Spring - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
Spring - Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club
The Pulse www.GreenwoodATC.com Spring 2010 greenwood athletic and tennis club The Best part of Your Day!® SPRING 2010 BOOT CAMPS Y For Families, for Ladies and for Kids! BOOTY CAMP • April 5-May 7 BOOT CAMP • May 3-June 4 JR BOOT CAMP • May 3-June 4 Junior 2 Spring 2010 Table of Contents MEMBER SPOTLIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 P-NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MEMBER SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GROUP EXERCISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PERSONAL TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 YOUTH PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 & 9 XRKADE® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PILATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 AQUATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 & 13 GREENWOOD TIGER SHARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TENNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CONCIERGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 MEMBER COACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ANNIVERSARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TEAM MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ASK THE EXPERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 DIRECTORY/HOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Visit our website! www.GreenwoodATC.com Member SPOTlight! Frank Cahill Frank Cahill, age 12 ½, has been a member at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club since he was four years old and is a charter member of XRKade®. His typical winter workout at GATC goes like this: climbing on the Treadwall, joining the cycling tour on the Expresso bike, snowboarding on the XR board, slamming the Makoto and dancing till he drops on Dance Dance Revolution - all in an hour and a half. He is a 6th grader at Ave Maria Catholic School and enjoys reading, playing the violin, boy scouts and coming to the club with his mom Jill, dad Michael and sister Noelle. Franks favorite part about coming to GATC are the pools and the pool float in the summer and XRKade® in the winter. “XRKade® is a fun, interactive place to hang out with people and work out. The coaches are also fun and motivating”, says Frank. He is motivated to come to XRKade® because it’s dark, fun to be in and he loves Dance Dance Revolution and the Wii. Since XRKade® opened last summer Frank has participated in the Mile High Club. This challenge offers kids an opportunity to earn prizes for working out. After each mile they receive a sticker, after five miles they receive a reward and after 20 miles they receive a prize. It’s a great way to keep moving. In the month of October, Frank completed 80 miles! Frank said, “The Mile High score card makes me work harder and gives me an incentive for working out.” Come meet Frank in XRKade® if you want to “work hard and add fun to your life.” Thank you to Frank and his family for their dedication and passion for Greenwood and for choosing XRKade® as their place to play! 3 P-Note MEMBERSHIP SALES VS. USAGE I realize this message is arriving mid-March and our beginning of the year usage is starting to drop a bit already, but I still believe the information is important and worth sharing. Obviously, you all know how important membership sales are to a health club. They are the bread and butter of the business and without memberships we would cease to exist. We set membership goals each month, assign goals to our Membership Representatives and promote and advertise to meet and exceed those goals. We also look at our monthly resigns, find out why members are leaving, attempt to save them and calculate the sales vs. resigns in hopes of achieving a net increase in memberships. This system is the foundation of every health club in the fitness industry and is not unique to Greenwood. The difference between GATC and other clubs lies in the numbers! Typically, health club sales and usage increase during January and February and in most clubs, the increases are substantial. GATC is not your typical club and is probably one of the many reasons you choose to be a member. Our sales are fairly consistent month-tomonth and the increase in January is minimal. That said, I want to share a statistic with you: 2007 2008 2009 Monday 1,438 1,515 1,541 Tuesday 1,355 1,488 1,509 Wednesday 1,291 1,357 1,410 Thursday 1,229 1,324 1,291 Friday 1,134 1,151 1,191 Saturday 941 1,016 1,027 Sunday 784 816 861 Memberships 3,703 3,612 3,556 This table shows a history of our average usage by day of the week for the past three years. It also shows a comparison of end of the year membership numbers. As you can see we have increased our usage and decreased our total membership. 2007 was a banner year for our world economy, for the club and I am sure for many of you. Our sales were high, but our usage was lower. Now, we have slightly fewer members but our usage is high and for point of reference, January, 2010 Monday and Tuesday usage numbers have been 1800+. So, when you come to the club, find it more challenging to get a good parking spot, find your group exercise classes are full and the pool and weight room are packed…you know why! We have a very fit population of members who pay the appropriate fees to belong to the premiere athletic and tennis club in the area and use it! 4 GATC never has been, and never will be, a “hard sell” club. We want positive membership growth but that growth will not negatively impact our ability to serve each and every one of you at the level you have all come to expect from GATC. Many of our competitors’ sales philosophies are harder and their membership goals are higher, to the extent of selling as many as 10,000 memberships in a facility that is virtually the same size as Greenwood (3556 memberships in comparison.) That particular philosophy may work in some facilities but it does not allow us to fulfill our commitment to you and provide you with the best exercise experience possible. Greenwood is your partner in health and in order for you to see results you must use the club! So, if you are one of the thousands of members frequenting GATC on a daily basis, my hat is off to you and we salute you for your commitment. If you haven’t been here lately, you’ll be hearing from us! Please know, if you ever have any questions about our business philosophy, our operation or anything else; do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you at the club! 1 0 T H A N N U A 5K RUN/ WALK (Officially timed by timing chip) OR 1 MILE FITNESS WALK (Non-timed, approximately one mile) Crescent Park (Located at Belleview and DTC Boulevard) Benefiting the Community Asset Project, a Partner with the Cherry Creek School District. L Member Services Lisa Thomas Director of Member Services 303.770.2582 x284 lisat@GreenwoodATC.com ADULT DROP IN BASKETBALL This program is provided free of charge to GATC members. Show up at the appropriate time, ready to play and have fun! DAYS/TIMES: BONE DENSITY/OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENING & BODY COMPOSITION TESTING To find out your most accurate body fat levels or to benchmark your bone health, sign up for a DEXA screening. DEXA, the same equipment used in hospitals, provides a three-component model: lean tissue, body fat and bone mass. Re-testers receive a 10% discount. DAYS/DATES/TIME: LOCATION: COST: Monday, March 22, 6:00am-12:00pm Tuesday, May 4, 6:00am-12:00pm Mobile lab at GATC $119 for single test $149 for both tests BLOOD SCREENING Learn about your overall health through blood screenings. Ten tests are available including the VAP test, which is an expanded cholesterol test that will increase your doctor’s ability to detect your risk of heart disease and a vitamin D test, which measures both D2 and D3 separately. Other tests will measure blood sugar levels, mineral levels, diabetes risks and even prostate concerns for men. (10-12 hour FAST is advised) DAY/DATE/TIME: COST: NEW TESTS: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 11:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:00-7:30am Saturdays, 8:00-11:00am Sundays, 7:30-9:30am LOCKER RENTALS Now is a great time to reserve your locker for the summer months. Pamper yourself a little and leave your pool gear, tennis shoes, weight gloves or just your toiletries so you don’t lug them back and forth all summer. We can even launder your workout gear at no additional cost. Both half and full sizes are available. Relieve some stress and take advantage of this wonderful service. 2010 ASK THE EXPERT Please join us for these complimentary events throughout the year. Third Thursday of every month. Time TBA. April Train with TRX May Healthy Eating Habits for Kids June Express Stroke Clinic Wednesday, May 5, 6:30-8:30am (No April or June screening) $63 Regular Blood Work (chem. screen, TSH, lipid profile) $32 CBC (complete blood count) $60 PSA (prostate screening) $65 Hgb A1C (diabetes screening) $75 Cardio CRP (cardio risk marker) $100 Homocysteine (cardiac risk marker) $160 VAP (expanded cholesterol test – includes regular blood work) $5 Insure Kit (specimen collection kit) $45 Lipid profile and glucose $65 Fecal Globin Test (colorectal cancer screen) $95 Vitamin D Test DON’T FORGET YOUR KID’S POOL PASSES The pools open May 1. Let your children invite their friends to the pool this summer. Discounted children’s (2-8 years) guest passes for pool use only, will be available for purchase. For $75 you’ll receive 10 passes, each good for a day of swimming. This is a 25% savings, great for non-family friends. Please remember that Greenwood’s policy limits guest visits to three per month per person, so you’ll be able to invite many different friends. Valid May 1 through September 31, 2010. See you at the pools! 5 Group Exercise Jane Helsing Group Exercise Coordinator 303.770.2582 x312 janeh@GreenwoodATC.com FITNESS TRENDS FOR 2010 First, I would like to thank the Greenwood group exercise team and our members for making the Winter Group Exercise Event a success! It rocked and exposed us to different ways to work our minds and bodies. Even the “Learn to RIDE Indoors” feedback was huge because it solidified the need for this type of program in order to relieve the intimidation factor of trying a class for the first time. Ironically, I came across an article from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) entitled, Top Fitness Trends for 2010. Here are some of the highlights: • Exergaming: an interesting one for game lovers to add variety to their workouts. Try XRKade® here at GATC • Functional training: willPower & grace® is a perfect example • Specialty exercise training classes; Zumba® and mind and body awareness classes: Greenwood will be hosting more mind/body workshops in 2010 • Express workouts: Ab Lab, EnergyZone®, CycleZone® and a Cardio 45 Workout class that fits in this category • Aging Adults: recognize the need for regular exercise to improve overall wellbeing • Small group training for those on tight budgets: please contact the personal training department for more information on small group training • Health and fitness awareness to fight inactivity and obesity • Proper professional credentials As you can see, it is important that the Greenwood staff stay on top of what is current and relative. I am not a fad chaser, but am certainly open to ideas and programs that are worth looking into to enhance group exercise experiences at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. GREENWOOD GIVES Greenwood gave over $34,000 of in-kind donations in 2009. Thank you to all who participated in our fundraising efforts. 6 Personal Training Vic Spatola Director of Personal Training 303.770.2582 x339 vics@GreenwoodATC.com STRAP YOURSELF IN TO FITNESS! Our Pulse cover features one of the newest and most innovative tools to hit the fitness field in the last few years. The TRX Fitness Anywhere system allows you to use your body weight, or a portion of that weight, to perform exercises. Any exercise from a partial body weight pull-up to a suspended crunch can be done on the TRX, but the best part about it is that the system is portable and can be anchored in any closed door. This allows the user to be consistent in their workouts even when traveling. With some prior education, the TRX can be integrated into any workout program and can be done at any fitness level. It also creates a distinct mind body connection because of the instability it provides. The user must be in tune with their body to perform exercises correctly. Besides its portability, the TRX is unique because it requires core strength. Many training methods target your core with exercises but each exercise on the TRX demands the core be involved. It relies on either feet or hands in the straps and the opposite touching the floor. The training effect is then elevated because of the instability of the straps. Anyone can do TRX because it uses a portion of your own personal body weight. By suspending part of your body in the straps, it becomes easier to perform certain movements, making this a fantastic functional training device for everyone, from kids to the mature adult. Although strength is the main benefit you gain from using the system, by linking exercises together you can also receive a cardiovascular workout. Since the only adjustments on the TRX are the strap lengths, you can perform several exercises sequentially without the need for stopping to adjust a machine or weight. TRX is a time efficient workout that hits many areas of fitness. t t t t t t t t t t t In short, the TRX is another great tool to add to your workout repertoire. Please see one of the following trainers for more information on the TRX: Karen Zareck-x387 Jennifer Schumm-x285 Lana Betti-x344 Ken Washington-x372 Pam Oliver-x373 TRX SMALL GROUP TRAINING CLASSES These ongoing small group personal training classes (maximum of six people) will teach you how to get the most out of the TRX and provide you with a fantastic workout. Personal trainers will show you how to use the system to achieve the results you want. COST PER CLASS: DAYS/TIMES: BEGINS: $30 Mondays, Wednesdays, 1:00pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11:00am April 5 Visit our website www.GreenwoodATC.com | | 7 Youth Programs Julie Phillips Youth Program Coordinator 303.770.2582 x287 juliep@GreenwoodATC.com This class includes 45 minutes of stretching, tumbling and individual use of equipment. Junior Gym promotes self confidence and positive social skills in a non-competitive, fun atmosphere while developing large and small motor skills. Kids’ Club will drop off and pick up kids. Dates: April 17, May 15, June 19 PARTIES BIRTHDAY PARTIES DAYS/TIME: COST: Let Greenwood do the party for you. Celebrate your child’s birthday with age-appropriate games and activities. We offer a variety of fun, safe and unique party plans. We also coordinate pool parties. Call Julie for pricing. TAE KWON DO (ages 4-13) PROGRAMS MVP’S (ages 11-14) This is your child’s opportunity to grow as a basketball player. MVP’S provides year-round/monthly classes with the goal of each player developing their strengths and working on their weaknesses. Dates: April 7-28, May 5-26, June 2-30 DAYS/TIME: COST: Saturdays, 10:00-11:00am $65 Member/$85 Non-Member Tae Kwon Do is a great way to get exercise, have fun and gain valuable life skills. The program is headed by Master J. W. Kim and Mike Schultz. Master Kim has over thirty years experience in TaeKwonDo and is currently internationally certified as a 6th degree master instructor. Mike has over eighteen years of Tae Kwon Do experience and is a 4th degree candidate. This program will help children with focus, discipline, respect, weight loss and much more. Dates: April 2-30, May 1-22, June 4-26 AGES/TIMES: 4-6 years Wednesdays, 7:15-8:30pm $109 Member/$160 Non-Member Fridays, 5:00-5:30pm Saturdays, 9:00-9:30am 7-13 years Fridays, 4:15-5:00pm Saturdays, 9:30-10:45am $85 Member/$105 Non-Member (1 class/week) $105 Member/$125 Non-Member (2 classes/week) LITTLE SHOOTERS (ages 6-10) COST: This program will introduce your child to the fundamentals of basketball through games, drills and skill testing. Each child will receive awards based on attendance, attitude and demonstration of basic skills. Dates: April 7-28, May 5-26, June 2-30 PARENTS NIGHT OUT (ages 3-13) AGES/TIMES: 6-7 years Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15pm 8-10 years Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15pm COST: $89 Member/$130 Non-Member (1 class per week) LITTLE HOOPSTERS (ages 4-5) Your child will learn at an early age to participate in sports as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Dates: April 7-28, May 5-26, June 2-30 DAYS/TIME: COST: Wednesdays, 4:30-5:15pm $70 Member/$100 Non-Member JUNIOR BOOT CAMP (ages 8-13) Join our Drill Instructor for this sports-conditioning program for girls and boys of all fitness levels. Dates: May 4-27 DAYS/TIME: COST: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm $120 Member/$170 Non-Member parties 8 JUNIOR GYM (ages 3-4) jr boot camp Drop your kids off at GATC for a night of fun for everyone! The kids will have a great time swimming, dancing and playing, and you can have a night all to yourself. Dinner is provided. Dates: April 16, May 21, June 18 TIME: COST: 5:00-9:00pm $30 Member/$50 Non-Member (1 child) $40 Member/$60 Non-Member (family of 2 kids) $60 Member/$80 Non-Member (family of 3 kids) LITTLE LOBBERS TENNIS (ages 3-4) USTA-certified instructor Lisa Thomas will introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis in a fun-filled and non-competitive environment. Dates: April 1-30, May 3-28 DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, 1:15-2:15pm Thursdays, 1:15-2:15pm Fridays, 9:30-10:30am COST: $86 Member/$106 Non-Member basketball tennis jr gym YOUTH CAMPS CAMP GREENWOOD 2010 (ages 5-12) XRKADE® CAMP (ages 5-13) Summer camp at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club is the place for your kids to be this summer! Our camp offers your child the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of gym games, arts and crafts, swimming and FIELD TRIPS, in a safe and caring environment. Each week we will have a Theme Day that will coincide with special activities. Camp Greenwood offers swimming lessons, lunch, daily open swim, one field trip per week and FUN. Camp is a full day interactive gaming camp. Kids will participate in competitions, battles and achieve individual goals. Camps include lunch, snacks, swimming and gaming. DAYS/DATES: TIMES: Mondays-Fridays, June 7-August 13 Pre-camp, 8:00-9:00am Camp, 9:00am-3:00pm After-camp, 3:00-6:00pm CAMP COST: Daily, $55 Member/$65 Non-Member Weekly, $210 Member/$220 Non-Member 5 Weeks, $920 Member/$1100 Non-Member 10 Weeks, $1550 Member/$1800 Non-Member PRE-CAMP COST: Daily, $7 Member/$10 Non-Member AFTER-CAMP COST: Daily, $17 Member/$20 Non-Member CAMP SWIM LESSONS: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:00-1:30pm $30/week Member, $40/week Non-Member BASKETBALL CAMPS (ages 5-12) This camp will provide your child an emphasis on fast paced drills, position specific instruction, offensive/defensive footwork, shooting, rebounding and much more! Camps include lunch, snacks, swimming, goodie bags and prizes. Dates: June 14-17, June 28-July 1, July 12-15, July 26-29, August 9-12 TIME: COST: 9:00am-3:00pm $220 Member/$250 Non-Member LITTLE LOBBERS MINI TENNIS CAMP (ages 3-4) USTA-certified instructor Lisa Thomas will introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis in this fun-filled and non-competitive four day camp. Dates: June 21-24, July 19-22 TIME: COST: 1:15-2:15pm $86 Member/$106 Non-Member camp basketball Dates: June 7-11, June 21-25, July 19-23, August 2-6 TIME: COST: 9:00am-3:00pm $220 Member/$250 Non-Member GREENWOOD SUMMER TENNIS CAMPS (ages 7-14) This year we are offering 6 three-day and 2 four-day sessions beginning June 14. These camps are perfect for kids of all ability levels, ages 714. Classes meet from 12:00-3:00pm and include great instruction by our year-round teaching staff, student to instructor ratio of 6:1 or better, refreshments, camp T-shirt, prizes and of course lots of fun! All camps are taught in our comfortable air-conditioned tennis facility which definitely makes this the coolest tennis camp in town! Session 1: June 14-16 Session 2: June 21-24 (four days) Session 3: June 28-30 Session 4: July 5-7 Session 5: July 12-14 Session 6: July 19-22 (four days) Session 7: July 26-28 Session 8: August 2-4 SCHOOL BREAK BASKETBALL CAMPS (ages 7-13) This camp will introduce fast paced drills, position specific instruction, offensive/defensive footwork, shooting, rebounding and much more! Camps include lunch, snacks, swimming, goodie bags and prizes. Dates: March 29-April 1 TIME: COST: 8:00am-3:00pm $220 Member/$250 Non-Member CAMP GREENWOOD-SCHOOL DAYS OUT (ages 5-12) The kids will have fun doing arts and crafts, playing gym games and swimming. The price includes lunch and snacks. Dates: April 1, 2, 5-9, May 7 TIME: COST: tennis 9:00am-3:00pm $55 Member/$65 Non-Member (Price is per day) After camp 3:00-6:00pm $20/day XRKade® camp 9 XRKade® XRKADE® INTERACTIVE-You must move! FITNESS-It's a workout! GAMING-It's fun! 1. Add XRKade to your membership for $50/month 2. A fun, safe, place for all ages five to adult 3. Parents must be on premises unless child is Youth Certified 4. Two-hour time limit 5. Only athletic club members may add XRKade® Drop in fees for two-hour visit: • Athletic club member - $15 • Non-member - $15 + club guest fee XRKADE® XTREME BIRTHDAY PARTY Welcome to the easiest birthday party you will ever host! Kids can snowboard on the XR-Board, race across the desert on ATV’s or Gamebikes, climb on the Treadwall or even dance their hearts out on Dance Dance Revolution. Price includes a one and one half hour party with 10 children. PARTY TIMES: Fridays, 6:00-7:30pm Saturdays and Sundays after 3:00pm COST: $275 Member/$325 Non-Member The following fee-based programs are complimentary for XRKade® members; registration still required. KIDS’ NIGHT (ages 5-13) XRKade® is the place for teens to spend a Friday night. They will have a great time working out, dancing and playing. Dinner will be provided. Dates: April 30, May 28, June 25 DAYS/TIME: COST: X-MEN GUYS NIGHT OUT (ages 21+) Calling all adult gamers who want a night out with the guys. Date: June 4 DAY/TIME: COST: Beginning May 1, members may purchase 10 XRKade® guest passes for $100. A savings of $50! Pick up your passes at the Activity Desk to get in the game. Ladies, come to XRKade® to play, socialize and try an X-artini. Date: June 5 DAY/TIME: COST: Saturday, 6:00-8:00pm $20 Club Member/$40 Non-Member FAMILY NIGHT Loose all control having fun with your family. Play games, compete and work out. Dinner is provided. Price is per family. Date: June 19 Saturday, 6:00-8:00pm $50 Club Member/$80 Non-Member X-360 (ages 5-9) Coach Jason leads these organized 60 minute workouts, combining games with physical challenges. Dates: June 7-25 DAYS: TIME: COST: 10 Friday, 6:00-8:00pm $20 Club Member/$40 Non-Member G-FORCE LADIES NIGHT OUT (ages 21+) DAY/TIME: COST: XRKADE® SUMMER PASSES Fridays, 5:00-9:00pm $40 Club Member/$60 Non-Member Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 4:00-5:00pm $100 Club Member/$150 Non-Member Pilates Sara Talbert Director of Pilates 303.770.2582 x375 sarat@GreenwoodATC.com MAKE OVER YOUR BODY WITH THE MAT One of my favorite, most challenging workouts is the Pilates mat. The mat, the foundation of Pilates strength, is most important. It has been said that “mat is the method.” While the routine is very challenging at every level, when done correctly with precision and flow, you leave the mat feeling like a million bucks! We know the work is good because it has stood the test of time. A little history: the mat form of Pilates was developed first. It has been said that during the influenza outbreak in 1918, the prisoners of WWI who practiced the mat work, taught by Joseph Pilates while he interned, did not get sick. We now know that exercise stimulates white blood cell development and years ago, before science proved it, Joseph Pilates believed circulation was the key to health. The book Return to Life through Contrology is the only historical document indicating the order and sequence of the mat. All of the equipment Pilates developed came after the development of the floor work and is utilized in various ways, particularly for building strength and assisting in precisely and beautifully performing “the mat”. Pilates started his work on the floor (with the hundred) because he didn’t want to put undue strain and stress on the heart or the joints of the body. He finished the floor routine with push-ups and/or wall exercises on your feet, so you would embody the work upright as you carry on with your day. Matwork is harder because the mat exercises are un-assisted and open-chain. They require all of your control against the force of gravity. The mat and reformer compliment one another; one helps PROGRESS the other. In 1923 Joseph and Clara opened the first Pilates studio in New York, teaching to dance luminaries such as Martha Graham and Jerome Robbins. A handful of his students (the elders) carried on his teachings and have influenced others in turn to teach the Pilates way. Joseph Pilates taught until his death in 1967. Clara continued to run the studio until just before her death in 1977. Because Pilates and Pilates mat are generic terms, exercises proclaiming to be Pilates are in fact nothing more than individual exercises; not the beautifully balanced sequence seen in the actual mat that Joseph Pilates developed. The exercises are sequenced in a specific way where the body flexes, extends, laterally bends and rotates to create a uniformly developed body. We are proud to offer our mat classes at Greenwood complimentary with your membership. We offer 10 complimentary mat classes each week at different times in the day, so that you can attend one of our fabulous mat classes, from the hundred to the push ups. AT GREENWOOD ATHLETIC AND TENNIS CLUB Invite your friend to purchase an intro pack and receive your next private lesson at 20% off *Expires December 31, 2010. Good for first time clients and private session only. 11 Aquatics Katie Luellen Aquatics Coordinator 303.770.2582 x325 katiel@GreenwoodATC.com ADULTS: DON’T JUST DIP YOUR TOE IN, JUMP IN WITH BOTH FEET! When most people think of the pools they think of splashing kids, swim teams, lazy summer days and water aerobics. But our pools encompass much more than that, especially for anyone over 18 who is interested in fitness, fun and the best choice for an overall workout because it includes cardio, strength, balance and conditioning. Exercising in the pool can be beneficial for ALL! You’re never too old to blow bubble rings! If the thought of submerging yourself in water makes your chest tighten and your heart race, our skilled and experienced instructors can work with you in a private setting to overcome that panic. Just ask Carol Storey who “used to look down on the indoor pool from my perch on a treadmill and watch with fear as swimmers gracefully swam back and forth.” Carol wanted to learn to swim so she began “diving for a rock on the bottom of the pool’ with Cama Jo Totura in private lessons in April 2008. Our adult group classes will build on your new comfort level and get you swimming. Whether it’s basic stroke technique in the beginning class or moving onto laps in the intermediate class, swimming can become a great addition to your fitness routine and you can start seeing that ‘swimmer body’ in the mirror. Our Masters team welcomes fitness swimmers as well as competitive adults. Once you can swim 300 meters without stopping and have been introduced to strokes other than freestyle, Masters provides a fantastic interval workout. We have Masters beginners, World Record Holders and all levels in between. For swimmers who want to conquer their stroke technique we offer underwater video analysis to ensure efficient mechanics. Adults of any age or fitness level can benefit from vertical water fitness too. Our challenging water aerobics classes can be much harder than you’d think. You’re guaranteed to work up a great sweat from mogul jumps through the thick viscosity of the water. Water walking and deep water running are also deceivingly hard: imagine trying to run through mud and you can get a sense of how intense it can be. Look for Aqua Personal Training options in the near future as well. Even those with health, wellness or injury concerns can benefit from either vertical or horizontal pool time. Asthmatics swim to enhance their lung capacity, joint pain sufferers avoid the high impact of land and autistics thrive in the muted underwater environment. Mike Burrow has lost 125 lbs. and counting from walking in our pool! Jessica Reinhardt is using deep water running as an addition to her marathon training to avoid further overuse injuries. And remember Carol Storey who had “fear, yes, gut wrenching fear” of the water? She is now training for her first triathlon and still has the rock she dove for as, “it reminds me of how proud I am of my accomplishments.” 12 ADULT SWIM CLASSES (ages 18+) Our adult classes are broken into two levels to accommodate all adults regardless of your needs. The beginner class teaches a natural progression of water introduction and confidence in a comfortable atmosphere to adults who want to swim properly and aren’t afraid of the water. In the intermediate class, swimmers increase their technique in all four competitive strokes and get an introduction to sets. Limited to 10 swimmers. Dates: April 5-26, May 3-24, June 7-28 DAYS/TIMES: Intermediate Mondays, 8:00-9:00am Beginner Mondays, 9:00-9:45am COST: $60 Member/$80 Non-Member UNDERWATER VIDEO CLINIC (age 11+) No longer imagine how efficient your stroke mechanics are! Fitness swimmers, Masters swimmers, Triathletes, etc. will work with Nick Levine, Tiger Sharks and Masters Coach to see the reality of their technique. Learn how to make your stroke more efficient with your own eyes during this 45 minute session. Clinics are held throughout the year. Contact Katie for the next date. MASTERS SWIM TEAM (ages 18+) This program welcomes swimmers of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Whether you train for fitness or competition, we offer experienced coaches, stroke technique and structured workouts in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Masters is open to club members only and swimmers may attend any of the workouts offered. DAYS/TIMES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 5:30-6:45am Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11:00am-12:00pm COST: $200 Member annual fee or $20 per month EFT CROSS-TRAINING FOR ADULTS (ages 18+) Whether you’re a swimmer, triathlete, or runner, add this crosstraining program to maximize your training. Sports performance coaches will use functional training to help you gain strength, speed, agility, and a stable core in this fun program. Sessions will run through August 2010. Call Katie at x325 for details. PRIVATE LESSONS (ages 3+) Private lessons are available for all abilities and skill levels and are arranged through, Katie Luellen. We offer private, semi-private and trio lessons from 15 minutes to an hour. Prices vary per lesson length. We also offer underwater video stroke assessments. COST: Private swim lesson: $32 Member/$38 Non-Member (30 minute) Video assessment: $50 members only (30 minute) YOUTH AQUATICS PROGRAMS (ages 8 months-18) For ongoing monthly programs check dates, times, and details on the EverythingAqua flyer or program flyers. SUMMER LEAGUE TRAINING CAMP (ages 5-14) Get in shape for the summer league season during these six classes. Refine all four competitive strokes, starts and turns. Limited to 25 swimmers. Dates: May 3-14 DAYS/TIME: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 4:00-4:45pm COST: $66 Member/$88 Non-Member Triathlon GREENWOOD TRIATHLON TEAM POWERED BY FASTFORWARD SPORTS (age 18+) If you’ve always wanted to do a triathlon or if you want to beat your personal record, the team can help you achieve your goals. Our team offers a proven program to get you prepared for your summer races. Beginners as well as seasoned athletes will benefit from the support of teammates and coaches during the training workouts as well as on race day. FastForward Sports (F4) Head Coach of Denver Programs, Garry Roseman, and his staff of expertly trained coaches develop course-specific training schedules and tailor workouts to a full range of athletes with a variety of experience and goals. Membership includes: • Scheduled group training sessions led by F4 coaches • Individual workouts for times when the group does not train together • Focused, goal oriented team training and racing environment • A team and coaching presence at the team races • Online access to training schedules through FastForward’s simpleto-use member’s only site Many low-key practice races and time trials are scheduled during the season in order to help dial-in your pace and lessen race day anxiety. Participation in races is not required but encouraged. The team race calendar includes races at which the F4 support staff of coaches will be present. Some of the races could be full, so be sure to register soon! If you are entered in an event not listed on the schedule, the coaches will help make the necessary adjustments in the training schedule to help you be ready on race day. Registration for most events is available at www.active.com. TEAM RACE CALENDAR • April 3 - FastForward 4-Miler (Optional and complimentary for F4/GATC Athletes) • May 8 - Barkin’ Dog Duathlon • June 12 - Big Sky Duathlon • June 20 - 5430 Sprint Triathlon • July 11 - Boulder Peak Triathlon • July 17 - Cabbage Head Duathlon • July 18 - Vineman 70.3 (Travel race in Northern California) This race is full. • August 8 - 70.3 Boulder • August 14 - Rattlesnake Olympic • August 15 - Rattlesnake Sprint Greenwood Tiger Sharks GREENWOOD TIGER SHARKS Those of you who use the pool may have noticed all the young swimmers, both inside and outside, training almost daily. What may not be so obvious is how dedicated these young athletes must be to become better and faster swimmers. Our 10 & Under swimmers train two to four times a week while also participating in other sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, karate and lacrosse. The 11 & Over swimmers practice up to six times a week with many of them making the effort to wake up at 4:30 in the morning for a 75 minute practice, go to school and then come back in the afternoon for another two hours in the water! By this point, most have committed to swimming as their sport of choice, but may still play an instrument or go to youth group functions. Of course, all of our swimmers must continue to study hard and maintain their grades at school. This is not all they do - let’s not forget the three days a week they spend doing dry-land training. Monday, Wednesday and Friday all of the 10-14 year olds spend 45 minutes working outside of the water as part of the Performance Academy with trainers Brandon Smith and Paul Chavez. In addition to the time spent at practice, there are meet attendance requirements, which differ from group to group. USA Swimming meets are not just Saturday mornings like summer league meets, but are generally Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Many of our swimmers compete all three days and in one or more meets a month. Meets tend to be the most fun part of swimming, where you get to hang out with your friends and not just in the water, showing their dedication, not only to the sport, but to Greenwood. With all of this time spent together, their teammates may be among their closest friends and the bond created with the team and coaches is hard to duplicate. Youth groups, instruments, other sports, family, friends; the list goes on and on and yet the athletes on the Greenwood Tiger Sharks dedicate themselves above and beyond. Nothing wrong with saying it again. This really is a dedicated group of young athletes – and families! Head Coach Scott Cummins x350-Scottc@greenwoodATC.com Head Age Group Coach Nick Levine x407-Nickl@greenwoodATC.com Participation as a Tiger Shark requires club membership and monthly team dues. 2010 TRAINING PROGRAM Dates: March 24- August 15 DAYS/TIMES: TBD Will include group swims, bikes, runs and brick workouts, both in and outside the club COST: *$439 members only Tiger Shark Age Group Swimmers at the FAST meet in January. *Team price does not include race entry fees, but does include both the in-person and online coaching. For more details call Katie at x325 or see the triathlon team brochure. 13 Tennis Ron Steege, Director of Tennis 303.770.2582 x394 rons@GreenwoodATC.com TENNIS SUMMER PLANNING GUIDE Everything you need to plan your summer is right here including USTA leagues and our Junior Tennis Camp. More detailed information is located at the Tennis Club or on our web site at www.GreenwoodATC.com under Tennis. ADULT LEAGUES CTA Trio Men’s Singles League - NEW! April 3 - May 1 Pre-season warm-up for USTA Matches consist of two singles and one doubles team Registration Deadline: March 5 COST: $45 USTA Spring Mixed Doubles April 18 - June 6 Level based on combined .0 rating with partner Matches are played on Sunday afternoons Registration Deadline: March 5 COST: $68 USTA Men and Women May 3 - July 15 Singles and Doubles matches played at 6:00pm Registration Deadline: March 12 COST: $70 USTA Super Senior Doubles (Age 60 and over) May 5 - July 9 Women’s matches played Wednesdays or Fridays, 8:00am depending on level. Men play on Fridays, 8:00am Registration Deadline: March 26 COST: $65 CTA Women’s Daytime Doubles League May 25 - July 8 Doubles matches played at 9:00am Registration Deadline: April 16 COST: $68 USTA Super Senior Doubles (Age 50 and over) July 19 - September 2 Played at 6:00pm throughout the week Registration Deadline: May 28 COST: $65 CTA Twilight July 19 - September 2 Competitive evening league featuring singles and doubles Registration Deadline: May 28 COST: $68 CTA Women’s Summer Daytime August 9 - September 27 Singles and Doubles matches played Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30am depending on level Registration Deadline: July 2 COST: $68 14 ITA Fall Mixed Doubles August 8 - September 26 Level based on combined .5 rating with partner Matches are played on Sunday afternoons Registration Deadline: July 2 COST: $68 GREENWOOD SUMMER TENNIS CAMPS This year we are offering 6 three-day and 2 four-day sessions beginning June 14. These camps are perfect for kids of all ability levels, ages 714. Classes meet from 12:00-3:00pm and include great instruction by our year-round teaching staff, student to instructor ratio of 6:1 or better, refreshments, camp T-shirt, prizes and of course lots of fun! All camps are taught in our comfortable air-conditioned tennis facility which definitely makes this the coolest tennis camp in town! Session 1: June 14-16 Session 5: July 12-14 Session 2: June 21-24 (four days) Session 6: July 19-22 (four days) Session 3: June 28-30 Session 7: July 26-28 Session 4: July 5-7 Session 8: August 2-4 Pictured is sixteen year old Greenwood member Brittany Warly. Brittany and her partner Erin Gebes won five consecutive rounds to reach the finals in the girls 18's doubles at the Copper Bowl National Championships held in Tucson, Arizona last month. Brittany has been a member of Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club for 12 years. Her first lesson was with Peggy when she was just four years old! Other Greenwood kids who represented big time were Mark Miller, Colin Haas and twins Jesse and Mira Ruder-Hook. Mira made it to the consolation semis in girls 14 singles and won the doubles with her partner Caroline Turner from Texas. Congratulations to all of our competitors, we’re very proud of you! Concierge Member Coach Nancy McCloskey Concierge 303.770.2582 x335 Christy Leimkuehler Member Coach 303.770.2582 x320 nancem@GreenwoodATC.com christyl@GreenwoodATC.com Our January Shred-A-Thon was so successful that we will be offering the service once again in the late spring or early summer. Please refer to the weekly FYI for exact dates and times. Remember to check the FYI and website for additions or changes to the Conference Room schedule. Summer rental rates on the Conference Room apply during June, July and August and offer a great opportunity to showcase your merchandise to a large target audience. Call Nancy for more details. LOBBY AREA 2010 MOTHER’S DAY BOUTIQUE May 6, 7 and 8 in the lobby area, 9:00am-5:00pm (9:00amnoon on May 8) featuring jewelry, flowers, chocolates and other fun gift ideas. CONFERENCE ROOM NEVER PAY RETAIL (NPR) May 3 and 4, 8:00am-5:00pm DEB FINE DEZINES JEWELRY May 5, 8:00am-1:00pm ELISE ZALL DESIGNS May 6, 8:00am-5:00pm FABULOUS FAUX STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES Being members of Greenwood definitely has its perks. We have the best equipment, the best classes and the best employees. When you have the best, it’s easy to take certain things for granted. There have been countless times I have walked by the same poster or flyer and not even noticed it was there. With our busy lives, it is easy to get tunnel vision. Lucky for us, our club does an amazing job of providing informational programs to our members at little or no extra cost. We also run many new programs each month that are structured to be cost efficient. Our current programs include: • Ask the Expert-a complimentary series where, once a month, we hold a seminar on topics relating to health and fitness • Basketball Circuit-a complimentary class offered to those interested in improving their skills on the basketball court • Strengthen and Lengthen-interested in doing personal training and Pilates? Get the best of both in this program that includes 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of Pilates for $20 per class! No experience required • Adult Beginner Tennis Program-introductory level 1 class for nonTennis Club members. Four hours for only $30 This month, I challenge you to become more aware of what’s happening at Greenwood. Read the FYI, The Pulse and check out the flyer board for program options. There are always new things happening and, often times, they are at a reduced cost or even at no cost to you. We know how much you contribute to the club, so let us help you get the most out of your membership! May 17 and 18, 9:00am-5:00pm Thank you DONNA K DESIGNS May 24 and 25, 7:30am-6:00pm HEALTH CPR CERTIFICATION CLASSES DATES: May 25, June 15, June 24, TIMES: 2:00-5:30pm or 5:30-9:00pm COST: $40 Members/$45 Non-Members Look for our new monthly information packed Greenwood Lifestyles Magazine on the website. to the following members for referring a new member during November, December 2009 and January 2010. November 2009 Pam Baukus Cathy Caldwell Abbe Conrad Pam Ferguson Donald Geiser Jennifer Gore Kevin Higgins Susan Kares Dr. Fred Lewis Rick Sikorski Catherine Sinclair Caroline Smith Karen Walker December 2009 Thomas Dillenberg Tom Marx Kelly Moran David Right Megann Rundell Harry Schmidt Eileen Wilcox Mark Yonkman January 2010 Sara Adams Don Bosson Sharon Colon Robert Corn Julie Davis Kathy Downey Julie Duke Dot Dulany Robert Getz Nancy Graham Sangeeta Guha Jill and Brian Henden Michael Howard Bill Lyons Michael McDonald Brian Meegan Tom Melton Scott Newman Wes Piwarczyk 15 Anniversaries Thank you and congratulations to the following members celebrating club anniversaries in April, May and June! Charter Hildie Abrams Ted Alpert Harvey and Joan Alpert Susan Armstrong Louis and Georgette Ashkar William Banta Howard and Jacqueline Bellowe Holly Blair Rowland Boucher David and Nan Brashear David and Kristy Brenner Brian and Stacy Burd Brad and Lisa Busse Mike Carlson Corri and Bill Carlson John and Jan Carpenter Roger and Barbara Chamberlain Douglas and Amy Cohan Mattye Pollard-Cole and Cliff Cole Mary Beth Davis James and Beverly Day Alex Topelson and Diahndra Diamond Dennis Dipaolo and Pamela Dimanna Jonathan Donahue Murray and Gail Dow Jerry and Charleen Dunn Jeff Eakin Coralee and Edward Eisner Howard and Leslie Farkas Chuck and Lynn Fischer Howard Fishkin Walter Freeman Greg and Ann Fulton Leslie Gail James Galbreath Donald and Joan Geiser Leonard and Kay Gemmill Edward and Joeann Gerrity A.B. Goldberg Jennifer Gore Gary Weil and Amy Greenfield Paul Gregoryk Catherine and Greg Groene Tom and Paula Guerin Beth and Jeffrey Guyon Kirsten and Brent Handler Kraig and Nancy Haynes Loretta Hiatt James Huppert Tom and Regina Husnay Bruce and Sally Hutton Garry and Cheri Jackson Susi Jonas Claudia Kafadar David and Laura Karr Wendy Tenzyk and Alfred Kelley David and Kim Kellogg Lovell and Bob King Craig Kleinman Cherryl Workman-Knott and Greg Knott Darwin and Barbara Kuhlmann Deborah and Donald Langley 16 Henry Lewis and Jennifer Longsworth Scott and Texie Lowery Jay Mactas Scott and Tanya Maierhofer Chaman Malhotra Hal and Cindy Marshall Chris Matchett Dennis and Helen Matthews Kim and Bonnie McMillin Jeff and Tamara McMorris Lenore Medow Daniel and Kimberly Meyer Joel Miller Lisa Millet Eric Mohr Sharon and Jeff Moulton Richard and Carrie Mountain Cheryl Casserly and Paul Murchison James Hagerty and Nancy Novinger Kent Olcer David and Diane Oppenheim Sandra and Jon Otsuki Rene Parish Rusty and Anne Pickard Steve and Angela Polidori Rick and Marlene Polmear Theresa Raynor Lee Rose Allan and Judith Rosenbaum Anthony and Rebecca Rubenstein Janice Grissom-Scott and Doug Scott Ken and Eileen Seagren Harvey and Joanne Sender Bob and Mary Serotta James Sexton Toni Sexton Jonathan and Wendy Shank Renee Kaplan-Shepard Shepard Sidney Beverly Smith Sibylle Spuhler Paul and Gail Stone Cathy and Glenn Stroud Nan and Michael Sweetman Mary and Bill Tanis Abe Tenorio Nancy Tipton Morey Troy Lester and Ruth Ann Tucker George Twombly Ken Warner Florence Welch Wayne Wessman Francis and Leann Wheeler Bill White Tom Wilscam Terry Koenig and Rene Wineland Leona Wishmier Dee and Janice Wisor Rich and Paula Workman Adam and Sarah Workman 20 Years Peggy Anderson Bill and Karen Bailey Alan and Miriam Hootstein Deborah Juris David Juris Larry and Irit Karsh Mary and Jeff Keener Andrew and Marcia Loomis Judy Meurer James and Linda Salmons Bruce Schachterle Leslie Schluter Richard and Debby Will 15 Years Tim and Kathy Colleran Keree Frakes Steven Gotsdiner Mike and Wendy Gregory Michelle Hanley Richard Capek and Kathleen Hanrahan Tony and Marina Hartman Julie Kirkland Charles Miller Sandra and Ron Pequette Deborah and Mark Purfurst Holly Rivera Tim Schloesser Fred Smith James Wulliman 10 Years Brittany Bowlen Kathryn Brunner Dianne Foss Anne Hillary Bruce and Tamara Lazarus Ric and Gaye Martin Michel and Jacqueline Miro Jessie and Stephen Shogan Don Spiegleman Rob and Kim Stephens Grayson Walden Carole and Curt Zeigler Bronia Zhuk 5 Years Brendan and Dana Addis Patty Biscardi Sarah Campsen Carol and Gary Casteel Debra and Mike Danielson Kevin and Terri Davis Theresa Desch Leon and Jennie Farfel Elizabeth and Terry Fitzpatrick Robert and Joan Gerberg Sr. John Heltmach Mary Lou Hower Ellen and David Hurtado Loretta Johnson Darryl and April Jones Stephanie and Timothy Keating Brittany Kelley Yulia and Boris Klein Kevin and Nancy Kopp Mark and Jackie Larson Patrick and Karen Lee R. Joseph Marilley, Jr Julie Duke and Andre Martin Douglas and Mary Mayeda Elaine and Robert Menter Christopher Leoni and Dianne Metcalf-Leoni Paul and Phyllis Miller Shadi and Mark Powis John Roath Julia Smith Janice and Charlie Smith Harve and Jane Stoeck Carol and David Storey John and Jean Sullivan Terry Vitale Stuart Gilman and Cathie Walker-Gilman 1 Year Timothty and Gaytral Ackerman Sara Adams Ralph and Julie Bammert Jennifer and Bruce Bendell Julie Lesnick and Roger Bennett Renald and Therese Bernard Zsolt and Laura Bessko Kelly Birner Tammy and Adrian Bishop John Black Jeff and Linda Bloszies Kristin and Matt Buchanan Alexandra Buck Deedy Buric Christopher and Debra Butler Cailin Calonge Camilla and Scott Chaplick Abby Curnow-Chaves and Tim Chavez Phyllis and Jim Chrisman Scott and Jerry Cunningham Dawn and Bill Darling Carolyn Davis Kendrik and Melissa De Koning Kathryn and Kurt De Venecia Mari Deminski Terri and Mark Dennis Edward Ruvins and Michelle Donnay Ruvins Mary Fox-Dubus and Tim Dubus Cory Dulberg Victoria Dunlop Jena Eddy Amy Eigner Elsa Erickson Lisa and Ken Follett Cindy Foos Sharlene and John Funk Angela and John Galloway Bill Gaus Amy and Juan Gimenez Cheryl Gordon Daisy and Charlie Grice Karen and Neil Gwartzman Ross Hansen George Harvey Susan Hendee Matthew Huppert Jill Janeski James Janik and Sarah Conlon Janik Elizabeth Leonhart and Peter Johnson Lucas Jozefkowicz Barry Kaplan Bruce and Amy Karpas Ronnie and Pam King Christian and Robyn Kirschner Rae Lapporte Julie Lawless Don Lindahl Robert Lomas Mary Long Meghan Maney Tom Maslanik Lori McCain Julie Ferguson and Frank McGinty Charles and Barbara McGould Jacque and Robert McIntyre Joseph McNabb Brian McNeillie Roni Melamed Glenn and Tanya Merrick Nick Moore Courtney Moore Lindsay and Brian Morgan Pete Mullen Young Keun Ha and Kwang Young Nam Ashley Nelson Elizabeth and Christopher Noyes Connie O'Neill Marilyn and Robert Parfet Andrea Parfet Erin Parks Carlos Peralta Carolyn Peterson Elise Pier Kevin and Elizabeth Quinn Linda Michow and Sam Realmuto Debra Reinhard Jennifer and Dustin Ridout Lauren Rundell Leslie and John Russell Izzy and Kim Salazar Sammi Selzer Anasa and Jordan Shank Mara Sheldon Catherine Sinclair Carolyn Smith Marc and Kelly Steron Ginger Stoker Stan Stratton Cathy Sunshine Jacquelyn Szachara Daniel Szigeti Dave and Lindsey Szvetits Joanie and Stephen Thompson Holly Tiemann James and Kathryn Turner Cindy Wilson Nina Elizabeth Pinto and Paul Wimer Amy Winant David and Solange Windfeldt GATC Team Members DECEMBER 2009 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Julie Winters Member Services MOD Julie was born in Burlington, Wisconsin and has lived for eight years in Colorado. She and her husband Brian have six children: Cara, Brendan, Kevin, Keelin, Meghan and Ryan. Julie, a former nurse, began her GATC employment June 2005 in Member Services. When not caring for her family or the GATC members, she enjoys power-walking, hiking and reading. She lists GATC member Kate Miller as an inspiration, because of her passion for early morning work-outs and her endless loving care of her husband Jim. JANUARY 2010 TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Suzette Anderson Fitness Instructor Suzette was born in Northern California and has lived in Colorado for the past nine years. Her family consists of husband Jamie, a 17 year old son, an adult daughter with two young kids, ages three and five months. Suzette, known as Mimi by her grandkids, enjoys cooking, gardening, bargain-hunting, watching hockey and working out. Suzette really enjoys her job and the fun and pleasant 5am members that are so dedicated to their early morning workouts. She says the early morning crowd is "The best part of my day!" 2010 ATHLETIC CLUB TEAM MEMBER OF THE YEAR Michael Jones Maintenance Michael was born in Colorado Springs and has lived in Colorado all his life. His GATC employment began in 2002 with Member Services, then with GATC’s I.T. contractor and he joined the Maintenance Team in 2007. Michael attends the University of Colorado at Denver and enjoys fly fishing, creating music and he aspires to become a yoga instructor. Michael recognizes members David and Betty Poppers for their positive and fun attitude and the joy he finds in seeing them every day. 2010 TENNIS CLUB TEAM MEMBER OF THE YEAR Ryan Haith Head Teaching Pro Ryan was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he won a Big XII Tennis Championship at the University of Nebraska. He moved to Colorado and started at Greenwood in 2001. He and his wife Bridget have a baby daughter Reagan and he enjoys golf and basketball. He has teamed up with Broken Road, a foundation supporting tennis players that otherwise could not participate in tennis programs. He recognizes member Lynne Barlow, for her dedication to tennis, fitness and quality of life. Ask the Expert FastForward Sport Coaches Contact Katie Luellen, Aquatics Coordinator 303.770.2582 x325 Katiel@greenwoodatc.com MULTI-SPORT EVENTS What does multi-sport mean? Essentially, anything that combines multiple disciplines into one event. The most popular would be triathlon (swim/bike/run) and duathlon (run/bike/run.) What are the distances of triathlon races? Sprint-typically ½ mile swim/13 mile bike/3.1 mile run Olympic-1.5K swim/40K bike/10K run Long course/70.3/half ironman-1.2 mile swim/56 mile bike/13.1 mile run Ironman (trademark of the World Triathlon Corporation)-2.4 mile swim/112 mile bike/26.2 mile run A Triathlon race can vary in total time from one hour to 17 hours. Regardless of the time, anyone who finishes any distance triathlon is considered a triathlete! Why Triathlon? It is a lifestyle sport. You train hard to be able to participate giving you great overall fitness. You eat better. You get a better night’s sleep. You wake up in the morning more refreshed and ready to do it all over again. It is a lot of fun to get outside, the way you did as a child, to swim, bike and run with friends. Once you have completed a multi-sport event you will feel “the glow” and your confidence will soar. How do I train for a triathlon? Even though triathlon is a three sport event, there are five areas to train in order to be successful: Swim: 2-4 times per week Bike: 2-4 times per week Run: 2-3 times per week Transition (aka “T1” and “T2”): 1-2 times per week. A transition workout, referred to as a brick workout, involves going from one discipline, directly into the next. The brick workout allows you to practice the change of shoes, differences in muscle activation and the mental shift of changing from one sport to the next. Nutrition: Food = Energy = Power. Nutrition is critical to both the triathlon lifestyle and being ready for race day. The key is to have sufficient energy through your training and your event. Race day is not the day to try something new. You have to practice fueling as you would practice your swim stroke. As with any sport, there are many different training philosophies in triathlon. We believe in recovery-based training, which typically allows for one or two days off per week. Our periodized training plan usually builds in three week blocks with the forth week being recovery. This cycle repeats through the base and build phase of training to allow for quality work and sufficient recovery. Why train with a group and a coach? Motivation, Inspiration, and Accountability: all of which come from training with a group Injury prevention: having someone put together your workout plan helps prevent injury Focus: keeps you focused on your goals It’s Fun! 17 Club Directory & Hours HOURS OF OPERATION Athletic Club 303-770-2582 HOURS OF OPERATION ink! COFFEE x288 Greenwood@GreenwoodATC.com Monday-Thursday 5:00am - 10:00pm Friday 5:00am - 9:00pm Saturday 6:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 7:00am - 8:00pm Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday Tennis Club 303-771-2588 5:30am - 10:00pm Monday-Thursday Friday 5:30am - 8:00pm Saturday/Sunday 7:00am - 8:00pm Please check the website for guest pass information. Kids’ Club Monday-Friday Saturday/Sunday 8:00am - 7:00pm 8:00am - 3:00pm Membership Office Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday/Sunday 7:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 6:30pm 9:00am - 5:00pm Business Office Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm XRKade® CLUB GUEST FEES 6:30am - 7:30pm 8:00am - 5:00pm 8:00am - 7:30pm 9:00am - 7:30pm Physiotherapy Associates 303-694-9193 Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm 7:00am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 12:00pm Fransua’s Hair & Nail Salon 303-770-0201 Monday-Friday Saturday (must be accompanied by an adult 18 and older) 10 adult guest pass package (members only) Guest fee for non-members (all ages) Ethereal Day Spa 720-200-4255 Monday-Saturday Sunday Guest fee for club members Children 13 and under PULSE Graphics Information sherriw@GreenwoodATC.com $120 $25 Guest Day Free guest day for athletic club members is the 3rd Friday of every month. Free guest day for tennis club members is the 3rd Saturday of every month. * Three visit limit per month for all guests. Permanent Lockers Half Locker Executive Locker $40-45/month $60-65/month Both include laundry service. Contact Lisa at x284. 8:00am - 6:00pm 8:00am - 4:00pm PULSE Advertising Information 303-770-2582 x305 tiffany@GreenwoodATC.com $15 $10 HOLIDAY HOURS OF OPERATION Memorial Day Club Tennis Kids’ Club XRKade® 5:00am - 6:00pm 5:30am - 4:00pm 8:00am - 1:00pm 8:00am - 1:00pm Hours of operation posted at desks. MEMBERSHIP Q & A This is the second column of frequently asked questions regarding your membership. The first issue featured guest passes and guest usage. This issue addresses prepaying your annual membership dues. What benefit do I receive for prepaying annual membership dues? You will receive 10% off the current membership dues rate. Are there any restrictions on which membership type is eligible for the 10% prepay discount? All membership types may prepay. The 10% reduction of dues excludes Associate and Young Professional athletic club memberships as well as tennis club Junior and Junior Pair memberships. Other exclusions may exist with special memberships (i.e., nanny, nonresident, etc.), please see the business office if you have a question. Will I get my money back on prepaid membership dues if I move during the year? All prepaid memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. 18 At what time of the year may I prepay my annual membership dues? Prepays are accepted at any time of the year and are good for the following 12 months. It is important to note any dues increase (usually occurs January 1) and prepay prior to the increase, thereby securing the current rate (plus 10% reduction) vs. the increased rate. EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS To better serve our members we have extended athletic club holiday hours of operation from a 4:00pm to a 6:00pm closing time on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. This will allow members to enjoy our outdoor pools and club for an even greater length of time. GREENWOOD CAMPS AT A GLANCE! LITTLE LOBBERS MINI CAMP USTA-certified instructor, Lisa Thomas, will introduce your child to the fundamentals of tennis in this fun-filled and non-competitive four day camp. This camp is perfect for ages 3-4 years. ® XRKADE CAMP Do you want your kids active this summer? XRKade® camp is a full day interactive gaming camp. Kids will participate in competitions, battles and achieve individual goals. Camps include lunch, snacks, swimming and gaming. SPORTS CAMPS These camps will focus on drills and games to make the athlete faster, improve control and fundamental skills. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Soccer Skills and Agility Camp Lacrosse Intensive Camp Speed Agility and Quickness Camp BOOTY CAMP Enroll in our women’s only boot camp. Go hard or go home! daily runs tire drills military circuits calisthenics obstacle course TENNIS CAMPS These camps are perfect for kids of all ability levels. Classes include great instruction by our year-round teaching staff, student to instructor ratio of 6:1, refreshments, camp T-shirt, prizes and of course, lots of fun! CAMP GREENWOOD Our camp offers your child the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of gym games, arts and crafts, swimming and FIELD TRIPS, in a safe and caring environment. Camp Greenwood offers swimming lessons, lunch, daily open swim and FUN. BASKETBALL CAMP This clinic will provide your child an emphasis on: fast paced drills offensive/defensive footwork shooting/rebounding Camps include lunch, snacks, swimming, goodie bags and prizes. JR BOOT CAMP Join Drill Instructor, Rob Blue, for this sports conditioning program for girls and boys of all fitness levels. This program is designed for kids to learn and understand the importance of injury safe methods for strength and fitness training, as it applies to everyday life and overall health. BOOT CAMP Drill Sergeants Rob Blue, Tracy Fellows and Darren Meyer combine their unique talents to develop a structured curriculum of military style workouts that shock and challenge the body into condition. SWIM CAMP Get in shape for summer league swim season during these six classes. Refine all four competitive strokes, starts and turns. This camp is limited to 25 swimmers, so sign your 5-13 year old up today. 19 Join the new Greenwood Triathlon Team! greenwood athletic and tennis club 303.770.2582 5801 South Quebec Street • Greenwood Village, CO 80111 www.GreenwoodATC.com
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