annual report 2015


annual report 2015
Department of Marketing
1 Contents
Marketing Education and Research at the University of Oulu Business School
Review of the Year 2015
Seminars and Events
International Visits
Edited by:
Jari Juga and Katri Hyvönen
University of Oulu
Department of Marketing
P.O.Box 4600
FIN‐90014 University of Oulu
Email to the staff:
2 Marketing education and research at the University of Oulu
Business School
Oulu Business School at the University of Oulu is an international research and educational
institute for economic sciences. Oulu Business School is accredited by AACSB
International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), the premier
accreditation body for business schools worldwide. With some 1400 students and 100 staff
members, Oulu Business School is solely responsible for the University level Business
Education in the whole of Northern Finland.
The Department of Marketing educates marketing professionals for international and
domestic businesses and public organizations. The education is based on world‐class
research especially in the areas of industrial business relationships, digital economy and
logistics/supply chain management. The areas are studied from an international viewpoint,
assuring academic rigor and managerial relevance while covering changes in business
environment – such as globalization, digitalization, and co‐creation of value. A marketing
graduate is qualified for managerial and expert positions, with typical duties including
product management, customer relationship management and marketing communications.
Since the first marketing students were admitted in 1991 the Department of Marketing has
grown rapidly. We work in close cooperation with the business community, and combine
theory and practice both in teaching and research with an innovative approach. The
Department is active participant in the global academic network providing great
opportunities for international exchange periods and even the double degree arrangement
with the University of North Carolina. Erasmus scholarships allow students to visit
European universities as exchange students.
The research is carried out in close cooperation with the business community and public
organizations. Active collaboration with national and international academic partners is
fostered in research projects, many of which are supported by external funding
organizations such as the Academy of Finland and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for
Innovation). The goal is to produce high-level academic research of international standards
that is published in refereed international journals.
3 Review of the year 2015
The main focus at the Oulu Business School in 2015 was the implementation of the new
teaching programs – the general Bachelor’s Program and the five discipline-based Master’s
Programs. After the start in the fall 2014, the work with the new programs involved a lot of
practical issues related to new program structures, individual courses, updating of students’
study plans, etc. The faculty and staff at the Business School and at the Departments have
done a great work in getting the new programs up and running – an accomplishment for
which also the Marketing Department’s faculty deserve to be thanked.
Following the program reform, also the marketing program experienced a major change in
2015. In the spring of 2015, an international intake of students was administered and a
group of international students started their studies in the fall period 2015. Although this
first group of international degree students is not very big, the change of attitude in
teaching and interaction is significant. Hopefully, this change will also result in a increasing
global mindset of the students in the marketing program, and stronger capabilities to work
in multinational and multicultural settings.
The research activity of the Marketing Department remained strong in 2015. There were
17 refereed articles in international journals, a number of conference papers and other
academic publications, and two doctoral theses published by the Department’s faculty in
2015. Much of the research is carried out in externally funded research projects, notably
Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation) projects, indicating the high business
relevance of the research that is conducted.
Among the personnel changes in 2015 two deserve to be especially mentioned. Professor
Jaana Tähtinen, who has been one of the leading researchers especially in the area of
business-to-business relationships at the Oulu Business School, moved to the University of
Turku, Pori unit. We thank Jaana for the extraordinary work she has done at the Marketing
Department of the Oulu Business School. At the same time, it is a pleasure to say that
Pauliina Ulkuniemi was appointed professor after her serving in acting professor’s position
for several years. Her research is focused on business relationships, purchasing and service
management especially in an industrial marketing context. Besides her professor’s duties,
Pauliina is currently acting as the teaching dean of the Oulu Business School.
I thank the faculty of the Department of Marketing for their commitment and dedicated
work through 2015. I also thank our academic and business partners as well as project
funding organizations for support and cooperation. I hope that this annual report gives a
good glimpse of our key activities and results in 2015.
Jari Juga, professor
Head of the Marketing Department
In 2015 a total of 68 Bachelor’s Degrees and 45 Master’s Degrees were completed in
Marketing at the Oulu Business School. In addition one student completed Master’s degree
in Logistics. 42 Master’s theses in Marketing and 1 in Logistics were accepted during 2015
(see appendix for the list of thesis topics).
Teaching development team’s review of the year 2015
The teaching development team of the Marketing Department (MOKTR) focused its
activities on sustaining high quality of teaching in marketing. The group held eight meetings
during the year. The most remarkable achievements included the student feedback event All
about Marketing in September, the evaluation rubric for the verbal presentations of master’s
theses and the initiative of uniform student evaluation criteria for Oulu Business School. In
addition, MOKTR continued its work of gathering and analyzing student feedback, forming
proposals for actions and communicating these actions to the faculty and students.
The traditional welcoming event for new marketing students Marketing Mix and the student
feedback event Marketing Mashup were combined as one All About Marketing event. The
event took place on 17.9.2015 in Café Tuba where approximately 50 students and faculty
members gathered to discuss teaching-related issues in marketing at Oulu Business School
in laid-back atmosphere. To raise the turnout of the event a viral marketing campaign was
planned and implemented, including a promotional video that was filmed and presented in
OBS’s social media channels and in different settings around the campus. Business Kitchen’s
J-Bear also joined the event, with an introduction to the start-up business environment in
Oulu. Katja Ilyana’s DJ gig topped the evening off.
The Learning Café method was used to collect feedback around three themes: bachelor’s
and master’s theses, the course offering, and the guidance and support of studies. The
feedback session brought up a number of useful ideas related to marketing studies at the
Oulu Business School.
MOKTR has constantly worked on developing the student evaluation methods. In 2015 the
initiative of uniform student evaluation criteria was presented to the Oulu Business School
Education Committee and the initiative of OBS level evaluation guidelines was accepted by
the committee. An evaluation rubric for oral presentations in master’s degree programs
was also adopted for master’s theses assessments.
5 Members of the teaching development team in 2015 were: Ilkka Ojansivu (chair), Timo
Pohjosenperä, Outi Nuojua. Johanna Still and Hannu Torvinen (faculty members), with Miia
Paavola, Mikael Rahkamo, Tiina Reponen, Miina-Anniina Heiskanen and Josefiina Korhonen
(student members).
All about marketing event 17 September 2015.
Business cooperation The students are given ample opportunities to work on real-life business problems in
several courses, including the “Firm Project” course in the bachelor’s level studies and the
“Special Issues in Marketing” course in master’s level studies that can be tailored to solve
specific business problems and development issues. In the fall of 2015 Oulu Business School
launched cooperation with the Air Guitar World Championships. The cooperation sets
sights on the media attention of the event towards long-term sponsor relationships.
Students in the “Strategic Marketing Management” course participated in a case competition
with an aim to plan and develop the future of the AGWC event.
A number of visiting lecturers from different companies
and organizations have offered their insights into the
practices of marketing in our courses every year. Some
of the companies and organizations that visited our
courses in 2015 are listed below.
Among the companies and
organizations that participated
in marketing courses during
2015 were for example:
Corpi, Sonnisaari, Business Oulu,
Työmaa, Haltian, OP/Pivo, Bittium,
Optomed, Nokia Networks,
StoraEnso, Pipelife, F-Secure,
Goodwiller, Creoir, Palvelumuotoilu
Palo, CodeQ, Koodiviidakko,
Verkkoasema, Lumolink,
IndoorAtlas, SISU Interior, Aapo
Technologies, Arina, Kesko, Pörhö,
Vähälä, Ideapark, Laturi.
Most of our students also write their bachelor’s and
master’s thesis in close cooperation with companies or
public sector organizations.
Thanks to the cooperation with the business community,
the practical relevance of the studies is strengthened and
the students get a unique chance for interaction with the
companies and other stakeholder organizations.
Research in marketing at the Oulu Business School has three focal areas. The first area is
industrial marketing, especially business-to-business relationships and value-creating
networks. The second area is digital business, with digital marketing, social media and
mobile commerce as central research themes. The third area is logistics and supply chain
management with logistics services and outsourcing as specific areas of interest. Services
and service business management is a cross-cutting theme that is explored in a multidisciplinary group, SHARP (Sensing and Shaping Service Business Relationships), selected as
one of the Martti Ahtisaari Institute’s Research Groups for the period 2013-2015.
The research is carried out in close cooperation with the business community and public
organizations. Active collaboration with national and international academic partners is
fostered in research projects, many of which get supported by external funding
organizations such as the Academy of Finland and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for
Innovation). Our goal is to produce high-level academic research of international standards
that is published in refereed international journals.
Publications in 2015
A total of 17 articles in international refereed academic journals and 31 conference papers
were published by the faculty members of the Marketing Department in 2015. In addition,
several other scientific articles as well as two doctoral theses were published in 2015. A
complete list of publications by the faculty is presented in the Appendix below.
Research development team – MTETR
The Research Development Team of the Marketing Department (MTETR) has as its main
goal to develop research and doctoral education for the department. During 2015, MTETR
organized weekly research seminars and two research afternoon events. The first event
was organized on 9 June with three visitors giving presentations closely related to our
research: Tiina Sipola from the University Library, Matti Muhos from the micro-company
research unit of the Oulu Southern Institute, and Jaana Isohätälä from the Learning and
Educational Technology research unit. The second event was held on December 10th with
Martta Tervonen and Sami Mikkola from Luova laboratorio sharing their ideas about
creativity in research.
In our weekly research seminars during 2015 we heard 20 interesting presentations
including e.g. manuscripts for conference papers and journal articles, research plans, thesis
manuscript presentations and experiences from foreign universities. In addition, MTETR
established a Facebook group for the researchers of the marketing department. It is an
informal forum for sharing information about upcoming conferences, funding opportunities,
research visits, seminars and other topical matters.
The following faculty members were involved in the MTETR work: Mari Juntunen (chair
until 2.10.2015), Hanna Komulainen (chair from 2.10.2015 onwards), Anita Virta (secretary
until 2.10.2015), Johanna Still (secretary from 2.10.2015 onwards), Eeva‐Liisa Oikarinen and
Eija-Liisa Heikka.
3rd Northern Service Day in Oulu
Third Northern Service Day was arranged again this year in the end of January, bringing
together over 200 actors of Northern Finland service ecosystem. This year the focus was
on how experiences, and especially extra-ordinary experiences could bring competitive
edge in the global markets. The event took place at Oulu City Theatre on 29.1.2015 and
included several interesting speeches and panel discussion on this theme. It was agreed that
when the aim is to provide services and solutions that are valuable especially due their
experiential elements, the interaction during the service encounter is very important. In
addition, to achieve scalable business, digitalization and better utilization of knowledge, and
also big data, is needed.
During the event, Oulu based entrepreneurs and other actors were able to demonstrate
their methods, solutions and skills enabling joint value creation between customers and
service providers. Panelists were Tony Manninen, Ludocraft, Antti Kairakari, Whatever
Group, Heini Tuorila, Haltian, Tommi Uhari, Uros, and Jari Moilanen, Nokia. The event was
organized by Oulu Business School, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, University of
Lapland, City of Oulu, BusinessOulu, VTT, Tekes, and Finnish Service Alliance.
Panel discussion at Northern Service Day in Oulu 29.1.2015
Kick-off event for the HURMOS Project
A kick-off event for the HURMOS - Developing Humour as a Strategic Tool for Creating
Innovative Business – project was organized in the University of Oulu 9.3.2015. The
cooperating companies were introduced the aims and goals of the project as well as the
networks of experts involved in the project. Also each of the companies got to present
themselves by telling a humorous story from their own organizations. The Tekes-funded
HURMOS project aims to raise awareness of how to use humour in Finnish companies for
developing new practices and business opportunities.
8 Science Days in the University of Oulu 1.-2.9.2015
A two-day public science event was organized at the Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campuses
in September of 2015. The event was open for people of all ages. Theme of the event was
to analyze the role of chance in research. During the days several workshops, lectures and
info sessions were provided by all of the faculties. The aim was to introduce middle
schoolers to making science and to demonstrate that science can be fun. For the event the
Marketing Department created its own ad-movie theater ‘Science of Ads’ in the Arina-hall.
Some successful and well-known ad- and marketing videos were shown to the audience and
the viewers were then asked to think about the different influence mechanisms utilized in
the videos.
The Science of Ads session in Science Days, 1-2.9.2015
Professor Jari Salo was invited as speaker for the University of Patras in Greece in April
2015. He gave a presentation in a title of “New Product Development at the Digital Age”
for the MBA students and staff of the university 23.4.2015. More information: Professor Jari
Salo, jari.salo(at)
University lecturer Saila Saraniemi visited Lancaster University Management School, UK
during 7.4.-21.4.2015. During her visit she prepared a joint article with Lecturer Teea Palo
from LUMS. She also gave a presentation about Tekes-funded Digital Health Revolution
project for LUMS Markets studies research group. The collaboration within digital health
services theme has continued with Dr. Teea Palo and Professor Katy Mason since this visit.
Dr. Saila Saraniemi also visited the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, during During the visit she participated in international "Understanding co-creation of
brand meaning" workshop at Tisvildeleje, and prepared a joint article about branding and
temporality with associate professor Richard Gyrd-Jones from CBS. She also presented her
destination branding related research at a research seminar for CBS marketing researchers.
This visit continues the ongoing research collaboration between CBS and OBS branding
9 Doctoral Candidate Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen visited Stockholm School of Economics, Center
for Consumer Marketing during 11.-23.10.2015. During her visit she worked with her
doctoral thesis project related to humour in Internet recruitment advertising and presented
a research paper to be included in her thesis in the Center for Consumer Marketing's
weekly seminar.
Dr. lkka Ojansivu visited Adelaide Business School in Adelaide, Australia 01.11.201512.02.2016. The visit was aimed at developing research cooperation with Dr. Chris Medlin
in the area of business relationships and networks. The visit resulted in a joint paper for the
IMP Conference 2016.
Doctoral Student Waqar Nadeem visited Paul Merage School of Business, University of
California, Irvine, USA during 27th December, 2014 – 25th June, 2015. He participated in the
research fest held at Paul Merage School of Business on April 23rd, 2015. Waqar presented
his poster under the title of “Facebook Shopping: Friend or a Foe?”. This research signifies
the recent developments in Facebook(announced in the F8 Conference held in March, 2015
in San-Francisco) and how it will change the whole scenario of online shopping, comprising
of huge online market. Moreover, he attended a 10-weeks doctoral level Social Media
course which was instructed by Prof. Alladi Venkatesh in the Winter quarter (January to
March, 2015). In addition to that, he also attended University of California System Doctoral
Colloquium held as on May 15th at University of California, Riverside. Further information:
Waqar Nadeem, email: waqar.nadeem(at)
Waqar Nadeem visiting the Paul Merage Business School in Irvine California 27.12.201425.6.2015.
Dr. Mari Juntunen visited the AASCB-accredited Griffith Business School, Australia,
during 23.11.–8.12.2015. During that time Mari attended the annual Branding@Griffith
Roundtable-event and gave a visiting lecture on the topic of ‘SME Brading and Imagined
Future’. She also drove forward the ongoing research collaboration with professor Bill
Merrilees and Dr. Dale Miller and their Branding@Griffith – research group, who also
worked as hosts for her visit, and initiated new research collaboration. Moreover Mari
participated the ANZMAC 2015 – conference in Sydney, where she presented two
research papers and presided a conference session. International research exchange grant
was appropriated for the visit by the research council of Oulu University.
Efficient and scalable logistics support services in health care
Tekes-funded project Terveet tukipalvelut (Healthy Support Services)
started in 2014 and it focuses on health care systems in sparsely populated
areas with long distances. Researchers from different disciplines have
focused on e.g. value creation and modularity of logistics support services
in health care, cost accounting of care chain, geographical locations of
service centers and division of labor between care personnel and support
service personnel. The project will continue till the end of March 2016.
The project is conducted in collaboration between Oulu Business School,
Department of Geography (University of Oulu), Industrial Engineering and
Management (University of Oulu) Itella Posti Oyj, Hospital districts of
Northern Ostrobothnia and Lapland (PPSHP, LSHP), and City of Oulu.
More information: Timo Pohjosenperä (timo.pohjosenpera (at)
DHR – Digital Health Revolution
The DHR Project started in 2014 and continues until March 2016, with
funding from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
TEKES. The project aims at changing how people think, act and access
health related services in their lives. The research is conducted by SHARP
research team, Marketing Department and Martti Ahtisaari Institute at
Oulu Business School. The goal is to identify future business opportunities
and their potential value propositions, business contexts and alternative
business models and emerging business ecosystems related to future
connected health My Data services.
DHR is conducted by multidisciplinary consortium including University of
Oulu, coordinator CHT, University of Lapland, University of Helsinki,
Aalto University, Tampere University of Technology, Technical Research
Center of Finland and National Consumer Research Center. Research
team at Oulu Business School has focused on developing new knowledge
of digital services in health and wellbeing context, conceptualization and
service journey design along with value co-creation analysis.
More information: Timo Koivumäki (timo.koivumaki(at), and Saila
Saraniemi (saila.saraniemi(at)
11 Value co-creation in Technological B2B Services
Value co-creation in Technological B2B Services is a postdoctoral research
project financed by Academy of Finland. The overall purpose of this
project is to explore value creation in the context of emerging
technological business services by focusing on three main themes: value
co-creation, technological business services and business models.
During 2015 Hanna Komulainen presented her research results in the
XXV International Conference of RESER in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in
the International Conference on Business Market Management, Queen
Mary University of London, United Kingdom.
More information: Hanna Komulainen:
HURMOS - Developing Humour as a strategic tool for
creating innovative business
Tekes-funded HURMOS project aims to raise awareness of how to use
humour in Finnish companies for developing new practices and business
opportunities. The multidisciplinary project identifies business potential
related to strategic humour usage in companies, current practices as well
as potential and limits of humour in corporate communications and in
product and service development.
Humour is explored as part of both internal and external activities and
communication. Moreover new business opportunities will be created
through developing humour-based products, services and communication
solutions to support to growth and internalization of organizations. The
project sets sights on increasing innovations, creativity and communal
enthusiasm between companies and customers. The TEKES-funded
research project is executed in concert of Oulu Business School and Oulu
University of Applied Sciences.
More information: Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen, eeva-liisa.oikarinen(at);,
12 ReDo – Redefining digital opportunities
The aim of the ReDO project is to understand how the digital value
creation logic can be utilized in developing new service businesses. Our
vision is to advance knowledge and understanding of digital services in the
future with focus on concepts such as customer experience, reversed data
usage, Omni-channel strategies, and digital business models. The project
aims to further generation of new business by gaining information about
final customer value creation processes for companies and organizations
offering digital services.
The project started in 2015 and the first year of this two-year project has
been time of extensive data collection from various sources: for example
interviews and survey for Pivo mobile banking users, as well as interviews
for leading Finnish FinTech startups. Tekes-funded ReDO project is
implemented by partners from the Oulu Business School, University of
Jyväskylä, University of Tampere and VTT. Our business partners are
OP/Pivo, Enfo Zender, HUS, Helsinki Capital Partners and Tieto Oyj.
More information: Saila Saraniemi (saila.saraniemi(at)
BRIIF – Public Procurement Bridging International Forerunners
The main objective of BRIIF is to generate knowledge on value co-creation
in a triad of public procurers, suppliers and end-customers. The triad is
examined from strategic management, marketing and business network
viewpoints paying particular attention to the legal and technological
considerations. The project started in 2014 and is funded by TEKES. The
work is implemented in cooperation between the University of Oulu
Business School, Center for Internet Excellence, University of Lapland,
City of Oulu, City of Hämeenlinna and Municipality of Tyrnävä.
In 2015 researchers at the University of Oulu and University of Lapland
focused on research collaboration and data collection through interviews
as well as workshops and focus-groups for various stakeholder groups.
Results were disseminated through conferences and seminar presentations
as well as various academic and professional publications.
More information: Pauliina Ulkuniemi, pauliina.ulkuniemi(at)
Key figures
Conference, workshop and seminar presentations
Assignments related to scientific publishing
Assignments related to scientific conferences
Expert statements and evaluations
International researcher exchange and visits
Master’s theses accepted in 2015
14 Key figures
45 + 1
Source: Oulun yliopisto tutkii database
15 Publications in 2015
International refereed journal articles
Andreini, D., Salo, J., Wendelin, R., Pezotta, G. & Gaiardelli, P. (2015). From a servicedominant logic to a good-dominant logic: Consequences for the buyer-seller
relationships of a corporate bank. IMP Journal 9(3), 250–266.
Anees-ur-Rehman, M. (2015). Clarifying the brand orientation construct for business-tobusiness sector. International Journal of Business and Management 9(12), 62–73.
Huotari, L., Ulkuniemi, P., Saraniemi, S. & Mäläskä, M. (2015). Analysis of content
creation in social media by B2B companies. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
30(6), 761–770.
Juntunen, J., Juntunen, M. & Juga, J. (2015). Latent classes of service quality, logistics
costs and loyalty. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 18(5), 442–458.
Juntunen, J., Juntunen, M., Paananen, M. & Kess, P. (2014). Loyalty, power and
relationships: A latent class approach. International Journal of Management and Enterprise
Development 13 (3/4), 219–230.
Juntunen, M. (2015). Time-based modifications to process theory illustrations through a
corporate rebranding case study. Baltic Journal of Management 10(2), 222–242.
Juusola, K., Kettunen, K. & Alajoutsijärvi, K. (2015). Accelerating the Americanization of
management education: Five responses from business schools. Journal of Management
Inquiry 24(4), 347–369.
Karjaluoto, H., Mustonen, N. & Ulkuniemi, P. (2015). The role of digital channels in
industrial marketing communications. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 30(6),
Karjaluoto, H. & Ulkuniemi, P. (2015). Digital communications in industrial marketing.
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 30(6), 1.
Lin, Y., Pekkarinen, S. & Ma, S. (2015) Service-dominant logic for managing the logisticsmanufacturing interface: A case study. International Journal of Logistics Management 26(1),
Mäntymäki, M. & Salo, J. (2015). Why do teens spend real money in virtual worlds? A
consumption values and developmental psychology perspective on virtual consumption.
International Journal of Information Management 35(1), 124–134.
Nadeem, W., Andreini, D., Salo, J. & Laukkanen, T. (2015). Engaging consumers online
through websites and social media: A gender study of Italian generation y clothing
consumers. International Journal of Information Management 35(4), 432–442.
Ojansivu, I. & Alajoutsijärvi, K. (2015). Inside service-intensive projects: Analyzing inbuilt
tensions. International Journal of Project Management 33(4), 901–916.
16 Ojansivu, I., Alajoutsijärvi, K. & Salo, J. (2015). Business relationships during project
afterlife: Antecedents, processes, and outcomes. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
30(5), 572–583.
Simula, H., Valiauga, P. & Lehtimäki, T. (2015). Technology versus product innovations are they like apples and oranges? A comparative study on commercialisation.
International Journal of Technology Marketing 10(1), 25–46.
Sinisalo, J., Karjaluoto, H. & Saraniemi, S, (2015). Barriers to the use of mobile sales force
automation systems: A Salespersons Perspective. Journal of Systems and Information
Technology 17(2), 121–140.
Ulkuniemi, P., Araujo, L. & Tähtinen, J. (2015). Purchasing as market-shaping: The case
of component-based software engineering. Industrial Marketing Management 44(1), 54–62.
Articles in compilations
Turunen, H., Väyrynen, S. & Lehtinen, U. (2015) Introducing a scenario of a seaport's
HSEQ framework: Review and a case in northern Finland. In: Väyrynen, S., Häkkinen, K.
& Niskanen,T. (eds). Integrated Occupational Safety and Health Management: Solutions and
Industrial Cases Part 2. Cham: Springer, 69-96.
Conference papers
Anees-ur-Rehman, M. (2014). Essentials for establishing brand orientation in internal and
external environment: An insight for business-to-business sector. Conference proceedings
ABSRC 2014, 1-10, Milan, Italy. December 10-12, 2014
Haapanen, L., Rainto, I., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. & Nikkilä, S. (2015). Effects of crossborder M&A on product creation processes. (Abstract). Proceedings of 13th Vaasa
Conference on International Business, 1-25, Vaasa, Finland. August 27-28, 2015.
Haukipuro, L., Torvinen, H., Väinämö, S. & Mattila, P. (2015). Use of living lab in innovative
public procurement: Case keyless home care. Conference proceedings of OpenLivingLab
Days 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. August 24-28, 2015.
Hautamäki, M., Pohjosenperä, T., Pekkarinen, S. & Juga, J. (2015). Co-creating value
for public healthcare customer through modularity of logistics services. 22nd European
Operations Management Association Conference 2015: Operations Management for
Sustainable Competitiveness, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. June 26 - July 1, 2015.
Heikka, E-L. (2015). Creating value in knowledge-intensive business services. (Abstract).
6th International Seminar on Service Modularity: Architectures, Platforms and Interfaces, Aalto
University School of Business, 1-29, Helsinki, Finland. January 15-16, 2015.
Heikka, E-L., Nätti, S. & Pekkarinen, S. (2015). Value propositions in knowledgeintensive business services: Varying customer relationships and varying propositions. The
31th Annual IMP Conference: Organizing Sustainable B2B relationships - Designing in Changing
Networks, 1-21, Kolding, Denmark. August 25 -29, 2015.
17 Heikka, E-L., Saraniemi, S. & Ulkuniemi, P. (2015). Developing digital self-care
services in health care through value propositions. Proceedings of the 25th Annual RESER
Conference: Innovative Services in the 21st century, 1-12, Copenhagen, Denmark.
September 9-12, 2015.
Juntunen, J., Juntunen, M., Paananen, M. & Kess, P. (2015). Latent classes of corporate
social responsibility within a supply chain. Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation
for Sustainable and Inclusive Society, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint
International Conference, 1461-1472, Bari, Italy. May 27-29, 2015.
Juntunen, M. (2014). A triadic challenge of a divorce child’s family communities.
(Abstract). Values of childhood and childhood Studies, VI conference on childhood studies, 53,
University of Oulu, Finland. May 7-9, 2014.
Juntunen, M. (2015). The three domains of SME branding: An integrative literature review
and a future research agenda. Conference Proceedings of 2015 ANZMAC Conference
‘Innovation and Growth Strategies in Marketing’, Australasian Marketing Journal 2015
ANZMAC Conference, 901-907,
Juntunen, M. & Juntunen, J. (2015). Creating a model for industry brand equity.
Conference Proceedings of 2015 ANZMAC Conference 'Innovation and Growth Strategies in
Marketing', Australasian Marketing Journal 2015 ANZMAC Conference, 915-921, Sydney,
Australia. November 30 – December 2, 2015.
Juntunen, M. & Juntunen, J. (2014). Cross-creating mind-based value between social and
imagined communities. (Abstract). 13th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, NonProfit and Social Marketing, Understanding Impact in Arts, Heritage, Social marketing and NonProfit Marketing, Birmingham, England. September 3, 2014.
Juntunen, M. & Juntunen, J. (2015). Verifying the image-dominant (id) logic through value
cross-creation between social and imagined communities. Exploring Services Science 6th
International Conference, IESS 2015, 152-165, Porto, Portugal. February 4-6, 2015.
Juntunen, M., Juntunen, J. & Paananen, M. (2015). Mixture modeling in branding
research: latent classes of brand equity and loyalty in an organizational context
(Abstract). 10th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate
Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group (SIG), 83-89, Turku, Finland. April 27-29,
Komulainen, H., Karjaluoto, H., Saarijärvi, H., Saraniemi, S., Still, K. & Ulkuniemi, P.
(2015). Unlocking new business potential in the field of digital services. Proceedings of the
25th Annual RESER Conference: Innovative services in the 21st Century, 1-15, Copenhagen,
Denmark. September 9-12, 2015.
Lappi, M. & Pekkarinen, S. (2015). Customer engagement from customer-dominant logic
perspective (Abstract). The 1st Service systems forum on service research in the personal
data economy (SSF2015), 1, Venice, Italy. May 26-27, 2015.
Nätti, S., Pekkarinen, S. & Ulkuniemi, P. (2015). Modular service offerings in
professional service firms: variety of contexts and challenges. The 31th Annual IMP
18 Conference: Organizing sustainable B-to-B relationships - Designing in Changing Networks, IMP
Group, 1-29, Kolding, Denmark. August 25-29, 2015.
Nuojua, O. (2015). Managing public-private partnerships in centralized public
procurement: Factors influencing relationship initiation and termination. The 31th Annual
IMP Conference: Organizing sustainable B-to-B relationships - Designing in Changing Networks,
IMP Group, 1-23, Kolding, Denmark. August 25-29, 2015.
Oikarinen, E-L. (2015). Online audience responses to humorous employer branding in
online job ad (Abstract). 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF 2015:
Business in Society, 74-75, Copenhagen, Denmark. August 12-14, 2015.
Oikarinen, E-L. (2015). The moderating role of congruence between humour and fun
climate of the company on the effects of humour in online job ads (Abstract). Proceedings
of the 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), European
Advertising Academy, 1-6, London, UK. July 3-4, 2015.
Oikarinen, E-L., Järvinen, M. & Ahola, H. (2015). Proposing a framework how humour can
be utilized in strategic brand building in e-retailing (Abstract). 23rd Nordic Academy of
management conference NFF 2015: Business in society, 72, Copenhagen, Denmark. August
12-14, 2015.
Palo, T., Komulainen, H. & Pekkarinen, S. (2015). Understanding business relationship
dynamics through value co-creation: stories from an industrial service provider and its
customers (Abstract). 7th Bi-Annual International Conference on Business Market
Management (BMM), 1-7, London, UK. July 2-4, 2015.
Pekkarinen, S., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. & Ulkuniemi, P. (2015). Modularity and value
appropriability in service innovation. (Abstract). 6th International Seminar on Service
Modularity: Architectures, Platforms and Interfaces, 10:1-14, Helsinki, Finland. January, 1516 2015.
Ryan, A & Saraniemi, S. (2015). Reconciling tensions and tradeoffs between supply side
network actors as tourism brand making: the case of Burren eco-tourism network. 2015
Academy of Marketing Conference: The Magic in Marketing, 1-7, Limerick University,
Ireland. July 7-9, 2015.
Saraniemi, S., Palo, T., Pekkarinen, S., Ulkuniemi, P. & Riuttanen, L. (2015). An
organized effort to shape a nascent e-health market: actions and artefacts. The 31th
Annual IMP Conference: Organizing Sustainable BtoB Relationships - Designing in Changing
Networks, 1-15, Kolding, Denmark. August 25-29, 2015.
Saraniemi, S., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Horneman, M., Oikarinen, E.-L. & Nätti, S.
(2015). Service brand switching in energy business: an empirical study from liberalized
markets (Abstract). Proceedings of 14th annual EAA conference, ICORIA, 1-6, London, UK.
July 2-4, 2015.
Saraniemi, S. & Komppula, R. (2015). Brand partnerships creating destination brand
identity (Abstract). 10th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand,
19 Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group (SIG), 243-247, Turku, Finland.
April 27-29, 2015.
Sinisalo, J. & Oikarinen, E-L. (2015). Challenges and opportunities related to using
humour in internet recruitment ads: Case study from the architect industry in Finland.
(Abstract). 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF 2015: Business in Society,
73-73, Copenhagen, Denmark. August 12-14, 2015.
Torvinen, H. & Ulkuniemi, P. (2015). End-user engagement within innovative public
procurement practices. The 31st Annual IMP Conference: Organizing sustainable B-to-B
relationships - designing in changing Networks, 1-20, Kolding, Denmark. August 25–29,
Vuorela, T, Oikarinen, E-L., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Ahola, H., Aro, P., Alatalo, S.,
Poutiainen, A., Saraniemi, S., Estola, E., Hyvönen, P., Tähtinen, J. & Sinisalo, J. (2015).
Humour as a strategic tool for creating innovative business: proposing a framework and
a research agenda. (Abstract). Proceedings of 23rd Nordic Academy of Management
Conference (NFF) 2015: Business in Society, 1-12, Copenhagen, Denmark. August 12–14 ,
Vuorela, T., Oikarinen, E-L., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Tähtinen, J., Ahola, H., Alatalo,
S., Aro, P., Poutiainen, A., Sinisalo, J., Saraniemi, S., Estola, E., Hyvönen, P. & Impiö, N.
(2015). The HURMOS project: Exploring humour as a strategic tool for creating
innovative business. (Abstract). 15th International Summer School and Symposium on
Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications. 1, Saint-Petersburg, Russian
Federation. July 13-18, 2015.
Doctoral theses
Mäläskä, M. (2015). 25.8.2015. Co-creation of corporate brand through stakeholder
relationships in B2B SMEs.
Ramachandran, S. (2015). 26.10.2015. Understanding brand loyalty and disloyalty
formation among consumers' of short life-cycle products.
Articles in professional press and newspapers / Other publications
Ahokangas, P., Alila, H., Helaakoski, H., Kyllönen, V., Lehtimäki, T., Peltomaa, I.,
Seppänen, V. & Tanner, H. (2015). Collaborative business networks of the future.
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus VTT.
Conference, Workshop and Seminar presentations
Heikka, E-L., Nätti, S. & Pekkarinen, S. Managing customer relationships in
knowledge-intensive business services. IMP Conference 2015, Kolding, Denmark.
20 Hurmelinna-Laukkanen P., Oikarinen E-L., Vuorela T. & Alatalo S. Huumorista työkaluja
innovatiiviseen liiketoimintaan hankkeen esittely. HURMOS - Developing Humour as a
Strategic Tool for Creating Innovative Business, Kick-off Event for a TEKES-project, Oulu,
Finland. 09.03.2015.
Juntunen M., Juntunen J. & Paananen M. Mixture modeling in branding research: Latent
classes of brand equity and loyalty in an organizational context. 10th Global Brand
Conference of the AMs Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG, Turku, Finland.
Juntunen, M. & Juntunen, Jouni. Creating a Model for Industry Brand Equity. ANZMAC
2015 Conference, Sydney, Australia. 30.11.2015.
Juntunen, Mari, The three domains of SME branding. An integrative literature review and
a future research agenda. ANZMAC 2015 Conference, Sydney, Australia. 30.11.2015.
Keränen, O. Relational governance through cooperative interaction during public
procurement. Marketing Department Research Seminar, Oulu, Finland. 19.11.2015.
Nuojua, O. Dynamics of triadic public-private partnership: factors influencing relationship
initiation and termination. Research Seminar of the Public Procurement Bridging International
Forerunners -Project Oulu, Finland. 08.05.2015.
Nuojua, O. Managing public-private partnerships in centralized public procurement: factors
influencing relationship initiation and termination. 31st Annual IMP Conference, Kolding,
Denmark. 27.08.2015.
Oikarinen, E. Exploring the responses to humorous job advertising in small company’s
online employer branding. The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, PhD
Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark. 11.08.2015.
Oikarinen, E-L., Järvinen, M. & Ahola H. Understanding opportunities and challenges of
unconventional humour usage in digital content marketing Case Varusteleka. 23rd Nordic
Academy of Management Conference NFF 2015: Business In Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Oikarinen, E-L. Online audience views toward employer branding with humour in online
job ads. 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF 2015: Business in Society,
Copenhagen, Denmark. 13.08.2015.
Oikarinen, E-L. & Sinisalo J. Challenges and opportunities of using humour in recruitment
advertising campaign. Case study from architect industry. Marketing Department Research
Seminar, Oulu, Finland. 10.12.2015.
Oikarinen E-L. The congruence between humour and fun climate moderating the
negative effects of humour in online job ads. 15th International Summer School and
Symposium on Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications, Saint Petersburg,
Russia. 16.07.2015.
Oikarinen E-L. The congruence between humour and fun company climate moderating
the effects of humour in online job ads. How to make sense results? Stockholm School of
Economics, Center for Consumer Marketing, department meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
21 Oikarinen E-L. The moderating role of congruence between humour and fun climate of
the company on the effects of humour in online job ads. The 14th International Conference
on Research in Advertising 2015, ICORIA2015, London, United Kingdom. 03.07.2015.
Oikarinen, E-L. Employer brand communication - using humour in online job ads. Guest
lecture at the Brand Management -course, Oulu, Finland. 30.01.2015.
Oikarinen, E-L. Sharing experiences from a two week research visit to Stockholm School
of Economics, Center for Consumer Marketing 12.10-23.10.15. Marketing Department
Research Seminar, Oulu, Finland. 05.11.2015.
Palo T. & Komulainen, H., Understanding business relationship dynamics through value
co-creation? Stories from an industrial service provider and its customers. International
Conference on Business Market Management, London, United Kingdom. 03.07.2015.
Pohjosenperä T. Terveet tukipalvelut - tätä pohjoisessa on tutkittu. Health and Economics
convention 2015, Kittilä, Finland. 27.08.2015.
Pekkarinen, S., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. & Ulkuniemi, P. Modularity and innovation
appropriability? Value appropriation on service innovation. International 6th Annual
Seminar on Service Modularity, Helsinki, Finland. 16.01.2015.
Saraniemi S., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen P., Horneman M., Oikarinen E-L. & Nätti S.
Service brand switching in energy business: An empirical study from liberalized markets.
The 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2015, ICORIA2015, London,
United Kingdom. 03.07.2015.
Nätti S., Ulkuniemi, P. & Pekkarinen, S. Knowledge sharing in modular service
offerings? An exploratory case study in knowledge intensive business service firms. IMP
Conference 2015, Kolding, Denmark. 28.08.2015.
Still, J., Co-creation of service experiences in advertising agency-customer relationships.
RESER 2015 Doctoral Colloquium, Roskilde, Denmark. 09.09.2015.
Vuorela, T., Oikarinen, E-L., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen P., Tähtinen, J., Ahola H., Alatalo S.,
Aro, P., Poutiainen, A., Sinisalo, J., Saraniemi, S., Estola, E., Hyvönen, P. & Impiö, N.
The HURMOS project - exploring humour as a strategic tool for creating innovative
business. 15th International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter: Theory,
Research and Applications, Poster, Saint Petersburg, Russia. 15.07.2015
Assignments related to scientific publishing
Heikka, Eija-Liisa
‐ Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
Juga, Jari
‐ Marius. Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (Reviewer)
‐ Scandinavian Journal of Management. Elsevier 2015 (Reviewer)
‐ Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. Emerald (Reviewer)
22 Juntunen, Jouni
‐ Improving Cost-Efficiency and Reducing Environmental Impacts of Intermodal
Transportation with Dry Port Concept ? Major Rail Transport Corridor in Baltic Sea
Region. Lappeenranta University of Technology (Reviewer)
‐ International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Emerald
‐ Strategic Outsourcing: International Journal 2. Emerald (Reviewer)
‐ World review of intermodal transportation research. Inderscience 2015 (Reviewer)
Juntunen, Mari
‐ Baltic Journal of Management. Emerald (Reviewer)
‐ International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Emerald
‐ Journal of Brand Management. Palgrave Macmillan (Reviewer)
Komulainen, Hanna
International Journal of Technology Marketing. Inderscience Publishers (Reviewer)
The Service Industries Journal. Routledge (Reviewer)
International Journal of Production Economics. Elsevier BV (Reviewer)
Journal of Business Market Management. Springer Gabler (Reviewer)
Nätti, Satu
‐ Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
Oikarinen, Eeva-Liisa
‐ European Journal of Innovation Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2015
‐ Journal of Marketing Communications. Routledge (Reviewer)
Pekkarinen, Saara
Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
International Journal of Logistics Management. Emerald (Reviewer)
International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Emerald (Reviewer)
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Emerald
International Journal of Services Technology and Management. InderScience
Publishers (Reviewer)
Journal of Business Industrial Marketing. Emerald (Reviewer)
Research in Engineering Design. Springer (Reviewer)
Service Science. Informs, (Reviewer)
Salo, Jari
‐ Contemporary Management Research. Contemporary Management Research, Taiwan
(Member of editorial board)
23 ‐ International Business and Economics Review. ISG, Portugal (Member of editorial
‐ International Journal of E-services and Mobile Applications. IGI Global (Member of
editorial board)
‐ International Journal of Electronic Business Management. IJEBM (Member of board)
‐ Journal of Information Technology Research. IGI Global (Editor)
‐ Journal of Information Technology Research. IGI Global (Member of editorial board)
‐ Service Business. Springer (Member of editorial board)
Saraniemi, Saila
‐ Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Emerald (Reviewer)
‐ Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Emerald (Reviewer)
‐ Tourism Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
Ulkuniemi, Pauliina
‐ Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
‐ Service Science. Informs (Reviewer)
Assignments related to scientific conferences
Heikka, E-L. 31st Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Kolding,
Denmark. (Reviewer)
Juntunen, M. ANZMAC 2015 Conference, Sydney, Australia. 30.11.2015-02.12.2015.
(Chairman of a session)
Juntunen, M. 10th Global Brand Conference of the AM’s Brand, Corporate Identity and
Reputation SIG, Turku, Finland. 27.04.2015-29.04.2015. (Chairman of a session)
Keränen, O. 31st Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Kolding,
Denmark. 25.08.2015-29.08.2015 (Reviewer)
Nätti, S. 31st Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference, Kolding, Denmark.
27.08.2015-29.08.2015 (Reviewer)
Oikarinen, E-L. 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF2015,
Copenhagen, Denmark. 12.08.2015-14.08.2015 (Involvement in organizing the conference,
Chairman of a session, Reviewer)
Oikarinen, E-L. 44th EMAC European marketing academy annual conference, Leuven,
Belgium. 26.05.2015-29.05.2015 (Reviewer)
Oikarinen, E-L. The 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2015,
ICORIA2015, London, Great Britain. 02.07.2015-04.07.2015 (Reviewer)
Pekkarinen, S. 31st Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference Kolding,
Denmark. 27.08.2015-29.08.2015 (Reviewer)
Saraniemi, S. 10th Global Brand Conference of the AM’s Brand, Corporate Identity and
Reputation SIG, Turku, Suomi. 27.04.2015-29.04.2015 (Chairman of a session)
24 Saraniemi, S. The 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2015,
ICORIA2015, London, Great Britain. 03.07.2015-04.07.2015 (Reviewer)
Tähtinen, J. 44th EMAC European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, Leuven,
Belgium. 26.05.2015-29.05.2015 (Reviewer)
Expert statements and evaluations
Saraniemi, S. Docentural evaluation, Jyväskylä University School of Business and
Economics, September 2015
Saraniemi, S. Opponent for doctoral thesis, Turku School of Economics, March 2015
Saraniemi, S. Pre-examiner’s statement for doctoral thesis, Jyväskylä University School of
Business and Economics, January 2015.
Saraniemi, S. Pre-examiner’s statement for doctoral thesis, Turku School of Economics,
February 2015.
International researcher and exchange visits
Juntunen, M. Griffith Business School/ Department of Marketing, Gold Coast, Australia
23.11.2015-08.12.2015 (Research).
Oikarinen, E-L. Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Consumer Marketing,
Stockholm, Sweden 11.10.2015-23.10.2015 (Research).
Ojansivu, I. Adelaide Business School, Adelaide, Australia 01.11.2015-12.02.2016
Saraniemi, S. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark 23.09.201502.10.2015 (Research).
Saraniemi, S. Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, The United Kingdom
Nadeem, W. Paul Merage School of Business at University of California, Irvine, The
United States 27.12.2014-25.06.2015 (Research)
25 Master’s theses accepted in 2015
1. Alatalo, Sami: Internetin tuotearvosteluiden vaikutus kuluttajan
ostopäätösprosessin eri vaiheissa
2. Fauth, Elina: Kaakkurin hyvinvointikoulun asiakasarvon ulottuvuudet ja
3. Gergov, Tomas: Asiakkaan kokeman arvon muodostuminen digitaalisessa
kaupankäynnissä: tapaus Gigantti
4. Haapalainen, Sanna: Mainostoimiston resurssit osana asiakkaan
5. Hautamäki, Minna: Co-creating value-in-use for public healthcare customer
through modularity of logistics services
6. Heikkilä, Katariina: Ammattimessujen arvo osana alihankintateollisuuden pkyritysten markkinointiviestintää
7. Heikkuri, Suvi: Inhibitors and enablers in innovative public procurement
8. Hourula, Jenni: Käyttäjien luoman sisällön rooli kuluttajan superfoodien
9. Husso, Sofia: Brändi-identiteetin vihreiden osatekijöiden tunnistaminen ja
viestiminen osana paikkamarkkinointia
10. Isokangas, Maiju: Asiantuntijan myyntityön kehittäminen
11. Kajander, Karoliina: Toimittajien arviointi ja kehittäminen kestävän kehityksen
mukaisesti ruokateollisuuden alan yrityksessä
12. Kalmakoski, Viivi: Pakonomaista ostokäyttäytymistä edistävät tekijät yksilön
13. Kanto, Tiina: Digitaaliset asiakaslehdet kuluttajan arvon lähteenä finanssialalla
14. Kauhanen, Kaisa: Defining a value co-creation based business model: case ice
wall service
15. Kumpula, Henna: ''Näkemiin vaan muru'': toimittajasuhteen päättymisen
16. Kumpula, Nelli: Palvelukohtaamisen aikana havaitut palvelukokemuksen
emotionaaliset tekijät
17. Kunelius, Heidi: Avoimen innovaation aktiviteetit startup-yrityksen
26 18. Kunnas, Senni: Luontaistuotealan pienyrityksen jakelukanavan valinta ja
19. Kärjä Henri: Arkkityypit henkilöbrändin, fanien ja populäärimedian viestinnässä
20. Marttila, Helinä: Tekstissä rakentuva luotettavuus varainhoitoyritysten
21. Maunu, Mari: Digitaalinen sisältömarkkinointi osana yritysten
22. Moilanen, Iiro: Asiakasomistajasuhteen syventäminen
23. Niemi, Anni: Mikroyrityksen liikesuhteiden hallinta keskeisessä verkostossa
24. Niemi, Ari: Medianäyttömainonnan vaikutus päivittäistavaratuotteiden myyntiin
25. Peltola, Jussi; Peltola, Mikko: Autokaupan selviytymiskeinot laskusuhdanteen ja
laman aikana
26. Piuva, Anna-Maaria: Leikkausosaston tarvikkeiden materiaaliprosessit : voiko
lean-ajattelulla parantaa leikkausosaston materiaaliprosesseja? (Logistiikka)
27. Puotiniemi, Virpi: Vastuullisen brändin rakentuminen sosiaalisessa mediassa:
28. Rahkamo, Mikael: Forecasting the use of a new service in the financial industry
29. Rajanti, Mira: Kilpailija-analyysin keskeiset elementit avoimien
innovaatiopalveluiden markkinoilla
30. Riuttanen, Laura: Effect of business opportunity recognition on entrepreneurs'
market perception
31. Salo, Arto: Tuotesijoittelun mahdollisuudet Pc- ja konsolipeleissä
32. Salonen, Susanna: Yrityksen brändiviestintä vuosikertomuksessa
33. Schönberg, Milla: Anticipated distribution channel changes and their drivers in
consumer market bancassurance in Finland
34. Sipilä, Anni: Luksuskuluttamisen motiivit
35. Syrjänen, Maija: Vuorovaikutus uuden asiantuntijapalvelun kehittämisen aikana
36. Tahkola, Mikael: Segmenteittäin kohdistetun digitaalisen markkinoinnin
tehokkuus eri kanavissa: case matkatoimisto
37. Tiainen, Mika: Applying lean philosophy and value stream map tool towards
more efficient EDI-order handling process
27 38. Tolonen, Johanna: Tuotevalittaminen sosiaalisessa mediassa: motiivien ja
kanavien välinen yhteys
39. Tuomikoski, Raisa: Kuluttajan negatiiviset kokemukset maksetusta sisällöstä
40. Uppa, Jarkko: Tutkimuksen kaupallistaminen tutkimusorganisaatiossa: case VTT:n
digitaaliset palvelut
41. Uusipaikka, Matleena: ''Ja sitten on että ''jes'', jos on onnistunut säästämään'' :
tapaustutkimus mobiilin pankkipalvelun palvelukokemukseen liittyvistä
42. Väisänen, Jere: Consumer acceptance of future My Data based preventive
eHealth services
43. Välimäki, Saana: Alusvaatteet naisten identiteettityössä