Resurrection Report From the Pastor Volume 31, Issue 10 — October 2014


Resurrection Report From the Pastor Volume 31, Issue 10 — October 2014
Resurrection Report
Volume 31, Issue 10 — October 2014
“Bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Community through Word, Deed, Education, and Worship.”
Of my years, and heart, and soul, and life,
and bonds, and hopes, and trust.
That years would give way to wisdom
And fading sight would give way to knowing.
From the Pastor
Rev. William H. Smith
It is autumn Lord, and I know it
In the perfume of the air.
In its gusting whistles and shallow
It falls tumbling and tripping from
the trees
And I realize that summer has
Even now, especially now, may there bloom
In this frame, in this path, in these changes
The unbroken heart of hope in your promises,
A restful faith, a restful trust in you that is more than me,
The fire of your love to drive the chill from my heart and
And the restoration and resolution of bonds.
That I may bear the fruit of autumn
In your garden
For you.
It is autumn Lord, and I know it in my frame.
Strength that I knew has left me
And ability that I depended on has faded.
It is autumn Lord, and I know it in my path.
Choices made. Opportunities take. Or otherwise.
There are things that can now be no other way
And possibilities have given way to the way I have chosen.
Sunday Worship Schedule
Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:45 AM
Worship with Communion Every
It is autumn Lord, and I know it in the changes.
Not the changes of spring’s excitement
These are not longed for, perhaps delayable, but
They are as unstoppable as the seasons and as predictable
And too often, far too often, the color and warmth go with
It is autumn Lord, and like autumn
I am sometimes warm with remembrance
I am sometimes chilled with worry.
Sometimes it feels like winter is all that waits
As if the seasons are spent in me
In my years. In my heart. In my soul. In my life.
In my bonds. In my hopes. In my trust of you.
Sunday School for all ages @ 9:45AM
each Sunday
Church Council Members and
Ministry Team Leaders
Pastor—Rev. William H.
Council President-Dave Ibe
Vice President—Andrea
Council Secretary—Ronda
But then you Lord are Lord of all seasons.
And so I call to you with this shallow whisper
And I come to you tumbling and tripping
Asking to hear you speak.
Youth—Dana Stonebraker
VACANT—Social Ministry
VACANT—Worship &
Treasurer—Mike Devine
At Large 1—Brenda
Associate in Ministry—Barb
Fellowship—Sally Marsh
Discipleship -Doug Marsh
Financial Secretary—Ben
At Large 2—Bill Braun
Gather these racked and windblown piles
Property -- John Phillips
do this for a living. It is purely a way for me to
center, relax and unwind. Slowing down and
self-care are essential for all of us no matter how
tough we think we are.
She’s baaaaack!
es, I have returned from my awesome time
of rest and renewal. Thank you for allowing
me to enjoy this break, sleep well, travel some,
study some and play in the clay. As part of my
reentry into the life of RLC, I have formed a post
sabbatical team to be my sounding board and to
keep me accountable so that I do not fall back
into some old bad habits. Thanks to Steve Kaduk, Ed Goebel, and Sherri Buchmeier for being
my guiding lights. I am also taking a Tai Chi
class so that I can stay relaxed and I am scheduling time to work in my garage on my pottery. I
learned tons of things about clay and new ways
to make pots while in Santa Fe. While I love creating in this way, I could not, nor do I want to
I also found out that no matter where I go people feel safe in telling me their story, just ask Judy Berggren.
God continues to be with me wherever I go and
whatever I do. He continues to call me to service
here at Resurrection with you. I missed everyone, I missed worshiping with you all, I even
missed some of the chaos! Deep breath
in….breath out….deep breath in….breath out!
Barb Limbach
What’s Happening with the Youth @ RLC
hank you to all
who helped with Mud Olympics this year. We
really appreciated the time for fun and muddy fellowship! The youth had a fabulous time! Check out
all of the pictures of our youth and their friends during the event.
The smiles on their faces are priceless!
The pictures are displayed on the kiosk just outside
of the sanctuary.
Youth Team Meeting Notice:
Youth Ministry Team will meet
Sunday, October 5th after second service from 12:00
to 1:00 pm.
Pancake Breakfast
he Youth will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast
Fundraiser on Sunday, October 12th between services (9:45—10:30 am) in the fellowship area. The
youth will be serving a family style meal with pancakes, sausage, fruit and drinks. Activities are planned
for all ages. Free will donations. (Suggested donations
are $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for children under 10.)
Please sign up at the welcome center. Proceeds will go towards the cost of 2015 ELCA
Youth Gathering in Detroit.
outh will be playing paintball at the Laotto Plex
on Sunday, October 19th from 1:00—4:00 pm.
The Laotto Plex has been voted Indiana’s best paintball facility. Weather permitting, we will play outside. Dressing in layers is recommended. Cost to
play will be $10 per person and includes entry fee,
equipment, and 500 piece ammo pack. Youth will
need to bring a sack lunch to eat at the church prior to
driving to the Plex. Hope to see you there!
Youth Continued...
Blessing of the Animals
at RLC
Pastry Sales
he Youth of Resurrection will be selling delicious Butter Braid
Pastries as a fundraiser. Our youth program will receive a 40%
profit on all items sold. If you have never tasted these pastries, you
are in for a real treat. They freeze well, so be sure to buy enough for
all of the approaching holidays. Just look for the youth at a table taking pre-orders before and after church services, October 19, 26, & November 2. Your orders will be ready for pick-up before Thanksgiving.
Checks made payable to RLC.
Please write youth on memo line.
RLC 30th Anniversary Celebration
October 4 & 5
n Saturday we will be having an 80’s dinner at church at 5:30 PM.
Wear clothes from the 80’s and enjoy trivia from the 80’s and food
made popular in the 80’s.
We will be enjoying 80’s music played on a record player while a silent
film from the 80’s is played on the screens.
There will be a drawing for cash prizes for qualifying 80’s trivia.
We will also have toys and memorabilia from the 80’s to enjoy.
Dinner will be around 6 PM.
Sign ups are in the welcome center to bring food and
attend. Also a little help for set up and decorating
may be needed.
If you have any questions, please contact Victoria
Boyd-Devine, Carolyn Johnson or Joni Tisher.
Sunday, October 5, Pastors Van Gundy and Smith
will be officiating together and there will be a fellowship hour between services.
Saturday, October 11th @
10:00 am
Fall Fest and
elp RLC celebrate all things
fall! Join us on Saturday,
October 18th for Fall Fest. Bring
the entire family to enjoy balloon
art, a costume parade, crafts,
games, a light supper, and trunk
or treating! Be sure to wear your
Halloween costumes for this funfilled family event!
Trunk-or-Treating will begin
around 6:30 pm, and we need volunteers who want to make children smile! To volunteer, sign up
in the Welcome Center. Don’t
want to use your trunk? A homemade station or card table works
just fine. Weather permitting, the
event will be held outside. If you
are unable to volunteer for a trunk
or station, PLEASE consider donating candy to pass out to the
Direct any questions to
Sally Marsh:
HUGE thank you to everyone who helped with Rally day/Free Market Day/Volunteer signup
Day/Mud Olympics Day!!! I will not try to name everyone who helped because it was a LOT of
folks. But thanks to those who helped set up (it took days); those who helped tear it down/clean up
(it took hours); those who had booths; those who bought, fixed, served
and cleaned up the food; those who donated prizes; and those who
came and participated in any way. It was a good day made great by
everyone who came and joined in on the festivities!
Thanks so much !
Let me introduce…...Julie Campati
Project Night
Julie is the new Administrative Assistant here at Resurrection.
She is married and has two adult children. Julie attends Pine
Hills Church and has jumped in with both feet and is quickly
getting a taste of life at RLC. She has gone to training for our
database software and is working diligently on getting familiar
with creating bulletins and the Sunday morning PowerPoints.
Soon she will be tackling the newsletter.
Come one, come all to project
night! We meet once each month
to work on any project you may
have. This can include, but is not
limited to, scrap booking, photo
album stuffing, knitting, sewing,
paying bills, dog combing, ironing, or just a night out to chat!
Julie will be working 10:00 am—2:00 pm—Monday thru Friday.
Change in status…..Dana Stonebraker
We meet at my home at 18788
Herons Nest Cove, Huntertown,
IN 46748 at 6:30 pm.
Dana has been a member here at RLC for 13 years and has been
accompanying the choir since 2001. She also served on the call
committee when we called Pastor Smith. She has been the Youth
Team Leader for the past two years. While we are transitioning,
the Youth Directors job after Cassandra resigned, Dana has
agreed to take a larger role in the planning and interaction with
the youth.
We will meet the following dates:
10/7, 11/11 & 12/9
Dana has been married to her husband Ben (retired computer
programmer teacher at Ivy Tech) for over 10 years and has two
adult daughters, Laura 22-who sings in the choir, recently
graduated with a Biology/Chemistry degree and is looking for
gainful employment, and Cara, 20, a junior at IU majoring in
English/Creative writing and Spanish and will be studying at
Oxford in England starting in October.
Dana has been discerning through prayer and discussion for
some time a call to full time work as an Associate in Ministry in
the ELCA. To that end, she has begun the candidacy process.
This takes about 3 years. She feels a strong pull to support and
nurture the youth of our community and asks for your
continued prayers, acceptance, love and support as she balances
her part time work at Exelis as an Engineer, her work here with
the youth, and her studies and continued discernment as she
works through the rostering process.
Bring comfy clothes, a beach towel,
yoga or exercise mat, drink and two
hand weights.
Super Shot/
esurrection is proud to
host Super Shot here each
month. Well now you too can
reap the benefits of being a
Super Shot site. At the October
clinic (October 16th), the
3rd Thursday of the month,
Walgreens is partnering with
Super Shot to offer flu shots for
azzercise continues at RLC! The
group meets on Sundays at 4:00
pm and Wednesdays at 5:45 pm.
Cost is $5 per class or $25 per month.
Join anytime!
adults – for FREE. This benefit
is open to all members of
Resurrection and its staff. The
clinic runs from 4 – 7pm. So if
you need a flu shot this is the
place to be.
Articles for the
Newsletter are due
on Monday, October
20. Email your
article to Julie at
Wine & Canvas
Save the Date: November 8, 6:30—8:30 pm
e will be having a Wine & Canvas
night at RLC. There will be flyers in
the Welcome Center that will have all the
information needed to register. The event is
a fundraiser to help the Youth group finance
their trip to the National ECA Youth Gathering in 2015. The cost is $35.00 per person
and the first $10.00 is donated to the
youth! The more we have the bigger the donation gets! Oh and don't forget bring your
own wine!
Huntertown Parade
esurrection’s float wins a prize! Congrats to
the Gibson's and all of their helpers as Resurrection won 2nd place for its theme float in the
Huntertown Parade.
Glennie Monroe 615-0323.
Bibles for Your Children
e at Resurrection have committed to make sure that your
children have age appropriate bibles as they get older but
we need your help! If your child is 3 years old through 1st grade
and they do not have a “Spark” bible, OR if your child is in 6th
through 8th grade and they do not have a “Teen Study” bible,
OR if your child is in high school and does not have the
“Lutheran Study” bible, (pictures below) then please call the
office (637-5900) or sign up in the welcome center. We will
be giving out bibles on October 12th during both services.
We need to know how many of each kind of bible to have on
hand for that day so please call up or sign up by October 5th
so we have enough for everyone!
Here is what the Bibles look like:
Rally Day
Lutheran Bible Translators
Babel. The story was read in Setswana, Afrikaans, and—for the first time ever-Khwedam.
(This is where 1/2 of the penny collection is sent)
The storyteller explained to the children what
a tower was, because most had never seen
Bible in the Khwedam language has trans- building more than two stories tall. Visiting
formed one of the world’s out of the way plac- team members were fascinated that they could
es. In June, a Crossroads team—four young
follow the story by the storyteller’s hand gespeople interested in career missions plus two
tures even though they didn’t speak the lanLBT staff members—joined LBT missionary
Rev. Tim Beckendorf in Shakawe, Botswana.
After the reading, the children got up to wanTogether they ferried across the Okavango
der and the adults continued with the service.
River and drove another 30 minutes over sand
Animated discussion took place in four lanroads to the Khwe village of Kapatura, a place
guages as everyone worked together to underfew other foreigners would ever see.
stand the Scripture passage. A local missionAt 10 a.m., the local pastor, Michael, rang a
ary translated so the team could follow the disbell, proclaiming, “Come for the Bread” in the cussion.
Khwedam language. People, donkeys, cattle,
The Crossroads team saw God working in the
and dogs, became intermingled as the Khwe
language the people knew best. They witgathered under a tree for the meeting.
nessed the Khwe people’s remarkable diliThe service began a half hour later with sing- gence to cross-reference with other Scripture to
ing in Khwedam and Setswana. Between
help them understand the passage at hand.
songs, people buried their noses in their bibles, They observed a church, guided by their Khwe
checking to be sure the lyrics of each song
pastor, working together to understand Scripaligned with the Scripture. The last song, in
Khwedam, was based on Psalm 119: “Thy
Pastor Michael closed with a short sermon
Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet.” The visiting
and prayer. Those in attendance were encourteam sang a song in English based on the same
aged to share the story of the week with their
Scripture. “See, in America or in Kapatura,”
friends and family members. This would
the pastor said, “in Setswana, English, or
make it possible to reach even more people
Khwedam, it is one Bible and God’s one true
with God’s Word in the Khwedam language.
Word.” This fellowship with God’s people
After the service, everyone shook hands and
across cultures and languages was a meaningsaid goodbye: ‘Shaka kara oo’(go well), reful experience for team members.
turned the ‘Shaka kara ee’ (stay well). The
The meeting continued with prayers for the
team left the village with many new friends
gathering and for the village children, who
and a much deeper understanding of why
would travel 1,000 km the next day to attend
God’s Word is so much more
school. Pastor Michael then read the children’s
powerful in the heart language of
lesson for the day: the story of the Tower of
the people hearing it.
Susan Soden
Luke Randall
Hudson DeKoninck
John Phillips
Bruce Exner
We are also very pleased to introduce you to the Apostle Build family:
Cynthia Bratton. Cynthia works at Anthony
Wayne Services (AWS) as a Group Home
Trainer and has been there since 2007. She
has two daughters who are 15 and 6.
Craig Beck
Dan Bauer
Sue Smith
Kaylah Snyder
Cynthia heard about Habitat through family
and friends. She decided to apply to get off
Section 8 and have a place of her own. Her goal is to be in her home
within 6 - 9 months of starting the program (she was approved in February 2014). Cynthia and her daughters enjoy camping and bike riding. They are all looking forward to having their own rooms and more
Sara Snyder
Ryan Collins
Zura Eby
Heather Elwood
Eldon Anderson
Ronald Chesser
Grace Bodenstein
Steve Kaduk
Evan Holman
Sharon Redders
Connie Mittler
Brian Wessley
Pati Krauter
Cory Wiebke
Yvonne Anderson
Alissa Hitzeman
Declan Popovich
Habitat Apostle Build
he Habitat Apostle Build is underway! We are providing breakfast and lunch on Tuesday October 14th. We need monetary donations to purchase food for up to 25 workers. Please make checks
payable to RLC and put Habitat on the memo or envelope. You may
also put cash in the church bird house in the gathering space! The extra
cash will be used for a housewarming gift! If you can help with delivering lunch on the 14th please contact Karen Cook.
or the past few years, we have been sending out goodie-filled
care packages to our college students to help them get through
their finals. This year, we would like to try something a little bit different. This year, we would like to try placing several empty boxes,
each containing the address of an RLC
college student, on the Welcome Center table. Any member of the congregation can take a box, fill it with any
goodies that a college student might
enjoy during finals week, and mail it
to the address in the second week of
November. This will be a great way of
letting the students know that we are
thinking of them during finals. If you
have any questions, contact Amy
Monroe Cook (260-615-3763) or Glennie Monroe (260-615-0323)
Chase Kyle
Pat GeRue
Lorah Weesner
Adam Ibe
October Birthdays
Read Your Bible
Bible Study Update!
Park Update
ctober’s Read your Bible Bible
Study will be cancelled for the
month of October so that Pastor can be
home to help care for Sue as she
recovers from surgery. We will pick the
conversation up again in November
with the book of
Acts. Same date,
November 11th),
same time, same
Thank You
Thank you for the donation of books for
Kate’s Kart. We truly appreciate your
continued support. Thank you for helping us bring smiles to hospitalized
he Park team continues to meet and plan work
days so that we can continue to improve the
features that are available out back. To that end I
am pleased to announce that Carolyn Johnson is
heading up a team of folks to plan and build a Labyrinth toward the back of the park. A labyrinth is a
way of meditating for those of us who just can’t
stand still. You walk the path to find peace and
time to talk to and listen to God. Early on we decided that the thing that would make our park special
is that not only would we have park features but we
would have faith features. So at the fitness stations
there are bible passages for you to contemplate
while you work out. Now we move toward building a labyrinth as another way for you to connect to
God in nature.
Watch the announcements etc.
for ways that you
can be involved.
Resurrection Connection
Book Club
ednesday, October 8
Best Ghost Stories
Ever Told
by Stephan Brennan
Hostess: Linda Conkle
3915 Ricker Road
New Haven, IN 46774
Please RSVP to Linda
Please RSVP either way!
Questions call Beth
Bigham at 637-6379
Our meetings begin
7:00 pm.
Join us. New members are always
Euchre Group
unday, October 12 at 6:30 pm
Hosts: Linda and Mike
October Euchre Group will be at
New Players always
Please bring a snack to
RSVP to Mike & Linda:
The Lunch Bunch
Bring a friend to our monthly
Lunch Bunch! We meet at different
restaurants on the 3rd Friday of the
month. Get on the list—call Barb
Helberg at 637-9597 or Lela Dunn at
637-6736. Our next lunch will be on
October 17 at 11:30 am!
Location: Ruby Tuesday
Cooking Class—There is a cooking
class being held on October 29 from
6:00-8:00 pm at Carroll High School in
the Culinary Arts Dept. Call Pati
Krauter @ 637-0950 with any questions. Sign-up will be in the Welcome
Accessories for Hope
October Anniversaries
Accessories for Hope is a social enterprise dedicated
to raising awareness about the fastest growing crime
on the planet, human trafficking.
Duane & Lynn Dennis
Dan & Carolyn Exner
Through events called Freedom Parties, education is
provided about modern-day slavery. Beautifully
hand-crafted accessories, made by those rescued
from slavery, are available for purchase at the party.
Tim & Cara Bollinger
Jon & Connie Mittler
It’s a party with a purpose! Use your buying power
to become a modern-day abolitionist!
Micah & Nicole Oliver
Brenda Mundroff attended an Accessories for Hope
Party in June and felt compelled to share this
opportunity to learn and support this mission. She
hopes you will join her on Sunday, October 26th at 2
PM at Church to meet Sherry Searles, the driving
force behind this mission, and learn more about
modern-day slavery and how you can help. (find out
more at
Karl & Sonia Schwantes
Michael & Christina Gibson
Ben & Ashlie Bartelt
Remember—when you purchase an accessory, you
become an accessory...for Hope!
(Disclaimer—as hostess for this party, Brenda
receives no benefit except the satisfaction of helping
to further this cause.)
Deborah Nolan
Susann DeSilva
The Myers Family
Ginny Stebing
Kurt Chelius
Dorothy Baccari
Vickie Hill
Sherry Woodward
David Newcomb
Jackie Krajewski
Chuck Hayward
Jane Greener
Aurora Truelove
Ken Schaefer
Elizabeth McCune
Kathy Davis
Rob Mundroff
Al Simerman
Reva Hartman
James O’Connor
George Phillips
Rich Laux
Mathew Evans
Amanda Kelly
Cohen Smith
Carole Tulley
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the quilts. The residents
love them. They are very cheerful & pretty.
They are also warm & very needed. We are glad
you thought of us.
The Residents & Staff of Life Care
Chuck Lane
Gary Groves
Lieselotte Keene
Karen Brabender
Georgia Hallmark
Randy Janssen
George Walsh
Bob Hallmark
Jeff Peters
Jack McNeal
Dwight Moudy
Mark Schenk
Mike Reinking
Laura Shindler
Tammy LeBlanc
Clara Shelton
John Phillips
Roger Gorsich
Bill Floyd
Donna Pratt
Matt Walsh
Lisa Wolf
Eva Fry
Jo Snow-Decker
Justin Lake
Sharlene Gill
Eulene Nurse
Kathy Burke
14318 Lima Road
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46818
Rev. William H. Smith
Barb Limbach
Julie Campati
Church Office Hours:
10:00 am — 2:00 pm
After church hours? — Leave a message or
call Pastor Smith at 260-409-6971
Monday—Friday 10am—2pm
Monday & Wednesday, 9 am—1 pm
Sunday, 8am—7 pm
Monday—Thursday , 9am—4 pm
Sunday, 7:30 am—1 pm
Pastor Smith
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday-Sermon prep day—Out of Office
Thursday, 10:30 am—3pm
Nursing home worship 4pm—5pm
Sunday, all day @ RLC
RLC Hosts Blood Drive
he blood drive is quickly approaching! Sign
up to give blood at Resurrection to benefit
the American Red Cross.
The blood drive is on
Tuesday, November 11
from 4 to 7 pm. Call
Resurrection at 637-5900 or
Sally Marsh at 385-8819 to
set up an appointment.
Church Financial
August 2014
Discipleship Committee
Operating Income
Operating Expenses
Fiscal Year to Date (March 2014—
February 2015)
e’ve been meeting regularly to create & expand
discipleship at Resurrection and in the community.
Here are some of the attributes of a disciple….STEWARD,
name a few. Look for more communication to come in the
future on how you can support our mission. Are you a
disciple of Resurrection or just a member?
Discipleship Committee:
Bishop Brown, Victoria Boyd-Devine, Doug Marsh, Tom
Monroe & Rob Mundroff
Operating Income
Operating Expenses