SAINTwriter Assessment Report
SAINTwriter Assessment Report
SAINTwriter Assessment Report Report Generated: July 27, 2010 1.0 Background The E-Government Act (Public Law 107-347) passed by the 107th Congress and signed into law by the President in December 2002 recognized the importance of information security to the economic and national security interests of the United States. Title III of the E-Government Act, entitled the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requires each federal agency to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide program to provide information security for the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source. The first phase of the FISMA Implementation Project focuses on the development and updating of the security standards and guidance required to effectively implement the provisions of the legislation. The implementation of NIST standards and guidance will help agencies create and maintain robust information security programs and effectively manage risk to agency operations, agency assets, and individuals. The second phase of the FISMA Implementation Project is focused on providing information system implementation and assessment reference materials for building common understanding in applying the NIST suite of publications supporting the Risk Management Framework (RMF). One of key aspects phase two is the use of support tools, checklists, etc: (ii) Support Tools Initiative: for defining criteria for common reference programs, materials, checklists, (i.e NVD, SCAP, etc.), technical guides, automated tools and techniques supporting implementation and assessment of SP 800-53-based security controls. Collectively, the FISMA project strives to combine standards and guidelines with the use of technologies, tools and techniques to provide a holistic approach to information security. 2.0 Security Controls The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) M-09-29, dated August 20, 2009, specifies that: Agencies are required to use FIPS 200/NIST Special Publication 800-53 for the specification of security controls and NIST Special Publications 800-37 and 800-53A for the assessment of security control effectiveness. FIPS 200, Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems, is a mandatory federal standard developed by NIST in response to FISMA. To comply with the federal standard, organizations must first determine the security category of their information system in accordance with FIPS 199, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems, derive the information system impact level from the security category in accordance with FIPS 200, and then apply the appropriately tailored 1 set of baseline security controls in NIST Special Publication 800-53, Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. Organizations have flexibility in applying the baseline security controls in accordance with the guidance provided in Special Publication 800-53. This allows organizations to tailor the relevant security control baseline so that it more closely aligns with their mission and business requirements and environments of operation. FIPS 200 and NIST Special Publication 800-53, in combination, help ensure that appropriate security requirements and security controls are applied to all federal information and information systems. An organizational assessment of risk validates the initial security control selection and determines if any additional controls are needed to protect organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation. The resulting set of security controls establishes a level of security due diligence for the organization. NIST SP 800-53 specifies the security controls by unique Identifier, Family and Class (Reference SP800-83, Revision 3, Section 2.1, Table 1-1, SECURITY CONTROL CLASSES, FAMILIES, AND IDENTIFIERS) 3.0 Consensus Audit Guidelines (CAG) A central tenet of the US Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) is that 'offense must inform defense' (source: In other words, knowledge of actual attacks that have compromised systems provides the essential foundation on which to construct effective defenses. The US Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee moved to make this same tenet central to the Federal Information Security Management Act in drafting the U.S. ICE Act of 2009 (the new FISMA). That new proposed legislation calls upon Federal agencies to (and on the White House to ensure that they): monitor, detect, analyze, protect, report, and respond against known vulnerabilities, attacks, and exploitations. and .continuously test and evaluate information security controls and techniques to ensure that they are effectively implemented. The CAG, maintained by SANS (, contains the list of Twenty Critical Controls for Effective Cyber Defense (source: ). The CAG, in contrast to security guidelines and controls within NIST SP 800-53, seeks to identify a subset of security control activities that CISO.s, CIO.s and IG.s can focus on as their top, shared priority for cyber security based on attacks occurring today and those anticipated in the future. Each control maps to specific corresponding areas within SP 800-53. Within that guideline, the CAG describes Critical Control 10: Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation. Critical Control 10 maps to the following technical controls within SP 800-53, revision 3, Appendix D, Table D-1: Security Control Baselines: CA-7 -- Continuous Monitoring Enhanced Supplemental Guidelines: Examples of vulnerability mitigation procedures are contained in Information Assurance Vulnerability Alerts. RA-3 -- Risk Assessment (Control: The Organization) A. Conducts an assessment of risk, including the likelihood and magnitude of harm, from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of the information system and the information it processes, stores, or transmits; B. Documents risk assessment results in [Selection: security plan; risk assessment report; 2 [Assignment: organization-defined document]]; C. Reviews risk assessment results [Assignment: organization-defined frequency]; and D. Updates the risk assessment [Assignment: organization-defined frequency] or whenever there are significant changes to the information system or environment of operation (including the identification of new threats RA-5 -- Vulnerability Scanning (Control: The Organization) Scans for vulnerabilities in the information system and hosted applications [Assignment organization-defined frequency and/or randomly in accordance with organization-defined process] and when new vulnerabilities potentially affecting the system/applications are identified and reported; Employs vulnerability scanning tools and techniques that promote interoperability among tools and automate parts of the vulnerability management process by using standards for: Enumerating platforms, software flaws, and improper configurations; Formatting and making transparent, checklists and test procedures; and Measuring vulnerability impact; RA-5 -- Vulnerability Scanning (Control: Enhancements) (1) The organization employs vulnerability scanning tools that include the capability to readily update the list of information system vulnerabilities scanned. (2) The organization updates the list of information system vulnerabilities scanned [Assignment: organization-defined frequency] or when new vulnerabilities are identified and reported. (5) The organization includes privileged access authorization to [Assignment: organization-identified information system components] for selected vulnerability scanning activities to facilitate more thorough scanning. (6) The organization employs automated mechanisms to compare the results of vulnerability scans over time to determine trends in information system vulnerabilities. This control and the specified technical controls within NIST 800-53 are the focus of this report. 4.0 Introduction On July 13, 2010, at 10:51 AM, a heavy vulnerability assessment was conducted using the SAINT 7.4.3 vulnerability scanner. The scan discovered a total of one live host, and detected 22 critical problems, 95 areas of concern, and 40 potential problems. The hosts and problems detected are discussed in greater detail in the following sections. 5.0 Summary The following vulnerability severity levels are used to categorize the vulnerabilities: CRITICAL PROBLEMS Vulnerabilities which pose an immediate threat to the network by allowing a remote attacker to directly gain read or write access, execute commands on the target, or create a denial of service. AREAS OF CONCERN 3 Vulnerabilities which do not directly allow remote access, but do allow privilege elevation attacks, attacks on other targets using the vulnerable host as an intermediary, or gathering of passwords or configuration information which could be used to plan an attack. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS Warnings which may or may not be vulnerabilities, depending upon the patch level or configuration of the target. Further investigation on the part of the system administrator may be necessary. SERVICES Network services which accept client connections on a given TCP or UDP port. This is simply a count of network services, and does not imply that the service is or is not vulnerable. The sections below summarize the results of the scan. 5.1 Vulnerabilities by Severity This section shows the overall number of vulnerabilities and services detected at each severity level. 5.2 Hosts by Severity This section shows the overall number of hosts detected at each severity level. The severity level of a host is defined as the highest vulnerability severity level detected on that host. 4 5.3 Vulnerabilities by Class This section shows the number of vulnerabilities detected in each of the following classes. Class Web Mail File Transfer Login/Shell Print Services RPC DNS Databases Networking/SNMP Windows OS Passwords Other Description Vulnerabilities in web servers, CGI programs, and any other software offering an HTTP interface Vulnerabilities in SMTP, IMAP, POP, or web-based mail services Vulnerabilities in FTP and TFTP services Vulnerabilities in ssh, telnet, rlogin, rsh, or rexec services Vulnerabilities in lpd and other print daemons Vulnerabilities in Remote Procedure Call services Vulnerabilities in Domain Name Services Vulnerabilities in database services Vulnerabilities in routers, switches, firewalls, or any SNMP service Missing hotfixes or vulnerabilities in the registry or SMB shares Missing or easily guessed user passwords Any vulnerability which does not fit into one of the above classes 5 6.0 Overview The following tables present an overview of the hosts discovered on the network and the vulnerabilities contained therein. 6.1 Host List This table presents an overview of the hosts discovered on the network. Host Name Netbios Name IP Address Host Type SAINTLAB02 Windows 2000 SP2 6.2 Vulnerability List 6 Critical Problems 22 Areas of Concern 95 Potential Problems 40 This table presents an overview of the vulnerabilities detected on the network. Host Name Severity Vulnerability / Service Class CVE critical Web CVE-2001-0333 CVE-2010-1556 critical critical Folder traversal in IIS (Double Decoding) IPP Service integer overflow multiple vulnerabilities in IIS 5.0 Web Web no yes critical Windows OS critical Web CVE-2003-0718 CVE-2010-1556 no critical Microsoft Internet Information Services FTP Server Remote Buffer Overflow WebDAV XML message handler denial of service buffer overflow in IIS 5.0 WebDAV CVE-2008-1446 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2002-0071 CVE-2002-0072 CVE-2002-0073 CVE-2002-0074 CVE-2002-0075 CVE-2002-0079 CVE-2002-0147 CVE-2002-0148 CVE-2002-0149 CVE-2002-0150 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-2521 CVE-2009-3023 CVE-2010-1556 Web yes critical Microsoft mail server vulnerabilities, smtpsvc.dll dated 2001-5-4 Mail critical Mail critical denial of service in Windows SMTP service vulnerable Microsoft mail server version: 5.0.2195.2966 critical Other critical Databases CVE-2000-1209 CVE-2010-1556 no critical critical CVE-2006-3440 CVE-2006-3441 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0478 CVE-2010-1556 critical CVE-2007-3039 CVE-2010-1556 yes critical CVE-2007-2228 CVE-2010-1556 no critical CVE-2006-3439 CVE-2010-1556 yes critical CVE-2008-4250 CVE-2010-1556 yes critical CVE-2005-4560 CVE-2010-1556 yes critical vulnerable version of SMB Server (MS10-012) Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS no vulnerable Microsoft NNTP version: 5.0.2195.2966 SQL Server account sa has no password Windows DNS Resolution Remote Code Execution Windows Media Unicast Service transport information buffer overflow Windows Message Queuing validation vulnerability Windows RPC authentication denial of service Windows Server Service Buffer Overrun Windows Server Service MS08-067 buffer overflow Windows WMF gdi32.dll vulnerability CVE-2001-0241 CVE-2001-0500 CVE-2003-0109 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0024 CVE-2010-0025 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1689 CVE-2010-1690 CVE-2002-0055 CVE-2003-1106 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0024 CVE-2010-0025 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1689 CVE-2010-1690 CVE-2004-0574 CVE-2010-1556 no critical vulnerable version of SMB Server (MS10-012) dated 2001-5-8 Windows OS critical critical concern WINS Could Allow Remote Code Execution pointer corruption vulnerability in WINS replication service ASP.NET application folder information disclosure Windows OS Windows OS Web CVE-2010-0020 CVE-2010-0021 CVE-2010-0022 CVE-2010-0231 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0020 CVE-2010-0021 CVE-2010-0022 CVE-2010-0231 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-1923 CVE-2009-1924 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2004-0567 CVE-2004-1080 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-1300 CVE-2010-1556 Mail 7 Exploit Available? yes yes no no no no yes no no yes no concern concern concern concern Web server allows cross-site tracing DNS cache snooping vulnerability DNS server allows zone transfers vulnerabilities in IIS 5 Web DNS DNS Web concern Web concern concern concern Microsoft IIS Authentication Method Disclosed Microsoft IIS WebDAV Request Directory Security Bypass Internet Explorer ADODB.Connection ActiveX Object Memory Corruption Internet Explorer August 2006 CSU fixes concern concern concern Internet Explorer COM Objects Instantiation vulnerability Internet Explorer COM object memory corruption Internet Explorer Cascading Style Sheets vulnerability Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS concern Internet Explorer Create Text Range code injection Windows OS concern Internet Explorer DHTML method memory corruption Windows OS concern Internet Explorer Exception Handling Memory Corruption vulnerability Windows OS concern concern concern Internet Explorer JPEG buffer overflow Internet Explorer JS remote code execution Internet Explorer JS stack overflow concern Internet Explorer JavaScript vulnerability Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS concern concern Internet Explorer Nested OBJECT tag memory corruption Internet Explorer PNG buffer overflow Windows OS Windows OS Web Windows OS Windows OS 8 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0532 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2000-0770 CVE-2001-0151 CVE-2001-0241 CVE-2001-0500 CVE-2001-0507 CVE-2002-0869 CVE-2002-1180 CVE-2002-1181 CVE-2002-1182 CVE-2003-0223 CVE-2003-0224 CVE-2003-0225 CVE-2003-0226 CVE-2006-0026 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2002-0419 CVE-2010-1556 no no yes yes CVE-2009-1122 CVE-2009-1535 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-5559 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2004-1166 CVE-2006-3280 CVE-2006-3450 CVE-2006-3451 CVE-2006-3637 CVE-2006-3638 CVE-2006-3639 CVE-2006-3640 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-4193 CVE-2006-4219 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2005-2127 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2004-0216 CVE-2004-0727 CVE-2004-0839 CVE-2004-0841 CVE-2004-0842 CVE-2004-0843 CVE-2004-0844 CVE-2004-0845 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-1185 CVE-2006-1186 CVE-2006-1188 CVE-2006-1189 CVE-2006-1190 CVE-2006-1191 CVE-2006-1192 CVE-2006-1245 CVE-2006-1359 CVE-2006-1388 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2005-0053 CVE-2005-0054 CVE-2005-0055 CVE-2005-0056 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2005-4089 CVE-2006-1303 CVE-2006-1626 CVE-2006-2218 CVE-2006-2382 CVE-2006-2383 CVE-2006-2384 CVE-2006-2385 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2005-1988 CVE-2005-1989 CVE-2005-1990 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-1313 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2006-0753 CVE-2006-0830 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2005-1790 CVE-2005-2829 CVE-2005-2830 CVE-2005-2831 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-1992 CVE-2006-2094 CVE-2006-2111 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2002-0648 CVE-2005-1211 CVE-2010-1556 no no no no no yes no no yes no yes no no concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern Internet Explorer URL parsing buffer overflow Internet Explorer VBScript and JScript decoding vulnerability Internet Explorer VML Remote Code Execution Internet Explorer VML buffer overflow (MS07-004) Internet Explorer vulnerable VML version dated 2001-5-8 Jscript.dll buffer overflow vulnerability Windows 2000 IE6 VML vulnerable version, vgx.dll dated 2001-5-8 Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2005-0553 CVE-2005-0554 CVE-2005-0555 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-0083 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2006-4868 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2007-0024 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2007-1749 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2009-1920 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-5348 CVE-2008-3012 CVE-2008-3013 CVE-2008-3014 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2004-0573 CVE-2010-1556 no WordPerfect Converter buffer overflow Microsoft outlook ATL vulnerability (MS09-037) Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2008-0015 CVE-2008-0020 CVE-2009-0901 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2494 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0816 CVE-2010-1556 yes Outlook Express Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS10-030) Microsoft SQL Server Distributed Management Objects Buffer Overflow Microsoft SQL Server vulnerable version, sqlservr.exe dated 2000-8-6 Windows OS Databases CVE-2007-4814 CVE-2010-1556 yes Databases no Login/Shell Mail CVE-2007-5348 CVE-2008-3012 CVE-2008-3013 CVE-2008-3014 CVE-2008-3015 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-1930 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2006-2386 CVE-2010-1556 Telnet Authentication Reflection Outlook Express Contact Record vulnerability Outlook Express Windows Address Book vulnerability Outlook Express vulnerable version, inetcomm.dll dated 2001-5-8 Mail CVE-2006-0014 CVE-2010-1556 no Mail CVE-2006-2111 CVE-2007-2225 CVE-2007-2227 CVE-2007-3897 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-4253 CVE-2010-1556 no Microsoft VB6 FlexGrid ActiveX control vulnerable version dated 1999-9-7 Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities in Windows (MS09-012) Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities in Windows (MS10-015) Jet Database Engine vulnerable version, msjet40.dll dated 2001-5-8 Kodak Image Viewer remote code execution Microsoft Agent ACF memory corruption Microsoft Agent URL parsing vulnerability Microsoft Agent vulnerable version, agentdpv.dll dated 2001-5-8 Microsoft Data Access Component vulnerability Microsoft Image Color Management System vulnerable version, mscms.dll dated 2001-5-8 Other CVE-2008-1436 CVE-2009-0078 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0232 CVE-2010-0233 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2005-0944 CVE-2007-6026 CVE-2008-1092 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2007-2217 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2006-3445 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-1205 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-3040 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2006-0003 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2008-2245 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS 9 no no no yes no no no yes yes concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern Microsoft Paint Integer Overflow vulnerability Microsoft Windows DHTML remote code execution vulnerability (MS09-046) Microsoft Windows vulnerable version, msconv97.dll dated 2001-5-8 NetBIOS Name Service information disclosure Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Vulnerable MFC Library FileFind Class file mfc42.dll Vulnerable MFC Library FileFind Class file mfc42u.dll Windows 2000 GDI vulnerable version, gdi32.dll dated 2001-5-8 Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2010-0028 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2009-2519 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows OS CVE-2009-2506 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2003-0661 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2010-0819 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2007-4916 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-4916 CVE-2010-1556 no yes Windows Authenticode Signature Verification (MS10-019) version, wintrust.dll dated 2001-5-8 Windows CSRSS Local (MS10-011) vulnerable version, csrsrv.dll dated 2001-5-8 Windows CSRSS remote code execution Windows Cabinet File Viewer (MS10-019) version, cabview.dll dated 2001-5-8 Windows DNS Client Spoofing vulnerability Windows DNS Server Spoofing vulnerability Windows DNS Spoofing vulnerability Windows OS CVE-2008-1083 CVE-2008-1087 CVE-2008-2249 CVE-2008-3465 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0486 CVE-2010-1556 Windows OS CVE-2010-0023 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2006-6696 CVE-2006-6797 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0487 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS 10 CVE-2008-1447 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2008-1447 CVE-2008-1454 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-0087 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2010-0250 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2010-0018 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-3034 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-1912 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2006-1591 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2009-3677 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2006-3444 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-1206 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-2827 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2009-3675 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-5352 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows DirectShow AVI Filter buffer overflow Windows Embedded OpenType Font Engine Vulnerability Windows GDI image handling buffer overflow Windows Help File Handling Heap Buffer Overflow Windows Help File Image Processing Heap Buffer Overflow Windows Internet Authentication Service vulnerabilities Windows Kernel privilege elevation (ms06-049) vulnerability Windows Kernel privilege elevation (ms07-022) vulnerability Windows Kernel privilege elevation vulnerability Windows LSASS IPSEC Denial-of-Service Vulnerability Windows LSASS vulnerability no no no concern Windows MPEG layer 3 codec vulnerable version, dated 2001-5-8 Windows Media Player plug-in EMBED vulnerability Windows Media decompression vulnerabilities Windows OLE Automation remote code execution vulnerability Windows RPC Marshalling Engine vulnerability Windows SMB Client vulnerabilities (MS10-020) Windows OS CVE-2010-0480 CVE-2010-1556 no concern Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2006-0005 CVE-2010-1556 yes concern CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1879 CVE-2010-1880 CVE-2007-0065 CVE-2007-2224 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-0568 CVE-2010-1556 no concern concern concern no Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Windows Services for UNIX setuid privilege elevation Windows Shell Handler vulnerability CVE-2007-3036 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2010-0027 CVE-2010-1556 no Windows VB script vulnerable version, vbscript.dll dated 2001-5-8 Windows WMA Voice codec vulnerability Windows atl.dll vulnerable (MS09-037) Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2009-3676 CVE-2010-0269 CVE-2010-0270 CVE-2010-0476 CVE-2010-0477 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-4038 CVE-2010-1556 concern concern concern concern CVE-2010-0483 CVE-2010-1556 no concern no concern Windows dhtmled.ocx vulnerable (MS09-037) Windows OS concern concern Windows kernel GDI validation vulnerabilities Windows kernel desktop validation vulnerabilities Windows OS Windows OS concern concern concern concern concern Windows kernel embedded font vulnerabilities Windows kernel multiple privilege elevation vulnerabilities (MS10-032) Windows kernel property validation vulnerabilities Windows kernel user mode callback vulnerability Windows kernel vulnerable (MS10-021) version, ntoskrnl.exe dated 2001-5-8 Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2009-0555 CVE-2009-2525 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-0015 CVE-2008-0020 CVE-2009-0901 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2494 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-0015 CVE-2008-0020 CVE-2009-0901 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2494 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-0081 CVE-2009-0082 CVE-2009-0083 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-1123 CVE-2009-1124 CVE-2009-1125 CVE-2009-1126 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-1127 CVE-2009-2513 CVE-2009-2514 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-0484 CVE-2010-0485 CVE-2010-1255 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-2250 CVE-2008-2251 CVE-2008-2252 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2008-1084 CVE-2010-1556 concern no concern concern potential potential Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Other CVE-2010-1556 no potential Windows kernel vulnerable version, ntoskrnl.exe dated 2001-5-8 Windows media file processing vulnerable (MS09-038) Possible buffer overflow in Active Directory AV Information: AntiVirus software not found (AVG Symantec McAfee TrendMicro) possible vulnerability in Apple Filing Protocol 2.0 CVE-2010-0234 CVE-2010-0235 CVE-2010-0236 CVE-2010-0237 CVE-2010-0238 CVE-2010-0481 CVE-2010-0482 CVE-2010-0810 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-2515 CVE-2009-2516 CVE-2009-2517 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2009-1545 CVE-2009-1546 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2003-0507 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2004-0430 CVE-2010-1556 no Other 11 no no no yes yes no no no no no no no no no potential Cookie Injection vulnerabilities in IE Web potential potential DNS server allows recursive queries guessable read community string potential potential potential potential ICMP timestamp requests enabled Internet Explorer Modal Dialog zone bypass Internet Explorer Travel Log vulnerability Internet Explorer cross-domain vulnerabilities DNS Networking /SNMP Other Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS potential Internet Explorer patch needed Windows OS potential Other potential Possible vulnerability in LDAP over SSL Is your LDAP secure? potential Mail potential Authentication flaw in Microsoft mail server Microsoft SQL Server vulnerable version: 8.00.194 potential Databases potential Possible vulnerability in MS SQL Server Resolution Service Possible vulnerability in Microsoft Terminal Server potential potential Windows OS Mail potential NetBIOS share enumeration using null session Outlook Express MHTML vulnerability Outlook Express NNTP buffer overflow Other Databases Other Mail 12 CVE-2004-0866 CVE-2004-0869 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0516 CVE-1999-0517 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0524 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2003-1048 CVE-2004-0549 CVE-2004-0566 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2003-1025 CVE-2003-1026 CVE-2003-1027 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2003-0814 CVE-2003-0815 CVE-2003-0816 CVE-2003-0817 CVE-2003-0823 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2003-0113 CVE-2003-0114 CVE-2003-0115 CVE-2003-0116 CVE-2003-0309 CVE-2003-0344 CVE-2003-0530 CVE-2003-0531 CVE-2003-0532 CVE-2003-0701 CVE-2003-0809 CVE-2003-0838 CVE-2003-1025 CVE-2003-1026 CVE-2003-1027 CVE-2003-1326 CVE-2003-1328 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2001-0502 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2002-1378 CVE-2002-1379 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2001-0504 CVE-2002-0054 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0652 CVE-1999-0999 CVE-2000-0199 CVE-2000-0202 CVE-2000-0402 CVE-2000-0485 CVE-2000-0603 CVE-2000-1081 CVE-2000-1082 CVE-2000-1083 CVE-2000-1084 CVE-2000-1085 CVE-2000-1086 CVE-2000-1087 CVE-2000-1088 CVE-2001-0344 CVE-2001-0542 CVE-2001-0879 CVE-2002-0056 CVE-2002-0154 CVE-2002-0186 CVE-2002-0187 CVE-2002-0624 CVE-2002-0641 CVE-2002-0642 CVE-2002-0644 CVE-2002-0645 CVE-2002-0695 CVE-2002-0721 CVE-2002-0859 CVE-2002-0982 CVE-2002-1123 CVE-2002-1137 CVE-2002-1138 CVE-2002-1145 CVE-2003-0230 CVE-2003-0231 CVE-2003-0232 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2002-0649 CVE-2002-0650 CVE-2002-0729 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2000-1149 CVE-2001-0663 CVE-2001-0716 CVE-2002-0863 CVE-2002-0864 CVE-2005-1218 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2004-0380 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-1213 CVE-2010-1556 yes no no no no no no no no no yes yes no no potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service Outlook Express patch needed chargen could be used in UDP bomb SMTP may be a mail relay SNMP is enabled and may be vulnerable Mail Networking /SNMP Mail Networking /SNMP non-administrative users can act as part of the operating system non-administrative users can bypass traverse checking non-administrative users can replace a process level token auditing is disabled Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS DNS Windows DNS lack of entropy spoofing attack Collaboration Data Objects vulnerability FTP Client vulnerability Jet Database Engine buffer overflow Jet Database Engine input validation problems Microsoft Agent spoofing vulnerability Network Connection Manager vulnerability Windows 2000 VM ByteCode Verifier vulnerability Windows COM+ command execution vulnerability Windows HyperTerminal buffer overflow Windows Message Queuing vulnerability Windows RPC mutual authentication spoofing 17/TCP 17/UDP 42/TCP 88/TCP 88/UDP 464/TCP 464/UDP 548/TCP 563/TCP 1028/TCP 1030/UDP 1031/TCP 1053/TCP 1054/UDP 1056/UDP 1059/TCP Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS Windows OS CVE-2002-1179 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0103 CVE-2010-1556 no no CVE-1999-0512 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0615 CVE-2002-0012 CVE-2002-0013 CVE-2002-0053 CVE-2002-0796 CVE-2002-0797 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-1999-0534 CVE-2010-1556 no no CVE-1999-0534 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-1999-0534 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-1999-0575 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2007-3898 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-1987 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-2126 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2004-0197 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-0944 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2005-1214 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-2307 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2003-0111 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-1978 CVE-2005-1979 CVE-2005-1980 CVE-2005-2119 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2004-0568 CVE-2010-1556 no CVE-2005-0059 CVE-2010-1556 yes CVE-2006-2380 CVE-2010-1556 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 13 service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service 1063/UDP 1068/UDP 1073/UDP 1081/UDP 1090/TCP 1091/TCP 1101/UDP 1102/UDP 1104/TCP 1105/TCP 1106/UDP 1110/TCP 1111/TCP 1112/UDP 1113/TCP 1128/UDP 1129/UDP 1135/TCP 1138/UDP 1144/TCP 1150/UDP 1240/UDP 1369/UDP 1415/UDP 1433/TCP 1434/UDP 1638/UDP 1645/UDP 1646/UDP 1718/UDP 1719/UDP 1755/TCP 1755/UDP 1801/TCP 1801/UDP 1813/UDP 2101/TCP 2103/TCP 2107/TCP 3268/TCP 3269/TCP 3372/TCP 3389/TCP 6666/TCP 7007/TCP DNS FTP FTP (with anonymous) NNTP (Usenet news) SMB SMTP SNMP WWW WWW (Secure) no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 14 service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service service info info info info info info info info info WWW (non-standard port 5406) XDM (X login) bootpc (68/UDP) bootps (67/UDP) chargen (19/TCP) chargen:UDP (19/UDP) daytime (13/TCP) daytime (13/UDP) discard (9/TCP) discard (9/UDP) domain (53/UDP) echo (7/TCP) echo (7/UDP) eklogin (2105/TCP) isakmp (500/UDP) ldap (389/TCP) ldap (389/UDP) microsoft-ds (445/TCP) microsoft-ds (445/UDP) name (42/UDP) netbios-dgm (138/UDP) netbios-ns (137/UDP) ntp (123/UDP) printer (515/TCP) radius (1812/UDP) ssl-ldap (636/TCP) tftp (69/UDP) Netbios Attribute: Domain Controller Netbios Attribute: Master Browser Netbios Attribute: Messenger Service Netbios Attribute: Primary Domain Controller Share: ADMIN$ Share: C$ Share: E$ Share: NETLOGON Share: SYSVOL no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 7.0 Details The following sections provide details on the specific vulnerabilities detected on each host. 7.1 IP Address: Scan time: Jul 13 10:51:48 2010 Host type: Windows 2000 SP2 Netbios Name: SAINTLAB02 Folder traversal in IIS (Double Decoding) Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2001-0333 CVE-2010-1556 Impact 15 An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server or executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server. Resolutions Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-018, 06-034 (for Windows 2000), 08-006 (for Windows 2003 and XP), and 08-062. For IIS 5.1, also install the patches referenced in 07-041. Note that the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-050 must also be installed if client side certificates are to function. IIS 4.0 users should also install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-021 or disable the permanent redirection option under the Home Directory tab in the web site properties. Where can I read more about this? Technical Details Service: http Sent: GET /scripts/..%255c..%255cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+c:\ HTTP/1.0 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Keep-alive Received: HTTP/1.1 200 OK And: 04/03/2008 11:41a <DIR> ASFRoot IPP Service integer overflow Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2008-1446 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server or executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server. Resolutions Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-018, 06-034 (for Windows 2000), 08-006 (for Windows 2003 and XP), and 08-062. For IIS 5.1, also install the patches referenced in 07-041. Note that the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-050 must also be installed if client side certificates are to function. IIS 4.0 users should also install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-021 or disable the permanent redirection option under the Home Directory tab in the web site properties. Where can I read more about this? More information on Integer Overflow in IPP Service is available at Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-062. 16 Technical Details Service: netbios IIS .printer is running and Msw3prt.dll older than 2008-9-8 multiple vulnerabilities in IIS 5.0 Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2002-0071 CVE-2002-0072 CVE-2002-0073 CVE-2002-0074 CVE-2002-0075 CVE-2002-0079 CVE-2002-0147 CVE-2002-0148 CVE-2002-0149 CVE-2002-0150 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server or executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server. Resolutions Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-018, 06-034 (for Windows 2000), 08-006 (for Windows 2003 and XP), and 08-062. For IIS 5.1, also install the patches referenced in 07-041. Note that the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-050 must also be installed if client side certificates are to function. IIS 4.0 users should also install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-021 or disable the permanent redirection option under the Home Directory tab in the web site properties. Where can I read more about this? More information on the multiple vulnerabilities in IIS 4.0 through 5.1 is available in CERT Advisory 2002-09, Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-018, Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-062, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-018. More information on the buffer overflows in IIS 5.0 is available from Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-023 and 01-033, CERT advisories 2001-10 and 2001-13. General information on securing IIS 5.0 can be found in the IIS 5 security checklist. Technical Details Service: http Sent: GET /n0nexi5tent_fi1e.html HTTP/1.0 Received: ?document.write( '<A HREF="' + escape(urlresult) + '">' + displayresult + "</a>"); Microsoft Internet Information Services FTP Server Remote Buffer Overflow Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2009-2521 CVE-2009-3023 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Vulnerabilities in IIS allow privilege elevation, and code execution. 17 Resolution For the FTP Server Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability, patch as designated in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-053. Where can I read more about this? The FTP Server Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability was reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-053. The FTP Server Remote Buffer Overflow was reported in Bugtraq ID 36189. Technical Details Service: http IIS FTP server running and IIS 5 detected and KB975254 not applied WebDAV XML message handler denial of service Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2003-0718 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server, executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server, bypasses access restrictions on WebDAV server, or reveals the source code of ASP pages. Resolutions Install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-030 on all platforms, and 03-007 on Windows 2000 prior to service pack 4 and Windows XP prior to service pack 2. Note that the latest patch does not currently fix the IIS 5.1 WebDAV source disclosure vulnerability. Where can I read more about this? The IIS 5.1 WebDAV source code disclosure vulnerability was reported in Bugtraq ID 14764. More information on the WebDAV XML message handler denial of service is available in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-030. Technical Details Service: http buffer overflow in IIS 5.0 WebDAV Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2001-0241 CVE-2001-0500 CVE-2003-0109 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server, executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server, bypasses access restrictions on WebDAV server, or reveals the source code of ASP pages. 18 Resolutions Install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-030 on all platforms, and 03-007 on Windows 2000 prior to service pack 4 and Windows XP prior to service pack 2. Note that the latest patch does not currently fix the IIS 5.1 WebDAV source disclosure vulnerability. Where can I read more about this? The IIS 5.1 WebDAV source code disclosure vulnerability was reported in Bugtraq ID 14764. More information on the WebDAV buffer overflow is available in CERT Advisory 2003-09 and Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-007. Technical Details Service: http Microsoft mail server vulnerabilities, smtpsvc.dll dated 2001-5-4 Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2010-0024 CVE-2010-0025 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1689 CVE-2010-1690 Impact A remote attacker could crash the mail service or gain user-level privileges to the service, including the ability to use the server as a mail relay. Resolution To fix the MX Record Denial of Service and Memory Allocation vulnerabilities, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-024. To fix the vulnerabilities in the Windows Server 2003 mail service, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-035. To fix the Windows 2000 mail server vulnerabilities, apply Windows 2000 service pack 4. If service pack 4 cannot be applied immediately, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, and 02-012, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. Note that bulletins 02-011 and 02-012 reference the same patch, which fixes two problems. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, 02-012, 04-035, and 10-024, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. The predictable DNS query ID and missing validation of DNS responses were posted to Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: smtp Microsoft SMTP service running and smtpsvc.dll older than 2010-3-2 19 denial of service in Windows SMTP service Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2002-0055 CVE-2003-1106 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could crash the mail service or gain user-level privileges to the service, including the ability to use the server as a mail relay. Resolution To fix the MX Record Denial of Service and Memory Allocation vulnerabilities, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-024. To fix the vulnerabilities in the Windows Server 2003 mail service, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-035. To fix the Windows 2000 mail server vulnerabilities, apply Windows 2000 service pack 4. If service pack 4 cannot be applied immediately, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, and 02-012, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. Note that bulletins 02-011 and 02-012 reference the same patch, which fixes two problems. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, 02-012, 04-035, and 10-024, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. The predictable DNS query ID and missing validation of DNS responses were posted to Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: smtp Received: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.2966 ready at Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:48:01 -0400 vulnerable Microsoft mail server version: 5.0.2195.2966 Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2010-0024 CVE-2010-0025 CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1689 CVE-2010-1690 Impact A remote attacker could crash the mail service or gain user-level privileges to the service, including the ability to use the server as a mail relay. Resolution To fix the MX Record Denial of Service and Memory Allocation vulnerabilities, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-024. To fix the vulnerabilities in the Windows Server 2003 mail service, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-035. 20 To fix the Windows 2000 mail server vulnerabilities, apply Windows 2000 service pack 4. If service pack 4 cannot be applied immediately, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, and 02-012, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. Note that bulletins 02-011 and 02-012 reference the same patch, which fixes two problems. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, 02-012, 04-035, and 10-024, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. The predictable DNS query ID and missing validation of DNS responses were posted to Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: smtp Received: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.2966 ready at Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:48:01 -0400 vulnerable Microsoft NNTP version: 5.0.2195.2966 Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0574 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could take control of the server. Resolution Install the appropriate patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-036. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-036. Technical Details Service: nntp SQL Server account sa has no password Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2000-1209 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on the server. Resolution Set a password for the "sa" account in Microsoft SQL Server. A non-guessable password which is at least eight characters long and composed of letters, digits, and non-alphanumeric characters is recommended. Where can I read more about this? For more information on this vulnerability, see US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#635463. 21 For more information on securing Microsoft SQL Server, see the SQL Server security page. Technical Details Service: 1433:TCP Windows DNS Resolution Remote Code Execution Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2006-3440 CVE-2006-3441 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name DNS Resolution Remote Code Execution Description Fixes vulnerabilities in the Winsock Hostname functionality and a DNS Resolution Client Buffer Overrun. (CVE 2006-3440 CVE 2006-3441) Fix Bulletin 2000: 920683 06-041 XP: 920683 2003: 920683 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios dnsapi.dll older than 2006-6-24 Windows Media Unicast Service transport information buffer overflow Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2010-0478 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. 22 The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows Media Unicast Service Fixes a remote code execution transport information buffer overflow vulnerability in handling transport information packets. (CVE 2010-0478) Fix 2000: 980858 Bulletin 10-025 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: 1755:TCP MMS version = Windows Message Queuing validation vulnerability Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2007-3039 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Fix 23 Bulletin Message Queuing validation vulnerability Fixes a buffer overflow in Message 2000: 937894 Queuing which could allow remote XP: 937894 command execution for Windows 2000 and privilege elevation for Windows XP. (CVE 2007-3039) 07-065 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios mqutil.dll is out of date indicating Windows Message Queueing validation vulnerability and at least one of ports 2103:TCP, 2105:TCP, or 2107:TCP is open Windows RPC authentication denial of service Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2007-2228 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows RPC Authentication denial Fixes vulnerability in Windows RPC of service for Windows that allows for a denial of service to be caused in the RPC authentication. (CVE 2007-2228) Fix 2000: 933729 XP: 933729 2003: 933729 Vista: 933729 Bulletin 07-058 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details 24 Service: netbios rpcrt4.dll older than 2007-7-7 Windows Server Service Buffer Overrun Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2006-3439 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Server Service Buffer Overrun Description Fixes a vulnerability which could allow command execution on a buffer overrun on the Server Service (CVE 2006-3439) Fix Bulletin 2000: 921883 06-040 XP: 921883 2003: 921883 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: 445:TCP Sent netrpPathCanonicalize call, response indicates patch not applied Windows Server Service MS08-067 buffer overflow Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2008-4250 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install 25 the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows Server Service MS08-067 Fixes a buffer overflow in the buffer overflow Windows Server service which could allow remote attackers to take complete control of the computer. (CVE 2008-4250) Fix 2000: 958644 XP: 958644 2003: 958644 Vista: 958644 2008: 958644 Bulletin 08-067 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: 445:TCP NetprPathCompare returned 0 Windows WMF gdi32.dll vulnerability Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2005-4560 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows WMF gdi32.dll vulnerability Description Fixes a remote code execution vulnerability which exists in the Graphics Rendering Engine 26 Fix Bulletin 2000: 912919 06-001 XP: 912919 2003: 912919 or because of the way that it handles SP2 Windows Metafile (WMF) images. An attacker could exploit the vulnerability to take complete control of the affected system by constructing a specially crafted WMF image which is read by a user on the system. (CVE 2005-4560) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios gdi32.dll older than 2005-12-25 vulnerable version of SMB Server (MS10-012) Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2010-0020 CVE-2010-0021 CVE-2010-0022 CVE-2010-0231 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Multiple vulnerabilities (MS10-012) Fixes 4 vulnerabilities announced in Microsoft bulletin MS10-012, the most critical of which could allow remote code execution. The vulnerabilities are due to weak entropy used in encryption, bounds checking on path names, and null pointers. (CVE 2010-0020 CVE 27 Fix 2000 (all versions): 971468 XP: 971468 2003 (all versions): 971468 Vista (all Bulletin 10-007 2010-0021 CVE 2010-0022 CVE 2010-0231) versions): 971468 Windows 7 (all versions): 971468 2008 (all versions): 971468 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: 445:TCP Duplicate NTLM negotiation keys detected vulnerable version of SMB Server (MS10-012) dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2010-0020 CVE-2010-0021 CVE-2010-0022 CVE-2010-0231 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Multiple vulnerabilities (MS10-012) Fixes 4 vulnerabilities announced in Microsoft bulletin MS10-012, the most critical of which could allow remote code execution. The vulnerabilities are due to weak entropy used in encryption, bounds checking on path names, and null pointers. (CVE 2010-0020 CVE 2010-0021 CVE 2010-0022 CVE 2010-0231) 28 Fix 2000 (all versions): 971468 XP: 971468 2003 (all versions): 971468 Vista (all versions): 971468 Bulletin 10-007 Windows 7 (all versions): 971468 2008 (all versions): 971468 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios srv.sys older than 2009-12-1 WINS Could Allow Remote Code Execution Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2009-1923 CVE-2009-1924 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary code on the WINS server. Resolution Install the fix referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-039. It is also advisable to use IPsec, block port 42 at the firewall, or disable WINS if it is not needed. These workarounds are addressed in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 890710. Where can I read more about this? The Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities were reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-039. Technical Details Service: 42:TCP Target running WINS service and accepts malformed requests pointer corruption vulnerability in WINS replication service Severity: Critical Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0567 CVE-2004-1080 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary code on the WINS server. Resolution Install the fix referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-039. 29 It is also advisable to use IPsec, block port 42 at the firewall, or disable WINS if it is not needed. These workarounds are addressed in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 890710. Where can I read more about this? The pointer corruption vulnerability in WINS replication was reported in Secunia Advisory SA13328. and Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-045. The name validation buffer overflow was reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-045. Technical Details Service: wins ASP.NET application folder information disclosure Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-1300 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could gain unauthorized access to password-protected pages on the web server or create a cross-site scripting attack. Resolution For ASP.NET version 2, the fixes described in Microsoft Security Bulletins 06-033 and 06-056 should also be installed. Where can I read more about this? The Application folder information disclosure was reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 06-033. Technical Details Service: 5406:TCP Sent: GET /app_code\invalid-file.txt HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Keep-alive Received: // res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm# Web server allows cross-site tracing Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-1556 Impact A malicious web site could cause a user to reveal sensitive information through a specially crafted link to the vulnerable server. Resolution 30 Cross-site tracing can be fixed by disabling the TRACE request method. If this is not an option for your web server, install a vendor fix or use one of the following workarounds: Microsoft IIS: Use URL Scan to filter both TRACE and TRACK requests. Apache: Enable the mod_rewrite module, and add the following lines to the configuration file: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRACE RewriteRule .* - [F] iPlanet: Disabling the TRACE request method currently requires making a change to a shared object library. See the White Paper for details. BEA WebLogic Server and Express: Upgrade and apply the appropriate patch described in the BEA Advisory BEA04-48.01. Sun Java System Application Server Upgrade to enterprise edition 8.2 or higher when available. Where can I read more about this? Sun Java System Application Server cross-site tracing was reported in Bugtraq ID 37995, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#867593. Mac OS cross-site tracing was reported in Apple article HT3937. Cross-site tracing was reported in a White Paper from White Hat Security. Technical Details Service: http Sent: TRACE / HTTP/1.0 Cookie: SAINTtest Received: Cookie: SAINTtest DNS cache snooping vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could determine what Internet domains have been recently visited. Sensitive information, such as what bank a company uses, could be inferred from this information. Resolution Follow the recommendations described in the paper DNS Cache Snooping. Where can I read more about this? More information on DNS Cache Snooping is available in the paper DNS Cache Snooping. Technical Details 31 Service: domain Received: 5 answers from remote DNS server DNS server allows zone transfers Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-1999-0532 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Attackers could collect information about the domain. Resolution Configure the primary DNS server to allow zone transfers only from secondary DNS servers. In BIND, this can be done in an allow-transfer block in the options section of the named.conf file. Where can I read more about this? Information on DNS zone transfers can be found here. Information on securing DNS can be found here. Technical Details Service: dns Received:; <<>> DiG 9.5.0b2 <<>> @ axfr; (1 server found);; global options:\x09\x093600\x09IN\x09SOA\ admin. 38 900 600 86400\x09\x09600\x09IN\x09A\\x09\x093600\x09IN\x09NS\ 600 IN CNAME 600 IN SRV 0 100 88 saintlab0 vulnerabilities in IIS 5 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2000-0770 CVE-2001-0151 CVE-2001-0241 CVE-2001-0500 CVE-2001-0507 CVE-2002-0869 CVE-2002-1180 CVE-2002-1181 CVE-2002-1182 CVE-2003-0223 CVE-2003-0224 CVE-2003-0225 CVE-2003-0226 CVE-2006-0026 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server or executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server. Resolutions Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-018, 06-034 (for Windows 2000), 08-006 (for Windows 2003 and XP), and 08-062. 32 For IIS 5.1, also install the patches referenced in 07-041. Note that the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-050 must also be installed if client side certificates are to function. IIS 4.0 users should also install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-021 or disable the permanent redirection option under the Home Directory tab in the web site properties. Where can I read more about this? More information on the ASP upload vulnerability is available in Microsoft Security Bulletin 06-034. More information on the multiple vulnerabilities in IIS 4.0 through 5.1 is available in CERT Advisory 2002-09, Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-018, Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-062, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-018. More information on the buffer overflows in IIS 5.0 is available from Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-023 and 01-033, CERT advisories 2001-10 and 2001-13. General information on securing IIS 5.0 can be found in the IIS 5 security checklist. More information on the other vulnerabilities was reported in Microsoft Security Bulletins 00-057, 01-016, and 01-044. Technical Details Service: http IIS 5 detected and KB917537 not applied Microsoft IIS Authentication Method Disclosed Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2002-0419 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could determine which authentication scheme is required for confidential web pages. This can be used for brute force attacks against known User IDs. Resolutions Use Fix information in Considerations for IIS authentication. Where can I read more about this? More information on the IIS Authorization method disclosure is available in Considerations for IIS authentication. Technical Details Service: http Sent: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB4IAoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= Received: 401 Unauthorized returned indicating NTLM Authentication 33 Microsoft IIS WebDAV Request Directory Security Bypass Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-1122 CVE-2009-1535 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could send a specially constructed request which crashes the server, executes arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server, bypasses access restrictions on WebDAV server, or reveals the source code of ASP pages. Resolutions Install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-030 on all platforms, and 03-007 on Windows 2000 prior to service pack 4 and Windows XP prior to service pack 2. Note that the latest patch does not currently fix the IIS 5.1 WebDAV source disclosure vulnerability. For the IIS WebDAV Authentication Bypass vulnerability, patch as designated in the Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-020. Where can I read more about this? The IIS WebDAV Authentication Bypass vulnerability was reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-020. The IIS 5.1 WebDAV source code disclosure vulnerability was reported in Bugtraq ID 14764. Technical Details Service: http Sent: POST /%25%34%39%25%34%39%25%35%33%25%34%31%25%36%34%25%36%64%25%36%39%25%36 %65%25%32%66%25%36%34%25%36%35%25%36%36%25%36%31%25%37%35%25%36%63%25%3 7%34%25%32%65%25%36%31%25%37%33%25%37%30%2500postinfo.html HTTP/1.0 IF: Host: Received: HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented Internet Explorer ADODB.Connection ActiveX Object Memory Corruption Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-5559 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) 34 (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. To fix the ADODB.connection vulnerability, install the fix at MS07-009. or mitigate the impact by setting the kill bit for the following CLSID: 00000514-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. More information on the ADODB.connection vulnerability is reported in US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#589272 and Bugtraq ID 20704. Technical Details 35 Service: netbios msado15.dll older than 2006-12-15 Internet Explorer August 2006 CSU fixes Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2004-1166 CVE-2006-3280 CVE-2006-3450 CVE-2006-3451 CVE-2006-3637 CVE-2006-3638 CVE-2006-3639 CVE-2006-3640 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. 36 For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2006-6-28 Internet Explorer COM Objects Instantiation vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-4193 CVE-2006-4219 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object 37 Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. To mitigate the impact of the ActiveX instantiation heap memory corruption, set the kill bit for the following CLSIDs: 3BC4F3A3-652A-11D1-B4D4-00C04FC2DB8D 4682C82A-B2FF-11D0-95A8-00A0C92B77A9 8E71888A-423F-11D2-876E-00A0C9082467 E2E9CAE6-1E7B-4B8E-BABD-E9BF6292AC29 233A9694-667E-11D1-9DFB-006097D50408 BE4191FB-59EF-4825-AEFC-109727951E42 6E3197A3-BBC3-11D4-84C0-00C04F7A06E5 606EF130-9852-11D3-97C6-0060084856D4 F849164D-9863-11D3-97C6-0060084856D4 Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. More information on the ActiveX instantiation heap memory corruption may be found at XSec Security Advisories: XSec-06-02, XSec-06-03, XSec-06-04, XSec-06-06, XSec-06-08. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2006-7-4 Internet Explorer COM object memory corruption Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-2127 CVE-2010-1556 38 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. 39 The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2005-9-30 Internet Explorer Cascading Style Sheets vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2004-0216 CVE-2004-0727 CVE-2004-0839 CVE-2004-0841 CVE-2004-0842 CVE-2004-0843 CVE-2004-0844 CVE-2004-0845 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} 40 Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios urlmon.dll older than 2004-9-22 Internet Explorer Create Text Range code injection Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-1185 CVE-2006-1186 CVE-2006-1188 CVE-2006-1189 CVE-2006-1190 CVE-2006-1191 CVE-2006-1192 CVE-2006-1245 CVE-2006-1359 CVE-2006-1388 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) 41 (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Information on the createTextRange vulnerability may be found in Bugtraq ID 17196. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2006-3-17 Internet Explorer DHTML method memory corruption Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-0053 CVE-2005-0054 CVE-2005-0055 CVE-2005-0056 CVE-2010-1556 42 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. 43 The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2005-1-6 Internet Explorer Exception Handling Memory Corruption vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-4089 CVE-2006-1303 CVE-2006-1626 CVE-2006-2218 CVE-2006-2382 CVE-2006-2383 CVE-2006-2384 CVE-2006-2385 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} 44 Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2006-5-18 Internet Explorer JPEG buffer overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-1988 CVE-2005-1989 CVE-2005-1990 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, 45 Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2005-7-17 Internet Explorer JS remote code execution Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-1313 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: 46 (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios jscript.dll older than 2006-5-10 47 Internet Explorer JS stack overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-0753 CVE-2006-0830 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. 48 Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. More information on the Stack overflow vulnerability may be found in Bugtraq ID 16687. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios jscript.dll older than 2005-1-1 Internet Explorer JavaScript vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-1790 CVE-2005-2829 CVE-2005-2830 CVE-2005-2831 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: 49 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. The memory overflow error on the window() function is reported in a Computer Terrorism article. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2005-11-22 Internet Explorer Nested OBJECT tag memory corruption Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-1992 CVE-2006-2094 CVE-2006-2111 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) 50 (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2006-6-1 Internet Explorer PNG buffer overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2002-0648 CVE-2005-1211 CVE-2010-1556 Impact 51 A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. 52 Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2005-4-26 Internet Explorer URL parsing buffer overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-0553 CVE-2005-0554 CVE-2005-0555 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? 53 For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2005-2-23 Internet Explorer VBScript and JScript decoding vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-0083 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object 54 Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios jscript.dll older than 2007-12-12 Internet Explorer VML Remote Code Execution Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-4868 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) 55 (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. More information on the VML buffer overflow may be found in Bugtraq ID 20096. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios vgx.dll older than 2006-9-15 Internet Explorer VML buffer overflow (MS07-004) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-0024 CVE-2010-1556 56 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. 57 The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios vgx.dll older than 2006-11-1 Internet Explorer vulnerable VML version dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-1749 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. 58 Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios vgx.dll older than 2007-6-25 Jscript.dll buffer overflow vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-1920 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) 59 Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios jscript.dll older than 2009-6-1 Windows 2000 IE6 VML vulnerable version, vgx.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-5348 CVE-2008-3012 CVE-2008-3013 CVE-2008-3014 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) 60 (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios vgx.dll older than 2008-4-27 61 WordPerfect Converter buffer overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2004-0573 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An attacker could run commands on a user's computer if the user opens a malformed document. Resolution All Microsoft Office for Windows users should install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 08-044, 08-055, 08-069, 09-027, 09-060 (supersedes 08-015 for Outlook in Office XP and Office 2003), 10-038 (supersedes 10-017), 09-068, 09-073, 10-004, 10-003, 10-023, and 10-036. Users of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 should also install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-026. Users of Microsoft Office 2000, 2002, and 2003 should also install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 07-013, and 09-074. Users of Visio 2002 and 2003 should upgrade to Visio 2007, and users of Visio 2007 should install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-005, 09-060, and 10-028. Visio 2002 users should upgrade to Visio 2007 and Office XP and Project 2002 users should install the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-005. Microsoft Office X for Mac users should upgrade to Microsoft Office 2004. Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac users should upgrade to 11.5.9 or higher. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac users should upgrade to 12.2.5 or higher. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 04-027, 04-033, 05-005, 05-023, 05-035, 06-009, 06-010, 06-012, 06-027, 06-028, 06-037, 06-038, 06-039, 06-048, 06-054, 06-058, 06-059, 06-060, 06-061, 06-062, 07-001, 07-002, 07-013, 07-014, 07-015, 07-023, 07-024, 07-025, 07-030, 07-036, 07-037, 07-042, 07-043, 07-044, 07-060, 08-009, 08-012, 08-014, 08-016, 08-018, 08-019, 08-026, 08-027, 08-042, 08-043, 08-044, 08-051, 08-055, 08-057, 08-069, 08-072, 08-074, 09-005, 09-009, 09-010, 09-017, 09-021, 09-027, 09-030, 09-060, 09-067, 09-068, 09-073, 09-074, 10-004, 10-003, 10-017, 10-023, 10-028, 10-036, 10-038, and 10-039. Technical Details Service: netbios msconv97.dll older than 2004-2-23 Microsoft outlook ATL vulnerability (MS09-037) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-0015 CVE-2008-0020 CVE-2009-0901 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2494 CVE-2010-1556 Impact 62 A vulnerability could allow remote attackers to bypass security restrictions and execute remote code. Resolution Apply the appropriate patch as indicated in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS10-030. Where can I read more about this? Technical Details Service: netbios msoe.dll older than 2009-7-8 Outlook Express Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS10-030) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0816 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A vulnerability could allow remote attackers to bypass security restrictions and execute remote code. Resolution Apply the appropriate patch as indicated in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS10-030. Where can I read more about this? Technical Details Service: netbios msoe.dll older than 2010-2-1 Microsoft SQL Server Distributed Management Objects Buffer Overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-4814 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the server. Furthermore, the server could be susceptible to the Slammer worm, which could cause a denial of service or infection of other servers. Resolution Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Microsoft SQL Server as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-004, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-040. To mitigate the impact of the ActiveX vulnerability, set the kill bit for the following CLSID: 10020100-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5. For SQL Server 7.0, install the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031. For SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000, install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 or 3a or higher and the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031, and install Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6. 63 Where can I read more about this? For more information, see CERT Advisory 2002-22, which summarizes a number of Microsoft SQL Server vulnerabilities. For details on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 09-004, 08-052, 08-040, 03-031, 02-061, 02-056, 02-043, 02-040, 02-039, 02-038, 02-034, 02-030, 02-020, 02-007, 01-060, 01-032, 00-092, 00-048, 00-041, 00-035, 00-014, 99-059, CIAC Bulletins M-094 and K-026, and NGSSoftware Advisories #NISR25072002 and #NISR22002002A. The Distributed Management Objects ActiveX Buffer Overflow was reported in Bugtraq ID 25594. Technical Details Service: netbios sqldmo.dll older than 2007-2-11 Microsoft SQL Server vulnerable version, sqlservr.exe dated 2000-8-6 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-5348 CVE-2008-3012 CVE-2008-3013 CVE-2008-3014 CVE-2008-3015 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the server. Furthermore, the server could be susceptible to the Slammer worm, which could cause a denial of service or infection of other servers. Resolution Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Microsoft SQL Server as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-004, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-040. For SQL Server 7.0, install the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031. For SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000, install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 or 3a or higher and the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031, and install Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see CERT Advisory 2002-22, which summarizes a number of Microsoft SQL Server vulnerabilities. For details on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 09-004, 08-052, 08-040, 03-031, 02-061, 02-056, 02-043, 02-040, 02-039, 02-038, 02-034, 02-030, 02-020, 02-007, 01-060, 01-032, 00-092, 00-048, 00-041, 00-035, 00-014, 99-059, CIAC Bulletins M-094 and K-026, and NGSSoftware Advisories #NISR25072002 and #NISR22002002A. Technical Details Service: netbios sqlservr.exe older than 2008-8-2 64 Telnet Authentication Reflection Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-1930 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote user could execute arbitrary commands on the server, cause the telnet server to stop responding, or gain information that could be used in an attempt to find Guest accounts. Resolution Apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 09-042, 01-031 and 02-004. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 09-042, 01-031 and 02-004. Technical Details Service: netbios telnet.exe older than 2009-1-1 Outlook Express Contact Record vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-2386 CVE-2010-1556 Impact There are several vulnerabilities in e-mail clients, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted e-mail message. Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-038 and 08-015 for Outlook. Also, for Outlook 2002, install the patches referenced in 02-067, 03-003, and 04-009, or Office XP service pack 3. For Outlook Express: Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-034 and 07-056. Windows XP users should also install patch 900930 for Outlook Express. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-038, 02-058, 02-067, 03-003, 04-009, 04-013, 05-030, 06-003, 06-016, 06-043, 06-076, 07-003, 07-034, 07-056, and 08-015, US-CERT Alert TA04-070A, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 900930. Technical Details Service: netbios Inetcomm.dll older than 2006-11-1 Outlook Express Windows Address Book vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-0014 CVE-2010-1556 65 Impact There are several vulnerabilities in e-mail clients, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted e-mail message. Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-038 and 08-015 for Outlook. Also, for Outlook 2002, install the patches referenced in 02-067, 03-003, and 04-009, or Office XP service pack 3. For Outlook Express: Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-034 and 07-056. Windows XP users should also install patch 900930 for Outlook Express. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-038, 02-058, 02-067, 03-003, 04-009, 04-013, 05-030, 06-003, 06-016, 06-043, 06-076, 07-003, 07-034, 07-056, and 08-015, US-CERT Alert TA04-070A, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 900930. Technical Details Service: netbios msoe.dll older than 2006-2-21 Outlook Express vulnerable version, inetcomm.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-2111 CVE-2007-2225 CVE-2007-2227 CVE-2007-3897 CVE-2010-1556 Impact There are several vulnerabilities in e-mail clients, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted e-mail message. Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-038 and 08-015 for Outlook. Also, for Outlook 2002, install the patches referenced in 02-067, 03-003, and 04-009, or Office XP service pack 3. For Outlook Express: Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-034 and 07-056. Windows XP users should also install patch 900930 for Outlook Express. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-038, 02-058, 02-067, 03-003, 04-009, 04-013, 05-030, 06-003, 06-016, 06-043, 06-076, 07-003, 07-034, 07-056, and 08-015, US-CERT Alert TA04-070A, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 900930. Technical Details 66 Service: netbios Inetcomm.dll older than 2007-8-14 Microsoft VB6 FlexGrid ActiveX control vulnerable version dated 1999-9-7 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-4253 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Visual Studio allow for execution of arbitrary code by processing a malformed dbp, rtf or sln file. Also, an ActiveX component allows for crafted web pages to cause remote code execution. Resolution To mitigate the impact of the Microsoft VB6 ActiveX vulnerabilities, set the kill bit for the following CLSID: msdatgrd.ocx = CDE57A43-8B86-11D0-B3C6-00A0C90AEA82, msflxgrd.ocx = 6262d3a0-531b-11cf-91f6-c2863c385e30, mshflxgd.ocx = 0ECD9B64-23AA-11d0-B351-00A0C9055D8E, mscomct2.ocx = B09DE715-87C1-11d1-8BE3-0000F8754DA1, mschrt20.ocx = 3A2B370C-BA0A-11d1-B137-0000F8753F5D or update as referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-070. Where can I read more about this? The Microsoft VB6 ActiveX vulnerabilities were reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-070. Technical Details Service: netbios MSFLXGRD.OCX older than 2008-10-8 Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities in Windows (MS09-012) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-1436 CVE-2009-0078 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding 67 Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities Fixes multiple privilege elevation in Windows vulnerabilities. (CVE 2008-4036 CVE 2008-1436 CVE 2009-0078 CVE 2009-0079 CVE 2009-0080 ) Fix 2000: 952004 XP: 952004 2003: 952004 Vista: 952004 2008: 952004 Bulletin 08-064 09-012 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios msdtcprx.dll older than 2008-6-24 Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities in Windows (MS10-015) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0232 CVE-2010-0233 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows kernel vulnerable version Fixes multiple vulnerabilities which allow authenticated users to elevate privileges on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. (CVE 2009-2515 CVE 2009-2516 CVE 2009-2517 CVE 2010-0232 CVE 2010-0233 ) 68 Fix 2000: 977165 XP: 977165 2003: 977165 Vista: 977165 2008: 977165 Windows 7: 977165 Bulletin 09-058 10-015 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios ntoskrnl.exe older than 2009-12-7 Jet Database Engine vulnerable version, msjet40.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-0944 CVE-2007-6026 CVE-2008-1092 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Jet Database Engine vulnerable version Description Fixes a vulnerability which could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code by enticing a target user to open a crafted MDB file. (CVE 2007-6026 CVE 2008-1092 ) Fix 2000: 950749 XP: 950749 2003 SP1: 950749 Bulletin 08-028, US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#936529 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Msjet40.dll older than 2008-3-1 Kodak Image Viewer remote code execution 69 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-2217 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Kodak Image Viewer remote code execution Description Fixes a vulnerability in the Kodak Image Viewer that allows for remote code execution when viewing a crafted file. (CVE 2007-2217) Fix 2000: 923810 XP: 923810 2003: 923810 Bulletin 07-055 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios kodakimg.exe older than 2007-5-1 Microsoft Agent ACF memory corruption Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-3445 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new 70 critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Microsoft Agent ACF memory corruption Description Fix Microsoft Agent vulnerability causing 2000: 920213 remote code execution through XP: 920213 read of crafted .ACF files read in 2003: 920213 web page. (CVE 2006-3445) Bulletin 06-068 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios agentdpv.dll older than 2006-8-17 Microsoft Agent URL parsing vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-1205 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Microsoft Agent URL parsing vulnerability Description Fixes a vulnerability in Microsoft Agent that allows remote code execution when reading a crafted URL (CVE 2007-1205) Fix 2000: 932168 XP: 932168 2003: 932168 Bulletin 07-020 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for 71 Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios agentdpv.dll older than 2007-3-7 Microsoft Agent vulnerable version, agentdpv.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-3040 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Microsoft Agent ActiveX remote code execution Description Fix Fixes an additional vulnerability in 2000: 938827 Microsoft Agent that allows remote code execution when reading a crafted URL. (CVE 2007-3040) Bulletin 07-051 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios agentdpv.dll older than 2007-6-22 Microsoft Data Access Component vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-0003 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. 72 The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Microsoft Data Access Component A remote code execution vulnerability vulnerability exists in the RDS.Dataspace ActiveX control in ADO distributed in MDAC. Opening a file provided by an attacker (Mail or Website) allows an attacker to execute code with the rights of that user. (CVE 2006-0003) Fix Bulletin 2000: 911562 06-014 XP: 911562 2003: 911562 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios msadco.dll older than 2006-2-15 Microsoft Image Color Management System vulnerable version, mscms.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-2245 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. 73 Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Microsoft Image Color Management Fixes a vulnerability which could System vulnerable version allow remote command execution on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. (CVE 2008-2245) Fix 2000: 952954 XP: 952954 2003: 952954 Bulletin 08-046 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Mscms.dll older than 2008-6-23 Microsoft Paint Integer Overflow vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0028 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Microsoft Paint Integer Overflow vulnerability Description Fix Fixes a remote code execution 2000: 978706 vulnerability if a user viewed a XP: 978706 specially crafted JPEG image file (32-bit), 978706 using Microsoft Paint in Windows (64-bit) 2000, XP and Server 2003. An 2003: 978706 attacker who successfully exploited (32-bit), 978706 this vulnerability could take complete (64-bit), 978706 control of an affected system and (Itanium) 74 Bulletin 10-005 could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts. (CVE 2010-0028) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios mspaint.exe older than 2009-12-27 Microsoft Windows DHTML remote code execution vulnerability (MS09-046) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-2519 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control Vulnerability Description Fixes a remote code execution vulnerability in the DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control brought on by users visiting a specially crafted web page. (CVE 2009-2519) Fix Windows 2000:956844 Windows XP:956844 (32-bit), 956844 (64-bit) Windows 2003:956844 (32-bit), 956844 (64-bit), 956844 (Itanium) Bulletin 09-046 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 75 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios triedit.dll older than 2009-8-1 Microsoft Windows vulnerable version, msconv97.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-2506 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name WordPad and Text converters remote code execution Description Fixes Microsoft WordPad and Microsoft Office text converters memory corruption. (CVE 2008-4841 CVE 2009-0087 CVE 2009-0235 CVE 2009-2506) Fix 2000: 973904 XP: 973904 2003: 973904 Bulletin 09-010 09-073 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios msconv97.dll older than 2009-8-20 NetBIOS Name Service information disclosure Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2003-0661 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. 76 The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name NetBIOS Name Service information disclosure Description Fixes an Information Disclosure vulnerability which could allow an attacker to receive random data from the target system's memory. (CVE 2003-0661) Fix NT: 824105 2000: 824105 XP: 824105 2003: 824105 Bulletin 03-034 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: 137:UDP vulnerability in NetBT Name Service Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0819 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. 77 Update Name Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Description Fixes a vulnerability in the Windows OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) driver. The vulnerability could allow elevation of privilege if a user views content rendered in a specially crafted CFF font. An attacker must have valid logon credentials and be able to log on locally to exploit this vulnerability. The vulnerability could not be exploited remotely or by anonymous users. (CVE 2010-0819) Fix 2000: 980218 XP: 980218 2003: 980218 Vista: 980218 2008: 980218 Windows 7: 980218 Bulletin 10-037 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios atmfd.dll older than 2010-4-12 Vulnerable MFC Library FileFind Class file mfc42.dll Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-4916 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Vulnerable MFC Library FileFind Class file Heap Overflow Description A Heap Overflow exists in the Microsoft Windows MFC Shared Library - FileFind Class. (CVE 2007-4916) 78 Fix To mitigate the impact of the known ActiveX vector to this Bulletin US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#611008 vulnerability, set the kill bit for the following CLSID: F3F381A3-479541FF-8190-7AA2 A8102F85. Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios mfc42.dll older than 2007-1-1 Vulnerable MFC Library FileFind Class file mfc42u.dll Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-4916 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Vulnerable MFC Library FileFind Class file Heap Overflow Description A Heap Overflow exists in the Microsoft Windows MFC Shared Library - FileFind Class. (CVE 2007-4916) Where can I read more about this? 79 Fix To mitigate the impact of the known ActiveX vector to this vulnerability, set the kill bit for the following CLSID: F3F381A3-479541FF-8190-7AA2 A8102F85. Bulletin US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#611008 For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios mfc42u.dll older than 2007-1-1 Windows 2000 GDI vulnerable version, gdi32.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-1083 CVE-2008-1087 CVE-2008-2249 CVE-2008-3465 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows GDI remote code execution Description Fix Fixes several vulnerabilities:(1) stack2000: 956802 overflow vulnerability in the way XP: 956802 Graphics Device Interface (GDI) 2003: 956802 handles filename parameters in Vista: 956802 EMF image files; (CVE 2008-1087) 2008: 956802 (2) heap overflow vulnerability in the way GDI handles integer calculations;(CVE 2008-1083) (3) remote code execution vulnerability in the way that GDI handles integer calculations;(CVE 2008-2249) (4) remote code execution vulnerability in the way that GDI handles file size parameters in WMF files.(CVE 2008-3465) Where can I read more about this? 80 Bulletin 08-071 08-021 For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios gdi32.dll older than 2008-10-22 Windows Authenticode Signature Verification (MS10-019) version, wintrust.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0486 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows Authenticode Verification Fixes vulnerabilities which could allow remote code execution when a user modifies an existing signed executable file. (CVE 2010-0486 CVE 2010-0487 ) 81 Fix Bulletin For 10-019 Authenticode Signature Verification: 2000 978601 XP 978601 XP x64 978601 2003 978601 2003 x64 978601 Vista 978601 Vista x64 978601 2008 978601 2008 x64 978601 Windows 7 978601 Windows 7 x64 978601 Server 2008 R2 x64 978601 For Cabinet File Viewer: 2000 979309 XP 979309 XP x64 979309 2003 979309 2003 x64 979309 Vista 979309 Vista x64 979309 2008 979309 2008 x64 979309 Windows 7 979309 Windows 7 x64 979309 Server 2008 R2 x64 979309 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios wintrust.dll older than 2009-12-21 Windows CSRSS Local (MS10-011) vulnerable version, csrsrv.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0023 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. 82 Update Name CSRSS Local Privilege Elevation Description Fixes a vulnerability in Client /Server Run-time Subsystem (CSRSS). (CVE 2010-0023) Fix Bulletin 2000: 978037 10-011 XP: 978037 , 978037 (64-bit) 2003: 978037 , 978037 (64-bit) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios csrsrv.dll older than 2009-12-13 Windows CSRSS remote code execution Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-6696 CVE-2006-6797 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows CSRSS remote code execution Description Fixes vulnerabilities in the Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem (CSRSS) that include remote code execution. (CVE 2006-6696 CVE 2006-6797 CVE 2007-1209) Fix 2000: 930178 XP: 930178 2003: 930178 Vista: 930178 Bulletin 07-021 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. 83 Technical Details Service: netbios winsrv.dll older than 2007-3-11 Windows Cabinet File Viewer (MS10-019) version, cabview.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0487 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows Authenticode Verification Fixes vulnerabilities which could allow remote code execution when a user modifies an existing signed executable file. (CVE 2010-0486 CVE 2010-0487 ) 84 Fix Bulletin For 10-019 Authenticode Signature Verification: 2000 978601 XP 978601 XP x64 978601 2003 978601 2003 x64 978601 Vista 978601 Vista x64 978601 2008 978601 2008 x64 978601 Windows 7 978601 Windows 7 x64 978601 Server 2008 R2 x64 978601 For Cabinet File Viewer: 2000 979309 XP 979309 XP x64 979309 2003 979309 2003 x64 979309 Vista 979309 Vista x64 979309 2008 979309 2008 x64 979309 Windows 7 979309 Windows 7 x64 979309 Server 2008 R2 x64 979309 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios cabview.dll older than 2010-1-11 Windows DNS Client Spoofing vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-1447 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows DNS Client Spoofing vulnerability Description Fix Fixes a vulnerability in the Windows 2000: 951748 DNS client. This vulnerability could XP: 951748 85 Bulletin 08-037 allow a remote unauthenticated 2003: 951748 attacker to quickly and reliably spoof responses and insert records into the client cache, thereby redirecting Internet traffic. (CVE 2008-1447) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios dnsapi.dll older than 2008-6-19 Windows DNS Server Spoofing vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-1447 CVE-2008-1454 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows DNS Server Spoofing vulnerability Description Fixes two vulnerabilities in the Windows DNS Server. The vulnerabilities could allow spoofing by poisoning the DNS cache. (CVE 2008-1447 CVE 2008-1454) Fix 2000: 951746 2003: 951746 2008: 951746 Bulletin 08-037 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details 86 Service: netbios Dns.exe older than 2008-5-31 Windows DNS Spoofing vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-0087 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows DNS Spoofing Attack vulnerability Description Fixes a vulnerability in the Windows DNS client that leads to a lack of entropy in the randomness of the choice of transaction IDs which could allow an attacker to send malicious responses to DNS requests. (CVE 2008-0087) Fix 2000: 945553 XP: 945553 2003: 945553 Vista: 945553 Bulletin 08-020 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios dnsapi.dll older than 2008-2-14 Windows DirectShow AVI Filter buffer overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0250 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. 87 The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name DirectShow AVI buffer overflow Description Fixes vulnerabilities in DirectShow which could allow code execution when a user opens a crafted AVI file. (CVE 2010-0250) Fix 977914 and 975560 Bulletin 10-013 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios avifil32.dll older than 2009-11-22 Windows Embedded OpenType Font Engine Vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0018 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Fix 88 Bulletin Windows Embedded OpenType Font Engine Vulnerability Fixes a remote code execution vulnerability in windows 2000, 2003, XP, VISTA, 7 and Server 2008. The vulnerability exists due to the way Windows Embedded OpenType (EOT) Font Engine decompresses specially crafted EOT fonts. (CVE 2010-0018) 2000: 972270 2003: 972270 (32-bit), 972270 (64-bit) XP: 972270 (32-bit), 972270 (64-bit) Vista: 972270 (32-bit), 972270 (64-bit) Windows 7: 972270 2008: 972270 (32-bit), 972270 (64-bit) 10-001 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios fontsub.dll older than 2009-10-13 Windows GDI image handling buffer overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-3034 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows GDI image handling buffer overflow Description Fixes a vulnerability in the Windows graphics device interface allowing command execution when a specially crafted image is rendered. 89 Fix 2000: 938829 XP: 938829 2003: 938829 Bulletin 07-046 (CVE 2007-3034) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios gdi32.dll older than 2007-6-25 Windows Help File Handling Heap Buffer Overflow Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-1912 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows Help File Handling Heap Buffer Overflow Description Fix Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 are affected by a heap overflow issue when handling a specially crafted Windows Help (.hlp) file containing a malicious bitmap. (CVE 2007-1912) Bulletin Bugtraq ID 23382 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios winhlp32.exe older than 2005-4-1 Windows Help File Image Processing Heap Buffer Overflow 90 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-1591 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows Help File Image Processing Heap Buffer Overflow Description Fix Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 are affected by a heap overflow issue when handling a specially crafted Windows Help (.hlp) file containing a malicious image. (CVE 2006-1591) Bulletin Bugtraq ID 17325 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios winhlp32.exe older than 2003-1-1 Windows Internet Authentication Service vulnerabilities Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-3677 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new 91 critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows Internet Authentication Service vulnerabilities Description Fix Fixes vulnerabilities in the Windows 2000: 974318 PEAP and MS-CHAPv2 protocol XP: 974318 implementations, which could lead to2003: 974318 remote code execution in Windows Vista: 974318 2008, privilege elevation in other 2008: 974318 server operating systems, and potential vulnerabilities in workstations. (CVE 2009-2505 CVE 2009-3677) Bulletin 09-071 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios rastls.dll older than 2009-10-7 Windows Kernel privilege elevation (ms06-049) vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-3444 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows Kernel privilege elevation Fixes a vulnerability that allows an vulnerability attacker who has successfully logged into the system to take 92 Fix 2000: 920958 Bulletin 06-049 control of a host. Note: Different than MS05-055. (CVE 2006-3444) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Ntoskrnl.exe older than 2006-6-14 Windows Kernel privilege elevation (ms07-022) vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-1206 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows Kernel privilege elevation Fixes a vulnerability that allows an vulnerability attacker who has successfully logged into the system to take control of a host. Note: Different than MS05-055 and MS06-049. (CVE 2007-1206) Fix 2000: 931784 XP: 931784 2003: 931784 Bulletin 07-022 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Ntoskrnl.exe older than 2007-3-3 93 Windows Kernel privilege elevation vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2005-2827 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Fix Windows Kernel privilege elevation Fixes a vulnerability in the Windows 2000: 908523 vulnerability 2000 Kernel that allows an attacker who has successfully logged into the system to take control of a host. (CVE 2005-2827) Bulletin 05-055 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Ntoskrnl.exe older than 2005-10-4 Windows LSASS IPSEC Denial-of-Service Vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-3675 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you 94 install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows LSASS IPSEC Denial-of-Service Vulnerability Description Fixes a vulnerability in the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) which could allow a denial of service. (CVE 2009-3675) Fix 2000: 974392 2003: 974392 (32-bit), 974392 (64-bit), 974392 (Itanium) XP: 974392 (32-bit), 974392 (64-bit) Bulletin 09-069 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios oakley.dll older than 2009-10-7 Windows LSASS vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-5352 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows LSASS vulnerability Description Fix Fixes a vulnerability that could allow 2000: 943485 an attacker to gain elevated XP: 943485 95 Bulletin 08-002 privileges. (CVE 2007-5352) 2003: 943485 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios lsasrv.dll older than 2007-10-13 Windows MPEG layer 3 codec vulnerable version, dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0480 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows MPEG layer 3 codec vulnerable Description Fixes remote code execution vulnerability in MPEG Layer-3 codecs. (CVE 2010-0480) Fix 2000: 977816, XP: 977816 (32-bit), 977816 (64-bit), 2003: 977816 (32-bit), 977816 (64-bit), VISTA: 977816 (32-bit), 977816 (64-bit), 2008: 977816 (32-bit), 977816 (64-bit) Bulletin 10-026 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. 96 Technical Details Service: netbios older than 2010-1-19 Windows Media Player plug-in EMBED vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2006-0005 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows Media Player plug-in EMBED vulnerability Description Fix Fixes a buffer overflow which could 911564 allow command execution when a user plays media files through non-Microsoft browsers. (CVE 2006-0005) Bulletin 06-006 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios npdsplay.dll older than 2005-11-29 Windows Media decompression vulnerabilities Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-1556 CVE-2010-1879 CVE-2010-1880 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. 97 The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows Media decompression vulnerabilities Description Fix Fixes multiple vulnerabilities in 10-033 DirectX, Windows Media Format and Encoder, and Asycfilt.dll allowing command execution when invalid compression data in media files is processed. (CVE 2010-1879 CVE 2010-1880) Bulletin 10-033 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios asycfilt.dll older than 2010-3-7 Windows OLE Automation remote code execution vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-0065 CVE-2007-2224 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a 98 Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows OLE Automation remote code execution Windows OLE Automation Heap Overrun Description Fixes a vulnerability in the OLE automation which allowed for remote code execution on processing of a crafted file. (CVE 2007-2224) Fixes a heap-based buffer overflow in Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) automation that could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted request. (CVE 2007-0065) Fix 2000: 921503 XP: 921503 2003: 921503 Bulletin 07-043 2000: 943055 XP: 943055 2003: 943055 Vista: 943055 08-008 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios oleaut32.dll older than 2007-12-4 Windows RPC Marshalling Engine vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-0568 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows RPC Marshalling Engine vulnerability Description Fixes an elevation of privilege vulnerability by correcting the way RPC Marshalling Engine updates its internal state. (CVE 2009-0568) 99 Fix 2000: 970238 XP: 970238 2003: 970238 Vista: 970238 Bulletin 09-026 2008: 970238 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios rpcrt4.dll older than 2009-4-21 Windows SMB Client vulnerabilities (MS10-020) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-3676 CVE-2010-0269 CVE-2010-0270 CVE-2010-0476 CVE-2010-0477 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows SMB Client vulnerabilities Fixes vulnerabilities which could allow remote code execution when a user initiates an SMB connection with a malicious server. (CVE 2009-3676 CVE 2010-0269 CVE 2010-0270 CVE 2010-0476 CVE 2010-0477) 100 Fix Bulletin 2000: 980232 10-020 XP: 980232, 980232 (64-bit) 2003: 980232, 980232 (64-bit), 980232 (Itanium) Vista: 980232, 980232 (64-bit) 2008: 980232, 980232 (64-bit), 980232 (Itanium) Windows 7: 980232, 980232 (64-bit) 2008 R2: 980232 (64-bit), 980232 (Itanium) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios mrxsmb.sys older than 2010-2-22 Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-4038 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Description Fixes a vulnerability in Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution on a server that is sharing files or folders. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. (CVE 2008-4038) Also fixes other two vulnerabilities. A null pointer dereference in srv.sys allows an attacker to remotely crash the system. A validated attacker can execute code as administrator. (CVE 2006-3942 CVE 2006-4696) 101 Fix 2000: 957095 XP: 957095 2003: 957095 Vista: 957095 2008: 957095 Bulletin 08-063 06-063 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios srv.sys older than 2008-8-27 Windows Services for UNIX setuid privilege elevation Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2007-3036 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 and 3.5, and Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications setuid privilege elevation Description Fix Fixes a vulnerability in Windows WS UNIX 3.0: Services for UNIX where running 939778 certain setuid binary files could allow WS UNIX 3.5: an attacker to gain elevated 938827 privileges. (CVE 2007-3036) SfUA 2003: 938827 SfUA VISTA: 938827 Bulletin 07-053 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios 102 posix.exe older than 2007-6-30 Windows Shell Handler vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0027 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Fix Windows Shell Handler vulnerability Fixes a remote code execution 2000: 975713 vulnerability in Windows 2000, XP XP: 975713 and Server 2003; if an application (32-bit), 975713 such as a Web browser passes (64-bit) specially crafted data to the 2003: 975713 ShellExecute API function through (32-bit), 975713 the Windows Shell Handler. An (64-bit), 975713 attacker who successfully exploited (Itanium) this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. (CVE 2010-0027) Bulletin 10-007 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios shlwapi.dll older than 2009-10-14 Windows VB script vulnerable version, vbscript.dll dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0483 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers 103 or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows VB script vulnerable Description Fix Bulletin Fixes remote code execution Apply the 10-022 vulnerability which exists due to the appropriate patch way VB Script interacts with help files in Internet Explorer. (CVE 2010-0483) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios vbscript.dll older than 2010-3-10 Windows WMA Voice codec vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-0555 CVE-2009-2525 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding 104 Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows WMA Voice codec vulnerability Description Fixes vulnerabilities in Windows Media Runtime that could allow remote code execution (CVE 2009-0555 CVE 2009-2525) Fix Bulletin 2000, XP and 09-051 2003 (Voice codec): 969878 2000 WMF 9: 954155 2000 WMP 9: 975025 2000, XP and 2003 (Decoder): 969878 XP SP2 WMF 9, 9.5 and 11: 954155 XP (Compression Manager): 975025 2000 WMP 9: 975925 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios msaud32.acm older than 2009-8-25 Windows atl.dll vulnerable (MS09-037) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-0015 CVE-2008-0020 CVE-2009-0901 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2494 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. 105 Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Multiple Windows ATL vulnerability Fixes multiple vulnerabilities in Windows Active Template Library that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. (CVE 2008-0015 CVE 2008-0020 CVE 2009-0901 CVE 2009-2493 CVE 2009-2494) Fix Bulletin Outlook:973354 09-037 Media 09-055 Player:973540 ATL Component:973 507 DHTML Component:973 869 ActiveX: 973525 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios atl.dll older than 2009-7-15 Windows dhtmled.ocx vulnerable (MS09-037) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-0015 CVE-2008-0020 CVE-2009-0901 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2494 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Fix 106 Bulletin Multiple Windows ATL vulnerability Fixes multiple vulnerabilities in Windows Active Template Library that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. (CVE 2008-0015 CVE 2008-0020 CVE 2009-0901 CVE 2009-2493 CVE 2009-2494) Outlook:973354 09-037 Media 09-055 Player:973540 ATL Component:973 507 DHTML Component:973 869 ActiveX: 973525 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios dhtmled.ocx older than 2009-7-25 Windows kernel GDI validation vulnerabilities Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-0081 CVE-2009-0082 CVE-2009-0083 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows kernel validation Description Fixes vulnerabilities by validating input passed from user mode through the kernel component of GDI, correcting the way that the kernel validates handles, and changing the way that the Windows kernel handles specially crafted 107 Fix 2000: 958690 XP: 958690 2003: 958690 Vista: 958690 2008: 958690 Bulletin 09-006 08-061 invalid pointers. (CVE 2009-0081 CVE 2009-0082 CVE 2009-0083) Fixes vulnerabilities by correcting window property validation passed during the new window creation process, calls from multiple threads are handled, and validation of parameters passed to the Windows Kernel from user mode. (CVE 2008-2250 CVE 2008-2251 CVE 2008-2252) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios win32k.sys older than 2009-2-7 Windows kernel desktop validation vulnerabilities Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-1123 CVE-2009-1124 CVE-2009-1125 CVE-2009-1126 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows kernel desktop validation Fixes four vulnerabilities by vulnerabilities correcting the methods used in validating a change in kernel object, the input passed from user mode to the kernel and the argument passed to the system call. (CVE 108 Fix 2000: 968537 XP: 968537 2003: 968537 Vista: 968537 2008: 968537 Bulletin 09-025 2009-1123 CVE 2009-1124 CVE 2009-1125 CVE 2009-1126) Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios win32k.sys older than 2009-4-15 Windows kernel embedded font vulnerabilities Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-1127 CVE-2009-2513 CVE-2009-2514 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows kernel embedded font vulnerabilities Description Fixes a remote code execution vulnerability that could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the user loading a specially crafted Embedded OpenType (EOT) font. (CVE 2009-1127) (CVE 2009-2513) (CVE 2009-2514) 109 Fix 2000: 969947 XP: 969947 (32-bit), 969947 (64-bit) 2003: 969947 (32-bit), 969947 (64-bit), 969947 (Itanium) Vista: 969947 (32-bit), 969947 (64-bit) 2008: 969947 (32-bit), 969947 (64-bit), 969947 (Itanium) Bulletin 09-065 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios win32k.sys older than 2009-8-12 Windows kernel multiple privilege elevation vulnerabilities (MS10-032) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0484 CVE-2010-0485 CVE-2010-1255 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows kernel multiple privilege elevation vulnerabilities Description Fixes multiple vulnerabilities which allow authenticated users to elevate privileges on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. ( CVE 2010-0484 CVE 2010-0485 CVE 2010-1255 ) 110 Fix 2000 SP 4 979559 XP SP 2 & SP 3 979559 XP x64 SP 2 979559 Server 2003 SP 2 979559 Server 2003 x64 SP 2 979559 Server 2003 SP2 Itanium 979559 Vista SP 1 & SP 2 979559 Vista x64 SP 1 & SP 2 Bulletin 10-032 979559 Server 2008 32 SP 2 979559 Server 2008 x64 SP 2 979559 Server 2008 Itanium SP 2 979559 Windows 7 32-bit 979559 Windows 7 x64-based 979559 Server 2008 R2 x64 979559 Server 2008 R2 Itanium 979559 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios win32k.sys older than 2010-5-1 Windows kernel property validation vulnerabilities Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-2250 CVE-2008-2251 CVE-2008-2252 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. 111 Update Name Windows kernel validation Description Fixes vulnerabilities by validating input passed from user mode through the kernel component of GDI, correcting the way that the kernel validates handles, and changing the way that the Windows kernel handles specially crafted invalid pointers. (CVE 2009-0081 CVE 2009-0082 CVE 2009-0083) Fixes vulnerabilities by correcting window property validation passed during the new window creation process, calls from multiple threads are handled, and validation of parameters passed to the Windows Kernel from user mode. (CVE 2008-2250 CVE 2008-2251 CVE 2008-2252) Fix 2000: 958690 XP: 958690 2003: 958690 Vista: 958690 2008: 958690 Bulletin 09-006 08-061 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios win32k.sys older than 2008-9-13 Windows kernel user mode callback vulnerability Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2008-1084 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. 112 Update Name Description Windows kernel user mode callback Fixes a privilege elevation vulnerability vulnerability caused by insufficient validation of input passed from user mode to the kernel. (CVE 2008-1084) Fix 2000: 941693 XP: 941693 2003: 941693 Vista: 941693 2008: 941693 Bulletin 08-025 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios win32k.sys older than 2008-4-8 Windows kernel vulnerable (MS10-021) version, ntoskrnl.exe dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2010-0234 CVE-2010-0235 CVE-2010-0236 CVE-2010-0237 CVE-2010-0238 CVE-2010-0481 CVE-2010-0482 CVE-2010-0810 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows kernel vulnerable version Fixes multiple vulnerabilities which allow authenticated users to elevate privileges on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. ( CVE 2010-0232 CVE 2010-0233 CVE 2010-0234 CVE 2010-0235 113 Fix 2000 SP 4 979683 XP SP 2 & SP 3 979683 XP x64 SP 2 979683 Server 2003 SP 2 979683 Bulletin 10-021 CVE 2010-0236 CVE 2010-0237 CVE 2010-0238 CVE 2010-0481 CVE 2010-0481 CVE 2010-0482 CVE 2010-0810 ) Server 2003 x64 SP 2 979683 Server 2003 SP2 Itanium 979683 Vista 979683 Vista x64 979683 Server 2008 32 SP 2 979683 Server 2008 x64 SP 2 979683 Server 2008 Itanium SP 2 979683 Windows 7 32-bit 979683 Windows 7 x64-based 979683 Server 2008 R2 x64 979683 Server 2008 R2 Itanium 979683 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios ntoskrnl.exe older than 2010-2-14 Windows kernel vulnerable version, ntoskrnl.exe dated 2001-5-8 Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-2515 CVE-2009-2516 CVE-2009-2517 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows 114 Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Windows kernel vulnerable version Fixes multiple vulnerabilities which allow authenticated users to elevate privileges on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. (CVE 2009-2515 CVE 2009-2516 CVE 2009-2517 CVE 2010-0232 CVE 2010-0233 ) Fix 2000: 977165 XP: 977165 2003: 977165 Vista: 977165 2008: 977165 Windows 7: 977165 Bulletin 09-058 10-015 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios ntoskrnl.exe older than 2009-8-1 Windows media file processing vulnerable (MS09-038) Severity: Area of Concern CVE: CVE-2009-1545 CVE-2009-1546 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. 115 Update Name Windows media file processing vulnerable Description Fixes a vulnerability that allows remote code execution due to improper handling of specially crafted AVI format files. (CVE 2009-1545 CVE 2009-1546) Fix 2000: 971557 XP: 971557 (32-bit), 971557 (64 bit) 2003: 971557 (32-bit), 971557 (64 bit), 971557 (Itanium) Vista: 971557 (32-bit), 971557 (64-bit) 2008: 971557 (32-bit), 971557 (64-bit), 971557 (Itanium) Bulletin 09-038 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios avifil32.dll older than 2009-7-12 Possible buffer overflow in Active Directory Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2003-0507 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could crash the Active Directory service and force a reboot of the server. It may also be possible to execute commands on the server. Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-066. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 07-039, 08-003, 08-035, 08-060, 09-018, and 09-066. The Windows 2000 Active directory denial of service vulnerability was reported in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 319709 and Secunia Advisory SA9171. Technical Details Service: ldap AV Information: AntiVirus software not found (AVG Symantec McAfee TrendMicro) 116 Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2010-1556 Impact The system may be susceptible to viruses, worms, and other types of malware. Resolution Install and enable anti-virus software. Turn on automatic updates and periodic scans. Enable logging. If a anti-virus server or manager is present, make sure that all clients can communicate with it so that the client is as up to date as possible and can send crucial information to the master installation. If more information is needed about the anti-virus software running on the network and a server or manager is present, it is a good place to look for information about the anti-virus clients. If more than one instance of anti-virus software is installed on a system, remove all but one. Multiple anti-virus programs may interfere with each other and cause the system to run poorly. Where can I read more about this? For additional information about viruses and anti-virus products, see Virus Bulletin. Technical Details Service: netbios SAINT currently checks for AVG, Symantec, TrendMicro, and McAfee AV software; none were detected possible vulnerability in Apple Filing Protocol 2.0 Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0430 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands with root privileges, thereby taking complete control of the vulnerable computer. Resolution Install Mac OS security update 2004-05-03, or deselect the Personal File Sharing box in the Sharing Preferences. Where can I read more about this? This vulnerability was reported in an @stake security advisory. Technical Details Service: afp Cookie Injection vulnerabilities in IE Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0866 CVE-2004-0869 CVE-2010-1556 117 Impact A remote attacker could take over a user's session on a web application. Resolution As this is a particularly difficult issue to fix in web browsers, it is unknown when vendor fixes will be available. Until a fix is available for your browser, extra caution should be used when browsing the Internet. Avoid visiting untrusted sites or clicking on links in e-mail messages. Where can I read more about this? For more information on session fixation, see Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-Based Applications by ACROS Security. More information on the cookie injection vulnerabilities is available from Bugtraq. Technical Details Service: netbios urlmon.dll older than 2004-9-30 DNS server allows recursive queries Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2010-1556 Impact Allowing recursive queries may make the DNS server more susceptible to denial-of-service and cache poisoning attacks. Resolution Disable recursive queries on the DNS server. For Windows DNS servers, this can be done by checking Disable Recursion from Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> DNS -> Properties -> Advanced -> Server Options. For BIND DNS servers, add the following line to the options section of the named.conf file: recursion no; Where can I read more about this? For more information about the risks of recursive queries, see the Go Daddy Help Center. Technical Details Service: domain Recursion Available flag = 1 guessable read community string Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0516 CVE-1999-0517 118 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A read community string for one of your systems can be easily guessed. The full impact will depend largely on exactly what type of device this system is. In general, anyone guessing this read community string can obtain an awful lot of information regarding the device in question, and possibly about the network(s) it is on. You need to decide whether this is a security concern or not. The Problem/Resolution If you were notified of this vulnerability, a read or write community string was able to be guessed for a system you scanned. This is currently done with a simple, brute force algorithm, repeatedly trying a few guesses. In order to guess write community strings, it actually attempts to change the sysLocation oid (and then changes it back if succeeded). If it guessed your community string, you should consider changing it. Some SNMP clients will allow you to restrict which hosts can send some or all write SNMP commands from, and possibly which hosts can get information as well. It is recommended that you configure such if available. 08/09/02 Previously released versions of Avaya P330, P130 and M770-ATM Cajun family of products contain an undocumented hard-coded community read/write string that can be used to reset the switch. Hardware versions that have been tested and confirmed affected include P330T software version 3.8.2 and 3.9.1, P333R software version 3.8.1 and 3.9.1, P130, M770-ATM and M770 Supervisor (M-SPX, M-SPS). If an Avaya user is unable to upgrade to a fixed version, one can mitigate the bug by restricting SNMP access using the 'set allowed managers' command, which appeared in recent Cajun firmware. Other related CVE entries: CVE 1999-0186 Solaris CVE 1999-0254 HP OpenView CVE 2001-0380 Crosscom/Olicom XLT-F CVE 2001-0514 Atmel 802.11b VNET-B Access Point CVE 2001-0711 Cisco IOS (ILMI) CVE 2002-0540 Nortel CVX 1800 CVE 2002-1448 Avaya P330, P130, and M-770 ATM Cajun CVE 2002-1555 Cisco ONS15454 and ONS15327 CVE 2003-0137 Nokia SGSN CVE 2004-0616 BT Voyager 2000 CVE 2005-3803 Cisco IP Phone 7920 CVE 2007-2036 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Where can I read more about this? For more information on SNMP, see Cisco's SNMP Reference. The Avaya vulnerabilities are discussed in Bugtraq and the Avaya advisory. Technical Details Service: snmp SNMP read access using community string public (sysDescr.0: Hardware: x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE - Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195 Multiprocessor Free)) ICMP timestamp requests enabled 119 Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0524 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could obtain sensitive information about the network. Resolution Configure the system or firewall not to allow ICMP timestamp requests (message type 13) or ICMP netmask requests (message type 17). Instructions for doing this on specific platforms are as follows: Windows: Block these message types using the Windows firewall as described in Microsoft TechNet. Linux: Use ipchains or iptables to filter ICMP netmask requests using the command: ipchains -A input -p icmp --icmp-type address-mask-request -j DROP Use ipchains or iptables to filter ICMP timestamp requests using the commands: ipchains -A input -p icmp --icmp-type timestamp-request -j DROP ipchains -A output -p icmp --icmp-type timestamp-reply -j DROP To ensure that this change persists after the system reboots, put the above command into the system's boot-up script (typically /etc/rc.local). Cisco: Block ICMP message types 13 and 17 as follows: deny icmp any any 13 deny icmp any any 17 Where can I read more about this? For more information about ICMP, see RFC792. Technical Details Service: icmp timestamp=f8752d03 Internet Explorer Modal Dialog zone bypass Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2003-1048 CVE-2004-0549 CVE-2004-0566 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution 120 To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. More information on the object tag, modal dialog, and information disclosure vulnerabilities may be found in Bugtraq ID 17658, Bugtraq ID 17713, and Bugtraq ID 17717. The ADODB.Stream object vulnerability was reported in US-CERT alert 04-184A. 121 Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. The three vulnerabilities which are exploited by the Download.Ject trojan were reported in Bugtraq ID 10472, Bugtraq ID 10473, and Bugtraq ID 10514. Technical Details Service: netbios mshtml.dll older than 2004-7-3 Internet Explorer Travel Log vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2003-1025 CVE-2003-1026 CVE-2003-1027 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) 122 To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios urlmon.dll older than 2003-12-23 Internet Explorer cross-domain vulnerabilities Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2003-0814 CVE-2003-0815 CVE-2003-0816 CVE-2003-0817 CVE-2003-0823 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, 123 Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios urlmon.dll older than 2003-10-1 Internet Explorer patch needed Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2003-0113 CVE-2003-0114 CVE-2003-0115 CVE-2003-0116 CVE-2003-0309 CVE-2003-0344 CVE-2003-0530 CVE-2003-0531 CVE-2003-0532 CVE-2003-0701 CVE-2003-0809 CVE-2003-0838 CVE-2003-1025 CVE-2003-1026 CVE-2003-1027 CVE-2003-1326 CVE-2003-1328 CVE-2010-1556 124 Impact A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on a client system when the client browses to a malicious web site hosted by the attacker. Resolution To use Internet Explorer securely, take the following steps: (The vulnerabilities in IE 8, Beta 1 have not yet been patched) (The response splitting and smuggling related to setRequestHeader() has not yet been patched) (The file focus stealing vulnerability has not yet been patched) (The stack overflow vulnerability has not yet been patched.) (The spoofing vulnerability has not yet been patched.) Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Internet Explorer as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-009, Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-061, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-022, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-032, Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-052, Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-045, Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-002, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-035. Fix the Security Zone Bypass vulnerability (CVE-2010-0255) as described in Microsoft Security Advisory (980088) Prevent WPAD proxy server interception as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934864 Disable the Javaprxy.dll object Disable the ADODB.Stream object Disable the Shell.Explorer object Instructions for disabling the ADODB.Stream object can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 870669. To disable the Shell.Explorer object, set the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2} Compatibility Flags = 400 (type dword, radix hex) To disable the Javaprxy.dll object, install the update referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-037. Where can I read more about this? For more information on all Internet Explorer security fixes, see the Internet Explorer Critical Updates page. For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 03-004, 03-015, 03-020, 03-032, 03-040, 03-048, 04-004, 04-025, 04-038, 04-040, 05-014, 05-020, 05-025, 05-037, 05-038, 05-052, 05-054, 06-004, 06-013, 06-021, 06-023, 06-042, 06-055, 06-067, 06-072, 07-004, 07-009, 07-016, 07-027, 07-033, 07-045, 07-050, 07-057, 07-061, 07-069, 08-010, 08-022, 08-023, 08-024, 08-031, 08-032, 08-045, 08-052, 08-058, 08-073, 08-078, 09-002, 09-014, 09-019, 09-034, 09-045, 09-054, 09-072, 10-002, 10-018, and 10-035. Also see CERT advisories CA-2003-22, TA04-033A, TA04-163A, TA04-212A, TA04-293A, TA04-315A, TA04-336A, TA05-165A, TA05-221A, and US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#378604. 125 The IE 8, Beta 1 vulnerabilities were reported in Bugtraq ID 28580 and Bugtraq ID 28581. Unfixed variants of the drag and drop vulnerability and the Shell.Explorer object were discussed in NTBugtraq and Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: netbios urlmon.dll older than 2003-9-9 Possible vulnerability in LDAP over SSL Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2001-0502 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could take control of a domain administrator's account, thereby gaining administrative privileges. Resolution Apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-036. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-036. Technical Details Service: ssl-ldap Is your LDAP secure? Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2002-1378 CVE-2002-1379 CVE-2010-1556 Impact If an application uses a vulnerable implementation of LDAP, an attacker could cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary commands. Resolution See CERT Advisory 2001-18 for information on obtaining a patch for your application. OpenLDAP 2.x users may also need to fix a separate set of vulnerabilities which were reported in SuSE Security Announcement 2002:047. Consult your vendor for a fix. If a patch is not available, then ports 389 and 636, TCP and UDP, should be blocked at the network perimeter until a patch can be applied. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see CERT Advisory 2001-18 and SuSE Security Announcement 2002:047. 126 Technical Details Service: ldap Authentication flaw in Microsoft mail server Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2001-0504 CVE-2002-0054 CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could crash the mail service or gain user-level privileges to the service, including the ability to use the server as a mail relay. Resolution To fix the MX Record Denial of Service and Memory Allocation vulnerabilities, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 10-024. To fix the vulnerabilities in the Windows Server 2003 mail service, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 04-035. To fix the Windows 2000 mail server vulnerabilities, apply Windows 2000 service pack 4. If service pack 4 cannot be applied immediately, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, and 02-012, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. Note that bulletins 02-011 and 02-012 reference the same patch, which fixes two problems. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-037, 02-011, 02-012, 04-035, and 10-024, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 330716. The predictable DNS query ID and missing validation of DNS responses were posted to Full Disclosure. Technical Details Service: smtp Received: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.2966 ready at Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:48:01 -0400 Microsoft SQL Server vulnerable version: 8.00.194 Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0652 CVE-1999-0999 CVE-2000-0199 CVE-2000-0202 CVE-2000-0402 CVE-2000-0485 CVE-2000-0603 CVE-2000-1081 CVE-2000-1082 CVE-2000-1083 CVE-2000-1084 CVE-2000-1085 CVE-2000-1086 CVE-2000-1087 CVE-2000-1088 CVE-2001-0344 CVE-2001-0542 CVE-2001-0879 CVE-2002-0056 CVE-2002-0154 CVE-2002-0186 CVE-2002-0187 CVE-2002-0624 CVE-2002-0641 127 CVE-2002-0642 CVE-2002-0644 CVE-2002-0645 CVE-2002-0695 CVE-2002-0721 CVE-2002-0859 CVE-2002-0982 CVE-2002-1123 CVE-2002-1137 CVE-2002-1138 CVE-2002-1145 CVE-2003-0230 CVE-2003-0231 CVE-2003-0232 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the server. Furthermore, the server could be susceptible to the Slammer worm, which could cause a denial of service or infection of other servers. Resolution Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Microsoft SQL Server as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-004, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-040. For SQL Server 7.0, install the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031. For SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000, install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 or 3a or higher and the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031, and install Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6. To correct the MDAC buffer overflow vulnerability, database administrators using SQL Server 7.0 or 2000 should apply the MDAC patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-040. If using SQL Server user accounts instead of Windows domain user accounts, Microsoft recommends using the "always prompt for login name and password" option so that the weakly encrypted administrative password will not be stored on the hard drive. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see CERT Advisory 2002-22, which summarizes a number of Microsoft SQL Server vulnerabilities. For details on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 09-004, 08-052, 08-040, 03-031, 02-061, 02-056, 02-043, 02-040, 02-039, 02-038, 02-034, 02-030, 02-020, 02-007, 01-060, 01-032, 00-092, 00-048, 00-041, 00-035, 00-014, 99-059, CIAC Bulletins M-094 and K-026, and NGSSoftware Advisories #NISR25072002 and #NISR22002002A. Technical Details Service: 1433:TCP Received: SAINTLAB02;InstanceName;MSSQLSERVER;IsClustered;No;Version;8.00.194;tcp;1433;np;\\SAINTLAB02 pipe\sql\query;;uage setting to us_english. Possible vulnerability in MS SQL Server Resolution Service Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2002-0649 CVE-2002-0650 CVE-2002-0729 CVE-2010-1556 128 Impact Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the server. Furthermore, the server could be susceptible to the Slammer worm, which could cause a denial of service or infection of other servers. Resolution Install the appropriate cumulative patch for your version of Microsoft SQL Server as outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-004, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 08-040. For SQL Server 7.0, install the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031. For SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000, install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 or 3a or higher and the SQL Server cumulative security patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-031, and install Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6. To correct the SQL Server 2000 Resolution Service vulnerabilities, download the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 Security Patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-039. You may also want to block UDP port 1434 at the firewall, if feasible (see MS02-039 for details.) Where can I read more about this? For more information, see CERT Advisory 2002-22, which summarizes a number of Microsoft SQL Server vulnerabilities. For details on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 09-004, 08-052, 08-040, 03-031, 02-061, 02-056, 02-043, 02-040, 02-039, 02-038, 02-034, 02-030, 02-020, 02-007, 01-060, 01-032, 00-092, 00-048, 00-041, 00-035, 00-014, 99-059, CIAC Bulletins M-094 and K-026, and NGSSoftware Advisories #NISR25072002 and #NISR22002002A. For more information on the worm which exploits buffer overflows in the SQL Server Resolution Service, see CERT Advisory 2003-04. Technical Details Service: 1434:UDP Possible vulnerability in Microsoft Terminal Server Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2000-1149 CVE-2001-0663 CVE-2001-0716 CVE-2002-0863 CVE-2002-0864 CVE-2005-1218 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Terminal Server and Remote Desktop could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the server, or could allow an attacker who is able to capture network traffic to decrypt sessions. Resolution There is no fix available to protect against the man-in-the-middle attack. Therefore, Terminal Services should 129 only be used on trusted networks. For Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 00-087 and 01-052. There is no fix available for the denial of service vulnerability on Windows NT. For Windows 2000, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-052, 02-051, and 05-041. For Windows XP, apply the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletins 02-051 and 05-041. For Windows Server 2003, apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 05-041. For Citrix MetaFrame, download a hotfix from the Citrix Solution Knowledge Base, under Hotfixes. It is also a good idea to filter TCP port 3389 at the firewall or router, such that only connections from legitimate users will be accepted. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 00-087, 01-052, 02-051, and 05-041, and Bugtraq. For more information on the Citrix MetaFrame vulnerability, see the Bugtraq ID 3440. Technical Details Service: 3389:TCP port 3389/tcp open and KB899591 not applied or could not be checked NetBIOS share enumeration using null session Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2010-1556 Impact A remote attacker could gain a list of shared resources or user names on the system. Resolution Mitigating this vulnerability will require editing the registry. The regedt32 command can be used for this purpose. Keep in mind that erroneous changes to the registry could leave the system in an unstable and unbootable state, so use due caution and have a working system backup and repair disk before editing the registry. The privileges of null sessions can be limited by changing the following registry value: Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key: SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/LSA Value: RestrictAnonymous Type: REG_DWORD Setting this value to 1 will partially limit the amount of information which is available through a null session, but will still allow access to some sensitive information, including the user account list. On Windows 2000 and XP, this value can also be set to 2 for greater protection. However, a value of 2 could also disable some critical Windows networking functions, so this setting is recommended only for Internet servers, and should be thoroughly tested. 130 Windows XP and later also support a registry value called RestrictAnonymousSAM, which, if set to 1, prevents enumeration of accounts using a null session. In addition to the above changes, it is also advisable to block access to the NetBIOS ports at the firewall or gateway router. There is usually no reason why a user outside the local network would have a legitimate need for NetBIOS access. NetBIOS runs on ports 135, 137, 138, and 139 (TCP and UDP). Where can I read more about this? For more information about using the RestrictAnonymous registry value to limit the privileges of null sessions, see Microsoft Knowledge Base articles Q143474 and Q246261. Technical Details Service: netbios-ssn Shares: E$; NETLOGON; ADMIN$; SYSVOL; C$ Outlook Express MHTML vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0380 CVE-2010-1556 Impact There are several vulnerabilities in e-mail clients, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted e-mail message. Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-038 and 08-015 for Outlook. Also, for Outlook 2002, install the patches referenced in 02-067, 03-003, and 04-009, or Office XP service pack 3. For Outlook Express: Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-034 and 07-056. Windows XP users should also install patch 900930 for Outlook Express. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-038, 02-058, 02-067, 03-003, 04-009, 04-013, 05-030, 06-003, 06-016, 06-043, 06-076, 07-003, 07-034, 07-056, and 08-015, US-CERT Alert TA04-070A, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 900930. Technical Details Service: netbios Inetcomm.dll older than 2004-3-1 Outlook Express NNTP buffer overflow Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-1213 CVE-2010-1556 Impact There are several vulnerabilities in e-mail clients, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted e-mail message. 131 Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-038 and 08-015 for Outlook. Also, for Outlook 2002, install the patches referenced in 02-067, 03-003, and 04-009, or Office XP service pack 3. For Outlook Express: Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-034 and 07-056. Windows XP users should also install patch 900930 for Outlook Express. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-038, 02-058, 02-067, 03-003, 04-009, 04-013, 05-030, 06-003, 06-016, 06-043, 06-076, 07-003, 07-034, 07-056, and 08-015, US-CERT Alert TA04-070A, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 900930. Technical Details Service: netbios msoe.dll older than 2005-4-27 Outlook Express patch needed Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2002-1179 CVE-2010-1556 Impact There are several vulnerabilities in e-mail clients, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted e-mail message. Resolution Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-038 and 08-015 for Outlook. Also, for Outlook 2002, install the patches referenced in 02-067, 03-003, and 04-009, or Office XP service pack 3. For Outlook Express: Install the patches referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 07-034 and 07-056. Windows XP users should also install patch 900930 for Outlook Express. Where can I read more about this? For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 01-038, 02-058, 02-067, 03-003, 04-009, 04-013, 05-030, 06-003, 06-016, 06-043, 06-076, 07-003, 07-034, 07-056, and 08-015, US-CERT Alert TA04-070A, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 900930. Technical Details Service: netbios msoe.dll older than 2002-8-29 chargen could be used in UDP bomb Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0103 CVE-2010-1556 Impact 132 Your machine may be vulnerable to certain types of Denial of Service attacks (Fraggle, Smurf, Papasmurf, or UDP flood). These DoS attacks affect the entire network and may slow network activity to a crawl. Furthermore, the network can be used as an intermediary to launch attacks on other networks. Resolutions The key to protecting against, and suppressing these types of attacks, is to ensure that your network will not be used as an intermediary. This may be done by configuring routers to not allow IP directed-broadcast transmissions (on Cisco routers, use the "no ip directed-broadcast" interface command). All routers which provide routing to large multi-access broadcast networks, in other words LANs with more than 5 to 10 devices, should be configured in this way. This resolution is indirect, but is, at this point, the surest method for eliminating these types of attacks. Unfortunately, there is no sure method for protecting against being the ultimate target for Smurf type attacks. For the Smurf attack, the surest and safest fix is to configure routers to turn away all incoming ICMP packets. Unfortunately, this will render several ICMP dependent services, such as ping and traceroute, unusable. Other router configuration methods do exist, and you may read about them in PSI's Filter Configuration page. Other methods, such as ICMP filtering and dropping excess packets at network border routers, are not foolproof but may help alleviate the symptoms of Smurf type attacks. These methods are described in InterNIC rfc2267. If you suspect that you have been the victim of a Smurf attack, you may want to download the Smurf Logger, which will allow you to log future Smurf attacks (and other information, such as the broadcast address being used as the intermediary). As with the Smurf attack, the Fraggle attack is particularly hard to defend against. Some suggestions include blocking broadcast UDP at the router, and perhaps blocking UDP at all terminal servers as well (to prevent malicious network users from flooding out the network). Read the Smurf information above for more information on router configuration tips and border router packet filtering techniques that may prove useful in defending against these types of attacks. Where can I read more about this? Visit Packet Storm to read about the Fraggle and Papasmurf Denial of Service attacks. You can read more about the Smurf attack at Packet Storm's Smurf page. Another good source of information is Craig A. Huegen's Smurf Whitepaper. Be sure to also to read the Smurf information in CERT Advisory 98.01. For more information on the UDP Flood attack, see CERT Advisory 96.01. Technical Details Service: chargen SMTP may be a mail relay Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0512 CVE-2010-1556 Impact An e-mail spammer, or other unauthorized user, may be able to use the system to relay mail. Resolution 133 UNIX mail servers should be upgraded to Sendmail 8.9 or higher, which does not allow relaying by default. For non-UNIX mail servers, contact your vendor for fix information. Where Can I Read More About this? The MAPS Transport Security Initiative page is a good source of information on mail relaying. Also see for information on the anti-relaying features in Sendmail 8.9. Users of Sendmail 8.8 who do not wish to upgrade can refer to for information on preventing relaying in Sendmail 8.8. Technical Details Service: smtp MAIL FROM: <saint@> RCPT TO: <""> SNMP is enabled and may be vulnerable Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0615 CVE-2002-0012 CVE-2002-0013 CVE-2002-0053 CVE-2002-0796 CVE-2002-0797 CVE-2010-1556 Impact If a vulnerable implementation of SNMP is running, a remote attacker could crash the device, cause the device to become unstable, or gain unauthorized access. Resolution For the HMAC length 1 security bypass vulnerability, update to NET-SNMP,,,,, or UCD-snmp or get updates for other products from your vendor. There are a number of measures which can be taken to reduce the risk of this vulnerability being exploited. Apply a patch from your vendor if one is available. (IRIX users should also refer to SGI Security Advisory 20020201-01-P, and Sun users should also refer to Sun Security Bulletin 219 for patch information.) Change all community strings to non-default strings which are difficult to guess. Block access to UDP ports 161 and 162 at the network perimeter. Disable the SNMP service on machines where it can be disabled and is not needed. There are a number of additional precautions which should also be taken wherever possible: Filter SNMP traffic from unauthorized internal hosts Segregate SNMP traffic onto a separate management network Block incoming and outgoing traffic (ingress and egress filtering) on ports 161, 162, 199, 391, 705, and 1993, both TCP and UDP Block incoming traffic destined for broadcast addresses and internal loopback addresses Disable stack execution For more information on these precautions, see CERT Advisory 2002-03. Where can I read more about this? The HMAC length 1 security bypass vulnerability was reported in Secunia Advisory SA30574 and Vulnerability Note VU#878044. 134 The initial vulnerabilities were discovered by the Oulu University Secure Programming Group using the PROTOS Test Suite. For more information, see CERT Advisory 2002-03, the CERT SNMP FAQ, and Microsoft Security Bulletin 02-006. For more information on the Sun mibiisa vulnerability, see Sun Security Bulletin 219. Technical Details Service: snmp non-administrative users can act as part of the operating system Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0534 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Normal users could take actions which should be limited to administrators. These privileges could be used to facilitate attacks or to make system resources unavailable to other users. Resolution Edit the user rights assignment, which is found in the Local Security Policy under Administrative Tools on most systems. Note that if there is an Effective Setting in the local security policy, it is this setting which is used. This setting can only be changed on the domain controller. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft's documentation on User Rights Assignment. Technical Details Service: netbios-ssn SeTcbPrivilege non-administrative users can bypass traverse checking Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0534 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Normal users could take actions which should be limited to administrators. These privileges could be used to facilitate attacks or to make system resources unavailable to other users. Resolution Edit the user rights assignment, which is found in the Local Security Policy under Administrative Tools on most systems. Note that if there is an Effective Setting in the local security policy, it is this setting which is used. This setting can only be changed on the domain controller. Where can I read more about this? 135 See Microsoft's documentation on User Rights Assignment. Technical Details Service: netbios-ssn SeChangeNotifyPrivilege non-administrative users can replace a process level token Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0534 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Normal users could take actions which should be limited to administrators. These privileges could be used to facilitate attacks or to make system resources unavailable to other users. Resolution Edit the user rights assignment, which is found in the Local Security Policy under Administrative Tools on most systems. Note that if there is an Effective Setting in the local security policy, it is this setting which is used. This setting can only be changed on the domain controller. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft's documentation on User Rights Assignment. Technical Details Service: netbios-ssn SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege auditing is disabled Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-1999-0575 CVE-2010-1556 Impact Intrusion attempts or other unauthorized activities could go unnoticed. Resolution Edit the auditing policy, which is found in the Local Security Policy under Administrative Tools on most systems. Note that if there is an Effective Setting in the local security policy, it is this setting which is used. This setting can only be changed on the domain controller. Where can I read more about this? See Microsoft's guide to setting up auditing and developing an auditing policy. Technical Details 136 Service: netbios-ssn Windows DNS lack of entropy spoofing attack Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2007-3898 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The Windows DNS Server has a vulnerability that allows for remote code execution. Resolution Apply the patch referenced in Microsoft Security Bulletin 09-008. For the management interface buffer overflow, remote management over RPC can be disabled by setting the value of RpcProtocol in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters to 4. Setting this value to 0 will disable all DNS RPC functionality and will protect against both local and remote attempts to exploit the vulnerability. Where can I read more about this? For more information on specific vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletins 07-029, 07-062, and 09-008. The DNS server RPC management interface buffer overflow was reported in US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#555920 and Secunia Advisory SA24871. Technical Details Service: netbios dns.exe older than 2007-10-14 but the Windows DNS Service is not turned on Collaboration Data Objects vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-1987 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Description Fix 137 Bulletin Collaboration Data Object vulnerability Fixes a vulnerability in Collaboration Data Objects which could allow an attacker to perform remote code execution. (CVE 2005-1987) 2000: 901017 05-048 XP: 901017 2003: 901017 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios cdosys.dll older than 2005-9-29 FTP Client vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-2126 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name FTP Client vulnerability Description Fixes a vulnerability in Windows FTP Client that could allow tampering in File Transfer location. (CVE 2005-2126) Fix 2000: 905495 XP: 905495 2003: 905495 Bulletin 05-044 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios msieftp.dll older than 2005-8-4 138 Jet Database Engine buffer overflow Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0197 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Jet Database Engine buffer overflow Description Fixes a vulnerability which could allow an attacker to take control of a computer by sending a specially crafted database query to an application using Jet. (CVE 2004-0197) Fix Bulletin NT: 837001 04-014 2000: 837001 or TA04-104A SP4 Update Rollup 1 XP: 837001 or SP2 2003: 837001 or SP1 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Msjet40.dll older than 2004-2-28 Jet Database Engine input validation problems Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-0944 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions 139 One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Jet Database Engine input validation Description Fixes vulnerabilities which could allow command execution by a malformed database file. (CVE 2005-0944) Fix 2000: 950749 XP: 950749 2003 SP1: 950749 Bulletin Full Disclosure, 08-028, US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#936529 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios Msjet40.dll older than 2005-3-30 Microsoft Agent spoofing vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-1214 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Microsoft Agent spoofing Description Prevents spoofing of trusted 140 Fix 2000: 890046 Bulletin 05-032 vulnerability Internet content using a Microsoft XP: 890046 Agent character which disguises 2003: 890046 or security prompts. (CVE 2005-1214) SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios agentdpv.dll older than 2005-5-17 Network Connection Manager vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-2307 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Network Connection Manager Hotfix Description Fixes a vulnerability in the Network Connection Manager which could allow a local attacker to gain Local System privileges. (CVE 2002-0720) Network Connection Manager vulnerability Fixes a vulnerability in Network Connection Manager that could allow Denial of Service. (CVE 2005-2307) Fix Bulletin NT: Not 02-042 Affected 2000: Q326886 or SP4 XP: Not Affected 2000: 905414 05-045 XP: 905414 2003: 905414 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. 141 Technical Details Service: netbios netman.dll older than 2005-8-14 Windows 2000 VM ByteCode Verifier vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2003-0111 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name VM ByteCode Verifier Hotfix Description Fixes the ByteCode Verifier to check for illegal commands when loading Java applets, thus preventing attacks from remote web pages and e-mail messages. (CVE 2003-0111) Fix Bulletin NT: 816093 03-011 2000: 816093 or SP4 XP: 816093 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios msjava.dll older than 2003-3-16 Windows COM+ command execution vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-1978 CVE-2005-1979 CVE-2005-1980 CVE-2005-2119 CVE-2010-1556 Impact 142 The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows COM+ command execution vulnerability Description Fixes vulnerabilities which could allow remote command execution on Windows 2000 and XP SP1, or privilege elevation on Windows XP SP2 and 2003. (CVE 2005-1978 CVE 2005-1979 CVE 2005-1980 CVE 2005-2119) Fix Bulletin 2000: 902400 05-051 XP: 902400 2003: 902400 or SP2 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: 3372:TCP 3372/TCP open and host type is NT, 2000, XP SP0-1, or 2003 SP0 Windows HyperTerminal buffer overflow Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2004-0568 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. 143 Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows HyperTerminal buffer overflow Description Fixes a vulnerability which could allow code execution when a user opens a malicious .ht file or possibly a Telnet URL. (CVE 2004-0568) Fix Bulletin NT: 873339 04-043 2000: 873339 or SP4 Update Rollup 1 XP: 873339 2003: 873339 or SP1 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios hypertrm.dll older than 2004-11-13 Windows Message Queuing vulnerability Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2005-0059 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Message Queuing vulnerability Description Fixes a buffer overflow in Message Queuing which could allow remote command execution. (Sites using only HTTP Message Delivery are not affected.) (CVE 2005-0059) 144 Fix Bulletin 2000: 892944 or 05-017 SP4 Update Rollup 1 XP: 892944 or SP2 2003: not affected Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios mqutil.dll older than 2005-2-16 Windows RPC mutual authentication spoofing Severity: Potential Problem CVE: CVE-2006-2380 CVE-2010-1556 Impact The absence of critical updates leads to the potential for denial of service or unauthorized access by attackers or malicious web sites. The Problems and Resolutions One or more of the following security updates is not installed on the target system. The resolution is to install the needed updates. This can be done either by following the links in the table, or by visiting the Windows Update service which will automatically determine which updates are needed for your system and help you install them. It is a good idea to make a backup of the system before installing an update, especially for service packs. After the system has been brought up to date, check Microsoft's web site regularly for new critical updates. Note: The links below apply to the standard editions of Windows operating systems. If you are using a Terminal Server edition, a 64-bit edition, or a non-Intel edition which is not listed, consult the corresponding Microsoft Security Bulletins for patch information. Update Name Windows RPC Mutual Authentication spoofing Description Fix Fixes vulnerability in Windows RPC 2000: 917736 for Windows 2000 that allows for spoofing of RPC authentication. (CVE 2006-2380) Bulletin 06-031 Where can I read more about this? For more information on critical updates, see the Windows critical update pages which are available for Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Windows Vista. Windows Server 2008. Technical Details Service: netbios rpcrt4.dll older than 2006-4-10 17/TCP Severity: Service 145 Technical Details "Assassination is the extreme form of censorship." 17/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 42/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 88/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 88/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 464/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 464/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 548/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 563/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1028/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 146 1030/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1031/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details ncacn_http/1.0 1053/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1054/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1056/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1059/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1063/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1068/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1073/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1081/UDP Severity: Service 147 Technical Details 1090/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1091/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1101/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1102/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1104/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1105/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1106/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1110/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1111/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1112/UDP Severity: Service 148 Technical Details 1113/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1128/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1129/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1135/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1138/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1144/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1150/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1240/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1369/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1415/UDP Severity: Service 149 Technical Details 1433/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1434/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1638/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1645/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1646/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1718/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1719/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1755/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 1755/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1801/TCP Severity: Service 150 Technical Details 1801/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 1813/UDP Severity: Service Technical Details 2101/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 2103/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 2107/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 3268/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 3269/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 3372/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details H\252\t\000x\001 3389/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 151 6666/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details 7007/TCP Severity: Service Technical Details DNS Severity: Service Technical Details FTP Severity: Service Technical Details 220 saintlab02 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0). FTP (with anonymous) Severity: Service Technical Details ANONYMOUS NNTP (Usenet news) Severity: Service Technical Details 200 NNTP Service 5.00.0984 Version: 5.0.2195.2966 Posting Allowed SMB Severity: Service Technical Details \131\000\000\001\143 SMTP Severity: Service Technical Details 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.2966 ready at Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:48:01 -0400 152 SNMP Severity: Service Technical Details WWW Severity: Service Technical Details HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 14:48:01 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 276 <html><head><title>Server Application WWW (Secure) Severity: Service Technical Details WWW (non-standard port 5406) Severity: Service Technical Details HTTP/1.1 403 Access Forbidden Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 14:48:03 GMT Content-Length: 3295 Content-Type: text/html <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XDM (X login) Severity: Service Technical Details bootpc (68/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details bootps (67/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details chargen (19/TCP) Severity: Service 153 Technical Details !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefg chargen:UDP (19/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details daytime (13/TCP) Severity: Service Technical Details 10:48:01 AM 7/13/2010 daytime (13/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details discard (9/TCP) Severity: Service Technical Details discard (9/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details domain (53/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details echo (7/TCP) Severity: Service Technical Details GET / HTTP/1.0 echo (7/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details eklogin (2105/TCP) Severity: Service 154 Technical Details isakmp (500/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details ldap (389/TCP) Severity: Service Technical Details ldap (389/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details microsoft-ds (445/TCP) Severity: Service Technical Details microsoft-ds (445/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details name (42/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details netbios-dgm (138/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details netbios-ns (137/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details ntp (123/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details printer (515/TCP) Severity: Service 155 Technical Details \001 radius (1812/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details ssl-ldap (636/TCP) Severity: Service Technical Details tftp (69/UDP) Severity: Service Technical Details Copyright 2001-2010 SAINT Corporation. All rights reserved. 156