Mapping of forest and forest-related stakeholder consultations in
Mapping of forest and forest-related stakeholder consultations in
M AP P I N G O F F O R E S T AN D F O R E S T - R E L AT E D S T AK E H O L D E R C O N S U L T AT I O N S I N M AL AY S I A By Thang Hooi Chiew Dr. Ramy Bulan Nithiyananthan S. Nesadurai EU FLEGT Facility Kuala Lumpur 31 January 2012 FLEGT Asia Background The European Commission (EC) published a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan in 2003. FLEGT aims not simply to reduce illegal deforestation, but in promoting good forest governance, aims to contribute to poverty eradication and sustainable management of natural resources. The European Forest Institute (EFI), an international research organisation with its headquarters in Finland, conducts, advocates and facilitates forest research networking at the pan-European level. Under its Policy & Governance programme, the EFI assists in the EU’s implementation of the FLEGT Action Plan. In 2007, the EU FLEGT Facility was established, hosted and managed by the EFI. The Facility supports the bilateral process between the EU and tropical producing countries towards signing and implementing “Voluntary Partnership Agreements” (VPAs) under the FLEGT Action Plan. In November 2008, the EFI signed a contribution agreement with the EC on a “Regional Support Programme for the EU FLEGT Action Plan in Asia”. The FLEGT Asia programme is part of EU FLEGT Facility and is executed by the Facility. A FLEGT Asia Regional Office (FLEGT Asia) of the EFI’s EU FLEGT Facility was formally established in October 2009. FLEGT Asia seeks to collaborate and build synergies with existing regional initiatives and partners in Asia. The EU FLEGT Facility is managed and implemented by the EFI in close collaboration with the EU. Goal of FLEGT Asia The goal of the FLEGT Asia Regional Programme is the promotion of good forest governance, contributing to poverty eradication and sustainable management of natural resources in Asia, through direct support of the implementation of the EU’s FLEGT Action Plan. Strategy The strategy to achieve this goal focuses on promoting and facilitating international trade in verified legal timber – both within Asia and exported from Asia to other consumer markets. In particular, it aims to enhance understanding of emerging demands in key timber-consuming markets and promote use of systems that assist buyers and sellers of Asian timber and timber products to meet these demands. Work Programme The work programme to achieve the Programme’s goal has three phases: 1 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 1. Information Collection Baseline information (trade statistics, product flows, future scenarios, stakeholder identification and engagement strategies), applied to countries in the region. Information on producers, processors, consumers, and to major consumers of exports from this region will be collected and collated. It will then be used to develop training and communication materials; to further define the nature of the capacity building to be undertaken (who are the target beneficiaries and what the training needs are) and form the baseline for monitoring the progress of the programme over the 3 years duration of the programme. 2. Capacity Building The second phase is the strengthening of key institutions (companies, trade associations, NGOs, government agencies, customs etc.) for improved forest governance in each country and across the region to meet the identified market needs. This will consist of training (at individual level, training of trainers, workshops, pilot studies e.g. on individual supply chains and for Timber Legality Assurance); information dissemination and communications (roadshows, seminars, communication materials, website etc). 3. Customs & Regional Collaboration The work to support trade regionally, and to invest in customs capacity in accordance with market requirements will be undertaken in collaboration with other programmes in the region. FLEGT Asia financed this report and the Terms of Reference for this study is as in Annex 1. Address European Forest Institute – FLEGT Asia Regional Office c/o Embassy of Finland 5th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber 258 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +60 3-42511886 Fax: +60 3-42511245 2 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Website: TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 1. INTRODUCTION 13 2. OBJECTIVES 13 3. SCOPE 14 4. METHODOLOGY 15 5. RESULTS 16 5.1 Forest and Land Use Management 17 5.2 Biological Diversity Conservation 22 5.3 Environmental Management 23 5.4 Timber Certification 27 5.5 Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) 33 5.6 Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community 36 6. LESSONS LEARNED 51 7. CONCLUSIONS 53 3 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Number of Organizations Contacted by Interest Groups and Regions in Malaysia 16 Table 2. Number and Percent of Responses Received From Organizations Contacted by Regions in Malaysia 17 Table 3. List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Forest and Land Use Management 18 Table 4. List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Biological Diversity Conservation 23 Table 5. List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Environmental Management 24 Table 6. List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Timber Certification 28 Table 7. List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) 33 Table 8. List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Social Forestry 38 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1. Terms of Reference 54 Annex 2. Survey Questionnaire 58 Annex 3. List of Organizations Contacted 59 Annex 4. Report Format for Each Stakeholder Consultation 73 Annex 5. Category 1: Forest and Land Use Management 74 Annex 6. Category 2: Biological Diversity Conservation 103 Annex 7. Category 3: Environmental Management 108 Annex 8. Category 4: Timber Certification 124 Annex 9. Category 5: Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) 164 Annex 10. Category 6: Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community 181 4 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report on “Mapping of Forest and Forest-Related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia” is a partnership effort involving many institutions and individuals and its successful completion is entirely due to the cooperation and commitment of these institutions and individuals. The authors wish to express their deepest appreciation and gratitude to the EFI and the EFI’s EU FLEGT Asia Regional Support Programme for the financial support for this study. Special thanks go to Mr. Vincent van den Berk and Ms. Aimi Lee Abdullah for their patience, feedback and unwavering support to enable the successful completion of this report. The authors would also like to express their most sincere thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia for its support, guidance and in providing all the assistance needed to complete this report, in particular to Datuk Aziyah Mohamed and Dr. Mohd Hizamri Md Yasin for their invaluable insights and advice. 5 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. LIST OF ACRONYMS AN ABBREVIATIONS APMS ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora EAs Environmental Agreements EC European Commission EFI European Forest Institute EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPD Environment Protection Department, Sabah EPSM Environmental Protection Society Malaysia EU European Union FDPM Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia FLEGT Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade FLEGTAsia FMU FLEGT Asia Regional Office FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent FRIM Forest Research Institute Malaysia FSC Forest Stewardship Council GEC Global Environment Centre GEF Global Environment Facility GHG Greenhouse Gases GIS Geographical Information System ha Hectare HCVF High Conservation Value Forest Forest Management Unit 6 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. IDEAL Integrated Development for Eco-Friendly and Appropriate Lifestyle IRDA Iskandar Regional Development Authority KOMAS Communication Centre for Human Rights (Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat) MC&I Malaysian Criteria and Indicators MC&I(2002 ) MC&I(Fore st Plantations) MFD Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia MNS Malaysian Nature Society MPIC Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia MSP Multi-stakeholder Process MTC Malaysian Timber Council MTCC Malaysian Timber Certification Council MTIB Malaysian Timber Industry Board NCR Native Customary Rights NGOs Non-governmental Organizations NREB Natural Resources and Environment Board Sarawak NTCC National Timber Certification Council Malaysia PIC Prior Informed Consent RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat. SFC Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. SFM Sustainable Forest Management SUHAKAM Human Rights Commission of Malaysia TK Traditional Knowledge Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (Forest Plantation) Malaysian Forest Dialogue 7 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. TLAS Timber Legality Assurance System UM University of Malaya UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDRIP United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples VPA Voluntary Partnership Agreement WWF World Wide Fund for Nature % Percent 8 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The “Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia” provided an inventory of relevant stakeholder forest and forest-related consultations covering the period 1 January 2000 to 31 July 2011. It was a simple and straightforward documentation of the various stakeholder consultations held in Malaysia. It did not involve any subjective assessments that could be varied across the different stakeholder landscape. The main objective of the Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia was to prepare a descriptive half-page to one page write-up for each consultation, including detail on six predetermined categories, namely, Forest and Land Use Management, Biological Diversity Conservation, Environmental Management, Timber Certification, Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT), and Social Forestry and Empowerment of Communities. It should serve as a starting point for improved coordination of different consultations in different context and draw lessons learned from the consultations held so as to improve on the stakeholder consultation processes, for better access to information and shared understanding. A total of 107 organizations was contacted where the MNRE had assisted in contacting 98 organizations of which 42 were from Peninsular Malaysia, 27 from Sabah and the balance of 29 from Sarawak. Of the organizations contacted by MNRE, 26 of the organizations were from relevant government ministries, departments and agencies, 14 organizations having an economic interest in the forestry sector, and 15 and 43 NGOs having an interest in the environmental and social aspects of forest and forest-related matters respectively. The balance of the nine organizations was contacted by the study team with seven of the organizations representing the social interest groups, and one each representing the environmental and economic interest groups respectively. Of the 107 organizations contacted, a total of 64 organizations or 59.8% responded with the highest number recorded in Peninsular Malaysia where 33 out of the 49 organization contacted or 67.3% responded. The lowest number of organizations recorded was in Sabah where only 14 out of the 28 organizations contacted or 50.0% responded. In terms of interest groups, 16 of them were from the relevant government ministries, department and agencies; nine from the environment interest groups, 32 from the social interest groups and seven from the economic interest groups. From the organizations that responded, 204 individual reports of consultation were received of which 28 or 13.7% could be classified under the category Forest and Land Use Management; 4 or 1.9% under the category Biological Diversity Conservation; 15 or 7.4% under the category Environmental Management; 39 or 19.1% under the categories Timber Certification; and 15 or 7.4% and 103 or 50.5% under the categories Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and Social Forestry and Empowerment of Communities respectively. Although the overall response rate seemed low, it should be noted that a number of organizations contacted were of the view that the survey was not relevant to them, declined to participate, or could not provide the necessary data requested. In general, government departments and agencies kept better records than the NGOs. This was made more difficult as the Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consulta9 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. tions in Malaysia requested information on consultations conducted as far back as the year 2000. The 28 stakeholder consultations that were conducted under the category Forest and Land Use Management were held at the international, regional, national and state levels. At the international level, the consultations involved countries in Southeast Asia, especially the ASEAN Member States, while the two consultations held at the regional level covered the states in Peninsular Malaysia. The state level consultations were held in Pahang, Johore, Perak, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak. These consultations covered peatland management, rehabilitation and sustainable use; mangrove rehabilitation; challenges and opportunities in financing sustainable forestry and the timber trade; the Integrated Land Use Blueprint and the Shoreline Management Plan for Iskandar Malaysia, the outlook study of the Malaysian Forestry Sector in the Year 2020; the development of a HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia; the preparation of forest management plans for SFM; and the application of GIS for enhancing forest management and planning. The four stakeholder consultations under the category Biological Diversity Conservation were conducted with one consultation at the international level and the remaining three consultations at the state level in Kedah and Sarawak. They covered the establishment of the Kilim National Park, Kedah; a review on the status and trends of Malaysia’s biodiversity, including solutions to prevent and/or halt its loss and degradation; an assessment on the implementation of the Loagan Bunut National Park Integrated Management Plan; and the current status on access to and benefit sharing from the use of Sarawak’s biological resources in relation to the ordinance and laws in Sarawak. The 15 stakeholder consultations under the category Environmental Management were conducted at the international, national, state and district levels. Two of these consultations were conducted at the international level with five at the national level. Of the remaining eight consultations, seven were conducted at the state level in Johore, Selangor and Sabah, with one at the district level in the Beaufort District, Sabah. The areas covered by these consultations included the application of environmental management tools in managing natural resources, and rules and guidelines related to the preparation of EIA reports in Sabah; Malaysia’s climate change related projections and studies; the Environmental Planning Blueprint in Iskandar Malaysia; impacts of peatland fires, including the development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System; and policy and institutional challenges in implementing development that is ecologically sustainable. The 39 stakeholder consultations that were conducted under the category Timber Certification were held at the regional, national, state and local levels. In this regard, most of the consultations were held at the regional and national levels. Only two consultations were conducted at the local level among the local communities in Tatau and Miri in Sarawak. Under this category, the areas covered by the 39 consultations included the development of the MC&I(2002) and the MC&I(Forest Plantations), including awareness raising among forest officers of the Forestry Departments in Malaysia, and a review of the MC&I(2002); the introduction of sustainable forest management and certification to the 10 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. local community in the Anap-Muput FMU, especially its social aspects; and the role and values of FSC certification in Malaysia, including nomination of representatives to the social chamber of the National Standards Development Group. A total of 15 stakeholder consultations were conducted under the category Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT). Most of the consultations covered the development in the FLEGT VPA negotiations, including the Malaysian TLAS, market access and impact for FLEGT-licensed timber, and the role of the Independent Market Monitor for the TLAS; the capacity building measures required to implement the Malaysian TLAS in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak; the future direction of the Malaysian timber industry, and the potential of developing a code of conduct for the industry; the identification of priority actions and recommendations to implement the listing of ramin in CITES; and an understanding of the ramin trade enforcement mechanism under CITES and the Malaysian International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008 (Act 686). These 15 consultations were held at the national level, except for the consultation on the identification of project proposals for implementation in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak which was conducted at the regional and state levels. These project proposals were part of the capacity building measures required to implement the Malaysian TLAS. There were 103 stakeholder consultations conducted under the category Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community. These consultations were held at the international, regional, national, state, district, and local levels. In this regard, three consultations were held at the international level, three at the regional level for the states in Peninsular Malaysia; 13 at the national level, nine at the state level in Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Sarawak, while six consultations at the district level in Johore, Sabah and Sarawak. The remaining 69 consultations or 67.0% of the total received under this category were held at the local level, mainly in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak, and to a lesser extent in Sabah. These 103 consultations covered matters related to the concept of PIC as advocated in the CBD and FPIC as contained in Article 32 of UNDRIP; the use of TK; the planting of coastal areas and mangroves by local communities and school children; raising the awareness of the importance of forests and strengthening the cooperation between the State Forestry Departments with the indigenous peoples living in and around the vicinity of forested areas; and encouraging positive practices in managing natural resources. They also included the development of a dispute resolution mechanism for sustainable forest management; practical ideas for managing claims and disputes related to forest, land and indigenous peoples’ rights; the involvement of local communities in sustainable forest management and community forest management; and the potential impact of tree plantations on native customary land rights. A number of the consultations also involved efforts to strengthen the knowledge and understanding among indigenous peoples of their customary rights to lands and forest resources within the context of national and international laws; and in the sharing of information and exchange of experiences in managing TK issues, and claims and disputes related to forest. For the multi-stakeholder process (MSP) to be meaningful and successful, there needs to be an effort for capacity building of weaker parties, so that they can come to the table equipped with better knowledge on the issues to be addressed. Financial assistance should be provided to enable the smaller NGOs to participate. In addition, the process 11 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. itself should be fully transparent and participatory that accommodates the different views and positions of the various stakeholders in a balanced manner through a spirit of compromise, and provide for all stakeholders to deliberate and arrive at decisions that are acceptable to all parties. For the process to be more effective there is also a need to build stronger understanding and trust between the parties involved. The issues to be deliberated in the MSP should be attractive and current or which would likely to have an impact on the livelihood and wellbeing of peoples and the environment. It is pertinent that state agencies should go beyond acknowledging receipt of documents and/or proposals following consultations, and should inform all the involved parties the outcome of the submissions forwarded to them. More specifically, from the many records of the consultations with the grassroots, particularly with indigenous communities, many of the efforts are still very much at the level of awareness and knowledge creation and training. There is a clear need for further strengthening and training not only of leaders, but the members of the community. Notwithstanding this, consultation among interested parties is actively promoted by many organizations as a good governance mechanism in the field of natural resources management. This collaborative approach is also in line with the Malaysian government’s vision of encouraging smart partnerships between government and nongovernment agencies. 12 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 1. INTRODUCTION The FLEGT Asia Regional Office (FLEGT Asia) of the EFI’s EU FLEGT Facility was formally established in October 2009. FLEGT Asia seeks to collaborate and build synergies with existing regional initiatives and partners in Asia. In early 2011 FLEGT Asia had proposed to the Malaysian authorities that a simple inventory of relevant stakeholder forest and forest-related consultations covering a period from 1 January 2000 to 31 July 2011 for the whole of Malaysia, namely, Peninsular Malaysia and the States of Sabah and Sarawak, with accompanying notes should be made available. On 15 June 2011, a Meeting on Mapping of Stakeholder Consultation Processes in Malaysia co-organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) and the EU EFI FLEGT Asia Regional Support Programme was held in Kuala Lumpur where a total of 36 participants representing relevant government ministries, departments and agencies and those from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attended. The Meeting stressed the importance of the stakeholder consultation processes in public policy decision-making. The Meeting also observed that even though stakeholder consultations at different levels had taken place in Malaysia over the years, they were not always well documented or reported on. Therefore it is important to catalogue these stakeholder consultations to show what has happened. These consultations did not only include environmental NGOs, but also local communities, forest workers, etc. It was further suggested that it should be simple and straightforward documentation of the various stakeholder consultations held in Malaysia which should not be complicated by subjective assessments that could be varied across the different stakeholder landscape. 2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the “Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia”, as in the Terms of Reference in Annex 1, are as follows: 3. (i) to prepare a listing with a descriptive half-page to one page write-up for each consultation, including detail on predetermined category, number of participants, organizing organization(s) and organizations represented; (ii) to provide a reference point to support to the overall sustainable forest management consultation efforts in Malaysia, as well as the EU-Malaysia Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) negotiations under the EU FLEGT Action Plan; (iii) to serve as a starting point for improved coordination of different consultations in different context so that they are not all entirely one-off, issue specific and ad hoc; and (iv) to draw lessons learned from the consultations held and recommend ways to improve on the stakeholder consultation processes, for better access to information and shared understanding. SCOPE 13 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The scope of work would take into account the comments and suggestions discussed at the Meeting on Mapping of Stakeholder Consultation Processes in Malaysia held in Kuala Lumpur on 15 June 2011. The coverage would include, but is not limited to: (i) Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) consultations; (ii) National Physical Plan; (iii) Wildlife Act; (iv) EIA Consultations for major construction projects; (v) Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) discussions; (vi) Malaysian Forest Dialogue; (vii) Ministerial Dialogues with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs); (viii) Meetings with Stakeholders on the Study on Market Impact of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA); (ix) Meetings with Stakeholders during the Joint Evaluation of the Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS); (x) Consultations on Capacity-Building Needs through the GermanNetherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT VPA; (xi) Conflict Resolution work undertaken by the Sarawak Forestry Corporation; (xii) Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)/Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) Briefings on new market requirements; (xiii) EU’s Meetings with Stakeholders; (xiv) Consultations on Malaysia’s Forestry Outlook Study; (xv) Consultations on National CITES legislation; (xvi) Access and Benefit Sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agenda; (xvii) Consultations with affected local communities by the Forestry Departments in drawing up their Management Plans; (xviii) Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) consultations; and (xix) Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)’s field work on social forestry and education on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) under the CBD. 14 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. For each consultation, the description would indicate, among others, the objective and a description of the consultation, whether the consultation was a formal or an informal arrangement, whether it was on an ad hoc or a sustained long term effort, and the selection process of participants. In this regard, the stakeholder consultations were classified into six categories as follows: 4. (i) Forest and Land Use Management; (ii) Biological Diversity Conservation; (iii) Environmental Management; (iv) Timber Certification; (v) Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT); and (vi) Social Forestry and Empowerment of Communities. METHODOLOGY A three-member study team was assembled to undertake the Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia with the Team Leader assigned to prepare the overall report as well as to gather the needed information related to consultations on forest management, timber certification, and FLEGT; while one of the team member was responsible for consultations in climate change, biodiversity and environment related to forest and forest-related matters; and the other team member on consultations related to social forestry and native customary rights. A Survey Questionnaire as in Annex 2 was developed and was officially sent by the MNRE to relevant government departments and agencies, timber trade and workers associations, academia, and environmental NGOs. The purpose of the questionnaire was to allow organizations to list the consultations conducted by them over the period 1 January 2000 to 31 July 2011, including their objectives, and to indicate the level of consultation and the availability of records. For this purpose, a stakeholder consultation was defined as a platform provided for government officials, researchers, civil society, NGOs and academia to share information, solicit views, resolve specific issues and try to seek consensus on them. This could take the form of meetings, conferences, briefings and dialogues, among others. In this regard, a stakeholder was defined as any individuals or groups who are directly affected by, or interested in, a given forest and forest-related issue, including its economic, social and environmental dimensions. A total of 107 organizations was contacted where the MNRE had assisted in contacting 98 organizations of which 42 were from Peninsular Malaysia, 27 from Sabah and the balance of 29 from Sarawak. In terms of interest groups that were contacted by the MNRE, 26 of the organizations were from relevant government ministries, departments and agencies, 14 organizations having an economic interest in the forestry sector which were mainly trade and workers associations, and 15 and 43 NGOs having an interest in the environmental and social aspects of forest and forest-related matters respectively. 15 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The balance of the nine organizations was contacted by the study team with seven of the organizations representing the social interest groups, and one each representing the environmental and economic interest groups respectively. The list of organizations contacted is as in Annex 3, while the number of organizations contacted by region and states in Malaysia is as in Table 1. Table 1: Number of Organizations Contacted by Interest Groups and Regions in Malaysia _________________________________________________________________ Regions Economic Interest Groups 11 Environmental Interest Groups 11 Social Interest Groups 14 Total Peninsular Malaysia Government Sector 13 Sabah 6 3 2 17 28 Sarawak 7 1 3 19 30 Total 26 15 16 50 107 For each selected consultation from the returned Survey Questionnaires the Team Members, assisted by the concerned organizations, prepare the report according to the “Report Format for Each Stakeholder Consultation” as in Annex 4. The Team Members also held discussion with organizations when there was a need to understand better the information requested in the Survey Questionnaire and in preparing the report in accordance with the Report Format for Each Stakeholder Consultation. 5. RESULTS A total of 64 organizations out of a total of 107 organizations contacted or 59.8% responded to the survey with the highest number recorded in Peninsular Malaysia where 33 out of the 49 organization contacted or 67.3% responded. The lowest number of organizations recorded was in Sabah where only 14 out of the 28 organizations contacted or 50.0% responded. The number and percent of organizations responded according to Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak is as shown in Table 2. Furthermore, from the 64 organizations that responded, a total of 16 of them was from the relevant government ministries, department and agencies; nine from the environment interest groups, 32 from the social interest groups and seven from the economic interest groups. 16 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 49 Table 2: Number and Percent of Responses Received From Organizations Contacted by Regions in Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________ Regions No. of Organizations Contacted No. of Organizations Responded Percent of Organizations Responded (%) Peninsular Malaysia 49 33 67.3 Sabah 28 14 50.0 Sarawak 30 17 56.7 Total 107 64 59.8 From the organizations that responded, a total of 204 individual reports of consultation was received. Of this total, 28 or 13.7% could be classified under the category “Forest and Land Use Management”; 4 or 1.9% under the category “Biological Diversity Conservation”; 15 or 7.4% under the category “Environmental Management”; 39 or 19.1% under the categories “Timber Certification”; and 15 or 7.4% and 103 or 50.5% under the categories “Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT)” and “Social Forestry and Empowerment of Communities” respectively. A brief description of each of the six categories of responses received is presented below. 5.1 Forest and Land Use Management A total of 28 stakeholder consultations were conducted under the category Forest and Land Use Management. Most of the consultations covered matters related to forest land use and financing sustainable forest management (SFM) as in the South Pahang Peat Swamp Forest conducted by the Pahang State Forestry Department; peatland management, rehabilitation and sustainable use, and mangrove rehabilitation by the Global Environment Centre (GEC); the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS), 20052020, by the MNRE; and challenges and opportunities in financing sustainable forestry and the timber trade by the Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Steering Committee comprising the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia, MTC, the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC), the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Malaysia, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), and the Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia (BCSDM). The consultations also included the Comprehensive Development Plan, the Integrated Land Use Blueprint and the Shoreline Management Plan for Iskandar Malaysia, Johore, conducted by the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA); the outlook study of the Malaysian Forestry Sector in the Year 2020 by the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM); development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia by the WWF-Malaysia; commodity related issues by the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC); preparation of forest management plans (FMP) for Sustainable Forest Management License Agreement (SFMLA) 17 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. areas in Sabah by the Sabah Forestry Department; and the application of geographical information systems (GIS) for enhancing forest management and planning, including information dissemination, by FRIM and the Sabah Forestry Department. The consultations were held at the international, regional, national and state levels. At the international level, the consultations involved countries in Southeast Asia, especially the ASEAN Member States, while the two consultations held at the regional level covered the states in Peninsular Malaysia. The state level consultations were held in Pahang, Johore, Perak, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak. The list of stakeholder consultations presented chronologically from August 2003 to July 2011 is as in Table 3, while the details for each of the stakeholder consultations conducted are as in Annex 5. Table 3: List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Forest and Land Use Management ___________________________________________________________ No. Date Held Name of Consultation Lead Organization Objective of Consultation Level of Consultation 1. 14. 8. 2003. Briefing on the Application of the Web MyGDI (NaLIS) Sabah – Sandakan MyGDI Roadshow. Sabah Forestry Department. To create and promote awareness amongst state and federal agencies in Sandakan on information sharing through the Malaysia Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) Sabah Clearinghouse which is an internet portal for on-line dissemination of framework data, metadata and standard. State (Sabah). 2. 16-19. 5. 2004. Dialogue between the Pahang State Forestry Department, the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project Management Plan Core Team (MPCT) members and the Town and Country Planning Department (JPBD) on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. Pahang State Forestry Department. To discuss the draft Pekan Local District Structural Plan vis-à-vis the Integrated Management Plan of the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. State (Pahang). 3. 2. 3. 2005. Briefing to the Pahang State Executive Council (EXCO) on the status and activities of the UNDP/GEF Project on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. Pahang State Forestry Department. To brief and update members of the Pahang State Executive Council (EXCO) on the progress in the formulation of the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. State (Pahang). 4. 18-19. 4. 2005. Malaysia National Consultative Workshop on the ASEAN Peatland Man- MNRE. To discuss and update the Malaysia Country report and to evaluate the ASEAN Peatland Management International. 18 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. agement Initiative. Strategy (APMS) draft. 5. 26. 4. 2005. Briefing on the UNDP/GEF Project on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. Pahang State Forestry Department. To brief the Heads of key state government departments and agencies on the development of the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. State (Pahang). 6. 24-26. 5. 2005. Second Workshop on the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative. MNRE. To review and finalize the draft ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS), 2005-2020, and to discuss the development of corresponding National Action Plans (NAPs), as well as to explore regional and national implementation mechanisms of the APMS, and to enhance co-operation and coordination with partners and supporters. International. 7. 6-8. 6. 2005. National Workshop on Developing a National Forest Programme for Malaysia: Process, Planning and Implementation. MNRE. To further enhance a better understanding of issues addressed in international and regional forestry dialogues and the implementation of national forest programmes, and to reach consensus on a framework and elements of a Malaysian National Forest Programme (MNFP), as well as its implementation, including the harmonization of the Malaysian five-year forestry development programmes with the IFP/IFF national forest programme (nfp) approaches and process. National. 8. 1.11. 200531.7. 2006; & 1. 3.-31. 12. 2006. Formulation of Comprehensive Development Plan in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. IRDA. To provide a framework for the comprehensive development of Iskandar Malaysia. State (Johore). 9. 7-8. 12. 2006. The Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2006 - “Challenges and Opportunities in Financing Sustainable Forestry and Timber Trade”. MFD Steering Committee. To discuss the challenges and opportunities in financing sustainable forestry and the timber trade, including global perspectives, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia, particularly engaging with relevant stakeholders. National. 10. 28-29. 8. 2007. Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Outlook of the Malaysian Forestry Sector in the Year 2020. FDPM. To assess and analyze the status, trends and the most probable outlook of the Malaysian forestry sector in year 2020 with a focus on the National. 19 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. economic, social and environmental contributions of forests in the pursuit of achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. 11. 22-23. 10. 2007. Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2007 – “Challenges in Implementing and Financing Sustainable Forest Management”. MFD Steering Committee. To discuss the socio-economics of sustainable forest management (SFM) in Malaysia, and the financing of SFM. It was also to provide information to financial institutions so that they could appreciate the challenges faced by forest owners in their endeavours to achieve SFM and the efforts being made, as well as to ensure continued financial support needed by the industry to achieve SFM. National. 12. 31. 10. -1. 11. 2007. Technical Workshop on Minimizing Impacts of Palm Oil and Biofuel Production in Southeast Asia on Peatlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change. GEC. To share information on the nature and impacts of the development of peatlands for palm oil plantation on biodiversity and climate change and implications for biofuel production, and to share experiences and best practices to minimize impacts and maintain production of oil palm plantations on peatlands, including a review on the options to rehabilitate degraded peatlands for production and conservation purposes. International. 13. 27-29. 5. 2008. Expert Review Meeting on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia. WWFMalaysia. To introduce the HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with relevant stakeholders and experts in Malaysia, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. National. 14. 1. 9. 2008-31. 12. 2009. IRDA. To obtain inputs for the ILUB for Iskandar Malaysia. State (Johore). 15. 20. 11 2008. Consultation on Integrated Land Use Blueprint (ILUB) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Sabah. WWFMalaysia. To introduce the HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Sabah, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. State (Sabah). 16. January 2009 to December 2010. Formulation of a Forest Management Plan for Forest Management Units 15 & 16 in the Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve Yayasan Sabah. Sabah Forestry Department. To formulate and prepare a forest management plan (FMP) for Forest Management Units 15 & 16 in the Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve based on a sustainable forest management approach. State (Sabah). 20 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 17. 13. 1. 2009. Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia. WWFMalaysia. To introduce the HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Peninsular Malaysia, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. Regional (Peninsular Malaysia). 18. 11. 2. 2009. Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Sarawak. WWFMalaysia. To introduce the HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Sarawak, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. State (Sarawak). 19. 12-15. 6. 2009. Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation Workshop. GEC. To disseminate information and train practitioners at various levels including government, academia and community representatives on the methods of ecological mangrove rehabilitation (EMR). State (Perak). 20. 29. 6. 2009. Final National Workshop on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia. WWFMalaysia. To introduce the HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with relevant stakeholders and experts in Malaysia, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. National. 21. 15. 10. 2009. Minister’s Dialogue with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs). MPIC. To provide a platform for NGOs to air their views and concerns on commodity related issues with the Minister of the MPIC. National. 22. 23-25. 11. 2009. International Meeting on Integrated Management and Rehabilitation of Tropical Peatlands. GEC. International. 23. 26. 11. 2009 Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in Southeast Asia. GEC. To discuss an integrated approach to the rehabilitation and sustainable use of peatlands in Southeast Asia, especially in the ASEAN Member States. To discuss peatland rehabilitation and sustainable use in ASEAN countries, including the reduction of fires and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from peatlands in Southeast Asia, the linkage of people, biodiversity and peatlands, and priorities and innovative approaches for sustainable peatland management. 24. 1.12. 2009-28. 2. 2010. IRDA. To obtain inputs for and receive feedback to the SMP for Iskandar Malaysia. State (Johore). 25. 15. 11. 2010. Consultation on Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. Discussion on the Development of Geographical Information System (GIS) for Research Project in FRIM. To discuss the development of a customized geographic information system (GIS) for selective logging planning and management in the Regional (Pahang, Penang, Terengganu & International. 21 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Berkelah Forest Reserve, Pahang. Berkelah Forest Reserve, Pahang. Johore). 26. January 2011 (still in progress). Formulation of a Forest Management Plan (FMP) for Forest Management Unit 20 in the Kuamut Forest Reserve, Yayasan Sabah Sustainable Forest Management License Agreement (SFMLA) Area. Sabah Forestry Department. To formulate and prepare a forest management plan (FMP) for Forest Management Unit 20 in the Kuamut Forest Reserve based on a sustainable forest management approach. State (Sabah). 27. 21-27. 2. 2011. Training Programme on Peatland Assessment and Management “Regional Training of Trainers”. GEC. To provide regional training for trainers on the peatland assessment and management. International. 28. 26. 7. 2011. Meeting on the Assessment Report on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) - Dungun Timber Complex. Dungun Timber Complex. To discuss the results arising from testing the toolkit for assessing High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) in the field , as well as the findings from the HCVF field assessment of the Dungun Timber Complex forest areas of ‘Kumpulan Pengurusan Kayu Kayan Terengganu (KPKKT)’. State (Terengganu) 5.2 Biological Diversity Conservation A total of four stakeholder consultations under the category Biological Diversity Conservation were conducted by MNS, the State Forest Department of Sarawak and the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre (SBC). The consultations covered the establishment of the Kilim National Park, Kedah; a review on the status and trends of Malaysia’s biodiversity and the long-term solutions to prevent and/or halt its loss and degradation; an assessment on the implementation of the Loagan Bunut National Park Integrated Management Plan (IMP) and the monitoring programs conducted by the various implementing agencies in Sarawak. It also included a review of the current status on access to and benefit sharing from the use of Sarawak’s biological resources in relation to the ordinance and laws in Sarawak, including the formulation of Sarawak’s position on the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Utilization to the CBD. The consultation on the Malaysian biodiversity was held at the international level, while the other three consultations were held at the state level in Kedah and Sarawak. The list of stakeholder consultations presented chronologically is as in Table 4. The details for each of the stakeholder consultations conducted are as in Annex 6. Table 4: List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Biological Diversity Conservation ____________________________________________________________ 22 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. No. Date Held Name of Consultation Lead Organization Objective of Consultation Level of Consultation 1. 15. 4. 2005. Stakeholders Meeting to Establish the Kilim National Park, Kedah. MNS. To recommend to the Kedah State Government to protect and gazette an area of 18,395 ha as the “Kilim National Park”. State (Kedah). 2. 8-9. 10. 2010. International Conference on Challenges and Solutions for Tropical Biodiversity. MNS. To review the current status and trends of Malaysia’s tropical biodiversity, and to seek practical, long-term solutions to prevent and/or halt the loss and degradation of Malaysia’s tropical biodiversity. International. 3. 6. 7 2011. Inter-Agency Meeting on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Loagan Bunut National Park, 2011. Sarawak Forest Department. To assess the progress in executing the Loagan Bunut National Park Integrated Management Plan (IMP) and the monitoring programs implemented by the various implementing agencies, including a discussion on any critical changes in any of the ecological parameters and indicators used to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the Loagan Bunut National Park, as well as a review of the actions taken to date. State (Sarawak). 4. 21. 7 2011. State Consultation Meeting on State Policy and Legislation on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources from Sarawak. Sarawak Biodiversity Centre. To review of the current status of access to and benefit sharing from the use of Sarawak’s biological resources in relation to the ordinance and laws in Sarawak, including the formulation of Sarawak’s position on the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Utilization to the CBD. State (Sarawak). 5.3 Environmental Management A total of 15 stakeholder consultations under the category Environmental Management were conducted by the Environment Protection Department, Sabah (EPD), the FDPM, the GEC, the IRDA, MNS, the Sabah Forestry Department, and the Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM). The consultations covered the application of environmental management tools in addressing major environmental issues and challenges in managing natural resources in Sabah; the rules and guidelines related to the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports by environmental consulting companies registered with the EPD, especially the need to control and mitigate environmental impacts from any development activity and exploitation of natural resources; the implementation and compliance of Environmental Agreements (EAs) by logging operators in Sabah; and the deliberation of the draft Standard Operational Procedures with performance standards to operationalize the provisions of EAs, including Environmental 23 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Compliance Reporting and a Toolkit for Rapid Assessment for the logging industry in Sabah; undertaken by the EPD. The consultations also included nationally climate change related projections and studies conducted by the MNS; the Environmental Planning Blueprint (EPB) that aimed, among others, to facilitate environmental planning through management, protection, conservation and enhancement of natural landscapes in Iskandar Malaysia by the IRDA; impacts of peatland fires by the FDPM, the Sabah Forestry Department and the GEC, including the development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System; and policy and institutional challenges in implementing development that is ecologically sustainable by the EPSM. The consultations were held at the international, national, state and district levels. The two international level consultations involved the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System with the five national level consultations addressing the vulnerability of peat swamp forests to fire, the concept of ecological footprint analysis (EFA), and climate change projections in Malaysia. The seven state level consultations were undertaken in Johore, Selangor and Sabah, while the district level consultation was in the Beaufort District, Sabah. The list of stakeholder consultations presented chronologically from September 2001 to July 2011 is as in Table 5. The details for each of the stakeholder consultations conducted are as in Annex 7. Table 5: List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Environmental Management ____________________________________________________________ No. Date Held Name of Consultation Lead Organization Objective of Consultation Level of Consultation 1. 13-14. 9. 2001. Sixth Sabah-Inter Agency Tropical Ecosystems (SITE) Research Seminar: “Environmental Management in Sabah - Issues and Challenges”. EPD. To highlight the major environmental issues and challenges in managing natural resources in Sabah, with emphasis on the application of environmental management tools and the sharing of information and experiences in the protection and conservation of natural tropical ecosystems. State (Sabah). 2. 19-21. 3. 2002. Workshop on Peatland Fire and Rehabilitation in Malaysia. FDPM. To discuss issues relating to the importance and vulnerability of peat swamp forests in Malaysia, as well as to pursue collaboration and interaction between scientists, policy makers, government agencies and institutions to address the issue of peatland fires. National. 3. 15-16. 6. 2007. Conference on Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM). EPSM. To highlight the importance of sustainable development in the context of living within the ecological limits of one planet and to introduce the concept of National. 24 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. ecological footprint analysis (EFA) as a tool to measure sustainable development, as well as to encourage greater responsibility towards the environment through a reporting mechanism. 4. 28. 6. 2007. Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment: Rules and Procedures. EPD. To inform the environmental consulting companies which were registered with EPD on the current rules and guidelines related to the preparation of EIA reports, as well as to enhance the effectiveness in mitigating environmental degradation, including the forest ecosystem during forest harvesting. State (Sabah). 5 29. 5. 2009. Workshop on Climate Change Projections in Malaysia. MNS. To better understand climate change related projections and studies undertaken nationally by the government and to encourage partnerships amongst participants in addressing emerging climate change problems. National. 6. 1.12. 200928. 2. 2010. Consultation on Environmental Planning Blueprint (EPB) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. IRDA. To obtain inputs for and feedback on the EPB for Iskandar Malaysia. State (Johore). 7. 12-13. 12. 2009 Peat Fire Prevention through Local Community Awareness and Action Program. GEC. To raise awareness about the risks and threats of peatland fire and to deepen the understanding of stakeholders about sustainable management of the peatland forest, as well as to minimize the occurrence of peat fires at the peatland areas, especially in the southern region of Selangor. State (Selangor). 8. 19. 2. 2010. Dialogue on Forest Fire Issues in the Beaufort District. Sabah Forestry Department. To provide information relevant to the current forest fire situation and to explain and elaborate on the offenses provided for under the present laws, as well as to solicit responses from the public on relevant open burning activities. District (Sabah). 9. 6. 5. 2010. Environmental Consultants Forum. EPD. To share with the environmental consulting companies which were registered with EPD on the steps taken by EPD to process EIA reports; as well as to inform them on the current rules and guidelines related to their preparation, especially the need to control and mitigate environmental impacts from any development activity and exploitation of natural resources; and increase the awareness of the expected roles State (Sabah). 25 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. and responsibilities of environmental consulting companies in protecting the environment of Sabah. 10. 10. 6. 2010. Technical Meeting for the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System. GEC. To initiate preliminary actions for the development of a workable system for fire prediction and provide early warnings as a means of fire prevention, particularly in Southeast Asia, and to discuss preparation for implementing pilot activities at the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest in Malaysia. International. 11. 8. 7. 2010. Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) Roundtable 2010. EPSM. To build on the SLiM Conference 2007 and take the discussion further, as well as to identify policy and institutional challenges to implementing development that is ecologically sustainable. National. 12. 13-14. 7. 2010. Technical Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System. GEC. To focus on strengthening peatland fire prediction warning and enhancing fire prevention measures in peatlands. International. 13. 10-11. 5. 2011. Workshop on Current Implementation and Compliance of Environmental Agreements by Logging Operators in Sabah. EPD. To present and deliberate the findings and field assessment on the implementation and compliance of Environmental Agreements by logging operators in Sabah and stakeholders participation to prevent environmental degradation caused by logging activities, as well as share and exchange views in implementing the current standards and procedures for environmental protection, including water quality protection, wildlife conservation, and the practice of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) in logging areas in Sabah. State (Sabah). 14. 21-22. 5. 2011. Workshop on Environmental Management of Logging Operations in Sabah. EPD. To present and deliberate the draft Standard Operational Procedures with performance standards to operationalize the provisions of Environmental Agreements by logging operators in Sabah, including Environmental Compliance Reporting and a Toolkit for Rapid Assessment. State (Sabah). 15. 7. 7. 2011. Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) Roundtable 2011. EPSM. To build on the discussion of SLiM Roundtable 2010, taking into account national developments over the past 12 months, especially the New Economic Model (NEM), and to develop a concept for institutionalizing a SLiM National. 26 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Roundtable as an annual/ biennial event of multi-stakeholders to advocate sustainable development, including detailed discussions on redesigning agencies. 5.4 Timber Certification The 39 stakeholder consultations that were conducted by the MTCC, formerly known as the National Timber Certification Council Malaysia (NTCC) until 30 June 2001, the FDPM, the SFC, the Forest Sustainability (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., and the Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples fall under the category Timber Certification. The consultations conducted by the MTCC involved consultation with stakeholders on the development of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)] and the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (Forest Plantation) [MC&I(Forest Plantations)], including awareness raising among forest officers of the Forestry Departments in Malaysia, and the review of the MC&I(2002) which would be renamed as the MC&I(Natural Forest). The consultations conducted by the FDPM were to further enhance awareness and deepen the understanding on the requirements of the MC&I(2002) by their officers, including the uniformed staff, in the various states in Peninsular Malaysia. The other consultations conducted by the SFC involved the introduction of sustainable forest management and certification to the local community in the Anap-Muput forest management unit (FMU) using the MC&I (2002), especially its social aspects; the concerns on the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) to the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC); and the role and values of FSC certification in Malaysia, including nomination of representatives to the social chamber of the National Standards Development Group. The consultations were held at the regional, national, state and local levels. In this regard, the MTCC and FDPM held their consultations on forest management certification at both the regional and national levels. The only consultation organized by the Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples was at the national level, while the two consultations conducted by the Forest Sustainability (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. were at the regional and state levels. The SFC held its two consultations at the local level among the local communities in Tatau and Miri in Sarawak. The list of stakeholder consultations presented chronologically from December 2000 to May 2011 is as in Table 6. The details for each of the stakeholder consultations conducted are as in Annex 8. Table 6: List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Timber Certification ____________________________________________________________ No. Date Held Name of Consultation Lead Organization Objective of Consultation Level of Consultation 27 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 1. 6-7. 12. 2000. Workshop on Forest Certification. NTCC. To provide information on the NTCC Malaysia and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification schemes, including the requirements to be satisfied in forming the Malaysian Working Group comprising representation from the various interest groups in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, as well as the process in selecting the representatives. National. 2. 24. 4. 2001. First Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). NTCC. To further discuss matters related to the NTCC collaboration with FSC. National. 3. 14. 8. 2001. Second Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To discuss the Final Report on Assessment of Compatibility of Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Certification with FSC Requirements dated 28 June 2001. National. 4. 22-23. 10. 2001. Third Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To discuss the Formation of a National Working Group and Draft FSCcompatible Malaysian Standard for Forest Management Certification. National. 5. 25-26. 1. 2002. Fourth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To further discuss the Formation of a National Working Group, as well as consider the Second Draft of FSCCompatible Standard [MC&I(FSC)]. National. 6. 17-18. 4.; 2526. 6.;2123. 5.; & 2425. 7. 2002. Regional Consultation on the MC&I (FSC). MTCC. To further deliberate and finalize the verifiers for the Indicators formulated for Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia as contained in the [MC&I(FSC)]. Regional (Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia). 7. 14-15. 8. 2002. Fifth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. National. 8. 28-30. 10. 2002. National Level Consultation on the Formulation of FSC-Compatible Malaysian Criteria and Indicators (MC&I) for Forest Management Certification. MTCC. To consider the Fourth Draft of the MC&I (FSC) that was prepared by the NSC Secretariat incorporating the verifiers for Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. To deliberate on the national draft of the MC&I (FSC) that was agreed at the Fifth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) held from 14-15 August 2002. 9. 31. 10. 2002. National Workshop on Standard for Certification of Plantation Forests. MTCC. To ascertain the level of interest and urgency from all stakeholders for a standard for certification of plantation National. National. 28 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. forests. 10. 12. 6. 2003. Sixth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To consider the Report on Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I) dated 30 October 2002 and discuss the Action Plan for Formulation of FSC National Working Group (NWG). National. 11. 10-11. 8. 2004. Seventh Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To discuss the outcome of the Field Testing of the MC&I(2002) in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, and the establishment of the National Working Group (NWG) for Malaysia. National. 12. 28. 4. 2005. Eighth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To discuss the establishment of the Regional Working Groups (RWG) and formation of the National Working Group (NWG) for Malaysia, as well as the development of certification standard for forest plantation. National. 13. 16. 2. 2006. Ninth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To discuss further the establishment of the Regional Working Groups (RWG) and formation of the National Working Group (NWG) for Malaysia, as well as the Technical Working Group for the development of a certification standard for forest plantations in Malaysia [MC&I(Forest Plantations)]. National. 14. 12-14. 6. 2006. Community Dialogues for Sustainable Forest Management Certification in Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. SFC. To introduce sustainable forest management and certification to the local community in the Anap-Muput FMU. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 15. 18-19. 9.; 1112. 10.; & 1516. 11. 2006. 12-13. 10. 2006. Regional Consultation on the Development of MC&I(Forest Plantations). MTCC. To deliberate and finalize the verifiers for the Indicators formulated for Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia as contained in the [MC&I(Forest Plantations)]. Regional/State (Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia). Briefing on the Requirements and Resolution of Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with the MC&I(2002) Scheme. MTCC. To raise awareness among forest officers in the Perak State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. State (Perak). 27. 3. 2007. Tenth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To deliberate on the progress of development of the MC&I(Forest Plantations). National. 16. 17. 29 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 18. 16. 4. 2007. Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers for Forest Management Certification in Malaysia [MC&I(2002)]. MTCC. To raise awareness among forest officers in the Perak State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. State (Perak). 19. 30 4.30. 6. 2007. Public Comment on Draft MC&I (Forest Plantations). MTCC. To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups on the Final draft MC&I(Forest Plantations). National. 20. 17-18. 7. 2007. Briefing and Dialogue on the Requirements of MC&I(2002) for G32 and G27 Officers in the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers in all the State Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. Regional (Peninsular Malaysia). 21. 29-30. 4. 2008. Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with MC&I(2002) Scheme for G44, G41 and G27 Forest Officers. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers in the Terengganu State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. State (Terengganu). 22. 25. 11. 2008. Eleventh Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). MTCC. To consider and adopt the MC&I (Forest Plantation) as a standard for certification of forest plantations. National. 23. 1. 4. 31. 5. 2009. First Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I(2002). MTCC. To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups for the first review of the MC&I(2002). National. 24. 27-29. 5. 2009. Briefing and Dialogue on the MC&I(2002) for Senior Officers in the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia. FDPM. To raise awareness among senior forest officers in all the State Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. Regional (Peninsular Malaysia). 25. 22-26. 6. 2009. Briefing and Dialogue on the MC&I(2002) for the Uniformed Staff in the Perak State Forestry Department. FDPM. To raise awareness among the uniformed staff from the Perak State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. State (Perak). 30 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 26. 14-16. 7. 2009. Briefing and Dialogue on the Requirements of MC&I(2002) for the Kedah State Forestry Department Staff and Logging Contractors. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers in the Kedah State Forestry Department, including logging contractors, and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. State (Kedah). 27. 23-25. 9. 2009. Community Consultation on Forest Management Certification Assessment. SFC. To conduct a social assessment on the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). Local (Miri, Sarawak). 28. 29-30. 10.; 1516. 12. 2009. First Meeting of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). MTCC. To consider the Working Draft on the Review of the MC&I(2002) dated 23 July 2009. National. 29. 4. 2. 2010. Meeting to bring stakeholder concerns about the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) to the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC). The Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples. To discuss and elaborate the concerns about the MTCS to the TPAC. National. 30. 10. 3. 9. 4. 2010. Second Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I(2002). MTCC. To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups on the First draft of the MC&I(Forest Plantations). National. 31. 19-20.; 22-23.; 26-27. 7. 2010. Regional Consultation on the Revision of MC&I(2002). MTCC. To deliberate and finalize the proposed amendments contained in the Second draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest ) for Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. Regional/State (Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia). 32. 16-18. 3. 2011. Second Meeting of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). MTCC. To consider the Third Draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest). National. 33. 19. 3. 2011. Social Stakeholders’ Consultation on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Forest Sustainability (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. To discuss FSC certification, especially the role of FSC, its values and the need for such a scheme in Malaysia, as well as the differences between other certification schemes. State (Sarawak). 34. 5-7. 4. 2011. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) Eastern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers in Terengganu and Kelantan and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. Regional (Terengganu and Kelantan). 31 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 35. 25-27. 4. 2011. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) Southern Zone. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers in Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Johore and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. Regional (Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Johore). 36. 10-12. 5. 2011. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) Central Zone, Peninsular Malaysia. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers from the Pahang State Forestry Department and the Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia; and to further enhance and deepen their understanding of the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. Regional (Pahang and Federal Territory). 37. 14. 5. 12. 7. 2011. Third Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I(2002). MTCC. To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups on the Final Draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest). National. 38. 16. 5. 2011. Working Session on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles and Criteria. Forest Sustainability (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. To provide an in-depth introduction to the FSC, including the interpretation of the FSC Principles and Criteria, particularly those relevant to stakeholders from the social chamber. Regional (Sabah and Sarawak). 39. 23-25. 5. 2011. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) Northern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia. FDPM. To raise awareness among forest officers in Perak and Kedah and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. Regional (Perak and Kedah). 5.5 Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) A total of 15 stakeholder consultations under the category Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) were conducted mainly by the MPIC and to a lesser extent by the MNRE, the MFD Steering Committee, the MTC, the MTIB, the EFI FLEGT Asia Programme, and Transparency International-Malaysia. Most of the consultations covered matters related to the development in the FLEGT VPA negotiations, including the Malaysian TLAS, market access and impact for FLEGTlicensed timber and the role of the Independent Market Monitor for the TLAS; the capacity building measures required to implement the Malaysian TLAS through identification of project proposals for implementation in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak; and the future direction of the Malaysian timber industry in the face of new emerging challenges and the potential of developing a code of conduct for the industry. 32 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The consultations also covered the identification of priority actions and recommendations to implement the inclusion of ramin in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), including an understanding of the ramin trade enforcement mechanism under CITES and the Malaysian International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008 (Act 686); and the structure and content for a forum to be held on “Forest Factor in Sustainable Development” under the Forest Governance Integrity (FGI) Project. All the consultations were held at the national level, except for the consultation on the identification of project proposals for implementation in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak which was conducted at the regional and state levels. These project proposals were part of the capacity building measures required to implement the Malaysian TLAS. The list of stakeholder consultations presented chronologically from May 2006 to July 2011 is as in Table 7, while the details for each of the stakeholder consultations conducted are as in Annex 9. Table 7: List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) ___________________________________________________________ No. Date Held Name of Consultation Lead Organization Objective of Consultation Level of Consultation 1. 10. 5. 2006. Consultation on a Study on the Market Impact of a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) between Malaysia and the EU. MTC. To consult the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the Terms of Reference (ToR) for undertaking a Study on the Market Impact of a FLEGT VPA. National. 2. 16-19. 5. 2006. ITTO Expert Meeting on the Effective Implementation of the Inclusion of Ramin (Gonystylus spp) in Appendix II of CITES. MNRE. To exchange experiences in the implementation of the inclusion of Ramin in Appendix II of CITES, including undertaking Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs) and in tracking of products; and examine problems and issues associated with its implementation. National. 3. 6. 3. 2007 First Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). MPIC. To discuss with relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the FLEGT VPA process covering the EU Action Plan on FLEGT, the Licensing Authority to verify legality of timber, including overseeing the chain-ofcustody and the issuance of licenses, as well as the role of third party independent monitor to assess the func- National. 33 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. tioning of the VPA. 4. 22. 6. 2007. Second Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). MPIC. To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the FLEGT VPA negotiation focusing on participation involvement of stakeholders in the process, with emphasis on the definitions, upstream and downstream issues of the timber and forest industry. National. 5. 15. 11. 2007. Third Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). MPIC. To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the latest development in the FLEGT VPA negotiation, especially on the Malaysian TLAS, including the legality definition, relevant national laws and comments received following the Second Stakeholder Consultation that was held on 22 June 2007 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. National. 6. 17-18. 3. 2008. Fourth Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). MPIC. To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the latest development in the FLEGT VPA negotiation, including the Malaysian TLAS, focusing on the principles and criteria of legal timber and details of control procedures for the TLAS; and discussed responses to the comments and written submissions received following the Third Stakeholder Consultation that was held on 15 November 2007 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. National. 7. 11-12. 8. 2008. Fifth Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). MPIC. To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the latest development in the FLEGT VPA negotiation, including the Malaysian TLAS; market access for FLEGT-licensed timber; and the role of the Independent Market Monitor for the TLAS. National. 8. 1-2. 12. 2008. Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2008 - “Strategizing Future Directions for the Timber Industry”. MFD Steering Committee. To discuss the future of the Malaysian timber industry in the face of new emerging challenges, one of which is having to give more consideration to non-economic aspects in managing forest resources and in the sourcing and manufacturing of timber products for the market. It focused on the potential of the timber business and whether it could continue in the future, as well as the steps required to instill more confidence in the industry, particularly the downstream sector. National. 34 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 9. 23.; 25.; & 27. 2. 2009. Consultation on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) - Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Relevant Capacity Building Needs in Malaysia. MTC. To support the planning of required capacity building measures linked to the implementation of the Malaysian TLAS through the identification of project proposals for implementation in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak under the GER-NL VPA Support Program and the envisaged FLEGT component of the EU-MYS Policy Dialogue and Cooperation Facility. Regional/State (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak). 10. 18. 10. 2010. Dialogue on the Requirements of Timber Legality Verification in the Global Market. MTC. To provide updates on the requirements for verified legal timber by bringing together timber trade associations from EU (buyer countries) to interact with industry members from supplying countries in the Southeast Asia region. It also provides a platform for discussion on the changing requirements in the timber business and how to approach the situation in the future. National. 11. 8-10. 12. 2010. National Workshop on Enforcement Compliance for Trade in Ramin (Gonystylus species). MTIB. To understand the trade enforcement mechanism and implementation related to ramin listed under CITES and the Malaysian International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008 (Act 686), as well as to establish effective communication channel and networking within the enforcement agencies in Malaysia directly or indirectly involved in the trade of ramin, including a national Task Force or a Referral Centre to coordinate effective implementation of CITES regulations in Malaysia. National. 12. 24. 4. & 11. 5. 2011. Forest Governance Integrity (FGI) Project - Planning Session for Forum on Forest Factor in Sustainable Development. Transparency InternationalMalaysia. To discuss the structure and content for a forum on forest factor in sustainable development under the Forest Governance Integrity (FGI) Project, and to promote interaction between Transparency International-Malaysia, FRIM, the Institute of Foresters Malaysia and other senior representatives from the forestry sector. National. 13. 4. 7. 2011. Meeting on Mapping of Stakeholder Consultation Processes in Malaysia. EFI FLEGT Asia Programme. To discuss with the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the need for a compilation of all the relevant consultations which had been held in the recent past, including lessons learned and recommendations, National. 35 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. to improve the stakeholder consultation processes and to support the overall sustainable forest management consultation efforts in Malaysia, as well as the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT VPA under the EU FLEGT Action Plan. 14. 6-7. 7. 2011 Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2011 - “Code of Conduct: Strengthening Confidence in the Timber Industry”. MFD Steering Committee. To showcase the experiences in the development and adoption of a ‘Code of Conduct’ across various sectors with special focus on the impacts of guided business practices in the global market place. Through a panel discussion, the MFD 2011 also channelled the attention of participants towards improved self-governance and responsible business practices as a potential means to raise and strengthen the image of the timber industry. National. 15. 8. 7. 2011. Sixth Multi-Stakeholder Briefing on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). MPIC. To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the progress in negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA, the EU Timber Regulation and other EU FLEGT VPA processes, as well as the Malaysian TLAS. National. 5.6 Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community A total of 103 stakeholder consultations were conducted under the category Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community. They were undertaken by FRIM; the MNRE; the Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law and the Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, both from the University of Malaya (UM); the Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia); the MNS; the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam); the Forum of Indigenous People (Formadat); the European Union (EU) Delegation; the Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC); the Rurum Kelabit Sarawak; the Communication Centre for Human Rights or Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS); the Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia; the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Village Network (Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia); Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS) (New Life, One Heart); the Perak Orang Asli Foundation; the Bar Council's Committee on Orang Asli Rights (BCCOAR); the Institute of Foresters Malaysia; the Johore State Forestry Department; the Sabah Forestry Department and its Monitoring, Control, Evaluate and Enforcement (MCEE) Office in Sandakan; the MFD Steering Committee; the Natural Resources and Environment Board Sarawak (NREB); the Negeri Sembilan State Government; and the Integrated Development for EcoFriendly and Appropriate Lifestyle (IDEAL). The consultations conducted by FRIM and the MNRE mainly involved consultations with indigenous people or Orang Asli on matters related to Prior Informed Consent (PIC) as 36 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. advocated in the CBD, and the use of traditional knowledge (TK); while those conducted by the Institute of Foresters Malaysia involved the planting of coastal areas and mangroves by, among others, local communities and school children. The consultations conducted by the Johore State Forestry Department and the Negeri Sembilan State Government together with the Negeri Sembilan State Forestry Department involved raising the awareness of the importance of forests and strengthening the cooperation between the State Forestry Departments with the indigenous peoples living in and around the vicinity of forested areas. In addition, the consultation conducted by the NREB involved creating an environment caring society and in raising awareness and responsibilities among students in conservation and environment quality control, including encouraging positive practices in managing natural resources. The Sabah Forestry Department’s consultation was on resolving the difficulties faced by squatters living inside Forest Reserves, while the consultation conducted by the MFD Steering Committee was to explore practical ideas for managing claims and disputes related to forest, land and indigenous peoples’ rights, as well as proposals for land claims and conflict resolution. Those conducted by the SFC were mainly efforts taken to consult and hold dialogues with the local communities within their local communities. These were to create awareness of and to get their involvement in sustainable forest management as well as community forest management. Workshops and dialogues were held in the process of developing a dispute resolution mechanism for sustainable forest management which could serve the local communities and the industry. There were also consultations undertaken by the Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies of the UM and the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Village Network on the concept of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as in Article 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). These consultations and dialogues were done mainly in the context of efforts towards attaining forest management certification. The consultations on empowerment of communities consisted mainly of conferences and workshops spearheaded by academic institutions and concerned NGOs to create awareness and understanding among indigenous peoples of their customary rights to lands and forest resources within the context of national and international laws. The academic institutions involved were the Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law and the Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies of the UM, while the main NGOs involved were the Friends of the Earth Malaysia, KOMAS, the Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia; the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Village Network, IDEAL, the Perak Orang Asli Foundation; the Bar Council's Committee on Orang Asli Rights, Suhakam, and the Rurum Kelabit Sarawak. Where consultations were held on plantations, they involved tree plantations and native customary land rights issues, especially those conducted by Friends of the Earth Malaysia. Many of the consultations, dialogues and workshops were supported and/or coordinated by NGOs, and in particular, those involving capacity building of the native communities. The consultations were held at the international, regional, national, state, district, and local levels. At the international level, the three consultations were those involving the Heart of Borneo initiative, and resource rights and customary land laws. At the regional level, the three consultations were held for the states in Peninsular Malaysia to deliberate issues on traditional knowledge and PIC. The 13 national level consultations were held to create awareness on law and procedures for native and aboriginal land rights, as 37 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. well as customary rights to their lands, including land claims, and in the sharing of information and exchange of experiences in managing TK issues, and claims and disputes related to forest. A total of nine consultations at the state level were held in Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Sarawak, while the six consultations at the district level were conducted in the states of Johore, Sabah and Sarawak. The remaining 69 consultations or 67.0% of the total received under this category were held at the local level, mainly in Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, and to a lesser extent in Sabah. The list of stakeholder consultations presented chronologically from February 2000 to July 2011 is as in Table 8, while the details for each of the stakeholder consultations conducted are as in Annex 10. Table 8: List of Stakeholder Consultations Conducted under the Category Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community __________________________________________________________ No. Date Held Name of Consultation Lead Organization Level of Consultation 1. 2-3. 2. 2000. Workshop on recent developments on Customary Land Rights in Malaysia. Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, UM. To discuss recent developments in the law after the Adong bin Kuwau’s case. National. 2. 6-7. 4. 2002. Roundtable Discussion on Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity. Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, UM. To create awareness on issues relating to indigenous knowledge and biodiversity. National. 3. 9. 2003; 28-30. 10. 2004; 28-29. 10. 2005; 28-29. 11. 2006; 5-8. 11. 2007; 15-19. 10. 2008; 27. 3. 2009; & 1-4. 4. 2010. Community Dialogues and Consultation on Sustainability of the Heart of Borneo initiative. Formadat (Forum of Indigenous Peoples). To increase awareness and understanding about highland communities, and build local capacity and encourage sustainability development in the Heart of Borneo initiative, including conservation of water source and forest areas. International. 38 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 4. 13-14. 4. 2004. Native Title Litigation: Principles, Claims and Procedures. Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, UM. To create awareness on the law and procedures for native and aboriginal land claims. National. 5. 6-23. 1. 2005. Mapping community lands in Upper Balui–Uma Ukit, Uma Balui Labuie, Uma Bakah and Uma Kulit, Belaga. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. Preparation of land use maps. Local (Belaga, Sarawak). 6. 22. 2. 2005. Meeting with squatters from Lung Manis Forest Reserve and Officers from the Monitoring, Control, Evaluate and Enforcement (MCEE) Office, Sandakan; and the District Forestry Office, Beluran. Monitoring, Control, Evaluate and Enforcement (MCEE) Office and the Sabah Forestry Department. To deliver the Sabah State Government decision on 16 June 2004 whereby the squatters had been given two options, namely, “Occupation Permit (OP) will only be issued to a local squatter who owned a lot, that have been planted on a temporary basis for a duration of one (1) rotation only or 20 years and to legalize the farmers to collect their harvests/fruits” or “if those squatters failed to accept the decision, action will be taken in accordance with the Forest Enactment 1968”. District (Sabah). 7. 23-28. 2. 2005. Meeting and Community Dialogue with Penan Representatives. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To update on the logging situation within the communal forests and tree plantations in Upper Baram. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 8. 23. 4. 200523. 4. 2006 3-6. 5. 2005. Establishment of nursery and preparation of Nyireh batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis) seedlings. Educational Exchange Visits between the Upper and Lower Bakun Communities. FRIM. To provide information on the establishment of a nursery for the production of Nyireh batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis) seedlings. To study the social, economic and environmental impacts of the Batang Ai Hydro-electric dam project. Local (Pulau Carey, Selangor). Local (Bakun, Sarawak). 10. 19-24. 5. 2005. Meeting with Sarawak Penan Association (SPA), Long Belok, Apoh. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To discuss SPA’s activities with the Penan elders and representatives as well as to assist in preparation of a memorandum. Local. (Baram, Sarawak). 11. 11-16. 7. 2005. Consultation and Dialogue with the Communities in Upper Pelieran. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To consult with the local community on problems faced in the community. Local (Belaga, Sarawak). 12. 1-4. 8. 2005. Dialogue with the Communities in the Sungei Asap and Koyan Resettlements. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To consult with the local community on the latest development and problems in living conditions faced by the community in the Sungei Asap and Koyan Resettlements. Local (Belaga, Sarawak). 13. 15-26. Dialogue with the Human Human Rights To meet with Suhakam and govern- 9. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. State 39 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 8. 2005. Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) and Government officers. Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). ment officials to discuss Penan issues. (Sarawak). 14. 19-23. 6. 2006. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. SFC. To introduce the involvement of the District Officer and the Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC) in the community participation process of forest management certification in the Sela’an-Linau FMU. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 15. 19-20. 9. 2006. Conflict Resolution Workshop for Sustainable Forest Management Certification in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. SFC. To introduce conflict resolution as one of the mechanisms in addressing conflicts between stakeholders, namely, the FMU stakeholders and the community, in sustainable forest management certification using the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 16. 18. 11. 2006. Seminar on Native customary Land Rights: Issues and Challenges. Rurum Kelabit Sarawak. Capacity building and knowledge dissemination on native customary land rights: Issues and challenges. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 17. 15-20. 1. 2007. The European Union (EU) Delegation Consultation and Discussion with the Nomadic and SemiNomadic Penan on Land Issues. EU Delegation. To discuss rights over ancestral lands and encroachment on lands. State (Sarawak). 18. 24-26. 4. 2007. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. SFC. To facilitate formation of a tri-partied stakeholder Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee, comprising community representatives, the SFC and the FMU manager. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 19. 13. 5. 2007. Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. SFC. To address community issues for forest management. District (Miri, Sarawak). 20. 14-17. 5. 2007. Consultation and Discussion with the Native Communities in Upper Baram. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To discuss rights over lands and resources, as well as logging in native areas. Local (Baram, Sarawak). 21. 22 .5. 2007. Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. SFC. To form a Task Force to implement decisions of the Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 22. 1. 7.31. 12. Establishment of Kota Damansara Community MNS. To conserve an area of 346.8 ha of the former Sungai Buloh Forest Re- Local (Kota Da40 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 2007. Forest Park (Selangor). serve and to actively engage the local community and empower the public in accordance with the Local Agenda 21, as well as to showcase the feasibility of an urban community forest park concept initiated by the community for the community. mansara, Selangor). 23. 22. 7. & 23-25. 9. 2007. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. SFC. To address community issues for forest management. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 24. 22-25. 7. 2007. Longhouse community Dialogue on land and plantations, and land rights in Rumah Sengok, Sungei Binyo. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To conduct in depth discussions with longhouse communities and capacity building in Rumah Sengok, Sungei Binyo. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 25. 24-27. 8. 2007. Longhouse Dialogue and Meeting on Plantation Development at Kakus, Ulu Tatau. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To discuss issues and problems faced by communities affected by plantation development at Kakus, Ulu Tatau. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 26. 13-14. 9. 2007. Conference on land Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Communication Centre for Human Rights (KOMAS). To create awareness on the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands. National. 27. 2527.9. 2007. Consultation with the Tatau District Officer and Community Representatives, Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU). SFC. To discuss the Terms of Reference for the District Officer as advisor to the Conservation and Community Development Committee. District (Tatau, Sarawak). 28. 18-20. 10. 2007. Community Dialogue and Meeting with Community affected by Forest Plantation Development. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To discuss issues and problems faced by communities affected by forest plantation development. Local (Bintulu, Sarawak). 29. 28. 10.2. 11.; 16-19. 11. 2007; & 23-27. 3.; 1122. 4.; 9-15; 622. 5 2008. Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. SFC. To enable the Sustainable Forest Management Task Force to consult with the Long Benalih community on its objection to the access road for the Sela’an-Linau FMU. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 30. 29. 11. 2007. National Workshop on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Development in FRIM. To provide a platform for sharing of information and exchange of experiences relating to TK issues and chal- National. 41 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysia. lenges in Malaysia, as well as identifying areas of priority for the formulation of policy and action plans for documenting forest TK for conservation of biodiversity in Malaysia. 31. 1. 12. 200728. 2. 2009. Consultation to Preserve Bukit Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur as Part of a Green Lung Network for the Wellbeing of Future Generations of City Dwellers. MNS. To conserve the 70 ha of forest land located at Bukit Persekutuan as the main green lung and recreational area for communities living in the city. Local (Bukit Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur). 32. 8. 1.; & 21. 2. 2008. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To undertake discussions with local community leaders on forest TK issues. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 33. 24-27. 1. 2008. Community Dialogue and Meeting at Long Lamam, Upper Baram. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To discuss issues affecting the source of livelihood and problems faced by Penan communities. Local (Baram, Sarawak). 34. 12. 2.; & 12. 3. 2008. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. FRIM. To undertake discussions with local community leaders on forest TK issues. Local (Gerik, Perak). 35. 5-6. 3. 2008. Workshop and Meeting on Forest Plantations. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To discuss issues relating to forest plantation development. 36. 17. 3.; & 9. 4. 2008. Consultations on Awareness Workshop at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To undertake discussions with local community leaders on the holding of an awareness workshop on TK. Local (Bintulu, Sarawak). Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 37. 15. 4. 2008. Forest Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To raise TK awareness among the Semelai Orang Asli in the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 38. 16. 4. 2008. Consultation on the Proposed Socio-economic Survey at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To undertake discussion with local community leaders on matters related to the planned socio-economic survey to be conducted by FRIM. Local (Gerik, Perak). 39. 29. 4.; & 21. 5. 2008. Consultations on Awareness Workshop at the Banun Regroupment FRIM. To undertake discussions with local community leaders on the holding of an awareness workshop on TK. Local (Gerik, Perak). 42 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 40. 10. 6. 2008. Forest Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. FRIM. To raise TK awareness among the Jahai/Temiar Orang Asli in the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. Local (Gerik, Perak). 41. 7. 7. 2008. Consultation on the Proposed Socio-economic Survey at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. FRIM. To undertake discussion with local community leaders on matters related to the planned socio-economic survey to be conducted by FRIM. Local (Gerik, Perak). 42. 30. 7.; & 29. 8. 2008. Consultations on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To consult local community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the concept of PIC, and the reasons why PIC is needed from local community as well as their response to the proposed PIC prepared by FRIM. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 43. 2. 8. 2008. Rurum Kelabit Sarawak. To give an understanding on what FLEGT is about and to solicit the views of the Sarawak Native Association on the VPA. State (Sarawak). 44. 11. 8.; 4. 12. 2008 & 5. 2. 2009. Sarawak Native Association Leaders Dialogue on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and TradeVoluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA). Consultations on the Planting of Rhu laut (Casuarina equisetifolia) in Kg. Cheruk Paluh, Kuantan District, Pahang. Institute of Foresters Malaysia. To solicit the support from the Pahang State Forestry Department and local communities in the planting of Rhu laut (Casuarina equisetifolia) along the country shorelines. Local (Kuantan, Pahang). 45. 12. 8. 2008. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) Consultations on Native Land Rights. Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). To meet civil society and to solicit feedback on Native Land Rights (NCR), including problems faced in documentation. State (Sarawak). 46. 12. 8. 2008. Seminar on the International and National Perspectives on Native customary Land Rights in Sarawak. Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). To disseminate information and to launch the Suhakam Report on Legal Perspectives on Native Customary Rights (NCR) in Sarawak. State (Sarawak). 47. 23. 9. 2008. Consultation on Vision, Mission for the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To discuss the vision and mission of Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme in relation to TK. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 48. 30. 10. 2008. First Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Ministry of Natural Re- MNRE. To discuss PIC issues among government departments and agencies together with the Semelai Orang Asli Regional (Peninsular Malaysia). 43 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. sources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE). from the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 49. 27. 11. 2008. Second Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE). MNRE. To discuss PIC issues between government ministries, departments and agencies with Orang Asli representatives. Regional (Peninsular Malaysia). 50. 2324.1. 2009. Workshop and Dialogue on Plantations in Marudi. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To raise awareness and disseminate information on large-scale plantations. Local (Marudi, Sarawak). 51. 12. 2. 2009. National Workshop on Native Land Rights in Malaysia. Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia. To consider the status of land rights in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. National. 52. 9. 4. 2009. Meeting with Indigenous Peoples: District Forest Office, East Johore. Johore State Forestry Department. To further enhance a better understanding of forestry issues and strengthen the cooperation between the State Forestry Department and the Orang Asli Development Department, as well as the indigenous peoples living in and around the vicinity of forested areas. District (Johore). 53. 20-27. 4. 2009. Development of Community Participation Guidelines for Incorporation in Forest Management Plans. SFC. To consult with communities on the impact of logging and plantation activities. Local (Marudi, Sarawak). 54. 7-8. 5. 2009. Workshop and Dialogue on Monoculture and Forest Plantations. Friends of the Earth Malaysia To raise awareness and disseminate information on large-scale plantations and to discuss the impact of monocultures on land use. Local (Bintulu, Sarawak). 55. 29. 5.; & 14. 8. 2009. Consultations on the MoU between FRIM and the Orang Asli Development Department at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To present progress in developing PIC and the draft contents of the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FRIM and the Orang Asli Development Department, as well as to finalize the contents of the MOU. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 56. 15-24. 6. 2009. Workshop and Training on Community Mapping. Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS) (New Life, One Heart). To train Orang Asli community in mapping techniques and the use of Geographical Positioning System device for community mapping. State (Perak). 57. 10-12. 8. 2009. Community Capacity Building Workshop. IDEAL. To deliberate on community awareness and rights affirmation. Local (Baram, Sarawak). 44 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 58. 18. 8. 2009. Seminar on Indigenous People Issues: Orang Asli Intellectual Property Rights. Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, UM. To enhance the knowledge of participants on the various aspects of indigenous communities and indigenous knowledge systems. National. 59. 15. 9. 2009. Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. FRIM. To consult community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the concept of PIC, and the reasons why PIC is needed from local community as well as their response to the proposed PIC prepared by FRIM. Local (Gerik, Perak). 60. 24. 9.; & 12.10. 2009. Consultations on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. FRIM. To further discuss issues related to PIC with community leaders and to finalize the second draft of PIC prepared by FRIM. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 61. 29. 9. 2009. Dialogue among the Squatters inside the Bonggaya Forest Reserve and Sabah Forestry Department Officials. Sabah Forestry Department. To identify the problems faced by the squatters inside the Bonggaya Forest Reserve and to formulate an action plan in accordance with the provisions under the current laws related to Forest Community Project. District (Sabah). 62. 14-15. 10. 2009. Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Forum 2009 - “Forest, Land & People: An Opportunity for Understanding”. MFD Steering Committee. To explore practical ideas for managing claims and disputes related to forest, land and indigenous peoples’ rights, as well as proposals for land claims and conflict resolution. It also sought to explore avenues for community-industry collaboration, and to promote better understanding between stakeholders. National. 63. 20-23. 10. 2009. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 1). FRIM. To train the Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang, in documentation and specimen collection. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 64. 10. 12. 2009. National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge (TK). FRIM. To provide a platform to discuss TK issues and research and development (R&D) findings of the TK project conducted by FRIM, including sharing of information and exchange of experiences relating to TK issues and challenges in Malaysia. National. 65. 13-16. 12. 2009. National Level Conference on Orang Asli Land Rights. The Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Village Network. To discuss and understand Orang Asli claim on ancestral/customary land and to demonstrate that such land can be demarcated on the National. 45 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. (Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia). ground via community mapping, as well as to further strengthen the understanding of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) provisions with regard to respect and recognition of lands, territories and resources of the Indigenous Peoples, and to strategise claims for Orang Asli land rights. 66. 11. 1.; 26. 1.; & 9. 2 2010. Consultations on Rapid Rural Appraisal among Semai Orang Asli in Perak. FRIM. To identify project site among the Semai Orang Asli villages in Perak for the FRIM’s TK project. Local (Tapah, Perak). 67. 25-26. 1.; & 12-13. 5. 2010. Consultations on the Planting of Mangrove in Compartment 465, Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve, Johore. Institute of Foresters Malaysia. To raise awareness on the importance to conserve and protect coastal mangrove forests and enhance the sources of income of the local community through conservation of mangrove forests, as well as the planting of mangrove. Local (Johore Baharu, Johore). 68. 29. 1. 2010. Consultation on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Training at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 2). FRIM. To present project progress and discuss TK documentation training under Phase 2. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 69. 2-4. 2. 2010. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 2). FRIM. To provide further documentation and specimen collection training to the Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. Local (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 70. 5-6. 2. 2010. Workshop on Native/Aboriginal Customary Land Rights. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To understand the legal dimensions of customary land rights of indigenous communities in Malaysia and the challenges and strategies used in securing these rights from the Malaysian executive, legislative and judicial processes. National. 71. 11. 3. 2010. Consultation on Suitable Semai Orang Asli Community for Project Implementation in Perak. FRIM. To determine suitable Semai Orang Asli community for project implementation in Perak. Local (Bidor, Perak). 72. 7. 4.; & 21. 6. 2010. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisals at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak. FRIM. To undertake discussions with local community leaders on forest TK issues. Local (Gopeng, Perak). 46 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 73. 4-6. 5. 2010 Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge in the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak (Phase 1). FRIM. To train Orang Asli in the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak, in documentation and specimen collection. Local (Gerik, Perak). 74. 25-26. 5. 2010. Community Dialogue and Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee Meeting in the Anap– Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. SFC. To introduce Forest Landscape Restoration Program. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 75. 8. 6. 2010. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak. FRIM. To raise TK awareness and involvement among the Semai Orang Asli at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. Local (Gopeng, Perak). 76. 11. 7. 2010. Development and Orang Asli Customary Lands. Perak Orang To dis To discuss issues and challenges in Asli FoundaOrang Asli land development in the tion. context of native or aboriginal title. State (Perak). 77. 13-15. 7. 2010. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak (Phase 2). FRIM. To provide further documentation and specimen collection training to the Orang Asli at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. Local (Gopeng, Perak). 78. 18-20. 10. 2010. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU): Anap-Muput Sustainable Development Unit, Tatau. SFC. To consult on the formation of the Anap Sustainable Development Unit that incorporated a large area of the Anap-Muput FMU. Local (Tatau, Sarawak). 79. 27. 10. 2010. Forest Traditional Knowledge Stakeholders Analysis Workshop. FRIM. To discuss forest TK issues with agencies, NGOs and local communities. Regional (Peninsular Malaysia). 80. 11-14. 11. 2010. Workshop on Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management. SFC. To introduce and discuss conflict resolution guidelines to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities and to solicit their comments. State (Sarawak). 81. 19. 11. 2010. Workshop on Native title: Principles, Claims and Procedure. 29-30. 11. International Conference on the United Nations To disseminate knowledge and expose young lawyers to the issue on Orang Asli land rights, as well as to empower the Orang Asli themselves. To discuss the impact of the Declaration, the implementation within the National. 82. The Bar Council's Committee on Orang Asli Rights Centre for Malaysian Indige- International. 47 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 2010. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP): Implementation and Challenges. nous Studies, UM. international human rights framework, the current realities confronting indigenous peoples and the standards established to address indigenous peoples’ issues, as well as to create awareness of indigenous peoples’ knowledge systems and rights, and legislative reforms and policy formulation with regard to indigenous peoples in Malaysia. 83. 4.12. 2010. Leadership Training and Workshop on Native Customary Rights (NCR) and Community Resource Management in Bintulu. Friends of the Earth Malaysia. To raise awareness on basic legal rights on NCR and build capacity to mobilize community initiatives to practise sustainable use of community resources. Local (Bintulu, Sarawak). 84. 7-16. 12. 2010. SFC. To introduce conflict resolution guidelines to the local communities in the Sela’an-Linau FMU. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 85. 24. 11 2011. Awareness Workshop on Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management in the Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. National Dialogue on Climate Change, Forests and Indigenous Peoples, focusing on Reducing Carbon Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Sustainable Management of Forests, Conservation of Forest Carbon Stocks, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+). MNRE. To inform key stakeholders of the state of REDD+ negotiation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and to provide an update on the Malaysian position on the various REDD+ financing proposals, including the status of the Malaysian REDD+ projects. National. 86. 25-26. 1. 2011. International Conference on "The Law on Customary Lands, Territories and Resource Rights: Bridging the Implementation Gap”. Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, UM. To discuss the laws on lands, territories and resources, including possible reforms for bridging the implementation gap between laws, judicial decisions and recognition of rights. International. 87. 23-25. 3. 2011. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisals in Pahang. FRIM. To discuss and enlist the involvement of the Orang Asli Development Department as well as the Jahut and Jakun Orang Asli in the TK project conducted by FRIM. Local (Kuala Krau & Pekan, Pahang). 88. 29. 4. 2011. Consultation on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak. FRIM. To discuss and enlist the involvement of Semai Orang Asli in the TK project conducted by FRIM. Local (Gopeng, Perak). 89. 30. 3.; Consultations on Forest FRIM. To discuss with the Orang Asli De- Local 48 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. & 8. 4. 2011. Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at Kuala Langat, Selangor. velopment Department and to enlist the involvement of Temuan Orang Asli in the planned activities of the awareness workshop on Traditional Knowledge (TK) to be organized by FRIM. (Kuala Langat, Selangor). 90. 12-14. 4. 2011. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak (Phase 1). FRIM. To train the Semai Orang Asli in documentation and specimen collection. Local (Gopeng, Perak). 91. 14. 4. 2011. Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples in Kg. Ulu Lakai, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. Negeri Sembilan State Government. To enhance the relationship between community leaders, and public and private employees with the indigenous communities; and to raise awareness of the importance of forests in the overall context of sustainable development. State (Negeri Sembilan). 92. 22. 4. 2011. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Pulau Kempas, Kuala Langat, Selangor. FRIM. To raise TK awareness and involvement among the Temuan Orang Asli, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. Local (Kuala Langat, Selangor). 93. 3. 5. 2011. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Paya Mendoi, Kuala Krau, Pahang. FRIM. To raise TK awareness and involvement among the Jahut Orang Asli, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. Local (Kuala Krau, Pahang). 94. 4. 5. 2011. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Bangkong, Pekan, Pahang. FRIM. To raise TK awareness and involvement among the Jakun Orang Asli, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. Local (Pekan, Pahang). 95. 10-19. 5. 2011. Key Focused Activity on Pilot Implementation of the Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management in Sela’an Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. SFC. To introduce the pilot implementation of the conflict resolution guidelines for sustainable forest management to the local communities. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 96. 23-26. Anap Sustainable Devel- SFC. To consult the local community on Local 49 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 5. 2011. opment Unit Liaison Committee in Anap, Tatau. the updating of the Anap Sustainable Development Unit (ASDU) plans and program. (Tatau, Sarawak). 97. 24-26. 5. 2011. Training in Documentation at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak (Phase 2). FRIM. To further train Semai Orang Asli in documentation and specimen collection. Local (Gopeng, Perak). 98. 27. 5.11. 6. 2011. Consultation on Testing the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) with Local Community in the KubaanPuak Forest Management Unit (FMU). SFC. Consultation on free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of the local community on the testing of the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 99. 17-30. 6. 2011. Key Focused Activity on Pilot Implementation of Conflict Resolution Guidelines in the Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU) and Formation of the Community Representative Committee. SFC. Pilot Implementation of the Conflict resolution Guidelines in the Sela’anLinau FMU and the formation of the Community Representative Committee. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 100. 3-5.7. 2011. Anap Sustainable Development Unit Logical Framework Analysis, Bintulu. SFC. To strategise community forest management with the local community. Local (Bintulu, Sarawak). 101. 5-7. 7. 2011. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at Kg. Bukit Cheeding, Kuala Langat, Selangor (Phase 1). FRIM. To train the Temuan Orang Asli in documentation and specimen collection. Local (Kuala Langat, Selangor). 102. 7-19. 7. 2011. Social Assessment of the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) with Local Community in the KubaanPuak Forest Management Unit (FMU). SFC. Social assessment with local community in testing the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest in Kubaan-Puak FMU. Local (Miri, Sarawak). 103. 15. 7. 2011. Eco-Camp Limbang 2011: One Earth, One Voice, One Hope & Go Green, Sarawak, Malaysia. NREB. To increase awareness and responsibilities among students in conservation and environment quality control, including encouraging positive practices in managing natural resources, as well as to promote NREB as an organization that is responsible in managing and conserving the quality of the environment and in fostering a good relationship with the school communities through Environment Education programs. District (Limbang, Sarawak). 50 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 6.0 LESSONS LEARNED Forests, forest use and management involve many stakeholders with diverse interests. The problems are multifaceted, involving political, economic, environmental and social issues. While the multi-stakeholder process (MSP) ideal is to neutralize the difference among stakeholders, the reality in many cases is that an imbalance of power exists among the states and non-state actors, as well as between those with powerful economic interests and those who have little or no resources. Traditionally there has been very little if not almost an absence of collaboration or participation of non-state parties in decision making. Hence, there is a need in the MSP to build goodwill between the stakeholders. State led initiatives which in many cases have supported strong economic interests may be distrusted by the disadvantaged groups because of a history of marginalization or simply due to their limited capabilities and poor social status. In fact, the MSP shows up the power imbalance that exists and throws up the ambivalence of different stakeholders. Even if the parties are willing to dialogue on an even basis, there exist systemic differences in the balance of power, capacity and resources, uneven levels of experience and disparity in terms of access to resources and information. These systemic differences inevitably spill over and affect the process. Situations may potentially arise where powerful stakeholders might dominate inside deliberations and negotiation process. This clearly means that it might bring about negative consequences to the less powerful groups, and in the process, the consultation may be perceived only as a window dressing of participation by the less powerful. It is therefore clear that if the MSP is to be not only meaningful, but also successful, there needs to be an effort for capacity building of weaker parties, so that they can come to the table equipped with better knowledge on the issues to be addressed. Financial assistance should be provided to enable the smaller NGOs to participate. As the MSP aims to create justice, wellbeing and equality for all interested parties involved in the process, the process itself should be fully transparent, participatory and balanced, and provide for all stakeholders to deliberate and arrive at decisions that are acceptable to all parties. The MSP should endeavour to accommodate the different views and positions of the various stakeholders in a balanced manner through a spirit of compromise, and at the same time ensure that the outcomes are pragmatic and implementable, taking cognizance that individuals or groups should not have unrealistic expectations from the process. For the process to be more effective there is also a need to build stronger understanding and trust between the parties involved. The issues to be deliberated in the MSP should be attractive and current or which would likely to have an impact on the livelihood and wellbeing of peoples and the environment. In many cases, the MSP assisted in highlighting issues that were not sufficiently addressed by the relevant agencies, especially those led by state agencies, and this also helped provide directions for the way forward. In this context, it is pertinent that state agencies should go beyond acknowledging receipt of documents and/or proposals fol51 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. lowing consultations, and should inform all the involved parties the outcome of the submissions forwarded to them. More specifically, from the many records of the consultations with the grassroots, particularly with indigenous communities, many of the efforts are still very much at the level of awareness and knowledge creation and training. The capacity building of the local community still remains a huge factor. There is a clear need for further strengthening and training not only of leaders, but the members of the community. It is also to be noted that many of the recorded efforts at dialogues and training at grassroots level were coordinated by NGOs. In this regard, it is important that NGOs do not substitute their voices for that of the indigenous communities. They should guard against making statements, taking stands or making decisions for which they will not have to bear the consequences to the same degree that the local communities have to bear or are willing to face. As such, there is a need for a more effective participation and consultation to get their free prior and informed consent in matters that affect them. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS A total of 64 organizations out of a total of 107 organizations contacted or 59.8% responded to the survey with the highest number recorded in Peninsular Malaysia where 67.3% responded. The lowest number of organizations recorded was in Sabah where 50.0% responded. From the organizations that responded, 204 individual reports of consultation were received of which 28 or 13.7% could be classified under the category Forest and Land Use Management; 4 or 1.9% under the category Biological Diversity Conservation; 15 or 7.4% under the category Environmental Management; 39 or 19.1% under the categories Timber Certification; and 15 or 7.4% and 103 or 50.5% under the categories Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and Social Forestry and Empowerment of Communities respectively. Although the overall response rate seemed low, it should be noted a number of organizations contacted were of the view that the survey was not relevant to them, declined to participate, or could not provide the necessary data requested. A number of organizations, especially the economic NGOs, such as timber trade associations, which did not take the lead to organize the consultations, did indeed participate actively in many of the consultations held. In general, government departments and agencies kept better records than the NGOs. This was made more difficult as the Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia requested information on consultations conducted as far back as the year 2000. The consultations with indigenous peoples conducted by government agencies, such as FRIM, used the PIC concept as advocated in the CBD, while the NGOs used extensively the FPIC principle of Article 32 of the UNDRIP as one of the fundamental tenets in dealing with indigenous people groups. However, the FPIC principle would only be meaningful if the local communities know their rights and what they are participating in or consenting to. 52 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Notwithstanding this, consultation among interested parties is actively promoted by many organizations as a good governance mechanism in the field of natural resources management. This collaborative approach is also in line with the Malaysian government’s vision of encouraging smart partnerships between government and nongovernment agencies. 53 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE for Mapping of Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia 1. Introduction The EFI FLEGT Asia programme provides direct support to the implementation of the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan towards the development of Voluntary Partnership Agreements and other related mechanisms to ensure the legality of timber. The strategy to achieve this goal focuses on promoting and facilitating international trade in verified legal timber - both within Asia and exported from Asia to other consumer markets, in particular it aims to enhance understanding of emerging demands in key timber consuming markets and promote use of systems that assist buyers and sellers of Asian timber and timber products to meet regulatory and market demands. FLEGT Asia had proposed to Malaysian authorities that a simple inventory of relevant stakeholder forestry-related consultations covering a period from 2000, with accompanying notes should be made available. The coverage of the listing should be for the whole of Malaysia i.e. the three regions of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. 2. Objectives of the assignment The expected output of this assignment is a compilation of all the relevant consultations which had been held in the recent past with brief information about them. The purpose of this listing is to gather a truthful picture, not as a self-congratulatory exercise, but to be better informed of the engagement landscape, as well as to have a reference point, to support to the overall sustainable forest management consultation efforts in Malaysia, as well as the EU-Malaysia VPA negotiations under the EU FLEGT Action Plan. Another important issue is to learn lessons from these experiences, and to have a starting point for improved coordination of different consultations in different context, and also so that they are not all entirely one-off, issue specific and ad hoc. The Study would also have recommendations to improve on the stakeholder consultation processes, for better access to information, shared understanding and provision of space for all. 3. Scope and tasks The Study should be structured and contain specific categories for investigation, such as the following categories: Forest Management; Social Forestry/Empowering Communities; Land Use Management; Biodiversity & Heritage; Timber Certification and FLEG(T). 54 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The scope of coverage should include, but is not limited to: Malaysian TLAS consultations; National Physical Plan; Wildlife Act; EIA Consultations for major construction projects; MTCS discussions; Malaysian Forest Dialogue, Meetings with Stakeholders on the Study on Market Impact of the VPA; Meetings with Stakeholders during the Joint Evaluation of the TLAS; Consultations on Capacity-Building Needs through NL/Germany VPA Negotiations Support; Conflict Resolution work undertaken by the Sarawak Forestry Corporation; MTIB/MTC Briefings on new market requirements; EU’s Meetings with Stakeholders; Consultations on Malaysia’s Forestry Outlook Study; Consultations on National CITES legislation; Access and Benefit Sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agenda; Consultations with affected local communities by Forestry Departments in drawing up their Management Plans; SUHAKAM consultations; FRIM’s field work on social forestry and education on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) under the CBD. The assignment will consist of the following tasks: Prepare a listing with a descriptive half-page write-up for each consultation, including detail on predetermined category, number of participants, organizing organization(s) and organizations represented. Follow a listing by categories, such as for Forest Management, Social Forestry, Land Use Management, Biodiversity, Timber Certification and FLEG(T). The institutions relevant to the different consultations as listed above should be contacted by the Team. 4. Methodology A senior consultant will constitute a team, who will carry out the study, under the condition that the methodology of the study is adequately elaborated in the project proposal. The consultant shall take into account the comments and suggestions as discussed at the Stakeholder Meeting of 15 June 2011, finalize the format for listing, and prepare a checklist for data collection, and for undertaking interviews. The sequential steps of the assessment process will be as elaborated below: Identification of data collectors by Team Leader; 55 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Team Leader assigns a separate leader to carry out the listing for each of the five (5) categories, starting from consultations from the year 2000; Finalize a format for data collection; Organize data collection training to the selected researchers and data collectors; Data collection and interviews; Monitoring of data collection process; Presentation of collected data by the data collectors; Analysis and interpretation of data by team of experts; Draft report & subject to review; Finalize and submit report. The Senior Consultant will be the Team Leader and should be from an independent organization and will work with all the relevant agencies, including representatives from the NGO community and individuals with institutional memory. 5. The personnel for this assignment The Team Leader and the personnel identified for this assignment shall have the following skills and experience: 6. Extensive practical experience and knowledge on forestry and related issues in Malaysia; Contact and network with relevant sources, whether from government, civil society and industry; and Extensive practical experience in engaging with government, civil society and industry. Timetable and reporting The following work plan depicts the summary of work to be completed. Activities Aug Sept Oct Nov Start up meeting with EFI Establish Stakeholder Focus Group (SFGs) & team Conduct discussions with EFI & government Ministries Conduct interviews and research Analyze results Draft Report Further consultation and finalize report The work will be coordinated by the EFI FLEGT Asia Programme Coordinator and Policy Analyst. The first draft of the Final Report is to be completed by 10 September 2011. The Final Report is to be completed by 30 November 2011, after taking into account peer reviews and comments. All reports are to be sent by email to Mr. Vincent Van Den Berk (, with a copy to Ms. Aimi Lee Abdullah ( 56 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The Study should be completed in less than 4 months, from the starting date of the contract. 7. Mandate The Team has the mandate of discussing the study with any relevant party, in the appropriate form and under its responsibility. The Team cannot represent EFI or the EU, and is not authorised to make any commitment on behalf of EFI or the EU. 57 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 2 Survey Questionnaire Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia Name (title) of the Stakeholder 1 Consultation Lead Organization Objective(s)/purpose(s) Date(s) Consultation was held Level of 2 Consultation National State 1 Availability of 2 Records Yes Comments 3 No Stakeholder consultation is defined as a platform provided for government officials, researchers, civil society, NGOs and academia to share information, solicit views, resolve specific issues and try to seek consensus on them. This could take the form of meetings, conferences, briefings and dialogues, among others. 2 Please place a tick (√) where appropriate. 3 Any information to provide added clarity to the requested information. 58 Annex 3 List of Organizations Contacted Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia Government Sector Peninsular Malaysia 1. Secretary General Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) Aras 12, Lot 4G3, Parcel G Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62574 Putrajaya 2. Secretary General Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) Aras 6-13, Lot 2G4 Presint 2 Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62654 Putrajaya 3. Secretary General Ministry of Rural and Regional Development No. 47, Presint 4 Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62100 Putrajaya 4. Director General Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia Jalan Sultan Salahuddin 50660 Kuala Lumpur 5. Director General Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) Kepong 52109 Kuala Lumpur 6. Director General Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) KM 10 Jalan Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 7. Director General Department of Orang Asli Development 20th Floor, West Block Wisma Selangor Dredging Jalan Ampang 50548 Kuala Lumpur 59 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 8. Director General Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) Tingkat 16, Menara PGRM 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 9. Chairman Human Rights Commission Malaysia (SUHAKAM) 11th Floor, Menara TH Perdana Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur 10. Dean Forestry Faculty Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang 11. Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI) University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 43600 Bangi 12. Director Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur 13 Director Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law Faculty of Law University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Sabah 14. Director Unit Perancang Ekonomi Tingkat 8, Block B Wisma Muis 88999 Kota Kinabalu 15. Director Forestry Department Sabah Mile 6, Labuk Road Beg Berkunci 68 90009 Sandakan 16. Director Wildlife Department Sabah 5th Floor, Block B, Wisma Muis 88100 Kota Kinabalu 60 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 17. Director Environment Protection Department 1-3 Floor, Wisma Budaya Tunku Abdul Rahman Road Locked Bag No. 2078 88999 Kota Kinabalu 18. Director Sabah Park Board Trustee P.O. Box 10626 88806 Kota Kinabalu 19. Dean School of International Tropical Forestry University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) P. O. Box 2073 88999 Kota Kinabalu Sarawak 20. Permanent Secretary Ministry of Planning and Resources Management 3rd Floor, Wisma Sumber Alam Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya 93050 Kuching 21. Director Forest Department Sarawak Wisma Sumber Alam Petra Jaya 93660 Kuching 22. Managing Director Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Lot 218, KCLD Jalan Tapang, Kota Sentosa 93250 Kuching, Sarawak 23. General Manager Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC) Wisma Sumber Alam, Jalan Stadium Petra Jaya, P.O.Box 194 93702 Kuching 24. Controller Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) Floors 18-19, Menara Pelita Petra Jaya, Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman Ya’akub Locked Bag 2103 93050 Kuching 61 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 25. Chief Operating Officer Sarawak Biodiversity Centre KM 20, Jalan Borneo Heights Semengoh Locked Bag No 3032 93990 Kuching 26. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrew Aeria Faculty of Social Science Jalan Dato’ Mohd Musa Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) 94300 Kota Samarahan Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Associations Peninsular Malaysia Environment Interest Groups 27. Executive Director WWF Malaysia No. 49, Jalan SS 23/15 Taman SEA 47400 Petaling Jaya 28 TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Unit 9-3A, 3rd Floor Jalan SS23/11, Taman Sea 47400 Petaling Jaya 29. Director Global Environmental Centre (GEC) 2nd Floor, Wisma Hing No. 76, Jalan SS 2/72 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor 30. President Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM) P.O. Box 382, Jalan Sultan Post Office 46740 Petaling Jaya 31. Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) No. 9, Solok Emas, 11600 Pulau Pinang 32. Executive Director Malaysian Nature Society JKR 641, Jalan Kelantan Bukit Persekutuan 50480 Kuala Lumpur 62 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 33. President Institute of Foresters Malaysia c/o Forest Department Headquarters Peninsular Malaysia Jalan Sultan Salahudin 50660 Kuala Lumpur 34. Transparency International, Malaysia Suite B-11-01, Wisma Pantai Plaza Pantai, No. 5, Jalan 4/83A Off Jalan Pantai Baru 59200 Kuala Lumpur 35. Chairman Centre for Environment, Technology & Development, Malaysia (CETDEM) No. 17, Jalan SS2/53 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor 36. Persatuan Kawalan Hakisan Antarabangsa (IECAM) 8A-3-3 Prima Damansara Condominium No. 8, Jalan Chempelai, Damansara Height 50490 Kuala Lumpur 37. Forest Sustainability Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. c/o Malaysian Nature Society JKR641, Jalan Kelantan Bukit Persekutuan 50480 Kuala Lumpur Social Interest Groups 38 Executive Secretary Kesatuan Pegawai-Pegawai Hutan Melayu Semenanjung Malaysia (KPPHMSM) No. 69, Jalan 17, Desa Jaya 52100 Kepong 39. President Persatuan Siswazah Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia P.O. Box 25 26607 Pekan Pahang 40 Secretary General Timber Employees Union Peninsular Malaysia No. 10A, Tingkat Satu, Jalan AU 5C/14 Ampang, Ulu Kelang 54200 Kuala Lumpur 41. President Persatuan Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia Pusat Kebudayaan Orang Asli 63 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Kilometer 24 Jalan Pahang 53100 Gombak Kuala Lumpur 42. Coordinator Centre for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) P. O. Box 3052 47590 Subang Jaya 43. Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) No. 7, 1st Floor, Jalan USJ 10/1G 47620 Subang Jaya 44. Persatuan Kebajikan Nelayan-nelayan Pantai Pulau Pinang (PIFWA) 722, Sungai Acheh 14310 Nibong Tebal Seberang Perai Selatan Pulau Pinang 45. Pertubuhan Muafakat Warga Desa Negeri Kedah E-1, No. 3, Lorong Seri Tanjung 42 Taman Seri Tanjung 3, Sungai Layar 08000 Sungai Petani 46. Jaringan Bertindak Nelayan Pantai Semenanjung (JARING) c/o Sahabat Alam Malaysia No. 9, Solok Emas, 11600 Pulau Pinang 47 Director Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS) (Communication Centre for Human Rights) A-2-10, 8 Avenue Jalan Sungei Jernih 8/11, Section 8 46050 Petaling Jaya Selangor 48. President Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS) 39 Jalan 3, Taman Batang Padang Jalan Bruseh 35500 Bidor Perak 49. President Jaringan Kampong Orang Asli Perak (Network of Orang Asli Villages) 39 Jalan 3, Taman Batang Padang Jalan Bruseh 35500 Bidor 64 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Perak 50. Chairman Yayasan Orang Asli Perak (Orang Asli Foundation, Perak) 21 B Medan Istana 3, Ipoh Raya 30000 Ipoh Perak 51. Chairperson Bar Council's Committee on Orang Asli Rights (BCCOAR). Bar Council Malaysia No.15 Leboh Pasar Besar 50005 Kuala Lumpur Economic Interest Groups 52. Chief Executive Officer Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) Level 18, Menara PGRM No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 53. Chief Operating Officer Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) C-08-05, Block C Megan Avenue II No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 50450 Kuala Lumpur 54. President Timber Exporters’ Association of Malaysia (TEAM) 19C, Tingkat 19, Menara PGRM No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 55. President Malaysian Wood Industries Association (MWIA) 19B, Tingkat 19, Menara PGRM No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 56. Chairman Malaysian Wood Moulding & Joinery Council (MWMJC) 19E, Tingkat 19, Menara PGRM No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 57. President Malaysian Furniture Industry Council (MFIC) 19A, Tingkat 19, Menara PGRM 65 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 58. Chief Operating Officer Malaysian Furniture Promotion Council (MFPC) 5th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) No. 148, Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur 59. President Association of Malaysian Bumiputra Timber & Furniture Entepreneurs (PEKA), Galeri Produk Kayu Malaysia Lot 231, Bukit Nanas Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur 60. Chairman Malaysian Panel-Products Manufacturers’ Association (MPMA) 19D, Tingkat 19, Menara PGRM No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur 61. Programme Coordinator EFI’s EU-FLEGT Asia Regional Support Programme c/o Embassy of Finland 5th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber 248, Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur 62. Chief Executive Officer Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) #G-01, Block 8 Danga Bay, Jalan Skudai 80200 Johore Bahru Johore Sabah Environment Interest Groups 63. President Sabah Environment Protection Association (SEPA) P. O. Box 10126 88801 Kota Kinabalu 64. Senior Conservation Officer Sabah Nature Club Auditorium Foyer, Yayasan Sabah Building P.O. Box 11623 88817 Kota Kinabalu Social Interest Groups 66 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 65. Sabah Timber Industries Employees Union Batu 7.5, Jalan Tuaran W.D.T. No. 30 89357 Inanam Sabah 66. Partners for Community Organizations (PACOS) Taman Flash Gordon, Kg.Kivatu, KM. 18, Jalan Tambunan, P. O. Box 511 89507 Penampang 67. Persatuan Murut Sabah Kementerian Pertanian & Industri Makanan Aras 8, Wisma Pertanian Jalan Tasik Luyang Beg Berkunci 2048 88824 Kota Kinabalu 68. Persatuan Kedayan Sabah (KEDAYAN) Peti Surat 185 89857 Sipitang 69. Persatuan Tidong Sabah (PTS) Mahkamah Anak Negeri, Tingkat 2 Bahagian Majlis Perbandaran Tawau Peti Surat 60145 91010 Tawau 70. President Persatuan Kebudayaan Lundayeh Sabah P.O. Box 100 89858 Sipitang 71. Keruan Association P. O. Box 511 89507 Penampang 72. President United Sabah Dusun Association (USDA) P.O. Box 892 89208 Tuaran 73. President Persatuan Bisaya Bersatu Sabah (PBBS) Lot 11, Tingkat Atas, Bandar Emas Industri 89808 Beaufort 74. Persatuan Bangsa Tombonuo Pitas Sabah Kg. Tombilidon, Tandik 67 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. KM. 2, Jalan Pitas, Peti Surat 113 89107 Kota Marudu 75. President Persatuan Momogun Rungus Sabah (SAMORA) Lot 14, Tingkat 1, Bilik B Lorong Singgah Mata, Asia City 88000 Kota Kinabalu 76. President Persatuan Masyarakat Gaana Sabah Lot 13, Tingkat 2, Penampang Baru 89500 Penampang 77. Chairman Persatuan Bangsa Sungai Sabah (SABAS) Peti Surat 359 88858 Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu 78. President Persatuan Tobilung Bersatu Sabah Peti Surat 244 89100 Kota Marudu 79. President Persatuan Kimaragang Bersatu Sabah Peti Surat 54 89107 Kota Marudu 80. Chief Executive Officer Institute for Indigenous Economic Progress (INDEP) Lot 17, 1st Floor, Taman Victory Penampang Locked Bag 202 88747 Kota Kinabalu 81. President Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) (Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia) Lot 5, 1st Floor, Blok M Donggongon 89500 Penampang Economic Interest Groups 82. President Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA) Lot 25 & 26, Blok F, 1st Floor Phase 3, Damai Plaza Luyang Commercial Centre, WDT 264 88999 Kota Kinabalu 68 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 83. President Timber Association of Sabah Lot 9, 1st Floor, Block B-C Sadong Jaya, Karamunsing Wisma TAS, P.O.Box 13981 88846 Kota Kinabalu 84. President Persatuan Pembalak Bumiputera Sabah (Pembalak Bumi) Lot 60B, Tkt.1, Blok B Bandar Leila P.O.Box 1033 90008 Sandakan Sarawak Environmental Interest Groups 85. Director Wildlife Conservation Society WCS Malaysia Programme No. 7, Jalan Ridgeway 93200 Kuching 86. Borneo Resources Institute Malaysia Sarawak (BRIMAS) Lot 1046, 2nd Floor Shang Garden Commercial Centre Jalan Bulan Sabit 98000 Miri 87. Sarawak Conservation Action Network (SCANE) National Secretariat Office Lot 1046, Shang Garden Shop Lot Jalan Bulan Sabit, 98000 Miri Social Interest Groups 88. President Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) Lot 7887, 3rd Floor, Section 64 Queen’s Court, Jalan Wan Alwi P.O.Box 402 93350 Kuching 89. President Bisaya Association Sarawak c/o Miri Resident Office Jalan Kingsway 98000 Miri 69 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 90. President Kenyah Association of Sarawak No.39, Hilltop Villa Jalan Sibiyu-Nyigu 97000 Bintulu 91. President Orang Ulu National Association Sarawak Uma Orang Ulu Jalan Tan Sri P Ramli 93000 Kuching 92. President Sarawak Forestry Department Employees Union (UFES) Lot 181, Seksyen II KTLD Tingkat 3, Bangunan Haji Rasit Jalan Satok 93400 Kuching 93. Integrated Development for Eco-Friendly and Appropriate Lifestyle (IDEAL) No. 11D, Bruang Road P.O. Box 8 96007 Sibu 94. President Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) 2nd Floor, Lot 51, Bangunan Chin Poh Luk Sg Maong Bazaar Off Jalan Penrissen, 93200 Kuching 95. President Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) DBNA Headquarters Lot 964, Block 10 Jalan Kumpang Off Jalan Ong Tiang Swee 93712 Kuching 96. Chairman Indigenous People’s Development Centre, Sarawak (IPDC) Jalan Dianding 96900 Belaga 97. President Sarawak Penan Association c/o Sahabat Alam Malaysia Marudi Branch P.O.Box 216 Marudi 98058 Baram 70 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 98. Peoples’ Organization for Secured Indigenous Life (SILOP) P.O. Box 426 97000 Bintulu 99. President Sarakup Indu Dayak Sarawak Lot 7887, 3rd Floor, Section 64 Queens Court, Jalan Wan Alwi P.O. Box 402 93350 Kuching 100. President Rurum Kelabit Sarawak No 161, Jalan Kempas 93350 Kuching 101. President Lun Bawang Association Sarawak Lot 216, 1st Floor Jalan Trusan P. O. Box 161 98850 Lawas 102. Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Industri Perkayuan Sarawak (TIEUS) Lot 4852, Desa Indah 3 Caster Bandar Baru Perny Jaya, Tudan 98000 Miri 103. Community Information and Communication Centre (CICOM) P.O. Box 112, Morsjaya 98007 Miri 104. President Persatuan Pembangunan Tipun Penan (PETIPUN) Alambumi Palm Oil Mill Sdn. Bhd. Lot 2372-4, Ground Floor Boulevard Commercial Centre Miri-Pujut Road P.O. Box 1258 98008 Miri 105. President Sarawakians Access (SACCESS) No. 26, S/H 2nd Floor Everbright Park, 3rd Mile Jalan Penrissen 93250 Kuching 106. Forum Masyarakat Adat Borneo (Formadat) (Forum of Indigenous Communities Borneo) 71 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 6th Floor, Bangunan Biaramas Jalan Petanak 93100 Kuching Economic Interest Groups 107. Chairman Sarawak Timber Association (STA) 11th Floor, Wisma STA No. 26, Jalan Dato’ Abang Abdul Rahim 93450 Kuching 72 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 4 Report Format for Each Stakeholder Consultation Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia 1. Name of the Consultation: (provide the title of the consultation) 2. Place and Date Held: 3. Lead Organization: (include co-organization[s])/ sponsor[s]) 4. Objective(s) of the Consultation: 5. Level of Consultation: (state whether the consultation is held at the National and/or State level) 6. Description of the Consultation: (include reasons for holding the consultation and whether it is a formal, informal, ad-hoc or longer term consultation and decisions/agreements reached, outputs obtained, if available, etc.) 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: (provide the number of participants involved by type of organizations (i.e. [a] relevant government ministries, agencies and departments, [b] economic interest group, [c] environmental interest group, and [d] social interest group) 8 Selection of the Represented Organization(s) and participants: (state whether the participation of represented organization(s) and/or participants is based on self selection, nominated by the organizing organization and/or co-organization(s)/sponsor(s), etc.) Note: (1) Stakeholder consultation is defined as a platform provided for government officials, researchers, civil society, NGOs and academia to share information, solicit views, resolve specific issues and try to seek consensus on them. This could take the form of meetings, conferences, briefings and dialogues, among others. (2) Stakeholder is defined as any individuals or groups who are directly affected by, or interested in, a given forest and forest-related issue, including its economic, social and environmental dimensions. 73 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 5 Category 1 Forest and Land Use Management 74 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing on the Application of the Web MyGDI (NaLIS) SabahSandakan MyGDI Roadshow ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing on the Application of the Web MyGDI (NaLIS) Sabah - Sandakan MyGDI Roadshow. 2. Place and Date Held: Sandakan, Sabah, 14 August 2003. 3. Lead Organization: The Land and Survey Department and the Sabah Forestry Department with support from the State Secretary Office and the Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To create and promote awareness amongst state and federal agencies in Sandakan on information sharing through the Malaysia Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) Sabah Clearinghouse which is an internet portal for on-line dissemination of framework data, metadata and standard. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A briefing held to discuss the sharing of metadata and geospatial data among data providers in the government sector through the MyGDI Sabah Clearinghouse, an internet portal for on-line dissemination of framework data, metadata and standard. The MyGDI Sabah, a state level Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), is part of the national MyGDI that has created a SDI to allow geospatial information sharing among data providers at the sub-national level, such as the state of Sabah. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The participants representing the state agencies and departments were from the Land and Survey Department, Kota Kinabalu City Hall, the Department of Agriculture, the Sabah Forestry Department, the Public Works Department, the Department of Fisheries, the Department of Drainage and Irrigation, and the Town and Regional Planning Department, while those representing the federal agencies and departments were from the Department of Geosciences and Minerals Malaysia (Sabah), and the Department of Statistic Malaysia (Sabah). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. 75 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue between the Pahang State Forestry Department, the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project Management Plan Core Team (MPCT) members and the Town and Country Planning Department (JPBD) on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue between the Pahang State Forestry Department, the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project Management Plan Core Team (MPCT) members and the Town and Country Planning Department (JPBD) on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuantan, Pahang, 16-19 May 2004. 3. Lead Organization: The Pahang State Forestry Department with support from the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project Management Plan Core Team (MPCT) members and the Town and Country Planning Department (JPBD). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the draft Pekan Local District Structural Plan vis-à-vis the Integrated Management Plan of the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held between the Pahang State Forestry Department, the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project MPCT Team and the Town and the Country Planning Department to discuss the draft Pekan Local District Structural Plan, stressing the synergy between the Integrated Management Plan of the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest and the Local District Structural Plan. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 30 participants from relevant government departments and agencies comprising officials from the Pahang State Forestry Department and the state JPBD, as well as members of the Pahang UNDP/GEF project team. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the Pahang State Government and the Pahang State Forestry Department. 76 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing to the Pahang State Executive Council (EXCO) on the Status and Activities of the UNDP/GEF Project on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing to the Pahang State Executive Council (EXCO) on the status and activities of the UNDP/GEF Project on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuantan, Pahang, 2 March 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Pahang State Forestry Department with support from the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project team and the Danish International Development Agency (Danida). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To brief and update members of the Pahang State Executive Council (EXCO) on the progress in the formulation of the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A briefing held by the Pahang UNDP/GEF Project team to update the members of the Pahang State Executive Council (EXCO) on the progress in formulating the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 30 participants from relevant government departments and agencies comprising the Pahang Chief Minister (Menteri Besar), 15 members of the State Executive Council, the Pahang Chief Police Officer and the Pekan District Officer, as well as officials from the Department of Environment, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and the Drainage and Irrigation Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the Pahang State Government and the Pahang State Forestry Department. 77 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysia National Consultative Workshop on the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Malaysia National Consultative Workshop on the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-19 April 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MNRE), Malaysia with the support from the ASEAN Secretariat and the Global Environment Centre (GEC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss and update the Malaysia Country report and to evaluate the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS) draft. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: In the workshop, four presentations were made. The first presentation was an overview of the history and aims of the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative (APMI) and the draft of the ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS) by the GEC. The second presentation was a summary of the Malaysian Country Report presented at the First Regional Workshop on the APMI at Bogor, Indonesia. The third presentation was on the ongoing peat swamp forest management project being undertaken by the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with funding from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The last presentation was made by the representative from Peninsular Malaysia Town and Country Planning Department on the National Physical Plan. The Conservation and Environmental Management Division of the MNRE was requested to incorporate the recommendations of the workshop into the country paper before its submission to the ASEAN Secretariat. The workshop also noted that manpower issues should be included under strategy 2.2.2 of the APMS; and peatlands should not be disturbed due to their ecological importance. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by 47 participants from a broad range of government agencies from Malaysia, as well as selected non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international participants. The same group of people also attended the Second meeting in Kuala Lumpur that was held from 24-26 May 2005. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated and invited by the organizer based on their expertise and involvement in peatland management. 78 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing on the UNDP/GEF Project on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing on the UNDP/GEF Project on the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuantan, Pahang, 26 April 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Pahang State Forestry Department with support from the UNDP/GEF Peat Swamp Forest Project team and the Danish International Development Agency (Danida). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To brief the Heads of key state government departments and agencies on the development of the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: To brief the Heads of key state governments departments and agencies on the final stages in developing the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the South East Pahang Peat Swamp Forest, including the integration of the IMP into the Pekan District Structural Local Plan, a result from earlier consultations between the UNDP/GEF Peat Swamp Forest Project team and the State Town and Country Planning Department, as well as the Department of Land and Mines. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 20 participants from relevant government departments and agencies, namely, the State Economic Planning Section, the State Town and Country Planning Department, the Drainage and Irrigation Department, the Department of Environment, the Orang Asli Welfare Department and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, as well as officials from the Pekan District Land Office, and the Pekan District Council. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective departments and agencies. 79 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Second Workshop on the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Second Workshop on the ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-26 May 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Malaysia with support from the ASEAN Secretariat and the Global Environment Centre (GEC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To review and finalize the draft ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS), 2005-2020, and to discuss the development of corresponding National Action Plans (NAPs), as well as to explore regional and national implementation mechanisms of the APMS, and to enhance cooperation and coordination with partners and supporters. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held to enable participants to review and finalize the APMS draft, based on the inputs received from the national consultative processes held by the ASEAN Member States (AMSs) during the period of July 2004 to April 2005, and to discuss the development of corresponding National Action Plans (NAPs) to be adopted in their own countries. At the end of the workshop, the revision of the APMS draft was completed and the workshop recommended that the revised APMS draft be submitted for approval according to the agreed process and timetable. The workshop also urged countries to start the process of developing the National Action Plans (NAPs) according to the proposed procedures. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by 66 participants from a broad range of government agencies from Malaysia, AMSs, selected non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were invited by the organizer based on their expertise and involvement in peatland management. 80 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Workshop on Developing a National Forest Programme for Malaysia: Process, Planning and Implementation ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Workshop on Developing a National Forest Programme for Malaysia: Process, Planning and Implementation. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-8 June 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia (MNRE) with support from the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM), the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/RAP). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further enhance a better understanding of issues addressed in international and regional forestry dialogues and the implementation of national forest programmes, and to reach consensus on a framework and elements of a Malaysian National Forest Programme (MNFP), as well as its implementation, including the harmonization of the Malaysian five-year forestry development programmes with the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IFP)/Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) national forest programme (nfp) approaches and process. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary and working groups among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to, among others, identify sets of elements and plans of action, including research needs, that are required by Malaysia to achieve sustainable forest management based on the three principles of economic viability, social acceptability and environmental sustainability, as well as the institutional framework for the Malaysian National Forest Programme (MNFP). It proposed the establishment of a National Committee on the MNFP with three Working Committees on Economics, Social and Environment. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 64 participants with 50 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 5 participant from economic interest group; and 9 participants from environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 81 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Formulation of Comprehensive Development Plan in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Formulation of Comprehensive Development Plan in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. 2. Place and Date Held: Iskandar, Johore, 1 November 2005-31 July 2006 and 1 March-31 December 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) with support from the Khazanah Nasional Berhad. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide a framework for the comprehensive development of Iskandar Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held to formulate a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) as the main document and the blueprints to provide detailed guidance in terms of development policies, strategies and implementation on subjects such as land use, economy, environment and infrastructure. The blueprints were aimed at detailing the action and phasing plans for program and project implementation, based on best practices benchmarked from other world class, liveable cities. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The consultation was attended by up to 40 participants representing local authorities, state and federal government agencies, the private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which had a link with and were in the vicinity of Iskandar Malaysia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the organizer as they had a direct link with Iskandar Malaysia and were living in the area. 82 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2006 – “Challenges and Opportunities in Financing Sustainable Forestry and Timber Trade” _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: The Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2006 – “Challenges and Opportunities in Financing Sustainable Forestry and Timber Trade”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7-8 December 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Steering Committee comprising the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Council (MTC); Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC); WWF-Malaysia; Malaysian Nature Society (MNS); and the Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia (BCSDM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the challenges and opportunities in financing sustainable forestry and the timber trade, including global perspectives, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia, particularly engaging with relevant stakeholders. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A platform to promote active engagement among various stakeholders within the Malaysian forestry and timber sectors. Topics covered would unable participants to obtain a better understanding of the global perspective, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 80 participants with 15 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 51 participants from economic interest groups; 8 participants from environmental interest groups; and 6 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organization was based on a consultation process while participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 83 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Outlook of the Malaysian Forestry Sector in the Year 2020 ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Outlook of the Malaysian Forestry Sector in the Year 2020. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-29 August 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) with the support of the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC), the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To assess and analyze the status, trends and the most probable outlook of the Malaysian forestry sector in year 2020 with a focus on the economic, social and environmental contributions of forests in the pursuit of achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held as part of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study II (APFSOS II) which was undertaken under the auspice of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC). It involved an examination of the key factors impacting the forestry sector in Malaysia, both inside and outside the sector; past trends and the current state of the forests; the development of the forest-based industries; and the utilization of non-wood forest products. It also covered forest ecosystem services and the increasing roles of forest in the conservation of biological diversity and mitigation of climate change; as well as in meeting changing societal demands placed on forest, for example, in the protection of watersheds and environmentally sensitive areas. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 51 participants with 26 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 19 participants from economic interest group; and 6 participants from environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 84 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2007 – “Challenges in Implementing and Financing Sustainable Forest Management” _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2007 – “Challenges in Implementing and Financing Sustainable Forest Management”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 October 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Steering Committee comprising the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Council (MTC); Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC); WWF-Malaysia; Malaysian Nature Society (MNS); Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia (BCSDM); Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC); Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB); Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA); and the Sarawak Timber Association (STA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the socio-economics of sustainable forest management (SFM) in Malaysia, and the financing of SFM. It was also to provide information to financial institutions so that they could appreciate the challenges faced by forest owners in their endeavours to achieve SFM and the efforts being made, as well as to ensure continued financial support needed by the industry to achieve SFM. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A platform to promote active engagement among various stakeholders within the Malaysian forestry and timber sectors. Topics covered would unable participants to obtain a better understanding of the global perspective, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 85 participants with 27 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 43 participants from economic interest groups; 9 participants from environmental interest groups; and 6 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organization was based on a consultation process while participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 85 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Technical Workshop on Minimizing Impacts of Palm Oil and Biofuel Production in Southeast Asia on Peatlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Technical Workshop on Minimizing Impacts of Palm Oil and Biofuel Production in Southeast Asia on Peatlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 31 October-1 November 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the Wetlands International’s Global Carbon Project, the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, and the Asia Pacific Network on Global Change Research. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To share information on the nature and impacts of the development of peatlands for palm oil plantation on biodiversity and climate change and implications for biofuel production, and to share experiences and best practices to minimize impacts and maintain production of oil palm plantations on peatlands, including a review on the options to rehabilitate degraded peatlands for production and conservation purposes. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: Fifteen technical presentations were made and three working group sessions were held covering the nature and options for reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from drained peatlands, best management practices for palm oil/biofuel production on peatlands, and options for restoration and utilization of degraded peatlands and associated biodiversity. At the end of the workshop, the participants made several recommendations that could sustain the palm oil industry and minimize the impact to the peatland ecosystem. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by 40 experts on peatland, climate change, oil palm and biofuel from seven countries. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the organizer based on their expertise and involvement in peatland management. 86 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Expert Review Meeting on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Expert Review Meeting on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-29 May 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with relevant stakeholders and experts in Malaysia, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal process of consultation held in plenary where WWF-Malaysia presented and discussed the HCFV Toolkit with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Malaysia where their views and inputs were elaborated and incorporated in the development of a HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia which was published in October 2009. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 16 participants with 5 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies, 4 participants representing the economic interest groups and the remaining 7 participants representing the environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was nominated by the organizations themselves while the experts were based on a self-selection process by WWFMalaysia due to their specific area of work. 87 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Integrated Land Use Blueprint (ILUB) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Integrated Land Use Blueprint (ILUB) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. 2. Place and Date Held: Iskandar, Johore, 1 September 2008-31 December 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) with support from AJM Planning and Urban Design Group. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To obtain inputs for the ILUB for Iskandar Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: The consultation was held to obtain inputs to the ILUB. The ILUB is a management plan which provides a framework for delivery of regional economic strategies, coordinates land use development with planning and provision of infrastructure public amenities. It also protects and enhances the region’s natural environment, urban biodiversity and green network, and identifies actions for implementation and prioritizes their implementation. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Up to 40 participants representing local authorities, state and federal government agencies, private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) participated. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the organizer as they had a direct link with Iskandar Malaysia and were living in the surrounding area. 88 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Sabah ______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Sabah. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 20 November 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Sabah, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal process of consultation held in plenary where WWF-Malaysia presented and discussed the HCFV Toolkit with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Sabah where their views and inputs were elaborated and incorporated in the development of a HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia which was published in October 2009. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 27 participants with 7 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies, 11 participants representing the economic interest groups and the remaining 7 and 2 participants representing the environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was nominated by the organizations themselves while the experts were based on a self-selection process by WWFMalaysia due to their specific area of work. 89 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Formulation of a Forest Management Plan for Forest Management Units 15 & 16 in the Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve - Yayasan Sabah ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Formulation of a Forest Management Plan for Forest Management Units 15 & 16 in the Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve - Yayasan Sabah. 2. Place and Date Held: Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, over a period from January 2009 to December 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Sabah Forestry Department with support from the Sabah Foundation. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To formulate and prepare a forest management plan (FMP) for Forest Management Units 15 & 16 in the Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve based on a sustainable forest management approach. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation process held to prepare a 10-year FMP for Forest Management Units 15 & 16 in the Sg. Pinangah Forest Reserve which was in conformity with the Sabah State forest policy, legislation and regulations. The preparation of the FMP was based on a consultative approach by a FMP Team consisting of specialists in forest ecology, tree species, forest inventory, soil science, wildlife, hydrology, social issues and other disciplines, such as high conservation value forests. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 21 participants with 8 participants representing the relevant government agencies and departments, 5 participants representing the economic interest group, and the remaining 3 and 5 participants representing the environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. 90 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 January 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Peninsular Malaysia, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal process of consultation held in plenary where WWF-Malaysia presented and discussed the HCFV Toolkit with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Peninsular Malaysia where their views and inputs were elaborated and incorporated in the development of a HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia which was published in October 2009. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 40 participants with 19 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies, 13 participants representing the economic interest groups and the remaining 8 participants representing the environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was nominated by the organizations themselves while the experts were based on a self-selection process by WWFMalaysia due to their specific area of work. 91 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Sarawak ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia in Sarawak. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 11 February 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Sarawak, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal process of consultation held in plenary where WWF-Malaysia presented and discussed the HCFV Toolkit with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Sarawak where their views and inputs were elaborated and incorporated in the development of a HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia which was published in October 2009. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 32 participants with 7 participants representing the government departments and agencies, 15 participants representing the economic interest groups and the remaining 10 participants representing the environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was nominated by the organizations themselves while the experts were based on a self-selection process by WWFMalaysia due to their specific area of work. 92 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation Workshop ________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation Workshop. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Gula, Perak, 12-15 June 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the Mangrove Action Project Indonesia and the Force of Nature Aid Foundation. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To disseminate information and train practitioners at various levels including government, academia and community representatives on the methods of ecological mangrove rehabilitation (EMR). 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: The workshop followed the six-step EMR method which included activities such as mural drawing, field visits, power-point presentations and group discussions. An understanding of the past history of the mangrove ecosystem was achieved through presentations by the local community, field visits and interviews with community elders. The current status of the mangrove area was mapped in small groups, assigned various tasks covering autoecology, hydrology and analog forestry mapping. After understanding the local situation, both past and present, the group was then informed how other coastal communities had taken action in similar situations, both within their own region and internationally. The group was also presented with resources to assist them with future action planning and implementation, such as methods, tools, techniques and networks. With this information at hand, the group went back to the local level to engage in action planning which included visual activity, usually combining the use of maps, power-point presentations, mural drawing, role playing and presentations. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by 34 participants including the local fishing community, together with representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations and government agencies involved in the management of the Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary. These were the GEC, the Keindahan Alam Laut Aktiviti Manusia, the Sahabat Hutan Bakau, the Penang Inshore Fishermen Welfare Association, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, the Johore National Parks Corporation, the Perak State Forestry Department, the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), and the Mangrove Action Project Indonesia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on invitation by the organizer while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 93 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Final National Workshop on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Final National Workshop on the Development of a National High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 June 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for Malaysia, its concept and application with relevant stakeholders and experts in Malaysia, leading to the development of a National HCVF Toolkit for Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal process of consultation held in plenary where WWF-Malaysia presented the results of the consultations held in Sabah on 20 November 2008, Peninsular Malaysia on 13 January 2009 and Sarawak on 11 February 2009 with the relevant stakeholders and experts in Malaysia where the HCFV Toolkit for Malaysia was finalized and published in October 2009. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 71 participants with 24 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies, 35 participants representing the economic interest groups and the remaining 8 and 4 participants representing the environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective organizations. 94 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Minister’s Dialogue with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Minister’s Dialogue with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 October 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide a platform for NGOs to air their views and concerns on commodity related issues with the Minister of the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held with NGOs and relevant government agencies at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs on commodity, forestry and land-related issues. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 71 participants with 45 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 2 participants from economic interest groups; 6 participants from environmental interest groups; and 18 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 95 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. International Meeting on Integrated Management and Rehabilitation of Tropical Peatlands __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: International Meeting on Integrated Management and Rehabilitation of Tropical Peatlands. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss an integrated approach to the rehabilitation and sustainable use of peatlands in Southeast Asia, especially in the ASEAN Member States. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An international meeting held to discuss, among others, the rehabilitation and sustainable use of peatlands in ASEAN countries, reduction of fires and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from peatlands and priorities and innovative approaches for sustainable management of peatlands in Southeast Asia, as well as the linkage of people, biodiversity and peatlands. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The meeting was attended by 38 participants from various representatives from government agencies and international organizations, including those from the GEC and the ASEAN Secretariat. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on nomination by the organizer. 96 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in Southeast Asia __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in Southeast Asia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26 November 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss peatland rehabilitation and sustainable use in ASEAN countries, including the reduction of fires and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from peatlands in Southeast Asia, the linkage of people, biodiversity and peatlands, and priorities and innovative approaches for sustainable peatland management. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A total of 10 presentations were made covering three main themes, namely, ‘Peatland Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use in ASEAN’, ‘Reducing Fires and GHG Emissions from Peatlands in SE Asia’, and ‘People, Biodiversity and Peatlands’. Each session was followed by a group discussion; the outputs of which were presented at a plenary session. The meeting ended with a panel session which deliberated on the ‘Priorities and Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Peatland Management in Southeast Asia. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by more than 50 technical experts and representatives from a broad range of government agencies from eight countries throughout Southeast Asia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on nomination by the organizer. 97 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. 2. Place and Date Held: Iskandar. Johore, 1 December 2009 - 28 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) with support from UKM Pakarunding. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To obtain inputs for and receive feedback to the SMP for Iskandar Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held to obtain feedback to the SMP which aimed to reconcile development requirements with the need to protect, conserve and, where appropriate, improve the landscape, enhance environmental quality, wildlife habitats and recreational opportunities of the coast. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 30 participants representing local authorities, state and federal government agencies, private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) participated. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the organizer as they had a direct link with Iskandar Malaysia and were living in the surrounding area. 98 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Discussion on the Development of Geographical Information System (GIS) for Research Project in Berkelah Forest Reserve, Pahang _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Discussion on the Development of Geographical Information System (GIS) for Research Project in Berkelah Forest Reserve, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, 15 November 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Pahang State Forestry Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the development of a customized geographic information system (GIS) for selective logging planning and management in the Berkelah Forest Reserve, Pahang. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Pahang, Penang, Terengganu and Johore) 6. Description of the Consultation: An informal consultation where the a customized geographic information system (GIS) for selective logging planning and management in the Berkelah Forest Reserve, Pahang was discussed, including a demonstration of a customized GIS prototype based on the SuperMap GIS. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 14 participants representing FRIM and the State Forestry Departments of Pahang, Penang, Terengganu and Johore. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of the participants was based on a self-selection process conducted by the respective organizations. 99 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Formulation of a Forest Management Plan (FMP) for Forest Management Unit 20 in the Kuamut Forest Reserve, Yayasan Sabah Sustainable Forest Management License Agreement (SFMLA) Area ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Formulation of a Forest Management Plan (FMP) for Forest Management Unit 20 in the Kuamut Forest Reserve, Yayasan Sabah Sustainable Forest Management License Agreement (SFMLA) Area. 2. Place and Date Held: Sandakan and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah over a period of at least 2 years beginning in January 2011 (still in progress). 3. Lead Organization: The Sabah Forestry Department with support from the Sabah Foundation. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To formulate and prepare a forest management plan (FMP) for Forest Management Unit 20 in the Kuamut Forest Reserve based on a sustainable forest management approach. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation process held to prepare a 10-year FMP for Forest Management Unit 20 in the Kuamut Forest Reserve that is in conformity with the Sabah State forest policy, legislation and regulations. The preparation of the FMP is based on a consultative approach by a FMP Team consisting of specialists in forest ecology, tree species, forest inventory, soil science, wildlife, hydrology, social issues and other disciplines, such as high conservation value forests. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 22 participants with 12 participants representing the relevant government agencies and departments, 5 participants representing the economic interest group, and the remaining 5 participants representing the social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. 100 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training Programme on Peatland Assessment and Management “Regional Training of Trainers” _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training Programme on Peatland Assessment and Management “Regional Training of Trainers”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Selangor, Selangor, 21-27 February 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the ASEAN Peatland Forest Project (APFP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Union (EU). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide regional training for trainers on the peatland assessment and management. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A training course conducted to strengthen the skills and expertise of personnel in the ASEAN region in conducting the assessment and management of peatland. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The training was attended by more than 30 representatives from government agencies, research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector, mainly from the ASEAN region. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on invitation by the organizer. 101 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting on the Assessment Report on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) - Dungun Timber Complex (DTC) ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting on the Assessment Report on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) - Dungun Timber Complex (DTC). 2. Place and Date Held: Bukit Besi, Dungun, Terengganu, 26 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Dungun Timber Complex with support from Credit Suisse Singapore through the World Wide Fund (WWF) – Singapore and WWFMalaysia, the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), University Putra Malaysia (UPM), the Terengganu State Forestry Department and the ‘Kumpulan Pengurusan Kayu Kayan Terengganu (KPKKT)’. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the results arising from testing the toolkit for assessing High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) in the field , as well as the findings from the HCVF field assessment of the Dungun Timber Complex forest areas of KPKKT. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Dungun Timber Complex, Dungun, Terengganu). 6. Description of the Consultation: A discussion held to elaborate the results arising from testing the toolkit in assessing HCVF in the field and the preliminary results of the HCVF assessment conducted in the Dungun Timber Complex (DTC), including an assessment of flora and fauna, as well as the socialeconomic census carried out in the DTC, focusing in the areas and villages around the Jerangau Forest Reserve, Pasir Raja (B) Forest Reserve, Jengai Forest Reserve, Besul Forest Reserve, and the Besul Tambahan Forest Reserve. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 16 participants with 7 participants from the Terengganu State Forestry Department, 6 participants from KPKKT and 3 participants from WWF-Malaysia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective organizations. 102 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 6 Category 2 Biological Diversity Conservation 103 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Stakeholders Meeting to Establish Kilim National Park, Kedah _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Stakeholders Meeting to Establish the Kilim National Park, Kedah. 2. Place and Date Held: Pulau Langkawi, Kedah, 15 April 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) with support from the University of Malaya Maritime Research Centre (UMMRC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To recommend to the Kedah State Government to protect and gazette an area of 18,395 ha as the “Kilim National Park”. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Kedah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to discuss the protection and gazettment of an area of 18,395 ha in Pulau Langkawi as the “Kilim National Park” which included expeditions and dialogue sessions. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: About 80 participants attended representing agencies of the Kedah State Government, such as the Planning Unit, the Langkawi Development Authority (LADA), the Kedah State Forestry Department, the Department of Environment, the Langkawi District Office, the Langkawi Town Council, and the LADA Eco-Tourism office. Others included the Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia and non-government agencies such as the Malaysian Association of Tour & Travel Agents (MATTA), the fishing community and representatives of hoteliers. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 104 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. International Conference on Challenges and Solutions for Tropical Biodiversity __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: International Conference on Challenges and Solutions for Tropical Biodiversity. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-9 October 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) with the support from the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To review the current status and trends of Malaysia’s tropical biodiversity, and to seek practical, long-term solutions to prevent and/or halt the loss and degradation of Malaysia’s tropical biodiversity. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A conference held to elaborate, through panel discussions, the current status and trends of Malaysia’s biodiversity and to seek long-term solutions to prevent and/or halt its loss and degradation. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: At least 100 participants representing government agencies, corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and students attended the conference. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process with sponsorships provided for the participation of students. 105 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Inter-Agency Meeting on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Loagan Bunut National Park, 2011 _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Inter-Agency Meeting on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Loagan Bunut National Park, 2011. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 6 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The State Forest Department of Sarawak with support from the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss on the collaborative activities implemented by the various agencies in Sarawak to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the Loagan Bunut National Park. 5. Level of Consultation: Stare level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to assess the progress in executing the Loagan Bunut National Park Integrated Management Plan (IMP) and the monitoring programs implemented by the various implementing agencies, as well as to discuss any critical changes in any of the ecological parameters and indicators to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the Loagan Bunut National Park. It included a review of the actions that have been taken to date and on issues brought up for further collaboration and discussion. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 31 representatives participated from relevant government agencies and departments, such as the Sarawak State Forest Department, the Miri Resident Office, the Sarawak River Board, the Baram District Office, the Sarawak Tourism Board of the State Ministry of Tourism and Heritage, the Department of Environment (DOE), the Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak, the SFC, the Special Park Committee and the University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS); and from the economic interest groups, such as Syarikat Samling Strategic Sdn. Bhd., the Bukit Limau Estate, the Sungai Lelak Estate, and the Loagan Bunut Estate. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the organizations themselves. 106 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. State Consultation Meeting on State Policy and Legislation on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources from Sarawak _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: State Consultation Meeting on State Policy and Legislation on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources from Sarawak. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 21 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: Sarawak Biodiversity Centre (SBC) with support from the State Ministry of Planning and Resources Management (MPRM) and the State Forest Department of Sarawak. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To review the current status of Access to and Benefit Sharing from the use of Sarawak’s biological resources in relation to the ordinance and laws in Sarawak, as well as to solicit views on the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 5. Level of Consultation: Stare level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to review the current status of Access to and Benefit Sharing from the use of Sarawak’s biological resources in relation to the ordinance and laws in Sarawak, as well as to solicit views and consolidate feedback to establish the State’s position with regard to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Utilization to the CBD which was adopted at the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the CBD held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 43 representatives participated from relevant government ministries, agencies and departments, such as the Sarawak State Forest Department, the SBC, the Sarawak Development Institute, the Sarawak State Department of Agriculture, the State Planning Unit (SPU), the Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB), the State Ministry of Industry Development (MID), the MPRM, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE), the State Attorney-General’s Chamber, the Siburan District Office, the Malaysian Pepper Board, the Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak, the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC), the Clinical Research Centre, Sarawak General Hospital, the Tropical Peat Research Laboratory Unit (TPLU), the University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), and the Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity Law, University of Malaya (CEBLAW); and from the economic interest groups, such as Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd., CRAUN Research Sdn. Bhd., and the Tanjung Manis Halal Hub. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the organizations themselves. 107 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 7 Category 3 Environmental Management 108 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sixth Sabah-Inter Agency Tropical Ecosystems (SITE) Research Seminar: “Environmental Management in Sabah Issues and Challenges” ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sixth Sabah-Inter Agency Tropical Ecosystems (SITE) Research Seminar: “Environmental Management in Sabah - Issues and Challenges”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 13-14 September 2001. 3. Lead Organization: The Environmental Protection Department, Sabah. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To highlight the major environmental issues and challenges in managing natural resources in Sabah, with emphasis on the application of environmental management tools and the sharing of information and experiences in the protection and conservation of natural tropical ecosystems. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held in plenary among relevant stakeholders in Sabah to highlight and discuss issues and challenges confronting environmental management in Sabah. The Sixth SITE Research Seminar deliberated on enhancing landscape management, especially the effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); flora and fauna, with emphasis on forest ecology, plant taxonomy and human interference in management; inland waters management highlighting the effect of heavy metal on water quality and the excessive usage of pesticides; and the marine environment as a result of increased sedimentation and nutrients from land based activities that threatened the survival of the coral reefs. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 106 participants with 77 participants representing the relevant government agencies and departments; 21 participants representing the economic interest groups, including environmental consulting companies; and 6 and 2 participants representing the environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the respective organizations themselves. 109 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Peatland Fire and Rehabilitation in Malaysia __________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Peatland Fire and Rehabilitation in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kepong, Selangor; 19-21 March 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) with support from the Global Environment Centre (GEC), the ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC); and the Royal Netherlands Embassy Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss issues relating to the importance and vulnerability of peat swamp forests in Malaysia, as well as to pursue collaboration and interaction between scientists, policy makers, government agencies and institutions to address the issue of peatland fires. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The workshop examined three main issues, namely, fire prevention, fire control and rehabilitation of peatlands. Detailed presentations were made on a broad range of issues ranging from peatland fire control, hydrology, rehabilitation, fire prevention, biodiversity, climate change to management and monitoring methodologies in plenary and through three working groups. The workshop noted the continuing loss and degradation of peat swamp forests in recent years, especially the damage of over 10 million ha of land, including 1.5 million ha of peatland, through extensive forest fires in 1997/98 and also the extensive peat fires which had been burning in Malaysia and Indonesia in February-March 2002. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by more than 60 technical experts and representatives from a broad range of government agencies from Malaysia, as well as selected nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and international participants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated and invited by the organizer based on their expertise and involvement in peatland management. 110 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Conference on Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) ______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Conference on Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-16 June 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To highlight the importance of sustainable development in the context of living within the ecological limits of one planet and to introduce the concept of ecological footprint analysis (EFA) as a tool to measure sustainable development, as well as to encourage greater responsibility towards the environment through a reporting mechanism. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: As it was the initial introduction in Malaysia on the topic of the ecological footprint analysis, a conference format was used. It was centred on the keynote address delivered by Professor William Rees, originator of the EFA. He was supported by more than 30 speakers and panel discussions on topics relating to sustainable development. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: About 250 participants with 50 participants from government ministries and agencies, 150 participants from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 20 participants from academic institutions, and the remaining 20 and 10 participants from the private sector and members of the public respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Selected organizations representing the various sectors were invited to send representatives to the conference. Members of the public were also invited to attend the conference through notices in the print and electronic media. 111 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment: Rules and Procedures __________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment: Rules and Procedures. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 28 June 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Environmental Protection Department (EPD), Sabah. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To inform the environmental consulting companies which were registered with EPD on the current rules and guidelines related to the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, as well as to enhance the effectiveness in mitigating environmental degradation, including the forest ecosystem during forest harvesting. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary between EPD and the environmental consulting companies which were registered with the Department on the current rules, guidelines and procedures used to prepare and submit EIA reports to the Department as required under the Environment Protection (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 2005, where a Environmental Report is a mandatory requirement for logging operations and forest clearance activities involving forest areas of 100 hectares and greater. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 87 participants with 29 participants representing the relevant government agencies and departments; 53 participants representing the environmental consulting companies which were registered with EPD, and 5 participants representing the media. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the respective organizations themselves. 112 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Climate Change Projections in Malaysia ______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Climate Change Projections in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 May 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) with the support from MENGO (Malaysian Environmental Non-governmental Organizations). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To better understand climate change related projections and studies undertaken nationally by the government and to encourage partnerships amongst participants in addressing emerging climate change problems. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The workshop was conducted through presentations, group discussions and breakout sessions to better understand climate change projections and studies undertaken by the government and to forge partnerships to address emerging climate change issues. It was organized in response to a request by MENGO. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: At least 50 participants representing government agencies, MENGO and other civil society groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 113 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Environmental Planning Blueprint (EPB) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Environmental Planning Blueprint (EPB) in Iskandar Malaysia, Johore. 2. Place and Date Held: Iskandar, Johore, 1 December 2009-28 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) with support from Minconsult Environmental. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To obtain inputs for and feedback on the EPB for Iskandar Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held to solicit views and feedback on the EPB that aimed to facilitate environmental planning through management, protection, conservation and enhancement of natural landscapes. It also included pollution, climate change, carbon credits and the establishment of Iskandar Malaysia (IM) green standards to be used by IRDA as its benchmark for environmental standards. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Up to 40 participants representing local authorities, state and federal government agencies, private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) participate. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the organizer as they had a direct link with Iskandar Malaysia and were living in the surrounding area. 114 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Peat Fire Prevention through Local Community Awareness and Action Program ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Peat Fire Prevention through Local Community Awareness and Action Program. 2. Place and Date Held: Banting, Selangor, 12-13 December 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the Selangor State Department on Environment. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness about the risks and threats of peatland fire and to deepen the understanding of stakeholders about sustainable management of the peatland forest, as well as to minimize the occurrence of peat fires at the peatland areas, especially in the southern region of Selangor. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Selangor). 6. Description of the Consultation: The workshop was organized to deepen the understanding, knowledge and skills of the local villagers from Kg. Sg. Selambu and Pulau Kempas located in the Kuala Langat district, as well as relevant stakeholders on peatland management. It included a site visit to Sg. Selambu and an introduction to peatland ecosystem, including the best way to manage a peat swamp forest. A discussion group was also formed to discuss further the action plan for the “Friends of the Peat Swamp Forest”. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by 34 participants which included the local fishing community, together with representatives of non-government and government agencies involved in the management of the Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary, such as the GEC, the Keindahan Alam Laut Aktiviti Manusia, the Sahabat Hutan Bakau, the Penang Inshore Fishermen Welfare Association, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, the Johore National Parks Corporation, the Perak State Forestry Department, the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and the Mangrove Action Project Indonesia. It was also attended by the local villagers of Kg. Sg. Selambu, Pulau Kempas and various stakeholders. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on nomination by the organizer. 115 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue on Forest Fire Issues in the Beaufort District _______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue on Forest Fire Issues in the Beaufort District. 2. Place and Date Held: Beaufort, Sabah, 19 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Sabah Forestry Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide information relevant to the current forest fire situation and to explain and elaborate on the offenses provided for under the present laws, as well as to solicit responses from the public on relevant open burning activities. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal dialogue with presentations by the Sabah Forestry Department and the Department of Environmental, Sabah on open burning activities in Sabah, including current legislation, as well as discussion on ways to control such activities. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 16 participants with 8 participants representing the relevant government agencies and departments and the other 8 participants representing the local communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. 116 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Environmental Consultants Forum ______________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Environmental Consultants Forum. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 6 May 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Environmental Protection Department (EPD), Sabah. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To share with the environmental consulting companies which were registered with EPD on the steps taken by EPD to process Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports; as well as to inform them on the current rules and guidelines related to the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, especially the need to control and mitigate environmental impacts from any development activity and exploitation of natural resources; and increase the awareness of the expected roles and responsibilities of environmental consulting companies in protecting the environment of Sabah. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary between the EPD and the environmental consulting companies which were registered with the Department on the current rules, guidelines and procedures used to prepare and submit EIA reports to the Department as required under the Environment Protection Enactment 2002 and the Environment Protection (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 2005; the expected roles and responsibilities of environmental consulting companies in protecting the environment of Sabah, including preparing EIA reports of high quality and standard; and the various steps taken by EPD in processing EIA reports. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 88 participants with 29 participants representing the relevant government agencies and departments, and 59 participants representing the environmental consulting companies which were registered with EPD. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the respective organizations themselves. 117 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Technical Meeting for the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Technical Meeting for the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 June 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the ASEAN Peatland Forest Project (APFP). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To initiate preliminary actions for the development of a workable system for fire prediction and provide early warnings as a means of fire prevention, particularly in Southeast Asia, and to discuss preparation for implementing pilot activities at the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest in Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The meeting was a follow-up to the workshop on ‘Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Monitoring System’ held in Singapore in February 2008, supported by the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP). The focus of the meeting was to initiate preliminary actions for the development of a workable system that could provide early warnings for fire prevention, especially in Southeast Asia, and the preparations for implementing pilot activities at the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest in Malaysia. It was intended that this meeting would act as the preparation for the regional Technical Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System scheduled to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 13-14 July 2010. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives of organizations in countries of ASEAN. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on nomination by the organizer. 118 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) Roundtable 2010 ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) Roundtable 2010. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8 July 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM) with support from the Bursa Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To build on the SLiM Conference 2007 and take the discussion further, as well as to identify policy and institutional challenges to implementing development that is ecologically sustainable. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The conference started with a discussion paper on ‘Sustainable Shift: Institutional Challenges for the Environment in Malaysia’. This was followed by working group discussions on four main themes covering redesigning agencies; financing conservation; shaping environmental advocacy; and understanding the environment. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: About 80 participants with 30 participants representing government agencies, 10 participants representing educational institutions, 25 participants representing the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the remaining 10 and 5 participants representing corporate organizations and members of the public respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Selected individuals were invited to attend the Roundtable. In addition, selected organizations were also invited to send their representatives. Individual members of the public with an interest in the topic were allowed to participate as well. 119 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Technical Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Technical Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN Peatland Fire Prediction and Warning System. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-14 July 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Global Environment Centre (GEC) with support from the ASEAN Secretariat, the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM), the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To focus on strengthening peatland fire prediction warning and enhancing fire prevention measures in peatlands. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A broad range of expert presentations were given on the nature and significance of peatland fires in the ASEAN region, current status of fire danger rating and hotspot monitoring programs, and fire prevention and control in peatlands, focusing on strengthening peatland fire prediction warning and enhancing fire prevention measures in peatlands. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by more than 60 representatives from government agencies, research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector, mainly from the ASEAN region. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on invitation by the organizer while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 120 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Current Implementation and Compliance of Environmental Agreements by Logging Operators in Sabah ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Current Implementation and Compliance of Environmental Agreements by Logging Operators in Sabah. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 10-11 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Environment Protection Department, Sabah with support from the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) and the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To present and deliberate the findings and field assessment on the implementation and compliance of Environmental Agreements by logging operators in Sabah and stakeholders participation to prevent environmental degradation caused by logging activities, as well as share and exchange views in implementing the current standards and procedures for environmental protection, including water quality protection, wildlife conservation, and the practice of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) in logging areas in Sabah. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary and working groups among relevant Malaysian stakeholders, especially those in Sabah, at all levels to elaborate on the implementation and compliance of Environmental Agreements by logging operators in Sabah, especially in the protection of the forest environment and water quality, as well as in the conservation of wildlife during forest harvesting operations, and to recommend improvement to the standards, procedures and requirements in logging operations in Sabah in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 91 participants with 39 participants from government agencies and departments; 46 participants from economic interest group; 5 participants from environmental NGOs; and 1 participant from social NGOs. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 121 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Environmental Management of Logging Operations in Sabah _______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Environmental Management of Logging Operations in Sabah. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 21-22 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Environment Protection Department, Sabah with support from the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) and the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To present and deliberate the draft Standard Operational Procedures with performance standards to operationalize the provisions of Environmental Agreements by logging operators in Sabah, including Environmental Compliance Reporting and a Toolkit for Rapid Assessment. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders, especially those in Sabah, at all levels to elaborate on the 8 principles proposed by Konsultant Sdn. Bhd., namely, Principle 1 - Project Preparation and Management, Principle 2 - Soil and Water Management, Principle 3 - Air Quality Management, Principle 4 - Biodiversity Management, Principle 5 - Forestry Operations, Principle 6 - Use of Hazardous Substances, Principle 7 - Waste Management, and Principle 8 - Social and Cultural Responsibility, as well as their accompanying 36 criteria for environmental management of logging operations in Sabah. A monitoring framework for reporting compliance or non-compliance of the proposed principles and criteria by logging operators in Sabah, and a toolkit for their rapid assessment were also deliberated. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 42 participants with 31 participants from government agencies and departments; 9 participants from economic interest group; and 2 participants from environmental NGOs. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 122 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) Roundtable 2011 _______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Living in Malaysia (SLiM) Roundtable 2011. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Environmental Protection Society Malaysia with support from the Centre for Poverty Prevention Studies, University of Malaya. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To build on the discussion of SLiM Roundtable 2010, taking into account national developments over the past 12 months, especially the New Economic Model (NEM), and to develop a concept for institutionalizing a SLiM Roundtable as an annual/ biennial event of multi-stakeholders to advocate sustainable development, including detailed discussions on redesigning agencies. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The Roundtable’s discussion focused on two main areas covering redesigning agencies to provide an institutional framework for implementing sustainable development, and developing a concept for institutionalizing a SLiM Roundtable as an annual/biennial event of multi-stakeholders to advocate sustainable development across all sectors and build consensus on actions needed for further progress on sustainability to be achieved. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: About 60 participants with 20 participants representing government agencies, 10 participants representing educational institutions, 25 participants representing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and 5 participants representing corporate organizations. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Selected individuals were invited to attend the Roundtable. In addition, selected organizations were also invited to send their representatives. Individual members of the public with an interest in the topic were allowed to participate as well. 123 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 8 Category 4 Timber Certification 124 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Forest Certification _____________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Forest Certification. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 December 2000. 3. Lead Organization: The National Timber Certification Council Malaysia (NTCC), renamed as the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) since 30 June 2001, with support from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), WWF-Malaysia, Tropical Forest Trust, and the Germany Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide information on the NTCC Malaysia and FSC certification schemes, including the requirements to be satisfied in forming the Malaysian Working Group comprising representation from the various interest groups in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, as well as the process in selecting the representatives. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. It was agreed that a National Steering Committee (NSC) be formed to examine the terms and conditions for further NTCC - FSC collaboration and that the facilitator for each of the four stakeholder groups, namely, the environmental interest group, social interest group, relevant government agencies, and economic interest group would consult members of their respective groups to nominate six persons to form the National Steering Committee. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 182 participants with 44 participants representing the relevant government agencies; 95 participants representing the economic interest groups and the remaining 26 and 17 participants representing the environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invitations and information were extended to all known interested parties based on a list established after due consultations by the workshop organizing committee. 125 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. First Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) _______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: First Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 April 2001. 3. Lead Organization: The National Timber Certification Council Malaysia (NTCC), renamed as the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) since 30 June 2001), as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further discuss matters related to the NTCC collaboration with FSC. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 18 participants with 4 participants representing the relevant government agencies, and the remaining 5, 4 and 5 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 126 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Second Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Second Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14 August 2001. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the Final Report on Assessment of Compatibility of Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Certification with FSC Requirements dated 28 June 2001. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 22 participants with 6 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 7, 6 and 3 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 127 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Third Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Third Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 October 2001. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the Formation of a National Working Group and Draft FSC-compatible Malaysian Standard for Forest Management Certification. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 20 participants with 6 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 6, 6 and 2 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 128 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Fourth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Fourth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-26 January 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further discuss the Formation of a National Working Group, as well as consider the Second Draft of FSC-Compatible Standard [MC&I(FSC)]. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 21 participants with 6 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 7, 5 and 3 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 129 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Regional Consultation on the MC&I (FSC) ____________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Regional Consultation on the MC&I (FSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 17-18 April and 25-26 June 2002; Kuching, Sarawak, 21-23 May 2002; and Kuala Lumpur, 24-25 July 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat with support from the Sabah Forestry Department in Sabah, the Sarawak Forest Department in Sarawak and the Forestry Department Headquarters in Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further deliberate and finalize the verifiers for the Indicators formulated for Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia as contained in the [MC&I(FSC)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia at all levels to agree on the verifiers for the Indicators formulated for Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia as contained in the [MC&I(FSC)] in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: For the consultation held from 17-18 April 2002 in Sabah, a total of 72 participants attended with 22 participants from relevant government agencies; 26 participants from economic interest groups; 12 participants from environmental interest groups and another 12 participants from social interest groups. For the other consultation that was also held in Sabah from 25-26 June 2002, a total of 49 participants attended with 17 participants from relevant government agencies; 19 participants from economic interest groups; 8 participants from environmental interest groups and 5 participants from social interest groups. For the consultation that was held in Sarawak from 21-23 May 2002, a total of 35 participants attended with 7 participants from relevant government agencies; 17 participants from economic interest groups; 2 participants from environmental interest groups; and 9 participants from social interest groups. In Peninsular Malaysia, the consultation that was held from 24-25 July 2002, a total of 62 participants attended with 21 participants from relevant government agencies; 30 participants from economic interest groups; 8 participants from environmental interest groups and 3 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invitations and information were extended to all known interested parties to participate in each of the regional consultations held in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. 130 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Fifth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) _______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Fifth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-15 August 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consider the Fourth Draft of the MC&I (FSC) that was prepared by the NSC Secretariat incorporating the verifiers for Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum permanent consultation held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 22 participants with 6 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 7, 6 and 3 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 131 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Level Consultation on the Formulation of FSCCompatible Malaysian Criteria and Indicators (MC&I) for Forest Management Certification ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Level Consultation on the Formulation of FSC-Compatible Malaysian Criteria and Indicators (MC&I) for Forest Management Certification. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-30 October 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To deliberate on the national draft of the MC&I (FSC) that was agreed at the Fifth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) held from 14-15 August 2002. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to elaborate on the national draft of the MC&I (FSC). As a result of the national consultation, it was agreed through consensus that the MC&I be adopted with the provision that a number of the Verifiers for certain Indicators be subject to further consultation among the relevant stakeholders or confirmed with the appropriate organizations by the NSC Secretariat, and the document be named as the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification or in short MC&I (2002). 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 106 participants with 33 participants from the relevant government agencies and the remaining 44, 14 and 15 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invitations and information were extended to all known interested parties based on a list established after due consultations by the organizing committee. 132 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Workshop on Standard for Certification of Plantation Forests _____________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Workshop on Standard for Certification of Plantation Forests. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 31 October 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To ascertain the level of interest and urgency from all stakeholders for a standard for certification of plantation forests. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders. As a result of the national workshop, it was agreed that a single standard be adopted for both natural forest and plantation forest, covering Principles 1 to 10 of the FSC Principles and Criteria, and an expanded NSC, comprising an additional seven members from the plantation sector be formed and tasked to develop the standard for certification of plantation forest through a Technical Working Group (TWG) which would be established for this purpose. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 129 participants with 31 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 70, 11 and 17 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invitations and information were extended to all known interested parties based on a list established after due consultations by the workshop organizing committee. 133 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sixth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sixth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12 June 2003. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consider the Report on Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I) dated 30 October 2002 and discuss the Action Plan for Formulation of FSC National Working Group (NWG). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 15 participants with 3 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 5, 4 and 3 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 134 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Seventh Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Seventh Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-11 August 2004. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the outcome of the Field Testing of the MC&I(2002) in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, and the establishment of the National Working Group (NWG) for Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 28 participants with 8 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 10, 6 and 4 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 135 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Eighth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Eighth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 April 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the establishment of the Regional Working Groups (RWG) and formation of the National Working Group (NWG) for Malaysia, as well as the development of certification standard for forest plantation. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 23 participants with 4 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 10, 6 and 3 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 136 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Ninth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Ninth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16 February 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss further the establishment of the Regional Working Groups (RWG) and formation of the National Working Group (NWG) for Malaysia, as well as the Technical Working Group for the development of a certification standard for forest plantations in Malaysia [MC&I(Forest Plantations)]. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 25 participants with 5 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 10, 5 and 5 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 137 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Dialogues for Sustainable Forest Management Certification in Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Community Dialogues for Sustainable Forest Management Certification in Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 12-14 June 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce sustainable forest management and certification to the local community in the Anap-Muput FMU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: Dialogues with community members to introduce sustainable forest management and certification to the local community in the Anap-Muput FMU using the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and local community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the villages and local community within the FMU. 138 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Regional Consultation on the Development of MC&I (Forest Plantations) _____________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Regional Consultation on the Development of MC&I(Forest Plantations). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 18-19 September 2006; Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 11-12 October 2006; and Kuala Lumpur, 15-16 November 2006; with support from the Sarawak Forest Department in Sarawak, the Sabah Forestry Department in Sabah, and the Forestry Department Headquarters in Peninsular Malaysia. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To deliberate and finalize the verifiers for the Indicators formulated for Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia as contained in the [MC&I(Forest Plantations)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to agree on the verifiers for the Indicators formulated for Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia as contained in the [MC&I(Forest Plantations)] in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: For the regional consultation held from 18-19 September 2006 in Sarawak, a total of 48 participants attended with 9 participants from relevant government agencies and departments; 31 participants from economic interest groups; 6 participants from environmental interest groups; and 2 participants from social interest groups. In the consultation held in Sabah from 11-12 October 2006, a total of 55 participants attended of which 14 were participants from relevant government agencies and departments; 25 participants from economic interest groups; 9 participants from environmental interest groups; and 7 participants from social interest groups. For the consultation that was held in Peninsular Malaysia from 15-16 November 2006, a total of 38 participants attended with 18 participants from relevant government agencies and departments; 9 participants from economic interest groups; 8 participants from environmental interest groups; and 3 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invitations and information were extended to all known interested parties to participate in each of the regional consultations held in Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. 139 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing on the Requirements and Resolution of Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with the MC&I(2002) Scheme _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing on the Requirements and Resolution of Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with the MC&I(2002) Scheme. 2. Place and Date Held: Ipoh, Perak, 12-13 October 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in the Perak State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 60 participants from the Perak State Forestry Department comprising 25 Forest Officers of grade G41, 10 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27 and 25 Forest Rangers of grade G17. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by Perak State Forestry Department based on a consultation process. 140 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Tenth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Tenth Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27 March 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To deliberate on the progress of development of the MC&I(Forest Plantations). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 15 participants with 6 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 5, 1 and 3 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 141 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers for Forest Management Certification in Malaysia MC&I(2002)] _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers for Forest Management Certification in Malaysia [MC&I(2002)]. 2. Place and Date Held: Ipoh, Perak, 16 April 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in the Perak State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 55 participants from the Perak State Forestry Department comprising 20 Forest Officers of grade G41, 10 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27, 10 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 15 Foresters of grade G11. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by Perak State Forestry Department based on a consultation process. 142 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Public Comment on Draft MC&I (Forest Plantations) _____________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Public Comment on Draft MC&I (Forest Plantations). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30 April-30 June 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups on the Final draft MC&I(Forest Plantations). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation to solicit feedback from the various stakeholder groups on the final draft of the MC&I (Forest Plantations) in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process where stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the public comment period from 30 April-30 June 2007. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 6 feedbacks were received, namely, 3 feedbacks from the relevant government agencies, 2 from the economic interest groups and 1 from the environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The final draft standard was circulated to all relevant stakeholder groups and these stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the specified public comment period. 143 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on the Requirements of MC&I(2002) for G32 and G27 Forest Officers in the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on the Requirements of MC&I(2002) for G32 and G27 Officers in the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, 17-18 July 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in all the State Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 32 participants from the State Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia comprising 6 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G32 and 26 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the respective State Forestry Departments, Peninsular Malaysia. 144 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with the MC&I(2002) Scheme for G44, G41 and G27 Forest Officers _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with MC&I(2002) Scheme for G44, G41 and G27 Forest Officers. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, 29-30 April 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in the Terengganu State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Terengganu). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 33 participants from the Terengganu State Forestry Department comprising 5 Forest Officers of grade G44, 16 Forest Officers of grade G41 and 12 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the Terengganu State Forestry Department based on a consultation process. 145 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Eleventh Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Eleventh Meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25 November 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the NSC Secretariat. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consider and adopt the MC&I (Forest Plantation) as a standard for certification of forest plantations. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held periodically in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 20 participants with 9 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 6, 3 and 2 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The NSC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 146 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. First Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I (2002) ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: First Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I(2002). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1 April-31 May 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the Secretariat of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups for the first review of the MC&I(2002). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to provide views on the MC&I(2002) in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process where stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the public comment period from 1 April-31 May 2009. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 5 feedbacks were received, namely, 2 feedbacks from the relevant government agencies, 1 from the economic interest groups and 2 from the environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The final draft standard was circulated to all relevant stakeholder groups and these stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the specified public comment period. 147 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on the MC&I(2002) for Senior Officers in the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on the MC&I(2002) for Senior Officers in the Forestry Department, Peninsular Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuantan, Pahang, 27-29 May 2009. 3. Lead Organization: Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among senior forest officers in all the State Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 35 participants of senior officers of the State Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia comprising 11 Forest Officers of grade G44 and 24 Forest Officers of grade G41. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the respective State Forestry Departments. 148 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on the MC&I(2002) for the Uniformed Staff in the Perak State Forestry Department ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on the MC&I(2002) for the Uniformed Staff in the Perak State Forestry Department. 2. Place and Date Held: Ipoh, Perak, 22-26 June 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among the uniformed staff from the Perak State Forestry Department and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among the uniformed staff in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 55 uniformed personnel from the Perak State Forestry Department comprising 15 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 40 Foresters of grade G11. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by Perak State Forestry Department based on a consultation process. 149 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on the Requirements of MC&I(2002) for the Kedah State Forestry Department Staff and Logging Contractors _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on the Criteria, Indicators and Verifiers in accordance with the MC&I(2002) Scheme for G44, G41 and G27 Forest Officers, as well as logging contractors. 2. Place and Date Held: Sungai Petani, Kedah, 14-16 July 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in the Kedah State Forestry Department, including logging contractors, and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Kedah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia, as well as logging contractors, on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 100 participants with 50 of them from the Kedah State Forestry Department comprising 4 Forest Officers of grade G41, 6 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27, 15 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 25 Foresters of grade G11, and 50 logging contractors. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia and the Kedah State Forestry Department. 150 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Consultation on Forest Management Certification Assessment _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Community Consultation on Forest Management Certification Assessment. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 23-25 September 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC) with support from an Independent Consultant. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To conduct a social assessment on the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to discuss and conduct a social assessment on the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 151 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. First Meeting of the Standards Review Committee (SRC) _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: First Meeting of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, 29-30 October; and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 15-16 December 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the Secretariat of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consider the Working Draft on the Review of the MC&I(2002) dated 23 July 2009. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process, in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: For the meeting held in Kuala Lumpur from 29-30 October 2009, a total of 21 participants attended with 5 participants from relevant government agencies; 4 participants each from economic interest groups and environmental interest groups; and 8 participants from social interest groups. Another 20 participants attended the other meeting held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah from 15-16 December 2009 of which 5 participants were from relevant government agencies; 5 participant from economic interest groups; 4 participants from environmental interest groups; and 6 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The SRC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 152 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting to bring stakeholder Concerns about the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) to the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting to bring stakeholder concerns about the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) to the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples with the support from Greenpeace. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss and elaborate the concerns about the MTCS to the TPAC. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The meeting was held to consult and discuss the main issues under the MTCS, especially those relating to the social aspects of sustainable forest management; free, prior and informed consent (FPIC); dispute resolution; certification bodies and certification procedures; the development, approach and management of certification systems; and ecological aspects addressed in the Scheme. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Mainly social non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Orang Asli and some other indigenous peoples. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invited participants were mainly social NGOs, and some representatives and activists from the Orang Asli communities. 153 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Second Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I (2002) __________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Second Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I(2002). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 March-9 April 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the Secretariat of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups on the First draft of the MC&I(Forest Plantations). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to provide views on the First draft of the MC&I(Forest Plantations) in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process where stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the public comment period from 10 March-9 April 2010. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 7 feedbacks were received, namely, 5 feedbacks from the relevant government agencies and 2 from the environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The final draft standard was circulated to all relevant stakeholder groups and these stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the specified public comment period. 154 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Regional Consultation on the Revision of MC&I(2002) ______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Regional Consultation on the Revision of MC&I(2002). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 19-20 July 2010; Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 22-23 July 2010; and Kuala Lumpur, 26-27 July 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the Secretariat of the Standards Review Committee (SRC) with support from the Sarawak Forest Department in Sarawak, the Sabah Forestry Department in Sabah, and the Forestry Department Headquarters in Peninsular Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To deliberate and finalize the proposed amendments contained in the Second draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest ) for Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to elaborate on the proposed amendments contained in the Second draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest ) for Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: For the consultation held from 19-20 July 2010 in Sarawak, a total of 30 participants attended with 10 participants from relevant government agencies and the remaining 7, 4 and 9 participants representing the economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. In Sabah, a total of 22 participants attended of which 4 participants were from relevant government agencies and the remaining 5, 1 and 12 participants from economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. For the consultation that was held in Peninsular Malaysia from 2627 July 2010, a total of 36 participants attended with 26 participants from relevant government agencies and the remaining 6, 2 and 2 participants from economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Invitations and information were extended to all known interested parties to participate in each of the regional consultations held in Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. 155 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Second Meeting of the Standards Review Committee (SRC) ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Second Meeting of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 16-18 March 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the Secretariat of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consider the Third Draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A multi-stakeholder forum held in plenary among elected representatives representing the various Malaysian stakeholder groups to allow for an inclusive, participatory and transparent process, in developing timber certification standards for Malaysia, especially for forest management certification at the forest management unit (FMU) level. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 14 participants with 5 participants representing the relevant government agencies and the remaining 2, 3 and 4 participants from economic, environmental and social interest groups respectively. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The SRC comprised permanent members who were elected by their respective stakeholder groups. 156 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Social Stakeholders’ Consultation on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Social Stakeholders’ Consultation on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). 2. Place and date held: Miri, Sarawak, 19 March 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Sustainability (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss FSC certification, especially the role of FSC, its values and the need for such a scheme in Malaysia, as well as the differences between other certification schemes. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of Consultation: To discuss and get feedback from various groups on FSC certification scheme for Malaysia. 7. Represented organizations and participants: Representatives from the local community, forest workers union and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants representing the social chamber comprising the indigenous peoples and workers representatives. 157 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Eastern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Eastern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 5-7 April 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia with support from the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in Terengganu and Kelantan and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Terengganu and Kelantan). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 44 participants with 25 participants from the Terengganu State Forestry Department comprising 13 Forest Officers of grade G41, 5 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27, 2 Forest Rangers of grade G17, and 5 Foresters of grade G11; and 19 participants from the Kelantan State Forestry Department comprising 5 Forest Officers of grade G41, 1 Engineer of grade J41 and 13 Forest Rangers of grade G17. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the respective State Forestry Departments based on a consultation process. 158 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Southern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Southern Zone. 2. Place and Date Held: Johore Bahru, Johore, 25-27 April 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia with support from the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Johore and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 43 participants with 17 participants from the Negeri Sembilan State Forestry Department comprising 4 Forest Officers of grade G41, 5 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27, 5 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 3 Foresters of grade G11; 15 participants from the Selangor State Forestry Department comprising 1 Forest Officer of grade G44, 3 Forest Officers of grade G41, 2 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27, 8 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 1 Forest Observer of grade G11; and 11 participants from the Johore State Forestry Department comprising 2 Forest Officers of grade G41, 1 Assistant Forest Officer of grade G27 and 8 Forest Rangers of grade G17. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by respective State Forestry Departments based on a consultation process. 159 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Central Zone, Peninsular Malaysia _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Central Zone, Peninsular Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuantan, Pahang, 10-12 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia with support from the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers from the Pahang State Forestry Department and the Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia; and to further enhance and deepen their understanding of the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Pahang and Federal Territory). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements on forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 52 participants with 43 participants from the Pahang State Forestry Department comprising 6 Forest Officers of grade G41, 2 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27, 1 Forest Ranger of grade G22, 30 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 4 Technicians of grade J22; and 9 participants from the Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia comprising 1 Forest Officer of grade G48, 6 Forest Officers of grade G41 and 2 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the Pahang State Forestry Department and the Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia based on a consultation process. 160 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Third Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I (2002) ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Third Public Comment on the Review of the MC&I(2002). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14 May-12 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) as the Secretariat of the Standards Review Committee (SRC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To solicit public comments from the various stakeholder groups on the Final Draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to provide views on the Final Draft of the MC&I(Natural Forest) in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process where stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the public comment period from 14 May-12 July 2011. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 16 feedbacks were received, namely, 9 feedbacks from the relevant government agencies, 3 each from the environmental and the social interest groups respectively, and 1 from the SRC Secretariat. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The final draft standard was circulated to all relevant stakeholder groups and these stakeholders were requested to submit their written feedback within the specified public comment period. 161 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Working Session on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles and Criteria _______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Working Session on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles and Criteria. 2. Place and date held: Miri, Sarawak, 16 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Sustainability (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide an in-depth introduction to the FSC, including the interpretation of the FSC Principles and Criteria, particularly those relevant to stakeholders from the social chamber. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional Level (Sabah and Sarawak). 6. Description of Consultation: A working session to discuss the FSC Principles and Criteria, especially those related to the social aspects, and to nominate representatives for the social chamber to the National Standards Development Group. 7. Represented organizations and participants: Representatives from local community, forest workers union and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Members representing the social chamber, namely indigenous representatives, forest workers union, civil society and NGOs, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)Malaysia, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), and the Malaysian Wildlife Conservation Society. 162 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Northern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Briefing and Dialogue on Forest Management Certification: MC&I(2002) - Northern Zone, Peninsular Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Ipoh, Perak, 23-25 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia with support from the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness among forest officers in Perak and Kedah and further enhance and deepen their understanding on the requirements of the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification [MC&I(2002)]. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Perak and Kedah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A periodic consultation held to brief and raise awareness among forest officers in all the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia on the need and requirements of forest management certification, including demonstration of its implementation, so as to improve forest development and management practices in Peninsular Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 33 participants with 28 participants from the Perak State Forestry Department comprising 2 Forest Officers of grade G44, 3 Forest Officers of grade G41, 3 Assistant Forest Officers of grade G27 and 20 Forest Rangers of grade G17; and 5 participants from the Kedah State Forestry Department comprising 1 Forest Officer of grade G27, 2 Forest Rangers of grade G17 and 2 Foresters of grade G11. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were nominated by the respective State Forestry Departments based on a consultation process. 163 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 9 Category 5 Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) 164 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on a Study on the Market Impact of a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) between Malaysia and the EU __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on a Study on the Market Impact of a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) between Malaysia and the EU. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 May 2006. 3. Lead Organization: Malaysian Timber Council (MTC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the Terms of Reference (ToR) for undertaking a Study on the Market Impact of a FLEGT VPA. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to gather comments and suggestions on a draft ToR for undertaking a market study on the market impact of a FLEGT VPA. The study was to assist Malaysia to have a better understanding and for added clarity on the envisaged market scenario in the EU and the potential economic incentives that could be derived after signing the VPA. The proposal was finalized for commissioning the study after taking into account the comments and observations from the various stakeholders. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 5 representatives with 2 participants representing the relevant government ministries, agencies and departments and 3 participants representing the economic interest groups. A total of 2 written comments were also received from 2 economic interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a multi-stakeholder consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 165 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. ITTO Expert Meeting on the Effective Implementation of the Inclusion of Ramin (Gonystylus spp) in Appendix II of CITES ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: ITTO Expert Meeting on the Effective Implementation of the Inclusion of Ramin (Gonystylus spp) in Appendix II of CITES. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-19 May 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia (MNRE) with support from the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM), the Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB), TRAFFIC and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To exchange experiences in the implementation of the inclusion of Ramin in Appendix II of CITES, including undertaking NonDetriment Findings (NDFs) and in tracking of products; and examine problems and issues associated with its implementation. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary and working groups among relevant stakeholders, especially those in Malaysia and Indonesia, to develop and agree on a list of priority actions and recommendations which were directed to countries, the trade, the ITTO Secretariat and the CITES Secretariat for consideration and implementation. It covered the ecology and management of Ramin, the trade of Ramin in the international market, and capacity building for meeting the requirements of CITES Appendix II listing of Ramin, including the need for effective coordination and cooperation. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 52 participants from 15 countries with 34 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 11 participants from economic interest group; and 7 participants from environmental interest group. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 166 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. First Stakeholder Consultation on Malaysia-European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: First Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 March 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss with relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the FLEGT VPA process covering the EU Action Plan on FLEGT, the Licensing Authority to verify legality of timber, including overseeing the chainof-custody and the issuance of licenses, as well as the role of third party independent monitor to assess the functioning of the VPA. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held periodically in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs for the negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 45 participants with 24 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 10 participants from economic interest groups; 6 participants from environmental interest groups; and 5 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 167 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Second Stakeholder Consultation on Malaysia-European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Second Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 22 June 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the FLEGT VPA negotiation focusing on participation involvement of stakeholders in the process, with emphasis on the definitions, upstream and downstream issues of the timber and forest industry. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held periodically in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs for the negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 81 participants with 50 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 17 participants from economic interest groups; 6 participants from environmental interest groups, and 8 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 168 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Third Stakeholder Consultation on Malaysia-European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Third Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 15 November 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the latest development in the FLEGT VPA negotiation, especially on the Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS), including the legality definition, relevant national laws and comments received following the Second Stakeholder Consultation that was held on 22 June 2007 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held periodically in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs for the negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 104 participants with 52 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 20 participants from economic interest groups; 6 participants from environmental interest groups, and 26 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 169 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Fourth Stakeholder Consultation on Malaysia-European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Fourth Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17 - 18 March 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the latest development in the FLEGT VPA negotiation, including the Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS), focusing on the principles and criteria of legal timber and details of control procedures for the TLAS; and discussed responses to the comments and written submissions received following the Third Stakeholder Consultation that was held on 15 November 2007 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held periodically in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs for the negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 118 participants with 58 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 30 participants from economic interest groups; 13 participants from environmental interest groups; and 17 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 170 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Fifth Stakeholder Consultation on Malaysia-European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Fifth Stakeholder Consultation on MalaysiaEuropean Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-12 August 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the latest development in the FLEGT VPA negotiation, including the Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS); market access for FLEGT-licensed timber; and the role of the Independent Market Monitor for the TLAS. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held periodically in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs for the negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 88 participants with 46 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 30 participants from economic interest groups; 7 participants from environmental interest groups; and 5 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 171 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2008 - “Strategizing Future Directions for the Timber Industry” ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2008 - “Strategizing Future Directions for the Timber Industry”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1 - 2 December 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Steering Committee comprising the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Council (MTC); Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC); WWF-Malaysia; Malaysian Nature Society (MNS); Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia (BCSDM); Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC); Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB); Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA); and the Sarawak Timber Association (STA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the future of the Malaysian timber industry in the face of new emerging challenges, one of which is having to give more consideration to non-economic aspects in managing forest resources and in the sourcing and manufacturing of timber products for the market. It focused on the potential of the timber business and whether it could continue in the future, as well as the steps required to instill more confidence in the industry, particularly the downstream sector. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A platform to promote active engagement amongst various stakeholders within the Malaysian forestry and timber sectors. Topics covered would unable participants to obtain a better understanding of the global perspective, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 101 participants with 23 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 72 participants from economic interest groups; and 6 participants from environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organization was based on a consultation process while participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 172 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) - Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Relevant Capacity Building Needs in Malaysia ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) - Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Relevant Capacity Building Needs in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, 23 February 2009; Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) 25 February 2009, and Kuching (Sarawak) 27 February 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) with the support of the German-Netherlands (GER-NL) VPA Technical Assistance Program and that of the Sabah Forestry Department in Sabah, the Rurum Kelabit Sarawak and the Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC) in Sarawak. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To support the planning of required capacity building measures linked to the implementation of the Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) through the identification of project proposals for implementation in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak under the GER-NL VPA Support Program and the envisaged FLEGT component of the EU-MYS Policy Dialogue and Cooperation Facility. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held to assess TLAS relevant capacity building needs for Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak and identify project proposals to be funded under the GER-NL VPA Technical Assistance Program during 2009/10, as well as list of key activities for future EU FLEGT support under the EU-MYS Policy Dialogue and Cooperation Facility. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: For the regional consultation held in Peninsular Malaysia on 23 February 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, a total of 23 participants attended with 9 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 11 participants from economic interest group; 2 participants from social NGOs, and 1 participant from environmental NGOs. For the consultation held in Sabah on 25 February 2009, a total of 32 participants attended with 13 participants from government agencies and departments; 18 participants from economic interest group; and 1 participant from environmental NGOs. For the consultation with NGOs that was held in Sarawak on 27 February 2009, a total of 19 participants attended with 15 participants from social NGOs, 3 participants from economic interest group and 1 participant from environmental NGOs, while the other consultation with government forest and forest-related agencies, a total of 16 participants attended with 7 participants from government agencies and departments and 9 participants from economic interest group. 173 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 174 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue on the Requirements of Timber Legality Verification in the Global Market _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue on the Requirements of Timber Legality Verification in the Global Market. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18 October 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) with the support from the EFI FLEGT Asia Programme, the UK Timber Trade Federation, the Royal Netherlands Timber Trade Federation and the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations for a FLEGT VPA. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide updates on the requirements for verified legal timber by bringing together timber trade associations from EU (buyer countries) to interact with industry members from supplying countries in the Southeast Asia region. It also provides a platform for discussion on the changing requirements in the timber business and how to approach the situation in the future. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held to update stakeholders on the latest developments in the legality requirements in the global market and discuss on related issues and challenges pertaining to the topic. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 190 participants from 19 countries with 35 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 118 participants from economic interest groups; 33 participants from media; 3 participants from environmental interest groups; and 1 participant from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 175 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Workshop on Enforcement Compliance for Trade in Ramin (Gonystylus species) _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Workshop on Enforcement Compliance for Trade in Ramin (Gonystylus species). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-10 December 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) with support from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To understand the trade enforcement mechanism and implementation related to ramin of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Malaysian International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008 (Act 686), as well as to establish effective communication channel and networking within the enforcement agencies in Malaysia directly or indirectly involved in the trade of ramin, including a national Task Force or a Referral Centre to coordinate effective implementation of CITES regulations in Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held in plenary and working groups among relevant stakeholders, such as the Malaysian CITES Management Authorities, the Royal Malaysian Custom Department, the Maritime Enforcement Agency, and the Marine Operation Force of the Royal Malaysian Police, to elaborate in-depth the constraints and impediments faced by enforcement agencies in Malaysia to effectively implement the provisions related to the trade in ramin in as provided for in CITES and the International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008, including the need for effective coordination and cooperation, and in the formulation of recommendations and strategies to strengthen their implementation and enforcement. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 46 participants with 38 participants from relevant government ministries, agencies and departments; 7 participants from economic interest group; and 1 participant from environmental interest group. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective organizations. 176 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Governance Integrity (FGI) Project - Planning Session for Forum on Forest Factor in Sustainable Development ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Governance Integrity (FGI) Project - Planning Session for Forum on Forest Factor in Sustainable Development. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 April and 11 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the structure and content for a forum on forest factor in sustainable development under the Forest Governance Integrity (FGI) Project, and to promote interaction between the TI-M, the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), the Institute of Foresters Malaysia and other senior representatives from the forestry sector. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The two consultations held on 24 April and 11 May 2011 were to enable stakeholders in the forestry sector in Malaysia to discuss the structure and content for a forum on “Forest Factor in Sustainable Development” scheduled to be held in July 2011 which was later postponed to 15 December 2011. Issues identified to be covered included sustainable forest management, good governance, auditing for the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) and case studies. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: An estimated thirteen participants from FRIM, the Institute of Foresters Malaysia, the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA), the Forest Department, Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM), the Institute for Environment and Development, the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and K-Spatial Sdn. Bhd. participated. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on invitation by the organizer. 177 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting on Mapping of Stakeholder Consultation Processes in Malaysia _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting on Mapping of Stakeholder Consultation Processes in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The EFI FLEGT Asia Programme with the support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia (MNRE). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss with the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the need for a compilation of all the relevant consultations which had been held in the recent past, including lessons learned and recommendations, to improve the stakeholder consultation processes and to support the overall sustainable forest management consultation efforts in Malaysia, as well as the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) under the EU FLEGT Action Plan. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation held in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders to elaborate on the Terms of Reference (ToR), timeline and work plan for engaging consultants to undertake the mapping of forest and forest-related stakeholder consultations in Malaysia that were organized and held during the period 1 January 2000 - 31 July 2011. It included the deliberation on the level and classification of the category of consultations held. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 36 participants with 21 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 13 participants from economic interest groups; and 2 participants from environmental interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 178 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2011 - “Code of Conduct: Strengthening Confidence in the Timber Industry” ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Malaysian Forest Dialogue 2011 - “Code of Conduct: Strengthening Confidence in the Timber Industry”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 - 7 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Steering Committee comprising the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Council (MTC); Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC); WWF-Malaysia; Malaysian Nature Society (MNS); Business Council for Sustainability and Responsibility Malaysia (BCSR Malaysia); Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC); Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB); Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA); and the Sarawak Timber Association (STA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To showcase the experiences in the development and adoption of a ‘Code of Conduct’ across various sectors with special focus on the impacts of guided business practices in the global market place. Through a panel discussion, the MFD 2011 also channelled the attention of participants towards improved self-governance and responsible business practices as a potential means to raise and strengthen the image of the timber industry. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A platform to promote active engagement among various stakeholders within the Malaysian forestry and timber sectors. Topics covered would unable participants to obtain a better understanding of the global perspective, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 150 participants with 46 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 78 participants from economic interest groups; 18 participants from environmental interest groups; and 8 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organization was based on a consultation process while participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 179 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sixth Multi-Stakeholder Briefing on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sixth Multi-Stakeholder Briefing on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia (MPIC) with support from the German-Netherlands Support Programme to the Malaysia-EU Negotiations on a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To update the relevant stakeholder groups in Malaysia on the progress in negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA, the EU Timber Regulation and other EU FLEGT VPA processes, as well as the Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS). 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held periodically in plenary among relevant Malaysian stakeholders at all levels to update, share and exchange views, as well as gather inputs for the negotiation of the Malaysian-EU FLEGT VPA in an inclusive, participatory and transparent process. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 99 participants with 45 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 30 participants from economic interest groups; 11 participants from environmental interest groups, and 13 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 180 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Annex 10 Category 6 Social Forestry and Empowerment of Community 181 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Recent Developments on Customary Land Rights in Malaysia _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on recent developments on Customary Land Rights in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2-3 February 2000. 3. Lead Organization: The Centre for Legal Pluralism and indigenous Law, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya with support from the British Council. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss recent developments in the law after the Adong bin Kuwau’s case. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held to discuss recent developments in customary laws and native title. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were from the indigenous peoples from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, academia, state government agencies involved in indigenous people issues and invited international participants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 182 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Roundtable Discussions on Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Roundtable Discussion on Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 April 2002. 3. Lead Organization: The Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya with the support from the Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia (Jaringan Orang Asal Se-Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To create awareness on issues relating to indigenous knowledge and biodiversity. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A roundtable discussion that brought together all parties involved in the promotion of biodiversity to discuss issues relating to indigenous knowledge and biodiversity. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were from the community, academia, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE), lawyers, and representatives from the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre and the Sabah Museum. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were selected based on consultation from civil society, government agencies, universities, biodiversity centres as well as indigenous groups. 183 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Dialogues and Consultation on Sustainability of the Heart of Borneo Initiative ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of Consultation: Community Dialogues and Consultation on Sustainability of the Heart of Borneo Initiative. 2. Place and dates held: Ba’ Kelalan (September 2003); Long Bawan (28-30 October 2004 and 28-29 October 2005); Bario (28-29 November 2006); Long Layu (5-8 November 2007); Long PaSia (15-19 October 2008); Ba’ Kelalan (27 March 2009); Long Bawan (1-4 April 2010). 3. Lead Organizations: Formadat (Forum of Indigenous Peoples) with support from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Indonesia and WWF-Malaysia. 4. Objectives of the Consultation: To increase awareness and understanding about highland communities, and build local capacity and encourage sustainability development in the Heart of Borneo initiative, including conservation of water sources and forest areas. 5. Level of Consultation: International level. 6. Description of Consultation: Meeting between people sharing same language and culture, but living in different political states (Malaysia and Indonesia), along international state boundary to discuss important issues facing border communities including sustainable development and conservation of forest areas and resources. These are regular annual meetings. The next meeting in 2012 would be held in Long Rungan, Krayan Selatan, Indonesia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Local communities with WWF-Malaysia and WWF-Indonesia as coordinators 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants are drawn from local representatives of the different communities in the Heart of Borneo project, namely. East Kalimantan: Krayan Indu (Long Bawan); Krayan Selatan (Long Layu); Sarawak: Bario, Ba’ Kelalan-Long Semado; and Sabah: Long PaSia. 184 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Native Title Litigation: Principles, Claims and Procedures ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Native Title Litigation: Principles, Claims and Procedures. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 -14 April 2004. 3. Lead Organization: The Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya with support from the Malaysian Bar Council. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To create awareness on the law and procedures for native and aboriginal land claims. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A seminar that brought together parties involved in the litigation of Orang Asli rights and to create awareness and level of advocacy among the Orang Asli themselves. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the Orang Asli community, academia, members of the Malaysian Bar Council, nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and students. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from a spectrum of people involved in land rights issues, including the Malaysian Bar Council, NGOs, academia and indigenous peoples groups. 185 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Mapping community lands in Upper Balui–Uma Ukit, Uma Balui Labuie, Uma Bakah and Uma Kulit, Belaga _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Mapping community lands in Upper Balui–Uma Ukit, Uma Balui Labuie, Uma Bakah and Uma Kulit, Belaga. 2. Objective of Consultation: Preparation of land use maps. 3. Place and Date Held: Belaga, Sarawak, 6-23 January 2005. 4. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Belaga, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: Community awareness program, capacity building and training for community living in Uma Ukit, Uma Balui Labuie, Uma Bakah, Uma Lesung and Uma Kulit. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: The target participants were the indigenous communities living in Belaga, Sarawak. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders of the various longhouse communities in the area. 186 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting with Squatters from Lung Manis Forest Reserve and Officers from the MCEE Office, Sandakan and the District Forestry Office, Beluran ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting with squatters from Lung Manis Forest Reserve and Officers from the Monitoring, Control, Evaluate and Enforcement (MCEE) Office, Sandakan; and the District Forestry Office, Beluran. 2. Place and Date Held: Beluran, Sabah, 22 February 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The MCEE Office of Sandakan and the Sabah Forestry Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To deliver the Sabah State Government decision on 16 June 2004 whereby the squatters had been given two options, namely, “Occupation Permit (OP) will only be issued to a local squatter who owned a lot, that have been planted on a temporary basis for a duration of one (1) rotation only or 20 years and to legalize the farmers to collect their harvests/fruits” or “if those squatters failed to accept the decision, action will be taken in accordance with the Forest Enactment 1968”. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal dialogue held between the Sabah Forestry Department, including officers from the MCEE Office of Sandakan, and all the involved squatters from Lung Manis Forest Reserve. The purpose of the dialogue was to inform them about the government decision on the issuance of OP in Virgin Jungle Reserve (VJR) - Lung Manis, and that all foreigners would be evicted/ charged in accordance with the Forest Enactment 1968. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 76 participants with 31 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies, and the remaining 45 participants representing the local communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 187 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting and Community Dialogue with Penan Representatives ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting and Community Dialogue with Penan Representatives. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 23-28 February 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To update on the logging situation within the communal forests and tree plantations in Upper Baram. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting and consultation held with the Penan communities in Long Benalih affected by logging and the establishment of tree plantations. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Friends of the Earth Malaysia and the Penan communities in Long Benalih, Baram. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from representatives of the affected Penan village communities. 188 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Establishment of a nursery and preparation of Nyireh batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis) Seedlings ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Establishment of nursery and preparation of Nyireh batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis) seedlings. 2. Place and Date Held: Pulau Carey, Selangor, 23 April 2005-23 April 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the European Union (EU). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide information on the establishment of a nursery for the production of Nyireh batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis) seedlings. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Pulau Carey, Selangor). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation to assist the Orang Asli to replant the Nyireh batu (Xylocarpus moluccensis) in Pulau Carey, Selangor so as that the supply of the wood will be sustainable. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 26 participants with 4 participants from FRIM, 20 participants from the Arts and Heritage Association for Indigenous People of Pulau Carey (Persatuan Kesenian dan Warisan Orang Asli [Pean Kwoa], Pulau Carey), and 2 participants from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of the participants was based on a self-selection process conducted by the respective organizations. 189 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Educational Exchange Visit between the Upper and Lower Bakun Communities ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Educational Exchange Visits between the Upper and Lower Bakun Communities. 2. Place and Date Held: Bakun, Sarawak, 3-6 May 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To study the social, economic and environmental impacts of the Batang Ai Hydro-electric dam project. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bakun, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: An exchange of views and experiences on the environmental impact of the Batang Ai Hydro-electric dam project, as well as to learn from affected communities about alternative resources for income generation. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Local village communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants represented community members from the Bakun and Batang Ai. 190 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting with Sarawak Penan Association (SPA), Long Belok, Apoh __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting with Sarawak Penan Association (SPA), Long Belok, Apoh. 2. Place and Date Held: Long Belok, Sarawak, 19-24 May 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss SPA’s activities with the Penan elders and representatives as well as to assist in preparation of a memorandum. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Baram, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: The meeting was held to get an update on community activities, especially those carried out by the Penan community at Long Belok, Apoh, Baram. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Penan leaders and representatives from the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the leaders of the community. 191 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation with the Communities in Upper Pelieran ______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation and Dialogue with the Communities in Upper Pelieran. 2. Place and Date Held: Belaga, Kapit, Sarawak, 11-16 July 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult with the local community on problems faced in the community. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Belaga, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: To get feedback and to understand common problems regarding logging companies and oil palm plantations. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Leaders and representatives from the local Penan communities in Ulu Pelieran. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the leaders of the seven village communities in the area. 192 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue with the Communities in the Sungei Asap and Koyan Resettlements _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue with the Communities in the Sungei Asap and Koyan Resettlements. 2. Place and Date Held: Belaga, Kapit, Sarawak, 1-4 August 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult with the local community on the latest development and problems in living conditions faced by the community in the Sungei Asap and Koyan Resettlements. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Belaga, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held to understand the problems including the living conditions of settlers in the settled communities. This involved interviews with the elders of the community and preparation of a memorandum with the local community to the government. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Village chiefs and representatives from the local communities in Sungei Asap and Koyan. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants were leaders of the village communities in the seven longhouses in the area. 193 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue with the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) and Government Officers ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue with the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) and Government officers. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 15-26 August 2005. 3. Lead Organization: The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To meet with Suhakam and government officials to discuss Penan issues. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held to provide a platform for Penan representatives, accompanied by the Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia), to discuss and provide keynote presentations on the Penan living conditions and to ascertain what role Suhakam could play. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Leaders and representatives from the Penan communities, government officers and Suhakam. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders and representatives of the Penan community with the assistance of the Friends of the Earth Malaysia. 194 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 19-23 June 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the involvement of the District Officer and the Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC) in the community participation process of forest management certification in the Sela’an-Linau FMU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to introduce the involvement of the District Officer and the SFC in the community participation process of forest management certification in the Sela’an-Linau FMU. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC, the Baram District Office, and the local community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 195 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Conflict Resolution Workshop for Sustainable Forest Management Certification in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Conflict Resolution Workshop for Sustainable Forest Management Certification in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 19-20 September 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce conflict resolution as one of the mechanisms in addressing conflicts between stakeholders, namely, the FMU stakeholders and the community, in sustainable forest management certification using the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (MC&I 2002). 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held to introduce conflict resolution as one of the mechanisms in addressing conflicts between stakeholders. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC, the FMU stakeholders and the local community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 196 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Seminar on Native Customary Land Rights: Issues and Challenges _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Seminar on Native customary Land Rights: Issues and Challenges. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 18 November 2006. 3. Lead Organization: The Rurum Kelabit Sarawak 4. Objective of the Consultation: Capacity building and knowledge dissemination on native customary land rights: Issues and challenges. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A seminar held to discuss the legal framework and to give an understanding of the law on customary lands. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Attended by at least 60 members of the Kelabit community comprising the traditional leaders, men, women and youth. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from members of the Kelabit community comprising leaders, women and youth. 197 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The European Union (EU) Delegation Consultation and Discussion with the Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Penan on Land Issues _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: The European Union (EU) Delegation Consultation and Discussion with the Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Penan on Land Issues. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 15-20 January 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The EU Delegation. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss rights over ancestral lands and encroachment on lands. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting and dialogue held to discuss rights over ancestral lands and land encroachment between members of the EU Delegation and the Penan communities who were accompanied by the Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Leaders and representatives from the Penan communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were community leaders and other representatives from the Penan Community. 198 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the AnapMuput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 24-26 April 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To facilitate formation of a tri-partied stakeholder Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee comprising community representatives, the SFC and the FMU manager. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A first meeting held between community representatives, the SFC and the FMU manager to form a tri-partied stakeholder Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 199 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 13 May 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To address community issues for forest management. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting chaired by the District Officer to address community issues for forest management. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 200 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation and Discussion with the Native Communities in Upper Baram 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation and Discussion with the Native Communities in Upper Baram. 2. Place and Date Held: Long Lamam, Sarawak, 14-17 May 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss rights over lands and resources, as well as logging in native areas. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Baram, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to discuss land and resource rights, including logging in native areas, with the native communities in Upper Baram, as well as in knowledge creation. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from native communities in Upper Baram. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders and other representatives of the affected native communities in the Baram region. 201 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 22 May 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To form a Task Force to implement decisions of the Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to form a Task Force to implement the decisions of the Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 202 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Establishment of Kota Damansara Community Forest Park (Selangor) ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Establishment of Kota Damansara Community Forest Park (Selangor) 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Damansara, Selangor, 1 July-31 December 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) with support from the Friends of Kota Damansara consisting of the Residents Association of Selangor Polo and Equestrian Centre (RASPEC), Residents Association of Section 9 Kota Damansara (RAS9), Residents Association of Section 7 Kota Damansara, Residents Association of Section 11 Kota Damansara, Tropicana Residents Association, Bandar Utama Residents Association (BURA) and the Residents Association of Taman Tun Dr Ismail. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To conserve an area of 346.8 ha of the former Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve and to actively engage the local community and empower the public in accordance with the Local Agenda 21, as well as to showcase the feasibility of an urban community forest park concept initiated by the community for the community. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kota Damansara, Selangor). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held to discuss the conservation and protection of an area of 346.8 ha of forest land in an urban area initiated by the community for the community which included expeditions and dialogue sessions. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: About 60 participants were involved in the consultation process. These included federal government agencies such as the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, the Town and Country Planning Department, and the FDPM, State and local government agencies involved were the Town and Country Planning Department, Selangor State Forestry Department, and the Petaling Jaya City Council (Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya). The non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved were the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Malaysia, Wetlands International, the Global Environment Centre (GEC), Girl Guides Association of Malaysia, Girls Brigade Malaysia, Friends of Bukit Gasing, Friends of Bukit Kiara and the Malaysian Bar Council. Participating educational institutions included Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Section 10 Kota Damansara, Sri KDU Kota Damansara and University Tunku Abdul Rahman. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 203 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the AnapMuput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 22 July and 23-25 September 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To address community issues for forest management. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to address community issues for forest management. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 204 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Longhouse Community Dialogue on Land and Plantations, and land rights in Rumah Sengok, Sungei Binyo 1. Name of the Consultation: Longhouse community Dialogue on land and plantations, and land rights in Rumah Sengok, Sungei Binyo. 2. Place and Date Held: Rumah Sengok, Sarawak, 22-25 July 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To conduct in depth discussions with longhouse communities and capacity building in Rumah Sengok, Sungei Binyo. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held to discuss and provide information on basic legal rights on native customary rights over land, including problems faced by the local communities. The dialogue also provided a platform to share experiences on land rehabilitation and community forest management, as well as and in disseminating information on plantations establishment, including the relevant environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the areas affected by plantations development. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from native communities in Sungei Binyo. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the leaders and representatives of the local communities. 205 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Longhouse Dialogue and Meeting on Plantation Development at Kakus, Ulu Tatau _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Longhouse Dialogue and Meeting on Plantation Development at Kakus, Ulu Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Kakus, Sarawak, 24- 27 August 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss issues and problems faced by communities affected by plantation development at Kakus, Ulu Tatau. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to discuss development in the plantation sector, including Acacia plantation, and the action that the local people could take. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from native communities at Kakus, Ulu Tatau. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community leaders and representatives living in Ulu Tatau. 206 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Conference on Land Rights of Indigenous Peoples _____________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Conference on land Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-14 September 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Communication Centre for Human Rights or Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS) with the support from the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) and the Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia (JOAS). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To create awareness on the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A conference held to strengthen knowledge and raise awareness of indigenous communities on their land rights. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Civil society and members of the indigenous communities 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community and advocates of indigenous people rights. 207 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation with the Tatau District Officer and Community Representatives, Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation with the Tatau District Officer and Community Representatives, Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU). 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 25-27 September 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the Terms of Reference for the District Officer as advisor to the Conservation and Community Development Committee. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held with the Tatau District Officer and community representatives to discuss the Terms of Reference for the District Officer as advisor to the Conservation and Community Development Committee. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC, the Tatau District Officer and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the village communities in the Anap-Muput FMU. 208 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Dialogue and Meeting with Community affected by Forest Plantation Development 1. Name of the Consultation: Community Dialogue and Meeting with Community affected by Forest Plantation Development. 2. Place and Date Held: Bintulu, Sarawak, 18-20 October 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss issues and problems faced by communities affected by forest plantation development. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bintulu, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to discuss problems faced by local communities affected by the Grand Perfect Forest Plantation Project. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the native communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the leaders and representatives of the communities living in the area and affected by forest plantation development. 209 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 28 October-2 November and 16-19 November 2007; and 23-27 March, 11-22 April, 9-15 May and 6-22 May 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To enable the Sustainable Forest Management Task Force to consult with the Long Benalih community on its objection to the access road for the Sela’an-Linau FMU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A series of six meetings held between 28 October 2007 and 22 May 2008 to enable the Sustainable Forest Management Task Force, Sela’an-Linau Forest Management FMU to consult with the Long Benalih community on its objection to the access road for the FMU which ended with recommendations from the Task Force. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 210 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Workshop on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Development in Malaysia ___________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Workshop on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Development in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, 29 November 2007. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) and the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide a platform for sharing of information and exchange of experiences relating to Traditional Knowledge (TK) issues and challenges in Malaysia, as well as identifying areas of priority for the formulation of policy and action plans for documenting forest TK for conservation of biodiversity in Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation where papers covering TK, intellectual property rights, access and equitable sharing of benefits, law and policy within international and national frameworks, and research and development activities, including the issue of funding were presented and deliberated. This included a paper presented by an Orang Asli non-governmental organization (NGO) representative. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 45 participants comprising 40 participants from the relevant government ministries, departments and agencies; and 5 participants from 3 Orang Asli NGOs, namely, the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns, Yayasan Orang Asli Perak and Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the respective organizations themselves. The Orang Asli NGOs were invited. 211 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation to Preserve Bukit Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur as Part of a Green Lung Network for the Wellbeing of Future Generations of City Dwellers __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation to Preserve Bukit Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur as Part of a Green Lung Network for the Wellbeing of Future Generations of City Dwellers. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, 1 December 2007-28 February 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) with support from the Badan Warisan Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To conserve the 70 ha of forest land located at Bukit Persekutuan as the main green lung and recreational area for communities living in the city. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bukit Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur). 6. Description of the Consultation: The modes of consultations involved dialogues and meetings with the stakeholders that incorporated the preparation of a position paper for submission to Kuala Lumpur City Hall (KLCH). It also included attending a consultation session organized by KLCH, together with the Badan Warisan Malaysia and relevant resident associations. 7. Type of organizations represented and number of participants: Government agencies involved were the Prime Minister’s Department, the Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing, the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) and the Town and Country Planning Department. Civil society organizations which participated were resident associations residing near Bukit Persekutuan and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 212 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 8 January and 21 February 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussions with local community leaders on forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) issues. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation with community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the extent of application of TK in the use of forest medicinal and aromatic plants and their willingness to participate in the proposed TK project to be implemented by FRIM. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: The first appraisal, held on 8 January 2008, involved a total of 11 participants with 4 TK researchers, 4 community leaders, and 3 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. The second appraisal that was held on 21 February 2008 involved a total of 15 participants comprising 4 TK researchers, 4 community leaders, 3 local TK experts, 1 youth representative, 1 nurse from the local clinic and 3 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The local TK experts, the community leaders, youth and nurse were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 213 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Dialogue and Meeting at Long Lamam, Upper Baram 1. Name of the Consultation: Community Dialogue and Meeting at Long Lamam, Upper Baram. 2. Place and Date Held: Long Lamam, 24-27 January 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss issues affecting the source of livelihood and problems faced by Penan communities. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Baram, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held to discuss the problems faced by local communities with regard to their source of livelihood. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the native communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders and representatives from the Penan community. 214 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 12 February and 12 March 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussions with local community leaders on forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) issues. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation with community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the extent of application of TK in the use of forest medicinal and aromatic plants and their willingness to participate in the proposed TK project to be implemented by FRIM. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: The first appraisal, held on12 February 2008, involved a total of 11 participants with 4 TK researchers, 2 community leaders, 3 local elders and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. The second appraisal that was held on 12 March 2008 involved 17 participants comprising 4 TK researchers, 7 community leaders, 4 local TK experts and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and elders were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 215 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop and Meeting on Forest Plantations ________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop and Meeting on Plantations. 2. Place and Date Held: Bintulu, Sarawak, 5-6 March 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss issues relating to forest plantation development. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bintulu, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: This was part of a series of workshops and meetings held in different places in Sarawak to discuss the problems faced by local communities with regard to forest plantation development in their areas. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from native communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders and representatives of the local communities living in the area. 216 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on Awareness Workshop at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang ________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on Awareness Workshop at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 17 March and 9 April 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussions with local community leaders on the holding of an awareness workshop on Traditional Knowledge (TK). Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 5. 6. Description of the Consultation: In the first consultation, community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department discussed the details in holding the awareness workshop on TK covering the date, time and venue; presentations and exhibition; transportation; and the publicity needed to attract villagers to attend the workshop. The second consultation was held to finalize the preparation on the proposed workshop. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: The first consultation, held on 17 March 2008, involved a total of 12 participants comprising 3 TK researchers, 6 community leaders, and 3 participants from the Orang Asli Development Department. The second consultation that was held on 9 April 2008 involved a total 15 participants with 2 TK researchers, 6 community leaders, 4 local TK experts and 3 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the participants from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 217 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 15 April 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Orang Asli Development Department and the RAMSAR Site Office in Pahang. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise Traditional Knowledge (TK) awareness among the Semelai Orang Asli in the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as the importance of TK protection in the context of forest certification; the concept of prior informed consent (PIC); Malaysia commitments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2004) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially on the need to sustainably use the biological resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and the implementation of a special TK project under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010), including the development of bio-technological products. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 160 participants with 10 researchers,12 community leaders, 8 local TK experts, 5 participants from the Orang Asli Development Department, 4 participants from the RAMSAR Site Office, 2 nurses, and 119 villagers. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, and the villagers were invited while the participants from the Orang Asli Development Department, the RAMSAR Site Office and the nurses were nominated by their respective organizations. 218 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on the Proposed Socio-economic Survey at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on the Proposed Socio-economic Survey at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 16 April 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussion with local community leaders on matters related to the planned socio-economic survey to be conducted by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to brief community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the aim of the socio-economic survey, the role of the Orang Asli and the assistance required from them, including the schedule of work. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 12 participants comprising 3 researchers, 4 community leaders, 4 local TK experts and 1 representative from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and the representative from the Orang Asli Development Department were invited. 219 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on Awareness Workshop at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on Awareness Workshop at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 29 April and 21 May 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussions with local community leaders on the holding of an awareness workshop on Traditional Knowledge (TK). 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: In the first consultation, FRIM researchers, community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department discussed the details in holding the awareness workshop on TK covering the date, time and venue; presentations and exhibition; transportation; and the publicity needed to attract villagers to attend the workshop. The second consultation was held to finalize the preparation on the awareness workshop. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: The first consultation, held on 29 April 2008, involved a total of 17 participants with 4 TK researchers, 5 community leaders, 5 local TK experts and 3 participants from the Orang Asli Development Department. The second consultation that was held on 21 May 2008 involved a total of 15 participants comprising 3 TK researchers, 4 community leaders, 6 local TK experts and 2 participants from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 220 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 10 June 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Orang Asli Development Department and the State Park of Perak. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise Traditional Knowledge (TK) awareness among the Jahai/Temiar Orang Asli in the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as the importance of TK protection in the context of forest certification; the concept of prior informed consent (PIC); Malaysia commitments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2004) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially on the need to sustainably use the biological resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and the implementation of a special TK project under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010), including the development of bio-technological products. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 158 participants comprising 10 researchers, 7 community leaders, 10 local TK experts, 5 participants from the Orang Asli Development Department, 1 representative each from the Perak State Park, the District Education Department, Gerik, and the headmaster of the Banun Regroupment Scheme’s primary school, with the balance of 123 participants being villagers. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and villagers were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department, the Perak State Park, the Gerik District Education Department and the headmaster of the Banun Regroupment Scheme’s primary school were nominated by their respective organizations. 221 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on the Proposed Socio-economic Survey at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on the Proposed Socio-economic Survey at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 7 July 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussion with local community leaders on matters related to the planned socio-economic survey to be conducted by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to brief community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the aim of the socio-economic survey, the role of the Orang Asli and the assistance required from them, including the schedule of work. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 15 participants comprising 3 researchers, 6 community leaders, 4 TK experts and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and TK experts were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 222 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 30 July and 29 August 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult local community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the concept of prior informed consent (PIC), and the reasons why PIC is needed from local community as well as their response to the proposed PIC prepared by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: In the first consultation, FRIM presented its draft PIC to the community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department and to solicit comments and feed-back from them. At the second consultation, FRIM presented the amended version of PIC to the local communities and the staff of the Orang Asli Development Department for further comments. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: In the first consultation, held on 30 July 2008, a total of 20 participants with 4 researchers, 7 community leaders, 6 local TK experts and 3 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were involved. At the second consultation, held on 29 August 2008, a total of 21 participants comprising 4 TK researchers, 8 community leaders, 5 local TK experts and 4 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department attended. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the participants from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 223 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sarawak Native Association Leaders Dialogue on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade-Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA) ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sarawak Native Association Leaders Dialogue on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade-Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 2 August 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Rurum Kelabit Sarawak. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To give an understanding on what FLEGT is about and to solicit the views of the Sarawak Native Association on the VPA. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A dialogue held to provide a full understanding of the FLEGT-VPA and how its terms and implementation would impact local communities. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: The dialogue was attended by 20 leaders representing the main native associations in Sarawak. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the leaders of the native ethnic associations in Sarawak. 224 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on the Planting of Rhu laut (Casuarina equisetifolia) in Kg Cheruk Paluh, Kuantan District, Pahang __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on the Planting of Rhu laut (Casuarina equisetifolia) in Kg. Cheruk Paluh, Kuantan District, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuantan, Pahang, 11 August and 4 December 2008, and 5 February 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Institute of Foresters Malaysia with support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, the Pahang State Forestry Department (Forest Silviculture Unit of West Pahang), and the Head of Kg. Cheruk Paluh. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To solicit the support from the Pahang State Forestry Department and local communities in the planting of Rhu laut (Casuarina equisetifolia) along the country shorelines. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kuantan, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: Three formal consultation meetings were held to select the planting site, estimate the cost involved and determine the date of planting, including the stakeholders to be involved, as well as to prepare the Terms of Reference (ToR) for each of the organizers. This culminated in the planting of about 900 Rhu laut seedlings on a 1.7 ha area of Kg. Cheruk Paluh beach in Kuantan, Pahang on 12 August 2009 which was officiated by the YB Dato’ Hj Shafik Fauzan bin Sharif, the State Executive Council Member for Tourism, Cultural and Heritage, Family Planning and Women Affairs cum the elected State Representative for Kg. Cheruk Paluh. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The three consultations mainly involved the Institute of Foresters Malaysia Task Force, staff of the Pahang State Forestry Department and the Head of Kg. Cheruk Paluh; while a total of 150 participants was involved in the planting comprising, among others, the Pahang State Forestry Department (Forest Silviculture Unit of West Pahang), the Head and local community of Kg. Cheruk Paluh, and school children and teachers from Sekolah Menengah Abdul Rahman Talib (SMART), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tg. Lumpur and Sekolah Rendah Cheruk Paluh. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective organizations 225 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) Consultation with Civil Society on Native Land Rights _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) Consultations on Native Land Rights. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 12 August 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To meet civil society and to solicit feedback on Native Land Rights (NCR), including problems faced in documentation. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A fact-finding dialogue with civil society on NCR and the problems faced by them in documentation of such rights. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from Suhakam, Leaders of Ethnic (native) Associations, community leaders, Temmenggong, penghulu and village heads. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from civil society and traditional leaders of the native communities in Sarawak. 226 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Seminar on the International and National Perspectives on Native Customary Land Rights in Sarawak 1. Name of the Consultation: Seminar on the International and National Perspectives on Native customary Land Rights in Sarawak. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuching, Sarawak, 12 August 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To disseminate information and to launch the Suhakam Report on Legal Perspectives on Native Customary Rights (NCR) in Sarawak. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A seminar held to build capacity through sharing of knowledge with the community which was part of the responsibility of Suhakam. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from native communities in Sarawak, as well as those representing other agencies, but the majority were members of the native communities in Sarawak. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants came from state agencies, institutions of higher learning and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 227 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Vision and Mission for the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Vision, Mission for the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 23 September 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the vision and mission of Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme in relation to Tradition Knowledge (TK). 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to assist the local community to elaborate on their vision and mission related to TK and the rationale for having them. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 15 participants comprising 2 researchers, 7 community leaders, 5 local TK experts and 1 representative from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the representative from the Orang Asli Development Department was nominated by the Department. 228 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. First Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: First Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE). 2. Place and Date Held: Putrajaya, Malaysia, 30 October 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) with support from the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss PIC issues among government departments and agencies together with the Semelai Orang Asli from the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held by the MNRE and relevant government departments and agencies with the Semelai Orang Asli from the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang on the issue of PIC. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 17 representatives participated in the consultation involving 3 participants from the MNRE, 6 from FRIM, 2 from the Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia, 2 from the Orang Asli Development Department, 2 from the Semelai Association for Boating and Tourism (SABOT) and 2 from the RAMSAR Site Office in Tasek Bera. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. However, the representatives from the RAMSAR Site Office and SABOT were invited. 229 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Second Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Second Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE). 2. Place and Date Held: Putrajaya, Malaysia, 27 November 2008. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) with support from the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss PIC issues between government ministries, departments and agencies with Orang Asli representatives. 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held between the MNRE and relevant government departments and agencies with the Orang Asli representatives from the Iskandar Regroupment Schemes, Tasek Bera, Pahang on the manner through which PIC could be secured. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 13 participants with 9 representing the relevant government ministries, departments and agencies, such as those from the MNRE, FRIM, the various Forestry Departments in Peninsular Malaysia, and the Orang Asli Development Department; 2 community leaders representing the Orang Asli from the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang; and one representative each from the RAMSAR Site Office in Tasek Bera and the Semelai Association of Boating and Tourism (SABOT). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. However, the representatives from the RAMSAR Site Office and SABOT were invited. 230 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop and Dialogue on Plantations in Marudi __________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop and Dialogue on Plantations in Marudi. 2. Place and Date Held: Marudi, 23-24 January 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness and disseminate information on large-scale plantations. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Marudi, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop and dialogue held to raise awareness and disseminate information on large-scale plantations to natives and the affected communities, such as the Grand Perfect Forest Plantation. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from communities that are affected by large scale-plantations in Marudi. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from community representatives and opinion-makers from the various native communities living in the area. 231 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Workshop on Native Customary Land Rights in Malaysia ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Workshop on Native Land Rights in Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 12 February 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia (Jaringan Orang Asal Se-Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consider the status of land rights in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held to discuss among the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) which were involved in capacity building among local communities, as well as to deliberate on the regional status of land rights and to equip them with the legal knowledge on Native Customary Rights (NCR). 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Members of the Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the various NGOs that were part of the Indigenous Peoples Network from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. 232 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Meeting with Indigenous Peoples: District Forest Office, East Johore _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Meeting with Indigenous Peoples: District Forest Office, East Johore. 2. Place and Date Held: Mersing, Johore, 9 April 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Johore State Forestry Department with support from the East Johore District Forest Office. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further enhance a better understanding of forestry issues and strengthen the cooperation between the State Forestry Department and the Orang Asli Development Department, as well as the indigenous peoples living in and around the vicinity of forested areas. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held to discuss forestry issues with the representatives from the indigenous peoples in East Johore District, such as the depletion of roaming areas, increase of forest encroachment, and the establishment of ‘RAKAN HUTAN’ to counter forest encroachment and strengthen the cooperation with the indigenous peoples to assist in monitoring illegal forest activities, for example, animal poaching and the removal of forest products. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 22 participants with 9 participants from the Johore State Forestry Department and the East Johore District Forest Office; 1 participant from the Orang Asli Development Department; and 12 participants representing the indigenous peoples. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the Johore State Forestry Department, the Orang Asli Development Department and the leaders of the indigenous peoples (Tok Batin). 233 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Development of Community Participation Guidelines for Incorporation in Forest Management Plans __________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Development of Community Participation Guidelines for Incorporation in Forest Management Plans. 2. Place and Date Held: Marudi, Sarawak, 20-27 April 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult with communities on the impact of logging and plantation activities. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Marudi, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation with communities on the impact of logging and plantation activities. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC, the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community in the villages along the Baram, namely Long Bemang, Long Bedian, Long Atip, Long Latei, Long Kevok, Long Siang, Ba Puak and Long Leng, 234 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop and Dialogue on Monoculture and Forest Plantations _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop and Dialogue on Monoculture and Forest Plantations 2. Place and Date Held: Bintulu, Sarawak, 7-8 May 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness and disseminate information on large-scale plantations and to discuss the impact of monocultures on land use. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bintulu, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A two-day workshop held as part of a series of trainings for natives and affected communities to discuss the impact of monocultures on land use which culminated in the establishment of an Action Committee against Grand Perfect Forest Plantation. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from communities that are affected by large-scale plantations, in particular the Grand Perfect Forest Plantation. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders and representatives of local communities. 235 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on the MoU between FRIM and the Orang Asli Development Department at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on the MoU between FRIM and the Orang Asli Development Department at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 29 May and 14 August 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To present progress in developing prior informed consent (PIC) and the draft contents of the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FRIM and the Orang Asli Development Department, as well as to finalize the contents of the MOU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation with community leaders on the draft contents of the proposed MOU between FRIM and the Orang Asli Development Department. At the second consultation held on 14 August 2009 the focus was on the finalization of the MoU, as well as discussion on obtaining PIC from the estimated 400 Orang Asli household heads in the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 30 participants with 4 TK researchers, 7 community leaders,17 local TK experts and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department participated at the first consultation held on 29 May 2009. At the second consultation held on 14 August 2009, a total of 25 participants with 3 researchers, 5 community leaders, 15 local TK experts and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department attended. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 236 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop and Training on Community Mapping __________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop and Training on Community Mapping. 2. Place and Date Held: Slim River, Perak, 15-24 June 2009. 3. Lead Organization: Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS) with the support from the Communication Centre for Human Rights or Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To train Orang Asli community in mapping techniques and the use of Geographical Positioning System device for community mapping. 5. Level of Consultation: State Level (Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: The workshop organized by Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (meaning, New Life One Heart) and supported by KOMAS was attended by members of the Orang Asli community. It was part of the local training that was carried out annually with the local communities since 2005. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Members of indigenous Orang Asli communities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the local community and relevant NGOs. 237 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Capacity Building Workshop ___________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Community Capacity Building Workshop 2. Place and Date held: Baram, Sarawak, 10-12 August 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Integrated Development for Eco-Friendly and Appropriate Lifestyle (IDEAL) with support from the Stichting FERN, United Kingdom. 4. Objectives of the Consultation: To deliberate on community awareness and rights affirmation. 5. Level of Consultation: Local Level (Baram, Sarawak). 6 Description of the Consultation: The workshop was conduct at the request of the local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in order to equip indigenous people and local communities at Ba Abang with knowledge and information to assist them in their struggle over their customary rights. This was part of a series of workshops conducted over a period of three years for the Penan in Baram and Limbang areas where they encountered encroachment of communal forest and Native Customary Rights (NCR) land. The contents of the workshop, including the Rights of the International Intellectual Property, relevant articles of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), constitutional rights and legal cases; oral history and adat; government development policy and its impacts on people. The outputs were a plan for action for community to obtain basic rights of services, such as mapping of community land, transportation for school children, identity card registration, pre-school education, health and water supply. Follow up workshops were conducted in May 2010, as well as in May and July 2011. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The participants were representatives of local villages, with a total number of 14 formal participants and 30-40 observers from the host community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The invitation was sent to the villages of the middle Baram Penan Community, and the participants themselves were nominated by the community. 238 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Seminar on Indigenous People Issues: Orang Asli Intellectual Property Rights _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Seminar on Indigenous People Issues: Orang Asli Intellectual Property Rights. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18 August 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, University of Malaya. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To enhance the knowledge of participants on the various aspects of indigenous communities and indigenous knowledge systems. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A seminar held to enhance the knowledge of participants on the various aspects of indigenous communities and indigenous knowledge systems. The resource person was Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Hood Salleh. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the relevant government departments and agencies, such as the Orang Asli Affairs Department (now known as the Orang Asli Development Department), academia, and Orang Asli. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were form the Orang Asli Affairs Department, academia, and Orang Asli. 239 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 15 September 2009. 3. Lead Organization: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the concept of prior informed consent (PIC), and the reasons why PIC is needed from local community as well as their response to the proposed PIC prepared by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation where FRIM presented its draft PIC to the community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department and to solicit comments and feed-back from them. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 17 participants comprising 3 researchers, 5 community leaders, 7 local TK experts and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the participants from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 240 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 24 September and 12 October 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further discuss issues related to PIC with community leaders and to finalize the second draft of PIC prepared by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to brief the local community leaders on the latest development of PIC and to further discuss issues related to PIC where FRIM presented its second draft PIC to the community leaders, culminating in its acceptance by the Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang, at the consultation held on 12 October 2009. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: At the first consultation held on 24 September 2009, a total of 20 participants with 3 experts in the field of traditional knowledge, 16 community leaders, and 1 participant from the Orang Asli Development Department participated. At the second consultation held on 12 October 2009, a total of 21 participants with 3 TK researchers, 17 community leaders, and 1 participant from the Orang Asli Development Department attended. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The experts in the field of traditional knowledge and the community leaders were invited while the participants from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 241 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue among the Squatters inside the Bonggaya Forest Reserve and Sabah Forestry Department Officials. __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue among the Squatters inside the Bonggaya Forest Reserve and Sabah Forestry Department Officials. 2. Place and Date Held: Beluran, Sabah, 29 September 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Sabah Forestry Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To identify the problems faced by the squatters inside the Bonggaya Forest Reserve and to formulate an action plan in accordance with the provisions under the current laws related to Forest Community Project. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Sabah). 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc dialogue held between the Sabah Forestry Department officials and the squatters living inside the Bonggaya Forest Reserve. The purpose of the dialogue was to disseminate information on the policy of the State Government of Sabah and the Department’s vision in managing and conserving the forest resources in Sabah. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 58 participants with 8 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies, and the remaining 50 participants representing the local communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 242 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Forum 2009 - “Forest, Land & People: An Opportunity for Understanding” __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Forum 2009 “Forest, Land & People: An Opportunity for Understanding”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-15 October 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Malaysian Forest Dialogue (MFD) Steering Committee comprising the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia; Malaysian Timber Council (MTC); Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC); WWF-Malaysia; Malaysian Nature Society (MNS); Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia (BCSDM); Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC); Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB); Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA); and the Sarawak Timber Association (STA); and jointly organized with the Centre for Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To explore practical ideas for managing claims and disputes related to forest, land and indigenous peoples’ rights, as well as proposals for land claims and conflict resolution. It also sought to explore avenues for community-industry collaboration, and to promote better understanding between stakeholders. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A platform to promote active engagement among various stakeholders within the Malaysian forestry and timber sectors. Topics covered would unable participants to obtain a better understanding of the global perspective, the driving forces and market requirements, and the practical realities of implementing sustainable forest management in Malaysia. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 98 participants with 32 participants from government ministries, agencies and departments; 45 participants from economic interest groups; 13 participants from environmental interest groups; and 8 participants from social interest groups. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organization was based on a consultation process while participants themselves were based on a self-selection process. 243 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 1) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 1). 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 20-23 October 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To train the Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang, in documentation and specimen collection. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to train 22 Orang Asli in specimen collection in a scientific manner involving cutting and pressing of plant parts before drying, and documenting their knowledge, such as local name, characteristics of plants, collectors’ name, plant part uses, etc. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 22 Orang Asli comprising community leaders, woman and youth were involved in the training conducted by 4 researchers from FRIM with 4 research assistants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were invited. 244 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge (TK) _________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge (TK). 2. Place and Date Held: Kepong, Selangor, 10 December 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide a platform to discuss TK issues and research and development (R&D) findings of the TK project conducted by FRIM, including sharing of information and exchange of experiences relating to TK issues and challenges in Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: An ad-hoc consultation where 9 papers were presented and deliberated covering experiences, issues and challenges related to TK, including the hosting of 5 exhibition booths by the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), FRIM, the Orang Asli Development Department, and the Orang Asli themselves. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 145 participants with 115 participants representing the relevant government ministries, departments and agencies; 10 local TK experts; 14 participants from the Orang Asli communities; and 10 participants representing the Orang Asli nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), namely, the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns, the Perak Orang Asli Network (Jaringan Orang Asal Perak), and environmental NGOs, namely, the Malaysian Nature Society and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective organizations. However, the Orang Asli NGOs and environmental NGOs were invited. 245 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Level Conference on Orang Asli Land Rights ______________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Level Conference on Orang Asli Land Rights. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13–16 December 2009. 3. Lead Organization: The Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Village Network (Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia), with support from the Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS), Pusat Komuniti Masyarakat (KOMAS) or Communication Centre for Human Rights, and the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam). 4. Objectives of the Consultation: To discuss and understand Orang Asli claim on ancestral/customary land and to demonstrate that such land can be demarcated on the ground via community mapping, as well as to further strengthen the understanding of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) provisions with regard to respect and recognition of lands, territories and resources of the Indigenous Peoples, and to strategise claims for Orang Asli land rights. 5. Level of Consultation: National level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A conference held to discuss and understand the Orang Asli struggle to claim their rights to ancestral/customary land and highlight to the authorities land rights issues facing the Orang Asli and to resolve accordingly; as well as to prove that Orang Asli land can be demarcated on the ground via community mapping. It also served to further strengthen the understanding of the UNDRIP provisions with regard to respect and recognition of lands, territories and resources of the indigenous peoples and to strategise claims for Orang Asli land rights. The conference agreed to hold a peaceful assembly in Putrajaya to hand over a memorandum of protest during the Parliamentary session on 17 March 2010 which was prepared based on the resolutions of the conference. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: A total of 141 participants, including members of the Orang Asli Network from different states in Malaysia, representatives from the relevant government departments and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam), the Malaysian Bar Council, and members of Parliament. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants from state level village networks were selected by community organizers/local leaders from each network while the NGOs were based on their involvement on Orang Asli matters. The government representatives were people who were involved with Orang Asli issues and that of the Members of Parliament were nominated by the organizers of the conference. 246 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on Rapid Rural Appraisal among Semai Orang Asli in Perak __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on Rapid Rural Appraisal among Semai Orang Asli in Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Tapah, Perak, 11 and 26 January, and 9 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To identify project site among the Semai Orang Asli villages in Perak for the FRIM’s Traditional Knowledge (TK) project. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tapah, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: Three consultations were held on 11 January, 26 January and 9 February 2010 with the Semai Orang Asli in Kg. Rasau, Kg. Pos Tenau and Kg. Bersih, and Kg. Musuh respectively for implementing the FRIM’s TK project. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 5 government officials were involved comprising 4 researchers from FRIM and 1 officer from the Orang Asli Development Department. The number of Orang Asli participants involved was 5 in Kg. Rasau, 3 in Kg. Pos Tenau, 4 in Kg. Bersih and 2 in Kg. Musuh. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participant from the Orang Asli Development Department was invited, while the Orang Asli participants were community leaders. 247 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on the Planting of Mangrove in Compartment 465, Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve, Johore _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on the Planting of Mangrove in Compartment 465, Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve, Johore. 2. Place and Date Held: Johore Baharu, Johore, 25-26 January and 12-13 May 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Institute of Foresters Malaysia with support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, the Johore State Forestry Department, and the Tanjung Pelepas Port, Johore (PTP). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness on the importance to conserve and protect coastal mangrove forests and enhance the sources of income of the local community through conservation of mangrove forests, as well as the planting of mangrove. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Johore Baru, Johore). 6. Description of the Consultation: Two formal consultation meetings were held to select the planting site, estimate the cost involved and determine the date of planting, including the stakeholders to be involved, as well as to prepare the Terms of Reference (ToR) for each of the organizers. This culminated in the planting of about 2,500 seedlings of nyireh bunga (Xilocarpus granatum), nyireh batu (Xilocarpus moluccensis), bakau kurap (Rhizophora mucronata) and bakau minyak (Rhizophora apiculata) on a 2 ha area in Compartment 465, Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve, Johore on 3 July 2010. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The two consultations mainly involved members of the Institute of Foresters Malaysia, staff of the Johore State Forestry Department, the South Johore Forestry District Office and the Johore Baharu Marine Department, representatives from the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), and local community leaders. During the planting on 3 July 2010, a total of 218 participants was involved comprising the Johore State Forestry Department and its South Johore Forestry District Office, Tanjung Pelepas Port, Johore (PTP), the Malaysian Southern Region Marine Department, the Johore Department of National Unity and Integration and its Local Council of Gelang Patah Sub-district, the Johore Department of Public Defence, the Johore National Park Corporation, the Head of Mukim Tanjung Kupang (Bestari), Seaport Worldwide, MNS Johore, Wetland International, Malaysia, and 5 local schools in Johore, namely, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Gelang Patah, Tanjung Adang, Taman Nusajaya, Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar, and Taman Desa Sekudai. 248 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by their respective organizations. 249 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Training at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 2) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Training at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 2). 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 29 January 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To present project progress and discuss TK documentation training under Phase 2. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation with community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the nature of training, as well as the preparation for TK documentation training. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 20 participants with 3 researchers, 5 community leaders, 11 local TK experts and 1 representative from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local TK experts were invited while the representative from the Orang Asli Development Department was nominated by the Department. 250 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 2) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang (Phase 2). 2. Place and Date Held: Tasek Bera, Pahang, 2-4 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide further documentation and specimen collection training to the Orang Asli at the Iskandar Regroupment Scheme, Tasek Bera, Pahang. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tasek Bera, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation where 17 Orang Asli were trained by ethno-botanist from FRIM covering how to gum and sew the drying specimens collected for herbarium purposes, especially for the FRIM Herbarium, and the special collection of selected specimens by the community for laboratory analysis based on their potential commercial value. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 17 Orang Asli comprising community leaders, woman and youth were involved in the training conducted by 4 researchers from FRIM with 4 research assistants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were invited. 251 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Native/Aboriginal Customary Land Rights _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Native/Aboriginal Customary Land Rights. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-6 February 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To understand the legal dimensions of customary land rights of indigenous communities in Malaysia and the challenges and strategies used in securing these rights from the Malaysian executive, legislative and judicial processes. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A national workshop held to discuss and understand the complexity of issues affecting indigenous land rights and to promote a network of social, political and legal activists who were committed to advance the rights of the indigenous communities to their customary land. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Indigenous communities, academia, students, policy makers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), artists and film producers. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Representation from the native communities was invited together with the academia, and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and political and legal activists working on the issues of land rights. 252 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Suitable Semai Orang Asli Community for Project Implementation in Perak _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Suitable Semai Orang Asli Community for Project Implementation in Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Bidor, Perak, 11 March 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To determine suitable Semai Orang Asli community for project implementation in Perak. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bidor, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held with the Perak Orang Asli Network (Jaringan Orang Asal Perak) at Kg. Chang, Bidor, Perak, to explore the possibility for the involvement of the Semai Orang Asli community in project implementation with FRIM. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 5 persons was involved with 2 researches from FRIM and 3 Orang Asli from the Perak Orang Asli Network. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participants from the represented organizations were selected by their respective organizations. 253 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisals at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisals at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gopeng, Perak, 7 April and 21 June 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To undertake discussions with local community leaders on forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) issues. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gopeng, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation with community leaders and staff of the Orang Asli Development Department on the extent of application of TK in the use of forest medicinal and aromatic plants and their willingness to participate in the proposed TK project to be implemented by FRIM. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 6 participants with 3 researchers from FRIM, 1 elder from the Perak Orang Asli Network (Jaringan Orang Asal Perak), and 2 community leaders attended in each of the consultations held on 7 April and 21 June 2010. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and the elder were invited. 254 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak (Phase 1) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge in the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak (Phase 1). 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 4-6 May 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To train Orang Asli in the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak, in documentation and specimen collection. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to train 25 Orang Asli in specimen collection in a scientific manner involving cutting and pressing of plant parts before drying, and documenting their knowledge, such as local name, characteristics of plants, collectors’ name, plant part uses, etc. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 25 Orang Asli comprising community leaders, woman and youth were involved in the training conducted by 6 researchers from FRIM with 4 research assistants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were invited. 255 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Community Dialogue and Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee Meeting in the Anap–Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Community Dialogue and Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee Meeting in the Anap–Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU), Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 25-26 May 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce Forest Landscape Restoration Program. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to enable the local community to have a better understanding of what was involved in the forest landscape restoration program. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community. 256 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gopeng, Perak, 8 June 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Orang Asli Development Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise Traditional Knowledge (TK) awareness and involvement among the Semai Orang Asli at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gopeng, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as the importance of TK protection in the context of forest certification; the concept of prior informed consent (PIC); Malaysia commitments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2004) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially on the need to sustainably use the biological resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and the implementation of a special TK project under the Ninth and Tenth Malaysia Plans, including the development of biotechnological products. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 44 participants comprising 5 Community leaders, 5 local TK experts and 32 villagers were involved, as well as 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and the villagers were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 257 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Development and Orang Asli Customary Lands _________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Development and Orang Asli Customary Lands. 2. Place and Date Held: Kampar, Perak, 11 July 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Perak Orang Asli Foundation (Yayasan Orang Asli Perak). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss issues and challenges in Orang Asli land development in the context of native or aboriginal title. 5. Level of Consultation: State Level (Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A forum held to discuss Orang Asli land in the context of government development policy. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from Orang Asli villages in Perak and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as the United Pasokomomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organization, representatives from the Malaysia Timber Certification Council (MTC), and academia. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn mainly from Orang Asli representatives in Perak. 258 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak (Phase 2) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak (Phase 2). 2. Place and Date Held: Gerik, Perak, 13-15 July 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To provide further documentation and specimen collection training to the Orang Asli at the Banun Regroupment Scheme, Gerik, Perak. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gerik, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation where 25 selected Orang Asli were trained by ethno-botanist from FRIM covering how to gum and sew the drying specimens collected for herbarium purposes, especially for the FRIM Herbarium, and the special collection of selected specimens by the community for laboratory analysis based on their potential commercial value. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 25 Orang Asli comprising community leaders, woman and youth were involved in the training conducted by 6 researchers from FRIM with 4 research assistants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were invited. 259 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in the AnapMuput Forest Management Unit (FMU): Anap-Muput Sustainable Development Unit, Tatau __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee in Anap-Muput Forest Management Unit (FMU): Anap-Muput Sustainable Development Unit, Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 18-20 October 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult on the formation of the Anap Sustainable Development Unit that incorporated a large area of the Anap-Muput FMU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A consultation held to establish the Anap Sustainable Development Unit that incorporated a large area of the Anap-Muput FMU. It involved a dialogue with the community, the dissolution of the Sustainable Forest Management Liaison Committee, and the formalization of the new Anap Sustainable Development Unit Liaison Committee together with the election of new office bearers. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Representatives from the SFC and the community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the community living in the Anap-Muput FMU area. 260 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge Stakeholders Analysis Workshop ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge Stakeholders Analysis Workshop. 2. Place and Date Held: Kepong, Selangor, 27 October 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) issues with agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities 5. Level of Consultation: Regional level (Peninsular Malaysia). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as policy and laws related to access and benefits sharing arising from the use of biological resources; the commercialization of TK; contract between stakeholders and mechanism for sharing of benefits; and better enforcement and product harvesting through herbal impact assessment before timber harvesting or land conversion. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 36 participants comprising 16 participants representing the relevant government departments and agencies; 8 Orang Asli community leaders; 7 participants from Orang Asli non-governmental organizations (NGOs), namely, the Yayasan Orang Asli Perak, Gerai Orang Asli, the Perak Orang Asli Network (Jaringan Orang Asal Perak), and 5 participants representing the environmental NGOs, namely, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Malaysia and Biodiversity International. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were selected by their respective organizations. However, the Orang Asli community leaders were invited. 261 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 11-14 November 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC) with support from the Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, University of Malaya. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce and discuss conflict resolution guidelines to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities and to solicit their comments. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop conducted to introduce and discuss the conflict resolution guidelines that were drawn up by social experts for comments by the parties who might be affected or who might use the guidelines in their work. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: This workshop was attended by more than 20 participants involving the SFC, industry representatives, NGOs and representatives of the ethnic (native) associations in Sarawak. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the various organizations were invited based on the proposals by their own organizations. Most of the local community representatives were leaders of their associations or village heads. 262 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Workshop on Native Title: Principles, Claims, and Procedure ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Workshop on Native title: Principles, Claims and Procedure. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 November 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Bar Council's Committee on Orang Asli Rights (BCCOAR). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To disseminate knowledge and expose young lawyers to the issue on Orang Asli land rights, as well as to empower the Orang Asli themselves. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held to disseminate knowledge and expose young lawyers to the issue on Orang Asli land rights which was part of the Malaysian Bar Council continuing effort in educating the public and Orang Asli on land fights. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Majority of the participants were Orang Asli and young lawyers, and members of the Malaysian Bar Council. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from members of the Malaysian Bar Council, civil society who work with Orang Asli, academia and Orang Asli representatives. 263 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. International Conference on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP): Implementation and Challenges _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: International Conference on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP): Implementation and Challenges. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 November 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies with support from the Centre of Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Law, University of Malaya, and the European Forest Institute (EFI). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the impact of the Declaration, the implementation within the international human rights framework, the current realities confronting indigenous peoples and the standards established to address indigenous peoples’ issues, as well as to create awareness of indigenous peoples’ knowledge systems and rights, and legislative reforms and policy formulation with regard to indigenous peoples in Malaysia. 5. Level of Consultation: International Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The conference brought together national and international experts and indigenous peoples in Malaysia to discuss issues in implementing the UNDRIP. It considered policies, practices and experiences at the international level which would provide useful references and inputs to meet the obstacles and challenges in the effective implementation and incorporation of the provisions into domestic laws. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: More than 100 participants comprising academia, representatives from the relevant government departments and agencies, the Malaysian Bar Council, and indigenous people organizations; other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and students. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: A wide range of participants were drawn from the academia, civil society representatives, members of the Malaysian Bar Council and indigenous community representatives. 264 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Leadership Training and Workshop on Native Customary Rights (NCR) and Community Resource Management in Bintulu _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Leadership Training and Workshop on Native Customary Rights (NCR) and Community Resource Management in Bintulu. 2. Place and Date Held: Bintulu, Sarawak, 4 December 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise awareness on basic legal rights on NCR and build capacity to mobilize community initiatives to practise sustainable use of community resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bintulu, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A training and workshop held to provide space for community reporting and share experiences on current logging and plantation development in the various areas in Bintulu. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Members of the local community. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Leaders and representatives were drawn from the native groups living in the area. 265 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Awareness Workshop on Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management in the Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Awareness Workshop on Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management in the Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. 2. Place and Date Held: Long Lellang, Sarawak, 7-16 December 2010. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC) with support from the Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, University of Malaya. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce conflict resolution guidelines to the local communities in the Sela’an-Linau FMU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A workshop held to dialogue and consult with the Penan and Kelabit communities who were directly involved with the Sela’anLinau FMU, as well as to solicit their feedback on the usefulness and practicability of the conflict resolution guidelines. The dialogue was facilitated by the Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, University of Malaya. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The workshop was attended by more than 20 participants from the SFC and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). It also included the representatives from the villages located in the FMU. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the both the Penan and Kelabit villages were invited. They were represented by their Tua kampong and other members of their Village Security and Development Committee, including women. 266 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. National Dialogue on Climate Change, Forests and Indigenous Peoples, focusing on Reducing Carbon Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Sustainable Management of Forests, Conservation of Forest Carbon Stocks, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: National Dialogue on Climate Change, Forests and Indigenous Peoples, focusing on Reducing Carbon Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Sustainable Management of Forests, Conservation of Forest Carbon Stocks, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+). 2. Place and Date Held: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 24 January 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia (MNRE) with support from the Friends of the Earth Malaysia (Sahabat Alam Malaysia). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To inform key stakeholders of the state of REDD+ negotiation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and to provide an update on the Malaysian position on the various REDD+ financing proposals, including the status of the Malaysian REDD+ projects. 5. Level of Consultation: National Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: A national dialogue held to take stock of the experience of REDD+-readiness projects in Malaysia as well as in other countries, and to provide a forum for civil society and forest-dependent communities to share their views and insights and for these actors to explore the possibilities of direct engagement with the government. The dialogue also discussed the threats, challenges, and integrity of the carbon market approach in REDD+ implementation. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: The representatives from the relevant government ministries, departments and agencies, environmentalists and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives were drawn from forest dependent communities, social activists and civil society groups, as well as state agencies. 267 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. International Conference on "The Law on Customary Lands, Territories and Resource Rights: Bridging the Implementation Gap” _____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: International Conference on "The Law on Customary Lands, Territories and Resource Rights: Bridging the Implementation Gap”. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-26 January 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Centre for Malaysian Indigenous Studies, University of Malaya, with support from the EFI’s EU FLEGT Asia Regional Support Program, the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and the Malaysian Bar Council. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss the laws on lands, territories and resources, including possible reforms for bridging the implementation gap between laws, judicial decisions and recognition of rights. 5. Level of Consultation: International Level. 6. Description of the Consultation: The conference was held to provide a platform for knowledge creation through an open discussion on the laws on lands, territories and resources, as well as on possible reforms for bridging the implementation gap between laws, judicial decisions and recognition of rights. This would generate a deeper understanding of the laws and impacts of policy on the ground and enhance the capacity of indigenous people groups to explore management options and innovative solutions to the issues confronting them. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Representatives from the relevant government departments and agencies, indigenous people groups, academia, lawyers, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Open invitation to state agencies, academia, NGOs and the general public. 268 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisals in Pahang ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisals in Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Krau and Pekan, Pahang, 23-25 March 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss and enlist the involvement of the Orang Asli Development Department as well as the Jahut and Jakun Orang Asli in the Traditional Knowledge (TK) project conducted by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kuala Krau and Pekan, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held with the Orang Asli Development Department and the Jahut and Jakun Orang Asli in Kg. Paya Mendoi, Kuala Krau, and Kg. Bangkong, Pekan, covering the background of the TK project conducted by FRIM and to enlist the involvement of the Jahut and Jakun Orang Asli in the project. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 10 participants with 3 TK researchers from FRIM, 5 community leaders and 2 officers from the Orang Asli Development Department were involved. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders were invited while the participants from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 269 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak. 2. Place and Date Held: Gopeng, Perak, 29 March 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss and enlist the involvement of Semai Orang Asli in the Traditional Knowledge (TK) project conducted by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gopeng, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held with the Semai Orang Asli covering the background of the TK project conducted by FRIM and to enlist the involvement of the Semai Orang Asli in the project. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 11 participants with 3 TK researchers from FRIM, 5 community leaders and 3 local experts. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders and local experts were invited. 270 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultations on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at Kuala Langat, Selangor ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultations on Forest Traditional Knowledge (TK) Rapid Rural Appraisal at Kuala Langat, Selangor. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Langat, Selangor, 30 March and 8 April 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To discuss with the Orang Asli Development Department and to enlist the involvement of Temuan Orang Asli in the planned activities of the awareness workshop on Traditional Knowledge (TK) to be organized by FRIM. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kuala Langat, Selangor). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held with the Temuan Orang Asli covering the background of the TK project conducted by FRIM and to enlist their involvement in the project, especially in the planned activities of the awareness workshop on TK. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 19 participants with 3 researches from FRIM, 2 Orang Asli leaders, 3 local TK expert, 10 representing the Village Security and Development Committee and 1 officer from the Orang Asli Development Department were involved in the consultation held on 30 March 2011. At the consultation held on 8 April 2011, a total of 5 participants with 3 TK researchers from FRIM, 1 Orang Asli leader and 1 officer from the Orang Asli Development Department participated. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 271 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge) at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak (Phase 1) _______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak (Phase 1). 2. Place and Date Held: Gopeng, Perak, 12-14 April 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To train the Semai Orang Asli in documentation and specimen collection. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gopeng, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to train 20 Orang Asli in specimen collection in a scientific manner involving cutting and pressing of plant parts before drying, and documenting their knowledge, such as local name, characteristics of plants, collectors’ name, plant part uses, etc. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 20 participants comprising community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were involved in the training conducted by 4 researchers from FRIM with 6 research assistants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were invited. 272 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples in Kg. Ulu Lakai, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan __________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples in Kg. Ulu Lakai, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. 2. Place and Date Held: Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan, 14 April 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Negeri Sembilan State Government with support from the Negeri Sembilan State Forestry Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To enhance the relationship between community leaders, and public and private employees with the indigenous communities; and to raise awareness of the importance of forests in the overall context of sustainable development. 5. Level of Consultation: State level (Negeri Sembilan). 6. Description of the Consultation: An effort by the Negeri Sembilan State Government and the Negeri Sembilan State Forestry Department to create awareness among the local communities and the public at large on the importance in conserving forest resources in-line with the theme of the World Forestry Day celebration at the state level, ‘Hutan Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat’. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: The dialogue was inaugurated by YB Dato’ Razak Bin Mansor, the Elected Representative for Pertang, and participated by the Jelebu District Officer, Engineer and Chief Police Officer; the Director of the Department of Orang Asli Development, Agriculture officers, the Chief of the Simpang Durian Police Station, the Chief of the Kg. Lakai Branch of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), officers from the Volunteers of Malaysia People (RELA), and forest officers from the Negeri Sembilan State Forestry Department, as well as 3 participants representing the indigenous peoples. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The participation of represented organizations was based on a consultation process while the participants themselves were nominated by the Negeri Sembilan State Government and the Negeri Sembilan State Forestry Department. 273 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Pulau Kempas, Kuala Langat, Selangor ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Pulau Kempas, Kuala Langat, Selangor. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Langat, Selangor, 22 April 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Orang Asli Development Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise Traditional Knowledge (TK) awareness and involvement among the Temuan Orang Asli, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kuala Langat, Selangor). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as the importance of TK protection in the context of forest certification; the concept of prior informed consent (PIC); Malaysia commitments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2004) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially on the need to sustainably use the biological resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and the implementation of a special TK project under the Ninth and Tenth Malaysia Plans, including the development of biotechnological products. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 40 participants comprising 3 community leaders, 5 local TK experts, 30 villagers and 2 representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and the villagers were invited while the representatives from the Orang Asli Development Department were nominated by the Department. 274 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Paya Mendoi, Kuala Krau, Pahang ________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Paya Mendoi, Kuala Krau, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Krau, Pahang, 3 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Orang Asli Development Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise Traditional Knowledge (TK) awareness and involvement among the Jahut Orang Asli, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kuala Krau, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as the importance of TK protection in the context of forest certification; the concept of prior informed consent (PIC); Malaysia commitments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2004) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially on the need to sustainably use the biological resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and the implementation of a special TK project under the Ninth and Tenth Malaysia Plans, including the development of biotechnological products. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 28 participants comprising 2 community leaders, 6 local TK experts and 20 villagers. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The local leaders, TK experts and villagers were invited. 275 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Bangkong, Pekan, Pahang ______________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Traditional Knowledge Awareness Workshop at Kg. Bangkong, Pekan, Pahang. 2. Place and Date Held: Pekan, Pahang, 4 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with support from the Orang Asli Development Department. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To raise Traditional Knowledge (TK) awareness and involvement among the Jakun Orang Asli, as well as the exchange of views and experiences on the use of TK by local communities in the context of managing and conserving the forest resources. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Pekan, Pahang). 6. Description of the Consultation: A local level workshop where various aspects of TK were deliberated, such as the importance of TK protection in the context of forest certification; the concept of prior informed consent (PIC); Malaysia commitments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2004) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), especially on the need to sustainably use the biological resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and the implementation of a special TK project under the Ninth and Tenth Malaysia Plans, including the development of biotechnological products. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 38 participants comprising 2 community leaders, 5 local TK experts, 30 villagers and 1 representative from the Orang Asli Development Department . 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts and villages were invited while the representative from the Orang Asli Development Department was nominated by the Department. 276 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Key Focused Activity on Pilot Implementation of the Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management in Sela’an Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Key Focused Activity on Pilot Implementation of the Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management in Sela’an Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU), Miri. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 10-19 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To introduce the pilot implementation of the conflict resolution guidelines for sustainable forest management to the local communities. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to introduce the pilot implementation of conflict resolution guidelines for sustainable forest management to the communities at Long Lellang, Long Kepang and Long Main, in the Sela’anLinau FMU as part of the Sarawak State Government’s Civil Service Transformation Program. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Residents in the respective communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community was requested by the District Officer/Resident to participate through letters of invitation. 277 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Anap Sustainable Development Unit Liaison Committee in Anap, Tatau ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Anap Sustainable Development Unit Liaison Committee in Anap, Tatau. 2. Place and Date Held: Tatau, Sarawak, 23-26 May 2011, 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To consult the local community on the updating of the Anap Sustainable Development Unit (ASDU) plans and program. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Tatau, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: To get feedback and updates on the ASDU plans and programs from the community in Ulu Anap. 7. Represented Organizations and participants: Leaders and representatives from the local village communities and the members of the Village Security and Development Committee. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the local village community leaders and the Village Security and Development Committee in Ulu Anap. 278 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak (Phase 2) ____________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation at Kg. Ulu Geroh, Gopeng, Perak (Phase 2). 2. Place and Date Held: Gopeng, Perak, 24-26 May 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To further train Semai Orang Asli in documentation and specimen collection. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Gopeng, Perak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to enlist the involvement of Semai Orang Asli in documentation training as well as to further train the 20 Orang Asli in how to gum and sew the drying specimens collected for herbarium purposes, especially for the FRIM Herbarium, and the special collection of selected specimens by the community for laboratory analysis based on their potential commercial value. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 20 participants comprising 2 community leaders, 4 local TK experts, 8 youth and 6 women were involved in the training conducted by 6 researchers from FRIM with 4 research assistants, experts in the field of Traditional Knowledge (TK). 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, youth and women were invited. 279 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Consultation on Testing the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) with Local Community in the Kubaan-Puak Forest Management Unit (FMU) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Consultation on Testing the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) with Local Community in the KubaanPuak Forest Management Unit (FMU). 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 27 May-11 June 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC) with support from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Malaysia. 4. Objective of the Consultation: Consultation on free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of the local community on the testing of the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: Consultation with local communities at Long Siang, Ba Kajau, Ba Puak, Ba Bareh, Long Kawa, and Ba Marong, as well as testing the applicability of the Malaysian HCVF Toolkit in the Kubaan-Puak FMU. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Residents of local communities. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the local village communities living within the Kubaan-Puak FMU. 280 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Key Focused Activity on Pilot Implementation of Conflict Resolution Guidelines in the Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU) and the Formation of Community Representative Committee _______________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Key Focused Activity on Pilot Implementation of Conflict Resolution Guidelines in the Sela’an-Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU) and Formation of the Community Representative Committee. 2. Place and Date Held: Miri, Sarawak, 17-30 June 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: Pilot Implementation of the Conflict resolution Guidelines in the Sela’an-Linau FMU and the formation of the Community Representative Committee. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: Dialogues with the communities at their request for assistance in the setting-up of the Community Representative Committee for Long Sabai, Ba Keramok, and Long Lellang. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Meeting in Long Lellang involved the representatives of the local community and the Village Security and Development Committee. It also included the headmen and women representatives. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from leaders and other representatives of the village communities. 281 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Anap Sustainable Development Unit Logical Framework Analysis, Bintulu _________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Anap Sustainable Development Unit Logical Framework Analysis, Bintulu. 2. Place and Date Held: Bintulu, Sarawak, 3-5 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To strategise community forest management with the local community. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Bintulu, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: A meeting held to assist the community to develop strategies and to involve all parties in community forest management. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Members of the Executive Committee of the Local Community’s Conservation and Community Development Committee, the FMU management officials, and officers from the Sarawak State Forest Department and SFC. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from the SFC, officials of the FMU and community leaders involved in conservation and community development. 282 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at Kg. Bukit Cheeding, Kuala Langat, Selangor (Phase 1) _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Training in Documentation on Forest Traditional Knowledge at Kg. Bukit Cheeding, Selangor (Phase 1). 2. Place and Date Held: Kuala Langat, Selangor, 5-7 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). 4. Objective of the Consultation: To train the Orang Asli Temuan in documentation and specimen collection. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Kuala Langat, Selangor). 6. Description of the Consultation: A formal consultation held to train 18 Orang Asli in specimen collection in a scientific manner involving cutting and pressing of plant parts before drying, and documenting their knowledge, such as local name, characteristics of plants, collectors’ name, plant part uses, etc. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 22 participants with 18 participants being community leaders, local Traditional Knowledge (TK) experts, youth and women, while the other 4 participants were from the Selangor State Forestry Department. This activity was conducted by 5 researchers from FRIM with 5 research assistants. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: The community leaders, local TK experts, women and youth were invited while the 4 representatives from the Selangor State Forestry Department were nominated by the Department. 283 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Social Assessment of the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) with Local Community in the Kubaan-Puak Forest Management Unit (FMU) __________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Social Assessment of the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) with Local Community in the Kubaan-Puak Forest Management Unit (FMU). 2. Place and Date Held: Ba Puak, Miri, Sarawak, 7-19 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SFC). 4. Objective of the Consultation: Social assessment with local community in testing the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest in Kubaan-Puak FMU. 5. Level of Consultation: Local level (Miri, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: To conduct observation and consultation on the use of the Malaysian Toolkit for High Conservation Value Forest with headmen and families, and in demonstrating its usefulness with regard to their livelihood system. 7. Type of Organizations represented and number of participants: Headmen and families living in the FMU. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participants were drawn from local community leaders and local residents who were dependent on the forest. 284 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. Eco-Camp Limbang 2011: One Earth, One Voice, One Hope & Go Green, Sarawak, Malaysia _________________________________________________________ 1. Name of the Consultation: Eco-Camp Limbang 2011: One Earth, One Voice, One Hope & Go Green, Sarawak, Malaysia. 2. Place and Date Held: Limbang, Sarawak, 15 July 2011. 3. Lead Organization: Natural Resources and Environment Board Sarawak (NREB) with support from the Sarawak Education Department, the Limbang District Education Department, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Patiambun, Limbang, and the Miri SHELL Eco-Camp Committee. 4. Objective of the Consultation: To increase awareness and responsibilities among students in conservation and environment quality control, including encouraging positive practices in managing natural resources, as well as to promote NREB as an organization that is responsible in managing and conserving the quality of the environment and in fostering a good relationship with the school communities through Environment Education programs. 5. Level of Consultation: District level (Limbang, Sarawak). 6. Description of the Consultation: An informal consultation held to continuously educate and create awareness among the communities from all level of society, especially school children, in conservation and environment quality control, as well as to create an environment caring society. It included the promotion of NREB as a responsible organization in managing natural resources and conserving the quality of the environment, and in fostering a good relationship with the school communities through effective strategies in the Environment Education programs. 7. Type of Organizations Represented and Number of Participants: A total of 80 secondary school students participated with 40 students from SMK Seri Patiambun, and 10 students each from SM Agama Limbang, SMK Medamit, SMK Limbang and SMK Kubong. 8. Selection of the Represented Organizations and participants: Participation of represented secondary schools was based on a consultation process while the students themselves were based on a self-selection process. 285 © FLEGT Asia, Mapping of Forest and Forest-related Stakeholder Consultations in Malaysia, 31 January 2012. This Action is funded by the European Union and the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany. The EU FLEGT Facility assists in the implementation of the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. The Facility is funded through a multi-donor trust fund, with current contributions from the European Union and the Governments of Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.