
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
February 2008
Vol. 3, No. 1
Character Traits of Extraordinary Influencers
When people make a decision (either consciously or
unconsciously) to follow your leadership, they do it primarily because of one of two things: Your Character or
your Skills. They want to know if you are the kind of person they want to follow and if you have the skills to take
them further. Yes, there are other variables but these are
the bulk of the matter. This article will focus on the kind
of character that causes people to follow your leadership.
1. Integrity. Integrity is that you do what you say you
will. You are trust worthy. People can rely on you. You
keep your promises. The one thing that will most keep
people from following you is if they can’t know for sure
if you will actually take them where you say you will.
Are you known as a person of integrity? If so, you will
become an Extraordinary Influencer!
2. Optimistic. People don’t want to follow others who
think the future is bad! They want to follow those who
can see the future and let them know that there is a better
place and that they can get them there! Do you see the
cup as half empty? Then you are a pessimist. Do you see
it as half full? Then you are an optimist. Do you see it as
totally full - half air and half water? Then you are a Super
Optimist! Are you known as an optimist? If so, you will
become an Extraordinary Influencer!
3. Embraces Change. Influencers are the ones who
will see the need for change and willingly embrace
it. Followers will at first desire to stay where they are.
Influencers need to see the benefits of change and communicate them to followers. If you don’t change, you
won’t grow! Are you known as a person who embraces
change? If so, you will become an Extraordinary
4. Risk Taker. Whenever we try something new, we
are taking a risk. That is part of growing though and
it is imperative. Most people are risk averse. Not the
Influencer! They calculate the risk and what is to be
gained from taking the risk. Then they communicate that
to the followers and away they go to a better tomorrow!
Are you known as a person who is willing to take risks? If
so, you will become an Extraordinary Influencer!
continued on page 6
Character Traits of Extraordinary Influencers
IABPFF Endorse Presidential Candidate Obama
Brooklyn EMTs Deliver Twins on Christmas
Living History
The Black Star Project
Barbados Fire Service HIV/AIDS Committee
Barbados Independence Day Parade
Enjoying The Fruits of Kwanzaa
Youth Group Molds Future Leaders
Historically Black Collegees & Universities
Firefighters Conduct Familirasation Tour
Recipients of Grants by State
Blacks Assess the State of Black America
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
The Power of Travel
The Ultimate Source for Airplane Seating, etc.
Smoking and Home Fires Campaign
Memorandum of Understanding
Photo Spotlight
Firefighters and Children: A Christmas Vision
Celebration of Black Firefighters
Retirement of Acting Deputy Fire Chief Jones
Scholar Athletes Receive Top Honors
Firefighter Openings & Firefighter’s ABC’s
2008 4th Annual Firefighter’s Ball
Learn Not To Burn Preschool Program
Black Enterprise 100s: The 2007 Report
Calendar of Events
all A
1020 North Taylor Avenue
Taylor Avenue
St. Louis,
Louis, Missouri
PH: St.
Fax: 305.654.9666
PH: 786.229.6914 Fax: 305.654.9666
For Immediate Release
Press Advisory
For Immediate
February 4, 2008
IABPFF President
Johnny Brewington
Ph: 216.702.4395 or 786.229.6914
Press Advisory
February 4, 2008
IABPFF President
Ph: 216.702.4395 or 786.229.6914
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) Announces
Endorsement of Presidential Candidate Barack Obama
of Black
Dallas, Texas±
Adams Mark
At a meeting taking
the first day
of the
Black ChiefEndorsement
Officers (BCOC)/of
of Black
Fighters (IABPFF) Annual Training Symposium; IABPFF Executive Board members in
formDOO\ Mark
Texas± Adams
At a,$%3))¶V
meeting taking
during the
first day of the
Black Chief Officers (BCOC)/ International Association of Black Professional Fire
Board members
over 5000
throughout the
United Executive
States and abroad,
and its
WKH ,$%3))¶V
mission focuses
on developing
to increase
diversity WR
levels of the
and creating
initiatives to promote fire safe communities. The decision to
endorse Senator Barack Obama¶VQRPLQDWLRQcomes at a time when this country needs
a change has
of direction
on many
fronts. throughout the United States and abroad, and its
over 5000
mission focuses on developing partnerships to increase diversity at all levels of the fire
The IABPFF has often been a catalyst for change in the fire service and recognizes the
and creating
of havinginitiatives
a leader that
on many issues
Senator Barack
at a time
this country
our communities
and the
basic necessities of life. Presidential
Obama needs
a change
of directionbrought
on many
has consistently
healthcare, education, our economy and family.
The IABPFF has often been a catalyst for change in the fire service and recognizes the
importance of having a leader that speaks directly for change on many issues that affect
- End our communities and the basic necessities of life. Presidential Candidate Barack Obama
has consistently brought attention to thLV FRXQWU\¶V QHHG IRU D FKDQJH RI GLUHFWLRQ LQ
healthcare, education, our economy and family.
- End -
IABPFF Endorse
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama
2 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Brooklyn EMTs Deliver Twins on Christmas
It was a Christmas delivery nobody expected.
EMTs Barkim Covington and Marc Aurelus from EMS
Station 58 delivered a set of twins while working in
Canarsie, Brooklyn, on December 25.
The EMTs were called to an apartment on East 108th
Street at around 10:15 p.m., to aid a pregnant woman
who was ready to give birth.
The woman met the team in the lobby of her apartment building and told them her water broke. EMTs
Covington and Aurelus said they wanted to carry her to
the ambulance in a chair, but she said she was unable to
sit down.
Clearly in pain, they said she walked down a few steps
on the pathway outside her building, but complained
she could go no further. So the EMTs lay the woman
down and within minutes, a baby was born.
To their surprise, when the EMTs were clamping the
cord, the woman indicated that another baby was on its
way. Four minutes later, the EMTs delivered the second
“We didn’t expect another one,” said EMT Aurelus,
with a laugh. “It all happened so fast, we didn’t have
any time to think. We wanted to get the babies someplace safe and warm as quickly as we could.”
The EMTs safely transported the mother and newborns
to Kings County Hospital in stable condition.
“We were just happy the babies were safe, the mother
was okay and everyone was happy,” said EMT Aurelus,
who noted that this was his first (and second) delivery
in his two years on the job.
Living History
(L-R): Chief Monroe Smith (retired Compton,
California fire department); Arnett “The Rookie”
Hartsfield (Los Angeles, California fire department),
Captain Vincent Julius (retired FDNY), and Chief
Robert Osby (retired Oceanside, California fire
A man passing by offered his shirt to transport the
babies to the awaiting ambulance, and after suctioning
the infants – a boy and a girl – they rushed them to the
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 3
The Black Star Project
Make Your New Year’s Resolution a Commitment to
Children by Volunteering as a Student Motivator
Many people want to mentor youth as a way to give
back to their community. Few organizations, however, make it as easy to do as The Black Star Project in
Chicago. If you can share just two hours a year of your
time, you can help make a big difference in the lives
of children through the Black Star Project’s Student
Motivation Program.
This is a mentoring program that has provided
classroom-based mentoring experiences to more than
150,000 students in Chicago since 1996 in about 220
public and private schools. Our mentors are men and
women of every race.
Our students need heroes and role models like you.
Many of them have never seen or talked to people like
you. The students don’t want athletes, entertainers or
musicians as mentors and role models, they want motivators like you who will teach them how to take advantage of life’s opportunities. In a real sense, their success
or failure is in all of our hands.
For more information about this great opportunity to
start 2008 with commitment to our children, please
contact Marcus Mundy by calling 773.285.9600 or by
e-mailing smp@blackstarproject.org.
Thank you for your commitment to all children in
Phillip Jackson
The Black Star Project
3473 South King Drive, Box 464
Chicago, IL 60616
4 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Barbados Fire Service HIV/AIDS Committee
The Barbados Fire Service HIV/AIDS
Committee will be hosting a Church Service
on Sunday, February 17, 2008 at the Church
of God in Christ, Laynes Road, Brittons Hill,
St. Michael at 11:00 hours.
Fire Officers and members of the public are
invited to attend and support the work of
the HIV/AIDS Committee as they seek to
increase awareness of this global pandemic.
One of the highlights of the World AIDS
Day (Saturday, December 1, 2007) celebration was a march from Jubilee Gardens to
Queen’s Park where free AIDS tests, cholesterol, high blood pressure, sugar and weight
tests were offered to the public. An evening
packed with entertainment and featuring some of the
island’s top performers, including winners in this year’s
National Independence Festival Of Creative Arts, also
formed part of the activities.
World AIDS Day March - Bridgetown Barbados
Barbados Independence Day Parade
The Barbados Fire Brigade, which consisted of one
station, was established through an Act of Parliament
in April, 1955. Its name was subsequently changed in
1960 to the Barbados Fire Service. It had a complement of 26 fire officers (all ranks included). Colonel
R. J. Mitchelin O.B.E (Commissioner of Police) initially had responsibility for the administration of the
Fire Brigade as Superintendent. But this came to an
end on April 15, 1955.
On April 15, Major Albert George Bradford was
appointed Superintendent, thus placing the Fire
Service under his exclusive authority as Chief Fire
Officer. The change in Administration coincided with
the occupancy of the new Headquarters Station on
Probyn Street. It also saw the handing over of correspondence, files, office equipment, stores, equipment
and general financial and administrative matters from
the Royal Barbados Police Force.
Above: Fire Officers as they proceed along Bay Street into the City.
Since 1955, the Barbados Fire Service has maintained unbroken service to the people of Barbados. We
take this opportunity to pledge our continued commitment to serve and salute Barbados on achieving this
significant milestone.
We join all Barbadians in celebrating the 41st
Anniversary of Independence.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 5
Enjoying The Fruits Of Kwanzaa
Youth Group Molds Future Leaders
Kwanzaa is an African-American and Pan-African holiday that celebrates family, community and culture. It is
observed from December 26th to January 1st. Its origins are in the first harvest celebrations of Africa, from
which it takes its name. “Kwanzaa” is derived from the
phrase “matunda ya kwanza,” which means “first fruits”
in Swahili.
The Frederick Negro Business and Professional
Women’s Youth Club is composed of young people
ages 12 to 18. Attending one of their monthly meetings recently are, sitting (left to right): Margie Rose,
Tiera Henry, Erinn Gales, Anecia Pearce, Valerie Taylor,
Maryah Wright. Standing (second row): Maura Rose
(President), Ikea Wilson, Tamika Saunders, Erika
Saunders, Sarah Coleman, Chastyn Brown-Thomas.
Third Row: Moriah Thomas (Vice President).
Character Traits of Extraordinary Influencers
(continued from page 1)
5. Tenacious. The tendency of the follower is to quit
when the going gets tough. Two or three tries and their
motto becomes “If at first you don’t succeed, give up
and try something else.” Not the Influencer! They know
what good lies beyond this brick wall and they will go
and get it. Then they will bring others with them! Are
you known as a person who is tenacious? If so, you will
become an Extraordinary Influencer!
6. Catalytic. An Influencer is ultimately one who
gets people going. They are able to move others out of
their comfort zone and on toward the goal! They can
raise the passion, enthusiasm and the ACTION of those
who would follow. Are you known as a catalyst? If so,
you will become an Extraordinary Influencer!
7. Dedicated/ Committed. Followers want people
who are more devoted and committed then themselves.
At the first sign of lack of commitment, followers scatter
for the doors. If the Influencer sees the end and is bailing out, they better get out first. Followers follow those
who will stick it out because they see the importance of
the task and the goal. Are you known as a person who
is committed and devoted to the goal? If so, you will
become an Extraordinary Influencer!
6 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCU)
HBCUs were created at a time when southern blacks
were excluded from other schools (only four of the
HBCUs are outside the South). They turned out doctors, lawyers, ministers and politicians. W.E.B. Du Bois
graduated from Fisk in 1888, Thurgood Marshall from
Lincoln (Chester County, Pa.) in 1930, and Martin
Luther King Jr. from Morehouse (Atlanta) in 1948.
As recently as 1960, these schools were
the choice of almost two-thirds of
black college students.
Firefighters Conduct Familiarisation Tour At Sheraton Centre
A number of fire officers from Fire Service Headquarters
and the Worthing Fire Station visited Sheraton Centre
Mall in Sargeant’s Village, Christ Church yesterday. The
purpose of their visit was to see first hand the extensive
renovations made to the mall after the major fire there
in December 2004. On December 30, 2004 the west
wing of the mall suffered a fire which destroyed several
of the mall’s businesses. The damaged area has since
been rebuilt among numerous other extensions.
Fire Officers toured the Sheraton Centre compound;
spoke with management and most of the tenants
occupying the mall. The occasion was also used to
heightened awareness about fire safety and the use of
fire extinguishers. The officers were accompanied by
fire consultant Clifford Clarke and manager O’Neale
Payne. Gillian Corbin, administrative assistant was also
on hand to explain to fire officers the new fire panel and
electronic monitoring systems installed within the Mall.
Above: Fire Officers being briefed outside Sheraton Centre.
Above: Fire Officers accompanied by Clifford Clarke and Gillian Corbin.
Recipients of Grants By State
American Somoa
District of Columbia
Missouri Montana
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Virgin Islands
West Virginia
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 7
Blacks Assess the State of Black America
Growing Values Gap Seen Between Poor and
Middle Class Blacks
African Americans see a widening gulf between the values of
middle class and poor blacks, and nearly four-in-ten say that
because of the diversity within their community, blacks can
no longer be thought of as a single race, a new Pew Research
Center survey has found.
Optimism about Black Progress Declines to
24-Year Low
Other findings
• Blacks see discrimination as pervasive; whites disagree;
• Both groups see convergence of black, white values;
• Both groups say rap, hip hop are a bad influence on
• Blacks have less confidence than whites in criminal justice
• 8-in-10 blacks, whites say they have friends of the other
The survey also finds blacks less upbeat about the state of
black progress now than at any time since 1983. Looking
backward, just one-in-five blacks say things are better for
blacks now than they were five years ago. Looking ahead,
fewer than half of all blacks (44%) say they think life for
blacks will get better in the future, down from the 57% who
said so in a 1986 survey.
Chattanooga Fire and Police Pension Fund
8 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, University of Maryland
The specialized nature of this course includes the study
of equal opportunity administration, compliance
planning, and elements of the compliance plan.
This training program has received endorsements from
the following organizations: International Association of
Black Professional Fire Fighters; International Association
Group picture of the EOO pilot class.
of Fire Chiefs Human Relations Committee, National
Association of Hispanic Firefighters; Women Chief Fire
Officers; and International Association of Hispanic Firefighters.
March 22 - 23, 2008
Fire Department Equal Opportunity Officer I
March 22 - 23, 2008
Fire Department Equal Opportunity Officer II
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 9
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Smoking and Home Fires Campaign
Dear Friend:
Did you know that the number one cause of home fire deaths is smoking? On average, 1,000 people (smokers and
non-smokers) are killed in smoking-related fires every year. Most people are asleep when the fires occur. Itís important that you begin to practice fire safety in your home today! With a few simple steps, smokers and those who live
with smokers can protect themselves from smoke-related fires caused by smoking materials like cigarettes, cigars, and
pipes. For example:
• If you smoke, smoke outside.
• Whenever you smoke, use deep, sturdy ashtrays.
• Make sure cigarettes and ashes are out.
• Check chairs and sofas for cigarette butts.
• Never smoke in a home where oxygen is used.
• If you smoke, fire-safe cigarettes are better.
• Be alert!
• If You Smoke, Put it Out. All the Way. Every Time.
continued on page 11
10 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Memorandum of Understanding Between The United States Fire Administration
and the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters in A
Smoking & Home Fires Campaign
The United States Fire Administration (USFA) and
many other individuals and organizations have contributed to a significant reduction in the number of
fire-related deaths and injuries in the U.S. in recent
years. Smoking materials, however, are the top cause of
unintentional home fire deaths. To reduce these tragedies, USFA is sponsoring a fire safety campaign aimed
at alerting smokers and non-smokers to this startling
fact and the steps they can take to reduce the risk. This
Memorandum of Understanding and the resulting partnerships reflect USFA’s interest in
extending the campaign’s reach through private industry
and organization affiliations.
This Memorandum of Understanding is intended to
reflect a partnership between significant national businesses with a special interest in fire prevention and
safety issues. The partnership will strengthen the depth
and reach of the Smoking & Home Fires Campaign.
The partnership initiative will serve as a vehicle for
developing and disseminating quality fire prevention
information and will improve access to target audiences. It will increase sharing of information resources,
materials and programs, and expand support for fire
prevention messages among influential businesses and
Program Objectives
• To support this federally sponsored campaign aimed
at reducing the number of fire deaths and injuries
caused by smoking materials.
• To position USFA as a federal provider of information
and resources regarding fire safety and prevention,
especially as it pertains to smoking and home fires.
• To increase awareness on the part of smokers and
those who live with them to the top cause of unintentional home fire deaths and what they can do to
reduce the risk.
• To encourage/reinforce lifestyle behaviors that reduce
the risk of these fire deaths.
• To facilitate reaching a large majority of the targeted U.S. population with campaign messages and
Smoking and Home Fires Campaign
continued from page 10
Please forward this important fire safety message to your friends and relatives. It could be the message that saves a
For more information on the Smoking & Home Fires Campaign, please e-mail the Smoking & Home Fires team at
usfa@hagersharp.com. You can also visit the U.S. Fire Administrationís Web site at www.usfa.dhs.gov/smoking to
view campaign information and download materials. View the online campaign Web public service announcement
on YouTube by going to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1YhcV-3uCc.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 11
photo Spotlight
Richmond Fire Department captain
Terry Harris pins a badge on his son
Steven Harris, 21, during a badge
presentation and graduation program
for Harris and four other firefighters
in Richmond, CA. They will be the
first African American father-son
team to serve in the Richmond Fire
District of Columbia officials are
trying to make sure that Sgt. Michael
LaCore only has to focus on getting
well and not worry about being forced
to retire. LaCore has been watching
the calendar since he was critically
burned at a house fire on October 29.
A 2004 law would require the veteran
firefighter to retire after just 64 shifts
away from the job.
New Richmond Firefighter Steven
Harris, rings the bell after receiving
his badge during graduation program
for him and four other firefighters in
Richmond, CA
Acting Assistant Chief Bashir A.
Rahman, Bureau of Communications,
Cleveland Fire Department
networking with Chief Fire Officer
Vincent L. Hollinsid, Fire Service
Headquarters, 49 King Street
Hamilton HM 19, Bermuda.
Boston Emergency Medical
Service graduates waited for the
commencement ceremony to start at
Faneuil Hall. For the first time,
EMTs will be subject to substance
abuse tests.
Chief John D. Reed, Jr., BCOC
Southeastern Regional Coordinator
participated in the MLK Holiday
March in Atlanta, GA.
Professional football player, Michael
Bennett paying tribute to one of
his childhood mentor and youth
football coach, IABPFF 5th President
Oshiyemi Adelabu.
Radio talk show host Tom Joyner
holding t-shirt reflecting “Frefighters
for Obama.”
“Frefighters for Obama.”
Reno Fire Department Chief
Paul Wagner (left) congratulates
firefighter Shawn Price (right) on his
graduation, as training chief Tim
Alameda looks on.
Networking of Black Chief Officers at
the South East Regional Conference
hosted by the Savannah, GA chapter.
Charles Gladman,
Akron, Ohio’s
first AfricanAmerican Fire
Chief died from
related to cancer.
He was 60.
“Frefighters for Obama.”
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama
speaks to a cheering crowd at a rally
in Washington, D.C. after members
of the Kennedy family endorsed
him for President. From left are
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.),
Caroline Kennedy and Rep. Patrick
Kennedy (D-RI).
Condolences to the family of Brother
Joseph Hughes, former South Central
Regional Director.
12 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
IABPFF members at St. Louis City
Hall for a press conference.
Photo spotlight
Presidential hopefuls Senator Hilary
Clinton and Senator Barack Obama.
Miami house fire claims the life of
Former Police Sgt. Willie Williams.
The Community Concerned Clergy for
the Betterment of St. Louis held a rally
inside City Hall. About 400 hundred
people gathered to address what they
call a leadership crisis in the African
American Community and their
opposition to the policies of Mayor
Francis Slay.
Democratic presidential hopeful
Senator Hilary Clinton greets
Hazel Dukes, President of the New
York National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
Hamilton, William Orval Jr. “Skip,”
60, retired Wichita Fire Department
Captain, died Dec. 21, 2007.
Service was held at Chisholm Trail
Church of Christ, 5833 E. 37th St.
N. Survivors: wife, Billye F.; sons,
Darnell E. of San Antonio, Texas,
Michael C. Mitchell of Los Angeles,
Calif.; daughter, Erin J. McDaniel
of Wichita; brother, Raleigh Henley
(Bettye) of Wichita; sisters, Wanda
Scott (Ike), Donna White (Larry) both
of Wichita; grandson, Connar Wages
of Wichita.
Democratic presidential hopeful
Senator Barack Obama with his wife
and daughter in Iowa.
TO THE RESCUE—Tamiko Stanley
has joined public safety workers in
diversifying the city’s EMT department
through paid training. Anyone who
wants to sign up for the training can
either log on to www.city.pittsburgh.
pa.us/employmentcenter/, go to the 4th
floor of the City County Building or
call the Jobline at 412-255-2388.
CAFA, Councilmember Laketa Cole
and Sigma Gamma Rho elves.
Miami-Dade County Chapter.
Sigma Gamma Rho elves.
LBJ High School Fire Academy
Demonstrators at St. Louis city hall
press conference in support of Chief
Sherman George.
St. Louis city hall press conference in
support of Chief Sherman George.
Parliament buildings in the City of
Senator Barack Obama gets an
encouraging hug from his wife
North Charleston’s new Fire Chief
Leonard Judge, the city’s first black fire
Deputy Chief Fire Officer Wayne
Terrance McCollin, Director of
Personnel and Training, Executive
Office, Lothian & Borders Fire and
Rescue Service was awarded the
Queen’s Fire Service Medal.
2008 Austin Firefighters Ball.
Left to right are Darren Hyson
(Corresponding Secretary AAAFFA),
Freddie Jackson (Sgt.-at-Arms
IABPFF/HBFFA), Johnny Brewington
(President IABPFF), Jackie Burns
(wife of Eddie Burns), Eddie Burns
(Dallas Fire Chief/Keynote Speaker),
James Hill (IABPFF SCR Director),
Bobby Johns (President AAAFFA),
and Adrain Smith (Sgt.-at-Arms
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 13
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14 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Firefighters and Children: A Christmas Vision
Mark Center Hilton Hotel’s ballroom turned into a
vocal tsunami of childhood delight Dec. 22 when Santa
arrived with gifts for more than 150 grateful, less privileged children from Alexandria’s recreation centers, shelters and private homes. The true essence of Christmas
was front and center.
For the seventh year in a row, the Alexandria Fire
Department and Black Fire Service Professionals of
Alexandria, Inc., joined forces to bring Christmas
cheer and happiness to needy children from throughout the City.
“This is our biggest year. We are not turning anyone away,” said Captain Thurston McClain of the
Alexandria Fire Department, who spearheads the
annual event.
“In addition to all the other gifts, we received 10 bikes
this year from one special donor,” McClain said. “This
is what Christmas is really all about.” There is one
anonymous donor who provides $500 for the party
each year.
McClain initiated the event to pay back what brought
him joy at a similar party when he was a child, he
explained. “Christmas is about the kids, the needy
kids,” he said.
Preceding Santa’s distribution of the gifts, children and
adults are treated to a buffet luncheon and entertainment by clowns and cartoon characters — this year that
included “Spider-Man.”
Then came the big moment. Firefighters and other
departmental personnel, including Fire Chief Adam
Thiel, entered the ballroom carrying sacks overflowing with gifts for all age groups. Seated on stage was
Santa Claus, a.k.a. John Moorehead III, son of John
Moorhead II, president, BFSP.
Alexandria Fire Department Captain Thurston McClain (rt), presents a
flower arrangement to Carolina Kidd, Senior Catering Manager, Hilton
Mark Center Hotel, for her assistance in coordinating the Annual Children’s
Christmas Party sponsored by the Alexandria Fire Department and Black Fire
Service Professionals of Alexandria, Inc.
All city recreation centers, as well as the primary shelters
throughout Alexandria, have children at the holiday
party. Each child gets to personally meet Santa and
receive a special gift for its age bracket.
Joining in the festivities was Alexandria Mayor William
D. Euille who, as a child, grew up in “The Berg” with a
single parent, his mother.
“This is a great event for everyone,” he said.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 15
Celebration of
Black Firefighters
Sunday, February 17, 2008
9:00 P.M. - 2:00 A.M.
Florian Hall
13701 Old Jericho Park Road
Bowie, MD 20720
Tickets $20.00 in advance
$25.00 at the door
Entertainment Provided By:
For Tickets, please contact:
Tony Anderson (240) 882-3892 or
Kenny McSwain (240) 375-8674
16 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
After 34 Years of Hard Work and Dedication
It’s Time to Take a Permanent Vacation from the St. Louis Fire Department!
Please Join Us As We Offer
Best Wishes on his Retirement
Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.
IMPERIAL PLACE LOUNGE (formally the old CLUB 54)
2543 N GRAND
ST. LOUIS, MO 63112
ST. LOUIS, MO 63112
(314) 241-9500
Call-ins will be accepted until the cut-off date (January 17, 2008) by calling 1-800-325-7353 or (314) 241-9500.
Reservations requests received after 5:00 p.m. local time at the Hotel on the cut-off date will be accepted on a
space and rate availability basis.
The William Jones’s Party Room Block will be held until January 17, 2008, at which time all unreserved guest
rooms within the Room Block will be released for general sales (the Released Rooms). Thereafter, additional
reservations for the Williams Jones’ Party will be accepted on a space-available basis.
Check-In Time is 4:00 p.m. If guest’s schedules require an earlier check-in time, please advise us. We will make
every effort to honor requests. However, we cannot guarantee an earlier check-in. We will provide luggage storage in the event guest rooms are not available.
Check-Out Time is 12:00 Noon. Arrangements may be made for luggage storage beyond 12:00 Noon by contacting the Front Desk. The hotel requires that registered guests be at least 21 years of age.
Parking is available at a garage directly connected to the hotel by an enclosed walkway. Registered guests have
unlimited in-and-out privileges. The current parking fee is $16.00 per day, subject to change. Please note that
in/out privileges can be extended on the black level of the garage only, which may only be accessed via the
entrance on 4th Street directly across from the hotel.
Single/Double, South Tower (Standard) $85.00.
Rates are net, non-commissionable and subject to state and local taxes, currently 14.991%; taxes are subject to
change without notice.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 17
African American Scholar Athletes receive top Honors
Los Angeles, CA – On Saturday,
February 23, 2008, at 6:00pm,
The National Alliance of African
American Athletes (The Alliance)
will recognize another stellar
group of high school athletes
from across the nation for the
Franklin D. Watkins Memorial
Award. The award is presented
each year to the nation’s top African American male
high school scholar athlete. The ceremony will be
held at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City,
The five finalists in alphabetical order are:
* Matthew Daniels of Atlanta, Georgia - Matthew is a
member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club,
and Fellowship of Christian Athlete. He plays football at Fayette County High School and has a 4.0
* Covaughn DeBoskie of Chandler, Arizona
- Covaughn is a member of the National Honor
Society and volunteers countless hours for local
community organizations. He plays football for
Hamilton High School and has a 4.1 GPA.
* Brandon Moore of Trotwood, Ohio - Brandon is
member of the National Honor Society and plans to
study optometry in college. He plays football and
participates in track and field for Trotwood High
School and has a 4.25 GPA.
* Kenneth Page of Columbia, SC - Kenneth is a
member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
President of SECME, Leadership Council, Future
Business Leaders of America, and volunteers countless hours in his community. He plays football, for
AC Flora High School and has a 3.8 GPA.
18 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
* DeVier Posey of Cincinnati, OH - DeVier has been
an academic all-star for four years in football and
has volunteered for several local community efforts.
He plays football at Blythewood High School where
he maintains a 3.4 GPA.
“Each of these young men are well equipped for success academically. We have continued to recognize and
honor the premier African American Scholar Athletes
in the United States” says Everette Pearsall, Executive
Director of The Alliance.
Finalists are chosen based on their unweighted grade
point average, their personal statements, extra curricular
activities, community service, and letters of recommendation. Each winner will be recognized in Beverly Hills,
receive an award, ring, and dinner in their hometown.
The Watkins Award is presented annually to African
American scholar-athletes since 1992, the Watkins
Award is named for Franklin D. Watkins, the coach
of championship football and basketball teams in
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Previous awardees include
Arizona Cardinals Robert Tate, Darnell Dinkins of the
Cleveland Browns, Grant Irons and Ronald Curry of
the Oakland Raiders, Deryck Toles of the Indianapolis
Colts, Marcedes Lewis of Jacksonville Jaguars, Ernie
Sims of the Detroit Lions, Ted Ginn Jr. of the Miami
Dolphins, Justin Blalock of the Atlanta Falcons, and
Darius Walker of the Houston Texans.
2008 Austin Firefighters Ball
(L-R): Darren Hyson (Corresponding
Secretart AAAFFA), Freddie Jackson
(Sgt.-At-Arms IABPFF/HPFFA),
Johnny Brewington (President IABPFF),
Jackie Burns (wife of Eddie Burns),
Eddie Burns (Dallas Fire Chief/Keynote
Speaker), James Hill (IABPFF SCR
Director), Bobby Johns (President
AAAFFA), and Adrian Smith (Sgt.-AtArms AAAFFA).
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 19
20 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Learn Not to Burn® Preschool Program for South Africa completed
The NFPA Public Education Division High-Risk
Programs, working with a team of South Africa fire,
health, safety and education officials, has completed an
adaptation of the NFPA Learn Not to Burn® Preschool
Program for use in classrooms across South Africa. Using
a culturally relevant approach, Learn Not to Burn®
Preschool Programme South Africa teaches nine basic, but
critical burn and fire prevention skills to children ages 4
and up. It includes a teacher’s guide, storybook and picture cards developed and illustrated by a media design
company in Cape Town, South Africa.
Lisa Braxton, NFPA Public Education Division Project
Manager, was the project manager and editor of the
adaptation. Leaders of the United States technical
review team were Sharon Gamache, NFPA Director
of High-Risk Programs; Pat Mieszala, NFPA Fire
Safety Education Representative, Burbank, CA; Ernest
Grant, North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center Nursing
Education Clinician, Chapel Hill, N.C.; and Kwame
Cooper, Los Angeles Fire Department Battalion Chief,
Los Angeles, CA.
The teacher’s guide contains lesson plans, worksheets for
each message, songs, demonstrations, a chart to track
children’s progress and letters to send home to parents
and caregivers. The storybook includes five fire safety
picture stories to help reinforce each lesson. Brightly
colored picture cards provide educators with an additional teaching tool to facilitate large group discussions,
problem-solving exercises and craft projects.
Children are particularly vulnerable to fire in South
Africa. Burn injuries are one of the leading causes of
accidental death among South Africa preschoolers.
Officials point to living conditions in informal settlements and a scarcity of fire and burn prevention information as a major part of the problem.
The settlements, not typically recognized or supported
by the government, consist of poorly constructed, one
or two-room makeshift shelters built from discarded
items, such as scrap metal, scrap timber, old roofing
sheets, and cardboard. Residents often use candles for
illumination and cook on highly flammable, poorly
constructed paraffin-fueled tabletop stoves. Shelters are
built close together, often with no allowances made for
fire lanes. If a fire breaks out in one shelter, many lives
and entire communities can be lost.
The NFPA Learn Not to Burn® Preschool Program was
created in 1979 and has been used successfully in more
than 50,000 classrooms worldwide. For more information on the Learn Not to Burn® Preschool Programme
South Africa contact Lisa Braxton at lbraxton@nfpa.org.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 21
Black Enterprise 100s: The 2007 Report
When BLACK ENTERPRISE (BE) first compiled its Top 100 in 1973, combined sales for the component companies (which comprised an array of industrial/service firms and auto dealers) totaled $473 million. Today, the top 100
African American industrial/service companies and 100 leading auto dealers–the core of our BE 100s–collectively
grossed more than $27 billion.
The phenomenal growth of these companies–and the business-altering developments among the nation’s largest
black advertising agencies and financial services companies–mark the evolution of black business over the past four
decades. And these companies will need to demonstrate even greater dexterity in the years ahead as BE 100s CEOs
face the competitive pressures, shifting consumer demands, and sweeping industrial changes of an unmerciful environment. Their business mandate: adapt or die.
Auto Dealers
Food & Beverage
Computer/Office Products
Health & Beauty Aids
In millions of dollars to the nearest ten thousand.
22 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
Calendar of Events
2008 BCOC Symposium and Annual Meeting
Adams Mark Hotel, Dallas, TX; February 4 - 10, 2008
IABPFF Day On The Hill
April 2 - 3, 2008; Washington, DC
In conjunction with the 20th Annual CFSI National Fire &
Emergency Service Dinner and Seminars
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Annual Legislative Conference; September 2008
North East Region
North Central Region
Chief Diversity Officers Conference
April 2 - 3, 2008; Atlanta, GA; http://www.jbcinstitute.org/
North West Region
2008 Southeast Region Spring Conference
Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts, Valdosta Conference Center
April 16 - 20, 2008
South East Region
2008 Southcentral Region Spring Conference
April 16 - 20, 2008; Kansas City, KS
2008 Southwest Regional Spring Conference
April 2008; Las Vegas, NV.
2008 Northcentral Spring Conference
May 15 -17, 2008; Flint, Michigan; http://www.somff.org
2008 Executive Development Institute
June 8-14, 2008
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center; August 3 - 8,
South Central Region
South West Region
Black Chief Officers Committee
Black Women in the Fire Service
Johnny Brewington
Danita Love
If you have comments or would like to contribute to the
next issue of the IABPFF SMOKE, please contact Johnny
Brewington at 877.213.2170 #1 (voice mail) and via our
website at www.iabpff.org.
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
1020 North Taylor
St. Louis, Misouri 63113
Mailing Label
International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 23