Anisoptera: Gomphidae
Anisoptera: Gomphidae
Odomtologica 34(3): 285-289 September I, 2005 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Davidius monastyrskii spec. nov., a new dragonfly from northern Vietnam (Anisoptera: Gomphidae) D.M. Cuong Hom thu 16, so Buu Dien e-mail: Received 35 Thai October 4, 20041 Revised and The S of the new sp. D. fruhstorferi Martin. ited in 10210, is described, illustrated Holotype 3: Vietnam, Zoology Collection, Thinh, Hanoi, Vietnam Vietnam National 1 AcceptedFebruary and comparedwith Bac Can prov., University, the Ba Be, 2005 7, closely related IV-1997; depos- Hanoi INTRODUCTION Davidius is an uted from the have YANG recently (1995) Tonkin Davidius two fruhstorferi Martin, (MARTIN, 1904), “ another ? D. trox (1986) Needham, and CHAO of that species, species with further not match exactly taxa by Japan. (1990,1995) ASAHINA to distrib- northern The Chinese and CHAO & (1994). described from specimens specimens from from Lao Cai and Vinh Phu 1996); 1931 “ on trox province, a identified by ASAHINA (1996) as the basis of descriptions and figures by ZHOU (known only and described appendages recognized species, Nepal eastwards CHAO 1904, originally related misidentified material fromYunnan. the anal 20 have been recorded from Vietnam: (1990). Subsequently, in the taxonomy of D. by Nepalese from Lao Cai species some north-eastern China, Korea and and the Indian and provinces (ASAHINA, — to genus with in north India and areas been treated and revised In the literature D. dragonfly Indochinaand Thailand, taxa Asian montane CHAO from species (1995) discussed the confusion Sichuan), described the first male D. According of the Lao Chai zhoui based to on ZHOU’s M. Hamalainen (pers. specimen figured by the available illustrations of trox, or ASAHINA (1986) com.), (1996) zhoui. Thus the do identity D.M. 286 of the Vietnamese taxon, land as well as (cf. HAmAlAINEN, 1998) Recently, tional Dr. park by nam-Russia same I received for Tropical locality. Study known study Alexander locality Figs as in - specimens a new Holotype 6: holotype,4-VI-2004, 1-7. Davidius solateral view; - (5) specimen, collected in Ba Be who has been showed that MONASTYRSKII Vietnam, lateral view; anterior n. — (3) hamule; - anal not by me in the represent any SP. NOV. National 6: (1) IV-1997, Be, Alexander University, Hanoi; Cuong leg. Deposited holotype do they na- in the Viet- working 1-7 Bac Can prov., Ba Do Manh monastyrskii sp. segments 1-4, from northern Thai- is described here. species Zoology Collection., Vietnam dominal ” trox be studied. male Davidius Figures Material. to Monastyrskii, DAVIDIUS leg. Deposited “ the material of remains Centre in Hanoi. Another male was collected of these Therefore species. a Cuong in D.M. head, laterofrontal appendages, lateral view; (6) posterior hamule; — — Cuong view; — (4) (7) penis. Monastyrskii Paratype — 1 S: same Collection. (2) anal thorax and ab- appendages, dor- Davidius Etymology. The - species terologist who first collected this MALE. brum low Head. — deep after Dr Alexander L. Monastyrskii, a lepidop- Black with yellow markings (Fig.l). Labium black, la- — yellow base. Anterior of frons with at a large yel- , Thorax. Prothorax — from mesepisternum to slightly expanded at Abdomen. a 9 base spot at 3-4) with (Fig.2); superiors curled process at stout 3 with on and — 8-12. Davidius black with hamule; — 10 postnodals; at curved the Wings hy- and - cells. follows; segment 1 large marking a 4 with a tiny pos- lateral Anal appendages (Figs conical and divergent, carrying black with a tiny a lateral spine upward. with Martin and abdominal yellow deep on extend- pterostigma brown, as base; segment wholly black. inferiors black. underlying yellow markings 2 with auricles surface; penis fruhstorferi marking with 13 antenodals and 11 about 3.5-4 straw-yellow, stout, the ventral Gians of Pinratana]: (8) thorax covering the other segments dark yellow marking a greenish-yellow base; forewings small lateral spot a base, apical part Genitalia. at antenodals, and centre Mostly tint large lateral spot; segment teriorly; segment terior — the black with metepimeron (Fig,2). Legs entirely light yellowish-olive postnodals; hindwings with with nearly entirely black with extensive lobe; synthorax aline with Figs 287 n. species. mandibles black sp. marking. anterior ing is named monastyrskii 6 two parts, [Thailand, Chiang Mai, segments 1-3, (11) posterior hamule; — the inner lateral (12) penis. view; — part Doi (9) more developed than Inthanon, 22-V-1996, anal appendages; — Coll. (10) an- D M. 288 the (Fig.7); outer anterior hamule of curled hooks two spine Cuong spatular shape, hamule (Fig. 5); posterior apex, anterior edge thicker than at and leaf-like bearing posterior, bifid and forming pointed recurved small a upper posterior lobe rounded (Fig.6). Measurements (in mm). — abdomen 28, Hindwing 21; unknown. female HABITAT. (200-700 deeply m forest Tropical - limestone on low and middle at range elevations a.s.l.). DISCUSSION D. monastyrskii ners, as of the well synthorax. lower third of the and Davidius feri the differsremarkably n. sp. In D. two known Vietnamese conge- (cf. sp. the broad lateral monastyrskii mesepisternum trox to and the In other respects, i.e. monastyrskii in the seems to have from the structure be close to a extends from the marking metepimeron, zhoui) mesepisternum, clearly separated nis D. from its from the other known Davidius species, by the pale colour pattern as whereas both distinct D. fruhstor- ‘7’-shaped marking yellow patches on on the sides. of the anal appendages, hamuli and peD. but there fruhstorferi, are several clear differences between them: Anterior hamule with section broader in D. Posterior lobe of the Front D. coxa stouter curled hooks in D. but the leaf-like fruhstorferi, monastyrskii. posterior hamule broader in D. with its anterior edge yellow in D. fruhstorferi. fruhstorferi, but entire black in monastyrskii. Anal appendages pale-yellow inferior appendages are in D. fruhstorferi, whereas in D. largely deep monastyrskii the black. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to Dr ALEXANDER MONASTYRSKII for HIKO SASAMOTO for the am provision of also thankful to Miss DANG THANH tyrskii and to Dr MATTI HAM HOA, ALAlNEN, who adding some relevant information,suggested feri passing who helped reviewed many helpful me me the to sketch the sent a of material. I figures and edited the first two ideas and Mr AKI- material, to and identification literature, correspondence of D. monas- manuscript specimen of D. drafts fruhstor- from Thailand. REFERENCES ASHAHINA, S., gists ASH from AHINA, S., 1994. Records of the Nepal and Tombo 37(1/4): collected by Japanese 1990. The Science Museum, Tokyo, gomphiddragonfliesof China Bull. entomolo- 2-17. 1996. Records of the Northern Vietnamese Odonata taken by the from the National CHAO, H-f, gomphid dragonfliesrecently Darjeeling, 1. Natn. Sci. expedition members Mus., Tokyo (A) 22(1): (Odonata: Gomphidae). Fujian 21-32. Sci, &Technol. Davidius Publ. CHAO, H-f., Wuyi CHAO, H-f. House, Fuzhou. 1995. New Sci. J. & Z. Shaanxi YANG, R. Etudes Ernest ZHOU, W-b., [Chin., — little known 12: 1-47. — with 1904. Engl, s.] 1995. Leroux, 1986. des 1. (Odonata: Goraphidae). [Chin. & Engl.] A new 1998. Additions Liste diverses. 289 n. gomphid dragonflies from China, species of gomphid dragonfly province (Odonata: Gomphidae). Wuyi HAMAlAINEN, M., MARTIN, or monastyrskii sp. to the Nevropteres 3. Recherches sur Thai Sci. J. gomphid de ITndo-Chine. Vhistoire of the 12: 48-50. fauna. — genus [Chin. Malangpo Mission Davidius from & Engl.] 15: 133-136, Pavie Indo-Chine naturelle de Vlndo-Chine orientate, 1879-1895. pp. 204-221, Paris. Description of the male of Davidius phidae). Odonatologica 15(1): 135-136, trox Needham, 1931 (Anisoptera; Gora-