IS Corunna Observes Easter - Community District Library
IS Corunna Observes Easter - Community District Library
r> Have jam Cleayd ycmr ^ ATTIC? «.* THE GORUNNA NEWS •= Have you Cleaaed year BASEMENT? .4—* •—* *- Faithfully Serving the Community for More than Fifty Years HUCE $1.80 PER TEAR _«*«*ir»fl8rt.lW^ CORUNNA, MICHIGAN THURSDAY APRIL 21, 1*49 Corunna Observes Easter Claxton-Crowe Churches Filled, Wed Saturday *wrUJME 33 NUMBER IS Shiawassee Mutual Agents Meet Here tian life offera. to all people— new powers, new hope, a new glimpse in* to the future. All In all—a new PeoDouble-Ring Ceremony ple that will rise in Him. Held In Juddville Church At St. Paul's following the morn. Despite the chill darkness which marked Easter morning this year, ing service, the regular Sunday school Two hundred guests were present convened when the children presentCorunna people turned out en masse at the Juddville Methodist Church] to attend religous services, with every ed their Lenten boxes, and blooming Saturday afternoon to witness the Agents^throughout the townships of church in town reporting a record at- plants were given to each child to marriage of Miss M&xine Crowe, Shiawassee County for Shiawassee tendance of worshippers, at their var- take home. At four o'clock in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mutual Fire Insurance Company, afternoon at the church, the rite of Crowe to Eugene Claxton, son of ious services. were entertained Wednesday at dinBaptism took place with Rev. Moore Mr. and Mrs. L W Middleton. ner, by the Company. Guests a s St. Paul's Episcopal Church was 'presiding. sembled before noon and were taken especially favored this year by the The impressive double-ring cereto the Corunna Restaurant at the presence of Rt. Rev. R. S. Emrich, mony was used at the altar which Rev. J. H. James of tbt First Meth- \7Ut appointed with a beautiful fan* luncheon hour, for a delicious meaL who was brought to this area by the ke Following dinner, the assemblage? dedication of the new Episcopal " H * < * « * * *P° * ^ ******•"*; shaped arrangement of spring blooms returned to the Shiawassee Mutual Church in Chesaning, sister church of reckon to a large and appreciative and greenery, with lighted candleoffice where a round-table discussion* St. Paul's in Corunna, under the min- congregation nt the regular morning bra. Rev. William Combellack read conducted informally on company istry of "Rev. Geo. W. Moore. Be- service with an offering taken for the service* missions. An Easter program folmatters was the order of the day. cause the service at Chesaning was Maxtne was attended by her sister, set for later in the morning. Bishop lowed daring the Sunday School hour, Mrs. James Knox as matron of hen* Mr. Frank Gilna, secretary, report, Emrich wa savallable at the Corunna and in the evening beautiful Easter or and Miss Jane White of Highland ed that there is more insurance n o w Church for the 10 o'clock service, music was rendered by the cneirwtth Park as bridesumaid. Kathy Rose and in force and there is, a better financial when he delivered a ringing and chaL Mrs. Anderson at the organ, Bobby Brands were flower girt and condition now than at any time i n lenging message before a church fil- service was largely attended. ring-bearer, and George Claxton and the history of the company. Shiawasled to the doors with eager listener*. Dick Musson were best man and see Mutual Fire Insurance Company Rev. C H. Drake of the First Bapgrooms-man. Ushers were Charles The church had been beautiful with was organized in 1861 and during the tist Church, brought the Easter mesWayne Crowe and Wendell Conkhn. many floral offerings. Especially years, has risen to be a powerful a s sage to his people at the regular hour James Knox was the soloist, and Mrs. notable was the huge shelf of caHa sistance to the farmers of Shiawassee of morning service, with the children; Loren Matthews was the pianist and rates, an annual gift from the CanCounty. of the church school following with and these two presented several fbrcia garden of Mrs. Minnie Towler, Those in attendance were W. J» a program which was directed by pleasing numbers before and during who sends them to St. Paul's through Miss Alta Trumble, head of the PriMcCulloUgh, president of the Comthe service. her niece, Mrs. Earl E. Durham. Almary Department of the school. pany, from Shia. twp.' Orville Galt o flowers upon the altar which are The bride wore her sister's bridal loway, director, from Caledonia. Haralways a gift of Mrs. Marian AultBoth morning and evening services gown, fashioned of white satin, with old Dunham, Fairfield township, A l mann of Kissixnee, Florida, in memat the Free Methodist Church were a sweetheart neck-line and cunningbert Sleno, New Haven Township, El_ ory of her late husband. Glen D. marked by special observances, with ly set-in bits of fine lace. She wore don A. Bailey, Hazel ton township, Young. Rev. H A. Scofield delivering a mes- a full length veil caught to her head Gale Craig, Middlobury township, As an opening musical number the sage to both the older and younger by an orange-blossom tiara. The Fred Mclntyre, Venice Township, "Hallelujah Chorus" from "The Mes- groups. The Children's Home near groom's gift of a pearl necklace and Harold Kline, Bennington township, siah" was played on the piano by Mrs. Woodstock, ms. f was given a special earrings and an heirloom hankie, Wilbur H. Bennett, Shiawassee townRoy Myers and Miss Mary Rose Pe- collection. which belonged to her great-grandship, Wm. P. Strauch, Vernon townterson at the piano, and Mrs. Evtyn mother enhanced the ensemble. She ship, Marshall C Spalding, Perry Shawman at the church organ. The carried a bridal bouquet of sweettownship. Edwin Dippy, Antrim townMRS. EUGENE CLAXTON service was sung by the church chotr Woman'. Club Meet heart rosea, ffliea-of-the-vil'.ey cenship Several agents were unable tor of mixed voices. tered with an orchid. Yellow taffeta be present. U Cancelled Here with matching accessories v/ere woiBishop Emrich took as his text, -* The meeting of the Woman's CWb by Mrs. Knox, the matron of hmo "Be is Risen." In opening, he spoke Chamber of Commerce of that great operation of oar mltL to have been held on Monday even* and Mhw White as bridesmaid vo * tary forces in the Pacific which ht* tag April 18, was cancelled, and the green taffeta with like accessorle I Notes gone down in history as "Operation program for that date, win be uni- Each girl carried dainty spring blooms tied with green satin ribbons. ted with the one scheduled for May f. I Corunna Chamber of Commerce Crossroads,'* and is said to haw* , A few of the highlights of the quietly goes about its business withThe dlmiiroiJve flower girl wore a — A changed all military history for aU purple taffeta gown with a pofce- Thjnclad*. Rorr $ as SPEBSQSA concert to be given Sat- out fan-fare. time. Thus, 2000 years ago, said Funeral Services Held totinet and matching gauntlets and u: Jay evening at the Owosso High I Charter membership r*.«ts at just Bishop Enirij*^aapth«r great* ftj*. — g**^ «__ % v carried a tiny basket of flowers. Baseballers Drop C i e l .tool Auditorium are worthy of under sixty, which should be conorations Crossroads" took place— I ^ O T U f J O . r o p p e i U i e t n f t e r Master Bobby Brands carried the The Corunna high school ihincla ' < ? sidered as excellent, considering that probably reported by people in the j Funeral services for George S. t.iention. rings on a satin pillow. swamped the SwarU Creek drago v our town i* small. same extravagant language as of to- j Poppenhelmer, 66, who died suddenThe Gardenaires of Detroit were Following the reception, which was 93-16 in a dual track meet at McThe committee on solicitations ha* day. From that time on, everything ( ly at 11:30 p. m. Wednesday, at his state champions in 1945. This spleru held In the brides home, Mrs. Crowe Curdy Park field Wednesday. been busy protecting you from a n y that transpired before that great day farm home one mile north of Layton's did quartet sang and will be rememwas dated B. C, and the Year of Our Corners, was held at 9 a. m. Mon- received the guests in an aqua crepe Chesaning's baseball "nine" gave fradulent solicitation. Our industrial bered with pleasure, when the.OwosLord came after. Though that event day, at St. Michael's Catholic Church gown with cocoa accessories. A Corunna their first diamond defeat committee is always alert for newso First Methodist Church chimes of 2000 years ago men conceived new here with the Rev. Ft. A, O. Bosler dainty corsage of Airerican Beauty this afternon, S_3. enterprises for the community. were dedicated. This will be a fearoses was pinned to her pYtrse. Mrs. life and wisdom. They found the officiating and burial following in St. Corunna's own Cavaliers took a first tured group. We have set up a service for what meaning of human brotherhood and Michael's Cemetery. The remains Middleton was gowned in a navy-blue in every event as well as swtping the might be called "small employment", Song Masters of Lansing took 2ml yard work, window vashing, etc.,. love, I were removed to the residence Sun- print dress with matching accessor- low hurdles event. place in the state during 1948. These Christianity says to all men—not, day noon from the Walker Funeral ies. She wore a dainty corsage of Next week the local track squad singers are well known here, several that Corunna citizens may use,, delicately tinted roses. *3e Good and you can live with God",, Homo i n Chesaning. whether to be put on the* list o f will journey to Durand for a dual members having done solo work i» workers or to call for assistance. Mr. Poppenhelmer was born in Mrs. I-'ary P'^ers, assisted by meet with the Raidroaders on Wedbut "Live with God and you will beOwosso. come Good." That is what the Chria- Swormville, N. Y. on Nov. 30, 1882, Mary lr-.;Jr Sny.'er and Shirley Knox nesday afternoon, April 27. ~t There is a director's meeting schedA son of George and Marie Poppcn- served - dainty dessert course. Mrs. Tho Aetna-aires o% Bay City were ^ ^ l t a l M d l y n i g h t ( t 0 nlght) a t Bob stasek pitched for the Indians ; heimer. He came to the present farm ] Walworth of Vernon finished the and gave up 2 hits. Corunna's Bill chosen li-st year to. go to the Inter whioh time several points of general . in Maple Grove Township and had re- serving of the bride's cake, after the Striggow was on the mound for the national Contests at Oklahoma City interest will be discussed. Slster of Local Man They were one of the five finalists ; mained there since. He never mar- first piece was cut by the bride, in Cavaliers and he gave up 4 hits. Notification came this week that from Michigan. Dies in Ohio City , mied. He was a member of St. Mich- the traditional way. we have been accepted by the Unitedl Next week the local squad travels Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Myers of j&el's Catholic Church. Shortly after the reception, Mr. and to Durand with a contest with the- Sing_Sing-Singers is a comedy States Chamber of Commerce as their 2118 E. Main St. — M-21, Corunna — j Surviving are two brothers, Albert Mrs. Claxton left for a wedding trip 1048 Central "C" Conference winners Quartet that hails from Midland and newest member, to take effect May is one of the top-flight groups in the first, 1949. We are already on theare in Belmore, Ohio, this week, j and Charles of Maple Grove; and after which they will reside at 410 for a game with the Railroaders. state. where they were called by the very; three sisters, Miss Saloma Poppen West State Street, Corunna. Mrs. membership of the Mich. Secretarial sudden death of Mr. Myer's sister— heimer of Maple Grove Township, Claxton wore for going-away, a print ~ * The Fentonians from Fenton will be Association. Mrs. Luella Myers Schroeder. With- i Miss Rose Poppenheimer, at home ind navy ensemble, to which she had remembered by many Corunna people From time to time there will be> Mrs. Dexter Morris as the group that put on such a fine reports of progress from C. C, of <3» out previous illness, Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs, Martha Schwartzly of tinned the small corsage from her was stricken with a cerebral hemhor- Spaulding Township, Saginaw county bouquet. Dies; Funeral Services program several years ago at Rotary. Don't forget, the office is in the Cohage on Saturday night and died in There will be a number of local runna News building and we are alBoth Mr. and Mrs. Claxton have Held on Monday the Belmor ehospital Monday morn- BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD quartets participating, and judging ways ready to serve you in any w a y many friends in the community. They Mrs. Dexter Morris, who lived on a ing. Sne was the daughter of Mr. from what we have already heard, we can. Jackie Ritter, Jr., celebrated his <*re both graduates from Corunna and Mrs. H. F. Myer now of Wil_ birthday, Saturday afternoon with a high school, class of 1946, and have farm near the Lennon School in Shia- our own local singers will give some township for more than fifty liamston and was born in Ohio on birthday party. Fourteen friends spent most of their Uvea right here wassee years, with her late husband, died on mighty fine numbers. Aug. 18, 1908, coming to Owosso with came to help him celebrate the joy- in the vicinity where everyone wishes priday at 9:15 P. M. at the home of The High School Auditorium is not Hoisington-Sells her parents to live as a small child. ous occasion. them every happiness. her son-in-law — J. A. Buhl of Flint, a huge place, and .it is anticipated She was known and loved by many Wedcfrig Held Recently After a series of games and stunts, Guests were present from High- wiKrre she had lived for the past 20 that there will be a fine crowd out friends in this area. Of interest to many friends is t h e the children were served dainty re- land Park, Detroit, Swartz Creek, years. The Morris's had one daugh- to hear this exceptionally fine enSurviving beside the husband and freshments at the dining table, Flint. Flushing, Owosso, Vernon and ter who married J. A. Buhl, and died tertainment, so we advise you to go marriage of Miss Mary, daughter o f the parents, are the following broth- which was centered with a birthday Indiana. at the birth of her son, Roland A. early, in order to be seated advan- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sells, Corunnn era and sisters: Albert M*yer of Mon- cake maie in the form of an Easter Buhl, of Chicago, who with his father, taageously. Don't miss this oppor- Route 2, to Richard Hoisington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hoisington, o f roevule, Ohio, Lawrence of Corunna, Bunny. A yellow and white color tunity for a real musical treat. survive Mrs. Morris. SOS Disasters Newburg. The ceremony took plao* Felix Meyer of Maple Grove, Mrs. scheme was used and cake and ice Mrs: Morris was born Emma Jane * Approximately 312,000 victims of Ferris in New York state December on Saturday April 10 in Angola, l a Agnes Fredenberg of Gregory, Mrs. cream were served. This is the year for the Corunna J d i a n j u 303 disasters were helped by the Red 30, 1858, daughter of George and EmHOdegrade Jason, of Wflliamston, Jackie received many nice gifts. Cross last year. Clarence Meyer of Fowiervffle, and ,A—. ma Ferris. She came to Vernon High Alumni Banquet. Don't forget Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoisington Mary at home. Red Cross Collects Blood shortly before her marriage to Mr. it and be sure to plan to attend. will live in Newburg. Last rites for Mrs. Schroeder took Approximately 135,000 pints of Morris there 70 years ago. TuMitmcj Care place this Thursday morning at nine blood have been collected through the Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Morris were Approximately 14,000 persons were o'clock in the Catholic Church at Red Cross national blood program in colorful figures in the earlier days given emergency first aid by the Red Bebnore. its first year of operation. of Shiawassee township. Mr Mor. Cross last year. ris for many years furnished moat interesting news items from that secLike many another young bride andl Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Knight of 218 tion of the county for the Corunna News, and could always be counted South Brady St., residents of Corun- groom of fifty years ago, the young? A quiet wedding of lovely appoint- groom — a lovely string of pearls bride's parents — guests coming from on for original and highly valued na for the past 26 years, on Good Fri- couple drove to Corunna from Duranel day celebrated the 53rd anniversary in a horse and buggy. They vivi<Hjr ments on Saturday afternoon, April ^ ^ n e r a ^ t y bouquet of all white Grand Rapids, S t Charles, Saginaw, news reports. The loss of their only daughter, of their marriage quietly in t!.2ir recall the condition of the roads over IS, was solemnized in the Corunna carnation* and sweet peas, tied with Owosso and Corunna. For her going Methodist church with Rev. James H. satin, completed her costume. The away, the bride wore an orchid cos- who was the wife of J. A. Buhl, was home. Rev. Knight is retired from which they drove that spring of loaC James officiating, when Miss Nina bride's attendant, her sister, Mist tume with white accessories. The a great blow to Mr. and Mrs. Morris the pastorate of the Free Methodist ago, when there was not a mile of i m church, coming here from Alpena in from which they never recovered. Mae Fiery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virginia Flory, wore a rose satin proved road of any kind in the counyoung couple left on a bridal trip to John Flory of St. Charles, became gown with matching veil and rosea The funeral of Mrs. Morris was 1923. ty. Neverthless their happinea* the bride of Lawrence E. Lecureaux, and sweet peas were combined for her Niagara Falls. held on Monday at 2 P. M. with burRev. and Mrs, Knight were mar- made the way all too short. Miss Flory attended the Chesaning ial in Newbury Cemetery, beside her ried in Corunna, by tho Rev. John son of Mr, and Mrs Urban Lecureaux flowers. She also wore pearls, a gift Mr. and Mrs. Knight enjoy g o o * High School and the groom graduat- late husband Dexter Morris. of Caledonia township. Kirn 53 years ago, who conducted an from the bride. ed from the Corunna schools in 1945, health and the companionship a t The bride wore traditional white Evangelical Mission in Durand, and The best man was Orville Lecurenlisting m the Army Air Force that satin 'for her wedding made with StHchea hi lived In the home of hit son, Geo. many friends in their home hevav year, and serving 18 months. He Is an over skirt, of net. He? veil was eaux, cousin of the groom. The Red Cross trained more than Kirn, of the Corunna area Mrs. They are members and workers in tha> now employed in Flint by the Buie* of finger tip length, and she wore A reception for close friends and 30,000 persons In accident prevention Knight was the former Miss Ataia Corunna Free Methodist, church a n * matching mitts. The gift of the relatives followed at the home of the Division of General Motors. courste last year. Society. Van Warner of Durand. Ministers Report Owosso SPEBSQSA Presents Festival of Songs Saturday '<' = + ' • Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Knight Wed 53 Years Ago on April 15, Lecureaox-Flory Nuptials Spoken Saturday Mf\ Thursday April 21 1949 The Coruau* News, Coyuiroa, MklUgaft Paga Two Cavalier Sports Program in Full Swing Corunna Track Squad EJges Chesaning HOW TO SHOOT A RIFLE I CUMMARY I 100-yard dash — Won by Bill Strig By ARTHUR E COOK gow (Corunna); second, John Rich Nvtional and Olympic Rifi* Champion t |ards (Chesaning); third, Hoyd j Struck (Chesaning) Time, 10.7. By KUVVA^D W. ALLEN Sighting ^ ^- ~ j 120-yard high hurdles — won b\ News Sport* Editor Bob Kirn (Corunna); second, Roy jZambiasi (Corunna); third, WaynV Showing tremendous power in s?ev eral field and track events, Chesan Holzhausen (Chesaning), time, 19. ing went down to defeat her*1 in Co- ! 120-yard low hurdles — won by runna last"wecV." The tocaPCavauers , Floyd Wesley (Chesaning); second edged them 5P-50. Floyd Struck time 14.9. 220-yard dash — won by Bill StrigSurprising rven the coaches, the gow (Corunna); second, Tom Amidon Indians swept the 120 yard low hurdle* with Floyd Wesley taking (Corunna); third Fred Wesley (Chestop honors. His time was 14.1 sec* aning) time :23.6 440-yard dash — won by Jack Gerdonds. ^ ing (Chesaning); second, Gene PhilBesides slamming the lows. Chesan-j, ( C o r u n n a ) - third, John T>uguid Gun sights are used to point the you aim at the bottom ot the bull g won 4 oth< r firsts to Corunna's n^^~-i v •;**,.«^ O rifle at the target and it is important /ather than at the center. That is ing (Chesaning) time :54.3 to learn to sight perfectly* An error because you are Iikpiy to lose sight of •eight. Several good times were re880-yard dash ^- won by Ed Kriz of 1/10 inch in sight alignment will the black post with;.: the black bullscorded in the r.ieet. (Chesaning, second, Charles Holman place the bullet two inches from the eye. Bill Striggow. Corunna dash man (Corunna) third, Kenneth Hitchcock center of a target only 50 feet away | Aiming and shooting at bullseye v o n the 100-yard dash in. 10.7 sec- (Corunna) time 2:09.5. —a Twtd miss. targets is not only a great sport with onds. Chesaning's John Richards and If you have the rsar peep and front many thousands of adherents through880-yard relay — won by ChesanJack Gerdlng wore close on Strig- ing, time 1:40. post «igh£ combination on your rifle, out the world, but it ia also the finest aim as shown at top left centering training for a«y kind of shooting. If gow's heels at the finish. Medley relay — won by Corunna the top of the post in the peep hole.! you can't hit a bull&eye that is standIn the 220-yard dash, Striggow ad- (Roy ZambiasL Bob Striggow, Bob With an open rear sight (right abovtt) ling still how can you expect to hit a ded to his leads with a time of 23.6 Kirn and "Keith Ellis) time 2:54. center the top of the post on a level - live target that is moving? seconds. Tom Amidon split hairs Mile run — won by Art Woodard with the top of the rear sight before ( (Thi* instmction tui^i «a it* booklet, •with Chesaning's Fred Wesley to give (Corunna) j second, Glen Moor* directing the aim on the target Notice; ; H 0 ^ L T ^ ?f S^LA 5"' L Fr, «*%&? t Corunna first and second in the event. (Chesaning); third, Roy Jacobs that when shooting at builseye targets ! n^ton. D. c.> Chesaning 8S0-yard relay team (Chesaning) time 5:07. Be sore of roar backstop! asteped off the distance as did CoPole vault — won by Herb Benrunna's medley team to record times •ford (Corunna): second (tie) Charles of one minute forty seconds and two Holman (Corunna) and John Richminutes 54 seconds, respectively. ards (Chesaning) height 9 f t Miler, Art Woodard lead the field Shot put — won by Gordon Serr until the final lap when Glen Moore (Corunna); second, Ed Kviz (Chesan* passed him on the back stretch. ing); third Lester Steward (Corunna) "Woodard sprinted past Moore on the distance, 39 feet. Jiome stretch to finish several yards High Jump - - won by Floyd Struck ahead of the Chesaning runner. This (Chesaning); second (tie) Tom AmiBYPHOG la Woodard's first year at Corunna don and Glen Honke (Corunna) and his first crack at the mile. Hi* height 5 feet 2 inches. Fletcher Gflders, Detroit Northtime was five minutes, seven seconds. Broad Jump — won by John RichOn his first try, John Richards ards, (Chesaning); second, BiU Strig- western pole-vaulting sensation failleaped 19 feet in the broad Jump. Co- gow (Corunna) third, Tom Amidon ed last week to break his National scholastic indoor runna's best was Striggow with a (Corunna) distance, 19 feet record of 13; feet jump of 18 feet 7 inches. * 3¼ inches. TL« The pole vaulting event was taken Guess everybody realizes a moral 19 year old ace t>y Corvnna'a Herb Benford. After in that San Marino tragedy a few M. B. (Maurle) Coasman, sports taking three attempts to make 8 feet weeks ago. Several cities are cam- was forced, t o editor of The Flint Journal for nearly « inches. Benford cleared 9 feet paigning to find and fill up any open run through a two decades has resigned Ida position door way In the «asily on his first try. holes to present a repltltkm. to enter his own business, Detroit Mackenzie gym for a Cofsjman formed a partnership run ot approxawith hfs brother-in-law. M. J, Ragtr. miately 80 feet. PHOO The firm will be called Rogtr * Cos*v He came close on all * three attempts man Sales Agency, and they will represent the Ekco Company — a large to making 13 feet < inches. manufacturer of houseware. Indians Lam Low Hurdles Event; But Cayalierr WJI, 59-50 Thinclads Meet Swartz Creek; Baseball Squad Meets Indiai Central Michigan Loop List* 10 Ball Club* Ten teams are now members of the East Central Michigan Independent Barebail League it was disclosed here recently . CORUNNA and LENNON are members, of. the. league. These teams are managed by Ford Schooley and Hoyt Beliew, respectively. . The Corunna High School s program is in full swing this week as the local Cavaliers meet two foes. The thinclads met Swart* Creek M Wednesday and the baseball squad has a tUt with Cliesaalng as we go to press. *? Both sporting events will take place at McCurdy Park. Last week Corunna opened the defense of the Central 'C? Conference track crown by defeating Chesaning. Durand is, at the present time, hoL der of the conference baseball title. They met >erry on Thursday, as does Ovid meet Elsie. Other squads in the league include: BANCROFT, managed by Kenneth Vance; DEDIC'S TAVERN, managed by Charlie Hersch. ELSIE, managed ~ A -— . by Joe Bostek; LAINSBURG, managed by Richard Sparks; MORRICE, managed by Louie Pavlica; OAKLEY "To be or not to be" la the question managed by AI Brainerd; OVJD, concerning Paul Smarks, recently dismanaged by Henry Nethaway. and missed coach at Lapeer. Last week while Smarks was out PERRY, managed by Bob Walters. of town, Supt. Clyde K. ScWckler calLennon, Perry, and Oakley are new led a hurried Board of Education additions to the league this year. meeting and the group decided to let Last season, Morrice won the season's Smarks go. play off championship, although DeSince that day, much friction has dic's were the league leaders at the developed In Lapeer, Some 800 of the end of the regularly scheduled sea* 900 students hi high school went out son. Continued on Page Three Lapeer Coach Fired Out o^ t(U *?of Detroit Pole-Vault Ace Fails To Break his Indoor Record Weldfa*SO ft***, , Coasman Reigns at Journal Sports Editor NEW-MOWM HAY TIE f l i e i IS II TIE IAIILIII r In a baseball game that ended with a grid score last week, Hillsdale college ran dizzy over Percy Jones General Hospital's diamond team. The 'dales got 30 runs to the Battle Crrek boys 3. The game was halted at the end of eight complete innings. 7 SIGN UP NOW!! SUMMER LEAGUE BOWLEG i For Both Men and W o m e n Leagues Now Forming at COMNNA RECREATION 319 N. SHIAWASSEE STREET 'Way down in Dallas, Texas, the sporting goods dealers claim they have sold well over a thousand kids' Jerseys bearing the numemals 37. It seems they want to wear the number that was made famous by that great football star. Domic Walker, of Southern Methodist College. Uttle Sammy, owned by Mrs. Lucius Russell, PHnt ssem* to top the Hat of "young eats." Mrs, Russell says that his only interests- m Hfe are her, sleeping, and eating canned baby food. Sammy lands hates to climb stairs so he stays down hi the basement. He's 24 yeary old. New Lothrop'Nine' Beats Gaines High, 5-6 Since lfSSV Cossman writing sports news for The Journal. He was made assistant sports editor In 1932 and sports editor tn 19*?. Good Hay Caa't Wait He Is a familiar figure at many of the sports events in Flint and accrosa the nation. While at The Journai.he <i*s been writing a popular, wide-read sports column, "Once Over Lightly," five days a week. He also has made several nubile addresses on the general subject of sports. Covering major fights, Detroit Tiger training camps, and football games from eoast to coast be has gamed a reputatSon as a sports commentator. J With your own Case Siker-Balef you can put up your hay before chat appetizing arosna is lost by needless exposure or watting. You get more protein too, because Nature puts most of the protein in the leaves, and the Case Sticer-Baier puts more'of the leaves m the bale. Apd how that extra protein and psdatabtlity pay off in the milk pssU Come ia and see about getting this proved and practical baler now* CHAS. P. BYNES, Cossman attended Flint Central high school and was editor of the school publication, The Arrowhead, during hfs junior and senior years. He graduated from Central in 1932. Erne. 1418 H Main St. Owosso, Mfch. J. L CASE FARM IMPLEMENTS HHJDElt BARN E QUIPMENT GAINES—The New Lothrop high school baseball squad annexed their first victory of the season, Tuesday, by defeating Gaines, 6 to 3. Bryan Raleigh Is credited with the win although be was relieved in the second inning by Albert Valasek with the score of 2 to 1, New Lothrop oa top. Make Sure They'll Last Are yon sure that your farm implements, in their present condition* will last through another season of hard work? Are you sure that no repairs or adjustments are needed to operate efficiently and without breakdowns? If there is the slightest doubt in your mind regarding the answers to these questions play safe by bringing your implements here for a complete check-up. Our all around, up-to-date service at reasonable rices means the best for you. Call on us anytime. Ifo know you'll be pleased with what we have to offer. I • *y P Lennon Implement Co. HARDWARE and IMPLEMENTS PHONE 32 The Gaines "nine" got three runs in the fourth inning to put them on top, 4 to 3. New Lothrop came back to collect two runs in their half of the fifth and Sam Raleigh, New Lothrop catcher, slugged out a home run in the sixth with no body on base. Gaines earned one run in the last half of the seventh to give the final score of e-5. The two teams play a return game on Friday, May 7 on the New Lothrop diamond. The next regularly scheduled game for the New Lothrop players is on Tuesday, May 2 with the Chesaning "B's" on the latex's diamond. Superintendent Howard Comford is coaching the New Lothrop baseball squad again this year and he is being ably assisted by Howard Johnson. Score by innings: New Lothrop 3 0 1 0 2 1 0—6 Gaines 1 0 0 S 0 0 1—6 Batteries: N<w Lothrop — D. Raleigh, A. VahSiek and S. Raleigh. Gainnes — R. Vleed and G. Gooding. Just suppose your Telephone Company Kept 'Bankers Hours' Open at nine—Closed at t h r e e ! ^ We'd have an easy Hfe, wouldn't w e ? HOWEVER— W e Don't do things that w a y . Twenty-four hours a day, your operator stands at your call-— And through storm or shine, your Lines are kept open-— For A BUSY AMERICAAn Ever READY TELEPHONE Union Telephone Co. Thursday April 21 1949 v The Coraana News, Cornnna, Michigan Mrs. Jack McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. HITHER and YON Louis Helmet I By Alice Lister Worth Rex Post was in Saginaw on busi. This week we introduce a new ness last Monday. member of the staff of Hither and Quests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howe Yon. Technically we niight say that Mr. and Mrs. Poro McMiehael at- for Easter Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. he is the third chapter to the great tended the funeral of Mrs. Durllk in Carl Hemingway and family and Mrs. American novel which we, as other Nellie Herron of Lake Orion, Mr. Flint Tuesday. writers nave hoped to write. Only Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Little visited and Mrs. William Sutton and son, with a peculiar tenacity of human Mrs. Ja*. A. Bemi* Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Anthony last SunMr. and Mrs. Charles Hill enter- personality he has actually arrived, Coresspoaesftt tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long .and whilst many of our dream characters Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long enter- day afternoon. Mrs. Amelia Dleck was a dinner family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evas* which we intend to capture in black tained Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HorsJey guest in the Ulysses Dleck home on and Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford and white in such a novel, remain susfor the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ohet Hudson spent Sunday. Hill and family, for Sunday, dinner. pended in the hanging, or have beSunday in Owosso with Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Heywood were Guests and callers in the Howard come lost in the formula figures or Klrfey Hudson. Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Ganssley home for the holiday were become so absorbed in just sitting a. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganssley, Mr. round to have any hope of actuality. and Mrs. Peter Simons of Detroit, That of course is the difference beMiss Delores Miller of Flint and Mr. tween God's design and a human's j and Mrs. Ernest Kurty of Swarta pattern for life. Once his plan is; Creek. completed it movss steadily toward a A birthday dinner was held in honor fulfillment. Man's hopes have hardly of Mrs. B. F. Dobbs and David Baker ever been realized completely and EQUIPMENT in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dobbff. this largely through sloth and lack Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker and of complete concentration. SUPPLIES family and Mr. Garside were guests. But all our theorizing is as naught. WATER SYSTEMS Mrs. Henry Miller and Gertie Now, and we bend knee and mein to Brandt were Sunday dinner guests of serve the new master who has invadMr. and Mrs. Kelly CoUister in Flint ed the household. The children likeMrs. Asa Root and children have re-j wise gather around to become nimble turned with her parents to Wilson servants to this over eight pounder ville, Illinois for a short vaction. who arrived on the Ides of March and Mr. and Mr*. L. J. Kingsbury gave who personifies an the glamour that! REFRIGERATORS a party for their daughter, Patty, in a new life brings in the spring. Tea, j honor of her 13th birthday Monday glamour and faith and hope greater DEEP FREEZE UNITS evening. There were 23 guests prea- than the ominous clouds that gather end. Recreation Hall was decorated in around the North Atlantic Pact and red, white, and bine. In the game, kindred happenings in a world faced "hearts." Laverne Kingsbury and Lois with great decisions for great days. McMicheal won top honors. Donna ' * Thayer and BuTy Machals held low •core. Other games were enjoyed, too A beautiful cake was made by Patty's Troop 127 met at the school MOD. aunt, Mrs. Leo Kingsbury. Luncheonj day evening. A cookie report was enjoyed by candlelight Miss given. The troop earned 16.03 plus Kingsbury received many lovely gifts. | $2.38 for paying promptly. Thus the Miss Elizabeth Lennon, Detroit, is treasury was increased $8.41. Plans spending a week's vacation with her were begun for a Mother and Daughmother, Mrs. Peter Lennon. 'Miss ter Tea." The troop rehearsed songs TO GIVE YOUR CAR Margaret Lennon spen^ the week-end in preparation for Rally Day at the I. M. A. A singing game was enjoyin Detroit. ed at the close of the evening led by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Knight attend, I ed Sunrise services at Swartz Crc-v Phyllis Baker. Scout meeting will Easter Sunday and later were guests iLe held Tuesday evening of next week* -erfor of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knight for Boy ScOUT NEWS Troop 87 cancelled their meeting a family Easter breakfast. B y treating y e a r c a r right it will g i v e y o n louvfor this week but will hold their reguDinner guests in the h-->e of Mr. er a n d more efficient use. Regular and periodic serlar meetteg next week, Monday eveand Mrs. Charles Klrby f-»» Ulster vicing will, in the long n u t , p a y dividends in smoothwere M/. and Mrs. Donald "Lrby avtf ning April 2K. e r operation. N o w is t h e time to start giving y o u r family of Lennon, Mrs. EUa R-itio w— kind of treatment. N o w is the time t o give and Mr. and Mrs. John TJoane J-\ it a and son Gary, of Owosao. W h y not bring your car in here soon l o r Mr*. Dwtght Gilbert and Judith p l e t e spring set f icing T A change-over will give it Ann of Grand Blanc were callers on The Iv-mon «'^*tVti:i ' ~+m n e w life and greater drfvinir pleasure. Come in any* Sunday in tike home of Mrs. Amelia to thank e**er"onr fo- ' s ^ - *»neootime • . . we're at yonr Dleck 0» Sunday. eoeratkm ©at: e r-nr "atu'-'-'" «wMrs. Myrtle Woodward was in nrag. It was a grai.d r u c - « * d Saginaw Thursday'evening attending everybody had a wonde-'w' "me a committee meeting of helping tea- The tickets sold numbered 2S3 w<"' chers. |SQ going to the band, and $7.90 f LENNON, MICHIGAN Mrs. Myrtle Woodward had as advertising, leaving a total of $180.5" guests on Easter her daughter and for the softball uniforms. a» husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Sister, Hi and Mr* Homer J. Sister and Fred Lennon Merchants, Ladies LeagueSmith, all of Flint Donna Kline 138 102 98 Mrs. Mabel McMiehael left Monday Addle Rail 176 128 1M I morning for a several week's visit Donna Weir 85 128 102 > with her son, Maurice McMiehael and.Pfcylls Leland 98 82 13l WAY TO I family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Maxine Smith 138 124 93 1 Don't forget the annual King's We won 2 frames Thursday night IO Daughto-p breakfast at the Commun- and are still in first place. DAYS ity Hall 'YednercJay April 27 at 9:30. The Lennon Men's Team. ' Good br' akfast and a fine program Hudson 138 133 127 j are planned. Everyone is welcome, jReid 126 141 163 General aid will be held at the home jHromek 125 156 131 20 I of Mrs. L. J. Kingsbury Friday eve-jSwerdan 101 143 159 DAYS i ning at 8 o'clock. Election of offi- Sharp * 150 137 138 <CALf P E L . L £ T S cers will be held. Ret. Russell J. Long's address is: Lapeer Coach Fired //n^" 1 F E t D ' N O MORE R. A. 16307091, Prov. Co. 167 APO Continued from Page Two • V'T • MiLK 331, c-o Postmaster, San Francisco, on strike, hooting and jeering Supt. California. MO*r~ Mrs. Lewis Landris and son Bobby Schickler. Several board members are c?*u-i \s^u": jui~*". were called to Detroit Sunday morn- under fire by local sports enthusiasts. Supt. Schickler and board members MASTER : ing due to the serious illness of Mrs. said Smarks has been permitting the Landris' brother Jack Frazier. Mothers and Teachers Club will "downtown group" to run the high hold their regular at the Lennon school athletic department. They also school Friday April 29 at 2 o'clock- claim he ran the system in a dicta, The teachers will have charge of the torial manner. program. Smarks, who has been with Lapeer The Detroit Conference WSCS An- for 20 years, claims the only reason with Metmle-VH* nual meeting is being held this Thurs- for his discharge was* a clash of perskit TIM MASTER MIX tymmfarntts* ahm Ask forth* day at 10 a. m. in Central Church sonalities between him and Supt. MASTER MIX w*k d+r *•*•«* Am to* *f* *«••*•ftfa Schickler. This has developed during Detroit CALF m o m * tad CMvMueat, htemm i* is A class will be received into church the last three years since the superin•IS ftMBK membership next Sunday April 24. tendent came to Lapeer, Smarks said. Pag« Thi LENNONNEWS In and About TOWN ELECTRIC JACK MCDOWELL On t h e Main Corner Lennon* Mich, GARAGE — SERVICE STATION — LIGHT LUNCHES J GIBSON Lennon Hardware Co. Girl Scoot News lilt SPBtNG 4 CHnNftaVER SofthafI Team Dance Is *G*a*<J 3"-ea»> ANDY'S GARAGE Aj* MASTER MIX CALF eORCEITUTE PELLETS COMI IN AND CIT T O O ! SUrrLY - FERTILIZER 2-12-12 0-18-0 0-12-12 2-42-6 MACHINE OR MACHINELESS — $5.00 a n d u p MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN HYBRIDS -SEED OATS- Children's Permanent* EATON — SWEDISH — HURON $3.50 COMPLETE - SOYBEEN SEED - Baby Bens and Bridal Shower MANCHU AND EARLYANA VARIETIES OATS - BEANS VVE AIM TO SATISFY Walsh Bean & Grain Phone 16 0 GREETING CARDS Sandwich Shop Hot Sandwiches — French Fries DELICIOUS HEINZ SOUP — SERVED H O T Open Every Night Till 9 : 0 0 SPARKS' STORE LENNON, MICHIGAN ADVERTISEMENTS AND PRINTING SUPPLIES Drive Safely ON • CORDUROYS WARRANTY GENERAL CAR #M&&**<1&L-mm and TRACTOR REPAIRS JMRTS mm GERALD A L D E R M A N , Proprietor PHONE SI M-13 A N D SOUTH S T . LENNON, MICH. — G R A I N — B E A N S — BUILDING S U P P L I E S CUSTOM GRINDING KINGSCROST Hybrid S e e n Corn From 8 5 to 105 Days 20% Broiler Ration SEED CORN WHEAT - DRUG ITEMS TOILETRIES FARM B U R E A U FEEDS ~ Zoto*—RealwticHftiHmg—Helene Curtis Lennon, Mich. Gifts Hour* 8 to 5 Tuesday thru Saturday Evenings by Appointment Complete line of Baby and Bridal Shower Gift* Lennon Beauty Shop Phone 37-F-2 I 2¼ or 3 lb of Farm Bureau 20% Broiler Ration will p a t one l b of flesh on your chickens. Floor Sander — Edger for Rent F. S. CHAPMAN ELEVATOR LENNON, MICHIGAN Ppce* t l - M Thursday April 21 1949 The Corunna News. Corunna. Michigan ,to worship received the greater bene* those who serve Him faithfully the meeting will be with Mrs. Fred Hugendorf of Bancroft. fit, never the less all found a blessing year around. Rev. L. A. Scofleld, I — jr In going. Free Methodist Church If it does one good to go, it would do all good if they would go. No mail Ceriums can think long on the purpose of the - * sufferings of Chrtet and remain the The first meeting of the newly orsame kind of man. The poet Isaac ganized Junior Woman's Club, the orWatts put it this way: ''"•• Hilly Ann Schooley ganization of which has been this We welsome again our column,] "When I survey the wondrous cross 1 and % Overflow Room year's project of Mrs. Nelson Kincaid, on which the Prince of Glory died, •TTfcought for the Week". I*eo Grsebyk became a member ot president of the Corunna Woman's To our list of contributors, we have My richest gain I count but loss and our Second Grade, Tuesday, April 19. Cjub __ Will be held on April 25 in Added Rev. W. Combellack, of the He came to us from a school in Ham- the home of Miss Margaret Collins, pour contempt on all my pride. Juddvilie Methodist Church, Rev. A. Were the whole realm of nature mine tramck. who was chosen temporary chairman W . Kauffman, Vernon Congregational That were a present far too small: Mrs. Harold Wallace furnished the at the organization meeting held Church and Rev. H. Van Buren of the l o v e so amazing, so divine with Mrs, Thomas .children a very pleasant surprise by with „ Mrs.ltincaid, _. Vernon. Methodist Church. To them Demands my soul, my life, my all. .allowing Jimmy to treat them w i t h j L i m m e x as secretary-treasurer. The IgfO our sincere "thank you," I f it does one good to go to the Easter cookies. They surely enjoyed j committee appointed to select a. per'manent slate of officers is composed place of worship once in a whi'e meating those bunnies and rabbits. Carol Johns, one of oHr First James Hasselback, Mrs. J. Easter again has come and gone many times greater are the benefits of Afrs or I Graders, is in a hospital in Flint ' ] M . Howell and Mrs. Cecil Cleland. The of a regular attendance. With its attending blessings. Some people did some serious He who left the realms of glory; an Appendectomy. Carol was out ] by-laws and constitution are to be thinking as they thought on Christ's humbled himself in becoming a man; , with the measles so we feel she has drafted and presented to the club by Mrs. Michael Carland, Mrs. Robert sufferings in the garden and on Cal- gave hinself to sacrifice and suffer, j more than her share. Scarlett and Mrs. Don Griffen. •vary. Then rejoiced in the .truth of ing, shame and death on Calvary; * risen Christ. A few made their an- that he mightj pay the penalty for nual trip to the Church, and many sin; that God might be just, and the snore should have gone. Sonve perhaps justified''of him which believeth in ^vent to show their nev/ clothes, while Jesus; is certainly worthy of full time DETROIT ~• Two pilgrimages others went to pay homage to the service; He also pays well for it. from „„... Ih* Motor *City . to the historic , Becaiise it is thought that there Christ triumphant ove' sin, death and God is so good, so great, and so ap- ,Shrine of Ste. Anne De Beaupre i n ' m a y be CivA War Veterans buried the grave. No doubt those who went preciative that He richly rewards ' Canada will be made this summer, 5tj w pine Tree Cemetery, whose graves was announced recently. Each of the are not marked, the local W.R.C. Second Annual Detroit Pilgrimages ( numbers request that anyone Imowwiil include a three-day cruise of the,fog <rf such an unmarked grave, send or phone the information to Mrs. Saguenay and St. Lawrence rivers. The pilgrimages will be under the Florence King, president of the orleadership of Spiritual Directors. ganization. Her telephone number Again this year, American Express- is 1137. At the last meeting of the WJtC. Catholic Travel League Is handling all arrangements for the pilgrimages, held in Extension HSU, plans were and inquiries and reservations are made for the presentation of a flag 3 0 g a l . A u t o m a t i c G a s "..... ..*..;•... $77 being received at 122? Washington to Corunna High school, which will 3 0 gal. Sunbeam Oil H e a t e r . $46 Blvd., Detroit The dates of the De- take place today Thursday April 21, 52 gal. Crane Electric H e a t e r $10950 troit Pilgrimages are July 24 to 30 at 12:15 o'clock. 3 0 g a l . Bottled! G a s H e a t e r $86 and August 2¾ to September 3. MemRudy Coal W r t e r H e a t e r ..„ $ 7 bers will be accomodated at the Mount Royal Hotel in Montreal and Double compartment sink c o m p l e t e w i t h s w i n g spout at the Chateau Frontenac while in Quebec faucet, basket strainers and Permo-Seal Rim $53.90 At Tuesday evening's meeting of EDjrhftghtteg each ntaateB win the Ladies Auxiliary of Corunna Post be a fan-day visH to the famed 4006 VFW, the new president, Mrs. T i m k e n S i l e n t A u t o m a t i c oil f u r n a c e a n d c o n v e r s i o n shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaopre, Joe Diguard, assumed her office. The burners 21 miles from Quebec, where mass group planned a bake sale to be held will be celebrated for the group on April SO The charter of the orby ttie Spiritual Btreatcr. ganization was ordered draped in the The pilgrimage itineraries also in* memory of Mrs. Hubert Springs. dude sightseeing fa Montreal and The birthday of Mrs. Otto Andres Quebec, a visit to St* Joseph's Ora- was observed with the usual cere327 N. Shiawassee Si. Corunna, Mtchig tory and the Shrine of Brother Andre monies. Phone 831 in Montreal, as wail aa visits to many — i * other points of Interest Carwtae far Dogs The Shrine of Ste. Anne de BeauOwners who try to determine a pre, since its humble origin almost dog s condition by listening to the 300 years ago, has become* widely beat of its heart may be badly mis. FAST TO THK flKLD known as the "Shrine of Miracles.** Jed, warns Dr. W. J. Lents of the of Pennsylvania veteriThis most famous Shrine on the University nary staff. While the cardiac QUICK OJf TM n r * j f * North American continent has been rhythm in man should be regular, visited by almost 25,000,000 pilgrim* even when the rate is speeded up, BACKS IMTO COJtJffffS fcettirvM and visitors from all parts of the the rhythm in dogs may be habit* ually irregular without necessarily world. indicating that anything is wrong, —SrDr^ Lents says. Jr. Woman's Club Meeting to be Held jltoiujltt fa\ the Week $ ^. Springtime Is Cleanup Time We'll like to help with your Spring cleaning* Corunna High Notes Pilcrimages to be Made, Announced Drapes, curtains, slip covers bed s p r e a d s like new again with our EXPERT CLEANING. King Cleaners FERTILIZERS — *r— Ladies Auxiliary to Hold Bake Sale J. M. Elkiris & Son Missionary Society Meets on Thursday 0-20-0 2-16-8 4-12-8 0-12-12 2-12-6 3-12-12 Corunna W, R. C. Requests Information All the HOT W A T E R You need Corunna, Michigan. Phone 1*49 Red SEEDS ALFALFA TIMOTHY CLOVERS BROME FENCE Cedar end Steel Poets Fence 6** and 12*» GRINDING AND MIXING SERVICE WAY TO 6000 RAISE AAV DAYS t-.v+p Xa*>'Uti n ^ i . PAYS A.i- TTtD NO M0n? M ; L-K •^e< ..<•' MASTER MASTER MIX CALF MReEITUIE PELLETS Askforthe MASTER MIX CALF FCCOIMQ W i l l ssefnie'vivej Tfc* MASTER HOC *ymmfori*Ma with dairy htmen ih**e buy «kjn> Milk MM! safe k» en> MMMSSI Cormmmm Elevatar McBsUOC BROS. & Coat Co, Call Us CsMiot FOR TOUK DANCE . . . . . . OB PARTY ' The Missionary Society of the New Haven Wesleyan Methodist church met Thursday afternoon at the church. Following devotions led by Mrs. Emery Scott, Rev. Scott reported on the last chapters of the study book, "Change and Challenge in SWEET AND HOT — COOL AND China.'* Mrs. Ralph Davis conducted BOP a quiz on the Missionary Magaamc. Call U l l Routine business followed. The nest JOHNNY THOMAS An His Orchestra NOW IS THE TIME Dearborn SPRING TOOTH HARROW Tea desrt hare to carry uus narrew en t „ _. drag H to the field. It can be attached to the Feri Tractor in a minute or lets. l i l t the harrow by Feed tractor Hydraulic Touch Control and drive away/«•€. Touch Control raises the harrow for turns, protecting flatted waterways, clearing trash, or hacking hate corners. The three-section model shown above can ha converted into a two-section by means of a two* taction drawbar. * • The hie* ear Boa spring teem specially valuable in stony, filled or weedy soil; mey help a r o m a fiae seed bed. Testis, i TO PLANT ROSE BUSHES AND SHRUBS SPRING BEAUTY Into Tour Home PROMS ARE COMING UP . . . Our individual styled corsages w01 be just rifhtfor H E R gordon graham 1M w. «xeh»pge street IklHMSM SHIL0MN8 SNOCS TMIESL0T0r> BUY THE BEST! IswBefl ^ Where your sole gets prompt attention. BUY ! Whoa jro* bmy % 0MJt*OftN* yoe hoy QUAUTY We are heftdqwarters lor Ford Tractors, Dear barn Farm Iqsfpsawn'/, geaaine tarts sad senile. We arc sails— to get totter acquainted so we eaa terra yoa totter. Drop iaJ sJisrc/; TRACTOR . W. Lewis ATTRACTIVE SPRING STYLES Only 79c WITH DURABILITY BUILT IN * / Others at 49c Z/lrri/ FORD SALES AND SERVICE Corunna, Michigan ORDER YOUR PLANTS TODAY! Tele. 1359 DAMM'S 5c TO 11.00 STORE ALBERT BOURSMJTH Opposite Court House Corunna, Mich. mmmmm Thursday April 21 1949 HERE AND THERE The Corunna News, Coninn* Michigan fc Business Directory Time to Paint Up—Fix'up— and Get Ready for Spring: «** V«t**fe*ry 1W5 George Davit Painting Contractor —Paper Hanging— 218 E, State SC, Phone 1859-BIne SHIRLEY Accounting Service BOOK-KEEPING AND TAX 106 E. Mack St. Phone 2162-Blue Corunna, Mich. Make April your Coming out Party Month — and trade that wintery drab look for a fresh, Springy appearance. We can help you do it. flte Page Fivt S PtofesioHal Beauty £aloH Cards Of Thanks For Sale Business Services I wish to thank my many friends White enamel cook stove for sale. and neighbor*, the WSCS and King's Inquire L. J. Kingsbury residence in Daughters for their lovely baskets of Lennon. Phone 30-F-ll. fruit and cards during my recent ill— nesa. Silos for Sale — Place your silo George Root order early, and get your eariy orrfer discounts. Write for prices. Sieweke Interlocking Silo & Block Inc., Romeo Phone 142. Legal Notices Brides to Be! — Wedding announcements and invitations printed, engraved or thermographed. Also printed napkins and thank you notes, The Corunna News, Corunna, Michigan, ^«„„0 Open Saturday Mornings ATTENTION Farmers and Gardeners? „FOR SALE—Stover Water SoftenManhattan PicWe Co. Is offering er—like new—large size. Inquire you a good price for growing pickles Walsh Bean and Grain, Lennon. this year. Get your Pickle contract from Roy Bruckman, 1104 East Main For Sale—7 room house, modern, Street, Owosso Michigan, phone 1607. garage, about Vt acre. Telephone Also we have some good northern 35.F-4 Lennon. grown seed potatoes — order them now. On reading and filing the petition of William H. Decker praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Clare Longwell or some other suitable person. It is Ordered. That the 13th day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate office, be as* "igned for hearing said petition. And it is Further Ordered, That a cony of this order be published three consecutive weeks previous to said dftv of hearing in the Corunna New* a newsparwr printed and circulating ! n said Countv of Shiawassee. ROY D. MATTHEWS, Judge of Probate **v PATRICIA BROUGHAN, Probate Register. 4-J4-49 Wanted TREE SURGERY — Spraying NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE trimming, landaeapmg. Glen R. AspWhereas, Ray C. Cole and Grace WANTED —= Sewing and altera- lin, 121*4 Muler Rd. representing D. Cole, his wife, made and executed ions. Mrs. May, 214 West Coruana Stark Bros. Nurseries. Phone Len- a certain mortgage bearing date Sept. * venue, Corunna, non 2-F-14, ember 26, 1942, to The Old Corunna State Bank*, a Michigan Banking Corporation, of Corunna, Michigan, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County* Michigan, on September 26, 1942, in Man with car wanted for route Liber 209 of Mortgages, on pages 41Piano studio, newly located. work. $15 to »20 to a day. No ex- 42; tified Sherwood teacher. <Me perience or capital required. Steady. And whereas, the amount claimed y e t ) WiQ accept additional poptb Write today. Mr. Sharp, 120 East to be due on said mortgage on the HELEN PURCKLL MYERS, B. 8. Clark street, Freeport, Illinois date hereof for principal and interest SOS W. State St. Corunna, H c a . \s the sum of Twenty-two hundred twenty nine ($2229.00) dollars; the sum of Thirteen dollars and fifty* eight cents ($13.58) for insurance, iXuft to promotions, there is an and the sum of Fifty-one dollars and opening in your community. Man sel- eighty-seven cents ($51.87) for Stop at the Vernon Clothing for ected must be reliable, have a car the total amount being due on your new Spring outfit Low over- and be over 25 years of age. This is j date hereof for principal, interest. Inhead win give you low prices at the permanent work, good pay. Some surance and taxes, is the sum of Vernon Clothing. Get your clothing knowledge of livestock feeding is Twenty-two hundred nlnety_fbttr del* ? » for every day at a yrery tew price, helpful, but not essential. If interest lars and forty five cents ($2,294.40); Open Saturday until 9:00, , ^ m joining a reliable Company with and also the additional sum of 1*h> opportunities for advancement write ty fWp.OO) dollars attorney fees, at provided for in said mortgage, and no Light Trucking — Ashes Removed S. W C. The Corunna News,, Corunna suit or proceeding having been mstft* L. B. Kitchen, ¥17 B. King S t , Co- Michigan. tuted at law or m equity to recover runna — Phone 786 Blade. the debt secured thereby, or any part 9E thereof; And whereas, default has heel made in the conditions of said mortgage, and In the payment of princiWanted — practical nursing, can pal, Interest, insurance and taxes, do housework or take care of chu> when the same were due and payable; dren; by the hour, day or week. In- and whereas, the same have remained ]uire 1974 red, unpaid for a period of more than thirty days, whereby and on account whereof, and pursuant to the proviFor $10.00 per year. sions of said mortgage, the said molt* gagee elects to and hereby does de» Will cover suit up to $10,000 dare the said principal sum together ORDER OF PUBLICATION with SU arrearages of interest, and fev State of Michigan—In the Circuit wjrsnce and taxes paid by said mortAs a result from the following hazards: Court for the County of Shiawassee. gagee upon said premises, due and In Chancery. payable forthwith. • HOUSEHOLD Marilyn Baumgras, Plaintiff And whereas, default has bean VS. • SPORTS made in- the payment of the money Stanley Baumgras, Defendant secured by said mortgage, whereby • ANIMAL At a session o* ***<* Court held at the power of sale contained therein the Court House in the City of Co- has become operative; • PREMISES runna in said County on the 15th day Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of said power of • FIREARMS of March A, D. 1949. Present: Honorable WiTiia L. Lyons, sale, and in pursuance thereof, and of the Statute in such case made and Circuit Judge. • PERSONAL ACTS OF CHILDREN, In this cause it appearing from the provided, the said mortgage win be affidavit for Order of Publication foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged ADlfLTS AND SERVANTS now en file that the .Defendant, Stan- premises by public vendue to the ley Baumgras, can not be found and highest bidder at the front door of the Watch out lor daily haaardi and ha sale that his present residence and where- Court Bouse in the City of Corunna, abouts are unknown, and that it can Shiawassee County, Michigan, that not be ascertained in what stats or being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said county, on the 25th county said Defendant resides; day of June, A. D.? 1949, at ten Let u s explain it t o y o u . Therefore, on motion of Donald H o'clock m the forenoon of said day; Smith, Attorney for Plaintiff, It Is the description of which said pre* Ordered that the Defendant, Stanley mises contained in said mortgage and Baumgras, cause his appearance t o which wrU be sold as aforesaid is as be entered herein wfthin three months follows: from the date of this order and* te AH that certain piece or parcel ef case of his appearance that he cants land situated and being in the townhis answer to the Plaintiff's Bill of ship of Burns, County of Shiawassee Complaint to be filed, and a copy and State of Michigan, described as thereof to be served on said Plain* follows: 405 West Corunna Ave. Phone 1392 Black thTs attorney within fifteen days afA piece of land on Section Six, ta ter service on her of a copy of said township Five North, of Range Four bin and notice of this order; and that East, bounded on the North and West fn default thereof said bffl be taken by the Shiawassee River, and on the "PROTECTION WITH SERVICE" as confessed by the said Defendant. Bast by the Section line between see. And it is further Ordered, that tJons five and six, on the south by the within forty days the said Plaintiff highway, being fractional lot Number shall cause notice of this order to be Four of the Government Survey, COD? published in The Corunna News, P taming 16.60 acres of land; newspaper printed, published and cirAlso, sometimes described as foL culated In said County, and that such tows: Land situated In the Township nublication be continued therein a* of Burns, County of Shiawassee Stats P r e s c r i p t i o n filling is a j o b w e l i k e t o d o . It b least once in each week for six weeks >t Michigan, described as follows, to» in sucession, or that he cause a copy wit: A piece of land in the South part good to k n o w that w e can bo o l service w h e n y o u of this order to be personally served of the Northeast Quarter of Section on said Defendant at least twenty i Six, in Town Five North, of Range need us. Your pharmacist stands at t h e doctor's right days before the time above prescribed P o u r E " t , bounded on the North and West by the Shiawassee River, for her appearance. East by the Section line between SecWillis L. Lyons, h a n d , a n d t o g e t h e r h e l p in t h e i m p o r t a n t j o b o l tions Five and Six, and South by the Circuit Jud?e highway, containing Twenty acres* keeping you well. Countersigned: Sherman E. Welch more or less; Clerk. Also, described as: Commencing at 8-17.49 6-5-49 the Intersection of the North eighth line and East Section Una, thence West to Shiawassee ORDER OF PUBLICATION hence Northerly and Easterly STATE OF MICHIGAN — The river to East Section line, Probate Court for the ' County of South to beginning, being Lot Shiawassee. <4) of Government Survey. — Cleanup — Paint up — Fk up — At a session of the Probate Court 1 ^ ^ . ^ ! ^ " ^ " * ™ " for said County, held at the Probate J 1 **" 5 ' M a r c h **' 1 9 4 * During CLEAN-UP WEEK office, in the city of Corunna, on Michael Carland, Attorney for Mart* gagee. Wednesday the 23rd day of March in the yoar of one thousand nine nun- Business Address: 203-4 Owosso Savings Bank Bldg, Owosso, jdred and forty-nine. Michigan Present, ROY D. MATTHEWS, 301 N. Shiawassee St. Phone 1424 The Old Corunna State Bank, a Mich* Judge of Probate. lgan Banking Corporation, of In the Matter of the Estate of Michigan Frederick Edward Decker, Deceaaed.3-31-Corunna, 49—6-23.49 Instruction Business Service Male Help Wanted ARE YOU THE MAN? Wanted The Family Liability Legal Notices with th. EMMCO PLAN Peterson-Taphouse Insurance Agency The Corunna Drug WALT TOWNSEND, Druggist JANETTE MUZZY, Prop. CORUNNA, MICHIGAN I NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT A special meeting of Corunna Chap- members of the James Kerwin family ter No. 200 O. EL S. was held in Mas- of Dearborn. onic Temple last night, Wednesday, Miss Joan Coutts was at home from for the initiation, of two candidate* school at Albion for the Easter week into the order. end. Tonight, Thursday evening, Family This is the year for the Corunna Night is being observed in the First High Alumni Banquet. Don't forget Methodist church of Corunna, open- it and be sure to plan to attend. ing with dinner at 6:30 o'clock. The Five Shiawassee County people district Superintendent, Rev. Dr. were slated to be in Lansing yesterKlontz with Mrs. KlonU, are to be day (Wednesday) to attend a hearing guests, with Dr. Klontz the evening's on pending bills which call for more speaker. state and local health departments. Guests for the Easter week end in Expected to attend from here were the Fred Bitter Sr. home on Mack Supr. James Middaugh of Sciota St., west, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Township, chairman- of the Board of Bitter and three children of Corunna, Supervisors, former chairman of the Mr and Mrs. Fred Hitter Jr., and Board's Health and Hospital Comdaughter of Kalkaska, Mr. and Mrs. mittee and one of the organizers of James Fitzpatrick and three child- the Citizens Committee of 100. / t o o ren, and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mc-j attending were the present members Bride and daughter, of Corunna and ! of the Board's health committee, j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cavanaugh of i Supervisors A. D. Lamb of Durand. South Bend, Ind. The young son of William Duncanson rf Byron and the Jack Bitter's, Jack Jr., was James Shippee of Owosso, and lucky enough to have his birthday oc- A. B. Mitchell, new director of cur on Easter Sunday, and it was county health department, celebrated by the family gathering.! ^ Bulemore of Venice township Easter week end guests of Mr. and j sported M of pneumonia In Mem. Mrs. Edgar Brown were the Wm, orial Hospital to now convalescent Cramers of Detroit. in the home of his daughter. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wood, daugh- Marjorie Lashaway, of Corunna. ter and son, . - „ were «• here ,. from ^ Detroit, ». i Guests for the Easter holiday of guests of Mrs Wood's mother, M r s . | M p ^ M r $ ^ ^ ^ 0o&ley^ni E. E. Durham from Wednesday thru ^ ^ . ^^ tYaven Mr Mre the Easter week end. of Traverse City and onald Craven Guests of Mrs. Walter Brady of of Sears. Callers in the Cooley home Corunna Ave.-; and Mr. and Mrs. Don on Easter day were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brady of Mack St., west, f<* the A d e 0 f tnirand and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easter week end were Mr. and Mrs Craven of Cwosso. Paul Gaboury and two sons of Flat The Corunna Extension Club met Rock. . on Monday afternoon with Mrs. John J The News family is In receipt of an Easter message from Miss Irene Clebo, of Owosso. Mrs. Bert Lemunyon, of Owosso Hume at 3301 Hollydale Drive, Los Angeles, CaL Miss Hume hopes to Rural Route 3, is reported as convalvisit her many Corunna and Cwosso escent from a recent operation performed in Memorial Hospital. friends this summer* Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashford of A card comes to us from Orlando, Florida, where Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bancroft have announced the engageWarner have been spending a part ment of their daughter Nancy to of their wonderful Florida vacation. Bernard Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. They are including a visit to Wash- Ben Hansen of Owosso. The wedington D. C , in their plans before ding date Is set for May. The brideto-be — Miss Nancy — Is a grandreturning home. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred GilNew officers of the Vernon W S. bert of East Mack S t , Corunna. C S. are President — Mrs. DahfO Miss Nan Kribs was at home from Baumgardner; Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Marks; Secretary, Mrs. £ a y Albion College to spend the Easter Barnum; Treasurer Mrs. John Wig* week end. gins. The Easton W.C.T.17. met yesterMr. and Mrs. Tremayne Stewart are day, April 20, with Mrs. Mildred the parents of a daughter born, re- Conklin. The program leader for the cently at Memorial Hospital. day was Mrs. Philip Holzhausen. Mrs Maud Waldo^^rother of Mrs. Mrs. C. E. Withington, who has H. Bush Moore, who has been Hi and many friends in her former home of confined to Memorial Hospital for Corunna, is again in her Owosso real* the past five or six weeks, continues dence after a visit in the home of about the same. her daughter in Jackson. Guests during the Easter week end A son was born recently at Mem. in the Dr. J. M. Oswald home here, orial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. G*o. and with relatives in Owosso, were Nequist, Corunna route 2. O. H. GEIB mmm^^mm PHONE I B S I _/_ *1 •1 l The Corunna News, Corunna Michigea V*m* 6 man, Donny Marsh, Maxine Tobey daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. and Kathleen Plashik. Sharon Tobey Claud Pardonnet and family. joined the Church as a full member. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Burr Doten and three children were Easter day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Green of Cartand. Mrs. -Say Bonham has been called Mrs, * * a r a j s Seoul Scribe Reports Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tobey were for jury duty. Cortcspoedsat Cub Scout Den Two met Thursday Easter day guests of her parents Mr. Little Ralph Klint is still quite sick, afternoon with Mrs. McCaslin, and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bates and and Mrs Oren Wallace. tho he is'reported to be better. Children spent the week end in Carwent in a group to meet with Mrs. Mr. David Kurrle returned to his thage, Indiana visiting relatives. Measles is just about the most Gayle Jones, Mrs. Jones- being ashome here after spending the past Mr. Wm. McCaslin was very HI popular indoor sport in Vernon these sistant Den Mother. week in Pontiac with his daughter, last week with hives of the mouth days. Tho it is of the light variety, The meeting was opened with the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartz. it still is very uncomfortable, and Pledge to the flag and the Ben yell. and throat. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Pearsall were Miss Dolores Davis is spending a most of the '"young fry" are having Various plans were discussed as to Easter day guests of Mr. and Mrs. or have already had it. week of spring vacation at home. what to make for the month's work. Ramoria Fuja is prolonging her vaMrs. McCaslin read an Easter Howard Tobey. " — ~ ^ T Mrs; Berth* Shaw of Chatham, cation another week, before returnstory. Very good refreshments were ing to her studies in Chicago, because Easter Observed in served by Mrs. Jones and wr> all gave Ont. spent the week end with her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Eaof a bad cold. her the Handclasp. The Vernon Kings Daughters will Methodist Church Signed, Keeper of the Buckskin rner Rogers and other relatives here. Miss Shirley Bosserdet daughter of The Methodist Church was filled to meet with Mrs. Fay Pratt, April 22 Mr and Mrs. Glen Bosserdet is slowat one o'clock for a Silver Tea. Every;. capacity, Easter Sunday for the fesVernon Methodists ly improving after being seriously ill tival morning service. Special music one is asked to come. with the measles and bronchitis toMr. and Mrs. Cyril Porter and was presented by the three choirs. Elect New Off'cers Rev. Homer Van Buren gave a gether. grandchildren spent Easter in Ohio, , Officers recently elected by the splendid Easter message and the pro. The Working Up Class of the Mrs. L. M. Seavy, Wm. Robinson, Methodist Congregation at Vernon Mrs. Richard Fruehaiif and the two gram of the service was as follows: are: Trustees, Ray Byington and Northwest Venice Church met Tuesboys went to Manistee to spend Eas- Prelude, Kay Marsh, processional, the Earl Baumgardner: stewards, Mr. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenter with Mr. and Mrs. Wm R. Mc- combined choirs; call to worship by and Mrs. Dan Baumgardner. Mr. and neth Tobey. Thirteen being present. Willimer. ) the pastor, Easter salutation, com- Mrs. Harold Pasen, Mr. and Mrs. The evening was spent in playing Mrs. Bertha M. Kolb from Manis-j bined choirs, "He lives", Sacrament Merl Byington, Mr and Mrs. Clyae games and a short meeting which tee is visiting her sister Mrs. L. M.ij of Baptism and Reception of new Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Tobey, Mr. and consisted of an staging choruses and members; anthem, "Over the Hills of Seavy this week. Mrs. Clayton Conrad, Fred Marsh. Kenneth Tobey read a fcible story and Morning" by the choristers, Scripture Light re. Mrs. Black, of Albion is visiting at & e close Charles Hoffman, Ray Conrad, Mrs. Mrs. Tobey offered prayer. Reading and Pastoral Prayer; Anfreshment were served this week with her daughter Clara them, "The Holy City", combined William Sherman, Mrs. B. C. Hopkins. of the meeting. and Sherman and family. choirs, song, "Our Happy Choice", Mrs. Williara Dennison, Mrs. Martha Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lecureux Mrs, Carol Holechek is 01 with Sunshine Choir; Sermon, the Rev. Van Alstine, Mrs. George Luchenbil. *m Walter spent Easter Sunday in pneumonia. Also on the list of sick Van Buren, Anthem, "God the AllCommittees are: Membership, Mrs.:Royal Oak visiting his aunt and folks, is Mrs. Wally Adams who is Glorious", choristers, and the adult Van AJstine Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conrad uncle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Darch. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins; finance, Earl and Mrs. Darch have a new baby boy ill in her home. choir recessional. Baumgardner, Charles Hoffman, j about a month old. Mrs. Darch is Mrs. Matterson's sister is visiting Preparatory members that joined Clayton Conrad, Ray Byington, Wtl- formerly Miss Hazel Pardonnet her from New York State. the church, Easter Sunday were CarMrs. Lowell Wallace from Ypsilan- ol Ade, Janet Ashley, Sharon Ban- liam Sherman and John Wiggins, plus daughter of Mr. Henry Pardonnet. —»V ti is visiting her daughter. croft, Roger Frederick, Larry Hoff- church treasurer and WSCS president; nomination, Clayton conrad; auditing, Charles Hoffman and Zay Barnum? records, Mrs. William SherMrs. Gerald-Batcher man and Mrs. Martha Van Alstine: Correspoadeat hospital and homes, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Bernard Butcher and two Mrs. Barnum, Mrs. E. Baumgardner; church board of educat'on, Mrs. Nel- children spent Wednesday afternoon son, Mrs. William Dennisoru Mrs. in St. Charles, guests of Mrs. Robert Hopkins, Mrs. Merl Byington, Mrs. Crampton and cWldren. The occasion Dan Baumgardner; mtssons and was the third birthday of Kay Yes—neglect of wood and metal surfaces church extension, Mrs. Ray Byington, Crampton. results in rot and decay . . . and expenMrs. S. R. Marks and benevolence Miss Marion Nevins arrived home sive repair and replacement bills. These treasurer; membership and exangel- from Central Michigan College, Mt. expenses an avoidable—if you protect Ism. S. R. Marks, Rex Byington. Mrs. pleasant to spend the next ten days your home with David Bushman, and Ray Conrad; with her mother, Mrs. Muriel Nevins. stewardship, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Net-, She i spreparlng to be a rural teacher son, Mr. and Mrs. William Sherman. and is taking practice teaching at the Temperance, Clayton Conrad, Fred Wukinson school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otter Starbuck Marsh and Mrs. Hopkins; music, Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Mrs. WUUam Den- Sunday dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. nison, Mrs. Ray Byington and Kay William Jones and daughters of CoMarsh; parsonage, Mrs. Charles Hoff- runna. mmmmmmm man, Charles Marks and GeorgeLuchMr. and Mr* O. C. Kettler and enbill; world peace, Mrs. Ray Conrad, enfdren Gordon and Unda of F'lnt, Mode right to stay whfrs Mrs. Hopkins, and Ray Byington; Mr. and Mrs. Ruscel Jenkinson and good literature, Mrs. Earl Baumgard- S children were Sunday dinner guests ner, Mrs. Merl Byington; policy, of their mother, Mrs. Edith JenkinCharles Hoffman. Clyde Nelson, and son of Owosso. The occasion ln Mrs. Charles Marks; lay leader, Merl celebration of the birthdays af Linda Byington; church school superintend- and Russet Jenkinson. ent, David Bushman; financial secreLeon t-undle of Owosso spent the tary, John Wiggins; benovelence | week end with Wayne Cram, Every rain helps keep it treasurer, Rex Byington; recording. Mrs. Kearney Riley and two childdean! Let us tell you bow steward, Mrs. Ivan Tobey; commun-' ren, Mary Marjorie and Jack are its "self-cleaning" acion stewards, Mrs. Clayton Conrad | spending a few days with her parents, tion keeps your and Mrs. George JLuchenbill. f l i t rvtf, rot, and 4»tm f Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cram. Mrs. home sparkling if Ate* avaiUW* 1« James Riley returned with them from *White. Detroit to her home here after spend. Ing several days there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Desborough and daughter Jane, Mr. and Mrs. OrMrs. Howard Tobey ville Cram and daughter Joyce, Mr. Correspondent Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson and Mrs. Al- and Mrs. Lloyd Matthews and Mrs. ton Sanderson were in Bay City Leah Brodsyk all attended the wedThursday to spend the day with, their' ding of Hartey Davis and Viola Drew Aunt and sister, Mrs. Lura Poyer. jin the Methodist church of St. Johns, Mrs. Sarah Warner and sister Mrs. j Sunday. Myrtle Smith left Saturday for ai M r . and Mrs. Tom Hart of Dearweeks visit with Mrs, Warner daugh-1 ^ ^ w e r e Saturday over-night guests ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mike Schultz of Momence, HI. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sawer and son LaVern of Oakley were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sander- Davis-Drew Nuptials son and family. Repeated Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hofacker of In St. Johns Sunday afternoon at a Owosso were Sunday guests of tb*ir beautifully planned Church wedding, daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Hariey A. Davis son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Seward and daughter. Clarence I* Davis, of New Haven Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Woodworth Township, took as his bride Miss Vioand son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. George la Ethel Drew, daughter of Mr. and GUL Mrs. Roy Kincaid all of Owosso Mrs. John Drew of St. Johns. The were Easter day guests of Mr. and ceremony was performed at the First Methodist Church, by Rev. E. Price. Mrs. Floyd Galloway. The bride's beautiful costume was Mrs. Ada Dee went to Flint Sunday to spend several days with her of white satin made in the mode of Vernon News- New Haven Vt always costs more Thursday April 21 13*9 usums^sssSmi fitted bodice, long sleeves with the skirt draped with net and fsJUn? into a train. Her veil fell froin a pearl tiara and she carried a white satin prayer book, topped with a white orchid. She wore the groom's gift — a single strand of pearls; Matron of honor was Mrs. John A. Petterson of St. Johns, cousin of the bride, and the bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Davis of New Haven Town, ship, sister of the groom, Arnold Godby of Flint, with whom the groom served on the same Naval ship during the war, was the best man. George Davis of New Haven Township, brother of the groom, and Gordon Drew of Dewitt, brother of the bride, seated the guests. Flower girl was Vanda Lee Drew. Mrs. A, T. AJlaby was organist and Miss Patricia Niergarth*was the soloist. Following the ceremony a reception for 200 guests was held, friends and relatives coming from Owosso, Flint, New Lothrop, Detroit, Jackson, St. Johns, Swarts Creek, Corunna, Eureka, Palo, Bannister, Lansing, Ashley, and Lennon. The young couple on their return from their honeymoon will make their I -sssfles 1^*" home in Owosso. frfiiing « a y t _ - How should rayon be irOnetf m it won't get that ahincy lock? Rayons should be rolled in a tuff* kish towel to eliminate excess moisiure; then hang them on a hangar until dry enough to iron. Iron on the wrong side with a moderate iron. Remember, water spots rayon so don't let it dry completely and then have to sprinkle it. Get Rid of WINTER HANGOVER With a Shell Change-Over Fights Acid Action QuaUgttetl CLARENCE MUZZY, Prof*. M-21 at Corunna RsL ALL SERVICE GARAGE Tour PLAY BOY Dealer Service on all Makes of Cars At reasonable prices. We use att GENUINE PARTS Our Workmanship GUARANTEED By 25 Years of Experience Bumping and Painting H. R. Harmon and Carl O. Wagoner VERNON, MICHIGAN ]%eu>s Ads Cost Less, Pay More M l PONT PAINTS i i PONT HOUSE PAINT Cleaasitse/f! Kerby News Corunna Lumber and thkhu CE General E Insurance 233½ N. SHIA. AVE. CORUNNA Phone 1335 Coal Company The « Quality PHONE 1462 Store FREE DELIVERY 1903 Corunna Avenue Beer and Wine to Take Out MARSH&MONUMENT CO. Pkoo» 161, r Mich. 2ftCan~97c . . . We Can't Help You HUNGRY? 0 IERRL 8E R V I 6 E •sjpsssa We'll Take that back, Sure We can help yon—Come In, take the load off your Feet and Fill up with one of our Delicious Meals. CORUNNA RESTAURANT 8 BAKERY Hours: 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. Every Day except Sunday Groceries ORTUA Do Your Feet Hurt? I Let Us Help You . . . In your hour of need our every faepity i* at your disposal. The beauty in every detail of our terries is an inspiration. Your burden of sorrow will be lightened. Peace and hope will make your temporary parting much easier. Kribs Funeral Home Phone 6 Corunne Ave. 1 lb Can — 54c Corunna KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, I*, fan*, size . QUAKER OATS, Quick or res;. Urge pkg. „__ GERBER BABY FOOD, 3 cans AUNT JANES PEANUT BUTTER, 16 ox. jar „ COUSINS DOG FOOD, 3 cans __ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PASCAL CELERY, large bunch CALIFORNIA ORANGES, dozen 18c 35c 25c 25c 25c 19c 49c EXTRA SPECIAL PERK GRANULATED SOAP, 2 Ig pkg* 43c CHIFFON SOAP FLAKE. 1 Ig. pkg 29c 1 reg. pkg. 5c — both for 34c Thursday April 21 1949 The Corunna News, Conmna Michigan MEW LOTHROP NEWS • Clmkck TUws <?| This Qua MINISTERS: Please have jour church an»<Hmeements ia oar office not later than Tuesday af leriioua preceding date of publication and this will help jf to serve you better. CORUNNA FIRST METHODIST Rev. J. H. James, Pastor. Morning Worship — 10:30 a.m. junior Church — 10:30 a.m. Sunday School •—• 11:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship--6:45 p.m. Evening Service — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday* Midweek Prayer and Praise —7:30 p.m. FREES METHODIST Rev. L. A. Scofleld, Pastor 10 :00 a m . — Sunday school 11:00 am. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. — praise service 8:00 p.m. Preaching Mid-week prayer and praise service on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. BAPTIST Rev. C O . Drake, Pastor Messing Service — 10:00 A- M. Sunday School — 11:00 A, M. METHODIST CHURCH Lawrence Worth, Paster Sunday Sermon: The Royal Word. Services: Wednesday, April 13, at 8 p Jn.t Lenton Service, Thursday, April 14, Holy Communion. Good Friday — 2 to 3 o'clock In the afternoon. NAZARENB CHURCH Rev. L. A. Wilson, Pastor Sunday School 10:00. Worship Service 11:00. Tooth Service 7:00 p. m. Bvaogehstic Service 7:46 p. m. NEW LOTHROP METHODIST CHURCH Rev. B. J. Holcomh, Pastor Church Service 10:00. Sunday School 11:15 VERNON Community Congregational Church Rev. A. W. Kauffman, D. D., Minister 10:30 — Morning worship and sermon. Sermon subject: "As his Custom Was." Anthem by the choir. Mrs. Mary Ray, director. 11:30 —Church school. Mrs. Fred Eberly, superintendent. 7:30 — Pilgrim Fellowship meeting for young people. NEW HAVEN METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Homer Van Buren, pastor 11:00 A. M. — Church School. 11:45 A, M. — Worship. 8:00 P. M. — Youth Fellowship. 24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Kuchar's Garage Phone 10 or 25-F-2 SHARE'S NEW FUNERAL HOME WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR CALL Ambulance Service New Lothrop, Michigan WATER MAID RICE 2!b Cello bag 4 Rolls JUDDViLLE EVANGELICAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. U. G. Ostrander, Pastor Rev. Paul S. Thomas, Pastor Morning Worship at 10. Pastor's Sunday School 10 a. m. j subject "Be Filled With the Spirit" Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Special music by chorus choir. Young People's Meeting 7:30 p. m. Bible school at 11. Christian Guild 7:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship at 7:30. 8:15 Evening Preuching Prayer Service Thursday evening at 7:30. VENICE CENTER CHARMIN TISSUE - PURE EGG NOODLES 1 lb package Phone 87 Shown in the picture are members of the cast of "One Mad Night." Standing, Ralph Town, Ross McKone Albert Valasek, Gaylord Jacobs. Seated, Lucile Huey and Susie Raleigh. • • • • Students Present 'One Mad Night' The seniors and juniors of New j Lothrop High School will join forces j on Frida and Saturday nights, April', 22 and 23, to present their annual play "One Mad Night' in the school Miss Shirley Lewis study hall at 8:15. Correspondent In the cast are the following: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huey and son Gaylord Jacobs, "Don Cutter, a Richard of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. young playwright"; Bryan Raleigh, Sam Kuchar and family of Owosso. "Wing, his Chinese valet"; Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKone of Chmelar, \Priscilla, who knits"; BevLennon spent Sunday at the home of erly Waite, "Lady Macbeth, a vicMr. and Mrs. Elmer Huey. tim of Shakespeare"; Sam Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zendler and "John Alden, who hunts Indians"; daughter Diane of* Lansing, spent Ross McKone, "Mr. Hyde, a ferocious Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. villain"; Albert Valaaek, "Dr. Bunn, Alfred Zendler. who Is In charge"; Susie Raleigh, "LuMr. and Mrs. Olin Lewis and fam- cille Marcy, a lady in distress"; Luily spent the weekend at their cot- cile Huey, "Mrs. Kluck, the housetage on Londo Lake. keeper"; Betty Lavery, "Gertrude The Tip Top Extension Club will Finch, Don's fiancee"; Phyllis Mcmeet at the home of Mrs. Harvey Kone, "Mrs. finch, her mother"; Dustman on Tuesday evening April ghirtcy Lewis, "Depression, their col 26 at 8. The lesson on landscaping o r e d m a W r ; Richard Rose, "Artemus will be presented. Members are asked 3 u r j t e f a lawyer"; Ralph Town, "Danto bring table service ny SUetto, wanted for murder." The Easter Cantata "The First The story of the three-act mystery5 Easter was presented at the Naza- comedy is as follows; rene Church on Sunday morning. Sev- [ Don Cutter a playwright, accomeral quartet, trio< duet and solos panied by Wing, a Chinese valet, goes were presented. During the service ' to the Cutter mansion to complete 3 new members were admitted to • hi* latest play in peace and quiet. the church. The house has been deserte dfor years The Neighborhood Card Club met a n d ^ s a i d t o ^ bunted. Imagine on Saturday evening at the home of V)on,a astonishment when he finds the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beardstee. Five house tenanted by a number of lunatables of double1 king pedro were tics under the care of Dr. Bunn. From played, prizes being won by Mm. this point on, everything happens— Dawson Walworth and Rowland Al- 'including talking ghosts, screaming len. Lunch was served later by the | women, disappearing guests, and for | a climax, the appearance on the scene Free shows will begin In New Loth- ^ m escaped murderer fleeing for rop on Tuesday evening. May 10. his life. Mr. and Mrs. HoDis Lee and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Confer attended the John Tomacek Dies wedding of their nephew Hariey, Davis Sunday. They were married \ n F H l l t M o n d a y at St. Johns. . John J. Tomacek aged 46, resident — •" of New Lothrop until four years ago, met a tragic death Monday while at Try a Classified Ad for Results his work in Fisher* Body Plant 1, Flint. He was caught in the drill press which he was operating and instantly killed. He was born in what Is now Czechoslovakia Decemebr 20, 1002, and came to the United States in childhood. He was a member of the ZCBJ Lodge and the Sacred Heart Catholic Parish. He had been employed at Fisher Body for the past 18 years. Funeral services for Mr. Tomacek are to be held today. Thursday, at Sacred Heart Church in Flint, Rev. GREAT NORTHERN BEANS 29c 2 ft Cello Bag 35c 125 foot roll VALASEK IMPLEMENT CO. MEW LOTHROP, MICHIGAN VoursOnly i n V j O H N DEEI7E PLOW C HICK STARTER _ 25c Chicks grow faster, stronger, healthier on a carefully BALANCED ration of needed proteins, minerals and vitamins . • , soon start making money for you. SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR Box — ._ 39c Arcady Chick Starter is an economical way to give your chicks these vital food elements. Our stock of £rcadv Chick Starter is plentiful. Get a supply NOW! ; Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Foods Processed for Home Locker CLIFFORD CONFER Every way you look at it, John Deere Trms$-Frmm* plow design gaves you the most ia plow value. 3 c gives you shock resistance. Truss-Frame design tends to eonsUte the shocks of hard work over the entire n a m e . Y o o get greater strength. Most parts are heat-treated for extreme toughness aqd long life under severe conditions. In addition traSs-frame design opens up the whole plow frame to give you the greater clearance you need. Add to these advantages the genuine John Deere plow bottoms, famous the world over for clean scouring, light draft and good pulverizing. Then you'll know why we s a y . . . « John Deere Tmst-Frsme Tractor Plow is just the kind of plow yon need for long* hsrd plowing service. See as for complete details the next time you're in town. We Kenne Dead Auttb WAX PAPER NEW LOTHROP, MICHIGAN your*In LOCALS 33c 25c CapCtol Theater Coming to the Capitol Sunday, Mondav and Tuesday, 'Yellow Sky" with Gregory Peck and Anne Baxter, .__ ^.-^a story of seven desperate outlaws John A. Blasco officiating with bur- w h o stumble against a cache of gold ial in Grace Lawn Cemetery. The and a pretty girl; tense drama. Also I rosary was recited Wednesday at the late newa-and selected short subjects. Monday night Guest Feature, Rob: Tomacek residence, *772 S3. Pierson ert Young and Maureen O'Hara in i Road. i Mr. Tomacek is survived by liis "Sitting Pretty.-' i widow — Mrs. Katharine Tomacek; -Wed., and Thurs., "Return of Octtwo daughters — Mrs. Henry Krap_ ober" with Glenn Ford and Terry ! ek of Corunna and Mrs. Edwin Hers- Moore, romantic technicolor comedy. , hon of Flint; two grandchildren; and Also selected short subjects. two sisters and a brother in CzechoFri., and Sat., "The Sun Comes Up" ! Slovakia. starring Janette McDonald and Claude Jarman with Lassis. Technicolor Classic. News and shore subjects. Science Lie!'.s **—ms The oniy commercial airline with full airborne radar, Peruvian' Interratioral Airways - ''sports 'his . l»airy Cattle /tuion navigational aid enables pilots to Good Quality hay is Ir.e basis for detect and avoid storms as much the dairy cattle ration and should as 50 mile?- away be fed liher^'v Ministers I Please be Prompt a n d r e g u l a r in b r i n g i n g i r your church notices. — The Publisher' LENNON Page Seve* *•« MICHIGAN HYBRID SEED CORN — $8,00 Boats! Huroc Portland Consent GRASS SEED • • • m fALLET CHEMICAL CO. New Lothrop Elevator Now Lothrop, Mick. ! ByM"^"11;1"." '"•• •. 'i .11.'»»,. |i>., ..\t in. i ; j | j i p | y y p ^ i M w ^ f f , 1 myiu'iyii' ywn »i ,m mmm** SStBB MHOK w : ; , ' <•- ¥* 4 •n* sraaasBM Thursday April 21 1949 The Corunna N*ws, Corunaa, Michigan "Hge Eight Mrs. Charles Kurney and Mrs. Emma Creek diamond. Atr Express lee Cream u* ScutUud Approximately 20 per cent/ of all Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Beiiew called Kurney were Mr. and Mrs. George In Scotland, "ice cream" is made on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stanick in Rigoulet of Caledonia Twp., Mr. and by boiling for 30 to 60 minutes a air express traffk either originates Mrs, Hoyt Beiiew mixture of miik, sugar and corn at or Ls delivered to 22,000 off-airMrs. Verne Hopson. Mrs. Mary HopFlint last Saturday afternoon. Correspondent A large congregation attended the flour. This mixture is allowed to line cities and towns and, thereson, Mrs. Bather Warner and daughMr* George Johnson, spent last The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Easter Service at the Juddville Meth- cool and is then frozen to a semi- fore, is handled in combined air and Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. ter Carol and Gordon Parkinson all Harold Sunde have been ill with the rail express service. odist Church and heard . the sermon solid consistency. of Owosso. . - , , Shirley Barlow in Vernon. measles. 'The Resurrection, Here and Now" Mr. and Mrs. Burton Reid and famThe JuddvUle Extension Club will by the Rev. Wm. Combellack. FolMr. and Mrs. Harry Brant from flushing visited with Mr. and Mrs. ily, and Emmett Atkinson spent Eas- meet Tuesday, April 26th at the home lowing the sermon a number of adter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Mrs. Charles White. Aco-opera- ults and children received the rites Wilbur Brant one day this week, Reid. tive dinner will be served at 12:30. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Han from of baptism and receptions of memMrs. Lizzie Phelps, Edna Phelps, North State Road called on^the BeMiss Shirley Bosserdet, daughter bers into the Church. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Phelps and Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bosserdet, is retlcws last Friday. Immediately following the worship and Mrs, Ford Ashelman from Mid- covering from a. serious illness of Little Johnnie (Butch) Michalo! service the choir rendered an Easter Visited Venice Center school on Tues. i land spent Easter Sunday with Mr. bronchites and measles. program 'The First Easter" with day of this week. Butch is a student and Mrs. Roland Allen and family Misses Gene and Kay Parkinson Mrs. James Knox as pianist and Miss near JuddvJJle. St. PauTs school in Owosso. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Call DUTCHER-GRIFFIN for complete Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Phelps went Parkinson, are recovering from the Joyce Brooks as reader. Mrs. ThomBaseball practice for the Lennon as Warren of Asbury College also smelt fishing last Thursday night. measles. team Friday afternoon on the LenInsurance Service gave remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost, Mr. and non ball diamond. Come on boys! Mrs. Wm. B. Jacobs, Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. Frank Frost, their mother, and Let's get in shape. Diffin and daughter Virginia and Mrs. cousin—William Frost went fishing This community extends its Sincere in Pine River a short time ago and Bryce Jacobs and daughter Sylvia were wallers Sunddy afternoon of Mrs. sympathy to Mrs. Henry Krapek in returned with ^ big mess of fish. Th&nks to three "smelt dippers arid Blanche Jacobs . and daughter in their wives" who were at Singing the loss of her father, Mr. John J. Johnny Frost and his family; His Tomecek, age 46, of Flint, formerly brother, William; and Mr. and Mrs. Owosso. Bridge, south of Tawas, Saturday Of New Lbthrop. Mr. Tomecek was Frank Frost were Easter Sunday dinMr. and Mrs. Floyd Warner were night, and Sunday, 300 lbs. of smelt Instantly killed in an accident at the ner guests in the home of Mr. and dinner guests Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. were available for the smelt supper Fisher Body plant in Flint Monday, Mrs. Ed Frost and His mother. Don Anderson of Owosso. put on by the Shiawassee Dog and when he was caught in the drill press A 4.H Club meeting will be held Gun Club last night, Wednesday at he was operating. Tuesday evening April 26th at the the Club House. Those who were so Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stehlik. Clyde home of Clyde Allen at 8 o'clock. AH successful there, were Mr. and Mrs. 0Utton, and R. J. Harktns and wives boys between the ages of 10-18 years Frank Stehlik, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wefe *t Tawas over Saturday and who are interested are invited. Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. HarMrs. Grace Crowe Sunday smelt fishing. About 300 lbs. ktns. The proceeds of the supper are Correspondent Phone 24-F-l 1 New Lothrop pt smelt were dipped and brought to be added to the club's building Mr and Mrs. Edward Allen were fund TRY A CLASSIFIED Easter Day dinntfr guests of her parTh* Wilbur Brants and Erwin WarLIMA BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans 27c were smelt fishing durin gthe ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith of CATSUP, 2 14 ox. bottles _„ 33c Flushing. week. JELLO, 3 package* 25c Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoddard of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Reid and Mr. SWEETENED ORANGE JUICE, (large can) -33c and Mrs. Hoyt Beiiew attended the Benton Harbor and Robert Snyder of FRESH EGGS, per dozen .. 45c • toftball dance at the Lennon Commu- Lake Fenton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder. FARMER PEETS LARGE BOLOGNA . lb 39c nity Hall last Saturday night. The Womens Christian Temperance BEEF ROASTS lb 47c Mrs. Nellie Krantz was injured Union met at the home of Mrs. Geo. slightly due to the steering wheel TRY OUR DELICIOUS TENDER GRADE A STEAK breaking and running her car into a Stanhope Wednesday. 2 M i l e * Eaet of Owoeeo on ftf-2* Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walworth of ditch after breaking a couple of posts WE GIVE G & G TRADING STAMPS and coming to rest against a fence. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Diffin and The car was damaged considerably. This happened near her home on the daughter spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. Wm. B. Jacobs. Lennon Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Behrens were Mrs. Louis Lorincz and Mrs. Burton dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Reid went to a pink and blue shower Wm. Behrens, of Owosso. Friday evening in the home of Mrs. Gordon Parkinson of Owosso is Clyde Rainey in Lennon, given ay spending his Easter vacation with Mr. relatives of Mr. Rainey. The Lennon Baseball {team will and Mrs. Charles Kurney. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. play a practice game with Swart* Creek Sunday April 24 at the Swartx Mack Knox were Mrs. LLUie Wheeler of Dugger, Indiana, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Jones and Mr. and Mra Kermit Price and son of Flint and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watkins and daughter Ruth Ann and son Tommy of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watkins and son and daughter of Detroit were overnight guests Saturday of the Mack Knox family coming to attend the Claxton-Crowe wedding. ,.!Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Warner attended Amy way yoc look of ft... W* ford the Installation of Knight Templars Monday evening in Owosso. . . . flraf, pjocn cnW thowl Mrs. Elsie Allen is spending several days in Battle Creek assisting in Ask KM New York fashion Academy, They judged Ford t W the care of her daughter Mrs. Harold 'Fashion Cor of Sw Year." Ask your mechanic He'H t*8 you no Moore, who recently underwent an other ear in Ford's field offers you a choke of either new 100 tup. FOR 1948 ITS "WAYoperation. V-8 or 95 h.p. Six engines. Ask ony Ford owner. Hell rove about FLOWER" CHICKS » Mrs. Floyd Warner and Mrs. W. B. the "feeT of the level "MW Ship" Rd« in Ford's lower center section. > U. S. Ptillorum Controlled Jacobs on Monday afternoon Mrs. Big Church Attendance In JuddvjUe Easter VENICE CENTER Better To Have And Not Need Than Need And Not Have Dutcher-Griffin Insurance Agency CORUNNA Smelt Supper Held PHONE 1394 Black KNOX'S JUDDVILLE - JUDDVILLE Groceries Gas Meats "Where Friends Meet" n THE QUAKER Dancing Every Saturday Night HiCK CHICKw i » U. 5 . Approved Complete Poultry Service Michigan State HATCHERY f Lee H. J w u e n , Prop. Phone 44 Burke was in charge of the Beauty Demonstration. Light refreshments were served at the conclusion of the demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White and daughter Jane of Highland Park were week-end guests of Mr. and Mra Geo. Crowe and son, coming here to attend the Claxton-Crowe nuptials. Easter dinner guests of Mr. and FUR EVERY WORTHY PURPOSE/ LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR EVERY FINANCIAL NEED Whenever possible we*d like to be of financial aetfetance to yon. We make loan* Ior every worthy pvpoee and every loan request we receive ie ffvwti careful and confidential consideration. Let us help you with your money problems whenever the need arises. You'll like our friendly, prompt, and efficient way of doing * " jnpa (State ffiank Drive a cfessoMtrofor yourself, reel the MOQJC Action of Fords Wno-She trofcea. No oiler cor to Ford's field hot M y selfeneroJtJno. brokes for 35¾ easier stops, rear Fords Hydro*Cos reef the sosd ride of Fords nUfoQUOrd Body. Yove rores never beep so for oheod. Theft* a mywrfiitort Take the wheel... try the new FORD "FEEL" at your Font Dealer's! CORUNNA MICHIGAN E. W. Lewis TELEPHONE 1359 For Over 21 years Your County Seat Ford D«*»ler Personal £**i*0i«£ E. T. SIDNEY, Pre*. ft. D. Harmon, Cashier Ed, a Kay, Ass't Cashier Allan Sidney, Aas't Caahier Bernice Moore, Auditor :• rvtz" i1!"^?:?"' " "*fr-.; AWARDED THi FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS TK2 "FASI&::: VI C• " YI'T'- TTtarato April SI 1M* Vfc* (/. S. Army Sergeant Summer Pasture ia Befriends Crippled Good For Chicken* Plenty of poultry pasture la adOrphan Bay in China vocated by J. M, Moore, extension numbing Plumbing Fixture* Installed . COAL • OIL AND GAS FURNACES SPEBSQSA Attend th« Owosso Chapter** first festival of Barber S h o p Harmony this Saturday, April 23» Get your tickets from m e . ACE HEATING AND APPLIANCE A S A M, ELKINS, Prop. Ph. 3 7 8 Blue K i n , Conmnn Michigan 4 2 0 W . Oliver S t APRIL NANKING.—A soldier of the United States army advisory group in Nanking has befriended a onelagged Chinese boy and is paying for his schooling, according to a recant report in the Chinese press. He is Sergeant L. Beckwith, of the medical department, and the boy is Cha'en Ii-chang* w* >se father was, killed while gfafgn, the Japanese hi 1887. " ' Li*chang*<i mother Is believed to have perished . when Japanese bctnbing planes destroyed a refugee train In 1944. Ll-chang lost his leg in the raid. A passing American truck driver saw the boy lying by the roadside and brought him to the hospital. From then on the unit became his guard iajv Wearing a cut-down unip r m and traveling with his Aroeri•ar. protectors. Li-chang passed from city to city in China. And as bis various "fathers" left the unit, each in turn handed him over to another. He finally ended up as the charge of Sergeant Beckwith, a devout Christian and a former captain in the Salvation Army. The sergeant, speaking of th~ boy's upkeep, said: "The biggest expense, oddly, enough, is buying him shoes. Although Li-chang has only one leg I have to buy him shoes in pairs and as he is lively end his weight is all borne by one shoe it wears out twice as fast as a normal boy's. The sergeant recently asked LJchang if he would like to go to America. To his surprise the boy said he could not He was a Chinese he added, and wanted to live fat China all his life. li-chang said he wants to train as a doctor so that he can help his fellow countrymen as he has. been helped. Tfclif Steals Inventor's MMtvfjaiwte Betty Trap Flavor of t h e Month Chcrry-Pipeapple Delicious fruity ice c r e a m m a k e s a perfect topoffer to a perfect m e a t — Boxed Candies — Top Name Brands Anthony's Ice Cream LOS ANGELES, CALIF.—Ross E. Piper rigged up a complicated burglar booby trap in- his room with a system of photographic flash bulbs wireri to a radio'and an electric clock. They flashed when anybody opened his dresser drawer. He also smeared the drawer handles with a mixture of indelible pencil lead and He told police mat he found somebody had entered his room and used one of fete dean towels to wipe the sirup mixture off bis fingers. Pipe*, a reiJroed ruefully added that his contraption, but nothing else, lad I stolen. itvtstlgatars Ua—vtr Canadian Baby tolling ST JOHNS, N. B.-A baby buying and selling racket, so vast that its operations extended into the United States, has been uncovered— and at least temporarily put out of business — in the quiet Canadian province of New Brunswick. It hnu ;ht ba'ies from unwed mothers r i price- ranging from $H to $ion. ,,ru1 peddled them to anyone who could pay from $500 to $1,900 and not ask too many questions. Even married women are said to baVe sold their infants to. these merchants of infant flesh. One woman, according to police evidence, gave up a set of twins for a handful of cash. So well organized was the ring that it literally had "buyers" on the road. These "buyers" were women, too, and it was their job to contact potential baby sellers in the final stages of pregnancy. They would guarantee payment of maternity expenses, and a specific sum for the new-born baby. Not too much is known about the identities of the St. Johns bay traffickers, but the famed mounties of the Royal Canadian police force and the internationally celebrated American FBI are taking care of this angle. poultrymaa at Michigan State Col* lege, as a help in producing well, grown pullets for leas feed cost The pouitryman estimates that the poultry feed bill can be cut as much as 15 percent by the use of good pasture this summer. Dried grass has little value so the brooder house or summer shelter should be inoved two or three times during the range aea- DOWN 91 MONTHS TO PAY * fits this Hmt-sflvinfl, drodgsry-rttashif, FII6IDAIIE WASHER In your hont - I N YOUR OLD WASHER-ASK FOR ESTIMATE CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY CAMTAL IN THE WOODS' IN 1847 LEOilMO* WJUKOtt R * MONTHS m DETROIT TOOW0SI MtfHUNt 'x^Twmp OF /" LAffftfjo; A WILPMMBS V/ wffH A SAMMULAMp ONE LOG HOUSE. ID MEAHTHI l£G*UTn€ DEAfiLOCK, T1AE0 LAWMAKERS AGREED*' W NATUtfs SERVICE STATION: WAU0ON LAME, MtfTtf 0 AMP OREENCIAD H1U5 SOUTH OF POOiHlY. BOASTS CRYSTAL-OfAft MATES 50 PURE THAT 10CAL ISEStOENK USE IT IN THEM} AUTOHOBJlf 0ATOWCS. of the grass range it Important. A range wher* no enleJcfaa have been pastured for two years is described as "clean" m VlNTEft.AMAmRS RSH Fft0*t and Is generally free from psraettea TAftFAPW SHAJffiB 1MA0U6H THE ICE ON SAONW 6AY.WULE THEY CAR* !Wand disease germs. 6U$f*CTUI& BSH WITH H0CKUNE AND The type of grass should be such $f¥AR.03MHEaCML rKHERWi MAKE THE* that it is green and succulent during CATCHES WITH NETS SPREAD NEATH IKE ICE. July, August, and September. Often mowing the poultry range once or trice during these months will reVntOEMfSf wATERfAU: * sult In new growth starting. VMGM VOfi&Pi SttLUDt WMQUANENON Alfalfa and brome pasture has WU5, IN THE UPPEft PEMtNSUtA.rTIS proven to be one of the good poultry AXEtflSLE ONU BY TflEE^HAOEP TrV*S,Oft BY NAJtfK)v/-(MUGE JWb pastures. Since brome grass comes VAW ' f M M 500 JliNCnOw TO THE early m the season it forms a matted 8ANKS OF THE 1WOUANEN0N MVEKsod that provides Juicy forage and FAMOUS'GOtlTH STREAM Of LONGkeeps the young chickens off the aofl. FEUOwi H U W A T H A ' THEN I Y BOAT Alfalfa is good in the dry 10 THE WILLS! months when many grasses 40057- COUNOL MJ2 available. Importance of pastures for poultry and livestock win be featured at the Seats* for Grass Day programs which the ADVERTISEMENTS AND PRINTING SUPPLIES Michigan State College Cooperative Extension Service will sponsor during June, The events will be held ta REPORT OF CONDITION OF various sections of the state. Eav tension workers and county aejfeuV tttral agents will be on band at the day-long events to describe the latest methods of growing and utfflxtag of Oorunna, Michigan at the close of business April 11, 1949. a State bankgrass and legumes. ing institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this Eftate and a member of the Federal Reserve System, Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Resort Show Opens Reserve Bank of this District. The tourist and resort exhibit whfsh drew thousands of visitors hi JanuaryASSETS will be open to the public again April 23-30 on the campus of Michigan Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection $ 753,563.96 State College. C. A. Gunn of the agricultural engineering department United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed .. 2,325,986.55 93,076.1« said many tourist and resort oper- Obligations of States and political subdivisions 79,021.13 ators and Individuals bufldtng or fur- Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including $5,400.00 stock of Federal Reserve nishing private summer cottages conbank) 5,400.0« tinue to seek more taformetJon. 1,150,804.15 The exhibit I* la *V biniMiat af Loans and discounts (including $2,064.12 overdrafts owned $10,500.00, furniture and fixtures 1,000.00 11,500.00 agrlcaTttira' rfts^seerheg on •** south e»~wue ef TOTAL ASSETS 14,419^51.81 Starts Colle7* at INABILITIES A one-room cottage, corm'eteV' fhrtdatiBoTlA featured in the I'spfr Demand deposits of hidrviduals, partnerships, and corporations $l,031t206.8t This wee designed and built by MSC deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .. 2,641,534.66 specialists to illustrate some of th« D, ,-osi^a of United States Government (including postal savings) 17.088.4T planning principles that can be apDeposits of States and political subdivisions 463,^40.47 pfad in building new or remodeling Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc) 23,839.36 old tourist facilities. THE OLDCORUNNA STATE BANK Total Deposits Soil District Added Michigan's flfty.thlrd soil conservation district haa been established in St. Clair county according to Russ Bill, Michigan State College extension soil conservationist and secretary of the state soil conservation committee. Forty-six agricultural counties to Michigan are now included in soil conservation districts and organisation work is in progress in a number of areas. $4,177,309.84 Other liabilities 514.23 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) , ...;..' $4,177,824.07 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Surplus Undivided profits .....; , ,.' TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS , .$ 100,000.00 80,000.00 61,527.81 7 $ 241,527.81 TOTAL LIABILrTTES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ....$4,419,351.81 Common stock with total par value of $100,000.00 MEMORANDA AtfQw ICAN Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other nuxpoees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . ....$ Deposits of the State of Michigan (Included in Item 16) \ 70,000.06 3,297.04 L R. D. Harmon, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Now that the weather is clearing, and we're seeing the first signs of warm weather ahead, it is enjoyable to drive out of town 'to watch for birds, first hints of flowers and the budding trees. Everyone enjoys retting out in the Springtime — and so you can ex* pact to find more and more autossobiles on Michigan highway* daily* Maxleaa *taas Wtttr at U. S. Ovar Killing of Siak Cattle MEXICO CITY. — The cause of medicine in Mexico hai suffered a staggering setback as a result of the cattle-killing program. 'The gringos have slaughtered our animals," the natives cry. "Now they seek to destroy us." Nowhere is the depressing effect of this suspicion felt more keenly than at LaOireccion de Cooperation Interamericana de Salubridad Pub* Ike. This international cooperative service,' founded in IMS by the IngUtnte of Inter-American Affairs end the Mexico health department, Ja concerned that the public health of the country may suffer because of hostility aroused by the campaign to eradicate the foot and mouth disease. "The people have become very bitter," said Dr. Alonzo E. Hardison. And the hostility of the Mexican farmer, staring hopelessly at the carcasses of his cattle lying in lime pits, is directed toward everything North American and medical. The compensatory pesos are meaningless to a people who still barter *ood* and to wh'-l' * cow te T?ro? Paga WteB R. D. HARMON Correct—Attest: E. T. SIDNEY FRANK R. GILNA H. A. ALLAN Directors State of Michigan, County of Shiawassee ss: • . Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of April, 1949, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. SHERMAN K. WELCH, Notary Public My Commission 17,1950. FRESH EGGS — D A I R Y PRODUCTS That's why it i« to hnpeitast ta be doubly carefnl in driving . . . to check yoor auto to make mum it to safe to drive. You roost watch oet, too — for the other follow who may be taking chances — er whose auto may not befatgood running condition. Speed too, takes a big toll oaths highways — so bear in mind this extra traffic and drivs at a safe rate of speed. There ars always more traffic deaths in the country than in the dty. In one recent year there were «3,700 deaths from traf. fk accident*. Of that number, 12,* 600 were dty deaths; 21,200 were rural. Look at those figures. Rural accidents accounted for almost twice as maay deaths as dty accidents. » Remember tho?e figures when a are driving on the highways, ivt with extra cars at all times ---drivs with the constant resolve that 70« will not be the means of losing a life! K EVERYGREEN M U X ( 2 quart s p e c i a l s ) Regular _ . 3 2 c Homogesuxed — 3 4 c SAVE WITH THE LARGE SIZE — FINE SELECTION OF DRY GROCERIES A. Benford & Son Phone 1432 Corunna, Michigan TH* Corona* New^, Qommi ITIciMrm. VETERfiNEWS Mother's Day is Every Day at MSC Bast Lansing — "Mother*? Day" may be a little late this year for men living in fraternity and cooperative houses at Michigan State College, but students have an "eye out" for someOFFICE OF V E T E R A N S ' AFFAIRS one to call "mother" the rest of their college careers. LANS m o A new ruling, scheduled to go into Ninety-eight per cent of the World effect this September, will put house War n veterans who have entered mothers into all off-campus student training under the GX Bill are eligi- houses for the first time In MSC a ble for additional training, according history. With the announcement of to figures disclosed by the Veterans the new regulation last April, the Administration. various houses began reomdeUng and At the end of January, 1949, a to, looking for suitable ladies to occupy tal of 6,228,707 veteran*, at one t i r o e j ^ .paternal suites or another, had entered .training un- A f U r a y e a r o f c a s t jng about by der the G.L Bill and Vocational Re- 28 fraternity and co-op houses, it habilitation Act. Of these, 5,749,023 seems that locating "mothers" to y^A trained under the O. L Bill and meet both student and administrative 479,684 had enrolled in schools and a p p r o v a l ^ n o t a simple task. Thus training establishments under the vo- far, according to - Counselor . . - for - men ^_ cations! rehabilitation act, or Public Dale Faunce, only eight of the 21 Law 16. fraternities and none of the co-ops Of this total, which represents 60 have secured house mothers. per cent of the nation's 15,081,000 As the deadline approaches, these World War II veterans, only 61,406 Michigan State students have made veteran students and trainees had ex. every day "Mother's Day", and they hausted their entitlement to further hope to see their ideal materialize O. L training/while 81,899 disabled prior to Sept. 19. veterans had been declared rehabili* — tated under Public Law 16. •W' • • * Agriculture Dept to Buy Grade 'A' Honey — LANSING — The XL S. Depart ment of Agriculture has recently an nounced that purchase win be made of up to 12,000,000 pounds of domestically produced U. S. Grade A honey from the 1948 production for use in school lunches and institutional feeding programs, reports Don Barrett, State Apiarist, Michigan Department of Agriculture. Apparently a proportionate share of honey in this purchase program will be from Michigan produced honey. Some of the larger Record Enrollment nay • • cowrae aad have left. I weald like to take May I enroll at Bast Lansing — A total of 14,587 students have enrolled for the spring quarter at Michigan 5 96R ; * • ILI -ft Osborn Cleaners CORNER OF WASHINGTON AN MASON STS. PHONE 249 OWOSSO, MICHIGAN to Ires Rayons Unlike cotton clothes, which are allowed to dry completely and era then redampened, rayons iron best when they are allowed to dry only until partially damp for ironing. Don't try to irua rayons when they are too damp, for you will only, waste time, and may stretch or distort the «eeric. Springtime ja Painting T i m e Get that Decorating Dooe early this year. Fraiser - Godard 728 W. Main Street \^ BcRUTIFLMX • Hairy Vetch Toxic Feeding of hairy vntch has bees fhown to have a toxic effect oft chickens. ^: DRRPE 'faimii'tcicjKf Many veterans training under the Off BUI did not receive subsistence One hears a great deal about aofl fjfrf*™ on time this month because conservation and crop rotation but they failed to notify Veterans Ad- very little on Just which rotation to ministration of a change in their ad- use. Here is an eight year rotation to pin in the hat It cooperates with \ AH veterans receiving monthy mother nature in soil building. Wheat Checks from V A are urged to report — Corn — Oats — Alfalfa — Alfalpromptly all address changes, since fa— Wheat — Corn — Oata. A Utile the Post Office Department cannot complete fertilizer on wheat and oats deliver a government check to ad- to aid in the alfalfa catch. Sweet dresses not occupied by the person to clover in the wheat to pasture and plow down for corn. Some 0-16-8 on whojS*U»r*crfeck to issued. Itn undelivered check is returned to the alfalfa field after the first cut5fc Treasury Department disbursing ting. When you wish to grow beans, Office. This office notifies VA and beets, or other cultivated crops, sttp the records are reviewed to determine them into the corn spot. Tea, divide whether the check actually was sent the farm into four large fields. This to the address furnished by the vet- arrangement gives you a field of each eran. If the address used was the of corn, wheat, oats, and alfalfa each latest furnished, VA holds the check wnUI it hears from the veteran. J* State Collage, The figure exceeds by 609 the previous spring' enrollment record of 18,978 set hut year, according to Registrar Robert S, Linton. Of the total enrollment, 14,452 are regular students and IBS are short course and special training students. Veterans number approximately 7,300 and the men-women ratio remains the same at about three to one. fSSB honey producara have a large supply of last years crop on hand, Reports coming into the State Apiary office from producers and the Department Field men indicate Michigan bees have wintered well. Average losses win not exceed 5 per cent Fruit growers are urged to make Immediate arrangements for rental of colonies of bees for pollination, as many of the large producers, have curtailed their operations by reducing the number of colonies due to the low price of honey at this time. nm* Ttomfaj Ov«uo sam Safety and Profit You get both when you nave •> Saving* Account with us. Each Account Federally Insured to $5,000. Earnings paid on all amounts. Funds invested by the 10th of the month from the let* Any amount open* your Account. Current 2 State Pter Cent SAVINGS INSURED • AT Mill Work Owosso e Cabinet Work # • Federal Savings Windows AND LOAN ASSOCIATION G>runna Wood Products 90S E. Mam Street Phono S31 Sat* Eg Mail 106 E* Mack Street A. You may use any remaining entitlement either for on-the-job traintag or for educational training with VA'S prior approval. -* The Jersey Cattle Breeders Assn. Of Texas has given Bob Hope a $1,000 steer and a 11,000 heifer. Bee elans to raise cattle and dairy cows for the benefit or one of. Mrs. Hope's favorite charities 4««»f/ir<Jb, CBS' "Junior Miss* Star, has just "been named "Coorulaator of Slumber Parties" by UCLA University High girl students. A. slumber party is the '49 verstou of the all-girl paiama parties Mom used to have iu her day. • — • , • • • * « Prettiemt Truman'$ letter of tribute to Iowa-born Medal of Honor winner Ralph G. Neppel iu care of Ralph Edwards' "T/»ii h Your Life" NBC show marked the 1st time he gave permission to read a personal letter on a commercial program. * » • John Bromm of | Al "Got a Prob* I lem" fame on CBS' "My Friend Irmm" has made 14,998 appear* ances on the air • • . Thomnm4t of requests pouring in for a repeat broadcast of NBC's "Big Tow»" safe drivtag program.... Oene Kelly will become a movie director, he con* Deri* Day tided to BHt * • « • % , on Philip MtwrU KM (CBS-Fridays) . . . Deri* -, songstress on the Bob Hope , wiU be the cover girl oa SO magaslnes in 194». . . . A recent studio audience for CBS' eafiy **Wi***r Teke AIT included resfdeats of 15 states as well as Montreal, Panama, London and Ffcria. . . . "AgeAntt the Storm** wilt soon debut on Mutual'! day. "list. * • • Tommy Check, »-year-old Allen^ jwa. Pa, drummer who won U49's 1st starter finals and $760 on the gsran Hetdt show Is not only a t*t> performer, but a 5th grade aeaor student . • • M SOTO P U m i t THAT M I AH "The Car Designed with YOU k Mud" is changing a lot of minds! of people have visited our showrooms since thefirstannouncement of the new De Soto. It has been'very interesting to watch their reactions. Fust of all, of course, they walk all around the car and admire its smart, low lines and its sleek appearance. They tell us they like its looks because ft is "modern but not modernistic." But the big surprise comes when they open those wide doers and step inside. The roof does not hit their hats. There's lots of headrvom. The steering wheel doesn't hit the driver's knees. And because the luxurious seats are chair high, yov. can see everywithout craning your neck. C ROWDS Get in* Front seat or back, they're both wider. There's more leg room for all passengers, too. sind you get all this extra space without sacrifice of con* venience, because the outside dimensions of the new De Soto are not increased. You can still park with ease. And you needn't rebuild that garage. Before you make any decision about any new car, come in and let us show you De Soto's many great features including Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift with fluid Drive, that lets you drive without shifting. Compare this car with any other at any price . . . for beauty, comfort, safety and value. Then decide. Tm*mt^imi}AC*r<n"*>eryTv<>d*y*igiu>*UCBSi • * ° * INJOYMiNT EVIRY MIL! • * * Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift with Flujrf 0m9 New Feather. UtwtStssfiat * longer wlietibsM waft M l "cradled ride" High Compitstton fa**) wester Engine * Safeguard Hydraale Brakes with new Cyde-bonded HnfMa * Raw AUmveatkat Comfort System * Faster Gettway * few'gsftiM w/ ScitfMtetstsftt Flrist oe Cylinder Walls • Safety Rm Wheels sa« SsperCesaiM Tires »™™™m*mmmmnmi _ TCW CAN otree OH Ot SOTO - PLYMOUTH roe oatAi CASE, fee ssrecs, A SQUAM M M * fHORTY: 111 never forget my first t e a t Right at the bell, my oppoaeat bit me a terrific right cross to the Jaw. But I stayed in that rlag for thirty minutes more. UNO-FISH: Thirty minutes? You statu reellji done some flghtln'. SHORTY: Who was nghtin'? It took 'em dat long tojbring me to. -4BS? «Am— V Amdr" Howell Motor Sales Phone 562 120 Cortmna Ave, General Repeirint — Greeting Corunna, Mi