Bulletin 9-20-15 - First Reformed Church


Bulletin 9-20-15 - First Reformed Church
Our Church Family:
***Kelli Vande Berg update: Kelli postponed a trip to Iowa City to
see her doctor. She is not strong enough to make the trip at this point.
It has been rescheduled for a time in October. Randy reports that he
got to take her home for a few hours last Sunday. Please continue to
lift both Kelli and Randy up is prayer.
***Larry Buysman is still receiving treatments for his ear infection.
***Lois Vande Berg has been released from the hospital in Sioux
Falls, but has to make a daily trip there to get antibiotics for the infection.
***Prayer are requested for Martin and Randi Van Der Sloot,
son and daughter-in-law of Harold and Sheila Van Der Sloot. Randi
has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will begin chemo this
week. The cancer is an aggressive one, and treatment will be difficult.
Remember this family in your prayers. The couple has a 1 year old
daughter, Aaralyn.
Words of Thanks:
We would like to say ,"Thank You" to everyone for all that was done
for us during the sudden loss of our Mom & Grandma. Every prayer,
act of kindness or any condolences were greatly appreciated. It means
a lot to be a part of such a caring church family. God spoke to her and
said," Come play your music for Me." She took His hand and went
peacefully. Charlie, Brenda Ackerman & Family
Message Notes
Luke Schouten,
Lead Pastor
Ryan Arentsen
Director, Youth Ministries
Ryan’s hours are:
Monday- Thursday-9-5;
Brenda Post, Secretary
Brenda’s Hours are:
Mon-Thurs 8-1
Kelly Jacobsma
Kelly & Rochelle Jacobsma
Worship Ministry:
Corky Koerselman
Outreach Ministry:
Curt Van Kley
Congregational Care:
Henry Fisher
Property & Grounds:
Ryan Wiersma
All bulletin announcements
are due into the church office
on Wednesdays at noon.
Bulletins are printed on
Thursday mornings.
First Reformed Church
1010 6th Street
Sibley, Iowa 51249
Phone: 712-754-2783
Worship Services
Cornerstone 9:00 am
Sunday School 10:00 am
Open Door 11:00am
Cornerstone Service-9:00 am
Prelude/Postlude: David, John and William Alexander
Hymn: “The Solid Rock” #315
Sacrament of Infant Baptism: Kimberlie Lynn Alexander
Ministry of Music: “Jesus Loves Me” David, John and William Alexander
Congregational Prayer
Hymn of Preparation: “In Heavenly Love Abiding” #455
Scripture: John 16: 1-4; 33; Acts 4:1-22 pgs. 1678-1679; 1696
Message: “Muddy Waters”
Offertory Hymn: “I Will Praise Him” #62
Parting Hymn: “The Doxology” #623
To read the Community Announcements: Announcement sheets
can be found on the podiums located by each side door.
They are also posted on our website www.sibleyfrc.org
**Please remember to pass the Friendship Pad Book down your row**
Sunday, September 20, 2015
***In your bulletins today, a List of those who are eligible to be a Deacon or Elder will be distributed. Sample ballots will come out on September 27 and voting will start in October. This year we vote for the office of
Elder first. Please start praying about these men and women who may be
Today we will celebrate the Sacrament of Infant Baptism for
Kimberlie Lynn Alexander, daughter of Brian and Chelsey Alexander.
Baptism is a sign, seal and reminder that Kimberlie belongs to God. We
offer our congregational blessings and prayers for the Alexander family as
they make promises before God today. As members of First Reformed
Church, we also promise our support in nurturing Kimberlie as a child of
...9:00 am Cornerstone Service
...10:00 am Coffee
...10:00 Sunday School Classes Start (3yr olds and up)
...10:00 Sunday School Guide class will meet in the Library
...10 am The Resolution for Men Bible Study meets west end of the
Fellowship Hall.
...10:00-11:00 am Membership Class will meet in the Fireside Room
...10:10 am Prayer Time with the Elders in Pastor Luke’s Office
...11:00 am Open Door Gathering
...7 pm High School Bible Study at Ryan’s house (224 11th Street)
This Week At FRC
Monday: 9 am Faith Bible Study meets to study lesson #10. The leader will
be Anita and the hostess will be Imogene.
...4 pm Patience Bible Study meets. Leader is Barb and hostess is Ellen.
...6:30 pm Consistory meets.
Tuesday: 8:30 am Chickadee Quilters
...11 am Staff Meeting
Wednesday: 7:00-7:45 am Prayer Group meets in the Fellowship Hall.
...Wednesday Night Activities:
...6:30-7:45 pm Bible Class/Music Time for grades 1st-5th
*Scriptures for this week: Matt. 4:1-10; Job 3:1;Genesis 8:4; Mark
10:25; Rev. 1:9-11; Judges 16:6,17; 1Timothy 6:10; Matt. 3:1-13.*
***For Wednesday Night Bible Class Students (grades 1st-5th) and
Parents: This year, your child is involved in large group activities where
we sing praise songs and play Bible trivia. Check the bulletin each week
for a list of scriptures to look up and discuss prior to the Wednesday Night
Bible Class.
...6:30-7:45 pm Middle School Remnant
...7:00 pm Senior Choir
...7:45-9:00 High School Remnant
Friday-Sunday: Pastor Luke and Chris will be gone. If you need assistance, please call the church office, Larry Riebeling or your district Elder.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Ryan Arentsen will be preaching this morning.
***In your bulletins today, sample ballots for the office of Elder are inserted. Voting will start October 4th. Continue to pray for these men and
women who may be elected.
...9:00 am Cornerstone Service
...10:00 am Coffee
...10:00 Sunday School Classes Start (3yr olds and up)
...10:00 Sunday School Guide class will meet in the Library
...10 am The Resolution for Men Bible Study meets west end of the
Fellowship Hall.
...10:10 am Prayer Time in Pastor Luke’s Office
...11:00 am Open Door Gathering
...7 pm High School Bible Study at Ryan’s house (224 11th Street)
Offerings: Sept. 13, 2015: General-$4,312; Benevolent-$515; Building-$45;.
Bethany-$60. Special Offering September: Bethany Christian Services
Faith in action for this month is ATLAS. They need:· Canon Printer ink:
#240 black, #241color; Pop: Diet or Reg. Mountain Dew, Orange, Coke, Root
Beer; Card Stock Paper; white; single serving chips; cans of coffee; 30 gal
trash bags; tall kitchen trash bags. Thank you !
W.O.W. Soup and Pie is quickly approaching. Please check the Information Center to sign up to help! For anyone bringing Cream Pies, you
are asked to bring your pies on the day of the Soup and Pie Supper due
to limited refrigerator space.
Pat Muilenburg will be having an open house to celebrate her 85th
birthday on Oct 3rd at the community room at Heartwood Heights.
The hours are from 1-4. Please join us in celebrating Pat!
The HS Remnant is selling sub sandwiches for a Fall Fundraiser.
These subs will be on a 6” hoagie bun and will include ham, bologna,
summer sausage and American cheese. The cost will be $12/half dozen
and $24 for a dozen. Subs can be ordered from any HS Remnant member , or there are order forms in your church mailboxes. A box is on the
Information Center to put your orders in. Subs will be made on Sunday
September 27 and can be picked up at church between 5-6 pm.
The Christmas Program ladies would like your help. We are in need
of Christmas lights. Any kind and color will do. Also we are looking
for battery operated candles. All items will be returned. Please mark
your name on each item and leave them in the box in the library. The
program will be December 13 at 6:00. If you know that your child will
not be here for the program, please let Jamie Hulstein or Jennifer Bruxvoort know as they are getting parts and lines figured out. Thanks!
Help Wanted: We still need 2 teachers to fill out our education year.
Sunday School: 1/2 time 2nd grade; 1/2 time 3rd grade
Parents and Teachers in the FRC Education year:
Teachers: Don’t forget to turn in the three forms in the back of your
Volunteer Guidebook. Please get them back ASAP to the church office!
Parents: Your child has come home with two papers this past week.
One is the Remind.com sign-up. The other is an emergency contact
form. The emergency contact form needs to be completed and returned.
There is a box on the Information Center for you to turn them in.
Advanced Notices:
September 27 Sample ballots will be placed in the bulletin, voting will
start October 4th with the office of Elders.
September 30: W.O.W. Soup and Pie Supper.
Our Church Family:
If you have a pastoral need, please call Pastor Luke Schouten, 920889-3911, any consistory elder or the church office (754-2783)
***Pray for our nursing home residents: Marlys Buysman, Ivadelle
Buysman, Tracy Den Beste, Gerrit Hielkema, Klassina Jansma, Joy
Langstraat, Lorraine Wiertsema and Marian Zevenbergen.
***Pray for those in assisted living: Angie Calsbeek, Jeanette
Groenenboom, Sylvia Harberts, Gwen Howe, Jack Hurd, Pearl Kruger,
and Pat Muilenburg.
***Pray for our military personnel: Nate De Jong, and Amos
Kleinwolterink, and their families.