
1050 Edwards Road, Greenville, SC 29615 864-292-0194
Cindy Haithcock Director
WEEKDAY Kindergarten
Christmas Program
December 17th @ 11am
All K3, K4 & K5
children will participate
Our School Calendar Dates
Nov. 26- 28 --- NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 3, 4, or 5 ---- visit our K5 classroom -9am
Dec. 17 ------------ K3, K4, K5 Christmas Program 11am
Dec. 22-Jan2 ----- NO SCHOOL Christmas break
Jan. 5 -------------- Registration packets distributed
Jan. 16 -------- NO SCHOOL Public school workday
Jan. 19 --------- NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King day
Jan. 20 ------------- begin 15-16 registration for current families
Visit our K5 classroom
9am - 10:15am December 3, 4, or 5
View our curriculum, our objectives and
observe the teacher and children at work.
There will also be a question and answer
time with the teacher, Mrs. Mahaffey, at the
end of each session. You do not have to
have a prospective student to come and visit.
We are proud of what we do in K-5, and want
to share it with you.
864-292-0194 or
to let us know you are coming.
Feb. 4 ---------- 15-16 Registration open to public
December 22
January 2
Fall Registration
Mark your calendars for our
2015-2016 school year registration.
Dates are as follows:
Kindergarten / Moms Day Out
ages by Sept. = 5 months thru K5
Church Families January 5th thru 20, 2015–WEE office
Enrolled families January 20, 2015 – A 106
Open to Public February 4, 2015 – A 106
We have kindergarten
class pictures available at
Renee’s desk. $10 each.
Pastor Travis’ Chapel time
9:15am Tues. & Wed .
K3, K4, K5
Parents are welcome anytime
Nov. 11—12 give thanks / Psalms
Nov 18-19—prayed over shoe boxes
Nov 24, 25 with Grandparents
November with Mrs. Padgett K3
November has been a busy month learning many things about our country and being thankful. We went
on a “field trip“ to Washington, DC., after learning about the many famous monuments, the White House
and who lives there, and that it is our country’s capital. The children found it funny that the president
had to move out of the White House when his turn as President was finished. We got to see all these special places on our trip. We discussed the freedom their parents had to vote and we even voted on who
makes a better pet—cat or dog– and for the first time
it was a tie!!
This unit tied in nicely with our study on the Pilgrims.
This group of people left England and gave up most
everything to worship and serve God freely which is
the principle on which our country was founded. The
children thought the long boat ride on the Mayflower
might be scary!! We learned how the Indians were
helpful to the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims had the first
Thanksgiving to praise God for His love, provision and
protection. They were truly thankful. Your children
said they were thankful for many things, but mostly
for their families. Oh, what a blessing family love is!!
I am thankful for your children. They are full of wonder and excitement—eager to learn new things! They
make my heart happy! I thank you for sharing them
with me. They are loved here! “Give thanks to the
Lord; for He is good; His love endures forever! “ Psalm
Mrs. Kelly’s 2’s class
November is a wonderful time of year to learn about thanking God for all our our many blessings and how
thankful we are that God loved us so much that He gave his one and only son, Jesus, so that we may have eternal life with Him.
This month we have learned about the Pilgrim’s journey to America, meeting Indian friends and sharing
a wonderful feast to thank God for blessing them. We made a special Thanksgiving placemat to remind us to
always give thanks to God for everything. We painted turkeys, corn and lots of autumn themed art and read
many books that praise God for all his many blessings and his wonderful creation. We enjoyed the cooler
weather, playing outside in the autumn leaves and finding acorns!
Thank you for supporting the Operation Christmas Child missions. It is the perfect example of sharing
the love of Christ with others especially your child. I am so blessed to have such a loving and sweet class and
also caring and supportive parents. Your children
are a true blessing, and I can’t thank you enough
for sharing them with me each week.
Psalm 100:4
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with
praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.