Thanks For The Memory - New Orleans Federal Bar Association
Thanks For The Memory - New Orleans Federal Bar Association
Summer Edition 2009 Vol. 18, No. 4 Message from the President by James M. Garner Thanks For The Memory* As the 2008-2009 year comes to a close, I want to thank a wonderful organization that has again acquitted itself well in troubled times. Almost four years after Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Chapter continues to be an exemplar of excellence. In the Fall of 2005, Patrick O’Keefe and I spoke over coffee about our future and whether our chapter would be half the size we are today in a year; we are larger now than we were in 2005. We are, by far, the largest Chapter in the country, ahead of Washington DC and Minnesota. Our “lead” has grown during that time. Congratulations to all members for obtaining this distinction, and thank you for your support. And now we turn our attention to 2009-2010 and the National Federal Bar Association Convention of 2010. As of the time of publication of the Advocate, we have collected approximately $100,000 out of pledges of approximately $179,000. Thanks to all of you who have responded in these challenging times. It isn’t the good times that measure a person’s character; it’s how one responds in the down times. Our membership and Chapter have risen to the cause and shown that, four years after an unprecedented disaster, we are not only thriving as a Chapter, but also excelling at hosting the national organization’s annual gathering. For COUNTDOWN TO THE FEDERAL BAR ASSOCIATION 2010 NATIONAL CONVENTION, SEPTEMBER, 2010 18 MONTHS TO GO AND COUNTING! those of you who have not yet pledged or given, please do. Please help us show how great we are. Congratulations to Ashley Belleau who will take the mantle of President of the national Federal Bar Association at that meeting. At the Annual Convention, not only will we be able to showcase our Chapter and City, but we will also have one of our own take over leadership of the national organization. This is a great opportunity for our Chapter to make a national impression. I want to take this final moment to thank our Board of Directors, and the executive committee – Stevan Dittman, Barry Ashe, Judge Kurt Engelhardt and Aimee Quirk. I also want to thank the past presidents who continue to work hard for the organization during the year – Ashley Belleau, Patrick O’Keefe, Matt Moreland and Virginia Schlueter. An organization is only as strong as its weakest link—and there are no weak links in this group. I would also like to personally congratulate our President-Elect, Stevan Dittman and to wish him the best of luck in the coming year. Based on the strength of personnel of our Board of Directors and Executive Committee, we have many good years ahead of us. Thank you. Written by Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin, Arranged by: Gordon Jenkins. Originally from the film Big Broadcast of 1938. * If you or your firm would like to be a part of bringing the National Convention to New Orleans in 2010 by contributing, please contact Jim Garner or Jo Aline Chocheles at 504-299-2102. Editorial Board: Christopher J. Alfieri, Eric R. Nowak and Celeste Coco-Ewing FEDERAL BAR ASSOCIATION, NEW ORLEANS CHAPTER HOSTS 17th ANNUAL JUDGE ALVIN B. RUBIN SYMPOSIUM The New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association commemorated The Honorable Alvin B. Rubin, Judge, by hosting its 17th Annual Alvin B. Rubin Symposium on May 14, 2009. The program was originally conceived of to honor Judge Rubin’s renowned commitment to professionalism and ethics in the legal field, and it provides the local Bar with an opportunity to obtain professionalism and ethics CLE credits. This year, Harvard Professor David Wilkins was invited to lead two panel discussions. Donna Phillips Currault, Professor David Wilkins and Andrew R. Lee Professor David Wilkins and Panel Members Hon. Eldon E. Fallon, Judy Perry Martinez and Richard T. Simmons Professor David Wilkins and Michael H. Rubin 2 The first discussion focused on recent developments in professionalism, including the newly proposed ABA model rule regarding conflicts of interests between lawyers and their former clients. As Professor Wilkins explained, the proposed rule is a significant departure from the previous black letter rule. Professor Wilkins led the panel and the audience in a challenging discussion of ethics about how the proposed rule will affect lawyers’ opportunities to obtain new clients and the resulting implications in litigation. The Honorable Eldon E. Fallon, Judy Perry Martinez, and Richard T. Simmons sat on the panel and provided their insights from judicial, in-house counsel, and private practice perspectives. Professor Wilkins then led a second discussion on professionalism centering on the future of the legal profession as the world and commerce become more intertwined. As a part of this discussion, Professor Wilkins shared some of his early findings from a twelve-year national study he is leading which collects information about the career paths of lawyers. The study known as “After the JD” is a comprehensive study of lawyers from the year 2000 through 2012. His statistics shed new light on how the careers of different racial, gender, and demographic groups are unfolding. The discussion was lively, insightful, and often funny. Over 150 lawyers attended this engaging discussion of ethics and professionalism in the ceremonial courtroom of the United States District Court for the Eastern District. All attendees received CLE credit for 1 hour of ethics and 1 hour of professionalism. And, members who pre-registered paid only $25! Advocate UNITED STATES SENTENCING COMMISSION ANNUAL NATIONAL SEMINAR The United States Sentencing Commission held its annual national seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, Louisiana from Wednesday, June 10, 2009, through Friday, June 12, 2009. Over eleven hundred participants from around the country traveled here for this comprehensive review of the guidelines. On the first day of the seminar, participants were introduced to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and application of the federal guidelines generally. The next day, after attending a “Year in Review” session pertaining to the United States Sentencing Commission, participants attended break-out sessions which addressed recent developments in the sentencing guidelines for various drug, immigration, fraud and theft offenses. On the final day, the training culminated in a well attended defense attorney training session in which Acting Chair Ricardo Hinojosa, Past President of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers-Carmen Hernandez and FPD and New Orleans Chapter Past President Virginia Schlueter, presented suggestions for best practices by defense attorneys and a review of the precursor convictions necessary for Career offender status, Armed career offender status, and three strikes. Simultaneously, there was a session attended by Federal Prosecutors. The New Orleans Chapter of the FBA co-hosted a cocktail party for FBA members, Speakers, and United States Sentencing Commissioners and their staff attorneys. This opportunity to network with the USSC Commissioners and legal staff over cocktails proved educational and entertaining. John Baker, Judith Shoen, Acting Chair Ricardo Hinojosa, Virginia Laughlin Schlueter, Hon. Gustavo Gelpi, Judge, United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico, Matt Moreland and ECJA Panel Member Warren McKenna FBA Criminal Law Section Chair Kevin McGrath, Theresa Perella, FBA Criminal Law Section Co-Chair Mike Sklaire Sandra Jenkins, ECJA Panel Member, Billy Gibbens, ECJA Board Member, Virginia Laughlin Schlueter, Eastern District of Louisiana Federal Public Defender Advocate 3 YOUNGER LAWYERS’ DIVISION OF THE FEDERAL BAR ASSOCIATION HOSTS “MORNING AT THE FEDERAL COURTHOUSE” On June 24, 2009, the Young Lawyers Division (“YLD”) of the Federal Bar Associations New Orleans Chapter hosted its fifth annual “A Morning at the Federal Courthouse” program. The half-day program introduced approximately 65 local law clerks from both the public and private sectors of law practice to the operations of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana in New Orleans. The law clerks also had the opportunity to observe oral arguments and informally interact with several of the judges from the Eastern District. The Honorable Sarah S. Vance, chief judge for Eastern District, began the program with a warm welcome. Judge Vance gave a brief overview of the workings of the Court. Following opening remarks, the attendees observed oral argument Hon. Sarah S. Vance, Chief Judge, on various motions before the Honorable Sarah S. Vance, the Honorable Carl J. U. S. District Court, Eastern Barbier, the Honorable Ivan L.R. Lemelle, the Honorable Stanwood R. Duval, District of Louisiana Jr., the Honorable Mary Ann Vial Lemmon, the and the Honorable Daniel E. Knowles, III. Several of the participating judges provided the law clerks the opportunity to have an informal question and answer period following oral argument in which subjects ranging from preparation for oral argument, communications with the Court and ethics issues were discussed. Amy Malish addresses law clerk attendees Thereafter, the law clerks reconvened for the second half of the program for a panel discussion on an overview of the Eastern District, which was designed to introduce the law clerks to the organization and various roles in the federal court system. The Honorable Lance M. Africk spoke on the role of the district court judge, the Honorable Sally Shushan and the Honorable Karen Wells Roby spoke on the role of the magistrate judge and Ms. Loretta Whyte, clerk of court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, spoke on case management procedures and local rules. The program concluded with an informal luncheon in the reception room of 625 St. Charles Avenue, which was attended by the law clerks and participating judges. Suzanne Scalise, Lauren Hudson, Kathryn Knight and Maggie Broussard 4 The program was well received by the law clerks and the participating judges. Many of the law clerks expressed their excitement about being able to interact informally with the judges and their staff. The program also provided a great opportunity for the current members of the YLD to meet the FBA’s newest members. The program was a joint effort and the YLD extends its appreciation to the many judges and court staff members who made this program possible. Advocate CLERK’S CORNER By: The Honorable Loretta G. Whyte, Clerk of Court, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana – CAVEAT – There is no question that electronic filing continues to be a great benefit to all of us. However, there are pitfalls the e-filer can easily encounter, occasionally with disastrous results. You need to be aware of them. Recently two different appellate courts dismissed appeals without considering the merits of the case because of mistakes in connection with electronic filing. In Kinsley v. Lakeview Regional Medical Center, Fifth Circuit No. 08-30025, plaintiff’s counsel intended to electronically file a notice of appeal. He properly selected the event “Notice of Appeal” from the CM/ECF drop down menu. However, he then inadvertently attached the wrong pdf document, that being a request for oral argument he had filed earlier in the case. The clerk informed counsel that the document was deficient and that the court’s administrative procedure requires a deficient document to be re-filed in its entirety within 5 days or it will be dismissed. Counsel filed a proper notice of appeal within 4 days, but the new filing was not within the 30 days from entry of judgment, as required by the Federal Rules for a Notice of Appeal. Finding that the time limitation on filing a notice of appeal is mandatory and jurisdictional, the appellate court ruled that the initial CM/ECF filing did not constitute a notice of appeal and, furthermore, that the district court’s procedure allowing 5 days to file a corrected document does not extend the time for filing a notice of appeal. The appeal was dismissed. In an Eighth Circuit case, counsel sought to reopen the time for appeal, claiming that they had not received the e-mailed notice of the district court’s adverse appealable order. The district court had held that a presumption of delivery and receipt should apply to emails sent via CM/ECF and that the appellants had not overcome this presumption. The lower court found that the law firm did, in fact, receive notice of its ruling on the date it was sent from the district court’s CM/ECF system and that the most likely scenario was that someone working in the law firm’s office must have accidentally deleted the e-mail notification. The Circuit affirmed, ruling that counsel for appellant could not establish that they had failed to receive timely notice and that, therefore, no legitimate excuse existed for failing to file a notice of appeal within the time allowed. American Boat Co. v. Unknown Sunken Barge, Eighth Circuit No. 08-2166 Awareness of these problem areas related to electronic filing will help everyone avoid them in the future. LUNCH WITH THE COURT The Federal Bar Association’s Lunch with the Court program continues with the following events: JULY 15, 2009 THE HONORABLE JAY C. ZAINEY Judge, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana AUGUST 19, 2009 THE HONORABLE IVAN L. R. LEMELLE Judge, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana Advocate Each luncheon will be held in the Judge’s courtroom unless otherwise noted. Please contact Camille Zeller at 504-589-7990 if you wish to attend. Space is limited. The Lunch with the Court program, which is free for members of the Federal Bar Association, is a project of the Younger Lawyers Division. The program allows our Federal Bar members a unique opportunity to interact with the Federal bench in an informal setting. 5 g{x axã bÜÄxtÇá V{tÑàxÜ Éy à{x YxwxÜtÄ UtÜ TááÉv|tà|ÉÇËá TÇÇâtÄ `xxà|Çz tÇw TãtÜwá _âÇv{xÉÇ YÜ|wtç?August Tâzâáà ED? Friday, 21,ECCL 2009 DDMCC VÉv~àt|Äá DEMCC _âÇv{xÉÇ 11:00 Cocktails 12:00 Luncheon ^xçÇÉàx fÑxt~xÜM Keynote Speaker: [ÉÇÉÜtuÄx Vtà{xÜ|Çx WA ^|ÅutÄÄ Honorable D. Kimball V{|xy ]âáà|vx? Catherine _Éâ|á|tÇt fâÑÜxÅx VÉâÜà Chief Justice, Louisiana Supreme Court itÄ|wtàxw ctÜ~|Çz tà [|ÄàÉÇ [ÉàxÄ Validated Parking at Hilton Hotel cÄ|ÅáÉÄÄ VÄâu FCà{ YÄÉÉÜ Éy à{x jÉÜÄw gÜtwx VxÇàxÜ E VtÇtÄ fàÜxxà? axã bÜÄxtÇá 7HC ÑxÜ ÑxÜáÉÇ $50 per person R.S.V.P. to F B A (504) 589-7990 R.S.V.P. to FBA 589-7990 ANNUAL MEETING RESERVATION FORM Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ # attending: __________ Firm:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: _________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: $ _______________ PLEASE RETURN FORM AND CHECK TO: 6 New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association c/o Camille Zeller Attorney Conference Center 500 Poydras St., Room B364 Hale Boggs Building New Orleans, LA 70130 Please make your reservations on or before Friday, August 14, 2009 so that the Plimsoll Club can have a count of attendees. Advocate NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS AUGUST 21, 2009 In accordance with the Chapter’s By-Laws, Stevan C. Dittman, our current President-Elect, will automatically succeed James M. Garner as President of our Chapter. Election of the remaining officers and directors will take place at the Annual Meeting on Friday, August 21, 2009, at the Plimsoll Club. The Nominating Committee has nominated the following persons: Chapter Officers President: President-Elect/Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Immediate Past President: Younger Lawyers Representative: Vice President: Membership Chair: National Council Delegates: Stevan C. Dittman Barry W. Ashe Hon. Kurt D. Engelhardt Aimee M. Quirk Eric R. Nowak James M. Garner Stevan C. Dittman James M. Garner Suzanne Scalise CHAPTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hon. Lance M Africk Christopher J. Alfieri W. Raley Alford, III John Balhoff, II Hon. Carl J. Barbier Nannette Jolivette Brown Brian J. Capitelli Dane S. Ciolino Celeste Coco-Ewing John “Jack” T. Culotta Donna Phillips Currault Janet Daley Duval Hon. Charles “Fritz” Fulburge Billy Gibbens Steven F. Griffith, Jr. Hon. Marla Hamilton Brian Jackson Capt. Samuel Kim Advocate Kevin P. Klibert Tracey Knight Hon. Daniel E. Knowles, III Ann R. Koppel Kelly Legier Hon. Ivan L. R. Lemelle Hon. Mary Ann Vial Lemmon Allen C. Miller Douglas J. Moore Tara G. Richard Wendy Hickok Robinson Kelly T. Scalise Charles Talley Joseph P. Tynan Hon. Sarah S. Vance Peter J. Wanek Hon. Loretta G.Whyte 7 FEDERAL BAR ASSOCIATION – NEW ORLEANS CHAPTER YOUNGER LAWYERS’ DIVISION BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2009-2010) Officers: Suzanne Scalise Chair Larry Centola Vice Chair Erin K. Arnold Secretary Amy S. Malish Treasurer Brian Capitelli Past Chair Board Members: Elisabeth Lorio Baer Seth J. Bloom Mike DePetrillo Corey E. Dunbar Ellen Dunbar Vicky Elmer Jennifer L. Englander Steven F. Griffith Jr. Jeremy Herschaft Lauren Hudson Sara Johnson Kathryn M. Knight Sunni Leboef Ryan Luminais Sara E. Mouledoux Sarah Voorhies Myers Stephen G.A. Myers Neil F. Nazareth Andrea Mahady Price Elizabeth A. Roussel Michael W. Rutledge Kara Hadican Samuels Tommy Snyder Dylan Utley Sharonda R. Williams FBA MEDIATION WORKSHOP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 – 2-4pm • Courtroom of the Hon. Lance Africk, Judge Judge Conducted and Private Mediations Panelists: United States District Court Judge Lance Africk United States Magistrate Judge Sally Shushan Loyola College of Law Professor Bobby Marzine Harges Credits: Cost: 2 CLE $ 30 FBA members • $60 non-members Moderator: Nannette Jolivette FBA MEDIATION WORKSHOP RESERVATION FORM Please register by September 3rd Name:_______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN FORM AND CHECK TO: Firm:________________________________________________________________________ New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Address:_____________________________________________________________________ c/o Camille Zeller Attorney Conference Center 500 Poydras St., ____________________________________________________________________________ Room B364 Hale Boggs Building New Orleans, LA 70130 Amount enclosed: $ _______________ 8 Advocate NEW MEMBERS The Federal Bar Association welcomes its new members: Mr. Matthew S. Almon Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann Mr. Shaun G. Clarke Gerger & Clarke Mr. Tarak Anada Jones Walker Mr. Meghan D Coleman Liskow & Lewis, PLC Mr. Nicholas P Arnold Christorich & Kearney Ms. Kelly S. Collins Gieger, Laborde & Laperouse, LLC Mr. Patrick J. Babin Mouledoux Bland Legrand & Brackett Mr. Kelly C. Comarda Kelly C. Comarda, Attorney At Law Mr. Jason M. Baer Hailey, McNamara, Hall, Larmann & Papale, LLP Mr. Christopher B. Conley Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn LLP Mr. William C. Baldwin Jones Walker Ms. Stephanie W. Cosse Chaffe McCall LLP Mr. Brett A. Bares Duplass, Zwain, Bourgeouis, Pfister & Weinstock Mr. James E. Courtenay Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles LLP Mr. Jose L. Barro McGlinchey Stafford PLLC Ms. Miriam K Crespo Potermin & Associates, PC Ms. Beth Song Bernstein U. S. Dept. of Labor Mr. Mark A. Cunningham Jones Walker Ms. William D. Boyles King, Krebs & Jurgens, PLLC Ms. Lori A. Daigle Allen & Gooch Ms. Amada T. Burnette U. S. Department of Justice Mr. Alan R. Davis Chaffe McCall Ms. Kelley L. Callahan Rouseel & Clement Ms. Tiffany Leigh Delery Davis Liskow & Lewis, PLC Mr. Andrew R. Capitelli Sher Barner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, LLC Mr. Timothy D. DePaula Murphy, Rogers, Sloss & Gambel Mr. Eric M. Carter Abbott, Simses & Kuchler APLC Ms. Lauren B. Dietzen Plauche Maselli Parkerson LLP Mr. Ryan M. Casteix Leake & Anderson, LLP Mr. Ben S. DiPalma Duplass, Zwain, Bourgeouis, Pfister & Weinstock Ms. Shalni A. Chandwani King, Krebs & Jurgens, PLLC Ms. Vanessa M. D’souza Gawey, Smith, Nehrbass & North, LLC Ms. Cristi Fowler Chauvin Fowler, Rodriguez, Valdes-Fauli Ms. Katie L. Dysart Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC Mr. Scott R. Cheatham Adams and Reese LLP Ms. Shephanie L. Cheralla Degan, Blanchard & Nash, APLC Mr. Andrew H. Chrestman Liskow & Lewis, PLC Mrs. Tiana R. Christopher Chaffe McCall, LLP Advocate Ms. Claire E. Easterling Couhig Partners LLC Ms. Rina L Eisenberg Aultman Tyner Ruffin & Swetman Ms. Rochelle C. Fahrig Johnson, Johnson, Barrios & Yacoubian Mr. David M. Geerken McCranie, Sistrunk, Anzelmo, Hardy, Maxwell & McDaniel P.C. Mr. Todd R. Gennardo Denechaud & Deneehaud, LLP Ms. Erin E. Gilson Jones Walker Mr. W. Taylor Hale Phelpls Dunbar LLP Mr. Jason W. Hammer Cossich, Sumich Parsiola & Taylor, LLC Mr. Jonathan P. Hobbs McCranie, Sistrunk, Anzelmo, Hardy, Maxwell & McDaniel P.C. Mr. Jeffrey D. Hooks Ninth Judicial District Court Ms. Stacie L. Jirovec Blue Williams, LLP Ms. Katy B Kennedy Shields Mott Lund LLP Mr. Sean D. Kennedy Miller and Williamson LLC Mr. Stephen C. Kogos, Jr. Gieger, Laborde & Laperrouse, LLC Ms. Celeste C. Laborde Jones Walker Mr. Raymond C. Lewis Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, LLC Mrs. Elisabeth B. Lorio Liskow & Lewis, PLC Ms. Kristi V. Louque The Nielsen Law Firm, LLC Ms. Brittany M. Love Chopin, Wagar, Richard & Kutcher, LLP Mr. Michael J. Madere Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson LLP Mr. Brian K. Marick McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC Ms. August V. Martens The Martens Law Firm, LLC Mr. John M. McCammon McGlinchey Stafford PLLC con’t on next page 9 NEW MEMBERS (cont’d) Ms. Claire H. McDaniel The Kullman Firm Mr. Michael J. Palestina Louisiana Supreme Court Mr. David M Stein Adams and Reese LLP Mr. Timothy G. McEvoy Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver Ms. Shantell L. Payton Jones Walker Mr. Barrett R. Stephens Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson LLP Mr. Sean T. McLaughin Kean, Miller, Hawthorne, D’Armond, McCowan & Jarman, LLP Mr. Christopher T. Pellegrin Bienvenu Foster Ryan & O’Bannon LLC Mr. Charles E. Tabor Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, LLC Ms. Shendelle T. Polk Duplass, Zwain, Bourgeouis, Pfister & Weinstock Mr. Todd C. Taranto Frilot LLC Ms. Katherine M. Pollock Schonekas, Winsberg, Evans & McGoey Ms. Catherine N. Thigpen Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC Ms. Amy L. Meynig Krebs, Farley & Pelleteri PLLC Ms. Michelle L. Miller McGlinchey Stafford PLLC Ms. Elisa C. Mills Schonekas, WInsberg, Evans & McGuey Mr. Mark A. Mintz Jones Walker Mr. M. Scott Minyard Barfield & Associates Mr. Andrew T. Quackenbos King, Krebs & Jurgens PLLC Ms. Kelly E. Ransom Beahm & Green Mr. Morris W. Reed, Jr. Reed & Reed LLP Mr. Charles M. Thomas Gauthier, Houghtaling, & Williams Mr. Brendhan H. Thompson LeBlanc Bland PLLC Mr. Dennis N. Thomson Morris Bart, LLC Mr. John C. Morris, IV Frilot LLC Mr. Benjamin D. Reichard Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis & Swanson, LLP Ms. Brooke C. Tigchelaar Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann LLC Mr. Taylor P Mouledoux Phelpls Dunbar LLP Ms. Namoi K. Reyes Stone Pigman Walker WIllman LLC Mr. Robert W Tschirn Law Office Of John W. Redmann LLC Ms. Sarah J. Murphy McGlinchey Stafford PLLC Mr. Isaac H. Ryan Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles, LLP Ms. Diana E. Velez McCranie, Sistrunk, Anzelmo, Hardy, Maxwell & McDaniel Ms. Tobi M. Murphy Phelpls Dunbar LLP Mr. Scott R. Samuel Christovich & Kearney Anne La Cour Neeb Adams and Reese LLP Mr. Jairo F. Sanchez LeBlanc & Butler, LLC Mr. Christopher L. Nelson McGlinchey Stafford PLLC Mr. Adam P. Sanderson Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett Ms. Tania L. Nelson Krebs, Farley & Pelleteri PLLC Mr. Rick M. Shelby Gordon, Arata, McCollam, Duplantis & Eagan, L.L.P. Mr. Brian S. Neulander Proskauer Rose, LLP Mr. Christopher L. Sices Chopin, Wagar, Richard & Kutcher, LLP Mr. Porter H. Nolan Superior Energy Services, Inc. Ms. Jeffrey M Siemssen Gardner & Kewley, APLC Ms. Brittany M. Olson Smoothie King Franchises, Inc. Ms. Sarah E. Spigener Kanner & Whiteley, LLC Mr. Evan W. Walker Pelleteri & Wiedorn LLC Ms. Rachel E. Walsh Krebs, Farley & Pelleteri PLLC Ms. Erin R. Wedge Coats, Rose, Yale, Ryman & Lee Ms. Shelley L. Whitehead McCranie, Sistrunk, Anzelmo, Hardy, Maxwell & McDaniel Mr. Stephen W. Wiegand Liskow & Lewis, PLC Ms. Simone H. Yoder Degan, Blanchard & Nash, APLC If you would like to become a member of the FBA, or know someone who would like to become a member, please call Aimee Quirk, Membership Chair at 582-8256, or Camille Zeller at 589-7990 for more information. 10 Advocate Trials & Tribulations Crescent City Property Redevelopment Assoc., LLC, et. al. v. USAA Casualty Insurance Company, 0611420, Section B (5) (Jury trial held April 13, 2009) Katrina Insurance Claim Five of plaintiffs’ properties were damaged by rain, wind, and fire as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Plaintiffs sued their insurance company, asserting claims of breach of contract, bad faith, and untimely adjusting. Following a one-day trial, the jury returned a verdict for the Defendant with regards to all claims. Sondra Rubin, et al. v. Aggressor Fleet, Ltd., et al., 07-6598 c/w 07-6931, Section I/5 (Jury trial held April 6-17, 2009) Maritime Wrongful Death and Emotional Distress Decedent disappeared while scuba diving off the coast of Central America in May, 2003, and his wife and daughter filed suit against a Costa Rican scuba diving franchisee, the Louisiana franchisor, the Louisiana travel agent who booked decedent’s scuba diving trip, and one of the agent’s employees. The plaintiffs asserted claims of wrongful death and emotional distress caused by the defendants’ acts after the decedent’s disappearance. After a two week trial, the jury ruled in favor of the defendants on all counts. The jury found that no defendant was negligent in relation to the decedent’s disappearance, and that neither of the plaintiffs’ emotional distress was severe enough to sustain their emotional distress claims. One River Place Condominium Association, Inc. v. Axis Surplus Insurance Company, 07-1305, Section L (Jury trial held May 26, 2009 – June 3, 2009) plaintiff asserted that it was entitled to recover from the insurance company for property damage and lost income from Hurricane Katrina. Additionally, the plaintiff claimed that the insurance company cancelled plaintiff’s policy in violation of Emergency Rule 23. The insurance company denied all of plaintiff’s claims, asserting that the condominiums were damaged before Hurricane Katrina, that the plaintiff had been fully indemnified, and that the damages claimed by the Plaintiff were actually betterments and upgrades. The insurance company claimed it did not violate Emergency Rule 23 because the plaintiff, and not the insurance company, changed the nature of plaintiff’s insurance policy. The jury ruled for the plaintiff, finding the insurance company liable for $151,782 in property damage and $134,906.67 in lost income. The jury found that the insurance company did not violate Emergency Rule 23 or La. Rev. Stat. § 22:658 (now 22:1892). However, the insurance company was found to have violated § 22:1220 (now 22:1973), although the jury did not award any damages for that violation. Katz v. State Farm Fire and Cas., et al., CA 06-4155, Section R (Jury trial held May 18-20, 2009) Negligent Misrepresentation The plaintiff alleged that one of defendant’s insurance agents told her that excess flood insurance was not available for her house, which was in New Orleans. Plaintiff’s home severely flooded during Hurricane Katrina, and the flood damage exceeded the policy limits of plaintiff’s flood insurance. After Hurricane Katrina, plaintiff discovered that excess flood insurance actually was available for her New Orleans house, and sued the defendant insurance company and its agent for negligent misrepresentation. The jury found for the defendants. Katrina Insurance Claim Plaintiff, an 81-unit condominium association, sued its insurance company for breach of contract. The Advocate 11 SAVE THE DATES FOR UPCOMING EVENTS: Already on the Calendar, these upcoming events offer an easy, interesting and inexpensive way to satisfy your annual CLE requirements. Members of the Federal Bar Association are always given a discount. Any attorney who chooses to join the FBA in connection with one of the CLE programs will be admitted at the member’s rate. Make your reservations early through Camille Zeller at the Attorney Conference Center (589-7990). FBA Mediation Workshop - September 10, 2009 (see registration form on page 8) Legal Writing Workshop - October 16, 2009 Coming later this Summer and Fall, the Malcolm Monroe Federal Practice Seminar and the Federal Judges Reception. Be sure to check future issues of the Advocate and monitor our website,, for exact dates. EDITORIAL BOARD: Christopher J. Alfieri, Eric R. Nowak and Celeste Coco-Ewing Membership fee includes both national and chapter membership in the FBA. You can apply online at Membership Chair Aimee Quirk c/o Attorney Conference Center 500 Poydras Street, Room 364 Hale Boggs Federal Building New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 589-7990 or Federal Bar Association 1220 North Fillmore St., Suite 444 Arlington, VA 22201 (571) 481-9100 Fax (571) 481-9090 Contact: Interested in becoming a member of the Federal Bar Association? c/o James M. Garner Chapter President 500 Poydras St., Room 364 New Orleans, LA 70130 Federal Bar Association New Orleans Chapter NEW ORLEANS, LA PERMIT NO. 665 PAI D U.S. POSTAGE FIRST CLASS MAIL
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