Dear Aspen members, partners and friends
Dear Aspen members, partners and friends
Newsletter Newsletter Dear Aspen members, partners and friends, FROM THE BEGINNING of its activity, Aspen Institute Romania was founded with the clear objective of linking creative energies and vision in the Romanian society to the idea of the good society. ingful, enlightened dialogue and non-partisan debate in this country. We set an agenda developing crucial policy content and leadership capacity. Leading corporations and businesses as well as leaders from the private and public sectors joined in this project. What unites us is the profound desire to change this country and maximize the benefits this society gets from a credible path towards economic and social development. Not only is our work focused on supporting enlightened leadership but also we try to keep a moral compass at the heart of our activity. What each and every one of us stands for is a constant personal discovery. The moral compass is something that needs constant reflection. Maybe this is the most important role we play as values based institution: providing a venue for such a perspective. Before the summer break we will have a major conference bringing a direct input into the emerging new NATO strategic concept. Focusing on Cyber Defense we are bridging the world of business and government. By strengthening the cooperative approach in this field we can have a practical role in the security debate. By tackling with the right sense of urgency a complex issue at the heart of contemporary efforts designed to maintain and renew the role the Atlantic Alliance we are in fact linking to similar work in Mircea Geoană, President Aspen Institute Romania Using our resources as well as the powerful influence of the Aspen Institutes Network we aimed to make Aspen Institute Romania the foremost space for mean- Aspen Romania is about to conclude a very busy few months, which have set high standards and framed our strategic orientation until and beyond the end of this year. We are now ready for better and more! WE HAVE LOOKED at government budget planning together with Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu and debated the relation between ethics and business after the crisis. We have analysed employment policies and the Aspen International Network. The current global, regional and national context is serious. This is why for the second part of the year we have programmed a European economic governance forum. For three days with our guests we will look at the nature of the crisis and its challenges. The objective will be to confirm whether an east to west perspective may be relevant to decision makers in members states and in Brussels alike. We will consider how can Polish, Romanian or Hungarian experiences of the post Lisbon Europe be of common use. Our Young Leaders Program should be to all of us a source of pride. This growing group of talented and driven young men and women is increasingly diverse and more regional. Their role and capacity in shaping the society is gaining weight with their numbers. I have joined the latest group in Susai and besides having a lively debate it gave me an opportunity to remember the importance of the Aspen Seminar. Let me also remind you that the entire Aspen Network is in fast gear. From the important intellectual efforts of Aspen Institute Italia and its contributors to help keep the EU on top of the crisis, to the newly announced Partners for a New Beginning Initiative that links Aspen Institute and the State Department to the Muslim world and the peace process in the Middle East our fellow Aspen members are bringing a sizable contribution. This is Aspen Institute Romania and this is the network we belong to. It means constant work and engagement. We accomplished together a lot and yet we have lots more to do. It is well worth it! Both for the intellectual company and the sense of moral direction our common work provides constantly. June - September 2010 Inside Page 2 Corporate News New Leadership, New Members Page 3 Upcoming Events Cyber Defence in the Context of the New NATO Strategic Concept Page 4 Past Events Social Inclusion – Matching Needs and Goals. The Case of Employment Policy Page 5 Past Events Working Lunch with Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu Page 6 Young Leaders Courage and Capacity to Change All the best, Agenda Highlights launched an important initiative in human rights education. We are bringing business, government and international partners together to make a valuable contribution on NATO Cyber Defense. For the autumn we are planning to bring to the attention of decision makers in Brussels and European capitals the perspective on economic governance of new EU member states. We will also be looking at how falling media revenues impact ethics in the industry and search for viable business solutions to secure its relevance and independence. Our Young Leaders Programme continues with a new capable and determined generation from countries in the region, as the Fellows Network is at its turn developing ever more ambitious projects. We are also exploring new opportunities of cooperation with our partner Aspen Institutes. We are honoured to respond to a call from Aspen Italia to facilitate an Executive briefing in Rome, June 15, for Enel Italy. We are also happy to welcome the presence of Aspen Institute VP of Policy and Public Programmes Mr. Elliot Gerson at the next board meeting on June 3 to discuss joint action. Another special guest will be Mr. Juan Pablo GarcíaBerdoy, fmr Ambassador of Spain to Romania, currently working on setting up Aspen Spain, an idea born on the occasion of the International Board Meeting in Bucharest last year. Page 7 Aspen in the World Hot Summer in Aspen: Ideas, Environment and Security Page 8 News Aspen in the Press, Our Secret Recipes, Our Partners 2 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter June - September 2010 CorporateNews Newsletter Aspen Board The last General Assembly has approved the composition of the Executive Board until 2012. PROMINENT NEW public figures have made us the honour of joining the steering body of the Aspen Institute Romania. The GA elected a new Vice President of the Executive Board Ms. Mariana Gheorghe, CEO of OMV Petrom S.A., replacing esteemed Board Member Patrick Gelin who retired from his position in Romania. As CEO of Romania’s largest private company, Ms. Gheorghe brings to the Institute proven business acumen but also a sense of long term vision. The GA also voted Mr. Steven van Groningen, President of Raiffeisen Bank as a new Aspen Romania Executive Board Member. Mr. Groningen is certainly one of the senior foreign business presences in Romania that for the past decade has put Ms. Mariana Gheorghe an important mark not only on the evolution of the Romanian business environment, but also its civic ethos. The new Aspen Executive board has Mircea Geoană, President of the Roma nian Senate, return at the head of the board for a new two years mandate, as well as VP Florin Pogonaru, (Romanian Businessmen’s Asso ciation) and VP Roberto Musneci, (Șerban & Musneci). Returning members are Nic Voiculescu, (Link Resource), Răsvan Radu, (UniCredit Țiriac Bank), Teddy Dumi trescu, (Publicis Group), Alexandra Gătej, Roma nian Presidency adviser (on leave of absence), as well as Vasile Iuga, Country Managing Part ner, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, also confirmed as treasurer of the Aspen Institute Romania. New Members of the Aspen Family of Values From leading environmentalists to multinational financial and business institutions, a number of new members both corporate and personal joined the Institute. Mr. Dragos Bucurenci Mr. Bogdan Chirițoiu Ms. Sorana Baciu Ms. Gabriela Dobrotă Mr. Dragoș Bucurenci, 28, is leader of Maimult verde environmental NGO and an awardwinning freelance journalist. Mr. Bogdan Chiriţoiu (Competition Council President), 39, is an international economy specialist who worked successively for UNDP, the European Commission Delegation to Romania, the Minister of Justice and the Presidential Administration. Ms. Sorana Baciu (OMV Petrom S.A., Corporate Development Direc tor), 39, worked for Porsche Group and founded Porsche Bank before joining Petrom in 2007, as well as for ING. Mr. Shimon Laber, President of Eurotire Manufacturing, 30, owns a tyre facility Corporate additions in Ukraine and a rubber trees plantation in Vietnam. He managed to make a profitable business out of the bankrupt SC Rotras SA Turnu Severin, producer of giant tyres. “Rescue operations” have been led by General Director Ms Gabriela Dobrotă, who previously returned other companies to profitability. The growing but extremely select group of Aspen Institute Romania corporate supporters has been joined by Intensa Sanpaolo Bank, a leading Italian-based commercial bank with a strong international presence primarily in CentralEastern Europe and Mediterranean basin, Philip Morris Trading, a business employing cca. 900 people around the country, but also a significant contributor to charitable and cultural programmes in Romania, Ducati Energia Romania, established in 2002 for the manufacture of capacitors and electrical equipment and financial/business/ management consultancy Corilius Adviser SRL. We look forward to working with their leadership teams to make their membership bring value added to Romania’s business and social development. România Mr. Steven van Groningen Aspen Success in FIC Board of Directors Most of the newly elected board of the Foreign Investors’Council are Aspen members. ON THE OCCASION of the FIC Annual General Assembly, which was held on Tuesday 18th May 2010, the new Board of Directors was elected and we are very proud that two thirds of them come from the ranks of Aspen members. We would like to congratulate Mr. Dominic Bruynseels, CEO BCR, Ms. Mariana Gheorghe, CEO OMV Petrom, Mr. Steven van Groningen, President & CEO Raiffeisen Bank, Mr. Frank Hajdinjak, CEO E.ON Romania, Ms. Claudia Pendred, Direc tor EBRD Romania, Mr. Wilhelm Simons, Part ner Assurance Leader Romania and SEE Price waterhouse Coopers, Mr. Serban Toader, Senior Partner KPMG, Mr. Jean Valvis, President & Source: General Manager Valvis Holding and Mr. Claudio Zito, President & Country Manager Enel. We are certain that our conjugated efforts will help advance our common goals in the future. The Foreign Investors Council brings together around 110 multinational companies, covering a wide variety of goods and services such as cooperation with the authorities in overcoming difficulties and obstacles which may exist in relations with foreign investors and in economic relations with other countries or promoting the interests of the international business community in Romania. 3 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter June - September 2010 UpcomingEvents Newsletter Cyber Defence in the Context of the New NATO Strategic Concept Aspen debate makes valuable contribution to defining Romania’s position within the new Alliance framework. ASPEN INSTITUTE Romania, in partnership with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, is pleased to announce the organisation of a major international conference as part of its Foreign Policy and Strategy series: “Cyber Defence in the Context of the New NATO Strategic Concept” organised on June 2, 2010 in Bucharest. The event comes only days after a high level experts group led by Aspen Institute trustee Hon. Madeleine Albright published a report on the New Strategic Concept. Yearlong project with Mobilising all stakeholders NATO support As NATO is undergoing a comprehensive process of self-redefinition and adjustment to new realities, Romania is identifying areas where it can be a key contributor to the Alliance. In this respect Aspen Institute Romania is proposing a series of activities in the field of foreign policy, designed around two core areas national interest and integrated security, to which end it has concluded a year-long partnership with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division. The permanently increa sing dependence of modern society on IT system makes it possible for an attack on one network to have a dangerous multiplier effect, at a relatively low cost for the perpetrator and to threaten directly the everyday life of regular citizens. Romanian authorities, think-tanks and academia as well as competent private corporations have already made an important contribution to the overall debate on NATO cyber Crisis in the Media The Aspen Institute Romania announces the Regional Policy Seminar and Public Conference: “Media Sector: Can Ethics Survive the Market?”. THE MEDIA SECTOR in Romania, the region and worldwide is going through difficult times, questioning and reviewing its business models, ethical and practical relevance. Digital content, social networks, Google, blogs, the increasing impact of video, the rise in consumer-gene rated content mark a shift away from established forms of communication, pose significant challenges but also offer unprecedented opportunity, generate moral concerns and require creative responses. The most exposed to negative consequences are societies where freedom of expression has a rather recent tradition. Regional perspectives on shared challenges Following the ‘Good Help Gone Wrong’ regional seminar, this second seminar in the fall aims at bringing together participants from Romania and the Central/Eastern European region to discuss the new shared challenges in the media. Editors, media managers and owners, media experts, journalists and marketers, public regulators and politicians will be focusing on a perspective on the public interest and the state of ethics in journalism. A public conference to follow in the autumn, focused on business models to overcome the current difficulties, aims at completing the debate and gaining a better understanding of the state of the profession, while generating constructive ideas to make the best of this turning point in the evolution of the industry. More details and conditions for registration you can find HERE. defence policy. This is however an ongoing process, where dialogue is the key prerequisite for making headway. In line with the Aspen Institute mission, we are proud to note that this strategic debate has been met with huge interest and for the first time has managed to assemble all relevant actors around the same table, cca 200 participants from state authorities, to the business environment and international partners from all cooperation structures. The discussions will be centered on inter- ventions by key figures from the respective sectors - George Maior, Director of The Romanian Intelligence Service; Erik Breidlid, NATO International Staff, Defence Capabilities Section, Defence Policy and Planning Division; Iulian Fota, National Security Advisor, Romanian Presidency; Paolo Campobasso, Chief Security Officer, Unicredit Group, Rome, Italy; Col (Res) Shlomo Mofaz, counterterrorism expert, fmr Israel Defense Forces Military Intelligence officer and many others. Autumn Preview 16 September “EU-NATO Shared Responsibilities in Contiguous and Frontier Areas” Roundtable addressing some of the most pressing concerns of NATO members and Romania as a border state – the challenges of border management in a regional and international context of globalization, increasing migration, terrorism threats, transnational organized crime and trafficking networks (all aggravated by a context of economic crisis). 4-5 October A Transatlantic Perspective on the Eastern Partnership Expert group discussion in partnership with the RAND Institute and the Romanian MFA. 7-9 October (tbc) “An East to West Perspective on European Economic Governance” International Forum on the views and place of the new EU member states in a post crisis European social and economic model. 10 November (tbc) “Romanian Industri alists Round Table” Involving Romanian industry in a reflexive, but also policy-recommendations generating debate on the state and perspectives of a largely neglected sector of the national economy. 26-28 November (tbc) “Media in Crisis” The second part of a debate to be launched by the Regional Seminar, looking at sustainable business models the press through difficult times. June - September 2010 PastEvents Newsletter 4 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter ReportHighlights Research presentation methods need improvement to make it more accessible to policy makers. Debates and colloquia should be followed-up by concrete and readily available documents. The main worries of the private sector regard the lack of predictability in economic policy – this should be tackled by policymakers with urgency. (left to right) HE Estanislao de Grandes Pascual, Spanish Ambassador, Mr. Gelu Duminica, “Impreuna” Association, Mr. Doru Chiribuca, Dean Sociology Dept, Babes-Bolyai University, Mr. Ashgar Zaidi, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna Social Inclusion - Matching Needs and Goals: The Case of Employment Policy The roundtable discussion, on May 7, focused on how better policy-formulation in the social field can mitigate the effects of the economic crisis. USING existing models of data management and analysis and building on the expertise of other EU member states, the event gathered think tanks, social affairs and statistics experts form government and nongovernmental institutions and the academia, national and local politicians and representatives of the social partners, together with foreign experts and practitioners. We were particularly privileged to enjoy the participation and support of the Spanish EU Presidency, represented by H.E. Ambassador Estanislao de Grandes Pascual.By looking at different case studies of implementation of relevant social programs both in Romania and the EU, our Institute hopes to achieve a set of concrete steps and projects to improve policy formulation. The conclusions of the debate are set out in a report which we hope to facilitate communication among interested entities in the public and private sectors as to their mutual expectations of each other. The debate also explored the budgetary restrictions on social programs in a context of high levels of unemployment in both the private and public sector and the options for improvement. We also focused on exploring available financing sources for better matching needs and potential partnerships between Romanian and foreign research and academic institutions. Competition in labour force training needs to be reinforced – an issue to be addressed by the trade unions and the private sector. Correlating the education system and training with the labor market is an impe rative. Spanish Presidency recommendations l reinforce the systems of social protection and promote active policies in the labor market l focus national policies on employment creation and jobs quality l prepare the economi- cally active population for future challenges and opportunities “Good Help Gone Wrong?” Regional Policy Seminar An ethical look at the financial role of governments at times of crisis: a trio of case studies - Romania, Greece and Hungary. THE ASPEN INSTITUTE Romania brought together between 26 and 28 March decision-makers, actors and stakeholders in a 3-day “Socratic seminar” to debate these issues in the larger context of perennial classical values and a longterm vision for sustainable economic development. Having the time old question of “which capitalism” at its heart, the debate focused on texts that included classical authors and new commentators in an attempt to restart the embers of a truly fun- damental debate. Moderated by Mr Florin Ilie, ING Bank Director for Equity Markets and Mr Dan Lazea, Fellow, New Europe College, the debate enjoyed meaningful contributions from, among others, Mr Sergiu Oprescu, CEO Alpha Bank Romania, Mr Catalin Pauna, Senior Economist World Bank Romania, Mr Florin Gaitanaru, CFO Alexandrion Group Romania. Among issues brought to the forefront of debate, there were such as weak state versus strong state - where is the line between efficient regulation/institutions and constraining regulation/institutions?; state and business action - are longterm goals sacrificed for the sake of immediate recovery? what are the side-effects of business ethics being marginalised in the wake of the growing struggle for mere survival?; the limits of state responsibility towards private business interests in risk - at what scale does intervention become justified? is there a renationalisation of economic policies? 5 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter June - September 2010 PastEvents Newsletter Speak Truth to Power Human Rights Educational Pilot Programme Highschool textbook launch in cooperation with the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation. THANKS TO KERRY KENNEDY, the daughter of fmr US senator and attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, Romanian highschool students will be able to learn philosophy and social sciences directly from the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu or Vaclav Havel. The wisdom will be passed on in their own words, in a book which collects Kerry Kennedy’s interviews with all of the above and many other rights activists around the world. Aspen Institute Romania, tog ether with the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation and the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation Europe have signed a joint agreement which aims to implement the “Speak Truth to Power” educational pilot project in the 20082009 and 2009-2010 academic years. The Speak Truth to Power educational material on human rights, produced by the RFK Foundation Europe, has been trans- lated into Romanian and has been distributed to 15 highschools starting from the 8th of February 2010. The Romanian book also contains discussions with local activists – fighters against domestic violence or for the rights of the Roma. Teachers involved in the “Speak Truth to Power” educational program have been offered a training seminar at the Gheorghe Lazar National Highschool in Bucharest on February 4. The book will be used as extracurricular support material for social studies, philosophy and social sciences courses. The schools can also decide to use the educational material in other courses of the high school curriculum such as: Human Rights, Civic Education, MassMedia Competence, and Memory of the Holocaust etc. The Aspen Institute is making efforts for the textbook to be available in neighbouring Republic of Moldova. Learning about real life, through real life examples “The book will not simply be taught by teachers to students,” Federico Moro, Secretary-General of RFK Foundation told IPS news agency. “It is meant to be a tool for action. We give students ideas and resources to be involved in the move- ment for the defence of human rights. “One of the main criticisms against the Romanian educational system is that it is too detached from real life”, says Oana Popescu, Aspen Institute Programmes Director. “This textbook is not patronising or normative. It allows the educational process to take place less formally and in ways which are more connected with real life. We offer material that each teacher can use in the way he or she wants and adapt to issues specific to locality”. The book is based on a larger edition, launched last year in Romania by Kerry Kennedy herself. Speak Truth to Power in the press HERE. Working Lunch with the Finance Minister Few days after the state budget for 2010 was adopted, Aspen Institute Romania hosted a working lunch on January 28 focusing on policy coordination between the public and the private sector at the beginning of a challenging year. THE ECONOMIC Strategy Committee of the Aspen Institute Romania invited high level representatives of both sectors in a dialogue searching for ways to tackle the crisis faster and with lesser economic and social costs. Some key speakers at this discussion were the Finance Minister, Mr. Sebastian Vladescu, Mr. Bogdan Chiritoiu, President of the Competition Council, Policy Recommendations Mr. Valentin Lazea, Chief Economist of the Romanian National Bank and Ms. Claudia Pendred, Director of the EBRD, representatives of Romanian and multinational corporations. The meeting was opened by Aspen Institute Romania President, Mr. Mircea Geoana and excellently moderated by Board Member Vasile Iuga. It aimed at contri buting to the creation of an increased convergence between sectoral efforts and policies of the government and business, from the beginning of the financial planning and budget cycle, in order to maximise economic performance and decrease pressure on the labour market and investors. l the specific environment of 2010 requires strategic measures, what sort of economic development model? Is it sustainable? l GDP structure of 85% consumption, -10% net exports and +25% investments - is not sustainable; l the main focus is on improving the fiscal policy stance, corroborated with: (1) better control of transfer pricing schemes, (2) designing efficient and compliant state aid programmes, (3) better EU funds absorption; l the dramatic narrowing of the current account deficit due to economic crisis, from -14% to -5%, should be maintained, for the sake of future sustainability; l recommendations from members refered to: (1) improving the tax system, which currently destroys private initiative, (2) work on a backup plan for worst-case scenario (e.g. Greece contagion), (3) ensuring that the current budget revenue assumptions are realistic, (4) more transparency in the way fiscal policy is devised. June - September 2010 YoungLeaders Newsletter 6 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter Aspen Network at Work Mircea Geoană participates in the YL seminar in Susai Violeta Naydenova, YL ‘10, in Antigone Courage and Capacity to Change A new generation of Young Leaders, with increased regional representation, demonstrates not only commitment to values, but also will and capacity to act. THE SUCCESS of the Institute’s flagship programme in previous years has been making the selection process increasingly competitive year after year – to the point where choice is extremely difficult for an exigent selection board made up of Aspen members, staff, ARYL fellows and HR professionals! The twenty best candi- dates who have made it to this year’s training modules have been selected from over one hundred exceptional nominations received from members, ARYL fellows and distinguished friends of the Institute. The emphasis in admitting candidates was, this year more than ever, not only on their commitment to a model of values-based leader- ship, but also their actual capacity to act and put this model into practice. Young leaders mean business! The selection resulted in a balanced composition of this fourth generation (age average – 29), with more than half of the nine women and eleven men coming from the business sector (banking/finance, bioagriculture and software industry development) and the rest from the public/ NGO sector. The regional composition of the programme has also been enhanced, with a third of participants coming from outside Romania – NGO leaders from the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Bulgaria, and a Kosovo diplomat. During the first module, which took place between April 13-18 in Susai, the group displayed a strong preference for debating concepts of political and economic thinking that have shaped modern open societies in the context of present-day society and the challenges posed by the region’s specific social and historical legacy. The discussion also Europe Day, May 9, 2010, has seen the conclusion of a yearlong project started by Fellows George Jiglău and Emil Mesaros, YL ’09, in partnership with Doru Franțescu, YL ’08 (The European Institute for Participatory Democracy - QVORUM), Mădălina Mocan, YL ’09 (Ratiu Center for Democracy), the Cluj School Inspectorate and ARDOR Transilvania. A two day event called ”European Olympics”, gathering the best 50 students involved in the project, marked the end of a series of trainings throughout this schoolyear, in 6 high schools in Cluj County. The sessions have disseminated among high school students relevant information on the European Union, going beyond historical or technical details. The goal of the initiative, which is part of the Community Service Projects of Aspen Young Leaders, is to raise awareness and create a culture of European citizenship within the young generation in Romania. looked at the qualities required for good leadership. A rapidly developing group synergy and capacity for joint action became evident during the remarkable team cooperation in the outdoor exercise (photo below) and staging of Sophocles’ Antigone, a trademark of the Aspen Seminar – where the audience was made up of ARYL fellows who voluntarily made their way to Susai to get to know their “THE GOOD SOCIETY” module in April, in Susai, new colleagues. will be folowed by a Fellows network “Modern Leadership” The setting up of the weeklong training proARYL Fellows Network gramme in the Danube with the purpose of Delta, 7-12 June, encomfacilitating interaction passing assessment of among generations and leadership qualities and capitalising on the valu- styles; practical training able human resource in skills and technique; they represent has in fact teambuilding exercises; already demonstrated its and presentation of case advantages. Fellows are studies. Relevant readby now meeting regu- ings and course materilarly, either as partici- als will be provided. pants in the Institute’s The two moderators, policy programmes, or Marian Staş (Director, even as active contribu- CODECS Foundation for tors to the content of the Leadership) and Andy latter, working together Szekely (leadership trai with the Aspen team; ner) will lead discussions they have also attended and group activities, Aspen events designed while trainer Dan Luca specifically for them and will conduct individual have worked together on coaching sessions with community projects. participants. Delta Force IV 7 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter June - September 2010 AspenInTheWorld Newsletter Coming soon: Hot Summer in Aspen! June and July bring the most world renown and exciting events in Aspen, Colorado. Aspen Institute Campus during Aspen Ideas Festival Aspen Security Forum. 28-30 June America is safer, we are not yet safe. While the dismal state of the economy understandably dominates the national agenda today, in order to answer critical questions about America’s preparedness for security threats, the Aspen Institute together with the New York Times will bring together toplevel government officials, industry leaders and leading thinkers for two days of in-depth discussions at the Aspen Meadows campus. Aspen Ideas Festival. 5-11 July Entering its sixth year, the Aspen Ideas Festival is a conversationpacked exploration of some of the most important ideas and pressing issues we face. Presented by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic magazine, the Festival strives to highlight the ideas of experts at the forefront of their fields and of leaders whose actions are changing the world. Critical topics under debate range from arts and culture to women and education, from living digitally to “the century of biology”, the next economy, innovation as catalyst, or global health. Aspen Environment Forum. 25-28 July The 2010 Aspen Environ ment Forum, present- u YL ‘08 Roxana Voicu-Dorobant ‘09 at and Andrei Pogonaru YL l. Aspen Ideas Festiva ed by the Institute and National Geographic, will debate climate change, renewable energy policy, innovation and technology, efficiency, conservation and more, with the goals of raising awareness, stimulating new thinking, building understanding and consensus and inspiring commitment to action. Europe in the G-20 world. Aspen Italia Conference. Aspen European Dialogue. Aspen Italia Conference. Berlin, 29 April Venice, 5 March At critical times for Europe’s most pressing strategic and economic challenges, spea kers among whom Aspen Institute Italia President and Minister of Economy and Finance Giulio Tremonti, German Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schauble and Polish Minister Jacek Rostowski debated the future of the Euro, the implications of the Greek crisis and the threat of Europe losing its relevance in the new international balance. Aspen Romania was represented by Institute President Mircea Geoană, who discussed the need to build a working triangle with the US and Russia. Under the title “Back to the Fertile Crescent: the Middle East, Europe and the US”, Aspen Italia discussed the ways in which Europe, by virtue of its historical links and expertise in key sectors, has a unique role to play in engaging the most dynamic actors in the region and working constructively toward positive solutions to the most sensitive strategic issues, like the Iranian or the Israeli-Palestinian problems. ‘Partners for a New Beginning’. Aspen US Washington, DC, April 27 The Aspen Institute is pleased to announce the launch of new partner- ship between its Middle East Programs and the U.S. State Department. Partners for a New Begin ning was introduced at an event on April 27th, 2010 hosted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This partnership will be chaired by former Secretary Madeleine Albright and vice-chaired by Walter Isaacson, President and CEO of the Aspen Institute and Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. It aims to lay the foundation for President Obama’s vision, expressed in Cairo, of “a new beginning between the US and Muslims around t he world, one based on mutual interest and respect”. PNB will match eminent US persons from the private sector with similar groups from the Muslim world. Courtesy the US State Department Main recent events Full event movie HERE. Newsletter 8 Aspen Institute Romania Newsletter June - September 2010 News Aspen in the Press “The Value of the Individual Model Matters” Programmes Director Oana Popescu explains in Dilema Veche the role of the Aspen Institute in bringing together elites to act toward common goals. l “WE TRY to provide two essential tools. One is the moral compass; we are subjected to the daily assault of conflicting imperatives, in a society which is rather confused about itself and have trouble finding our way and our credo. At the Aspen Institute, we take it for granted that values are perennial. The Socratic seminars we organise always look beyond immediate interest, to the larger context. l “The second tool is dialogue. Different social groups will not speak to one another – often to maintain the conditions for discretionary action. Our policy programmes aim at bringing together, around the same table, all stakeholders.” l “The Aspen Institute is not a closed society, an ivory tower. Its members remain deeply rooted in real life, because this is the only way they can influence it for the better.” l “The value of the individual model matters, but if such individuals are isolated and cannot find the context to form a network of influence, the multiplier effect at a social level is quasi inexistent”. A continuation of the debate started on December 22, 2009 regarding the fundaments of societal change in Romania. IF IN DECEMBER, 20 years after the fall of communism, we discussedwith prominent ‘89 Revolution figure Radu Filipescu about resistance in front of injustice and the totalitarian regime, this time we proposed a critical analysis of Romanian capitalism. Starting with a screening of the already highly awarded movie “Kapitalism-our Secret Recipe”, Aspen Fellows from all generations discussed with director Alexandru Solomon the basic assumptions of for debate and interaction, to include all the actors involved in the educational system in our country. Developed by three organisations involved in relevant educational activities, EDUCATIVA Group, LSRS (League of Romanian Students Abroad) and Aspen partner “Dinu Patriciu” Foundation, the event aimed at actively contributing with concrete solutions to the process of reforming the Romanian educational system. l GEA. The 6th GEA Report on Romania and the Lisbon Agenda, “Romania and the Europe 2020 Strategy” is a comprehensive look at the country’s state of alignment with European strategic goals. The first section discusses the macroeconomic context and the structural reforms. The second section presents the structural indicators for Romania, in a benchmarking exercise, at the end of the Lisbon Agenda and at the start of the Europe Full interview HERE. “Kapitalism – Our Secret Recipe” Conversation with Director Alexandru Solomon Aspen Institute Romania is a non-profit, non-governmental association dedicated to promoting enlightened leadership in Romania and to encouraging open-minded and informed debate among leaders about the challenges facing Romania today. The Aspen Institute Romania mission is to foster values-based leadership, encouraging individuals to reflect on the ideals and ideas that define a good society, and to provide a neutral and balanced venue for discussing and acting on critical issues. The Aspen Romania is part of the international network of Aspen Institutes in the United States, Italy, Germany, France, India, Japan. ASPEN BOARD MEMBERS ASPEN STAFF President Mr. Mircea Geoană, President of the Romanian Senate Vice President Ms. Mariana Gheorghe, CEO, OMV Petrom Vice President Mr. Roberto Musneci, Senior Partner, Șerban & Musneci Vice President Mr. Florin Pogonaru, President, Romanian Businessmen’s Association Treasurer Mr. Vasile Iuga, Country Managing Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Member Mr. Nic Voiculescu, Managing Partner, Link Resource Member Mr. Răsvan Radu, CEO/Executive President, UniCredit Țiriac Bank Member Mr. Steven van Groningen, President, Raiffeisen Bank Member Mr. Teddy Dumitrescu, President & CEO, Publicis Group Member (on leave of absence) Mrs. Alexandra Gătej, adviser, Romanian Presidency Executive Director Andrei Țărnea Mob: +40 748 114082 Programmes Director Oana Popescu Mob: + 40 720 034404 Leadership Programmes Manager Ciprian Stănescu Mob: 004 0752 199 149 Policy Programmes Manager Anamaria Olaru Mob: 004 0748 118 784 Administrative Manager Ada Cuciuc Mob: 004 0748 114 081 l CRPE. The Romanian Center for European Policies, one of our reliable partners, founded by Aspen member Cristian Ghinea and Fellows Ciprian Ciucu and Florin Niță YL ’08, organised a successful conference on EU-Moldova negotiations in Brussels, together with the Foreign Policy Association (APE) of Moldova and Moldo van Mission to the EU on May 11. The event enjoyed the participation of Graham Watson, European Parliament CONTACT: Address: 35, Amman Street, Ap. 10, District 1, 010777 Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 21 316 42 79 Fax: +40 21 317 34 43 Web site: Partners’ Corner rapporteur on the EU-Moldova Association Agreement, members of the negotiation team of the the Republic of Moldova, other members of the European Parliament, Commission officials and experts from Brussels based EU think-tanks. l Dinu Patriciu Foundation. The Edu cation Forum, which took place on May 12-14, in Bucharest, is the first national event that provides a common space our societal and political models. Young Leaders were particularly focused on the conditions that set the ground for protagonists of the film to make illicit fortunes after the Revolution and on their effects over time, which today allow the continued concentration of wealth in the hands of just a few people. 2020 Strategy, focused on smart growth, sustainable growth and inclusive growth. The third section deals with competitiveness and business environment. The fourth section presents aspects of the labour market in detail. The final section concludes and provides policy recommendations. The GEA report served as a valuable pre-reading material for the Aspen Institute Conference on “Social Inclusion – Matching Needs and Goals”.