IABPFF “SMOKE” - Los Angeles County Stentorians


IABPFF “SMOKE” - Los Angeles County Stentorians
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
1200 G Street, NW • Suite 800 • Washington, D.C. 20005 • www.iabpf.org
February 2014
Online Winter Edition
Greetings brothers and sisters of the IABPFF, I pray all is well
with everyone.
President: James Hill* and Wayne Smith
Once again, it is time to elect candidates to serve on our
Executive Board and represent our great organization. There
will be two opportunities to cast your ballot for your favorite
candidate, Absentee and Online/In-Person voting. Below are
instructions for the 2014 Election process.
1. In-Person voting shall take place during the IABPFF
2014 Convention in Nassau Bahamas and shall be conducted by the Election Committee.
2. Each Regional Director has selected a member(s) to represent his/her region to serve on the committee. Election
Committee members names and region representing are
posted on the www.iabpf.org website drum. A member
that is an election candidate shall not assist with the election process.
3. All Chapter Presidents shall provide a current roster with
the names of all members “in good standing” to their
Regional Treasurers no later than July 15, 2014. When
voting in person or absentee, members must be registered as delegates and on a membership roster validated
90 days prior to the election.
4. All Regional Treasurers will forward their regions rosters
to their Election Committee member or the Election
Committee Chair on or before August 3, 2014 for official voting accountability. The Election Committee shall
consist of one person from each region in addition to the
Election Chair, or at least three (3) members from different regions in addition to Election Committee Chair.
5. At the designated voting area, each member will locate
his/her printed name on their region’s roster and initial
next to his/her name. After initialing the roster, each
member will enter designated voting area log into the
eletronic voting system, cast a vote for their favorite canidates and upon completion exit the system.
Vice President: Kenyatta Smith*
Treasurer: Sam Aubrey* and Daryl Brown
Recording Secretary: Carrie Edwards*
Corresponding Secretary: Rita Francis*
Financial Secretary: Melanie Anderson*
Sgt-at-Arms: Freddie Jackson* and Michael Hoskins
*Asterisk donotes current officer.
6. In the event a member cannot locate his/her name on
the roster provided by the Treasurer, he/she must consult
with his/her Regional Treasurer to attempt to resolve.
Neither the Election Committee Chairperson nor Election Committee Member shall be responsible for this
resolve. If a member comes to the convention and is not
on a validated roster they will not be allowed to vote.
7. The Election Committee Chair must receive in writing an official clearance from the Regional Treasurer to
allow the member, whose name does not appear on their
region’s roster, to vote before voting officially closes.
Once voting has officially closed, no other ballots will be
8. After the close of the voting process, the Election Committee will lock the doors to the voting area and begin
tallying absentee ballots and adding them to electronic
system. Votes are tallied live as entered.
Please Note: Regional Treasurers may be encumbered by the
convention agenda. Therefore, early communication and discrepancy
resolve are imperative.
continued on page 2
Members who are not planning to attend the 2014 IABPFF
Convention, but still desire to vote in the 2014 Election,
have two options:
1. Log onto www.iabpf.org as early as January 1, 2014 and
register for the drum to enter the members only secured
access section stay up-to-date on the election process.
2. Obtain an official Absentee ballot from the iabpf.org
website to mail in or cast your vote from any device with
internet access. If you don’t have internet access at home
or on a mobile wifi device, then please visit your local
libaray and get assistance with using their systems. Be
prepared for the IABPFF 2014 Election.
At the official close of the 2014 Election Process, the Election Committee shall be sequestered to prepare the secured
Absentee Ballot envelopes for tallying.
Absentee Ballot envelopes will be removed from the secured
box one at atime. Each envelope will remain unopened
until member status is confirmed. The member’s name will
be checked against the Regional Roster provided by his/her
Treasurer. If the member’s name appears on the roster, the
Election Committee member from that region or the Election Committee Chairperson will sign next to that name
confirming member status and the casting of his/her ballot.
Please Note: Members are encouraged to confirm member status
prior to sending in Absentee Ballot. Members NOTE that live
electronic one member, one vote casting will take precedence.
After confirmation, the Absentee Ballot envelope will be
opened in the presence of at least three (3) Election Committee members. The official ballot will be numbered, unfolded
and casted. Absentee ballots will be manually added to the
online live voting process by Election Committee Representatives to be instantly tallied via the electronic voting process.
On July 13, 2014, an official link will be opened and accessible from the, iabpf.org website entitled “IABPFF Vote
2014.” After clicking on this link, you will be given detailed
instructions about how to print and mail your official absentee ballot.
In the event the member’s name is not listed on the roster
provided by the Regional Treasurer, that envelope will not
be opened but returned, by mail, to the member. Each
Regional Director will be notified of all Absentee Ballots that
were returned from their region.
All official Absentee ballots will be mailed to a secured post
office box in Florida and must be postmarked no later than
July 18, 2014.
Please Note: For more information on the entire election process for the 2014 IABPFF elections, please visit
the iabpf.org website.
All official Absentee Ballots and envelopes will be secured by
the Election Committee Chair until after the close of “InPerson Voting” during the convention.
2 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
James F. Hill III, President
James Hill*
Kenyatta Smith*
IABPFF President
2014 Candidate
IABPFF Vice President
2014 Candidate
James F. Hill II is a veteran of the Dallas Fire-Rescue
Department. In prior years as a member of the
International Association of Black Professional Fire
Fighters Assoc. (IABPFF) he has served on all three
levels from local to the IABPFF executive board. He is
presently the presiding President of the IABPFF.
Kenyatta is a second generation firefighter and
paramedic who has proudly served his hometown,
Cincinnati, Ohio since 1999. He is also the Immediate
Past Regional Director of the International Association
of Black Professional Firefighters (IABPFF), the youngest person ever elected to this position.
James was born and raised in Ennis, Texas a suburb of
Dallas, Texas. He and his four sisters and three brothers were raised by their father and mother James and
Margie Hill. He graduated of Ennis High School. He
excelled in both baseball and football. He attended
college at Prairie View A&M University (HBC) and
played football and baseball where he was “ALL SWAC”
at third base. He is a professional firefighter with the
rank of Command Tech/Engineer and is a Logistical
Manager for Texas Task Force II USAR and SUSAR. He
has also attained various certifications and accommodations. Since joining the IABPFF in 1986 it has become
a passion. His passion began with him becoming a
member of the Dallas Black Firefighters and becoming an officer in the organization. He rose through the
structure of the organization to become chapter president, twice. He is the longest standing president of the
local organization. He was instrumental in bringing
forth issues and fighting injustices within the Dallas
Fire Department and the state of Texas. He has served
as Director of the South Central Region of the IABPFF,
Sergeant-at-Arms, Financial Secretary and as the
Executive Vice President of the IABPFF.
As Director he served two terms and his responsibilities included the ten states of the midwest, as well as
the recruitment and retention of the minority firefighters. He currently holds the office of Executive Vice
President of the IABPFF, writing history once more
as the youngest person ever elected to this position
in the IABPFF. He is also responsible for the welfare
of minority firefighters in the United States, United
Kingdom and the Caribbean.
Some of his hobbies are golf, traveling, and spending
time with family and friends. He is married to his adoring wife Cynthia. They have a daughter Kristie son-inlaw Daman and 6 grandsons; Evann, Jamison, Xavier,
Joshua, Cole and Chandler.
3 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Kenyatta has been recognized and earned various awards
for his professional accomplishments during his 14
year tenure, which includes, but certainly not limited
to, the Company Heroism Award from the Cincinnati
Fire Department for work during the Horseshoe
Casino Collapse (2013); the Leadership Award from
the North Central Region of the IABPFF (2012), the
Cincinnati Fire Department Commendation for Rescue
(2011), and has been featured in Who’s Who in Black
Cincinnati since 2006.
Kenyatta has received his organization’s highest honor for
community service efforts, and several heroism awards.
He also received recognition for his work during the
Hurricane Katrina rescue/relief efforts in New Orleans.
continued on page 4
Kenyatta is the organizer for three very important community projects in Cincinnati: The Cincinnati African
American Firefighters Association Annual School
Supply Drive, the Clothes/Food Drive, and the Holiday
Toy Drive; which all annually serve over 10,000 inner
city children. He serves on two boards that distribute
annual scholarships to high school seniors, serves as a
youth mentor in his community, and is a motivational
speaker to youth in Cincinnati and around the country.
Kenyatta loves kids and frequently visits schools to teach
them about fire safety campaigns from the IABPFF, the
Stop Fire, and No Child Left Alone campaigns. He has
recognized an increased need to reach more children to
communicate the importance of fire safety and created
an activity/coloring book in the name of the IABPFF,
which teaches children how to be fire safe.
Kenyatta developed, and currently teaches, a preparatory class for individuals wanting to pursue a career
in fire service. His program has been adopted by the
IABPFF across the country, resulting in the hire of
numerous qualified firefighters in those cities which
have been involved in the prep course.
In addition to enhancing job performance and work
equality throughout the fire service, and his active
involvement in the community, Kenyatta has also
been blessed with creative and artistic abilities. The
Cincinnati Fire Department’s (CFD) logo is a prototype design created by Kenyatta in 2003 for the CFD’s
150th anniversary. To this day his design can be seen
being worn proudly on the CFD’s uniforms and displayed on vehicles.
Kenyatta also enjoys cooking and is a published cook
and participants in community cooking fundraising
events. He has also been featured in the national magazine Essence and the Cincinnati magazine for his culinary excellence.
As Executive Vice President, Kenyatta has established a
youth and retired services committee, to help close the
generational gap by building strong bridges that will
ensure the legacy of the IABPFF. Kenyatta has facilitated various meetings and conference calls with the
IABPFF board, namely the CFSI/Day On The Hill.
His goals and mission for the IABPFF is to continue
to heavily recruit and spread the word of the IABPFF
and assist President Hill in any capacity he needs. He is
currently working on membership drives as a means to
increasing membership numbers in the IABPFF targeting high volumes of African Americans firefighters in
cities that are not associated in membership with the
IABPFF. Kenyatta is also working to establish quarterly training among the IABPFF Executive Board and
Chapter Presidents.
As a fire instructor and EMS leader, Kenyatta is working
with outside companies and the public school system
to solidify the minority firefighter’s recruitment effort
in city high schools, by establishing a vocational school
similar to the efforts the IABPFF Cleveland chapter has
established. He will continue communication with the
public and social media outlets about IABPFF concerns,
for many do not know the extinction level event that is
happening to minority firefighters.
• IABPFF member since 1999
• Current IABPFF Executive Vice President
• Immediate Past NCR Director (2007-2011)
• IABPFF Constitution Chair (2007-Present)
• Cincinnati African American Firefighters Vice
President (2005-2013)
• NCR 3rd Vice Director (2005-2007)
• NCR and Cincinnati Corresponding Secretary
• Cincinnati African American Firefighters Association
Sgt-At-Arms (2000-2003)
All That I Am I Owe …
4 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Wayne Smith
IABPFF President
2014 Candidate
Out of opposition to the 50/50 Rule—which mandated that
no station or apparatus could be over 50% black—the IBFA
was formed in 1992. Wayne’s contribution to this department mandate was to use his position, as a Union Leader, to
raise this issue with the Mayor and the Public Safety Director, which resulted in the rule being eliminated.
Wayne Smith was born on March 3, 1957 in Indianapolis,
Indiana. He attended Holy Angels Catholic grammar school,
and upon graduation attended Shortridge high school, and was
a starter on the freshman, reserve and varsity basketball teams. After graduation from high school, Wayne attended Mira
Costa Junior College in Oceanside California and also played
basketball. He later transferred to Ball State University, located
in Muncie, Indiana, and majored in communications.
Wayne’s career in the fire service began when he was sworn in
as an Indianapolis firefighter in February 1986. In the early
years, Smith immediately dived into all aspects of the fire service. His desire to serve his fellow firefighters led him to seek
involvement in the Local 416, where he became a trustee and
organized the union’s social gatherings and events.
Wayne’s deft ability to garner trust and support from the
rank and file soon resulted in his being the first black firefighter ever elected to Local 416 IAFF executive board. His
work ethic and no nonsense ability to negotiate positively
with the city for the benefit of the firefighters he represented,
led to two of the most successful terms ever as Local 416’s
Executive President.
Between stints as a Local 416 Executive Board Member and
Executive President, Wayne was a key player in the birthing
of the Black Firefighters Association, which is Indianapolis
chapter of the IABPFF. Smith has served in many positions
with the BFA, including its third ever Chapter President.
In an effort to regain the participation of retirees, Wayne
plans to establish a senior advisory board program, to galvanize our IABPFF retirees, and make use of their experience
and skills, but most of all their wisdom.
IAFF Local 416 Union Trustee (3 terms)
IBFA Board Chairman (8 years)
Indianapolis District President, IAFF Local 416
(755 members)
IBFA President (1 term)
President IAFF Local 416 (2 terms, 2500 members)
Mira Costa Junior College and Ball State University
Ivy Tech College (Fire Science Degree)
Lieutenant, March 2002
Captain, April 2008
Battalion Chief, May 2013 5 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
B.E.R.T. (Basic Emergency Rescue Technician); CRT; Confined Space; Trench Rescue; Structural Collapse; Hazardous
Materials Technician; Top Water; Extrication; Rope Rescue;
EMT; Fire Ground Safety Officer; Strategy and Tactics; Fire
Inspection; Flash Over Instructor; Fire Officer I, II & III;
Fire Instructor I, II, III; and Master Firefighter. AWARDS
Police-Fire-Sheriffs, Firefighter of the Year, Police & Fire
Hall of Fame, IFD Peer Leadership Award, FILE (Fairness
In Law Enforcement), Black Police Officers Association
Leadership Award, IBFA Presidents Distinguished Service
Award (awarded by former IBFA Presidents Daryl Hayden
and Ron Marks)
Wayne is also the recipient of multiple awards for life saving
rescues, unit accommodations, and letters of accommodation.
• Co-wrote the $4.3 million SAFER grant for Indianapolis
Fire Department’s Hiring Program. • Collaborated with the Indianapolis Public Safety Director
and Township Trustee to secure a $3.1 million allocation for
a new IFD fire station at no cost to the city; following the
merging of the five local township fire departments into IFD.
• $677,000 grant to IFD for a second arson investigator (this
grant was initially denied but under Wayne’s leadership the
grant was resubmitted, and approved).
• $10,000 corporate sponsor for NCR/IABPFF conference
(all 2010 NCR conference participants in Indianapolis,
paid no registration fee).
• $2,000 corporate sponsorship for NCR/IABPFF 2012
Milwaukee conference ($1,000 went to the region and
$1,000 went to the host chapter from the IBFA, and the
NCR has begun to pay conferences forward to assist all
host chapters with seed money). • IFD fire-rescue high school program (EMS training for
feeder system into workplace after graduation and dispatch
training module in the planned future; this plan is based
on the Cleveland Vanguard model and members Terrence
Watson and Tony Luke have been a great help).
• Wayne has also hosted a series of fundraisers for the IBFA
totaling over $70,000 and was instrumental in working with former IBFA President Daryl Hayden, to secure
IBFA’s second building.
As the next President, I look forward to re-establishing
the vision put forth in the PREAMBLE. Together we can
change the direction of the IABPFF so that its activity begins
to fulfill the needs of our Chapters, and in that process we
will achieve the hopes and dreams of our founding fathers.
Sam Aubrey*
Darryl Brown
IABPFF Treasurer
2014 Candidate
IABPFF Treasurer
2014 Candidate
Houston Fire Department (Retired, 1974-2001)
Fire Station 55 & 46 (1974-1991)
Haz Mat Station 22 (1991-2001)
Hazardous Material Technician
Wharton High School, 1967
Texas Southern University (1972-1974)
Houston Community, Associate Degree
(Graduate 1975-1977)
University of Houston Fire Science
(1978-1984; 110 hrs.)
2nd 7th First Cavalry/2nd 287th 101st Airborne
Vietnam (December 1970-December 1971)
Houston Black Fire Fighters Association (1985-2001)
Founder, Treasurer, Vice President & Acting President
IABPFF Exec. Board Member (served 7 of 9 Presidents):
S. Central Reg. Dir., 1987-1989 (Pres. Clarence Williams)
Sgt-at-Arms, 1992-1996 (Pres. Romeo Spaulding)
Sgt at Arms, 1996-1998 (Pres. Oshiyemi Adelabu)
Financial Secretary, 1998-2000 (Pres. Theodore O. Holmes)
Treasurer, 2000-2002 (Pres. Theodore O. Holmes)
Treasurer, 2002-2008 (Pres. Johnny “JB” Brewington
Treasurer, 2008-2012 (Pres. Joseph Muhammad)
Treasurer, 2012-Present (Pres. James F. Hill II)
Sam was born December 3, 1948 in Wharton, Texas.
6 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Detroit Fire Department, Retired
NAACP National Member
PHA F & AM Member
13th Congressional District Trustee
African American Action Association
Carl Holmes Executive Development Institute,
2008 Graduate
Wayne County Community College
Henry Ford Community College
IABPFF Member (11 years)
Current Positions
IABPFF Regional Director (Two Terms)
Assistant Treasurer, 13th Congressional District
Financial Review Board,
African American Action Association
Finance Officer, Yellow Tigers Inc.
Past Positions
Corresponding Secretary, NCR & The Phoenix
Secretary, NCR & The Phoenix
Michigan State Repesentative
Rita Francis*
Carrie Edwards*
IABPFF Corresponding Secretary
2014 Candidate
IABPFF Recording Secretary
2014 Candidate
Rita M. Francis was born and raised in Baltimore,
Maryland and received her high school education in
the Baltimore City public schools system. She attended
James Madison University and earned certificates as an
Emergency Medical and Cardiac Rescue Technician
(Medic) from the Community College of Baltimore.
Ms. Francis started her career in the emergency services
arena with the Rockingham County Volunteer Fire
Department in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She secured
employment as an Emergency Medical Technician
and Dispatcher for a private ambulance service, and in
1986 joined the Woodlawn Volunteer Fire Department,
Baltimore County, Maryland.
In 1989, Ms. Francis became a dispatcher with the
Howard County Police Department, Division of
Communications, Ellicott City, Maryland where she
dispatches fire, rescue, EMS and police personnel. She
is trained in hostage negotiation, domestic violence
intervention and is a national and Maryland State certified Emergency Medical Dispatcher. Rita is currently a
Senior Dispatcher Supervisor and is also a twenty-one
year member of the Howard County Critical Incident
Stress Management Team.
Ms. Francis has been a member of the International
Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF)
since 1992, and serves as the Corresponding Secretary
of her local chapter, The Phoenix Sentinels of Howard
County, Maryland. She is currently the Corresponding
Secretary for the South East Region of the IABPFF and
is the International Corresponding Secretary for the
IABPFF. In 2006, Ms. Francis was presented with an
Outstanding Service Award from the IABPFF and in
2012, was presented with a MOMS pin.
Ms. Francis is single, and the proud mother of a son,
Darius Staten.
7 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Columbia Southern University, M.B.A 2014
University of Michigan, B.A.
Jackson State University
Flint Northwestern High School, Diploma
Fire Officer I, II & III
Instructor Coordinator
Fire Fighter I & II Instructor
Emergency Driver Instructor
Hazardous Material Awareness
Fire Fighter/Paramedic
Hazardous Material Technician
Fire I & II Instructor
AHA BLS/First Aid Instructor
Instructor – Genesee County EMS
AHA BLS Provider
Genesee county Haz-Mat Team
AHA ACLS Provider
Hurley Medical Center Emergency Room Technician
Emergency Room Technician, Hurley Medical Center
Grant Writer/Commissioner, City of Flint
Emergency Medical Services Supervisor,
Flint Fire Department
Provisional Fire Suppression Sergeant, Firefighter/Paramedic
Substitute Teacher, Flint Board of Education
Fire Fighter/Paramedic, Flint Fire Department
Genesee County Medical Control Authority,
Executive Board Member
SMEMSIC – Society of Michigan EMS
Instructor Coordinators
Society of Minority Firefighters Executive Board Member
International Association of Black Professional Firefighters
Executive Board Member
Past 2nd Vice Director, IABPFF North Central Region
Black Women in the Fire Service Committee Chairperson,
IABPFF North Central Region
Past 1st and 2nd Vice President, IAFF Flint Firefighters
Local 352
Genesee County Coordination
Melanie Anderson*
Michael Hoskins
IABPFF Financial Secretary
2014 Candidate
IABPFF Sgt-At-Arms
2014 Candidate
IABPFF and NCR Member (29 years)
IABPFF Financial Secretary
NCR 1st Vice Director, North Central Region
NCR Recording Secretary
NCR Treasurer
Afro American Firefighters Secretary
Afro American Firefighters Treasurer
BCOC Member
IFCA Member
I-Chiefs & I-Women Member
ELITE Program Team Leader
(mentoring high school students)
Career Fairs
Recruitment Activities
Fire Safety Presentations
Carl Holmes Executive Development Institute
(2011 Graduate)
Public Safety Management (Bachelor Degree)
Accounting (Minor Coursework)
Fire Science (Associate Degree)
Retired Division Chief, Peoria Fire Department
(29-year career, specializing in EMS, hazmat,
fire prevention, investigations, and inspections)
The IABPFF is my priority, and my goals will be to prioritize data gathering and accessibility.
Michael Hoskins was born and raised in Greensboro, Alabama. He attended school and received his education at
the Greensboro Public School East with the Hale County
School System. During his time in school he also worked
after school and on weekends to help pay his way through
school because he was raised by his great grandmother who
lived to be 102.
He worked at a funeral home at the age of 12, where his
duties were to keep the cars clean before funerals, and also
to keep the funeral home clean. At the age of 16, when he
received his driver’s license, he began picking up remains
from hospitals and homes. He also worked for a five-anddime store in Greensboro, Alabama as a stock clerk. Later
he worked at the Hale County Health Department as a
custodian. In 1979, Michael began working for Druid City
Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Alabama as a Nursing Assistant.
He attended the University of Alabama and begin to take
classes or Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and also
photography. While attending the University of Alabama he
met his wife Phyllis M. Hoskins, who was studing nursing.
In 1984 they moved to Atlanta, Georgia to begin their life
together. Phyllis began her nursing career at Crawford W.
Long Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, which is known as Emory
of Midtown. In January of 1985, he became a member of
the College Park Fire Department and continued EMT training with Dekalb Technical College in Decatur Georgia and
later went on to become a paramedic.
After serving the City of College Park for 13 years, in 1998,
he moved to the City of Atlanta and became a firefighter
paramedic. He was certified as a hazmat technician, confined
space/rope rescue, BLS, first-aid instructor and sargeant.
Michael has received numerous recognitions and awards. He
has been a member of the IABPFF for 26 years, serving his
local organization, the Atlanta Chapter of the IABPFF, as the
Sgt-At-Arms. He is also presently serving as the South East
Region Sgt-At-Arms. During the 2010 convention in New
Orleans, Louisiana, he received the “Mom and Pop” pin for
Outstanding Service to the IABPFF.
Michael and his wife Phyllis have three children; Shannon
Michael, and Alexis.
8 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Freddie Jackson*
IABPFF Sgt-At-Arms
2014 Candidate
Sandra Hines Jr. Achievement
Youth Against Drugs (1987–1990)
Houston Fire Department Citation of Merit Award
Outstanding Care for family in need (1992)
Houston Fire Department Meritorious Service Award
Fire and Life Safety Protection, Citizens of Houston (1992)
Garden City Resident Council
Service to residents–The Acres Homes Community (1998)
Exchange Club of Cosmopolitan Houston
Book of Golden Deeds (1994)
United to Serve America Diamond Award (1995)
IABPFF National Executive Board (August 2004)
The Old Acres Homes Citizens Council Achievers’ Award
(October 2006)
The Acres Homes Historical Community Association
Community Service Award (2006)
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
Ninth Congressional District of Texas (November 2006)
Flag of the United States of America (November 2006)
Houston Fire Department Fire Chief ’s
Commendation Award (2000)
Habitat for Humanity Volunteer
(Building Homes for Gulf Coast Katrina Displaced Families)
Houston City Council District B (Jarvis Johnson)
Leading By Example Service Award (November 2006)
Houston Black Firefighters Association
Community Service Award (1986 & 2006)
IABPFF Outstanding Service Award (August 2006)
City of Houston Certificate for Retirement
(November 1973 – November 2006)
IABPFF National Board (August 2006 & August 2008)
African American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston
Community Service Award (2007)
IABPFF Houston & South Central Region
Stop Fire Campaign (February 2009)
Elmo Delasbour Humanitarian Award, Exceptional
Community Service, American Red Cross (April 2010)
Houston Fire Department
IABPFF National Board (August 2010 & August 2012)
State Representatives (Sylvester Turner & Dr. Alma A. Allen)
Harris County Commissioner (El Franco Lee)
Congressional Recognition (Congressman Al Green)
Congressional Recognition (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee)
State of Texas (Senator Rodney Ellis)
City of Houston (Mayor Annise Parker)
City Council Member District D (Wanda Adams)
Almighty Ministries, Inc. Honoree (November 2011)
City Council Member District B (Jarvis Johnson)
City of Houston Fire Department
9 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Mr. Jackson is a native Houstonian and for over 33 years has truly
been a dedicated servant in his community. He joined the Houston
Fire Department in November of 1973. He was a member of Local
# 341 from 1974-1993. During his tenure he received the Citation
Award of Merit in December of 1992 for going above and beyond
the call of duty for assisting the Carlisle family.
He has volunteered in several capacities and countless hours assisting families with needs including the seniors. He has assisted in
providing food, shelter, clothing, roofing, yards mowed and even
job placement. He has also volunteered at schools in Aldine ISD,
Houston ISD, Alief ISD and North Forest ISD doing Fire Safety,
Career Day and tutoring. He has worked with Community In
Schools (CIS)(servicing 104 schools in 5 ISD’s) and a number of
other community agencies and organizations on many levels. Mr.
Jackson has dedicated selfless and tireless hours volunteering with
the organization Habitat for Humanity.
In the midst of working in his community Mr. Jackson saw a need
to start a Thanksgiving Food Basket Program in 1992. He asked
the fire fighters at his station #67 to give a donation of $5.00 each
and to commit to also be a volunteer. At this time it was 44 fire
fighters. This first year only about ½ of the fire fighters donated
and 5 families benefited. After evaluating the needs of the community further and being committed to succeed he decided some
changes needed to be made. The next year the Food Basket Program
was changed to be held annually at Christmas and to also include
donations for food and toys. In 1986 Mr. Jackson joined the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF).
After hearing about the work of the community program through
him in about 1997 the Houston Chapter of the IABPFF became a
sponsor for the program. The Houston Chapter appointed a Community Action Committee and elected him to be the Chairperson.
He still chairs today and with those combined efforts this past year
they were able to donate to 125 families and 225 children. These
numbers are a combination of food and toys to families and toys
to needy and displaced children.
Mr. Jackson also extended his professionalism, knowledge and tireless hours to volunteer across the state line to his fraternal sisters
and brothers from Louisiana. We all know some of the needs of
the Katrina evacuees. On behalf of the Houston Chapter of the
IABPFF he and others assisted in finding shelter, issuing funds
and transporting from Louisiana to Houston. He also funded on
his own a week of shelter at a hotel for 4 members displaced from
New Orleans Chapter (BANOFF). The Houston Chapter of the
IABPFF decided to host a Fill the Boot fundraiser on September
11, 2005. This fundraiser would benefit the Katrina evacuees. He
assisted with the fundraiser and it was a great success raising $
12,000.00 in only 5 hours.
Beyond being a humanitarian committed to his community Mr..
Jackson recently retired & served as a professional fire fighter
with the City of Houston for 33 years. For the last 20 years and
continues to serve as the Sargent at Arms for the IABPFF South
Central Region and elected in 2004 as the Sergeant at Arms for the
IABPFF on the national level. He currently is the Chairperson of
the Community Action Committee & for 20 years served as the
Corresponding Secretary for the Houston Chapter of the International Association of Professional Black Fire Fighters.
The International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABFF) was organized in October of
1970 to recruit African American men and women into the fire services. With a special emphasis on youth,
our community relations mission has been to serve neighborhoods primarily inhabited by African Americans.
We are convinced that the African American community has an abundance of untapped talent to offer the
fire service. Conversely, we expect to improve the employment opportunities for targeted audiences and
economic development for the targeted audience.
We also strive to promote interracial progress throughout the Fire Service,
in addition to seeing that competent African Americans are recruited and employed
as Firefighters. Wherever you reside, we aid in motivating you to seek advancement
to elevated ranks throughout the Fire, Rescue,and Emergency Services.
As Black Professional Firefighters, it is our challenge to make the fire service
more relevant to the needs and aspirations of people of color. The I.A.B.P.F.F.
will ensure as well, that African American fire department officials become full
partners in the leadership and decision-making arenas of the fire service.
Be the hero for your city, through serving your community, while earning a
lucrative income!
• Leadership in Fire Administration
• Fire Service Training and Education
• Firefighting
• Emergency Medical Paramedics
• Emergency Medical Technician
• Hazardous Material Technician
• Wild Land Firefighting
• Urban Search and Rescue
• Fire Prevention
• Arson Investigator
F OU N D E D 1 9 7 0
C O U R A G E . C O M M I T M E N T. C O M M U N I T Y.
10 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Hello, my name is David C. James, Founding President,
Progressive Firefighters Association (PFA) of Miami-Dade
County, Inc. I would like to introduce you to an amazing
mentorship program I became involved with over twenty
years ago. U.S. Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson
founded the program in 1993. It is my hope that your organizations will begin a proactive movement to introduce this
program to your respective school districts and encourage
their adoption.
About The Program
“The 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project is a dropout
prevention intervention program for minority young boys
“at-risk” of dropping out of school and/or choosing a life
of crime. The program serves 6,792 students in 89 schools,
which includes approximately 23 elementary, 33 middle and
33 senior high schools in Miami-Dade County. The expansion program in Pinellas County serves 450 students in 20
middle and senior high schools. The majority of students
enters the program in middle school and continues activities
throughout their high school and post-secondary education
years. Primarily, the program serves children who are being
reared without the benefit of a father or a positive male role
model. The waiting list of applicants is staggering.”
“Children who are ages 9-19 year olds are referred by school
principals, counselors, teachers and/or parents. Over 95
percent of the students who begin the program and graduate have no further negative contact with violations of
student conduct codes or the law. School personnel and
parents are amazed at student’s transformation. The students and adult mentors wear a distinctive uniform consisting of black pants, a white dress shirt, and a 5000 Role
Models of Excellence Project signature necktie. All items
are earned through benchmark accomplishments related to
discipline and academics.”
“When students enter the program, they are guaranteed a
chance to attend college or advance through a potpourri of
post-secondary opportunities geared toward the next level
of education. Eligible students are employed in the private
sector throughout high school. Mentors from the program
assist students in this process. Funds for scholarships are
raised annually at the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Scholarship Breakfast. Thousands of young men have been recipients of this
award since its inception in 1993. To date, over $5 million
in scholarships have been awarded to students successfully
completing the program.”
11 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Chief ’s Donald C. James (left) and David C. James (right) standing in
front of a 1995 billboard of the official 5000 Role Models of Excellence
portrait. David C. James is a retired fire chief, and in 2007 Chief
James was appointed the first African American Fire Chief for the City
of Delray Beach, Florida. He retired due to injury in 2011.
Role models are recruited from many professions and for
many young black boys is their first personal contact with
successful black men. Role models are assigned to various
schools. Their presentations to students include not only
their personal success story but also include a specific lesson
from the program’s well-developed curriculum. The lessons
include but are not limited to topics such as “Becoming A
Successful Man”; “How To Deal With Racism”; and “Avoiding Crime And Delinquency”.
When I began my involvement with the program I’ll never
forget the look on the faces of the boys when I would share
my story with them. Many had never seen a firefighter up
close, not to mention a black firefighter. Their attention and
interest was obvious. Questions about the job and becoming
a firefighter flowed like rain! The structure and opportunities the program provides to connect with young black boys,
making a lasting impact is amazing!
In 2005 during a brief tenure as Deputy Fire Commissioner,
Buffalo, New York I introduced the program to their school
district. In 2013 Buffalo School District became the first,
outside the State of Florida, to officially adopt the 5000 Role
Models of Excellence Project. As black firefighters you are in
a unique position to introduce this program, recognized by
many past Presidents and President Obama, as well as many
other prominent Americans, to your respective school districts. I believe the International Association of Professional
Black Fire Fighters (IABPFF) can have a tremendous influence on making the 5000 Role Models of Excellence a reality
in your towns, cities, and counties.
For additional information contact the 5000 Role Models of
Excellence Project
1450 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite #227
Florida 33132
(305) 995-2451x2 (office) / (305) 995-2455
or on the web:http://
· Every member will receive a 10% discount on an
already reduced rate.
· Immediate family members are also entitled to
the discount.
· Books are provided through Waldorf Book Grant
· Eight week classes.
· $500 discount for kids that attend our residential
campus located in Forest City, IA.
· Regionally accredited.
· No scheduled online sessions.
· Free tutoring service.
· Flexible on-line education.
· Free evaluations (credit given for life learning
skills to include military service).
Contact CARL CHILDS for more information.
877.267.2157, ext 1809
An Educational Representative You Can Count On.
US Air Force Retired.
12 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Dorsey High School is one of the few remaining high
schools in Los Angeles, with a student population that
consists of predominantly African American students.
Captain Burton of the L.A. County Fire Department
and President of the African American Firefighter
Museum, started the Future Firefighter program at
Dorsey last year.
The goal is to introduce the students of Dorsey to the fire
service profession. Dorsey Principal Dr. Reginald Sample
provided a classroom to the Future Firefighter program.
With the help of the custodial staff, the team was able
to strip and wax floors, hang posters and pictures, and
bring in firefighting tools and equipment for display.
The students in the program are being prepared to enter
the L.A. Metro High School Fire Academy that is held
at the Los Angeles Fire Department's Training Center
twice a year. L.A. City Stentorian member, Battalion
Chief Antoine McKnight is responsible for the academy
and it's success.
The pictures below were taken from the LAFD Metro High School Fire Academy graduation in 2013.
The students and off duty firefighter volunteers of the Dorsey High School Future Firefighter
Program. On January 7, 2014, during the winter break, the students and team members of the
Future Firefighter program came together for a beautification project for their new classroom.
The Cadets of the High School Fire Academy preparing for graduation.
13 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Captain d'Lisa Daives, the first African American
woman Firefighter in the LAFD. She is a member
of the Teaching Cadre of the High School Academy.
L-R: Battalion Chief Antoine McKnight, Academy Coordinator;
Captain David Reddicks, Academy Drill Master; Captain d’Lisa
Daives, Senior Instructor; and LAFD Fire Chief Brian Cummings.
Free, Targeted 8-Minute CAREER Diversity Recruitment Video is Now Available!
Increase your diversity recruitment efforts at no cost!
Is your department, fire science program or Explorer/Cadet program looking to attract the best of the best: the next
generation of qualified, inclusive, diverse and safety-conscious firefighters and emergency responders who are compassionate, caring and committed to the well-being of your community and your citizens?
For more information: http://fire2020.org/what-we-do/wicfng/wicfng-career-video/
14 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
IABPFF ● Climbing for Life ● Fire Safety Campaign
The International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Launches Climbing for Life Fire Safety Campaign for 2014
The International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) is launching the Climbing for Life fire safety
campaign. The campaign promotes the awareness and safe use of home fire escape ladders, smoke alarms and home
escape planning. Young children, under the age of 14, are often afraid to descend a ladder as most children have a fear of
heights. A fire in the home becomes a stressful situation and a child may become almost paralyzed with fear and refuse to
descend the ladder. Climbing for Life promotes the regular practice of home escape plans; installation of residential
smoke alarms, and safe climbing of appropriate home escape ladders.
The United States Fire Administration (USFA) reports, “More than 3,500 Americans die each year in fires, approximately
18,300 are injured.” Deaths resulting from failed emergency escapes are avoidable. The USFA believes that proper use of
a smoke alarm and having a sound escape plan will greatly reduce fire deaths. An effective escape plan should include a
secondary route that might be a window onto an adjacent roof or a collapsible ladder for escape from upper story
windows. The collapsible ladder should be evaluated by a nationally recognized laboratory.
It is reported that most homeowners believe they have between four and five minutes to escape from their homes once the
smoke alarm sounds. The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) reports that the amount of time to escape is actually
three minutes or less. Many homeowners and residents reportedly own a general purpose fire extinguisher while only a
small number are reported to have a portable/collapsible escape ladder. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports
over one-third (37%) of home fire deaths occur in homes without smoke alarms. A USFA 2008 report stated, “38% of all
children killed in home fires in the United States were African American children.” Statistics compiled by the NFPA and
USFA indicate African-Americans face a risk of fire deaths almost twice that of an individual of another race.
The “Climbing for Life” campaign will provide training on the safe use of home escape ladders and provide smoke alarms
and home escape ladders to residents and homeowners that successfully complete the training and participate in a home
fire escape planning. There is no cost for the training, smoke alarms or home escape ladders. Training, escape ladders and
smoke alarms will be provided by local participating Chapters of the IABPFF. Special emphasis is placed on serving
communities in Rochester ( NY), Detroit (MI), Cleveland (OH), Gary (IN), Memphis (TN), Kansas City (MO) and New
Haven (CT). All communities are welcome to participate.
For more information visit the IABPFF website at www.iabpff.org or contact the IABPFF Campaign Manager, T. Everett,
at 786.229.6914.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
1200 “G” Street NW, Suite 800 ● Washington, D.C. 20005 ● (786) 229-6914 ● www.iabpff.org
The Climbing for Life Fire Safety Campaign is funded by a grant from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
15 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
South Central
South Central
2014 - South Central Regional Conference - 2014
Draft Itinerary – 2/17/2014
Wednesday April 16, 2014
0800 - Golf – place to be determined
Thursday April 17, 2014
0800 – 1130 - COMMUNITY OUTREACH – @ Little Rock Fire Training Center (Work Shirts)
1330 – 1400 - South Central Region Opening Ceremony
Recognition from Mayor and Council Members (BUSINESS ATTIRE and/or DRESS UNIFORM)
1400 – 1730 - General Business Sessions for (SCR)
1800 - City Host Night @ the Host Hotel (Business Attire / Dress Uniforms)
1800 – Hospitality Suite – hosted by B.R.A.V.E.
Friday April 18, 2014
0700 - 0830 Breakfast - Included in registration
0900 - 1200 Pre-Fire Planning Workshop – Presented by HOTTAR
1200 - 1330 Lunch on your own
1330 - 1800 General Business Sessions (SCR - CLOSE OF CONFERENCE)
1800 - 2100 Hospitality Suite
2100 - Until Firefighter Friday @ 4 Corners Bar and Grill
Saturday April 19, 2014
0800 – 1300 Explore the City of Little Rock – Golfing, Cycling Tour, Basketball Game, Mall
1300 – 1700 NETWORKING - HOTTAR Cookout @ River Market Pavilion (Hosted by Chicken King )
1800 – 2100 ON THE TOWN on your own!
2100 – Until 4 Corners Bar and Grill
Sunday April 20, 2014
30 JOST MANOR CT. FLORISSANT, MO 63034: Office 314.558.4148: scrdiabpff@swbell.net / www.iabpf.org
16 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
International Association of
Black Professional Fire Fighters
B Muhammad
F. Hill
2014 Convention August 4-8, 2014
Jeff Harris
Executive Director
Wyndham Nassau Resort
West Bay Street Cable Beach, Nassau, BS 242-327-6200
Room Rate: $105 sgl, dbl, $35 ea add’l person. CUT OFF July 18, 2014
 $300.00
 $350.00
 $400.00
 $250.00
 $275.00
 $300.00
 $250.00
 $275.00
 $300.00
*Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014]
Regular Registration [April 2 – July 15, 2014]
Late/Onsite Registration [after July 15, 2014]
*Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014]
Regular Registration [April 2 - July 15, 2014]
Late/Onsite Registration [After July 15, 2014]
*Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014]
Registration [April 2 – July 15, 2014]
Late/Onsite Registration [After July 15, 2014]
 $250.00
 $275.00
 $300.00
*Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014]
Registration [April 2 – July 15, 2014]
Late/Onsite Registration [After July 15]
Registration includes Information Package, Host Night Reception, Wednesday Midweek Program and
Banquet/Dance at Convention end.
Please make check payable to IABPFF Convention 2014 and mail it along with registration form to
P. O. BOX 331866, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77233
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, and Zip: ___________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________
Email Address:________________________________________________________________
Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________
For more information, visit our website at www.iabpf.org.
17 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Scientists have found that the loneliest were nearly twice as
likely to die than the least lonely during a six-year study.
Cacioppo said the world was experiencing a “silver tsunami” as baby boomers reached retirement age. He also said
“people have to think about how to protect themselves from
depression, low subjective well-being, and early mortality”.
In light of the damaging health effects of loneliness,
Cacioppo said people approaching retirement age might
want to think twice about pulling up their roots and heading
to fresh pastures to live out their retirement. He described
results from the study at a meeting in Chicago for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The findings point to a pending crisis in the UK as the population
ages and people increasingly live alone or far from their families.
Photograph: Paul Doyle/Alamy
Loneliness can be twice as unhealthy as obesity, according to
researchers who found that feelings of isolation can have a
devastating impact on older people.
Scientists tracked, during their six-year study, more than
2,000 people aged 50 and over and found that the loneliest
were nearly twice as likely to die than those least lonely.
Compared with the average person in the study, those who
reported being lonely had a 14% greater risk of dying. This
figure means that loneliness has around twice the impact on
an early death as obesity. Poverty increased the risk of an
early death by 19%.
A study in 2012 of loneliness in older Britons found that
more than a fifth felt lonely all the time, and a quarter
became more lonely over five years. Half of those who took
part in the survey said their loneliness was worse on weekends, and three-quarters suffered more at night.
Previous studies have linked loneliness to a range of health
problems, from high blood pressure, a weakened immune
system, a greater risk of depression, heart attack and strokes.
In his recent book, Loneliness, John Cacioppo, a psychologist
at the University of Chicago, says that the pain of loneliness
is akin to physical pain.
18 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
“We have mythic notions of retirement. We think that
retirement means leaving friends and family and buying a
place down in Florida where it is warm, and living happily
ever after. B ut that’s probably not the best idea,” he said.
Cacioppo stated “we find people who continue to interact
with co-workers after retirement, and have friends close by,
are less lonely. Take time to enjoy yourself and share good
times with family and friends. Non-lonely people enjoy
themselves with other people.”
The researchers found that some people were happy living
a life of solitude. Others still felt lonely and suffered the
health impacts of loneliness, even with family and friends
close by. The findings suggest that people need to feel
involved and valued by those near to them, and that company alone is not enough.
Caroline Abrahams at Age UK said “the study added to a
growing body of research showing that being lonely not only
made life miserable for older people, but also made them
more vulnerable to illness and disease.”
“It’s time we take loneliness seriously as a threat to a happy
and healthy life in later years. We need to do more to support older people to stay socially connected. This is a big
part of our job at Age UK and everyone can help by being
a good friend or neighbor to the older people they know,”
she said.
Local branches of Age UK help older people through
befriending schemes and other services that include home
visits and phone calls for people who are feeling lonely
or isolated.
August 2 – 9, 2014
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
ARRIVAL DAY: ___________________________________________DEPARTURE DAY: __________________________________
BILLING ADDRESS: _______________________________________CITY/STATE___________________ZIP CODE: ___________
PHONE: ________________________________________________E-MAIL: __________________________________________
CREDIT CARD NUMBER: ___________________________________EXPIRATION:______________________________________
SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ DATE:_____________________________________________
I herby authorize Wyndham Nassau Resort to charge the aforementioned credit card for the following deposit:
Deposit & Credit Card approval
Per Room
One Night Deposit Guestroom
including tax and resort fee
Signature for Credit Card approval
Group rates are valid 3 days pre and post of the group block dates.
Non-refundable deposit due on or before June 18, 2014.
In order to guarantee reservations, the Wyndham Nassau Resort requires a major credit card for the amount listed
above as your deposit. Cancellation policy:
Check in time is after 4:00pm. Early arrivals cannot be guaranteed check-in prior to 4:00pm. Checkout time is
before 11:00am. Late checkouts are subject to availability and a surcharge may apply.
This reservation/credit card authorization form must be received to guarantee your room reservations. A copy of
the front and back of your credit card should also be included to verify signature.
Cutoff date for reservations is June 18, 2014. After this date any reservations made may be subject to higher
E-Mail to: mgreene@wyndham.com or Fax to: 1-242-327-6818
19 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
2014 IABPFF Convention
August 4-8, 2014
Early Registration $95
(November 1, 2103 – January 31, 2014)
Pre-Registration $110
(February 1 – April 3, 2014)
On-Site Registration $125
Guest Registration $75
Supporter $30
(If you are unable to attend the conference, you can
still support the North Central Region by donating
as a supporter.)
APRIL 29 – MAY 2, 2014
Crown Plaza Old Town
901 N. Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA
$149 (King/Double) or $189 (1 Bedroom Suite)
Wyndham Nassau Resort
West Bay Street Cable Beach
Nassau, Bahamas
Attendees may call 800.633.0043 and refer to International
Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters or GROUP
CODE: 0801813IN
For more information about upcoming IABPFF events
please visit these websites:
North East Region: http://www.iabpffner.org/
Southeast Region: http://www.iabpff.org/iabpffser.htm
North Central Region: http://www.iabpffncr.org
South Central Region: http://www.iabpffscr.org
North West Region: http://www.iabpff.org/iabpffnwr.htm
South West Region: http://www.iabpffswr.org/
Caribbean Region: http://www.iabpffcar.org/
OCTOBER 1-5, 2014
Tradewinds Island Resort
5600 Gulf Boulevard
St. Pete Beach, FL
Tropical View Room / $164
Gulf Front Parlor / $179
Gulf Front Room / $209
Tropical / $214 (1 Bedroom Suite)
20 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Black Chief Officer’s Committee: http://www.bcoc.us/
Black Women in the Fire Service: http://www.bwfs.org
Executive Development Institute: http://www.edionline.net
Johnny Brewington
Design & Layout
Danita Love
If you have comments or would like to contribute to the
next issue of the IABPFF SMOKE, please contact your
Regional Director or visit our website www.iabpf.org.

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