bulletin - Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church


bulletin - Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
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COUNTING Today’s celebration
of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus is
the second of the two epiphany
feast days. Last weekend we celebrated the Magi who followed the
star and found Christ, the Light of
Lights in Bethlehem. Today we celebrate the second
revelation of the Christ, when the Father’s voice was
heard revealing Jesus as the Beloved Son of God.
On Monday, we go back to the green season
commonly called Ordinary Time. The Latin word ordines
– where we get the term ordinary – means counted; so
for 8 weeks we will have the numbered or counted Sundays and weeks.
But the message that we will hear in the early
part of this season is far from ordinary, for after our recollection of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan by John the
Baptizer, we will reflect our call as beloved daughters
and sons of God called through our baptism to live as
disciples of Christ.
As disciples of the Lord Jesus we are called not
just to follow him, but to share his concern for the lowly,
the marginalized, the outcast and the poor.
In many ways the message of this “counted” time
is that the Lord is counting on us to continue his work of
transforming this world in God’s love!
MISSION 2015 The eight parishes of Livingston
County are having a mission or retreat for all our parishioners from Sunday, January 25 through Wednesday,
January 28. Each evening is from 7-9 pm and it will be
hosted by St. Patrick Parish in Brighton.
The theme of MISSION 2015 is The Lord IS RISEN – DO YOU BELIEVE. It will be led by Ralph Poyo, a
deacon and leader of New Evangelization Ministries.
The goal of the four evenings is to lead us to the transforming power of a relationship with Christ.
Child care is available but advance reservations
are needed. Email your request to: livingstonvicariate@gmail.com.
Each evening will include prayer, a presentation
and a reception afterward.
SPAIN Last year, several people expressed a desire to
go to Spain, and the travel agent has put a trip together.
The trip will take us from Barcelona to Madrid and, finally, Seville with several stops along the way. The trip is
scheduled for Sept 21-Oct 1 and the cost will run about
$5,000 per person.
If you are interested, there will be an information
meeting on Sunday, January 18, at 4 pm.
Fr. Dave Howell
Jan 12, Monday
Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20
9:00 am
+Phyllis Cole
Jan. 13, Tuesday
Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28
9:00 am
Communion Service
Jan 14, Wednesday
Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39
+Mass of Remembering
Jan 15, Thursday
Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45
+Larry Baldinger
Jan. 16, Friday
Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12
9:00 am
+Chester Kuchta
Jan. 17, Saturday—Saint Anthony, Abbot
Heb 4:12-16i/Mk 2:13-17
Jan. 18, Sunday
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a,17-20/Jn 1:35-42
4:30 pm Vigil +Ann Gillette
9:00 am
+Bella Noelle Trupiano
11:00 am
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 Today’s reading takes place 11
centuries before Christ at an Israelite shrine, which is
referred to as a “temple” in the text. At the shrine was
the Ark of God, a wooden chest overlaid in gold in
which the 10 Commandments were kept. Eli was the
high priest at the shrine. Samuel was a young man in
Eli’s service. We will hear how God called Samuel to
be a prophetic leader of Israel.
1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 Today and for the next
few Sundays, our second reading will be from the first
letter of Paul to the Corinthians. Corinth, a port city,
was noted for its widespread immorality. Anything and
everything was thought permissible. Paul doesn’t counter this attitude by putting down the human body as evil
or of little worth. Rather, he does just the opposite.
John 1:35-42 Today’s Scriptural passage is a good
one for the start of the Gospels for Ordinary Time, for it
tells the vocation story at the start of the Gospel. This
Gospel was written at least a half century after the
death and Resurrection of Jesus, and the evangelist’s
use of the phrase “lamb of God” likely reflects the use
of that phrase in the liturgy of his community. John is
emphatic with the theology of Jesus as the “Lamb of
Reflect: In what ways do you experience being
called by Jesus?
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Envelopes & Cash $24,898.00
Week of 12/28/14
Securing Our Future
Children’s Collection
Week of 1/4/2015—Approx. 1412 people participated
Securing Our Future
$ 5,218
Children’s Collection
Thank You for your Gifts
Please pray for all the sick who have been commended to our prayer, that they will respond to
God’s healing will, especially:
Jean Schultz, Patty Flynn, Bill Paff, Gail Kelso,
Becky Duneske, Connor, George, Evelyn, Anne Zaragoza, Susan, Dennis, Ellen Andary, Russell Impellizzeri, Virginia Darga, Jack Matta, Mary Ann, Michael Murphy, Patty Nouhan, Robert Laginess, Norma Pellerito, Hannah, Doug & Linda Lambert, Joyce
Egerer, Sandy Pace, Mark Czajkowski, Amy Kronk,
Devin, Jeanne and Eugene Buel, Karen Hahn, Tom
Stadtmiller, Janet Husseli, Gwen Maes, Ron
Abramovich, Dorothy Keefe, Nancy Sharpy, Bob
Sixbery, Betty Carb, Caroline Bilicki, Vic Howe, Tom
McSweeney, Heather Bierlein, Linda Heppler, Tom
Zremski, Andrew Doyle, Dave Zapfe, Donna Miller,
Fred Preiss, Addison Donehue, Marylyn Trader,
Donald Gehring, Jameson Timberlake, Michelle
Schmid, Ben Hemker, Cheryl Gautherat, Steve
Reichardt, Mary Anderer, Shirley Nitz, Bill Gamble,
Cynthia McIntosh, Dan Schilkey, Margie Kelly, Lynn
Long, Abbie Fountaine, Mark Matras, MaryAnna, David Martin, Hogan McCuan, Sherri Kunkel, Herb
Please remember in your prayers: Jim Kronk and Family in the
death of Carol Kronk, his sister-inlaw; Barb Fergus, family and friends
in the death of Fabian Felan; Elena Black and family
in the death of Nicholas Vermeulen, her father.
JANUARY 11, 2015
Monday, January 12
9:00 am
6:00 pm
Magdalen’s Kitchen
7:00 pm
School for Discipleship
7:00 pm
Troop 385 Committee
7:00 pm
Catholics Returning Home
7:30 pm
K of C Business Meeting
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 am
1:00 pm
Card Making
7:00 pm
Community Life
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Troop 385
Wednesday, January 14
9:00 am
9:45 am
12:30 pm
4:30 & 6:30 Rel. Formation
7:00 pm
Mass of Remembering
7:30 pm
Finance Council Meeting
7:30 pm
Adult Formation Meeting
Thursday, January 15
9:00 am
1:00 pm
50+ Seniors
5:30 pm
Rel. Formation
7:00 pm
School for Discipleship
7:30 pm
Music Ministry
Friday, January 16
9:00 am
6:30 pm
8 Great Dates
Saturday, January 17
4:30 pm
Baptism Presentation
4:30 pm
Youth Mass
6:00 pm
Family Fun Night
Sunday, January 18
9,11, 5:30
Religious Formation
9:00 am
Family Program
9:00 am
RCIA Dismissal
10:15 am
Home Study Meeting & Safe Sheep
10:15 am
4:00 pm
Spain Info Meeting
7:00 pm
Youth Group Meeting
All Weekend: Men’s Retreat
(Off Site)
A monthly Mass of Remembering will take place this Wednesday. Liturgy is offered for deceased parishioners
and relatives, especially for: Jerry Ainley, Elizabeth Hardy, Thomas Fournier, David Knox, Larry Grant, Jack
Branch, Fr. Bob McKeon, Beatrice Rizzo, Gwen Bouza, Gene Brennan, Rita Endres, Larry Sweeter, Patricia
Watson, Sharon Stadtmiller, Hilma Abramovich, Miriam Brown, Frank Hillebrand, Carol Kronk, Fabian Felan,
Nicholas Vermeulen.
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Religious Formation News
Youth News
from Mary at mmahar@parishmail.com and
Karen at sect2@saintmarymagdalen.org
from Margaret at yminister1@gmail.com
and Stasia at stasiaeisenhut@gmail.com
Mark your calendars for next Saturday, Jan. 17.
Winterfest Youth and Family Liturgy!
It starts with 4:30 Liturgy and is
Followed by our Family Fun Night!!
Our Youth and Family Liturgy has been so popular we are
offering it again! We need you and your family! Let me know
if you want to help with hospitality, as an EM, reader, contact me ASAP!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
May 2015 be filled with faith, strength, love and
good times. It's good to be back from a time of busyness and certain chaos that comes from taking a
break from the daily grind of school, work, sports
and other routine tasks. I hope your vacation was
good and fun.
On Saturday, January 17th, we will celebrate another Youth Liturgy. We will gather together
at the 4:30 Liturgy to celebrate as a family, and if
you are a youth who is interested in serving during
the Mass in any way, please contact Mary Mahar in
the offices at 810-229-8624. Immediately following
the liturgy will be a light soup and bread supper in
the community room with board games, card
games, a Frozen sing along, open gym and more
games. A fun, friendly night for everyone! Please
sign up in the gathering area.
Our scheduled first meeting back last weekend was a bust, due to icy roads and dangerous
driving conditions. It was a last minute but necessary call to make. I am looking forward to seeing
everyone this Sunday evening. It seems like forever
since we have been together.
All high school students are welcome to join
us on Sunday evenings from 7-9 in our youth room.
I know many students will be getting ready
for midterms soon. I pray your studies will be productive and fruitful as you prepare for these tests.
Come January 26 you can breathe easy again as
you start a new semester. Good luck!
Prayer partners: After the 4:30 and 9am Liturgies this
weekend, you are asked to take a name of one of our youth
in preparation for Eucharist or Solemn Penance. We ask
you to pray for them and their families, as they prepare for
these Sacraments.
Home Study Parent meeting: Jan. 18 at 10:15
Confirmation Parents or Sponsors are asked to attend
with their 9th grade Candidates at 5:30 tonight.
Formation Classes: We still have room in our classes if
you haven’t registered yet (regardless of your ability to pay).
Come into or call the office for more information. If payment
is a problem, please call Mary at extension #115.
Pet Food Collection: Our 1st grade classes are collecting
pet food for their service project! Collection boxes are in the
corner of the gathering area.
WE NEED YOU! We are looking for individuals with the
desire to share their faith with the youth of our parish. If you
ever felt “called” to inquire into the ministry of catechist or
assistant, give us a call! We need you to pass along the fundamentals of our faith. Catechists and aides are needed in
our formation classes during the week on Wednesday and
Thursday, along with Sunday mornings and evenings. We
will provide training, information and support before you ever meet with a class. Even if you do not feel the classroom
is the best place to use your talents, our Formation Team is
in need of new members as well. This team helps set the
direction of the programs and what goes into our classes. If
you have ever wondered if you possess the gifts needed
and enjoy working with youth, please call me.
Just a reminder about snow days: Since it is January, it
is a good time to remind you of our snow policy. If Brighton
area schools are cancelled due to bad weather, our Faith
Formation classes will also be cancelled. In case Religious
Formation is cancelled during the school day, we will notify
each family by email. (We do not have an automated phone
calling system.) If you have a change of email or phone
numbers let Karen in the office know ASAP.
As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord today take a
moment to talk about how the Holy Spirit received at baptism affects your family life. How does baptism mark your
lives? How does it draw us closer to God? What are your
memories of your child(ren)’s baptism? Thank you for all the
cards and well wishes for this Christmas Season! I am
blessed to serve here at St. Mary Magdalen…have a great
We have only one meeting this month on
Monday the 12th. Please cancel the EDGE meeting
scheduled for the 26th. This opens your Monday
evening that week for participating in the regional
mission, taking place that week starting Sunday,
January 25. The mission will run through Wednesday evening and will take place at St. Pat’s.
Sun. Jan. 11
Mon. Jan. 12
Tue. Jan. 13
Wed. Jan 14
Thur. Jan 15
Fri. Jan. 16
Sat. Jan. 17
Jerry Dolkowski, Dennis Wagener
Joyce Muchler, Pete Kelly, Barbara
Dolkowski, Valerie Maravolo
Rachel Tuzinsky, Barb & BJ Hynes,
Denise Putnam
Ginny & Clarence Kroll, Carolyn Crabbe,
Joe Lubig, Donna Jones
Jan Altermatt, Kathy Kuna, Kevin Miceli
Lynn Pfaff, Karen Nouhan, Steve & Pat
Kathy Stegmaier, Tom Askew
Adult Education and Formation
Faith and Service - From Sr. Joyce
Childcare Offered
Childcare is now being offered at St. Mary
Magdalen on Monday and Thursday evenings. Parents who wish to attend classes, meetings or other
offerings on these evenings will be able to take advantage of this service. You MUST register your
child at least a day in advance. NO last minute
walk ins will be accepted.
St. Mary Magdalen’s Seniors 50+ Group
We will be gathering monthly in 2015 for prayer, fun, enrichment, and fellowship. Mark your calendars for Thursdays, January 15 and February 19,
1-3 pm here at Church.
Winter Family Fun Night
Everyone! Mark your calendars for a faith-filled and
winter-fun filled “Fun Night”, Saturday, January 17.
We will begin the evening with 4:30 pm Youth Participation Mass. A soup supper will follow along
with a variety of action games, cards, and Board
games in various rooms.
The Disney movie
“Frozen” will be shown about 6:15 pm. Hot cocoa,
snacks and conversations will go throughout the
evening. Please see the sign ups at the Community
Life Board and the Youth Board if you are attending
and can bring a food item for the evening.
Join the Tiffin, Ohio, Franciscan Sisters for an
Open House, Sunday, February 8, 2-4 pm.
This is an opportunity to: Meet the Sisters, Take a
Group Tour, Watch a 5 min. DVD, Visit a “Live Chat
Room”, Enjoy Refreshments, and Pray the Franciscan Evening Praise at 4 pm. This is my -Sr. Joyce’s
- Religious Community and I will be attending. If
you are interested and willing to give yourself to this
experience, please let me know. Families, youth,
men and women are invited.
This program is for people who are already divorced
or have filed for divorce, not those considering divorce. It is co-hosted by the Livingston Region
Catholic parishes and Livingston County Catholic
Charities. It will be held Friday evenings, 7-8:30pm
Jan. 23—March 27, 2015 here at St. Mary Magdalen. Call Sr. Maryetta, 810.229.8624, to register.
There is a $10 fee for program materials.
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JANUARY 11, 2015
Two Feet of Love in Action
Charity and Justice Invites You
January 22, 2015 7:00pm to 9:00 pm
“I gave a charitable gift at Christmas…is this what
Jesus wants from me?”
“We just had so much stuff and so much food at
Christmas…I wish I could share some of it with
the poor.”
“I think about the disabled and homeless and
wish there was something I could do to help.”
Deacon Devon will lead Two Feet of Love in Action, a
program developed by the US Bishops. This program
will help us truly understand what Jesus asks of us in
modern and concrete terms. Please join the Charity
and Justice Ministry Team as we discuss the difference and need for both charity and justice in our society.
Charity and justice are two different, but complimentary, ways that we can act in response to God’s love.
We call these the “Two Feet of Love in Action.”
These two feet, “Social Justice” and “Charitable
Works”, allow us to walk the path of love.
This path is a lifelong journey of growth. Just as our
faith leads to action, our loving actions lead to new
spiritual growth. This action is not taken alone, but
together with others. In this way, we work to make
God’s kingdom present on earth.
Hope to see you there…no registration is required.
Ready, Set, Pack!!! That’s right. We have scheduled
our next packing event for Kids Against Hunger. Saturday, February 14th at St. Mary Magdalen. We will
run two shifts on that day.
Set-up is 8:00 am = 8 volunteers
Shift 1: 9-11 = 150 volunteers
Shift 2: 11-1 = 150 volunteers
Sign up sheets will be available next week in the gathering area. Ages 5 and up are welcome. Children 5
to 10 will need to be paired with an adult at the packing station. Please plan on arriving 15 minutes before
your scheduled time for instruction and prep.
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Saint Mary Magdalen
2201 Old US 23 Highway
Brighton, MI 48114
Office Phone:
Preschool Phone:
(810) 229-8624
(810) 229-6471
(810) 229-0010
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Pastor: Fr. David F. Howell
Permanent Deacons: H. David Scharf, James Chevalier,
Gary Prise, Devon Wolfe
Pastoral Ministers: Sr. Maryetta Churches, O.P., Sr. Joyce
Hoile, O.S.F (Adult Formation & Evangelization)
Director of Faith Formation: Mary Mahar
Formation Administrative Assistant: Karen MacDonald
Director of R.C.I.A. & Liturgist: Diane Kubus
Youth Ministry: Margaret Callaghan
Youth Ministry Assistant: Stasia Eisenhut
Director of Music: Steven H. Schulte
Director of Pre-School: Kathie Anderer
Parish Secretaries: Debbie Dehanke, Sandi Phillips,
Jillian Killian
Bookkeeper: Dave Wisniewski
Facilities Team: Dan Tuthill, Kathy Gehring, Mark Wolf
The Bishops of Michigan have declared this
liturgical year as the Year for Marriage. Here at St.
Mary Magdalen we are planning a series of events
and opportunities throughout the year aimed at honoring, strengthening, and building fulfilling marriages in our parish. Devon and Erin Wolfe will be coordinating these activities which will be guided by a
Year for Marriage working group. If you would like
to serve on this working group, or if you have any
other questions about marriage or marriage resources, please contact Deacon Devon.
Upcoming Marriage Enrichment Calendar
These are Marriage Enrichment events for the next
three months. You can find a full listing for the year,
as well as a short description of each program and
a weblink by clicking on the Year for Marriage logo
on the St. Mary Magdalen website.
Sacramental Information:
Weekend Liturgies: Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 9 & 11 am
Weekday Liturgies: 9:00 am Monday, Thursday, Friday
7:00 pm Wednesday
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon
Infant Baptism: Erin Wolfe
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact the office at least
nine months prior to wedding date.
January 16-17, 2015: Second Half Weekend
Workshop, Chelsea
Livingston Vicariate-MISSION 2015
The Lord is Risen, Do You Believe?
Sunday, January 25
Are You In or Just Playing Church?
February 28, 2015: We Care 2, St. Patrick
Church, Brighton - 9am to 1pm
Monday, January 26
Why Our Faith Has Made Little Sense Thus Far
Tuesday, January 27
Are We Committed to Truth or Lies?
Wednesday, January 28
Becoming a Disciple of Christ
Four nights of sound, practical and motivational teachings
that will not only help us to understand what we do as
Catholics but also lead us to the transforming power of a
viable relationship with Christ.
We want to move ourselves from a boring, obligatory faith
to a life-giving, healing faith centered on a relationship with
Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
ALL Seniors, Adults, Young Adults & Teens are Invited
January 16, 2015 for eight weeks: Eight Great
Dates at St. Mary Magdalen
January 23, 2015: Retrouvaille Weekend, DeWitt
February 7, 2015: Marriage Conference,
St. Patrick Church, Brighton
March 20-22, 2015: Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend, Lansing
March 28, 2015: Theology of the Body Conference
Day, St Patrick Church, Ann Arbor
Save the Date - Feb., 7, 2015
5th annual Marriage Enrichment conference
“Marriage … Faith and Finances”
Presented by “I Do for Life” Marriage Ministry
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Brighton MI
Featured speakers: Randy & Therese Cirner and
Thomas Zordani. To register: www.idoforlife.org
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Men’s Retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center
Jan. 16-18, 2015
Theme: “Jesus Invites Us to Put Our Lives Together”
and further Commandments for Living as Disciples
Over the Long Haul. To register call Deacon Jim
Chevalier 810.229.9734 at home or 810.229.8624 at
the office, or the Retreat Center 517.669.8321, or
website www.stfrancis.ws. Suggested donation is
JANUARY 11, 2015
Mon. 1/12
Tue. 1/13
Wed. 1/14
Thu. 1/15
Fri. 1/16
Sat. 1/17
Sun. 1/18
8:30 pm
7-9:00 pm
11:00 am
8:30 pm
Men’s Basketball
Hartland B’Ball
Troop 385
Hartland B’Ball
Men’s Basketball
8:30 am
10-12 pm
6:00 pm
9:00 am
7:00 pm
Boot Camp
Special Olympics
Family Fun Night
Family Program
Youth Group
Please consider joining us for our second year of making birthday cards for Meals On Wheels clients. Last year our goal
was 300 cards and our generous card makers more than doubled that number. We meet the second Tuesday of each
month, which will be Tuesday, January 13 at 1 p.m. in the East Room. Cost is $5 and includes all materials to make three
cards. It is asked that you donate one birthday card to Meals On Wheels. This is an easy class, anyone can do it! Bring a
friend and have fun while sharing your time and talent to bring some birthday cheer to a Meals On Wheels client. Registration is needed to plan for adequate materials. To register, or for more information, call Pam at 810-772-8252.