November 2012 - Wasatch BMW CCA
November 2012 - Wasatch BMW CCA
BMW Car Club of America Wasatch Chapter The Switchback November 2012 Volume 13 Issue 4 Oktoberfest at Snowbird on August 26th proved to be the Bavarian treat that it has been every year for Wasatch Chapter members... ...a great drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon in your “Ultimate Driving Machine” ( check out the 2002), clear mountain air, authentic Bavarian music, great food and drink and Swiss Horns. On September 5th the Wasatch Chapter visited the Utah Museum of Fine Arts exhibition “SPEED.” It was world class and held chapter members mesmerized for hours. If you love cars, most BMW owners do, then the Speed exhibition at the University of Utah’s Utah Museum of Fine Arts should have been a “must see” on your summer things to do. The 19 show cars were the fastest cars of their day listed as they appear above. 1904 Peerless “Green Dragon “ Racer, 1907 Renault AI 35/45 Hp Vanderbuilt Racer, 1911 Mercer Type 35 R Raceabout, 1916 Model C Stutz Bearcat, 1925 Miller 122 Front-Wheel-Drive, 1933 Alfa Romeo BC 2300 Monza, 1929 Bugatti Type 35B Grand Prix, 1931 4 1/2-Litre “Blower” Bentley, 1937 Delahaye Type 145 The “Million-Franc Delahaye”, 1957 Jaguar XK-SS, 1954 Ferrari 375MM, 1964 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe, 1927 Ford Modified Roadster, 1935 Duesenberg SJ “Mormon Meteor 1”, 1937 Cord 812, 1938 “Mormon Meteor 111”, 1952 So-Cal Speed Shop Belly Tank, 1952 “Beast III” Streamliner, 1975 “Speedomotive Special” Streamliner. President’s Corner BOARD MEMBERS President - Craig Hawe 801-824-5997 Elections and Events We just went through a formal nomination process. We have received some criticism for not being transparent in the nomination process but we have always been open to including everyone who wants to get involved. This nomination process was as transparent as possible and we were hopeful that someone might have chosen to get involved. Please show your support for the board by participating in the election. It would be great if you participated in the process by voting. The next steps in the election process are: Ballots can be mailed to our P.O. Box until January 10, 2013 Ballots can be hand submitted at our General Board meeting on January 18, 2013 which will be held at Red Robin on Foothill. Ballots will be counted that evening. Election results will be posted that evening. The next opportunity to interact with the board is at our Board Meeting on November 13th. This will be held at the Evergreen Library starting at 7:00 PM in one of their conference rooms. Please attend and participate in the proceedings. This is an open event for all members and associate members. Side bar: We are again having our Christmas Party at Luganos (3364 S 2300 E). The Christmas Party always has been one of our biggest events of the year. Luganos is a great venue and the food is excellent. We hope to see you there! Vice President – David Egelston 801-575-6640 Secretary - Tom Oesleby 801-363-1608 Treasurer — Tom DeJong treasurer 801-580-4001 Membership Chair – Robert Franke Events Chairevents chair Webmaster – Rich Getty 801-330-2779 Newsletter Editor - Lee Wagstaff 801-661-4403 Newsletter Submissions P.S. Please join us for our Fall Drive and Fun Rally - this Saturday. We welcome your stories, suggestions, technical tips, photos, questions or comments that would be of interest to your fellow club members. All reasonable submissions are considered and are needed. The editor reserves the right to edit for length, quality and good taste. Please include your contact information so we may contact you if significant editing is necessary. Please send your submissions to the Editor through email, phone or the Wasatch Chapter address. The Switchback is published quarterly. Deadline for submissions is the 25th day of the preceding month. More than just a Fall Drive – your chance to win $$ How to Join BMW-CCA What a great summer I have had. I managed to get four (4) track days in a Miller Motorsport Park. We are truly lucky to have such a great facility so close to us. I would be glad to answer any questions you might have about track time, car preparation, etiquette, etc. I also just bought a titanium e36 m3 convertible to use as a daily driver. My last one was totaled early this summer. I hope you had a great summer. Please share with us your recent adventures. Cheers, Craig Tom O and David E have planned a fun rally with $150 worth of prizes (gift certificates) to be given out during the event. When – Saturday, October 20th. Start – Olympus Hills Mall (3900 S Wasatch Blvd) Time – We are starting at 10 AM with the last group leaving by 10:30, If you miss the start come to lunch at the Road Island Grill (see below) Weather permitting we will be driving over the newly (fully) paved road over Guardsman Summit at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon. The drive will be broken into legs: Leg 1 to Oakley via Guardsman’s, Midway, and Browns Canyon. Lunch at Road Island Diner. Leg 2 to Hanna. Stop at Hanna Cafe (beverages and homemade ie if you like). Leg 3 to the Heber Valley Air Museum, Heber. Stop for quick tour of Museum. Leg 4 to Tarahumara Restaurant, the best Mexican food in the State, Midway, arriving 5:30 or so. Scoring of Fun Rally answer sheets and prizes awarded at the restaurant. This is going to be a great day! Each car will need a pencil, Utah State Highway Map and a clipboard. FYI: the chapter is not buying meals but is offering significant prizes. Call 1-800-878-9292 for credit card orders. Membership costs $48/year which includes a subscription to the Roundel and Switchback as well as all other Club Benefits. You may add another person in your household for $5 so they can enjoy full Club benefits as well, except they won’t get their own Roundel. Send your change of address to BMW CCA, Inc., 640 South Main St, Suite 201, Greenville, SC 29601 or fax 864-250-0038, or www. (ph-864-250-0022). BMW CCA Benefits Discounts on parts, supplies, free advertising in the Roundel and BMW CCA website, library and video services, help from technical and maintenance experts, a Value Information Coordinator to help with insurance claims, purchases or sale of your BMW, Ombudsmen to assist you with BMW dealers and suppliers, Special Interest Groups listed in the Roundel. Legal Disclaimers New & Renewing Members JULY 2012 David C. Blum David Clark Rob Coe Marc Mayer Kevin J. Boyce Mark Droubay Carlton R. Fish Eric Fish Joe Landgraf James Mainor Keyvan Mashayekhi David Mazzotta John Stevens AUGUST 2012 John Chambers Andrew Coulter Joe Eddins Bill Ewer Ryan Poulsen John W. Walker Jan F. Kucera Jeff Raymond SEPTEMBER 2012 Don Cockayne Dan Christiansen Penny Grandominico Kayla Haley Kevin Heiner Matthew Imbler Kin L. Ng Kimberly Pettit Viktor Uzur The Switchback is published by and for the Wasatch Chapter of BMW CCA. The chapter is not connected with BMW AG or BMW NA. All information furnished herein is provided by the membership of the club, for members only. Unless otherwise stated, maintenance and modification procedures herein are not “Factory Approved” and their use may void your BMW warranty. The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed herein are those of the authors, and no authentication is implied by the editor, who assumes no liability for information contained herein. Material may be reproduced by other chapters provided credit is given to the author or the Wasatch Chapter, unless otherwise noted or specifically prohibited. BMW CCA Wasatch Chapter Official Ballot Vice President - Two year term [ ] David Egelston [ ] Write in____________________________________________ Secretary - Two year term [ ] Tom Oesleby [ ] Write in____________________________________________ About the candidates David Egelston currently drives and/or wrenches on a 635CSi, a 2000CS, and a BMW motorcycle or two. He has been to four BMW CCA Oktoberfests and participated in the driving schools and autocrosses offered there. He currently serves as Chapter Vice President, and is looking forward to serve another term if elected. Treasurer - One year interem term [ ] Tom DeJong [ ] Write in____________________________________________ Tom Oesleby joined the BMW CCA in the mid 1980s to learn more about maintaining his BMW. The move to SLC from Wyoming seven years ago allowed Tom and Gwen to become more active in the club. He joined the board three years ago to further help out with activities and better get to know other members. The Oeslebys have owned two 2002s (one a tii), two 5s, a 7, and three 3s, all pre-owned. Your name___________________________________________________ Membership number___________________________________________ Mail to BMW CCA Wasatch Chapter P.O. Box 71084 Salt Lake City, Utah 84171 Or bring your ballot to the General Meeting in January Tom DeJong’s love for BMWs began at 16 when he had to take his boss’s 1986 318i to the store. True love! The purchase of my 2005 M3 (with competition package) became reality in 2010. His interest in joining the chapter is to see other BMWs and to learn and understand from like minded BMW owners. He is interested in attending the track a few times each season and learning how to maintain his car from other club members. Saving Your Life This is the first in a series of defensive driving articles that can make your driving less stressful and more enjoyable. We all like to drive...that’s why we love our BMW vehicles. The performance is great and the safety equipment is cutting edge. But this auto superiority can fly out the window when some idiot that is talking on a cell phone runs in to you. In upcoming issues we will address the subject of better defensive driving techniques. It is really “defensive seeing techniques.” The first is to look down the road well ahead of the car that is in front of you. The faster you are going the longer your field of vision should be. Your brain will not only see everything far ahead of you it will also see what is happening right in front of you. Try it. You will notice your car stays better centered in the lane you are in and your car will not wander. You will be aware of brake lights coming on two, three or four cars ahead. This should give you a safety cushion for accident avoidance. Discounts Given to Club Members Just show your Membership card to: BMW of Murray for a 10% discount on parts. Pro Dent-10% discount. Bimmer Motor Werks -See the Ad on back page. “When Perfect is Good Enough” Specializing in foreign Automobiles 3270 South1100 West Telephone: 801-364-8276 Fax 8010-364-9947 Lane Clisshold Email: BMW Car Club of America Wasatch Chapter The Switchback P.O.Box 71084 Salt Lake City, UT 84171 Follow us on Facebook Events October 20th, Saturday - Fall Drive through the Heber Valley. Meet at Olympus Hills Shopping Center at 10 AM, 3536 Wasatch Blvd, lunch at the Road Island Grill and dinner at the Tarahumara, Best Mexican food in the state.* November 3rd, Saturday - Tech Day at Alex’s Auto Haus,7470 South State - 10 AM to Noon November 13th, Tuesday - Open Board Meeting, 7PM at East Millcreek Library, 2266 East Evergreen Ave. December 2nd, Sunday - Christmas Party at Luganos, 3364 South 2300 East. $40 if payment is in by November 15th - $45 thereafter. 6PM social hour, 7PM Dinner. January 18th, Friday - General Meeting and Elections at Red Robin, 7 PM to 9PM, 1313 South Foothill Blvd. February 2nd, Saturday - 10 AM Coffee, Cocao and Cars at Pierre’s, 3229 East 3300 South. February 8th, Friday - Wings and Wheels, Friday at the Races, at Wing Nutz, 3136 East 3300 South. March 9th - Saturday Ski Day at Solitude, meet at 9 AM for coffee* April 21st - Sunday - Minature Golf - Layton* May General Meeting - Wing Nutz.* *There will be more details on these events as the dates get closer on For a listing of all car shows in our area go to www.wasatch Protect your Investment! Total car care for all model year BMW and MINI Vehicles 59 East 1700 South Salt Lake City Utah, 84115 Email: Facebook: For an appointmaent call: 801-485-4565 Engine Electrical Brakes Suspension AC/Climate Control Oil and Fluids Tuneups Routine Service Independent BMW and MINI Repair Special prices For BMWCCA members Brake Fluid Flush $60 (reg. $110) MINI Oil Change $75 (reg. $110) BMW 6 Cylinder Oil Change $87 (reg $130) BMW 8 Cylinder Oil Change $97 (reg $150) All oil changes include 21 point inspection, brake check, tire pressure check, and topping off of all under hood fluids (coolant, power steering, brake fluid). Prices are not applicable to M,Turbo and Diesel models. (tax and shop supplies extra)
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