emergency alert system using fm band hilmi mujahid `adli bin husin
emergency alert system using fm band hilmi mujahid `adli bin husin
EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM USING FM BAND HILMI MUJAHID ‘ADLI BIN HUSIN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM USING FM BAND HILMI MUJAHID `ADLI BIN HUSIN A report submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Telecommunication) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2011 iii Dedicated to my beloved parents iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praise be to Allah, the Almighty, the Benevolent for His blessing and guidance for giving me inspiration and spirit to embrace on this journey and inculcating patience in my heart complete my final year project successfully. I would like to acknowledge my supervisor, Dr. Sharifah Kamilah Syed Yusof for advice, giving the idea and knowledge in my final year project. Without her help, maybe I cannot complete this project in timely fashion. I would like to thank also to Arief Marwanto, Mohd Adib Sarjari and Muhammad Haikal Satria for giving guidance and cooperation to complete my final project. I am particularly indebted to my friends for their supports and guidance. Last but not least, I would like to thank others who I may left out for their help and encouragement. v ABSTRACT Conventional FM transmission system commonly utilizes a combination of hardware and software structures. However, the system is lack of flexibility because the design is focus on hardware-based development. The purpose of this project is to design a FM transmission system with sole purpose to broadcast emergency message signal to general population. The focus of this system is to implement Software Defined Radio (SDR) in the design. The advantage of using SDR is because of the flexibility, which is able to reconfigure back easily should the transmission scheme change. SDR implementation comprises of hardware and software structure. The software structure is highlighted on GNU Radio while the hardware structure is Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). In order to transmit and receive FM wave signal, GNU Radio software is responsible to control all the process needed such as modulation and demodulation of FM signal. USRP only act as a platform to receive and transmit signal only. The performance of this system will be analyzed using developed FM receiver and standard FM receiver such as FM radio. The total expenditure will be minimised and reconfigurable emergency alert system will be applicable for future applications vi ABSTRAK Kebiasaannya, sistem perhubungan radio FM konvensional terdiri daripada gabungan struktur perkakasan dan perisian. Walaubagaimanapun, sistem ini kekurangan ciri-ciri fleksibel kerana rekabentuknya lebih kepada pembangunan perkakasan. Tujuan projek ini adalah merekabentuk sistem perhubungan radio FM dengan tujuan utamanya ialah untuk menyebarkan isyarat kecemasan kepada orang ramai. Fokus utama dalam projek ini ialah mengiplementasikan Software Defined Radio (SDR) didalam rekabentuk. Kelebihan menggunakan SDR ialah kefleksibelannya, dimana sesuatu sistem dapat diubah semula sekiranya corak penghantaran isyarat berubah. Implementasi SDR merangkumi struktur perkakasan dan perisian. Untuk struktur perisian, ia lebih fokus kepada penggunaan GNU Radio, manakala untuk perkakasan ialah Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). Untuk menghantar dan menerima isyarat, GNU Radio akan melakukan segala proses seperti modulasi dan demodulasi isyarat FM. USRP hanya bertindak sebagai pelantar untik menghantar dan menerima isyarat radio sahaja. Prestasi sistem ini akan dianalisa menggunakan penerima FM yang direka dan penerima FM biasa seperti radio FM. Jumlah kos untuk sistem ini adalah rendah dan boleh digunapakai untuk masa hadapan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xvi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Objective 4 1.4 Scope of Work 4 1.5 Thesis Outline 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Emergency Alert System 6 2.2.1 Introduction 6 2.2.2 History of Emergency Alert System 7 viii 2.3 2.4 2.2.3 Activation Procedure 8 FM Architecture 9 2.3.1 Introduction 9 2.3.2 FM Basic 10 2.3.3 Modulation Index 12 2.3.4 FM Broadcast 13 2.3.5 FM Stereo Transmitter 14 2.3.6 FM RDS 16 2.3.7 FM in Malaysia 17 Software Defined Radio (SDR) 18 2.4.1 Hardware 23 USRP 23 Daughterboard 24 Analog-Digital-Converter (ADC) 25 Digital-Analog-Converter (DAC) 25 Field Programmable Gate Array 26 Programmable Gain Amplifier 26 USB 2.0 Controller 26 2.4.2 Software 3 27 GNU Radio 27 GNU Radio Companion 28 Python 29 C++ 30 METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Methodology of the Project 31 3.2 System Architecture 32 3.2.1 Hardware Structure 32 3.2.2 Software Structure 33 GNU Radio Installation 3.3 34 System Design in Software Structure 35 3.3.1 Transmitter Design 36 Stereo Channel Transmitter 36 Multiple Channel Transmitter 42 ix 4 5 3.3.2 Receiver Design 41 3.4 System Setup 45 3.5 Activation of Proposed Emergency Alert System 47 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 48 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 Performance Analysis of FM Emergency System 48 4.3 Performance Analysis on Stereo Transmission 50 4.4 Performance Analysis on Multiple Channel Tx 52 4.5 Overall Signal Transmission Performance 54 CONCLUSION 56 5.1 Conclusion 56 5.2 Recommendation and Future Work 56 REFERENCES 58 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE Different Frequency Assigned for Different PAGE 18 Radio Station at Different Location 2.2 USRP Daughterboards 24 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) 3 2.1 Frequency Modulation 10 2.2 Block Diagram Shows the Steps to Generate 11 FM Signal 2.3 Quadrature Modulator 12 2.4 FM Spectrum Frequency 14 2.5 FM Stereo Transmitter Block Diagram 15 2.6 Stereo FM Signal Spectrum with RDS 16 2.7 Common Use of RDS in FM, In This Case 17 Showing Name of the Radio Station and Name of the Song Being Broadcast 2.8 (a) Conventional Radio, (b) SDR 19 2.9 SDR Design Principle 20 2.10 Combination of USRP and GNU Radio 21 2.11 Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) 22 2.12 Block Diagram of USRP 25 2.13 USRP Motherboard 25 2.14 GNU Radio Architecture 28 2.15 Dial-tone Example in GRC 29 2.16 Python Code of Dial-tone Example 30 3.1 Flow Chart of the Project Plan 31 3.2 GNU Radio and USRP Block Diagram 32 3.3 Software Structure 34 3.4 Block Diagram for Stereo FM Transmitter 37 xii 3.5 Design of Stereo Transmission for Emergency 38 Alert System 3.6 GRC Design of Stereo Transmission for 39 Emergency Alert System 3.7 Design of Multiple Channel Transmission for 40 Emergency Alert System 3.8 GRC Design of Multiple Channel Transmission 41 for Emergency Alert System 3.9 GRC Design of the FM Receiver 43 3.10 FM Spectral Analyzer 44 3.11 Portable Radio 45 3.12 The Suitable Distance of USRP Receiver to 46 Analyze Emergency Signal Transmission 3.13 Setup for Performance Analysis of the 46 Emergency Alert System 3.14 How Emergency Alert System Using FM Band 47 Works 4.1 Original IKIM.FM Spectrum 49 4.2 Original FM spectrum between 104.5 MHz to 50 107.8 MHz 4.3 Modulated Signal of the Emergency 51 Message for Stereo Transmission 4.4 Received FM spectrum shows the effect of 52 emergency signal overlap with original IKIM.FM signal 4.5 Transmitted Emergency Signal at 105.7 Mhz, 53 106.2 Mhz, and 106.7 Mhz 4.6 FM Spectrum Shows the Radio Station Signals 54 for Muzik FM, IKIM.FM and Klasik Nasional have been Distorted by the Emergency Signal 4.7 Unwanted Fluctuations 55 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIAIONS ADC - Analog-Digital-Converter AM - Amplitude Modulation DAC - Digital-Analog- Converter DDC - Digital Down Converting DSP - Digital Signal Processing EAN - Emergency Alert Notification EAS - Emergency Alert System EBS - Emergency Broadcast System FCC - Federal Communications Commission FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency FM - Frequency Modulation FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array GRC - GNU Radio Companion IF - Intermediate Frequency NWS - National Weather Service OS - Operating System OSS - Open Source Software PGA - Programmable Gain Amplifier RBDS - Radio Broadcast Data System RDS - Radio Data System RF - Radio Frequency RTM - Rancangan Televisyen Malaysia RX - Receiver SDR - Software Defined Radio US - United States USB - Universal Serial Bus xiv SWIG - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator TX - Transmitter TV - Television UHF - Ultra High Frequency VHF - Very High Frequency WAV - Waveform Audio File Format xv LIST OF SYMBOLS MHz - Megahertz Hz - Hertz MB - Megabits bps - Bit per Second kHz - Kilohertz s - Second dBm/dB - Decibel 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview On the 26th of December 2004, a megathrust earthquake of magnitude of 9.3 occurred at the seabed of the Indian Ocean. The resulting event had triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of several countries bordering the Indian Ocean. Nearly 230,000 people in fourteen countries were killed because of this natural disaster. Even though this natural disaster was unavoidable, but the death toll could have been reduced if the population in the affected area were alerted earlier. This is due to a lag of up to several hours between the earthquake and the impact of tsunami. Moreover, nearly all the tsunami victims were taken completely by surprise. During that time, there were no tsunami warning systems in the Indian Ocean to detect tsunamis or to alert and handle general population living nearby. This is because the setting up of communication infrastructure to notify timely warnings is quite a problem, especially in poor parts of the world. 2 Therefore, public awareness and preparedness is a key element in proper handling of any type of emergency. In cases of public welfare threatening emergencies, quick notification and guidance to public could reduce the human and economic cost of the emergency significantly. In order to broadcast emergency information promptly to civilians, the system must be capable of notifying them using all sorts of available channel and medium of communication. One of the reliable media to dissipate emergency message is through FM spectrum. FM medium is considered as a popular mass medium even though TV has more viewers than FM listeners. In Malaysia, there are total of 53 FM radio stations nationwide, where 19 of them are private and others are government -owned. Therefore, FM spectrum band can be a reliable mechanism to dissipate emergency messages. In Malaysia, the radio station frequency varies in different locations. In addition, not all locations have the same radio broadcast reception. As an example, in rural area, the people only get to hear government-owned or states-oriented FM radio station. Contrary to more busy area, the people have more options of choosing radio stations other than government-owned. Based on that fact, if the emergency alert system is going to be developed, it must be flexible and nomadic due to different frequency of radio station relative to demographic of Malaysia. One way to achieve it is to develop a system based on software-controlled. Software-controlled based system provides the user ability to configure back or change the system setting should the transmission scheme changes. SDR or also known as Software Defined Radio provides service providers to develop any RF system based on software-controlled. The design principle behind SDR is to bring software code nearly as possible to radio antenna. This is achieved by using hardware that translates radio waves to a data stream, which a computer can handle. The hardware too should be transparent from the view of software. 3 The popular implementation of SDR is a combination of Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) hardware element with the GNU Radio software toolkit. USRP or also known as Universal Software Radio Peripheral is a RF hardware, which functions to transmit and receive RF signal only. It also digitizes the analog signal captured from RF world and conveys it in the for m of data stream to host computer. GNU Radio is software installed in a host computer, which functions as a DSP processor and controls the USRP. Figure 1.1: Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) 1.2 Problem Statement Emergency alert message can be disseminated to the public society by utilizing FM band. However, conventional FM transmission system is lack of flexibility in terms of reconfigurable and ease of deployment. Thus, flexibility is a main concern in the proper and effective system of emergency alert because one of the purpose is to increase the convenience and deployable at any place, any time. 4 1.3 Objective There are three main objectives of this project: i. To develop flexible emergency alert system using FM band via SDR using GNU Radio and USRP ii. To study the interface between the hardware and software development for emergency alert system using FM band iii. To analyse the performance of the emergency signal transmission system using the SDR 1.4 Scope of Work The focus of this project is to notify FM listener, therefore emergency alert message will be broadcasted through FM spectrum. Moreover, the FM spectrum is between 88 MHz to 108 MHz. In this project, SDR implementation will be used to increase the flexibility and mobility of the system. The design principle behind SDR is to bring the software near to the radio antenna as near as possible. This means most of the signal processing is software controlled. GNU Radio and USRP are the most important elements in this softwarebased project. and RF world. GNU Radio is a software toolkit used to drive and acquire data from USRP. Before using the USRP, one must choose the correct daughterboard for the USRP to works in suitable spectrum. Thus, WBX daughterboard will be used because it covers FM spectrum. 5 1.5 Thesis Outline This thesis is divided into five chapters. Each chapter will focus on different issues related to the project. Chapter 2 focuses on the literature review corresponding with the project. It provides a better platform of understanding before proceeding to next chapters. Specifically, the areas addressed will be emergency alert system, FM architecture and SDR implementation. Chapter 3 shows the techniques to develop the system. It consists of technique and method used to develop and setup the system. The result and discussion will be discussed in Chapter 4. Last but not least is Chapter 5, which discusses the conclusion and recommendations for future work of this project. 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter includes the study of emergency alert system, FM architecture, and Software Defined Radio (SDR). It also briefly discusses on GNU Radio and USRP hardware, which are the main part utilized in this project. 2.2 Emergency Alert System 2.2.1 Introduction Nowadays, the emergency alert system is available on television, radio media, and mobile communication to provide effective information spread all over general population. Demographic studies in Malaysia have shown an increasing pattern towards the coverage of FM radio reception. Moreover, this pattern is associated with the increasing number of new radio channels. In this project, an 7 emergency alert system is developed and focused on the FM listeners. Although there are many medium to dissipating the information to general population, this project is a stepping-stone for more comprehensive emergency system. Generally, this section is concern on Emergency Alert System utilized in United States (US) because currently Malaysia still developing their own emergency alert system. Emergency Alert System (EAS) has been used in US more than forty decade. Many countries have implemented their own emergency alert system by following US system model. 2.2.2 History of Emergency Alert System The brief history of the emergency alert system is mainly focus on national warning system in United States (US). In 1963, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was developed as a national warning system. The sole purpose of this system is to provide the US president with a swift method of communicating with the people of United States in the event of war, threat of war, or solemn national crisis. Even though the system never activated for national emergency, it was used over 20,000 times from 1976 until 1996 to broadcast civil emergency messages and warning about severe weather hazards. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) was put into place in 1997 to replace EBS. The function of EAS is still same as EBS. In addition to cover local emergencies such as hurricanes, the official EAS is designed to let the US president to talk to United States around 10 minutes. The EAS is controlled by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in joint with National Weather Service (NWS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EAS plan has been planted in every state and several territories in America to increase its effectiveness and 8 coverage. It also covers AM, FM and Land Mobile Radio Service, as well as VHF, UHF and cable television. In Malaysia, the emergency alert system is still in development process. Although Malaysia is said to be safe from hurricane and tornado, in 26 of December 2004 has been a wake-up call for this country to install the system. Hundreds of people in west coast of Malaysia become tsunami victims because they w ere unaware of incoming tsunami. The tsunami is reported coming from Sumatera due to earthquake happening in seabed of Indian Ocean. Summing up all the victims in other fourteen country, nearly 230,000 people killed by this nature cause. This statistics maybe can be reduced if the countries equip an early emergency alert system to warning people about an incoming natural disaster. 2.2.3 Activation Procedure Activation of the EAS is originated from primary station that would transmit the Attention Signal. The Attention Signal was a combination of 853 Hz and 960 Hz, an interval suited to draw audience collective attention. Every relay station equipped with a decoders which will sound an alarm, alerting the station operators to the incoming messages. Each relay station would broadcast the alert tone and repeat the emergency message from primary station. For a whole country activation of EAS, the Emergency Action Notification (EAN) will take place. While this event happens, every broadcast stations wer e not allowed to ignore it. However to activate EAN, much stricter protocol must be follow first to avoid abuse and mistakes. Some of the protocol is to enter the confirmation password, which changed daily before activating the system. 9 2.3 FM Architecture 2.3.1 Introduction Modulation is a process of deliver a message signal such as analog audio signal inside another signal that can be physically transmitted. Common modulation of analog signal is to transform a baseband signal message into passband signal, for example low frequency audio from radio operator into a radio frequency signal (RF signal). The purpose of the modulation is to increase the effectiveness of the signal transmission system. It also can reduce the size of the antenna, reduce the noise effect and allowing multiplexing process where several information signals can be transmit in one channel simultaneously. The common modulation methods are divided into three, which are analog modulation, digital modulation and pulse modulation. In analog modulation, a sine wave is used as carrier signal. Generally, the carrier signal can be mathematically defined as: Equation above represent as carrier frequency, carrier phase. In amplitude modulation (AM), signal. However, in frequency modulation (FM), as carrier amplitude and as vary linearly with information vary linearly with information signal In analog modulation, the modulation is applied continuously in response to the analog information. Common analog information methods are: i. Amplitude modulation (AM) ii. Frequency modulation (FM) 10 In this project, frequency modulation (FM) will be used rather than analog modulation. This is because of the advantages offered by FM compared to AM. The advantage are noise resilience, fidelity enhancement and to increase the effectiveness of power usage. However, there also several drawbacks of FM such as bigger bandwidth needed and the complexity of FM transmitter and FM receiver circuit. 2.3.2 FM Basics Frequency Modulation (FM) is a type of modulation in which changes in the carrier signal frequency correspond directly to changes in the baseband signal. FM is considered an analog form of modulation because the baseband signal is typically an analog waveform without discrete values. Basic theory behind FM is the amplitude of an analog baseband signal can be represented by a frequency different of the carrier. This can be represents by this relationship in the graph in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: Frequency Modulation The graph from Figure 2.1 depicts the relation of various amplitudes of baseband signal (white) to specific frequencies of the carrier signal (red). Mathematically, it 11 can be represents by describing the equations which characterize FM. Basically, message or baseband signal is represented by simple designation, . Then, the sinusoidal carrier is defined by this equation: The required process of modulating a baseband signal, , onto the carrier requires a two steps. First, the message signal must be integrated with respect to time to yield an modulation process because phase modulation is directly straightforward with typical I/Q modulator circuitry. A block diagram description of an FM transmitter shows in Figure 2.2. Vm(t) Figure 2.2: Block Diagram Shows the Steps to Generate FM Signal The block diagram above illustrates the integration of a message signal, which results in an equation for phase with respect to time. The equation is defined by the following equation: 12 where is the frequency sensitivity. The resulting modulation that must occur is phase modulation, which involves changing the phase of the carrier over time. This process is directly straightforward and requires a quadrature modulator, shown in Figure 2.3 below. Figure 2.3: Quadrature Modulator As a result of phase modulation, the resulting is FM signal, defined as: Simply the equation can be defined as: 2.3.3 Modulation Index . This equation is 13 The important aspect of FM is the modulation index. Modulation index is defined as the factor that determines the exact proportions of carrier deviates from its center frequency. Mathematically, the integrated baseband signal is defined as follow: The equation can be simplified as: in the equation above is the frequency deviation, which represents the maximum frequency difference between the instantaneous frequency and the carrier frequency. In fact, the ratio of to the carrier frequency is the modulation index ( ). As a result, after corresponding substitution of the equation, the final modulated FM signal defined as follow: The modulation index is important because it affects modulated signal. The greater modulation index, the greater instantaneous frequency can be from carrier. 2.3.4 FM Broadcast 14 FM broadcast technology was found by Edwin Howard Armstrong, who used frequency modulation (FM) to provide high fidelity sound over broadcast radio. The broadcast band for FM broadcast lie within VHF part of radio spectrum. Commonly 88 to 108 MHz is utilized. Figure 2.4 shows frequency spectrum for commercial FM broadcast. The frequency range is from 88 MHz until 108 MHz and can allocate a hundred radio channels. Every channel is separated with guard band (25 kHz) at every edge of the channel bandwidth. Maximum bandwidth allocated for a channel is around 200 kHz. In addition, if the radio channel has bigger bandwidth than allowed, the adjacent radio channel will distorted. CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 108 MHz CH 100 88.1MHz Figure 2.4: FM Spectrum Frequency 2.3.5 FM Stereo Transmitter FM system is capable to deliver high quality or high fidelity sound due to low effect on noise. This manner can be achieved by using stereo FM transmitting technique. However, stereo FM requires slightly bigger bandwidth and quite complex circuit for transmitter and receiver. 15 In a stereo system, two sources of sound or voice, which is right (R) and left (L) will be transmitted simultaneously. This kind of sound delivering technique is intended to produce a high quality sound. Figure 2.5 shows the technique use to generate stereo FM. TX Figure 2.5: FM Stereo Transmitter Block Diagram Output from sound source such as microphone or WAV file source, which are L and R were combined to produce L+R and L-R signal. Each signal is bandwidthlimited to 15 kHz. A carrier pilot signal of 19 kHz is produced, and doubled its value into 38 kHz to serve as subcarrier. A modulated signal of subcarrier and L-R signal will be added together with L+R signal and carrier pilot signal before it transmitted via FM modulation. The resulting of stereo FM is shown in signal spectrum in the Figure 2.6. 16 Figure 2.6: Stereo FM Signal Spectrum with RDS 2.3.6 FM RDS Radio Data System or RDS is a standard of communication protocol for embedding small amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcast. Commonly RDS includes several types of information transmitted such as time, station identification and program information. Thus, the FM receiver needs to decode the RDS data before display it in the radio display. Commonly car radio and built in mobile phone radio capable to decode RDS data and display it on the radio display. In US, the RDS is officially named as RBDS or Radio Broadcast Data System. Basically, the RDS carry 1,187.5 bits per second data on a 57 kHz subcarrier. The subcarrier for RDS is set to the third harmonic of the FM pilot tone (19 kHz) to reduce the interference and intermodulation between the stereo pilot (38 kHz). Figure 2.6 shows the spectrum of FM radio station with RDS on the rightmost of the spectrum. 17 The following Figure 2.7 illustrates the common use of RDS in FM radio station. The other use of RDS in FM is to display information, news, weather forecast and emergency alert. Figure 2.7: Common Use of RDS in FM, In This Case Showing Name of the Radio Station and Name of the Song Being Broadcast 2.3.7 FM in Malaysia There are total of 53 radio stations spreading over Malaysia where 19 of them are private-owned and others are government-owned. Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) group is responsible on operating and managing government radio station. Commonly RTM group divides and manage their radio stations based on different states of Malaysia. However, the private-owned radio station such as Media Prima has several radio stations under their operation, and it reception is spread all over Malaysia. In Malaysia, there are several FM radio operators also use RDS protocol to transmit RDS data in their FM spectrum. Most of radio stations in Malaysia have different reception frequency. As an example, in Skudai, Johor, the frequency for IKIM.FM is assigned at 106.2 MHz, while at Dungun, Terengganu, the frequency for same radio station is at 87.8 MHz. This is because the transmission towers use different frequency to broadcast radio 18 signal. The numbers of FM radio station reception also different relatively with location. Table 2.1 shows the different radio frequency in different location. Table 2.1 Different Frequency Assigned for Different Radio Station at Different Location In Malaysia, the most popular radio station currently is owned by private network such as Media Prima and AMP Radio. Government-owned radio station usually popular in rural area rather than in city or suburb. This is because of limited reception of private radio station in rural area. 2.4 Software Define Radio Conventional RF hardware indicates that all signal processing such as modulation, demodulation, filtering, and other function are implemented in hardware 19 and thus cannot be changed without alter the original design. Even though this approach is proven to be practical for various applications, there are cases in which the ability to alter the radio processing at runtime is highly desirable. There are few examples of desirable reconfigurable system such as interoperability wit h the existing applications, capable to operate with region-specific communication standards and readiness for future communications protocols. Figure 2.8 depicts the difference between conventional radio and SDR. Figure 2.8: (a) Conventional Radio, (b) SDR [8] Current development of digital signal processing techniques and increasing in available powerful computing mechanism have made it possible to replace rigid analog signal processing with fast digital signal processing which is programmable and fast enough to satisfy the needs of high rate signal processing in modern communication system. These developments have led to reconfigurable RF hardware whose functionality can be configured in real-time by altering the software installed in the system. SDR is characterized as a software code brought to the radio antenna as near as possible. This is achieved by using hardware that translates radio waves to a data stream a computer can handle. This hardware should be invisible from the view of the software. 20 Figure 2.9: SDR Design Principle [7] In this project, USRP and GNU Radio are the combined elements utilized in the SDR implementation. Notice in the Figure 2.9 the design principle of the SDR is to minimize the hardware modification and increase the software operation. Although the transmitter and receiver still in form of hardware, this project is try to impose little modification on hardware and increase the flexibility by using controllable software. Therefore, this project utilized USRP as a hardware and GNU Radio as programmable software that substantially do all the digital signal processing. The USRP operates as platform just to receive and transmit radio wave. On the other hand, GNU Radio will do all signal processing such as the modulation, demodulation or other RF operation depend on the users desire. Therefore, this combination of USRP and GNU Radio follow the principle of SDR. Figure 2.10 shows a simple explanation on GNU Radio and USRP operation. 21 USRP GNU Radio Figure 2.10: Combination of USRP and GNU Radio [7] 2.4.1 Hardware USRP The USRP is the hardware structure that will be used in this emergency alert system. It will be the platform for radio wave receiver and transmitter. However, it still needs to be connected to host computer, which equipped with GNU Radio software in order to perform the operation of transmitting the emergency signal. USRP is one of the most cheap hardware device used to build a SDR system. It also the most famous hardware device use as a testbed for telecommunication related projects. Figure 2.11 illustrates the USRP hardware. 22 Figure 2.11: Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) USRP is designed to be flexible where developers were allowed to make their own configuration for specific needs concerning on connectors, different frequency bands, daughterboard and others. It works perfectly with host computer as long as the computer equipped with GNU Radio and connected via USB port. The host computer acts as a baseband processor by using a USRP as RF-frontend to interface the RF medium. It takes the input of the antenna, which receives radio waves and digitizes those. The USRP provides a number functions such as digitizing the input signal, digital tuning the Intermediate Frequency (IF) band and sample rate decimation before sending the digitized baseband data to host computer via USB cable. Figure 2.12 shows the internal block diagram of USRP. Notice that it consists of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), four Daughterboard, four ADC, four DAC and USB controller. 23 Figure 2.12: Block Diagram of USRP [8] Daughterboard Figure 2.13 USRP Motherboard 24 Daughterboard Figure 2.13 shows slots for daughterboards. Daughterboard makes it possible to use a USRP in different spectrum of frequency because each daughterboard are used to hold the RF receiver interface or tuner and the RF transmitter at different spectrum of frequency. Without daughterboard, USRP motherboard alone cannot function. On the motherboard, there are four slots for daughterboard, wher e it supports up to two RX basic daughterboards and two TX basic daughterboards or RFX boards. There are slots for two TX daughterboards, labeled TXA and TXB, and two RX daughterboards, labeled RXA and RXB. The USRP is capable to transmit and receive simultaneously because it is possible to connect multiple daughterboards. Table 2.2 shows the available daughterboard with their corresponding frequency and transmission power. Table 2.2: USRP Daughterboards [7] Daughterboard Description Basic RX and Basic TX Receiving and transmitting from 1 MHz to 250 MHz LFRX and LFTX Receiving and transmitting up to 30 MHz with 100mW transmitting power DBSRX Receiving in the range from 800 MHz up to 2.4 GHz with 100mW transmitting power TVRX Complete receiver system from 50 860 MHz based on TV tuner module. WBX Receiving and transmitting from 50 MHz up to 2.2 GHz with 100mW transmitting power RFX 400 Receiving and transmitting from 400 MHz up to 500 MHz with 100mW transmitting power RFX 900 Receiving and transmitting from 800 MHz up to 1000 MHz with 200mW transmitting power RFX 1200 Receiving and transmitting from 1150 MHz up to 1450 MHz with 200mW transmitting power RFX 1800 Receiving and transmitting from 1.5 GHz up to 2.1 25 GHz with 100mW transmitting power RFX 2400 Receiving and transmitting from 2.3 GHz up to 2.9 GHz with 20mW transmitting power In this project, WBX will be used as daughterboard because it can transmit and receive radio signal in FM band. Analog-Digital-Converter (ADC) The function of ADC is to digitize analog signal and it is used on the USRP to receive radio signal. On the USRP motherboard, there are four high speed 12 -bit AD converters. The maximum sampling rate is 64M samples per second. Theoretically, it could sample a bandwidth of 32 MHz. Therefore, 32 MHz is a limitation for signal bandwidth and it is impossible to receive signal without any loss in a bigger bandwidth then 32 MHz. Digital-Analog-Converter (DAC) The purpose of DAC is to converts a digital signal into analog signal. This is used in the USRP while transmitting a signal. On the USRP motherboard, there are four high-speed 14-bit DAC converters. The DAC clock frequency is 128M samples per second, thus Nyquist frequency is 64 MHz. However, it is better to stay below it to make filtering easier. Thus, an optimum bandwidth for transmitting signal without loss is about 44 MHz. 26 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) The heart of the USRP is FPGA. The Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 from ALTERA manufacture is the FPGA used currently in the USRP. All ADC and DAC are connected to the FPGA. The purpose of FPGA is to perform high bandwidth math in Digital Down Converting (DDC). Firstly, it down converts the signal from the IF band to baseband and then it decimated the signal so that the data stream rate can be adapted by the USB cable. Programmable Gain Amplifier In the receive path, there is a PGA before the ADC. The purpose of PGA is to amplify the input signal in case of the input signal is weak. The PGA can amplify up to 20 dB. USB 2.0 Controller USB is used to connect the host computer with USRP. The USRP only can be connected to the host by USB 2.0 only, but not with outdated USB 1.1 interface. The maximum data throughput via USB is 32 MB/sec, which has serious impact on the performance. 27 2.4.2 Software GNU Radio GNU Radio is an open source software (OSS) founded in 1998 by Eric blossom. The software is run on host computer and used to drive and acquire data from the USRP. The software package comprises of a collection of components, one of it is the firmware that is uploaded to the USRP upon initialization at runtime. The firmware that comes with GNU Radio is designed to allow efficient communication with the USRP and its daughterboards via USB, and to perform time-compression or expansion of incoming or outgoing signals. Major components of DSP, which are applied to a baseband signal, are running by GNU Radio in a host computer. Inside GNU Radio are two-tier structures that an application programmer sees. Low-level, performance-critical DSP blocks code are written in C++. Here also the developer implements code to demodulate or modulate radio signal, restructure the information into packets or perform frequency-domain signal filtering. Highlevel code is written in Python. Main purpose of high-level code is to connecting and gluing signal blocks together. Due to Python is an interpreted language, it does not require additional compilation time during development or testing, and this is advantage because application deploy faster. Figure 2.14 illustrates more about this two-tier structure and the software architecture. In GNU Radio, DSP blocks can be considered as being in one of three categories: sources, sinks and filters. Sources are blocks having outgoing signal and no inputs. Sinks are blocks that allow one or more inputs but no output. Filters are intermediate blocks that allow for one or more incoming signal and outgoing signals. 28 Figure 2.14: GNU Radio Architecture [8] GNU Radio Companion GNU Radio Companion (GRC) is graphical user interface, which allows GNU Radio components or DSP blocks to be put together graphically. Figure 2.15 shows an example for GRC, which is a dial-tone example. GRC are created from the XML flow graph, and it translated to Python code. This mean GRC file can be convert to Python code. However, a Python code of the radio software design cannot be translated to GRC file. In this project, all the design will be implemented in GRC rather than Python code. 29 Figure 2.15: Dial-tone Example in GRC [7] Python Python code is the script language used to connect the signal processing blocks together. In Python, the necessary signal processing blocks such as signal sources and sinks are selected and configured with the correct parameter. Thus the main purpose of the Python is to select sources, sinks and signal processing blocks, set parameter for each blocks and connect the signal processing blocks of C++. Figure 2.16 shows an example of dial tone in form of Python code. 30 Figure2.16: Python Code of Dial-tone Example [7] C++ In a processing block, there are one or more of data stream flow from input port or to output port. The data stream is process by the processing block, which is written in C++. In order to use C++ code in Python, SWIG is used. SWIG is a wrapper for the C++ modules and it function is to generate the corresponding Python code and library so that these classes and function can be called from Python. However in GNU Radio, usually all the default signal processing blocks are a lready created in GNU Radio project. Therefore, the C++ only comes in play when the developers try to create their own special signal processing blocks. 31 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Methodology of the Project Details on the methodology used in this project will be given in this chapter. Basically, the progress on this project is focused on the development of GNU Radio software rather than hardware. The flow of this project will be divided into few parts and the project will be executed stage by stage. Figure 3.1 is the flow chart of the project: START Gain the related information on emergency alert system Literature review about FM architectures Understanding the SDR technique Hardware/software development Performance evaluation Figure 3.1: Flow Chart of the Project Plan 32 3.2 System Architecture The architecture of the system is comprised of transmitters and receiver part. All parts are developed using SDR implementation, which is GNU Radio development and USRP as a front-end hardware. Basically, the main concern is software development because the success of this project is determined by it. 3.2.1 Hardware Structure The hardware structure comprise of one USRP and one computer only. USRP and computer will be connected together by USB cable. USRP only acts as a platform to receive and transmit signal generated from the software in the computer. Figure 3.2 illustrates more about the structure of GNU Radio and USRP. Moreover, the software which controls the signal processing and USRP is called GNU Radio which will be discussed later in software structure section. Figure 3.2: GNU Radio and USRP Block Diagram [6] 33 Linux Operating System (OS) is used rather than popular OS such as Windows because it provides more stable platform for GNU Radio to work. In this project, the computer is equipped with Ubuntu 10.10 OS at first before GNU Radio being installed in the fresh Linux environment. The steps taken for GNU Radio installation will be discussed in next section. For the USRP part, the daughterboard that will be used is WBX board. The WBX board provides a frequency range of from 50 Hz to 2.2 GHz operation, which is suitable for the project that uses FM band from 87 MHz to 108 MHz. 3.2.2 Software Structure GNU Radio software provides many numerical techniques in its library to perform important radio operations such as modulation and demodulation. In order to use the software, one must be installed first. GNU Radio works perfectly in Linux environment contrary to Windows environment because it was actually developed in Linux environment in earlier days. Moreover, there are many online communities over the internet ready to help new users. In this project, GNU Radio version 3.3 and GNU Radio Companion have been installed in a laptop with Ubuntu 10.10 Operating System. Figure 3.2 illustrate the component of software structure of the project. 34 Figure 3.3: Software Structure GNU Radio Installation There are many versions for GNU Radio such as GNU Radio 3.1.3, GNU Radio 3.2.2 and GNU Radio 3.3. However, in this project latest GNU Radio 3.3 will be installed. In Ubuntu 10.10, software installation begins by inserting command line on the Terminal application in Ubuntu 10.10. This first command will install the prerequisites: sudo apt-get -y install libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev libpulse-dev swig g++ automake autoconf libtool python-dev libfftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libboost-all-dev libusb-dev fort77 sdcc sdcc-librarieslibsdl1.2-dev pythonwxgtk2.8 git-core guile-1.8-dev libqt4-dev python-numpy ccache pythonopengl libgsl0-dev python-cheetah python-lxml doxygen qt4-dev-tools libqwt5-qt4-dev libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools python-qwt5-qt4 After installing the pre-requisites, it is time to install GNU Radio. This command is to download, bootstrap, configure, compile and install GNU Radio package: 35 # Install GNU Radio from git git clone http://gnuradio.org/git/gnuradio.git cd gnuradio ./bootstrap ./configure make sudo make install Next part is to configure USRP support. The following script will sets up groups to handle USRP via USB: sudo addgroup usrp sudo usermod -G usrp -a <YOUR_USERNAME> echo 'ACTION=="add", BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="fffe", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0002", GROUP:="usrp", MODE:="0660"' > tmpfile sudo chown root.root tmpfile sudo mv tmpfile /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usrp.rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules After the installation has been completed, it is advised to verify that the GNU Radio works with USRP by trying out to execute any examples that come with GNU Radio. Even though GNU Radio has been installed, GNU Radio Companion also needs to be installed. An easier step to install it is just typing GNU Radio Companion in Terminal and then an instruction will appear asking permission to install it. 3.3 System Design in Software Structure 36 In this section, system design for the emergency alert system will be described. The design is divided into transmitter and receiver parts. The design of the transmitter is main part of the project. The receiver only acts as platform to analyze the performance of the transmitter. In addition, this project is using GNU Radio Companion rather than GNU Radio. GNU Radio Companion is same as GNU Radio. The difference is GNU Radio Companion provide graphical interface contrary to GNU Radio which is focus on Python coding. However, GNU Radio Companion comes together with GNU Radio installation. Every design for transmitter and receiver developed using GNU Radio Companion can be converted to Python code which is can be run in GNU Radio software. 3.3.1 Transmitter Design There are two transmitter designs in this project, which is for stereo channel transmission and multiple channel signal transmission. Basically, stereo channel transmission is capable of transmitting emergency signal in stereo. For multiple channel transmission, the transmitter is capable of transmitting emergency signal to multiple channels at once. Stereo Channel Transmitter 37 For the stereo channel transmitter system, the design follows the conventional block diagram for Stereo FM Transmitter. Figure 3.4 below depicts the Stereo FM Transmitter block diagram. Figure 3.4: Block Diagram for Stereo FM Transmitter The design stereo transmission for emergency alert system is shown in Figure 3.5. The input source or the emergency message is in form of simple WAV tone, which has a bit rate around 44 kHz. The input source is divided into two parts to represent as left and right input channel. Both inputs need to be resampled before it passes throug subcarrier before it passes through band pass filter. After the mono part has passed the low pass filter, it needs to be added together with the stereo part and pilot carrier. Lastly, the resulting from adder is frequency modulated and passed through USRP for transmission. 38 Figure 3.5: Design of Stereo Transmission for Emergency Alert System Figure 3.6 shows the design of stereo transmission for emergency alert system in GRC. Notice that the input source is fed with simple WAV tone as an emergency alert message. 40 Multiple Channel Transmitter Emergency alert system with multiple channel transmission is a different design from the stereo channel transmission. The design is much simpler because all the modulation processes such as filter, mixer and adder are combined together in one blockset. Figure 3.7 shows design of multiple channel transmission for emergency alert system. Notice that the input source is still in form of WAV file because it transmits simple WAV tone as an emergency message. The input source is passed through FM modulation blockset where all process required for frequency modulation is done in this blockset. Output of this blockset is directly transmitted at the designated frequency. However, the output of this blockset is also multiplied by additional carrier. The additional carriers multiply the output signal and transmit it to new frequency. The new frequency is a sum of designated frequency and additional carrier frequency. As an example, the designated frequency is at 106.2 MHz and the additional carrier frequency is 500 kHz. Therefore, the emergency message is transmitted to 106.2 MHz and 106.7 MHz simultaneously. Figure 3.7: Design of Multiple Channel Transmission for Emergency Alert System 42 Figure 3.8 depicts the design for multiple channel transmission for emergency alert system. Notice there are two additional signal sources multiplied with the output. Therefore, this design is capable to transmit three outputs signals simultaneously. Figure 3.8 also shows the FFT Sink blocksets connected to design flow chart. The purpose of the FFT Sink blockset is to display the output of signal processed at the current location of the flow chart. 3.3.2 Receiver Design The receiver is designed to capture back the signal being fed at the transmitter. It also acts like typical radio because it also captures local radio channel signal, process it and turn it into sound. However, the main purpose of the receiver in this project is to see the effect of transmitted emergency signal to the original radio signal transmitted from radio base station. Figure 3.9 show the design for the FM receiver. FM spectral analyzer is used to analyze the effects of FM spectrum due to multiple transmission of emergency signal. Figure 3.10 is the design of FM spectral analyzer. FM spectral analyzer also can be used to find frequency of radio station over the FM spectrum. 45 3.4 System Setup Before initiating the system, it is better to take note that the input of this emergency alert system is WAV tone. The WAV tone is fed into this system and broadcasted at the designated frequency. Therefore, the FM receiver tuned at the designated frequency will receive and produce the transmitted WAV tone at the audio sink. Another point to highlight, only the receiver in the reception coverage able to produce the emergency WAV tone, In order to determine the reception coverage or maximum distance of signal reception, a portable FM radio is used. Maximum distance of the emergency signal reception is determined by the maximum radius of the portable radio located when the emergency signal start to deteriorate or barely audible. Figure 3. 11 shows the portable radio used to determine the maximum distance of emergency alert system transmission. Figure 3.11: Portable Radio Performance analysis of the system is initiated by placing the receiver within the maximum radius. In this project, the receiver is also developed using GNU 46 Radio. Thus, it needs another USRP to act as receiver to receive the transmitted emergency signal from transmitter. Figure 3.12 and 3.13 illustrate the summary of the setup for performance analysis of emergency alert system. Figure 3.12: The Suitable Distance of USRP Receiver to Analyze Emergency Signal Transmission Figure 3.13: Setup for Performance Analysis of the Emergency Alert System 47 3.5 Activation of Proposed Emergency Alert System Figure 3.14: How Emergency Alert System Using FM Band Works Figure 3.12 shows the icons represent the steps involved to activate the proposed emergency alert system using FM band. Firstly, when the emergency management officials receive a report about an emergency, they will distinguish the appropriate type of emergency happen and the specific tone to transmit. Noted that a different type of emergency have unique tone. After that, they will transmit the emergency tone to the affected location by using FM band. The message also relayed to the transmission towers. The FM towers will broadcast the emergency tone to the intended receivers. However, the general population must be aware of type of emergency tone broadcasted. Thus, the general population must be educated and informed first about the type of tone used specifically. 48 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the results achieved in emergency alert system using FM band. The experiment was conducted at UTM Skudai campus. The performance analysis of the project is comprised of the result collected at the end receiver for both type of transmission, stereo and multiple channel transmission 4.2 Performance Analysis of FM Emergency System This subsection emphasizes on original FM channel spectrum transmitted from local radio operator. The received spectrum is captured using FM spectral analyzer and FM receiver. Detailed description of the structures can be referred in Chapter 3. Figure 4.1 shows the original spectrum of IKIM.FM radio station. 49 Figure 4.1: Original IKIM.FM Spectrum Figure 4.2 shows the FM spectrum range between 104.5 and 107.8 MHz. Notice that there are three radio channels in that range, which are at frequencies 105.7 MHz (Muzik FM), 106.2 MHz (IKIM FM), and 106.7 MHz (Klasik Nasional). Do take note that power received of received radio signal is around of 50 dBm while the transmitted power from USRP for emergency signal transmission is around of 20dBm. 50 IKIM.FM Muzik FM Klasik Nasional Figure 4.2: Original FM spectrum between 104.5 MHz to 107.8 MHz 4.3 Performance Analysis on Stereo Transmission Figure 4.3 shows the spectrum of modulated emergency signal at stereo FM transmitter. On the leftmost of the spectrum shows the audio-band signal for mono. On 19 kHz, depicts the pilot tone for stereo signal. From around 22 kHz and 53 kHz, shows the stereo part, which is the differences in the signal between the left and right (L-R) channel. 51 L+R mono L-R stereo Pilot carrier Figure 4.3: Modulated Signal of the Emergency Message for Stereo Transmission FM receiver shows spectrum of received signal at frequency 106.2 MHz. Notice that there is a difference exists between original spectrum in Figure 4.1 and in Figure 4.4. Figure 4.4 shows the original signal altered after the original signal overlaps with the emergency signal tuned at that frequency. Notice in that figure, shows a several harmonic signal resulted from transmitted emergency signal in the form of WAV tone. The amplitude of the resultant signal also increased from 50 dBm to 80 dBm. 52 Figure 4.4: Received FM spectrum shows the effect of emergency signal overlap with original IKIM.FM signal 4.4 Performance Analysis on Multiple Channel Transmitter Multiple channel transmission means the emergency signal will be transmitted at multiple radio frequencies at the same time. In this project, emergency signal can be transmitted up to three radio frequencies at one time. Thus, the FM listeners at three designated frequency will hear the same signal from one source at the same time. Figure 4.5 illustrates the three emergency signals being transmitted at 105.7 MHz, 106.2 MHz, and 106.7 MHz. 53 Figure 4.5: Transmitted Emergency Signal at 105.7 Mhz, 106.2 Mhz, and 106.7 Mhz Comparing the original spectrum in Figure 4.2 with that in Figure 4.6, the original spectrum of Muzik FM, IKIM FM, and Klasik Nasional have been distorted with the overlapping emergency signal. The FM listeners at these three frequencies will hear the WAV tone transmitted at the same time. The original power received from the transmitted signal from radio base station is around 50 dBm. However, after the emergency signal being transmitted, the power received was increased from 50 dBm to 90 dBm. 54 Muzik FM IKIM.FM Klasik Nasional Figure 4.6: FM Spectrum Shows the Radio Station Signals for Muzik FM, IKIM.FM and Klasik Nasional Have Been Distorted By the Emergency Signal 4.5 Overall Signal Transmission Performance The maximum signal reception covered from the USRP is around of 30 meter radius. Further from that, the receiver will start to hear back the original signal transmitted from radio base station. However, if the receiver is too close with USRP source, the transmission of the emergency signal at designated frequency will also deteriorate the adjacent radio frequency. As an example, the transmission of emergency signal is focused on to alert the IKIM FM listener only. But, the adjacent radio channels which are Muzik FM and Klasik Nasional also being slightly deteriorated by the emergency signal. This means Muzik FM and Klasik Nasional listeners will slightly hear the emergency signal. However, it is not a problem if the adjacent radio stations were disturbed by the emergency signal because the sole purpose of the emergency alert system is to notify as many people as possible. 55 Unwanted fluctuations Figure 4.7: Unwanted Fluctuations Notice at both receptions of FM spectrum indicates several signal fluctuations of the signal. Figure 4.7 shows several unwanted fluctuations in the receiver spectrum. This happens maybe due to incorrect sampling or modulation of WAV tone at the transmitter before it being transmitted. 56 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion Emergency alert system using FM band have been developed under SDR implementation with a combination of GNU Radio and USRP. Actually, the system is developed using GNU Radio Companion, which is available in GNU Radio software toolkit. GNU Radio Companion provides graphical interface to guide the user to develop the RF system. In this system, users are able to configure the input source and select different radio channel frequency for the emergency signal transmission. This reconfiguration capability allows the system to be flexible and nomadic, especially when the system is deployed at different location where radio channel frequencies are assigned differently. 5.2 Recommendation and Future Work 57 The recommendation for the future work is to extend the maximum distance for signal reception. This improvement can be achieved by installing an additional transmitter amplifier and antenna. In this project, the input being transmitted is in form of WAV source. Another recommendation is to add a variety of input source such as voice from microphone where the user can directly inform the listener. Last recommendation is to utilize RDS system. Actually, RDS system has been applied in Malaysia for several years now, so there are quite a large number of FM receivers, which are able to demodulate and decode RDS data. 58 REFERENCES 1. Ferrel G. Stremler, Introduction to Telecommunication Systems, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 2. A. Michell Noll, Introduction to Telecommunication Electronics, 2 nd Edition, University of Southern California: Artech House. 3. Martin S. Roden, Analog and Digital Communication Systems, 4th Edition, California State University, LA: Prentice Hall. 4. Warren Hioki, Telecommunications, 4th Edition, Community College of Southern Nevada, Prentice Hall. 5. Wesley J. Chun. Core Python Programming, USA: Prentice Hall. 2001 6. Naveen Manicka. GNU Radio Testbed. Master Thesis. University of Delaware: 2007 7. Alex Verduin, GNU Radio: Wireless protocols analysis approach. Master Thesis. Universiteit Van Amsterdam: 2008 8. Verma, P. and Verma, D.C. 2005. Internet emergency alert system. Military Communications Conference, 2005. MILCOM 2005. IEEE, Vol. 5, pp 2936 2942. 9. LeBow, G.M. 1993. RBDS As An Emergency Broadcasting And Alert System. Consumer Electronics, 1993. Digest of Technical Papers. ICCE., IEEE 1993 International Conference, pp 198 199. 59 10. Hall, M.; Betts, A.; Cox, D.; Pointer, D.; Kindratenko, V. 2005. The visible radio: process visualization of a software-defined radio. Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, pp. 159-165. 11. Matt Ettus.
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