March 31, 2016 - Faith Lutheran College
March 31, 2016 - Faith Lutheran College
VOLUME 32 ISSUE 5 The Vineyard INSIDE THE ISSUE Leadership Team Report Important Information Lutheran Quality Schools Survey Uniform Shop Diary Dates College Contact Information Sam Doering - 2016 Simpson Prize Sam Lecons wins a place for Faith Faith Open Day Exchange News: Kiko’s Reflections Meat Chickens for Sale Year 12 Easter Reflection Open Boys Cricket - State Championships Faith Athletic Day Future Pathways VET - Vocational Edcuation & Taining Year 8-11 Art & Design Entertainment Book Barossa Arts & Convention Centre Performances Seussical Competition Parenting Ideas Community Noticeboard 31st March 2016 Leadership Team Report Craig Moore, Director of Student Learning Easter is a season of reflection. We reflect on the gift of Jesus to this world and the sacrifice that he made for the forgiveness of our sins. It is also a time where families will often come together and share fun, laughter, a meal and the occasional chocolate egg! On two occasions over the last week I was gently reminded of the important role each of us with a Christian faith has in sharing our faith and the miracle of Easter with others. The first situation was when purchasing an Easter egg for my wife. I headed into Bracegirdles House of Fine Chocolate after a meeting in Adelaide thinking that I was clever for being organised a few days in advance. Bracegirdles (for the uninitiated) is one of those places that you need to get to at least once a year if you want to get a couple of points on the board with your partner (it is typically better if you take them – but I was on a mission!) As I carefully selected an egg and handed the attendant my card I was surprised to have her ask “do you know what day Easter actually is?” It was a great opportunity to have a chat about the Easter story and then explain how the Easter egg that I was buying represented new life. In some ways I felt surprised by her surprise. This opportunity to share was clearly something not to take for granted. The second situation was on Easter Sunday. Our family travelled to Tailem Bend for a few days of relaxation at the river and we hosted quite a large gathering for Easter Sunday lunch. In my typical spokesperson way I thanked everyone for travelling that day and then announced “All right everyone, let’s say grace”. Continued on page 3. FAITH LUTHERAN COLLEGE: B OX 296, TANUNDA SA 5352 | Phone: (08) 8561 4200 | Fax: (08) 8563 2408 Email: | Website: Important Information Lutheran Quality Schools Survey Dear Parents and Caregivers, Year 10 Work Experience A reminder that the Yellow Work Placement Agreement form and Risk Assessment form is due by the 15th of April (at the end of this term). Please continue to return completed forms to the Future Pathways Office or Student Services. If you have any concerns, please contact Ms Cirillo or Mrs Rivers. Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) is committed to providing schools of excellence across Australia. In order to assist schools to provide quality services and to continuously improve, a nation-wide survey is being conducted. Families and students of Faith College (as members of the LEA family) are invited to participate. The following communication has been provided to our College and we have been asked to share this with our community. I trust the following letter provides further information concerning the upcoming survey. Parents of Faith College that have any questions are welcome to direct their enquiries to Mrs Nerida Harris ( Steve Wilksch, Principal Reports and Interviews: information for years 8-11 We are transitioning to a more environmentally friendly and efficient method of student reporting. Step one will be to email home the report and later in the year we intend to organise interview bookings entirely electronically. For the first round of 2016 interviews, printed information will still be sent home with online booking details. Please understand that it is not a requirement that you meet with every teacher. Teachers will typically request that you meet with them if they feel that there is something important to share. We certainly appreciate the partnership that we have with parents and you are most welcome to book as many interviews as you see valuable beyond those requested by teachers. Student reports will be emailed on Monday 4th April. Please contact Pauline Sachse via email if there are any difficulties receiving your student’s report. Buses - Friday 15th April Dear families Due to early finishing time at Nuriootpa High School on the last day of Term 1 - Friday 15th April, all DECD buses (Gomersal/Bethany, Lyndoch, Cockatoo Valley, Rowland Flat) will be running 50 minutes earlier. Students will need to be ready to meet their buses at 2.45pm. Parents need to be aware that students will be arriving at their destinations 50 minutes earlier. Thanks for your assistance with this matter and please contact the Bus Coordinator if further information is required. NATIONAL LUTHERAN QUALITY SCHOOLS SURVEYS 2016 Dear Parent(s) and Caregivers This year our school will be participating in a set of surveys of all Lutheran schools nationally. Lutheran Education Australia has contracted Professor Cuttance and Dr Thompson at Research Australia Development and Innovation Institute (RADII) to conduct the surveys online. Students will either complete the survey in class-time, or where they have school email addresses they will receive their invitation by email. All parents and staff are invited to participate in the survey. We seek feedback from parents, staff and students about the wellbeing and education of your children in Lutheran schools. Between 5th May - 31st May 2016 parents/caregivers will receive an email from Dr Jean Thompson with an invitation to respond to the survey online. The responses to the surveys are captured by the RADII survey system. Your survey responses are not identifiable by the school, unless you wish to indicate at the end of the survey that you want your feedback to be identified. Parents who do not wish to participate in the survey are requested to notify the School Office ( so that we can remove your name from the invitations. We encourage you to respond to the survey. When the surveys are completed we will share the findings with you. Thank you for supporting the survey process. Richard Birrell, Bus Coordinator Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 2 Leadership Team Report Diary Dates Continued... One of the younger children, very obligingly, loudly and confidently shouted, “GRACE”. He was not being cheeky but was in fact quite proud of himself as he had done exactly what was asked. I loved the innocence around this as he clearly had no understanding of what I actually meant. Not only did I learn that I am going to need to choose my words more carefully, but I also had the opportunity to introduce him to the heart of our Easter celebrations. recognise that not everyone in society today actually has a solid understanding of the sacrifice that Jesus made, and the amazing truth that he was able to rise from death and conquer sin itself. It’s important that we not only spend time personally connecting with the Easter message each season but also that we are open to the many wonderful opportunities that present to share the good news with others. As we reflect on the message of Easter it is important to Craig Moore Director of Student Learning Uniform Shop 30 Year 8 Camp 31 Year 8 Camp APRIL 1 Year 8 Camp 6 CFS Bushfire Preparation: Sausage Sizzle 6.30pm followed by presentation at 7.10pm 10-12 Musical Retreat 12 Years 8 to 11 A – K Parent/Teacher Interviews 4pm-7pm 13 Years 8 to 11 L – Z Parent/Teacher Interviews 4pm-7pm 13 Year 11 RYDA Excursion 14 SSSSA Athletics Day – 7.30am to 4.30pm 15 Last Day – Term 1 Will you know exactly what to do? Reminder for those in the old styled formal uniform We have (new stock) of the old styled uniforms currently on sale at drastically reduced prices, including shoes and sandals. Pop in and grab a bargain. Second Hand Will you “wait and see” and then “leave” in a bushfire? You can be better prepared for a bushfire… If you have old styled uniforms you wish to donate. Our uniform shop is collecting old styled Faith uniforms and sending them to South Pacific School Aid. Thank you in advance for your participation towards this great cause and helping needy children obtain a school uniform. Please ensure they are clean and in reasonable quality. Lost Property Please ensure your clothing and other items are clearly labelled with your name and caregroup. Ensuring we can quickly return these items to you if found. Our uniform shop is open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am – 4.00pm (lunch 12.00pm – 12.45pm) The uniform shop will be open in the holiday’s for one day only, Thursday 28th April from 9.00am – 3.00pm. Page 3 MARCH We invite you to come to the Barossa Arts & Convention Centre, Faith Lutheran College on Wednesday 6th April, to hear important safety information! Sausage Sizzle from 6.30 pm. Gold coin donation is encouraged for the Tanunda CFS At 7.10pm, Penny Kazla, local CFS Community Engagement Officer will be giving a talk about Bushfire Preparation for your Family – in 40 minutes you might get some info that may well save your life! All Faith College families are welcome. Please RSVP to the College on 8561 4200 to assist with catering. Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 College Contact Information STUDENT ABSENCES OR MESSAGES To report all student absentees or to leave messages for students, parents/caregivers are asked to telephone Student Services directly on 8561 4222. You may call at any time of the day or evening; a message bank is available which is checked regularly. If your student will miss an instrumental lesson please advise the Music Office on the day. We encourage you to utilise our Student Absentee email: TELEPHONE NUMBERS COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Phone 8561 4200 Fax 8563 2408 CONGRATULATIONS TO SAM DOERING! Runner-up for the 2016 Simpson Prize Sam has been announced as the State Runner-up for the 2016 Simpson Prize. The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students. The competition encourages participants to focus on the significance of Anzac Day and to consider what Anzac Day means to them and to Australia. Sam wrote a 1500 word essay responding to a question based on the spirit of the famous ANZAC Simpson, remembered for his bravery carrying wounded soldiers to help on the back of his stray donkey. He also visited Parliament House and took a tour with our Local Member, Tony Pasin and dined at the Royal Military College, Duntroon. We congratulate Sam on his dedication and enthusiasm to historical research and his passion for keeping the memory of past soldiers alive. Michelle Schwarz History Faculty Co-ordinator Sam’s prize was a three day trip to Canberra where he visited the Australian War Memorial and took part in a wreath laying ceremony. EMERGENCY INFORMATION LINE (In an emergency situation phone this number for details) Phone 8561 4295 STUDENT SERVICES (Phone when reporting student absentees or leaving messages for students) Phone 8561 4222 FEE PAYMENTS/ACCOUNT QUERIES Phone 8561 4203 ENROLMENT ENQUIRIES Phone 8561 4200 UNIFORM SHOP Phone 8561 4216 BAROSSA ARTS & CONVENTION CENTRE Phone 8561 4299 Fax 8563 0066 College Visiting Procedures All visitors and parents are asked to make appointments prior to speaking with staff members and proceed to the College Reception to sign in before attending any appointments. Barossa Arts and Convention Centre visitors may proceed directly to the BACC Office. Former students are permitted on campus after signing-in if they have an appointment with a staff member. Direct family members only have permission to speak with students, with the approval of a senior staff member. Student friends from outside the College are not to be invited on the campus. Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 4 Faith Open Day - March 16th Sam Lecons wins a place for Faith! On Open Day we invited our visitors to collect, create and discover…. There were banana bongos, electronic music, 3D printing, grape crushing, scarves made with pockets and flowers, origami making, German plays... and so much more - including a colourful mural (keep the faith) that is now on display in front reception at the College. Enrolment interviews for students commencing with us in 2018 are underway (current Year 6 students). Limited places are also still available for 2017. For further information about the enrolment process, or to book an enrolment interview, please contact our Enrolment Coordinator, Mrs Naomi Duggan via enrolments@ or 8561 4200. Last Wednesday 16 March a small group of students met at the Adelaide International Raceway to compete in the SSSSA Time Trial Cycling Event. Schools, represented in the U19 Boys, were Loxton High School, Sacred Heart College, Faith Lutheran College & Roma Mitchell Secondary College. Sam Lecons represented Faith Lutheran College and earnt 3rd place, amongst a tough rider competition. Sam’s time was 12:54 with an average speed of 34.2km/h. Three laps of the track were to be completed for your time and speed to be recorded. Congratulations to Sam, he has now earnt a place, should he wish to proceed to compete in the 2 day Cycling Tour held on the 19th & 20th of May at McLaren Vale. Page 5 Continued page 6. Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Faith Open Day... Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 6 Exchange News: Kiko’s Reflections Now, I am really missing Australia because Japan is so cold, and studies are so hard. I hope I can come back to Australia and see everyone sometime in the future. Thank you so much again.” Kiko Otani Faith’s Exchange Friends Kiko on Retreat in 2015 at Mt Brown in the Lower Flinders Ranges, with Lucy and Anna Whittaker and Aidan Saunders. The final reflections from one of our 2015 Exchange students come from Kiko Otani, who is now back home in Japan and studying hard at our sister school Seibo Gakuen. (Her colleague Yuika arrives on April 5 and her four host families are keenly waiting and preparing for her arrival.) “I really appreciated all the students and the teachers at Faith. Thank you for accepting me as an exchange student. I will never forget everyone’s kindnesses. You helped me many times. I was glad that I could get to know many people at Faith, and I really enjoyed your company. The most impressive memory was Retreat. I enjoyed hiking, beautiful landscapes and camping because I had never done camping like Retreat before. It was a great experience for me. Thanks to Susan Gordon, and Paul and Judi Bert, for offering to be part of Faith’s Exchange Friends group. If any other parents are keen to get a taste of hosting but can only manage a weekend or a few days in their busy schedule this is your chance. The idea is to have a list of families who might be able to provide respite for host families some time for just a few days. For more information, contact Ev Leske at Ev Leske Exchanges Coordinator MEAT CHICKENS FOR SALE! During Term 1 some of our Year 9 Agriculture students are rearing a batch of 200 meat birds from day old chicks. It is a great hands-on experience for students to manage this enterprise for 6 ½ weeks until the birds are processed at Kapowie Abattoir. Students monitor growth rates as well as doing the day to day management of the project. To purchase a meat chicken you will need to pre-order your animal/s using the order form below. Collection of the dressed chickens will be on Tuesday 5th April at 3.20pm from the Wine Education Centre. (Chickens will not be available before 3.20pm). Birds will be priced at $5.50/kg with most birds weighing between 2 and 3 Kg. We cannot reserve specific weights through orders and first preference will be given to those who are first in to collect their chickens. If you are interested in purchasing chickens please return your order form as soon as possible as we have limited numbers available. Orders can either be emailed through or returned with your child through Student Services. If your order is not able to be met you will be notified by phone. Marianne Nelson, Agriculture Teacher ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Return ASAP to Ms Nelson either by email ( or via Student Services Name ……………………………………………………………..................... Number of meat birds ordered at $5.50 / Kg Phone Number …………………………………………… …………………....….. Please make a note that collection is on Tuesday 5th April at 3.20 pm from the Wine Education Centre. Page 7 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Year 12 Easter Reflection National Youth Science Forum 2016 On Maundy Thursday, as preparation for our Easter celebrations, a group of Year 12 LIFE students presented an Easter Reflection to the College Community. The focus was on a modern day version of the Easter Story with students involved in dramatic presentations, live music, retelling of the experiences of Jesus, video production and art work. Students worked hard over six weeks to create their own unique version of the Gospel message. Judi Schmidt (Year 12 Coordinator, LIFE teacher) In the January school holidays, I attended the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra. The forum is a 12 day program which aims to show future leaders in science the wide variety of study and career options in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. About 400 students from around Australia attended the forum, as well as students from Fiji, Germany, South Africa, and New Zealand. I had opportunity to tour science labs and take part in some cool activities, such as making slime and using liquid nitrogen. I also attended lectures by esteemed scientists from many different fields. Accommodation was provided at the Australian National University campus where I was able to experience what it was like to be a university student. This was a fantastic experience that I will never forget. I met so many like-minded people and have made friendships that will last a lifetime, while being able to further my passion for science. If you would like to find out more how you could take part in the program visit (Year 11 students need to apply by end of May.) Julia Edwards, Year 12 Parliament House Site visit to Cotter Dam Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Science Dinner Page 8 Year 8 - 11 Art & Design VET - Vocational Education & Training VET at Faith...... Certificate I in Hospitality Certificate III in Fitness Certificate II in Live Production – Staging unit Faith Lutheran College delivers six VET courses here under VET in Schools Arrangements with TAFESA and Australian Centre for Advanced Studies. Students can complete VET certificates at Faith as part of their timetabled classes or by classes running in the evening or one day per week. Certificate I in Agrifoods Certificate I in Hospitality Certificate II in Live Production and Services Units from Certificate II in Construction Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology Certificate III in Fitness Year 9-11 Agriculture Year 10, 11 Food and Hospitality Year 10, 11 Theatre Tech course Wednesday evenings One day per week, Semester Two, Year 11 Year 11 or 12 Vetamorphus Year 11 or 12 VET Fitness Please see Dianne Sanders in the Future Pathways Office for more information and application forms if you are interested in these or any other VET programs. Page 9 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Future Pathways Exciting Opportunities to Expand your Future Pathways... Parents as Career Partners Evening On Monday 7th of March Faith hosted the annual Year 10 Parents as Career Partners evening. The Parents as Career Partners evening is a great night where families and their students work together as a team. We discussed a number of very important topics that effect Year 10s as they enter the senior school. We discussed; how parents can become career parents, what is SACE, how to achieve SACE, what is an ATAR, how to achieve an ATAR, our extensive VET program, work experience and the new changes, how to access various websites on pathways, how to analyse their VIQ results and the final part of the evening was a team effort of commencing the students Action Plan on investigating pathways of interest. This year, the VET Coordinator, Di Sanders also invited two Year 12 VET students to discuss; their course, its benefits and how their courses support both their pathways and achieve SACE and/or an ATAR. Both Jaymee Koch and Chris Pascoe performed well. It was a great night and we look forward to hosting it again next year. A great way to further support investigating future pathways, is by attending the Tertiary Studies & Careers Expo in Adelaide. The Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo is a great opportunity for students and families to explore future pathways, travel and employment opportunities. Listed below are the booths to visit: • Interstate and Overseas Universities • Adelaide University, University of South Australia and Flinders University • NIDA • Private Education Providers • TAFE SA • Defence Forces Dates: Venue: Admission: Website: • Government and Employment Agencies • Gap Year and Exchange Programs • Scholarships, financial and bursary information • Study and Career options • Student Services and more! Sunday 10th June from 10am – 4pm & Monday 11th June from 9.30am – 1.30pm Adelaide Convention Centre Free – click on the Adelaide icon For individual queries or assistance, please call Trish Cirillo, Careers Coordinator on 8561 4200 or Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 10 Open Boys Cricket - State Championships! Match Reports: Round 3 (Semi-Final) – KO Cricket Opponent: Salisbury East High School Location: Salisbury East High School Faith 1/159 defeated Salisbury East High School 156 Will Loffler James Madden 117 n.o 22 Will Loffler Matt Quinn C Behn 2/11 2/21 1/3 The team bowled with control to keep the scoring rate down, however wickets were proving hard to take. After drinks Salisbury East began to increase the scoring rate and wickets began to fall. They were bowled out for a good total of 156. With just over 5 per over needed to win the teams leadership group shuffled the batting order, promoting Will Loffler to the top of the order. The move proved to be a match winner with the opening pair of Will and James Madden making a steady start before putting the foot down and lifting the scoring rate. James was out for 22, but Will powered on in a tremendous innings which included some big hitting and also some fine cricket shots. He hit the winning runs to finish on 117 not out. He was well supported by James Madden 22 and Aaron Nietschke 14. Through to the Final. State Final – KO Cricket Opponent: Blackfriars Priory School Location: Park 25 (Adelaide) Faith 4/60 defeated Blackfriars 59 Copper Behn 19 n.o Colby Noack 17 Will Loffler 6/15 Liam Birchard 2/9 Matt Quinn 1/13 After again losing the toss and being thrown the ball the team set about restricting the scoring with some tight bowling. Some calm decision making in the field saw Riley McInerney make an early run out, with Nic Burton taking an excellent slips catch soon afterwards. From that moment onwards wickets fell at a steady rate. All bowlers played their part and were led by a fired up Will Loffler, who claimed 6 wickets for just 17 runs. Liam Birchard was also impressive with 2/9. The run chase got off to a shaky start, with both openers dismissed early, leaving the score at 2/4. Colby Noack and Cooper Behn then formed an excellent partnership to guide the team home, with Colby dismissed on 17 just shy of the winning runs and Cooper remaining unbeated on 19. A fantastic team effort by all involved. The team had a very strong batting and bowling line-up and it is a credit to all the students involved in the way that they patiently took on their role within the team (either batting, bowling or fielding) with all players making a contribution at some point across all 4 games. Thanks to all parents who came and supported the team. Ashley Clarke, Coach The team consised of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. NAME James Madden (Captain) Daniel Grosser (VC) WIll Loffler Matthew Quinn Nic Burton Brad Schiller Liam Birchard Aaron Nietschke Colby Noack Cooper Behn Oscar Harms Isaac McElroy Riley McInerney Bailey Smith Rhett Montgomerie Page 11 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Faith Athletics Day - March 11th The annual Faith Athletics Day was held on Friday 11th March. This was the culmination of athletic events that had been held across the week. The Championship events were held during the morning, with some outstanding performances recorded. It was very pleasing to see the large number of students competing in each event, with many students nominating themselves for 4 or 5 events. Age Group Champions Under 14 Boys 1. Henry Kleinig GFR 22 pts SGF 25 pts GFR 22 pts GDB 20 pts EBR 19 pts GRB 20 pts EBR 20 pts GOM 25 pts Under 14 Girls 1. Katelyn Young Under 15 Boys 1. Lachlan Westlake Under 15 Girls 1. Elise Heinrich Under 16 Boys 1. Aaron Nietschke Under 16 Girls 1. Karen Kalleske Under 21 Boys 1. Cooper Dunn Under 21 Girls 1. Claudia Jenkins At the conclusion of the individual events Village Care Groups were involved in a number of Novelty events: The Sack race, the 3 Legged race, the Wheelbarrow race, the Balance race, the Tug-of-War and finally the 8x50m relay events. All events were contested in a positive manner and the enthusiasm and spirit displayed by all students was outstanding. A very big congratulations to all students for the manner in which they competed and the positive atmosphere that was evident across the day. Thank you to all the Parents and Caregivers that attended on the day. It is great to see you supporting this college community event. Particular thanks must also go to the following people – The PE staff: Mrs Mangelsdorf, Mrs Vanderloo, Mr Schmidt and Mr Darling for their hard work in preparing for the event; Mr Lovell and the Tech Crew for the sound equipment, Mrs Lambert and Mrs Roocke for looking after First Aid, Mrs Tscharke for taking photos of the event, all of the Grounds Staff for preparing the event areas, and to all the staff at Faith for the marshalling of events and work both on the day and during the lunch time events during the week. On Thursday the 14th April the Faith Athletics Team will travel to the Mile End Athletics Stadium to compete in the SSSSA Track and Field Championship. After a successful event last year Faith has maintained a place in the A2 Grade, which is a great achievement. Congratulations to all students that have been successful in making this team. We hope you enjoy the opportunity to be involved in such an exciting event. Good luck! Ashley Clarke PE & Sports Coordinator Continued page 9. Group Champions Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 1st - Gnadenberg 2nd - Stockwell 3rd Krondorf 4th - St Kitts 1st - Light Pass 2nd - Gruenberg 3rd - Hoffnungsthal 4th - Jacob’s Creek 1st - Ebenezer 2nd - Neukirch 3rd - Resenthal 4th - Bethany 1st - Gomersal 2nd - Lagnmeil 3rd - North Rhine 4th - Gnadenfrei 1st - VIne Vale 2nd - Greenock 3rd - Siegersdorf 4th - Penrice Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 12 Faith Athletics Day... Page 13 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 MENGLER VIEW WINES Order Form ‘Wine Education from the heart of the Barossa’ NEW RELEASE WINE PRICE QTY TOTAL 2015 Riesling (New Vintage) $48 Case (6 Pack) $ 2015 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon (New Vintage) $48 Case (6 Pack) $ 2015 Barossa Valley Rosé (New Vintage) $54 Case (6 Pack) $ 2014 Cabernet Merlot (New Vintage) $66 Case (6 Pack) $ 2014 Barossa Valley Shiraz (New Vintage) $72 Case (6 Pack) $ BACK VINTAGE SPECIALS WINE PRICE QTY 2012 Hage Merlot $80 Case (DOZ) NOW $75 $ 2012 Ancestry Cabernet Sauvignon $80 Case (DOZ) NOW $75 $ 2013 Ancestry Cabernet Sauvignon $120 Case (DOZ) NOW $90 $ PLUS FREIGHT: $15/Qty (1 Qty is up to 12 Bottles anywhere in Australia) TOTAL $ TOTAL: $ PL E ASE E M A I L C OM PL ET E D OR DE R S TO : w i n e @ f ait h . s a . e du. au Please tick method of payment: Mastercard Visa Cash Cheque Credit Card Number Expiry Date _____/_____ Card Verify No: _______ Cardholder Name: ______________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Delivery Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ___________ Phone: (W) _______________________ (H) _______________________ (M) _____________________________________ Delivery Instructions: F a i t h L u t h e r a n C o l l e g e , 1 3 0 M a g n o l i a R o a d , P O B o x 2 9 6 , TA N U N DA S A 5 3 5 2 Phone: (08) 8561 4200 Fax: (08) 8563 2408 Email: Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 14 Page 15 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Magnolia Road, Tanunda Phone: 8561 4299 NEW PERFORMANCES - ON SALE NOW Saturday, 11th June 7.30pm Jam-packed with 32 of Carole’s greatest hits, you will be captivated by the magic of the melodies and the timeless nature of the songs from this chart-topping music legend. Featuring the powerhouse vocals of MICHELLE BRASIER, JESSICA PAPST and ERIN HERRMANN YOUNG and backed by a stunning 4 piece band. Carole King does not appear in the show. A: $69.90* Conc: $59.90* G 6+: $59.90* Monday, 18th July 11.00am The Fairies “Let’s Party Tour” is so much fairy fun as the fairy friends party their way through an hour of high energy dancing and brilliant fairy songs. Barnaby, Elf and Wizzy and their fairy friends sing and dance to new party hits as well as the classics. Premium Tickets: $50.00* “ Meet the Fairies” Available to purchase from the box office only Standard Tickets: $27.50* Available online or at the Box Office Friday, 16th September 8.00pm The “Elvis to the Max” show has successfully toured Australia for over a decade, always to sell-out crowds. Max goes beyond mere impersonation. His recreation of the Kings looks, moves, vocal style, impressions and humour is so accurate, its awe inspiring. The Australian tour will capture Elvis through the decades, recreating the, early years, the black leather of the ‘68 comeback tour. A: $67.60* Conc/ G10+: $57.60* YP (U16) $32.60* * Additional booking and credit card fees may apply For more information on upcoming events visit our website at Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 Page 16 Magnolia Road, Tanunda Phone: 8561 4299 Congratulation Faith Lutheran College presents s Week 2 winner Julie-Anne Falland With the correct answer of “a dozen donuts and a duck-dog , too” WIN a FAMILY PASS to Opening Night WEEK 3 Valued at $90 This week’s ques tion comes from Music by Stephen Flaherty Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens the bo ok. “Mr Brown can M oo! Can You?” Mr Brown can “M oo”. List 3 other wonderful things Mr Brown, can d o. _______________ _________ _______________ _________ Name ................ Phone ................ .......................... .......................... . To enter answer the question, and em ail to bacc@faith.s along with your na me, address and phone number or the Barossa Arts & drop the entry into Convention Centr e by Monday 04/04 /2016 by 5pm Don’t miss a great opportunity to join the fun! Book by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty Co-Conceived by Lynn Ahrens, Stephen Flaherty and Eric Idle Based on the Works of Dr. Seuss By Arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY) MATINEE 10.30am - Thursday 19th & Friday 20th May EVENING 8pm - Wednesday 18th, Friday 20th & Saturday 21st May Bookings on 8561 4299 Conditions of Entry There are 5 x Family Passes to Seussical to win in total for Opening Night, Wednesday 18th May at 8pm. The winner will be drawn at random from the correct entries. To enter answer the question, and email your answer along with your name, address and phone number to or drop the entry into the Barossa Arts & Convention Centre before the closing time. Win a Family pass in each issue of The Vineyard Issue 03/03/16, entries close 07/03/2016 at 5pm, Issue 17/03/16, entries close 21/03/2016 at 5pm, Issue 31/03/16, entries close 04/04/2016 at 5pm, Issue 14/04/16, entries close 18/04/2016 at 5pm and Issue 12/05/16, entries close 16/05/2016 at 5pm. Winner will be notified by phone the day after entries close. For more information on upcoming events visit our website at Page 17 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships Easing children’s anxiety WORDS Michael Grose Anxiety is normal and part of everyday life. There’s no better time than childhood for learning how to cope with anxiety. For those with no personal experience of anxiety it can be hard to understand how debilitating it can be. “Come on, get on with it,” seems so obvious. Of course, this response is nowhere near adequate. Most kids experience some anxious moments or have fearful thoughts and feelings from time to time about certain events. These thoughts and feelings prompt them to proceed with caution. But anxiety and fear can be paralysing. Some kids simply can’t stop their ‘bad thoughts and feelings’. They can’t silence the voice of fear that whispers to them continually. Staying calm ACCEPT your child’s anxious feelings. Your child needs to trust that you are with them, and then they will be more willing to let you help them cope. It’s hard sometimes to differentiate between what may be a bad case of negative thinking and true anxiety. Is a child being negative when she doesn’t want to join a new club because she thinks no one will like her, or is there something more going on? Try to confirm whether there is any validity in their fears. If not, point out diplomatically, that they may be catastrophising. If you feel there is reason for concern, help them to overcome their anxiety. CHALLENGE the validity of your child’s fears and anxiety, using logic and rational thinking. Don’t allow kids to wallow in selfpity. Move their thoughts towards the future rather than allow them to mope around. Anxiety is a normal part of life and can be managed, but it takes time. It’s also contagious so it’s the job of parents to stay calm, think clearly and role model confidence when kids get anxious. CALM is created through your words, voice and facial expression. When children become anxious, help them recognise what’s happening. Some kids get angry, some become upset and others withdraw. Work out the pattern for your child and help them recognise when they are anxious. Making a plan ENCOURAGE your child to overcome their anxiety through action. Vanessa came up with a creative solution to help Ruth, her seven-year-old daughter, overcome her reluctance to attend birthday parties without her. Initially Vanessa attended parties with her daughter so she wouldn’t miss out, but Ruth was becoming too reliant on her, so it was time to make a change. The next time Ruth was invited to a party, Vanessa put a plan into action. First, she set up a little birthday party scenario at home using dolls and teddies as friends, so her daughter would know what to expect. Vanessa explained that she would leave her at the party for a short time. Vanessa let her daughter know that she had no doubt that she’d cope. The little plan worked a treat. Vanessa arrived at the party an hour after the start to find Ruth involved in a game. She acknowledged her mum, but she didn’t leave the game. Later, at home Vanessa made a fuss over her daughter for being brave. Ruth agreed that next time she was invited to a party she would go for the whole time without her mum. Anxiety is normal and part of everyday life. However, it can be debilitating unless it’s managed. Anxiety management takes time for kids to learn, but it’s one of those valuable life skills that parents can teach their kids. Want more ideas to help you raise confident kids and resilient young people? Subscribe to Happy Kids newsletter, my FREE weekly email parenting guide at You’ll be so glad you did. Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016 © 2016 Michael Grose Page 18 Community Noticeboard High Tea celebrating Mums 7 7 May 7 FRIDAY 8th APRIL SATURDAY 9th APRIL FRIDAY 8th APRIL 2:00 pm — 4:00 pm 9th APRIL SATURDAY 9.00am - 5.00pm 9.00am - 5.00pm Celebrate our mums with delectable home KAPUNDA HARNESS RACING COMPLEX KAPUNDA HARNESS RACING COMPLEX created morsels in a delightful tranquil setting. Bookings essential to Diane 0488 558502 • AGRICULTURE • CAREER OPPORTUNITIES • VITICULTURE • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • HORTICULTURE • GENERAL INTEREST DISPLAYS • TOOLS • NOVELTY EVENTS • VINTAGE TRACTORS • CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT • TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY • FASHION PARADES • TRAILERS & WELDERS • FOOD & BEVERAGES • LIFESTYLE • CAMPING GEAR AND VEHICLES • CAR DEALERS AND TRUCKS • SOLAR SYSTEMS, RAINWATERTANKS • EXTENSIVE FREE HEALTH SERVICES • CLOTHING FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN • ALPACAS, SHEEP AND GOATS • REPTILES • HATS AND BOOTS • ATV'S AND MOTOR CYCLES • AGRICULTURE • CAREER OPPORTUNITIES • VITICULTURE • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • HORTICULTURE • GENERAL INTEREST DISPLAYS • TOOLS • NOVELTY EVENTS • VINTAGE TRACTORS • CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT per person $30 MACHINERY • TRACTORS & FARM • FASHION PARADES • TRAILERS & WELDERS • FOOD & BEVERAGES • LIFESTYLE GEARbooking AND VEHICLES • CAMPING Venue TBA on • CAR DEALERS AND TRUCKS • SOLAR SYSTEMS, RAINWATERTANKS • EXTENSIVE FREE HEALTH SERVICES • CLOTHING FOR ADULTS AND CHILDRE • ALPACAS, SHEEP AND GOATS • REPTILES • HATS AND BOOTS • ATV'S AND MOTOR CYCLES Admission: Adults $10 Children 5-15 year $3 (accompanied by an adult) Admission: Adults $10 Children 5-15 year $3 (accompanied by an adult) website Exhibitor enquiries Bill 0408 811 840 website Exhibitor enquiries Bill 0408 811 840 HANDS ON FUN for all the family! • Be amazed by the unique creations of the Southern Bricks LEGO Users Group. • Dedicated themed areas for Star Wars, Mosaic artwork and Technic LEGO. • Hands on play areas for the kids including remote control monster trucks, mini car racing and EV3 Mindstorm robotics. • A wide variety of LEGO kits for sale. • Lunch, drinks and snacks available including St Jakobi’s popular hot cinnamon donuts! Single ticket $15 ($12 online) Children (3-17) $12 ($10 online) & Concession Family Ticket $59 ($44 online) FREE Jumping Castle for the Kids! Kids ion it Compretot win Ente rizes! greatoupr website Visit ls for detai (2 adults, 3 children) Tickets on Sale 1 April 2016 at Book online for discounted tickets. Limited tickets will be available at the gate. Brick Barossa is a new LEGO® fan event, the first for the region at St Jakobi Lutheran School, 208 Lyndoch Valley Road, Lyndoch SA Proudly Sponsored by Page 19 Faith Lutheran College THE VINEYARD, Issue 5 - 31st March, 2016