stockmens insurance agency llc
stockmens insurance agency llc
General Security National Insurance Company Livestock Mortality and Theft Policy L02 5)' . Genera! Security National Insurance Company (herein referred to as WE, US and OUR) agrees to indemnify YOU against loss as provided by the terms of this Policy. YOU are requested to read this Policy and, if it is incorrect, return it immediately for alteration. In all communications the Policy Number appearing in line one of the DECLARATION should be quoted. There are five different sections contained in this policy. Sections 1 & 2 (mortality and THEFT) are compulsory and is the minimum cover YOU can take out In addition to sections 1 & 2 there are 3 other sections of which one may be added as required by YOU. This will attract an additional premium. I---~-~--- ""I LIVESTOCK MORTALITY AND INFER-TIL-ITYINSURANCE EFFECTED THROUGH I STOCKMENS INSURANCE AGENCY LLC I Administration and Claims Notification Box 277 RR#4 Site 412 I Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 3J7 Ph: (306) 931·4555 Fax: (306) 931-4533 Toll Free: (855) 205-9884 Ernail; I IMPORTANT N_OTICE TO INSURED I 1 The conditions representative of your policy require that immediate notice in English be given by you or your or any other persons having care, custody or control of the insured animals: After hours: (306) 221-8943 In the event of death: 1, tmmediate notice must be given to Stockmens Insurance Agency LLC 2, You are required to provide us with a post mortem report. Operations and Surgery You must ask our perrnlsslon before any operation or procedure that necessitates use of general or local anaesthetic unless such operation or procedure is immediately necessary to preserve the animals life PLEASE READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY GSNICwol02001·2013 1 I In the event of injury, lameness. illness or accident to: Stockmens Insurance Agency LLC Phone: (306) 931-4555 Fax: (306) 931-4533 I, I
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