Reaching her dream with hard work


Reaching her dream with hard work
Majalah C
All about ICT in Indonesia
Number 27-Year II • September 2014 Edition
Uber Service
Is Declared As
Smart Telecom
and Frequency
‘Fallen Durian’
Juliana Cen Profile
Reaching her dream
with hard work
Dear Majalah ICT readers,
Time flies, we are again present for you
readers. For the last one month there have
been so many events much information on
Indonesian information and communication
technology development, and we wish
to convey all of them for our readers.
However, certainly we are not able to
write all of them through this media, only
large information and events with large
magnitude that we selected for you to
enjoy through your own gadget.
In this Number 27-2014 edition we
discuss matters that attracted public
attention such as the issuance of Minister
Regulation Number 22/2014 which officially
relocated PCS 1900 PT Smart Telecom
telecommunication organizing to 2.3
GHz frequency range, also the issuance
of Minister Regulation Number 19/2014
regarding Internet Sites with Negative
Content Handling, also government plan to
re-select multiplexing implementation for
digital TV in several areas, the entrance
of Uber service which provides taxi order
service which created controversy, are
all too interesting to pass over, including
the official use of Apapun.ID domain which
marks the new era of domain naming on
August 17.
We convey the foregoing for the sake
of the satisfacton of readers who are
thirsty of the latest Indonesian information
technology. In order not to miss any
information, stay tuned with our sites at and timeline at our
Twitter account @indoict to find out the
latest information from us.
Have a nice reading.
• Editor
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Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Here is the Special
Regulation of
Smart Telecom
Relocation............ 4
Anything.ID Domain Is
Officially Used.................... 28
The Role of Information
Technology In Monitoring the
Presidential Election.......... 30
Google Re-Celebrate
Indonesian Independence
with Google Doodle............ 31
‘Fallen Durian’ for Smart
Telecom.............................. 12
Internet Block Regulation
Is Stood Against................. 15
The Fate of Uber Service
Which Is Being ‘Chased’
by Jakarta Regional
Government....................... 20
Juliana Cen: Reaching for
her Dreams by working
hard.................................... 22
The Government Re-hold TV
Digital Multiplexing Organizer
Auction............................... 26
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Telkomsel Supports
Raja Ampat Sail 2014........ 32
Indosat Opens New Roaming
Facility and Provides Promo
Tariff to Myanmar............... 33
Here Are The Newest Huawei
7 Wireless Devices............ 34
Here Is the Special
Regulation for Smart
Telecom Relocation
inistry of
and Informatics
has officially
relocated Smart Telecom
which operated at 1900
MHz frequency to 2300
MHz frequency. This took
place after the issuance of
Minister of Communication
and Informatics Regulation
Number 22 of 2014
regarding 2.3 GHz radio
frequency use for the
purpose of Cellular Mobile
Implementation and
Relocation of 1.9 GHz 1.9
Radio Frequency Band Use
which applies Personal
Communication System
1900 to 2.3 GHx Radio
Frequency Band on July
21, 2014.
The issuance of this
Minister Regulation was
quick since the public
testing process did not
take place until July 3 to
July 7. The unique part is
the answer to the public
question was not revealed
to the society through
Press broadcast until
August 6,
2014 Number 45/PIH/
In the new regulation of
the Ministry under Tifatul
Sembiring, the use of
Radio Frequency Band
1.9 GHz on the range of
1903, 125-1910 MHz
paired with 1983,125 –
1990 MHZ which applies
Personal Communication
System 1900 on 1.9 GHz
Radio Frequency Band.
Further, 2.3 GHz Radio
Frequency Band user on
radio frequency range
of 2330 – 2360 MHz
relocated on 1.9 GHz radio
frequency is provided with
radio frequency spectrum
use license based on Radio
Frequency Band License.
For the payment of
frequency spectrum fee,
users of 2.3 GHz Radio
Frequency Band on radio
frequency range 2330
– 2360 MHz fee for the
purpose of Cellular Mobile
Implementation are
imposed with Use Right Fee
for Radio Frequency Band
License in accordance with
the laws and regulations.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
NUMBER 22 OF 2014
Considering: a.
Majalah IC T
whereas pursuant to the provision in Article 33 paragraph (2) of Law Number 36 of 1999 regarding Telecommunication, the use of radio frequency spectrum must be in accordance with its designation and does not interfere other frequency spectrums;
whereas pursuant to the provision in Article 4 point a, point c
and point d of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2000 regarding Radio Spectrum and Satellite Orbit Use, in the planning of radio frequency spectrum use must take into account the effort of preventing interference, technological development, and the need for the future radio frequency spectrum;
whereas 1.9 GHz radio frequency band use which applies Personal Communication system 1900 has the potential to cause damaging interference towards the use of 2.1 GHz radio frequency band which applies Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems;
whereas based on technical study, 2.3 GHz radio frequency band may be used for the purpose of cellular mobile telecommunication
whereas based on a consideration as intended in point a,
point b, point c and point d, it is deemed necessary to stipulate Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation regarding 2.3 Ghz Radio Frequency Band Use for the purpose
of Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Implementation and Relocation of 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band which applies Personal Communication system 1900 to 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band.
No. 27• September 2014
Law Number 36 of 1999 regarding Telecommunication (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 1999 Number 154, supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3881);
Government Regulation Number 52 of 2000 regarding Telecommunication Implementation (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2000 Number 107, Supplement to State Gazette of The Republic of Indonesia Number 3980);
Government Regulation Number 53 of 2000 regarding Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbit Use (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2000 Number 108, Supplement of State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3981);
Presidential Regulation Number 47 of 2009 regarding State Ministry Establishment and Organization, as amended several times, lastly with Presidential Regulation Number 13 of 2014 regarding Fifth Amendment on Presidential Regulation Number 47 of 2009 regarding State Ministry Establishment and organization;
Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2010 regarding
Position, Duties, and Functions of State Ministry as well as
the organizational Composition as well as Organizational Structure as well as Duties and Functions of Echelon I of the State Ministry , as amended several times lastly the
Fifth Amendment of Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2010 regarding Position, Duties and Functions of Echelon I of State Ministry as well as Organizational Structure as well as Duties and Functions of Echelon I of State Ministry ;
Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 17/PER/M.KOMINFO/10/2005 regarding License Procedures and Operational Terms of Radio Frequency Spectrum Use as
amended with Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 17/PER/M.KOMINFO/12/2010 regarding Amendment to Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 17/PER/M.KOMINFO/ 10/2005 regarding License Procedures and Operational Terms of Radio Frequency Spectrum Use;
Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 07/PER/M.KOMINFO/1/2006 regarding 2.1 GHz Radio
Frequency Band Structuring for IMT-2000 Cellular Mobile Network Organizing, as amended several times, lastly with Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 31 of 2012 regarding The Second Amendment of Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 01/PER/M.KOMINFO/1/2006 regarding 2.1 GHz
Radio Frequency Band Structuring for IMT-2000 Cellular Mobile Network Organizing;
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
8. Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics
Number 07/PER/M.KOMINFO/1/2006 regarding Terms of 2.1 Radio Frequency Band Use for Cellular Mobile Network Organizing, as amended several times lastly with Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 32 of 2012
regarding the Second Amendment of Regulation of Minister
of Communication and Informatics Number 07/PER/M.
KOMINFO/I/2006 regarding the Terms of 2.1 GHz Radio Frequency Band Use for Cellular Mobile Network Organizing;
9. Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 07/PER/M.KOMINFO/01/2009 regarding Radio Frequency Band Structuring for the Purpose of Wireless Broadband Service;
10.Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 08/PER/M.KOMINFO/01/2009 regarding the Stipulation of Radio Frequency Band for the Purpose of Wireless Broadband Service on 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency;
11.Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 26/PER/M.KOMINFO/07/2009 regarding Indonesia Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation Table, as amended several times lastly with Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 25/PER/M.KOMINFO/12/2010 regarding The Second Amendment of Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 25/PER/M.KOMINFO/12/2009 regarding Indonesia Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation Table;
12.Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 17/PER/M.KOMINFO/10/2010 regarding Organization and Work Structure of Ministry of Communication and Informatics;
13.Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 19/PER/M.KOMINFO/09/2011 regarding 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band Use for the Purpose of Wireless Broadband Service on Technological neutral basis;
To stipulate :
Article 1
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
In this Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics, what is intended as:
1. Telecommunication shall be each transmission, dispatch or receipt of each type of sign, picture, sound and information
in any form through wire, optic, radio systems or any other electromagnetic systems.
2. Radio Frequency Band shall be parts of radio frequency spectrum which have certain width.
3. Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Organizer shall be network organizers which implement mobile telecommunication with cellular technology on the face of the earth.
4. Time Division Duplexing which hereinafter abbreviated to TDD shall be a type of telecommunication mode through radio frequency which uplink and downlink use the same radio frequency band.
5. Radio Station shall be one or several transmission devices or receiver device or combination of transmitter and receiver devices including equipment required at one location to implement radio communication.
6. Director General shall be Director General of Resources and Post and Informatics Devices.
Article 2
(1)2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band on radio frequency range of 2330 – 2360 MHz shall be stipulated for the purpose of Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Implementation with TDD mode.
(2)2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band Use on radio frequency range of 2330 – 2360 MHz as intended in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated as on technological neutral basis with national service coverage.
Article 3
(1)2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band Use on radio frequency range of 2330 – 2360 MHz for the purpose of Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Implementation in areas adjacent to neighboring states or its service coverage may reach other states shall be obliged to be coordinated with Telecommunication Administration of related other states through Director General.
Majalah IC T
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(2)Coordination result conducted by Director General with other states’ Telecommunication Administration as intended in paragraph (1) shall be binding and must be complied with by
2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band Users on radio frequency range of 2330 – 2360 MHz.
Article 4
(1)1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band users on the range of 1903,125 – 1910 MHz paired with 1983,125 – 1990 MHz which applies Personal Communication System 1900 shall be reallocated to 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band on the range of radio frequency 2330 – 2360 MHz.
(2)1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band Relocation as intended in paragraph (1) shall be implemented at stages and must be completed at the latest December 14, 2016.
(3)During the 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band relocation period as intended in paragraph (2), the use of 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band on the range of 1903,125 – 1910 MHz paired with 1983,125 – 1910 MHz shall be prohibited from developing and/
or developing the Personal Communication System 1900 network on 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band.
Article 5
The Use of 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band on the range of 2330 – 2360 MHz radio frequency relocated from 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band as intended in Article 4 paragraph (1) shall be provided with radio frequency spectrum license based on Radio Frequency Band License.
Article 6
2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band Use on radio frequency range of 2330 – 2360 MHz relocated from 1.9 GHz radio frequency band
for the purpose of Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Implementation must coordinate with other 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band prior to conducting Radio Station development to avoid any harmful interference.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
-6Article 7
(1)2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band Users on radio frequency range of 2330 – 2360 MHz for the purpose of Cellular Mobile Telecommunication shall be imposed with Usage Right Fee payment obligation for Radio Frequency Band License in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
(2)Usage Right Fee for Radio Frequency Band License as intended in paragraph (1) shall consist of up front fee and annual Usage right Fee of radio frequency spectrum based on the 2.3 GHz radio frequency band selection result which has been adjusted.
(3)Adjustment towards 2.3 radio frequency band on radio frequency range of 2360 – 2390 MHz as intended in paragraph (2) selection result by considering technological neutrality and the type of Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Implementation.
Article 8
During the relocation process as intended in Article 4 paragraph (2), 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band on 1903,125 – 1910 MHz range paired with 1983,125 – 1990 MHz which applies Personal Communication System 1900 shall be imposed with Usage Right Fee for Radio Frequency Band License payment obligation pursuant to the provisions of the laws and regulations.
Article 9
Further provisions on 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band on the range of 1903,125 0- 1910 MHz paired with 1983,125 – 1990 MHz which applies Personal Communication System 1900 users relocation to 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band as intended in Article 4 and the amount and mechanism of Usage Right Fee for Radio Frequency Band License payment obligation as intended in Article 7 and Article 8 shall be stipulated in a separate Minister Decision.
Article 10
All fees and risks arise from reallocation process as intended in Article 4 paragraph (1) shall be born by 1.9 GHz Radio Frequency Band on the range of 1903,125 – 1910 MHz paired with 1983 – 1990 MHz which applies Personal Communication system 1900 users which are reallocated to 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Band.
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Article 11
Director General shall conduct supervision and control towards this Minister Regulation implementation.
Article 12
This Minister Regulation shall come into effect as of the date of its enactment.
In order for each person to acknowledge, it is ordered that the enactment of this Minister Regulation shall be inserted in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.
Stipulated in Jakarta
On July 21, 2014
Enacted in Jakarta
On July 23, 2014
The copy is in accordance with its original
Ministry of Communication and Informatics
Head of legal Bureau
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
‘Fallen Durian’
For Smart Telecom
inister of
and Informatics
intends to migrate
Smart Telecom, a cellular
operator which obtained
6.25 MHz on the range of
1900 MHz frequency, to
2.3 GHz frequency range
occupied by Broadband
Wireless Access (BWA)
operators. And like
obtaining ‘fallen durian’
Smart Telecom frequency
allocation soared to
become 30 MHz.
The effort of Ministry
of Communication and
Informatics in providing
special treatment for
Smart Telecom invited
lawsuit. The new chapter
is this telecommunication
operator which has found
it difficult to obtain
frequency reported
this matter to Business
Competition Supervisor
Commission (KPPU). KPPU
itself has not officially
conveyed which parties
filed lawsuit against such
Smart Telecom migration
to 2.3 GHz.
However, prior
to entering KPPU,
the existing
organizers on 2.3 GHz
stated their protests on
Smart Telecom migration
from 1.9 GHz to 2.3 GHz.
Such operators admitted
that the government had
not invited them to have
discussions on this matter
until this time.
As conveyed by
Indonesia Wireless
Broadband Organizer
association (APPLNI)
General Chairman Duta
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
According to him,
his side expected that
the government reevaluate the plan of
such Smart Telecom
migration, because since
the beginning 2.3 GHz
frequency has been
intended for data service
with distribution system
per area.
“The entrance of
Smartfren which has
cellular license with
national coverage is
considered as changing
business model on this
frequency. We don’t
blame operators who are
relocated since they also
comply with regulator’s order,”
said Duta who is also the President
Director of PT Berca Hardaya
At such opportunity Duta agreed
if there was a government plan to
issue a number of regulations for
BWA operators, such as regarding
joint infrastructure use. However,
he affirmed, legal certainty had to
obtain the main attention in the
Objection also came from the
second largest operator, XL Axiata.
XL which has to loose 10 MHz
caused by the merger process with
AXIS Telekom Indonesia opined that
the granting of 30 MHz to Smart
Telecom was unfair.
“Frankly speaking we feel
quite disappointed with the new
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
frequency size obtained
by Smartfren.
Such 30 MHz allocation
is too large and causes
other operators to feel
disadvantages,” said
Ongki Kurniawan, Services
Management Director.
Ongki affirmed that
with frequency in the
size of 30 MHz, Smart
Telecom would be able to
immediately implement
4G with quite high speed.
Such privilege was
not obtained by other
“No other operators
have frequency in the size
of 30 MHz. We on 1,800
MHz only have 22.5 MHz
in which it is separated
between 15 MHz, and
7.5 MHz,” he said. “It is
quite disappointing since
from the initial frequency
before the migration,
Smart Telecom only had
below 15 MHz,” said
disappointed Ongki.
From obtained
information, the report
to KPPU is concerning
the main two core issues
related to unhealthy
business competition.
First, it is concerning
30 MHz allocation to
Smart Telecom which at
this time the frequency
allocation is not so large.
Second is concerning the
equality between players
on 2.3 GHz frequency.
At this time, operators
on 2.3 GHz are majority
BWA players with an
average frequency
allocation of 15 MHz and
obtains local fixed network
license with switch
package basis.
The government itself
has officially stipulated
the telecommunication
allocation migration of PT
Smartfren Telecom Tbk
on 1,900 MHz spectrum
to 2,300 MHz. In the
Regulation of Minister
of Communication and
Informatics (Menkoinfo),
Tifatul Sembiring provides
frequency band allocation
at the width of 30 MHz for
operators who will adopt
such LTE technology.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Regulation of Internet
Blocking Is Stood Against
he Second
Edition of United
Indonesia Cabinet
will immediately
terminate its period of
employment. Even for
Ministry of Communication
and Informatics, such
termination can be
sooner, since Minister
of Communication
and Informatics
Tifatul Sembiring will
be inaugurated as
member of the House
of Representative from
election area of North
Sumatera I, on October
1. In welcoming the
termination of his period
of duties, Tifatul inherits
regulation regarding
internet blocking.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Such regulation is
indicated in Regulation
of Minister (Permen)
of Communication and
Informatics Number
19/2014 regarding
Handling of Internet Sites
with Negative Contents.
This Permen was signed
by Tifatul on July 7,
2014. the scope of this
regulation includes the
determination of internet
sites with negative
contents which need to
be handled, the role of
the Government and the
public in handling internet
sites with negative
contents, the role of
Internet Access Service
Organizer in handling sites
with negative contents
and procedures in blocking
and normalizing of such
blocking in handling
internet sites with
negative contents.
Concerning the limitation
of sites with negative
sites, “The types of
internet site with negative
contents handled are
pornography and other
illegal activities based
on the provisions of the
laws and regulations.
Other illegal activities
are illegal activities
which reports are derived
from the Ministry or the
authorized Government
Institution pursuant to the
provisions of the laws and
regulations,” says such
The mechanism of
blocking is by providing
a list of site addresses
which have negative
contents which is referred
to as TRUST + Positive.
“The public may
participate in providing
blocking service by loading
at least sites in TRUST
+ Positive. The blocking
service is conducted by
Blocking Service provider,”
says this regulation.
The providing of
negative site addresses
or Trust + Positive is the
duty of Director General.
“Director General shall be
Director General which
engages in Informatics
The absolute power of
Ministry of Communication
and Informatics in
determining internet
blocking obtained
internet exciters and
ICT Watch activist,
Donny BU opined that
regulation regarding
content blocking issued by
Ministry of Communication
and Informatics was
considered as without
legitimacy and procedures.
According to Donny,
actually ICT Watch had
sent official letter on
information request to
Ministry of Communication
and Informatics.
Despite such letter was
responded by Kominfo
through an email on June
9, 2014, Donny thought
that the content did not
answer or explain the
essence of the
ICT Watch, namely on the
legitimacy of the presence
of Trust + Positive and
Standard Operational
Procedure (SOP) used. For
such reason ICT Watch
sent a caveat to PPID
through an email and also
hand delivered on June 22
and 23, 2014. Such caveat
was responded by Kominfo
on July 14, 2014 through
a one page document sent
through post. “Referring to
the last Kominfo response
(July 14, 2014) it has
become even
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
the presence of Trust +
Positive does not have
clear legitimacy.
Trust + Positive practice
does not even have the
basic and official SOP,”
said Donny.
Donny revealed that
when his side asked
for official document
which could show record
on establishment and
legitimacy of Trust +
certainly remains inviting
basic questions on the
origin of the presence of
Trust + Positive in the
arrays of Kominfo,” he
Further, Donny added,
when ICT Watch asked
for official document
on Standard operational
Procedures (SOP) which
had been used by Trust
+ Positive since 2011,
Positive authority, Kominfo
side only provided Circular
Letter of Directorate
General of Post and
Number 1598/SE/
regarding Compliance with
Laws and Regulations
related to Pornography.
“Such letter was addressed
to ISPs. The presence of
Trust + Positive was not
even mentioned in such
circulation, moreover
the one related to the
establishment and
authority legitimacy. This
Kominfo side only
provided with a document
titled “SOP of handling
of Internet Sites with
Negative Contents”.
Such document does
not have any sign of
official document or
ratification, such as chop/
stamp/ letter number/
the authorized officer
signature, date and letter
number or letterhead of
Kominfo,” he said.
“With the absence of
sign/evidence of any
“ratification” on “SOP of
Handling of Internet Sites
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
with Negative Contents”
document sent by Kominfo
to respond to the request
of ICT Watch, then it can
be indicated that the
used SOP by such Trust
+ Positive is “illegal”
which clearly violates SOP
of Minister Regulation.
If then the Blocking
Minister Regulation that
has just been signed by
Menkominfo still uses Trust
+ Positive in its content
as the main principle,
(while Trust + Positive
does not have clear SOP),
then it can be declared
that Blocking Minister
Regulation violates SOP
Minister Regulation. Such
two Minister Regulations
are the legal products of
Kominfo,” affirmed Donny.
Minister Regulation
regarding blocking of
internet with negative
contents also obtained
objections from several
community independent
institutions (LSM). Several
LSMs who declined among
others are ICT Watch,
Indonesia Internet Service
Organizer Association
(APJII), Community Study
and Advocate Institution
(Elsam), Legal Aid
Institution Association,
SAFENET, Institute for
Criminal Justice Reform
(ICJR) as well as Indonesia
Independent Journalist
Alliance (AJI).
“If there is a policy that
negative content must
be blocked, such policy
must be revealed with
procedures. Without
procedures there is
no way of knowing
whether such policy has
been implemented and
accountable,” said the
founder of ICT Watch
Donny Budi Utoyo at Kafe
Donny explained that
ICT Watch has questioned
the presence of Trust +
Positive made by Kominfo
since 2011.
At least there are three
things that [the policy]
does not have namely
legitimacy, procedures
and performance audit
which are transparent and
accountable. “The right
on the internet access
is human right. All forms
of human right must
be regulated under the
law, instead of Minister
Regulation which is
technical in nature,” said
Donny. He revealed that
several sites which do not
have any pornographic
elements such as sites
containing information
on breastfeeding or
mother’s milk advocating
as well as the handicapped
accessibility are also
blocked due to the unclear
procedures. “For such
purpose we declare our
attitude by declining
such Kominfo Minister
Regulation,” he said.
These organizations are
now preparing legal steps
by applying for judicial
review to the Supreme
APJII Agrees With the Blocking, However…
ndonesia Internet
Service Organizer
Association confirmed
its attitude concerning
its support for the
government in blocking
sites with negative
contents. However, with
a note that such support
is provided so long as
the government itself
conducts the blocking
instead of the ISP which
is at the bottom and a
member of APJII.
This was conveyed
by General Chairman
of APJII, Sammy
Pengerapan. According
to Sammy his institution
supported negative sites
handling, particularly
those with pornographic
contents. “However we
wish that the blocking
was taken over by the
government in which
they are the ones who
conduct the blocking
instead of being handed
over to the ISPs,” he
Sammy affirmed that
the blocking mechanism
that has not been
idealistic includes the
mechanism applied in
Minister Regulation
regarding Handling of
Sites with Negative
Contents. He said if
the blocking is given
to ISP, this will open
an unfavorable gap for
internet user privacy.
According to Sammy,
the blocking conducted
by the government
had the spirit to
orderly, uniformly and
responsibly handle sites
with negative contents.
“Technically ISP work is
only to connect access,
it cannot have the duty
of blocking, since if ISP
has such filter, it can
be used it for anything.
It can see your emails.
Therefore the mandate
of blocking should not go
to ISP,” he said.
Giving the blocking
to ISP, considered by
Sammy, is proven to be
ineffective, for instance
in the case of video
sharing site blocking
case, Vimeo, some times
age in which some videos
were blocked some were
not. “With the command
of direct blocking by the
government, according
to him, the process of
negative sites filtering
can be completed,” he
said again.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
The Fate of Uber Service
which is “chased’ by Jakarta Capital City
Special Area Regional Government (DKI)
he Uber taxi
ordering service
which has been
successful in
several countries,
entered Indonesia on mid
August. On after several
days of enjoying the
transportation business
cake, Uber service
immediately caused
This service is considered
by Deputy Governor of
Jakarta Basuki Tjahaha
Purnama or whose
nickname is Ahok as
damaging local taxis since
it is not imposed with
justice principle. Therefore
Ahok affirmed that this
vehicle ordering service
must be stopped.
According to Ahok, Uber
service can cause public
taxis which were just
officially operated to go
bankrupt. This was due
to the fact that other
taxis would not be able
to compete since Uber
did not comply with the
prevailing regulations.
“Uber is damaging. If we
use the justice principle,
does it intend to cause
all taxis to go bankrupt?
Therefore it has to be
stopped,” affirmed Ahok.
Ahok opines that Uber
at its own will plays the
rate of tariff. On the
other hand, Regional
Government has stipulated
public transportation rate
such as taxi. In addition,
Uber also does not pay
tax like other taxis. “It
is not fair, isn’t it? Taxi
companies pay tax which
tariff is determined by
Regional Government.
Further they all pay with
taxpayer registration
number as well right?
Compared to taxis which
don’t pay tax, they are
certainly able to provide
inexpensive tariff,” he
Ahok’s question affirmed
what was conveyed by
Transportation Services
of DKI which asked Uber
to close its car ordering
application on smart
phones as well as its
official site in Indonesia,
as stated by Head of
Transportation Service of
DKI Jakarta, Muhammad
According to Akbar,
Transportation Service
(Dishub) of DKI Jakarta
will coordinate with
Ministry of Communication
and Informatics. Since
Uber is considered as
vehicle rental service
without license, Dishub will
ask Kominfo to block Uber
service application and
The effort of blocking
this Uber service is also
due to the fact that
Uber does not meet
the invitation of DKI
Regional Government for
further explanation on
such Uber service. “We
have tried to invite Uber,
but they did not come.
For this purpose we will
coordinate with Ministry
of Communication and
Informatics for the closing
of its site,” affirmed
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Akbar also explained why
there was an intention to
close Uber site, this was
based on the difficulty
found by Dishub DKI
Jakarta in supervising and
taking firm action against
Uber unofficial taxis since
they are with black plate
“Physically Uber cars are
just like any other private
cars therefore taking
firm action against them
is not easy. They look
like regular private cars,”
explained Akbar.
Akbar affirmed that
based on information,
despite Uber had just
provided service for
several days, Indonesia, it
had operated since June.
To date, he said, Uber had
not had taxi or rental car
operational license. “Uber
has not had license,” he
Prohibited in Germany
The phenomenal taxi
ordering, Uber, turned out
to be prohibited in Berlin,
Germany. The government
of Berlin city explained
that Uber was prohibited
since the drivers and
the cars utilized by Uber
did not have any license
to carry passengers. In
addition, Uber does not
guarantee full insurance to
its passengers, therefore
its presence cannot be
considered as the legal
public transportation
fleet. It is different from
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
taxi meter tariff system
however in some ways
they are similar, a trip
through Uber tariff is not
displayed on the car’s
dashboard, instead on the
Uber application itself.
The payment system uses
credit card.
In Indonesia, Uber
cooperated with car
rental companies to
serve passengers
who wished to have
safe and comfortable
transportation service.
“We don’t have our
own fleet, and we don’t
provide taxi ordering
service. Uber cooperates
with rental companies
to provide different
experience for passengers
who wish to have safety
and comfort,” said Mike
Brown, Gneral Manager of
Uber in Southeast Asia.
It was mentioned that
car rental companies
cooperated with Uber
were companies which
were used to providing
delivery and pick up
services to hotels that
accommodate foreign
guests. If the guests wish
to have car rental service,
Uber will guarantee a
very professional driver’s
Uber itself is a
company established in
San Francisco which is
estimated to worth 18.2
billion USD. At this time,
Uber service has scattered
in 80 cities in North
America, 24 in Europe, 7
in Middle East, 4 in Africa,
27 cities in Asia, including
Users of Uber application
can utilize their smart
phones in contacting
cars’ drivers who are at
the nearest locations for
their delivery service. The
cars and the drivers who
are utilized by Uber for
their service generally
come from local car rental
companies. Thus, Uber
does not provide its own
Juliana Cen
Reaching Her Dream
By Working Hard
he development
of Indonesia
information and
technological business
at this time is quite
aggressive and innovative.
Moreover for smart
phone business, tablet
or notebook which have
already become the
main need for users to
communicate and conduct
various digital activities,
particularly for large
One of such smart
phone, tablet as
well as notebook
providers is ASUS. When
we talk about ASUS, it
wouldn’t be complete
without meeting Juliana
Chen, Country Group
team, ASUS notebook
which four years ago
meant nothing, because of
the ASUS team hard work
finally ASUS has become
number one brand in
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Despite the 7 inch
screen, this tablet
is made very simple
therefore it is very
comfortable to b held
with one hand.
Majalah IC T
position becomes
stronger,” she said.
With regard to the
development ASUS
business, Juliana revealed
that according to her,
ASUS had succeeded
in marketing 284
thousand portable PC
(consumer and commercial
notebooks) in Indonesia.
Such report also affirmed
that ASUS position as the
largest notebook producer
in this state is becoming
stronger, with market
share of 38.41%, twice as
much as the brand which
is on the second place.
“We should be thankful
for this. At this time the
market is experiencing
slow down and almost
all other producers are
experiencing decline, while
ASUS has succeeded in
increasing total sales,
increasing market
share and further left
its competitors. This
also proves that ASUS
products are now loved
more by their users,” se
said happily.
No. 27• September 2014
For cellular phone users,
ASUS provides smart
phone product line which
is very innovative and
phenomenal namely ASUS
ZenFone series which are
available starting from 4,
5 and 6 inches screens.
It is called innovative
since this smart phone
is equipped with various
features to facilitate users
in conducting various
activities, therefore with
ZenFone users are like
carrying private assistants
in their hands.
“It is said to be
phenomenal since such
product with complete
feature and perform well
is marketed with very
affordable price in its
class,” explained this
woman who was born on
November 15, 1982.
She added that to satisfy
the need for tablets in
the users circle ASUS
also has various product
types of tablet media.
With its many capabilities
and features, ASUS
tablets are marketed
with very competitive
prices compared to
its competitors. It is
mentioned that the
newest AUS tablet,
namely Fonepad FE170CG.
In terms of design,
despite its 7 inch screen,
this tablet is made simple
therefore it is very
comfortable to be held
with only one hand. In
terms of capability, this
gadget has already used
Intel processor which is
professionals must need
this gadget to complete
their homework, work or
just as a hobby. The only
accurate instrument to do
them all is notebook.
“For users like these, we
provide very wide range
of product line which
includes all walks of life.
Starting from students
or college students with
mainstream notebook,
workers with Pro series
notebook, therefore
very supportive of multi
tasking as well as 3G HSPA
+ connectivity which offers
download speed of up
to 42Mbps. This product
also supports voice
communication as well as
dual slot GSM SIM card.
On the other side,
continued Juliana, all
users, from students,
college students up
to employees and
hobbyists who like to play
games or applications
and multimedia contents.
For all such users AUS
has the right product
model. Starting from G
series, N series up to
ultrabook Zenbook series,
explained this graduate
from Information System
of the University of Bina
Nusantara with summa
cum laude.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Network & Trust
particularly for commercial
segment, ASUS also offers
more complete service
Then what will ASUS be
compared to regular
working on in the future?
end users, starting from
Juliana revealed that at
extended warranty up
this time ASUS began to
to on site service. “The
be serious in working on
PC for corporate segment. largest challenge in this
segment is network and
Different from consumer
trust. Nevertheless, we
business, corporate
will continue approaching
business is business
various industries in
which focuses mainly on
important factors, such as corporate segment such
quality, after sales service, as education, small middle
scale business, government
network and trust. ASUS
institutions, and others.
has had two of them.
With the quality that ASUS
This woman whose
offers, the after sales
hobbies are swimming and
service which continues
reading books said that
to increase and the
no one doubts the quality
commitment to present
of the products provided
the best, we are certain
by ASUS. In terms of after
that ASUS will obtain such
sales service ASUS also
trust,” he said.
continues to widen its
With regard to the
service center network
milestone in corporate
all over Indonesia. And
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
and education segment,
added Juliana, recently
ASUS had won the project
in the University of Bina
Nusantara for e-learning
program there.
In addition to
administering the latest
information technology
related matters, secretly
Juliana is also good at
cooking. She can bake
cakes, particularly pizza,
which is her other skill.
In living her life, Juliana
has the motto “Dreams
reveal to your destiny.”
This is what has brought
her to her position now,
despite starting her work
in ASUS in 2005 with a
position as webmaster.
“When we have a dream,
we must try to reach it
with hard work,” she said
closing the conversation.
The Government Holds
Back Digital TV Multiplexing
Organizer Auction
owards the end
of the Part II
United Indonesia
cabinet in the next
two months, Minister
of Communication and
Informatics Tifatul
Sembiring again issued
a new policy. This time
around the decision made
was the reopening of
multiplexing organizer
selection for digital
This was conducted by
the signing of Minister of
Kominfo Decision Number
729/2014 regarding
Multiplexing Organizing
Business Opportunity
through Terrestrial
System in the areas of
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi. In
addition to KM Number
729/2014, Tifatul
also issued KM Number
730/2014 regarding
Multiplexing Broadcast
Organizing Business
through Terrestrial System
in the provinces of West
Sumatra, Riau, Jambi,
South Sumatra, Lampung,
Bali, East Nusa Tenggara,
West Nusa Tenggara,
South Sulawesi, South East
Sulawesi, West Sulawesi,
Central Sulawesi, North
Sulawesi, West Kalimantan,
and Central Kalimantan.
The basis of
consideration of the
issuance of KM Number
730/2014 was digital
broadcast organizing
implementation which
requires multiplexing
broadcast organizing.
Meanwhile for Jakarta,
Bogor, Depok Tangerang
and Bekasi areas pursuant
to KM Number 729/2014
in which multiplexing
organizers have existed
is the need for additional
multiplexing organizers in
these areas.
“Whereas pursuant to
the letter conveyed by
Indonesia Broadcasting
Commission for DKI
Jakarta Province Area,
additional multiplexing
broadcast through
terrestrial system is
needed for the areas of
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi,”
said Tifatul in such
Minister Decision signed
on July 25, 2014.
Since it is additional,
particularly for Jakarta,
Bogor, Depok, Tangerang
and Bekasi areas this new
business opportunity is
only provided for Private
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Broadcasting Institutions
which did not win in
prior selection or are not
affiliates of the wining TV
Terrestrial television
organizers at stages shut
down their broadcasts
and the public who wish
to continue enjoying the
broadcast must provide
set top box.
“This is the migration
preparation to digital
television. Particularly in
regions, this begins to
be conducted, which in
order for the public to
be able to watch free to
air broadcast they must
provide set top box,” said
Minister of Communication
and Informatics tifatul
According to him,
terrestrial television shut
down would be conducted
at stages starting from
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
2010 until 2018.
The government opens
tender opportunity to hold
multiplexing broadcast
in the framework of
holding free to air
terrestrial digital television
broadcast. This business
opportunity will be
provided to television
broadcasting service
private institutions.
In order to be able to
hold such terrestrial digital
television broadcasting,
the government has
signed Minister of
Communication and
Informatics Decision
Number 95/KEP/M.
regarding Multiplexing
Broadcast Organizing
Business Opportunity on
Free to Air Terrestrial
Digital Television
Broadcast Organizing.
For the early stage, this
service is open in Service
Zone 4 (DKI Jakarta and
Banten), Service Zone
5 (West Java), Service
Zone 6 (Central Java and
Yogyakarta), Service Zone
7 (East Java) and Service
Zone 15 (the islands of
Anything.ID Domain
Is officially used
fter the long wait,
finally Apapun.ID
or what is often
called as anything.
ID on The Independence
Day this August 17 has
finally been officially
used. At the launching
of apapun.ID domain was
conducted by Manager of
Domain Indonesia (PANDI)
at BlitzMegaplex Grand
Indonesia. In addition to
the domain.ID launching,
there was also exhibition
and apapun.ID domain
registration for free for
professional users.
Indonesia Domain Name
Manager (PANDI) is certain
that Apapun.ID domain
will attract the interest of
the public. It is expected
that by the end of the
year there will be 5-10
thousand new domains
This was conveyed by
General Chairman of PANDI
Andi Bidumansyah. “It is
expected that until the
end of the year there will
be at least 5-10 thousand
of new .id domains,” said
Indeed compared to the
use of .COM, .id domain
is a bit more complicated
and expensive, therefore
it becomes the constraint
to attract the public to
use this domain. However,
on the other side, the
ownership requirements
which are considered as
complicated is actually
intended to ascertain the
public that the domain
users are the appropriate
parties who can use such
domain and their identities
can be held responsible,
a matter that will be
beneficial if for instance
a site is used for online
PANDI itself has
completed two pre-release
priority period.
Priority period for the
holder of brand, in other
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
entitled. According to
PANDI private domain
name could be taken
from full name, part
of full name or name
Domains that are
registered under private
names must be the
same as identification
documents. The domains
registered under
institution names must
be attached with the
words Sunrise Period was
legality of such registered
completed on April 17,
institutions, he said.
2014. Grandfather period
“To participate in
for the prior owners of
Landrush period,
Second Level .ID, was
registrants must pay
completed on June 13,
the administration fee in
29014. Starting on June
the amount of IDR 100
16, 2014, apapun.ID
thousand. Registrants
domain entered the third
must also pay the
priority period which is
acquisition in the amount
popular with the term
of a minimum of IDR 1
“Landrush Period”.
million. Such acquisition
The last period or
fee is a minimum
Landrush becomes the
acquisition fee therefore
most exciting stage in
there is no other party
domain name pre-release
who register the same
activities. This is due
domain. If there are two
to the difference from
or more parties which
the previous period, this
register the same domain
period may be participated name, an auction will be
by all parties who are
held. The auction winner
is the one who can offer
the highest acquisition
fee during the Landrush
Period,” explained PANDI.
“The domain fee of
Apapun.ID is IDR 5000
thousand per year before
VAT,” said PANDI.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
The Role of Information Technology In
Monitoring the Presidential Election
fter succeeding
in supervising the
vote count from
C1 which result is
only slightly different from
the final recapitulation
of General Election
Commission through the
information technology
volunteers are ready
to make a similar work
with different function.
This new site is intended
to assist the selected
President Jokowi with
the new site name consists
of three main features
which are Select Minister,
issues and Solution,
as well as Eradicate
Corruption. Through the
feature Bantu Jokowi in
selecting Ministers, here
the public can propose
names to take positions in
a ministry as well as the
reason why such name is
proposed as well as the
data source concerning
the proposed names.
In the site Bantu
Jokowi select Minister,
there is also review and
recommendation concepts
in which all users can
provide responses as well
as “star” for the proposed
names, just like what is
done for assessment on
applications in Google
Play Store. However, in
this feature, the “star”
provided covers 3
categories among others
they must be clean,
professional and ready to
For Bantu Jokowi
feature, to identify
the issue and find the
solution, it will assist
Jokowi to be able to listen
to the public aspiration
directly about a ministry.
The public can post issues
and propose the solution.
While Assist Jokowi
Eradicate Corruption,
the use is to assist
Jokowi in receiving the
public reports related to
corruption act conducted
by the ministry.
This feature is planned
to be activated when
Jokowi is inaugurated as
President of the Republic
of Indonesia.
Different from
Alternative Cabinet
Proposed by the People
in which 3 main people
who are proposed to
be Ministers have been
determined. In this
feature anyone who
deserves to be the
Minister may be proposed.
And certainly they will
obtain assessment from
other visitors.
Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla
according to KPU have
won the 2014 Presidential
Election, despite the
final determination is
still in the process at
the Constitutional Court
due to the lawsuit from
Prabowo-Hatta. The
Jokowi-JK victory is
mostly supported by
thousands of volunteer
communities. These
volunteers did not only
take part in the campaign
and funding, but they
were also actively
involved in supervising
vote counting process.
Perhaps Indonesia the
cutting edge politics
is not only colored by
the present of Jokowi
figure, but also with
the emergence of the
outstanding volunteer
participation. Now these
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
volunteers continue to
supervise the political
journey of their elected
couple in various ways.
Joko Widodo himself
confirmed that his side
asked inputs from the
public on who deserve to
be in the cabinet. “It is
okay to ask for inputs,”
he said. So far there
have been 102 minister
candidate names, each
ministry posts is filled
three candidate names.
Jokowi aligned the
Google Celebrates RI
Anniversary Again with
Google Doodle
he search engine
Google participated
again in celebrating
the 69th Indonesian
Independence. In
commemorating this
69th anniversary of The
Republic of Indonesia (RI)
Google Doodle or Google
is present with logo
which displays matters
pertaining to such RI
Anniversary. Among
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
others are Indonesian
traditional houses, school
students are raising the
Red and White flag, people
wearing Red and White
head bands and also the
presence of Balinese and
Papua women.
Google’s respect for
Indonesian Independence
is not the first time. In the
previous years, Google
also displayed similar
ministry posts which he
will lead with the Laws of
the Republic of Indonesia
Number 39 of 2008
regarding State Ministry
which limits the maximum
number of ministry to be
matters despite only on
Just like last year when
it was pictured with the
sign of Pancasila eagle
as well as Red and White
nuance which depicts our
Then the previous year it
was pictured with August
17 celebration in which
there was areca palm
climbing as well the Red
and White flag in small
pieces as we often find
at the times of August
17 celebration in various
corners of Indonesia.
Google relation with
Indonesian government
is quite harmonious.
Google’s presence
obtained a warm welcome,
even red carpet from the
state high officials. When
Google started to explore
Google Street view, it was
even released by Minister
of Tourism and Creative
Economy Marie Pangestu.
Not only that, Indonesian
officers are reported
to have visited Google
headquarter in Mountain
View California, the United
States of America.
Telkomsel Supports Sail Raja Ampat 2014
PT Telkomsel Indonesia
added 19 Base Trans
receiver Station (BTS)
to support the comfort
of its customers when
they are at the Sail Raja
Ampat event which was
planned to be opened by
President of the Republic
of Indonesia Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono on August 23.
Telkomsel mentioned that
the capacity of BTS which
would be present at Raja
Ampat had used 3G (Third
Generation Technology) and
followed with High Speed
Downlink Packet Access
“Previously there were only
2 BTS at that region and it
added to
5 BTS at Raja Ampat.
Additional BTS was also
conducted at Sorong City,”
said Vice President ICT
Telkomsel for Papua, Maluku,
Sulawesi and Kalimantan
(Pamasuka), Ali Imran.
The installment of BTS at
this time has been on air,
since it has been conducted
since June. Telkomsel also
admitted that the BTS that
had been on-air would still
be installed in such area,
despite the activities have
been completed.
Telkomsel admitted that
out of as many as 3.5
million customers in Papua
only 20% who used internet
facility. To support internet
users, he claimed that there
had been 10 regencies
which were equipped
with 3G and HSPDA,
among others were
Manokwari, Biak Numfor,
Sorong, Raja Ampat,
Timika, Nabira, Puncak Jaya,
Jayawijaya, Merauke and
Jayapura City.
He expected that he could
provide an output in the
size from 500 kilobytes
(Kbps) up to 1megabytes
per second (Mbps). To
download or obtain data
from virtual world (internet)
more less in the amount of
70 percent, while to upload
file, he provides more less
30 percent.
“For 1 Mbps, the upload is
around 300 Kbps, the rest
is for download. However in
several spots, if the network
is not busy, the speed can
reach up to 5 Mbps. Now
upload is more used, so in
the future we will increase
that,” he said.
XL Supports Cashless National Movement Campaign
PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL)
supports government
program in having
the Cashless National
Movement Campaign
(GNNT) proclaimed by Bank
Indonesia by introducing
XL Tunai electronic money
which can be used in several
merchants including at the
proclaimed GNNT event in
Mangga Dua area as well as
providing price discount of
up to 50%.
This GNNT program is
designated to increase
public awareness, business
actors and government
institutions to use cashless
payment facility in having
financial transactions, which
is certainly easy, safe and
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Chief Operating Officer of
XL, Willem Lucas Timmerman
said, Cash less transaction
use both through XL Tunai
or transfer through hand
phones is getting more
and more attention from
the public. This is due
to the fact that more
and more customers get
benefit of speed, efficiency
and security from this
transaction use. Particularly
for the public in large cities,
this cash less transaction
use level increases, along
with the development of
digital service which offers
various transactions which
use cash less a lot as the
method of payment.”
Willem added that one of
the functions of e-money
for money dispatch among
cellular operators (XL,
Telkomsel & Indonsat)
was that this was the first
time in the world since
other countries had not
implemented this. For XL,
e-money is a service which
required patient in educating
the public. Despite
Indonesian public is used to
paying in cash, since there
is a suggestion from Bank
Indonesia related to cash
less society socialization
and branchless banking, XL
sees that XL Tunai will be
a service that will provide
large contribution in the
Indosat Opens New Roaming Facility and Provides Promo Tariff to
Indosat opens new
roaming facility as well as
presenting international
telecommunication promo
tariff to Myanmar in the
framework of welcoming the
joining of Ooredo Myanmar
into Ooredo Group. This
service can be enjoyed by
customers starting August
14, 2014.
Indosat opens new
roaming to destination
country Myanmar for all
telecommunication services
both for voice service,
SMS and internet data
with competitive tariff.
Particularly to call Indonesia
it is charged with a tariff of
IDR 22,000/minute, call to
local numbers in the amount
of IDR 8,250/minute, call to
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
other countries is charged
with IDR 44,000/minute and
receiving calls are charged
with IDR 22,000/minute. To
send SMS it is charged with
IDR 8,250/AMA and free for
receiving SMS. Internet & BB
services are charged with
IDR 300,000/day.
While promo tariff is
provided by Indosat
for international
telecommunication service
using Flat Call 01016. the
main promo is FREE talking
for 5 minutes after making a
paid phone call for 5 minutes
to destination number in
Ooredo Myanmar. Normally
Flat Call 01016 tariff to
Myanmar is IDR 3,500/
minute, while SLI 001 and
SLI 008 tariff are charged
with a tariff of IDR 3,150/30
“We would like to welcome
Ooredo Myanmar in Ooredo
Group. We are hoping
that with the joining into
Ooredo Group as well promo
service program we open in
Myanmar, we will support
the openness of more
potential and opportunity for
the public of Myanmar,” said
Alexander Rusli, President
Director & CEO of Indosat.
Here Are 7 Newest
Huawei Wireless Gadgets
he need to access
internet within the
Indonesian public
are increasing.
Internet is no longer
here merely to support
business needs, but also
has become the basic
need used every day.
Internet service provider
operators continue to
satisfy such need, both
in terms of quality and
quantity. It becomes
easier for the public
to access internet in
various gadgets, starting
from desktop personal
computer (PC), laptop,
smart phone up to
In the scope of housing,
internet access is
generally obtained from
fiber optic network
providers, despite there
are several which use
wireless internet access
or rely on cellular operator
network. Mobility and
flexibility in accessing the
internet certainly become
the demand of users.
Internet access need
everywhere, anywhere
when you are driving, at
cafes, campuses, or at a
meeting with clients.
Huawei as the
world’s network and
gadget provider giant
company cooperates
with PT Datascript as its
authorized distributor in
Indonesia launched the
newest seven wireless
gadgets, six wireless Wi-Fi
gadget namely mobile WiFi Huawei E5336, wireless
dongle Huawei E8231, &
ultra slim dongle Huawei
E3533, Wi-Fi extended
Huawei WS 331C, router
Huawei WS 319, as well
on series of Bluetooth
speaker Huawei AM10.
“PT Datascript as
The One Stop Business
Solutions companies is
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
proud to cooperate and be
the authorized distributor
of Huawei in Indonesia.
Huawei has been
trusted by the best
operators in Indonesia
and globally. The seven
products launched are the
newest wireless gadgets
with outstanding quality
and capability, the right
gadget for you who are
dynamic, therefore it
can be used anytime and
anywhere,” said Sylvia
Lionggosari – Division
Director, PT Datasricpt.
“We are proud to
cooperate with PT
Datascript as distribution
partner to market our
newest wireless gadgets
in the Indonesian market.
We believe that through
PT Datascript Indonesia
national distribution
coverage, strong
experience, skill and focus
in business consumer
market, Huawei & PT.
Datascript have the same
commitment to provide
innovative and affordable
gadget for Indonesian
consumers,” said Nick
Lee, Head of Consumer
Business Group Huawei
Huawei E5336 – Mobile Wi-Fi with Riveting Design
and Capability
Internet access
becomes more
exciting and
enjoyable with
Huawei E5336.
With this Mobile
Wi-Fi users can
share with up to
10 gadgets, either
in laptops, tablets,
or smart phones.
In addition to the
unique and interesting
design, Huawei E5336
dimension is very small
and practical therefore
makes it easier to carry to anywhere.
You don’t have to be afraid of running
out of battery since this modem can last
to up to 6 hours during use or 12 days
in standby condition.
The operation is very
easy, after the power
is switched on you
just have to wait
for 5 seconds to
be connected to
Wi-Fi internet
with Huawei
E5336. With
LCD 1.345
inches screen,
users can also
see signal power
indicator and the left
battery capacity.
Huawei E5336 supports 3G/2G
network. In addition to sharing 3G
internet signal to 10 devices at the
same time, this modem can also be the
Wi-Fi extender which also will share Wi-Fi
signal to 10 different gadgets.
Huawwei E8231 – Not Only A USB Modem
Says who USB modem can only be
accessed from computer desktop or
laptop? Huawei E8231 can be a Wi-Fi
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
modem anytime and anywhere needed.
Just cooncet to USB port adaptor on
house’s or car’s electrical cords, you
can enjoy Wi-fi signal from
Huawei E8231.
With download speed of
up to 21.6 Mbps, this
wireless dongle
network HSPA
+ and 2G (GSM,
Users can share
Wi-Fi signal to
10 different
gadget at the
same time.
Huawei WS 331C – Smart Wi-Fi Extender with
Trendy Design
You certainly will feel
annoyed if Wi-Fi signals
at hotels are too weak
or your presentation
is disturbed due to
the onely one bar
Wi-Fi signal. Huawei
presents WS 331C,
Wi-Fi extender which can
function as router at the
same time.
Unlike any other routers in
general, with large appearance
as well as two signal transmitter
antennas, this Huawei
WS 331C is designed
very simple. The
dimension which
is only 76 x 42
x 69 mm causes
this gadget to
be very flexible
and easy to be
carried around for
instance to support
Wi-Fi access in hotels,
restaurants, offices and
Huawei E3531 & E3533 – Slim, Easy and Dependable
For you who are mobile and want
something easy and simple in using
the internet, Huawei E3531 &
E3533 is very accurate. When you
are travelling, work or school duties
do not have to be delayed because
there is no Wi-Fi access. To be able
to obtain internet access,
you just connect this
3G dongle to
USB port.
can be
easily applied on
Windows operating
system, Mac or Linux. Ultra slim
dongle Huawei E3533 has a slimmer
shape, more fun and comfortable to
be carried anywhere.
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
Huawei WS 319 – Wireless Connction
with More Powerful Signal
Lately, Wi-Fi router
gadget use has become
more popular. Not only at
restaurants or any other
public places, at this time
there are many houses use
Wi-Fi gadget. In one
household there
are not only
one or two
internet. The
father, mother,
brother and sister use
their each gadget and all
are connected at the same
Not only computer
access, lately there have
been various electronic
products which also use WiFi connection starting from
game console, television,
printer up to smart phone.
In responding to such need,
Huawei presents WS 319
router, the right solution
for Wi-Fi connection need
at your office, house
or business area. This
multifunction router
supports Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
connectivity with four ports
of Eternet 10/100 Mbps RJ345 in which one port is the
main port for data access
with LAN cable basis. With
the dimension of 160 x 32
x 110 mm which is solid and
equipped with two outside
antennas, this router is very
dependable in transmitting
Wi-Fi signal.
This Huawei WS 319 has
parental lock feature, which
is a security system that
can block unwanted sites.
This feature can be used
through Huawei RuMate,
this application can be
downloaded through Android
and iOSs operating systems.
Users can also adjust Wi-Fi
router operational through
this application.
Huawei AM10 – Sensation in Enjoying the Music
without Cable
If you are a music lover, it
would not be complete if you
haven’t felt the capability
of this gadget. Huawei AM
10, a Bluetooth speaker with
riveting sound quality and
trendy design.
Your favorite gadget
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
starting from iPod, smart phone,
tablet, computer or any other
gadgets that have Bluetooth
feature can easily feel and enjoy the
awesomeness of sound produced by
Huawei AM10.
With its dimension in the size of
165mm x 66.6 mm x 46 mm and
it weights 380 grams, this
speaker is very simple to be
carried when travelling. The
operating is very easy. Just
activate Bluetooth in your
gadget, then connect to Huawei
AM10, you can immediately
enjoy your favorite somg. Do
you have song collection in micro
SD memory? You can immediately
plug it then play the song that you
want to hear. With the use endurance
of up to 5 hours, Huawei AM10 can
produce a maximum volume
of up to 80 dB which is clear.
The bass sound produced will
make you astonished with this
speaker capability. In addition,
Bluetooth speaker in Huawei
AM 10 can also be used as
speakerphone and also has the
function as teleconference.
PT Datascript as authorized distributor of Huawei in Indonesia,
markets the following:
• Mobile Wi-fi Huawei E5336
• Wireless dongle Huawe E8231
• 3G dongle Huawei E3531
• Ultra slim dongle Huawei E3533
• Wi-Fi extender Huawei WS 331C
• Router Huawei WS 319
• Bluetooth speaker Huawei AM10
with a price of
with a price of
with a price of
with a price of
with a price of
with a price of
with a price of
IDR 867,300,00
IDR 560,500,00
IDR 318,600,00
IDR 495,600,00
IDR 413,000,00
IDR 348,100,00
IDR 737,500,00
Majalah IC T
No. 27• September 2014
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