minutes - Funeral Service Foundation
minutes - Funeral Service Foundation
Table of Contents Statements Conflict of Interest Statement................1 Conflict of Interest Policy........................3 Meeting Minutes Board Meeting...........................................5 • June 18 Fund Development Planning Session...12 • June 19 Executive Committee............................17 • August 4 • September 15 Communication Committee.................19 • August 6 • September 6 Committee Reports Executive Director..................................32 • Notable Items and Highlights • Opportunities & Actions Finance.....................................................34 • Dashboard • 2014-2015 Budget Communication......................................36 • Notable Items & Highlights • Opportunities • Dashboard Governance & Leadership......................38 • Foundation Staff Information • Committee Assignments • Trustee Contact Information Finance Committee................................22 • September 17 Fund Development...............................43 • Notable Items & Highlights (Golf Update) • Opportunities & Actions • Dashboard • Giving Benefits & Recognition Levels Golf Committee......................................23 • June 25 • August 27 • September 29 Grants....................................................47 • Notable Items & Highlights; Opportunities • Dashboards • Have the Talk of a Lifetime Update Grants Committee.................................27 • July 17 • August 21 • September 18 (No minutes to approve for Fund Development or Governance & Leadership.) October 11, 2014 7:30 am - 3:15 pm Music City Center, Room 210 Nashville,TN (Business Dress; Photo at Noon) Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral Meeting Agenda service in building meaningful relationships in the community Time Item Owner 7:30-8:30 BREAKFAST Board Executive Committee Meeting a.) Executive Director Review Orientation for New Board Members: Anthony Guerra, Steve Gackenbach, Bill Wappner Chair Welcome & Housekeeping Items a.) Welcome New Trustees b.) Confidentiality c.) Conflict of interest policy and signing d.) Executive Committee Report Consent Agenda a.) Minutes of June Board Meeting b.) Committee Meeting Minutes 7:30 1 Waring 8:00 I. 8:30 II. 8:55 III. 9:00 IV. Executive Director Report Wisnefski 9:15 V. Finance Committee Report a.) 2014 August YTD Financials b.) 2015 Budget Schoen ACTION 9:45 BREAK Board 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 VI. Other Committee Reports a.) Communication b.) Governance and Leadership c.) Fund Development d.) Grants Darby/Kurz Shaffer Shaffer Schoedinger 10:40 VII. Have the Talk—One Voice Impacting our Future Carmon 11:00 Strategic Planning a.) Review VIII. b.) Update c.) Vision (2015-2017) Jim DeLizia Noon IX. Working Lunch and 2015 Board Photo Shoot Board 3:00 X. Old/New Business a.) Recognition of exiting Trustees: Charles Anderson, Jake Johnson, Shaun Myers Waring Waring/ Shaffer 3:15 XI. Adjourn Wisnefski Waring ACTION Waring ACTION Conflict of Interest Policy As one of the first items on each board meeting agenda, board members will be provided this Conflict of Interest Policy and will be required to disclose any interest that could give rise to a conflict. Members of the Board of Trustees of the Funeral Service Foundation will conduct their activities with the Board of Trustees so that they do not advance or protect their own interests, or the private interests of others with whom they have a relationship, in a way that is detrimental to the interests of, or to, the fundamental mission of the Funeral Service Foundation. In every instance in which they represent the Funeral Service Foundation, trustees will conduct their activities in a manner to best promote the interests of the Funeral Service Foundation. In all matters that come before the Board of Trustees for a vote that may favorably impact their own financial interests, or the private interests of others with whom they have a financial relationship, trustees will reveal that relationship and abstain from a vote in the matter. When a conflict of interest arises, or when a potential conflict of interest emerges, they will disclose that conflict, or potential conflict, to the Executive Director of the Funeral Service Foundation or to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and seek a resolution of that issue. Approved: June 24, 2008 Page 1 Conflict of Interest Statement As a member of the Board of Trustees of the Funeral Service Foundation, I, _____________________________, am committed to the Funeral Service Foundation’s goal to establish and maintain the highest level of public confidence in its accountability. I have personally committed to follow the standards set out below, which are a part of the Funeral Service Foundation’s Conflict of Interest Policies: I will conduct my activities with the Board of Trustees of the Funeral Service Foundation so that I do not advance or protect my own interests, or the private interests of others with whom I have a relationship, in a way that is detrimental to the interests of, or to, the fundamental mission of the Funeral Service Foundation. In every instance in which I represent the Funeral Service Foundation, I will conduct my activities in a manner to best promote the interests of the Funeral Service Foundation. In all matters that come before the Board of Trustees for a vote that may favorably impact my own financial interests, or the private interests of others with whom I have a financial relationship, I will reveal that relationship and abstain from a vote in the matter. When a conflict of interest arises, or when a potential conflict of interest emerges, I will disclose that conflict, or potential conflict, to the Executive Director of the Funeral Service Foundation or to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and seek a resolution of that issue. Entered into on this the 11th day of October, 2014 _____________________________________________ Member, Board of Trustees, Funeral Service Foundation Approved: June 24, 2008 Page 3 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Board of Trustees Meeting June 19, 2014 Milwaukee, WI Meeting Minutes Members Present Members Absent • Jay Waring (Chair) • Charles Anderson • Steve Shaffer (Vice-Chair) • Jake Johnson • Jerry Schoen (Secretary/Treasurer) • David McComb • Bob Arrington • Shaun Myers • Ralph Buckner • Randy Schoedinger • Linda Darby • Mike DiBease Staff • Jay Dodds • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Diana Kurz • Kelly Manion, Director of Communication • Steve Lang • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant • Victor March, Sr. • Christine Pepper • Michael Quinn • Anna Bernfeldt • Sheri Stahl • Minutes • Previous Minutes: Bob Arrington asked for a change in minutes to address granting action for Have the Talk grant of $200,000 for 2014 and $200,000 for 2015 with Schoedinger making the motion and Stahl seconded. Approved. • MOTION: To approve the February meeting and committee minutes. • APPROVED: Arrington, motion; March, second Page 5 Chair Welcome • Jay Waring called the meeting to order and welcomed the trustees. Jay requested a moment of silence for our friend and former trustee, Ed Mazur. • Agenda is the core of our second year of our Strategic Plan. Kudos to management and committees for the board book. Leverage the talent of the Funeral Service Foundation board to keep the pipeline goal. We are currently at 100% of board level giving. • Jay reminded the group about confidentiality and requested that text and email participation be at a minimum for focus on meeting material. • The February 18-19, 2015 meeting will be held in Houston, Texas. Jay will assist in hotel planning. 2014-2015 Meeting Schedule • October 11, 2014 Nashville 8:00 – 4:00 10/12 golf outing 10/13 donor showcase • February 18-19, 2015 Houston • June 17-18, 2015 Milwaukee • October 17 Indianapolis Executive Director • Working with KPIs and Dashboard to make it easier for the board review of results and impact. Notable items: • Pledges are recorded when made. Pledge payments are then offset against receivables. • Currently have $147,000 in our checking account • Live Oak Bank has made a $15,000 donation for the Donor Showcase. We still need another sponsor • Johnson Consulting Group is the Major Benefactor at $25,000 for the Golf Classic this year. Jake will not be returning to the board, but will continue to support the Foundation. Johnson’s Memorial Classic added $55,000 to its Scholarship – this year in honor of John Morrow. Appearances: • American Funeral Director magazine interview • Wisnefski attended ICCFA Convention and brought 150 Sesame Street Grief kits that were given away. • Wisnefski attended the Professional Women’s Conference and the stories from the scholarship winners are amazing. Page 6 • Linda Darby, Wisnefski, Sheri Stahl and Steve Shaffer will be attending the Leadership Conference in July. • Each one of the trustee’s engagement is appreciated.You make it all come together. • Need Blog writing ideas, Board Orientation Materials need revising before October • Still keeping communication open with the National Flower Endowment and New York Life Foundation. • Steve Shaffer did a great job on the budget. The budget reflects $130,000 of in kind from NFDA. • Wisnefski’s personal goal for 2014 CFRE exam for a Certified Fundraising Executive designation in July. • Explained finance highlights. We are at 34% of our goal this year. We are expecting $124,500 in pledge payments due this year. Grants Committee Report • The proposal from NFDA to change the format of the Meet the Mentor program from two (2) meetings a year to one (1) meeting two days long was discussed. The event will be held at Emory University, Atlanta which has a good price and location. Steve Lang suggested that NFDA expose mentees to professors from Emory; i.e., invite professors to speak on topics such as marketing, business or hospitality. • MOTION: To approve funding one Meet the Mentor event (two day duration) for $40,000 in 2015 • • APPROVED: Stahl motion; Darby second Leveraging Foundation’s donation to FAMIC program. A letter went out to the state associations to contribute a percent of their yearly income to FAMIC. Linda has not heard anything negative from the states. Linda will be at the Leadership Meeting and will have podium time. It appears that the executives are excited about moving forward with the challenge. E-blasts are being sent regularly. Indiana met on June 17, Louisiana is meeting on June 23 and Illinois will be meeting some time the week of June 23-27. • We have 24 applicants for the Hagan Scholarship, five (5) for the Memorial Classic, and one (1) for the Shipley Rose Buckner scholarship. The applicant for the Shipley Rose Buckner is ineligible per Ralph Buckner as she is not from Tennessee. Communication Committee Report • Diana graciously accepted the co-chair position for the committee. • Positive comments have been received in regards to our rebranding. People are thrilled with our logo and Page 7 messaging. • Planned giving book has been redone and is ready. • Kudos to team for preparing the elevator speech and key messaging. • Kelly is using Constant Contact, which interfaces with our Donor Perfect Online data base. • The process is becoming streamlined and we are able to see the following information: • • Who and when information is being looked at • How many click-throughs • How many bounces and why • How many opt outs We currently have 2,700 email addresses. We are hoping to bring donors back and now have segmentation ability. • Convention-We have a booth reserved on the convention floor, but NFDA has now promised us a better location in NFDA Central. Sesame Street Grief kits will be included in the registration bags with a wrap. The goal of the wrap is to give high level FAQ and instructions for how to receive more of the Sesame Street kits. • We need to formulate how to be reimbursed for the cost of shipping the kits to funeral homes. We are currently opening the boxes and putting in our Impact Report and new brochure with the thought being that the receiver will see how great the kits are and will want to make a donation to the Foundation. • Funeral Radio (Internet Radio or podcasts) We will get their production schedule so we can have trustees on the show. We would receive 1,000 complementary listens for the Foundation and FAMIC’s Have the Talk. • FACEBOOK: We need to leverage “Likes” more. Constant Contact has the ability to post our info on Facebook. • FAMIC’s Have the Talk fundraising project is moving forward. • Google Analytics-Kelly explained the charts. The Funeral Service Foundation originally purchased a total of nine (9) domain names to protect the Foundation. Kelly spoke about the results. Kelly will be adjusting the terminology currently used so that we can bring in some of the previous language people used when searching for information. Mike DiBease inquired what we wanted for our total web traffic or how to get funeral directors to the website. We can track what page people are going to. A suggestion was made to run the obituaries of funeral directors who passed away since NFDA does not post this information on their website. Page 8 • All of our top donors at $100,000 or more are listed on the home page of our website. (20) When you click on the logo, you are linked to their website. • We now have the technology to add that you are a Funeral Service Foundation donor to your website. Kelly will send the link to our donors. Jay Dodds added that you can put this designation on your email signature, too. • The communication committee would like to add to their portion of the strategic plan. We will work on our marketing plan more and decide what we want to do to be impactful with our stewardship. Steve Shaffer reminded the group to use board members as resources for ideas. Governance & Leadership Committee Report • The committee has been busy identifying trustees for vacancies. Three current board members are willing to stay active as historical reference and support the Foundation in 2016. The process to identify trustee nominees has been broadened and improved. Two to three people were identified and Wisnefski approached the nominees to see if they were interested. Those who affirmed their interest were sent a packet of materials and sent their responses and biographies. The committee will continue to collect names of potential resources for the board and give that information to Wisnefski. • • The board of trustees voted unanimously on the following officers for 2015: • Steve Shaffer, Chair • Jerry Schoen, Chair Elect • Victor March, Sr., Secretary/Treasurer The board of trustees voted to add the following members to the Board of Trustees for a term of 20152017. • William Wappner, Wappner Funeral Directors & Crematory unanimous • Anthony Guerra, Guerra-Gutierrez Mortuaries unanimous • Steve Gackenbach, Matthews International minus one vote Fund Development Committee Report • Steve Shaffer gave an explanation of the report. We have some major gifts that we are currently pursuing. There is a lot of work to do before Convention. Page 9 • Steve Lang announced that Homesteaders Life Company was continuing its support. Details and announcement at a later date. • Donor Reception needs another $15,000 donor. Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) is providing 2-3 singer/ songwriters to provide entertainment similar to Austin City Limits un-plugged presentations where the singers are all on stage. It should be a very intimate event. The donors will be recognized from the stage. Because we will have entertainment and hold the event in the auditorium, the name will be changed to Foundation Showcase. This is the Foundation’s chance to get in front of a lot of donors at one time for better stewardship and recognition. The most important idea is to thank our donors. Christine Pepper and Bob Arrington agree it will be a challenge to move people into the theater. The following suggestions were given: • • Post the invitation on-line • Be cognizant of other programming and convention floor being open until 5:00 p.m. Each board member is receiving a packet of deliverables including note cards and envelopes. These should be used for personal message from a board member when a donation is made. • Please review the list of potential donors for people that you have contact with or can give an introduction to Wisnefski or Shaffer. • Michael Quinn questioned whether we can request restricted gifts be changed to unrestricted gifts. Foundation Partners Group did change their donation to unrestricted a few years ago. Golf Committee Report • Golf Sponsorships are at $58,500 currently. We have not heard from several previous sponsors yet. Finance Committee Report • Accurate and timely reporting • Investment subcommittee is working with our advisor on our investment strategy • Jerry Schoen reviewed the April financials with the following information: • We received lower unrealized gains from our investments this year compared to last • Composite of our portfolio is at $6.4 million and was at $5.0 million when it began • We remain well ahead of the 5.4% benchmark • Strategy is to receive better returns with less risk. Page 10 • There is no indication to change our strategy; currently at 49% bonds. As interest rate rises, the bond market goes down. Wegner CPA Report • Jenny Tarkowski from Wegner CPA reiterated that the board has a fiduciary responsibility to document accounting policies and review the financials. We have been consistent from year to year. Positive comments are as follows: • • Management team is open and transparent. • The board is responsible and has designed internal controls. • There are no deficiencies or weaknesses • We received a “Clean” opinion. • Financial figures: • Net $6.8 million in assets (majority in investment accounts) • $4.6 million permanently restricted • $900,000 temporarily restricted (promises to give) with collections out to 2018 • $25,000 allowance for uncollectable pledges MOTION: To approve the financials and Form 990. • APPROVED: Shaffer, motion; Stahl, second FAMIC/Have the Talk of a Lifetime Presentation • Anna Bernfeld gave a presentation on FAMIC’s Have the Talk and its progress. • MOTION: To adjourn the meeting. • APPROVED: Quinn, motion; Dodds, second Respectfully Submitted By: Jerry Schoen Secretary Treasurer Page 11 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Board of Trustees Fund Development Planning Session June 19, 2014 Milwaukee, WI Meeting Minutes Members Present • Members Absent • Jay Waring (Chair) • Charles Anderson • Steve Shaffer (Vice-Chair) • Jake Johnson • Jerry Schoen (Secretary/Treasurer) • David McComb • Bob Arrington • Shaun Myers • Ralph Buckner • Randy Schoedinger • Linda Darby • Mike DiBease Staff • Jay Dodds • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Diana Kurz • Kelly Manion, Director of Communication • Steve Lang • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant • Victor March, Sr. • Dave Malone – McDonald Schaefer • Christine Pepper • Paul Merline – McDonald Schaefer • Michael Quinn • Deana Gillespie - NFDA • Sheri Stahl Industry Scan and Trends-Deana Gillespie • Deana Gillespie explained that NFDA surveyed members, professionals and consumers and found that the current death rate is 8.3% going up to 9.7% by 2050. At the same time, there is a slight increase in funeral service workers. There are more female mortuary students than their male counterpart. Of the total number of students, less are of Caucasian descent and there are more Latino and African Americans. The drop off rate after a few years for both men and women is the same. Page 12 Board member responses: Jay asked the board to respond to the following questions: What most excites you about the survey? What most concerns you about the survey? What is one area the Foundation could direct its resources to? • Victor: What most excites me is taking steps to take care of deficiencies coming through mortuary schools. What most concerns me is the results of the attitude that the body is not important. The Foundation should direct its resources to instilling the value of a funeral with the body present. • Christine: What most excites me is the Have the Talk of a Lifetime campaign. What concerns me the most is there is no data on direct cremation and whether there is a service or not. The Foundation should focus its resources towards finding the data on direct cremation. • Bob Arrington: What excites me the most is the hospice relationship. What concerns me the most is that some consumers don’t care if they have anything for a funeral. The Foundation should focus its resources on the hospice vehicle. • Sheri: What excites me the most is the opportunity with the Have the Talk of a Lifetime campaign. What concerns me the most is the disconnect between what owners want and what comes out of the schools. The Foundation should focus its resources on the disconnect between what the owners expect and the education that comes from the schools. • Linda: What excites me the most is Have the Talk of a Lifetime. What concerns me the most is the disconnect between what students expect to do and what employers are having them do, and the lack of religion. The Foundation should focus its resources on the process for education. • Michael: What excites me the most is that the funeral director recognizes the need for a hospice relationship. What concerns me the most is the 25% drop to having the body present at a funeral. The Foundation should focus its resources towards hospice as a tool. • Jay Dodds: What excites me the most is the need for funeral directors to serve the people. What concerns me the most is the industry messaging. We must keep pushing our message out. The Foundation should focus its resources toward the deep dive in cremation without a service and promote why the funeral director needs to be present. • Ralph: What excites me the most is Have the Talk of a Lifetime; however, $4million is just a Page 13 drop in the bucket. What concerns me the most is that cremations rose by double digits in Tennessee over the past two years. The Foundation should focus its resources towards hospice. • Jay Waring: What excites me the most is the growth of the need for memorialization. What concerns me the most is that the human cattle need to bring the information to the people. The Foundation should focus its resources towards bringing information to the people. • Steve Shaffer: What excites me the most is Have the Talk of a Lifetime. What concerns me the most is the disconnect between the profession and hospice. The Foundation should focus its resources towards education, tools about a funeral director/hospice relationship. • Jerry Schoen: What excites me the most is the network and relationship. What concerns me the most is what the data show as a profession. The Foundation shou8ld focus its resources towards funeral service and hospice getting married and adding someone from hospice to the Board of Trustees. • Mike DiBease: What excites me the most is the numbers recognition for Have the Talk of a Lifetime. What concerns me the most is the challenge to get everyone engaged and non-service cremation. • Steve Lang: What excites me the most is that more funeral professional are movers for what consumers are looking for. What concerns me the most is will it be successful planning. The Foundation should focus its resources towards education of our industry. Teach business skills and helping families get what they want. Otherwise the funeral director will be the body handler and the other stuff will be done by someone else. • Diana Kurz: What excites me the most is building a relationship with hospice. What concerns me the most is what’s coming out of mortuary school. The Foundation should focus its resources towards providing tools and show how critical it is for families to be able to discuss with the funeral director. • Nancy McGeen: What excites me the most is the opportunity for the consumer to learn more about funerals without being afraid to discuss it. What concerns me the most is that funeral directors or their representatives do not know how to talk to the consumer to help them creatively with their plans. The Foundation should focus its resources on helping to educate the consumer and students. Page 14 • Kelly Manion: What excites me the most is the need for funeral service. What concerns me the most is that students don’t know what they don’t know. The Foundation should focus its resources on education. • Kathy Wisnefski: What excites me the most is brainstorming that has been going on for the last hour. What concerns me the most is the lack of preparedness of the students of mortuary science. What is being taught in the schools is the same thing that was taught 20 years ago. The Foundation should focus its resources towards educating the customer. Fund Development Presentation by Dave Malone FUNDAMENTALS • Have an appealing mission or project in mind. Is your mission relevant and does it resonate with your donors? Is it compelling? If not, combine it with others that could be. Is your mission urgent? • Identify and formulate a list of major donor candidates. Evaluate the donors on what would be of greatest importance to them. Help reach out to donors by educating and increasing their awareness of your mission. Endorse. Ask the prospect or introduce Kathy to the prospect. Steward the donorslet them know their gift has made and impact. • Need bold leadership, i.e., members on the board who, after coaching and role playing, become comfortable with talking to people. Leverage your relationships. Bold leaders are committed to the mission and funding. They are know and respected within the constituency, have time to serve and are willing to be involved in fundraising. • Foundation boards help raise money and give that money away. They show their support by giving an annual gift; the Foundation should be among the top priorities of their charitable giving and fulfilling the mission is important to them. • Development office to provide direction and expertise • Accommodate named gifts if at all possible. • A business gift is a gift from the owner of the business. A personal gift comes from the personal resources and shows your commitment to the mission of the organization. Page 15 Donor Continuum $$$ • Be realistic about what you can expect at each level. • Generally, as for a larger gift. $ $$ $ Experience Interest Awareness Ignorance Respectfully Submitted By: Jerry Schoen Secretary Treasurer Page 16 Participation Ownership Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Executive Committee August 4 10:30 am Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Staff • Jay Waring • • Jerry Schoen • Steve Shaffer Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director Minutes • Minutes approved from 6/2//2014 Schoen moved, Shaffer seconded GRO Giving Benefits and Recognition Opportunities • GRO (Gift Recognition Opportunities) to be presented to Fund Development Committee for review • Shows real value to donor wanting industry exposure Ogilby Award • Wisnefski will look further into process with James Forr Major Gift Pledges/Have the Talk • Discussion regarding several major pledges for Foundation designating first 2 years of pledge payments to Have the Talk – further discussion needed Have the Talk challenge grant • Indiana is first state to commit at $25,000 other states have their board meetings in the next few months October agenda • Shaffer and Wisnefski to send draft of agenda 2nd half strategic planning and funding opportunities Financials and KPIs reviewed Donor Recognition Showcase • Forethought and BMI sponsors 3 singer/songwriters at the CMA Theater Other News Schoen, Shaffer and Wisnefski will send out draft before next meeting Respectfully submitted: Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director Page 17 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Executive Committee September 15 2:00 pm Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Staff • Jay Waring • • Jerry Schoen • Steve Shaffer • Shaun Myers Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director Minutes Minutes approved from 8/4/2014 Schoen moved, Shaffer seconded KPI Dashboard • Better format – needs narrative for spikes or declines August Financials • Reviewed with affirmation on 2014 YTD progress Budget • Reviewed understanding that Finance Committee with review and propose bringing it to the full board in Nashville Convention • Trustee meeting documents to be found on FSF website trustee portal. Hard copies will be available for all in October to be determined who still needs them in future. Other • Governance issue - Discussion of optics for two trustees from the same company • Executive Director annual review underway • Have the Talk update Respectfully submitted: Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director Page 18 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Communications Committee August 6, 2014 10:30 am CST Meeting Minutes Members Present Members Absent • Diana Kurz, Co-Chair • Linda Darby, Co-Chair • Dave McComb • Sheri Stahl • Steve Lang • Jay Dodds • Mike DiBease • Jerry Schoen Staff • Charles Anderson • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Kelly Manion, Director of Communication Minutes • Convention communication collateral reviewed • Google analytics reviewed • Blog requests Dashboard Strategic Plan Update & Deliverables • Testimonials,Youtube • Contact Hospice • Facebook and Twitter accounts • Newsletter and blogs Other News • August 29, 2015 10th anniversary of Katrina. Potential to participate in ceremony and publicity Page 19 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Communications Committee September 6 Update (in place of minutes) Meeting Minutes Update Constant Contact • Invitation to Foundation: Unplugged guest list • Invitation to Golf Classic guest list • Reminding folks of FAMIC webinar Social Media • Implementing convention-specific outreach strategy • Includes collaboration with major donors to coordinate major gift announcements Convention • Sesame Street Ad included in Convention Buyers Guide • Steve Shaffer/Board Chair ad included in Convention Program Planner • Sesame Street kit wraps are here and will be assembled this week • All signage is updated and personalized for our donors • Ribbons are updated • Booth materials are updated • Will be relying more on screen images/PowerPoint vs. actual signage this year • Incorporating convention-specific social media outreach Website Update • Website now includes Sesame Street kit request (linked from homepage) • RSVPs for Foundation: Unplugged accepted online • Foundation: Unplugged has its own info page • Working on outline/security for Trustee Resource section of the website • Website now includes “Proud Donor” logos available download (there’s one for trustees too!) Page 20 Scheduled/upcoming news releases: • Announcing major gifts: • Matthews International • Homesteaders • NGL • Announcing scholarship winners: • Hagan • Memorial Classic • Shipley Buckner • Sesame Street Kits available • Announcing Success of 14th Annual Golf Outing • Announcing 2015 Board of Trustees Upcoming Ads: • September: Golf • October: Sesame Street Kits/Download Hiring Guide • November: Thanking Golf/Foundation: Unplugged Sponsors • December/January: “Why I Give” Ads Page 21 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Finance Committee September 17 Meeting Minutes Members Present Staff • Jerry Schoen • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Steve Shaffer • Todd Etheridge, NFDA Controller • Steve Lang • Victor March • Randy Schoedinger Minutes • Executive Summary and Financial Overview given by Schoen Reviewed August Financials • March moved to approve August financials. Schoedinger seconded. APPROVED 2015 Budget • Approved to present to full board for their approval at October annual meeting Other News • Wisnefski gave fundraising update including pledge status report Submitted by: Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director Page 22 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Golf Committee June 25, 2014 11:00 am Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Staff • Jake Johnson • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Kim Price • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant • Henry Gutterman • Bob Horn Minutes Sponsors • Sponsors to date total: $58,500 Players Gift • Player’s Gift Bag-ordered 150 bags in royal blue • Major Benefactor Item-Nancy is checking on the brand Steve Lang received as a gift • Player’s gift-The committee discussed a choice between a golf shoe bag and a box of golf balls. Nancy will get pricing on Titleist Pro V balls and/or an equivalent brand and relay the information to the committee. The balls will have the new Foundation logo on it. Henry suggested selling or raffling the remaining dozens at the Awards Lunch. Golfers • How many expected this year? Expect similar to last year’s count of 132. Food and beverage • Breakfast will include a selection of sliced and whole fruit, vanilla and fruit yogurt containers, Assorted breakfast breads with sweet butter, wild flower honey and preserves, and Ham, egg and Cheddar English muffin. Freshly-brewed coffee, decaf coffee, assorted hot teas and orange juice accompany the meal. Page 23 • Lunch will be a Southern Barbecue and will include a tossed garden salad with buttermilk ranch dressing, creamy cole slaw, Jack Daniel’s marinated chicken breast, pulled pork barbecue with onion rolls, root beer baked beans, cornbread and honey butter, and a selection of brownies and cookies. Buffet includes housebaked bread, freshly-brewed coffee, decaf coffee, assorted hot teas and iced tea. Total cost • Per person for the meals is $38.00. The next teleconference call • Wednesday, July 30 at 1:00 p.m. CDT/ 2:00 p.m. EST. Page 24 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Golf Committee August 27, 2014 11:00 am Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Absent • Jake Johnson, Chair • Ralph Buckner • Kim Price • John Carmon • Henry Gutterman Staff • Bob Horn • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant Minutes Sponsorship • We currently have $ $85,000 in sponsorships. Sponsors to date are listed on the website. • All items have been ordered, i.e., player’s gift, gift bags, phone bank chargers, awards, raffle items. • Water, tee towels, chargers, bags will be shipped via NFDA truck to Nashville • Food an beverage ordered. • Adding another Hole in One contest to be sponsored by Johnson Consulting Group. Golf insurances have been looked into. Waiting for copy to sign. • Gutterman to secure Jeter jersey for auction this year. • Major benefactor item for the gift bags is a phone charger and it will have the Johnson Consulting logo on them. Nancy will order 300 to get a discounted price, and Johnson Consulting Group will purchase 150 of them for their booth. To Do • Complete Signage/Collateral • Secure SuperPass prizes Next Meeting Sept. 29 3:30 pm CST. Page 25 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Golf Committee Sept 29, 2014 3:30 pm Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Absent • Jake Johnson, Chair • Ralph Buckner • Kim Price • John Carmon • Staff • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Henry Gutterman • Bob Horn • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant Minutes Update • We are in good shape with sponsorships. Suggestion to include an announcement of the rise in sponsorship values next year. • All items have been ordered, i.e., player’s gift, gift bags, phone bank chargers, awards, raffle items, signage, and insurance. • Kim Price will contact Will Bischoff regarding his golfers and will check the list of golfers to make suggestions for who could be on the same team and fill in missing handicaps. . Page 26 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Grants Committee July 17 2 pm Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Members Absent • Randy Schoedinger • Steve Shaffer • Jerry Schoen • Sheri Stahl • Dave McComb • Michael Quinn Staff • Mike DiBease • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant Minutes Have the Talk of a Lifetime Update: • Fundraising is progressing and our challenge grant was well-received at Leadership. Indiana was the first state association to meet the Foundation’s challenge with a $25,000 pledge. The president of the Indiana Funeral Directors Association spoke at Leadership saying, “Not only is it important to Have the Talk of a Lifetime with your loved ones, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for funeral service.” NFDA committed a half a million dollars to the fundraising campaign. Hagan Scholarship Results: • The winner for 2014 is Chastity Hartman from Metairie, Louisiana. She will be attending Delgado Community College. Next Steps: • Discussion. Wisnefski met with Doug Wagemann, board director on the National Hospice Foundation while at Leadership Conference. He welcomes collaboration between hospice and funeral service. Page 27 • Committee is charged with thinking about future options for grant funding before the next meeting. Wisnefski will contact James Forr, lead researcher from Olson Zaltman Associates (ZMET) for his insight on leveraging our existing research and/or new proposal options. Dashboard: • Monthly meeting updates of KPIs and Dashboard Next meeting is scheduled for August 21 at 2:00 p.m. EST/1:00 p.m. CDT Page 28 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Grants Committee August 21 2 pm Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Members Absent • Randy Schoedinger • Steve Shaffer • Jerry Schoen • Dave McComb • Michael Quinn • Mike DiBease • Sheri Stahl • Diana Kurz Staff • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant Minutes Have the Talk of a Lifetime Update: • State Associations LA $10,000 – IN $25,000 NFDA Executive Board is making follow up calls. We encourage FSF trustees to do the same especially in home states Olson Zaltman- James Forr • James Forr is encouraging the Foundation to apply for an Ogilvy award with their assistance. • Forr suggested a follow up to their research – Surveying funeral directors and their vision of the future Convention Updates • Strat planning session, Donor recognition invitations – Foundation: Unplugged will be sent 8/22, wraps for Sesame St kits will be inserted in the convention registration bags, booth is in NFDA Central Dashboard • Monthly meeting updates of KPIs and Dashboard Next Meeting: Sept. 18, 1 pm CST Page 29 Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Grants Committee Sept 18 2 pm Central Time Meeting Minutes Members Present Members Absent • Jerry Schoen • Steve Shaffer • Sheri Stahl • Dave McComb Staff • Mike DiBease • Kathy Wisnefski, Executive Director • Diana Kurz • Nancy McGeen, Executive Assistant • Michael Quinn • Randy Schoedinge Minutes Scholarship Update • Shipley Rose Buckner Scholarship check returned to the Foundation because the student withdrew from school. • Check with TN Funeral Director Association to see if they have an applicant that would be eligible for the returned amount. Give $2,500 more to first recipient. Offer both options to Ralph Buckner • Memorial Classic scholarship winner already paid his tuition. Cypress College did not receive the scholarship check as of today. Cypress wants to know if they can write a check to the recipient. • Group discussed perhaps changing our award time to earlier in the summer as some schools require payment upon registration. Olson Zaltman- James Forr • The Foundation will apply for an Ogilvy award with James Forr’s assistance. • Forr suggested a follow up to their research – Surveying funeral directors and their vision of the future Page 30 Have the Talk of a Lifetime Update • Indiana has pledged $25,000; Louisiana has pledged $10,000 for 2014 with an additional amount to be determined for 2015. • Several other conventions going on currently; looking forward to hearing more commitments. Convention Updates • Strat planning session, Donor recognition invitations – Foundation: Unplugged was be sent 8/22, wraps for Sesame St kits will be inserted in the convention registration bags, booth is in NFDA Central Dashboard • Monthly meeting updates of KPIs and Dashboard. No questions Next Meeting: Nov. 20 at 1 pm CST Page 31 Executive Director Report Committee Report Notable Items & Highlights Major Gifts New Pledges • Matthews: $200,000 • Homesteaders: $150,000 • NGL: $100,000 in 2013 added $50,000 in 2014 Donor Reception • Forethought: $25,000 • BMI: $3,000 Golf Classic Major Benefactor: • Johnson Consulting: $25,000 • Sponsorships: $100,000+ Budget • Goals met for 2014 [See KPIs and Dashboards] FAMIC/Have the Talk of a Lifetime • States matching $400,000 challenge grant. • As of 9/25/2014: $167,000: Michigan: $72,000 New York: $50,000* Louisiana: $10,000* Tennessee: $10,000 Page 32 Indiana: $25,000 * Potential to double Strategic Plan • Majority of strategic goals met for 2014 See strategic plan dashboard Personal • Attained CFRE accreditation Certified Fund Raising Executive 1 of 97 in WI Opportunities and Actions Trustee engagement • Meeting attendance • Blog writing • Board orientation mentor/mentee Fund Development Priorities • Major Gift Fundraising • Engaging Philanthropic Funeral Directors • Donor Recognition Strategic Plan • Governance • Funding priorities Page 33 Finance Committee Committee Report Jerry Schoen Reporting Total Assets Through 8/31/14 Revenue Over Expenses Page 34 Budget Revenue 8/31/2014 Annualized Budget 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget 2017 Notes Contributions/Pledges 300,000 245,000 240,000 340,000 415,000 Major gifts, conservative in 2015 due to "Have a Talk" Endowment Pledges 248,603 80,000 95,000 115,000 115,000 Major gifts Member Contributions 25,000 27,500 32,500 37,500 42,500 Annual Appeal, NFDA Membership, PWC, etc. Donor Reception 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 In Kind Donations (NFDA) 129,150 129,151 130,000 135,000 140,000 Benefits, rent, etc provided in kind from NFDA Interest/earnings 236,592 225,000 243,000 255,150 267,908 Interest/Earnings Realized Gain/Loss 6,142 Unrealized Gain/Loss 202,171 99,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 Golf 1,271,658 826,651 860,500 1,002,650 1,100,408 1,069,487 826,651 860,500 1,002,650 1,100,408 In Kind Expenses (Salaries, Benefits, Rent) 129,150 129,151 130,000 135,000 140,000 Benefits, rent, etc provided in kind from NFDA Salaries 199,938 200,000 210,000 285,000 295,000 Fund development executive 2016 Miscellaneous Income Golf Outing Revenue Total Revenue Revenue without unrealized gains/losses Expenses Recruiting 9,000 Estimate for Fund Development Talent Professional Development 4,454 4,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Dues 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Travel 6,500 8,500 10,500 12,500 14,500 Lodging 4,347 4,500 4,800 5,000 5,250 3,500 Meeting Rooms 1,250 2,000 2,500 3,000 Equipment Rental 1,602 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Meals 13,335 22,500 25,000 25,500 26,000 Increased travel for Kathy promoting Foundation Donor Reception 17,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Marketing & Advertising 27,666 50,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Postage 2,048 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Telephone 396 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 Outside Service 6,410 3,000 8,000 8,000 22,500 Strategy review and market consultants in 2015-2017 Subscriptions /Software 2,220 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Includes software subscription for donor database Supplies 4,160 14,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 Meeting materials, donor acknowledgment, etc. Depreciation 5,090 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Non-Cash Credit Card Discount 1,736 Collection / Write Offs Two annual appeal mailings each year 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 Non-cash Broker 52,940 42,000 53,000 55,650 59,458 Investment Brokerage Fees Printing & Reproduct 19,724 12,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 Increased marketing activity and fund development 250,000 Grants / Scholarships 250,000 Golf Expenses 30,000 Miscellaneous 2,139 Total Expense Net Revenue over Expenses Net Revenue over exp without unrealized gains/losses 250,000 300,000 350,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Golf fees and insurance 21,000 6,000 6,300 7,500 Outside cons fees and exp. 783,601 826,351 860,500 1,002,650 1,100,408 488,057 300 0 0 0 285,886 300 Net of non-cash items 290,976 20,800 20,000 15,000 30,000 Equipment/Capital needs 3,500 7,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 Page 35 Communication Committee Report Notable Items & Highlights Website • Continued increase in website traffic • Sesame Street Kits are a current major draw • Website used for RSVPS; worked well Convention • Solid/consistent branding and presence at convention • Personalized/Logo signage for supporters • Program with ads for Golf Outing • New Trustee and Proud Supporter ribbons distributed Outreach • Excellent cooperation and partnership with marketing departments for major gift announcements • Announcements made in real time on Monday of Convention • Trustee and Proud Support website logos/email signatures available online Opportunities • Continue to cull website data • Increase social media presence • Create dynamic, effective newsletter • Blog content Page 36 Website visits by month Dashboard & KPIs Website Acquisition September website hitsSeptember Mobile hits: 1,085 Foundation Unplugged Invite Received NOMIS preconvention issue received FAMIC Webinar Email Sesame Street Ad in Director NFDA Bulletin sent with link to Golf Classic Web Traffic by Year Page 37 Governance & Leadership Committee Report Notable Items & Highlights Trustee Communication • Skeleton for Trustee “Intranet” is created • Will be updated in 2015 • Documents are secure • Will include archived minutes, resources, policies, charters, contact information, committee member information, etc. Board Climate Survey • Survey results located in appendix • About 2/3 of Board participated • Overall, results are positive Opportunities • Address large number of trustees going off board • Attract varied talent for new members Page 38 Information Staff Kathy Wisnefski Kelly Manion Nancy McGeen Phone: 877-402-5900 Cell: 414-791-7479 Email: kwisnefski@ funeralservicefoundation.org Phone: 800-228-6332 ext. 1574 Email: kmanion@ funeralservicefoundation.org Phone: 800-228-6332 ext. 1530 Email: nmcgeen@ funeralservicefoundation.org Executive Director Director of Communication Executive Assistant Physical Address Funeral Service Foundation 13625 Bishop’s Drive Brookfield, WI 53005 Fax: 262-789-6977 Website: FuneralServiceFoundation.org Trustee Login: FuneralServiceFoundation.org/about-us/boardLeadership Password: Foundation (case sensitive) Our Mission: To fund projects and programs that support all of funeral service in building meaningful relationships in the community Page 39 2014-2015 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Executive Communications Golf Subcommittee • Steve Shaffer, Chair • Linda Darby, Chair • ____________ Chair • Jerry Schoen, Chair-elect • Diana Kurz • Ralph Buckner • Victor March Sr., • Mike DiBease • John Carmon Secretary/Treasurer • Jerry Schoen • Henry Gutterman • Sheri Stahl • Bob Horn • Jay Dodds • Kim Price • Dave McComb Governance/Leadership • Jerry Schoen – Chair • Linda Darby • Bob Arrington • (Co Chair) • Grants Investment Committee – Finance Sub-committee of Finance • Jerry Schoen, Co-Chair Jerry Schoen • Jay Dodds Steve Shaffer • Steve Lang Victor March, Sr. • Victor March, Sr., Co-Chair Jay Dodds • Randy Schoedinger ________________ • Michael Quinn ________________ • Randy Schoedinger, Co Chair • Jerry Schoen • Sheri Stahl, Co-Chair Fund Development • Mike DiBease Jay Dodds, Co-Chair • Diana Kurz __________, Co-Chair • Michael Quinn • Ralph Buckner • Dave McComb • Victor March, Sr • Linda Darby • Jerry Schoen • Bob Arrington • Bob Horn • Graham Cook Page 40 Trustee Contact Information Bob Arrington, NFDA Liaison* Steven D. Gackenbach Phone: 731-668-1111 Email: barrington@afgemail.net Phone: 412-995-1634 Email: sgackenbach@matw.com First Terms ends: 10/17 Arrington Funeral Group 148 West University Parkway Jackson, TN 38305 Ralph Buckner, CFSP, CPC* Matthews International Corporation Two NorthShore Center Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Ralph Buckner Funeral Home & Crematory 3000 Ralph Buckner Boulevard PO Box 3655 Cleveland, TN 37311 Anthony Guerra* Phone: 423-472-1152 Cell: 423-715-0245 Fax: 423-472-0398 Email: rbuckner@ralphbuckner.com 2nd Term ends: 10/16 Cell: (562) 244-2515 Phone: (323) 723-1125 Fax: (323) 722-6016 Email: anthony@guerragutierrez.com First Term ends: 10/17 Linda Darby Diana Duksa Kurz, CFSP* Phone: 217-442-9224 Fax: 217-442-9182 Email: lindas@trigard.com 2nd Term Ends: 10/15 Phone: 860-666-0600 Fax: 860-666-8377 Email: diana@newingtonmemorial.com 2nd Term Ends: 10/16 Mike DiBease Steve Lang Phone: 812-934-7499 Fax: 812-934-8675 Email: mike.dibease@batesville.com Assistant: Kim Ott Email: kim.ott@batesville.com 2nd Term Ends: 10/15 Phone: 515-440-7701 Fax: 515-440-7690 E-mail: slang@homesteaderslife.com 2nd Term ends: 10/16 Jay Dodds, CFSP* March Funeral Home 5719 York Road Baltimore, MD 21212-3606 Trigard 3901 North Vermillion Danville, IL 61834-5906 Batesville Casket Company One Batesville Boulevard Batesville, IN 47006 The Signature Group 16801 Greenspoint Park Drive, Suite 376 Houston, TX 77060 Phone: 281-453-1260 Cell: 713-201-7332 Email: jdodds@siggrp.net First Term ends: 10/16 Guerra & Gutierrez Mortuaries 5800 East Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90022 Newington Memorial Funeral Home 20 Bonair Avenue Newington, CT 06111 Homesteaders Life Company 5700 Westown Parkway West Des Moines, IA 50266 Victor March Sr., CFSP*, Secretary/Treasurer Phone: 410-435-0500 Email: vmarch@marchfh.com First Term ends: 10/15 David McComb* D. O. McComb & Sons 1140 Lake Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46805-4341 Phone: 260-426-9494 Email: dave.mccomb@domccombandsons.com First Term ends: 10/16 Assistant: Erin Email: erin@mccombnet.com Michael Quinn Aurora Casket Company 10944 Marsh Road Aurora, IN 47001-2328 Phone: 812-926-5606 Cell: 260-615-8588 Email: mquinn@auroracasket.com Assistant: Gena DeHamer Email: gdehamer@auroracasket.com First Term ends: 10/16 Randy Schoedinger, CFSP* Schoedinger Funeral & Cremation Service 229 East State Street Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-224-6105 Home: 614-488-5383 Email: randy@schoedinger.com 2nd Term ends: 10/17 Gerard “Jerry” Schoen III*, Chair Elect Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd New Orleans, LA 70124 Phone: 504-483-8321 Email: Gerard.SchoenIII@sci-us.com 2nd Term Ends: 10/16 2nd Term Ends: 10/16 Sheri Richardson Stahl, CFSP* The Island Funeral Home and Crematory 4 Cardinal Road Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 Home: 51 Bluehaw Court Bluffton, SC 29910 Phone: 843-706-2551 Home: 843-681-4400 Email: diggerskid@aol.com 2nd Term ends: 10/17 Sumner J. “Jay” Waring, Immediate Past Chair * Service Corporation International 1929 Allen Pkwy Houston, TX 77019 Phone: 713-525-9159 Fax: 713-525-7777 Email: jay.waring@sci-us.com Assistant: Donna Kopycinski Email: donna.kopycinski@sci-us.com 2nd Term ends: 10/16 Bill Wappner, CFSP* Wappner Funeral Directors and Crematory 98 South Diamond Street Mansfield, OH 44902-7564 Phone: 419-522-5211 Fax: 419-522-5451 Email: wwappner@wappner.com First Term Ends: 10/17 Christine Pepper NFDA Liaison NFDA CEO 13625 Bishop’s Drive Brookfield, WI 53005 Steve Shaffer, Chair Phone: 800-228-6332 Email: cpepper@nfda.org Phone: 515-440-7701 Fax: 515-440-7690 Cell: 813.956.8682 Email: sshaffer888@gmail.com *NFDA Member Homesteaders Life Company 5700 Westown Parkway West Des Moines, IA 50266 Fund Development Committee Report Notable Items & Highlights Fund Development Strategy • Notes from June planning session located within board meeting minutes Golf Classic Update Opportunities • Continue to refine fund allocation strategies and decide on research. 2014 Outstanding Pledges Giving Total Through 8/31/14 Page 43 Foundation Visionary $250,000-$499,999 Partner in Mission $50,000-$99,999 Relationship Builder $25,000-$49,999 Project & Program Advocate $10,000-$24,999 Funeral Service Supporter $500-$9,999 Ongoing Proud Foundation Supporter logo provided for your website Public thank you via social media outlets, including “liking” company’s page as appropriate Opportunity to write “guest blog” feature on website News release announcing major gift archived on website Corporate logo and website linked from Foundation’s homepage R Company name listed in Foundation collateral, including annual Impact Report, e-newsletters and electronic signage Ongoing Donor name listed on website Ongoing Upon each single gift of $2,500 or more Online Minimum of once per giving level Upon each major gift of $100,000 or more Ongoing $100,000-$249,999 Personalized Foundation Supporter signprovided Annually D Recognition from the podium at Foundation’s Donor Showcase and other events Opportunity to make remarks from podium Upon each major gift of $100,000 or more Ceremonial check presentation Ceremonial checks displayed in the Foundation’s and Donor’s booths Corporate name and/or logo exposure through “thank you” ads in trade publications Corporate name and exposure through news release sent to all major industry publications and state executives announcing partnership Featured in a “Why Foundation Giving is Important” advertisement in trade publication(s) Upon each major gift of $100,000 or more Upon each major gift of $100,000 or more Upon each major gift of $100,000 or more Media Supporter name listed on electronic signage Annually NFDA Convention Exposure & Public Recognition Community Pillar Cornerstone Society $500,000-$999,999 Prominent Listing & Display Annually A T F Upon each major gift of $100,000 or more Advertisement Minimum of once per giving level The Fine Print: As of 2014, Giving Benefits & Recognition supersede all previous Funeral Service Foundation gift recognition programs and are not retroactive. Your Giving Benefits & Recognition become effective upon first/next gifts as follows: $10,000 $5,000 $500 Grants Committee Committee Report Notable Items & Highlights Research Recognition • Working with Olson Zaltman to submit “Breaking the Consumer Code” research for a national award. Fund Development Strategy • Notes from June planning session located within board meeting minutes Scholarships • Winners Selected • Memorial Classic Scholarship: Stephen Crawford and Gabrielle Bieber • Shipley Rose Buckner Memorial Scholarship: Christie Keen • • • First year of scholarship Hagan Memorial Scholarship: Chastity Hartman Shoepp Memorial Scholarship: No applicants (only available to students who reside in Wyoming) Have the Talk of a Lifetime • About 90% of Trustees feature “Have the Talk” on company websites Opportunities • Continue to refine fund allocation strategies Page 47 Have the Talk of a Lifetime Four-Month Digital Test Marking Results Page 48