs bum?
-> * = [ minthure ] = * maybe if she was my flesh blood sister
death penalty
Oh, if it was a real sister, thats justifiable
-> * = [ minthure ] = * but she's an adult and able to make her own decisions
[minthure:(] True, but when she just broke off with a
boyfriend, then proceeds to get liquored up, its not entirely the case anymore
-> * = [ minthure ] = * her boyfriend problems have been going on since the
-> * = [ minthure ] = * it's nothing new
All emotional stuff. Gack
Oh she was crying about it last night. Jesus
make it in here"
I was like "Fuck, as if that other couch didnt
-> * = [ minthure ] = * yah, she can be emotional
[minthure:(] Alright, well as long as your cool, thats
great. It was seriously bothering me all day, I wasnt sure if you and Tarrin were plotting
my demise or something
-> * = [ minthure ] = * hahahaha
-> * = [ minthure ] = * no no
-> * = [ minthure ] = * tarrin is cool
-> * = [ minthure ] = * i am cool
-> * = [ minthure ] = * your lucky you weren't high then..
[minthure:(] I'm serious, I was fucking stressed, and the
whole time I was like "But I didnt do her" and it spiraled out from there
-> * = [ minthure ] = * cuz you would have drive yourself crazy ;>
then realized I live in a basement
I would have jumped out the window, and
<ef0> hahaha
-> * = [ minthure ] = * quit mindfucking yourself
<minthure> c0000
<ef0> i need to hit the bathroom
I have now :)
I need a smoke after that fuckfeast
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> i'll be back in a bit
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
<ef0> i'm going to take this movie back, hit the score, etc. etc
<minthure> Right!
<minthure> Good luck
<ef0> are you just hanging out tonight?
<nonent> crap.. that's not the best news.. i thought you were going to give me a funny
hahn tidbit...
<nonent> running-man's on tonight eh?
<nonent> right now..
<minthure> It looks like it yeah
<nonent> it's.. just.. you know... 'wow'
<ef0> nonent: the running man is cool.. but i've seen it 78 times
<minthure> nonent: Not nice at all. I cant imagine that deal, thats pretty nasty.
<ef0> mint: who was the dude?
< minthure >
ef0: A guy we went to high school with, he was from Brussels
<ef0> name..
<minthure> Jay Hahn
<ef0> hmm
<nonent> minthure: you've talked to hahn since high-school then?.. i haven't heard from
him in forever..
<ef0> doesn't ring a bell.
<nonent> he was dating that.. err.. whatsername girl... friend of abby's..
<minthure> nonent: Yeah, from time to time, pretty sporadic.
<nonent> minthure: your mom just let you know?
<ef0> alright gents.. bbiab
<minthure> He was kind of wierd, he was an absolute ace all through school, he had A's
in every class in public school, except for gym in grade 8
<minthure> Did highschool with an average of 90 percent
<nonent> not too common in the brussels..
<nonent> did he end up in waterloo after?>. engineer?
<minthure> Went to guelph, got a degree or two, and became a life guard
<minthure> Full time life guard, thats all
<nonent> guelph eh?.. wait.. i went to school there..
<nonent> actually, duh.. that's right.. my brain's gone to shit..
<nonent> he was a don in my residence first year..
<minthure> Don juan I'm sure
<nonent> pretty much, actually.. i think he was semi-slick..
<minthure> He really enjoyed school, he stayed at guelph for 6 years
<minthure> Then did the life guard thing there afterwards
nonent 's away.. back in 15 or so..
<nonent> is he still in guelph?
<minthure> No, I think he's around here now somewhere
<minthure> Brampton or the like
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
<minthure> Dad I have to poop
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00AM.
Signoff: minthure (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 09:00AM.
<ef0> ola
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 10:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 11:00AM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00PM.
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 nonent
Can you reinvite me to tacovilla
Name your price
*** Inviting minthure to channel #tacovilla
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 6 minute(s) (391 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 28 02:48:01 2002
-> * = [ minthure ] = * sorry dude..
-> * = [ minthure ] = * your good togo..
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 6 minute(s) (406 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 28 02:48:01 2002
*** Inviting minthure to channel #tacovilla
*** #tacovilla No topic is set.
--=[#tacovilla] minthure ( joined
the channel.
<ef0> y0
<minthure> Mint, tanx
*** ef0 has changed the topic on channel #tacovilla to fresh taco's and pountang!
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
<ef0> sup?
<minthure> I just heard your "I fucked your teenage sister" song
<minthure> Cold coffee is getting stale
<minthure> I fucked your teenage sister
<ef0> hehe
<minthure> Not too much, just trying to figure out what to do with the day
<minthure> How bout jew?
<ef0> major cleaning mode
<minthure> On the Lord's day of rest??
<ef0> i'm afraid so..
<minthure> I'm sure he'd understand
<ef0> then tonight i think i'm going to purchase PRIDE20
<minthure> Thats not a bad plan actually
<minthure> The game or movie?
<minthure> er dvd
<ef0> the pay-per-view
<minthure> Coo, are you in this one?
<ef0> nah
<ef0> oh, man.. you shoudl see the bruise on my noose
<minthure> Shit, did it get bigger?
<ef0> when me and bHaine we're wrestling in the games room I tuened and smashed my
face on the corner of your wall
<ef0> it's just bruised, right in the centre
<minthure> It wasnt from when Wayne pushed you into the speaker?
<ef0> looks like i took a strong fist to the bridge of the nose
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> i feel so bad for doing that
<minthure> Start the rumours at work, tell them that you took on an asian street gang
<minthure> Hey, I feel bad for "bedding" Tarrins sister
<ef0> ahaha
<ef0> so do i..
<minthure> Trade you a speaker cover for your girlfriends sister?
<ef0> alright
<ef0> lunch time
<minthure> Yeah, good plan, catch you in a bit
<ef0> for sure..
<ef0> i'll be back in a bit
<ef0> (maybe mid-afternoon)
<minthure> Sure, cya then
<ef0> for surfor sure bro
<ef0> hehe
ef0 is AFK
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 01:00PM.
<nonent> see how they run like pigs from a gun..
<minthure> They'd run back if there were some of that koala juice
<minthure> This stuff is wicked
<minthure> mmm bbiab
<nonent> did bhaine leave you the fruity koala juice?
<ef0> y0y0
1:52pm up 15 days, 23:24, 2 users, load average: 0.21, 0.17, 0.17
aaron pts/0 hse-toronto-ppp1 Tue 9pm 10:43 17:12 17:11 irc nonent irc.
pts/2 hse-toronto-ppp1 Tue 5pm 0.00s 25.90s 25.68s irc ef0 irc.qea
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** bhaine No such server
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Channel
Users Topic
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Channel
Users Topic
*** #f00 You're not on that channel
*** #f00 You're not on that channel
*** #f00 You're not on that channel
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Channel
Users Topic
*** #tacovilla
fresh taco's and pountang!
*** Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** nonnet No such server
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: aaron
*** On Channels : @#tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Away
: nonent is away: out (Away since 7:23 pm Fri Apr 26)
*** Idle Time : 14 minute(s) (846 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 23 21:47:20 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : #tacovilla
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 18 minute(s) (1117 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 28 02:48:01 2002
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 02:00PM.
< nonent >
afternoon ef0
<ef0> heya noent
<ef0> nonent
<ef0> sorry..
<nonent> np, what's going on today?
<ef0> not much.. cleaning fun.
<nonent> super-exciting
<ef0> i see that /. has the p800 up
<nonent> it's pretty much rad frisbee-weather or something..
<nonent> oh, the sony-ericsson thing?
<ef0> yah
<nonent> yah, i noticed.. looks pretty hot
<ef0> hopefully i can get my hands on one in the next few months
<nonent> i get a communicator next week.. i'm not sure why tho, it looks like it's running
wince, and we don't do that.. i'll have to investigate further..
<ef0> 'coo
<ef0> i liked the little thunder storm we had
<nonent> oh, no.. it's symbian too.. cool.
<nonent> yeah, didn't seem to take out anything here tho..
<ef0> nope, but i like a good thunder storm
<ef0> i did notice it was hailing for a second or two
<nonent> oh yeah?.. missed out.. cool.
<ef0> nonent: so what are you up to today?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** xhumeka No such server
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** xhumeka No such server
*** Xhumeka No such server
[ <-V-> ]
You have received new Mail.
[ <-V-> ]
(Mail Waiting: 6)
NYT Account Request
<nonent> doing a bit of work, taxes, roasting up a chicken..
<nonent> not too much..
<nonent> i really should keep better records..
<nonent> (i'm trying to write-off a portion of my rent, depreciation on my computer, etc..
otherwise i'm bitched...)
<nonent> but, i've gotta start taking real records of when i do contracts.. basically right
now, i'm taking my total deposits during the year, and subtracting the money i earned at
mikotel that i already payed taxes on..
<nonent> *yay*... an audit would rock
<ef0> taxes suck
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> ahahah
<ef0> that rewls
<ef0> haha look @ 350
<nonent> heh.. yeah.. there's a few pretty-okay ones..
<ef0> bling-bling
<minthure> Back once again with the renegade master
<nonent> oh, indeed
<ef0> the renegade phunk masta?
<ef0> the nytimes is a rad newspaper
<nonent> online version requires registration, no?
<ef0> well, the online version requires a free registration
<ef0> but picked up the actual paper from just up the street
*** You are now talking to channel #f00
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
<nonent> oh, nice..
*** undah_ No such server
<ef0> it's reet
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0> easy
<ef0> when everyone is trying to please me
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0> so fucking easy
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0> so damn easy
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0>'s so easy
<ef0> so fucking easy
<ef0> yah
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** On Channels : #tacovilla
*** Server
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 23 minute(s) (1392 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 28 02:48:01 2002
<ef0> jeesh
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** noent No such server
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: aaron
*** On Channels : @#tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Away
: nonent is away: out (Away since 7:23 pm Fri Apr 26)
*** Idle Time : 15 minute(s) (935 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 23 21:47:20 2002
<ef0> blue gatorade is the shit
<ef0> blue gatorade + cigarette is the shit
<minthure> So is that shit that barbers keep their combs in
<ef0> yes!!!
<minthure> That and a bit of a burger
<ef0> ahaha
<minthure> Fucking bliss
<ef0> nonent
*** Mode change "-v ef0" on channel #tacovilla by nonent
<ef0> you are the fucking man
<minthure> THat was the coolest thing I'd seen in a while
<ef0> that shot and an apahe burger
<nonent> mm.. so, how is that apache burger?
<ef0> you just made history bro
<ef0> or licks
<minthure> You are the primal apache warrior of Etobicoke
<ef0> either way
<nonent> yeah.. i've eaten at licks..
<nonent> but i hear apache's real good..
<nonent> teh hure?
<ef0> nonent: umm.. i'm talking about your shot of sambuca and burger
<nonent> (not that Licks is anything to sneeze at)
< nonent >
ef0: yeah, well.. that was good..
<nonent> pure taste sensation..
<ef0> nonent: that amkes history
ef0 hands nonent
ef0 hands nonent kudo's
<minthure> yes!
<minthure> no, he gets...
<nonent> _r_n c_ck ?
<nonent> oh.. kudos..
<minthure> YEs!
<minthure> IRON COCK
<ef0> yes the COCK!
<nonent> well, kudos are okay, but _R_N C_CK is better!
ef0 pases nonent the IRON COCK
<nonent> i'm surprised minthure was the only person to yak
<ef0> heh
<nonent> i think it's because he's the only drunko who didn't have at least a bite of the
<ef0> i didnt eay at all
<ef0> eat
<minthure> I just rented bond for the xbox, this is cool shit
<ef0> i couldnt have puked anything
<nonent> jagerjak
<minthure> The Jose was the final nail in the coffin, or so it thought anywy
<ef0> bbiab
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 03:00PM.
< nonent >
no, not really
<ef0> close enough
<minthure> Yeah! I crashed the xbox
<ef0> hehe
<ef0> GPF?
<-- harhar, well..
<minthure> I guess finishing the first level of this game was too much for it
<minthure> hehe, blue screen. No, it just flipped back to the main xbox setup screen
when I finished the level
< nonent >
did you miss ef0 with his iron cock?
<nonent> oh, the xbox
<nonent> nevermind..
<minthure> Oh, nice!
<nonent> just don't..
<minthure> It looks like bj's parents place
<nonent> so.. first xbox crash then?
<minthure> Yes, I was waiting for this special day
<nonent> time for jager?
<minthure> My Sega Genesis used to crash occasionally, the game would freeze and
you'd get a divide by zero error
<minthure> Time for beer I think
<minthure> You guys left some really good booze over here, I'm impressed
<nonent> guru errors were cool too
<ef0> don't touch our booze or i'll give nonent a couple decks of cards and let him loose
on you..
<nonent> no more of those.. but that one's very bling too
< minthure >
< nonent >
ef0: I wouldnt dream of it
yeah, what ef0 says...
<ef0> :)
<nonent> don't touch my blueberry cookies, motherfucker!
<minthure> you fuck
<ef0> actually, go ahead and het hured
<ef0> you should try and drijk all through the night nd then go into work
<ef0> still drunk and all
<nonent> yeah, if we had any proper respect for booze, we wouldn't have left it..
<minthure> Ive done that before, it was rad
<minthure> I reeked the next day, so I was told
<minthure> I'm kind of creeped out by the girls in this bond game. The graphics good
<ef0> bait gem?/
<nonent> no need for shame
<minthure> Practically, jesus. Cleavage and nipples through the shirts
<minthure> 3f0, thats the band name. Bait Gems
<ef0> hehe
<minthure> Bait gems and pretty things
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
<ef0> late 'baiting story on the cbc
<minthure> I'd rather be playing pool at Vic's
<ef0> oh man did vic's rewl
<minthure> Let me count the ways
<ef0> i have an idea that couyld make us rich
<minthure> ??
<ef0> lottery terminals
<ef0> for convience stores
<minthure> Like self serve ones?
<ef0> yep
<minthure> Why dont they do that already I wonder
<ef0> dunno
<minthure> Maybe the average lottery ticket buyer is fucking retarded
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 05:00PM.
<nonent> that doesn't really seem likely, does it?
<minthure> No no, I was just kidding
<minthure> They're brighter than average I'm sure
<nonent> -<nonent> Incredibly ugly girl
<nonent> Get out of my bedroom this minute
<nonent> For I know my little ugly girl
<nonent> If I fade for a moment you'll jump back in it
<nonent> And every day you bring my whole world down
<nonent> By bringing your sad ugly faces into town
<nonent> There's such temptations when you're walking around
<nonent> you incredibly ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly girl
<nonent> -<nonent> julian cope is a genius
<minthure> Nice
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 06:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 07:00PM.
[ <-V-> ] Split Detected at 7:31 pm: (
[ <-V-> ] Enter /WHOLEFT to view who split off.
[ <-V-> ] NetJoin at 7:32 pm (
[ <-V-> ]
In #tacovilla: '+o nonent'
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** n180r No such server
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** Server
: #clan420 system operator
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 1961 minute(s) (117715 seconds)
*** Signed on : Thu Apr 25 10:09:53 2002
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
*** Server
: Kristine
: (À vendre par le propriétaire)
*** Idle Time : 98 minute(s) (5888 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 28 17:52:58 2002
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind
*** Server
: (You're playing with fire)
*** Away
: undah_ is away: Auto-Away after 10 mins
*** Idle Time : 73 minute(s) (4408 seconds)
*** Signed on : Sun Apr 28 18:18:02 2002
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
*** ash420 No such server
*** ju153 No such server
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop DjMittens JU153 Kwatta N180R Xhumeka
alphabit ef0 undah_
#tacovilla +int ( ef0 minthure nonent
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 08:00PM.
*** -i No such channel
*** Mode change "-i" on channel #tacovilla by ef0
IRC log ended Sun Apr 28 20:01
IRC log started Tue Apr 30 23:58
[ <-V-> ] The file for IRC logging is
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 7 minute(s) (476 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
don't know how?
tail: ircog.ex: No such file or directory
tail: ircog.ex: No such file or directory
--=[#t0mmjj6] Xhumeka ( joined
the channel.
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 12:00AM.
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 9 minute(s) (574 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
--=[#b00ger] ef0 [] has left the channel.
--=[#t0mmjj6] ef0 [] has left the channel.
-> * = [ nonent ] = * make sure you leave the channel
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 10 minute(s) (625 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
--=[#GR-Anonymous] ef0 ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
*** Users on #GR-Anonymous: @ef0
In #GR-Anonymous: '+nt'
*** #GR-Anonymous 1020225456
*** Mode change "+nt" on channel #GR-Anonymous by ef0
*** Inviting Xhumeka to channel #GR-Anonymous
--=[#GR-Anonymous] ef0 [] has left the channel.
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #_x #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 11 minute(s) (701 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #_x #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 11 minute(s) (710 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #_x #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 11 minute(s) (713 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
*** tibahpla is now known as alphabit
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #_x #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 12 minute(s) (721 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #_x #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 12 minute(s) (741 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
hmm.. mirc seems to be a little clever.. / has time things..
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : #_x #t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 12 minute(s) (775 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
*** Current channel #f00
*** You are on the following channels:
#f00 +nst ( CoSysop Kwatta bHaine ef0 nonent alphabit
#tacovilla +nt ( Xhumeka bHaine ef0 minthure nonent undah
IRC log ended Wed May 1 00:04
IRC log started Wed May 1 00:09
[ <-V-> ] The file for IRC logging is
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : @#_a @#GR-Anonymous @#_k @#_e @#_m @#_u @#_h #_x
#t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 19 minute(s) (1140 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : @#_a @#GR-Anonymous @#_k @#_e @#_m @#_u @#_h #_x
#t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 19 minute(s) (1146 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
ooh.. GR-Anonymous.. that roxx
-> * = [ nonent ] = * the funny thing is i think he was only like 12 seconds idle
when you invited him into 'villa
i know..
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Xhumeka
*** On Channels : @#_a @#GR-Anonymous @#_k @#_e @#_m @#_u @#_h #_x
#t0mmjj6 #ilikemyboystight #b00ger #tacovilla
*** Server
: (EasyNews -- We Rule, You Drool)
*** Idle Time : 21 minute(s) (1289 seconds)
*** Signed on : Tue Apr 30 23:46:12 2002
what's #t0mmjj6 ? .. i dun get it?
-> * = [ nonent ] = * that was my test one
IRC log ended Wed May 1 00:14
IRC log started Wed Jul 10 15:30
[ <-V-> ] The file for IRC logging is
<ef1> oh
<ef1> sucks to be you then
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
*** Server
: Rusty Stevens
: (The
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (4 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 12:54:48 2002
<R081N> I know I know
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
*** Server
: Rusty Stevens
: (The
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (8 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 12:54:48 2002
-> * = [ nonent ] = * i'm wondering if beej didnt vnc into r0bins computer.. /wii
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
<ef1> but this isn't r081n is it?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
<R081N> what do yo mean?
<ef1> doesn't r081n werk during the day?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
*** Server
: Rusty Stevens
: (The
*** Idle Time : 1 minute(s) (72 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 12:54:48 2002
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Red Fox
*** On Channels : #tacovilla
*** Server
: (Jesus is coming, everyone look busy.)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (21 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 14:00:12 2002
<R081N> I don't know, does he?
<ef1> vee en see
<R081N> And if he were to be working, why wouldn't he be on irc @ work?
<ef1> cuz his bum is sore?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
<ef1> his fw
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Red Fox
*** On Channels : #tacovilla
*** Server
: (Jesus is coming, everyone look busy.)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (3 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 14:00:12 2002
<ef1> although I could be wrong i'm guessing this is the crUsher
<R081N> I don't follow you?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: ~xhumeka@
*** Server
: Rusty Stevens
: (The
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (2 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 12:54:48 2002
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent nonent
<ef1> but maybe you are R081N and you've solved your FW issues at work that prevent
you from irc'ing
<ef1> or.. maybe you've VNC into your home machine
<ef1> or
<ef1> maybe someone else has VNC'ed into your home machine
<R081N> Maybe I found the "right connections"
<ef1> maybe
<ef1> or maybe your bums just sore
*** Whois Information for:
*** Address
: Red Fox
*** On Channels : #tacovilla
*** Server
: (Jesus is coming, everyone look busy.)
*** Idle Time : 0 minute(s) (24 seconds)
*** Signed on : Wed Jul 10 14:00:12 2002
<R081N> But my bum is always sore
hahahah, robin tells me you think his bio is
--=[#tacovilla] XhumWork (xhumeka@ joined the channel.
XhumWork bows
<R081N> Hey XhumWork
<nonent> xhum!
-> * = [ XhumWork ] = * but not funny is a good way
-> * = [ XhumWork ] = * funny ina bad way
<R081N> He heay
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
<XhumWork> i'm told someone thinks i'm being an imposter!!
<R081N> Nonent has come out of his hiding
<XhumWork> but i assure you, the one you talk with is indeed, the one and only r081n
<nonent> err?
<nonent> out of my hiding?
<XhumWork> hey nonent, i saw you at the bottom of my work the other day
<nonent> what's going on here?
<XhumWork> with two older dudes
hahah, i figured...
<nonent> oh really? yeah, i had a meeting at escotia..
it's bad in a bad way indeed
<nonent> you shoulda said something, didn't see you..
<nonent> /op xhumwork
<nonent> err.. shit..
<XhumWork> well, i was going to, but then i though you were having a meeitng or
<ef1> i did.. cuz i've never seen r081n on irc during the day
<XhumWork> yah, robin, why are you on irc during the day?
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
<R081N> Maybe I'm not the R018N you think I am..
<ef1> likely not
he's on vacation
<nonent> maybe it's bhainard
<R081N> hey nonent... what do you think about
he took 3 weeks off, this is his last week off
<R081N> brb, smoke break
-> * = [ XhumWork ] = * i was just fucking around
<XhumWork> little mermaid smoke break?
<XhumWork> and then, a cigarette... to... you know...
ef1 wishes he could be a 'head cook'
<ef1> oh how i've longed
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
<XhumWork> hahahahah
<ef1> :)
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
<ef1> XhumWork: so where the fuck have you been hiding?
<XhumWork> if you know tran at all, you'll laugh your bag off
<XhumWork> he's so pathetic, it's hilarious
<ef1> XhumWork: I though perhaps you were dead
<ef1> XhumWork: or in jail..
<XhumWork> heheheh, no, none of the above... just devoting all my spare time to what
else, but ghost recon
<XhumWork> i must make sure the 420 clan survives my absense
<XhumWork> 420 must live on
<ef1> that sucks
<ef1> (devoting _all_ your time)
<nonent> wait, how soon are you gone?
<XhumWork> august 22nd is my last day at work, i'm leaving sometime during the next
<XhumWork> before sept. 1st
<XhumWork> i thought i'd give curtis his space for a couple months
<ef1> you can still hang out without smoking dick, come'on
<XhumWork> after he blew up in f00, i thought it best to lay low awhile, afterall, he had
been reading a lot of fucked up books
<XhumWork> american psycho...
<ef1> f00 was wiltering into a pathetic existence
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
3:49pm up 16 days, 6:48, 7 users, load average: 0.05, 0.14, 0.18
pts/0 hse-toronto-ppp1 3Jul 2 15:29m 11:17 11:17 irc ef0 irc.qea
pts/1 8:34am 0.00s 2:09 2:07 irc ef1 irc.qea
aaron pts/2 hse-toronto-ppp1 1:25pm 3:23 1:26 1:26 irc nonent irc.
aaron pts/4 hse-toronto-ppp1 1:00pm 2:37m 1:51 1:51 irc n0nent irc.
pts/5 1:20pm 2:31 1.05s 1.05s -bash
pts/6 cp66-203-195-63. 3:27pm 7:22 0.11s 0.11s -bash
pts/8 hse-toronto-ppp1 Fri12am 17:13m 0.55s 0.55s bash
<ef1> un-recoverable
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
--=[#f00] ef1 ( joined the channel.
[ <-V-> ]
In #f00: '+nt'
*** Users on #f00: @ef1
*** #f00 1026330365
*** Mode change "+nt" on channel #f00 by ef1
--=[#f00] ef1 [] has left the channel.
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
<XhumWork> hahah
<nonent> okay.. that tran flash is rad
XhumWork wipes away a tear... the end of an era
<XhumWork> hahah, you have it downloaded nonent?
<nonent> yeah, but that's the beauty about being nomadic..
<XhumWork> but we need to have one last release party before i leave
<ef1> oh yah
<ef1> the release party before the tour
<ef1> or.. your tour
*** Current channel #tacovilla
*** You are on the following channels:
#tacovilla +nt ( R081N XhumWork ef0 ef1 minthure n0nent
<XhumWork> i'm surprised i haven't seen you guys at bhaines, then again, i've only been
there a couuple times myself over the last month or two
<ef1> i'm suprised i haven't seen you .. anywhere, irc or bhaines
<R081N> Maybe you can come down after the match 2nite..
<R081N> If bHaine is ok with that.
<XhumWork> who me?
<R081N> you both, or all 3 of you..
<ef1> match?
<R081N> gr match
<nonent> hmm.. is there a page for the release party?
<ef1> nonent: i dont think so.. not yet
<XhumWork> i think so nonent
<ef1> oh?
<XhumWork> well i thought the old one was still up, that's what i was talking about
<XhumWork> but it might not be anymore... last i saw it was at like negative 200 days
and counting
<R081N> heheh
<XhumWork> hahahahah, yep, tha'ts the one
<ef1> wow, it's way.. way too long
<XhumWork> too long indeed
<XhumWork> i havne't partaken in the white snow or the mushroom goodness since that
party in fact
<ef1> i will update that page
<XhumWork> i really hate that stupid nimrod worm or whatever it's called
<ef1> information regarding the 2002 release party will be available later tongiht
< XhumWork >
kewl ef1
<XhumWork> i get about 20 of these every day
<XhumWork> 00:01:37 GET /scripts/root.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:38 GET /MSADC/root.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:40 GET /c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:41 GET /d/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:43 GET /scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
/_vti_bin/..%5c../..%5c../..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 500
/_mem_bin/..%5c../..%5c../..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
/msadc/..%5c../..%5c../..%5c/..Á ../..Á ../..Á ../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<ef1> minda
<XhumWork> 00:01:48 GET /scripts/..Á ../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:50 GET /scripts/winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<ef1> err, nimda
<XhumWork> 00:01:51 GET /winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:52 GET /winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<XhumWork> 00:01:54 GET /scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
<XhumWork> 00:01:55 GET /scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
<XhumWork> 00:01:57 GET /scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
<XhumWork> 00:01:58 GET /scripts/..%2f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe 404
<XhumWork> minda, that's it
<XhumWork> oh, nimda :)
<ef1> nodz
<ef1> yah.. ppl and their unpatched fucking iis servers
<XhumWork> bhaine can't get into irc
<XhumWork> on his rogers computer
<ef1> i put a web server online yesterday and within 2 minutes it was already being
scanned by someones nimda infected server
<ef1> whats a good weekend for the release party?
<XhumWork> hmmm
<XhumWork> any weekend other than this coming one is fine for me, as long as i know
in advance, i'll make sure i keep it open
<ef1> alright.. i've leave the date open for now
<ef1> or just pick one.. we can always move it
<XhumWork> 19th
<XhumWork> or 26th
[ <-V-> ] The time is now 04:00PM.
<ef1> co-op students rule
<nonent> they do.
<XhumWork> hometime boys... i'll be visiting tacovilla more often now, now that i
know there's a record release coming up
<XhumWork> i'll talk to you guys later
--=[#tacovilla] XhumWork [xhumeka@] has left the channel.
-> * = [ nonent ] = * weird
<nonent> coo..
<nonent> oh, he's gone..
-> * = [ nonent ] = * it's odd that R081N popped in here right after we spoke
about his site
it is..
perhaps they were checking web logs?
to like your writing..
and ash was saying.. hey, those kids in #tacovilla really seem
-> * = [ nonent ] = * still.. i'm coming from work
-> * = [ nonent ] = * your going from home
hmm.. i'm from home.. but who knows..
-> * = [ nonent ] = * i have my theories
-> * = [ nonent ] = * yah.. or curt, cuz he e-mailed me about it first
-> * = [ nonent ] = * not that it matters
-> * = [ nonent ] = * i just don't think R081N popped into tacovilla and asked me
how I liked his page immedialty after I dissed it - coincidence? i think not
why was xhum telling me to be nice?
-> * = [ nonent ] = * huh?
-> * = [ nonent ] = * what do you mean?
[nonent:(aaron@org)] oh, when r081n asked me what i thought of his page, xhum
messaged me to tell me to be nice..
-> * = [ nonent ] = * ???
-> * = [ nonent ] = * weird
<ef1> bbiab
IRC log ended Wed Jul 10 16:40
IRC log started Tue Jul 16 23:21
[ <-V-> ] The file for IRC logging is
<ef0> well the world is at sea
<ef0> so carefully
<ef0> breaks out in the night
<ef0> like, the transaltantic might
<ef0> worry about me me when i die
<ef0> so per-fectly
<ef0> it breaks out in the night
<ef0> transatlantic might
<ef0> the fisherman around me
<ef0> lure me away from here
<ef0> lets altogether fight
<ef0> transatlantic might
<ef0> transatlantic might
<ef0> transatlantic might
<ef0> -end[ <-V-> ] The file for IRC logging is
IRC log ended Tue Jul 16 23:26