AKA Reporter April-May 2014 - Australian Koi Association


AKA Reporter April-May 2014 - Australian Koi Association
April – May 2014
AKA 33rd Annual Koi Show
Sunday 6 April, Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside
TEL: (02) 4774-8180
FAX: (02) 4774-8767
EMAIL: auskoi@bigpond.com
WEBSITE: www.auskoi.com
A.K.F. Fisheries Lic. No.
A.B.N. 95 742 918 665
Breeding and selling pure Japanese Koi
and pond & bio filtration construction
for over  years
Show Quality & Pond Quality Koi
Pond Consultancy
Pond Restoration
Low Maintenance Mechanical &
Bio Filters To Suit Any Pond
Custom Made Filters
Pre Fabricated Fiberglass Ponds
Accredited Seller Of Oase Filters
& Pumps
Koi Food - High Protein Spirulina
Wholesale & Retail Fish and
Air Pumps & Accessories
Hoses & Fittings
Filter Media - Japanese Mats &
Large Range Of Pumps
U.V’s To Suit Any Pond Size
Medications & Other Pond
Open to The Public 7 Days
AKA Reporter
April - May 2014
Administrative Members and contact details______________________________________ 2
President’s Report___________________________________________________________ 3
Meeting Notices and Agendas, New Members, AKA Auction Dates___________________ 4
KSA Auction Dates __________________________________________________________ 5
AKA Committee Meeting Dates________________________________________________ 5
The 45th Shinkokai Show_____________________________________________________ 6
Koi Critique_______________________________________________________________ 14
Table Show Results_________________________________________________________ 20
Thank you to our advertisers...
Australian Koi Farm __________________________________________ Inside Front Cover
PondToss ________________________________________________________________ 12
2014 Koi, Pet & Garden Show_________________________________________________ 13
Buy, swap and sell__________________________________________________________ 16
Koi Keeper’s Supplies________________________________________________________ 16
Australian Pet Supplies______________________________________________________ 17
Australian Koi Farm Sale____________________________________________________ 18
Clear Pond________________________________________________________________ 19
AKA Members’ Supplies_________________________________________Inside back cover
Australian Koi Association 33rd Annual Koi Show________________________ Back cover
For all advertising enquiries please contact Gordon Kilborn 02 9153 9012 or 0429 664 916
AKA Reporter is published by the
Australian Koi Association Inc.
ABN 91 669 147 584
Advertising enquiries:
Gordon Kilborn 02 9153 9012 or 0429 664 916
Newsletter production www.petergibson.com.au
All correspondence to:
The Secretary, Australian Koi Association,
17 Westmore Drive, West Pennant Hills NSW 2125
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
The opinions expressed in this
magazine are those of the authors, and
do not necessarily represent those of
the Australian Koi Association or its
management. Nor does the Association
accept responsibility for the claims
made by advertisers or members in
respect of any service or items offered
for sale herein.
Scan this tag with your phone
© 2014 Australian Koi Association Inc.
The Australian Koi Association Inc.
Professor Simon Chapman AO PhD FASSA
Executive Officers
Vice President
Public Officer
Ian Andrews
Arthur Johnston
Carol Durrant
Bryce Hough
John Rhodes
0418 255 897
(02) 9759 3226
(02) 9834 4993 / 0415 655 063
(02) 9724 5860 (Ph/Fax) / 0408 882 025
(02) 9661 4735
Committee Members
Show Coordinator
Paul Miglionico
(02) 9862 0472 / 0415 834 529
Show Support Group
Shayne Murray
(02) 4621 4300
Graham Fameli
0412 304 190
Martin Rocliffe
0407 475 757
Bill Youl
0412 700 638
John Ling
0411 156 648
Boun Keakham 0434 232 271
Lam Chinh-Vi (02) 9749 7676
Membership Officer
David Durrant (02) 9834 4993 / 0415 655 063
(Subscriptions to 3 Coolong Crescent, St Clair, NSW 2759)
Supply Officers
Ron and Max Farrugia
(02) 9533 2546 / 0403 029 532
Auction Master
Bill Youl
0412 700 638 / (02) 9629 2968
Assistant Auction MasterGrahame Fameli 0412 304 190
AKA Reporter
Ian Andrews
John Ling
Kate Andrews
Gordon Kilborn 0418 255 897
0411 156 648
(02) 9871 2483
(02) 9153 9012 / 0429 664 916
Committee Support Panel
Alf Mizzi
(02) 9555 6497
Carol and David Durrant (02) 9834 4993 / 0415 655 063
Catering George and Betty Ludbrook(02) 9602 2493
Social Secretary
Dorothy Miglionico 0434 435 155
Sizing and Assets
John Rhodes
(02) 9661 4735
Webmaster and FacebookMartin Rocliffe
0407 475 757
Website www.akakoi.com.au
Facebook www.facebook.com/AustralianKoiAssociation
Life Members
Ethel Allen*; Jack Cohen*; Mary Cohen; Max Farrugia; Ron Farrugia; Barbara & Bryce Hough;
Arthur Johnston; Gordon Kilborn; Yvonne Louis; Betty & George Ludbrook; Dorothy Miglionico;
Paul Miglionico; Ken Newton; Dave Pogson*; Arthur Robinson; Alan Walter*; Barbara Walter;
Harry Watson*; Robert Wood*; Heinz Zimmermann
All correspondence
Australian Koi Association, 17 Westmore Drive, West Pennant Hills NSW 2125
President’s Report
AKA’s 33rd Annual
Large Koi Show
is just around the
corner and the final
details are in place
for the running of
this year’s event on
Sunday 6th April at
Chinese Gardens at
Doonside. Please let
our Show Chairman
Paul Miglionico
know if you may be
available to assist, as
we need the support
of volunteers to help
with setting it up on the Saturday, and again on
Sunday with the running of the show. Setup is
10.00 am Saturday.
I hope all Members can attend this
great event so why not bring the children or
grandchildren and support your fellow members
who are exhibiting their koi on the day.
Once again our Show Prize Presentation
night will be held at Memories Restaurant,
Bankstown Trotting Club. Arrival 6.45-7.00 pm
with dinner served at 7.45 pm. The price of the
Special Presentation Dinner will be $25 per head
with drinks (normal price is $60 a head, but
subsidised by AKA). Please contact Bryce Hough
on 02 9724 5860 to book a seat.
Also I would like to say a special ‘thank you’
to all the Members who worked over the weekend
to promote our Club at the Animal & Pet Expo,
held recently at Rosehill Gardens. I am proud to
say that AKA’s stand (pics below) was amongst
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
the very best there. I just hope that our efforts
will be rewarded by a few new members.
A reminder that our annual Dave Pogson
Breeders Trophy will be held on the May Meeting
night. Each entry must be of 10 koi bred or raised
from last year’s spawning. Entries can be all one
variety or a mixture of different varieties, so
members can now bring in as many lots of 10 koi
as they can manage. Last year was a record for
the number of entries so lets see it improve from
that. Just remember to bring a suitable container
to hold the 10 koi in and also airline and air
I am also pleased to report that our Auctions
continue to improve. Crowds are there and all the
efforts undertaken in new air line, painting of all
vats, extra advertising and emailing reminders to
past purchasers are paying dividends. Our efforts
to offer better quality koi are also a factor. Lets
hope for even better results in the future!
Lastly I hope everyone has a very happy
Easter break. ■
Yours in koi…
Ian Andrews,
President AKA
AKA News & Events
Join our monthly meetings
New members
All members and friends are invited to attend our
meetings, at which we discuss the general business
of the Association, hear presentations from koi
experts and enjoy the social company of other koi
fanciers. Our meetings also include a table show
competition and a raffle draw.
Meetings are held in a family-friendly
venue at the Scottish Hall, 4 Weigand Avenue,
Bankstown on the first Wednesday of each month.
We welcome the following new members:
April Meeting
The February General Meeting of the Australian
Koi Association Inc will be held at the Scottish
Hall, 4 Weigand Avenue Bankstown, Wednesday
2 April 2014, 7.30 pm.
1. Welcome to members and guests
3. Confirmation of minutes of previous monthly
general meeting held 5 February
6. General Business
7. Guest speaker: Kate Andrews’ presentation
of the 2014 Shinkokai—the best koi show
in the world
8. Raffle Draw
May Meeting
The March General Meeting of the Australian Koi
Association Inc will be held at the Scottish Hall,
4 Weigand Avenue Bankstown, Wednesday 7
May 2014, 7.30 pm.
1. Welcome to members and guests
3. Confirmation of minutes of previous monthly
general meeting held 2 April.
6. General Business
7. Dave Pogson Breeders Trophy & Jack Cohen
8. Raffle Draw
Linh Phun
Ranjit Kumasi Panda
New members are always assured of a friendly
welcome when attending the AKA’s monthly
meetings. Help and advice is available if required
and our Supply Officers can provide you with koi
food and accessories at favourable prices. Call
our membership officer (see details on page 2)
for more information or use the application form
included in this magazine.
The AKA is on Facebook at
AKA auction dates 2014
Held at Auburn Botanic Gardens (entry from
Killeen Street, Auburn). Commencing at 10.00
am. Quality fish at reasonable prices! Food and
refreshments available. Fish food and other fish
keeping supplies also available.
Bankstown City
NSW Chapter
Zen Nippon Airinkai
Sunday 27th April 2014
Sunday 22nd June 2014
Sunday 31st August 2014
Sunday 19th October 2014
Sunday 16th November 2014
KSA auction dates 2014
10.00 am at Auburn Botanical Gardens:
Sunday 25 May 2014
Sunday 29 June 2014
Sunday 3 August 2014
Sunday 21 September 2014
Sunday 23 November 2014
The sale of koi by members of the AKA can only
take place between members of koi clubs and
associations only, as per NSW Department of
Primary Industries (Fisheries) guidelines. ■
Quick Grow
AKA now carries Orca Quick Grow
medium koi food (10 kg).
See inside back cover for all
members’ supplies.
REMINDER for 2014 subscriptions
AKA’s 33rd Annual
Large Koi Show
Presentation Night
Our Show Prize Presentation
night will be held at Memories
Restaurant, Bankstown Trotting
Club on Sunday 6 April.
Arrival 6.45-7.00 pm, with
dinner served at 7.45 pm.
Price will be $25 per head with
drinks (normal price is $60 a
head, but subsidised by AKA).
Please contact Bryce Hough on
02 9724 5860 to book a seat.
AKA Committee
Meeting Dates
Wednesday 23 April 2014
Wednesday 21 May 2014
T: 23 A
Nichirin Magazine
A reminder to all members
that anyone wishing to renew
their subscription ($100) to
the Japanese koi magazine
Nichirin should contact Bryce
Hough on 9724 5860
or 0408 8823 025.
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
The 45th Shinkokai Show
The best koi show in the world!
Kate Andrews
When you dream about what the very best koi
possibly might look like, all you need to do, to
realise your dream, is head off for Japan at the end
of January and visit the Ryutsu Centre in Tokyo.
There you will find 583 show vats containing over
a one thousand five hundred koi, any one of which
you would happily give ten years of your life to
bring home to Australia, (koi 400 mm and under
are displayed in specially designed clear bags).
The koi at this now aptly named “Koi of the
World” show are truly stunning, there is no other
way to describe them.
Now, it might sound a bit daunting, flying
to Narita or Hanada airport in Tokyo and finding
your way to the Ryutsu Centre. In reality, it is not
particularly difficult, plus, there are now several
people in Sydney that have travelled to the show
and who are able to offer help or advice.
All you really need to do before you go is to
find a hotel —easily done on-line these days via
Expedia or other search engine—in the area close
to Hamamatsucho or, to Hanada Airport, if you
fly in this way, since the Monorail from Hanada to
Hamamatsucho stops at the Ryutsu Centre. How
easy is that?
From Narita it is generally a bus ride into
Tokyo. Airport staff at the Airport Limousine desk
will put you on a bus that either goes directly to
your hotel, if it is a large one, or one close by, if
not. A taxi will take you the last step. This year Ian
and I, plus Terry and Wally McNeil stayed at the
Shiba Damon, a small business hotel five minutes
from Hamamatscho station. Next door was a hotel
we might try next time, the ComSoleil, it looked
more modern and quite inviting!
These small Japanese hotels are relatively
inexpensive, clean and the rooms have all you
need for a short stay except space. It is rather like
staying in a shoebox, you need to be VERY tidy.
Business hotels usually serve breakfast, but to
my dismay this year, we found we had probably
booked into the one hotel in the district that didn’t.
They had a “deal” with the Chinese restaurant next
door—but who wants Chinese food at breakfast
time?? We tried several cafes over the few days
we were there, but only managed to find toast
on our last day! It does not feature prominently
in Japanese cuisine. Breakfast was definitely the
standing joke of the long weekend.
Because visitors can access the show site early,
on Thursday while the koi are arriving, we usually
travel overnight Wednesday, arriving in Tokyo
early Thursday morning to take advantage of this
extra time at the show.
On arrival at the Ryutsu Centre, we all admired
the beautiful entrance display this year of small
koi and bonsai designed and built by my friend of
many years, Shunichi Yoshida, Vice Chairman of
the Shinkokai. I have twice judged the Washington
Koi & Water Garden show in America with
Shunichi san.
We spent several hours watching more and
more incredible koi unloaded with the greatest
of care into their bins and trying to decide on a
likely Grand Champion. This year, you had only
to follow the crowd on the Thursday, all fighting
for a view of the 99 cm Momataro Showa just
released, a pretty incredible koi who in fact did
prove unbeatable.
The Thursday is also great for photography
because the show site is quieter and the water
quality at its best. We spent several hours enjoying
the koi and beginning the photography. One
particularly memorable koi was probably the best
Gin Shiro Utsuri (metallic Shiro Utsuri) any of us
had ever seen. Inexplicably, we “lost” this koi over
the weekend, Ian wanted another photograph, but
we were unable to discover where it had gone. We
can only assume it had been taken out the show
for some reason.
Eventually we decided enough was enough
and it was time to head back to the hotel to
unpack, clean up and have dinner. Finding our
way from Hamamatsucho station was quite simple
for once; we had a wonderful landmark —the
Tokyo Tower—easily visible for kilometres in every
direction. Our hotel was practically underneath
it. A great find on our way back was a pub with
some superb beers! Dinner, as always in Japan,
was an adventure. Around the station there are a
huge number of all kinds of restaurants serving
every cuisine imaginable. The trick is however,
to find one with good pictures of what you want
to eat because it is often the only way you can
Pic A
Pic B
Pic C
The controversial Showa, koi D
Pic E
The exam
communicate your order!
Friday was a day for sightseeing, because the
show is closed for judging. Ian and I took Terry
and Wally to Asakusa, a very old part of Tokyo full
of quaint shops, booths selling every imaginable
finger food, prepared fresh on the stall plus
magnificent temples. We had a really lovely day
out. Interestingly, on this trip, we also found an
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
Seminar and exam materials
The proud GC breeder
One of the best metallic kin
shiro we’ve seen!
Kage Shiro Utsuri
Kin Hi Matsuba
Incredible Hi Utsuri
alternative and incredibly simple way to get to and
from Narita airport. The line from Hamamatsucho
to Asakusa actually continues direct to the airport.
I confirmed this on our way back with a tourist
guide we passed on the underground who very
kindly gave me detailed directions how to buy the
ticket—not at all straightforward!
Saturday dawned; a landmark day for
both Terry McNeil and Alan Bennett from the
Western Australia Chapter, both taking their
Assistant certified ZNA judge examinations that
day. Congratulations to both of them on their
successful conclusions to this pretty stressful
event. I and all other judges at the show had
the ZNA seminar to attend as well, which also
involves judging the exam koi later in the day.
This year the five koi were good quality young
Showa, size 5, but most were very unfinished,
so difficult to rank. There was some very lively
discussion about the results later on!
The rest of the day involved enjoying the koi,
meeting old friends and much photography. This
show is a wonderful photo opportunity, not just
because of the superb water conditions and quality
of the koi, but because you tend to see varieties
you either never see anywhere else or never to the
same standard. Good examples were an incredible
Kin Hi Matsuba, amazing doitsu Kin Showa, a
really special Kage Shiro Utsuri and a metre long
Hi Utsuri to die for; Ian’s koi of the show! We
also saw the deepest golden Ogon probably ever
produced. The colour was absolutely stunning.
The magnificent stage for the awards
A busy street in Asakusa
A potential GC being unloaded
Dinner after the Show with Hongman
Hard at work at Asakusa
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
Near the landmark Tokyo Tower
Amazing golden Ogon
Later on in the afternoon
there was the International ZNA
meeting, where representatives
from ZNA Chapters around the
world met with Japanese ZNA
officials for discussion. This
year, concern was expressed
over some shows not using ZNA
judges. Although this is not the
case in Australia, Ian pointed
out that the language barrier can
be a real problem to requesting
Japanese ZNA judges. AKA has no
interpreter. We use ZNA judges,
but usually from other countries
because the judges have at least
Our friend Alan Nementzik with Alan’s awesome Bekko
some English.
his 93 cm Variety Champion
After the show on Saturday
we were all invited to dinner
of Guangdong China Chapter, along with Ng
by Leung Hong Man, President
Yit Kok from Malaysia and Muneaki Bajo, ZNA
Vice-Chairman and his daughter. To be honest, I
didn’t know what to expect, food-wise, and looked
forward with some trepidation to nameless, raw
fish dishes that I could not have put in my mouth
for all the tea in China! Both Terry and I (selfconfessed culinary cowards) were very relieved
to be presented with all sorts of interesting,
recognisable and delicious cooked food. This was
a traditional Japanese restaurant, where you sit
on floor cushions with your feet in a well under
the table. Ian and Terry caused great hilarity, in
Show entrance feature
that morning. While Terry and
I attended the second part of
the ZNA seminar, involving
considerable discussion of the five
Showa exam fish, Ian continued
his photography, making sure he
had a record of all the winners,
plus the most notable and
interesting “also-rans”. I always
make sure I walk past every bin
on site at some point during the
show, to make sure we have not
missed anything really spectacular
or very different.
To go back to the seminar,
there were two camps amongst
the attending judges. The first
ranked the most finished koi (D
Superior Champion Sanke
Runner up Kohaku
in the photographs) of the group
quite highly, but the second camp had decided that
the Showa in question had a poor shape and placed
it quite low in the rankings. The entire argument
hung on whether the body shape of the Showa
in question was “acceptable” or not. Certainly it
wasn’t perfect, but viewed from above, not poor
enough (to my mind) to knock it back into 4th or
5th place. The model answer from the Japanese
ZNA panel judged this koi harshly, placing it 4th,
which about 50% of judges disagreed with. It
just goes to show, it is impossible to rule out all
subjectivity when judging koi. However hard we
try for uniformity of approach (and we try very
hard), it is not possible to entirely achieve it. Even
Grand Champion at this prestigious show required
three ballots to decide and was only a majority
vote from the runner-up by a very small margin.
Lunchtime came around all too soon and
we had to leave to begin our journey home.
Terry and Wally accompanied us to the station
and we wished them happy holidays in China, a
country Ian and I have not yet visited. I would
love to see such sights as the Great Wall and the
Terracotta Army. Scenery in China is also reputedly
Unusual Doitsu Kin Showa
incredible—a trip to look forward to one day!
We arrived home safely, no delays, no lost
their efforts to master this seating. What a pair of
luggage, house, garden and koi all OK, always a
stiffies! It was a lovely evening, beer flowing, great
relief! The koi welcomed us back with their usual
food and good company.
piranha impersonations. Anyone would think they
Next morning Ian and I packed up, we were
were never fed. It was good to be home although
leaving that afternoon, while Terry and Wally
we always look forward to the next adventure. ■
stayed one more night before leaving for China
on Monday. Leaving our luggage in the hotel,
Ian, Terry and I headed back to the show site.
Wally decided she was “all koi’d out” and went to
explore the area around Hamamatsucho instead
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
PondToss is naturally occurring, unique formula of probiotic and water
conditioning microbes that improve water quality.
• Improves growth and survival rates.
• Improves water quality.
• Reduces ammonia, nitrite and
• Digests organic sludge.
• Improves feed conversion rate.
PondToss combines the best of both Lymnozyme
and WSR beneficial microbes, the probiotic portion
from Lymnozyme and the water conditioning
bacteria from WSR. When introduced into Aquaculture ponds PondToss creates competition with gram
negative bacteria and replaces it with bacteria that are beneficial to the inhabitants. This product is a
competitive excluder of pathogenic bacteria, and improves overall water quality.
PondToss produces small peptides that
aide in the displacement of pathogens of
fish. PondToss creates a natural, beneficial
Bio-Floc, while controlling ammonia, nitrite
and nitrate. PondToss digests organic
solids and bottom sludge.
It is NOT a medication or chemotherapeutic
product. It is safe for fish, shellfish, and
aquatic organisms when used as directed.
How it works
When introduced into the water PondToss creates
competition with gram negative bacteria and replaces it
with bacteria that are beneficial to the pond. PondToss
produces small peptides that aide in displacement of
pathogens of fish and shellfish, while it also produces
beneficial Bio-Floc. WSR portion controls ammonia, nitrite
and digests organic solids.
PondToss will aid in the competitive exclusion of Vibrio (Luminescent bacteria), Pseudomonas,
Aeromonas, Streptococcus, Allococcus, Myxobacterium, Columnaris ESC, and other gram- negative
pathogens. The combination of Lymnozyme and WSR gives the first complete treatment for ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate and sludge control, as well as probiotic treatment in aquaculture ponds.
Available in 15 kg buckets or packets
from our AKA Supply Officers­
Ron or Max Farrugia (02) 9533 2546 or 0403 029 532
Mon to Fri 8.00 am ­– 8.00 pm Sat and Sun 8.00 am – 11.00 am
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
Koi critique
Kin Hi Matsuba (Hikarimuji)
Kate McGill
Kin Hi Matsuba (Keen’ hee’ maht’ su ba)
Matsuba koi, both metallic and non-metallic
often confuse inexperienced hobbyists because
they appear to have a pattern, when in reality
they are classified as “single-coloured” koi. This
is because the Matsuba patterning is simply a
vignette, or reticulated effect over all scale areas;
therefore not a true pattern, as all of the visible
body is affected equally. Metallic Matsuba, like
the magnificent example shown this month,
are classified with other Ogon (for example the
Platinum or Yamabuki Ogon) in Hikarimuji –
single coloured metallic varieties. Non-metallic
Matsuba (for example Shiro Matsuba, a white koi
with a dark grey vignette effect) are classified
with Kawarimono. Matsuba koi have been around
a long time but are rarely seen these days and
even more unusually to a high standard.
A metallic Matsuba, besides superb shape
and proportions, glowing colour and strong
metallic finish must demonstrate a very neatly
defined vignette over every visible scale area.
If the vignette extends down towards the belly,
this is an advantage. Contrasting colour of the
vignette – usually grey or black, should be
as strong as possible and scaling very neatly
aligned. The head of a Matsuba should be
spotless, just a clean, single base colour.
This Kin Hi Matsuba, seen at the 2012
Koi of the World show in Tokyo impressively
demonstrates everything a good metallic Matsuba
should. This koi is exceptional. Look at the clarity
of the colour on the head. The same depth of
colour is present over the entire koi, right to
the fin tips and the vignette is certainly strong
enough and very neatly arranged. Even the shine,
often compromised on a deeply coloured koi, is
quite bright. Lovely to see an old-fashioned koi
shown to such a high standard. ■
New air pumps for sale
The AKA has available new Hi-Blow Air
Pumps (made in Japan).
Sizes 20 litre hour capacity ($215), 40
litre ($230), 60 litre ($240) & 80 litre
Available at our meeting nights or through our Supply Officers.
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
Buy, swap and sell
Buy, swap and sell notices can be
placed free by members.
Please call Ian Andrews
on 0418 255 897
or email ia222@hotmail.com
for more information.
The Australian Koi Association does not accept responsibility for the quality of
any items or any transactions advertised under Buy, Swap and Sell.
Australian Pet Supplies Pty Ltd are manufacturers of top
quality pellets and flake foods for ornamental fish. Top
ingredients, listed below, provide for your fish all protein,
minerals and vitamins to maintain healthy growing Koi fish.
Products are all fully manufactured in Australia and are
available from your supply officer.
Our Goldfish and Tropical Pellets and Flakes contain the following ingredients in varying amounts:
ASCORBIC ACID (especially developed for the aquaculture industry)
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
Koi Sale
Australian Koi Farm
83 Jersey Road
Bringelly NSW
Saturday 3 May and
Sunday 4 May 2014
9 am to 5 pm
on Koi and food
Up to 50% off all sizes of quality koi
40% off top quality fish food
Don’t miss this one-off sale
Phone 4774 8180
AKF Fisheries Lic No. F87-1005
CLEAR-POND formula - the forefront of the new Bio-Technology products currently being developed by Universities
throughout the world. This development is in response to
our need for natural methods of cleaning pollutants from our
environment, without the use of chemicals or other un-natural
products detrimental to all life on earth.
Made by AQUATIC BIOTECHNOLOGIES, INC. Ventura-California
How does CLEAR-POND work?
The answer lies in the diet preference of the various strains of bacteria.
While decaying organic waste matter and foul gasses such as ammonia
can create problems for fish, they are an attractive menu to CLEARPOND bacteria.
By using CLEAR-POND fish stress and mortality will be noticeably
reduced. The growth rate of your fish in CLEAR-POND treated water...
All of our formulations contain naturally occurring bacteria and are safe,
non-toxic, non-pathogenic, non-chemical and are beneficial for effluent
Overdoses pose NO DANGER to fish.
A p r i l – M a y 2 01 4
Table show results
Kinginrin A
Jimmy Tran
Graham Fameli Brad Bradley
Graham Fameli John Ling
John Ling
John Ling
John Ling
Brad Bradley
Graham Fameli
Brad Bradley
Brad Bradley
Kinginrin A
Kinginrin B
Fred Grech
Graham Fameli John Rhodes
Vin Diep
Fred Grech
Graham Fameli
Fred Grech
Fred Grech
Brad Bradley
Brad Bradley
Ron & Max Farrugia
Paul Miglionico
Judges’ Choice Shiro Utsuri, John Ling
Judge’s Choice Kinginrin Sanke, Graham Fameli
February Judges’ Choice: Shiro Utsuri, John Ling
March Judge’s Choice: Kinginrin Sanke, Graham
Supplies available to AKA
Contact Ron and Max Farrugia for all supplies listed on (02) 9533 2546 or 0403 029 532
Hours: Mon to Fri 8.00 am - 8.00 pm Sat and Sun 8.00 am - 11.00 am
1 kg Flake
200 mg
Fry Food
1 kg
AKA Growth Food
5 kg
No.1 High Protein Crumble 1kg No.2 High Protein Crumble
No.3 High Protein Crumble 1kg
Baby Koi Pellets
Pond Sticks
4 kg
AKA Premium Growth Food 5 kg AKA Growth Food (small pellet) 5kg
Orca Quick Grow medium
koi food 10 kg $35.00
Malachite Green
20 gms
Methylene Blue
18 gms
Phenoxotol - fin and tail rot
Clean Fish CF 50
Condy’s Crystals
200 gms
Oil of Cloves
100 ml
Air Stones small
Air Stones
50 mm
Air Tube
per metre
Green plastic air tube Roll
XF 171 Davey Pump
HIBLOW 20 litre/hour HIBLOW 40 litre/hour HIBLOW 60 litre/hour HIBLOW 80 litre/hour Aquarium Air Pump
King 3 2400 litres/hour
King 4 4800 litres/hour
King 5 6500 litres/hour
King 6 8000 litres/hour
Sodium Thiosulphate
Tri Start
Extra Water Purifier Extra Water Purifier
1 kg
250 ml
1 Litre 20 Litres $15.00
Large Plastic Bags
Carbonate hardness raising 2 kg
Clear Pond
200 mg $30.00
Slurpy Pump — fitted for use $180.00
Algae Fix 500 ml $25.00
Clear plastic Table Show tanks $20.00
“Virkon S” broad spectrum disinfectant
250g $25.00
6” Nets
10” Nets
Ammonia Test Kit
pH Test Kit
Carbon Hardness Test Kit
Please Note: Members’ orders for supplies for
delivery at the monthly meetings are to be in
the Tuesday prior to the meeting.
Members ordering supplies for postal delivery
should send money order or cheque payable
to Australian Koi Association to 32 Hardy Ave,
Riverwood 2210. Please ensure cost of return
postage is included.
Australian Koi Association
33rd Annual
Koi Show
6 April 2014
Chang Lai Yuan Chinese Gardens
Nurragingy Reserve
Knox Road
Invited International Guest
Mr Willem Daffue, ZNA Local
Certified Judge from South Africa
& Mr Allan Bennett, ZNA Local
Certified Judge from Western
GC $250; GC B $200; Reserve $150
17 x BIV prizes of $20 Bunnings Vouchers
All first in class win a $10 AKA Voucher
More information www.akakoi.com.au