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added to the Church calendar in 1925 -- just as the number of kings began to decrease and number of democratic nations began to increase. It was also a time of
social upheaval and the rise of communism and radical
socialism. The feast of Christ the King was added to the
calendar to remind us all of who should really guide and
direct our lives.
In 1969, the feast was moved to the last Sunday
of the Church year to remind us of the ultimate victory of
Christ. In the end, no matter what people do, the Lord
Jesus will bring about the victory.
THANKSGIVING Mercifully, this holiday falls so
close to both Halloween and Christmas that it is not
commercialized like the rest of our national holidays.
This gives us all an opportunity to give some thought to
the reason for this holiday which serves as an important
reminder that, as a nation and as individuals, we have
been greatly blessed.
Last weekend and this, we have asked people to
write down why they are thankful. All these comments
will be “woven” into a prayer that will be the Communion
Meditation at the Thanksgiving Liturgy Thursday morning at 9 am. We also ask people to bring canned and
boxed goods to replenish the shelves of Gleaners Livingston Food Pantry. Again, the Thanksgiving Liturgy is
this Thursday morning at 9 am
AN ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING This Sunday evening (Nov. 23) at 6 pm, you are invited to join me
and other pastors, ministers and congregants from
Brighton area churches for a special Thanksgiving Service. St. George Lutheran Church on the west side of
downtown Brighton will host our Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service. I hope you will be able to join me and our
fellow Christians in prayer.
SPAIN Last year, I was planning to lead a pilgrimage to
the Holy Land, but because of the troubles there, it became a trip to Spain. For several reasons that did not
work, and I had given up the idea of leading group trips.
After several folks commented they would still
like to go, the travel agent surveyed folks and some thirty people expressed interest.
The trip would cover Barcelona, Madrid and Seville, and places in between. Tentatively, the trip is
scheduled for Sept. 21 - Oct.1, 2015, and the vendors
will honor last year’s costs so that the trip will run about
$5,000 per person.
If you are interested, let me know. We will have
a meeting sometime in the new year!
Fr. Dave Howell
November 24, Monday - Saint Andrew Dung-Lac,
Priest and Companions, Mattyrs
Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4
9:00 am
+Kenneth J. Perkins
November 25, Tuesday
Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11
9:00 am
Communion Service
November 26, Wednesday
Rv15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19
7:00 pm
+Victor Jarosz
7:00 pm
Mass of Anointing
November 27, Thursday - Thanksgiving Day
Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28
9:00 am
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
November 28, Friday
Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2/Lk 21:29-33
9:00 am
+Joyce Gosbeth
November 29, Saturday
Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36
November 30, Sunday - First Sunday of Advent
Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37
4:30 pm Vigil +Margaret Borowiak
9:00 am
+Luther Ogea, Jr.
11:00 am
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
First Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 63: 16-17, 19; 64: 2-7
The Israelites had just returned from exile and were
suffering economic hardship and persecution. The
prophet expresses their expectation that God will
enter human history in a dramatic way and help
them. At the end of this reading, we will hear a familiar image.
1 Corinthians 1: 3-9
In the letter-writing style popular to Paul’s day, writers would begin by extending greetings and then
thank the gods for the blessings they themselves
had received. But Paul begins his first letter to the
Corinthians by thanking God for blessings his Corinthian converts have received. (It may help to
know that the phrase “day of the Lord” refers to Jesus coming again in glory.)
Mark 13: 33-37
In Advent, the metaphor of the journey is applied to
both God’s life and humanity’s. God waits for humanity to recognize the fullness of life; humanity
waits for the revelation of God. The whole Church
is going on a journey through this season of the liturgical year watching for the Lord, as the doorkeeper is on the watch in today’s Gospel.
Reflect: What is it Jesus wants us to be alert to?
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Week of 11/16, 2014
Approximately 1810 people participated
Securing Our Future
$14 180
$ 3,137
Thank you for your gifts.
Electronic Giving Program
Need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the
end of the year? Check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome
way to make contributions.
To set up a recurring giving schedule, please go to
our website and click
on online giving. Thank you for your generosity and
Please pray for all the sick who have been
commended to our prayer, that they will respond to God’s healing will, especially:
Doug & Linda Lambert, Joyce Egerer, Sandy Pace,
Mark Czajkowski, Marge, David, Tom, Amy Kronk,
Stella, Devin, Irene, Jeanne and Eugene Buel, Tom
Stadtmiller, Karen Hahn, Janet Husseli, Gwen Maes,
Miles Hinksmon, Carrie Malik, Ron Abramovich, Dorothy Keefe, Nancy Sharpy, Bob Sixbery, Jerry Carb,
Caroline Bilicki, John Sullivan, Donna Chedester,
Brandy, Nancy, Dennis Martell, Vic Howe, Hannah
Kenrick, Elizabeth Tokarczyk, Lisa Russo, Frank
Freel, Ron Sherman, Cheryl Mitchell, Darlene
Hlavacek, Lori List, Addison Donahue, Tom
McSweeney, Joseph Murphy, Heather Bierlein, Sharon Stadtmiller, Linda Heppler, Larry Sweeter, Tom
Zremski, Andrew Doyle, Dave Zapfe, Donna Miller,
Mary Jo Artino, Fred Preiss, Carol Kronk, Addison
Donehue, Marylyn Trader, Donald Gehring, Jameson Timberlake, Michelle Schmid, Ben Hemker,
Cheryl Gautherat, Steve Reichardt, Mary Anderer,
Shirley Nitz, Bill Gamble, Cynthia McIntosh, Dan
Schilkey, Margie Kelly, Lynn Long, Abbie Fountaine,
Mark Matras, Herb Langer, David Martin, MaryAnna,
Sherri Kunkel, Hogan McCuan.
Please Remember in your
prayers: Dennis & Mary Kay
Edoff in the death of David
Knox, their brother-in-law.
NOVEMBER 23, 2014
Monday, November 24
9:00 am
6:00 pm
Magdalen’s Kitchen
6:00 pm
Rite of Acceptance - Retreat
Tuesday, November 25
9:00 am
Wednesday, November 26
12:30 pm
7:00 pm
Mass of Anointing
7:30 pm
Music Ministry
Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving
9:00 am
Thanksgiving Mass
Friday, November 28
Church Office Closed
Saturday, November 29
11:00 am
RCIA Sponsor Rehearsal
Sunday, November 30 - Advent I
9:00 am
10:15 am
11:00 am
RCIA Rite of Acceptance/Dismissal
Sun. Nov. 23 John Galleher, Linda Molitoris
Mon. Nov. 24 Bruce Dehanke, Don & Dena
Mandich, Pat & Bob Metz, Maryann Kozak
Tue. Nov. 25 Karen Kerr, Jim Cubr
Wed. Nov. 26 Ros & Cass Wodarski, Larry Detter,
Jody Kirkpatrick
Thu. Nov. 27 Judy & Russ Gentner, Anna
DeMonaco, Kathy Riccardi
Fri. Nov. 28 Mary Ann Hargrave, Carol Yakel,
Madelyn Gostomski
Sat. Nov. 29 Jacqueline DeFranco
The next Blood Drive is Mon., Dec. 8th,
from 12 noon to 6:00 pm in the Gym.
Please consider stopping by
and donating.
Help save a life!
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Religious Formation News
Youth News
from Mary at and
Karen at
from Margaret at
and Stasia at
Thanksgiving Break starts this Wednesday, Nov.
26 through Sunday, Nov. 30. When we come back, all
Wednesday / Thursday families are invited to stay for
the Advent Wreath lighting at the beginning of classes
presented by our 8th grade youth! All Wednesday/
Thursday classes will start in church.
Penance Activity Nights: 2nd grade parents are
reminded to attend class on Dec. 3/4 with your child at
their Wednesday 4:30 or 6:30 class time, or their
Thursday 5:30 class time next week. Family Program
and Catholic School families are asked to attend one
of the sessions.
Registrations for formation classes are still taking
place! Call or come in to get your child(ren) registered.
It is not too late.
Grade 9: Classes run tonight 5:30-7:00.
Class calendars are available in the gathering area
or online at Be sure to
visit our website for all your formation needs, catechist
contact information, class calendars and syllabus information and publisher link.
I am grateful for all of our families and the dedication and support you give our St. MM parish community. The amount of food we collected at our Children’s
Thanksgiving Liturgies for the food boxes and Gleaners was amazing. The youth were awesome in the liturgical ministries, and we have so many who volunteer for many different activities. Just a reminder to
bring your old newspapers to the recycle bins out
back! Our whole west wing has been recycling (thanks
to our awesome 8th grade classes for collecting the
paper into our big bin each week!) all year, and we just
emptied our first full bin into the green bins by the
barn! It is amazing how much paper goes unused!
Turn your recycle paper into cash for our alms box
As you are getting ready to buy the turkey and fixings for this week, cheer the Lions on to beat da
Bears, ready the house for out-of-town guests, or hungry kids coming home from college, be sure to slow
down and spend time with the Lord. Part of a prayer
from a friend…”Teach me to slow down to look at a
flower, to breathe a prayer, to chat with a friend…help
me to take time to love people, appreciate them and to
thank them.” Have a great Thanksgiving!
Last weekend we started a prayer project that asks
the youth to be open with struggles they are going
through. Each teen wrote anonymously their struggle. Then at the end of our meeting, each teen who
wrote a request picked up, anonymously, another
teens prayer and promised to pray for them
throughout the week. Prayer is powerful and when
we are open to God's hand in our lives, great things
can happen and struggles can be handled. Thank
you to Emily Wolfe for bringing this to the group. It
is something we intend to carry all year long.
We have started a Christmas project that
we hope will last participants the whole year
through. We asked everyone to bring in a box to
wrap and leave in the youth room under the tree.
Then every week from then till our Christmas celebration, we asked everyone to write three affirmations for someone and slip them into that person's
box. At the end of the season, everyone will have a
box to open full of positive statements from their
peers to read and keep! If you didn't make a box,
let me know and we can wrap one for you. Our last
meeting of 2014 and also our Christmas celebration
will be Sunday, December 21st.
Please bring in your nonrefundable $50 deposit for our WWG (Winter Weekend Getaway)
scheduled for Friday, January 31st to Sunday, February 2nd. The total cost for the weekend is $100
plus the cost of skiing and rentals, if you choose to
do that. We will go to Caberfae in Cadillac. Visit for details about pricing and to see where we will stay! It's
beautiful and so much fun!!
Our next meeting is this Monday the 24th
and at the last meeting we asked that everyone
bring in a dish to share for our EDGE holiday feast.
We will have sloppy joes and lemonade.
Looking ahead to our
Christmas EDGE, we
are going to have an
EDGE'er contest and
award two prizes, one
to the worst dressed up
boy and the other to the worst dressed up girl. Start
putting together your holiday wear now! The uglier,
more gaudier the better!! That EDGE will be our
only meeting in December on Monday the 8th.
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Adult Education and Formation
Faith and Service - From Sr. Joyce
Advent by Candlelight
Join us in our annual Advent by
Candlelight gathering on Saturday
December 6 from 7 -9 pm in the
community room for an evening of
friendship, reflection, community &
This year's theme
“Community is the Tapestry of
Christ” will explore how what we choose to do has an
effect on others we connect with directly and indirectly. We expect it to be engaging and entertaining.
Hostesses are asked to reserve a table to decorate and provide a dessert. Take a break from the
holiday rush to welcome family and friends to your
table. Our tables seat 8. If you have less than 8 people, the committee can fill your table, encouraging
new friendships and interesting conversations,
Reservation Forms and Hostess instructions can be
found on the Community Life table in the gathering
area, or on the website
Seating is limited.
Reservations are important.
Forms need to turned in before Thanksgiving.
Cocoa, Cookies & Conversation
Advent Themes or Topics of Choice
Thursdays during Advent: December 4, 11 and 18
7 – 8:30 pm, East Room
Sr. Joyce will be available to facilitate conversations
or address any questions or concerns you may have.
Advent prayers will begin the evening.
Week #1: What does the Advent Season mean for
Week #2: What are your favorite memories or Traditions?
Week #3: Christ’s Birth and Today
Childcare is available. Our Parish is offering childcare
in order that parents with small children can participate.
Please indicate on the Sign-Up Sheet at the Adult
Formation Board the ages of your children who will be
***Note: Children’s Choir meets at the same time in
Seniors 50+ Prayer, Fun & Lunch
Mark your calendars and reserve the date for Prayer,
Fun & Lunch, Wednesday, December 10, 10am – 1
pm, in the Community Room. In the past, this has
been a monthly event and now we see a need to keep
connected on occasion. Come and help us make
plans for future events. Let Sr. Joyce know if you plan
to attend.
NOVEMBER 23, 2014
The Advent Giving Tree
will be in the Gathering Space
starting 11/22/2014. This year,
we have Eight Charities, including St. Mary Magdalen. If you
would like to help those less
fortunate, please take a tag
from the tree and place your
donation back under the tree
no later than 12/15/14, otherwise we can not guarantee the gifts for Christmas. Please make sure the
tag is taped and secured to your donation, so we
know which charity it goes to. Only gifts for Cornerstone School should be wrapped. Please leave all
other gifts unwrapped. Gift cards for all the charities
should be unwrapped and not placed in Christmas
cards. For more information, please contact Dianne
Sweeter: or 248.842.7762.
Right to Life Christmas
Will be on sale this weekend and
next. Please support this life giving
organization with your purchase.
All New Christmas Nativity
This year, we will be doing a smaller re-enactment
during the Christmas Gospel at both the 4:00pm and
6:15pm masses. There will be 6 actors and about 6
angel singers for each Mass, for children in grades 18.
Rehearsals for the acting roles and the angel choir
singers will be on Wed. evenings in Dec., at 6:00pm.
Please sign up to audition for the acting roles and
singing angels group. Space is
limited, so it is imperative to sign
up. There will be two separate
sign-up sheets, one for the
4:00pm Mass and one for the
6:15pm Mass, in the Gathering
Area. Questions? Call Erin
Wolfe at 810-923-8494.
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Saint Mary Magdalen
2201 Old US 23 Highway
Brighton, MI 48114
Office Phone:
Preschool Phone:
(810) 229-8624
(810) 229-6471
(810) 229-0010
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm
8:30am - 4:30 pm
Pastor: Fr. David F. Howell
Permanent Deacons: H. David Scharf, James Chevalier,
Gary Prise, Devon Wolfe
Pastoral Ministers: Sr. Maryetta Churches, O.P., Sr. Joyce
Hoile, O.S.F (Adult Formation & Evangelization)
Director of Faith Formation: Mary Mahar
Formation Administrative Assistant: Karen MacDonald
Director of R.C.I.A. & Liturgist: Diane Kubus
Youth Ministry: Margaret Callaghan
Youth Ministry Assistant: Stasia Eisenhut
Director of Music: Steven H. Schulte
Director of Pre-School: Kathie Anderer
Parish Secretaries: Debbie Dehanke, Sandi Phillips, Jillian
Bookkeeper: Dave Wisniewski
Facilities Team: Dan Tuthill, Kathy Gehring, Mark Wolf
Sacramental Information:
Weekend Liturgies: Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 9 & 11 am
Weekday Liturgies: 9:00 am Monday, Thursday, Friday
7:00 pm Wednesday
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon
Infant Baptism: Erin Wolfe
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact the office at least
nine months prior to wedding date.
BeFriender Ministry: Today at the 11 am Liturgy, a
group of lay people were commissioned to the
BeFriender Ministry. The Gospels teach us that after
His Baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus went forth in
public ministry to proclaim the saving power of God
and to offer a healing compassionate presence.
Although all baptized Christians are called to ministry,
BeFrienders in the name of our faith community are
called and trained to respond to the emotional and
spiritual needs of struggling individuals. When we are
in a difficult situation - whether from raising a family,
unemployment or illness, there is a need to tell our
story. A BeFriender listens with compassion and offers a safe setting in which the person is listened to
without judgment, supported and given the freedom to
choose his or her own path. If you or someone you
love could benefit from talking to a BeFriender, encourage them to call St. Mary Magdalen at
Troop 385 is once again selling wreaths and some
other greenery items after Masses
on Sat. & Sun. Nov. 22/23 as well
as Sat.& Sun. Nov. 29/30. The
money helps the boys go to camp,
purchase materials and gear, and
in the process these energetic
boys are developing into fine outstanding young men. We hope
that you will once again support us
in our endeavors. Thanks again
for all your support!
Kathryne Friske has volunteered to take on the challenge of forming a special
youth choir composed of kids
in 3rd-8th grade. This choir
will sing on December 24.
Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve 6:15pm Liturgy,
will be Dec. 4, 11, and 18.
ARE YOU 18—21?
Are you looking to connect more deeply to your
faith and to meet others with the same desire?
Text Shannon at 810-588-7665 TODAY
to learn more about LIVINGSTON YAM 18-21
Are you interested in gathering with other Young
Adult Catholic Married Couples for good food, conversation and prayer?
Contact Shannon today to learn more!
SUNDAY, Nov. 30, 5 pm at St. Patrick, Brighton
6:30 pm dinner at Border Cantina, Brighton
Call Livingston young Adult Ministry
Shannon Scherba,
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A MASS OF ANOINTING will be held on Wednesday, November 26, at 7:00 pm. All who have a serious or chronic illness or are facing surgery are especially encouraged to attend.
“The Lord is risen, do You Believe?”
With Deacon Ralph Poyo
NOVEMBER 23, 2014
Mon. 11/24
Tue. 11/25
Wed. 11/26
Thu. 11/27
Fri. 11/28
Sat. 11/29
Sun. 11/30
4:00 pm
St. Pat’s Basketball
8:30 pm
Men’s Basketball
4:00 pm
St. Pat’s Basketball
4:00 pm
St. Pat’s Basketball
Facility Closed
Facility Closed
8:30 am
Boot Camp
January 25, 26, 27, 28 St. Patrick , Brighton 7-9 pm
St. Patrick’s Dad’s Club
Nov. 28 - Dec. 14
Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, North East Corner of St. Patrick’s Church, 711 Rickett Rd., Brighton
Type of Trees? Fraser, Douglas, Concolor Fir and Scotch Pines
November Times
December Times
Fri. 28: 12:00pm - 8:30pm
Fri. 5, 12: 5:30pm - 9:00pm
Sat. 29: 11:00am - 8:00pm
Sat. 6, 13: 10:00am - 8:00pm
Sun 30: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Sun. 7, 14: 9:00am - 7:00pm