Welcome to Nute Ridge Bible Chapel II! Keep Our Military


Welcome to Nute Ridge Bible Chapel II! Keep Our Military
Welcome to Nute Ridge Bible Chapel II!
Please feel free to call on our pastoral staff at any time:
Sr. Pastor Bob Walsh (Alice Walsh organist) **** Phone 652-7080
e-mail: bobal27@myfairpoint.net
Associate Pastor Kevin Mikoski (Bonnie)****Phone 335-4662
Associate Pastor Richard Arnold (Leatha)****Phone 988-7106
Sunday Worship Hours 8:30 & 11:00 AM; Sunday School for all ages 9:45
Summer Hours: Worship at 8:30 & 10:15. (No Sunday School)
Visit us on the internet: www.nute-chapel.org
But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He
appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like a launderer’s soap. He will
sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and
purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering
in righteousness. Malachi 3:2-3 NKJV
March 1st, 2015
HYMN # 46 God Leads Us Along (All)
2ND HYMN – 8:30 & 11:00 – #29 Glorify Thy Name
RESPONSIVE READING – # 509 My Life, My Joy, My All
At 11:00 children invited into the Assembly Room for Jr. Church
ages 5 to 12. Nursery also available– Infant to toddlers (age 4)
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly
xxxor of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”. – II Cor. 9:7
OFFERTORY MUSIC – Song selection by Mrs. Alice Walsh
SP MUSIC – Mr. Andy Crone and AJ. “He’s Still Working on Me”
MESSAGE: “How to Keep Your Cool When the Heat Is On”
Daniel 3:13-30 (1022); Malachi 3:3 (1106) (This is Part 2)
CLOSING HYMN – # 473 Victory In Jesus
Keep Our Military Enveloped In Prayer
Christian Radio: Preaching, Teaching & Music @ 88.7 FM, 91.7 FM, 105.9
FM Christian Contemporary Music @ 89.3 FM and 106.5 FM
Online Listening @ www.bbnradio.org and www.wsew.org
Monthly Activities
Communion Table – Due to the upcoming holiday and other scheduling issues,
for the months of March and April this year, we will be celebrating the Lord’s
Table on the second Sunday of these months.
Pot Luck Supper at Little River Church – Next Saturday, March 7th at 5:15.
This Pot-Luck Supper will be followed by Ted Fish in Concert at 6:00. FMI
call Pastor Dave Maguire @ 1-207-457-1899.
Testimony from the Mission Field in Kenya, Africa. This coming Wed.
evening at our Prayer Meeting, Mrs. Bonnie Mikoski will be sharing with us her
experience from her recent short term mission trip. Begins @ 6:30. Chapel I
A “Ladies Day Apart” – A one-day Woman’s conference in Derry on Fri.,
Apr.17 or Sat. April 18th. Pre-registration required. Cost: $30.00. Guest
Speaker – Lysa TerKeurst. FMI see forms on bulletin board in vestibule.
Some dates to plan ahead for:
Wednesday, April 1 – Special Passover “Seder” Service
(Come share a “Seder Experience”. Sign-up begins next Sunday.)
Friday, April 3 – Noontime Good Friday Service (Chapel I)
Sunday, April 5 – Sunrise Service – 6:00 AM (Lord’s Hill)
Sunrise Breakfast – 6:30 (after Sunrise Service)
Resurrection Sunday Services – 8:30 & 11:00.
Adversity and Trials
A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the
white heat of the furnace to become porcelain.
Mildred Witte Struven, Bits and Pieces, September 19, 1991, p.6.
In adversity we usually want God to do a removing job when He wants to do an
improving job. To realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the storm.
Source Unknown.
God brings men into deep waters not to drown them but to cleanse them.
Source Unknown
Weekly Activities & Bible Studies
Child Care Schedule
Melissa Lemke
Jen Crone
Bruce Welch
Sheila Welch
Paula Pero
Julia Cook
Danielle Fuller
Julie Garry
Sunday, 3:00 – 6:00 – Faith Bible Classes
Wednesday, 9:00AM, Woman’s Bible Study
Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 7:30, – Missionary Experience from Orphanage.
Men’s Bible Study - Thursday evenings. (On hold until we get caught up)
AWANA & Youth Group – Friday evenings 6:30 – 8:00
RBC Booklet of the month: “When God Says No”
Please also pick up your next Daily Breads
Message Next Week – “60 Hours beginning in the Upper Room.”
Greeters (Ministry of First Impressions)
8:30 – Mrs. Deadra D’Addeo
11:00 –
Brianna R.
Althea B.
Will R.
Curtis G