Suprapatellar Bursa
Suprapatellar Bursa
Suprapatellar Bursa Normal Abnormal Femoral Articular Cartilage Fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage - porous Connects bone to joint Covers condyles of femoral articular surface cartilage is thicker - 3mm at trochlear surface Hypoechoic, smooth, closely adherent to bone In contact with meniscus Articular Cartilage Crisp bone surface ! Lateral Knee Lateral Collateral Ligament Lateral Meniscus Biceps Femoris Iliotibial Band Lateral Collateral Ligament fibulocollateral ligament provides lateral support to the knee joint rounded and cord-like extends from the lateral epicondyle to the lateral surface fibula Popliteus tendon passes between the LCL and the lateral meniscus fan ventral from fibula attachment superior to biceps femoris Lateral Knee Lateral Collateral Ligament ( LCL ) Fibular-collateral ligament Biceps Femoris Tendon Iliotibial band Lateral meniscus Lateral Collateral Ligament Fibulo-collateral Ligament Provides lateral support to the knee joint rounded and cord-like Extends from the lateral epicondyle to the lateral surface fibula Popliteus tendon passes between the LCL and the lateral meniscus Fan ventral from fibula attachment superior to biceps femoris LCL LCL will most often appears wavy LCL Frequently appears “wavy” full extension 30⁰ flexion varied degree of echogenicity Iliotibial Band Broad, strong tendon. Inserts on Gerdy’s tubercle of the tibia Bright, fibrillar band between the patellar tendon and anterior to the LCL Burning sensation anterior knee when inflamed. Lateral Meniscus Same appearance as medial meniscus Close proximity to the LCL Between the lateral condyle of the femur and the tibial articular surface Common Peroneal Nerve Smaller and lateral branch of the sciatic nerve Follows medial to tendon of the Biceps femoris Courses superficial to plantaris and lateral head of the gastrocnemius posterior to the head of the femur Injured with trauma to lateral knee complex FRX of fibula produces drop foot FIB HEAD SAX FIB HEAD LAX Biceps Femoris ( BF ) 1/3 of muscles comprising the hamstrings ( BF, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus ) muscle group responsible for extension of the thigh and flexion of the lower leg Serves as protection for the sciatic nerve BF ( “bi” two-headed) combine and insert on the head of the fibula with the LCL Forms letter”V” with the LCL at their common fibular insertion. Easily palpated with thigh flexion posterior-lateral Found posterior and lateral to the LCL Biceps Femoris Medial Knee Medial Collateral Ligament Medial Meniscus Pes Anserine Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Tibial Collateral Ligament Long, tri-laminar, broad ligament. Hypoechoic tissue between the band-like layers Superior attachment is the Medial epicondyle of the femur Inferior insertion is 4-6 cm below the knee joint provides medial support Scan breadth of MCL