30 Hour Famine - Your Movement


30 Hour Famine - Your Movement
Special note about this
year’s Famine
This is the year to “see different” (and “do
different” too). This year, leaders can focus more
on the issues and the change that is possible —
and less on administrative tasks. We told you it
would be easier and we really meant it! Here’s how
the Famine has changed:
1. Everyone registers individually online
4. It’s all online — the registration, the
— you can still form a group, but all the
resources, the fundraising — at
transactions happen at the individual
www.famine.ca. You can still call us to
student level.
mail you a “kit” if you like. However, we’re
2. It’s easier for you as a group leader. No
encouraging people to try doing as much
more running to the bank or writing
as they can online. It helps eliminate
cheques from your personal account! Each
unnecessary paper and it also saves on
student manages the donation/pledge
postage costs. That means less waste of
collection process on their own.
resources and more money to people who
3. You’re now free to focus on the projects
really need it.
and issues — the learning — instead of
getting people to collect their money
(you may still have to encourage people
to collect pledges, but in a “take
responsibility” kind of way, rather than in a
“give me your money” kind of way).
How-To Guide — Special Note
Table of Contents
Part 1: Planning the Event
Get Organized
How to Choose a Project
Media Guide
Part 2: Night of the Famine
Sample Schedule
Famine Activities
Part 3: Wrap Up
Part 4: Additional Resources (online only)
Volunteer Hours/Community Service Form
Group Reminder Email
Letter for School Administration Support
Media Advisory
Group Welcome Email
Sponsor Email Sample
How to Do the Famine and Make the World a Better
Place in Six Incredibly Easy Steps
Pledge Form
How-To Guide — Table of Contents
Part 1: Planning the Event
Get Organized
It’s your Famine event and you can organize it any
way you like, but if you need an extra hand, we’ve
created a checklist to help you stay on track.
Two months before your Famine event, you should:
❍❍ Sign up online.
through Facebook, Twitter, phone
❍❍ Get approval from your administration to
calls and press releases
hold a World Vision 30 Hour Famine.
❍❍ Set a minimum fundraising goal for your
group and for participants — this is
easier when you have picked a project
to fundraise for (see “How to Choose a
Project,” below).
❍❍ Confirm (with your administration) how
many volunteer hours participants
will receive.
❍❍ Hang posters where as many people as
possible can see them.
❍❍ If you have a big group, start a Famine
Committee. Jobs might include:
–– Public Relations: to get the word out
to the media and the community
–– Promotions: to help generate
excitement and spread the word
about your event
–– Photographer/videographer
–– Administrator: to help students stay
on top of recording donations
–– Event Coordinator: to help organize
activities and supplies for your
Famine event.
❍❍ Contact local businesses to support your
event or to donate.
❍❍ Start promoting your event, make flyers,
have PA announcements, and post on
your school/church website. Share details
on Facebook.
One month before your Famine event, you should:
❍❍ Send participants an email reminding
them about the Famine event and building
❍❍ Remind them about your project and why
this is so important.
up anticipation.
How-To Guide — Part 1
Two weeks before your Famine event, you should:
❍❍ Hold team fundraising events like raffles,
car washes, book sales, or auctions
(have your photographer/videographer
document your fundraisers).
announcements, hand out flyers, continue
to recruit participants and sponsors.
❍❍ Ask participants to make a final push to
collect donations for your project.
❍❍ Keep promoting — make morning
During your Famine event you should:
❍❍ Ask your official Famine media person to
be in charge of taking photos and videos,
tweeting and creating posts on the Famine
Facebook page. It would be great to post
on your school/church website to show your
amazing commitment to changing
the world!
❍❍ Hand out “You Did It” Certificates after the
30 Hour Famine.
How to Choose a Project
Picking a project, and learning more about it,
makes fundraising more meaningful for the
entire group.
Step 1.
Step 3.
Research the 17 projects. Go to www.famine.ca
Go online to check off the box of the project
to read stories and watch videos that will help
you’d like to direct your group’s fundraising to.
inform your group about projects that students
Participants cannot see the project that was
across Canada are helping to fund.
chosen so you must share it in the
Step 2.
Comments section.
Take a poll to decide which project your group
wants to fundraise for.
How-To Guide — Part 1
Media Guide
Getting media coverage is a great way to spread
the word about poverty and help with fundraising.
Here’s how to build the hype for your Famine
event to the media:
Step 1.
that you have chosen. Make it as compelling as
Create a contact list. Timing: 1-2 months
possible by talking about the kids you will be
before the event.
helping and explain why it’s of interest to their
Find out which newspapers, magazines, and
readers/viewers. Let them know how people
websites are based in your neighbourhood.
can be involved and why they would want
Start creating a list of their contact details
to attend your event. If your group is large
(addresses, email addresses, or
enough, you may want to appoint a media
telephone numbers).
spokesperson to handle the media follow-up.
Step 2.
This person could be a friend, student,
Get in touch with your contacts. Timing 1-4
organizer, or someone who’s doing the Famine.
weeks before the event.
Step 4.
Use the template in the Additional Resources
Send a thank-you message. Timing: 1 week
section to create your own Media Advisory
after your event.
letter (press release) to send to your contacts.
If someone covered or attended your event,
Mention all your event details: date, time,
be sure you send them a thank-you. Check out
location, contact information, description
the Media Advisory template for some hints on
of event, who will be participating, and how
what to say.
people can donate.
Step 3.
Follow up. Timing: 3 days before your event.
Call your contacts and confirm they received
your Media Advisory letter. If they have a
moment, talk up the Famine and the project
How-To Guide — Part 1
Part 2: Night of the Famine
In Part 2 of the Famine How-to Guide, you’ll find a number of
group activities designed to help you stay motivated, teach your
group about hunger and poverty, and make sure you have a great
time together.
Sample Schedule
Day 1: April 12th
12:30 p.m.
Enjoy your last lunch! Send your last text! Log out of Facebook! Instagram a pre-event photo! Do the last
thing you will give up for your personal Famine!
Set up the supplies you’re going to need for the Famine activities. Appoint and introduce your official
1 p.m.
media representative (in charge of photos, videos, social media, etc.) to your group. Capture the
best moments.
1:30 p.m.
Welcome everyone officially and go over what you have planned for the Famine event.
2:30 p.m.
Get everyone together and take a group photo.
If you haven’t given up social media for your Famine, post a photo on Facebook (tagging @World Vision
3:00 p.m.
30 Hour Famine Canada) and Twitter (#30HRFamine) or Instagram … If you have given up social media, find
someone else to do it!
3:30 p.m.
For those who are fasting, take a juice or water break.
4:00 p.m.
Activity (see Activity page or go to www.famine.ca for more great ideas).
5:30 p.m.
Juice/water break for those who are fasting, and supper for those who are giving up something other
than food.
Create a Cultural Dance: Now that everyone is in the musical spirit, it is the perfect time to create your own
6:00 p.m.
official Famine dance or song. Work on it together, or divide people into groups (remember to post on
Facebook and Twitter!)
9:00 p.m.
How-To Guide — Part 2
Juice/water break for those who are fasting, and a snack for everyone else. Work on the last Activity.
Day 1: April 12th (continued)
9:30 p.m.
Wind things down with a film screening — show a movie that’s appropriate for the Famine.
11:30 p.m.
Get ready for bed or head home for the night.
12:00 p.m.
Lights out.
Note: Many schools do not hold overnight programs. Participants can leave at this time and return the following day to complete
the Famine.
Day 2: April 13th
9:00 a.m.
Rise and shine. If you’re fasting, start the day with some juice or water.
10:00 a.m.
Activity (see Activity page or go to www.famine.ca for more great ideas).
11:00 a.m.
Juice/water break for fasters.
11:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Play a round of Famine Jeopardy to remind everyone why they’re raising funds and doing a
Famine challenge.
Juice/water break. Choose another Activity.
Create your Famine poster(s) and express what this experience has meant to you either as a group or
individually. (Remember to post on Facebook and Twitter!)
Set up your Famine Mini Olympics. Divide up into small teams and play sports, board games, or charades.
If you’re feeling competitive, eliminate the teams that lose and hold a championship round.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Decorate your space with your Famine poster(s) and start cleaning up.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
How-To Guide — Part 2
It’s been 30 Hours! You did it! Thank everyone for coming, and tell them they are free to eat/text/go back
on social media!
The 30 Hour Famine Dance. Invite your friends to a dance. Celebrate and share your experience
with everyone!
Famine Activities
Bring water to the well
Create Famine posters or a
Feel the difficulties people face in getting
graffiti wall
clean drinking water. Put a large bucket or
Get everyone to write why the Famine is
drum somewhere in your school, church, or
important to them.
community centre, far away from a tap. Have
Famine Jeopardy
your group fill it using only a small drinking
bottle they carry back and forth from the tap.
You could even turn this into a race.
Create a quiz show around global issues.
Make it interesting by having one teacher,
one student, and the principal participate.
Create a cultural dance
Or divide your group into teams and give
Create a ritual dance all on your own. Divide
everyone a chance to answer.
into several groups and vote on the dance your
group likes best.
Have everyone in the group write down how
Just dance
they are feeling about giving up food or
Bring in some tunes and just dance!
texting or playing online games — reflect on
Take a whack at hunger
what it’s like to go without. Make sure they
Whack a piñata or whatever else that’s fun, like
have a posting for their Facebook page by the
an old car from a junk yard.
end of the Famine event. Have them relate it to
The 30 Hour Famine dance
their project.
Get other students in the school involved in
Administrative Junk
the Famine by hosting a dance for everyone.
Get the participants to enter their sponsors
Decorate the gym with the Famine posters you
online during the Famine — use the time to
created. Charge $2 and put that toward your
tidy up all those details. Have a couple of
Famine fundraising goal.
laptops available.
Name that tune
Create a poster
Play song clips or have participants hum or
Make a poster about the project your group
read out song lyrics and NAME THAT TUNE.
has chosen to support.
For an extra challenge, play a song, press
Play Minute-to-Win-it
pause, and have participants try to sing the
Divide into two teams. Each team has a minute
next line.
to win each game. Come up with challenges
Famine movie night
using household items — for example, getting
Watch a movie with a social theme.
six penne noodles onto a spaghetti noodle
Mini Olympics
Challenge your teachers or each other to a
competition. Play anything from sports to
board games or video games.
Volunteer locally
Help out at a local soup kitchen or nursing
home. You could also collect cans for a local
food bank.
How-To Guide — Part 2
without using your hands; using elastic bands
to knock over cards supported by clothes
pins, etc.
Photo scavenger hunt
Draw up a list of 15 things that groups have to
capture on camera. Give points for creativity,
such as getting as many people into the photo
as possible or getting strangers involved.
Drive-in movie night
Team-building activities
Have students make “cars” out of cardboard,
In smaller teams, students have to work
then watch old (terrible) films on a big screen
together to complete a series of tasks:
while sitting in your “car.”
• Back to Back — Two people sit back to
Human foosball
back and have to stand straight up without
It’s like the table game! Tape lines on the
using their hands. Add one person every
floor. Have students stand on the lines, evenly
time they stand up successfully. This is
spaced. Every other line is on the same team.
a great game or showing students what
You can’t get off the lines — you have to pass
teamwork can do.
to your teammates.
• Keep the Balloon Up — Form a circle
Make a music video
and keep a balloon in the air. Say your name
Create music videos for songs you like.
when you hit the balloon. You can’t it hit
Origami village
it twice. In round two, say someone else’s
There are great resources online to learn how
name and that person has to hit the
to make people, animals, plants and other
balloon next.
things out of origami. Create a scene about
For more great Famine activities go to
the project your group has chosen to support.
Photograph life in your selected community
and share! (Sample resource: www.origamimake.com/origami-cow-standing.php).
How-To Guide — Part 2
Part 3: Wrap Up
Legal stuff you
should know about
Here, you’ll find step-by-step instructions to help
you wrap up your Famine event. Don’t forget to
send thank-you letters to everyone who supported
you, and remember, if you have any questions, find
us online at www.famine.ca, speak to your Famine
Player/Coach, or give us a call at 1-888-8FAMINE.
So you’ve raised funds and lasted 30 hours
Step 2.
without food, texting or whatever you gave up.
Make sure all the donations are submitted.
To make sure the money you raised can start
Call WVC with any questions.
helping right away, we need you to wrap up
Step 3.
your Famine.
Get the thank you’s out to the media who
Here’s what you need to do.
covered your event and to supporters who
Step 1.
sponsored you.
Make sure all the participants have entered
Step 4.
their sponsors online and have figured out how
Prepare a report for the school website or
to get the donations to WVC (either PayPal or
church bulletin. Talk about how much you
credit card or Interac transaction).
raised and how much it will help.
How-To Guide — Part 3
Part 4: Additional
We’ve put together some additional resources and
tools to help you run a successful Famine event
from beginning to end. Resources include a letter
for your administration, emails for your group,
Volunteer Hour Forms, and more.
How to Do the Famine and Make the World
a Better Place in Six Incredibly Easy Steps
volunteer Hours/
Community Service Form
april 12-13, 2013 www.famine.ca
Name of Individual: ________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Province: __________ Postal Code: __________________
Name of School/Church: ____________________________________________________
Name of the 30 Hour Famine Group Organizer: ______________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Province: __________ Postal Code: __________________
Home phone: ( _______ ) _____________________ Email: _________________________
Date of Famine event: ____________________ Today’s date: _____________________
£ Other
The person named above has done a wonderful thing to help children living in
poverty. He/she has completed a 30 Hour Famine event, and has raised money
so World vision can extend life-saving help to children in need worldwide. This
person is a true hero! If you have any questions about this letter or our program,
please contact us at famine@worldvision.ca. Thank you for supporting our
program and this remarkable individual.
30 Hour Famine
World vision Canada
1 World Drive, mississauga, ON l5T 2y4
pick a
do your famine
for 30 hourS
Okay, this is the hard part: GIVE IT UP FOR 30 HOURS.
Ouch. Hey, 30 hours will be over before you know it
and you can eat, or text, or whatever, again. It goes
by fast for you — but not for millions of kids who live
in poverty worldwide. They’re the reason you, and
thousands of other people across Canada, are doing
the Famine on April 12-13, 2013. It’s worth it.
Signed by authorized teacher, school representative, or other authorized individual who will
confirm that you have completed the 30 Hour Famine (must be 18 years of age or older):
There’s a bunch to choose from. Find one that really
fits with what you’re interested in. All the money raised
by you or your group will go towards this development
project to help kids in real need. This is your way to
change the world.
(Individual’s name) _________________________________________________________
£ 10 hrs of community service £ 40 hrs of community service
Sign up — and Stay
tuned — online
First thing: Sign up online at www.famine.ca (if your
group leader has signed up first, you’ll be able to
search for your group there). Why online? Because
there’s no paper this year. Think about it: Cutting down
trees leads to climate change, leads to drought, leads
to famine ... so online is the way to go. Hey, if an e-tree
falls in an e-forest, that’s okay.
Home phone: ( _______ ) _____________________ Email: _________________________
Name/Title (please print)
decide what you’ll
give up for 30 hourS
get people to
SponSor you
collect and
hand in the money
It can be anything at all: food, texting, video games,
you name it. This year’s Famine isn’t like it used to be
way back when. Remember when you could only give
up food? Now you — or your group — get to choose
whatever you like. It’s up to you! Make it a challenge. Can
you really give up texting for 30 hours? Are you up to it?
Okay, who can you ask? How about everybody? Your
neighbour. Your parents. Your aunt. Your friend. Ask them!
Keep a record of your sponsors on your own Famine
fundraising page. All you have to do is start recording
names because your page is ready for you. You can
personalize it too!
Now make sure you have all the donations your sponsors
have promised you. Send the funds to World Vision
online (ask an adult with a credit card or Paypal
account to make a lump sum payment on your behalf).
That’s it!
Congratulations! You Did It. You Made the World
a Better Place Because You Did the Famine.
See Different.
See the world in a different way.
See it with less poverty, more justice.
See it as a better place for children
everywhere. Help make it happen —
join us for 30 life-changing hours.
Famine Date:
join our group:
FunDraiSing projeCt:
How-To Guide — Part 4