A word from the Principal….. - Kallista Primary School
A word from the Principal….. - Kallista Primary School
Kallista Primary School, 72 Monbulk Road, phone 9755 2633 Wednesday 11th June 2014 Important Diary Dates June Mon 16th Tues 17th Wed 18th Fri 20th Mon 23rd Tues 24th Wed 25th A word from the Principal….. Hello Everyone! Thank you! Thank you! I have been really touched by the overwhelming support from students, staff and parents all this term, and last week in particular, as my appointment was announced. I am thrilled to be working with such a great staff and am looking forward to getting to know the children on a more personal basis as I visit classrooms and the playground. I certainly feel very lucky to be part of the wonderful Kallista Primary School community and especially to be Principal. Thank you so very much! The Power of One Last Wednesday afternoon, all students attended a performance called ‘The Power of One!’ The message of the show was that we should all say ‘No!’ to bullying behavior. This means promising to treat others with respect, care and kindness. It also means not being silent when there is bullying going on around you. If someone you know is Fri 27th being bullied they need your help. Others respect you if you stand up for someone who is being bullied. Speak up and report it to teachers, our education support staff, or to myself if you see bullying at school. We can make a difference together ‘Make a stand. Lend a Hand.’ Visit the Department of Education’s website to find out more about bullying. An excerpt from the website follows my letter to you all. http://www.education.vic.gov.au/ about/programs/bullystoppers/ Pages/students.aspx Peer Leaders Last week, I spent some time with Year 5 students discussing how they want to be treated and how we can make play safer at Kallista. Here are some of the things they said about how they would like to be treated Happy and joyfully Nice Gr 3/4K Kitchen 7pm Education Committee 8pm School Council Meeting Lunchtime Chess Lunchtime Drumming Gr 3/4S Fire Station 2-3pm ISS vs Sassafras (Away) School Disco 5-7pm Gr 5J Kitchen Reports Home Lunchtime Chess On Time for School Free Dress Day Lunchtime Drumming Gr 3/4S Fire Station 2-3pm END OF TERM Assembly 2.45pm July Mon 14th Mon 21st Mon 28th First Day Term 3 Gr 3/4F Kitchen Gr 5/6S Kitchen 7pm Education Committee 8pm School Council Meeting Gr 5J Kitchen At Kallista Primary we all value: KALLISTA PRIMARY SCHOOL 72 Monbulk Road Phone: 9755 2633 General Purpose Rm: 9755-3740 Fax: 9755 1960 Email: kallista.ps@ edumail.vic.gov.au Web site: www.kallista.global2. vic.edu.au Principal: Christine Finighan Office Staff: Andrea Gunn Bronwyn Laidler Bernie Smith Class Teachers: Kirsten Belloni Deb Flagg Heather Glover Sam Graunke Jake Laurie Stefanie McEwan Gail McIntyre Kate Nadji Amy Roworth Brenna Thomson Anne Vear Sonja W inkler Art & Library: Georgie Ruzyla Physical Education: Hilary Morris Literacy Support: Marg Brooks Japanese Music: Yahiro Yashino Garden Specialist: Jennie Hoogland Friendly – have ‘good’ friends Treated like other people Be involved and be included in games Respect Kindness Honesty Comforted and care Safe Fun Equally Fair I am very pleased to announce that the Year 5’s have volunteered to become Playground Peer Leaders, helping our Prep to Year 2 students at lunch play from the beginning of next term. I will be training the Year 5 students over the last three weeks of the term. Thanks Peer Leaders! Step Into Prep! Enrolling NOW! The kindies had a fantastic morning at Step Into Prep, thanks to our exceptional Prep teachers, Kate and Amy. Thanks to the mums who came and shared morning tea with me in the staffroom. It was good to discuss the children’s learning needs and the benefits of the inquiry learning approach offered at Kallista Primary. Please be aware that it is now time to enrol your child to ensure their place in Prep for 2015. Autumn Leaves & General Emergencies Have you noticed that the autumn leaves have been kept under control over the term? This is thanks to Peter Grimes who comes in the early hours of the morning to Kitchen Specialist: Kylie Eklund Teacher Assistant: Sherrin Dwyer Kerrie Tully Before & After Care: Liz Nia Jayne Turner S. C. President: Emma Miller blow them all away! Thank you Peter for helping make our paths less slippery and our sports courts ready for action! Another great dad at our school who is a wonderful support in our many hours of need is Michael Mietzcke. Thanks Michael for all the help you give us in so many ways. Drumming and Chess are underway! Don’t forget to come to Tuesday lunchtime chess in the library. Also sadly, due to illness, Lisa will not be here on Wednesday 11th June. Hopefully Lisa will be back next week. I know she is looking forward to her Drumming Circle in the GP Room as soon as she can. Get well soon. Help needed! *** Table coverings… You may have noticed that the tablecloths in the entrance and hallway are looking a little sad. I am wondering if there is someone who likes to sew who would make us some new coverings. This includes the two bench tops used to display students’ artworks on either side of the hallway. *** Pressure hosing needed… We need someone with a couple of hours to pressure hose a few slippery areas of the grounds, such as steps and the driveway into the school. Equipment provided, please contact the office if you can help! *** EMERGENCY! We need the roof gutters cleared of leaves again. This is quite urgent, can anyone help please? Have a great week everyone! Chris Finighan Principal Wednesday finighan.christine.w@edumail.vic.gov.au 25th June Don’t forget if you have been on time for school Book Club Reminder Book Club is due this Uniform Shop: Raelene ShaferEvans this term you will be eli- Miniscope email: miniscope@ kallistaps.vic.edu.au some extra recess play Thanks time with the principal. Julie gible for free dress and Thursday 12/6. I know someone who is being bullied I'm Being Bullied Being bullied can feel awful. There are some important things you should do if you are being bullied. How are they feeling? If a person is being bullied, they are probably feeling some or all of these: sad frightened and lonely like running away not wanting to go to school. How can I help? Sometimes people don't say or do anything because they're afraid they will be bullied as well. But if you don't do anything the bullying will only continue. Don't stand by and let bullying happen at your school! Talk to your teachers about doing something about the bullying. You may not be able to stop the bullying yourself but you can help. What should I do? As long as you feel safe when you see the bullying happening, you could: walk away and tell a teacher right away tell the person who is bullying that you will get a teacher if they don't stop encourage your friends to walk away or tell the person to stop help the person who is being bullied to get away and go somewhere safe. If you don't think it's safe for you to stop the bullying there are other things you can do: help a friend or classmate who is being bullied tell them that bullying is not okay and they didn't do anything wrong ask them if they want help to get it stopped tell the teacher about it try to make sure your friend is not alone when they might get bullied ask the person who is being bullied to join your group or game walk away as people who bully like others to watch tell the person bullying you don't think what they do is cool or funny. Talk to someone You're not on your own. There’s always someone who can help.Bullying will probably keep happening unless you tell someone about it. Tell a teacher or someone at your school. It doesn't matter where it happens - in school, out of school or online, teachers want to stop bullying when they know about it. Tell your mum or dad, one of your family, a grandparent, friend or someone else who you know will listen to you. Ask them to help you work out what to do If things don't get better after you've told someone, tell them again or tell a different person. Keep a record If bullying is happening on your phone or the internet, keep messages and posts that hurt you or write down what happened and show an adult. What else can I do? It might take a while for new things to start working so don't give up if things don't get better right away. There are some important things you should do if you are being bullied: stay positive and be confident think about positive things: what you like doing at school and away from school what you are good at the people who like you and care about you friends away from school (eg. sport or drama). Try some things yourself Tell the other person 'I don't like that'. Use a strong and confident voice. Even if you don't feel strong and confident, fake it! Talk with the person who is bullying you (if you think it's a safe thing to do). Ask them if there is a problem that you might be able to sort out together. If you feel too scared to do it alone, ask a friend to come with you. If possible, ignore the ‘person’ who is bullying you. When a person is ignored they often lose interest in continuing the bullying. If that doesn't work, tell someone and ask for their help. Don't try to get back at the person who bullies you. It usually doesn't work, and you can end up in trouble too. Hang around people who help you feel good about yourself. Friends don't bully you. They care about you and are fun to be around. You might also make new friends by caring about others. If bullying happens on the phone or internet Don't respond to the message. Tell your mum or dad, one of your family, a grandparent, teacher, friend or someone else who can help you work out what to do. Ask for help to put a block on your mobile device or social networking page so you don't get the bullying posts or texts. Coming soon to Kallista Primary school Thank you to all those children who went to the trouble of suggesting titles for our school production. Congratulations to Hamish Strathairn whose title of Beat the Heat was overwhelmingly chosen by the children We are now accepting entries for the logo until Monday 16th June. It must be a single colour, have clear lines and include K.P.S. 2014. Please try to include something that shows that the beat of music unites people from all cultures and backgrounds. Happy creating! After School Care Activities Nov Mon 16th Jun Tues 17th Wed 18th Thurs 19th Fri 20th Mon 23rd Tues 24th Wed 25th Thurs 26th Fri 27th Bookmarks Dance A.A.S.C. Charades Karate A.A.S.C. Goo TREAT WEEK! Cardboard Clocks Dance A.A.S.C. Puzzles Karate A.A.S.C. Videos & Popcorn Notices Sent Home 6/6 Chicken Pox 4/6 Principal Announcement May Chess Club Dear Parents The Active After School Communities program will continue to operate next term providing children with trained coaches in Judo (Tuesdays) and Basketball (Thursdays) As this program has been very popular places are limited so book early for the few remaining places. Head Lice The Before & After School Care Policies are on display in the G.P. Room and parents are asked to look through them and consider any changes they feel should be made. Comments can be made in the policy booklet provided. have been quite a number of head Regards Liz & Jayne We are still looking for volunteers to conduct Head Lice checks. There lice cases reported from the classrooms, but without trained volunteers we cannot act on these. Soccer 30/5/14 hool sports, the othsc r te in d ye jo en ly al I re nest and so were we. er school was very ho d of the game the en e th at at th ed lik ly I real ng, St. Paul's showed other school was smili good sportsmanship. em again and see all I really want to VS th their faces. thought showed good Some of the people I e Eadie and Alex becaus sportsmanship were orts. they were all good sp By Lily C Soccer 6/6/14 Friday 6/6/1 4 we had in ter school s It was Kallis ports. ta vs Mt Da ndenong. F my perspec rom tive I thoug ht we all pla really well. yed I would like to say a goo to Tirnan fo d job r really goo d sportsma and Morgan nship Doe for getti n g a nice big whack on th e back of his head but sti participatin ll g. I would h ave to say a sive good jo masb to everyo ne that par pated in the ticigame. We o nly had a sm team and w all hen Mt Dan denong cam saw that we e we had no chan ce but they were fair an d they split teams even the end we ly. In won 2 to 0. It was a rea good and in lly teresting ga me. By Ruby S! ;) I like to se e our 5/6 s s working i n n e a t n t d talking as a team Ba with othe r schools. It is great 6/6/14 that kids my age a in t g M re outside s t v h r ta e is ll e a K d 4 ifferent c /1 hav/6 6 e th y a d ompetitio On Fri . s rt o n sp s. It ’s good r inter school that the 5 Dandenong fo /6s can se schools a d team and e all the o o o g y ll a n re d a s play with ther wa g n o n e d n a D t he other Mt . s rt o p s 5 I think it is /6s. est and good good tha also very hon t kids are sports wit outside d m to verse. a te e h m o t s h e oing e w a c n o a m re pany of o They we t her schoo I think it is ls. d Amalija. n a g n r a e rg a o t M that kids Good job to joying he a re outside althy acti en. w v ra iti d a e s while ha as w it d n e e th In ving fun. Morgan C . Thanks Darcy Advertisements CAMP FOR BUILDING SELF ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE FOR KIDS!! On the weekend of Fri. 13th February - Sun. 15th February 2015 $60 Full Fee* We have discovered that if you try to build up kids in this amazing area of their lives, they are so glad when adults try they almost do it all for them! This Level 1 camp starts kids off on this exciting adventure, and they usually don’t want to stop! We already have quite a few kids booked in. You can ring for a prebooking, which will hold a space for 21 days, giving enough time to formally confirm the booking. See www.kidsofgold.org.au for further info, pictures, slideshow etc. WHAT IS IT? A camp designed especially to build confidence and self-esteem for Primary Kids in Grades 4-6 ( & 9yr olds only in Gde 3). Students going into Year 7 in 2015 are still eligible, as well as Grade 3s going into Grade 4 in 2015. There are 4 Levels that kids can ultimately do if they continue to come! Overcoming issues like shyness, bullying and inability to make friends are some of the areas that parents have seen their kids ‘winning through’ on through this camp. Fun games, low ropes and initiative activities, wall climbing, dramas etc are all in the program. WHERE IS IT? In the Yarra Valley at the safe and attractive setting of the Lyrebird Park Camp, 510 Beenak Rd Yellingbo It is found in Melways Map 308 K10, and is marked as 1km further along Beenak Road.. COST? $60 per child. There are full sponsorships available to some on application ( $60 is only 43% of the full price), and will be met through subsidies received through fundraising efforts and Kids of Gold sponsors. Bendigo Bank, Bunnings and the Shire of Yarra Ranges support our cause as much as they are able. CONTACT - Enquiries/prebooking to ‘Kids of Gold’ on 0418 170 027 ( Jenny) or 9737. 9475 (Gary) or 0415 427 396 (Gary). KIDS OF GOLD, 323 MONBULK RD SILVAN VIC 3795 ABN 57 327 231 83 Advertisements Miniscope Advertising 2014 ¼ page $15, ½ page $30, full page $60, insert of provided Flyer $15, prices include GST. Reduced rates are available for members of the school community. P.O.A. I am a Kallista Parent. Feel free to contact me on 0419556467 or e-mail gus_8@hotmail.com All advertising must receive prior approval from the Principal of Kallista Primary School. Advertisements are not endorsed by the School Council. Copy deadline is on Mon evening prior to publication. We do prefer email format. miniscope@kallistaps.vic.edu.au
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A word from the Principal….. - Kallista Primary School
At Kallista Primary we all value: