!!!! Welcome to Nute Ridge Bible Chapel Monthly Activities


!!!! Welcome to Nute Ridge Bible Chapel Monthly Activities
Monthly Activities
Welcome to Nute Ridge Bible Chapel II!
Please feel free to call on our pastoral staff at any time:
Sr. Pastor Bob Walsh (Alice Walsh organist) **** Phone 652-7080
e-mail: bobal27@myfairpoint.net
Associate Pastor Kevin Mikoski (Bonnie)****Phone 335-4662
Sunday Worship Hours 8:30 & 11:00 AM; Sunday School for all ages 9:45
Summer Hours: Worship at 8:30 & 10:15. (No Sunday School)
Visit us on the internet: www.nute-chapel.org
Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we
ourselves, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into
His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be
thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy
is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:3-5
November 16th, 2014
HYMN # 488 He Keeps Me Singing (1, 2, & 4)
RESPONSIVE READING – # 558 With a Song of Thanksgiving
At 11:00 children invited downstairs for Jr. Church ages 5 to 12.
xxxNursery also available– Infant to toddlers (age 4)
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly
xxxor of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”. – II Cor. 9:7
OFFERTORY MUSIC – song selection by Mrs. Alice Walsh
SP. MUSIC – Praise Hymn – “10,000 Reasons” (Bless the Lord)
MESSAGE – “Thanksgiving? - “Good Gravy!”” Psalm 103:1-5
(Page 690 PB)
CLOSING HYMN – # 560 For the Beauty of the Earth (1, 2, & 5)
Weekly Activities & Bible Studies
Sunday, 3:00 – 6:00 – Faith Bible Classes (Testing Cycle)
Wednesday, 9:00AM, Woman’s Bible Study – Come, learn, & pray.
Wednesday, 7:00 PM, Mid-Week Prayer Meeting & Bible Study.
Wednesday, November 26 – Special Thanksgiving Eve Service
Men’s Bible Study – 6:30 – 8:00 - Thursday evenings (Nov. 20)
AWANA & Youth Group – Friday evenings 6:30 – 8:00
“May God abundantly bless your holiday tables of Thanksgiving”
“Protect My Ministry” Child Safety – For all volunteers who work with the
children and all who hold leadership positions within this church, we ask you
log onto this weblink: https://www.ministryopportunities.org/NuteRidgeBible to
register your information. This is also accessible through our church home
webpage. If you do not have access to the internet, we can assist you.
Movie Opportunity - There's a movie in the theaters starting Nov. 14th for
only 2 weeks. It's called "Saving Christmas" with Kirk Cameron. Though we
have not yet seen it and cannot properly endorse it, this looks like it holds
promise knowing the actors and producers. Let us know what you think.
Operation Christmas Child (Shoebox Ministry) - . Our countdown is on!
One more week for the shoebox deadline. "Operation Christmas Child" is in full
swing and many of you have already brought in your filled shoe boxes which
we are Blessed to receive and send off to North Carolina. Next Sunday, Nov.
23rd, will be our last collection day concluding after the second service. Please
help us make this a very giving year to children who have very little. Thank you
and God Bless you for your support, Paula
Home Dedication Sunday – Next Sunday, November 23rd at both services. We
dedicate our houses that they might be used for the glory of God. We pray
protection over them that they be safe places of refuge from the world.
Thanksgiving Dinner @ True Memorial – Once again this local church is
offering a great holiday meal for those who wish to partake of the opportunity.
(No charge). If there are handicapped or elderly, arrangements can be made to
have the meal delivered to your home. They are looking for volunteer helpers,
vegetable peelers, drivers, and donation of food. FMI please call 332-3131.
Advent Calendars and activity sheets – Will be made available on Sunday,
Nov. 30th. Make sure you get a copy for the child in your life. By that time we
should also have our supply of special “Holiday Devotions”, provided by Our
Daily Bread and RBC Ministries.
Women’s Ministry Cookie Swap – “Pure as Snow” Dec. 6th at 2:00 PM. For
women of all ages. Bring 6 bags of cookies (1/2 doz. in each bag). Also bring a
non-perishable food item to help with the “End 68 hours of hunger”.
Keep Our Military Enveloped In Prayer
Christian Radio: Preaching, Teaching & Music @ 88.7 FM, 91.7 FM, 105.9
FM Christian Contemporary Music @ 89.3 FM and 106.5 FM
Online Listening @ www.bbnradio.org and www.wsew.org
Child Care Schedule
Danielle Fuller
Laura Magee
Bev Conant
Barbara Loiselle
Kristen Gregory
Laurie Jacobs
Curtis G.
Katie R. .
Rana G.