comics for kids - Visit brussels


comics for kids - Visit brussels
C. ELOPHE 2012
07 - 09 S - w
8 and 9 septemBer 2012
coMIc strIPs oBvIously feel at hoMe In Brussels!
Our cartoon heroes are everywhere – book shops, wall frescoes, exhibitions, art galleries and TV shows. Even Hollywood has fallen
under the spell and on 21 October last year Brussels was the venue for the world premiere of Steven Spielberg’s cinema adaptation of
Tintin, while the Schtroumpfs were a wild success in the USA last summer. The sequels of these two adaptations of our national comic
strips are expected in 2013.
The Comic Strip Festival was created in 2010 by the Brussels-Capital Region as a logical continuation of Comic Strip Year organised
in Brussels in 2009.
For the 2012 edition, Brussels will experience a weekend full of colour on 8 and 9 September, with a totally new Comic Strip Festival
on Place des Palais, as well as a 3D mapping show on Place Royale, the Comic Strip market in Saint-Géry, the Balloons Day Parade, a
Comic Strip dinner at MOOF, and Comic Strip-inspired guided tours and exhibitions at the festival and all around the city, in particular
at Brussels Info Place (BIP) and the Belgian Comic Strip Centre.
During this amazing weekend, Place des Palais will offer museums, exhibitions, publishers, bookshops, boutiques and signing sessions,
alongside the Saint-Gilles Comics Festival and its St-Michel prizes.
comic strip festival
8 and 9 september 2012
Place des Palais – Place royale – BIP – Moof – cBBd etc.
An initiative by the Brussels-Capital Region
with the support of the City of Brussels and the COCOF
coordinated by VISITBRUSSELS
ComiC strips liKe you Have never seen!
coMIc strIPs have theIr oWn shoW! durIng a unIQue sPectacle the Most faMous coMIc strIP characters coMe to lIfe In 2d and 3d on the Walls of Place royale, transforMed for thIs sPecIal
occasIon Into an oPen-aIr coMIc strIP.
Monumental video projections, 20 metres high and 150 wide! This salute to the 9th Art will use video mapping special effects, which
allows virtually any surface to be converted into a dynamic video screen. Graphical creation will be in the hands of the Belgian collective
GODFAILED, specialists in video mapping.
From Tintin to Marsupilami via Blake and Mortimer, cartoon characters interact with the architecture of the prestigious facades of Place
Royale in a specially-designed show.
This fairy-tale entertainment will contain a unique combination of video, light, 3D, lasers and pyrotechnics and more!
PractIcal InforMatIon
date: friday 07.09 and saturday 08.09
times: 21:00 show
venue: Place royale
ComiC strip Heroes taKe to tHe air!
for the fourth tIMe, thIs gIgantIc festIval Parade of Brass Bands and helIuM Balloons More
than 20 Metres hIgh Passes through the streets of Brussels cIty centre.
This type of parade – which seems determined to become a habit – comes to our shores from the USA where, in 1924, Macy’s
department store in New York organised a grand parade of giant helium balloons representing city councillors, logos or animals.
The Brussels ceremony starts at 10 in the morning in Place des Palais with the inflation of the balloons, which will rise into the air
under the gaze of passers-by. This tricky operation will take place with the help of American specialists who will supervise the parade
and direct all the movements of the balloons.
The parade will go through the busiest parts of the city, offering 2 hours of fairy-tale joy, with uninhibited displays by traditional
groups and loud music from unusual bands.
As in previous years a new balloon can be discovered! The Cat will make its first appearance among our inflated stars such as Spirou,
Betty Boop, Boule, and others, These helium-inflated comic-strip gentle giants descend into the streets and wander along the grand
boulevards : an impressive sight and not to be missed.
Departure of the Balloon’s Day Parade at 15:30 from the Place des Palais.
15h30: Place des Palais (Start)
16:00: Rue de la Loi
16:30: Place de l’Albertine
17:00: Bourse
17:30: Place de Brouckère, where the parade will break up
Date: Saturday 08.09
Times: inflation from 10h00 – parade 15h30 to 17h00
Invasion of Place des Palais! A thousand curses!
Comic Strip enthusiasts will find bookshops, publishers, museums, exhibitions, boutiques and loads of entertainment for all ages. Be
ready to meet characters in the street who come out of their boxes just to say hello to you!
Date: Saturday 08.09 and Sunday 09.09
Horaire: Saturday 10:00 > 21:00 – Sunday 11:00 > 18:00
Venue: Place des Palais
Les Petits Riens gets settled at the Comic Strip Festival!
Relax while reading a comic book, sitting quietly in a lounge chair that you can acquire for an interesting price afterwards.
Date: Saturday 08.09 and Sunday 09.09
Horaire: Saturday 10:00 > 21:00 – Sunday 11:00 > 18:00
Venue: Place des Palais
Comics festival
The ‘missing link’ is now part of the Comic Strip Festival!
For its 11th Edition, the Brussels Comics Festival moves from Saint-Gilles Town Hall to Place des Palais.
This not-to-be-missed occasion will feature the award of the St Michel Prize, the oldest distinction in the European world of Comic
Strips. Previous winners of the prize, which was created in 1971 by André Leborgne, include Edgar Pierre Jacobs, Victor Hubinson,
Morris, Hergé, Hugo Pratt and Jijé.
Date: Saturday 08.09 and Sunday 09.09
Horaire: Saturday 10:00 > 21:00 – Sunday 11:00 > 18:00
Venue: Place des Palais
ComiC strip eXHiBitions
the festIval WIll Include nuMerous eXhIBItIons, In addItIon to the PerManent MuseuM collectIons dedIcated to the 9th art.
BelgIan coMIc strIP centre (cBBd)
This superb site, in the Art Nouveau style, possesses a collection of original pages and unique objects, as well as a permanent collection
of temporary exhibitions showcasing cartoons of today and tomorrow as much as those of the pioneers. During the Comic Strip Festival,
you can also visit “The Centenary of Marten Toonder” and a “Posy Simmonds Retrospective”. CBBD also has a library, bookshop and
PractIcal InforMatIon:
times: 10h00 to 18h00
venue: 20 rue des sables, 1000 Brussels
entry fee
special prices during the comic strip festival: 6� per adult and 3� per child of under 12
at the festival: cBBd will be present at the comic strip festival with a selection of photographs inviting you to take a journey
through the museum’s history. from the renovation of the building and its opening (1989) to its multiple activities today, one of
the world’s oldest comic strip museums shows you a panoply of events which are extraordinary, heart-warming or simply funny.
the projection of photos is linked to a competition: sharp observers can win a series of prizes (an annual membership, a guided
tour, participation in a beginners’ workshop, etc.).
Marc Sleen Foundation
In what were once the offices of a newspaper, the Marc Sleen Museum offers a permanent exhibition, a readers’ corner and a cycle
of temporary exhibitions showing the multiple facets of an extraordinary body of work, that of Marc Sleen, story-teller without equal,
master of the 9th Art and inventive newspaper artist.
Until 30 September 2012, the “Being a guest at Nero’s table” exhibition, in collaboration with chef Albert Verdeyen, takes place in the
context of the “Brusselicious” Year of Gastronomy: consuming a mountain of waffles at the end of each adventure has become the trade
mark of the Nero series. The chip shop of John Muscle, a great friend of Nero, will be visited by well-known and not so well-known
people looking for a delicious packet of chips.
Times: 10h00 to 18h00
Venue: 33-35 rue des Sables, 1000 Brussels
Entry: same ticket as CBBD
pp At the Festival: Passionate about nature and animals, Marc Sleen often gave them a prominent place in the pages of his comics.
The author of the Adventures of Nero & Co. was fascinated in particular by the birds and animals of the African fauna, following
his first Kenyan safari in 1961. Elephants, lions, mynah birds, crocodiles, cockatoos… a special exhibition in the Comic Strip
Village will show you the animals which inspired the author, with 17 pages which demonstrate the richness, versatility and scope
of the work of Marc Sleen.
Musée Hergé
Situated only 30 kilometres from Brussels at Louvain-la-Neuve, this museum plunges you into the entertaining and surprising universe
of the creator of Tintin. With more than 80 original pages and 800 photographs, documents and miscellaneous objects gathered
together in this exceptional site, Musée Hergé takes an impassioned look at the author’s life and work. Until 19 September, the
museum’s temporary exhibition area will be dedicated to “In Tibet with Tintin”.
Times: Tuesday to Friday 10h30 to 17h30 – Saturday and Sunday 10h00 to 18h00
Venue: 26, Rue du Labrador, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Entry fee
Site web:
In the Festival: Three collectors’ vehicles seen in the Adventures of Tintin will be on display in the Comic Strip Village, together with
their images from the pages of the comics.
The Comic Village is this magical place that combines everything a fan of comics can amaze in the historic center of Brussels. In the
heart of the village is the COMICS CAFE, a brasserie dedicated to the Ninth Art. It is housed in a 17th century chapel which adds
character and cachet to the location.
A visit to the Grand Sablon 8 is essential. The statue of Tintin welcomes the visitor on arrival at the Comic Village.
At the festival: On 8 and 9 September 2012, The Comic Village, in cooperation with BD-world participates in the Comic Strip Festival:
twenty originals by Charles M. Schulz and his hero SNOOPY will be exhibited here. A full salad bar with both salads and sandwiches
will be welcoming the gourmets.
And exclusively for the occasion: On Saturday 8 September, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Lucio Perinotto will be coming for a signing
session of his latest album Art Book # 2*!
Times: Monday to Sunday
Venue: 8 Place du Grand Sablon, 1000 Brussels
MOOF: Museum Of Original Figurines
Situated right in the heart of Brussels, in Galerie Horta at the Gare Centrale, MOOF is a resolutely original place where you can find
figurines, collections, original pages and drawings, aimed at the merely curious as well as keen collectors. In addition to its 1000 m2
devoted to Comic Strip objects, the Smurf Store, the world’s first Schtroumpf shop, opened its doors on 25 June 2012. From 5 April
to 20 October 2012: a special exhibition to mark the release of the album Les aventures d’Hergé.
Times: 10h00 to 17h00
Venue: Galerie Horta, 116 rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, 1000 Brussels
Entry fee
Guided tours during the Comic Strip Festival
pp In the festival: MOOF and the Smurf Store recreate a «Smurf» environment at the Comics Festival where you’ll find products
declined of the albums of the little blue men and a mini-exhibition of miniatures Smurfs!
The Belgian cartoonists and the 11.11.11 Campaign, a shared history of solidarity!
Les dessinateurs belges et l’Opération 11.11.11, une histoire drôlement solidaire !
pp With their well-acknowledged talent, Pierre Kroll and 7 other Belgian cartoonists(Cécile Bertrand, Serdu, Dubus, Stiki, Vadot,
Sondron, Vince Cartoon) created an exceptional cartoon collection in support of the 11.11.11 Campaign.
Each cartoon depicts in a fun and clever way what is at stake in the relations between countries of the North and the South with
respect to climate change.
Pierre Kroll’s cartoons will be exposed on painting or Plexiglas, the work of the other artists will be on display in their original size.
Both the paintings (preorder) and the original cartoons will be on sale in support of the 11.11.11 Campaign.
pp Contact : ; 02/250.12.30
In toWn
tibet as seen by david vandermeulen
First exhibition in the “Memorable Pages” cycle
Each year, as part of the Comic Strip Festival, BIP pays an innovative tribute to one of the founders of the Belgian comic strip.
Depending on their personality, every individual continues to be influenced by their memories of being a young reader and/or by what
they now know of the secrets of Comic Strip creation. Through each “Memorable Pages” exhibition, an artist who is still actively creating
gives his or her vision of one of the elders of Belgian comic strips. Authors who belong to different graphical schools are placed sideby-side, which can produce surprising (but always legitimate) encounters.
For this first edition, David Vandermeulen (author of Ric Remix and the ambitious Fritz Haber) takes a look at Ric Hochet by Tibet (and
BIP is just a stone’s throw from the Comic Strip Festival.
Date: from Saturday 08.09 > Sunday 14.10
Times: 10h00 to 18h00
Venue: BIP, 2 rue Royale, 1000 Brussels
coMIc strIP tours and traIls
comic strip heroes feel at home in Brussels: murals, frescoes, metro stations, museums and specialist shops form part of our surroundings and everyday life.
During the Comic Strip Festival, a team of expert and enthusiastic guides offer a themed tour around Brussels, a fascinating journey
through the most notable sites of the Comic Strip Capital.
Dates: Saturday 08.09 and Sunday 09.09
Venue: Leaving from the Place des Palais
Duration: 2
Free but booking mandatory on the site
theMed dInner at Moof
Be part of an original concept at Moof: a meal combining high-quality “street food” with comic strips!
This year, Belgian gastronomy is under the spotlight in Brussels under the theme of Brusselicious 2012. Numerous themed dinners
have been arranged throughout the year: on Saturday 8 September, the stars will be comic strips at a dinner specially devoted to the
9th Art.
Several of these authors will be waiting to greet you at a one-off event at MOOF. Right in front of your eyes, they will draw a sort of
mural, inspired by a series of themes linked to gastronomy. This will be followed by a ‘street food’ dinner, albeit much improved, calling
on ingredients traditionally associated with fast food. In this case, the ingredients will be top-notch hot dogs, hamburgers, bagels, and
cup cakes. So come along and discover, by yourself or with the family, the talents of our comic-strip authors. And at the same time, you
can enjoy a trendy new kind of meal. Let’s call it upmarket fast food! Best of all, you will also be treated to a sound and light show, as
part of the Comics Celebration.
Date: Saturday 08.09
Times: 18h30 to 21h30
Venue: MOOF Galerie Horta, 116 rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, 1000 Brussels
Entry fee.
Comic Strip Market
Les Halles St Géry will be invaded by bubbles for the whole duration of the Festival.
New, second-hand and ex libris comics, collectables, themed editions – this is THE place to seek out the latest novelty or vintage object
which fans dream about. Specialist professional exhibitors with their advice and bargains, as well as authors for signing sessions:
David Cerqueira, artist of L’ombre de l’Echafaud in collaboration with Masbou and author of L’Evangile selon Satan, a novel by
Patrick Graham which he transposes into cartoons together with Antoine Maurel.
Serge Dehaes : the creator of Mademoiselle F, author of albums for children, has also worked with Philippe Geluck for more than
20 years as colourist and is co-author of the series Le Fils du Chat. In terms of comic books he produced two volumes of Manager,
mode d’emploi for Fluide Glacial. Working for Paquet, he created Les Frères Siamois, albums driven by absurd humour and a
tendency to bite. Serge Dehaes is also known for his newspaper illustrations published in “La Libre Belgique”, “Le Soir”, “Flair”,
“Trends” and “Spirou”, among others.
Christophe Dubois : Graphical artist by profession, Christophe Dubois later returned to his first love, the comic strip. His encounter
with script-writer Nicolas Pona resulted in Le Cycle d’Ostruce, published by Editions Le Lombard. He has now completed his first
solo work, La Ballade de Magdalena, also published by Le Lombard.
Nicolas Duchêne : after various drawing work (illustrations, story boards), Nicolas Duchêne started in comics with the Crèvecoeur
series (three volumes, on a scenario by his brother Martin), published by Casterman.
Date: Saturday 08.09 and Sunday 09.09
Times: 13h00 to 17h00
Venue: Place Saint-Géry and Halls
The House of the Comic Strip
The House of the Comic Strip takes you to the heart of Franco-Belgian comic books, with Spirou, Gaston Lagaffe, Lucky Luke and Boule
and Bill, as well as the heroes of today. Authors of past and future comics rub shoulders in the gallery and bookshop.
Until the end of September, the gallery will devote a temporary exhibition to Jean-Pierre Gibrat, author in particular of Vol du Corbeau,
Le Sursis and the Mattéo series. The House of the Comic Strip has brought together a collection of originals, cover illustrations and
pages which show the history and quality of a great author of the 9th Art.
Times: Tuesday to Sunday 10h00 to 18h00
Venue: 1, Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 1000 Brussels
Entry fee to exhibition
pp In the Festival: The House of the Comic Strip will be present at the Comic Strip Festival, with activities for children supervised
by a lady artist.
Comic Strip bookshops and galleries
All Comic Strip locations are obviously associated with the Comic Strip Festival.
Some of them are even offering a special programme of events, exhibitions or signings to mark this amazing weekend. They will be open
on Saturday (some of them on Sunday) to tell you about the latest releases for 2012.
Boulevard Anspach 98 - 1000 Bruxelles
La Boutique Tintin
Rue De La Colline 3 - 1000 Bruxelles
Het B-Gevaar
Rue De La Fourche 15 - 1000 Bruxelles
Galerie Du Roi 4 - 1000 Bruxelles
La Maison De La Bd
Boulevard De L’impératrice 1 - 1000 Bruxelles
Le Village De La Bande Dessinée
Place Du Grand Sablon 8 - 1000 Bruxelles
Petits Papier
Place Fontainas 1 - 1000 Bruxelles
Little Nemo
Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier 25 - 1000 Bruxelles
Le Fantôme Espagnol
Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier 31 - 1000 Bruxelles
Boulevard Anspach 126 - 1000 Bruxelles
Le Dépôt
Rue Du Midi 108 - 1000 Bruxelles
Multi Bd
Boulevard Anspach 122 -1000 Bruxelles
Rue Du Midi 39 - 1000 Bruxelles
Dong Co
Rue Du Midi 33 - 1000 Bruxelles
Hors Série
Rue Du Midi 67 - 1000 Bruxelles
Galerie Champaka
Rue Ernest Allard 27 - 1000 Bruxelles
Avenue Des Arts 39-40 - 1040 Etterbeek
Librairie The Skull
Chaussée De Waterloo 336 - 1060 Saint-Gilles
Dargaud-Lombard Sa
Avenue Paul-Henri Spaak 7 - 1060 Saint-Gilles
Chaussée De Waterloo 169 -1060 Saint-Gilles
Forbidden Zone
Rue De Tamines 25 - 1060 Saint-Gilles
Chaussée De Waterloo 205 - 1060 Bruxelles
Librairie Durango
Rue De L’athénée 3 - 1050 Ixelles
Le Dépot
Chaussée D’ixelles 120 - 1050 Ixelles
Espace Bd
Place Fernand Cocq 2 - 1050 Ixelles
Brüsel Flagey
Place Eugène Flagey 29 - 1050 Ixelles
Paradise Bd
Avenue De Jette 136 - 1090 Jette
Book Center
Rue Henri Werrie 85 - 1090 Jette
Objectif Bd
Avenue De Jette 272 - 1090 Jette
Brussels City
Brussels is the capital city of the comic strip and never ceases to prove it: visit the museums and exhibitions, stroll around the innumerable specialised bookshops and galleries, see the 47 Comic Strip frescoes dispersed all around the city, or even eat and sleep on
the Comic Strip theme: Brussels has everything for fans of the 9th Art! Visit our site devoted to ideas for living the theme to the full:
vIsItBrussels: sIZed for coMIcs, vIsItBrussels: sIZed for tIntIn and vIsItBrussels: sIZed for nero
Each of these three mini-plans proposes an astonishing themed trip around Brussels, one on the trail of Tintin, the other following
Comic Strip frescoes in the city and the last on on the discovery of Nero’s Brussels. Don’t miss either of them!
The mini-plans are available at a price of 0.50� at all reception desks in different languages. They can also be found on our website.
ComiCs for Kids - In search of comic strip frescoes
à la découverte des fresques BD à Bruxelles
With VISITBRUSSELS children can discover different comic strip walls while
having loads of fun with the Smurfs. Along the way they’ll meet Tintin, Rik Ringers, Stam & Pilou, Billy the Cat, Spike and Suzy and many others. Through fun
games they’ll get to know the cominc strip heroes and their authors, who are
mainly from Brussels.
Gay Ce
maak 1
More information on Brussels and Comic Strips can be found in our press kit:
VISITBRUSSELS sized for comics:
GODFAILED is a Brussels based production house specialised in 2D and 3D urban projection mapping on big buildings. The visual
show on the Place Royale is achieved by a guerrilla group: Steven Hermans (creator and co-director, illustrations, 2D and 3D), Max Vannienschoot (scenario, concept, 3D), Boris Görtz (screenplay) and Christoph Bohn (creator and co-director, staging). This amazing show
immerses the viewer in a boiling bath of mixtures of new audio-visual technologies and the inexhaustible culture of the comic strips.
A graduate of the Brussels École supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc, where he studied visual arts, specialising in comic books.
A freelance comic book illustrator/author, he mainly works with agencies on communication or educational projects related to health,
culture, associations and institutions.
He works as a youth illustrator/author for the fortnightly Philéas & Autobule magazine, and is the co-creator and cartoonist for the
Vanina et compagnie series in this magazine.
He is the co-founder and author of the self-publishing collective organisation “Tête à Tête”.
He also founded and co-organises “Cultures Maison”, an independent annual comic book and alternative production festival that has
met in Brussels since 2010, bringing together a selection of key players in the self-publishing world.
Publications include:
100 Meisterwerke der litteratur, (collective), Moga-Mobo, 2004
Warum ich comics liebe, (collective), Ehapa Verlag/Moga-Mobo, 2007
Ça ne gâchera pas la fête, (storyline by: J. Luong), Vivio, 2008
Le déclin des abeilles, (collective), Tête à Tête, 2009
Tumbleweed, (collective), Tête à Tête, 2010
Vanina & compagnie, (storyline by A. Munoz), series published in Philéas & Autobule since September 2010.
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*to comply with copyright, please be careful not to adjust the photos of Comic Strip frescoes
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france marage : +32 497 599 111 -
CaBinet of minister guy vanHengel
nadya de Beule : +32 497 599 973 -
CaBinet of seCretary of state CHristos doulKeridis
michaël françois : +32 486 26 31 71 -
CaBinet of alderman pHilippe Close
Quentin Haxhe : +32 479 21 74 70 -
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