PDF of Green team article 1 in the Dolphin


PDF of Green team article 1 in the Dolphin
The Dolphin
SEPTEMBER 12, 2014
Celebrating 93 Years of Education
Volume 46, Number 1
Ground breaking news
Delgado opens new campus
at Sidney Collier
Compiled by staff reports
At 9:52 a.m. Aug. 29, 2005, the levees
breached and flooded New Orleans East, including
what was then called Sidney Collier Technical
College. The campus remained shuttered until
Delgado acquired it in April 2010, when Louisiana
Technical College Region One merged with
Delgado. Before Hurricane Katrina, Sidney Collier’s
enrollment approached 1,000 students, the highest of
all Region One campuses.
Fast-forward to 9:52 a.m., Aug. 29, 2014 at
Sidney Collier, and instead of a hurricane-damaged
campus, is the ribbon-cutting for the brand-new Delgado Sidney Collier campus at 3727 Louisa Street
in New Orleans. The new Delgado location is in the
Desire-Florida area of New Orleans, between Gentilly
and the Ninth Ward. The $21 million
Delgado Sidney Collier site replaces the former
Louisiana Technical College Sidney Collier campus
that was devastated by floodwaters during
Hurricane Katrina and subsequently demolished.
Among those who addressed the attendees
were: Joan Y. Davis, Delgado Community College
chancellor; Woody Oge’, Louisiana Community and
Technical College System (LCTCS) Board of
Supervisors; Dr. Monty Sullivan, LCTCS president;
and Mitchell J. Landrieu, New Orleans mayor.
“For nearly a decade, Aug.29 has been a date that
New Orleanians who experienced the devastation
of the 2005 flood associate with loss, with pain, and
with anger,” Delgado Chancellor Joan Davis said.
“Those emotions will be with us always. However, today, Aug. 29, 2014, we celebrate the arrival of something new that has been built literally upon the ruins
of a precious resource that was taken away suddenly
and completely. Today, we celebrate the rebirth of
this community, and of the dream of improvement
through education that this beautiful campus represents. Delgado Sidney Collier belongs to all New
Orleanians. We present it to you today with pride and
“Nine years ago, New Orleans stared into the
unknown as Hurricane Katrina left our great American city in ruins,” New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu
said. “Today, we reflect upon how far we have come
and celebrate the dedication of the new Delgado
Community College Sidney Collier campus. “In following their mission, Delgado plays an important
role in our community by equipping citizens with the
necessary education and training to compete for the
jobs of the future. The new Sidney Collier campus
provides another convenient location in the heart of
the Desire-Florida neighborhood and together we are
building a stronger New Orleans.”
“Today’s ribbon-cutting ceremony is more
than the opening of a new facility,” LCTCS President
We have recycling?
By: Marion Freistadt
Monty Sullivan
said. “It
symbolizes yet
another historic
step in the
recovery of this
great city and
community. We
believe the new
Sidney Collier site
will be the
epicenter of an
emerging vibrant
and economically
strong community
where families can
live, learn, work
The Sidney Collier campus is the most recent completion for Delgado Community
and thrive.” College with classes in session for Fall 2014. Photo provided by Delgado Public Relations
Sidney Collier site is
provided through the State of Louisiana and $9
helping to revitalize the
million through FEMA. The location is being
constructed in two phases, the first (open now)
neighborhood by serving as a
financed by the state and the second by the federal
pathway for residents to obtain job skills and
employment. The school’s curriculum is aligned with government. Construction of the state-funded phase
of the project began in May 2013 and ended in time
community needs and interests, and the campus is
for the grand opening in August 2014. Construction of
expected to function as a community center and to
the federally financed phase is now underway and is
be a focus of community pride. Many of the
expected to conclude in 2015.
programs offered by Delgado at the new location
When all construction is completed next year,
have never been available to residents in that part of the new Delgado Sidney Collier site will be anchored
the city and region.
by two conjoined two-story buildings with a main
In Fall 2014, Delgado Sidney Collier is
entrance facing the corner of Louisa Street and Higoffering the following for-credit programs:
Associate of Arts Transfer Degree; Associate of Gen- gins Boulevard. The state-funded part of the campus
eral Studies; Associate of Science Transfer Degree; includes 36,000 square feet of space for classrooms,
offices and support functions such as information
Technical Diplomas in HVAC/R,
technology. The federally- funded part opening in
Barber-Styling, Cosmetology and Practical
Nursing; Certificates of Technical Studies in HVAC/R, 2015 will offer an additional 25,000 square feet
dedicated to student services, including a library and
Carpentry, Electrician-Commercial, lectrician-Resstudent government offices, as well as classrooms,
idential, Electrician-Small Industrial and General
workshops and laboratories. The
design includes a courtyard, dedicated space for
The opening of the Delgado Sidney Collier
location also brings new opportunities to students at future expansion, and approximately 100,000 square
feet of landscaped grounds and parking. nearby high schools. Students will be able to take
Delgado, the largest and oldest community
advantage of dual enrollment at Delgado, enabling
college in Louisiana, now offers instruction at nine
them to broaden their educational experiences and
locations around the New Orleans region: Delgado
earn credits toward career credentials faster.
The new Delgado Sidney Collier site offers courses City Park Campus, Delgado West Bank Campus,
leading to the associate’s degree and transfer to four- Delgado Charity School of Nursing, Delgado Sidney
Collier, Delgado at UNO, and the Delgado
year institutions, certificates of technical study,
Maritime, Fire and Industrial Training Facility (all in
technical diplomas, and well as non-credit courses,
New Orleans); Delgado Northshore (Slidell);
English as a second language instruction and high
Delgado Jefferson (Metairie); and the Jefferson Busischool equivalency diploma preparation.
ness and Career Solutions Center (Gretna).
Funds to build the new Delgado Sidney
Collier site total $21 million, with $12 million
Upon arrival,many
Delgado students may
wonder whether recycling
services exist on campus.
Perhaps some doubt is
evoked when you notice
one or two recycling bins
around campus, but then
can’t find one when you
need to recycle
something. Consequently,
a lot of recyclable material
ends up in landfills.
Recycling at
Delgado has a long
history, resulting in many
ups and downs. If you
want the gory details (and
other information), please
visit our very wonderful
Delgado recycling website,
which is available as a
portal on the DCC home
page under the Student
Life tab (http://www.dcc.
edu/recycle/). At the
present time, the
administration supports
on-campus recycling.
What materials can be
It’s pretty much
the same as household
recycling in the Greater
New Orleans area:
1. Paper (printouts,
envelopes, junk mail,
shredded paper)
2. Plastics (#’s 1, 2, 5
and 7)
3. Aluminum cans
4. Cardboard
Glass is NOT
currently being recycled.
Materials for recycling do
NOT need to be sorted:
all recyclables go into the
same bins. Please, no
household garbage.
continuation on page 3
under Back to School Guide
Back to School Guide page 3
Chicago Duo Page 5
“Whitewashed” exhibit Page 6
Exercise for Health Page 8
Support Our Troops Donation Drive
Constitution Day!
September 17, 2014
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Student Life Center
Salute Your Troop!
Give thanks to those who have served or in service now by stopping by
September 17 in the Student Life Center to learn more about how you can
support our troops.
Also recieve an engraved dog tag courtesy of our local recruitment center
located next to subway accross from building one.
Girl who survived 19 stab wounds returns to school
by Associated Press (AP)
The 12-year-old Wisconsin girl who nearly died after she was stabbed
19 times is back in school.
A spokesman for the girl’s family says it has been a summer of doctor’s
appointments, surgeries, specialists and recovery. Stephen Lyons says
the girl has been eager to go back to school in Waukesha. She started the
7th grade on Tuesday.
Lyons tells WITI-TV ( http://bit.ly/1tt3UBZ ) that the girl and her family
continue to attend therapy sessions to deal with the emotional scars of
the ordeal.
Court documents say two classmates plotted for months to kill the
girl to curry favor with a fictional Slender Man character they read about
online. One of two preteens accused in the stabbing has been ordered to
receive treatment rather than stand trial.
US job openings near 13-year high, hiring rises
by Christopher S. Rugaber
of Associated Press (AP)
The number of U.S. job openings
remained near the highest level in
13 years in July, and companies
also stepped up hiring that month
to the fastest pace in nearly seven
years, two signs the job market is
slowly healing.
The tally of available jobs ticked
down 2,000 to 4.67 million in July,
the Labor Department said
Tuesday. The drop was led by a
decline in government job postings.
Businesses actually posted slightly
more jobs.
Total hiring, meanwhile, jumped
81,000 to 4.87 million, the highest
level since December 2007, when
the recession began. That indicates
companies are more likely to fill
their open jobs.
The figures suggest the job
market is still making progress,
despite last week’s mildly
disappointing employment report.
That report showed that employers
added a net total of just 142,000
jobs in August, the fewest since
December. The unemployment rate
fell to 6.1 percent from 6.2 percent,
but only because some of those
out of work gave up looking. The
government doesn’t count people
as unemployed unless they are
actively searching.
Job openings fell in
manufacturing and construction,
while they rose in retail and hotels
and restaurants.
Tuesday’s figures come from the
Job Openings and Labor Turnover
survey, or JOLTS, which provides a
more detailed look at the job market than the employment report. It
reports figures for overall hiring, as
well as the number of quits and layoffs. The monthly jobs figures are a
net total of job gains or losses.
Job openings have soared 22
percent in the past 12 months,
evidence that employers are
confident enough in the economy
to boost staffing. Research by
economists at JPMorgan Chase
has shown that a rise in openings
typically followed 1-2 months
later by greater net job gains.
Indeed, employers added more
than 200,000 jobs a month for six
straight months through July, the
strongest such stretch in eight
But overall hiring, as measured
by the JOLTS report, hasn’t increased as fast as openings. Hiring
is up just 8 percent in the past 12
The gap suggests that some
employers are having trouble
finding workers with the skills they
need. Or they may not be offering
sufficient pay to attract the
necessary applicants.
•Protein bars or shake
•beef or turkey jerky
•Slim Jim (no pork)
•Peanut Butter (sm.
Plastic jars)
•Snack crackers w/ peanut butter or cheese
•Foil packets tuna or
•Individual drink mixes
sponsered by:
Delgado Community College
Student Governent Association
S.G.A are looking for donations to be sent
overseas to our soliders any contribution
will help and show your love and support.
Items can be brought to the S.G.A office o
the WISE center in building 2 prior to
Constitution Day and also in the collecton
box on the 17.
Propel, Thank you for supporting our troops!
•Ramen Noodles
•Pop Tarts
•Cookies (individual
•Music CDs
•Gum and hard candy
•Pens, Stationary, Enve•Baby wipes
•Chap stick, lip balm,
Russian photojournalist killed in eastern Ukraine
by Associated Press (AP)
Russia’s state-owned RIA Novosti news agency says one of its
photojournalists has died in eastern Ukraine.
Andrei Stenin went missing in early August, his whereabouts unknown.
The agency’s director-general, Dmitry Kiselyov, said in a statement
on Wednesday that the remains in a charred car found outside the rebel
stronghold of Donetsk have been identified as Stenin’s. Kiselyov said the car
apparently burst into flames after coming under fire from Ukrainian forces.
Colleagues in Russia led a campaign for the release of the
33-year-old reporter, insisting that he was captured by the Ukrainian army. The
Kiev government said it had no information about what happened to Stenin,
who was embedded with the pro-Russian rebels.
Honda Introduces Self-Driving Car
Honda shared its vision of the
hands-free highway commute
Tuesday, a car that can safely
drive itself on the freeway while the
driver’s hands are off the wheel.
While the car is just a prototype,
Honda says the technology could
start appearing on Honda cars in
2020 and beyond.
The prototype — an Acura RLX
sedan — has cameras that monitor
lane marking and multiple radar
sensors on the front and sides.
On top is a beacon that uses laser
beams to continually scan the car’s
surroundings, similar to self-driving
prototypes already introduced by
Google, Ford and Toyota. GPS also
helps the car stay on a previously
mapped course and follow the speed
On a loop around Detroit, the car’s
driver took his hands off the wheel
as the car entered the freeway. It
accelerated to the speed limit and
applied the brakes if it got too close
to a car in front. It signaled to change
lanes and waited for an opening. The
car merged easily onto two other
freeways and edged to the left to
by Associated Press (AP)
avoid a construction zone. To exit,
the car reduced its speed to 35 miles
per hour on the ramp.
The driver’s hands remained off
the wheel for the entire eight-mile
loop. But Honda says the car will
automatically return control to the
driver if it senses it can’t handle a
situation. One example: If a car cuts
in front of the Honda too closely and
fast braking is needed.
Honda has been working on this
prototype car in Japan for about a
year, but it’s the result of decades of
safety research, said Hironobu Kiryu,
the car’s chief engineer.
“Honda is aiming to eliminate
accidents, not just for the driver but
for pedestrians and drivers of other
cars,” he said.
The company is showing the
car in Detroit this week as part of the
Intelligent Transport Systems World
Congress, an annual gathering of
engineers and other researchers.
The Dolphin is written, edited and produced by students enrolled at Delgado community college, delgado alumni and quest writers invited by staff to submit work. Signed opinions are those of
the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration of Delgado Community College, other memebers of the staff, or the faculty adviser to the newspaper. The Dolphin reserves the
right to accept or reject any submission or advertisement. Only publication constitutes acceptance of the submission or ad.
Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and no longer than 400 words. Guest columns should be no longer than 700 words. The Dolphin reserves the right to edit letters and
guest columns for space and to reject any letter without notification of the author. Faculty and staff members should include their titles and department. Students should include their majors and
All submission must include full name and phone number. Submissions can be mailed to the Dolphin, 615 City Park Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119 or brought to the Dolphin office in CP11 Room
1004, Monday through Friday. The office phone number is (504) 671-60005, and the e-mail address is thedolphin29@gmail.com
Back to school guide
By: Meghan Henoumont
Staff Writer
It takes 30 minutes to find a parking spot in front of
Building 1, the bookstore has a line wrapped around
the building and the first homework assignments
have been given. It’s official: the Fall semester is
underway. I asked around campus what you, the
students, wanted to know about to make your lives
a little less hectic. So, stop stressing. Here it is: The
Back to School Guide. I’ve compiled a cheat sheet
of useful services, happening bars and yummy
cheap eats to ease the transition into the new
school year. Welcome back, Dolphins.
Best Place for Cheap Breakfast:
Wakin’ Bakin’
Address: 4408 Banks St., New Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Daily
Price range: $ cheap
Delivery? Yep
Forget hitting the drive-thru in the morning. At
Wakin’ Bakin’, everything is made from scratch. The
average price on the breakfast menu is six dollars.
Try one of the home-made honey butter-biscuits,
pancrepes, or the queso-burrito. These menu
staples are life-savers when you’ve been studying
all night, or you’re hungover. The atmosphere is
cozy and eclectic, like a dive bar that serves
omelets instead of booze.
This locally-owned coffee shop is right down the
street from campus. They have tons of
seating inside and out with plenty of outlets for
laptops and cell phone chargers. Free Wi-Fi and
cheap cups of coffee are available to keep you
going. The staff is wonderful and they play the
perfect ambient studying tunes. They have a Panini
menu and baked goods for study snacks.
Best place to have a few drinks after class:
Twelve Mile Limit
500 S Telemachus St., New
Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 5 p.m. - 12 a.m. Daily
Price Range: $ cheap
This small bar is situated in the middle of a
neighborhood and recognizable from the bright
graphic art on the building’s exterior. They have an
awesome happy hour as well as free pool and a
stack of board games, great music, and amazing
food. The inside is non-smoking, but there’s a back
patio where people can light up. There’s something
magical about this place; you’re almost certainly
guaranteed to meet someone interesting every time.
Best Place to get school supplies on the fly:
Office Depot
Photo Provided by Meghan Henoumont
Best Place for lunch between classes:
Fair Grinds Coffee House
3133 Ponce De Leon St., New Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Daily
Price Range: $ cheap
Delivery? No, but pickup is available.
A five-minute drive from campus, or a ten-minute
bike ride, this coffee house is a chill spot to get
away from the beginning of semester craziness.
Because it’s out of the way there’s not a long wait,
and the sandwich menu is outstanding. They have
vegetarian options such as garlic hummus, feta,
marinated seasonal vegetables sandwich, or more
traditional grub like the Rosemary roasted chicken,
baby spinach, whole grain mustard sandwich. They
only serve fair trade coffee and have live
juicing. They also have homemade pastries and
vegan options.
Best nearby study spot:
Bean Gallery
637 N Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 6:30 a.m. - 12 a.m. Daily
Price Range: $ cheap
We have recyling?
Any recycling that you see
is mostly due to a dedicated core of
folks who make up the Recycling
Committee (called “Delgado
Recycles”), with significant help from
309 N Carrollton Ave., New
Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Daily
Price Range: varies
If the bookstore on campus is closed
or out of your price range and you
need school supplies on the fly, this
is your go-to option. It’s literally three
minutes from campus and has
anything you could possibly need
school supplies wise.
Best Place to see live music after a
long day at school:
Banks St. Bar
4401 Banks St., New Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 11 a.m. - 4 a.m. Daily
Price Range: $ cheap
This mid-city staple has live music and cheap drinks
every night of the week. It’s the kind of place where
every established band in New Orleans played
during their early days, and it has a friendly
neighborhood vibe. On Mondays they serve free
red beans and rice, and dollar shots of Jameson.
On Sundays they have Spaghetti Western
Afternoons, complete with free food and a screening
of a classic Western movie. The bar is connected
to Mid-City Pizza for when those drinking munchies
Best Place for bike repair near campus:
Bayou Bicycles
3530 Toulouse St., New Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily
Price Range: Repairs are reasonably priced
For when you get a flat or need a random part for
your bike, try these guys. The staff is very helpful
and knowledgeable. The shop has a laid-back
atmosphere and quick repair services.
Best car repair shop near campus:
What we need now is
energy, input and buy-in from
the entire Delgado community.
If you would like to help in any
way, contact Marion Freistadt at
mfreis@dcc.edu, or by phone at
(504)352-2142. We try to have
regular meetings. We have many
ideas, but we have difficulty with
implementation, mainly because
everybody is extremely busy. If we
Photo Provided by Meghan Henoumont
Banks Street Service Station
4338 Banks St., New Orleans, LA 70119
Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Closed
Price Range: Reasonably priced repairs
The guys at this family-owned shop are awesome.
Fast, reliable, and very understanding of a student’s
budget. It’s the type of place where all the old timers
in the neighborhood hang outside on lawn chairs.
That’s how you know it’s good.
Best place to chill out between classes:
City Park
Whether it’s to go for a walk or take advantage of
the New Orleans Museum of Art’s free Wednesday
(you just need a Louisiana state ID), there are
multiple ways to relax at City Park. There’s a
24-hour Morning Call for beignets and coffee,
paddle boats, and the amazing Sculpture Garden,
which is absolutely free. City Park is directly across
Orleans Ave. from campus.
Services all Students should know about:
● LSU School of Dentistry
This school offers low-cost dental services. Dental
students work under a dentist supervisor, providing
dental care such as tooth extractions, root
canals, dentures, fillings, crowns, implants and teeth
cleanings. All priced low, with payment-plan
options. Call (504) 619-8770 or (504) 619- 8700 to set up a new patient screening.
● Take Charge Program
This state- and federally-funded program
provides free birth control, women’s health
screenings, emergency contraceptives, and
pregnancy and STD testing. All low-income
students qualify. Go to the nearest Planned
Parenthood to apply. Call ahead to find out what
documentation is needed.
Planned Parenthood: (504) 897-9200
● Daughters of Charity Services of
New Orleans
3201 S. Carrollton Ave
New Orleans, LA
(504) 207-3060
This community health center provides low-cost
medical and behavioral health services not far from
campus. Call to schedule an appointment.
can get a robust quorum of
committed folks, we believe that we
can become much more
For more information or up to date
news and articles about Delgado’s
recycling go to
Page 4
“Take a deep breath, Who Dat Nation”
So the 2014-15
season didn’t start
with quite the bang
that some fans and
experts may have
expected, but Saints
fans, relax.
Let’s put this past
loss to our bitter
rivals the Atlanta
Falcons in
By: Jeremy R. Johnson perspective.
First, the Saint’s
Staff Writer
defense played an
sloppy game, if you’re using last year as a
barometer. I’d lean more to the train of thought that
Sunday’s performance was the exception, not the
rule for how they will play going forward.
Second, Atlanta boasts one of the deepest
and most talented receiving corps in the league.
They will cause problems for a lot of defenses this
Last, and most certainly not least: Matt
Ryan played as good a game as I’ve ever seen him
play in a Falcon’s uniform. He was simply brilliant,
escaping pressure and making accurate downfield
throws on his way to a franchise record 448 yards
on 31 of 43 passing.
Divisional games are always tough, and this
rivalry in recent contests is typically decided by a
touchdown or less. New Orleans’ defense was poor
and Atlanta’s offense was sensational and the game
was decided by 3 points. There is definitely room for
improvement, but also cause for great optimism.
Brandin Cooks is the real deal. The Saint’s
number one draft pick looked sharp and confident
in route to tying Reggie Bush’s rookie debut record
of 7 catches. He totaled 77 yards receiving and 18
Team USA
leading the way in
Group C
By: Alvaro Pena
Staff Writer
The FIBA World Cup has
officially begun and Team
USA is 2-0 after their first two
Team USA’s first match was
against the sharpshooting
team of Finland, but the
Finnish players could not keep
the pace with the talent of
Team USA.
Team USA came out with
outstanding energy on both
sides of the court. They
frustrated Finland on the
defensive side causing 31
turnovers, leading to 27
points. 20 of those points were
on fast breaks.
Finland was close in the
first quarter only trailing a
few points. The Finland team
seemed to be feeding off the
energy of their Finnish fans,
which made up the majority
of the crowd in the Bizkaia
Arena. However, it didn’t last.
The USA silenced the hostile
crowd by going on a 14 to 4
run which stemmed from an
alley-oop pass from Harden
to Gay at the 3:15 mark. The
USA lead 31 to 16 by the end
of the first quarter.
In the second quarter the
US team kept pressuring the
ball with relentless defense
and they contested Finland’s
shooting attempts blocking
4 from the field. Finland was
0-17, only making 2 points
from the free throw line.
Team USA outscored Finland
29-2 which gave the US a 42
point lead.
The game was lost for
Finland by the end of the first
half. However, Finland came
out in the second half with
pride and played with great
effort for their fans.
“Congratulations to
Finland. They played hard for
forty minutes, we played hard
for forty minutes,” said USA
coach Mike Krzyzewski, who
is now unbeaten in four FIBA
World Cup openers. “We’re
more talented, but I thought
the effort for both teams was
at a high level.”
New Orleans Pelicans star
Anthony Davis shot 6 for
8 from the field scoring 17
points. Though he did not
have any blocks in the game,
Davis’s defensive presence
was felt on the court.
But it was Klay
Thompson who led the way
with 18 points, shooting the
ball effectively from the three
point mark.
“It feels great. There are
always going to be nerves
in the first game. It really felt
good to go there and see the
ball go in a lot. It’s nice that
the 3-point line is a couple feet
closer. It makes my job easier.
Hopefully we can just carry
this momentum.
Tomorrow, we’re facing a
good Turkey team. They’ve
got one of the better defensive
centers in this tourney in Amir,
and they’ve got some great
EuroLeague players, so it’s
going to be a tall task for us.
But if we come out and play
hard like we did tonight, we
should be successful.”
It appears that
Thompson’s words did not
resonate with his US teammates. The energy that the
US came out with in their first
game was not by any means
present against the Turkish
Team USA had no rhythm
offensively in the first quarter.
The ball was not moving and
the plays were not executed
properly. There was too much
one on one play for the US,
especially from the guards.
Curry came out shooting
poorly; he was 3 for 11 from
the field only scoring 9 points.
The other Splash Brother,
Klay Thompson, who had a
remarkable game against
Finland was also missing in
action. Thompson was 2 for
7 from the field finishing with
only six points.
Turkey led 10 to 5 early in
the first quarter and then the
US responded with a run of
9 points to take the lead. But
that did not worry the Turkish
team; they stuck to their game
plan and late in the quarter
responded with a 6 point run.
Turkey had Team USA under
their thumb by playing man
to man, and zone defense.
Instead of penetrating the
zone, the US kept shooting
jump shots from beyond the
arc. The ball wasn’t passed
into the post to get Davis or
Cousins involved in the game.
Team USA was falling into
the trap that the Turkish team
set up. They finished the first
quarter 1 for 9 from the three
point mark.
If it wasn’t for the athletic
play of Harden, Irving, and
Faried, the team would have
been trailing early in the
Penetration was key in the
second quarter for regaining
a rhythm on offense. It helped
US shooters get open shots
and helped our big guys get
free for some easy buckets.
But the Turkish team did not
yards rushing on one carry.
In addition to Cooks’ contributions, running
back Mark Ingram continues to make his case for an
increased workload in 2014. Ingram ran with great
authority for 60 yards on 13 carries with 2
touchdowns. His second touchdown came from 3
yards out, with Ingram finishing the run in
spectacular fashion; plowing a Falcons defender
over at the goal line. Colston also had a good
outing, totaling 110 on 5 receptions, prior to the
fumble in overtime.
Defenses are usually behind the offenses
in the first few weeks of the season because no
one shows their hand during the preseason. So the
Saints defensive performance was upsetting to say
the least, but not enough for widespread panic. The
main culprit was missed tackles, (23 to be precise)
but that is correctable. If Drew Brees and company
can put up 34 points each week, I think they’ll be
just fine.
falter in the second quarter.
They responded each time
when the US seemed to have
gained some momentum.
Turkish point guards
attacked the paint relentlessly
causing the US defense to
collapse from the perimeters,
which left three point shooters
open to make in jump shots.
Turkey outscored Team USA
24 to 19 in the second quarter.
Turkish small forward Cenk
Akyol led with 12 points.
In the third quarter the
Turkish team came out strong
scoring five three’s. But it
didn’t matter. Team USA was
mentally ready for battle.
The game was tied five times
in the quarter, but then the
play making of Davis and
Faried broke the game free
from Turkey’s grasp.
“They went zone almost
the whole game,” Davis said.
“We’ve got to come out with
a sense of urgency from the
beginning. I think we did that
in the second half. That’s what
let us be able to get that lead.”
Anthony Davis took over
in the second half scoring 11
points in the third quarter. He
finished with 19 points, six
rebounds, 2 steals and 2
blocks. Kenneth Faried who
played great in the first half,
scored a strong 8 points in the
third. He finished with a total
of 22 points, 8 rebounds, 2
blocks and 3 steals.
“I think it was 64-60, we had
missed a couple of close in
shots and he (Kenneth Faried)
got that steal and dunk that
put us up 66-60, and I think
that was the biggest play of
the game,” said Krzyzewski.
“It was by far the
biggest play of the game, and
it seemed like we went from
It was a questionable start
for the USA but what matters
is how you finish. USA won 98
to 77 over Turkey.
Team USA’s next match is
against New Zealand, who is
winless so far.
to Anthony Davis
FIBA Success
to Ray Rice
to Intramural
Sports Soccer
and Footbal
to the Saints lost
to the Falcons
to Tony Stewert
Return to Racing
to Domestic
Violence in
Chicago Duo:
With a roster of players
that never played for the USA
national team or Fiba, the
inexperience was obvious
featured in exhibition match
in the match against Brazil.
By: Alvaro Pena
There was a lack of teamwork
Staff Writer
and defense, as well as a bit
of selfishness on the
With the announced departure of Oklahoma City
offensive side of the court for most of the
Thunder star Kevin Durant, Coach Mike Krzyzewski
There were times in the game where
is left with questions on how to develop the USA
you could see the US team improving their
Mens Basketball Team’s offense. Though the team
is filled with talented scorers at the wings, chemistry chemistry during plays. Especially when steals
were made leading to fast break points.
is a concern for team USA.
The 2014 Fiba World Cup tournament
Curry showed his three point shooting
ability in the first quarter. Rose, who scored 7
begins in Spain, Aug. 30. With that date closing in,
the US coaches have to make difficult decisions on
points in the game, displayed his explosivewho to cut and who to start.
ness going at the rim making Chicagoans
Plus, who is going to be your go to guy
excited for the upcoming NBA season.
now that Kevin Durant has left the team to rest in
Chicago Bulls Coach Tom Thibodeau feels
between NBA seasons. That was the question fans
strongly that having Rose on the US team is
a perfect setting for introducing him back to
competitive basketball.
“He’s shaking some rust off. His
explosiveness is back. He’s playing well
off the ball. I think he’s in a really good
place. He’s prepared himself extremely well.
It’s unfortunate what he’s gone through, but
that adversity has made him a lot stronger,”
Thibodeau said. But it was not Derrick Rose
who stole the show. Another upcoming star
born and raised in Chicago had a break-out
game. That was New Orleans Pelicans own
Anthony Davis. Davis won a gold medal with
the 2012 USA Olympic Team, known as this
eras Dream Team featuring superstars like
Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Kevin Durant.
Playing for the first time in Chicago since
Photo Provided by Kathy Willens AP
his high school days, Anthony Davis showed
great leadership when his team was
asking themselves when the US team faced the
struggling offensively and defensively. When Davis
Brazilian national team in an exhibition game
dove into the front row crowd to save the ball, it
Saturday Aug. 16, in Chicago. It was also marked
literally took his teammates out of the funk.
“I’m good, I’m fine,” Davis said in his after
the return of Derrick Rose, of the Chicago Bulls,
game interview. “I hope she’s fine, because that was
who hasn’t played for about nine-months.
Derrick Rose & Anthony “Brow” Davis
240 pounds coming right at her. That’s the type of
plays we need, hustle plays, and that really got us
The offense outscored the Brazilian team in
the fourth quarter 27-15 leading to a 95-78 blowout
game for the US team. Anthony Davis made 9 of 15
shots, for 20 points, had 5 blocks, and a total of 8
Photo Provided by Kathy Willens AP
“He’s one of the best players in the NBA,”
Coach Krzyzewski said. “Anthony is one of the
emerging stars. We hope that, like what happened
to a lot of those guys in 2010, will happen to him in
this competition. Where we just watch what should
be kind of a storied career form.”
And with power forwards and centers such
as Dwight Howard, Blake Griffin, and soon to be
Cleveland Cavalier Kevin Love not participating,
Anthony Davis is a big that needs to shine in Spain.
Especially against the Gasol brothers in Spain, who
could be their final opponent if they make it to the
gold medal game.
The US team is inexperienced and has
trouble playing together at times. However, if they
get their chemistry right, they could be a force to be
reckoned with.
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Joseph Gregory Rossano’s “Whitewashed”
exhibit was shown in Delgado’s art gallery from May
22 through August 28. Both a multi-media art show
and a scientific study of mankind’s impact on animal
life, the exhibit presented a juxtaposition of primitivelooking artwork and technological interaction with
the viewer through the use of digitally scannable QR
codes. Students with smartphones were able to
access these by downloading a free app.
The entire show consisted of pieces cut from logs
of ancient Western Red Cedar and an 800- year-old
Douglas fir tree featuring a tar rendering of a large
Pleistocene-era animal burned into its surface and
coated with white paint (hence, “Whitewashed”). The
tar image bled through the whitewash, as did the
rings and wood grain on the log. The effect was both
ghastly and life-affirming. “These are Pleistocene
animals that went extinct due to human overkill,”
Rossano said, referring to the Pleistocene epoch,
which coincided with the earth’s most recent ice
Page 6
Joseph Rossano exhibit
By: Seth Mattei
Managing Editor
ages. It is thought that the combination
of human hunting and the spread of
disease caused mass extinctions
during this time. Rossano continued,
“When we came across the land bridge
into the [modern-day] United States
15,000 years ago, we encountered
large mammals, large megafauna and,
because they had never encountered
man, they were easy to kill and became
Joseph Rassano with one of his tar and whitewash renderings.
a ready-made protein source.”
Photo provided by Seth Mattei
Although passive viewers may have
dismissed the work in “Whitewashed” as overtly
Projected on a screen in the middle of the gallery
simplistic or abstract, when analyzed
was the first ever ABC Afterschool Special, “The Last
considerately it proves to be an ambitious
of the Curlews,” an animated film about the
undertaking with multiple interconnected parts. Tar,
migration of a now-extinct bird species. The exhibit
for example, is an oil byproduct, and Rossano
progressed to the back floor of the gallery, where
utilized it in “Whitewashed” while addressing
whitewashed wooden pilings stood sparsely, the
extinctions caused by humans dating from ancient
bottoms left unpainted; this represented the melting
times through the present. The title of the exhibit is
of polar ice caps and the disappearance of glaciers,
political. A definition provided by
which will spell the end of polar bears’ existence as a
Rossano for the term “whitewash” in
species. In his digital notes accompanying the show,
the exhibit’s digital notes read, “To try
Rossano wrote, “‘m moved to make things about
to stop people from discovering the
animals and their plight, because they cannot speak
true facts about something in order to
for themselves, and their fight for survival is often
prevent someone in authority from
misunderstood as a direct threat to Man. Please try
being criticized.”
to see what is hidden beneath the clean white
Horizontal drawers featuring various
coating, the Whitewash, of these works. Their
items (DNA records of Pleistocene
purpose is to change how we treat nature and each
animals, a tar rendering of a tiger, a
double barrel shotgun) were cut into the
sides of most of the wall hangings in
For more infromation, photos and more on this article look for us online at:
Drawers on the wall hangings in “Whitewashed” could be pulled open to
reveal unexpected supplemental material. Photos provided by Seth Mattei
Eat to live or live to eat, it’s Top 5 beauty buys
Louisiana Restaurant Week!
of the month!
Some folks say “eat to live”, but here
in New Orleans I believe we live to eat. This
month, from Sunday, Sept. 8th until Saturday,
Sept. 14th the Louisiana Restaurant Association’s Greater New Orleans Chapter is sponsoring the third annual Louisiana Restaurant
Louisiana Restaurant Week, is a celebration of New Orleans cuisine. Participating
restaurants in the New Orleans metropolitan
area will offer specially-priced menus,
allowing customers the opportunity to try
items at 25 percent off regular prices.
Participating restaurants will offer two-course
lunches for under $20 and three-course
dinners for under $35. The restaurants range
from fine dining to favorite neighborhood hot
spots. Due to high demand, early
reservations are strongly recommended.
Here is a list of participating restaurants:
• Antoine’s Restaurant
• Apolline
• Arnaud’s Restaurant (dinner only)
• Besh Steak
• Blue Crab
• Booty’s Street Food
• Borgne
• Cafe Adelaide & the Swizzle Stick Bar
• Cafe B
• Cafe Giovanni (dinner only)
• Commander’s Palace
• Coyote Blues
By: Samira Palmer
Staff Writer
• Domenica
• Drago’s Seafood Restaurant
• Emeril’s (dinner only)
• Emeril’s Delmonico (dinner only)
• Fountain Lounge
• Galatoire’s 33 Bar and Steak (dinner only)
• Galatoire’s Restaurant
• GG’s Dine-O-Rama
• La Casita
• La Provence (dinner only)
• Le Foret
• Luke
• Mat & Naddie’s (dinner only)
• Mizado Cocina (lunch only)
• Mr. B’s Bistro
• Muriel’s Jackson Square
• NOLA (dinner only)
• Pelican Club Restaurant & Bar (dinner only)
• Ralph’s on the Park
• Red Fish Grill
• Restaurant August (dinner only)
• Rue 127 (dinner only)
• Ruth’s Chris Steak House (Metairie)
• Ruth’s Chris Steak House (New Orleans)
• SoBou
• Superior Seafood & Oyster Bar
• The Crazy Lobster (dinner only)
• Tivoli & Lee
• Zea Rotisserie & Grill (dinner only)
Ask Shan
with Shannon Daniels
Q: I am a single mother in school and
working. I’m tired from school, work and
parenting. How can I make more time for
A: First off, you have to take care of
yourself before anything else. Make
sure to get enough sleep at night, stay
hydrated throughout the day and take
vitamin supplements like B12 to give you
energy. I know having kids, school and
work is a lot to juggle on a daily basis but
schedule some time just for yourself. Go to
a park and read a book or go see a movie.
Just do something relaxing to take your
mind off the stress of each day, and if you
can’t afford to leave the house because of
your kids, spend some time alone in your
room, meditating or relaxing to soothing
music after the kids are in bed.
Q: How do I know if my boyfriend is
cheating on me?
A: The first thing is to make sure
that he knows he is in a monogamous
relationship. If you two have not talked
about being exclusive, he may not think he
is cheating. Now if y’all are exclusive and
have established it’s just you and him, the
best thing to do would be to ask directly. If
he denies it, watch his actions. If he always
ignores calls around you or tries his best
to keep his phone away from you, it could
be an indication that he isn’t being honest.
Trust is a key factor in relationships, so if
you feel like you can’t trust him, this might
not be the right relationship for you.
Q: What is a good job for a college
student to have and how to manage the
A: A major thing all college students need
is money. The best thing is to see if you can
qualify for work-study. Jobs on campus are
great to have and easier to manage. They
work with your schedule (you cannot work
when you have a scheduled class) and are
on the college workday schedule. If you
don’t qualify for work-study, try to find a job
closely related to something you want a
career in, or something that pays well
yet still gives you time to work and study
(bartender or waitstaff). Your first job
is to succeed as a student, and you
can find several articles or books on
how to help you manage your time,
such as Covey’s “Seven Habits of
Highly Successful People” or online at
https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/.../8ways-to-take-control-of-your-time .
Q: I’m a freshman in college and I don’t
have that many friends. What can I do to
be more sociable and make friends?
A: When starting college it can always
be rough, especially if you don’t have
anyone to talk to about it. A quick way to
make friends is to join a club. Delgado
offers many social organizations for
different majors. Look up some clubs
the school offers and go from there. You
can also start talking with people in your
classes. Be friendly yourself, see who is
trustworthy and worth your friendship, and
take it from there.
By: Ashley Boudreaux
Staff Writer
Photos provided by Ashley Boudreaux
Prada Candy Ever since my boyfriend bought me the Prada Candy
fragrance, I’ve been obsessed. It’s a sweet scent that is perfect for summer. I also have it in a roll-on, which is perfect for
traveling and throwing it in my purse for my on-the-go days. I’m
just about out so this was on the top of my beauty buys list this
Urban Decay Lipstick Revolution This is my all-time favorite lipstick. I’ve tried many different lipstick brands and this is the one that stays on all day
and never spreads. Most of the colors I have are all dark but
for summer I wanted to grab a few lighter colors. Native (shown
above) is now one of my favorites.
Marc Jacobs Ever since Marc Jacobs came out with a makeup line, I
immediately wanted to try it. One of my favorite things from the
line is the nail polish. I’m obsessed with all the colors, especially
this color, Lux.
It’s a 10 I seriously do not know what I would do without this
beauty product. Not only do I use it every time I wash my hair,
but it is also great for your hair after a long day in the pool. I
usually spray it in my hair after towel drying and letting it air dry
to get soft wavy locks.
Burt’s Bees I wear lipstick a lot so I try to give my lips a break once
and a while. This is my favorite tinted lip balm out there. It has
a slight colored tint so you won’t feel like your lips are bare. Plus
the Vitamin E and Beeswax is great for moisturizing your lips.
Nailing it, the hidden cost of a
Manicures and
pedicures are
luxuries that say,
“I’m pampered and
worth it.’’ Students
may not be able
to afford a $50
manicure, but will
consider a $10 or
$20 manicure and
nail salons may cut
corners and costs
in ways that could
harm you, though.
There are three
major concerns with
manicures such as,
skin cancer caused
by the UV lights,
thin nails caused
by a rough removal
By: Jamila Cherif
Staff Writer
using chemicals
(gel manicure),
and infection
from the
introduction of
harmful bacteria
and molds. However, there
are some tips
to stay on the
safe side. The
first one is to find
a salon that uses
LED rather than UV
lights when
curing the nail
polish coats.
Then, the second
rule is to ask the
manicurist to apply
sunscreen to your
Photo Provided by
hands before
beginning the gel
manicure process.
The final touch
would be to wear
anti-UV light
manicure gloves
that have holes at
the fingertips to
protect the skin
while under a UV
curing light.
Register to Vote at Delgado
By: Seth Mattei
Managing Editor
With local elections
approaching, a voter registration
drive is taking place at Delgado
every Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 2
p.m. through the month of
September. Students can
register outside of the Fitness
Center (located between Building
1 and the bookstore) as well as in
the Student Life Center and the
W.I.S.E. Women’s Center (Room
212 W1 in Building 1).
“Our goal is to get as many
students registered as possible,”
said James McDuffie, an instructor
of reading and college and career
success, as well as the head of the
African American Male Initiative
at Delgado. He continued, “Many
students come to Delgado never
having voted, and many are not
Mid-term elections take
place throughout Louisiana on
Tuesday, Nov. 4, with a possible
runoff taking place on Saturday,
Dec. 6. The most high-profile item
on the ballot throughout the state
(and the one most likely to cause
a runoff) is undoubtedly the senate
race, which pits Democratic
incumbent Mary Landrieu against
Republican candidate Bill Cassidy.
Also on the ballot in Orleans Parish
Rest in Peace,
Michael Brown
After the shooting
and killing of 18-yearold Michael Brown on
Aug. 9, tensions have
risen between the
Ferguson, Mo.
community and the St.
Louis County Police.
Weeks of protests in
the streets of
Ferguson have
sparked a nationwide
rallying cry against
By: Alvaro Pena
police brutality. “Hands
Up, Don’t Shoot”
Staff Writer
chants symbolizing
Brown’s actions when he was shot by Officer Darren
Wilson can be heard through the smoke bombs and
tear gas.
Justice is what the people want to accomplish,
something that has not been present in Ferguson. So
the community marches to the streets each day
chanting and carrying poster boards reading “No
Justice, No Peace,” hoping that justice will be served.
Why are communities across the USA protesting
TED Talks
By: Meghan Henoumont
Staff Writer
If you haven’t heard of TED yet, you will.
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) has
become a world-wide phenomenon. Essentially, top
experts in every imaginable field give speeches
under 18 minutes on a variety of topics directly
impacting the global community.
The fields include everything, from music
to biology and even storm chasers. These short
speeches are designed to inspire and educate,
through a global platform, accessible to anyone with
an internet connection, anywhere in the world.
TED operates around the slogan “Ideas
worth spreading”, with an emphasis on
innovation through design and technology. New
talks are added every week. There are currently
1,700 talks available through TED.com.
The talks are superb for a quick pick-meup on a bad day, or as food-for-thought before bed.
The talks selected here are under 15 minutes, some
as short as 5 minutes, to fit a busy student’s
Kees Moeliker: How a dead duck changed my
Exercise for Health
By: Shannon Daniels
Staff Writer
is every significant judgeship
(including Traffic Court, Criminal
Court and Juvenile Court), the
District Attorney’s seat and 14
constitutional amendments. Voters
must be registered by October 1 to
participate in this election.
On a flier advertising the
drive and asking for help from
volunteers is the statement, “Help
us get students registered to vote.
Your financial aid may depend on
it.” McDuffie explained, “There are
politicians who want to cut Pell
grants and reduce financial aid. Are
you voting for these folks, or not
voting and allowing them to get in?”
what happened in Ferguson? In addition to the
shooting of Michael Brown, protestors are upset at
how police handled the shooting (waiting for over
a week to release the name of the officer who shot
Brown, letting Brown’s body stay on the sidewalk 4
hours), the profile of the police department in St. Louis
County compared to the community demographics,
and what some critics call the militarization of the
police response to citizen protests.
The community of Ferguson is 67 percent black, yet
out of 53 on the force, St. Louis County only has three
black officers instead of 35, which would be 67
percent. The demographics of the police department
do not reflect that of the community.
The peaceful march for justice in Ferguson has often
erupted into fighting, looting and destruction of
property. And instead of calming the situation, the
police have further angered citizens with the use of
smoke bombs, tear gas and arrests to try to regain
Police are armed with automatic weapons and
tanks, with snipers targeting protesters, reminiscent of
military warfare. Even though Michael Brown’s body was laid to rest
Aug. 25 at St. Peter’s Cemetery in St. Louis, the
community of Ferguson has continued its march for his
justice, and for the future justice of young black men
across America. School has started back and every student
needs ways to relieve some of the stress of
the daily grind. One way to release some
pressure each day is to exercise. Working
out your body three times a week can reduce
stress. It also boosts happy chemicals,
brainpower, sharpens memory and increases
relaxation. Many people look at exercising as
a chore, so they’re not as likely to be
committed as they should be. If normal
workouts are not interesting, try different
alternatives to help you get started with an
exercise habit.
Delgado offers workout classes for college
credit. If you simply show up for every class,
you can get a good grade and work off the
few extra pounds gotten during the summer
break. The school has a variety of fitness
classes including aerobics, kickboxing and
personal fitness for a good sweaty workout.
Aerobic and kickboxing exercise strengthens
your heart, lungs, muscles and bones. The
body produces endorphins that act as a
natural painkiller to improve the ability to
sleep. Other classes available are yoga,
Pilates and a stress management course.
Training at a gym is another way to get
started and we have one on campus if you
don’t want to look around for one. The gym
offers the right environment and equipment
to help you reach your goals, and you can
work out even if it’s hot or rainy.
If you don’t have the money for a gym or
personal trainer, take a walk or jog in the
park. Get workout videos and exercise at
home. Do something that’s exciting and will
get you up and moving around. There are
different sports people can play to liven up
their workout, and dancing is a good activity
to get someone moving. Even the Wii can
help you exercise at home, and you can play
with friends and family.
The main thing is to move your body as
well as your mind while you are in school. If
it helps, don’t think of it as exercise, find a
way to have fun with it, and make it one of
your good habits that will work for you even
after you finish college.
Take a Load Off, Five TED Talks to Take You Away
life. 11 minutes
Joachim de Posada: Don’t eat the marshmallow!
Be prepared to life until you cry. The trajectory of
Animal behaviorist kees Moelikers life changes
forever when a duck flies into his office window and
dies. Who knew Science could be so funny?
5 minutes
Ze Frank: Are you human? 5 minutes
Online comedian Ze Frank gives a simple test
through a series of questions that examine the
humorous and sometimes painful experiences that
connect us all as humans. Sit back, listen up, and
follow the cues to find out how human you truly are.
Sarah Kay: How many lives can you live? 12
Spoken word poet Sarah Kay performs two stunning
poems about the many lives we collectively live and
the art of telling our own specific stories.
In this hilarious and eye-opening talk, author and
motivational speaker Joachim de Posada shares a
milestone psychological study. The study examines
delayed gratification as an indicator of future
success, using, yes, marshmallows.
Phil Hansen: Embrace the Shake. 10 minutes
While still in art school, artist Phil Hansen
discovered he had permanent nerve damage, which
resulted in an indefinite shaking hand. Hansen
believed his career was over, until a neurologist
told him to “embrace the shake.” In this inspiring
talk Hansen shows that by embracing limitations,
creativity can be ignited.
go online to www.delgadodolphin.net to open the
live links on your computer
India Insight out
summer, I went
back to India for
two months. I
missed it, missed
my friends, so I
booked my airfare
in April for travel in
In mid-May,
I was preparing my
20-day countdown
to departure when I
was rear-ended on
By: Susan Hague
Earhart Blvd. by a
20-something who
didn’t see me slowing down for a car in front of me turning left. She hit
my trailer hitch, which made her car inoperable, but
mine was still drivable. The impact gave me whip
Life in
By: Cedric Serpes
He was not that fat. Maybe a bit on the
heavy side. His mother was huge,
wobbly and had 11 kids. He was the last
in the line. Being last out of her, he
seldom got to the food on time.
Watching him try to get to the food with
all his siblings, shoving and pushing, was
pure entertainment. He was the one who
got sat upon, chased and bullied. So he
was a bit underfed and nimble. And that
is what probably saved his life. That and
the fact that he looked exactly like his
sister. I know it sounds weird. So let me
He was a bit of a character. He
had spiky black hair that stuck up along
his head like a punk star. Dark skin and
long eyelashes. His curiosity was one of
his most lovable characteristics. I think
he inspired a Hollywood movie! He would
stick his nose in places he should not and
get nipped in the face by angry hens or a
very annoyed mongoose.
Once I saw him chased through
the village by a very pissed off dog. Since
his running pattern was erratic, Smushy
the cocker spaniel got confused, tripped
over his own ears and fell into the pig
trough. Jeremiah kept running, did a sud-
lash, hurt my neck and
shoulder, but not enough to
cancel my trip.
A month into India, after
travelling with Neena from
my graduate school days at
UL-Lafayette, my neck and shoulder started to hurt.
A lot. Enough for me to take Neena’s advice and
stay a week at an ayurvedic healing center in Bhuj.
Why a week? You were charged for a week even if
you stayed only three days, so I went for the
week-long treatment.
The first four days felt like I was in
Emerald City, being rubbed, scrubbed and
pampered in the merry old Land of Oz. Then I
was prescribed a sciatic massage, which hurt and
bruised me like a banana down the line of my sciatic
nerve on my legs. I begged the new friends I had
made to tell me how to say, “Enough, stop!” in
Gujarati. In Hindi, it was “bus,” but Bhuj was in the
state of Gujarat. They told me to say “Ocho deru,”
so that evening , when the masseuse started
pressing on the bruises she had created the day
before, I said, “Ocho deru! Ocho deru!,” but it didn’t
stop her at all. She pressed on with more
enthusiasm (dentists and massage therapists have
a sadistic streak to them). Finally, I grabbed her
hand to stop her, and she looked at me with
Later, after I was back in Goa, I was telling
my friends Mini and Cedric about it. Cedric’s wife
Mini speaks several languages, and she said to
me, “Ocho deru probably means you’re doing great,
keep going.” Ouch. Now I know how my friend from
Brazil felt when she asked what was the word for
the dents when you smile, and her friend told her
it was a—hole instead of dimples. “You have such
cute a—hole,” my friend said, only to be horrified
later when she learned what she was saying. “Ocho
deru” pales in comparison.
It’s possible that I misheard and misspoke
the phrase, the way that Pascagoula and
Pensacola look and sound similar, but if you chose
the wrong one when you were on I-65 in Alabama,
you ended up in a different state. Maybe this is what
the theorists mean when they say that language,
words shape and create our reality. Ocho deru,
den right, doubled back on a quarter left
and fell into the well. Smushy left with
whatever dignity a spaniel could muster,
covered as he was in pig crap and slosh
in a nice homogenous mix. Jeremiah
looked around, grunted once and dozed
Bostiao, who owned Jeremiah,
was approached by Felicidade e
Andrade de Ferrao, who was having a
christening party on the weekend and
fancied a medium fattened young pig. So
she asked for Jeremiah. Not by name of
course, that would be quite silly. Jeremiah
is the name I call him by - any similarity
to anyone holy is purely
coincidental. So Bostiao ran around
the village making loud kissing sounds
- that’s how he called his pigs for their
feed. Nothing. He scratched a fleshy
spot, spat from the side of his mouth
because he was fuddled. So he decided
to make Felicidade a counter offer at
a discount. Her bosom heaved (it did
I swear!), she blew a becoming wisp
of hair off her face and said, “Fine, let
me have that other pink one.” Bostiao
grabbed young Priscilla, Jeremiah’s sister
and the deed was done.
Four hours passed, and sadly,
Priscilla was already cooking. Smushy, in
the meantime, had been given a
scolding, a cleaning and was smelling
like a carpet, then went off to find that
annoying Jeremiah. Smushy tracked his
stinky path to the well, peered and saw
Jeremiah in a happy place. So he did
what any self-respecting dog would do.
He peed on him. Jeremiah leapt up and
let out a string of expletives that could be
heard all over the village. Bostiao heard
this and his eyes lit up like stars! He
fished him out and said some things to
Jeremiah that humans should never hear.
Another ordinary day in the village I call
my home.
Cedric Serpes is Associate Professor at
the Goa Institute of Management. In his
spare time he looks for unusual names
for pigs and dogs. I think he also teaches
something there!
News Staff Fall 2014
From left to right:
Shannon Daniels, Jamila Cheric, Alexis Miano, Susan Hague (Faculty Adviser),
Tiffany Harris, Jeff Boudreaux, Seth Mattei (Managing Editor), Kamel Benyahia
(Editor), Julie Dedebant, Meghan Henoumont, Alvara Pena, Jeremy Johnson,
Alycia Johnson (Graphic Designer).
Not pictured: Ashley Boudreaux (Ad Manager).
Different Conversations
As a black
father of a 4 year
old son, I often
think about what
kind of talks we will
have when he is a
teenager. We are
9 years away from
his teen years, but
you can never be
too prepared. I want
to be able to talk
to him about sex,
By: Jeremy R. Johnson drugs, and school.
Will I also have to tell
Staff Writer
him to be wary of
confrontational older
white men and police officers? I also wonder if my
Caucasian counterparts will be having the same
conversations with their sons.
I worry about our young black men in
America, in light of the recent high profile shootings
of Michael Brown, Jordan Davis and of course
Trayvon Martin. This may sound funny, but it
appears to be open season on young black men.
Is there anything that maybe these young men’s
fathers could have told them to change these
outcomes? Should they have had to?
The sad truth is conversations are being
held and they have been held by black fathers with
their sons for decades. My father would always tell
me when I was growing up in the Mid-City area of
New Orleans to always be aware of my
surroundings. Being the only black family in the
neighborhood as an elementary-age kid, this
confused me. As far as I was concerned, nothing
bad ever happened around white people. My father
wasn’t talking about Mid-City, and wasn’t concerned
for my safety there. He was setting me up for much
deeper conversations to follow once I arrived to
middle and high school.
James H. Johnson Jr. is as straight a
shooter as they come. He would tell me that being
young and black is the hardest thing you could be
in America. I was often told that I would have to be
worried about other black men and their jealousy
and rage. He’d say things like, “These n_ __ out
here would kill you as quick as they look at you, for
nothing.” He’d also say to not trust white people,
but don’t hold any contempt for them because they
aren’t all bad. He would put special emphasis on
avoiding the cops. “F_ _ the police, never there
when you need them and always there when you
don’t.” These statements were a contradiction and
baffled me, mainly because my best friend is white
and aren’t the police on our side? I never thought of
asking my best friend what his father-son talks were
You know if fathers just did what they’re
supposed to do, half of the junk that we
face on the streets wouldn’t exist.
-Nathan Hayes
The way I dressed was carefully orchestrated by my parents. I was often corrected for using
slang or broken forms of English. Growing up in
Mid-City was also no coincidence. My public image
was carefully crafted, but why so much detail by my
parents? Simple, they knew the truth of the world,
that brown and black men are profiled and arrested
by police more than their white peers. Their
attention to detail helped me to avoid any issues
with the cops, but I still had fights with my black
peers. In most cases I did not pick the fights, they
picked me, and so went my high-school years. Even
parents’ best advice can’t protect their kids from
every situation they’ll run into on the street. The
truth is all parents want the same things for their
children. We want them to grow up and be
productive citizens. All of us want our kids to have
access to the best education and grow up in a safe,
loving environment. In general, we are all the same.
Unfortunately, it’s thespecific reality that is different.
White males are not stopped randomly by police
nearly as much as black males. White fathers are
probably not telling their sons to be careful of police
profiling, or young white men you come in contact
with. Like dad always said, “White meat doesn’t eat
white meat.” This doesn’t mean that young white
males or kids in general are without issues. I had a
friend in The Navy who attended Columbine High
School at the time of its infamous mass
shooting. He explained that they didn’t have many
black students there. He would often joke, “I wish
we had more inner city black kids at our school, they
would have noticed something wrong about kids
in trench coats when it’s hot as hell outside. They
would have saved lives in my eyes.” His comments
were interesting to say the least. The parents of
those Columbine students probably had every
expectation that their children would be coming
home that day. I know for a fact my mother told me
she loved me every morning I left the house
because of the inherent dangers that existed once
that door closed behind me.
In this day and age, mothers and fathers
shouldn’t have these concerns. I should worry about
my son getting hit by a school bus because he is
joking around with his friends and not paying
attention. This I could accept and understand. I
could never accept my unarmed child being shot 6
times by police. When the time comes, we’ll have
our conversation, and I hope we only have to talk
about girls and drugs.
“Sin City: A Dame to Kill for” movie review
By: Jeff Boudreaux
Staff Writer
In 2005, director Robert Rodriguez and writer
Frank Miller unleashed “Sin City” on an
unsuspecting public, forging a landscape of
neo­noir gangsters and femme fatales.
Fast­forward nine years and the two men have
proved that not only can lightning strike twice, it
can also pack a bigger wallop the second time
around. For the second installment in this
series, based on Miller’s graphic novels, “Sin
City: A Dame to Kill For,” we are treated to
three exciting new vignettes, one written
directly for the film, and new characters such
as card­shark Johnny (played by Joseph
Gordon­Levitt), illegitimate son of Senator
Roarke (Powers Boothe) and the title character,
played by Eva Green.
Some old favorites are back as well, Kadie’s
resident stripper Nancy (Jessica Alba), who has
a much bigger part in this sequel, serves as the
glue (or should I say stitches) to hold the segments together. Of course the
memorable tough guy with a heart of gold and
a face of granite, Marv (Mickey Rourke), makes
his return.
The plot segments this time around concern
Gordon­Levitt’s character and his aspirations of
one­upping Senator Roarke, the most
powerful man in Sin City. Unbeknownst to
Johnny, Roarke is his father, but that doesn’t
translate into a fuzzy feeling where the Senator
is concerned. In his own words, the Senator
fathered many children in his time, but only
thinks of himself as having one son. That’s
right, the weird “Yellow Bastard” from the first
film which he stares longingly at in a picture
frame on his wall, a running sight gag in the
Meanwhile private eye Dwight McCarthy
(Josh Brolin, taking the reins from Clive Owen
in the first film) must battle his personal
demons and his passion for the married Ava
Lord who has her own bodyguard, Manute
(Dennis Haysbert).
And last, but not least, Nancy, still fully
clothed but sexier than ever, has her own beef
with the Senator, whom she views as
responsible for her boyfriend and protector
John Hartigan’s (Bruce Willis) death. Once a
guardian, now a guardian angel apparently,
Hartigan is still there watching her every move
(who wouldn’t?)
While the bookending segments take place
following the events of the original “Sin City,”
the middle one is a prequel which shows that
Clive Owen looked like Josh Brolin before
facial reconstruction,and we also get to find out
how Manute, played in the first film by the late
Michael Clarke Duncan, came upon that golden
eye of his.
Once again, Rodriguez shot his film in black
and white, providing his audience with the stark
images of a dark, seedy town on the cusp of
sin or salvation. As usual, minimal colors were
highlighted. For example, red, exhibited in
vibrant locks on prostitutes such as Marcie
(Julia Garner) and the always fun to watch
Juno Temple. Temple’s adulterous tryst with
Ray Liotta gets her in a little too much hot
water before the protector of damsels in
distress, Dwight, is able to save the day. Also in
support are Rosario Dawson (reprising her
role as Gail, leader of Old Town), Christopher
Meloni and Jeremy Piven as a pair of
bickering cops, Christopher Lloyd, Lady Gaga,
and Stacey Keach as a crime lord who looks
like a cross between Humpty Dumpty and
Jabba the Hutt.
This film is the epitome of tongue­in­cheek,
and anyone who takes it too seriously is
missing the point. Sure, the violence is way
over the top, and some characters are
extremely cartoonish, but that is also where the
draw comes in. What co­directors Rodriguez
and Miller have done here is provide us with
a sequel that tops the first film in every way,
creating a steamier and more seamless
variation on life in Sin City. There is a great
deal more nudity in this installment, most of
which is provided by the lovely Ms. Green, who
may have worn clothes for merely a quarter of
her screen time.
In preparing for my review, I revisited the first
film and was surprised at how much I preferred
“A Dame to Kill For”. Josh Brolin’s characterization of Dwight McCarthy is leapsand bounds
over that of Clive Owen and the situations bear
a greater resemblance to the grimyworld of
film noir. I also think it’s high time I address the
elephant in the room here concerning the first
film. It’s what I like to call the “Sin City” curse.
Let’s see, Brittany Murphy (who played a
waitress at Kadie’s) and Michael Clarke
Duncan are dead, everyone thought Nick Stahl
(“Yellow Bastard”) was dead for a period in
2012, and Clive Owen’s career isn’t exactly
showing that much life either these days.
Whether or not there is a “Sin City” curse, the
filmmakers have given us the best
possiblecast for this film who are surely
entertaining us at their own risk. This movie
was just fun all around and restored my faith in
the veritable art form known as “the sequel”. ***
(3 out of 4 stars)
Fall 2014 Game Lineup
Destiny – Sept. 9
By: Kamel Benyahia
This game is actually
out now. From the
makers of the original
Halo trilogy, Bungee,
comes a new universe
filled with aliens to
shoot and gorgeous
graphics to gawk at.
This game is coming
to PS4, Xbox One,
and their last-gen counterparts. The game looked great in the
Beta that I took part in over the summer, and I would strongly
recommend this to anyone looking for a game to get lost in. It
is a massive multiplayer online game (MMO) and features
role-playing game (RPG) elements. The mechanics are not
that different from Borderlands. Look for a review of this game
in a later issue of The Dolphin.
Hyrule Warriors – Sept. 26
It’s Zelda with Dynasty Warriors themed
game play. That means mowing down
absurdly large armies with one character.
I usually enjoy Zelda games, but I can’t
say for sure if I will be into this game. It
will feature your usual suspects in the
Zelda universe like Link, Zelda,
Ganondorf, and Sheik.
Driveclub – Oct. 7
After long delays this game is finally
coming to PS4 exclusively. Driveclub
looks to give the gamer a first-person
view of what it’s like to own the orld’s
greatest cars. Driveclub is going to
fill a racing game void on the PS4
until The Crew comes out. Need
for Speed Rivals is the only legitimate racing game on PS4 right now.
Driveclub boasts an elaborate social
network that allows you to form clubs with your friends and
try to dominate other teams on the track. It sounds like The
Crew, but with a more race-centric approach.
Assassin’s Creed
Unity – Nov. 11
Assassin’s Creed is taking its
talents to Paris. This year’s
title, Unity, will feature a new
assassin for us to play as. It
takes place during time of
guillotines and Napoleon.
This series always has a
great story and amazing
graphics. I usually buy the
series when they come out,
but if you’re a casual fan you
can wait until it comes down
in price.
FIFA 15 – Sept. 23
Last year is the first time I have
bought a FIFA game since 1995. I
was impressed with the mechanics
of the game, but I felt it was lacking in the graphics department. FIFA 15 looks to remedy
that issue with an all new character models, turf design, and
weather effects designed with next-gen in mind. I will admit
I had a lot of fun with FIFA 14, I am considering buying this
year’s version with improved visuals.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare – Nov. 4
Another year, another duty. Call
of Duty’s annual game franchise
looks to continue its juggernaut
sales success with this year’s
Advanced Warfare. It looks like
they are really committing to
bringing a fresh take to a series
often criticized for not changing
the formula more than it does.
Advanced Warfare shares a lot of similarities with Titanfall, minus
the titans. The franchise can’t be blamed for mixing things up since
that’s what fans have been clamoring for. However, this may have
been too far in the wrong direction. It doesn’t look like a
military-style shooter anymore, it looks more like Halo or Starship
The Crew – Nov. 11
This is my
game this fall.
I am into
racing and
tuning cars,
so the idea
of having one of the largest maps spanning the
United States from coast to coast blows my
mind. The Crew allows you and your friends to
make your team of precision drivers to
accomplish missions spread across the US.
You and your crew will race, drift, and smash
your way to the top of the leader boards in this
massive multiplayer online game. It will have
licensed vehicles for you to modify for off-road or
street use
depending on the
you are
Farcry 4 – Nov. 18
Farcry 3 was a
pleasant surprise
for me. I bought
it used and was
surprised how gripping the story could
be at moments.
Some things were
a little far-fetched,
but overall the story
was amazing. Enter
Farcry 4, hoping to
capitalize on the
success of Farcry 3.
Each game tells a
different story and has no relation to
previous Farcry titles. The game takes place
in the Himalayan region and pits you against
a ruthless dictator. I am interested where they
take you in this story since Farcry 3 has some
crazy twists in the plot. This game is a
must-have for anyone seeking a great single
player campaign with an open-world sandbox
Grand Theft
Auto V – October
Yes this game came out last
year on the last-gen consoles.
However, Rockstar decided to
grace the current-gen consoles
with one of the greatest games
to come out in recent history. The upgraded graphics
utilizing the power of the PS4 and Xbox One will make it
look like a whole new game. Expect more hustle and bustle
in the city with heavier traffic and more pedestrians. The
game will presumably come with access to all the DLC
currently available, as well as the ability to transfer saved
data from last-gen to current-gen consoles.
Dragon Age: Inquisition – Nov. 18
Dragon Age is an RPG from Bioware, the
makers of Mass Effect. Dragon age and Mass
Effect have always had similar game mechanics,
but are set in completely different environments.
Bioware has always been great at crafting
stories that allow the gamer to make difficult
choices. These choices can affect the outcome
of a story, which leads players to play again
with different choices. This replay value makes
Bioware games worth the cost of a new game.
Dragon Age is a game with knights, wizards, and
rogues usually working together for a common
goal. That seems to be the theme of most
Bioware games, but since the material is so
good it never gets old.
Fall 2014 Movie Preview
This is Where I
Leave You
By: Jeff Boudreaux
Staff Writer
the Theory of Everything
Dumb and Dumber 2
Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels
are back together after a
22-year hiatus. Will this
sequel stand up to the
original. Can these actors
even stand up any more.
We’ll find out!
November 14.
Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables) stars
as famed physicist Stephen Hawking
in this biopic directed by James Marsh
(the Oscar-winning “Man on Wire”).
November 7.
The Hobbit: The
Battle of the Five
Jason Bateman, Tina Fey,
and the legendary Jane
Fonda star in this “dramedy”
based on Jonathan
Tropper’s best-seller.
September 19.
Channing Tatum and
Steve Carell star in
this dark drama about
Olympic champion Mark
Schultz and his
relationship with the
coach who went on to kill
his brother. Director
Bennett Miller won the
best director award at
Cannes for this film which
may turn out to be this
year’s sleeper. November 14
Exodus: Gods and
The Drop
Matthew McConaughey
plays his best Sandra
Bullock in this film about
space travel. Just kidding.
From director Christopher
Nolan (The Dark Knight
trilogy) the astronauts in
this film find themselves on
the other end of a
wormhole. Co-starring Anne
Hathaway and Jessica
November 7.
Jamie Foxx, Cameron
Diaz and newcomer
Quvenzhane Wallis star in
this contemporary remake
of the classic musical
based on the comic strip
from Will Gluck, the director of “Easy A” and “Friends
with Benefits.”
Horrible Bosses 2
This is what we’ve all been
waiting for, Peter Jackson’s
third film of his second
trilogy based on J.R.R.
Tolkien’s timeless books. in
3D everywhere.
December 17
The Hunger
Games: Mockingjay
Part 1
Night at the
Museum: Secret of
the Tomb
In this third installment of
this magical franchise,
curator Ben Stiller must
keep his “special” friends
alive when a force
threatens to destroy their
existence. This will also
represent one of the last
few roles that Robin
Williams filmed before his
untimely passing. He will
surely be missed. Also
returning are bickering
miniatures Owen Wilson
and Steve Coogan
(Jedediah and Octavius). December 19.
Most of the cast of the
original is back for this
second installment (save
for Colin Farrell). In this
film the disgruntled friends
(Jason Bateman, Jason
Sudeikis and Charlie Day)
start their own business and
kidnap the son(Chris Pine)
of unscrupulous investor
Christoph Waltz.
November 26.
Liberally adapted biblical
epics are the latest craze
in Hollywood. This one
involves Moses (played by
Christian Bale)
method-acting his way
through the Red Sea. From
Ridley Scott (Alien,
December 12.
Big Hero 6
Tom Hardy stars in a
crime drama based on
a screenplay by Dennis
Lehane (who penned
Mystic River and Gone
Baby Gone). Also
featured are Noomi
Rapace and the late
James Gandolfini in his
last role.
September 12.
Alexander and the
Terrible, Horrible,
No Good, Very
Bad Day
The Boxtrolls
Oh no, Peeta (Josh Hutcherson)
has been kidnapped and is now
part of the nation of Panem. Can
Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) save
her friend? This is the third installment of Suzanne Collins’ wildly
popular series which also stars
Liam Hemsworth, Julianne Moore,
and boasts the last performance of
Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Check it out on November 21.
Brad Pitt and Shia
LaBeouf star in this
WWII drama
concerning a
nearly-suicide mission
for the Americans in
the waning days of the
European conflict.
October 17.
This latest gem from Walt
Disney Studios Animation
concerns a boy genius and
his lovable robot who must
foil some dastardly deeds
plaguing their town.
November 7.
Steve Carrell and
Jennifer Garner star in this
Disney film based on the
beloved children’s book by
Judith Viorst.
October 10.
From the makers of
“Coraline” and “ParaNorman”
comes a fantasy (of course)
with a hero named “Eggs”
who must save the town of
Cheesbridge. Yum.
September 19.