The Switchback - Wasatch BMW CCA
The Switchback - Wasatch BMW CCA
The Switchback NOVEMBER 2014 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 T BMW Motorsport has confirmed that a new M6 GT3 will replace the Z4 GT3 in 2016. First tests of the new car will be run in Q1 2015. BMW Motorsport has confirmed that a new M6 GT3 will replace the Z4 GT3 in 2016. First tests of the new car will be run in Q1 2015. BMW says “The heart of the BMW M6 GT3 is the BMW M Twin Power Turbo eight-cylinder petrol engine, which features a capacity of 4.4 liters. The engine is familiar from the production model and has been modified specifically for racing. The chassis is being optimized by hand for the specific demands of the racetrack in the BMW Motorsport workshop in Munich.” Customers will be able to purchase the car in 2015; the date has not yet been announced. Pricing is also to be determined. The first release on the new car says “BMW Motorsport is focusing on safety, reliability and affordable running costs, to ensure that our customers can enjoy successful motorsport at the highest level with the BMW M6 GT3, without the financial burden being too great.” The car raced by BMW Team RLL in the Tudor United SportsCar Championship series is a Z4 GTE, derived from, but not identical to, the Z4 GT3. At present, BMW has not announced that it will build a GTE version of the M6. However, BMW Motorsport director Jens Marquardt has told that the successor to the Z4 GTE would share its platform with the new GT3 car. Marquardt has indicated that the Z4 GTE will be run again in 2015.— Brian S. Morgan.. This article was taken from Roundel Weekly, October !0, 2014 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BOARD MEMBERS We have elections coming again in January. The Vice President position is open and Rick Gehart is willing to take a shot at it. The Sectary position is also open and we need to find someone to fill it. The better news is that in 2016 Dan Archer has agreed to run for president. He is currently our Chief Operations Officer or COO, a position we created to allow him to get comfortable with the transition. I am still president but it is great to have a succession plan in place. Dan taking on the chapter leadership role should satisfy those that feel that current leadership has not addressed many of your suggestions to how the chapter will provide membership fulfillment. I think that Dan is more open to your suggestions and should be a great president. He listens to everyone’s thought and values their input. He will need more volunteers make changes. He needs not only your verbal support but physical efforts to succeed. The chapter needs people who are willing to work to organize our activities. Please let Dan know what you are interested in and that you are willing to help out with events. Next year we have already scheduled events though April with a new event in February. Sunday Brunch at the Oyster Bar. I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out and given this winter’s expected weather this should be a great time to get everyone together. Don’t forget the November Car and Coffee event and our Christmas Party. Please RSVP for the Christmas Party so we can plan the size of the room. I would like take this opportunity to compare (maybe this is a rant) our drives or tours to that of another car enthusiast group that in October held a fall drive. This group is bigger than ours and is focused on higher performance cars than any of us would be able to afford. No names to protect everyone. The report I have heard is that this group did significantly exceed speed limits in fairly heavy traffic and I would like everyone to know why we adhere to all traffic regulation during our tours. When we tour as a group it brings public attention to us and we don’t want a reputation that we are reckless. National will pull our charter if we were ever a danger to ourselves or others. Most of the drivers in the event I am referencing have not taken any high performance driving instruction. If they had they would know that the decision to speed on public road in not safe especially when there are others sharing the road. They might be able to control their cars. But are they able to anticipate someone pulling out on them or if someone else has an accident? Don’t expect our tour to be anything more than a social event. Craig NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERS JULY James Blanch David C. Blum Arthur M. Chandler Steven Jay Dell Carlton R. Fish Eric Fish Dion Jones Joe Landgraf Anthoni Pardini August Philip Cartwright John Chambers David Mazzotta Ryan Poulsen Jeff Raymond Fernando Rivera Viktor Uzur Corey Young Richard Bray Gary Wimmer Andrew Kline Stephen A. Smithing Ret Wydysh September Matthew Imbler David Cianto Woody Nixon Andrew Coulter Nicholas Muncy President - Craig Hawe 801-824-5997 Vice President – David Egelston 801-575-6640 Secretary - Tom Oesleby 801-703-6736 Treasurer - Tommy DeJong 801-580-4001 Membership Chair – Cynthia DeJong Chief Operating Officer - Daniel Archer Webmaster – Nean Hawe Newsletter Editor - Lee Wagstaff 801-661-4403 Newsletter Submissions We welcome your stories, suggestions, technical tips, photos, questions or comments that would be of interest to your fellow club members. All reasonable submissions are considered and are needed. The editor reserves the right to edit for length, quality and good taste. Please include your contact information so we may contact you if significant editing is necessary. Please send your submissions to the Editor through email, phone or the Wasatch Chapter address. The Switchback is published quarterly. Deadline for submissions is the 25th day of the preceding month. How to Join BMW-CCA Call 1-800-878-9292 for credit card orders. Membership cost is $48/year which includes a subscription to the Roundel and Switchback as well as all other Club Benefits. You may add another person in your household for $5 so they can enjoy full Club benefits as well, except they won’t get their own Roundel. Send your change of address to BMW CCA, Inc., 640 South Main St, Suite 201, Greenville, SC 29601 or fax 864-250-0038 or (ph-864-250-0022). BMW CCA Benefits Discounts on parts, supplies, free advertising in the Roundel and BMW CCA website, library and video services, help from technical and maintenance experts, a Value Information Coordinator to help with insurance claims, purchases or sale of your BMW, Ombudsmen to assist you with BMW dealers and suppliers, Special Interest Groups listed in the Roundel. Legal Disclaimers The Switchback is published by and for the Wasatch Chapter of BMW CCA. The chapter is not connected with BMW AG or BMW NA. All information furnished herein is provided by the membership of the club, for members only. Unless otherwise stated, maintenance and modification procedures herein are not “Factory Approved” and their use may void your BMW warranty. The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed herein are those of the authors, and no authentication is implied by the editor, who assumes no liability for information contained herein. Material may be reproduced by other chapters provided credit is given to the author or the Wasatch Chapter, unless otherwise noted or specifically prohibited. PARK CITY LABOR DAY PARADE There is nothing like a parade...Especially when it is in the mountains. The Board wants to thank Rick Gelhart for a job well done. Lead by David Egelston’s 2000CS, Wasatch Chapter club members had a great time showing their cars off at this Labor Day event. The DeJongs take time to relax in front of thier M3 and 328i. We hope this can be a yearly event and that more members will participate. FALL DRIVE THROUGH THE WASATCH BACK IS ALWAYS A TREAT From the top of the city to the top of the mountain. The group started at Olympus Hills Shopping Center, then advanced to Big Cottonwood Caynon and the summit of Guardsman Pass, (which was in the clouds). The first leg ended in Oakley at the Road Island Diner. The second leg took the group over Wolf Creek Pass and Hanna. The third leg was back to Midway for a great mexican dinner at the Tarahumara. Prizes for sticking with the group for all three legs were given. It was then back to Salt Lake City and reality. Protect your Investment! Total car care for all model year BMW and MINI Vehicles 59 East 1700 South Salt Lake City Utah, 84115 Email: Facebook: For an appointment call: 801-485-4565 Discounts Given to Club Members Engine Electrical Brakes Suspension AC/Climate Control Oil and Fluids Tuneups Routine Service Independent BMW and MINI Repair Special prices For BMW CCA members Brake Fluid Flush $60 MINI Oil Change $75 BMW 6 Cylinder Oil Change $87 BMW 8 Cylinder Oil Change $97 All oil changes include 21 point inspection, brake check, tire pressure check and topping off of all under hood fluids (coolant, power steering, brake fluid). Prices are not applicable to M,Turbo and Diesel models. (tax and shop supplies extra) “When Perfect is Good Enough” Just show your Membership Card to: BMW of Murray 10% discount on parts BMW of Pleasant Grove 10% discount on parts Pro Dent-10% discount LUXE Auto Spa-15% discount Bimmer Motor Werks See the ad SPECIALIZING IN FOREIGN AUTOMOBILES 3270 South1100 West Telephone: 801-364-8276 Fax 801-364-9947 Lane Clisshold Email: Visit us at PARTICIPATE! It is time to choose a new Vice President and Secretary to serve on the Wasatch Chapter’s board of directors. The persons selected will serve in the elected capacity for two years. The person you choose only has to have been a member of the club for 6 months. You need to remember the club is only as good as you make it. Nominations need to be to the club’s by the last day of November. Election ballots will be mailed to all members and these must be received at the post office box by election day, January 22. At the General Members meeting on, January 22 at the Red Robin Restaurant,1330 Foothill Blvd. Those who didn’t mail their ballots can vote. The votes will be counted at 8pm. NOMINATION FORM- WASATCH CHAPTER OF THE BMW CCA 2015 NOMINATION FOR VICE PRESIDENT NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS:1 MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: NOMINATION FOR SECRETARY NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS:1 MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: By signing below I certify that I have verified with the nominee that he/she is willing to serve two years in the listed position on the Wasatch Chapter Board. NOMINATOR: EMAIL ADDRESS:1 MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: SIGNATURE OF NOMINATOR 1 note: email address needs to be correct in order for the board to verify that the nominee is willing to serve. An incorrect email is reason to invalidate this nomination, but the election committee will attempt to contact the nominee. The Switchback P.O.Box 71084 Events Coffee Cocoa And Cars Christmas Party General meeting and election date day Salt Lake City, UT 84171 time NOV 1 Saturday 10am JAN 3 Saturday 10am FEB 7 Saturday 10am MAR 7 Saturday 10am where other information Pierre’s, 3239 E. 3300 South Meet other club members in a caPierre’s, 3239 E. 3300 South sual setting. Talk Pierre’s, 3239 E. 3300 South about your car, learn information Pierre’s, 3239 E. 3300 South on theirs. APR 4 Saturday 10am Pierre’s, 3239 E. 3300 South Dec 6 Saturday 7 pm J. Wong’s Asian Bistro, 163 W. 200 South SLC Jan 22 Thursday 7 pm Red Robin Restaurant, 1313 S. Foothill Blvd. Sunday Brunch Feb 22 Sunday Tech session Mar 28 Saturday 10 am Wrench-It Center, 1245 S. 700 West Spring Drive Apr TBD Follow us on Facebook 10 am Market Street Grill, 2585 E. Cottonwood Prkwy
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CCA, Inc., 640 South Main St, Suite 201, Greenville, SC 29601 or fax 864-250-0038, or www. (ph-864-250-0022).