130120 Bulletin - Tofield Alliance Church


130120 Bulletin - Tofield Alliance Church
Tofield Alliance Church
drink eat breathe
January 20, 2013
“Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another,
Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying, "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees,
which is hypocrisy."”
Luke 12:1 NIV
Pastor's note:
One of the most common - and most devastating - daggers hurled at the church is the angry
exclamation, "You're such a hypocrite!" How do we respond to this accusation, and more, how do we
avoid being guilty as charged? Thanks for joining us this morning.
Let's Talk
Welcome to a new message series that invites us to join Jesus and his disciples as they shared meals together.
Mealtime conversations gradually build and shape our relationships; it is our desire that this series helps shape our
relationship with Jesus. Pick up a series brochure - or check out the readings each week through the website. Ins and Outs of Sunday Mornings at Tofield Alliance
Welcome to Tofield Alliance Church! We have put together a guide as to what to expect during our service.
The Sunday services usually last around 75 minutes, during which we sing, share what God is doing, hear from
God’s word and thank Him with an offering.
Connection Cards, can be found in the seat back in front of you. We
encourage you to introduce yourself or to comment about the service.
They can be placed in the offering basket as it is passed at the close of
the service.
Offering The offering is a way those who attend regularly support the
facility and ministries of our church, and ministries we partner with
around the world. As a guest, you have not been invited here for your
money, so feel free to pass the offering plate along without any guilt.
Go ahead and bring coffee or tea into the auditorium during
the service. And feel free to stay afterwards for another
cup. Don’t rush away – we’d love to get to know you!
Children are a
big part of ou
church. Kids a
ge two throug
six will be dism
issed part-wa
through the se
School. Classro e for Sunday
oms for the
youngest (ages
2-3) are in the
hallway beside
the auditorium
Classrooms fo
r older childre
n are
upstairs, acces
sed through a
by the east bu
ilding entrance
the signs).
Church Website: www.tofieldalliancechurch.com Church e-mail Terra-Lynn (Office): terra.tofalliance@gmail.com
Lead Pastor – Calvin: calvin.tofalliance@telus.net Associate Pastor – Chris: chris.tofalliance@telus.net
LIFT Prayer Ministry: Call Kari Van Herk 780-915-4850, work:780-662-2716 or Email Enid Hart: eijlr1@telus.net
Looking Ahead
Global Focus
Youth Ministry
Nerf gun Wars
Friday, February 1, 7:30 at the church. There's no
cost, but bring a nerf gun if you have one! (If you don't
there will be lots available, so come on out anyway!)
Target Practice (Bible Study)
Tuesday 7– 8:30
Children’s Ministries
Regular class is back in full swing
Kids – don’t forget to bring your items for the Food
Bank competition to win an Ice Cream Party for your
Sunday School class.
Parents– if you did not get the Children’s Ministry
Newsletter that was handed out to the kids, please
talk to Chris or Terra-Lynn.
North of 50
Tuesday @ 1:30 with coffee to follow at 2:30
Adult Ministries
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:15 in the Meeting Room
Community Hymn Sing
Tonight @ 7 PM at the Villa Activity Room - 3rd Floor
Calvin and Pauline will be away on vacation for
the next couple of weeks.
Check Your Mailbox
Income Tax receipts are now out. Please
check your mailbox. If you have any
questions please talk to Gayleen Erickson.
Brazzaville Advance Update
Thank you to everyone who has supported our
Brazzaville Advance project this last year, as well as
our Global Advance Fund. We had strong giving for
both last year.
Global Advance: $25, 700
Brazzaville Advance: $13,300
We are now entering the 3rd year of our
partnership with Anne, and reset our annual
$10,000 goal for that project
Events Beyond Our Doors
Next weekend!
For more information visit their website
Hey kids! Want to win an Ice Cream Party for your Sunday
School Class? All your class needs to do is have the most
number of items for the Food Bank.
Here’s how you can do it....
• Earn Bible Bucks
•Memorize monthly Bible verse
•Bring your Bible
•Bring a friend
•Bring in food items
•Bring in coins for the offering
Bible bucks and coins will go towards buying food items to
add to your pile.
You have from now until March 24.