Biometric Rich Gestures


Biometric Rich Gestures
Biometric Rich Gestures A Touching Farewell to Passwords? Nasir Memon, Polytechnic Ins?tute of NYU Collborators: Katherine Isbister, Game Innova?on Lab Studnets: Napa Sae Bae, Mike Karlesky, Ahmed Kowsar etc etc. Mobile Device passwords – 
(out of 204,508) Ref: h'p://www.i-­‐­‐security/2668-­‐passcodes.html The Emerging Interface? Password on mul?-­‐touch surface Problem: Password is hard to enter on touch keyboard A beWer approach? Problem: shoulder surfing aWack, smudges Windows 8 Picture Password PassPoints
Quantization of password clicks
Modeling user choice
Users’ password clicks
User clicks and estimated click points
Touch interface Single Finger Touch -­‐ iSignOn Compara?ve Result Mul?-­‐touch gestures Can Mul?-­‐touch gestures be Used for Authen?ca?on? •  QuesBon §  How many different types are there? §  Which provide beWer dis?nguishability? §  User-­‐experience for different gestures? System Performance Single Gesture Gesture EER1 EER2 Gesture EER EER2 ’Closed’ 9.558 9.688 ’FTC’ 10.366 9.651 ’Opened’ 18.926 18.835 ’FTO’ 17.811 16.26 ’CR’ 9.426 8.176 ’FTCR’ 12.443 12.052 ’CCR’ 7.219 5.943 ’FTCCR’ 6.603 6.247 ’Drag’ 10.666 9.954 ’FPP’ 13.254 12.91 ’Swipe’ 15.915 16.448 ’FPC’ 15.678 14.814 ’Flick’ 14.945 14.04 ’FPO’ 17.431 15.899 ’Scrawl’ 2.881 2.253 ’FPCCR’ 16.602 16.409 ’DDC’ 9.403 9.816 ’FBD’ 15.184 15.213 ’DUO’ 15.979 16.012 ’FBSA’ 16.104 15.071 ’FTP’ 7.897 7.224 ’FBSB’ 10.915 11.146 System Performance •  QuesBon: Could mul?-­‐gesture help to improve the EER performance? Gesture 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed CR CR CR CR CCR CCR CCR DDC DDC FTP Gesture 2 CR CCR DDC FTP FTCCR CCR DDC FTP FTCCR DDC FTP FTCCR FTP FTCCR FTCCR EER1 4.58 3.87 4.2 3.51 3.7 2.93 3.05 1.9 2.58 3.94 2.42 3.45 4.3 2.78 2.3 EER2 4.06 3.93 3.43 3.77 4.03 2.62 2.37 1.52 2.70 3.74 2.20 3.00 3.53 2.36 2.81 Underlying ques?ons Gesture level •  How different emo?onal state affects the accuracy of the gesture? •  Which emo?onal factors encourage the user to use the par?cular gesture? Scheme level •  Is a mul?-­‐touch gesture a user-­‐friendly interface for an authen?ca?on? Scheme Response 40 30 Agree 20 Disagree 10 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1:'Is gesture password easy to memorize?' Q2:‘Would you prefer gesture password over text password?' Q3:‘Would gesture password would be faster for you to use?' Q4: 'With prac?ce the gesture password would get easier to perform?' Security and Usability Why would you prefer it?’ • 
'No typing and easy to perform.‘, 'I don't like typing. ' 'Its quicker and much cooler. ' 'I will use both because it will be more secure. ' 'Its simpler than text password. ' 'Its faster. And it is also easy to forget text password. ' 'Its more secure. I think gestures can also be copied easily like finger prints. ' 'Its fast and cooler. ‘, 'Its cool and new.’ 'Because it can be customized and would be hard to copy. ' 'Its easier to perform and harder to forget. ’ 'Its easy to memorize and hard to copy. ' 'I don't have to write anything. ' 'I think it would have beWer protec?on. ' 'Its more secure. 'Harder to copy. ' 'I don't wanna type on a tablet where there is no keyboard. ' 'It would be more convenient. Its more advanced and I liked the technology. ' 'If I share my tablet with someone else then I will use text password, if not then gesture password. ' 'I have too many passwords to remember. So, I would prefer gesture password. ' ‘'I love to dance and this involves movements. So, I would like gestures password. And its not boring. ' Interes?ng Findings: •  Individuals have different paWerns of a mul?-­‐
touch gesture that are separable. •  The usability of a mul?-­‐touch gesture aligns well with its uniqueness. •  This result highlights the poten?al of the approach and encourages research to explore and expand the concept. Work in Progress } 
More touch screen sensor capability might be useful e.g. pressure or touch’s polygon features. •  Well-­‐designed User Interface might help users. •  Security issues. •  Some other proper?es -­‐ permanence property and recall ability for customized gesture and gesture combina?on need to be inves?gated. •  Camera based gestures. Thank you!! QuesBons?