ImagIne a chIld In your church.


ImagIne a chIld In your church.
Imagine a child
in your church.
You have one hour to spend with them this week.
What will you do?
In fact, you’ll get 40 hours
with them this year.
imagine the
difference it will
make if he grows up
in your ministry
What if in those few hours
you could—
believing there’s
prioritizing the
engaging his life
a h e a v e n ly F a t h e r
core truths
in a mission to the
who loves him
t h at c a n d e f i n e
w o r l d t h at i s b i g g e r
u n c o n d i t i o n a l ly.
who he becomes.
t h a n h i m s e l f.
Help her experience
connect him to a
Change how she
something she will
leader who believes
sees the world. And
never forget
in his potential.
her future.
IMAGINE the difference
it will make if every
leader, every volunteer,
every parent is on the
same page, working
toward the same end.
What if we all believed our
mission was simply to
in the heart of every child.
IMAGINE him, and every other child in your ministry,
growing up with an authentic faith that connects them
to a better story for their life.
That’s what
happens when
you think
With ORANGE, you’ll have a
comprehensive plan from
cradle to college.
From preschool through college, the
Orange Strategy and curriculum draw
on the elements of wonder, discovery
and passion, infusing them into children, students and young adults.
To help kids
see God
for who He is
a n d t h e m s e lv e s
t h e w ay G o d
sees them
so they can
love others
t h e w ay
God does.
pa s s i o n
FIRST LOOK curriculum
preschoolers embrace a God who
is bigger than their imagination.
252 BASICS curriculum
kids to a new understanding of how
to grow in relationship with God.
XP3 curriculum FUELS PASSION by
giving students and young adults
opportunities to be the church and
make a difference by influencing
their generation.
W h i l e e a c h a g e g r o u p f o c u s e s o n a k e y e l e m e n t, WONDER ,
DISCOVERY a n d PASSION a r e i n t e r l o c k i n g e s s e n t i a l s t h a t
together build a student’s view of God, the world and
t h e m s e lv e s a s t h e y g r o w.
you combine the two
primary influences that
impact a kid’s life.
synchronizes the
light of the church
with the love of
f a m i ly.
ORANGE c o n n e c t s p a r e n t s a n d l e a d e r s w i t h t h e
s a m e s t r at e g y t o w a r d t h e s a m e e n d g o a l .
T h i n g s h av e b e e n g r e at t h i s fa l l ! S i n c e
P l e a s e pa s s o n t o t h e 2 5 2 B a s i c s s ta f f h o w
I’ve been doing youth ministry since 1990
T h e q u e s t i o n s a r e o p e n i n g d o o r s t o g r e at
we implemented the First Look curriculum
c o m p l e t e ly t h r i l l e d m y w h o l e s t a f f i s w i t h
a n d t h i s i s b y f a r t h e BEST m a t e r i a l I h a v e
c o n v e r s at i o n s b e t w e e n a d u lt s a n d m e m b e r s
o n S u n d ay m o r n i n g s w e ’ v e r e c e i v e d g r e at
your curriculum! I didn’t think I would be
e v e r u s e d . I n o l o n g e r ta k e b i t s a n d p i e c e s
o f o u r g r o u p, a n d b e t w e e n c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s
r e s p o n s e s f r o m pa r e n t s w h o a r e t h r i l l e d
a b l e t o f i n d s o m e t h i n g t h at s o e m b o d i e d o u r
of other stuff and make it better. This is
t h e m s e lv e s . I a m a s k i n g o u r a d u lt s t o u s e
about every aspect of the new curriculum.
heart and vision for children. From your
s i m p ly b e t t e r !
t h e m at e r i a l a s t h e y m e e t f o r c o f f e e a n d at
O u r p r e s c h o o l h a s ta k e n m o n u m e n ta l s t e p s
training of our leaders, to your excellent
in becoming a better ministry for our
and fun ideas for activities, to the teaching
young ones.
t h at i s g i v i n g o u r k i d s s u c h c r i t i c a l a n d v i ta l
o u r m i n i s t r y t o c o l l e g e - a g e a d u lt s .
l i f e - f i l l e d t e a c h i n g — a l l I c a n s ay i s ‘ W o w ! ’
Andrew, Ohio
o t h e r v e n u e s . O v e r a l l , i t ’ s g r e at s t u f f a n d
John, North Carolina
I look forward to breaking it down more in
Jason, Oregon
Kitri, Alaska
you’ll be guided by a plan.
That’s why our curriculum
offers six distinctives that
keep it very strategic.
Each church is assigned an
Orange Specialist to personally
assist in implementing curriculum
and strategy. They’ll also help
you establish a network on www. with other
leaders who use a similar style
of ministry.
Orange is the only curriculum to
offer a strategic plan that starts
in preschool and spans through
college. We use the term Scope
and Cycle to illustrate the recurring
themes of wonder, discovery
and passion that mark a child’s
understanding of God. This overall
strategy synchronizes the efforts of
all age-group leaders and parents
around common goals for the
spiritual growth of kids.
You increase your potential to
influence a child when you tap
into a parent’s influence. So every
Orange curriculum offers unique
Parent Cues to use at home. “Look
for the CUE” in each curriculum to
partner with parents and combine
influences. Orange resources include
weekly or monthly events that can
connect and engage families in the
overall strategy.
The curriculum builds on the idea
that spiritual growth is relationally
driven. When you put another
trusted adult in the life of a child
or teenager, besides their parents,
you provide an additional clear
voice reinforcing core values. So,
our strategy emphasizes small
groups, making it easy to connect
kids to mentors and leaders who
can personally invest in them.
Orange curriculum is known for
innovation and creativity. Our
writers, editors, video producers
and creative directors continually
seek new ways to say, show and
teach timeless truths. You can
download newly created resources
every month (two months prior to
when they will be taught).
Our curriculum trademark: bend
it, shape it, make it your own.
Because it’s web-based, the
material can be crafted to fit your
environment, using editable text
files and customizable graphics.
is designed so that each
preschooler will grow up
believing that:
God made me.
God loves me.
Jesus wants to be
my friend, forever.
Orange INCITES WONDER in the
heart of a toddler.
heart of a child.
First Look Groups
Large Group/Small Group format
Our First Look curriculum gives
preschoolers a first impression of
their loving heavenly Father. The
curriculum keeps it simple and fun,
repeating one basic truth about
God all month long. First Look also
helps children understand worship
and introduces them to small group
time. It’s all part of the plan to help
a child believe the three key elements of WONDER by age five.
252 Groups
Large Group/Small Group format
The story of God reveals the character
of God. That’s why 252 Basics uses Bible stories to teach core virtues. And
to make it easy to understand, each
principle is supported by a weekly
Bottom Line—a short phrase so easy
to remember that it can be reinforced
at home throughout the week. By the
time children reach the fifth grade,
we want them to understand and own
three basic truths modeled by Jesus
in Luke 2:52: “And Jesus grew in
wisdom and stature, and in favor with
God and man.”
First Look Home
Home resources for families
First Look provides multiple Parent
Cue resources that connect what’s
happening at church with what’s
happening at home.
First Look FX
Experiences connecting leaders
and families
In the preschool world, family
experiences are a part of everyday
moments. That’s why we help parents to transform those times—like
Cuddle Time or Bath Time—into
something more. First Look also
offers supplemental FXs that are
events, like Baby Dedication, or
training that helps parents create
a rhythm for spiritual teaching with
their child.
Fully downloadable. Fully Customizable. Visit
for more information and to check out samples of First Look.
is designed to shape identity
through planting these
truths in the heart of every
elementary-age child:
I need to make
the wise choice.
I can trust God
n o m a t t e r w h a t.
I s h o u l d t r e at
o t h e r s t h e w ay
I want to be
t r e at e d .
252 Home
Home resources for families
Like First Look, 252 Basics has
multiple Parent Cues that help
parents reinforce stories and virtues
at home. We’ve also created, a website where parents
and kids can connect with videos
and other resources during the
week. CUE Box, another unique
tool, raises the excitement level
for kids to learn about the virtues
at home through collectible cards,
mystery widgets, a specially-produced sitcom and more.
252 FX
Experiences connecting leaders
and families
Orange is at its strongest when
families and church leaders are connecting weekly or monthly. That’s
why we include easy-to-produce
Family Experiences that put parents
and kids in the same room. This
unique shared event opens the
door for conversations at home.
Fully downloadable. Fully customizable. Visit
for more information and to check out samples of 252 Basics.
The xp3 students curriculum
is designed to give high
school students the lasting
understanding that
I a m c r e at e d
to pursue an
r e l at i o n s h i p w i t h
m y c r e at o r .
I belong to Jesus
Christ and define
w h o I a m b y w h at
H e s ay s .
I e x i s t e v e ry d ay t o
d e m o n s t r at e G o d ’ s
love to a broken
Orange FUELS PASSION in the
heart of a teenager.
Orange facilitates life-changing
relationships through the college years
Large Group/Small Group format
XP3 stands for Experience 3. While
the key focus is Passion, the curriculum is designed to join the three
core elements of Wonder, Discovery
and Passion. Imagine your students
confronted with the awe of a God
who is big, mysterious and amazing.
Envision them discovering how God
unfolds His plan throughout all of
life. See them become passionate
about reaching the people in their
lives and in our world with the core
truths they’ve come to own.
XP3 College’s Conversation Guides
facilitate conversations between
someone with life experience and
someone who is just starting to
build his or her life. We believe
that God brings each of us through
different experiences and teaches
us truths in different ways, so both
sides of the relationship have worthwhile contributions to
the conversation. This mutual fascination and transformation is fertile
ground for God’s Spirit
to work in both lives. Whether it’s
through one-on-one mentoring or
small groups, XP3 College is relational and personal.
Home resources for families
Because students connect with their
parents differently than children,
we’ve provided cues for parents
and teens to have discussions with
one another about what’s being
discussed in each series. Also,
we equip student ministry to be a
champion of the parent/teen relationship by providing an article with
every series, just for parents, that
can be posted on a blog or sent via
Experiences connecting
leaders and families
XP3 Students connects parents and
teens through specialized Family
Experiences, experiences that allow
students to do something with what
they know.
Fully downloadable. Fully customizable. Visit
for more information and to check out samples of XP3 Students.
an innovative resource
designed to ease
conversations and
connect mentors and
college-age people (18-25).
• XP3 College believes in moving
the finish line.
• XP3 College believes in mutual
• XP3 College believes that every
person of every age needs to
experience three things—wonder,
discovery and passion.
• XP3 College is a catalyst for intergenerational relationships.
• XP3 College helps provide a sense
of belonging.
• XP3 College promotes transformation through conversations,
not scripts.
Fully downloadable. Fully Customizable. Visit
for more information and to check out samples of XP3 College.
With Orange you’ll be part
of a community of churches
united around a strategy.
ORANGE p a r e n t s . c o m
An online destination full of
resources to practically answer
these questions:
A leadership curriculum that gives
you access to key thought leaders,
information on the latest ideas, and
solutions to issues and obstacles—in
just 20 minutes a week.
Gather with thousands of churches
each year for training, community
and refreshing at the national Orange
Conference or regional Orange
Tour. Incredible Orange thinkers and
dozens of workshops will equip you,
whatever your unique situation.
Books, DVDs, webcasts and
several other resources have been
created to help you understand
and implement the strategy and
curriculum. Books like Think
Orange and The Orange Leaders
Handbook will help your entire team
get on the same page. Visit www. for more!
Resources that help parents connect
with great ideas, with each other,
and with you to influence their kids.
• Who can you connect with who
does what you do?
• Where can you go to discover
principles that will keep you
learning as a leader?
• What can you do to engage as
a team?
T h e t e a m at O r a n g e h a s a pa s s i o n f o r
A s a pa s t o r w h o p l a c e s t h e h i g h e s t
e q u i p p i n g c h u r c h e s t o pa r t n e r w i t h pa r e n t s
i m p o r t a n c e o n f a m i ly m i n i s t r y, I ’ v e g o n e b a c k
l i k e n o o t h e r o r g a n i z at i o n I k n o w.
t o t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f t h e O r a n g e S t r at e g y
over and over again for guidance and
Andy Stanley
North Point Ministries
d i r e c t i o n . T h e y ’ v e h a d a s i g n i f i c a n t i m pa c t
on our church.
Mark Batterson
Lead Pastor, National Community Church
T h e i d e a s f o u n d i n t h e O r a n g e S t r at e g y w i l l
I ’ v e s e e n w h at h a p p e n s w h e n c h u r c h e s s ta r t
e m p o w e r a n d m o t i vat e C h r i s t i a n l e a d e r s a r o u n d
t h i n k i n g O r a n g e . T h e y s t a r t t o r e i n v e n t,
the world to rethink how the church and
r e t h i n k a n d r e s h a p e w h at t h e y d o . T h e y s ta r t
fa m i l i e s c a n a n d s h o u l d f u n c t i o n t o g e t h e r .
c r e at i n g m i n i s t r y e x p e r i e n c e s t h at h av e
a g r e at e r i m pa c t o n t h e n e x t g e n e r at i o n .
Jim Wideman
Children’s Ministry Expert and Consultant
Craig Groeschel
Lead Pastor,
F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n
I ’ v e c o n s u lt e d w i t h c h u r c h e s a c r o s s
Orange is one of the most significant
the country about h o w t o i m p r o v e t h e
s t r at e g i e s f o r s t u d e n t m i n i s t r y I ’ v e s e e n .
e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f t h e i r c h i l d r e n ’ s m i n i s t r y.
W h o w o u l d ’ v e t h o u g h t t h at y o u t h l e a d e r s ,
L e t m e t e l l y o u , t h e O r a n g e S t r at e g y
children’s leaders, executive and senior
w o r k s . T h e p r i n c i p l e s o f O r a n g e h av e
pa s t o r s c o u l d b e u n i t e d b y t h e s a m e i d e a s ,
revolutionized many churches’ approach
t h e s a m e e n d g o a l a n d t h e s a m e s t r a t e g y.
a n d r e s u lt s .
Chap Clark
Vice Provost and Professor or Youth, Family and
Culture at Fuller Theological Seminary
Sue Miller
Author and Children’s Ministry Expert