Werrington is coming—be prepared


Werrington is coming—be prepared
April 2014
is coming—be prepared
(01752) 342505
SAT 8.30 AM - 5 PM SUN 10.00 AM - 1PM
(01752) 895057
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April 2014
Officers and Committee
Vice Presidents
Honorary Life Members
Vice Chairman
Immediate Past Chairman
Competition Secretary
Membership Secretary
Social Secretaries
Awards Secretary
Magazine Editor
Press & PRO
Chief Marshal
Mr Roy Rowe
Mr David Sharp
Mr J Sluman, Mr J Ellison, Mr W Grimshaw,
Mr A Chanter, Mr R Blackaller.
Mrs M Bennetts, Mr & Mrs B Benson,
Mr N Bradbury, Mrs S Fredman
Mr G Myers, Mr & Mrs P Locke, Mr M Tuppen,
Mr & Mrs S Furzeland & Mr A Slade.
Jennie Locke 01752 342741
Mr James Ellison
Mrs Chris Pearce
Mr Alan Tomes
01752 219739
Peter Locke
01752 342741
Mrs Louise Olliver
101 Compton Avenue, Plymouth PL3 5DD
Alf Chanter
Jay Brown
07867 860984.
General Committee
K Moyses, Darren Stevens, J Sluman,
J Ellison, D Bull, M Treleaven
12 Car Coordinator
Honorary Club Chaplain
Darren Stevens/Sean Drewitt
Rev. Kenneth Wakefield
The Rectory, Werrington, Launceston, PL15 8TP
Miss Helen Bull..............hcbull@virginmedia.com
Child Protection Officer
April 2014
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Plymouth Motor Club Diary
Austin Cup Rally, first round of the PMC navigational rally
Clocks change—don’t get caught napping
The first evening autotest at Langage Farm, contact Pete Locke
on 342741 for more details.
Social night, see the website for more info
Bowling night, see website for m ore info
Scatter, contact John Sluman for more information.
Barton Cup Rally, see the next magazine for more info.
Werrington weekend starts here with the setup.
Werrington Speed Hillclimb.
Evening Autotest
Comus cup
Then Fird Cup 12 car rally
magazine deadline for articles will be 12h April 2014 latest
For more information and dates please look at the website:
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April 2014
Chairman’s Chat
Hello All!
I guess I should probably introduce myself… I’m Jennie Locke, your new
Chairman. Most of you will know me as the eldest daughter of Peter and
Linda or as the sister of Debbie.
As I write this we are less than a week after the AGM and we are looking
for people to fill some vacant positions on the committee. These include
Press & Public Relations Officer, Social Secretary and Awards Secretary.
If anyone would like to give these roles ago or would like to find out
more please speak to a member of the committee.
At school (Tor Bridge High) I have just become involved with the Greenpower racing team, a project aimed at inspiring young engineers. The
school team is to be called Team TBR (Tor Bridge Racing) and one of
our very own members is part of the team – Rob Selley! The team are
currently trying to raise money to enable them to buy a kit to build the
car. If you would like to know more about this and are able to help, please
don’t hesitate to contact me.
It isn’t long now before the first events of the season start. Werrington is
fast approaching, as is the first events of our Scatter, Comus Cup, Autotest and 12 Car Series. However, the event before this (which will be all
done and dusted by the time you are reading this!) is the first skittles
evening of the year.
This year we are trying to keep the website and facebook page as up to
date as possible. So, if you are asked to organise an event, please let me
know ASAP of your starting locations and map numbers (if required) so
that I can put them up. The aim is to be able to enter events online by the
end of the year – but I need to develop my technical knowledge somewhat before that happens so watch this (very big) space!
Hope to see you on one of these fun filled evenings or events soon!
April 2014
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April 2014
Its me, yes, me, the Editor. You know me well. Or at least you should do. Im a
smashing chap you know.
You pretty much know everything about my exploits through this magazine because ive always believed that if you do an event, take the time to chuck a few
words on a page and let everyone else know what you’re doing, I also believe
that these events are memories, and writing about them helps me in the future to
remember the good times. Motorsport is a bit like the film with Kevin Costner
where he played a farmer in “Field of Dreams” when, despite everyone thinking
he is mad, he builds a baseball stadium in his field on his farm, to the point that
he is nearly at financial ruin, because he believes, and in his words, that if you
build it, they will come. That is exactly what motorsport is all about, if you
build it, they will come. In our case if we can at least inform people and encourage them that motorsport is fun, they will feel the need to come along, at whatever level they are comfortable at, and they will get interested, and they may
well start to marshal, or organise, or compete.
There are many ways of informing people, TV does a grand job, as do the nationals such as Motorsport News and Autosport, but club level magazines are
aimed at the grass roots of motorsport, its from here that the stars of tomorrow
come, tomorrows Seb Loeb, or Lewis Hamilton, may well be reading this article
as you do so yourself (you may even by that next Lewis Hamilton yourself) and
if this magazine, or your article, spark that flame inside of them to have a desire
to join in, then greatness has been achieved. Plymouth Motor Club, just like the
many other motor clubs in the UK exist for the enthusiast and are run by the
enthusiast, and our main aim is to encourage others in to motorsport, so next
time your sat behind the wheel of your car, or find yourself holding a map next
to your very own Seb Loeb, start to think about putting pen top paper but with
your own spin on it, you all have different outlooks, feel free to share them with
the membership.
If you don’t then Ill write more dribble and you’ll be forced to have the next
generation of British superstars basing their careers on me, and we really cant
let that happen now can we. Imagine if the next British world rally champion
has a bright green mankini and a ferrets paw under his bottom lip. Scary, but its
in your hands to make sure it doesn’t happen.
April 2014
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Competitions update
It seems I was a bit off the mark last month in proclaiming that the season would be underway by the time that you got to ready my March missive as we had to postpone the
Valentine Rally due to the absolutely appalling weather. Fear not, we will be running a
Valentine rally this year – note the word postponed not cancelled in the previous sentence! - on the 29th August.
First & foremost this month – the Vospers Werrrington Park Hillclimb. Many thanks to
John Hutchinson for arranging the deal with Vospers again this year, we welcome them
back once more as title sponsor of one of the biggest spectator motorsport events in Devon & Cornwall in 2014. As I write this we have 66 entries for Saturday & 75 for Sunday
so places are going fast and, hopefully, will be filled by the time that you read this. Mind
you, after my bold statement last month came to nought, anything could happen! Most
of the gigantic jigsaw puzzle that is the Vospers Werrington Park Hillclimb is already in
place, what we now need is you! My biggest concern of the whole event is encouraging
some new faces to come along on the Friday before the event to help set up the venue.
Numbers have been dwindling over the years and those of us who are there aren’t getting any younger! Please, please, please come along and join the gang. We’ll feed &
water you at lunchtime, not work you too hard, and keep saying “Thank you for coming
to help.” Contact either myself or John Sluman if you need any more information than
the date is Friday 2nd May, time is 09:00 onwards & the location is Werrington Park,
Launceston PL15 9SR. Thank you!
Prior to Werrington, and before you get to read this, we will have run a Comus Cup
treasure hunt and shortly after you have read this we will be running the Austin Cup 12
car rally. We had a very constructive meeting after the recent AGM to discuss this year’s
series at which Darren & Sean unveiled some new ideas to improve the events for this
season, see the website for regulations & event details.
We are hopeful that we may have found two new venues for running autotests at. If all
goes to plan, we will be holding our first evening autotest at Langage Farm, Higher
Challonsleigh on 2nd April. Please keep an eye on the website as details are likely to be a
bit last minute! Last event for this update is the first Scatter of the year on 18 th April
(Good Friday). Contact John Sluman for more information on this one.
The more observant of you will have noticed a mention of a second autotest venue. We
hope to use this on the Sunday of Whitsun weekend, 25 th May. Talking of things autotesting, we have been invited to one of those new-fangled autosolo things organised by
Camel Vale MC at the Cornwall showground, Wadebridge on 13 th April, contact Pam
Hartill via e-mail at pam.hartill@btinternet.com as it seems that they are still having
website woes. I might be able to persuade our new Chairman to put a copy of the regs on
our website, who knows?
More news next month!
Peter Locke
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April 2014
Renault sport performance specialist
Clio F4R high performance engine packages
Suspension enhancement, spherical bearing conversions
Bespoke manifold, throttle body kit, ECUs and wiring loom
Performance clutch and flywheel packages
Fast road and racing brake upgrades
Racing exhaust manifold and systems
Unit 7 South Quay, Padstow
Open 8:00-5:00 Mon-Fri
Tel: 01841 532734
Spotlamp is published on the Friday after the second Monday of each month (hopefully!).
Contributions should be sent to the Editor, address as published in the list of Club
Officers, or e-mailed to info@achaines.co.uk. All articles should be with the Editor by the
end of the second Monday of the month. The Editor reserves the right to amend articles
received as necessary. The views expressed in Spotlamp are the views of the individual
contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor, or of the Club and its Officers. Copyright Plymouth Motor Club 2012©
April 2014
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Established 1951
TELEPHONE: 01579 370348
Vintage & Classic Cars Welcome
Retail Motor
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April 2014
Bovington 2014
Me: So hows Uni?
Ali: Yep fine, what’s the next event?
Me: Eh?
Ali: When are you out with the car?
Me: No idea, why?
Ali: Well it would be good for my course if I did some motorsport and the Escort
is sat there doing nothing and so are you.
Me: Blimey, dunno, Bovington?
Ali: That’ll do, sort it out then.
And that’s how easy it is to be bullied, so beware. Admittedly, the car hadn’t
seen the light of day since Jersey last year and neither of us had quite recovered.
Jersey was one of the toughest events I’d done, mainly due to the atrocious
weather. I stood and looked at the car for an evening deciding what needed to be
done to prep it for what I seemed to remember, was a very fast event. I hadn’t
been to the tank testing ground of Bovington for, errr, 3, maybe 4 years? I’d
done it twice before, well 1 ½ times as I’d blown an engine there, which isn’t
uncommon. What had I agreed to??
So two weeks later: lubes, brakes, spanner check, electrics usual stuff, oh and an
ECU problem bravely sorted by Kieran of KDP engines and Alvin Powell –
thanks chaps. The car was ready for a trek up to sunny Dorset. Of course I was
nowhere near ready. All I’d done last year was Jersey, a closed road rally and
unlike any other English or Welsh stage event and Course car on the London
Help for Heroes Rally. Retirement seemed to have set in, just like rheumatism,
or dementia….so I may have been a little apprehensive.
Ali decided to arrive in stylishly late fashion, midnight on the Friday and we had
to be up at stupid o’clock the next morning to travel to Dorset. He’d brought
along some friends who were keen to see the old fat bloke try and peddle the car
round whilst his son looked on in dismay. A dry run up was a pleasant change
from the wet week, the forecast promising a reasonable day. We arrived to the
usual chaos of unloading, scrutineering and paperwork, aided by Alf Chanter
saving us a spot next to his love camper in service. Alf was co-driving for Ben
Parker and in turn was parked next to Gary Parker and Kevin Moyses in their
Pug 205. Ben runs in the same 1600cc class as ourselves, in the famous Honda
Civic, but has been a lot more successful and active than me, consequently he
was seeded higher, which Alf declared as an immediate victory over us whatever
the end of day might bring. Fair point.
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So after a bit of banter, listening to engineering students discuss the poor aerodynamics of a Ford escort and then educating students in how to use a kettle, we
lined up for stage 1. I must admit that I was a tad nervous, which I hadn’t felt for
a while at an event, just because I knew it was going to take a while for me to
remember what to do! Well we were lucky to get out of that stage alive, I quickly
ran out of talent and out braked myself on several occasions, being certain that
we were going to go through the chicanes not round them, which Ali seemed not
to notice. Phew! Got away with it! We had caught a couple of bigger cars in the
twisty bits, so maybe there was a glimmer of hope, but I now recalled how long
the straights were and the car was geared for around 115mph, which was why we
were hitting the rev limiter in 6th so quickly. Talk of 130mph wasn’t uncommon,
but not in our car.
Stage 2 was a repeat of stage 1, stage 3 and 4 similar with an extra bit thrown in.
I tried to up the pace, which Ali wasn’t entirely comfortable about, some memorable moments included nearly T-boning a Subaru as we caught him in a chicane,
drifting towards some concrete barriers and hitting water as I was belatedly braking into a chicane. The notes went quiet and when I demanded what was coming
up next, the reply was ‘breakfast’ or ‘I’m just trying to compose myself after you
nearly killed us’, which I was almost proud of.
Lunch gave a chance to catch up with some people I hadn’t seen for a while and
it’s this side which I really enjoy the most. It’s difficult to beat the banter you get
with rallying. I’ve had a go at circuit racing recently, but it’s not quite the same.
I am usually conscious of the break at lunch, which can cause me to suffer brain
fade, well more of it anyway. Stage 5 started with the reverse of the mornings
stages. I have no idea how or why, which is really frustrating, but we managed to
post a top 6 time. I thought it was a scrappy stage and we still can’t work out why
it was a flyer. Unfortunately Alf and Ben came in with the engine very ill and
their run was over. Alf retired to the love camper. Lining up for stage 6, Alf then
emerged in his Noel Coward dressing gown and proceeded to show us what was
under it. The horrific sight we saw rendered Ali and I speechless and in shock.
Maybe we too should retire? It wasn’t safe to continue. We looked at each other
but bravely lined up for the stage start. As we took off, images flashed in my
mind which I tried to push away. I thought I had suppressed it until we got to the
back of the stage, where upon Kev Harris leapt out in front of us, urged on by
Adrian Brown both of who were masquerading as marshals. Kev attempted a
mooney right in front of us. I was a broken man, there was a conspiracy against
‘Team old bloke and young ‘un’. Needless to say, stage 6, a repeat of stage 5 and
a flyer for us, we were 20 seconds slower. That’s my excuse and it’s a good one.
We battled on for the afternoon, half expecting the car to break as the high
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April 2014
speeds are pretty punishing. Any odd noise or vibration becomes a worry. The
late stages of a rally are when car and driver are tired, so I get to the point where
I’m expecting something to fall off one or the other. However, she held up, despite spongy brakes and wobbly front wheels (bearings) and we crossed the line
on stage 8 second in class and 14th overall. I said to Ali beforehand that top 15
and 2nd in class was as best as we could hope for, (We’re never going to match a
Darrian) so that’ll do then.
There were 68 starters, of which 44 finished, mainly due to mechanical failure.
Steve and Yvonne Furzeland suffered a misfire but came home 4th overall, Danielle Furzeland and Jason Parsonage brought their Subaru home in a tough class
13th and Gary and Kevin had a good run to finish 16th.
Bovington is a good rally for a straight forward blast, not very technical but you
still have to be awake, it’s easy to loose time there. It’s slickly run by Bournemouth and District car club and offers a change to Airfields.
I was glad to be bullied back into it and we had a great day, it’s good to scare
yourself every now and then, I forgot how it makes you feel alive!
Gavin Hearnden/Ali Hearnden (son of the fat one—Editor always has the final
April 2014
Page 13
Providing Ford Duratec Engine Power for 2007 Gurston Down
Hillclimb Champion & Multiple record holder Mike Rudge
Providing engine power for:
2006 Brisca F2 World Champion
2007 Gurston Hillclimb Champion
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Workshop facilities include:
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& Dellorto Carburettors, DTA Race Electronics etc.
Serdi S5.0 Programmable Cylinder head Machining Centre
Call 01566 778779, Ask for Mark Shillaber
PL15 8EX.
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April 2014
Telephone & Fax:
(01752) 665984
April 2014
Page 15
Marshalling Matters:
Well where do we start? It has been a very busy couple of months! Right on to the
“catch up” of what’s been happening so far this year (is it April already?) There was a
very good turnout flying the PMC flag at Brean, also our marshals supported the
Wydean and of course at Bovington as well. Talking of Bovi, it was my first visit to the
venue, the only phrase I can use to describe this is “OMG” which I’m lead to believe is
young speak for very good! A brilliant day running finish then start so quite busy! The
8th/9th March saw the SW Enduro, which, at “last minute” I stepped into the chief marshal role. PMC ran the Toms Hill selectif at Fernworthy (Sousons and Grendon were
also allocated to PMC but due to event delays these selectifs were scrapped.) Fantastic
running of the selectif in some difficult conditions (although the weather was beautiful)
and my thanks to all who assisted the selectif commander John Sluman. Also thanks to
all who stayed out to man night time TC’s. Although after 8 or so weeks trying to fill
154 posts for the day and 53 for the night and some 32 hours on the go at the event, I
wasn’t sorry to finally close my eyes!
Some dates coming up; firstly 28th March sees the start of the PMC 12 car series. Marshals always required (don’t forget your Hi Viz!) Contact Darren Stevens for the signing
on venue (news flash—Its AC Haines Engineering).
April 12th Somerset Stages, further details from Nigel
winky@misfit1.fsworld.co.uk or contact me and I’ll pass the info on.
25th April: The Barton Cup 12 car signing on venue TBA
May 3rd/4th Werrington!!! Yes our premier event is almost upon us. As always we need
many marshals to support this event. If you can help on either the Sat or the Sun, or both
I would love to hear from you!! Not forgetting we are setting up on the Friday!
Still in May 17th/18th are the dates for the TSH Stages at Portreath marshalling details
from Pete Layland 07731 558588
Not forgetting marshals required for our Autosolo’s scheduled to start on the first
Wednesday of April, further details from our Comp Sec Peter Locke.
Think that’s about it for now, so I will leave you with this thought “WERRINGTON
All the best
Jay Brown
Chief Marshal
07867 860984
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April 2014
April 2014
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We had joy we had fun, we had (poor) seasons in the sun.
Im not having what you might call the best of seasons so far, whilst there is joy and fun,
there’s not as much as we would have liked. In January it was great guns for two championships this year, being the ASWMC sealed surface stage series sitting with Ben Parker in the Honda Civic, and the ASWMC night navigational rally series sitting with Paul
Price in the Peugeot 205. You’ll see in this mag my report on the latest round of the
sealed surface championship with Ben Parker didn’t quite go to plan as we broke a second engine in as many events, and we have only had 2 sealed surface events this year, so
it’s a 100% engine failure rate on stage rallies. We still have fun, but the results don’t
reflect the intention. That takes care of the stage rallies so far this year.
Ive reported on the first round of the ASWMC navigational series last month, sitting
with Paul Price on the Carver Traders up on Exmoor, not our best effort with some minor electrical/engine gremlins and generally a slower start to the year meaning we finished towards the back end of the field, we were hoping for better. Then again it’s been
about 5 years since we competed properly so maybe I was rustier than I thought.
Since the last magazine we have had a busy period and competed on 2 more of the
ASWMC navigational road rallies, being the classic Bath Festival (one of the furthest
travelled events) and the Primrose Rally (the closest event), the night rally section of the
SW Enduro at the beginning of the month. It’s fair to say that neither went to plan either.
That rhymes, neither and either.
The Bath Festival is an event with a whole heap of History, during the 80s it was a round
of the national night rally Motoring news championship, and was in fact my first national event as a spectator in around 1982 at the young age of 16, and then again in 1987
travelling up in fact with Paul Price and Keith Selley amongst others if I recall, as it was
to be the final year for the national series before some sweeping rule changes effected
how the events run.
Paul and I were looking forwards to the mix of special Selectifs in the forests and private
roads, plus the full night rally as well, after the car problems on the Carvers, Paul had
changed everything he could and we travelled the 2 hours towing the rally car all the
way to Westbury in Wilshire for the event start. It was like the good old times, with 50
cars all laid out in order, a start flag, a great atmosphere and a great crowd. And all of
this for a road based event. As is normal, Paul and I were the only representatives from
Plymouth, there were however people from all over the country out to compete on this
well respected event, organised by David and Ross Whittock from the Batch MC, Dave
Whittock was Per Eklunds navigator on the world championships for many years.
The event started with about 2 hours of private roads and forestry sections before taking
us in to the lanes for the night rally proper, all of the forest sections were timed to the
second as they were on private roads and tracks, some farm tracks, one through Frome
Showground on gravel, and the rest in the full on forestry stages surrounding the area,
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April 2014
and it’s fair to say that Paul was having a blast driving through the wooded sections, it
really was like a full forestry gravel event in the dark, on the first few sections there
were cars off everywhere, showing how slippery the sections were, or how mad the drivers were going, it was a real blast, sadly it was a short lived blast as when we entered the
road rally night section some 30 miles in, the car started to cough and splutter and quickly developed a fault which meant it wouldn’t run at low revs, and for us to pull away we
were having to rev it really hard and to drop the clutch, with only 70 BHP anyways, this
was proving difficult, and working the car hard. With lots of controls and some tricky
junctions, even slowing down meant that the car spluttered and held back, and on arrival
at every control, Paul was having to keep it revving just to ensure it didn’t stall, as it
wasn’t starting well after it stalled, so all in all a royal pain in the backside. After about
an hour of this we decided that if we were to carry on we were at risk of destroying the
clutch or breaking down in the middle of nowhere, so we took the option to return early
to the finish, have a short sleep, eat a hearty breakfast and crack on with the journey
home. So endeth the Bath Festival Rally for 2014, a mysterious electrical fuelling/fault
causing our demise, there was a fair bit of water around as it was right at the end of the
really wet spell and not that far from the waterlogged Somerset levels area, plus one ford
we went through was just a trickle of water the day before, on the night after a few hours
of heavy rain the story was after the event that it was nearly 12” deep, you judge from
the picture below if its deep or not.
And then there’s the primrose Rally (formally the South Hams MC Nightmare Rally),
which was somewhat short and sweet for us, it’s been politically renamed to encourage
the public to think it’s something fluffy wuffy when compared to the Nightmare, the
very nature of the name Nightmare strokes fear in to the hearts of Jo Public, when actually it’s just an event driving around their locality, hence the primrose Rally is much
more user friendly. Somewhat shorter and sweeter than the Bath Festival, we set off
from Badgers Holt at Dartmeet for this local event, which was the night section of the
South West Enduro, a round of the national Enduro Championship, with our very own
Jon Issacs competing during the day, we set off for the first selectif of the night in Belliver Forest to the northeast of Princetown ish, and once again there were cars off again
almost immediately, with 2 cars off the forest tracks within a few hundred yards of the
start, and a couple more further in to the selectif, it was rally madness so it seemed.
From here we moved on through a non-competitive section taking us to the outskirts of
Mortenhamstead for the start of the road rally proper, with the first long section provided by the organisers on pre-printed maps, we were off at a reasonable pace in to the
Devon countryside with some excellent lanes and some testing maps to pass back to
Paul, the roads in some places were in terrible condition and Paul had to stop his eye
from wandering to the cars parked on the side of the road, checking their wheel-nuts out,
to looking for potholes, as the ones we were hitting were its fair to say deep and hard
edged, sadly we only got as far as TC13 before Paul noticed the car was running very
hot indeed, when we stopped at the control you could hear the engine popping and bubbling as it boiled over, performance of the engine (we didn’t have much in the first
place) had dropped off and the heat was heavily effecting the car, once again the better
part of valour was to not go any further for risk of blowing the engine up.
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We took the shortest route to Bovey Tracey where the half way petrol half was and collected some water, handed in our damage declaration cards and gently drove back towards Badgers Halt just in case there was a chance of an early breakfast (ever hopeful us)
but sadly all was dark as it was only just 1.30am and cars were not due in for a couple of
hours as yet, so it was the long and winding (not so long but certainly winding) road back
to Plymouth for us, driving gently to keep the engine temperature cool, I think my head
hit the sheets at just after 2am, so if nothing else a good night’s sleep for me in the end,
no finish, or no rally breakfast, but a good night’s sleep. So endeth the Primrose Rally
Im so endething a lot of events early this year. It’s certainly not the start we were looking
for, but, as we often say, that’s rallying, it happened sometimes. The next event on the
night rally calendar for the ASWMC rounds is the Myotis Rally, held predominantly on
the closed military roads up on Salisbury plain, Im told its very difficult, and one Ive never done before, so Paul and I are keen to have a go and see what’s what, all we need first
is an engine that will get us through the event, watch this space for more info as they say.
Paul Price (steering wheel)
Alf Chanter (The brains behind the operation)
The Bath Festival Rally 2014
Waterslash before retirement
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April 2014
The Primrose Rally 2014
Waterslash before retirement
the theme continues
CALL US TODAY 07800 979373
April 2014
Page 21
ENTRY FORM—Autosolo—13th April Wadebridge Showground
Date & Title of Event ……………………………………………………………………………………..…
Entrant’s Full Name………….………………………………………………….…………….……………
Post Code……..………………………….............. Email………………………………..……………...
Passenger’s Full Name & Address ………………………………….………………………………….
Name & Address of any other Passengers……………………...…………………………………….
Competition Licence No…………………….………………Club………………………………...…..
Championship Reg No……………………………………………………. Novice?
Vehicle Entered…………………………………..…………CC…………………
Do you hold a valid Road Traffic Act Drivers Licence?
Held under the General Regulations of The Motor Sports Association (incorporating the provisions
of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and the Supplementary Regulations.
I enclose herewith the Entry Fee as detailed in the Additional Supplementary Regulations (please
note that no entry can be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate fee).
Entry fee: £……………
Camel Vale Membership Fee (if appropriate)
TOTAL: £……………
Cheques should be made payable to Camel Vale Motor Club Ltd
Please read and sign the Declaration on the reverse.
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April 2014
I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor
Sports Association and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be
bound by them.
I declare that I am physically and mentally fit and competent to take part in the event. I understand that motor sport is dangerous and accidents causing death, injury, disability and property
damage can and do happen. I understand that these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss and I acknowledge and accept these risks.
In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither anyone of all any combination of the MSA and its associated clubs, the organisers, the track owners or other occupiers, the
promoters and their respective officers, servants, representatives and agents (the “Parties”) shall
have any liability for loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of
participation in the event. Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or
limit liability for death or personal injury.
To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the parties
in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in the
I declare that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry relates and that the vehicle entered is suitable
and roadworthy for the event having regard to the course and the speeds which will be reached.
I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by
the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the
Driver’s Signature…………………………………….. State your age if under 18 ………..
Passenger’s Signature……………………………….. State your age if under 18 ………..
If I am the Parent or Guardian of the driver: I understand that I shall have the right to be present
during any procedure being carried out under the Supplementary Regulations issued for this
event and the General Regulations of the MSA.
As the Parent/Guardian: I confirm that I have acquainted myself and the minor with the MSA
General Regulations, agree to pay any appropriate charges and fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices thereto) and hereby agree to be bound by those Regulations
and submit myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from those Regulations (and
any subsequent alteration thereof). Further, I agree to pay as liquidated damages any fines imposed upon me up to the maxima set out in Part 3, Appendix 1.
Full Name of Parent/Guardian…………. …….…………………..………………………………….
Tel Number…………………………………… Relationship…….………………..………………...
Signature……………………………………… Date…….…………...…….………………………..
Note: Where the Parent is not present there must be a guardian who must produce a written and
signed authorisation from the parent / guardian to act as their representative..
A Parental Consent Authorisation form can be obtained from the Event Secretary.
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Camel Vale Motor Club Ltd will promote a Clubmans Autosolo on 13 April 2014
at the Royal Cornwall Ground, Wadebridge. A39 Map 200 / 726972
The meeting will be held under the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association Ltd., (incorporatingthe provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA)
and these Supplementary Regulations.
MSA Clubmans Permit: applied for
The events are open to all fully elected members of the organising club,members
of Launceston & North Cornwall MC, Newquay AC, Truro & District MC, Plymouth MC,
South Hams MC others TBA
Club membership cards will be inspected at signing-on.
The programme of the meeting will be:
Scrutineering from 9:00 hrs
First car starts at 10:30 hrs
Any car not signed on by 9:45 hrs may be excluded
Competitors will be given opportunity to walk the course prior to competing.
The event will consist of classes:
CLASS A. Series Production Saloon Car up to 1400cc
CLASS B. Series Production Saloon Cars 1401 to 2,000cc
CLASS C. Series Production Saloon Cars over 2,000cc
CLASS D. Series Production Sports Cars (open and fixed roof)
CLASS E. Specialist Sports Cars, kit cars suitable for road use and other cars ineligible
for classes A to D
Diesel vehicles, with or without forced induction will run in the class corresponding to their engine capacity, Petrol Engine vehicles with forced induction, in Class A or B,
will move up one capacity class, Rotary Engine vehicles will be classed at twice stated
capacity on the vehicle's V5 document.
All cars must comply with the current MSA Technical Regulations, MSA 2014 Yearbook
Section M.32 & 33., All vehicles must be taxed and insured for the public road and have
been driven to and from the event via the public road. Insurance document and MOT
certificate must be available for inspection at signing on. Vehicles less than 3 years old
are required to provide V5 document as proof of first registration.
Vehicles must compete on road legal tyres. Tyres from List 1B in the MSA Yearbook
2014 (Page 196) ARE NOT PERMITTED
Awards will be presented at the Camel Vale Awards Presentation:
Major Award to be held for 11months & replica for Overall Winner
Class win - subject to 3 starters in class
First Class - subject to 5 starters in class
Second Class - subject to 9 starters in class
Best Novice; Best Lady - awards subject to 3 starters
Points will be awarded towards the CVMC 2014 Brian Rabey Electrical Trophy & Camel
Vale Car Trophy to be awarded annually.
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April 2014
10. The entry fee is £20 per car closing date Thursday 10 April 2014. Entries must be on
an official CVMC Entry Form and accompanied by the appropriate fee.
Entry fee will be refunded if notice of withdrawal is given in writing by the closing date, an
administration charge may be made after the closing date.
11. The Secretary of the Meeting to whom entries should be sent is:
Tracey Menear, 50 Castle Hill, Bodmin, Cornwall. PL31 2DY
Tel: 01208 269024 Email: j_menear@sky.com
Clerk of the Course Richard Cook Other officials: TBA
12. The entry list opens on publication of these regulations. The maximum entry for the
meeting is 50, the minimum is 6. Entries are accepted at the organiser’s discretion. The
running order will be by reverse order of receipt of entry in each class. Classes may be
amalgamated or sub-divided at the organiser’s discretion. Cars may be double driven.
13. Details of tests and any final instructions will be issued at signing on. Drivers will be
allowed a minimum two runs at each test all of which will count towards results. Cars will
be identified by numbers supplied by the organisers. Timing will be by marshal’s hand
held stopwatch. Timing will commence on verbal instruction of the marshal at the start of
the test.
14. Any driver who does not hold a full RTA Licence may only drive a touring Car (i.e.
Series Production Car as defined in the Blue Book) with a maximum engine capacity of
1600cc. Minimum age - 16 years. Any competitor or marshal under the age of 18 requires Parental Consent
15. Penalties:
1) Incorrect test: 20 secs plus quickest time in Class
2) Hitting marker: 5 secs for each marker
3) Failing to stop astride: 10 secs
Maximum time penalty: quickest time in class plus 20 seconds
Markers / cones may be less than 1m in height
16. Any protest must be made in accordance with the MSA Yearbook 2014 Section C
and accompanied by the
appropriate fee.
17. There will be no practice allowed before or after the event
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Locked, stocked, and two smoking engines.
If ever there was a time when your world changes, there are probably reasons for
it. You get fat, you get bald, or if you’re a man you just get more mature. Although that’s an improvement I believe, as Im maturing gracefully. Like a flower,
changing from a bud, to a bright red rose. Things that were, are no longer, what
used to be, isn’t what it is. Wise words indeed.
How did I get on to that twaddle? I must have drifted, drifted, isn’t that something that people with no talent or very poor car preparation do on roundy roundy circuits. Ooops Ive gone again, Ive drifted.
Aaaanyway, this is supposed to be something to do with smoking barrels as the
title says. And its here that we get on to the Bovington Rally 2014, the 2 nd (yes,
that’s just two so far this year) round of the ASWMC sealed surface stage rally
series, you remember the one, Ben Parker and myself finished 2 nd (there’s that 2
word again) in the 2013 championship in the ultra reliable Honda. The plan for
2014 was to tackle the championship as a committed team to see if we could win
the series, or at least equal where we were last year, its good to have plans.
The season didn’t start so well as a good run at Brean was thwarted with a comprehensive engine failure, the Hondas trusty old 130,000 mile heart gave up the
ghost once and for all, so was replaced with a younger 70,000 mile version, it
was sure to go like a bomb, bang some good times in, rattle off a few good stages. You would think.
We set off for Bovington to the east of Dorchester on the Friday, for a Saturday
rally, heading for a camping site right next to the tank testing ground where the
event is held, yes, I said camping site, and yes its early March, although it’s more
like a glamping site, as Sam and myself were using Morris the motorhome and
the rest of the team were in some quirky shepherd huts for the weekend, all in all
a fraction of the cost of hotels and caravans, a 1 minute drive from the venues
entrance and in the wilds of Dorset within earshot of Monkey World, or was that
just Ben early in the morning. On top of this it made for an adventure, a slightly
risky one if the rain, wind and dropping temperatures kept up, but an adventure
all the same.
As it turned out Friday evening was clear but fresh, we did the entire scruitineering thing with no issues, and set off for the pub for a spot of nosh before the big
day, sidetracking slightly I had an eyebrow job done by Natalie who was travelling with Simon Heywood on the spanners for the weekend, and I did get a few
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April 2014
strange looks in the pub during the evening. Fashion had finally made it to Bere
The big day came and we were in the service area by 6.15 to lay out a decent
sized bay, as is typical we took the Pug of Gary Parker/Kev Moyse plus Pinky
the Honda, plus the super-sized service van and Morris as our other service vehicle, we practically had our own city with a shiny new tarp and a borrowed mahoosive awning, we were well sited and ready for the anticipated weather which
despite the forecasts was exceptionally sunny if a little icy in places, with a very
hard frost first thing.
Bovington is known for its high speed stages, with super smooth concrete roads,
offering excellent grip whilst at the same time not destroying tyres, it’s a venue
which favours both the brave and the powerful, brave we could do, powerful is a
bit more of a struggle as the Honda is no lightweight (unlike me off course) and
with just on about 165 bhp it’s a bit like pushing an old horse up a hill, once your
over the crest your on it, but getting to the crest is a challenge. The Hondas
strong points are its handling and to be fair its driver in reality, at venues like
Brean and Caerwent we can compete on the corners, places like Bovingdon people talk of revving to 9000 in fifth gear, flat in top, speeds of 135mph, these are
mere fantasises for the Honda at Bovingdon as we are not quite able to catch the
100mph on the speedo, so we were relying on a good solid performance, keeping
going whilst others fail, last year we were well inside the top 20 against some
outstanding opposition, this years seeding reflected this starting at number 18,
with the old Pugger of Gary and Kev, normally running well at places like Bovingdon seeded at 35, to be fair Kev is ginger, so as we all know Gingers are
normally put at the back, maybe that’s the case this year. Not that Im biased at
all, I have nothing against gingers, it keeps the barbers busy for sure.
Stage 1 saw us sat on the line with a Mitsubishi evo x in front of us and a Gp 4
Escort with 270bhp behind us, were more used to being surrounded by also ran’s
rather than front runners, so it was clear that an interesting day was to be had by
us. No dramas on the stage, the weather was very bright but very cold, and we
were warned there maybe some ice under the trees on the stage, so we went out
on full wents, quite normal for the Honda in these conditions, and as it was most
crews were doing something similar, we cleared the stage with the car in good
order and no issues. As with many competitors the first stage was taken steady.
In our class we had fellow PMC member Gavin “old and fat” Hearnden out in
his Mk 2 Escort, with Alex (young soon to be fat Hearnden if hes anything like
his dad) on the maps, with Alex doing a motorsport degree at uni its all good
experience for him.
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Our class leader was a chap in essentially a lightweight bathtub with wheels and
a Honda engine, Dean Thomas and his Darrian were always going to class winners if they finished (imagine that, if they finished) and we were never going to
compare our times, so it was Gavin who was our target. Seemingly, Gavin’s
shooting at targets was better than ours as he took a big chunk of time out of us,
this obviously isn’t a talent thing, Gavin’s Escort is exceptionally well sorted
with all the right bits and a very rorty sounding engine taking the power to the
wheels with one of those slicky clicky sequential gearboxes, if you listen to
Gavin his 1600cc JRE engine develops about 36bhp, hes not pulling the wool (in
Gavin’s case cheap nylon) over our eyes, he was peddling the Escort hard and to
take big chunks out he was going very well indeed. I hate to admit it, in fact, Im
not going to admit it, but Gavin, despite his age and baulk, does pedal his car
well, but im not admitting it.
Stage 1 saw us 3rd equal in class, a better run at stage 2 saw us maintain 3rd, with
the next couple of stages showing us that our issues with the car at Bovington
were well founded, if we were chasing a more powerful car, we were like a rash
on their bottoms through the technical twisty bits, sadly Bovingtons power
straights meant they escaped us every time after a corner, and we caught them
and hassled them heavily on the next corner, before they disappeared off again,
eventually losing us in the distance. At one point we joined the stage merge up
against the Mitsubishi evo 8 of South Hams Dan Gibson and Nickie (snow
white) Clayton and all the way to the next corner we were side by side, although
we were carrying more pace coming in to the merge, it showed the Honda can
harass slower cars driven by Cornish people. Interestingly Dan’s evo is one of
only a few fitted with a full WRC specification carbon fibre child seat in the
front to cope with the navigators height, it ensures the navigator (Nickie) is held
tight yet kept safe. I always thought child seats in the front were only allowed if
the person was over a certain height.
On stage 3 we were going well when we were being caught by one of the top ten
in a GP A Mitsubishi evo (common as much as it seems) half way around the
stage, with us on our first lap, and the evo and its second, they caught us rapidly
as we approached a corner, and Ben being a gentleman despite my protests of
“make him work for it” moved across as the pursuing car caught us and the
Mitsubishi realised he was going far too quickly to make the corner and passed
us with all 4 wheels locked up, slowing enough to turn in to the corner and make
a pigs ear of it and blocking the entire junction, being as it’s a 4WD complicated
car that involves an element of talent rather than aggression, he then stalled it,
couldn’t get reverse and then discovered he had left his ability on the start line as
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April 2014
he simply went forward and backwards for a moment while we sat there with
my foot on the horn, probably dropping us 20 seconds by the time he sorted
himself out. Surprise surprise, as soon as we left the corner, he disappeared up
the road on the next straight. To give the chap his credit, he found us in the service area to firstly congratulate the navigator (that’s me) on my outstanding talent and good looks, and secondly, to apologise for making a pigs ear of it, he
was actually quite embarrassed. A decent chap in the overall scheme of things,
and that’s what makes rallying great. That and the eyebrow treatments. And sick
Stage 4 was clean with no more issues and running in 4th in class after our delay
on stage 3, with Gavin and Alex in a strong 2nd in class and inside the top 20.
The other half of team Parker being Gaz and Kev (defo time for a sunstrip I
think) were going much better than they did on the recent Brean rally where the
nimble Honda outclassed them and although a steady start saw them drop a couple of seconds to the Honda on the first stage, they quickly upped their game
and were running about 20 seconds a stage faster than us and inside the top 20
with comfort on most stages. On his second ever event, Shaun King with Ian
Benson on the maps was pushing his powerful Escort hard and was just behind
us on the stage times on some stages with the car going well and Shaun and Ian
keeping it clean.
And then there was stage 5, some might call it the final stage even though it was
a long way from the 8 stages we should have been doing, but as it ended up, it
was our final stage, this bit could well read like my report from the last stage
rally Ben and I did at Brean ref the final stage, we were going well blah blah
blah and then suddenly blah blah blah. In reality, the car was running well and
had helped us to keep up with those around us for the 4 stages we had done, half
way through stage 5 we went around a very long fast left hander and Ben heard
it start to tick, and then it started to tick louder, the first I know of it is Bens
groans over the intercom (that reminds me, I must change my telephone number
as I get far too many calls like that from strange people) and it became clear that
the bottom end of the engine was rattling and that the big end bearings were
shot, it was driving ok, and oil and water pressures were fine, but it was rattling
louder and louder, we managed to drive the stage to the end rather than get
stranded in the stage, but it was game over and the engine was destined for no
more, 2 engines across 17 stages and 2 events. The once reliable Honda was
starting to bite back. In this case it was just one of those things, it had gone
wrong, the bottom end of the engine had somewhere wiped a bearing and it was
rattling like a ginger kid in a popularity contest. Game over.
As for team Parker senior, they went on to finish well inside of the top 20 at 16th
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overall and 4th in class, Team Hearnden in the Orange 1600cc Escort took 2nd in
class and 14th overall, top of Plymouth MC crews was Steve and Yvonne
Furzeland in their WRC Subaru, leading the event for the best part of the day but
an electrical issue dropped them back to 4th overall and 1st in class. As always
Bovingdon 2014 gave us all a smile despite the issues we had, it’s a great venue,
super fast, super smooth, and defo one for the bucket list if your looking for an
event to play on once in while.
Next event for the team will be the Corinium Stages which sadly clashes with
Werrington on the Saturday, so were off to Gloucestershire to Down Ampney
Airfield at the beginning of May, with the TSH rally based at RAF Portreath just
2 weeks later. Hopefully with just the one engine.
Thanks as always to the rest of the team, Mike on the spanners, Simon (porky)
Heywood for wheel changing, and our glamorous assistants Sam, Karen and Natalie for her eyebrow pencil.
Team Honda
Alf Chanter (maps) Ben parker (steering wheel)
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April 2014
DRIVER'S NAME .....................
.......................................................................Tel. No (Evenings) ......................................
NAVIGATOR'S NAME ……………............................................................................
...........................................................................................Tel. No
(Evenings) ........................................
ACCIDENT!! Contact Name ........................................Tel.No .......................................
Make and Model .............................................................................................................. .
Engine Cc.................. Reg. Num.........................................Colour....................................
Current Cheques/Postal Orders must be made payable to Plymouth Motor Club
Entry Fee
Membership Fee
Insurance Fee
Total enclosed
April 2014
Page 31
'I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports
Association &, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event & agree to be bound by them. I
declare that I am physically & mentally fit & competent to take part in the event. I understand that
motorsport is dangerous& accidents causing death, injury, disability & property damage can & do
happen. I understand that these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss & I
acknowledge & accept these risks'.
'In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one of or any combination
of the MSA & its associated clubs, the organisers, the track owners or other occupiers, the promoters & their respective officers, servants, representatives & agents (the 'Parties') shall have any liability for loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of participation in the
Event. Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or limit liability for death
or personal injury. To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify & hold harmless each
of the Parties in respect of any loss or loss whatsoever & howsoever arising from my participation in
the Event'.
'I declare that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry relates & that the vehicle entered is suitable & roadworthy for the event having regard to the course & the speeds which will be reached'.
'I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by the
law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the law'.
'I have read & fully understood the Procedure for Control of drugs & Alcohol as contained in the
Competitors' & Officials' Yearbook Regulations H39, D35.1, G15.1.4 & have also fully familiarised
myself with the information on the web sites referred to (www.ukad.org.uk & www.wada-ama.org) in
particular the Anti Doping Rules which have been adopted by the MSA (as amended). Further, if I
am counter-signing as the Parent or Guardian of a minor then in addition to the deemed consent to
the testing of that minor (UKAD Code Art 5.6.2) I hereby confirm that I give such consent for the
minor concerned to be tested'.
'I hereby agree to abide by the MSA Child Protection Policy & Guidelines & the National Sporting
Code of Conduct'.
DRIVERS SIGNATURE .........................................................................................
DATE .............................................................AGE (if under 18) ............................
NAVIGATORS SIGNATURE .................................................................................
DATE .............................................................AGE (if under 18) ............................
Entrants under 18 years of age must have this form countersigned below.
"This entry is made with my consent"
Full Name ...........................................................Full Name ........................................................... Relationship........................................................Relationship ....................................................... Address...............................................................Address ..............................................................
Tel. No . .......................................................…….Tel. No ……………...................... ........................... Signature.............................................................Signature ...........................................................
Date....................................................................Date .............................................. .....................
Page 32
April 2014
Application for Membership 2014
The Membership Secretary, Mrs Louise Olliver
101 Compton Avenue, Mannamead, Plymouth PL3 5DD.
Email: membershipsec@plymouthmotorclub.co.uk
I hereby apply to be admitted as a member of the above company, I agree to
observe the Rules and regulations of the company and I am aware that membership will not involve me in any liability to pay my Annual subscription and to pay
a sum not exceeding £1, in the event of the company being wound up whilst I
am a member.
Title ____ First Name______________ Surname ______________
Address _______________________________________________
Post Code _______________ Telephone ____________________
Email Address __________________________________________
Family Member (if applicable)
Title ____ First Name______________ Surname ______________
Email Address __________________________________________
Please circle the type of membership applied for
(Family membership is for two or more members of a family residing at the same
Ordinary E-Membership
£12.00 (Email magazine)
Family E-Membership
£19.00 (Email magazine)
Ordinary Membership
£15.00 (Postal magazine)
Family Membership
£22.00 (Postal magazine)
Please return this form together with the correct fee, to the membership secretary.
Please make cheques payable to Plymouth Motor Club Ltd.
Signature ___________________________ Date ______________
April 2014
Page 33
Be a Junior Member of
Application for Membership 2014
Annual Membership fee only £2.00
To : The Membership Secretary, Mrs Louise Olliver
101 Compton Avenue, Mannamead, Plymouth PL3 5DD.
Email: membershipsec@plymouthmotorclub.co.uk
Members Receive :
Junior Membership Card
PMC Sticker
Free entry to all PMC events
First year of adult membership free
Applicants Must Be :
Aged under 14 years of age
Have a parent who is a full member of PMC
I hereby apply to be admitted as a junior member of the above company. I agree to
observe the rules and regulations of the company and I am aware that junior
membership will not involve me in any liability to pay my annual subscription, or any payment, in the of
the company being wound up whilst I am a junior member
Signature ............................................................... Date ...............................
Title ............ First Name ................................... Surname .............................
Date Of Birth .....................................................................................................
Address ............................................................................................................
Post Code .......................................... Telephone ..........................................
Parent/Guardian Name .....................................................................................
Membership Number .........................................................................................
Please return this form together with the right fee to the membership Secretary, at
the above address
Please make cheques Payable to Plymouth Motor Club Ltd
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April 2014
tel—01202 661034
Tel 01202 661034 www.primamotorsport.com sales@primamotorsport.com
April 2014
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April 2014