Programme of the commemorations


Programme of the commemorations
Programme of the
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Layout: CHAPA Art Prod.
Summary :
Our venues
10 - 11
A brief history
12 - 13
The St-Symphorien military cemetery and the Mons municipal cemetery
14 - 15
The commemorations on 4 August 2014
16 - 21
The commemorations on 23 August 2014
22 - 23
The Angels of Mons, 3D screening
24 - 25
Getting to know the British soldiers of 1914
26 - 27
Mons Memorial Museum
28 - 33
The exhibitions of the city of Mons
Guided battlefield tour
Open day CWGC
40 - 57
The projects of the partners
58 - 59
Heritage days
60 - 61
Study day
64 - 65
Summary of the programme
Private A.F. Carter from the 4th Middlesex regiment at La BasculE
© Ville de Mons
This summer, the City of Mons will be playing a significant role in
the commemorations of the centenary of the Great War.
The history of the First World War has made Mons an important
and incredibly symbolic location. It was in Mons that the first
battle took place between the German and British armies. One
century later, we remember all those, both civilians and soldiers,
who died in Mons and elsewhere.
Over the course of four years, the City will pay particular attention
to the need to remember, particularly among young generations.
The aim is to pass on the memories and raise awareness among
the general public of the horrors of war.
Through exhibitions put on by the city’s Pôle Muséal, a range of
cultural, sporting and memorial activities, as well as the key events
presented in this programme, you will be plunged into the history
of Mons, but also of Europe.
Acting Mayor
Nicolas Martin
Elio Di Rupo
Our venues
Boulevard Charles Quint
Boulevard Gendebien
Boulevard Sainctelette
10 4
Rue d
Rue de Nimy
Boulevard Albert-Elisa
Boulevard Dolez
Parc du Beffroi
• Camp for the group re-enacting the lives of British
soldiers from 20 August to 23 August 1914.
• The aim of this camp is to show how British soldiers
slept, ate and lived during the Battle of Mons.
See p. 24-25.
Place des martyrs
• Plaque to commemorate civilians killed in the
crossfire between German and British soldiers on
23 August 1914. See p. 19.
> Rue de la clé, 26
Magasin de papier
• Exhibition entitled “Les Jeannines” from 4 July
until 7 September.
• This exhibition will include projects and an
installation connected to the release of two
books about the First World War. See p. 33.
Grand’ Place
• 3D screening on the Town Hall about the Angels of Mons, every
evening in August. See p. 23.
• Live broadcasting on a big screen of the commemorations
taking place at St. Symphorien Military Cemetery on 04/08.
See p. 14.
• Commemorative ceremonies on 23 August. See pp. 18 to 20.
Place du Parc
• Planting of the Centenary tree in memory of those who
died in the Battle of Mons on 23 August at 2pm.
• Commemorative monument dedicated to the soldiers
of Mons who died for their country during the two
World Wars: 1914-1918 and 1940-1945.
de N
See p. 16 à 21.
> Boulevard Dolez
Mons Memorial Museum
• Museum, interpretation centre, a space for reflection and analysis,
due to open in spring 2015.
• Photography exhibition on the esplanade on Boulevard Dolez: “La
mémoire de la Grande Guerre à Mons: paysages, patrimoine et
souvenirs” (The memory of the Great War in Mons: landscapes, heritage
and memories) from 28 June until April 2015. See p. 26-27.
> Rue des Gailliers, 7
Musée des Sciences naturelles
• Exhibition looking at a number of themes connected both
to its natural science collections and the importance of
remembrance, from 22 August until 11 November.
See p. 41.
> Rue des Sœurs Noires, 2
Maison de la Mémoire
• Exhibition dedicated to the Battle of Mons from
3 August to 11 November.
• This exhibition showcases 3 war diaries kept by
residents of Mons at the time of the conflict, as
well as period photos… See p. 40.
> Rue Neuve, 8
• Exhibitions entitled “La bataille de Mons: les
objets témoignent” (The Battle of Mons: objects
bearing witness), “Signes des temps: œuvres
visionnaires d’avant 1914” (Signs of the times:
visionary art from pre-1914), “The first and the
last” from 22 August until 23 November.
See p. 29 à 32.
> Grand-Place
Salle Saint-Georges
•Exhibition entitled “Fritz Haber, A mind at war» from
12 July until 16 November.
•This exhibition uses cartoons by David Vandermeulen
to explore the life of the Jewish-German chemist,
winner of the Nobel Prize for chemistry and the
inventor of mustard gas. See p. 31
Our venues
Canal du Centre
Grand Large
Chemin de la Procession
Route d’obourg
Chaussée de Binche
500 m
> Chemin de la Procession
Mons Municipal Cemetery
It is here that soldiers, of all nationalities, who died during the Great War, are
buried: Belgians, Brits, Canadians, Romanians, Frenchmen, Russians, New
Zealanders… It is also the final resting place of Charles Simonet, a patriot
shot by the occupiers.
Commemorations at the municipal cemetery take place every year on 11
November at 11am. See p. 13.
> Rue Nestor Dehon
St. Symphorien Military Cemetery
The cemetery was opened by the Germans in 1917 and still belongs to the family of the man who
donated the land for this use, the Houzeau de Lehaie family. It is a place for contemplation, home to
the graves of German, British and Canadian soldiers involved in the Battle of Mons on 23 August and
the liberation of the City of Mons on 11 November 1918. The first and the last British soldiers to die in
the Great War are both buried here.
The commemorations take place on Saturday 23 August at 5.30pm. See p. 18 à 20.
> Rue de Beauval 14 et rue des Fabriques 2
Obourg station
It was here that the Battle of Mons began on 23 August 1914. Troops of the 4th Middlesex regiment
were occupying the former Obourg station. The fighting was very violent, and the British were forced
to retreat. One of them, whose name we do not know, stayed on the roof of the station, thus
protecting his compatriots. Obourg station was demolished in 1981, apart from one part where the
commemorative plaque now hangs.
The commemorations take place on Saturday 23 August 10am (limited access) See p. 19.
> Chaussée de Binche, 151
Camp for the group re-enacting the lives of British soldiers from 1914, on 23
August from 10am to 5:30pm. Here you will be able to admire a training
exercise by British cavalry from that period.
The aim of this camp is to show how the British soldiers slept, ate and lived
during the Battle of Mons.
Voir p. 24 à 25.
> Chaussée de Binche 44
La Bascule
Two commemorative monuments can be found here.
• The Celtic cross unveiled by John French in 1923. It is in memory of the 2nd Royal Irish, which took part in the Battle of
Mons on 23 August 1914.
• The memorial at La Bascule. This monument made up of two pillars in memory of all those who died in the Battle of Mons
on 23 August 1914 and the liberation of the City of Mons on 11 November 1918.
The commemorations take place on Saturday 23 August at 5pm. See p. 19.
> Chaussée de Bruxelles 1 (Soignies)
Casteau Monument
Two commemorative monuments can be found here, for the First and the Last of the Great War.
• Monument to the first confrontation between the British cavalry and the German soldiers on 22 August
• Monument to Canadian troops after the liberation of the City of Mons on 11 November 1918 (plaque on the
The commemorations take place on Friday 22 August at 4pm. See p. 18. et p. 52.
> Quai des Anglais 28
Nimy Railway Bridge
This was where the first two Victoria Crosses were awarded, the first to Sergeant
Dease and the second to Private Godley of the 4th Royal Fusiliers. A plaque
commemorates their courage here on the bridge that crosses Nimy canal.
The commemorations take place on Saturday 23 August at 10:40am (limited
See p. 19.
> A brief history:
The Battle of Mons
#1. © Ville de Mons.
Following on from the Germans’ decision to
attack France in accordance with the Schlieffen
Plan, the Belgian border was breached on 4
August 1914. After this breach, the United
Kingdom decided to come to our aid. The B.E.F.
(British Expeditionary Forces) started to gather
together, made their way to the continent and
headed to Mons. On 22 August, the British
soldiers took up their positions at the Canal du
Centre and the Canal de Mons in Condé.
#6. © Ville de Mons.
#1. Arrival of the British troops in Mons
on 21 August, Avenue Reine Astrid
#2. Re-enactment of the Battle of Mons
at Nimy canal by the German troops
#3. The British troops in the Grand’Place
in Mons, 23 August 1914
The battle itself took place over several days, and
the fighting was focused along the front line by
the canal. On 23 August, the fighting at Obourg
station was brief, but the most violent skirmishes
took place in Maisières and Nimy. At around
2:30pm, no British soldiers were left in Nimy, as
they had all retreated towards Mons. When the
Germans arrived in the village, they forced a few
residents out of their homes and started to use
them as a human shield.
#3. © Yves Bourdon.
After this, the invaders headed to Mons, and when they arrived via Rue de Nimy, they took more civilians hostage. When they got to the
Grand’Place, the Germans added the Mayor, Jean Lescarts, to their group of prisoners. At around 4:10pm, they headed to the Trou
Houdart at the top of Rue de Bertaimont. It was here that the British decided to take on the Germans. During the shooting, the
distraught civilians threw themselves to the ground, ran away and crawled along the front of the buildings, looking for any shelter they
could find, but the Germans, positioned behind them, shot and killed four people and injured several more, one of whom died in
However, the Battle of Mons was not yet over. The British and the Germans were still fighting in the village of Hyon, in Jemappes and
throughout the Borinage. The British troops went on to demonstrate their efficiency at La Bascule. Here, a handful of British soldiers
gave the B.E.F. the opportunity to withdraw by preventing the Germans from surrounding them. It was quite possibly here that the
famous “Angels of Mons” appeared.
22 August 1914, in Mons:
22 August 1914,
at La Bascule:
23 August 1914, in Mons:
In the afternoon, infantry and cavalry groups
crossed the city and everybody cheered them
on. They belonged to elite regiments. The
Scottish soldiers stood out. As they passed by,
the crowds gave them cigars, cigarettes,
cakes and sweets. Everybody admired the
good condition of the men, the beauty of the
horses, the smartness of their khaki uniforms
and equipment, the perfection of their
weapons. We could hear them march to the
sound of fifes and drums. (Diary kept by a
I will never forget that sun, setting in a sea of
purple clouds, I will never forget that vision
of two hundred foreign soldiers stretched
out along the road, singing a hymn in unison
which, in this peaceful natural setting,
sounded like a hymn of peace about the
beauty of nature. It was late in the evening
when the soldiers tucked themselves in
under their covers and we went to bed, filled
with confidence about the outcome of the
next day’s battle. (Diary of G. Licope, the
attack at Mont-Panisel)
In many parts of the city, shrapnel rained
down on rooftops, in courtyards, against the
fronts of buildings, ripping branches from
trees and falling into the road. The streets
were soon deserted, but all of a sudden, a
terrifying piece of news was flying from
house to house: the Germans were coming,
they were on the outskirts of Mons. (E. Dony,
La bataille de Mons, Mons, 1919, p.15.)
St. Symphorien
military cemetery:
a unique, symbolic site
22 août 1914, à Mons : Dans l’après midi des
groupes d’infanterie et de cavalier
traversent la ville et sont acclamés. Ils
appartiennent à des régiments d’élite. On
remarque des Ecossais. Sur leur passage la
foule leur distribue des cigares, des
cigarettes, des gâteaux et des douceurs. Tout
le monde admire le bon état des hommes, la
beauté des chevaux, la belle ordonnance
des uniformes kaki et de l’équipement, la
perfection des armes. On entend des
marches au son des fifres et des tambours
(Journal du notaire Hambye).
22 août 1914, à la Bascule : Jamais, je
n’oublierai ce soleil se couchant dans une
mer de nuages pourpres, jamais, je
n’oublierai cette vision de deux cents
soldats étrangers étendus sur la chaussée et
chantant en cœur un hymne qu’au milieu de
cette nature sereine on eut pu prendre pour
un hymne de paix destiné à chanter les
beautés de la nature. La soirée était très
avancée lorsque les soldats s’enroulèrent
dans leurs couvertures, et que nous allâmes
nous coucher pleins de confiance dans
l’issue de la bataille du lendemain (Journal
de G. Licope, l’attaque du Mont-Panisel)
St. Symphorien military cemetery is a unique
and incredibly symbolic site: it is here that the
first and the last British soldiers who died in
the First World War are buried. It is also
unusual in that it contains almost the same
number of British and German graves.
#1. © WBT JPRemy.
St. Symphorien military cemetery is
managed by the Commonwealth War
Graves Commission, the organisation
responsible for counting, identifying and
maintaining the graves of soldiers from
Commonwealth countries who died during
the two World Wars. It was set up at the end
of the Great War to manage soldiers’ tombs.
A team of gardeners from the Mons region
is responsible for all the Commonwealth
cemeteries in Wallonia (apart from those at
Ploegsteert) and works on getting the site
to look its best week in, week out.
St. Symphorien military cemetery was
established by the Germans in 1916 on a
plot of land that belonged to Jean Houzeau
de Lehaie, a leading Belgian naturalist. He
wanted to avoid his land being
requisitioned, so he offered the use of his
plot free of charge as a military cemetery to
the municipalities where there were
soldiers’ graves. The only condition
stipulated by the owner was that this
cemetery would be for soldiers from both
countries who took part in the Battle of
Mons on 23 August 1914. This solution, also
negotiated with the local authorities, meant
that all those who fought could be buried
together in the same resting place,
whatever their nationality. This desire to
bring together the different soldiers on the
same site is a highly symbolic move in
times of war.
#2. © S. Santarelli.
The CWGC now works with the British
government’s department of Culture Media
and Sport and would like to inform you
that, given the extent of the preparations
and the limited access to the site, St.
Symphorien military cemetery will be
closed to the general public from Thursday
31 July until the morning of Wednesday 6
August 2014 inclusive.
#1. Grave of Private J. Parr, the first British
victim of the Great War
German graves
Ceremony, 11 November 2013
#4. Bust of the Roi Chevalier, Albert I of Belgium,
in the municipal cemetery
Mons municipal cemetery
Mons was in the hands of the German army from 23 August 1914 until it
was liberated by the Canadian Corps on 11 November 1918. After 1914,
the military authorities in place decided to create an extension to the
north of the Mons municipal cemetery.
It was in this extension that military victims, of all nationalities, would
be buried. When the city was liberated, the Canadians decided to
open a new cemetery, just opposite this one. In the end all the
remains of the soldiers would be brought together in the municipal
cemetery of Mons and reorganised after the war by two British
Architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens and William Harrison Cowlishaw. Here,
soldiers from Russia, France, Italy, Rome, Belgium and the British
Empire lie side by side. Shortly after 1918, the bodies of a number of
Italian soldiers and 14 French soldiers were repatriated to their home
The memorial lawns at Mons cemetery
In this cemetery, it is not only the military victims that we
commemorate, but also the civilians who died during the First World
Opposite the memorial lawn for Belgian soldiers, the monument
dedicated to King Albert towers over the military graves. Not far from
the Cross of Sacrifice, the emblem of the cemeteries run by the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission, is a lawn dedicated to
deportees. This is where the bodies of men and women who died
because of the awful living conditions inflicted on deportees are
buried. These people were requisitioned by the German army and
sent to Germany to consolidate the workforce there. Near this lawn,
the grave of Charles Simonet, shot down for being part of an
intelligence network, sits imposingly among the graves of civilians
who died during the Battle of Mons on 23 August 1914.
#4. © C. Rousman.
#3. © C. Rousman.
#1. © Santarelli.
The commemorations on 4 August 2014
> The commemorations of the start of the First World War
at St. Symphorien military cemetery
St. Symphorien military cemetery, around which the 4 August
ceremonies are organised, is one of three sites chosen by the
British Government to launch the commemorations of the
outbreak of the First World War. The two other venues are
Glasgow Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. The British
Government decided to hold this ceremony at St. Symphorien
on 4 August partly because it was on this day, a century ago,
that, after the Belgian border had been breached, the British
Empire declared war on Germany, and partly because it is at St.
Symphorien military cemetery that the graves of the first and
last British death of the Great War can be found.
This ceremony, organised by the British Government, will be a
private one. Only around 500 guests will attend, as the position
of the site and its protection obliges the British Government to
limit visitor numbers. With the help of the City of Mons, a big
screen will be set up in the Grand’Place so that residents of
Mons and visitors will be able to play an active role in the
Commemorations. We will be projecting live images produced
especially for the event by the BBC via a number of cameras and
broadcast by the RTBF. The ceremony will take place in the
evening at around 8:30pm, and will last about an hour. The
theme will be remembrance, and the ceremony will include
readings of poems, songs and moments of contemplation.
We already know the prestigious guests to the ceremony: from
Britain, there will be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, better
known as William and Kate, accompanied by Prince Henry of
Wales, better known as Prince Harry.
After the ceremony, in the Grand’Place, the City of Mons will be
organising a vigil similar to the one that will be held at
Westminster Abbey. To link the two events, the big screen will
broadcast the service taking place in London. This vigil, during
which candles will be lit in the Grand’Place, will begin at around
10pm and end at around 11pm. It will commemorate the end of
the British ultimatum made to the Germans on 4 August after
Belgian soil had been breached and the Great War began.
Entrance to St. Symphorien military cemetery
Inauguration of the military cemetery by the Germans in 1917
#3. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Australia on ANZAC Day.
#2. © Privée.
on 23 August 2014
For this centenary year, the City of Mons really wanted to
mark its commemorations by making a real commitment
to the occasion. This starts with repairing commemorative
monuments such as those at Maisières, Ghlin, La Bascule
and the municipal cemetery. Secondly, it involves
engaging youngsters in a commemorative project from a
local perspective. Children from schools in Cuesmes have
been studying the life of Joseph Delsaut, a patriot shot by
the Germans. There will also be a programme of
exhibitions connected to the Great War and a number of
activities will be put on to help visitors come to Mons to
reflect on events in the city, and last but not least, an
ambitious series of commemorative ceremonies. The
highpoint of these commemorations will be the planting
of the centenary tree.
#1. © Santarelli.
Since 1919, and more specifically every year on 23 August,
commemorative ceremonies have taken place at the sites
of the Battle of Mons. Before long, monuments and
plaques were put up throughout the municipality, either
by locals, or by the British regiments themselves. During
the commemorations for the fiftieth anniversary, the
number of former soldiers had already been dramatically
reduced, so no major commemorations were organised.
Subsequently the City of Mons decided to take on the
responsibility of organising annual commemorations to
honour the British soldiers who fought in Mons. The
Échevin at the time, Jacques Hamaide, bolstered by the
twinning of Mons with Sefton, insisted on annual
commemorations in Mons on 23 August.
#1. #2. #3.
Commemorations on 23 August
# 4 «Plantation
of the Mons oak in Sydney »
# 5 « The Mons oak ».
#3. © Santarelli.
#2. © Santarelli.
the centenary tree
> 23 August 2014 at 2 pm, Place du Parc
The City of Mons is only organising commemorative ceremonies at sites within the region, but
will also be taking part in celebrations connected to the Battle of Mons outside the municipality.
In our region, it will be the Railway Bridge at Nimy, La Bascule, the Town Hall, the Place des
Martyrs and St. Symphorien Military Cemetery that will be honoured this year.
The highlight of the Commemorations
of the Centenary of the Great War will be
at the Place du Parc on 23 August
2014 at 2pm when the Centenary tree is
planted. This ceremony is an act of
reconciliation in memory of all the
civilians and soldiers who died a century
ago during the Battle of Mons. The tree
that has been chosen is an oak tree,
whose Latin name is Quercus Imbricaria.
This tree has been chosen in connection
with the Mons oak in the botanical
garden in Sydney. It was important for
the authorities of the City of Mons to
mark the Centenary with the creation of
a new commemorative monument, and
the tree, as a symbol of life and long
A commemorative plaque will be unveiled on the day,
bearing the following information: Centenary Tree. Battle of
Mons. 23 August 1914. This oak tree was planted on 23 August
2014 in the presence of the Municipal Authorities of the City of
Mons and representatives of the former warring countries in
order to commemorate the centenary of the Battle of Mons
and in memory of everyone who suffered in this conflict.
Remember as you pass by.
During this ceremony, different representatives of the
countries that were at war with each other at the time will
be given the chance to speak. We are expecting
representatives from Great Britain, Germany, France and
Ireland as well as Belgium. The tree will be planted by
youngsters from Britain, Belgium, France and Germany,
accompanied in this gesture by the
authorities who will also be
represented there. Music, poetry
readings and the words of soldiers
and civilians who witnessed the
Battle of Mons will punctuate the
#5. © The royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney.
#4. © Ville de Mons.
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st 20
21 August
> 10am :
Opening of a re-enactment camp of British soldiers at the Parc of Belfry
> 6pm :
Closing of the re-enactment camp at the Beffroi
> 10pm :
3D screening about the Angels of Mons on the front of the Town Hall
22 August
> 10am :
Opening of a re-enactment camp of British soldiers at the Parc of Belfry
> 10am :
First opening of the exhibitions at the BAM (Les objets témoignent – Objects bearing witness /
Signes des temps – Signs of the times / The First and the Last)
> 6pm :
Closing of the re-enactment camp at the Parc of Belfry
> 8pm :
Site of the Waux-Hall: Mons aperitif dedicated to the commemorations
> 10pm :
3D screening about the Angels of Mons on the front of the Town Hall
#1., #2 Commémorations du 23 août, © Santarelli.
> 4pm :
Commemorative ceremony in Casteau
23 August
The City of Mons is organising a full day of commemorations.
For the sake of security, access to Obourg station and the
Nimy Railway Bridge will be limited.
Commemorative ceremonies
> 10am :
Commemorative ceremony at Obourg station
> 10:40am :
Commemorative ceremony at the Nimy Railway Bridge
> 11:15am :
The commemorative parade sets off for Place Reigner at the Long Col (at the bottom of Rue de Nimy)
> 11:30am :
Arrival of the commemorative parade in the Grand’Place in Mons.
> 11:45am :
Commemorative ceremony in the Grand’Place in Mons and at the entrance to the Town Hall in Mons
> 2pm :
Major commemorative ceremony marking the planting of the Centenary tree in the Place du Parc.
This ceremony is the main focus of our commemorations. We are inviting all local citizens to come and
be part of this symbolic gesture, which will be attended by young people and official delegations from
the countries at war with each other at that time. This ceremony will combine poems, music, memories
and contemplation.
> 4pm :
Commemorative ceremony in the Place des Martyrs
> 5pm :
Commemorative ceremony at the La Bascule monuments (Carrefour UCL Mons)
> 5:30pm :
Commemorative ceremony at St. Symphorien Military Cemetery.
23 August
> From 10am until 4pm:
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is organising an open day at St. Symphorien
Military Cemetery. The CWGC invites you to find out about the different skills used within
their association, including stone engravers, gardeners, historians, tree surgeons and bronze
> From 10am until 5:30pm:
An additional educational camp will be open, with representatives from the British infantry
and cavalry, in UCL Mons’ fields next to the commemorative sites at La Bascule. Throughout
the day visitors will be able to watch training exercises involving the horses.
> 9pm:
Military music concert in the Grand’ Place in Mons including the participation of Pipe Bands
(Celtic Passion from Mons and the Somme Battlefield Pipe Band) and a unique performance by
the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment.
> 10:30pm:
3D screening in the Grand’Place in Mons, with stunning pyrotechnics in memory of the
legendary appearance of the Angels of Mons.
24 August
The municipality of Saint-Ghislain offers you the opportunity to explore a British military
camp re-enactment on the site of the Municipal Authorities, Rue de Chièvres, Tertre. From
10am, you will be able to see a field ambulance, a photo studio and an enrolment office, as well
as learning about camp life and much more.
The municipality of Quiévrain invites you to Audregnies from 10:30am, for the official
commemorative ceremonies and the unveiling of a new memorial. Then you can come and
explore the “British Village”.
#1. #2. Commemorations on 23 August,.
Commemorative concert
on 23 August 2014
The commemorations of the Battle of Mons will close
with a concert on the Grand’Place in Mons. Visitors
are invited to come and discover three different music
groups with a very British twist. From 9pm each group
will take it in turns to perform, and the concert will end
with a combined performance involving all three
groups at around 10pm.
The bands include two Pipe Bands, one from Mons,
Celtic Passion, and the other from France, the Somme
Battlefield Pipe Band and one regimental band from
the Queen’s Own Buffs Regiment, straight from Great
Britain, the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment.
Celtic Passion: founded in 2008, this band aims to
nurture a shared passion for Celtic passion and for
Scottish bagpipes. This pipe band is based in the Mons
region and performs regularly.
Somme Battlefield Pipe Band: founded in 1989, this
band is keen to promote the music and history of
Scottish soldiers, whose sacrifice during the war had a
significant impact on the department of the Somme.
The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment: this band,
part of the British army, is the only reserve group in
Kent (southern England). It serves both the general
public and the military in Great Britain and abroad.
The legend
of the Angels of Mons
Legend has it that during the night of 23
August 1914, when the British army was
cornered, winged, luminous figures
appeared in the sky to help the troops.
These angels appear to have temporarily
held back the Germans, allowing the British
to organise their retreat.
There are many different possible sources
and origins for this legend, but the story was
really established by the British fantasy
author, Arthur Machen. On 29 September
1914, he published a story in the London
Evening News about how a British soldier
appealed to St. George during a battle
against the German soldiers. Helped by
archers straight from the Battle of
Agincourt, the patron saint of the British
army confounded the German army. The
author confirmed, shortly after his piece was
published, that it was pure fiction, a story
that he had written to boost his
compatriots’ morale.
The Angels of Mons during the Procession in 2014 © Santarelli.
The Angels of Mons during the Procession in 1945, © Montois Cayaux.
The rumour spread quickly through
England. During the following months, lots
of articles and books were released relaying
witness accounts of soldiers who had taken
part in the Great Retreat. The legend took on
different forms. The angels who appeared to
the British troops were presented in
different ways: luminous clouds, on
horseback, as winged knights… Spiritualist
magazines picked up on the phenomenon,
as did the Protestant Church. Sermons
telling the story of the legend and divine
intervention were given at the front as well
as back home. Artists painted the story, and
music was composed about it. The legend
became rooted in British society, probably
supported by the Authorities, who saw it as
a way of supporting the war effort.
3D screening:
The Angels of Mons
Every evening in August 2014, the
Grand’Place in Mons will be completely
transformed to dazzle you with the
famous story of the Angels of Mons.
Retold as a dialogue between a resident
of Mons and a British soldier, the story
will tell you what really happened on 23
August 1914.
This sound and light show will be an
unforgettable experience for young and
old alike.
Practical details:
from Friday 1 August 2014 until Sunday 24 August 2014
(apart from 4 August)
What time: every evening at 10:00pm
Where: Grand Place, Mons
Languages: French - English
#1. The Angels of Mons.
Getting to know
the British soldiers of 1914
Exclusively in 2014 as part of the Commemorations,
the City of Mons will be putting on some ambitious
immersive activities, presenting British soldiers
camps from 1914. Two sites will each host a camp,
one in the Parc du Beffroi where the main camp will
be set up, and another near La Bascule on the UCL
Mons site.
The Parc du Beffroi camp will welcome members of
the Great War Society, the British association that will
be presenting a replica of a camp from 1914. Some
members of the group will be wearingBritish
uniforms while others will in German uniforms. More
than 150 participants will be demonstrating the
equipment and living conditions of soldiers from
The camp at La Bascule will be specifically dedicated
to the cavalry. There we will meet a group associated
with the Great War Society with a focus on the British
cavalry in 1914. A number of horses will be at the
site, and different events will be put on throughout
the day to show visitors how they are trained to
prepare for military action. Another group, the Rifles
Living History Society will also be there to present a
military camp.
This group is from Kent in the south of England, and
they will also be demonstrating the equipment and
living conditions of British soldiers in 1914.
Practical details:
> Parc of Belfry
Open from Wednesday 20 until Friday 22 August:
10am until 6pm
Open on Saturday 23 August: 1pm until 6pm
#1. British cavalry in 1914 © Andy Smerdon.
> La Bascule site
Open on Saturday 23 August: 10am until 6pm
#2. The Great War Society in Mons in 2004 © Ville de Mons.
Mons Memorial Museum
A museum, a space in
which to reflect
and ask questions…
There are so many ways in which we could describe the
future Mons Memorial Museum. This new museum
space will open its doors in spring 2015, on the site of
the former Machine-à-Eau, in Mons, right in the heart of
Europe. Its ultimate goal is to be a venue for
inter-generational interaction, at the heart of a heritage
region marked by the two World Wars that devastated
the 20th century.
This new museum will invite visitors of all ages to
question the complex, multiple realities of wartime
experiences. A massive permanent exhibition will give
members of the public the opportunity to learn more
about the unique history of the city as well as the
international events of the two World Wars and the
periods before and after each one. Visitors will be
immersed in the day-to-day lives of soldiers and
civilians in times of war through the stories of the men
and women who witnessed these events.
#1. #2. #3. #4. ©Atelier d’architecture Pierre Hebbelinck
#5. © Mons Memorial Museum
Collections put under the
The objects on display, selected from the 5,000 in the City of Mons’ military
history collections, are designed to raise questions.
The permanent layout of the Mons Memorial Museum will be punctuated with
different testimonies that will guide the visitor through the experience. Letters,
notebooks and interviews will bring the exhibits to life, offering a sensitive
perspective on the events covered.
British, American, Canadian and Belgian accounts will be on display alongside
German stories, adding real depth to the international events described in the
Mons, at the heart of the
The name of Mons will forever be associated with major battles. One example is
the conflict that took place in August 1914, in which British and German
soldiers fought against each other for the first time in the Great War. The Mons
region is also the now symbolic place in which Georges Lawrence Price died on
11 November 1918, at 10.58am. This Canadian soldier is generally considered to
be the last soldier to be killed in the Great War. His remains now lie in St.
Symphorien Military Cemetery, not far from the future Mons Memorial
Another example that bears witness to the region’s tumultuous past is the
“Poche de Mons”; a series of clashes that allowed American troops to put
several thousand German soldiers hors de combat. The City of Mons was
liberated on 2 September 1914 after more than four years of enemy occupation.
Practical details
> Opening spring 2015
Site of the former Machine-à-Eau,
Boulevard Dolez - 7000 Mons Belgium
Quadrilingual exhibition:
French, English, Dutch and German
Areas accessible to those with impaired mobility
Educational activities
Activities available, by appointment
© Patrick Tombelle
1914-1918 Remembrance route
> The Great War. Bodies, weapons and peace.
Because of the key role that it played in the battle of 23 August 1914 and in the last
skirmishes of the war on 11 November 1918, the City of Mons is at the heart of a real
First World War heritage region. Monuments, memorials and symbolic sites are
scattered throughout the region. Thanks to a remembrance route that will be
accessible from August 2014, we are offering visitors the opportunity to (re)discover
these battle, tragedy and contemplation sites.
© Patrick Tombelle
The fruit of a cross-border partnership, this remembrance route project is supported
by a number of partners from Mons (the City of Mons, the Tourist Information Office
and Mundaneum), the Cambrai region (the Tourist Information Office, the
Caudrésis-Catésis Community of Municipalities and the Cambrai Urban Community)
and is funded by the European Union. The overall goal of the project is to shine a
spotlight on the British retreat of 23-26 August 1914 from Mons to Le Cateau. The
lives of the residents of Mons under the occupation as well as the liberation of Mons
in 1918 are also covered by this route.
Dates: Route accessible from August 2014.
Contact: Tourist Information Office: 065/33.55.88
An exhibition organized by
The Battle of Mons
Objects bearing witness
Through this exhibition, visitors will have the chance to explore the key events
of the Battle of Mons, which took place in August 1914. Chronologically, it
follows on from the “Signes des temps” (Signs of the times) exhibition. The
events of the early days of the war will of course be covered to introduce the
facts surrounding the Battle of Mons.
As this exhibition is at a fine arts museum, the idea will be to put the objects or
historic artefacts right at the centre of the reflective experience, without
magnifying it. The perfect design, or rather the mise en scène, will look at the
Battle of Mons from an historic or chronological angle, as well as in the form of
history being unveiled using the exhibits as starting points.
Practical details
A fantastic opportunity to discover the philosophy of the future Mons Memorial
Museum, with the focus on a number of objects, accounts and photographs that
will be on display in the future museum.
Where: BAM.
From Friday 22 August until Sunday 23
Prices :
combined tickets for the BAM and the Salle
St-Georges : 9€.
Only the Salle St-Georges : 2€ »
More info:
#1. © Rino Noviello
An exhibition organized by
Signs of the times
Visionary art from pre-1914
Reflecting on the pre-war period, this exhibition entitled
“Signes des temps” (Signs of the times) looks at the general
climate of social unrest, which is so strikingly manifested in the
arts. Visions of fear, threats and the apocalypse stand alongside
projects imagining utopias and idyllic versions of the world.
The exhibition is based on a number of themes to help visitors
explore the boundaries and the links between naturalism,
symbolism and expressionism in order to reveal the signature
of visual arts left by a period marked by economic, social and
political upheaval.
The works of art on show include paintings, sculptures, graphic
pieces and photographs by German, French, Swiss, American
and Belgian artists, from international public and private
Practical details
From Friday 22 August until Sunday 23
Where: BAM.
Prices :
combined tickets for the BAM and the Salle
St-Georges : 9€.
Only the Salle St-Georges : 2€ »
More info:
#1. © Collections of the city of Mons / SABAM 2014
An exhibition organized by
Fritz Haber
A mind at war
This exhibition tells the story of Fritz Haber, a Jewish-German chemist
who was a paradoxical figure, a friend of Einstein and the inventor of
mustard gas, which was used as a weapon during the Great War.
It tells the story of the 1918 Nobel Prize for Chemistry and is
illustrated by the Belgian artist David Vandermeulen. He received the
2008 historic cartoon prize, awarded by the Rendez-Vous de l'Histoire
de Blois and the Château de Cheverny for the second volume in his
Fritz Haber series, called Les héros.
The series was launched over 10 years ago; this year, the author will
publish his fourth album. Critics recognise his rigorous work and
impeccable historic methods, backed up by an academic background
that is essential when it comes to tackling this sort of controversial
subject: the responsibility of the Jewish-German scientific and
political elite during the First World War.
Working with ink wash and using sepia ink, David Vandermeulen has
a very specific technique that makes his work so original. He manages
to develop an almost photographic realism, while also introducing
contrasting effects with shadows in different shades of brown.
An unflinching project, which will be laid out by his very own team of
designers. An exhibition that is likely to haunt you thanks to the
subject matter, the work and the atmosphere that will fill the Salle
Saint-Georges, a former chapel that has been converted into an
exhibition space.
Practical details
From Saturday 12 July until 16 November.
Where: Salle Saint-Georges.
Prices :
combined tickets for the BAM and the Salle
St-Georges : 9€.
Only the Salle St-Georges : 2€ »
More info:
#2. © Editions Delcourt / David Vandermeulen
An exhibition organized by
14 18
The first and the last
An exhibition organised in collaboration with Arts², WBT and Central
Saint Martins College in London
As part of the centenary of the First World War, the Wallonia-Brussels
Tourism London office has launched a commemorative art competition
with the prestigious Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in
Modern-day students, who would have been soldiers in 14-18, express
what the Great War represents for them, and what emotions it evokes in
them. Through artistic expression, they build a bridge between two eras,
two generations.
The same project was launched at the Mons-based college Arts²,
triggering a peaceful, cultural confrontation with their English
Practical details
From Friday 22 August until Sunday 23
Where: BAM.
Prices :
combined tickets for the BAM and the Salle
St-Georges : 9€.
Only the Salle St-Georges : 2€ »
More info:
#1. © Gauthier Aelvoet
An exhibition organized by
Les Jeannines
The Magasin de Papier has never worn its name so well as
it opens its doors to fans of all kinds of paper, whether it’s
used for collages, music or history.
This summer, the venue goes underground and becomes
Mons’ desktop publishing hub, “Les Jeannines”.
It will be everything it has achieved, including an
installation connected to the release of two booklets
about the First World War. “Louis Olivier” and “La rivière”
are the imaginary stories of our great-grandparents,
offering a sensitive interpretation of this tragic time.
Through pictures, writing and music, these accounts ask
complex questions about individual freedom, memory
and survival during a conflict that dramatically changed
the world, ushering in a new era.
Practical details
From Friday 4 July until Sunday 7 September.
Where: Magasin de Papier.
Prices :
combined tickets for the BAM and the Salle St-Georges :
Only the Salle St-Georges : 2€ »
More info:
#2. © Edition Les Jeannines
© MT Mons - Sophie Demeester
Our full range of Mons 14-18 souvenirs is available at the Mons Tourist Office!
Pin badges, umbrellas, bags, keyrings, earrings, history books… Treat yourself and
take a little bit of history back home with you!
The souvenir shop is open from 10am to 6pm from Monday to Saturday, and from 11am
to 5pm on Sundays and public holidays.
Grand-Place, 22 - 7000 Mons
+32 (0) 65/33.55.80 /visitmons
battlefield tour
To commemorate the centenary of the Great War, Visitmons is giving you
the opportunity to explore the Mons battlefield
in a double-decker bus!
From Saturday 28 June until Sunday 14 September, the City of Mons Tourist Information Office will be
offering you a guided tour of the “Mons Battlefield”. This unique battlefield tour will take place on a
double-decker bus, painted in the “Mons 14-18” colours.
The guided tour is open to everyone, and a commentary is provided in French and English by official tour
guides from the City of Mons Tourist Information Office. Departing from the Grand-Place in Mons, this
3-hour route will show you around the whole battlefield.
Practical details
From Saturday 28 June until Sunday 14 September: every Saturday and Sunday, from 2pm until 5pm.
4 August and 23 August from 10am until 1pm and 2pm until 5pm.
Departing from: Grand’ Place, Mons.
Individuals: €18 /adult and €12 /child (between 6 and 12);
Group prices available by request from the City of Mons Tourist Information Office.
Rue Nestor Dehon - Coordonnées GPS : Longitude 04°00'38", Latitude 50°25'57"
© C. Rousman
Come and see how the Commonwealth War
Graves Commission (CWGC) remembers the
servicemen buried and commemorated at St
Symphorien Military Cemetery.
The event will be held on Saturday 23
August, from 10am to 4pm.
Gates open at 9.30am.
Free entry.
© C. Rousman
Guided Tours
of St Symphorien Military Cemetery
10:30 / 11:30 /12:30 / 13:30 / 14:30 & 15:30 – ticket required (40min)
A presentation on the History of the CWGC and the Battle of Mons
11:00 / 12:30 / 14:00 & 15:30 – ticket required (40min including a Q&A session)
Tree Surgery
Meet our team and learn about the importance of trees in CWGC cemeteries
Stone Demonstration
See our stonemasons at work and have a go at letter cutting
Carpentry, Re-bronzing and metalwork
Meet some of our craftsmen and see examples of their work
Static Machinery Display
See the equipment our teams use to keep the cemetery in excellent condition
Children’s activities
Headstone rubbing, iSpy & trace a casualty
Information and exhibition stand where staff are available to give additional information on the
All events are free of charge but some are ticketed. Tickets are available on the day from the
Information Tent.
Visit the Information Tent on arrival for a diary of events, map of the cemetery, tickets to events
and children’s activities.
There is limited on-site parking, including spaces reserved for disabled badge holders, with further
parking available in the meadow at the rear of the cemetery.
Site conditions
Please note that the tours cover parts of the cemetery which include grassed areas. These may be
difficult to negotiate with wheelchairs/pushchairs and, in the case of rain, will be muddy underfoot.
Tel: +32 (0) 57 22 36 36 - -
La Libre vous offre
chaque semaine,
Selon Adam Thirlwell,
la littérature est une
histoire de traductions.
Pages 2-3
Supplément à La Libre Belgique du lundi 5 mai 2014
Supplément à La Libre Belgique - N°237 - Semaine du 8 au 14 mai 2014
Colette Golinvaux est la
nouvelle présidente de la
Confédération Construction.
Quand Lucas Belvaux
met en scène une histoire
d’amour qui ne tient
qu’à un cheveu. PP.4>5
l Intrigues
Vagabonder, c’est vivre
les rues d’une ville livrée au
carnaval, un chauffeur de taxi récolte
les clients et leurs histoires.
Quelles sont les 12 villes
dont les prix de l’immobilier
flamberont demain ?
humanité bigarrée et pleine de
surprises prend alors forme sous la
plume singulière de Rawi Hage.
l est des livres touchés par une magie particulière, alliant poésie, fantasque, tendresse et créativité. C’est le cas de “Carnival City” de Rawi
Hage. Né au Liban qu’il a quitté en 1992, celui qui se
partage entre l’écriture et les arts visuels vit depuis à
Montréal. Son troisième roman (après “Le Cafard” et
“De Niro’s Game”) place le lecteur dans les pas de Fly,
atypique chauffeur de taxi. Ce dernier classe ses semblables en deux catégories : les araignées (qui attendent l’appel du répartiteur) et les mouches (qui naviguent au hasard des rues, avec l’espoir qu’une main
se lève). Comme son nom l’indique, Fly est un vagabond, un intrigant, qui roule sans trêve et sans but,
espérant l’averse qui précipitera le client vers lui. De
son enfance dans un cirque, où une femme à barbe a
pris soin de lui après la fuite de son père (pilote de tapis volant), la mort de sa mère (trapéziste) et la faillite
de la compagnie, il a gardé un goût immodéré pour la
différence et l’étrangeté. Jusque dans la ville sans
nom où il a émigré, après avoir traversé l’Atlantique.
Cette cité que Fly sillonne est prise dans les fastes
du carnaval. Mais cette toile de fond est discrète en
regard des spécimens qui défilent dans son habitacle.
Sans déguisement mais non sans particularités. Dealers, prostituées, gens ordinaires, pressés ou à la dérive, ils ont souvent une histoire à raconter, un objet à
oublier. Un coup d’œil suffit à Fly pour “distinguer les
animaux errants et le tracé de leur existence louvoyante”. Attentif à chacun, voisin de palier ou client
régulier, justicier quand il le faut, Fly est aussi un
amoureux de littérature, elle qui a investi les moindres recoins de son appartement selon un classement basé sur son “impression subjective du livre et de
la vie de ses personnages principaux”.
Du cirque au carnaval, les singularités et autres bizarreries se cultivent sans ambages. “Jamais nous ne
les laissons voir que nous lisons des livres, que nous
aimons tout le monde et que nous acceptons tout, que
nos corps sont libres, que nous voyageons, résistons et
luttons, que nous offrons l’asile aux prisonniers et aux
révolutionnaires, que nous avons sauvé des Gitans et des
Juifs.” Dans ce roman à la plume enjouée qui célèbre
avec philosophie et lucidité toutes les saveurs de
l’humanité, s’invitent aussi de belles rencontres et de
sincères amitiés. Qui ne gomment ni les noirceurs, ni
les tragédies. Car derrière les masques, il n’y a pas
que des anges.
Geneviève Simon
Dans ce supplément,
13 pages pour trouver
le bien de votre choix.
L’immobilier tient
Rendez-vous sur
Pour découvrir
tous nos projets
en immobilier neuf,
stand 3333.
Carnival City Rawi Hage / traduit de l’anglais (Canada)
Fortier / Denoël & D’ailleurs / 344 pp.,
par Dominique
env. 21,50 €
pp. 6-7
La 6e édition du salon belge de l’immobilier
professionnel Realty se profile du 13 au 15 mai
prochains sur le site bruxellois de Tour&Taxis.
© S.A. IPM 2014. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit.
l’immobilier en confiance
SEMAINE DU 7 AU 13 MAI 2014 – 26E ANNÉE – N° 19
© S.A. IPM 2014. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit.
La Libre Culture.
La Libre Immo.
Toute l’actualité littéraire.
Le rendez-vous des cinéphiles. Un agenda complet,
des critiques de cinéma, des interviews… Des infos
culturelles, la programmation théâtrale et musicale, les
festivals et les expos en Belgique et à l’étranger.
Des infos sur le marché
immobilier, l’aménagement
intérieur et extérieur,
des petites annonces…
Développer la chaîne
tex-mex Chi-Chi’s,
c’est le menu de
Francis Leroy. p.16
Face et profil
Dans l’intimité
des Diables
Outai OPA,
La Belgique échappe à la
vague d’OPA qui frappe la
planète finance. Normal,
elle a déjà donné et les
sociétés qui restent sont
hyperprotégées. pp.2-3
l Édito
Supplément à La Libre Belgique - N°230 - Semaine du 2 au 8 mai 2014
Toute la mode italienne
dans votre dressing.
Huit bons plans
bruxellois pour luncher.
La loi sur le statut
unique est un défi
pour les ressources
Pas facile de gérer
les outils de
numérique. p.7
La Normandie
des écrivains.
Mario Draghi fait
la sourde oreille
Yves Cavalier
tatu quo sur toute la ligne du côté de la
Banque centrale européenne. Alors que la
monnaie européenne flirte avec la barre
d’1,40 dollar, Mario Draghi a préféré retenir les
signes d’amélioration de la conjoncture européenne plutôt que de répondre aux craintes de
déflation et, surtout, aux appels répétés des
politiques européens qui plaident pour un
affaiblissement de l’euro. C’est que la monnaie
unique a gagné 7,5% par rapport au dollar
depuis un an et demi. Selon quelques industriels forts en voix, c’est autant de perte de
compétitivité sur les marchés internationaux et
donc autant de marchés qui risquent de disparaître à jamais pour la zone euro. C’est
d’ailleurs ce qui a largement alimenté un récent
discours du nouveau Premier ministre français,
Manuel Valls. Cela dit, les propos du Français
ont été aussitôt critiqués par Berlin, qui estime
qu’un Etat n’a pas à dicter sa politique à la
Banque centrale de tous les pays de la zone
Mais Mario Draghi continue à faire la sourde
oreille et préfère en rester à son rôle de gardien
de l’inflation. Une posture qui devrait pourtant
l’inciter à baisser les taux –ou ce qu’il en reste–
puisque l’inflation de 0,7% est largement inférieure à l’objectif historique de 2%. Mais on
peut imaginer que le président Draghi ne souhaite pas donner l’impression d’agir sous la
pression. Il a annoncé une nouvelle évaluation
pour le mois de juin et veut clairement s’en
tenir à son calendrier. C’est aussi une manière
de rappeler implicitement son discours de
banquier central : “La BCE a fait ce qu’elle avait à
faire depuis la crise; désormais, la balle est dans le
camp des gouvernements”.
© S.A. IPM 2014. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit.
Arts Libre.
La Libre Entreprise.
Supplément consacré au
marché de l’art, aux salles
de ventes et aux antiquités.
Le supplément tendances et loisirs.
La cuisine, les nouvelles technologies,
les voyages, des idées sorties,
les grilles Tv du we et de la semaine…
Le supplément économique
et financier.
Pour votre
plaisir de lireƒ!
Via Dolorosa
©WBT J.P. Remy.
The Via Dolorosa project gives you the chance to retrace the steps of the retreating Belgian
and British armies in 1914. A hundred years after the tragic events that marked Belgium, four
municipalities (two Walloon and two Flemish) have decided to join forces to pay tribute to
and commemorate the story of the men and the sites destroyed by the conflict in those early
With this in mind, the municipalities of Mons, Zonnebeke, Comines-Warneton and Diksmuide
have put together an ambitious programme combining the opening up of sites, exhibitions,
commemorations and concerts. An exhibition bus will be travelling through the whole
country during the summer.
The commemorations of the First World War are a major cultural, tourist, educational and
remembrance challenge for Belgium and the other countries involved in the 1914-1918 war.
Keen to focus on remembrance, respect and loyalty to historical facts, this collaboration is
committed to promoting universal values.
Check out the full programme and the Via Dolorosa bus route
> The exhibition bus will be in Mons on:
4 August 2014
23 August 2014
14 September 2014
11 November 2014
The Battle of Mons as experienced
by the people of Mons
War diaries and period photos.
oranized by «la maison de la mémoire»
From August to November 2014, the Maison de la Mémoire will be opening its
doors to host an exhibition entitled “1914-2014 La Bataille de Mons vue par les
Montois” (The Battle of Mons as experienced by the people of Mons). The aim of this
project launched by the Maison de la Mémoire is to commemorate this battle by
working with the Military History Interpretation Centre to put on an exhibition
based on photographs and personal diaries. The 3 personal diaries kept at the time
describe the day-to-day lives of citizens of Mons during the battle in August 1914
and the beginning of the occupation of Mons from 1914 to 1918. These are
accompanied by remarkable photographs selected from the Mons Photographic
Archive kept by André Faehrès. The Chapelle des Sœurs Noires will host an
exhibition looking at the contemporary vision of the “Angels of Mons” through
visual art and music (an original composition). This project will be backed up by
other events focusing on the same theme, including talks and guided tours of the
Informations pratiques
From Monday 3 August until Tuesday 11
Where: Maison de la Mémoire: 2,
Rue des Sœurs Noires, 7000 Mons
© A. Fhaeres
The exhibition is keen to have an international appeal, so will be fully bilingual to
attract lots of British visitors who will be coming to Mons for the centenary of the
This project, organised by the Maison de la Mémoire, will continue after 2014. A
second exhibition is planned for 2016, looking at day-to-day life during the
occupation, and a third in 2018 on the liberation and the first commemorations.
These exhibitions will all take the same approach.
Exhibition at the Museum
of Natural Sciences
As part of the commemorations for the centenary of the First World War, the
Muséum régional des Sciences naturelles – SPW – Mons (Regional Museum of
Natural Sciences) will be putting on an exhibition covering a number of themes
connected both to its natural science collections and the duty of remembrance.
These themes include animals in the Great War and the discovery of different
species of animals that kept soldiers company in the trenches, as well as
symbols of different countries (in collaboration with the Musée Royal de
l’Armée). Other themes include the transformation of landscapes at the end of
the fighting, and the use of natural resources in 1914 and 1918. An illustration
of the sacrifices made by forest wardens during this war will be made by
showcasing a monument dedicated to them in the Forêt de Soignies. The
exhibition is also keen to have a local feel by focusing on the Battle of Mons.
This exhibition will also provide an opportunity to showcase the work done by
the pupils in years 5 and 6 at 5 primary schools in Mons, as part of the project
entitled “Quand les élèves commémorent …” (When pupils commemorate…), a
project launched by the Conseil de la transmission de la Mémoire de la
fédération Wallonie Bruxelles. This project is intended to be both historical and
Informations pratiques
From Wednesday 22 August until Tuesday 11 November
Where: Muséum régional des Sciences naturelles – SPW –
Mons – 7, Rue des Gailliers, 7000 Mons
Tel.: Pasture Bertrand – Manager +32 (0)65 40 11 40
Fax: +32 (0)65 34 86 75
Jemappes: The Royal Scots Fusiliers
in turmoil on 23 August 1914.
organized by CCJ
During the Battle of Mons, when British and German
troops came into contact with each other for the first
time, Jemappes was bombarded with shells: the
church, the station and 197 homes caught fire, and the
British Royal Scots Fusiliers were overwhelmed by the
German regiments, and made their way back to the
higher ground of Flénu and Frameries towards the end
of the day. A Victoria Cross was awarded to Corporal
Jarvis from the Royal Engineers for destroying a
drawbridge over the Mons-Condé canal under enemy
fire. This achievement will be commemorated in the
former Town Hall in Jemappes with an exhibition of
photos and period exhibits illustrating the events. A
logbook detailing the First World War written by a
brigadier from the Guides will also be on display. The
graves of British soldiers in the cemetery in Jemappes
will be decorated with flowers.
Informations pratiques
From Saturday 23 August until Sunday 14 September.
Where: Salle Réghem – Bibliothèque Ville de Mons Rue
Réghem, 1, 7012 Jemappes.
Open only : Saturday from 10am to 5pm and Sunday
from 2PM to 6PM. During the week only on
Appointment: 065/56.22.20
42 #1. #2. German officers in the ruined church © Ville de Mons.
Collective memories
> Nimy Museum
As well as a collection focusing on the key events of the Battle of Nimy,
through reports written by villagers who experienced the awful day of 23
August 1914, the museum will be exhibiting an array of items related to
the tragic events that will remain engraved on people’s memories forever.
Weapons, documents from that time, unusual objects found on the sites
of the battle, photos, outfits, tin solders, cartoons, books and posters will
be sure to arouse visitors’ curiosity.
Sand was taken from the riverbed of La Haine to fill bags used to build the
barricade just the other side of the bridge to hold back the Germans, who
were on their way from Maisières, along the little hedge-lined path called
Bocage Vincart.” Extract from “Souvenirs de guerre 14-18” by Pierre Defoy,
from Nimy.
Informations pratiques
Bocage Vincart, with Nimy’s Town Hall in the background.
Date: From Saturday 23 August until Tuesday 11
Where: Nimy Museum – 31, Rue Mouzin, 7020 Nimy.
Price: €2.50.
Plaza Art cinema
The Plaza Art will be putting on two one-off screenings of the
documentaries “Les murs de Dinant” and “Les villages contre
l’oubli” by André Dartevelle, preceded by an unseen film
about the Battle of Mons that was found in the archives of a
museum in London.
Informations pratiques
31 July at 8pm : “Les murs de Dinant”
5 August at 8pm “Les villages contre l’oubli”
These documentaries tell the story of the massacre of civilians
by the German troops in August 1914. The descendants of the
victims’ families tell their tragic stories.
A legacy passed down from one generation to the next. Their
accounts reveal the indelible marks that these crimes against
humanity have left.
Info and tickets:
Plaza Art cinema, 12, rue de Nimy, Mons
Tél : 065/35.15.44
20 Ghost Club
© Ghost club.
Sir John Boothman Stuttard and the 20-Ghost Club, a British group of Rolls Royce collectors dating back to before 1940, will
be in the Mons region for the commemorations, with 20 exceptional vehicles. You will be able to examine and admire these
magnificent old beauties, each one about 6 metres long, on Friday 1 August from 11am until 2pm in the Grand-Place in
Website :
Driving the Retreat
© Morgan owner group.
“Driving the Retreat” is an international rally with MORGANs, these famous British sporting cars. The rally will follow the
trail of the legendary British Expeditionary Force (BEF) who, after the Battle of Mons on 23th August 1914, were forced to
undertake a three month’s retreat from Mons to Ypres.
On the morning of 15th August 2014, the Morgan rally will start at the SHAPE headquarters. The first stretch goes to
Casteau, in order to commemorate the first and last British gunshots of the war. The rally follows its trail to the railroad
bridge at Nimy and to the old station at Obourg. Around 10:40 hr, a stop is scheduled at the Saint-Symphorien cemetary.
The 62 participating Morgan cars and their teams will be welcomed around 11:40 hr at the Grand Place of Mons where the
cars will stay until 14:15 hr. The rally will then proceed towards Le Cateau.
Website :
Ride the Retreat:
Mons to the Marne Centenary 2014
The Battle of Audregnies – Saving the guns, by Richard Caton Woodville.
Ride a horse or walk around these sites to remember the British soldiers’ retreat after the Battle of Mons in 1914. Charged
with history, these are still very special places for British families, where the focus is on paying tribute to the soldiers who
died in our country. Come and follow the procession with its four cavalrymen.
Website :
Facebook :
Cercle Royal Mars & Mercure-Club
The Cercle des Officiers de réserve de Mons et région and the Cercle Royal Mars & Mercure-Club de Mons have put together a project
dedicated to the theme of remembrance for pupils in their final year of secondary school in Mons. The idea behind the project is to
bring the First World War soldiers back to life, with a particular focus on those involved in the Battle of Mons on 23 August 1914. The
goal is to encourage the pupils to think about this global conflict in which so many military and civilian victims died. The results of the
project are available on An exhibition entitled Ils avaient 18 ans en 1914, Mons se souvient (They were 18 in
1914, Mons remembers) will be organised at the Ateliers des Fucam, rue du Grand Trou Oudart, 7000 Mons, from 15 November until 30
November 2014.
Alain KICQ, President of the Cercle Royal des Officiers de réserve de Mons
Email: – Tel.: 065/35.42.85.
François VERDIER, Secretary of the Cercle Royal des Officiers de réserve de Mons
Email: – Tel.: 0478/30.92.14
Concert by Jean-Claude Glineur and Anne Verschoore
Baritone Jean-Claude Glineur and pianist Anne Verschoore are delighted to invite you to their recital based on authors and composers
involved in the First World War.
The programme includes works by the following composers:
George Butterworth – killed on the front line in the Somme on 5 August 1916 – with his series based on “A Shropshire Lad”.
Ralph Vaughan-Williams – enlisted as a private in the Royal Medical Corps.
Gabriel Fauré – for his song cycle “L’horizon chimérique” based on poems by French author and poet Jean de la Ville de Mirmont, who
was killed during the Great War on 28 November 1914.
In the spirit of reconciliation, German-speaking authors will also appear on the programme, namely, Hugo Wolf and Gustav Mahler.
There will also be two sung prayers using texts by Maurice Carême, with music by the Belgian composer René Bernier.
Date and time: Monday 10 November 2014 at 8pm.
Where: St. Symphorien Church.
© Glineur
The Angels of Mons
© F. Mahy
The Levant (an equestrian site in Mons-Cuesmes) warmly welcomes you to its
equestrian show based on the theme of
« La Légendes des Anges de Mons – Les Ailes de la Liberté ».
(The Legend of the Angels of Mons – The Wings of Freedom).
In dark, gloomy times, the luminous wings of freedom appear, in all their
Practical details
Domaine du Levant - Rue de Flénu, 1, 7033 Mons
Date: Saturday 16 August from 7:30pm until 9pm
Contact: Frédérique MAHY
Tel.: 0477/ 32 72 77
WV Beatles Day
For the commemorations organised throughout this year, 2014, the organisers of Beatles Day will be putting on a number of activities in
collaboration with the Kiwanis from Mons-Borinage, the Club Oldtimer in Mons and the English towns of Southport and Sefton, the
second of which has been twinned with Mons since 1964.
Come and enjoy a classic car rally with English and French motors, where lots of vehicles belonging to Belgian and international
collectors are due to take part in an adventure that takes in all the sites of the Battle of Mons, which took place in August 1914. A French
ambulance from 1914 will also be taking part. Official guides will be providing comprehensive commentaries of the tragic events that
took place in our region. Period vehicles will be on display in room “C” of Lotto Mons Expo.
There will also be an exhibition of children’s drawings (8-12 years old) from schools and establishments in Mons as well as in Southport
and Sefton (GB).
Date: Saturday 11 October
Where: Lotto Mons Expo
Tel.: 0472/70 68 24
towns, Mons and Sefton
For 50 years, the City of Mons and the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton (originally Bootle near Liverpool) have been twin
This union is based on a shared history, and in particular on the events of August 1914.
An English delegation, led by the Mayor, Kevin CLUSKEY, will be coming to pay tribute to the British soldiers who died in
Mons on 23 August 1914.
A delegation from Mons visited Sefton in May 2014, on the initiative of Byng House (Royal British Legion).
« Le premier choc,
La Bataille de Mons 23-24 août 1914 »
(The first clash, the Battle of Mons,
23-24 August 1914)
Author: Yves Bourdon
In this very well documented work, the author describes with unflinching
accuracy and solemnity the comprehensive actions of all the battalions of
the BEF (British Expeditionary Force).
He highlights the courage, the self-sacrifice and the suffering of the soldiers
from both camps, making sure we remember their spectacular actions.
« Tu signais Ernst K. » (You signed Ernst K.)
Author : Françoise Houdart
This novel, Françoise Houdart’s tenth, is all about the unfairness of war: war that forces men and
women to confront their truth, their extreme feelings and their terrible destiny.
February 1917. Juliette looked at the young German soldier in front of her, armed with a requisition order to stay under her roof, with a
strange feeling, a combination of fear and pity. He had walked into the house with his costume of a temporarily suspended war: now
the enemy had a name. He would share the intimate family space. He would sleep in the next room; so close that life would go on with
the same rhythm as his footsteps on the stairs and on the floor of his bedroom…
« 1914-1918 : Autour des batailles de Mons »
(1914-1918: Around the battles of Mons)
Author : Alain Jouret
Until now, there has not been a book offering a detailed iconography of the “battles of Mons”. Keen to
fill this gap, Alain Jouret has collected more than two hundred engravings, postcards, maps and
photographs, many of which have never been seen before.
As well as lots of anecdotes, it includes plenty of detailed explanations. The reader will learn about fierce fighting, getting to know
soldiers and civilians and learning about their day-to-day lives. They will explore the region of Mons, and last but not least, they will
experience the euphoria of victory…
« Mons 1914-1918 : The Beginning and the End »
Author: Don Farr
Mons 1914-1918: The Beginning and the End is a book by Don Farr, written to tell the story of the lives
of British soldiers in the two battles of Mons in the Great War. On 23 August 1914, the British soldiers
met the German troops for the first time, and on 11 November 1918 the same soldiers liberated the
City of Mons after several dozen months of occupation. This book also looks at the withdrawal of the British armies to Le Cateau. This
historic publication is interspersed with maps and contains lots of well-documented historic details.
« Les Ailes de l’Espoir » (The Wings of Hope)
Author : David Cockney
This novel tells the story of the Battle of Mons and the famous legend of the Angels, through the eyes
of a British soldier.
“A page of history, an unforgettable myth, a reflection on faith: Les Ailes de l’Espoir is all of these things.
A fascinating, disturbing story, marked with a beautifully peaceful message.”
Saint-Ghislain town
> Commemorations
Saturday 23 August
10:30am: Remembrance ceremony –
Welcome by the municipal and British
officials at the Royal West Kent
monument, rue de la Verrerie,
12:30pm: Tribute to Major Holland and
the soldiers who died in 1914: Place des
Combattants, Saint-Ghislain.
12:45pm: Concert of Military Music, “The
Band of The Princess of Wales's Royal
Grand-Place, Saint-Ghislain.
1:30pm: Reception at the Foyer Culturel,
Sunday 24 August
From 10am: Re-enactment of a British
military camp (Rue de Chièvres, 17, 7333
Tertre). More than 100 British actors will
introduce you to the lives of their
ancestors who came to fight on the
Western Front in August 1914.
This day will include: a field ambulance with
entertainment (in English with a
simultaneous translation into French)
lasting around 45 mins. At 10am, 11:15am,
12:30pm, 2:15pm and 3:30pm, an
enrolment office, a photo studio, camp life
and old-fashioned games for children; find
out all about infantrymen, cyclists and
cavalrymen from that time, songs, dances
and music (from 1:30pm until 4pm,
traditional songs, musical entertainment,
dancing with “Le Quadrille 1900”).
10:30am: Remembrance service at
Hautrage Military Cemetery in the presence
of Belgian and British officials.
11:30am: Remembrance and dedication
service involving Belgian officials and
representatives from Britain at Tertre Town
From 10am until 4pm: Exhibition
entitled La Bataille du Canal – Tertre 1914
(Espace Ockeghem)
Dates: From Saturday 23 August until
Friday 19 September
Where: Espace Ockeghem (Tour de la
Ville), Grand-Place, 7330 Saint-Ghislain
Price: Free of charge
More information:
Quiévrain municipality
> Commemorations
In 2014, the commemorations for the
centenary of this battle will be jointly
organised by the association of history
enthusiasts ‘Centenaire Bataille
d’Audregnies’ and by the Quiévrain local
authorities. The focus will be on
remembrance, education and peace.
Saturday 23 August
In the evening (from 9pm): “British Night”
in the Place d’Audregnies – An evening of
dancing to the sound of British pop and
rock music, with guests of honour, a
military delegation from the Mercian
Sunday 24 August
From 10:30am: Remembrance parade
through the streets of the village, in the
presence of a number of allied military
delegations, British veterans from the
Cheshire Regiment and local Belgian and
French officials. Official ceremonies at the
municipal cemetery in front of the
Commonwealth graves and unveiling of a
memorial on the battlefield site.
From 1pm: “The British village” where
there will be entertainment, exhibitions,
games and tasting stands. The village of
Audregnies will be transformed into a
British village, plus guided tours of the
Throughout the weekend of 23 August, a
major exhibition entitled “1914 à
Audregnies et dans le monde” (1914 in
Audregnies and around the world) will be
offering visitors a clear, informative
explanation of the Battle of Audregnies. It
will also have the unique feature of
describing local life in our villages in 1914
and will also encompass the key events in
political, diplomatic and military history
that turned our ancestors’ lives upside
down. Bilingual exhibition, in French and
#1. © Rousman.
#2. The Battle of Audregnies – Saving the guns, by
Richard Caton Woodville.
Soignies town
> Commemorations
© J.R. Remy.
22 August at 4pm:
Ceremony marking the first shot fired by
Corporal Thomas. Presence of British
groups and descendants of Corporal
Thomas, the man who fired the first shot
on 22 August 1914 and of Captain
Hornby, who led the 1st British cavalry
Where: monument on the road between
Brussels and Casteau (The First and the
8 November at 11am, commemorations
of the deportation of people from
Soignies to Soltau,
Where: Parc Pater, 1, rue Mademoiselle
Hanicq, 7060 Soignies
11 November (late morning), armistice
Where: Monument, 32, Place Verte, 7060
“Une châtelaine dans les tranchées”
(A lady of the manor in the trenches),
according to the autobiography by the
Châtelaine of Louvignies at that time,
Maria de Villegas de St-Pierre, published
by Racines, telling the great historic saga
of this conflict.
Dates: From Sunday 8 June until Sunday
26 October
Where: Château de Louvignies, 1 rue de
Villegas, 7063 Chaussée-N-D-Louvignies
The Canton of Soignies Cercle Royal
d’Histoire et d’Archéologie has decided to
get involved in the commemorations for
the centenary of the Great War by
publishing a book and putting on an
exhibition. The exhibition will include
unseen photos, objects and documents
that local residents have agreed to lend
us. They will help us understand more
about the lives of civilians and soldiers
from Soignies, both on the front and as
Dates: From Friday 31 October until
Sunday 16 November
Where: Office communal du Tourisme, 2,
rue du Lombard, 7060 Soignies
more informations :
Quévy municipality
A permanent signposted walk in the centre of Havay, reminding
us of the drama of 1918.
Where: 7041 Havay
Date: from Saturday 13 September
“Mobilisation and Liberation”, this exhibition gathers together
military memories to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
beginning of the First World War and the 70th anniversary of the
Liberation in September 1944. A collection of memories and objects
will be on display, including medals, insignias, bayonets, helmets,
uniforms, trench craft and much more.
Dates: From Saturday 13 until Sunday 28 September
Where: Salle Roi Baudouin – 14, rue de Malplaquet, 7040 Aulnois.
Dates: From Monday 6 until Friday 10 and Monday 13 until Friday
17 October
Where: Hall du DELTA-HAINAUT – 102, Avenue Général De Gaulle,
7000 Mons
more informations :
Honnelles municipality
As part of the 1914-2014 commemorations, Honnelles municipality is
offering you the opportunity to visit an exhibition where you will be able to
- Old photos illustrating the war, living conditions, the villages affected and
their wounded
- Screenings of period films
- Period maps of the region on canvas
- Ration cards, military costumes and lots more information about life
during these difficult years
Date: exhibition (open to everyone) on Saturday 1 November and Sunday 2
November from 10:30am until 5pm – Days exclusively for schools in
Honnelles on 3 and 4 November.
Where: Administration communale de Honnelles – 1, rue Grande, 7387
Honnelles (Autreppe village) – Tel.: 065/75.92.22
Plus d’informations :
Quaregnon municipality
> Commemorations
11 November: 10am: Laying of flowers at the Monument, Place Brouez, Wasmuël. 10:20am: Laying of flowers at the Quaregnon
Monument, cemetery with the involvement of L’Harmonie. 10:45am: Te Deum at Saint-Quentin Church.
Friday 7 November, 7pm at the Maison Culturelle: Readings of extracts from the book entitled ERNST K. by the author, Françoise
Saturday 8 November
• 3pm: Unveiling of a commemorative stele: presence of descendants of British and Belgian servicemen killed in the Quaregnon
• 6pm: Town Hall: Variation on remembrance, singing, music and texts from the era by the Academy of Music and a performance of
the play “Boue” (Mud) by Simon FIASSE by the company SeenZenVie (also on 9 November at 4pm in the same location).
Exhibition in the hall of Quaregnon Town Hall including exhibits from the war such as texts and manuscripts from that time.
Dates: From Friday 7 november until Tuesday 11 November Memorial to the victims of the 1914-1918 war
more informations :
Binche town
> Commemorations
22 august:
14:00 - 16:00 : « Péronnes dans la tourmente » - Guided tour in English (Free access but reservation required at the Tourist Office
by phone at 064/336.727 or by e-mail at
10:00 - 21:00 : Exhibition « Binche lors de la première Guerre mondiale » (From Friday, August 15, 2014 until Sunday 24, 2014 at
Péronnes ‘s primary school - 53 rue Gravis 7134 Péronnes-lez-Binche - from 10:00 to 17:00 ; Nocturne on Friday, August 22, 2014
until 21:00).
18:30 - 21:00 : « Péronnes dans la tourmente » - Lantern parade with iPad animation in French (Departure from Péronnes’s
primary school every 10 minutes by small groups ; free access).
21h30 : Cheval de guerre ‘s projection on big screen
more information :
Le Cateau-Cambrésis town
> Commemorations
Commemorative ceremony of the Battle of Le Cateau:
a religious service will be held, followed by a parade, a weapon demonstration, laying of flowers and a speech in the presence of
patriotic associations.
Date: Tuesday 26 August from 10:30am.
Where: Le Cateau Memorial, Chemin de Reumont.
Planting of the centenary tree:
Witness the planting of the centenary tree in the International Military Cemetery, Chaussée Brunehaut.
Date: Thursday 28 August at 10:30am.
Where: International Military Cemetery, Chaussée Brunehaut.
Exhibition and conference: “La Bataille du Cateau” (The Battle of Le Cateau)
On Saturday 23 August at 10:30am there will be a debate led by Mr Dancourt, followed by the opening of the exhibition at midday. This
exhibition presents the history of the Battle of Le Cateau, which took place on 26 August 1914, the first battle on French soil, with
extracts from accounts of local residents from that time.
Dates: From Saturday 23 August until Saturday 27 September.
Where: Le Cateau-Cambrésis Municipal Library, 11, rue du Marché aux Chevaux.
Music concert, “La Grande Guerre des Musiciens” (The Great War for Musicians)
La Follia – Alsace Chamber Orchestra. A diverse performance plunging the audience into the trenches, alongside musicians and soldiers.
Date: Friday 29 August at 7pm.
Where: Abbatiale Saint-Martin.
Cinema and the Great War
Saturday 30 August at 5:30pm: screening of the film “Joyeux Noël” and at 7:30pm, a talk on the lives of soldiers during the Great War.
Sunday 31 August at 2:30pm: screening of the film “War Horse” by Steven Spielberg.
Where: “Le Select” cinema, 30 Rue des Remparts, 59360 Le Cateau-Cambrésis.
more informations :
Pays de Mormal
Municipal Community
> Commemorations
Wilfried Owen © Théâtre du Bimberlot.
“Littérature et cinéma” (Literature and cinema)
Series of readings of great texts from French and
international literature (Péguy, Barbusse, Dorgelès, J.
Romains, R. Rolland) by professional actors, plus texts by
regional authors about the Great War and the Occupation
of our region.
Where and when:
Friday 12 September at 7:30pm, in Maroilles.
Saturday 13 September at 7:30pm, in Landrecies.
Sunday 14 September at 4pm, in Croix-Caluyau.
“Mormal 14-18” sound and light show
The Forum Théâtre association will be putting on a
travelling show based on the key historic facts in the Pays
de Mormal. This show, dedicated to the daily lives of
civilians, will be presented over three evenings.
Where and when:
Friday 19 September at 8:30pm, at Familles rurales in
Saturday 20 September at 8:30pm, in Sepmeries.
Sunday 21 September at 8:30pm, in Robersart.
Exhibition entitled “14-18 les 100 ans” (“1914-1918, the
100 year anniversary), by the Cercle Historique section of
the “La Rhônelle” association in Villereau.
Dates: From Friday 19 September until Sunday 21
September (also open on 11 November)
History walk
Historical re-enactment of six major scenes in the history of
the town between 1914 and 1918, connected by a costume
Dates: Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 September at 4pm, in
Wilfred Owen: Dramatic performance by the Théâtre du
A British soldier and poet during the Great War, Wilfred
Owen was killed in Ors on 4 November 1918, as he led his
men in an attack on the Sambre canal. On the same day, a
group of soldiers from New Zealand liberated the town of
Le Quesnoy. Wilfred was 25 years old. Seven days later, the
armistice was signed.
Where: Théâtre des Trois Chênes, Le Quesnoy
New Zealand: every year, Quesnoy municipality organises
commemorative activities on 4 November, as the town was
liberated on that day in 1918 by New Zealand troops. In
April, Anzac Day is also celebrated in Le Quesnoy.
More information:
> Commemorations
Nécropole Nationale, Assevent
The commemorations in Maubeuge will take place on 6
and 7 September 2014. Come and find out more about the
lives of French soldiers, and commemorate the first French
town attacked by the Germans.
Throughout the weekend, come and see:
• Historic re-enactments bringing together 15 societies and
more than 115 participants wearing period uniforms and
• A focus on symbolic sites thanks to an original production
by the Chambre Theatre Company, combining professionals
and amateurs.
• Screenings on a big screen of a docudrama made at
Maubeuge Place Forte.
• Military ceremonies, on Saturday 6 September 2014 at the
Nécropole Nationale in Assevent, paying tribute to all the
soldiers who died during the conflict in the “Maubeuge Place
Forte” area.
Other activities will continue throughout the four years
of commemorations of the centenary.
• A route for walkers and cyclists
• Two publications telling the story of the First World War in
Maubeuge will be released: “Maubeuge, bastion de la
résistance, 1914-1918” (Maubeuge, bastion of the resistance,
1914-1918) and “L’étude inachevée des mémoires de
Georges Gay” (The unfinished study of the memoirs of
Georges Gay)
• A university discussion on 20 and 21 November 2014 in
Maubeuge on the theme of “Guerres mondiales et bassins
industriels en territoire occupé (1900-1950)” (World Wars
and industrial areas in occupied land (1900-1950))
• An afternoon of talks will be organised on 18 October 2014
in Feignies
• An exhibition entitled “Usines et travail en Avesnois et
Val-de-Sambre 1900-1930” (Factories and work in the
Avesnois and Val-de-Sambre regions1900-1930)
• An educational game available for local schools on this
more informations :
Heritage days
© Claude Renard
Mons, 23 August 1914 – Battlefields,
remembrance sites – Journey between
historic facts and eye witness accounts
At the very beginning of the Great War on
23 August 1914, Mons was the stage for
the first major clash between British and
German troops. Throughout the day, the
British Expeditionary Force resisted
German attack and inflicted significant
losses on them. The armies fought all
around Mons in Casteau, Nimy, Obourg
and many other places, which served as
the backdrop to this fighting while
civilians were plunged into the heart of
the conflict.
We are offering you the opportunity to
come and explore some of the key
moments of this battle with a tour
combining historical commentaries and
readings of eye witness accounts by
soldiers and civilians: a bus will take you
from Mons to the symbolic sites of these
clashes, and a guide will provide plenty of
information about the historical context
of the battle; at certain stages of the
experience, an actor will invite you to step
into the intimate worlds of soldiers and
civilians who witnessed these skirmishes.
The stops are: Nimy Railway Bridge, Mons
cemetery, St. Symphorien Military
Cemetery, the area around the
Bois-là-Haut (Mont Panisel) and the
Grand-Place in Mons.
Informations pratiques
Date: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 September,
starting at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm /
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Where: Leaves from in front of the BAM – 8, rue
Neuve, 7000 Mons
Group of a maximum of 30 people
Booking essential on 065/40.53.12
du 20.10.14
Journée d’étude (Study day) :
The Great War in Mons and the surrounding area
The idea behind this study day is to
present to members of the public the
results of historical research currently
being carried out on different themes
connected to the Great War in the Mons
Thirteen contributions from a range of
experts on this period will be spread
across the day.
It will offer young historians and
experienced researchers alike, the
opportunity to explain some lesser known
aspects of this time both from a local and
a regional perspective. The theme of the
imaginary will be tackled by looking at St.
Symphorien Cemetery and the legend of
the Angels of Mons. Military issues will
then be covered with a description of the
Battle of Frameries and an analysis of an
example of desertion. An overview of the
province of Hainaut during the war will
then be presented, and the actions of the
provincial government during this period
of military occupation will be described.
The economic situation of the Mons
coalmining region will also be addressed.
During the afternoon, the actions of the
resistance in general and of Edith Cavell in
particular will be tackled.
The topic will then move on to
counter-intelligence and informing on the
This fascinating day will close with the
description of the lives of Mons residents
during the last few weeks of the war and
the presence of the Canadians during the
liberation of Mons.
This study day, organised jointly by the
Mons National Archives, the Archives, the
City of Mons Pôle Muséal and the province
of Hainaut, will be open to everyone free
of charge, but prior written registration
will be required.
Informations pratiques
Date: Monday 20 October from 9am until 5:30pm
Where: At the Institut d’Enseignement Secondaire Paramédical
Provincial – 2 A, Boulevard Kennedy, 7000 Mons
Booking preferred: Pierre-Jean Niebes
Tel.: 065/40.04.66
Gardien de la qualité
Summary of the programme
From the 28 June to April 2015
> Photography exhibition on the esplanade on Boulevard Dolez p. 26-27
From the 28 June to the 14 September
> Battlefield Tour p. 35
From the 4 July to the 7 September
> Les Jeannines p. 33
From the 12 July to the 16 November
> Fritz Haber p. 31
The 1 August
> Rolls Royce p. 44
From the 3 August to the 11 November
> The battle of Mons as experienced by the people of Mons p. 40
The 4 August
> The commemorations of the start of the WW1 at St-Symphorien military
cemetery p. 14-15
The 15 August
> Driving the Retreat p.44
The 16 August
> The Angels of Mons equestrian show at the Levant p. 46
From the 20 August to the 23 August
> Getting to know the British soldiers of 1914 p. 24-25
From the 22 August to the 23 November
> “The battle of Mons”, “Signs of the times” and “The first and the Last” at
BAM p. 29-32
The 23 August
> Commemorations of the 23 August p. 16-20
The 23 August
> Open day CWGC p. 36-37
From the 23 August to the 14 September
>Jemappes : the Royal Scots Fusiliers p. 42
From the 23 August to the 11 November
> Collective Memories Nimy Museum p. 43
From the 3 September to the 11 November
> Exhibition at the Museum of Natural Sciences p. 41
The 13 and 14 September
> Heritage days p. 58-59
The 20 October
> Study day p. 60-61
The partners
Detail du Guards Memorial, Londres, © C. Rousman.
Come home ! – Come home !
The winds are at rest in the restfull trees ;
At rest are the waves of the sundown seas ;
And home – they’re home
The wearied hearts and the broken lives
At home ! At ease!
2nd Lieutenant WL Wilkinson
the Poppy
Since the end of the First World War, the
Poppy has been worn by people in
Commonwealth countries to honour the
memory of soldiers killed or wounded in
© C. Rousman.
The choice of this particular symbol comes
from a text written in 1915 by John
McCrae while serving in the war. His poem,
entitled “In Flanders Fields”, refers to the
poppies as the only flowers that grew on
the battlefields, whose red colour reminds
us of the bloodbath that this war was.
Tél: 065/40.51.11
Editeur responsable, Nicolas Martin, 22 Grand’Place. 7000 Mons.
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