November 2015 Newsletter - Christus Victor Lutheran Church
November 2015 Newsletter - Christus Victor Lutheran Church
A Newsletter of the People of CHRISTUS VICTOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 15600 North Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34110-6245 (239) 597-1043 Rev. Thomas J. Slater, Pastor 1 Thanks Be To God, who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ" (I Cor. 15:57) Don't just victoriously! Pastor Tom’s Page November is a month for thanksgiving. We are thankful for our northern friend’s return to our worshipping community. Together we can do mighty things for God. We are thankful for all those who have entered the church triumphant this year and we will honor their names during our All Saints worship on November 1st. We are thankful for all those who have used their God-given gifts to make quilts and prayer shawls for those in need. We will bless those items during worship on November 15th. We are thankful for the ability to support our missionary Rev. Kevin Jacobsen in Suriname. We will take up a second offering for his ministry on November 22 nd. We are thankful for all those who have been worshipping at Christus Victor and desire to enter into a greater discipleship by joining Christus Victor on November 29th. And we are thankful to God for all of God’s numerous blessings in our lives. We will hold a Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7:00p.m. on Wednesday, November 25th to worship and praise God for this abundant life we’ve been given. And we are thankful for the beginning of a new church year as we enter into the season of Advent on Sunday, November 29 th. We have SO much to be thankful for so lets spread the Word that God is Great! All the time! All the time, God is great! Thankfully yours, Reminder Turn your clocks back one hour Saturday, October 31st before going to bed! Pastor Tom Sick or Hospitalized? Please tell us if you or someone you know in the congregation will be hospitalized or in need of a visit as we are not routinely notified by local hospitals when members are admitted. The office number is 597-1043. Prayer for one another is understanding love. 2 President’s Page By Phyllis Nichols Volunteers needed to distribute Welcome Packets We need two volunteers for each service to give first time visitors the CVLC Welcome Packet. At the beginning of each service Pastor Tom or Intern Justin asks if there are any new visitors with us today. If visitors identify themselves the volunteer will hand them a welcome packet. The Welcome Packets are already prepared for distribution. If you are willing to volunteer for this new ministry please contact Pastor Tom at or by calling the office at 239-597-1043. Concert Series Task Force We now have three volunteers to help with the CVLC Concert Series, but we could use a few more. A signup sheet is located in the narthex. Congregational Meeting and lunch Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Congregational Meeting held on Sunday, December 6th following the 10:45 service. A copy of the 2016 Program and Spending Plan was emailed to you on October 21st. During the meeting, members will review the 2016 Slogan and Goals, review and approve the 2016 Program and Spending Plan, elect Endowment Fund Board Members and elect Council members. A Special Advent Event with lunch will follow the meeting in Fellowship Hall. Communication to members Using email is our primary method of communicating with our members. In a recent conversation with one of our members, I discovered that one person in their household received our email notifications, but the other person in the household never received them. Please note that we would like to send email notifications to each person in the household who has their own email address. If you want to add your email to our notifications list, please let us know by providing your information on the signup sheet in the narthex. Thanks to all who assist in carrying out the mission at CVLC. 3 Intern’s Article WOW! You all really weren’t kidding about how crazy it can get around here! October has certainly ushered in a new phase and a new look to daily life here! This past month has been incredibly busy, yet incredibly rich with wonderful opportunities and enriching times together! A few weeks back, we gathered together to celebrate and gives thanks for all of God’s creation during our Blessing of the Animals service in Victory Park! Following in the steps of St. Francis of Assisi, we gathered together with twenty-two people and sixteen dogs to lift a joyful noise unto the Lord! What an incredible day that was! As we continue into November, our TED and Bible study continues to go strong. The time we have had together and the conversations that everyone brings to the table, I hope, have both been incredibly life-giving to you as much as they have to me! I am so grateful to those of you who continue to come out and we, of course, are always ready and looking forward to inviting new faces to join us! It really is hard to believe that I am already a quarter of the way through my time here. Two weeks ago, Pastor Tom and I went to Tampa to be with other the interns and supervisors from Florida, after which we went to work on our 90-day evaluation! We really are moving through the year! Thank you ALL for all of your continued support and encouragement! You really are showing me what it means to live victoriously! Peace, ~ Justin All Saints Sunday All Saints Sunday is November 1st this year. Each year during this service we lift up the names of our members who have died and are celebrating in the Church Triumphant. This year we remember the following people: Chris Johnston, Ray Grigar, Phyllis Michel, Jean Steinmeyer, Henry Gunnefsen, Dolores Troy and Delight Breidegam. 4 Music Notes by Joyce Reitz, Director of Music Hello everyone! The 10:45 choir has rehearsal on Wednesdays at 5:30. We practice for one hour. You may want to come a little early to get your music organized in your folder to save some time. I invite all who love to sing to join us. Practice will continue on Wednesdays throughout Season. If there are changes to this schedule it will be noted in the Sunday bulletin, and I will also send out an email to choir members. Thank you so much to the Little Lutherans Choir for sharing their talent with us on the first Sunday of each month. On November 1st, Greg Olsen will be joining me to play a special postlude for All Saints Sunday! Then we will have a duet on the 22 nd during the offering. Thank you to Greg for sharing your talents! The choir has started practicing and although we are still small, we are working ahead on music for the Season and looking forward to the return of our snow bird members. For the 8:30 impromptu choir we will see how many volunteers we have and then will decide when we will start singing at that service. Should anything change, it will be noted in the weekly bulletin. As always, if you have any questions, please see me after the service or email me at: or call me at 239-425-4969. Until next month, keep a song in your hearts! Joyce 5 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th FROM 7:30 AM UNTIL 1:00 PM Thursday, November 5th CVLC Member’s Only Preview Yard Sale 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. We need your help… Hopefully, you’ve been gathering up all your “good stuff” to donate! Here’s what we’ll take… Clothing Gently used treasures/knick knacks/glass ware/ vases/ plates and the like. Kitchen Gadgets and small appliances that work. Electronics that still work – Flat Screen TVS = WE WILL NOT TAKE ANY OLD TVS THAT ARE NOT FLAT SCREEN. Furniture items that are not broken or stained Extra linens, towels, tablecloths, placemats, etc. Flower arrangements in good shape Hardback and Paperback Books DVDs or other Books on Tapes Trinkets and Jewelry AND ANY OTHER GOOD STUFF YOU WANT TO GET RID OF! WANT TO OFFER A HAND WITH THIS PROJECT? We could use you! We need help to run this event!! We’ll need help tagging items, set up, and clean up. Call the church office [597-1043], Heather DiSarro [560-7612], or Sherry Slater [498-2580] to volunteer, or sign up on the sheet in the narthex with the other sign up clipboards. 6 CVLC 40th Anniversary As we begin preparations for CVLC’s 40th Anniversary in January, we are attempting to identify and contact if possible, all charter members. Using the framed charter in the narthex we have captured the names of 101 signers. Some names are still familiar, others not so much. If you have information on any of these folks we would love to hear from you. If you are a long time member but not a necessarily a charter, we would like to hear from you also. There must be many interesting stories to tell about CVLC’s early days that our younger and newer members would enjoy hearing! For your convenience, simply drop a note in the collection plate. If you prefer you can e-mail Marilyn Hopps at PARISH LIFE would like to THANK each and every member of our Congregation for all the encouragement and participation in our events! It is wonderful being able to meet and visit with each other! THANK YOU FOR COMING! Also, thank you to all our Parish Life Helpers for preparing, setting up, taking down and cleaning up! It is a JOY meeting and visiting with one another as we accomplish each task!! THANK YOU FOR HELPING! Carol Phillips and Armand Linzmeyer - PARISH LIFE Click the YouTube icon to listen to last week’s sermon. Or visit: UCGS9TN9p5QWOIMlE0mGCCdw 7 Thanksgiving Eve Just a reminder to everyone that on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 25th, we will have a worship service at 7:00 p.m. to give thanks for all our blessings from God. Decorate the Church On Saturday, November 28th we will gather at 9:00 am to decorate our church for the Christmas and Advent Seasons. The more hands we have, the better it will be, so come out to help us beautify God’s Sanctuary. Work Day - Monday, November 30th Please join us at 9:00a.m.. We will be cleaning sidewalks, steps, building sides, among other tasks. We will need at least three power washer—if you have one and would be willing to use it at the work day, please call the church office at 597-1043 and let us know! A light lunch will be served. More to follow as our task list grows! Congregational Meeting Notice On Sunday, December 6th at 11:45 we will hold our Congregational Meeting to vote on the 2016 Program and Spending Plan and to elect people to serve on our Church Council . Hard copies of the Program and Spending Plan have been out in the Narthex for your review since October 25th. Bios of the candidates can be found in this newsletter. Pick up a copy if you didn’t get one via e-mail. Don’t miss this important meeting! 8 The following are the two candidate bios that have been received. Nominations will be taken from the floor if necessary. Name: Phyllis Nichols Phone #: 815-545-4771 I would like to serve on the Church Council for the upcoming term because: I have enjoyed serving on Church Council during the past four years. I have particularly enjoyed my service on the stewardship ministry. I would like the opportunity to continue to work with others as decisions are made for the planning, development and visioning of our current and future ministries at Christus Victor Lutheran Church. The gift/talents I feel I can bring to the church are: I am a retired nursing professor/administrator of nursing and health programs. I have experience with project development, organizational change, data collection and analysis, and leadership for a large staff of employees. I enjoy the challenge of problem solving, have well developed teaching skills and effective administrative skills. I respect diversity and other points of view. I have always had a strong desire to help others. My greatest gift is my faith and with help my ability to share it with others. Name: James (Jim) F. Dupré Family: Wife , Linda. Two daughters, Jodi and Jennifer Background & Experiences: I was a neurosurgeon, practicing in the Chicago area for 25 years. I have been a member of CVLC since moving here the latter half of 1996. Areas of Interest/Elected Positions held at CVLC or previous churches: Financial Secretary 1999-2003; Treasurer since 2003. I have interests in building, electronics, and teaching. I also served as chair of the Internship Committee from 1997-2003. I am willing to service on Council at CVLC because: I believe in CVLC, the ELCA, and Christian Church as a whole, and with God’s continued help, I wish to offer my time and talents, toward the mission of our congregation, in appreciation for all the blessings I have received, as a result of my trust in Jesus Christ. 9 Tuesday, November 17th , 9:00a.m. Take the AARP Driver Safety Classroom Course! Learn proven safety strategies to maintain your confidence behind the wheel. Upon completion you may be eligible to receive an auto insurance discount. Consult your agent for details. To register please call Ulla at 239-269-6050. Saturday, November 7th and at the same time we will clean our section of Old 41. We meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Banyan tree across from the Band shell on old US 41. It is a great experience…bring the kids! Holy Land Trip Join Pastor Tom as he hosts a Holy Land trip set for March 28th – April 8, 2016. Walk in the footsteps of Christ and the Disciples and help make the Bible stories come alive. Brochures are in the narthex. Life Line Screening Thursday, November 12th, 2015 Christus Victor Lutheran Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, noninvasive and painless health screenings. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888653-6441 or visit 10 CVLC Sassy Sewers Tuesday, November 10th, 11:00 a.m. We are a fun and productive group, so please consider joining us if you like to sew, craft, quilt, embroider, crochet, needlepoint or cut! If you are interested please contact Rebecca Stearns at 701-388-0471 or Outreach Meeting Tuesday, November 10th, 1:00 p.m. Outreach has a bulletin board in the hallway near the Narthex. Our theme is INSTRUMENTS OF GOD'S WORK! Each month an Outreach Ministry or two will be displayed. Our song we share with our community and within our walls can be expressed in many ways at CVLC. Outreach is confident that with God's guidance we will be HIS instruments of HIS love in this world! Sign up, carry the tune! Questions, please contact Rebecca Stearns 701-388-0471 Advent Preparation Advent begins November 29! How exciting! Please join us following the Congregational Meeting on December 6 th for a meal, singing, fellowship and fun! CVLC will celebrate and PREPARE for our Lord Jesus Christ's birth by gathering together. Stocking Stuffers Please help us PREPARE Christmas Stockings to share with our shut-ins and others! We will be collecting Christmas themed items that would be fun to stuff and share. Socks, slippers, candy, keepsakes, ornaments, anything small and festive! Please bring items to the Library/Outreach Room. We will be stuffing 20 stockings! Blessing of the Quilts and Prayer Shawls November 15th will be the blessing of the quilts and prayer shawls Sunday. This will also be a day for celebrating our wonderful congregation and all the "Outreach" we do! Thank you to all who helped with the quilts and shawls! Our community will be blessed by our efforts and commitment to serving others! GO CVLC! 11 Pray & Stretch with me. . . Take a break from daily life and find some calm in the midst of all of it. In a chair -or- on the floor, we can flex our bodies and calm our minds. I’ll lead you through a brief devotion and use those centering thoughts to focus and relax as we calm and rejuvenate our bodies with gentle movement and stretching. If I have enough interest, I can schedule a time and day we can meet weekly for 45 minutes. Even if you’re here seasonally, let me know you’re interested. Class day and time to be determined. Contact Bridget Engdahl at 239-560-0651 or Peace Be With You All. Concert Series Task Force We need a few good men and women to help before or after any of the Paul Todd Jr. concerts being held at CVLC. Help with small tasks such as gathering snacks, setting chairs, greeting guests or helping clean up. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Bridget Engdahl or Rebecca Stearns. Devotions for the Dog Lover’s Soul November 7th 5:00 p.m. The first Saturday of every month, November to May 5:00 p.m. in Victory Park. Come∞Sit∞Stay∞Shake for readings from scripture and meditation in a beautiful park. Take a companionable walk around the lake in fellowship with dog and God lovers. All Are Welcome! Single Friends Wednesday, November 11th, 5:00 p.m. Come one, come all! Men, women, widows, widowers, divorced persons, any one who has lost a partner or has never married. You are cordially invited to a Single Friends casual and informal get together in the CVLC Café. 12 Christmas Giving Tree It’s hard to believe Christmas is next month. The Giving Tree will be in place in the narthex in time for Thanksgiving. Here’s how it works. First, select an ornament from the tree. They are labeled according to age and gender. Choose a gift and place the gift under the tree. The suggested value for all gifts is approximately $10. Please do not wrap children’s gifts as they will be displayed in Guadalupe’s “Christmas Store” where parents will select the gifts they want. Adult gifts should be wrapped. Gifts should be returned by Sunday, December 8th, to be sorted and delivered to the Immokalee Friendship House and the Guadalupe Center. The Christmas of someone needing a helping hand will be brightened, and so will yours! SUGGESTED GIFTS FOR THE GUADALUPE CENTER (CHILDREN): Action Figures Arts and Crafts Dolls Stuffed Animals Learning Toys Pretend Play and Dress Up Sporting Goods Gift Cards for Children Age 13-17 Years (Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy) SUGGESTED GIFTS FOR IMMOKALEE FRIENDSHIP HOUSE (ADULTS): Disposable Razors, Shaving Cream Towels, Washcloths (both bath and dish) Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s Underwear and Socks, especially sizes 32 through 36 waist for the men Men’s jeans, sizes 32-36 waist Men’s and women’s shoes Bibles, especially in Spanish Blankets, Sheets, Pillowcases (mostly twin size) Phone Cards Baseball Caps Watches 13 ADULT EDUCATION Intern Bible Study Thursdays, November 5th, 12th, & 19th 10:00 a.m. The Intern Bible Study continues for the fall and early winter months. We will be trying something new; each week we will take a look at a 10-15 minute TED (Technology, Education, Design) talk about a given topic offered by an expert in the field. After each talk, we will delve into the Bible and see how it informs us on these same topics. Adult Sunday School, Sundays, 9:30 am: Join us weekly in lively conversation as the group explores various faith topics including Spiritual Gifts, the Roundtable Pulpit, etc. Mary Martha Tuesday, November 10th, 9:30 a.m. All women are invited to attend this delightful, monthly gathering of women of faith! Ladies meet in the Adult Education room the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for study, conversation and fellowship…and yummy treats, too! The group will be exploring the ELCA women’s magazine: “Gather.” Please contact Phyllis Nichols if you would like more information: 815-545-4771 14 YOUTH GROUP! Every Wednesday, 6:15 -7:30 p.m. The CVLC youth group will be exploring new paths to deepen their relationship with God. Please join us as we dig into the Bible and enjoy fellowship with one another! Pizza dinner provided. YOUTH GROUP EVENT: Saturday, November 7: Yard Sale Food Booth The youth group will be hosting the food booth at the Yard Sale again this year! We will have baked goods, coffee, and a lunch combo for sale (hot dog, chips + drink). Proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity and the Youth Group fund. We need your help to make this the best year yet! Please sign up to donate food items and baked goods: Hot Dogs Buns Chips (individual size bags) Cans of soda Baked goods (cookies, pies, cakes, brownies, etc.) EDUCATION TEAM MEETING: November 10th , 6:15 p.m. in Adult Education Room Teachers, helpers, planners and supporters welcome! Please consider attending a meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month to see how you can support and grow the Education programs of CVLC. At November’s meeting our special topic will be the children’s CHRISTMAS PROGRAM—please come find out how you can lend a helping hand with this year’s program! 15 Children’s Education and Youth SUNDAY SCHOOL, Sundays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. COMING UP: Sunday, November 1 Children’s Choir: hear the children make a joyful noise at the late service! (no performance in Jan or Apr) Birthdays: we will celebrate monthly birthdays of the Sunday School children! (treats and juice) Library: children will visit the library for a special story read by a special guest! The FALL FESTIVAL was held on Sun, Oct 25! What a wonderful, fun REFORMATION SUNDAY of fellowship and fun! We had a lot to celebrate. We kicked off the event with a picnic in Victory Park, painting pumpkins, and tons of fun with the petting zoo and rock climbing wall! Thank you to all who attended and brought friends! By bringing friends, over $120 was donated to the ELCA Good Gifts initiative. Special thanks to Parish Life for coordinating a delicious feast for all! 16 Women’s Jail Ministry During the WELCA Fall Gathering held at Lake Yale, books will be collected for a women's jail ministry. Please place any donations in a box in our library no later than November 8. Suggestion are listed below. Danielle Heindl will attend the Fall Gathering as youth member and will bring our donations. PAPERBACK Books only (Gently used) • Jerry Jenkins & Tim LaHaye: The Left Behind series including prequels & sequels Karen Kingsbury • Joyce Meyers: Battlefield of the Mind, etc. • Rebecca Carey Lyles: Winds of Wyoming, Winds of Freedom • Frank Peretti • Daniel Patterson • Helen Steiner Rice • Elisabeth Elliot: Through Gates of Splendor • Heaven is for Real • 90 Minutes in Heaven • The Shack • Books that encourage Christian values • Books that are uplifting and encouraging • Books about people who have overcome obstacles • Bible stories at a 3rd or 4th grade level Fiction, non-fiction, devotionals, biographies, autobiographies, poetry, etc. The above list are just examples. Other books (not listed) by these authors, as well as other authors encouraging Christian values, would be greatly appreciated. Books published by Bethany House (noted on bottom of back cover) are usually good Christian fiction. Also, the Christian fiction books tend to be the larger size paperbacks. 17 Stewardship By George Turczyn Making the right Choices It has been said that the most spiritual thing that you and I do is not praying, reading the Bible, or participating in weekly worship. The most spiritual thing we do is making choices. God gave us the freedom, the ability and the responsibility to make choices for our lives, to experience the joy of success and to experience the pain of our mistakes. King David discovered as we do that, maturity and freedom come at a cost, taking responsibility for our lives and the choices we make. Another David comes immediately into my mind – David Bowie, 1972 in his song: “It Ain’t Easy” and his refrain: “It ain't easy, it ain't easy It ain't easy to get to heaven when you're going down” David Bowie answers himself in the next verse: “With the help of the good Lord We can all pull on through” Up until writing this article, I never consider David Bowie as a prophetic minister of God’s word. Yet – he nails it in four simple verses! Every day we make many decisions that can either make our day better or worse. Everything from how to go about our day, what to wear, what to eat, who to see and when to see them, etc. Some decisions are a piece of cake to make. Other decisions take great wisdom. Stewardship is one of those decisions that need a lot of wisdom. The Gospels were written in Greek, and the English words "steward" and "stewardship" are used to translate a Greek word that means to administer what belongs to someone else. Nowadays we might use a term like "money-manager." When a person gives their savings over to a money-manager, it's clear who owns what. The money doesn't belong to the money-manager, it is entrusted to them. They may get some of it - their fee - but the money belongs to the person who gave them the money. Imagine how off-base it would be if a money-manager took all the money and acted as though it belonged to them to spend as they alone wished to spend it. That is the key: a steward is the "ward" of what belongs to someone else. We need to be inspired by David, the song writer, and ask the Lord for the help we need when we consider our stewardship decisions. Or, consider James 1:5: “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.” 18 Library Corner Life is starting to get busy, but a relaxing time can be spent reading some inspirational books. This month’s books may be just what you need! Library hours are Monday through Friday during office hours and on Sundays. Dear Lord - Prayer Book By Rev. Michael Relton These are simple, but powerful prayers that work. There are prayers for your success, peace, happiness and many more. Where in the World is God? By Harold Senkbil There are 70 short meditations to help you find God in your life. It’s designed to read a little, put down and start again later. Missionary Moments Arriving in Paramaribo, Suriname in 2008, Pr. Kevin faced another challenge. Not only are the churches buildings in bad condition, so are the spirits of the few congregants that remain. The congregations reflect diversity of its members of many different descents including East Indian, Chinese, African, mixed races, plus expats from Netherlands, USA and Guyana. This is a 270 year old congregation. The roots are there somewhere just waiting for nourishment. It is time to lead regular worship, education, fellowship activities and important pastor visits. Pr. Kevin started by focusing on congregational healing by creating opportunities for members to connect with one another, deepen relationships and build confidence in order to renew vision and hope for the future. It’s going to be a slow process to heal the congregation, but God has great plans. The Good News is going to heard once again. 19 Our dedication at CVLC to Café of Life will renew starting Tuesday, January 5th until Tuesday, April 26th. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Café of Life: CVLC members provide a hot main course for about 70 people at Leitner Neighbor Park in Old Bonita. As well as a main course we provide fresh salad, a hot vegetable, a case of bananas and six dozen hard boiled eggs. The first week of November I will be contacting those of you who are already down here. If you are interested in learning more about the Café feel free to call me at 498-1667. I will be going back north the 10th of November but can be contacted at I will be back at the end of the year and look forward to working with all the “faithful”, and meeting new workers. Dannee Barkow Volunteers Needed for Thanksgiving in the Park Thanksgiving in the Park serves approximately 2,000 people a traditional Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving Day at Airport Park in Immokalee. The Guadalupe Center is in need of volunteers to perform a number of duties in Naples the day before Thanksgiving Day (Wednesday) and the day after Thanksgiving (Friday). Volunteers must at least 16 years old, be able to stand for periods of time and some lifting is often required. To register, please contact Megan Becker at 239-657-7124 or 20 THE FOOD COLLECTION for the month of November is peanut butter and jelly. Please leave your donations in the grocery carts in the Outreach Center and thank you for your continued support. 16 17 November 3 5 6 10 13 Lisa DeCarlo Dorothy Thomas Heidi Wagner Bill Kennedy Jackie Litaker Iva Sweet Darla Allison Tom Heindl Connor O’Leary Andres Reyes 19 20 21 24 30 Mary Glass Florence Ham Nola Schorer Danielle Heindl Rick Allison Margit Cofield Janice Temanson John Hart Patricia Zaczek Jacob LaMure A very Happy Birthday to each and every one of you! May the year ahead be filled with wonderful memories to cherish, and opportunities to serve God wherever He places them. 21 If your birthday is incorrect or missing, please contact the church office (597-1043) so we can change or update our records. Thank you. Financial report September 2015 Overall General Operating Donation Income vs. Expenditures Year-to-Date Previous YTD $ $ 407,579.53 379,472.51 $ $ 302,593.86 270,402.33 $ $ 104,985.67 109,070.18 Donations from Select General Operating Funds for the Month Current Envelope Loose Offering Sept. 2015 $ 24,603.29 $ 852.00 $ $ Sept. 2014 27,812.50 929.00 $ $ $ Change (3,209.21) (77.00) % Change -11.54% -8.29% Total General Category $ 26,584.29 $ 29,139.50 $ (2,555.21) -8.77% Select Funds Collected YTD Comparison Receipts Jan - Sept '15 Jan - Sept '14 Current- Envelope Loose Offering $ $ 352,254.41 26,397.45 $ 336,960.21 $ 16,985.53 $ $ 15,294.20 9,411.92 4.54% 55.41% Total General Category $ 407,579.53 $ 379,550.87 $ 28,028.66 7.39% Associate Pastor ELCA Hunger Total Dedicated Income $ $ $ 8,418.00 7,329.50 45,796.91 $ $ $ $ 8,418.00 $ 634.00 $ (16,895.51) 6,695.50 62,692.42 $ Change % Change 100.00% 9.47% -26.95% In Christ, Jim Dupré, Treasurer CHURCH COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES for December is November 18, 2015 Phyllis Nichols President David Peluchette Vice President Jim Dupre Treasurer Bridget Engdahl Secretary 22 Rebecca Stearns Spiritual Ministries Liaison Richard Dougherty Administrative Committees Liaison Pastor Thomas J. Slater John Groth Associate Member Representative SHARING CHRIST THAT ALL MIGHT LIVE VICTORIOUSLY!! Sunday Worship Services – January through April 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. May through December 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Church Office Hours – Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Phone (239)597-1043 Fax (239) 597-6028 Web page: E-mail: THE REV. THOMAS J. SLATER, PASTOR cell - 239-450-0699 Intern Justin Lingenfelter (h) 239-947-0273 Dawn King Office Administrator Cheryl Pfaus Director of Education & Youth 23 Joyce Reitz Director of Music