November 2008 Issue - Delgado Community College


November 2008 Issue - Delgado Community College
Death of VooDoo
Gaslight Anthem
Page 6
Page 6
Page 4
The Dolphin
November 2008 Delgado Community College
Volume 38 : Number 2
AmeriCAN Olympic Stew Winners
Delgado Architecture students place in CANstruction design contest
By Shantrell A. Cook
Delgado’s Architectural Student Organization went head-to-head
with big Louisiana Firms
in the annual CANstruction Design/Build Competition.
“This was our third
time placing an award
in the four years that we
have participated in this
competition,” said Victor Mirzai, Delgado professor of architecture.
He said this competition
is mainly devoted to professional architects.
Sponsored by American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Second
Harvest, this contest is
not only an opportunity
for architects to showcase their creative and
technical abilities, but
also a chance to give
back to the community
in New Orleans. All of
the canned goods used to
create the entries are donated to Second Harvest,
a food bank for those in
need, after the competition.
This year there were
14 entries. Participants
included companies like
AGL Architecture & Design; C Spencer Smith,
AIA, LLC; and Mathes
Brierre Architects. The
only schools to compete
were Delgado Community College and Tulane
School of Architecture.
The competition was
held at The Shops Canal
Place. Each team had
10 hours to complete a
CANstruction before the
judging began.
Delgado’s team included 12 students.
Among those students
are the project team
leader Michelle Martin,
Valerie Vaughn, Tony
Muller, Roger Dey, Mario Farciert, and other
photo courtesy of Victor Mirzai
Interview with Eric
Richey, Fox 8
Delgado Architecture students with their Olympic design made from canned goods.
Mirzai and his students also participated
in the Habitat for Humanity project at the
Musicians Village on
Oct. 18.
worked along with
(representatives of) the
Construction Specification Institute (CSI) and
the National Associa-
tion of Women in Construction (NAWIC) for
eight hours of service
learning,” said Mirzai.
Food Drive
PTK serves those in need
By Shantrell A. Cook
Thursday, Nov. 6, Phi
Theta Kappa has arranged
a food drive for America’s Second Harvest Food
Bank, also known as
Feeding America.
According to Phi Theta Kappa adviser Emily
Cosper, all pantry items,
such as canned goods and
cooking staples, will be
Though established in
1979 as America’s Second Harvest, the network
now calls itself Feeding
America. According to
its website,,it “secures
and distributes more than
2 billion pounds of donated food and grocery products annually.”
The site also says that it
“provides food assistance
to more than 25 million
low-income people facing hunger in the United
States, including more
than 9 million children
and nearly 3 million seniors” each year.
The drop-off location will be at the Phi
Theta Kappa office in
Building One, Room
115E # 10.
“There will be a box
outside the door so students and faculty can
bring their donations
whenever they want,”
said Cosper.
Phi Theta Kappa also
assisted with Habitat for
Humanity in Musicians
Village on Oct. 18. According to Cosper, PTK
members “helped to
roof and do corners on
photo courtesy of Victor Mirzai
Team Delgado architecture students worked on houses at Musicians Village with Habitat
for Humanity Oct. 18. Phi Theta Kappa members participated in this day of service, also.
three homes being built”
for the fifth time since
Katrina. Victor Mirzai’s
also had a team working
with Habitat that day
(see photo above).
“This is the first
time we have done the
food drive,” Cosper
said. “Last year we did
a children’s book drive
and gave a ton of chil-
dren’s books to a local
elementary school. We
try to do different things
each year.”
Phi Theta Kappa is
the campus-wide honors organization for students with a 3.0 GPA
Inside this issue:
Math Phobia, p.3
Politics, p. 3
SAW V, p. 5
Sports predictions, p. 7
Page The Dolphin Campus News
News at a Glance…
November 2008
Toxins-how to keep your pet safe
By Rachel Ann Harb
Veterinary Technology Program Class of 2010
• Tues. Nov. 4- National, local elections
• Wed. Nov. 5- Last day to drop classes
• Nov. 15- Homecoming
• Fri. Nov. 21, 7pm, Student Life CenterTEVP Showcase and Sigma Chi Eta
• Mon. Dec. 1- Last day of class
• Mon. Dec. 15, 10am- Fall Graduation
The Dolphin
Delgado Community College’s Student Newspaper
The Dolphin is written, edited and produced by students enrolled at Delgado Community College. Signed opinions are those
of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration of Delgado Community College, other members of the
staff, or the faculty adviser to the newspaper. Letters to the editor
should be typed, double-spaced, and not longer than 400 words.
Guest columns should be no longer than 700 words. The Dolphin
reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for space and
to reject any letter without notification of the author. Faculty and
staff members should include their titles and department. Students
should include major and classification.
All submissions must include full name and phone number. Submissions can be mailed to The Dolphin, 615 City Park Ave., New
Orleans, LA 70119 or brought to the Dolphin office in CP11 Room
104, Monday through Friday. The office phone number is (504) 6716005, and the e-mail address is
Editor.................................................................... Mandy Hamilton
Associate Editor................................................... Shantrell A. Cook
Graphic Designer........................................................Jewel Kirzner
Contributing writers.....................Mai Bader, Juan Barnes, Donald
Dominick, Dionne Duncan, Shawn Eib, Heleana P. Elly, Robert Glory,
Soledad Perez, Kris Pullins, Erika Riggs, Alicia Sanders, Kirsten
Tillman, Justin Wooten, Denzel Wysingle, and Martha Velasquez
Faculty adviser............................................................. Susan Hague
Dolphin Sink or Swim
Anyone who has pets
knows that in order to keep
them healthy, you need to
feed them quality pet food
(not table food) and keep
up with their vaccinations,
heartworm treatments and
flea treatments. Prevention
is the key in quality animal
care. What many owners do
not know is that there are
many dangerous poisons
(toxins) in your house.
The first is Xylitol. Xylitol is found in sugarless
gum and candy. It causes
hypoglycemia, which is low
blood sugar because it causes
a fast release of insulin.
Xylitol mainly affects
dogs because they have more
of a sweet tooth and usually sniff out the goods more
than a cat would. Ingestion
can cause weakness, vomiting, ataxia (uncoordinated
decreased potassium levels,
seizures, liver dysfunction
or failure and can even result
in a coma.
amount of time that has
lapsed since ingestion, treatment may include inducing
vomiting, intravenous fluids
and intravenous dextrose,
which increases the level of
sugar in the blood. The fluids assist in evacuating the
toxin from the system.
Theobromide is found
in chocolate along with caffeine. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea, trembling,
muscle spasms, seizures.
In older dogs it can result
in comas and even death if
they are not treated and have
Taste test
Sink to
Swim to
• Gov. Palin’s $150,000
• Elections
By Denzel Wysingle
• Hornets pre-season
• No more VooDoo
• Three Saints under
record (7-0)
• Saints win in London
Lower gas prices
SGA Elections Nov. 3-4
Homecoming King and
A parish that is located in
Southeast Louisiana has the
best tasting water. A sample
has been taken from the East
Bank of St. Charles Parish and
has received top honors at a
regional contest sponsored by
the American Water Works
Association. Tulsa, Oklahoma
hosted the taste testing events;
contestants included Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
In June 2009, St. Charles
will compete in the “ACE Best
of the Best Water Taste Test.”
heart problems.
Treatment can include
induction of vomiting within
four hours of ingestion, activated charcoal, intravenous
fluids, antiseizure medicine
for those animals having
muscle tremors, and cardiac
medications for those exhibiting irregular heart rates or
Some chocolate contains
more Theobromide than others. Unsweetened Baker’s
chocolate has a much higher
ratio of toxin to chocolate
than milk chocolate.
photo by Mandy Hamilton
Here is a scenario to put
things in perspective. A 50pound dog would have to eat
about 9 oz. of milk chocolate
to cause a problem.
So if you have a Chihuahua and he eats the whole
bag of Halloween candy,
you may want to seek some
Grapes and raisins can
also be as toxic to dogs. The
amount can range from 1 to
2 ounces to cause effects.
Dogs exhibit vomiting
and diarrhea at first, then
they have a sudden onset of
kidney failure, all within 24
hours of ingestion. Treatment can include induction of vomiting, activated
charcoal, stomach pumping
and IV fluids for at least
48 hours, depending on the
blood work checking kidney
Don’t panic if your dog
has eaten one or two grapes
that the kids have dropped
on the floor, but it is a good
idea to keep these out of
their reach. Some dogs don’t
know their limit.
Lastly, one of the toughest ailments to treat is sago
palm ingestion. Because
dogs are chewers, they fall
victim to this attractive plant.
They will vomit all food and
water consumed and by the
time this is happening, they
are in dire need for treatment
of liver failure.
Treatments including IV
fluids and activated charcoal
which usually help about 60
percent of the cases, depending on the health of the animal.
Many other toxins are
readily available in our
households. To get more information on this extensive
list of poisons, visit reliable
websites such as http://www.
and http://veterinarypartner.
com/ to find more information on toxins. If you feel
that your pet has ingested
any one of these, call your
local veterinarian, emergency clinic or pet poison control. The pet poison control
number is 1-888-232-8870.
There is a $35 dollar charge
for the call, but peace of
mind is priceless. Prevention
is the key to your pet living a
long and healthy happy life.
S.P.I.T.T 16 & City Park
**A lyrical competition**
The winner and runner up
be interviewed by DDN/Recording Footage live with DTV
Hosted by: “3rd I beat extraordinaire” a.k.a. Tony
*Free for all students and staff*
November 12, 2008
11:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Dolphin Den on City Park Campus
(In front of the Student Life Center.)
November 2008
IN my
By JANE Vaden
I guess it’s time for me
to write my every five-year
plea for HELP!
In 1996 my adult daughter Gretchen and I decided
to continue our education.
We registered for 12 hours,
which included Biology and
Algebra 091.
Let me tell you, if it
hadn’t been for Gretchen’s
help in studying, I would
have either dropped or failed
the above two courses.
Then Gretchen became
pregnant – that traitor. No
longer did I have my support
Throughout the years, I
struggled through the rest of
the remedial Algebra courses. Since I wanted to keep
my GPA as close to 3.0 as I
could, I managed to get B’s
until I reached the Algebra
from Hell: MATH 118.
Election Day can’t get
here soon enough.
I’m not the only one who
feels this way, am I? I mean, it
wouldn’t be the first time, but
I can’t help but wonder what
others are feeling. I just don’t
plan on wondering out loud.
Because people will tell
me exactly what they think.
Oh boy will they, whether I
ask them or not. I have done
a lot to avoid talk about politics with people I don’t really
know, and it’s funny how everything seems to somehow
turn into a political debate.
I was out one night, and a
man approached me and asked
me if I was voting. I informed
him that I was planning on voting, and that there was even a
law that allowed me to do so.
He then asked who I planned
on voting for. When I replied
with the candidate that I had
The Dolphin
Funny, but I passed 120
fairly easily. Want to know
REAL LIFE. By the way, please don’t
ask me the following questions:
Have you tried using
the Math Lab? Yes, many
Have you tried enrolling in a class that forms
into groups whose results
are turned in as an individual? Yes, and I guess my
group was as lost as I was.
Have you tried the Flex
Class? Yes, and as soon as I
saw the first test, thought it
must be in Greek.
I always understood
the work in class and in my
But, when the first test
was put in my cold, clammy
hands, it was as if I had never
seen any of these problems
before. Some might call this
test anxiety, but Algebra was
the only course where these
symptoms were exhibited.
And then one recent day
a student told me that you
could graduate with either
118 or 120 (120 is not Algebra but it does make you
think.). Talk about excited,
I even stopped writing this
article – only to begin again
after speaking to a counselor. No way, Jose.
I have even lowered the
bar on my grade; a D would
suit me just fine. I have taken
so many courses over the years
that I have ended up with a
double major: Journalism and
Theatre. Now I ask you, what
does Algebra have to do with
either of these subjects? When I posed this question to several math teachers,
their only uniform reply was
that I might need it in order to
balance my checkbook. Well,
duh. I’ve been doing that for
at least 50 years.
So, to those of you in a
position to do so, please give
some thought to other options
for us senior citizens.
Now that’s a thought: a
class comprised of strictly old
coots. Or maybe having the
course taught in two different
sections, like MATH 095 and
And how about this: letting us replace 118 with another subject that, old as we
are, shows we can still think
– I have in mind MATH 120,
but would settle for anything
other than MATH 118.
Did I mention that I’m
70 years old? I would sell my
soul to walk across that stage
to receive my diploma before
I die.
I will also never give up
trying to pass the accursed
course – if it’s the last thing I
chosen, he then said: “Really?
May I ask why?”
Um… no. You may not.
You see, this man was a
customer at the place where I
was having my BIRTHDAY
PARTY. Read that again. Now
tell me if you think that this is
an appropriate time or place
for this type of discussion.
What made this dude see
me on the dance floor, with a
drink in my hand, and think:
“Ooh, this looks like a great
time for some political dialogue!”
When I told him I didn’t
want to talk about politics at
all, “Now’s not the time, it’s
my birthday, you see!,” he got
all upset, and looked at me
like I’d just punted his puppy
through a goal post, while
screaming, “It’s good!”
He tried to approach me
two more times before I had to
yell at him to stop ruining my
night, and leave me the hell
Let’s get this straight: My
vote is mine to do with as I
damned well please, and I do
NOT have to talk to you about
it, or justify it to you. If I want
to write “VOTE” on a piece of
paper and burn it on my front
lawn, that’s my business.
I’m tired of people telling
me their opinions on the race.
I can see if I’m having an ac-
tual conversation with another
person, but if I’m trying to enjoy myself, I don’t even want
to hear it.
I’ve heard a lot of things
said during this election. Good
comments, bad comments,
comments that have completely disgusted me. I’ve heard
horrible, thoughtless, just plain
closed-minded things come
out of the mouths of people I
thought were my friends.
If this election has shown
me nothing else, it has shown
me that not everyone is who
I thought they were. That includes myself. It has shown
that the racism people have
said didn’t exist is alive and
well, and sometimes comes
from surprising places. It has
shown me that something I
never thought I’d be alive to
see, just may happen. It also
shows how sad it is that in
2008, there are people like me
that are still being told that it
will never, ever happen. This
message is still being spread
even a week before the most
historic election in our country’s history. That needs to
stop. By the time you even
read this, we may have a new
Your vote = your voice.
Just saying. Page Where do they stand?
McCain vs. Obama
By Justin Wooten
The two presidential
nominees sat in front of the
nation for the third and final
time to discuss the problems
that America is facing. It was
the last time to watch the two
candidates debate before the
Nov. 4 election.
Each candidate was given a nine-minute segment to
explain his policies.
One policy that was on
the top of most Americans’
list was healthcare. Sen.
Obama plans are if your
employer insures you, you
can keep it. Obama wants
to lower the cost on the premium. If you’re not insured,
Obama wants to provide an
option for you to buy the
type of health care plan federal workers have at a low
Sen. McCain wants to
give every American family a $5,000 refundable tax
credit to get their own health
care plan. The plan you select will cover you anywhere
in the country.
On education, Obama
plans to invest in early
childhood education,recruit
a new and younger generation of teachers, with a specialty in math and science,
with higher pay. He wants
to make college affordable,
and would give a $4000 tuition credit for college in
exchange for community
Sen. McCain plans to
make student loans available, give students a repayment schedule they can meet
and will adjust the student’s
loan eligibility to inflation.
He also wants to promote
the voucher system that is
available in the Washington
D.C. area.
On taxes, Sen. Obama
plans to give a tax cut for
most working Americans
making less than $250,000.
For small business, he proposes a tax credit for businesses making less than
$250,000, so they can afford
health insurance for their
Sen. McCain plans to
cut business taxes and he
says he would take $300 of
the $700 billion from the
bailout package and negotiate with homeowners so they
can stay in their homes.
On the war in Iraq and
Afghanistan, Sen. Obama
said that he would send
some additional troops into
Afghanistan from Iraq, to
search and destroy Al-Qaeda
From there, the Iraq government would take over.
Obama said that destroying
Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda is
a priority.
Sen. McCain plans to
double the size of the Afghanistan army and wants
the same strategy that Iraq
The debates failed to discuss topics like immigration,
or energy, or poverty. Should
immigrants have the same
rights as American citizens?
What about our relationship
with other countries? How
will either candidate deal
with that situation?
weighed in on thier choice
for president in a recent
poll of 228 students from
the City Park campus. Of
the 228, 124 said that they
would vote for Obama, 42
said they would vote for McCain, 36 said they were not
sure and 26 said they were
were not voting.
cartoon by Al Champagne
Page The Dolphin A rts & E ntertainment
November 2008
The Gaslight Anthem “The ’59 Sound”
By Shawn Eib
The title of this album
says it all. On their last album, “Sink or Swim”, the
Gaslight Anthems from New
Brunswick, NJ, showcased
their songwriting proficiency and Brian Fallon’s strong
vocal delivery.
This album is a combination of the punk/soul of
their debut with a ’50’s rock
feel, by way of the Bruce
Springsteen. The combination sounds like a band hitting their stride.
The songs are again
very strong in a Springsteen-esque teenage drama
kind of way. Recurring characters from “Sink or Swim”
are highlighted, Matilda and
Maria being two examples.
“These characters are
based on conglomerations of
people I have really known
in my life,” said Brian Fallon, “but they’re not about
anyone in particular,” said
The instrumentation has
been toned down from the
debut’s fury. The drums,
which still sound huge, are
not nearly as aggressive, and
the wall of guitars has been
traded in for a more layered,
mature sound.
The song’s lyrical content covers the topics of
heartbreak, disillusionment,
and the plight of growing up
working class in America.
Fallon said that these past albums are meant to tell parts
of the same story.
Fallon even uses a decidedly Springsteen-sounding vocal production, with a
pronounced slap back echo.
A similar effect was recently
used on Brandon Flowers’
voice from the latest Killers LP. “Everyone is telling me they think I stole it
from Springsteen,” said Fallon, “but I stole it from Joe
[Strummer of the Clash]!”
This album certainly
sets the band up for future
successes. Currently touring, this band is ready to be
stars. Their success is crack-
photo by Shawn Eib
Music Review
Brian Fallon of the Gaslight Anthems playing a solo set in Richmond, Va.
ing into the British music
press, as evidenced by their
having graced of Kerrang!
To put that into perspective,
Nirvana’s explosion into
stardom began with being in-
terviewed in NME - another
British music mag. And with
the success of bands such
as Against Me!, whom Fallon said, “gave us a scene to
come up in to,” the musical
landscape seems ripe for the
SGA goes Hollywood South for Homecoming!
Mon. Nov. 10--Back to school Dress-down day
Tues. Nov. 11--Retro Throw-back Day
Wed. Nov. 12--Open Mike and DJ
Thur. Nov. 13--Green and Gold Day
Fri. Nov. 14--Chess and Spades Tournament,
Sat. Nov. 15--Homecoming dance, The Cricket
Club, 2400 St. Charles Ave.
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November 2008
Movie Review
By Donald Dominick
Another tough decision
must be made by the current
and 43rd president of this
great nation.
George Walker Bush
must decide if he wants to
see how he is portrayed in
the upcoming biographical
film “W.”
The film is directed by
Oliver Stone, who also directed, produced and wrote
other presidential movies that include “JFK” and
“Nixon.” It is probably no
accident that the movie was
released before the election.
Josh Brolin (No Country for Old Men and Grindhouse Planet Terror) plays
George Bush.
Other cast members
in the film include Elizabeth Banks as Laura Bush,
Richard Dreyfuss as Dick
Cheney, Scott Glenn as Donald Rumsfeld, and James
Cromwell (George H. W.
This movie was not
a “fair” representation of
George W. Bush.
This movie was an attack, emphasizing his personal and professional mistakes.
For those of you who are
in favor of Bush, you may
not want to watch this one.
Whether you like him or
not, Bush has been one of the
most talked about presidents
this nation has ever had, and
this movie shows it.
By Kirsten Tillman
Imagine a place with
dim lights, soft music, and
comfortable furniture where
you can enjoy a refreshing cocktail garnished with
fresh fruit. This place is full
of good energy; it’s clean,
calm, and has all the ingredients you need to help unwind after a hectic week, or
go on a first date. Your mind
is telling you, you must be
on vacation, but your body
hasn’t left New Orleans. If
the stress of school is getting to you, and you’re looking for a place to just relax
and enjoy yourself, consider
adding Whiskey Blue to
your go-to list.
Though originally established in New York, the
Page “SAW V”
Movie Review
By Donald Dominick
Jigsaw returns for the
fifth installment in the Saw
This movie answered
many of the questions that
were left open from the
other films, such as:
What happened to Corbett, who was the daughter
of Lynn Denlon and Jeff
Reinhart, after Saw III?
What happened to Officer Rigg (who was injured
at the end of the fourth
one) and Agent Strahm,
who was left locked in the
factory room with a dying
Jigsaw and a dead Amanda?
And, will Detective
Hoffman ever be caught
for his actions in helping
However, many questions still need to be answered and new ones
came up during the film,
such as:
Where did Doctor Gordon disappear to at the end
of his “game” in the original Saw?
What was on the letter that Detective Hoffman
wrote to Amanda in Saw
What was left to Jill
Tuck (Jigsaw’s wife) in
the box at the attorney’s
What did that autopsy
scene in Saw IV have to
do with anything other
than Jigsaw dying, it was
business opened on Poydras
Street in New Orleans nine
years ago. Whiskey Blue
has a setup that caters to individuals from many walks
of life.
The lounge’s décor includes a blend of neutral and
dark colors and, decorated
with very contemporary
pieces of furniture, gives the
place a very sophisticated
East Coast vibe. The seating arrangements consist of
sofas and tables that present
the opportunity for people to
socialize. Some guests describe the club as tranquil.
“I don’t feel like I’m in
New Orleans when I go out
there” said Charity school
of nursing student Monika
Solana. “It feels like a getaway where you can let
loose, have a few drinks,
meet people, and just relax.
I love it there.”
The bar area is much
photo from
The Dolphin
Thinking inside the box--Agent Strahm is a round head in a square hole, but he’s trying not
to lose his head as he plans his exit strategy in SAW V.
not revisited during this
The Lionsgate website
has a brief plot analysis.
It states that, “Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) is
seemingly the last person
alive to carry on Jigsaw’s
(Tobin Bell) legacy. But
when his secret is threatened, Hoffman must go
on the hunt to eliminate all
loose ends.”
Also, there are a total of seven traps. Two of
them which are known are
shown through television
movie spots.
One movie trailer, the
opening scene, is that of
a man named Seth (Joris
Jarsky). He is chained,
by his neck, to a table. A
above him with a pair of
darker than the lounge and
is decorated with a contrast
of black and many shades of
dark blue, with a full size bed
that sits beside the bar. Along
the back wall is seating and a
plasma television were guest
can play Nintendo Wii. The
drink menu consists of several cocktails many in which
people have never heard of,
like the strawberry mojito or
the blue raspberry mojito.
The prices range from seven
-$15 dollars per drink. The
drink prices may be a bit
steep to some on a college
“It’s a cool bar, very
nicely decorated, but I don’t
like getting dressed up all the
time, and I can’t afford the
prices, not even with someone else’s money,” Delgado
student Jennifer Barry said.
“If it was a special occasion
I’d probably go, but it’s not
my scene.”
vices that stand next to his
To escape, Seth must
crush his hands in the vices so he will no longer commit any violence against innocent people. If he does
not do this, then he will be
cut in half. And the blade
begins to swing. His fate
was left unknown by trailers end.
Another trap has Agent
Strahm’s (Scott Patterson)
head locked inside a sealed
box with two tubes leading into it. Here, he is seen
screaming and clawing
at the box. He is trying to
figure how to get his head
out throughout the movie
trailer. Nothing else was
Saw V is set to take
place in some sort of house.
Maybe it will be something
similar to Saw II. And it
is all about “teamwork”
which would be like both
Saw and Saw II.
So, if you are a fan of
the Saw series, it’s out just
in time for Halloween and
beyond. It’s a movie that
never seems to give up.
Page The Dolphin November 2008
A 1st and
VooDoo fill grave, leave big hole in
10 with Eric
sports scene
York, L.A. to
By Robert Glory
Perhaps the most shocking news of 2008 in the
New Orleans sports scene
happened on Oct. 13, when
owner Tom Benson announced that the New Orleans VooDoo arena football
franchise ceased operations.
The VooDoo appeared
to be an almost perfect fit in
New Orleans. Ticket prices
were kept low, the atmosphere was more intimate,
and the fans made the experience their own, with many
wearing themed costumes
and painting their faces for
every home game.
The New Orleans Arena,
nicknamed the “Graveyard”,
developed a reputation as a
tough place for opponents
to play, and the VooDoo’s
22-11 all-time home record
reflected this.
Fan support definitely
wasn’t the reason for the VooDoo’s demise. Attendance
ranked at or near the top of
the Arena Football league in
all four VooDoo seasons, and
VooDoo fans even showed
up at road games all over the
country, from Austin to New
VooDoo and
Orleans hosted
two straight
that sold out,
boosting the profile of the
league on its biggest stage.
TV ratings in New Orleans
were among the league leaders, and the team’s distinctive
logo sold more merchandise
than any other AFL team.
However, the rest of
the league couldn’t match the
VooDoo’s success, and most
teams were losing money. To
help stabilize their finances,
they proposed allowing an
outside investment firm to
buy a stake in the league and
make its operations more efficient.
Tom Benson and the VooDoo management may have
had to part with more control
of their franchise than they
wanted to. The move resembled socialism toward some
of the weaker franchises from
some of the stronger ones.
Another possible explanation may have been prodding from George Shinn,
By Erika Riggs
photo by Robert Glory
owner of the New Orleans
Hornets. With the success of
the Hornets in the 2007-2008
season, they may have wanted less competition for their
product in one of the smallest markets in the league, so
an “agreement” might have
been reached.
This isn’t very plausible, however, as the VooDoo
and Hornets coexisted in the
same arena for two years before Hurricane Katrina and
neither franchise seemed
hurt by the arrangement.
Whatever the reason,
the folding of the VooDoo
leaves 8 less opportunities a
year to enjoy pro football in
our area. Even if you think
it was “just” Arena Football,
it still provided an economic
boost and a source of pride
to our area. It helped spread
the word, the “brand” of
New Orleans.
NFL Passing Leaders
By Mandy Hamilton
Of the top five QB starts
thus far, three are with teams
who have winning records.
Referring to the charts, it’s
safe to say that size plays
a factor in determining the
success of a quarterback. Arguably true, right? That is,
unless you’re New Orleans
quarterback, Drew Brees,
who is currently leading the
NFL in passing yards.
When watching one
of the smallest QBs in the
league put up the biggest
numbers, you see what a
true competitor he is.
The Saints have only
won half of their games this
season, and Brees still averages 320 passing yards a
game, edging closer each
week to surpassing a 24
year old record set by Marino. But, Brees isn’t the
only successful QB without
a winning record. Brees’s
former teammate, Phillip
Rivers also knows what it’s
like to suffer losses. Coincidentally, the two battled
it out Sunday, Oct. 26, at
Wembley Stadium for one of
the best offensive match-ups
this season.
Here’s a mid-way look
at the passing leaders and
why the underdog shouldn’t
be overlooked.
Eric Richey , a sports
anchor with FOX 8, is
someone any future sports
broadcaster should meet.
His enthusiasm on and off
the camera is something
that should be captured
and placed into the heart of
anyone who wants a future
in this career. Recently, I
was given the opportunity
to have a one-on-one in-
photo by Erika Riggs
terview with the one, the
only , Eric Richey.
Q: What created your
interest in the field of
sports casting?
A: When I got my
first tape recorder, I was
an eight - year-old kid. I
started interviewing people, and I would turn the
volume down and do my
own play by play. So, ever
since I was probably eight.
I had an idea thatI wanted
to do something in sports
Q: What do you dislike the most about your
job ?
A: Easily, the hours
that it takes away from
your family. You work a
ridiculous schedule sometimes when it comes to
hours and weekends, and
you think about it, all
sports are weekends and
holidays, so it takes away
from your personal life
and your time with your
family. That’s easily what
I don’t like about the business the most.
Q: What do you like
best about your job?
A: That it’s something
that I’ve wanted to do
since I was little. I’m basically realizing a dream.
When I was a kid, they
would ask me, “what do
you want to do when you
grow up? I would say if
not a major league baseball player, I want to be
a sportscaster. So, I’m
living out the dream and
that I love that it changes
everyday. That it’s fun, its
exciting and I guess that
would be what I like the
Q: What is your favorite sport to broadcast?
A: I would say, my
favorite sport overall is
baseball. If I was to do
play-by-play , I would
say baseball. But as far as
what we do in local news,
football by far is the best
sport for local sports because it lends itself to
coverage: the build-up,
Friday night high school,
Saturday college, Sunday
NFL. So, then we start to
preview it all over again.
So, it’s a cycle that’s just
conducive to local television.
Q: If you would have
chosen another career,
what would it be and
A: Either a lounge
singer or a professional actor. Because I’m a singer/
actor wanna-be at heart.
That’s what it would be.
Q : Will the Saints
make the playoffs , if not,
A: I would say the
Saints have a great shot of
making the playoffs. The
key for them right now is
to get through this stretch,
where they have a lot of
key players injured. So, if
they can survive, missing
Marques Colston, missing Jeremy Shockey and
keep the mojo up , they’ll
be fine and they’ll be in
the postseason.
Q: Who are your
Super Bowl picks, and
A: I’ll get back to you
on that one.
Q: What’s your least
favorite sport to broadcast? A: Figure skating.
Q: Who did you do
your first interview with?
A: I did a show on
Kid’s World when I was
eleven and I interviewed a
couple of Kung Fu brothers.
Q: What advice do you
have for future sportscasters like myself?
A: I would say while
you’re in college, get as
much hands-on experience as you can, with
your student paper, student radio, your student
TV. Do an internship and
see if that’s what you really want to do. If you’re
on the fence in this business, it’s no place to be.
Because you gotta want to
do this job, double-barrel,
to make it and that’s the
advice that I have for you
November 2008
IN my
By Juan Barnes
We are now underway
with the new NBA season,
and this is the time when
everybody believes that his
team is going to win a championship, except if you are a
fan of the Knicks.
This is also the time of
the year when all the “experts” come out with their
season predications. Well, I
have a little secret for you.
They all are wrong. All of
them, except for this one.
So here are my predications,
with playoff seedings for the
2008-2009 NBA season.
Western Conference:
1. New Orleans Hornets:
With Chris Paul, David West
and Tyson Chandler all under 25 years old, this will be
one of the best teams in the
league for years to come.
2. Los Angeles Lakers:
The Lakers are hoping that
Andrew Bynum can stay
healthy for a full season.
3. Houston Rockets:
Adding Ron Artest should
be a huge help, but he is
bringing a lot of baggage
with him.
4. Utah Jazz: Deron Williams and Chris Paul will be
linked together for the rest of
their careers. This is the year
Williams wants to prove that
he is the best point guard
selected in the 2005 NBA
5. San Antonio Spurs:
Charles Barkley called the
The Dolphin
Page Sports
Spurs “cockroaches” because no matter what they
just don’t die. One has to
wonder though, is this the
year they will finally start
showing their age?
6. Phoenix Suns: The
trade for Shaq last season
was a disappointment for
them as they were not able
to get out the first round.
With Shaq a year older and
saying he is retiring in two
years, one has to wonder
how much gas he has left in
the tank.
7. Portland Trailblazers: They started off strong
last year and faded around
mid season. Greg Oden, the
first pick in last year’s draft,
missed all of last season after having microfracture surgery on his knee, but with a
healthy Oden and All-Star
Brandon Roy on the team,
this is going to be a scary
team in the future. It won’t
be this season but they will
get some playoff experience
under their belts.
8. Dallas Mavericks:
The Mavericks have to hope
that Josh Howard can keep
his mouth shut.
Eastern Conference:
1. Boston Celtics: People always ask how hungry
a team is after winning the
championship but when they
ask that question about the
Celtics, all they have to do
is remember that Kevin Garnett is still playing.
2. Cleveland Cavaliers: I
love the addition of Mo Williams to this team. They finally have an effective point
guard who can distribute the
ball to LeBron James.
3. Detroit Pistons: These
are the San Antonio Spurs of
the Eastern Conference.
4. Orlando Magic: Their
big 3 of Dwight Howard,
Rashard Lewis and Hedo
Turkoglu should be enough
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to keep them in the toptier of the Eastern Conference teams, but point guard
Jamear Nelson will have to
step his game up if this team
wants to be considered a serious threat.
5. Philadelphia 76ers:
Great young team; and signing Elton Brand will only
make them better.
6. Washington Wizards:
The Wizards signed Gilbert
Arenas to a six-year, $111
million contract in the offseasaon and he repaid them
by having knee surgery that
will force him to miss at least
the first two months of the
season. They should be used
to it though, as he missed
most of last year and Caron
Butler and Antawn Jamison
was able to keep the team
7. Toronto Raptors: You
have to wonder if Jermaine
O’Neal will return to AllStar form? They really have
to get more production from
Andrea Bargnani, the first
pick in the 2006 NBA Daft,
who regressed last season.
8. Miami Heat: I did
not know whether to put the
Heat or the Atlanta Hawks
here but I figured with a
healthy Dwyane Wade,
Shawn Marion and Michael
Beasley, I could not pass up
on the Heat, even though
they do not have a legitimate
point guard or true center.
That is how I see the season playing out. Check back
next issue for my playoff
predications, player awards
and who wins the championship.
LSU Ball
By Donald Dominick
The LSU football team
may not repeat for the National Championship this
college season after agonizing losses to Georgia and
Both teams, including
LSU, had National championship aspirations before the
Georgia ranked #1 to
start the college season,
Florida returning its Heisman Trophy winning Quarterback Tim Tebow along
with a unstoppable offense,
and LSU wanting to defend
its National Championship
from the previous year.
As of now, Florida and
Georgia each have a conference loss while LSU has
Georgia and Florida
each rank first and second
in the SEC Eastern Division. Georgia had lost to
Alabama, 41-30 and Florida
fell at home to Ole Miss in a
heartbreaking loss, 31-30.
LSU, on the other hand,
has lost two critical games
that have taken them out of
the race for a second consecutive National Championship.
They were crushed by
Florida, 51-21, and defeated
by Georgia, 52-38
LSU is ranked second
in the SEC Western division
behind an upcoming opponent in the Nick Saban lead
Alabama football team.
The Tigers cannot afford
to lose another game at this
point if they want to get to a
major bowl game.
Only one two-loss
team has made it to the National Championship game
In fact, the 2007 LSU
Tigers is that team with two
losses to play in a BCS National Championship game.
They even lost late in
the season: October 13 to
#18 Kentucky Wildcats and
November 23 to the Arkansas Razorbacks. Both losses
were in overtime.
LSU has four home
games home left with what
should be an easy victory
next game against Tulane.
However, their toughest
game coming up after that is
against the old LSU coach
Nick Saban and his number
2 Alabama Crimson Tide.
With a huge win over
Alabama and a little help
from Alabama opponents,
they could still pull it off a
trip to the SEC Conference
Championship in Alabama.
This may be a slim to
zero chance but one can only
A combination of inexperienced players at key
positions at quarterback and
defensive backfield may
have contributed to this
year’s painful season.
Next year’s team will be
Thus, LSU and their
fans should hold off on celebrating another National
Championship football team
at least for this season.
Bring on LSU Basketball.
Delgado Community College
Men and Women’s Basketball Schedule
1 East Central
11 MSGCC 13 HINDS 19 PJC (Men)
20 MSGCCC (Women)
Poplarville, MS
Perkinston, MS
Mobile, AL
Summitt, MS
Summitt, MS
2P.M./4 P.M.
5 P.M./7 P.M.
5:30 P.M./7:30 P.M.
2 P.M./ 4P.M.
5:30 P.M./7:30 P.M.
5:30 P.M./7:30 P.M.
7 P.M.
6 P.M.
2 P.M./4 P.M.
16 CO LIN 18 PJC (Men)
20 SUSLA Utica, MS
Moorhead, MS
HOME Ellisville, MS HOME
Wesson, MS
Pensacola, FL
Baton Rouge, LA
6 P.M./ 8 P.M.
5:30 P.M./ 7:30 P.M.
2 P.M./ 4 P.M.
5 P.M. /7 P.M.
6 P.M./8 P.M.
3 P.M.
5:30 P.M./ 7:30 P.M.
7 P.M.
2 P.M./ 4 P.M.
Page Print_Template_FV_4C
10:53 AM
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November 2008

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