CaseTrac Plus Manual February 2014


CaseTrac Plus Manual February 2014

CaseTrac Plus Manual
February 2014!
Table of Contents!
CaseTrac Plus Website i.  Overview CaseTrac Plus i.  Login Page ii.  Home
iii.  Resources iv.  Case Status i.  Search Criteria – Help Video
ii.  Search Criteria iii.  Search Results iv.  Search Results v.  Case Details
vi.  Scheduling Details v.  Request Supplies
vi.  Contact – Email
vii.  Password Reset
viii.  Summary 2!
Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 CaseTrac Plus: Overview!
CaseTrac Plus, www.ddc-­‐, is DDC’s online case management system that is accessible 24/7 to provide you and your staff a convenient means of accessing your data. We listened to your feedback on the site and are pleased to launch a new and improved CaseTrac Plus. UPDATES •  Single login for reviewing chain of custody and test report scans •  Simplified navigaVon within site •  Help Videos •  Excellent searching capability –  Cases by office –  Reported Cases –  Cases awaiVng samples –  Name, Date of Birth, CollecVon date, etc This website provides you access to the following: 1.  Case status and appointment informaVon to help you manage your day-­‐to-­‐day operaVons. 2.  Online supply ordering for agencies compleVng self-­‐collecVon 3.  Access to view and print chain of custody documents, pictures, and DNA report for reported cases.!
CaseTrac Plus: Login!
Enter your User ID and Password into the appropriate fields listed below. Note: Your user ID and passwords are case sensi4ve. •  User Name entered into the User Name field (Local Office email address ie: •  Password entered into the Password field. (Current CaseTrac Plus password) 4!
CaseTrac Plus: Home !
1.  The CaseTrac Plus Home page provides you with our welcome message. 2.  The Contact bueon is located at the top right hand corner of each screen. You can email the Customer Service Team from this page or find the phone number to call directly. 3.  The Logout bueon is located at the top right hand corner of this and each screen throughout the site. 4.  The Segngs Bueon is located at the top right hand corner of this screen (and all others) and includes the ability to change your password. 5!
CaseTrac Plus: Resources !
The Resources tab provides you with tesVng opVons if the alleged father is unavailable for tesVng. 6!
CaseTrac Plus: Case Status / Search Criteria Help Video!
Help Videos are included on the site and marked with a ?. The videos are less than 30 seconds in length and provide a walk through provide assistance with the features available on that page. For help with the Case Status tab, click on the ? and it will provide a step by step demonstraVon of the searching funcVon. 7!
CaseTrac Plus: Case Status / Search Criteria!
The Case Status tab provides you access to perform a search of cases based on several criteria. You can search by one or more of the following opVons. For this demonstraVon, the search is for all reported cases. 1.  Account 2.  Case Status: Dropdown of opVons 3.  Reported Between: Choice of dates 4.  Specimen CollecVon Date: Choice of dates 5.  Tested Party Name 6.  Tested Party Role 7.  Last 4 of SSN 8.  Agency Case Number 9.  Docket Number 10. DDC Case Number 8!
CaseTrac Plus: Case Status / Search Results!
The Search Results tab displays an overview of cases matching your search criteria. In the example provided below, the search is for cases with a case status of “Reported”. If you would like to change your search criteria, you will click the BACK bueon on the right hand side of the screen and you can reset your search criteria. To view the Case details, click the appropriate navigaVon arrows located at the lem of the Agency Case Number. 9!
CaseTrac Plus: Case Status / Search Results!
The Search Results tab allows for sorVng by any column header. Examples below include sorVng numerically by Agency Case Number, Account and Reported Date. Clicking once on the header sorts ascending, clicking a second Vme sorts descending. 10!
CaseTrac Plus: Case Status / Case Details!
The Case Details screen displays the following informaVon about the case: TESTED PARTY INFORMATION CASE INFORMATION 1.  Tested Role: M: Mother, 1.  Agency Case Number C: Child, AF: Alleged Father 2.  Docket Number 2. 
Tested Party Names 3.  Case Status 3.  Tested Party Race 4.  DDC Case Number 4.  Tested Party Date of Birth 5.  IniVated Date 5.  Tested Party Gender 6.  Reported Date 6.  Last 4 of SSN 7.  Received Date 8.  CollecVon Date 11!
DOCUMENTS 1.  DNA Test Report (Click Download to view) 2.  Chain of Custody Documents (Click Download to view) 3.  InterpretaVon CaseTrac Plus: Case Status / Scheduling Details!
CASE INFORMATION 1.  Agency Case Number 2.  Docket Number 3.  Case Status 4.  DDC Case Number 5.  IniVated Date 6.  Reported Date TESTED PARTY INFORMATION 1.  Tested Role: M: Mother, C: Child, AF: Alleged Father 2.  Tested Party Names 3.  Appointment Date/Time 4.  Appointment LocaVon 5.  Appointment Status APPT STATUS INFORMATION 1.  Unscheduled 2.  Needs Reschedule 3.  Scheduled 4.  Rescheduled 5.  Complete 6.  Canceled 7.  No Show 8.  Returned Leeer The Scheduling Details page 12!
Plus: Request Supplies!
The Request Supplies tab allows you access to order your supplies online. To watch the step by step video, please click the ? in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Fill out the fields located at the top porVon of the online form, enter the items needed and click “Request Supplies” 13!
Contact: Email!
Enter the following informaVon 1.  FROM field: Enter Your email address 2.  SUBJECT field: Enter Subject 3.  MESSAGE field: Enter your quesVons or concerns into the body of the email. 4.  Click the CONTACT DDC bueon. 5.  This page is available to use, however, we suggest the use of GroupWise to communicate in regards to paVent or case specific informaVon. Please see the note at the boeom of the screen. 14!
Password Reset!
Every 90 days, the system will require a new password. Upon your first login amer 90 days has passed, you will be given a prompt to reset your password which says “Your password has expired. Please enter a new password below.” Once you have entered and confirmed your password, you will be given the following message (in red below) and will need to login in with your username and new password. •  You are unable to use the same password you’ve used for the previous 3 passwords. •  If you have forgoeen your password, you will need to email Contracts Customer Service to request a new password. The “Forgot Password” funcVon on the site has been disabled for the State of Georgia. 15!
For quesVons about the new website, please contact us at 1-­‐800-­‐310-­‐9868. We are available Monday-­‐Friday, 8:00am – 8:00pm. 16!