bullying fact sheet - NAAFA
bullying fact sheet - NAAFA
B U L LY I N G FACT S H E E T Bullying is no longer exclusive to children and their peers on a playground. Studies have found incidents of bullying by parents, teachers, siblings and peers both in-person and in B U L LY I N G S TAT I S T I C S : the cyber world with both short- and long-term consequences. It ’s t i m e to EN D B U LLYI NG NOW! 56% 56% OF KIDS ARE BULLIED FACTS ABOUT BULLYING: • 2 of every 3 children have experienced being bullied by a classmate and 1 of every 3 has experienced weight bias from a teacher. [2008 Rudd Report from Yale University’s Rudd Center] • In a large statewide sample of sixth, ninth, and twelfth grade students involved in verbal and social bullying, researchers found that 22% of frequent perpetrators only, 29% of frequent victims only, and 38% of frequent bully-victims (those reporting being a bully and being bullied) reported suicidal thinking or a suicide attempt during the past year. [Borowsky, et al, 2013] • A longitudinal study found that victims and bullies/victims had elevated rates of young adult psychiatric disorders, but also elevated rates of childhood psychiatric disorders and family hardships. [Copeland, et al, 2013] State s with L aws on Bu llyin g N o fe d era l l a w ex i st a t t h i s t i m e MT ND SD About 56%, of all students have witnessed a bullying crime take place while at school http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/ bullying-statistics-2010.html 71% 71% of students report bullying as an on-going problem http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/ bullying-statistics-2010.html P L AYG R O U N D S C H O O L B U L LY I N G S TAT I S T I C S : 4% Adult intervention MI DC 11% Peer intervention 85% No intervention HI States with laws on Bullying States with no laws on Bullying http://www.how-to-stop-bullying.com/ bullyingstatistics.html Source: http://www.stopbullying.gov/ w w w . naafa.o rg B U L LY I N G FA C T S H E E T Fat children have a higher risk of being bullied, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, social skills, academic achievement or gender. (Lumeng, et al, 2010) B U L LY I N G S TAT I S T I C S : • 2.7 million students are bullied each year http://www.makebeatsnotbeatdowns.org/facts_new.html • B U L LY I N G S TAT I S T I C S : 25% 2.1 million students take on the roll of bully http://www.makebeatsnotbeatdowns.org/facts_new.html • Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. http://www.how-to-stop-bullying.com/bullyingstatistics.html • Negative attitudes start in preschool and progress as students age. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet [Cyber bullying: i-SAFE foundation] Turnbull, et al, 2000 • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying >50% The negative effects of teasing and bullying are significant. However, there are a number of things that an individual can do to help stop bullying and counteract the negative effects to children’s body image and self-esteem. Visit the End Bullying Now website for resources and take the pledge to END BULLYING NOW! Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs [Cyber bullying: i-SAFE foundation] For more information on how you can be involved in or donate to the End Bullying Now campaign, visit our website at www.naafa.org or send us an email at endbullyingnow@outlook.com w w w . naafa.o rg