TABLE OF CONTENTS - Apologetics Press
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Apologetics Press
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Table of ConTenTs Materials by Apologetics Press Books for Adults and Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Books for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 Digital Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Audio CDs and MP3s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Monthly Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Bound Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Study Courses and VBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Tracts for Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Tracts for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Homeschool Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Promotional Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Other Resources Available Through AP Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-31 DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 TO ORDER , CALL 1-800-234-8558 O N www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf N O W DVD AMERICA’S MOST PRESSING CONCERN SEQUEL TO THE SILENCING OF GOD Book, DVD, & Packet Did the Founders of America believe that the survival of the Republic depends on America’s acknowledgement of Jesus Christ? Most educators and political theorists of our day answer with a resounding “no!” Nevertheless, the evidence is decisive. In their official pronouncements, the Continental Congress—quintessential Founders— forthrightly requested that God establish American independence on Christianity and Christian morality. They affirmed that Christianity is the foundation of national happiness as well as national prosperity. You must see the evidence with your own eyes. DVD EIGHT 30 MIN. SESSIONS CHRIST H a rd b a c k B o o k B o o k rb a c k P a p e $14.9 AND THE 5 CONTINENTAL CONGRESS THE SILENCING OF GOD (BOOK AND DVD) & CHRIST AND THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS (BOOK) AMERICA’S MOST PRESSING CONCERN Christ and the Continental Congress Taxes States: January 1779 WHO TODAY WOULD FOUNDERS… BELIEVE THAT THE • Acknowledged Jesus Christ as “our gracious Redeemer” • Affirmed the critical importance of the Bible to the people • Asked God to forgive Americans for their sin Miller, Ph.d • Beseeched God to spread Christianity throughout the Earth • Requested that God establish American independence on Christianity • Urged Americans to keep all of God’s laws 10/7/2009 4:09:31 PM • Credited God with America’s military success and national prosperity • Considered Christianity to be the foundation of national happiness For more information, please call (800) 234-8558 Eight 30 min. sessions AMERICA’S MOST PRESSING CONCERN Two months later, Congress issued a “circular letter” to the nation on January 13, 1779. Particularly relevant to our seminar Miller, Ph.D. day is the threat posed toAthe countryby by Dave debasing the nation’s on the printing book of pacurrency via counterfeiting andbased unrestrained Christ and the Continental Congress per money. Again, observe the appeals to God (abridged for brevity’s sake): Book 1.indb 1 apply ma in Alaba Humbly relying on the favor of Heaven in a righteous cause,, and confiding in the justice and intrepidity of our injured fellow citizens, we, from necessity, embraced the expedient of emitting paper money on the faith of the United States, for the expences of the war—an expedient which had often been successfully practiced in separate States while we were subjected to British domination. The implacable vengeance with which we have been pursued has compelled us to the most strenuous and unremitted efforts: Large issues of money were of consequence indispensibly necessary, and the paper currency Circular Letter to the In CONGRESS, JANUARY 13, 1779. WE cannot review the progress of the revolution which has given freedom to America, without admiring the goodness and gratefully acknowledge the interposition of Divine Providence. Oppressed by the Prince who Dave ought to have exerted himself for our protection, and suddenly called upon to repel his unprovoked invasion,—without arms or ammunition, without military discipline or permanent finances, without an established government or allies; enfeebled by habitual attachments to our very enemies—We were precipitated into all the expensive operations incident to a state of war, with one of the most formidable nations on earth. Thus surrounded on all sides with wants and difficulties and dangers, notwithstanding the internal wealth of our country, immediate taxation was impracticable; and, for the same reason of ill success at different 3 1 5 periods, we could not hope, either at home $1Plus4Shipor.9pingabroad, to borrow money to supply our exigencies. ty and independence: “the smiles of Heaven,” i.e., the favor of God. The Founders believed if you do not have God and Christ on your side, you have no right to survive as a nation. DVD Book $12.00 ing $14.95 Plus ShippAlabama Taxes apply in 00 $10. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PROCLAMATION PACKET WHO TODAY WOULD BELIEVE THAT THE FOUNDERS… • AMERICA’S • • D • MOST PRESSING CONCERNl e •- D i s c D V SEQUEL TO THE SILENCING OF GOD in g S Apologetics Press 230 Landmark Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 800-234-8558 Order your copy today by visiting 00 $12. • or by calling 1-800-234-8558 Apologetics Press, Inc. 230 Landmark Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117 ISBN-13: 978-1-60063-041-5 9 781600 630415 Proclamation Packet Cover.indd 1 Prices do not include shipping Taxes apply in Alabama VIDEO © 2012 ion 2 4.indd 31 Apologetics Press 230 Landmark Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 800-234-8558 CCC DVD Amray Cover Full.indd 1 VIDEO The Founders stated repeatedly their deep conviction that acknowledgement of God and the Christian religion are integral10/7/2009 to the:14:47 survival of America. PM 9/17/2012 3:30:36 PM 1 The Anvil Rings provides a thorough defense of the Bible’s inerrancy. This volume answers allegations raised by skeptics about contradictions and discrepancies in the Bible. A great reference for those seeking answers to tough Bible questions. 2003, 246 pages, paper $9.95 THE ANVIL RINGS: ANSWERS TO ALLEGED BIBLE DISCREPANCIES (VOLUME II) Eric Lyons This volume contains additional widely used examples of the most difficult alleged Bible discrepancies, and joins the first volume in providing a thorough defense of the Bible’s inerrancy. Makes for a great graduation gift and can also be used in Bible classes. 2005, 320 pages, paper $10.95 BEHOLD! THE LAMB OF GOD Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons The personality of Jesus Christ is the most outstanding, effective manifestation of God’s care that our lost and sinful world has ever witnessed. This book presents a well-documented, positive case for the historicity, deity, and uniqueness of Jesus. The reader will be forced to answer the question: What do you think of the Christ? 2006, 221 pages, hardbound $9.95 BEHOLD! THE WORD OF GOD Kyle Butt The 66 books of the Bible are the most impressive, awe-inspiring works of literature ever penned. Behold! The Word of God presents a welldocumented, persuasive case for the accuracy, authenticity, and inspiration of the Bible. The honest reader will be compelled to conclude that “all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.” 2007, 223 pages, hardbound $9.95 CHRIST AND THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS Dave Miller Did the founders believe that the survival of the Republic depends on America’s acknowledgement of Jesus Christ? Prepare yourself for the pronouncements by a group of men who literally presided at the birth of our nation, and navigated the fledgling Republic against all odds through the dangerous, treacherous water of political, national, social, and international turbulence. Sequel to The Silencing of God. 2010, 75 pages, hardbound $14.95 A CHRISTIAN’S GUIDE TO REFUTING MODERN ATHEISM Kyle Butt An expanded study of the Butt/Barker debate. Christians have been called to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone” who would challenge the existence of God and the Faith of His Son Jesus Christ. There is a God, and His Word is the only truth that can make people free. Christians must recognize the threat of modern atheism, and equip themselves to face it forthrightly. 2 2010, 269 pages, paper $10.95 THE DINOSAUR DELUSION: DISMANTLING EVOLUTION’S MOST CHERISHED ICON Eric Lyons and Kyle Butt The Dinosaur Delusion effectively refutes the erroneous concept that dinosaurs lived millions of years before humans. The cumulative evidence presented by the authors provides an irrefutable case that humans and dinosaurs coexisted on the Earth in the past. $10.95 2008, 248 pages, paper OUT WITH DOUBT Kyle Butt This volume, mainly for junior high and high school age groups, examines the existence of God, the inspiration of the Bible, the age of the Earth, dinosaurs and the Bible, miracles, the resurrection of Christ, and other topics, including what a person must do to be saved. Understandable and relevant. The intelligent design of the human body—from the astounding operations of the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems to the intricate networking of the nervous system, demonstrate conclusively the handiwork of an Intelligent Designer—the Creator of the Universe, the God of the Bible. 2008, 204 pages, paper $9.95 EVOLUTION, ENVIRONMENTALISM, AND THE DEIFICATION OF NATURE Dave Miller Concerns over global warming, “going green,” protecting animals, and “saving the planet” seem to occupy the thoughts of many people. What does the Bible say about such concerns? This booklet summarizes the Christian viewpoint on these much-touted issues of our day. 2008, 22 pages, paper $1.00 THE PROCLAMATION PACKET Dave Miller Intended as a supplement and companion volume to Christ and the Continental Congress, the Proclamation Packet contains all 15 proclamations issued by the Continental Congress from 1775 to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War in 1783. Included as a bonus is a full color copy of John Trumbull’s “Declaration of Independence.” 2002, 149 pages, paper $7.95 $10.00 2011, paper If the Quran is from God, it must possess the self-authenticating attributes of divine inspiration. If it is not from God, though it may possess certain positive qualities, it must be rejected as disqualified to legislate human behavior in an absolute sense. This book examines Islam’s “holy” book with a view toward ascertaining whether it is, in fact, of supernatural origin. 2005, 308 pages, paper $10.95 RECEIVING THE GIFT OF SALVATION Eric Lyons and Kyle Butt Relatively few people who believe that Jesus died for our sins argue against the fact that salvation is a gift from God. Much disagreement, however, has arisen over what nonChristians must “do” in order to receive the gift of salvation. This 28-page booklet logically and scripturally leads a person to the knowledge of this soul-saving truth. 28 pages, paper How often have you been conversing with a coworker, friend, or acquaintance about Christianity as it relates to evolution or the inspiration of the Bible, only to realize you cannot recall the details? Never again! These twosided reference cards are designed to fit inside your Bible, textbook, or desk drawer, and contain numerous “reminders” of facts, proofs, and passages. Both cards provide convincing Christian evidences—one from a biblical viewpoint, the other from the scientific viewpoint. An invaluable evangelistic tool. 45¢ each or 75¢ for both. Also sold in bulk (100 for $25.00, titles may be mixed) SEXUAL ANARCHY Dave Miller THE QURAN UNVEILED Dave Miller A MATTER OF FACT Kyle Butt This sequel to Out with Doubt (see above) examines subjects such as the biblical concept of faith, the Bible and archaeology, the laws of science, and the consequences of unbelief. A Matter of Fact is sure to give teens the materials they need to build a strong, spiritual foundation and combat evolutionary error. $7.95 2001, 156 pages, paper DISSECTING THE TRUTH Brad Harrub REFERENCE CARDS www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press for Adults and Teens Books THE ANVIL RINGS: ANSWERS TO ALLEGED BIBLE DISCREPANCIES (VOLUME I) Eric Lyons $2.00 Abortion, divorce, homosexuality, and pornography share in common the fact that they are linked inextricably to human sexuality, and represent human desire to gratify sexual appetites without regard to a higher standard of authority. But no civilization can survive the ultimate effects of sexual anarchy—a fact this book unflinchingly explores. $4.95 2006, 116 pages, paper THE SILENCING OF GOD Dave Miller The forces of political correctness are expunging Christianity from American life. Yet the historical evidence is decisive: the American Republic was purposely founded on the moral principles of the Christian religion. This coffee-table book version of the popular DVD seminar documents America’s religious heritage. 2008, 105 pages, hardbound $14.95 3 This booklet addresses the allimportant principle of authority as expounded in Scripture, pinpointing the means by which the honest inquirer may understand how the Bible authorizes, i.e., how we may know what God approves and disapproves in religion, in worship, in daily living, and in all of life. An understanding of this foundational doctrine is paramount. $2.00 www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press for Adults and Teens Books Looking For Answers About God’s Creation? SURRENDERING TO HIS LORDSHIP Dave Miller 2012, 20 pages H a rd b a c k B o o k SURVEYING THE EVIDENCE Wayne Jackson, Eric Lyons, and Kyle Butt In Surveying the Evidence, you will learn of the evidence for God and Creation that refutes atheism and evolution. You will study many facts that undergird the Bible’s inspiration, uniqueness, and reliability. You will discover the evidence for the historicity and deity of Christ, and learn of God’s great plan to save man. Great classroom book for adults. 2008, 201 pages, paper $10.9 5 THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN ORIGINS Brad Harrub and Bert Thompson $8.95 P Taxes lus shippin g apply in Ala bama This investigation of man’s origins examines the fossil record, gender and sexual reproduction, language, the brain, mind and consciousness, skin color and blood types, etc. Each chapter presents an insurmountable obstacle for evolutionary theory, and discusses current scientific data that uphold the creation model. $14.95 2003, 528 pages, hardbound AVAILABLE IN THE NEAR FUTURE Science vs. Evolution A Scientist Examines the Scientific Validity of Evolution by Jeff Miller Ph.D. A Teenager’s Guide to Answering Atheism by Kyle Butt • Packed with captivating pictures and rich, informative text about many Wonders of God’s Creation. “ “WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT...” SERIES A 4 Is one church as good as another church? Are some churches right and other churches wrong? These and other such questions often weigh on the minds of sincere, religious people. In truth, there is really only one place to go to find the answers to such questions—the Bible. In the end, the teachings and actions of every church or religion must be examined in light of what the Bible says about them. Baptist Church, Kyle Butt, 2007, 91 pages, paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catholic Church, Moisés Pinedo, 2008, 180 pages, paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church of Christ, Dave Miller, 2007, 93 pages, paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lutheran Church, Kyle Butt, 2007, 58 pages, paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lut • Learn about proofs from the Animal Kingdom for a Creator that evolution simply cannot reasonably explain. • Perfect for older elementary and middle school students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 • Full-color, hardback, 92 pages. • A “must have” for young people who love God…and His amazing animal creation. 5 These sturdy, beautiful flash cards can be used with children as young as 9 months old. With captivating pictures and brief, informative text about God and His creation, Creation Cards are refreshingly exciting and educational. 2006, 30 cards, boardstock $7.95 CREATION CARDS— GOD’S ANIMAL KINGDOM This second series of Creation Cards focuses specifically on what God created on days five and six of Creation— the animal kingdom. Young children will love looking at, and learning about, all sorts of animals. 2009, 29 cards, boardstock $7.95 DINOSAURS UNLEASHED (2ND EDITION) Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons Packed with beautiful illustrations and informative, easy-to-read text, this is a “must-have” for those who want to know the truth about the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Unleashed is one of the most fascinating dinosaur books on the market. Perfect for 3rd-6th graders. 2008, 94 pages, hardbound $10.95 DOES GOD LOVE MICHAEL’S TWO DADDIES? Sheila Butt A professionally designed and illustrated book that promotes God’s love for all individuals, while at the same time showing, in a loving way, that homosexuality is wrong. This book has tremendous potential to positively influence the lives of thousands of children. 2006, 16 pages, hardbound $6.95 HOW DO YOU KNOW THE BIBLE IS FROM GOD? Kyle Butt How can we know that God wrote the Bible? What makes the Bible different from other books? Does the Bible have errors in it? And where did the Bible come from? Answers to these types of questions can be found in this book for 4th-6th graders. With 13 chapters, professional artwork, charts, and activity pages, this is an excellent resource. 2005, 62 pages, hardbound How can we know that God wrote the Bible? What makes the Bible different from other books? Does the Bible have errors in it? And where did the Bible come from? Answers to such questions can be found in this book for 4th-6th graders. With 13 chapters, professional artwork, charts, and activity pages, this is an excellent resource. $8.95 Early Readers Advanced Readers Ducks, Bucks, and Woodchucks Fish, Flies, and Fleas Goose, Moose, and Mongoose Bats, Cats, and Rats Birds, Bugs, and Bees Dogs, Frogs, and Hogs Snails, Quails, and Whales God Made Animals God Made The World God Made Dinosaurs God Made Fish God Made Insects God Made Plants God Made You Amazing Dinosaurs Amazing Tails Amazing Tamable Animals The Amazing Human Body Amazing Copies of God’s Design Amazing Migrating Animals Amazing Teeth The A.P. Reader Series books include beautiful, full color pictures and interesting facts about God’s wonderfully designed Creation. Your child will develop a greater love for reading and for the grand Designer. Through the life and story of Job, God gives us amazing insight into the problem of pain and suffering. By putting that story into rhyming verse on a child’s level, this book offers an easy-to-read resource for teaching children ages 2-5 how to handle life’s tough times. $4.00 $2.00 ea Set of seven $12.00 Buy all 21 for $33.00 A.P. Reader Series AVAILABLE IN THE NEAR FUTURE Sharks, Larks, and Aardvarks WONDERS OF GOD’S CREATION Eric Lyons Evolution cannot rationally explain the amazing, complex design in the Animal Kingdom. Creation can. Wonders of God’s Creation is a spectacular book. Perfect for older elementary and middle school students. Dave Miller God Made Birds Eric Lyons 2006, 26 pages, hardbound $6.95 A SON WHO RAN AWAY Kyle Butt A rich young man learns a very hard lesson when he comes to Jesus. He learns that Jesus must be more important to him than his money. Beautiful, professional illustrations and memorable rhyming text help bring alive the story of the rich young ruler for children ages 2-5. 2009, 22 pages, paper Learn To Read A PATIENT MAN FROM UZ Kyle Butt HOW DO YOU KNOW GOD IS REAL? Kyle Butt 2012, 68 pages, hardbound A.P. Reader Series $7.95 A MAN WHO LOVED MONEY Kyle Butt 6 www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press for Children Books CREATION CARDS— EXPLORING GOD’S CREATION The story of the prodigal son is one of the most insightful, memorable stories that Jesus told while He was on Earth. By putting that story into rhyming verse on a child’s level, A Son Who Ran Away offers an easy-to-read resource for teaching children ages 2-5 the meaning and importance of the parable of the prodigal son. 2007, 22 pages, hardbound $6.95 Amazing Skin Designed by God Kyle Butt 2012, 92 pages, hardbound $10.95 TRUTH BE TOLD Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons This book is a compilation and refutation of alleged proofs of evolution that are oft’-repeated in popular science textbooks. It is designed and written, not as a comprehensive science textbook, but as a guide for preparing and equipping middle school and early high school students to deal with false evolutionary assumptions. 2005, 184 pages, hardbound $15.95 7 E-Pub Books BEHOLD! THE LAMB OF GOD BEHOLD! THE WORD OF GOD See page 2 for details Order online CHRIST AND THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS See page 2 for details Order online A CHRISTIAN’S GUIDE TO REFUTING MODERN ATHEISM For Pricing visit SEXUAL ANARCHY THE TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN ORIGINS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE BAPTIST CHURCH See page 3 for details Order online See page 4 for details Order online See page 4 for details Order online SURVEYING THE EVIDENCE TRUTH BE TOLD WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE LUTHERAN CHURCH See page 4 for details Order online See page 7 for details Order online See page 4 for details Order online WWW.APOLOGETICSPRESS.ORG/STORE/STORE.ASPX ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION (ENGLISH/SPANISH) Moisés Pinedo Illegal immigration, especially in the United States, is a sensitive subject. How should the church react to this social reality? This book clarifies this subject by presenting the Bible perspective on this present dilemma. IN THE SHADOW OF DARWIN Wayne Jackson and Bert Thompson This volume was written to awaken the unsuspecting to the danger of evolutionism in general, and to the private theology of John Clayton in particular. A MATTER OF FACT See page 2 for details Order online See page 3 for details Order online THE DINOSAUR DELUSION OUT WITH DOUBT COMING SOON... AM I READY TO BE BAPTIZED? See page 24 for details DINOSAURS UNLEASHED 2ND EDITION Interactive Books A.P. READER SERIES Learn To Read www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Digital Books MORE COMING SOON... See page 7 for details Ducks, Bucks, and Woodchucks Fish, Flies, and Fleas Goose, Moose, and Mongoose Bats, Cats, and Rats Birds, Bugs, and Bees Dogs, Frogs, and Hogs Snails, Quails, and Whales The dynamic aspects of A.P.’s multi-touch books include 3-D images, interactive illustrations, animations, audio/video clips, and other elements intended to complement the text For pricing visit WWW.APOLOGETICSPRESS.ORG/STORE/STORE.ASPX Early Readers See page 3 for details Order online See page 3 for details Order online DISSECTING THE TRUTH THE QURAN UNVEILED See page 6 for details TRUTH BE TOLD God Made Animals God Made the World God Made Dinosaurs God Made Fish God Made Insects God Made Plants God Made You Advanced Readers See page 3 for details Order online See page 3 for details Order online HOW DO YOU KNOW THE BIBLE IS FROM GOD? RECEIVING THE GIFT OF SALVATION See page 6 for details Order online See page 7 for details WONDERS OF GOD’S CREATION Amazing Dinosaurs Amazing Tails Amazing Tamable Animals The Amazing Human Body Amazing Copies of God’s Design Amazing Migrating Animals Amazing Teeth See page 7 for details 8 See page 3 for details Order online 9 Did the Founders of America believe that the survival of the Republic depends on America’s acknowledgement of Jesus Christ? Most educators and political theorists of our day answer with a resounding “no!” Nevertheless, in their official pronouncements, the Continental Congress— quintessential Founders—forthrightly requested that God establish American independence on Christianity and Christian morality. Sequel to The Silencing of God. 1 DVD $12.00 20 or more $2.00 ea THE BUTT/BARKER DEBATE Kyle Butt Does the God of the Bible exist? If He does exist, all human beings are obligated to come to a knowledge of His will and render obedience to Him. If, on the other hand, the God of the Bible does not exist, human behavior remains a matter of subjective, human inclination. Both disputants presented arguments, cross-examined each other, and also fielded live questions from the audience. The Butt-Barker Debate was conducted on the campus of the University of South Carolina in Columbia on February 12, 2009. $10.00 ea ANSWERING ATHEISM Kyle Butt High profile atheists accuse God of being a brutal tyrant Who enforces His petty whims by acts of violence. These spokesmen for godlessness insist that the Bible writers condone immorality and approve of sexism and cruel human slavery. According to them, atheism offers a much better moral system than the Bible. Answering Atheism strips these groundless accusations of their misleading trappings, and lays bear the fact that God and His Word provide the only viable foundation upon which to build a moral system. $10.00 ea TRUE SCIENCE. 1. Evolution is Religion, Not Science. 2. True science is the Enemy of the Evolutionist (part 1). 3. True Science is the Enemy of the Evolutionist (part 2). 4. Ambiguous Arguments, Fossils and Other Discussion. 5. The Age of the Universe: Should We Distort Scripture to Accommodate Contemporary Theories? 6. The Age of the Universe: Evidence and Assumptions. An auxiliary staff scientist at Apologetics Press, Dr. Mike Houts has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from MIT, and serves as Nuclear Research Manager for the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. He worked 11 years at the Los Alamos National Laboratory serving in various capacities related to radiation physics. A staunch evolutionist through his early twenties, Dr. Houts became a Christian in 1999. (Approx. 40 min. per session) THE BUTT/SCOTT DEBATE Kyle Butt The Butt/Scott debate was held on the campus of the University of North Alabama in Florence, Alabama on September 29, 2011. Blair Scott, the Director of Communication for the American Atheists, Inc., affirmed that there is no God. Kyle Butt denied that affirmation. Early on in the debate, Scott admitted he could not defend his affirmation and Butt capitalized on this fact to show the inconsistencies of the atheistic philosophy. $10.00 ea Shot widescreen—16:9 VIDEO Apologetics Press, Inc. 230 Landmark Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 800-234-8558 ISBN: 978-1-60063-029-3 9 781600 630293 THE QURAN AND NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY Dave Miller EVOLUTION IS RELIGION—NOT SCIENCE Mike Houts, Ph.D. THIS SIX SESSION SEMINAR EXAMINES THE CLAIMS OF EVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE IN RELATION TO A.P. auxillary scientist and NASA nuclear engineer Mike Houts refutes one of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by atheists and humanists: the false idea that the theory of evolution is somehow “science.” Dr. Houts demonstrates that, in reality, evolution is merely a tenet of the false religion of atheism. Dr. Mike Houts $10.00 ea The Islam seminar DVD set consists of a live presentation by Dave Miller, based on the information provided in his book The Quran Unveiled. The 3-disc set first introduces the viewer to Muhammad and the basic tenets of Islam, then focuses on the question of the inspiration of the Quran, and concludes by demonstrating the total incompatibility of Islam and Christianity. Updated edition coming in 2013—with lower price 1 set (3 DVDs) $29.95 OUT WITH DOUBT Kyle Butt Take a compelling look at the overwhelming evidence that proves the truths of Christianity. In a simple, easy to understand manner, this series of 13 lessons, each approximately 25 minutes long, deals with profound issues such as God’s existence, the inspiration of the Bible, and creation versus evolution, in a way that leaves no room for doubt about the validity of the Christian faith. 1 set (2 DVDs) $12.00 60 or more $5.00 ea THE SILENCING OF GOD Dave Miller TRIP THROUGH THE BIBLE Dave Miller Take a trip back to America’s vanishing past. You will not believe your eyes and ears. The Silencing of God Seminar issues a stirring plea to the nation to return from the depths to which she has plummeted, and reaffirm the biblical values that are being stripped from public life. Five lectures delivered before a live audience with stunning visuals. 1 DVD 20 or more www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press DVDs AMERICA’S MOST PRESSING CONCERN Dave Miller $12.00 $2.00 ea More often than not, much of our Bible study is piecemeal. We receive a host of unrelated slices of the Bible spread out over many years—from the many sermons we hear, the Bible classes we attend, and the portions of the Bible that we read for ourselves. But putting it all together to get the big picture is a rare circumstance. Five DVD set containing 12 sessions with an approximate run time of 25 min ea. 1 set (5 DVDs) $15.00 DIGGER DOUG’S UNDERGROUND Join the adventure in A.P.’s premiere children’s educational program, Digger Doug’s Underground. The mole hole is buzzing with excitement as Digger Doug, Iguana Don, and friends learn about God’s Creation and the Bible. Each DVD contains two fun-filled episodes. $12.00 ea Two or more $10.00 ea Things to Professor Episode 9: Similar that he is related answer his X-ray proves Doug tries to Iguana Don thinksthe Professor‛s help, Digger animals related just of Whitecoat. With different kinds question: Are dig for the answer. an important are similar? Let‛s because they Hoaxes Evolutionary und has Iggy Episode 10: school playgro reach. Will found on the his A lost tooth link” is within the “missing and found? Willie thinking that case of lost contest. story, so trail of this this be just another school essay is hot on the ! entering the the Word Wormnary hoaxes will be exposed is excited about When Iggy Iguana Don evolutio s scientists. about famou in essays will be This year, the sts who believe famous scienti there are no from the is worried that your friends to help. 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Episode 2: After Their Kind Episode 3: Dinosaurs and Artifacts Episode 4: Dinosaurs and Natural History Episode 5: Days of Creation Episode 6: Biomimicry Episode 7: Vestigial Organs Episode 8: Cause and Effect Episode 9: Similar Things Episode 10: Evolutionary Hoaxes Episode 11: Creation Scientists Episode 12: The Age of the Earth Episode 13: Broken Bones, Broken Theory Episode 14: Humans and Dinosaurs Episode 15: Entropy Episode 16: Natural Selection and Mutations Episode 17: Coal and the Age of the Earth Episode 18: The Complex Design of the Human Body n k n Episode 14 in dino o i dino i d on o nd o o n in . d d dino o n ni b dd in i . o i o kin do n i e nd i in o d in i i n on od on i o in in te 6 0 0 63 - 03 0 - 8 I S B N - 10 : 1 - - 1 - 6 0 0 63 - 03 0 - 9 I S B N - 13 : 9 78 FUTURE EPISODES COMING SOON! Episode 19: Life in the Making Episode 20: Mountain Ranges PILLARS OF FAITH DVD SERIES Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons In the Pillars of Faith seminar series, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons address the foundational truths of Christianity. Truth Be Told provides proof for the existence of God and exposes the myth of evolution. Behold! The Lamb of God is a well-documented, persuasive case for the historicity, deity, and uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Is the Bible from God? examines the inspiration and reliability of the Bible. Each DVD consists of about four hours of compelling information that will thrill and challenge your friends, family, neighbors, and others. The 18 lessons in all (each approximately 38 minutes) are also designed to be used in Bible classes. Case/sleeve $12.00 ea 20 or more (sleeve) $2.00 ea BEHOLD! THE LAMB OF GOD LESSON TITLES: The Historicity of Jesus The Uniqueness of Christ The Predicted Messiah The Resurrection of Christ Answering Christ’s Critics Was Jesus Really God? TRUTH BE TOLD LESSON TITLES: The Existence of God Dinosaurs: The Poster Children of Evolution (Part 1) Dinosaurs: The Poster Children of Evolution (Part 2) Evolutionary Hoaxes Creation: In Six Days or Six Billion Years? The Fruits of Atheism IS THE BIBLE FROM GOD? LESSON TITLES: The Bible and Science The Bible and Prophecy The Bible and Archaeology Scripture Cannot Be Broken Is the Bible Reliable? Hearing God in the 21st Century 9 9 78160 0 63030 in te 6 0 0 63 - 031 - 6 I S B N - 10 : 19 -78 - 1 - 6 0 0 63 - 031 - 6 I S B N - 13 : 6 9 78160 0 63031 1 1 oC D s ,M P 3s a nd I ns t a nt D ow nl oa ds To order please call 1-800-234-8558 or visit For 99¢ digital downloads, please visit The following are audio CDs, MP3s, and digital downloads on general topics produced by Apologetics Press. All CDs, MP3s, and digital downloads are fully guaranteed. [Should you ever have any problems, simply notify our offices for a refund or free replacement.] Kyle Butt Are there Mistakes in the Bible? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Becoming a Christian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bible and Archaeology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bible and Prophecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bible and Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bible and Slavery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Biblical View of Women. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creation Versus Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Death of the Innocent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design Demands a Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dinosaurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Does God Exist? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Does the God of the Bible Exist? Butt/Barker Debate (2 CDs) . Evil, Pain, and Suffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evolutionary Hoaxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Existence of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Fruits of Atheism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . God Does Not Exist: Butt/Scott Debate (2 CDs) . . . . . . . The Historical Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Historicity of Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How Old is the Earth? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is the Bible God’s Word? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Loving God and an Eternal Hell. . . . . . . . . . Miracles and the Resurrection . . . . . . . . . Moral Implications of Athesim . . . . . . . . The Predicted Messiah . . . . . . . . . . . Predictive Prophecy and the Bible . . . . The Resurrection of Christ . . . . . . . . Theistic Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $6.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $6.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 . $3.00 The Bible and Archaeology (2 CDs) . . . . . . . . . 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Evolution, Environmentalism, & the Deification of Nature; Designed to Fly; Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans; Jesus’ Claims to Deity; Alleged Discrepancies and the Flood; Fruits of Atheism; Is America Doomed?; Natural Attenuation: Proof of Divine Design Militant Atheism; Design of the Human Ear; Inspired Writers & Competent Copyists; God & the Laws of Thermodynamics; The Lost Tomb of Jesus; Unity of the Bible; Design Rules; Our Republic Depends on Christianity?; Hindu Prayer in Congress; Historical Support for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs & Humans; Evolution is Religion—Not Science The Intelligent Design of the Human Respiratory, Digestive, & Muscular Systems; America, Christianity, & the Culture War; Answering Christ’s Critics; Resurrection of Christ; Scientific Foreknowledge & Medical Acumen of the Bible; Tyre in Prophecy Eternality of Hell; Dinosaurs & Humans—Together; Molecular Evidence of Human Origins; Bible & Slavery; Quran vs. the New Testament; The Human Nervous & Circulatory Systems Archaeology & the Old & New Testaments; Biblical Inerrancy; Origin of the Brain, Mind, & Consciousness; Scientific & Biblical Examinations of Homosexuality; Situation Ethics Walking Amidst the Dinosaurs; The Myth of “Factual” Bible Contradictions; The Big Bang Theory; A Christian Response to “End-of-Life” Decisions; “I Wish I Had a Belief System” Discovery g hippin a Plus Sply in Alabam ap Taxes Apologetics Press also has a limited stock of bound volumes of Discovery, the full-color monthly magazine of Bible and science for kids. Each issue is designed to instill in children biblical faith in the Creator and His Word. Bound volumes contain 12 issues and a comprehensive index, making them ideal reference tools for homeschooling and Bible classes. AP 0 $14.0 ping s Ship labama Plu ply in ap Taxes A olumes er Bound V th o se e th p Pick-u ’re gone. before they ason & Discovery 1 1999-201 $7.00 each 16 $12.00 ea Re Revelation 1 1999-201 6.00 each $ 2011 Volcanoes; Worms; Creation; God’s Amazing Animals; Bible Figures of Speech; Teeth; False Evidence for Evolution; Space and Planets; Sports; Humans Were Created in God’s Image; Spiders; Blood 2010 Atheism; Dinosaurs; Global Warming; Brain; Miracles; Dogs; Christian Living; Desert Animals; Symbiosis; How Christianity Affects Society; The Wickedness of Pornography; Cats 2009 Arctic and Antarctica; Worship; Birds; Reptiles; Lying; Trees; Archaeology and the Bible; Mammals; Tower of Babel; Alleged Human Evolution; Age of the Earth; Attitude of the Church 2008 Heavenly Bodies; Overcoming Laziness; Bees; Marsupials; Lessons Learned from the Early Church; Ocean Life; Mutations; Materialism; Dinosaurs; Hollywood, Music, and the Media; Amazing Animals; Conversions in Acts 2007 Tails; Food and the Bible; Bones; Biomimicry; The Apostle Paul; Animal Migration; Dinosaurs; Metamorphosis; Pictures of the Church; The Flood; Design Demands a Designer; Troubles with the Tongue 2006 Geology; The Church—God’s Kingdom; The Value of Human Life; The Story of Job; Ants; The Laws of Thermodynamics; Rocks & Gems; A Trip to Washington, D.C.; Homosexuality; The National Museum of Natural History; Snakes; The Five Senses 2005 A Trip to Dinosaur Country; Dangers of Drugs & Alcohol; Amazing Creatures; Christian Family; Christ’s Return; Repentance; The Moral Compass; The Universe & the Milky Way; The Origin of Life; Understanding the Bible; Plants: God’s Special Creation; The Birth of Christ Fascinating Fish; World Religions; Morals; Dinosaurs; Biomimicry; Sermon on the Mount; Scientists Who are Creationists; Vestigial Organs; The Trial & Crucifixion of Christ; The Resurrection of Christ; Interesting Insects Copying God’s Design; Sin & Salvation; All about Water; Satan—His Origin & Mission; Parasites; The Exodus; Lies of Evolution; Traveling in Bible Times; Mighty Whales; Wilderness Wanderings of the Israelites; Dinosaurs & Fossils The Church; Geological Timetable; Inspiration of the Bible; God’s Amazing Creatures; Tornados; Global Flood of Noah; Science & Technology; Bible Customs; Amazing Plants; How Did We Get the Bible?; Farm Animals & the Bible Idolatry; Insects; Disease, Sickness, & Your “Natural Defenses”; The World of Caves; The Lands of the Bible; Dinosaurs; The Existence of God; Christ Lived & Walked Among Us; Did People Really Evolve?; Women of the Bible Birds of Prey; Walls; Miracles & the Bible; Sharks; The Abyss; Precious Gems & Metals; Fire; Great Cats; Kings & Their Kingdoms; Seeds & Fruits; Parables in the Old & New Testaments; Bat Facts $14.00 ea 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 17 www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Bound Volumes Reason & Revelation B i b l e C l as s C u r r i c u l u m f or 3 r d -6 th G r ad e s Explorer Series takes curious young minds on journeys through God’s Word and God’s world. Eager children will explore essential facts that will ground them in concepts oftentimes overlooked in regular Bible class settings. Each 8-page lesson is printed in full color on enameled paper in an 8½ x 11-inch format, and includes professional artwork and illustrations, as well as activities such as puzzles, word-finds, fill-in-the-blanks, true/false questions, and mazes—all of which are designed to reinforce the teaching found within each week’s material. Teachers will have the freedom to send individual lessons home with each child or compile all 13 lessons into a notebook that can be used in class. Sets are shrink-wrapped for the teacher’s convenience. This series also is excellent for use in VBS classes, homeschools, and summer camps. Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: Knowing Right From Wrong 2: The Value of Human Life 3: Alcohol and Drugs 4: Movies, Music, and the Media 5: How to Treat Others 6: Troubles of the Tongue 7: Honesty Lesson 8: Materialism Lesson 9: Laziness Lesson 10: Modesty and Purity Lesson 11: Pornography Lesson 12: Marriage Lesson 13: Homosexuality JOURNEY #1—CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES-$10.00 set JOURNEY #5—CREATION VS. EVOLUTION-$10.00 set Lesson 1: Exploring Apologetics Lesson 2: The Existence of God Lesson 3: The Design of the Universe Lesson 4: The Design of the Human Body Lesson 5: The Design of Animals Lesson 6: The Theory of Evolution Lesson 7: Science and the Bible Lesson 8: The Geologic Timetable Lesson 9: Dinosaurs and the Bible Lesson 10: The Theory of the Evolution of Man Lesson 11: The Existence and Godhood of Jesus Lesson 12: The Inspiration of the Bible Lesson 13: The Church Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: The Genesis Account of Creation Lesson 2: The Age of the Earth Lesson 3: Man—Created in the Image of God Lesson 4: Satan—His Origin and Mission Lesson 5: The Fall of Man Lesson 6: The Genesis Flood Lesson 7: The Tower of Babel Lesson 8: Old and New Testaments—What’s the Difference? Lesson 9: How We Got the Bible Lesson 10: World Religions versus Christianity Lesson 11: Are There Mistakes in the Bible? Lesson 12: Evil, Pain, and Suffering Lesson 13: Faith and Knowledge A.P. Curriculum EXPLORING GOD’S WORD Lesson 1: The Coming of Christ Lesson 2: Early Life of Jesus Lesson 3: The Baptism and Temptations of Jesus Lesson 4: The Sermon on the Mount Lesson 5: Parables of Jesus: Part I Lesson 6: Parables of Jesus: Part II Lesson 7: Miracles of Jesus: Part I Lesson 8: Miracles of Jesus: Part II Lesson 9: Enemies of Jesus Lesson 10: The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus Lesson 11: The Resurrection of Jesus Lesson 12: The Mission and Message of Jesus Lesson 13: The Second Coming of Jesus Lesson 8: The Young Earth Lesson 9: Problems with Evolutionary Dating Methods Lesson 10: Global Warming Lesson 11: Design Demands a Designer Lesson 12: Biomimicry Lesson 13: Atheism 1: Biogenesis 2: Evolutionary Hoaxes 3: Mutations 4: Vestigial Organs 5: Dinosaurs—Part 1 6: Dinosaurs—Part 2 7: Alleged Human Evolution Available in the near future Coming Soon... JOURNEY #2—FAITH-BUILDING ANSWERS-$10.00 set JOURNEY #3—JESUS: HIS LIFE AND TEACHINGS-$10.00 set 18 JOURNEY #4—CHRISTIAN VALUES-$10.00 set Exploring God’s Word is unique in that it is an on-line curriculum. Since it is on-line, it can be viewed, downloaded, and printed by anyone with an Internet connection anywhere in the world. Also, the material for two-year-olds through fourth grade is completely free. The only part of the curriculum that needs to be purchased is the material for fifth and sixth grades. “Exploring God’s Word” has already been used to influence thousands of children all over the world. See what it can do for your congregation. We think you will discover that using this curriculum will be one of the best decisions your congregation could make for your children. Explorer Series Journey #6—Survey of Scripture Explorer Series Journey #7—The Church EE FR F o r a g e s g ra d e tw o – fo u rth th grade for ages 2 through 6ivities; audio clips of recommended ted by the A.P. Biblically sound: lessons edi writers. s two through grade • Free: material for age . e four available for fre on-line ar-old child -ye two a es tak : • Comprehensive 5th grade. ore bef ce twi le Bib through the classes de gra 6th • Preparatory: 5th and , which ies Ser r lore purchase the A.P. Exp ty, the life rali mo , ces den evi covers Christian of Christ, etc. y ideas provided in • Exciting: many activit . developed addition to the dozens of A.P • act son. songs provided for each les ma for t allows for • Evolving: open system rovement of the imp constant, immediate curriculum. A.P. curriculum • Easy: simply go to the ting! site, sign up, and start prin as provided ide ter cen • Engaging: learning ial. ter ma the ce to help reinfor terial developed • Tried and tested: ma lified teachover the past 20 years by qua . ive ect ers; proven to be eff For more Information visit or call 1-800-234-8558 19 www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Curriculum explorer series INTRODUCTORY LEVEL—$4.00 SET This set was written using a common, everyday vocabulary that is especially appealing to young people of junior or senior high ages, as well as those who are incarcerated. Each lesson stands on its own, and is accompanied by exercises for the student. Lesson 1: The Many Faces and Causes of Unbelief Lesson 2: The Existence of God—Cause and Effect Lesson 3: The Existence of God—Design Lesson 4: The Existence of God—Morality Lesson 5: Creation vs. Evolution [Part I] Lesson 6: Creation vs. Evolution [Part II] Lesson 7: A General Introduction to the Bible Lesson 8: The Inspiration of the Bible Lesson 9: What Does God Expect of Me? Lesson 10: The Church INTERMEDIATE LEVEL—$4.00 SET INTERMED Whereas the first series is intended as introductory material, the intermediate level course is intended to build on the knowledge gained from the first course. Each lesson stands on its own and is accompanied by exercises for the student. Lesson 7 Intermediate Chris Apologetics Press the Soul The Origin ofspond ence Course tian Evidences Corre Lesson 1: Faith and Knowledge [Part I] Lesson 2: Faith and Knowledge [Part II] Lesson 3: “In the Image and Likeness of God” Lesson 4: Jesus Christ—Lord and Savior Lesson 5: Satan—His Origin and Mission Lesson 6: The Problem of Evil, Pain, and Suffering Lesson 7: The Origin of the Soul Lesson 8: The Destiny of the Soul Lesson 9: Creation vs. Evolution [Part I] Lesson 10: Creation vs. Evolution [Part II] Our Price: $4.00 set of 10 Lessons ADVANCED LEVEL—$4.00 SET Whereas the first series is intended as introductory material, and the second series builds on that, this third series is designed to challenge the student who is interested in a more in-depth study. Each lesson stands on its own and is accompanied by exercises for the student. Lesson 1: Origins: Random Chance or Intelligent Design? Lesson 2: Genesis 1-11: Mythical or Historical? Lesson 3: Man’s Sin and the Global Flood Lesson 4: The Geologic Timetable and the Age of the Earth Lesson 5: Dinosaurs, Science, and the Bible Lesson 6: The Origin of Human “Races” and Blood Groups Lesson 7: Christian Ethics and Human Cloning Lesson 8: The Inherent Value of Human Life Lesson 9: Will Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel be Lost? Lesson 10: The Sinner’s Prayer Coming Soon! God’s Word: Digging for Answers Total VBS Package $199 • How did we get the Bible? • How do we know the Bible is from God? Bulk Rate: Only $3.50 per set (Quantities of 24 or more) 21 www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Study Courses & VBS 20 These 10-lesson studies by Apologetics Press staff members present discussions of some of the most fundamental concepts of Christianity. Each 8-page lesson contains professional artwork, and is printed in full color on attractive enameled paper in modern, easy-to-read typestyle. The study exercises are printed in black ink only, on high-quality bond paper that allows for greater ease of writing (using a perforated sheet in the middle of the lesson so that upon completion, the student may hand them in for grading). [Each sheet has a place for the student’s name and address (for mailing purposes), and is designed to be returned to the person or group that purchased the correspondence course, rather than to the offices of Apologetics Press.] Detaching the exercise sheet does not damage the lesson. A separate answer sheet is provided for the teacher’s use. Hearing God in the Twenty-First Century How Can a Loving God Punish People Eternally? How Does Science Work? Human Cloning: The Christian’s Response “I’m Not Guilty, I’m Just Sick” Ideas Have Consequences The Implications of Evolution In Defense Of...The Genesis Flood In Defense Of...Christ’s Church In Defense Of...Christ’s Deity Inevitable--Given Enough Time? Is Evolution a Fact? Is Genesis 1-11 Literal and Historical? Is Man a Naked Ape? Is There Intelligent Life in Outer Space? It is not Enough to be Just a Creationist! Jesus Christ—Dead or Alive? Judge or Not Judge? “ The Laws of Thermodynamics Don’t Apply to the Universe!” The Legal Case for the Existence of God The Limitations of Science and Its Method Love is not Jealous, so Why is God? Making Sense of Baptism Man and the Age of the Earth The Mercy and Grace of God Miracles of Christ Versus Modern Miracles Miracles of Christ Modernism’s Assault on Biblical Miracles The Mythology of Science: Spontaneous Generation “Non-Design” in Nature: Evolution’s New Argument Origin Theories in the Light of Reasonable Predictions The Perfect Unity of the Bible Peter’s Denials and the Rooster Crowing The Predicted Messiah Premillennialism and Biblical Creationism Principles of Bible Prophecy Population Statistics and a Young Earth The Shoe is Now on the Other Foot So Help me God The Spiritual Endangerment of a Child—What Causes It, and How Can It be Prevented? Stem-Cell Research—Science’s “Slippery Slope” A Study of the Providence of God The Threat of Evolution to Christian Education Three Days and Three Nights Understanding the Bible The Unity of the Bible The Universe—A “ Waste of Space”? What is Science? What’s so Important about Jesus’ Resurrection? Why Are We Losing Our Children? Why Do People Believe in Evolution? “ You Creationists Are Unqualified to Discuss Such Matters!” You may purchase tracts individually, or in quantities of each title. You may order multiples of just one title, or a variety of titles, to obtain the quantity discount—as long as the total number of tracts is a multiple of 2 100 or 1,000. Price: Tracts are 20¢ each, $18/100, or $170/1,000. Morality Tract Series On a daily basis, our children are forced to face moral issues such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sex, and lying. The information they receive from worldly sources simply does not equip them to make spiritually healthy decisions. They need to know what God says. In a full-color format, this 12-tract set provides maturing children with God’s views on moral issues. Bragging Our Words How We Treat Others Jealousy Lying Obeying Your Parents Homosexuality Pornography Sex Before Marriage Stealing What Goes into Your Body What Goes into Your Mind All tracts are 20¢ each, $18/100, or $170/1,000. (You may order multiples of just one title, or a variety of titles, to obtain the quantity discount—as long as the total number of tracts is a multiple of 100 or 1,000.) Sample pack (12 tracts) for only $2.40 www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Adults and Kids Tracts The Anthropic Principle Apparent Age of the Earth Archaeology and the Bible Are Jesus’ Words More Important than the Bible Writers? Are the Resurrection Accounts Contradictory? Baptism: Contradictory or Complementary? Behemoth: A Tail Like a Cedar The Bible and the Laws of Science: The Law of Biogenesis The Bible and the Laws of Science: The Law of Cause and Effect Bible Inspiration—Important Points Bible Unity—An Argument for Inspiration The Bible, Science, and the Ages of the Patriarchs The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead Calling on the Name of the Lord Christianity and Humanism Christianity and World Religions Could Humans Have Lived with Dinosaurs? “Couldn’t There Have Been Exceptions to the Laws of Science?” Creation’s Critics Countered Creation—A Belief of Fools? Creation—Will It Stand the “ Test of Science”? Darwin and Evolution (Russian) The Day the Scientists Voted The Day-Age Theory: A Refutation Did the Laws of Physics Apply at the Beginning? Do Human and Chimpanzee DNA Indicate an Evolutionary Relationship? Does the Fossil Record Support the Theory of Evolution? The Earth—A Planet Plagued with Evil Evidence of Christianity Evil, Pain, & Suffering The Evolution Revolution Evolution, Intelligent Design, and Testability Evolution’s New Mechanism: An Examination of Punctuated Equilibrium Evolutionary Fossil Errors Failing to Count the High Cost of Leaving the Faith Faith Evidence and Credible Testimony Faith and Knowledge Faith Founded on Facts The First of the Ways of God The Flood—High Water Hyperbole or a Clear-Cut Cataclysm? The Folly of Being Scientifically Learned but Biblically Ignorant The Freedom to Believe...A Lie The Gap Theory: A Refutation Germs, Labor Fever, and Biblical Foreknowledge Goodness of God and an Eternal Hell He Showed Himself Alive...By Many Proofs He Showed Himself Alive...By Many Proofs (Russian) The Truth About... Series Let’s face it. Kids are not renowned for long attention spans. But, if they stumble across something that really grabs their attention, they have been known to settle down with it—even if for just a little while. A “little while” is all they will need to enjoy, and learn from, the offerings in our children’s tract series, because these fascinating tracts will really grab their attention. The tracts explore subjects that are of special interest to kids. Each one is brief and to the point, printed in full color (with large font and lots of color artwork and/or pictures), and filled with “cool” facts from both the Bible and science. Order some today for the special children in your life. You, and they, will be glad you did. Sample pack (24 tracts) for only $4.80 The Accuracy of the Bible The Bible The Bible and the Age of the Earth The Bible and Science The Big Bang Cause and Effect Copying God’s Design Creation Design in the Animal Kingdom Design in the Human Body Design of the Universe Dinosaurs Errors of Evolution Evil, Pain, and Suffering Evolutionary Hoaxes The Evolution of Man The Genesis Flood Human Morality Humans and Dinosaurs The Intelligence of Ancient Man The Law of Biogenesis The Reliability of the Bible The Resurrection of Christ Science and the Age of the Earth 23 FOR INQUIRIES CONCERNING APOLOGETICS PRESS HOMESCHOOLING MATERIALS, E-MAIL: FEEDBACK@APOLOGETICSPRESS.ORG. GRADES 3-6 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: “THE TRUTH ABOUT...” TRACTS GRADES 3-6 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: DINOSAURS UNLEASHED NLEASHED 24 children’s tracts about science and the Bible Find the truth about humans and dinosaurs. See page 23 for pricing and details The design in the Animal Kingdom demands a designer. See pages 6-7 for pricing and details WONDERS OF GOD’S CREATION P r e - K i nd e r ga r t e n K i nde r ga r t e n- 2 n d G r a de KINDERGARTEN READING AND BIBLE: CREATION CARDS Exploring God’s Creation God’s Animal Kingdom See page 6 for pricing and details KINDERGARTEN-GRADE 2 BIBLE AND SCIENCE: DIGGER DOUG’S UNDERGROUND DVDS GRADES 7-8 BIBLE: G r a de s 7- 8 See pages 7 & 9 for pricing and details GRADES 1-2 READING AND BIBLE: A.P. EARLY READER SERIES c hol GRADE DE 9 SCIENCE: Introductory Course and Intermediate Course See page 20 for pricing and details GRADE 9 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: EVIDENCE UNIT STUDY See page 20 for pricing and details God Made Animals God Made the World God Made Dinosaurs God Made Fish God Made Insects God Made Plants God Made You See pages 7 & 9 for pricing and details G r a de s 3- 6 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: A MATTER OF FACT Lesson 7 The Origin of the Soul Apologetics Press Intermediate Christian Evidences Correspondence Course Advanced Study Course GRADE 2-3 READING AND BIBLE: A.P. ADVANCED READER EADER SERIES 12 children’s tracts dealing with biblical morality and ethics See page 23 for pricing and details A.P. LEARN TO READ SERIES Introduces children to God as Creator Introduces children to the animal kingdom Introduces children to simple sentence structure Introduces children to rhyme Introduces children to exclamation and question Builds vocabulary through “sight words” The “Learn to Read” series may be appropriate for some pre-K students. Episode 1: What About the Big Bang? Episode 12: The Age of the Earth Episode 2: After Their Kind Episode 13: Broken Bones, Broken Theory Episode 3: Dinosaurs and Artifacts Episode 14: Humans and Dinosaurs Episode 4: Dinosaurs and Natural History Episode 15: Entropy Episode 5: Days of Creation Episode 16: Natural Selection and Episode 6: Biomimicry Mutations Episode 7: Vestigial Organs Episode 17: Coal and the Age of the Earth Episode 8: Cause and Effect Episode 18: The Complex Design of the Human Body Episode 9: Similar Things Episode 10: Evolutionary Hoaxes Episode 11: Creation Scientists See page 10 for pricing and details “WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT...” TRACTS (MORALITY TRACTS) H i gh S SCIENCE AND BIBLE: EVIDENCE UNIT STUDY • • • • • • GRADES 3-6 BIBLE: GRADES 10-12 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: REASON AND REVELATION The monthly journal of Apologetics Press See pages 14, 16, & 17 for pricing and details GRADES 10-12 SOCIAL STUDIES: TUDIES TRUTH BE TOLD OUT WITH DOUBT Book, DVD, and See pages 3, 8, 11, & 13 Teacher’s CD-ROM for pricing and details This book is a compilation and refutation of false evolutionary ideas. See pages 7 & 9 for pricing and details GRADES 10-12 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: PILLARS OF FAITH DVD SERIES THE DINOSAUR DELUSION www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Curriculum Homeschool Apologetics Press is dedicated to providing exciting curricula to the growing homeschool community. We realize that many homeschoolers want materials that are not only academically sound, but also true to the Bible. Our products are often used in connection with unit studies in apologetics and courses on Creation science. We look forward to providing more resources in the near future. As our catalog of homeschooling materials grows, please check regularly. A compilation and refutation of false evolutionary ideas regarding dinosaurs and humans See pages 2 & 8 for pricing and details GRADES 10-12 BIBLE: Behold! The Lamb of God Behold! The Word of God See pages 2 & 8 for pricing and details GRADE 12 SCIENCE: Truth Be Told Behold! The Lamb of God Is the Bible from God? See page 11 for pricing and details GRADE 12 SCIENCE AND BIBLE: SURVEYING THE EVIDENCE See pages 4 & 9 for pricing and details 24 The Amazing Human Body Designed by God Amazing Copies of God’s Design Amazing Dinosaurs Designed by God Amazing Tamable Animals Designed by God Amazing Tails Designed by God Amazing Migrating Animals Designed by God Amazing Teeth Designed by God See pages 7 & 9 for pricing and details THE SILENCING OF GOD DISCOVERY EXPLORER SERIES a monthly magazine of scripture and science See pages 15-17 for pricing and details Five 13-lesson Journeys See pages 18-19 for pricing and details GRADE 12 BIBLE: book & DVD CHRIST AND THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS book & DVD TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN ORIGINS DISSECTING THE TRUTH See pages 1, 2, 3, 8, 10 & 11 for pricing and details Meets your student’s senior science credit See pages 3, 4, 8, & 9 for pricing and details PROCLAMATION PACKET THE ANVIL RINGS (VOLS. 1 & 2) See page 2 for pricing and details 25 A.P. T-Shirts COMING SOON... For More Information Visit WWW.APOLOGETICSPRESS.ORG/STORE/STORE.ASPX DINOSAUR POSTER: “DEERS IN THE FOREST” (GENESIS 1:28) Adults Call For Pricing (800) 234-8558 Artwork by Lewis Lavoie T H E Most likely, when you picture a dinosaur in your mind, you don’t picture it alongside humans. Instead, you imagine what you have seen in pictures from childhood—pictures that were created by evolutionists. According to the Bible, humans and dinosaurs were created together on day six in an environment that was much different than the one portrayed by evolutionists. Also, according to Genesis 1:28, humans are commanded to “have dominion over” and “subdue” the earth and its living things. So, it is clear that there would have been interaction between humans and dinosaurs. “A picture speaks a thousand words.” It’s time our children were given more accurate portraits in their minds of how life on Earth with dinosaurs could have been. To that end, we have taken “Deers in the Forest,” one of the beautiful art pieces of Lewis Lavoie who illustrated A.P.’s kid’s book Dinosaurs Unleashed, and created a poster format with a relevant verse that can decorate a wall in your home. 2012, 24 x 36 inches (frame not included) DEFEND APOLOGETICS PRESS $7.00 APOLOGETICS APOLOGETICS PRESS PRESS DEFEND Front T H E Front Front FA I T H Front “ALWAYS BE READY TO GIVE A DEFENSE...” FA I T H APOLOGETICS APOLOGETICSPRESS, PRESS,INC. INC. -1 PETER 3:15- Back Back ALWAYS BE READY... “ALWAYS BE READY TO GIVE A DEFENSE...” Available sizes: S M L XL XXL -1 PETER 3:15- APOLOGETICS PRESS, INC. DEFEND THE FAITH Available sizes: S M L XL XXL MORE COMING SOO SOON... Back PRELUDE TO THE FAIR Artwork by Lewis Lavoie Back 24 x 36 inches www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Materials by Apologetics Press Promotional Products 26 A.P. Posters (frame and mat not included) Kids DAY 40 Artwork by Lewis Lavoie 24 x 36 inches (frame and mat not included) Call For Pricing (800) 234-8558 Have your kids watched and enjoyed Digger Doug’s Underground? Do they want more than just the videos? Now, they can show others their favorite character with these new Digger Doug’s Underground T-shirts. IGUANA DON Available Kid Sizes: S M L DIGGER DOUG Available Kid Sizes: S M L 27 The dream of every Christian parent is to see his or her child mature to the point of becoming a Christian. Training up a child in the way he should go certainly is no easy task. In fact, it ranks among the toughest missions in life. Am I Ready to be Baptized? is written to help children ask the vital questions involved in becoming a Christian. In the process, it supplies the reader with the crucial biblical knowledge needed to become a child of God. 2006, 46 pages, hardbound $7.95 Never has the book market been more flooded with anti-Bible volumes. For almost a half-century, Wayne Jackson has made a special study of the evidences that pertain to the credibility of the Bible. He has surveyed the critical works that have put “the Bible on trial.” He has collected and studied many of the finest apologetic sources ever produced. This volume reflects some of the best writing he has done on this theme. Never has a defense of the sacred Book been more needed. 2009, 294 pages, paper $19.95 THE BIBLE & SCIENCE Wayne Jackson Do you find your faith challenged by skeptical scientists? In The Bible & Science, complex issues regarding the compatibility of science and the Bible are brought into clear focus. Written in an easy-to-read, yet understandable style, this book is ideal for a class setting with questions and answers at the end of each chapter. 2000, 157 pages, paper $9.95 CHRISTIANITY OR HUMANISM: WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE? Robert Waggoner THE BIBLE ON TRIAL Wayne Jackson 2007, 171 pages, paper BIBLE WORDS AND THEOLOGICAL TERMS MADE EASY Wayne Jackson This book is about biblical words— what certain terms mean, and how they are used within respective contexts of sacred Scripture. This volume is for the average Christian student, the new convert, the Bible class teacher, or even the busy minister, who may need to utilize a quick reference source. 28 $14.95 2004, 282 pages, paper hardbound edition Both creationists and evolutionists agree that time is absolutely crucial to the evolutionary scheme. Without long eras of time—billions of years—there is no way to accommodate the theory of evolution. This book demonstrates concisely that a fair consideration of all the facts can lead only to the conclusion that the Earth is relatively young. 2003, 126 pages, paper $5.95 This brief-but-critical analysis of the problem of evil, pain, and suffering, treats several facets of the argument with penetrating logic, and completely dismantles the strongest case in favor of atheism. Which translation of the Bible is the “right” translation? Should readers attend to only the King James Version? Do translations even matter? This volume has enlightened a great number of people on the subject of Bible translations, and is one of the more rational, even-handed discussions to make its presence felt in the past decade. 2002, 206 pages, hardbound $12.95 HAVE ATHEISTS PROVED THERE IS NO GOD? Thomas Warren $4.95 This book, written by Frank Chesser, is a result of the author’s intense pursuit to understand the unity of the Bible. The more he studied, the more obvious it became: the Bible is first and foremost about God! In this culminating work of 34 years of study, his greatest impression is “the majesty, holiness, and transcendence of our Creator.” CREATION, EVOLUTION, AND THE AGE OF THE EARTH Wayne Jackson THE BIBLE TRANSLATION CONTROVERSY Wayne Jackson 2002, 45 pages, paper Viewing the Divine through His work of redemption An investigation of social, spiritual, and ethical problems posed by secular humanism, and a comparison between the worldviews of humanism and Christianity. THE BIBLE ONLY MAKES CHRISTIANS ONLY AND THE ONLY CHRISTIANS Thomas Warren In harmony with its title, this book proves that if one learns only what the Bible teaches and obeys only that teaching, he will become a Christian—a member of the one church for which Jesus died and not a member of any denomination. This book shows that the only Christians are those who are members of the church for which Jesus died. 1986, 221 pages, paper $10.95 PORTRAIT OF GOD 1972, 114 pages, paper COMING SOO N $8.95 HIDDEN IN MY HEART book/Audio CD Jeff Miller What verses are useful in various evangelism scenarios, and how are they useful? This book, intended for use in conjunction with standard Bible class curricula, takes the class through various Old Testament verses that the soldier of the cross should memorize to be prepared to defend the truth to everyone (1 Peter 3:15). Book, 2013, TBA Audio CD (verses with song), 50 tracks $10.00 $10.95 $16.95 O rd e r y o u r c o p y to d a y b y v is itin g w w w .A p o lo g e t ic s P r e s s .o r g /c a t a lo g .p d f o r b y c a llin g 1 -8 0 0 -2 3 4 -8 5 5 8 LOGIC AND THE BIBLE Thomas Warren HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE Neil Lightfoot A factual account of how the Bible came to us down through the ages. Provides a very readable introduction to ancient manuscripts, translations, the canon of Scripture, and apocryphal books. Thirteen chapters (with discussion questions) make this an ideal class textbook. Second edition. 1988, 217 pages, hardbound $19.95 I’M A CHRISTIAN, WHAT’S NEXT? Kyle Butt Baptism is the beginning of a new life in Christ. Young Christians who are 9-13 years old need guidance and direction as they mature into productive Christians. They need to know what the Bible says about things like worship, prayer, loving others, and temptation. This book, written in an engaging style, coupled with colorful illustrations, can help new Christians find direction and purpose in their new life with Christ. 2006, 46 pages, hardbound $7.95 With a Ph.D. in philosophy from Vanderbilt University, Thomas B. Warren more than understood the necessary principles and laws of thinking. Applying the laws of logic to the Bible, Warren helps the reader understand more fully the gospel message. www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Resources Available Through A.P. Books AM I READY TO BE BAPTIZED? Kyle Butt and John Farber 1982, 133 pages, paper $9.95 MEN IN THE MAKING Kyle Butt, Stan Butt Jr., and J.D. Schwartz Many forces in our culture have declared war on young men. Men in the Making is a bold new book that empowers young men to be pure, brave, and stand strong against the destructive forces of Satan. If you are looking for a way to make tomorrow’s world a better place, give this book to every teenage boy you know and encourage him to read it earnestly. 2012, 90 pages, paper $8.95 29 A veritable handbook assessing the changes that have swept across many congregations of the Lord’s church? Containing separate chapters on topics like handclapping in worship, lifting up hands, church music innovations, and female leadership in worship, this volume also diagnoses the causes of change and offers scriptural solutions. 1996, 528 pages, hardbound $22.95 PORTRAIT OF GOD Frank Chesser This book is a result of the author’s intense pursuit to understand the unity of the Bible. The more he studied, the more obvious it became: the Bible is first and foremost about God! In this culminating work of 34 years of study, his greatest impression is “the majesty, holiness, and transcendence of our Creator.” 2004, 282 pages, paper hardbound edition $10.95 $16.95 RICHLAND HILLS & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Dave Miller $4.95 SINGING AND NEW TESTAMENT WORSHIP Dave Miller Does God approve of “special music” in the assembly? Are solos, choirs, and vocal bands scripturally authorized? 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Those who have isolated baptism from the full complement of biblical truth, setting this divine ordinance up as a target in the crosshairs of their theological delusion, have committed a heinous spiritual crime. The subject of withdrawing fellowship from a wayward Christian is painful and charged with emotion. Is disfellowship something the 21st-century church should practice? If so, what are the biblical instructions concerning the process? 2008, 167 pages, paper This book shows that America’s Founders well deserve the respect that citizens and schoolchildren still pay them, but which has long been out of fashion among America’s elites. A “must read” for their views on slavery, women, and welfare. VOYAGE OF FAITH Frank Chesser THAT THEIR SOULS MIGHT BE SAVED Kyle Butt THOUSANDS…NOT BILLIONS Dr. Don DeYoung A thoroughly biblical critique of the introduction of musical instruments by the numerically largest church of Christ in the country. Each argument is carefully examined in light of Scripture and the original languages. Readable for the average person. 2007, 155 pages, paper VINDICATING THE FOUNDERS Thomas G. West THE SPIRIT OF LIBERALISM Frank Chesser $13.95 $10.95 THE WARRENBARNHART DEBATE ON CHRISTIAN VERSUS HUMANISTIC ETHICS Thomas Warren and Joe Barnhart Dr. J.E. Barnhart and Dr. Thomas Warren debated whether the Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham is a more adequate means of evaluating human behavior than the ethical system of Jesus Christ. Barnhart defended Bentham’s view. Warren defended that of Jesus Christ. 1981, 264 pages, paper $12.95 THE WARRENFLEW DEBATE ON THE EXISTENCE OF GOD Thomas Warren and Antony Flew A four-night oral debate on the existence of the God of the Bible, conducted in 1976 between two prominent philosophers. At the time, Antony Flew was, perhaps, the most influential atheist in the philosophical community. A decisive defeat of atheism and victory for biblical theism. 1977, 259 pages, paper $12.95 THE WARRENMATSON DEBATE ON THE EXISTENCE OF GOD Thomas Warren and Wallace I. Matson Dr. Matson, professor of philosophy at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley, affirmed that the biblical doctrine of eternal punishment and “pointless suffering” in this life prove that the God of the Bible does not exist. Dr. Warren refuted Dr. Matson’s contention. 1978, 372 pages, paper $12.95 WAVES OF CHANGE Kyle Butt and Stan Butt, Jr. Designed to equip teens to analyze critically how destructive change creeps into the Lord’s church, and where change leads, this book helps direct teens in the fundamental truths of God’s Word, while offering a well-balanced approach that veers neither to the right nor to the left. 2005, 165 pages, paper $7.95 THE WARRENBALLARD DEBATE ON THE PLAN OF SALVATION Thomas Warren and L.S. Ballard This book has been widely recognized as one of the outstanding debates between representatives of the church of Christ and the Baptist churches. It is a thorough discussion of what the lost person must do to be saved. www .A pologetics p ress . org / cAtAlog . pdf Resources Available Through A.P. Books PILOTING THE STRAIT Dave Miller 1979, 244 pages, paper $12.95 THE TRUTH ABOUT GIVING Kyle Butt, John Farber In Malachi 3:10, God dares His people to give so He can pour out “such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” Will you accept His challenge? The blessing is yours when you become a scriptural giver—one who gives what is right in the right way and for the right reason s. Let The Truth About Giving guide you through that process and into a right relationship with your money and your God. 2012, 93 pages, paper $8.99 31 One of the most controversial issues of our time is homosexuality, and Christians often find themselves at a loss as to how to respond. 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Kyle Butt Many questions have been raised concerning withdrawing fellowship from unfaithful members of the church. Some regard the practice as “unloving,” while others believe it is not being done enough. What does the Bible say about withdrawing our fellowship from erring members? Should we disfellowship? $2.00 INCREDIBLE CREATURES THAT DEFY EVOLUTION Dr. Jobe Martin THOUSANDS…NOT BILLIONS Dr. Don DeYoung In this DVD, Dr. Jobe Martin enlightens viewers about the complex design of many animals that shake the traditional foundations of evolutionary theory. Learn about the defense mechanism of certain beetles, the “thermometer” of an Australian bird, and much, much more. An excellent film for all ages. The Bible is clear that the Earth is young, but many people feel that science has proved our planet is more than four billion years old. This volume is an intriguing answer to Darwinian evolution. ? ? 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As with the other two DVDs in this series, the evidence he shares with viewers in Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution III is powerful proof that God exists. $19.95 THE WARRENFLEW DEBATE ON THE EXISTENCE OF GOD Thomas B. Warren and Antony Flew C h ild re n a re n a tu ra lly in q u is itiv e , h a v in g q u e s tio n s a b o u t a lm o s t e v e ry th in g . O n e s u c h q u e s tio n is , “ H o w d o w e k n o w G o d is re a l? ” It is th e re s p o n s ib ility o f e v e ry C h ris tia n to b e p re p a re d to re s p o n d to th a t q u e s tio n w ith a s im p le , c le a r a n s w e r th a t w ill in s till confidence and faith in the y o u n g in q u is ito r. T h is b o o k , w ritte n o n a 3 rd -6 th g ra d e le v e l, e x p lo re s s im p le re a s o n s w h y w e c a n k n o w th a t G o d e x is ts . A 4 DVD set of the historic 1976 four night debate held on the campus of North Texas State University. Flew affirmed: “I know that God does not exist.” Warren affirmed: “I know that God does exist.” $48.00 WAVES OF CHANGE Kyle Butt and Stan Butt, Jr. An exciting 13-lesson DVD series that accompanies the book by the same title. Each lesson is approximately 25 minutes long, delivered by Kyle Butt and Stan Butt Jr., in an engaging, dynamic format that appeals to teens. $24.00 To order call (800) 234-8558 or visit our Web site at Apologetics Press, Inc. 3