Monthly Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church
Monthly Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Matters Newsletter for Faith Lutheran Church 680 W. Deerpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 A part of North Shore Lutheran Ministry Our Mission: “Glorifying God by spreading the Gospel through preaching, teaching and living our daily lives.” October 2016 Disciples of Christ My brothers and sisters in Christ: Before Jesus was taken up to heaven he said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 NIV. This is one job that Jesus commanded us, as his disciples, to do. “Therefore GO and MAKE disciples of ALL nations.” It is not optional. It is not selective. It is clear and definitive. However, we must first ask ourselves, am I a disciple of Christ? By definition, a disciple is one who is a pupil and follower of the doctrines of another. To be a disciple of Christ we must study and be in the Word to learn what our Lord wants of us. This is how we learn what he commands of us and others. “….teaching them everything I have COMMANDED you.” We must be in relationship with Christ to give us the ability to follow his commands. This we do by being in constant prayer with him. He will do this because he said “I am with you ALWAYS.” And finally, as disciples, we must minister to others through service and evangelism to bring others to Christ. “Therefore GO and MAKE disciples of ALL nations.” Thus the cycle of the Great Commission renews itself with everyone who becomes Jesus’ disciple as they go out and do the one job that Christ commanded. As we each go out in the world, as representatives of the church, to follow the command of the Great Commission, have we prepared ourselves for this endeavor? Have we been in his Word, have we been in prayer and are we ready to go out and minister to others to make Christ disciples? In Isaiah 6:8, when God said “Who should I send?” will our reply be, like Isaiah, with an emphatic “Here am I. Send me!”? Rev James Buckman has requested to meet with the leadership and the congregation before he makes his decision on the call extended to him by Faith. He is scheduled to come in Friday, September 30, through Sunday, October 2. Rev Buckman will be doing all three services that weekend (Sat 5:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.,) as well as the Adult Bible Study between Sunday services. God's Blessings, Rick Bersano, President 1 Faith Matters October 2016 ITEMS OF INTEREST LWML Fall Workshop: Saturday October 15 from 9:00 am-1:00 pm at Beautiful Savior, Antioch. The theme is “Blessed to be a blessing.” There will be a devotion, music, business meeting, project, and salad luncheon. Our project will be to tie quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Bring sewing scissors and large eye needles if you are able. If you would like to donate flat sheets for quilt backs, it would be appreciated. Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is located at 1501 Deep Lake Road, Antioch. Thanksgiving Eve Pie Social. We are looking for someone to take on coordinating the Thanksgiving Eve pie social this year. The Arofs will be out of town and are looking for someone to takeover coordinating this event. If we do not get a volunteer, the event will not take place. Please contact Linda or Melissa Arof if you are interested. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Parents of College Students: Women’s Ministry will be sending out college care packages in October so please submit your student’s updated address information by October 8th so we can make sure they get one Women's Ministry will meet on Saturday, October 15th at 9am. Join us for a light breakfast, Bible study and kitchen cleaning in the Angel Room. Sign-up sheet will be posted in the Women's Ministry area. The WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB will meet Saturday, November 12, @ 8 a.m. to discuss On Fire – The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life, by John O’Leary. Join us as we explore this autobiographical account of how God transformed Mr. O’Leary from a nine – year- old burn victim to a triumphant Christian, living a radically inspired life, and discover the reason for his mantra, “You can't always choose the path that you walk in life, but you can always choose the manner in which you walk it.” ALL WOMEN ARE WELCOME. A WORD OF THANKS Thanks to all who attended Oktoberfest this year and helped with set up and clean up. We had a great turnout of 60 people and raised $840 for Food Resource Bank. FARMER'S MARKET RETURNING NEXT SPRING 2017 Thanking God and all of you for an abundant harvest again this year. We began offering early Spring greens in early May and tomatoes galore in August. A really terrific yield of green peppers, sugar snap peas, zucchini, cucumbers and zinnias continued many months. Cheryl Wiemer's delicious pies again very popular with reservations before market day! Your donations were close to $1000 for this growing season. A check will be sent to Food Resources Bank to continue a potato growing project in Peru. You are always invited to help in the garden. It's been a blessing to so many through the years. Some plant, some water but God makes it grow! Carol Marwede 2 Faith Matters October 2016 ASHER Proverbs 11:25 Comfort Dog To: Subject: E-mail: Facebook: AsherComfortDog Twitter: @LCCK9Asher All My Friends at Faith Lutheran Church Asher’s September Actions by Asher, Comfort Dog September 4, 2016 This was another one of those weeks when emotions go from great fun to deep sadness and back to joy. The handlers experience these situations, but because there are several handlers, they don’t have to feel all of the changes. The exception, of course, is me. I’m the one that goes through it all. However God did it, I have the capacity to feel the emotions going on with people. Fortunately for me, I have a comfortable and pleasant home to go to each night. What a blessing! So here we go: we started with Rick visiting people at hospice centers and our shut-ins. While the illnesses that are impacting people are not a happy situation, making these visits has a positive effect and does cause smiles to happen. Everyone is very pleased for our time together. Then we joined several other Comfort Dogs who were invited to provide comfort in a situation that you never want to hear about, a teenage suicide. Over the weekend, a student at Rockford High School killed himself. He was a very accomplished and popular young man. Comfort Dogs went out early Monday morning; we went on Wednesday morning. On arrival, Jenni and I gathered in the high school library so that students could visit with us. As usually happens in this kind of a situation, students came in and petted and hugged us as they were weeping. The young man was a member of Heartland Church in Rockford. The wake was at the church on Thursday afternoon, which we attended. We can only pray for the family and friends for the Lord to give them peace at this time. On the same day, Thursday morning, we visited Bethel Lutheran again to visit with people being served by the PADS organization. Then it was off to the VA Hospital to see and visit with our growing group of veteran and staff friends. This was a particularly happy time because we were invited to their annual block party held on hospital grounds near one of their brand new residential areas; lots of food and music. At the end of the week, we stopped at Ruth’s grooming business to help in her promotion and then with Jan and Rick, we visited Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Antioch. They were celebrating their 20th anniversary. It was a joyous event with live entertainment, plenty of games, and again, you guessed it, great smelling food. They had a dunk tank that was used to raise funds for the Comfort Dog mission. We met new friends and had a great time. As we think about these activities and all the other ones mentioned in previous articles, the opportunities to share Jesus’ love are endless. We can’t predict where the call for service will come from, but you can be sure it will happen. As Jesus’ disciples, we all need to stand ready. September 11, 2016 This was a happy week; lots of fun events and welcoming people as they begin a new school year. The week began on Sunday with the Faith and Fuente de Amor Family Picnic; lots of people and lots of great food. I got a few carrots, but met some new friends. On Monday, I joined Rick for visits to Hospice centers. As I’ve said before, patients and family are happy to see us. 3 Faith Matters October 2016 Then, as part of the new school year, Jenni and I were present at the Lord of Glory-Gloryland Pre-School Open House. There are lots of kids at this school, around 200, many from the community. You can just imagine how many little hands there are to pet me. Then, we went to Valparaiso University for a student event. We’ve been there before and they welcome us with great joy. For the rest of the week, activities were a little different. We went with Bill to visit the central market in Libertyville and some other friends. Then, we had a special day visiting schools in Northbrook. As a result of visits made several weeks ago, we met a lady at Glenbrook Hospital, she is a teacher in the area school district. So she invited us to visit three schools – Meadowbrook, Greenbrier, and Westmoor Elementary schools. Rick, Jan, and I went; we were met by about 60 kids. It was all lots of fun We concluded the week with a veterans’ event in Brookfield, Wisconsin. I went with Wayne and joined other Kare 9 military Comfort Dogs to attend a memorial service at the Brookfield Lutheran Church. The service was to honor SSgt. Matthew Thompson, who had recently died in service to his country. We can always remember those who put their life on the line for the benefit of the rest of us in this country. The Gospel has a similar sound, but Jesus sacrificed his life to save the entire world, having lived a life as an example for us all. September 18, 2016 This week started with a celebration. It was the last Sunday for Pastor Timm Griffin to serve the Faith congregation as Interim Pastor. We all, including me, thanked him for his service and wished him well. Even though Monday was Labor Day, visits by Rick and me continued. Patients and family at hospice centers and our shut ins were very happy to see us. Then, because we’re still at beginning of school year, we had students to visit. This began at Lake Forest College on Wednesday when we participated at a special student day. Dick and I joined Linda and Howard Arof and Allison Smith to talk to students about Faith congregation, invite them to church or join us in volunteer activities, and introduce them to the comfort dog program. It was fun; many students stopped to talk to us. Later in the day, we were called by Immanuel Lutheran – West Dundee to participate in a funeral of one of their members. We had been to this church before for school programs. On Thursday, Jenni and I participated with the Lord of Glory Gloryland Pre-School as they began the school year. As I’ve mentioned before, this school has a very large enrollment and reaches out to the community. Later in the afternoon, I joined Rick to visit people who are havine health problems. We always try to help as many people as we can. Then, we went to LOG Gloryland Pre-School on Friday to visit additional classes. On Saturday, Jenni, Steve, and I went to a big street party being staged at the Randhurst Shopping Center. Lots of people were there and we met many new friends. Perhaps it’s clear that one of the important aspects of our mission to reach out to people is that it is a “more than once” effort. We come back to people again and again; the Gospel mission is on-going, not one-time actions. Be in touch, Peace! Asher Proverbs 11:25 “Whoever brings blessings will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” 4 Faith Matters October 2016 North Shore Lutheran Ministry Highlights of the Church Council August 31, 2016 • (a) Response: Hispanic Mission Funding Grant. LCEF account set up and first payment made last Thursday. Will review this arrangement within 12 months. In the meantime, Faith members need to visit with the Mission and establish a relationship. (b) Task Force – Status: Reaching out to local college students on two different dates/campuses—Trinity International University and Lake Forest College—handing out pizza cutters along with Faith Lutheran Church information. Suggestion to possibly consider conducting a Lessons and Carols service earlier to engage the college students before they leave for Christmas break. (c) Family / Youth Ministries. Two meetings have occurred – one with the Task Force, and the other with NID on August 24. Focus on improving relationships within the congregation; also discussed importance of outreach and being in the community. (d) Comfort Dog Ministry: Rick met with Pastor Brian at Lord of Glory to discuss the Comfort Dog Ministry. We are considering getting a second dog. Rick has spoken with churches within our circuit; there is the potential for us to have multiple congregations participating, with a handler at each church. Ministry and Mission Actions a. Fellowship: i. Numerous senior members have mentioned it would be nice to have a church van to assist individuals unable to drive at night or to use for transporting college students or individuals from Great Lakes. Discussion of possible options: we could consider renting versus purchasing; van would need to be handicapped accessible; concern some people may be on the van for an hour, depending on the itinerary. For the short-term, recommend seeking volunteers to transport individuals . ii. 139 participated in the picnic; 59 from our church. For future events, let’s encourage our members to sit with members from the Fuente de Amor congregation. b. Property: i. Parsonage exterior was re-painted. On the interior, carpets were removed from all rooms except in family room; the hardwood underneath was in good condition and a polyurethane coating was applied. The family room does not have hardwood under the carpet and will be re-carpeted instead. ii. Front sign power washed; iii. Volunteers have been cutting the grass—now Louis is back and able to mow. iv. Parking lot – Joel is obtaining quotes and looking at options to improve drainage. Discussed improving lighting in certain areas (using LED lights). Bill Seldon is investigating new light fixtures to illuminate the church and fellowship hall so it shows up more at night. c. Education: Classroom walls will be down through Oktoberfest and then they will be going up. d. Relationships—Building within and outside Faith—Pastor provided Bill Buttelman with information and resources to investigate expanding number of small groups (there are 6 candidates for small group leaders.) Recommend developing a small group theme around Discipleship. Perhaps train the leaders in Discipleship; provide materials for the leaders to use in their groups. The Council discussed various approaches to small group ministry. • Calling Process: Rev. Buckman asking for additional information, provided by Rick, as he considers our call. Thank you to Pastor Griffin on behalf of congregation. • Next Meeting: Monday – September 19, 2016 @ 7:00 pm. • 5 Faith Matters October 2016 Task Force Initiative @ Lake Forest College Oktoberfest 2016 6 Faith Matters October 2016 Sunday, October 16th Acolyte: Altar Care: Assisting Minister: Communion Assistant Elder: Greeters: Lector: Ushers: Audio-Video Specialist: Counters: October Sunday Servants Saturday, October 1st 5:00 pm Audio-Video Specialist: Peter Minster 8:00 am 10:30 am* Sunday, October 2nd Acolyte: PJ Liphardt Philip Kolterman Altar Care: Gaye Sodke Assisting Minister: Jeremy Foster Howard Arof Children’s Message Pastor Buckman Pastor Buckman Communion Assistant Elder: Jeremy Foster Howard Arof Greeters: Joe & Alice Magnani Bob & Nancy Salzwedel Lector: Rick Bersano Bill Buttelmann Ushers: The Foster Family Bill & Inga Buttelmann Audio-Video Specialist: Will Baughman Tim Gerk Counters: David Knauz and Don Sodke 10:30am* Christian Prieditis Whitney Wisniewski Rich Nichols Steve Garchow Rich Nichols Inge Knauz Steve Garchow Howard & Diane Skoien Dick Hocking Charles Rapp Henry Kolterman Arlene Weith and Arlene Hocking Saturday October 22nd Altar Care: Audio-Video Specialist: Sunday, October 23rd Acolyte: Assisting Minister: Communion Assistant Elder: Greeters: Lector: Object Lesson: Ushers: Audio-Video Specialist: Counters: Saturday, October 8th 5:00pm* Altar Care: Judy Kraemer Audio-Video Specialist: Tim Gerk 10:30 am Sunday, October 9th 8:00 am* Acolyte: Will Baughman Anna Seyfert Altar Care: Assisting Minister: Steve Garchow Howard Arof Communion Assistant Elder: Steve Garchow Howard Arof Greeters: Don & Gaye Sodke Wolf & Linda Kollacks Lector: Steve Baughman Ushers: Audio-Video Specialist: Katie Bennett Jim Ellefson Counters: Barbara Balliet and Karl Seyfert Saturday October 15th Audio-Video Specialist: 8:00 am 5:00 pm* Judy Kraemer William Hillistad 8:00am * Philip Kolterman Jim Kolterman, Jr. 10:30 am Jim Kolterman, Jr. Jeremy Foster PJ Liphardt Jeremy Foster Steve & India Baughman Bill & Gayle Seldon Susie Kolterman The Kolterman Family Henry Kolterman Dick Hocking Linda Doveala & Inge Knauz 5:00 pm* Saturday October 29th Altar Care: Audio-Video Specialist: Peter Minster Sunday, October 30th 8:00am * 10:30 am Acolyte: Jacob Liphardt Assisting Minister: Elder: Greeters: Etta Narjes Carol Marwede Lector: Rick Bersano Rick Bersano Object Lesson: Ushers: Audio-Video Specialist: Will Baughman Tim Gerk Counters: Julie Stride & Steve Garchow 5:00 pm Peter Minster The monthly Sunday Servants schedule is subject to change. Please check the church web site for the definitive version; go to and under Sermons/News you will find our Worship Assistant Schedule. If your are unable to keep your scheduled time, please find a *indicates a communion service substitute and call the Church office (847-234-1868) to record the change. Contacts: CHURCH OFFICE: 847-234 -1868 FAX : 847-234-1929 E-mail : Web Site : STAFF : Director of Music: Karen M. Jirsa Administrative Assistants: Maree Garchow-Bellchambers Harriet Davidson Paula Derning Maintenance: Luis Silva CHURCH OFFICERS President: Rick Bersano Vice President: James Kolterman, Jr. Secretary: Deb Carr Treasurer: Nancy Smith Financial Secretary: Virginia Coil COMMITTEES: Caring: Fellowship: Cheryl Wiemer Linda Arof Melissa Arof Outreach: Parish Education: Susie Kolterman Maree Garchow Bellchambers Property: Joel Minster Stewardship: Elisabeth Geltz Worship & Music: Tim Gerk ELDERS: Howard Arof Steve Garchow Jeremy Foster Rich Nichols FOUNDATION OF FAITH: Bill Hume Mary Ann Johnson Jim Kolterman Sr. Carol Lundahl Dick Vie 7 Faith Matters october 2016 October 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Every Sunday: 1-5:30pm—Fuente de Amor 7:00pm-Alcoholics Anonymous 5:00pm-Celebration Worship 2 20th Sunday after Pentecost 3 4 5 6 7 8:00am-Worship 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9:00am-Fellowship 9:15am-Sunday School/Adult BS 10:30am-Worship w/communion 9 Columbus Day10 21st Sunday after Pentecost 8:00am-Worship w/communion 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9;00am-Fellowship 9:15am-SS & Adult Bible Study 10:30am-Worship 22 nd Sunday after Pentecost 5:00pm-Celebration Worship/w communion 7:30pm-Steeple Quilters 6:00pm-Confirmation 11 12 13 14 8:00am-Women’s Ministry 6:00pm-Worship & Music 17 7:00pm-Elders 18 5:00pm-Celebration Worship 7:30pm-Steeple Quilters 19 20 21 8:00am-Worship 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9:00am-Fellowship 9:15am-SS & Adult Bible Study 10:30am-Worship w/communion 23 8:00am-Worship w/communion 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9;00am-Fellowship 9:15am-SS & Adult Bible Study 10:30am-Worship 24 25 26 27 22 5:00pm-Celebration Worship w/communion 7:30pm-Steeple Quilters 6:00pm-Confirmation 23rd Sunday after Pentecost 15 8:00am-Men of Faith 9:30am-Tuesday Tie’ers 16 8 28 29 9:30am-Tuesday Tie’ers 1:30pm-VA Celebration/Birthday Party 6:00pm-Confirmation 7:00pm-Church Council 5:00pm-Celebration Worship w/communion 7:30pm-Steeple Quilters Reformation Day 30 8:00am-Worship w/communion 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9:00am-Fellowship 9:15am-SS & Adult Bible Study 10:30am-Worship w/communion Halloween 31 6:00pm-Confirmation 8 Faith Matters october 2016 October Birthdays Sue Gravenhorst Hannah Marwede Charles Kolterman Donna Stride Jinah Waitzman Elizabeth Bennett Bill Hume Kris Nelson Dick Hocking Katie Hudspeth Emma Kolterman Doug Hillistad Erin O'Neill Linda Kollacks Tommy Johnson Drew Brewster Jim Kolterman Bill Buttelmann Tim Gerk October October October October October October October October October October October October October October October October October October October 1 1 5 6 6 8 11 11 16 17 17 18 19 20 24 25 25 27 30 October Wedding Anniversaries Couple Date Years Married Dan & Carrie Rogers Rick & Jan Bersano Dick & Arlene Hocking Sherry McFall & Ken Porello .Bill & Kim Weissenberg Brad & Katie Hudspeth October 3 October 4 October 14 October 14 October 14 October 15 24 36 55 38 16 5 Attention Thrivent Members! If you haven’t made that quarterly phone call, please do so soon. Call 1800- 847-4836 or online to and designated Faith as the recipient! Contact Maree Garchow-Bellchambers with your questions. The Prayer Chain Mailing LWML Mites – Collection on the first Sunday of the month. Lazarus Table – Food Shelf is now available to all members of our congregation by Collection on the last Sunday email. For more information, or to add a prayer request, of the month please contact Kim Madden at or the Church Office at 847Reminder: If you have any of the church’s vases, 234-1868 or please return to the church. Thank you. AEBLESKIVERS ARE BACK!! Altar Flowers for the Month of October Redeemer Lutheran Church, 620 Grove Avenue in Waukegan will once again sponsor its annual Aebleskiver Day on Saturday, November 5th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Monies raised from this event are used for missions, local needy organizations and improvements and projects at Redeemer. The cost is: $7. for adults and $4. for children, 3 to 10years old, October 16: Irma Lenz in memory of Helmut October 23: Betsy Grimes in celebration of Kayla’s birthday. Aebelskivers are delicious Danish pancakes sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with syrup, jam or jelly, sausages and applesauce. Carry-outs are also available. Call (847) 336-4891. 9 Faith Matters Faith Lutheran Church 680 W Deerpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 10 Faith Matters