Dear Friends of the BMW Foundation, ear Friends of the MW


Dear Friends of the BMW Foundation, ear Friends of the MW
Newsletter #26
Dear Friends of the
BMW Foundation,
After the brutal conquests of the terrorist militia the
Islamic State, the question of the future of
Afghanistan seems more topical than ever. Will
the country at the Hindu Kush meet a similar fate
once the ISAF mission comes to an end in a few
months’ time?
e? What lessons can we draw from the
Bundeswehr mission in Afghanistan for Germany's
potential engagement in acute crisis regions?
This is what we will discuss at the inaugural event
of our new Global Talk series. In these pro-and-con
debates, two experts face off to discuss an
internationally important issue; the audience is
invited to participate in the discussion and cast
cas its
vote. The Global Talk is held twice a year, at BMW
Upcoming Events
2 Oct 2014, Madrid, Spain
Social Intrapreneurship - The
Future of Business?
6 Oct 2014, Baden-Baden
7th German-Russian
Russian Dialogue
6 Oct 2014, Berlin
Book Launch
John Elkington: The
Breakthrough Challenge
15 Oct 2014, Munich
Global Talk at BMW
Was the Afghanistan Mission
Worth It: Yes or No?
16 Oct 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia
Social Impact Days
Unlocking Opportunities
Tapping the Potential of CrossCross
Sector Collaboration?
21 Oct 2014, Munich
11th Lecture Series on Social
Organizational Development and
Development Cooperation
27 Oct 2014, Munich
Welt in Munich. Make sure to get a ticket for the
kick-off event on October 15!
A better mutual understanding between Europe
and the emerging economies is what we are
aiming at with our BMW Foundation Global Table.
Following the opening event in China this summer,
we will next meet on Lake Como, Italy. There is
also a lot going on in Berlin: We just hosted the 1st
Global Social Intrapreneurship Summit and are
looking forward to the EVPA annual conference in
November - simply the most important event for
European venture philanthropists and impact
As always, we also provide you with the latest
updates from our Responsible Leaders Network this time with news about our new alumni strategy!
Enjoy the newsletter!
Your BMW Foundation team
Global Network
Island Dialogues - Europe in the
"Europe - A Fresh Start":
Towards More Global
27 Oct 2014, Tokyo, Japan
Asia Pro Bono Rally
Strengthening Intermediaries in
30 Oct - 2 Nov 2014, Lake
Como, Italy
2nd Global Table
Resources and Security
17 Nov 2014, Berlin
EVPA - 10th Annual Conference
Collaborating for Social Impact:
The Next 10 Years
2nd Global Table - Italy
Following the well-received kick-off event this summer in Hangzhou, China, we
continue our BMW Foundation Global Tables on Lake Como, Italy, from October
30 until November 2, 2014. Decision-makers from politics, business, and civil
society will gather at beautiful Villa Vigoni, which was founded to strengthen
Italian-German relations. An oasis of contemplation, cultural exchange, and
creativity, it is the perfect place to nurture mutual understanding between
Europe and the new global players.
World Young Leaders Forum in Beijing, One Year On ...
Pitch, commit, action: One year after the World Young Leaders Forum in Beijing,
we talked to some Responsible Leaders about what has happened since they
gave their pitches at the Chinese Wall in September 2013. We just evaluated
their progress and will soon publish the success stories of participants like
Aaron Hurst, Peggy Liu, and Elisabeth Hahnke. Stay tuned!
Impact Summers - Impact Stories
We just started a new series of retreats called Impact Summers at Wasan Island
on beautiful Lake Rousseau near Toronto, Canada. In late August and early
September, global thought leaders came together to address a variety of topics:
from mission-related investing to new technologies for non-profits to practical
education for social entrepreneurs. See what participants had to say about
making an impact.
Challenging the Silo Mentality
and offering spaces and opportunities for creativity and better
understanding - this is what we are doing in cooperation with our global
partners, both old and new.
The timing for the 7th German-Russian Dialogue Baden-Baden could not be
more right: The conference, organized in cooperation with the Robert
Bosch Foundation and the Committee on Eastern European Economic
Relations brings together leaders from Russia and Germany to promote
mutual understanding and strengthen leadership competencies.
Participants come from business, politics, and civil society. One of this
year's topics is the conflict in Ukraine and the dramatic worsening of the
relationship between Russia and the European Union.
With the Social Impact Days in Tbilisi, we aim to improve the climate for
social innovation and promote sustainable solutions in Central and Eastern
Europe. The event brings together thirty high-level professionals from the
public, private, and civil society sectors in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Russia, and Turkey. It is supported by our strategic partner the MitOst
In addition, we are partnering with the Impact Hub in Africa: They have
launched the Africa Seed Program to support local teams from across Sub-
Saharan Africa throughout the process of developing and opening new
Impact Hubs with sustainable business models.
After the successful kick-off of the 1st Global Intrapreneurship Summit in
cooperation with the League of Intrapreneurs, the BMW Foundation has
been invited to be part of a panel at the Emerge Conference in Oxford, UK,
on the topic of Public Sector Intrapreneurship. Emerge connects students
and young professionals aspiring to drive transformational change with
current global change-agents leading entrepreneurial ventures,
businesses, and sector-defying organizations. The event is co-designed
and co-organized by The Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford
University’s Saïd Business School and Student Hubs.
Stories from Our Home Base
EVPA Conference in Berlin
Ten years ago, venture philanthropy
was almost unknown in Europe.
Today, it has become a growing
industry. Bringing together European
grantmakers, investors, investees,
organizations, and experts from
Northern and Southern Europe, this
year's EVPA conference entitled
“Collaborating for Social Impact: The
Next 10 Years” (November 17-18,
2014) will serve as a platform to
discuss the future of the venture
philanthropy and social investment
sectors. Speakers include Luciano
Balbo, founder and chairman of Oltre
Venture, and Felix Oldenburg,
director of Ashoka Germany and
Europe. Early bird tickets are
available until September 26!
Island Dialogues
Europe has to redefine its role in the
world. The necessity to assume
greater global responsibility is
underlined by the programmatic title
of the Italian EU Council presidency,
"Europe – A Fresh Start." The EU
may have a new political leadership,
but old conflicts continue to exist at
it’s borders and neighboring regions.
The crises in Ukraine and in the
Middle East present serious foreign
and security policy challenges. This
is just one of the topics we will
discuss at the next Island Dialogue,
"Europe – A Fresh Start: Towards
More Global Responsibility?," on
Munich's Praterinsel on October 27.
11th Lecture Series
With the start of the new semester,
we continue our Lecture Series on
Social Innovation. Opening the
series, Benjamin Adrion will talk
about the great success of Viva con
Agua, a network of people and
organizations campaigning for clean
drinking water and basic sanitation,
to which he has dedicated himself
full-time since 2007. In 2010, Adrion
founded the Viva con Agua Wasser
GmbH, which sells bottled mineral
water; sixty percent of the sales
revenues go to social projects
administered by the association. In
2009, Adrion was awarded the Cross
of the Order of Merit of the Federal
Republic of Germany for his
Workshop for Intrapreneurs
Do you want to achieve enhanced
results for your business and the
societies you’re working with? Then
you should come to the Spanish
capital! Together with the Impact Hub
Network and the League of
Intrapreneurs, the BMW Foundation
organizes a workshop as part of the
Impact Hub Practice and Innovation
Gathering in Madrid. Participants will
get to know the key trends in the
field of intrapreneurship, learn about
different tools and instruments, and
get to develop a tailor-made
approach for their organization, thus
actively co-creating the network of
Responsible Leaders
Thierry Feike and Dietrich Firnhaber
Giving young entrepreneurs from Germany,
Egypt, and Tunisia a leg up – this is what
Responsible Leaders Thierry Feike and Dietrich
Firnhaber have decided to do. Both are involved
as mentors with the non-profit initiative enpact
where they pass on their extensive experiences
to start-up founders. In this double interview,
Feike and Firnhaber talk about challenges for
young entrepreneurs, cultural differences, and
why they consider themselves "business
The Responsible Leaders
Network connects all participants
of our international Young
Leaders programs. Through this
network, we want to develop the
idea of "responsible leadership."
We want to tap into the network's
rich and diverse expertise to
promote projects for the common
good and cultivate friendships.
Birte Steller
At the Hamburg Welcome Center, Birte Steller and her wonderful team have
created a welcome culture that is unmatched in Germany. Immigrants feel
appreciated and welcomed the second they step into the office next to
Hamburg's city hall. The Welcome Center works as a one-stop shop, where
newcomers to Hamburg from both Germany and abroad get a helping hand
with bureaucratic matters. Now, this service is even being expanded: A peer-topeer mentoring program aims to support immigrants who are looking for work a major step in making their new place of residence their home. In addition,
they receive much-needed information and advice regarding the recognition of
their professional qualifications.
Joana Breidenbach
Equipped with a backpack and a notebook, Joana Breidenbach and 13
colleagues from the Betterplace Lab went on a field trip “around the world” –
from India to Ruanda to Brazil – to find out how aid organizations, activists, and
social entrepreneurs use the Internet and mobile telephony in the year 2014.
Or, to put it differently: They were looking for the “good” Internet. Here is what
they found.
Responsible Leader Claudia Leißner and her team at Proboneo are currently
looking for professionals who want to experience the magic of pro bono.
Whether in communications, strategy, online marketing or other areas,
Proboneo offers opportunities to make a contribution to the important work of a
non-profit organization in Germany. If you are interested, do not hesitate to get
in contact!
Impact Circle #2
It is time for the next Impact Circle, which will be hosted by The Do School in
Hamburg on November 28-29. The Impact Circle is an initiative of a group of
strongly committed Responsible Leaders who are putting a lot of time, passion,
and energy into making this work. This new format aims to provide dedicated
leaders with an opportunity to contribute their professional skills to a meaningful
project. To this end, a one-and-a-half-day event brings together some 20
Responsible Leaders as well as 10 leaders that are not yet members of the
BMW Foundation's network.
Chapter Heads
For more than 25 years, the BMW Foundation has created a growing global
network of highly engaged Responsible Leaders. Together with our alumni, we
discovered the value of building a global alumni organization; greater impact
resulted from regional chapters to address local interests. As a consequence
we decided to create regional alumni chapters led by "chapter heads" Gunther
Jancke in the United Kingdom, Chris Fowler in the United States, and Rajah
Lehal in Canada. They are happy to respond to your queries and to provide
more information about this new strategy! Feel free to contact them via
LinkedIn Group
If you are a Responsible Leader and have not registered yet, you should do so
now! Join our closed BMW Foundation Responsible Leader's LinkedIn Group
and share your ideas, get updates and event invitations, and engage in
discussions with other Responsible Leaders from around the world.
he BMW Foundation
We mobilize leaders to work for a society capable of meeting the
challenges of the future and to engage in a cross-sector,
cross sector, global dialogue.
To this end, we cooperate with partners around the globe. Together, we
search for innovative solutions
solutions in politics, business, and society that
connect people and cultures and strengthen social cohesion.
BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt
Reinhardtstrasse 58
10117 Berlin
Phone: ++49 (0)30 3396-3500
Fax: ++49 (0)30 3396-3530
Authorized Representatives:
Michael Schaefer (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Markus Hipp (Executive Director)
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