Miramare Castle


Miramare Castle
Map of the centre of Trieste
TOUR B - Cult and religion
05 Greek-Orthodox Church
of San Nicolò dei Greci
06 Serbian-Orthodox Church
of San Spiridione
07 Synagogue
08 Church of S. Antonio
Taumaturgo o Nuovo
09 Church of San Silvestro
10 Parish Church
of Santa Maria Maggiore
Trieste’s main Museums
38 Museum of History
and Art and Lapidary Garden
39 Railway Museum
40 Castle Museum
and Lapidarium
41 “Diego De Henriquez
Museum of War for Peace
42 Natural History Museum
and Newspaper Library
43 Sartorio Museum
44 Morpurgo Museum
45 Ethnographic Museum
of Servola
46 Museum of Oriental Art
47 Museum of Risorgimento
and Oberdan Memorial Chapel
33 Postal Museum Poste
Italiane Palace
48 Science Centre
Immaginario Scientifico
49 Museum of the Sea
50 Sea Life Aquarium
51 Miramare Marine Reserve
52 Svevo Museum
“A. Hortis” Town Library
Joyce Museum
Petrarca Museum
53 Revoltella Museum
Gallery of Modern Art
54 Commercial Museum
55 Museum of the
Risiera di S. Sabba
56 “Carlo Schmidl”
Theatre Museum
57 “Carlo e Vera Wagner”
Jewish Community Museum
Tourist map and guide to the city
Monuments, interesting places and themed tours
TOUR C - Historic Cafés
58 Caffè Tommaseo
59 Caffè Torinese
60 Caffè Stella Polare
61 Pasticceria Pirona
62 Caffè San Marco
TOUR D - Roman Trieste
11 Roman Theatre
12 Forensic Basilica
13 Arch of Riccardo
14 Antiquarium (via Donota)
15 Antiquarium (via Seminario)
16 Tetrapylon
17 Early Christian Basilica
18 Walls and olive press
TOUR E - Jewish Trieste
07 Synagogue
19 Risiera di San Sabba
20 Via del Monte
21 Jewish Cemetery
22 Ghetto Trauner
23 Portizza
24 Casa Vivante
25 Palazzo Hierschel del Minerbi
26 Palazzo Hierschel
27 Palazzo Carciotti
Other interesting places
01 Piazza Unità d’Italia
02 Miramare Castle
03 San Giusto Castle
04 San Giusto Cathedral
36 Victory Lighthouse
37 Opicina Tramway
Architectural Styles in Trieste
27 Palazzo Carciotti
28 Giuseppe Verdi Opera Theatre
29 Stock Exchange Palace
30 Palazzo Gopcevic
31 Railway station
32 RAS Palace
33 Postal Palace
34 Railway Palace
35 Casa Bartoli
Infopoint TurismoFVG Trieste
18 13
Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Arta Terme
03 40
del Friuli
del Friuli
San Daniele
del Friuli
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Palmanova GORIZIA
Aeroporto FVG
Ronchi dei Legonari
By train
Call Centre 89.20.21
By plane
Regional Airport of Trieste
40 km from Trieste and Udine
15 km from Gorizia
80 km from Pordenone
By car
A4 Torino - Trieste
A23 Palmanova - Udine - Tarvisio
A28 Portogruaro – Conegliano
Design and Creation: Five Zone Udine _ Cartography: Tarabocchia _ Printing: La Tipografica - Basaldella _ English edition printed in february 2011
Texts by Info Point Trieste _ Translation by: D’Agostini Organizzazione Dipartimento linguistico Dagoservice _ Photographs: Turismo FVG Archive, Agorà Trieste, G. Crozzoli, M. Milani, A. Savella, M. Valdemarin.
Head office: piazza Manin, 10
Passariano - 33033 Codroipo (Ud)
tel +39 0432 815111 / fax +39 0432 815199
Discovery Card
via dell’Orologio,1 (on the corner with piazza Unità d’Italia)
34121 Trieste (Ts)
tel +39 040 3478312 / fax +39 040 3478320
Miramare Castle
Trieste: guide to the city
The monuments of the San Giusto hill, which date back to the Roman and Medieval ages,
are evidence of life in a very old Trieste. On the contrary, the beginning of the city’s modern history
may be 1740, the year in which Maria Theresa sat on the throne of Austria affecting,
with reforms and initiatives, most of Austrian life and, as a consequence, the fate of Trieste.
Trieste stands out against the blue sea and sky of the northern Adriatic region, looking like a sort of last
Mediterranean mirage to those who travel along this stretch of coast. Trieste’s originality and diversity
can be seen in the succession of streets and beautiful squares overlooked by imposing palaces
of considerable architectural value.
The city centre comprises magnificent buildings, often in the neoclassical style, situated next to
interesting examples of eclectic, art nouveau and neo-gothic style.
Trieste, molo Audace
Trieste, piazza Unità d’Italia
Trieste, sunset on the sea
Ponterosso and the S. Antonio
Trieste, Piazza Unità d’Italia
Duino, the Castle
Unità d’Italia
01 Piazza Unità d’Italia
Thinking of those overlooking
the sea, Piazza Unità d’Italia can
be considered one of the largest and most beautiful squares in
the world. Designed by architect
G. Bruni in 1879 and renovated
in 1999 by architect B. Huet, it is
framed by imposing buildings.
With one’s back to the sea, from
left to right one can see the Palazzo del Governo (Government Pal-
02 Miramare Castle
ace - architect E. Hartmann, 1905),
the seat of the Prefecture, Palazzo
Stratti (architect A. Buttazzoni,
1839), Palazzo Modello (architect
G. Bruni, 1873), Palazzo del Municipio (Town Hall – architect G.
Bruni, 1875), Palazzo Pitteri, the
only one that dates back to the
18th century (architect U. Moro,
1790), Ex Palazzo Vanoli (architects E. Geiringer and G. Righetto,
1873), Palazzo del Lloyd Triestino,
now the seat of the Region (architect H. Von Ferstel, 1883). The
square is enriched with two other
eighteenth-century elements: the
baroque Fountain of the Four Continents (the fifth, Australia, had not
been discovered yet) by architect
Mazzoleni (1751) and the column
with the statue of the Emperor
Charles VI (Fusconi, 1728).
At the end of the Strada Costiera
(Coast Road), coming from Venice,
one is dazzled by a white building
standing on a headland that seems
to be dropping into the sea: the Miramare Castle. The castle and its
park were commissioned by Maximilian of Habsburg, the brother of
the Emperor Franz Joseph. Born
in Vienna in 1832, Maximilian arrived in Trieste for the first time
in 1850. In 1855, after becoming
rear-admiral of the Austrian fleet,
he decided to settle in the city. He
chose Miramare as the place for
building his residence, which was
designed by architect Carl Junker
according to specific requirements
of the nobleman, respecting the
eclectic style that was in fashion at
the time. In 1860 Maximilian and
his young wife, Charlotte of Belgium, entered the new residence.
But in 1864 they were already leaving for Mexico: Maximilian was offered the “crown” of emperor of
that Country, which was torn by
serious internal contrasts. But his
dreams ended there: he was shot
in Querétaro in 1867. Charlotte,
who had gone back to Europe
some months before, began to
show signs of madness: first she
retired in the park’s small Castle, then she moved to Belgium,
where she died in 1927. The cas-
tle’s environments are characterised by very different styles: on the
ground floor there are Maximilian
and Charlotte’s apartments. The
interiors reflect the trends of that
age: this was the archduke’s wish,
who gave very precise instructions to the Austrian decorators
Franz and Julius Hofmann. The
visit starts from Maximilian’s bedroom, the so-called “cabin” (its
low ceiling recalls the proportions
of a ship cabin) and the studio
Novara, which imitates the stern
wardroom of the frigate “Novara”.
Maximilian’s apartment ends with
the library, where over 7,000 volumes are preserved. Charlotte’s
apartment follows: in the bedroom
built in the turret, a picture by the
Belgian Jean Portaels depicts her
(1857) and, in front of it, there is the
fortepiano that Charlotte played.
After the bedroom and the changing room, one reaches a hall with
watercolour panels, which depict
the building of the castle, and the
photographs taken from Maximilian’s album. The Chapel and the
Windrose Room conclude the visit
on the ground floor, the only one
where the couple lived. Through
the honour staircase, which allows to admire the gulf towards
Trieste and towards Duino, one
reaches the first floor, where one
accesses some rooms renovated
in the Thirties to accommodate
Amedeo, Duke of Aosta, and his
family. The rooms are furnished in
a functionalist style and still preserve original pieces of furniture.
The first floor, intended for guests,
was ended around 1870 and is in
the neo-Renaissance and neo-Baroque styles, typical of the Second
Empire fashion. From the landing
one reaches the reception rooms,
among which the Sala dei Regnanti (Sovereigns’ Room), the Sala
delle Udienze (Audience Room),
the Salotti Orientali (Oriental Sitting Rooms), the Sala Storica (Historical Room) and, finally, the Sala
del Trono (Throne Room), the most
important room in the castle. From
the Castle’s large square one can
see the wideness of the park,
which extends over 22 hectares.
It is a mix of botanical garden,
English-style garden and Italianstyle garden, rich in rare and exotic plants. Buildings with various
uses enrich the Park: at the main
entrance the Stables, which is now
an exhibition space; towards the
exit of Grignano the Small Castle,
where Charlotte lived after returning from Mexico in 1866 and which
today is the visitor centre of the
Miramare Marine Reserve.
Info: tel +39 040 224143 - Bus 6, 36
San Giusto
and Cathedral
03 San Giusto Castle
Built between 1471 and 1630 on
the homonymous hill, the San
Giusto Castle was the heart of
the old city. From the top one can
enjoy a view over most of the city.
The building, started at the end of
the 15th century, has an irregular
plan with a central part commissioned by Friedrich II (1471), the
round bastion that dates back to
the Venetian age (1509), the Hoyos-Lalio bastion of 1561 and the
04 San Giusto Cathedral
Pomis bastion, called flowered,
built in 1630. The castle has never
had defence functions, it was only
used to control the city. Today, one
can visit the museum, the armoury
and the lapidarium.
Info: tel +39 040 309362 - Bus 24
The San Giusto Cathedral was born
in the 14th century from the union
of two previous ninth-century and
tenth-century basilicas; standing
on a worship area of the Romanesque age, on the outside it is enriched with a Gothic rose window in
white stone. The interior is divided
into five naves, rich in works of art.
The mosaics of the apse and walls
provide a remarkable effect.
Info: tel +39 040 309666 - Bus 24
Trieste literary tours
James Joyce
James Joyce, born in Dublin in
1882 and died in Zurich in 1941, is
one of the main European writers
of the twentieth century. He spent
two periods in Trieste from 1904 to
1915 and from 1919 to 1920. Here,
he finished the writing of “Dubliners” and “A Portrait of the Artist
as a Young Man”. In Trieste, he
also wrote the prose poem “Giacomo Joyce” and the drama “Exiles”.
gie Duinensi”. A panoramic path,
which is accessible both from the
Strada Costiera (Coast Road) in
Sistiana and from the centre of
Duino and which stretches in a
wonderful natural setting, is na-
med after him. By following it, it is
possible to walk in woodland areas
and to enjoy amazing views overlooking the sea.
Scipio Slataper
Was born in Trieste on 14th July
1888 and died on 3rd December
1915 on the Podgora, fighting with
the Italians. In “Il mio Carso” (My
Karst) Slataper deals with the relationship between Trieste and its
Slovenian hinterland and the peculiarities that derive from it.
Fulvio Tomizza
Born in Materada, Istria, in 1935
and died in Trieste in 1999, shared
with clear awareness in the agony
of those who lived in these lands
(Materada, La ragazza di Petrovia,
Il bosco di Acacie).
(path of about 2 km - Bus 44)
Roman Trieste
historic Cafés
recalls the interiors of a luxury ship;
today the café, renovated in the last
months of 2009, is almost completely
(59) Caffè Torinese
(Corso Italia, 2 - corner via Roma)
A gem characterised by wooden interiors, built in 1915 and active with a
licence since 1925. The furniture was
made by Debelli, a Julian fine worker
in ebony, who designed the interiors of
two famous transatlantic liners (Saturnia and Vulcania), made in the Monfalcone shipyards. In fact, the boiserie
(61) Pasticceria Pirona
(Largo Barriera Vecchia, 12)
A gem built at the beginning of the last
century in Art Nouveau style, in 1991 it
was awarded the title of Historic Café,
because it preserved the furnishings
and atmosphere of past times. Frequented by James Joyce, who had lived
at 32 Via Oriani, next to the chemist’s
shop, it immediately became the meet-
(60) Caffè Stella Polare
(via Dante, 14)
An elegant café that dates back to
1865; it preserves the large mirrors –
those in the hall are original – which
came by sea at the beginning of the
20th century and which, still today, furnish the café providing, together with
the stuccos, an Austrian-Hungarian
touch. At the moment of its greatest
splendour, the Caffè Stella Polare had
a cherry wood bar and was equipped
with billiard rooms, meeting rooms
and reading rooms; it was frequented
by shopkeepers and intellectuals of
the German colony and by Triestine
and foreign men of letters. During the
Anglo-American occupation it became
a famous ballroom that contributed,
like other cafés and bars, to several
weddings between local girls and allied soldiers.
(07) Synagogue
One of Europe’s biggest synagogues,
built in 1912 according to the plan by
Arduino and Ruggero Berlam.
Richard Francis Burton
(1821-1890), a famous British consul, explorer, translator, orientalist, ended his adventurous life in
Trieste; here, he wrote a book on
the Roman Thermae of Monfalcone and his most renowned book:
the translation of “The Arabian
nights” published in sixteen volumes from 1885 to 1888 with the
title of “One thousand and one
(58) Caffè Tommaseo
(Piazza Tommaseo, 4/c)
The oldest café in Trieste, it is difficult to establish its date of origin:
after some restoration works, it was
re-opened in 1830 by Tommaso Marcato from Padua, hence its first name
“Caffè Tommaso”, and decorated by
the painter Gatteri and adorned with
large mirrors from Belgium. The Café,
a meeting place of artists, men of letters and businessmen, often housed
exhibitions and concerts; a curiosity,
which emerged by the archives of the
café, is a sale contract of 1830, in which
the buyer is the Countess Lipomana, a
name under which Carolina Bonaparte,
Gioacchino Murat’s widow, concealed
her identity. In 1848 the Café was
named after the Dalmatian writer and
patriot Tommaseo, who is still remembered by a series of mementos; after
the hanging of Guglielmo Oberdan, the
café recovered its original name, which
was kept until 1918, when the passage
of the city to Italy allowed the café to be
called Tommaseo again.
(06) Serbian-Orthodox Church
of San Spiridione
Opened to worship in 1868 and
built in neo-Byzantine style, it is
characterised by sumptuous interiors thanks to the impressing
presence of gold decorations.
Scipio Slataper - Fulvio Tomizza - Richard Francis Burton
Rainer Maria Rilke
The poet from Prague (but of Austrian origin) Rainer Maria Rilke
stayed at the Duino Castle in 1911
and 1912 as a guest of the Princes
of Thurn and Taxis: here, he drew
inspiration for the lines of his “Ele-
(05) Greek-Orthodox Church
of San Nicolò dei Greci
The building is characterized by a
neo-classical façade whereas, inside, it preserves the eighteenthcentury structure rich in wonderful decorations. It also preserves
precious liturgical furnishings.
Trieste can also be enjoyed through the eyes of another poet: Umberto Saba. The son of U. A. Poli
and of R. Coen, his pen name was
inspired by his beloved wet nurse.
“Coi miei occhi” (With my eyes) is
his first collection of poems (1912):
the poet looks at himself through
the city of Trieste, which is a constant and essential presence in all
his works. In via San Nicolò there
is still the homonymous bookshop,
which he managed since 1919.
Italo Svevo
3 Via del Monte, the Berlitz School
at 4 Piazza Ponterosso, where
he learnt English and met James
Joyce, who taught there, the Union
Bank at 1 Via Einaudi, his first job,
the Caffé Garibaldi in Piazza Unità
d’Italia, the Town Library at 4 Piazza Hortis, where he read works by
great European writers on whom
he published his articles, Villa
Veneziani and the factory at 22/24
Via Italo Svevo, Villa Tika at 18 Via
Nazionale and Villa Letizia at 8 Via
Basovizza in Opicina.
a city of cult
and religion
Umberto Saba
The lives of many famous men who were born in Trieste or spent part of their lives in Trieste
have found their ideal setting on the Rive (city shores) and in the harsh Karst inland.
Following their steps can be intriguing and interesting.
Ettore Schmitz, better known as
Italo Svevo, born in Trieste in 1861
and a friend of James Joyce, is one
of the main contemporary Italian
writers. The places of his life and
those mentioned in his novels (Una
vita, Senilità, Coscienza di Zeno)
still evoke an irresistible charm:
the house in which he was born at
16 Viale XX Settembre, the Schmitz
family’s house at 12 Via Carducci,
the Rivoltella Business School at
12 Via Carducci, which he attended
after the Jewish primary schools at
Even his most famous work, “Ulysses”, was planned in Trieste, where he also wrote some of its most
significant chapters.
The Irish writer moved to various
homes during his stay in Trieste:
all his homes are traceable and
the places he frequented are several and reconstructable.
ing place of the business middle class
and of the intelligentsia of Trieste. Italo
Svevo and Umberto Saba, just to name
a few, were not indifferent to the attraction of the typical cakes.
(62) Caffè San Marco
(via Battisti, 18)
The Caffè San Marco, born at the beginning of the 20th century as an elegant
café, immediately became the meeting
place of students and intellectuals, as
well as of young irredentists. Due to this
characteristic, in May of 1915 a group of
soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian army
broke into the café, destroyed it and
set it on fire and ordered its permanent
closing; luckily, the fire did not damage
the beauty of the bar. Afterwards, from
the end of the First World War to the
end of the Second World War, the café
remained abandoned, a condition from
which it recovered also by initiative of
Assicurazioni Generali, thanks to a series of comprehensive repairs. The furniture and decorations of the Caffè San
Marco follow the style of the Viennese
Secession and are matched with an Art
Nouveau style that provides an incredible suggestion. The elegant artistic
work was created by artists like Barison,
Cambon, Flumiani and Guido Marussig,
Vito Timmel. Among the intellectuals
and artists that have frequented it over
the years, we would like to remember Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba, James
Joyce, Giani Stuparich, Virgilio Giotti,
Giorgio Voghera and Claudio Magris.
The city excavations of the twentieth century have brought to life new aspects of the ancient Roman
city that extended in the area comprised between the Rive (city shores) and the San Giusto Hill. The
colony was probably founded by Julius Caesar about the middle of the 1st century B.C. According to
previous evidence, the name “Tergeste” derived from the root “terg” (market). Originally built on the
slopes of the San Giusto Hill, it was enclosed by walls, probably commissioned by Octavian in 33 B.C.
The expansion, which caused the city to reach the sea, probably ended in the 3rd century A.D.
11 Roman Theatre
12 Forensic Basilica
13 Arch of Riccardo
The theatre is located outside the
Late-Republican walls of Tergeste
and dates back to the Augustan
age, with reconstructions in the
Neronian and Flavian-Trajan ages.
The ambulatory, the stands and
the bases of the pillars are preserved. The theatre had a capacity of about 6000 people and overlooked the sea.
On the San Giusto Hill one can
see the wall structures of the forensic basilica, dating back to the
middle of the 1st century, characterised by 2 apses and divided
into 3 naves. The close forum was
located west. More south, one can
see the remains of a sacred building preceded by a monumental entrance, the propylaeum.
A monument dating back to the 1st
century and built at the gate of the
Late-Republican walls. At present
it is partially incorporated in the
adjoining building, inside which its
remains are visible.
14 Antiquarium (via Donota)
15 Antiquarium (via Seminario)
16 Tetrapylon
A domus built between the end of
the 1st century B.C. and the end of
the 1st century A.D., placed on two
terraces, it seems characterised
by several phases of use: at first a
house, in the 2nd century a funerary enclosure was built on its ruins,
where many graves and amphora
burials were found.
An area characterised by a stretch
of Late-Republican walls, under
which there probably was a ditch.
Here, from the 2nd century A.D. a
terraced structure was built.
A first-century monument situated at the base of the road that
linked the coast to the San Giusto
hill, along via Capitelli, it is characterised by four columns leaning
against angular pillars covered by
a rich vegetation. Around the 4th
century it was enclosed in the defence walls and used as a tower.
17 Early Christian Basilica
18 Walls and Olive Press
Situated outside the walls, on the
old coastal road (now Via Madonna
del Mare); the building had a cruciform ground plan. Today one can
see two phases testified by mosaic
floors with geometric patterns,
which can be dated back to the end
of the 4th-5th century.
(visits: Wed. 10 a.m. - 12 noon)
Near the Late-Roman walls that
stretched down via Capitelli, an olive press has come to light: some
pressing elements are still visible.
Moreover, a large tower can be
seen near the Church of San Silvestro.
Over the centuries Trieste has been a crossroads of peoples and races from different places and of
different religions, whose presence can still be seen and experienced in a unique setting. The “Jewish” Trieste we propose will allow to discover the culture and the history of this fascinating people.
Neo-classical Style
Eclectic Style
Art Nouveau Style
27 Palazzo Carciotti
(architect M. Pertsch, 1800)
13 Riva III Novembre
30 Palazzo Gopcevic
(architect G. Berlam, 1850)
4 Via Rossini
35 Casa Bartoli
(architect M. Fabiani, 1905)
7 Piazza della Borsa
28 “Giuseppe Verdi” Opera Theatre
(architect M. Pertsch, 1801)
1 Piazza Verdi
31 Railway Station (1878)
Piazza della Libertà
Other Art Nouveau buildings can
be found at 21, 23 and 25 Via Commerciale, at 35 Viale XX Settembre,
at 12 Via Tigor and in many other
places of the city.
29 Stock Exchange Palace
(architect Mollari, 1806)
14 Piazza della Borsa
Church of Sant’Antonio
Taumaturgo o Nuovo
(architect P. Nobile, 1840)
Piazza S. Antonio Nuovo
32 RAS Palace (1912)
Piazza della Repubblica
33 Postal Palace (1894)
Via Vittorio Veneto
34 Railway Palace (1840)
Piazza Vittorio Veneto
36 Victory Lighthouse
37 Opicina Tramway
The lighthouse was built by Berlam and Mayer in
1927. An Istrian stone structure on the top of which
there is the lantern with a scaled dome on which a
bronze winged Victory stands. It signals the port of
Trieste but it is also a memorial that commemorates
the sailors who died in the First World War.
An electric tramway – with a funicular railway stretch
unique of its kind – opened in 1902, which links the
city centre with the plateau. Its steep route is a great
opportunity to enjoy an amazing view of the city and
of the Trieste gulf. Getting off at the Obelisk stop, one
can access the wonderful panoramic promenade that
leads to the town of Prosecco.
19 Risiera di San Sabba
20 Via del Monte
21 Jewish Cemetery
Declared a National Monument in
1965, it was named in this way as
it was created inside the old rice
husking factory; it was the only
extermination camp in Italy. Here,
the Nazis interned Jews and other
people, and then moved them to
the lagers of Eastern Europe. In
this area a crematorium was built,
which was blown up by the Germans before the end of the war.
The site, in fact, was also used to
eliminate hostages, partisans, political prisoners and Jews.
(5 via Giovanni Palatucci)
A fundamental place for the life of
the Jewish community, also celebrated by twentieth-century writer
and poet Umberto Saba. On the
top there was the old cemetery,
which was used for 400 years,
and at numbers 3 and 5 there was
the Scola Vivante, a Jewish temple where the Spanish rite was
practiced. At number 5 there is
the “Carlo e Vera Wagner” Jewish Community Museum, which
focuses on the history and on the
social life of the Jews in Trieste.
The building was once used as a
hospital and, since the 1930s, as
a Jewish Agency for the reception of the European Jews coming
to Trieste or to help the Jews who
wanted to embark for Israel or for
the United States of America.
Not far from the Risiera, used since 1943 after the closing of the old
cemetery of Via del Monte. Walking among the old graves of the
most important Jewish families
surrounded by a rich vegetation
will be a unique experience. One
reads the names of the Morpurgo de Nilma or of the de Parente families. Then, on the right, a
memorial monument remembers
the members of the Community
who were deported to the concentration camps during the Second
World War.
(4 via della Pace)
(44) Morpurgo Museum
(47) Museum of Risorgimento
Oberdan Memorial Chapel
Situated in the Borgo Teresiano,
this museum is a beautiful example of middle-class house of the
second half of the nineteenth century. Gorgeously furnished, it is
characterised by the exceptional
state of preservation and richness
of the interiors, each of which represents a different historical style.
Info: 5 via Imbriani
tel +39 040 636969
It displays documents, photographs,
uniforms, relics and paintings related to facts and characters of the
Risorgimento and irredentist events.
There is also the Memorial Chapel
of Guglielmo Oberdan, a Triestine
patriot executed as he had made an
attempt on the life of the Austrian
Emperor Franz Joseph in 1882.
Info: 5 via XXIV Maggio
tel +39 040 361675
(38) Museum of History and
Art and Lapidary Garden
(40) Castle Museum
and Lapidarium
(42) Natural History Museum
and Newspaper Library
(45) Ethnographic Museum
of Servola
(33) Postal Museum
Poste Italiane Palace
Dedicated to local archaeology
(prehistory, proto-history and Roman age), it is enriched with collections coming from the Egyptian,
Greek, Etruscan and Maya worlds.
It displays the antiques found in the
city and in the surrounding territory. The Lapidary Garden preserves
gravestones and monuments of the
Roman age and the cenotaph of the
archaeologist Winckelmann, who
died in Trieste in 1768.
Info: 15 via della Cattedrale
tel +39 040 308686
Situated inside the Castle, the
museum offers a rich collection
of arms coming from private collections donated to the city at the
beginning of the twentieth century.
In the renovated part of the Lalio
Bastion the Lapidarium was set
up, where one can see inscriptions,
sculptures, bas-reliefs and Trieste
architectural fragments dating
back to the Roman age.
Info: 3 piazza Cattedrale
tel +39 040 3220289
The Natural History Museum,
founded in 1846, displays an important entomological collection,
which contains specimens of zoology, mineralogy, botany, geology and palaeontology (a complete
hadrosaur skeleton is displayed),
African fauna, collections of corals
and madrepores, ornithological
collections, collections of amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
Info: 4 via dei Tominz
tel +39 040 6758658
Set up by private initiative, the museum documents the habits and
customs of Servola with photographs, old edicts and various objects. It reconstructs domestic environments, among which a kitchen
with an oven for bread making.
Info: 52 via del Pane Bianco
tel +39 040 827248
Opened in 1997 in the Poste Italiane Palace, it recalls the dawning
of the “postal culture” of the Friuli
Venezia Giulia region and of the
neighbouring countries.
Info: 1 piazza Vittorio Veneto
tel +39 040 6764264
(46) Museum of Oriental Art
Interactive and multimedia science museum; it is situated in one
of the main multi-sector Science
and Technology Park on an international level – the Area Science
Park – which has granted it the
title of Science City. The museum
combines interactive games and
multimedia shows with the pleasure of discovery and knowledge,
it proposes paths, exhibitions and
activities aimed at promoting science and technology culture and is
divided into three sections: Fenomena, Kaelido and Cosmo.
Info: 15 Riva Massimiliano
e Carlotta, - Grignano
tel +39 040 224424
(39) Railway Museum
It displays about fifteen locomotives, some of which are steam locomotives, and testifies the history
of railways in Trieste with model
trains, relics, photographs and
Info: 1 via Giulio Cesare
tel +39 040 3794185
(41) “Diego De Henriquez”
Museum of War for Peace
An exhibition of military relics
from the two World Wars collected
by Diego de Henriquez, a scholar
from Trieste, to make visitors think
over the results of the use of human intelligence for war purposes
and for peace purposes.
Info: 37 via Revoltella
tel +39 040 948430
Heavy vehicles and artilleries
24 via Cumano
(43) Sartorio Museum
Housed in a renovated 18th-century
villa, this museum preserves the
19th-century furnishings chosen by
the Sartorio family. It displays 17thcentury and 18th-century paintings,
Flemish tapestries, Biedermeier
furniture, 18th-century Italian majolica items, ancient and contemporary painting and sculpture works
and a collection of Tiepolo drawings.
Info: 1 Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII
tel +39 040 301479
Trieste’s Museum of Oriental Art
houses collections and objects
of Oriental Art, as well as travel
memories, arms, musical instruments, evidence of various kind
and ethnic-anthropological finds
coming from the whole Asian area,
in particular from China and Japan
and acquired by the Museums of
History and Art of Trieste starting
from the second half of the 19th
Info: 1 via S. Sebastiano
tel +39 040 3220736
(09) Church of San Silvestro
Located in a nerve centre of Trieste, it was a Catholic church until 1784, when it was sold to the
Swiss Community and afterwards,
in 1927, it became a Waldensian
church. Considered the oldest in
town, as there is evidence of it already in the Roman age, it is characterized, after several changes,
by a Baroque and neo-classical
façade. Afterwards, the latter was
combined with precious elements,
such as the Romanesque double
lancet windows, the windows of
Oriental taste and the Romanesque interior. Inside, the acoustics are amazing.
(10) Parish Church
of Santa Maria Maggiore
Called “of the Jesuits” to remember its origin, it is the only example
of Baroque style among the local
churches and can be considered,
owing to its artistic richness and to
the city’s history, one of the most
important religious buildings in
Trieste. It was commissioned by
the Company of Jesus in October
of 1627. The religious building is
dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.
Jewish Trieste
Trieste’s main Museums
(08) Church of San Antonio
Taumaturgo o Nuovo
An imposing and simple neoclassical building (1840, architect
Pietro Nobile, one of the greatest
exponents of neo-classical architecture in Trieste).
(48) Science Centre
Immaginario Scientifico
22 Ghetto Trauner and of Riborgo
07 Synagogue
23 Arch of the Portizza
Also known as the old Ghetto, it
was set up in 1695 following a
political compromise between
the Municipality and the delegate
Imperial Austria, that shared the
power in Trieste, to fulfil the wish
of a minority of noblemen who
could not stand the continuous
economic growth of the Jews.
However, the 11 Jewish families
of that period did not want to stay
in such a narrow and damp place
and, thanks to their objections
and protests, the area known as
the Ghetto of Riborgo was born.
In 1785, at the wish of Emperor
Joseph II, it was finally abolished,
together with all Jewish marks
(such as the yellow O that the Jew
had to carry on their clothes). The
renovations of the ghetto started
in the 1930s to build the Casa
del Fascio and to give respite to
the Roman Theatre. Such works
caused the disappearance of part
of the ghetto, including the four
synagogues or scole in it.
The synagogue of via San Francesco is one of the symbolic buildings
of the multi-religious Trieste. Designed by architects Ruggero and
Arduino Berlam, the monumental
synagogue was opened in 1912 and
clearly represents the influence
achieved by the Jewish Community
in the city’s economic and cultural
life. The Temple, one of the biggest
and most magnificent in Europe, is
characterised by oriental elements
in the double lancet windows, in
the columns, in the engravings and
in the characteristic rose windows
that form the Star of David. Inside
the complex one finds an oratory,
today used during the week, during
the fasting days and the half feasts,
and the big synagogue used in the
main feasts; it is one of the most
interesting temples of the period
of emancipation and, at present,
the point of reference for the Jewish Community. Different styles
are combined in an original and
charming structure, characterised
by bright and elegant interiors,
which culminates in four strong
marble pillars that support an imposing central dome.
(19 via San Francesco
Piazza Giotti)
It was the entrance to the Jewish
Ghetto, historically the economic
centre of the city: today a tangle of
narrow streets full of antique shops
and second-hand book shops, in
the past an area populated by Jewish traders, with their goods displayed untidily, teeming with voices
and colours. From this atmosphere
the Triestine expression “far gheto”
– meaning “to make mess, make
noise” – was born.
25 Palazzo Hierschel del Minerbi
26 Palazzo Hierschel
27 Palazzo Carciotti
It belonged to a rich Jewish trader
that commissioned it in 1833; in
front of it, on the corner with via
Dante, there is a palace in eclectic style, which once belonged to
the Treves family, from which the
founders of the homonymous Milan publisher – founded in 1861 –
were descended. (9 Corso Italia)
An imposing neo-classical palace
commissioned in 1825 by the family of Jewish traders Hierschel,
the result of Buttazzoni’s architectural genius.
(14/16 Via Rossini)
The first and most original neoclassical example in Trieste, designed by architect Matteo Pertsch
in 1802.
(13 Riva III Novembre)
24 Casa Vivante
A big eighteenth-century palace.
At the wish and by permission of
Joseph II in 1781 the Jews could
attend all the public schools and
set up in this building their own
school, in use until 1851. This initiative has distinguished the city
of Trieste for the precocity of the
emancipation from coercive rules
on the education of youths.
(4 piazza Benco)
Trieste’s main Museums
(49) Museum of the Sea
A museum that tells the story of
the marine of Trieste and of the
shipbuilding industry from the beginnings to the 19th century, with
a broad focus on the evolution of
ships and of the instruments used
for sailing. One can find models
of ancient boats, from the origins
to the Middle Ages, together with
panels that explain the development of the first crafts and boats in
the classical age. It is also possible
to visit a section dedicated to fishing and a section dedicated to J. F.
Ressel, the inventor of the ship’s
Info: 5 via Campo Marzio
tel +39 040 304987
(50) Sea Life Aquarium
A museum set up in the Art Nouveau building of the former Fish
Market (architect G. Polli, 1913).
It comprises 25 pools that receive, when it falls down, the water
drawn directly from the sea and
pushed into the clock tower up to
10 metres of height. It houses a
wide sampling of the marine and
tropical fauna.
Info: 2 Molo Pescheria
tel +39 040 306201
(51) Miramare Marine
(53) Revoltella Museum
Gallery of Modern Art
(55) Museum of the
Risiera di S. Sabba
A protected coastal marine area of
about 121 hectares (30 hectares on
the coast and 90 at sea), officially
become a State Reserve in 1986.
Since then it has been entrusted
to the management of WWF. In the
adjoining research centre one can
visit 4 exhibition halls that propose
a virtual dive into the typical fauna
and flora of Trieste’s coast. Underwater tours are available upon
booking. Bathing, sailing and fishing are prohibited in the reserve.
Info: 349 viale Miramare
tel +39 040 224147
Nineteenth-century residence of
Baron Pasquale Revoltella, gorgeously furnished. It was donated
by the Baron himself to the Municipality of Trieste so that it could
become a Museum and Gallery of
Modern Art. It displays nineteenthcentury Italian painting (O. Borrani,
F. Nittis, A. Mancini) and sculpture
(L. Bistolfi, D. Barcaglia, P. Canonica and D. Trentacoste). There are
also important collections of nineteenth-century and twentieth-century international painting (F. von
Stuck, L. Zorn,I. Zuloaga, G. Bilbao
y Martinez), the art in the 1920s
and 1930s (V. Bolaffio, A. Nathan,P.
Marussig, E. Sambo, C. Sbisà, D.
Stultus, M. Mascherini, R. Rovan).
At the base of the big staircase one
can admire the sculptural group
(P. Magni) depicting the piercing of
the Isthmus of Suez, in which the
Baron Revoltella engaged himself.
Info: 27 via Diaz
tel +39 040 6754350
Declared a National Monument in
1965 with a decree of the President of the Italian Republic, it was
renovated in 1975 by architect Romano Boico. Born as a rice husking
building, during the German occupation the Risiera became first a
place for sorting people towards
the concentration camps for political prisoners, partisans and Jews,
and then the only extermination
camp in Italy equipped with a crematorium.
Info: 5 via G. Palatucci
tel +39 040 8262902
(52) Svevo Museum
“A. Hortis” Town Library
Joyce Museum
Petrarca Museum
The Svevo Museum, a documentation centre, preserves the letters and the original editions of
the books by the Triestine writer
Italo Svevo, as well as the private
library, a recent bequest from
the writer’s daughter. The Town
Library preserves the historical
memories of the city distributed
in 420,000 volumes, newspapers,
magazines and manuscripts.
The Joyce Museum is one of the
most complete study centres in Italy dedicated to Irish writer James
Joyce: it promotes the knowledge
of the writer through works, exhibitions, conferences and multimedia materials.
Info: 13 via Madonna del Mare
tel +39 040 3593611
(54) Commercial Museum
This Museum, set up by the
Chamber of Commerce of Trieste,
opened on 20th October 2005, is
housed on the piano nobile (principal floor) of “Palazzo Dreher”,
designed in 1909-1910 by the Viennese architect Emil Bressler and
modified to house the “New Stock
Exchange” in 1928-1929 by the Triestine architect Gustavo PulitzerFinaly, the founder of modern Italian ship interior design.
Info: 7 via San Nicolò (2nd floor)
tel +39 040 6701234/229
(56) Carlo Schmidl
Theatre Museum
The museum, thanks to its collections of posters, playbills, photographs, prints, musical instruments
and various objects, runs through
Trieste’s music and theatre history.
The material displayed here comes
from Carlo Schmidl’s bequest and
from the archives of Trieste’s Theatres. The Library, specialized in
music and shows, the newspaper
library, the photographic archives
and the multimedia library, complete its extremely rich heritage.
Info: 4 via Rossini
tel +39 040 6754072
(57) “Carlo e Vera Wagner”
Jewish Community Museum
It displays ritual art objects belonging to the Jewish Community,
real evidence of the Jewish life in
Info: 5 via del Monte
tel +39 040 633819