February, 20161.35 MB - Chicago Region BMW Owners Association


February, 20161.35 MB - Chicago Region BMW Owners Association
Editor’s Corner
by Joanna Burrola
Here we are in February. The sun is setting later and later as
the weeks go on, and it’s getting easier to see Spring around
the corner. Time to start planning motorcycle trips. After a successful activities planning meeting, the club’s calendar should
be nice and full this year.
The annual motorcycle show is here this month. Looking
at all the new bikes and goodies is always a good time. The
Club’s booth has a camping theme this year. Stop by while at
the show.
Registration has opened for the BMWMOA Rally in Hamburg, NY. We’ve got that on our list of rides to do this year.
Our trend so far seems to be going to every other MOA rally
since our first one in Sedalia. I’m sure a trip up to Niagara Falls
will be in order. We’ve never been to New York before, so this
should be an adventure.
Hang in there, Spring isn’t far off.
A Riding Season in the Making:
Places To Go, People to Go With
by Joe Sjostrom
A crowd of Chicago Region BMW Club members gathered
on a recent Saturday morning to brainstorm, debate and to plan
club rides and activities for the 2016 season.
The chance to be on the ground floor of planning the season
brought out 26 members. The promise of plentiful doughnuts
helped the turnout, and so did the meeting time—a mid-winter
Saturday morning when yard work and kids’ ballgames are a
thing of the past.
Thanks to those members who participated including:
Bill Mullenholz, Hank Barta, Tom Lunde, Joe Amore, John
Walts, Joe Sjostrom, Cindy Barta, Kevin Johnson, Gina Johnson,
J.P. Degembe, Mike Bettenbender, Mark Matus, John Zolot, Jim
Leistra, Terry Dugganm, John Panek, Kenneth Lively, Mark
Wilson, Clyde Zalizniak, Mike Weresch, Carey Caldwell, Ed
Otto, Adam Kallish, Art Laschober, Chuck Oler, Scott Hellem,
and Jerry Sjostrom.
“Our goal is to have a have a lot of different options for
rides and activities throughout the year,” club president Jerry
Sjostrom said to open the discussion. “That would include
group rides, destination rides that we reach on our own, rallies, and events like the Chicago Motorcycle Show (Feb 12-14
in Rosemont).
“Let’s brainstorm and decide which ones will work the best,
and then put them on the calendar.”
The meeting produced a calendar of rides and activities from
late winter, starting with the club’s annual presence at the Motorcycle Show, and extending through November. Some rides
have leadership already in place, others await planners and
organizers to step up.
Clyde Zalizniak has created a companion calendar of 2016
events sponsored by other organizations, for example the twiceyearly Slimey Crud Run, a ride in south-central Wisconsin from
Pine Bluff to Leland and back, on Sunday, May 1, and Sunday,
Oct. 2.
“It’s a fun day, and there are thousands of motorcycles,” said
Clyde. He is sending the calendar and revisions to members
whose e-mail addresses are in the club directory.
This is the list of activities and rides scheduled be us and by
others in 2016. Those marked with three asterisks like this ***
are official club events. Those that include “TBA” are tentative. Other events are sponsored by other organizations which
CRBMW members may wish to attend or participate in.
Rides and Events in 2016
Thursday, Feb. 11— monthly meeting of the Chicago Region BMW
club, 7:30 p.m. at the Elmhurst Elks Lodge, 711 W. St. Charles Rd.,
Friday-Sunday, Feb. 12-14, The Chicago Motorcycle Show, Rosemont.
Contact Jerry Sjostrom for your time slot to spend in our club’s booth,
where we will talk with show spectators about our club and recruit
new members.
***Thursday, March 10—monthly meeting rescheduled to Saturday,
March 12.
***Saturday, March 12, at 10 a.m., monthly meeting of the Chicago Region BMW club. A Saturday breakfast meeting, instead of the Thursday
evening meeting.
The Moonshine Lunch Run, in Casey, Ill., about 200 miles south of
Chicago near the Indiana state line; Friday and Saturday, April 8-9,
probably an overnight trip for those who want to participate in Friday and/or Saturday evening activities. More information at http://
***Thursday, April 14th— monthly meeting of the Chicago Region
BMW club, 7:30 p.m. at the Elmhurst Elks Lodge, 711 W. St. Charles
Rd., Elmhurst
***Sunday, April 17, ride to Starved Rock State Park, about 95 miles
southwest of downtown Chicago. See newsletter and website for departure times and locations for group rides to Starved Rock and for
lunch location.
Saturday and Sunday, April 30-May 1st—The Pecatonica flee market,
officially called the 2016 MotoExpo BMW Flea Market, at the Winne-
Continued on the following page
Rides and Events in 2016 cont.
bago County Fairgrounds, in Pecatonica, IL, 105 miles west of downtown Chicago, and 15 miles west of downtown Rockford. Sponsored
annually by the Blackhawk Region BMW Association.
Hours: 1-6 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. $5.00 admission
for shoppers, Varying fees for venders. See more Information at http://
***Saturday and Sunday, April 30-May 1st - A weekend trip to Indiana,
probably to Turkey Run State Park or vicinity. Bill Mullenholz is the
Sunday, May 1, the spring edition, and Sunday, Oct. 2, the fall edition
of the Slimey Crud, the twice-yearly ride between the south-central
Wisconsin towns of Pine Bluff and Leland. From 1,000 to 3,000 motorcycles usually participate. For more information see http://www.
Thursday, May 12— monthly meeting of the Chicago Region BMW
club, 7:30 p.m. at the Elmhurst Elks Lodge, 711 W. St. Charles Rd.,
***Saturday, May 14—Tech Day at Ed Dybala’s
***Saturday, May 28, to Monday, May 30—Memorial Day weekend
ride to LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Or do a one-day ride on Saturday to New
Glarus, Wis., and have lunch with the La Crosse-bound riders. Contact
Jerry Sjostrom for hotel reservations in La Crosse.
Friday-Sunday, June 3-5—American Historic Motorcycle Association
races at Gingerman Raceway, South Haven, Mich., about 130 miles
from downtown Chicago. See information at Gingerman’s and the
association’s websites, http://www.gingermanraceway.com/ and
Friday-Sunday, June 10-12, American Historic Motorcycle Association
races at Road America, Elkhart Lake, WI. See Road America and the
Association’s websites, http://www.roadamerica.com/ and http://
Friday-Sunday, June 10-12, Rockerbox Motofest, also a Road America.
See the Rockerbox website at http://www.rockerbox.us/ John Zolot
will lead a ride there.
Thursday, June 9th— monthly meeting of the Chicago Region BMW
club, 7:30 p.m. at the Elmhurst Elks Lodge, 711 W. St. Charles Rd.,
***Saturday-Sunday, June 18-19, ride and cruise on the S.S. Badger on
Lake Michigan between Manitowoc WI and Ludington, MI. Details
***Thursday June 23rd, Weekday Day Ride, details TBA
Saturday, June 25th, ride to Plano, IL, area for a tour of the Farnsworth
House, designed by Mies van der Rohe and built in 1951 on the north
side of the Fox River south of Plano, west of Yorkville. Hank Barta will
organize and lead.
Thursday-Sunday, July 14-17, BMW Motorcycles Owners of American
44th annual International Rally, Hamburg, NY, 13 miles south of Buffalo, NY.
Aug. 13-14, ride to Round Lake, MI, details TBA
Sept. 30-Oct., ride to Door County, WI, details TBA
Oct. 7-9, the 44th annual Falling Leaf Rally, Potosi, MO, sponsored by
the Gateway Riders Motorcycle Club, of St. Louis, MO. For details see
the rally page on the Gateway Riders website, http://www.gatewayriders.com/falling-leaf-rally.html
November, date uncertain, the annual Frostbite Ride.
by Pete Walters
Recently I was on my way home from an early morning workout. It was 6:15 AM, dark, cold (9 degrees F, -11 wind chill),
with widely scattered, small patches of black ice. I was really
surprised to see a rider come up behind me on a BMW. What
other kind of bike could it be on such a cold, treacherous winter
morning. While we cannot all be as hearty as that rider, we can
still find useful things to do with ourselves during the winter
Driver Safety Class
It has always been my firm belief that well trained and safe
motorcycle riders make for safer car drivers, and I believe the
reverse is true as well. Well trained and safe drivers make for
better riders. The American Association for Retired People offers an excellent course called the AARP Smart Driver Course.
The course was completely rewritten about two years ago by
MIT (that’s Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and it is excellent. I took it last October and I learned many new things that
absolutely made me a better and safer driver after I put the new
knowledge and skills in practice. In Illinois completion of the
course entitles you to an insurance discount by state law. The
class room version cost $15.00 for AARP members, $20.00 for
non-members. The insurance discount was $13.00, so the course
almost paid for itself. To find out more, go to aarp.org, search
driver education, select AARP Driver Safety Course – Classroom
and Online. I strongly recommend the classroom course, so enter your zip code when prompted to find a course near you.
When I took it last October there were weekly classes offered
throughout the Chicago region in many convenient locations
such as libraries, community centers, police stations, etc.
Winter Reading
Rider Training
1. Hough, David L. Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well. Bowtie Press, 2000. Comment: Should be
available at a good bookstore, or online such as Amazon.com.
2. Parks, Lee. Total Control: Performance Street Riding Techniques. MBI Publishing Company (Motorbooks), 2003. Comment:
Should be available at a good bookstore, or online such as Amazon.com.
3. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Guide to Motorcycling
Excellence. Whitehorse Press, 1995. Comment: May be available
online, but may have to go through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation website.
1. Holbrook Pierson, Melissa. The Perfect Vehicle: What it is
About Motorcycles. W. W. Norton Company, 1998. Comment:
May be available at the library, but doubt it. Definitely available
2. Simon, Ted. Jupiter’s Travels. Hamish Hamilton, 1979. Comment: Last time I checked it had been out of print for many years.
You can try online, or contact Ted directly. My copy was ordered
from Ted via a specialty bookstore, which concentrated on finding
rare books. It is a signed, first edition. I don’t loan it out, sorry.
3. Wilson, Steve. Down the Road: Genuine Mileage on Classic
Motorcycles. Hayne Publishing, 2000. Comment: Probably available only online.
4. The Art of the Motorcycle. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2001. Comment: Maybe available at the library, or a good
bookstore. Probably available online. Try Amazon. If that fails, try
the Guggenheim Museum.
FEBRUARY 2016 Chicago Region News Page 2
Consumer Interest
by Bill Müllenholz
Those of us of a certain age might remember the advertising
slogan “You meet the nicest people on a Honda.” The ad campaign designed by Grey Advertising of New York (now known
as the Grey Global Group) began in 1963 in eleven western U.S.
states to promote the upstart Honda Motorcycle Company of
Japan. In 1964, the campaign proved so successful that it covered all the lower 48 states. Honda had to overcome the Hollister Incident stigma that gave motorcycling a black eye. To
some degree it still exists. Hollister? Go watch the 1953 move
The Wild One starring Marlon Brando and Lee Marvin. The film
is based on the Hollister Incident in which a motorcycle gang(s)
comprised of restless, former G.I.’s take over a small California
town. A photo of it made the front page of Life Magazine (albeit staged) then the premier pictorial publication in the USA.
It caused John Q. Citizen to look askance at ALL motorcyclists
with disdain. Even though Johnny Strabler (Marlon Brando)
rode a Triumph Thunderbird, Harley-Davidson took the brunt
of the sensationalism surrounding the event. When my family
encountered a motorcycle or motorcycles “back in the day,” we
rolled our windows up and locked the doors. Fortunately my
mother’s boyfriend back in Stuttgart, Dieter Terwelp, rode an
ancient BMW 500cc R6 side valve, so they were ok, as long as my
dad wasn’t with us. She liked to slow down and have us listen to
the almost silent exhaust note of the shiny black machines with
white pin striping as they rode along side of our ’56 Buick, the
first car the old man would let her drive. All large displacement
bikes, except BMW, were bad news.
As in post-war Germany, Japan was starved for transportation and the big four Japanese motorcycle manufacturers rose
from the ashes and become the world famous marques they
are today by providing cheap, reliable, quality transportation
to the masses. How did it happen? With the establishment of
American Honda Motor Company in Gardena, California in
1959, Honda had to get the word out about their product and
simultaneously improve the reputation of motorcycles. They
sold well in Southern California where anything weird sells, but
founding father Sochiro Honda knew they could do better in the
U.S. Enter Grey Advertising and their posters and print ads extolling “You meet the nicest people on a Honda.” They depicted
clean-cut, white, Anglo folks having fun on small displacement
motorcycles. Honda started us out on the scooter-like 50cc step
through Cub, then up to a Honda Super Sport 50, a real motorcycle, to a Honda S65, to an S90 and so on. In those days their
largest engine was 305cc on the Super Hawk. They got us in the
door and teased up up to their biggest models. Suddenly, motorcycles were ok, mostly. You know the rest of the story. Like
the Rattenfänger von Hameln, or Pied Piper story, we were led
on to bigger and better things. Now many of us drive Honda automobiles. So the ad campaign has really worked and for something like 50+ years.
And your point here is? Honda brought back the respectable,
easy to ride and own, small displacement bikes a few years ago
with the CB300F and CB300R models ostensibly to entice a new
generation of motorcycle owners into the showrooms and hopefully make lifelong customers that will trade in and up. Not to
be left in the doldrums, Kawasaki and Suzuki have done likewise. Suzuki’s GW250G is a twin cylinder bike with all the bells
and whistles for an MSRP of $4,099. Last year KTM upped the
ante with their 390 Duke and RC390. The RC390 sold out its entire production by summer’s end with its racy, full faired and
quick single. Asking price? $5,499, but worth every penny. I test
rode one and was favorably impressed. The need for a new car
got in the way so it doesn’t yet grace my garage.
Finally….BMW is in the game. At this year’s Rosemont International Bike Show, February 12-14, 2016, we will be able
to feast our eyes on the new, small displacement BMW single
G310R. I mentioned this naked roadster a few months ago and
like the KTM, it is being manufactured in India. The little Beemer is made by the TVS Motor Company at their Bengaluru Plant.
Why in India? The Subcontinent has lower manufacturing costs,
new, high-tech factories, a highly-educated workforce and the
billion or so people there are year ‘round bikers, consumers
of efficient, small displacement motorcycles. We will get them
here too and there are rumors of a fully-faired SS version and
a GS version in the wings. When you think about it, urban motorcyclists shouldn’t really need a large displacement machine.
Where in the City of Chicago can you wring out your BMW
S1000RR? Well, maybe Lake Shore Drive at night, but seriously. You can put a 300cc bike through its paces in some places.
So maybe some of us should rethink our machinery. They are
lighter, cheaper, reliable, and more fuel efficient and FUN! Isn’t
that what its all about? At press time no pricing information is
available, but they will probably be competitive with the KTM.
See you at Rosemont! Bill Müllenholz, 196961, wemullenholz@
CHITECH Planning
CHITECH members at work planning for this year’s technical
activities. Clockwise from far left: Ken Lively, John Zolot, Hank
Barta, Jerry Sjostrom, Norm Phoenix (back to camera), and Ken
Jacobson were among the members in attendance.
FEBRUARY 2016 Chicago Region News Page 3
The weekend after the motorcycle show,
visit BMW Motorcycles of Countryside for
demos, snacks and seasonal incentives.
We can’t wait to see you here
10am-3pm Saturday, Feb. 20.
Visit for our full inventory.
New models arriving daily.
Visit one of the largest selections
of BMW Motorcycles in Chicagoland
6070 S. LaGrange Road • 708.588.9900
FEBRUARY 2016 Chicago Region News Page 4
A ctivities C alendar
Chicago Region Activities
Monthly and Weekly Events
General Membership Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on
the second Thursday of every month in the Elmhurst Elks
Lodge, 711 W. St. Charles Rd., Elmhurst, about 3/8 mile
west of Route 83. Newer members—if you need directions,
call a club board member or director (see box in this newsletter for names and telephone numbers).
Tech Sessions every Saturday
Seymour Goldberg offers FREE tech sessions at his shop from
5:00am to 1:30pm. Seymour’s BMW Service is located at 3510
Elston Ave., phone 773-617-8061. Seymour will assist or advise you with your maintenance, modification or repair project. Phone first to confirm Seymour’s availability.
2nd And 4th Saturdays at George’s, The Saturday Riders
(southwest suburbs)
Have breakfast with a diverse group of riders at George’s,
990 N. State St., Lockport Il 60441, 815-838-7225 (formerly
met at the Purple Onion restaurant) Breakfast at 8am, rides
leave at 9am. This is truly an eclectic group and all types of
motorcycles are welcome.
Dekalb Breakfast with the Guzzis- Every 1st Saturday
Have breakfast at 9 am with the Illinois Moto Guzzi Club
at Junction Restaurant, DeKalb, 816 W. Lincoln Hwy. (Rt.
Every Sunday At The Full Moon Restaurant (north shore
suburb) Enjoy brunch at the Full Moon restaurant on US
Hwy 41 near Buckley Rd. in Lake Bluff, 6 miles north of the
Highland House restaurant. This is a gathering of all types
of motorcycles. Come and go as you please.
Every Sunday at McDonalds in Des Plaines (northwest
Enjoy breakfast or coffee at the McDonalds at Rt. 45 (Mannheim) & Oakton Sts in Des Plaines Rides depart at 9 a.m.
All varieties of motorcycles welcome. Sponsored by Jerseypine Cruisers MC.
Every Sunday on the Radio
Open Road Radio at 92.5 and 92.7 FM, Sundays 11:00 am –
12:00 noon, 630-833-9889 www.openroadradio.com
Dog Nights
by John Zolot
Hot Dog Night Feedback is Needed.
If you know of a Hot Dog restaurant you feel should be added
to our calendar, please let me know about it. Restaurant requirements are:
1) The place has good quality food
2) They have a paved parking lot and sufficient space for our
3) They have a restroom
4) They are open Monday nights, at least until 8pm
5) They really should have a Hot Dog on their menu.
Additionally, if there is a place you feel should be deleted from
the list, I would like to know that, too. Please give a reason why.
Examples may include “they close too early”, or, “the bathroom is
filthy”, etc. “My daughter is dating a guy who works there and he
is a jerk” is NOT a reason to delete a restaurant.
What we dream about
when we’re not at work!
Motoworks Chicago
1901 S. Western, Chicago, IL 60608
Now A Ducati Dealer, Still Doing The
Best Job In The Business On Beemers.
FEBRUARY 2016 Chicago Region News Page 5
Mike Abt
General Manager
6070 S. LaGrange Road, Countryside, IL 60525
office 708.588.9900 cell 847.293.5842
bmwmotorcyclesofcountryside.com • dirtbikenation.com
Seymour’s BMW
BMW Motorcycle Service All BMW Models
Appointments are recommended.
Monday thru Saturday
5 am - 1:30 pm
Shop: (773) 617-8061
Fax: (773) 279-9650
3510 N. Elston
Alley Entrance,
Chicago, IL 60618
Seymour Goldberg
BMW’s 282,000 Mile Award Winner
Motorcycles - All Ages, Makes & Models
Collectable and Recreational Vehicles
IA - IL - WI
Miriam Bruening, Insurance Agent
Tim Smith, Motorcycle Enthusiast
Voice 630-204-4178
Fax 815-732-1320
P.O. Box 14 Oregon, IL 61061
Officers & Directors
Jerry Sjostrom
(708) 383-5746
(847) 682-2163
Mike Tolar
(312) 543-0660
Membership Director
Carey Caldwell
(847) 368-8801
Consumer Interest Director
Ken Jacobson
(630) 279-4063
(630) 854-3135
Newsletter Editor
(630) 294-3390
(630) 986-7702
(630) 728-5411
john zolot
(847) 254-3844
Kevin Johnson
(847) 755-0724
Visit our Website at:
Please direct requests for membership information to the Membership Secretary.
CRNEWS is published monthly by Chicago Region BMW Owners Association and Printwerk Graphics & Design.
All articles, ads and other submissions must be in writing via E-mail, FAX, PC disk or by mail to the Newsletter
Editor. If you submit photographs and want them returned, please include a self addressed, stamped envelope.
The deadline is the 10th of the month preceding publication.
How to Start or Renew an Ad:
Send classified ads or requests to renew existing ads to the
CRBMW newsletter editor at nledit.crbmw@gmail.com.
Ads run for three months then terminate unless you email the
newsletter editor by the newsletter submission cutoff (posted
under events in the newsletter). If we don’t hear from you by
then, your ad will not run in the following issue.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2008 R1200RT for sale.
Color: Titan Silver
Mileage: 39,200
Features: Heated Grips, Heated
Seat, Electronic Cruise Control,
Ohlins Suspension, Garmin
Zumo 550 Nav System, Michelin Pilot Road 3 Tires, Onboard Computer Fuel Flange/
Sight Glass/ Fuel Pump Recalls Addressed. All 6K Service Performed by Dealer $9,500. Call Jim at (708) 205-1503
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2013 R1200RT for sale (low suspension) Color: Fluid Gray Metallic Mileage: 8,100
Features: Heated Grips, Tire
Pressure Monitor, Electronic
Cruise Control, Alarm System,
On-board Computer, Michelin
Pilot Road 4 Tires (with zero
miles), Footpeg Lowering Kit by Suburban Machinery
All 6K Service Performed by Dealer Warranty in effect until
6/21/2016 or 36K miles $14,500 Call Jim at (708) 205-1503
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 1979 R65 BMW,
62.117 miles, auto start & kick
start, saddle bags & Vetter
fairing. New seat & stock seat
included. $3,500.
Call 708-841-6699
Note: The bike has a different seat
than pictured.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For sale 1978 /7 600, dual
plugged by oak, 106,000, good
tires, one off fairing, $2,000.00
or B.O., contact; Stan Vorgias,
1978 BMW R 100/7, 45,000
mi., Luftmeister fairing,
BMW bags, new metzeler
tires, fresh battery, ready to
ride. stored in heated garage.
Contact Doug at dgchez@
gmail.com or call in the evening 708-903-1852.
FEBRUARY 2016 Chicago Region News Page 6