Western Cross Country Congratulations to Felix Fowle, Paul Ward


Western Cross Country Congratulations to Felix Fowle, Paul Ward
Western Cross
Congratulations to
Felix Fowle, Paul
Ward, Callum Capil,
Niamh Paterson, Jendi Minty, Sarah Slee
and Jorja Mackie
who qualified for
Western and are off
today to compete at
Holt Park in Otautau.
Phone: (03) 226 6753
3 June 2016
Fax: (03) 226 6811
Email: office@haurokovalley.school.nz
Website: www.haurokovalley.school.nz
Principal Spot
Tena Koutou Katoa
It has been a short week for the family and I as we were away attending a family funeral. Thank
you for the lovely messages and cards. Greatly appreciated.
Cross Country - Today we had 7 children competing in the Western Southland Cross Country
Event in Otautau. The results will be posted as soon as we have them. Last week our children
competed in the School Cross Country at Isla Bank. They all should be proud of their efforts and
the determination to push to the end was amazing to watch.
Reading Diaries - As mentioned previously, reading is an area that we want to promote and also
raise the level of children achieving in our school. To assist us in this goal every child is going to
receive a free reading diary. The idea is to promote reading in the home and to encourage a positive attitude towards reading. We are going to get the children to read for at least 10 minutes a
night (Monday - Friday) and to have you the parents, listen to them and then to initial their diary.
That's it! If the child brings the diary with the date, book they read and the parent initial, then they
will receive a √ (Tick) for one reading night. Once the child receives 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 reading
nights they will receive recognition. If they wish to read in the weekend then please include it in
their diary. I encourage all parents to get on board with this programme from day 1 and to work
together to ensure that your child has the best possible chance at progressing and achieving in
Uniform - Recently I have been noticing some children coming to school wearing items of clothing that are not part of the school uniform. We want children to learn about pride, both in themselves and also in their school. Please ensure that your child is coming to school with the correct
items of clothing (Full Hauroko Valley uniform). If there are any issues then please contact the
school office.
Rippa Rugby - We now have a confirmed date which will be the 24th June at Rugby Park. Training will start again next Thursday at lunchtime and we will organise a training schedule for the following weeks.
Netball trials - Next week Sharon Hampton will be running netball trials for the upcoming tournament at Riverton. She would still like someone to help her, so if you have time over the next few
weeks please let us know.
Farm Safety - A new resource has arrived for the children to use and learn from next Term. Farm
safety is the topic and each child will receive a workbook that they will be able to bring home to
share with family. With the new health and safety requirements this resource will assist children in
learning about safety around their own farm but also within a rural community.
Parent Survey - We have received some valuable feedback from our parent community and also
some lovely messages. I am still leaving it open for parents to contact us and to pass on issues,
concerns and/or encouragement. Either leave a note at the office, email, or ring me directly.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the break and we will see all children back on Tuesday
ready to get to work.
One of our school leaders has bags of pinecones to sell for $4 a bag. If you would like to
purchase a bag please contact the school office. Limited Supply.
Wanted: Kowhai are needing large plastic
lemonade bottles to grow plants in.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to
drink lemonade this weekend (I know—all that sugar,
but it will give you plenty of energy). There’s lots you
can do with lemonade. Mix it with something to make
a more interesting drink, make scones, flat lemonade
helps a squirmy tummy, perks up droopy flowers,
used to stew fruit in. If you can send along the empties on Tuesday it will be very much appreciated.
School Timetable
9am Admin/Session 1
10.10am Morning tea
10.30am Session 2
11.30am Fruit/Vege Break
11.40am Session 3
12.40pm Lunch
1.30pm Session 4
3.00pm End of the day.
2016 Term Dates
Term 1: 3 Feb —15 April
Term 2: 2 May—8 July
Term 3: 25 July—23 Sept
Term 4: 10 Oct—TBC
06 Jun Queens Birthday holiday
14 Jun Kowhai Class Trip
22 Jun Wacky Wig Day
22 Jun Little Learners
24 Jun Rippa Rugby
07 July Kowhai trip to Museum
08 July Term 2 ends
10 July Home & School Mid Winter Dip
16 Aug School Photos
Friday Lunch Orders
Hot Dog & Chips $4.00
Savoury Muffin $4.00
Crumbed Blue Cod & Chips $5
Filled Roll $4.50
Pie $3.50
Dagwood Sandwich $4.00
Chips $2.50
Lollie Cake $2.50
Chicken Schnitzel & Chips $5.50
Chicken Nuggets & Chips $4.50
If your child would like sauce on their order; please
write sauce on the envelope. (No extra charge.)
Assembly ever y Fr iday at 2.30pm unless advised other wise
WHEN: Sunday 10th July
At 2pm
Lilburn Valley Road