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Winter 2015 Newsletter A community where learners excel! Accomplishments and Advancements Anticipated for 2015 It’s hard to believe how fast the time goes by. We are already halfway through another very busy school year, accomplishing great things both in and out of the classroom. I want to thank the Chenango Forks taxpayers for coming out and supporting the 2016 Academic and Safety Initiative capital project. The district is very excited and looking forward to the technological, academic and safety advances that the project will bring to Chenango Forks. Congratulations to the Chenango Forks football team for winning its fourth Class C New York State Championship and to all the fall athletes on a season well done in both academics and athletics. The STEAM Academy continues to grow and flourish. Chenango Forks will be adding Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses in the fall of 2015 to enhance the work being done in the STEAM Academy. PLTW courses are taught in conjunction with Rochester Institute of Technology for college credit. Chenango Forks will be offering biomedical science, and we hope to partner with a neighboring school district to add an engineering course to give students from both districts access to both curriculums. Lloyd “Joe” Peck, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools As we quickly turn our attention to spring and the upcoming budget season, I want to assure you the district will continue to closely analyze and examine the budget process. We will present the strongest possible budget to the public in order to keep taxes down and at the same time generate the proper amount of revenue to ensure the academic integrity of the district. I hope to see many of our taxpayers at the upcoming Board of Education meetings. Check our website,, or call the district office at 607-648-7543 for information on the 2015-2016 budget. Thank you again, for your continued support and your dedication to the students of the Chenango Forks Central School District. Sincerely, Lloyd “Joe” Peck Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Bus Proposition Vote February 24, 2015 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. CFHS Auditorium Board of Education: Don Edwards-President; Spyros Dimatos-Vice President; Amy O’Brien, Ken Starr, Tom Wiser Superintendent of Schools—Lloyd “Joe” Peck, Ed.D. District 2 Winter 2015 Bus Proposition Vote Scheduled for February 24 Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the qualified voters of the Chenango Forks Central School District will be held in the high school auditorium, One Gordon Drive, Binghamton, New York, on February 24, with a snow date of February 26, with the polls remaining open from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. to vote on the bus proposition. Voting Procedures and Information Absentee ballots Absentee ballots are now available for individuals who will be absent from the District while the polls are open due to: Q &A • Business, occupation or studies. How many buses are we purchasing and what type are they? • Confinement in a hospital or jail. The bus proposition will not exceed $678,000. This money will be used to purchase five 66-passenger liquid propane (LP) buses and two small buses or vehicles. Liquid propane buses are more fuel-efficient than diesel buses and provide a safe alternative fuel choice. The district currently has eight LP buses in its fleet. Why do we need to purchase new buses? Bus purchases are scheduled to replace older buses that have high mileage and body rust. Keeping a newer fleet reduces down time and the risk of bus failure while in use. We currently have 33 transportation vehicles ranging in model year from 2002-2015. Replacing five large and two small vehicles annually keeps the fleet current and avoids inspection failures and mechanical failure while driving on routes and trips. Our buses average 15,000 miles per year. Why are buses voted on in a separate proposition and not with the regular budget? Bus purchases require a separate proposition because they are funded by Bond Anticipation Notes (BANS*). The five-year period corresponds to the receipt of state aid on the buses to help the district absorb the cost of purchasing the buses. Transportation aid is also spread over five years. The bus vote is also taking place now so that the buses will be in place for the new school year. • Physical disability or illness. • Vacation (includes retirees.) To obtain a ballot, call 648-7543, follow the District Office-District Clerk prompts. Voter I.D. Identification will be required when you vote. Acceptable forms of identification include: • Valid driver’s license. • A passport. • Certified photo identification, such as a Sheriff ’s I.D. card. Voter qualifications You are qualified to vote if you are: • 18 years of age or older. • A citizen of the United States. • A resident of the school district for 30 days. What is the cost of the buses? The projected annual cost is calculated as follows: Estimated annual payment on a BAN: Less estimated transportation aid (89.1%): Net annual cost: $140,000 - $124,700 $ 15,300 The net cost to taxpayers for the bus purchases is $76,500 ($15,300 per year for 5 years). *These BANS are typically a fixed rate renewable annually for a period of five years. High School Winter 2015 Principal’s Message John Hillis, High School Principal 3 After a rather lengthy winter, it’s time to start thinking about the end of the school year. As this time of the year usually gets very busy for both students and families, we put together a list of some of our more important events to help in the planning process. May 5: AP Chemistry Exam If you have any questions or concerns, please call the high school main office at 648-7544. May 29: Honors Banquet, TBA May 6: AP Physics Exam May 12: AP Biology Exam May 15: AP World History May 15: Prom 8 p.m. – Midnight May 20: Honor Society Induction Ceremony, 7 p.m. May 29: End of the 35-Week Marking Period Life Lessons Taught Through Budgeting Exercise Approximately 95 juniors and seniors recently discovered how difficult it can be to balance everyday expenses and fun in the 5th-annual Life is a Reality event sponsored by Visions Federal Credit Union. Each student selects their desired career and uses a ledger that includes a starting salary, benefits, and take-home pay based on entry-level averages for that job. This year’s event added the deductions for the Affordable Care Act and 401k savings plans. entertainment. Students also spun the “chance” wheel to see if they have to budget an unexpected expense or get lucky and have an unexpected increase in income. Emphasis was put on beginning a retirement savings plan and putting money into savings in case of an emergency. “The most challenging part was trying to figure out the banking and savings,” said junior Dylan Studer. “This is a great opportunity for students to learn something valuable outside of the New Pictured (l-r): Eric Guernsey and Tyler Perry York state curriculum,” said From there, students visited multiple stations that American history teacher Jonathan Edwards. cover expenses such as utilities, groceries, housing, and Necessity Leads to Inspiration for High School Senior When Isaac Pixley needed a project to create on a 3D printer and in the same stretch of time lost the mouthpiece to his trumpet, Pixley decided to take the need as inspiration and set out to make a backup mouthpiece. Pixley, a senior, began the project last year in his computer-aided design course and continued to work on the mouthpiece this year, determined to complete the project. “There were seven versions before creating the final working model,” said Pixley. After refining dimensions on the first four and dealing with printer errors for the next few, Pixley created a working mouthpiece. Not only did Pixley learn how to design an object for the 3D printer, but he also learned more about the dimensions and shape of a trumpet mouthpiece. High School 4 Winter 2015 Honor Society Cleans Up If you drove along Route 12 in late October, you may have seen a group of National Honor Society students dressed in fluorescent jackets with garbage bags in tow. They gathered a wide array of items, ranging from cans to cigarette butts to a mud flap. The National Honor Society is made up of juniors and seniors and is advised by high school teachers Roy Dando and Karon Bielenda. Membership is based on service, leadership, and academics. The road clean-up is just one example of the many ways the club performs community service. A section of Route 12 had been adopted by the National Honor Society five years ago as a part of the Adopt-A-Highway program. The clean-ups are conducted twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Submitted by Roy Dando, HS math teacher and NHS advisor Pictured (l-r): Karon Bielenda, David Yevtuhk, Robert Pinataro, Emma Haley, Adam Copeland, Kenoa Tio, Megan LeVasseur, Matt Allen, Alaijah Cheeseman, Michael Bubniak,Victoria Godden, Nick Hurd, Dana Croswell, Linnae Corgan, Ava Hudack, Melissa Boeker,Taylor Thomas, Kylee Warner, Claire Stocum, Alexa Walling, Roy Dando Students Help Local Families Chemistry of Candy Haiku Treats Kellicutt to Award Senior Caleb Kellicutt recently won an award from the American Chemical Society for his submission for their chemistry of candy contest. The contest required students to write a poem and create a poster about the chemical composition of a candy. Kellicutt chose to write a haiku on the extremely sour “Warhead” candy when he remembered a lesson on how a sour taste was derived from acid. Athletes, student council members and student volunteers teamed up to help local families in need during the holiday season with the Holiday Basket program. Students, teachers and staff donated food, clothing and blankets during the month of December and student volunteers sorted and delivered the goods to the Chenango Forks Fire Station just before the holiday season. The program has been in place for decades, and over the years there have been many student volunteers who were recipients as well. Annually, the program serves approximately 100 local families in need. Once his poem was completed, Kellicutt created his poster design using an interpretation of the candy logo and molecule representations of the predominant acid found in the candy. Kellicutt received a certificate from the American Chemical Society and a gift card from Barnes and Noble. Pictured (l-r): Ryan Ehrets, Jacob Osterhout, and Mason Rowe Winter 2015 High School 5 We Wish You a Joyeux Noël and a Happy New Year It is a long-established custom at Chenango Forks for French students to prepare bûche de Noël, the Yule log cake, without which the French holiday table would be incomplete. Over the period of several days in December, French students and their teachers were welcomed into the kitchens of family and consumer science teachers Deb Daniels (high school) and Fara Shoudy (middle school), and the bûche-baking began. On day one, students baked the sponge cake. On day two, they frosted and filled it. On day three, they were finally able to taste the delicious confection. As in years past, the French IV students made enough cakes to share with the 7th-grade French students who will begin preparing bûche de Noël themselves when they are in 8th-grade. Pictured (l-r): John Roys, Alexis Burge, and Jacob Pierson Over the years, the bûche de Noël has become a traditional part of many Chenango Forks holiday celebrations, as our French-speaking students enjoy sharing their culinary skill with their families. So, if you happen to know a French-speaking CF student, ask them to bake you a bûche! Submitted by Nicole Dimatos, 7th-grade English and French teacher English Teacher Earns Ed.D. There are many reasons educators return to school. Some look to advance their careers into administrative or university-level positions, some make themselves more marketable by adding certifications to their resumé, and fewer still do it purely for their desire to learn. High school English teacher Andrea Gumble recently completed her Ed.D. at Binghamton University. Her eight and a half year journey was initially driven by her craving to write more. The process, Gumble claimed, turned into a “good outlet,” and “allowed (her) to stay fresh in the field.” Throughout her coursework, Gumble found herself immersed in both sides of the education spectrum, as a student and a teacher. “Being a student with them gave me a connection with my students,” said Gumble. Gumble’s dissertation research focused on the implementation of the Common Core State Standard focused on text complexity and increased rigor in the classroom. She plans to use her research to help strengthen the humanities department by keeping the information and teaching methods relevant to the world we live in today. What Gumble has taken from her educational journey, aside from being a positive role model for her children, is a renewed fervor for writing, insight into new education theories, and new resources to conduct research on education. Sophomore Performed in Macy’s Parade Kevin Vogel teamed up with students from around the country to play in the Macy’s All-American Marching Band at the 88th-annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Vogel, an alto sax player, auditioned in September by posting a solo recording of a Hungarian folk song on YouTube. He was accepted into the program in October. Band members had less than a week to rehearse together before the 2.5 mile parade. Middle School 6 Principal’s Message We have three principles we follow at our middle school; to be respectful, responsible, and reasonable. This is the message we convey as well as reinforce. Respect is being polite with a simple “please” and/or a “thank you.” Respect is accepting the way a person is, and not judging them for the clothes they wear or their likes or dislikes; everyone is different and that is what makes for a wellrounded community. Lori Pourby, Middle School Principal Respect is showing kindness and being courteous and considerate of other people’s feelings and listening to someone when they speak. Winter 2015 Respect is complying with home, school and community procedures, policies and guidelines. Modeling and continuous reinforcement are essential to teaching respect, not only for others but for one’s self. It is difficult to respect others if we don’t first respect ourselves. One way the adult community at CFMS accomplishes this is through our positive behavior meetings. During our meetings, real issues, today’s issues, and student issues are discussed and addressed. Respect can be received and earned, and we as parents and educators need to have a partnership to demonstrate and teach our children the values of respect. The most important lesson we can teach our children is to “treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given.” - unknown Sixth-grader Receives Honorable Mention in Writing Contest Sixth-grade student Kaileigh Phillips recently won an honorable mention in the Syracuse. com holiday story writing contest where students were asked to finish the story “The Monster in My Stocking” in 250 words or less. Students in kindergarten through 7th-grade could enter, with entries judged in three age groups. Phillips admits she was a little nervous entering the contest, as it was her first writing contest entry, but plans to enter more contests in the future. In her spare time, Phillips finds time to write once a week. “It’s a good way to get my thoughts out,” she said. As for the contest, the most difficult part for Phillips was developing an idea that worked well with someone else’s writing. Lockheed Provides Creative Career Learning Event In November, a group of CFMS students visited Lockheed Martin to learn about careers in engineering. Students constructed a fan out of K-Nexs, worked on an electrical circuit board and built a paper rocket. They then launched their rockets and prizes were awarded to the team whose rocket flew the farthest. The engineers talked with the class about the importance of building helicopters for national security. The students were able to see the helicopters up close and also tour the manufacturing facility. All the students agreed that it was a worthwhile field trip. Many thanks to Lockheed Martin for the wonderful opportunity they offered to our students. Submitted by Jane Warren, MS counselor Winter 2015 Middle School 7 Intramural Sports Keep Kids Moving Intramural sports programs have traditionally been an excellent way for students who want to play sports, but not in an inter-scholastic atmosphere, to participate in an athletic environment. The intramural program in the middle school has been providing such an experience for years. This year, students were able to participate in football and speedball and will soon have the opportunity to play volleyball. The intramural program also has a singleelimination tournament. “I like it because it gives the kids more opportunities to be active after school during remedial,” said physical education teacher Paul Derr. Pictured front (l-r): Amya Spivey, Sal Frontera, and Brad Fassett. Back (l-r): Alana Schleider, Aidon Acla, and Nate Clark Family & Consumer Science Class Recycles, Reuses According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, an estimated 14.3 million tons of textiles were generated as waste (5% of total waste) in 2012. Identifying environmental resources that are available and examining behaviors that conserve, reuse, and recycle resources to maintain the environment is a really important part of the family and consumer sciences curriculum. That’s exactly what Fara Shoudy’s 6th-grade students did with old T-shirts. The class practiced hand-sewing skills and turned old T-shirts into tote bags. “I wanted to teach students that they can take something old, or maybe don’t use anymore, and re-purpose it into something useful,” said Shoudy. The students loved creating something they could use and now have a sense of pride because they made the tote bags by hand. Some even had time to add a pocket or sew a second tote bag. Submitted by Fara Shoudy, MS family and consumer science teacher Dawson Palmer Science and Snacking Lead to Learning Maureen Gregory’s 7th-grade science classes are learning about DNA in a fun and tasty way. The lab has students construct a model of a molecule of DNA using Twizzlers, marshmallows, and toothpicks. “The goal of this activity is to have them physically build a molecule of DNA to see what it looks like and how the nitrogen bases pair up,” said Gregory. After the students completed their model they compared with neighbors to make sure their bases were paired correctly before eating their DNA models. Pictured (l-r): Nevan Valla, Justin Saymin Middle School 8 Winter 2015 Science Teacher Receives Grant for Bird-watching Seventh-grade life science students always enjoy heading outside for instruction whenever possible. Thanks to the acquisition of materials from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, students can now further their interest in science and the world around them. Teacher Maureen Gregory applied for a small grant through the lab and Cornell decided to give the students more than what they had hoped for. The class will now receive 15 Celestron nature binoculars to help explore the world around them. In addition to the binoculars, the classroom will also receive four bird feeders and a curriculum kit to help guide them through the process of bird observation and identification. Gregory has also been invited to participate in an educator retreat at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology this summer. Submitted by Maureen Gregory, 7th-grade science teacher Health Class Gives Gift of Positive Message In December, 12 eighth-grade health students visited Joyce Pixley’s 1st-grade class to share an important message about staying drug-free. The eighth-graders designed hats for each of Pixley's students with a positive drug-free message. “While my students completed the hats, I expressed to them the importance of a positive message and how they can be such an influence on younger students because they look up to them,” said middle school health teacher Julie Paludi. The students introduced themselves and spent some oneon-one time working on worksheets that addressed the dangers and negative effects of drug use. The students expressed how much they really enjoyed the visit. What seems like a small gesture has annually made a big impact. Many of the current 8th-grade students have shared that they still have the hats they received in elementary school. Pictured: Eighth-grade health students with Joyce Pixley’s 1st-grade class CPR Taught to Promote Readiness During a course organized by our high school and middle school physical education teachers, all students in grades 7 through 12 were trained to perform CPR on adults, children and infants. Students were taught the basics of administering CPR in a variety of different scenarios. All students took a written and skills test at the conclusion of the two week unit. Submitted by Dave Hogan, Director of Athletics and Physical Education Katie Hibbard Winter 2015 Middle School 9 Kahoot App Makes Studying Fun Students in 7th-grade science have been working for several months reviewing course material using an online medium and iPads. Using the Kahoot app, teachers are able to create questions for students in a game-like situation that creates a fun, social situation. The questions can be presented as multiple choice or true or false and can include pictures and diagrams. The students have thoroughly enjoyed using Kahoot and have all said that it has helped them review and prepare for assessments. Submitted by Maureen Gregory, 7th-grade science teacher Pictured:Two students use iPads to play Kahoot, an application that uses a game-like format to quiz students on information covered in class. Theater Visit Breathes Life Into Lesson “No school today? Bah, humbug!” That was the reaction of the majority of our middle school students when they heard that there was a snow day on December 10. That is because this was the day that 7th- and 8th-grade students were scheduled to see a performance of “A Christmas Carol” at The Cider Mill Playhouse. As we all know, the show must go on. Thanks to a lot of phone calls and schedule juggling by both Cider Mill and CF staff – it did. Attending this event is a timehonored tradition at Chenango Forks Middle School. This year, our admission was completely funded through BOCES Arts in Education Program. Studying “A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley,” a play written by Israel Horovitz and based on Charles Dickens’ famous novel, is an important part of the 7th-grade English curriculum. Attending the Cider Mill performance enables students to witness firsthand Ebenezer Scrooge’s transformation from a misanthropic miser to a man who “knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge.” Writing assignments during this unit focused on character analysis; students were asked to think and write about how an important event can have a significant influence on a person’s life. “The play brought the story to life. It was exciting to watch people act out the story we read in class,” said 7th-grader Ethan Cetton The 8th-graders studied “A Christmas Carol” last year, but were unable to attend the performance due to the spending freeze. So, they were invited to attend this year. The 8th-grade will soon begin reading a play based on the life of Anne Frank, and watching the actors on the stage “bring a play to life” will deepen their understanding of drama. Submitted by Nicole Dimatos, 7th-grade English and French teacher Elementary 10 Winter 2015 Principal’s Message As we welcome 2015 at CFE, our resolution is to give each of our students the tools to make their dreams come true. We ask you to join us in making this happen. The past few months at CFE have been busy with a variety of events. Lorrie Hulbert, 3-5 Principal We had parent teacher conferences and our 5th-grade team hosted our first recognition assembly of the year. We celebrated holiday traditions from around the world with our kindergarten and 1st-graders. Our 2ndgraders participated in the Olympics and were featured on our Cube Web-page with live commentary by our 5th-grade reporters, Quinn Tasber and Vincent Vavra. The following months will be just as busy with PARP (People As Reading Partners) activities, our 5th-grade chorus and band concerts and the 100th day of school, not to mention field trips, breaks, and a variety of celebrations. “All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney We look forward to seeing you at school, so please check our building newsletter and individual classroom newsletters for dates and times for all of our upcoming events. My door is always open, so feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. Second-grade Holds Annual Winter Olympics As a way to better understand the classroom lessons on ancient Greece, 2nd-grade students participated in the 2ndannual Olympics in physical education class. The games were created last year when 2nd-grade teachers Heather Marvin and Stephanie Mirabito and physical education teacher Jarrod McMullen collaborated to find a way to make the ELA curriculum more engaging for the students. Each class chose a country to represent, created a banner, and carried the banner in the gymnasium during the opening ceremony. Students from visiting classes cheered as the Olympic theme music played over the speakers. McMullen gave a short history lesson on the ancient Olympics and how the central ideas of trying your best and friendly competition are still relevant today in elementary school and the professional world. Pictured (l-r): CFE physical education teacher Cheryl Kozol gives Ethan Austin a laurel wreath during the 2nd-grade Olympic games. Students competed in events similar to those held in the ancient Olympics such as running, hurdling, throwing, and scooter or “chariot” races. After each race, the winning team received laurel wreaths to wear and stood on the podium while their classmates cheered. You can find photos of the second grade Olympics on our photo gallery page, PhotoGalleries.aspx Winter 2015 Elementary 11 Sing-a-long Encourages Fun, Learning This year’s annual holiday sing-a-long turned into a multi-cultural learning experience for students in 1st grade. Each class picked a different country from which to study a native Cinderella story and the traditions surrounding their culture’s winter holidays. “We came up with the idea because it meets many of our social studies and ELA standards,” said 1st-grade teacher Joyce Pixley. “Learning about family traditions and traditions of other cultures were the two biggest ones.” Countries represented were France, Germany, Ireland, Zimbabwe and China. Students completed Venn diagrams of the Cinderella stories and presented information they learned on the winter holiday celebrations. The students then sang or danced to a holiday song from the country they studied. Pictured (l-r):Tylor Fink, Mya Wyant and Rylie McKrell Fourth-grade Clicks Their Way to Better Understanding Living in a world of instant knowledge has its perks, especially in education. Marcy Slocum’s 4th-grade class has been using Senteo clickers in tandem with a Smartboard with great success. Each student has their own clicker that they sign into with their personal log in. When Slocum quizzes the class, each student chooses an answer and the results are known by Slocum and the students right away. This process saves a lot of time and paper. Slocum and the students know immediately whether or not the class understands the concept instead of waiting for the results after a paper quiz. The time saved by not grading the papers can be used to reinforce ideas that students are struggling with. During an informal quiz, students can see immediately if each answer is right or wrong. During a formal quiz, students will know their score immediately at the end of the quiz. “It’s really fun to use (the clickers) instead of pencil and paper,” said Hannah Roody, a student in Slocum’s class. “I like that you know if you got the question right and not have to wait.” Pictured: Morgan McGuigan 12 Elementary Welcome New Teachers Two new teachers recently started at CFE. Jessica Stark is teaching reading in grades 3 through 5 and Kim Rullo is teaching special education in grades kindergarten through 2. Stark previously taught in the middle school for 10 years and is returning to CF after teaching in the Vestal school district. Rullo previously taught in the Greene school district for seven years. Hoop Shoot Contest Winners Every student in grades 3 through 5 participated in the annual Hoop Shoot contest in physical education class. Students are divided by age group and take 15 foul shots each. The students who makes the most foul shots in their group advance to the local competition at the Broome Developmental Center. The 2014 winners are Kaili Young and Steven Samsel for the 8-9 year-old group, and Grady Stark and Faith Brown for the 10-11 year-old group. Pictured (l-r): Jessica Stark and Kim Rullo Olweus Kicks Off Another Year The Olweus Anti-Bullying program celebrated its’ 201415 kick-off at CFE this fall. Winter 2015 Pictured (l-r): Kaili Young and Steven Samsel Students in every classroom worked together to create a classroom banner that represented their anti-bullying theme for the year. One by one the classes paraded to the football field with their banners. Once everyone reached the field all the students chanted “Be a buddy, not a bully” with their banners held high. Pictured (l-r): Faith Brown and Grady Stark Winter 2015 Elementary 13 Fifth-grade Learns From the Past to Understand the Present During Recognition Three times during the school year, CFE holds a recognition event for students in 3rd- through 5th-grade. The event gives teachers and administrators a moment to recognize classroom achievements as well as honor those who are good citizens to others. This event’s theme was “the 60’s,” and focused on the civil rights movement that occurred during this time. It was a timely choice, as students were learning about the civil rights movement in social studies and ELA lessons when the events in Ferguson, Missouri, began. All classes reviewed articles and news sources about the recent struggle in Missouri and the civil rights movements of the 60’s and drew parallels between the two events. To prepare for the recognition event, each social studies class researched one of the main issues during the civil rights movement and the students created signs and an appropriate chant to do for the audience. You can find a video of the recognition online on the CFE Web page. PARP Month Promotes Literacy PARP (People as Reading Partners) month encourages students to read to or with parents, siblings, friends, and even pets to promote literacy and help foster a love of reading at a young age. During the annual month-long event, students are given a calendar with reading challenges such as reading a book about a particular subject, wearing clothing with words on it, and writing letters to a family member. Students also signed a PARP “contract” promising to read with a parent or family member for at least 15 minutes a day five days a week throughout the month of January. Students were visited by children’s singer/songwriter John Simon. He performed music to inspire a love of Pictured (l-r): Lisa Diamond, Heidi Stemple, and Debbie Abbey reading, exploring and friendship. The students sang along and danced to the music. Author Heidi Stemple also visited CFE, and talked to the students about reading and writing. Students learned about the writing process and how writing drafts are important to the creation of a good story or poem. Stemple also talked Singer/songwriter John Simon performed for CFE students about members of her family who are also published authors and how that influenced her to become an author as well. At the end of the month, CFE held a night program featuring quilts as part of this year’s theme, “Wrap Yourself in a Book.” Quilts and stories about them were displayed for community members and students to see. Throughout the month students read numerous stories about quilts and their place in history and American folk art. Technology and Fine Arts 14 All-County Band & Choir Winter 2015 10-12 All-County Band High School All-County Choir Pictured (l-r): Kyra Salinkas and Gabe Whitney 7-9 All-County Band Pictured front (l-r): Kelly Saroka, Cassandra Pinataro, Jenny Dyer, and Sam Beston. Back (l-r): Claire Stocum, Chris Roberts, and Seth Hall Middle School All-County Choir Pictured (l-r): Anastasia Rusnak, Ethan Stocum, and Katey Church 6th and 8th-grade All-County Band Pictured front (l-r): Claire Costello, Katie Hibbard, and Kylie Gilroy. Back (l-r): Braden Burns, Michael Sehr, and Sean Wood. Pictured front (l-r):Thomas Bongiorno, Anthony Schultz, and Madison Hamlin. Back (l-r): Kaiyu Tio (8th), Jennifer Rudy, Skylar Flanagan, Ethan Howell, and Josephine Kaminsky (8th). Winter 2015 Technology and Fine Arts 15 CFTV Makes Learning Experience Out of the Mundane For decades, students have heard the morning announcements over the public address system at the beginning of the day. Today, our CFTV crew takes the announcements and turns them into a morning news show and broadcasts the program on our HS Cube and high school Web pages. Announcements are filmed and edited by a team of seven high school students a day in advance, uploaded to our HS Cube Web page, and embedded on the high school Web page. Teachers turn on their projector and click on the link each morning to watch. Teachers send announcements to Keith Rosko, the high school art teacher and technology specialist, who loads them into the teleprompter for the anchors, Antonia Lobacz and Chris Roberts, to read. Aside from the general announcements, special segments such as sports with James Dyer, and weather with Garrett Krisko, are also aired. More segments are in the works for production, including interviews with school administrators. Pictured: Chris Roberts and Victoria Markham prepare to broadcast. Parents and community members can watch the morning news show on the high school Web page from their computer or mobile device. While the announcements are currently prerecorded, the hope is to streamline the process by going to live broadcasts in the 2015-16 school year. “My goal is to have the entire station student run and managed by the end of next year, and the most exciting part is that our partnership with WSKG on both the studio and the STEAM Academy will allow CF students from the class to participate in internships with WSKG, at WSKG, working on real world materials,” said Rosko. National Art Journal Publishes CF Artwork Eight more CF students are now published artists. The students submitted artwork to the Celebrating Art Journal, a publication featuring artwork from students in grades K-12 across the country. Name Grade Medium McKenna Gill 12 sculpture Sara Clark 12 sculpture Once submitted, the artwork is juried and then considered for publication. Approximately 25 percent of entries submitted are published. Rikki Donahue 12 sculpture Alice Webb 10 drawing The publication accepts submissions three times a year. The journal can be purchased from their website - - approximately 20-24 weeks after the conclusion of each contest season. Abby Rosko 11 sculpture Ben Ashbaugh 9 sculpture Alex Dimatos 9 drawing Laura French 9 mosaics 16 Technology and Fine Arts Winter 2015 Schoology, Google Classroom Makes Learning Efficient Students enrolled in several classes, including foreign language classes in the high school and some classes in the middle school, are using digital platforms such as Schoology and Google Classroom as a way to access their teachers’ materials. These are Web-based learning management systems, which allow teachers to present information to students in an organized way online. Some examples of what teachers and students do using Schoology and Google Classroom include: • Teachers post videos or multimedia lessons for students to watch at home or in class. • Classes use discussion questions to have conversations at any time. • Teachers create quizzes or short assessments such as Bell Ringers for students to complete. Students often get instantaneous feedback when finished. • Students can access their daily activities, upcoming assignments, homework and documents used in class from anywhere. • Teachers post updates such as a quote of the day, daily activities or reminders for upcoming assignments. • Students may electronically collaborate and submit assignments and projects. • Students send teachers direct messages through Schoology to communicate about assignments or questions they may have. These are a few tools that many of our teachers are using to teach our students content through technology. These are especially effective when used in our classes along with iPads because students are able to access these platforms from anywhere they have an Internet connection. Submitted by Mandy Black, HS Spanish teacher Athletics Winter 2015 17 Fall Sports Teams Win Big Our fall sports teams kicked off what will hopefully be an outstanding year in CF athletics. The varsity football team won its 4th state championship title last fall with many students receiving honors. Congratulations to our students for being named to this year’s All-State New York State High School Football Team. Ryan Bronson was named NYS Class C Player of the Year. Jack Sherwood, Hunter Luybli, and John Hardy were chosen as first team All-State selections while L.J. Watson was selected as a second team player. Tony Silvanic, Caleb Gould and Cody Lamond were awarded NYS honorable mentions for their performance. Congratulations boys! Pictured front (l-r): Hunter Luybli, Ryan Bronson, and John Hardy. Back (l-r): Cody Congratulations to Lamond, L. J.Watson, Jack Sherwood, Caleb Gould, and Tony Silvanic varsity swim team member Sam Suer for her second place finish in the 100-yard butterfly at the New York State Swim Championships held in November. Suer, a sophomore, finished third in this event in 2012 as an 8th-grader and second during her freshman year. Furthermore, Suer also broke a long-standing school record in the 200-meter freestyle this season. She now holds our school record in both the 200-meter free and the 100-meter fly. Suer’s time in the 100-meter fly has also earned her All American consideration. Congratulations Sam on another remarkable season! Our girls tennis team won the Class C, Section Sam Suer IV title this year with Cassie Pinataro winning the Section IV Class C Tennis Singles title and Mia Hayes the runner up in the sectional competition held in October. Congratulations girls! Submitted by Dave Hogan, Director of Athletics and Physical Education Pictured front (l-r): Section IV, Class C Champions Mia Hayes, and Cassie Pinataro. Back (l-r): Kaycee George,Victoria Garcia, Coach Hanzes, Hannah Benscoter, Mollie Elder 18 Athletics Winter 2015 FALL SPORTS ALL-STARS Football - Class C State Champions and NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team Academic All-Star: Jack Sherwood, Sportsmanship Award: James Pattwell, Ernie Davis Selections: Ryan Bronson, Hunter Luybli, Jack Sherwood, Caleb Gould, N.Y.S.P.H.S.A.A. All Stars: Ryan Bronson, Hunter Luybli, Jack Sherwood, Caleb Gould,Tony Silvanic, Cody Lamond, L.J.Watson, John Hardy, Mason Rowe, Rob Story WBNG-TV Awards: L.J.Watson – Class C Running Back of the Year, Hunter Luybli – Class C Lineman of the Year, Ryan Bronson – Class C Defensive MVP Cross Country - NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team Pictured front (l-r): Carley Church (Academic All-Star), Katie Flynn (All-Conference), Mary Kumpon (All-Division), Sarah Knox (All-Division). Back (l-r): Mike George (All-Conference), Seamus Houlihan (Academic All-Star), Chris Roberts (AllConference), Isaac Pixley (All-Division) Pictured (l-r): Alex Stout-Moran (Sportsmanship Award), Kelly Saroka (Sportsmanship Award) Girls Soccer - NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team Cheerleading Pictured front (l-r): McKenna Williams (All-Division), Kaitlyn Walsh (All-Conference). Back (l-r): Anastasia Rusnak (AllDivision), McKenna Gill (All-Division, Academic All-Star), Brooke Crowningshield (All-Division), and Brooke Maietta (All-Division) Pictured (l-r): Rebecca Shoemaker (Sportsmanship Award), and Mackenzie Wilson (Academic All-Star) Ava Hudak (Sportsmanship Award) All photos are courtesy of the Athletic Department Winter 2015 Athletics 19 Boys Soccer - NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team Pictured (l-r): Jesse Ingraham (All-Division), Nicholas Hurd (Academic All-Star), and Dan Ames (Sportsmanship Award) Pictured (l-r): Brandon Woolston (All-Division), Derek Galla (All-Division), and Treynor Peterson (All-Division) Golf - NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team Girls Swimming and Diving NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete Team Pictured (l-r): Kyle Norton (All-Conference), Ryan Gresham (All-Division), Michael Bubniak (Sportsmanship Award), and Zach Norton (All-Conference) Pictured front (l-r):Taylor Thomas (Sportsmanship Award), Natalie Valla (Academic All-Star), and Lisey Freije (All-Division). Back (l-r): Victoria Godden (All-Division), Mackenzie Bronson (All-Division), Lillie Brenchley (All-Division), and Samantha Suer (All-Division, All-Conference) Garrett Krisko (AllDivision) Hailey Brace (Academic All-Star) Girls Volleyball Girls Tennis - Class C Section IV Champions Pictured (l-r): Kara Heath (Academic All-Star) and Darrian Gardiner (Academic All-Star) Pictured (l-r): Mia Hayes (Academic All-Star, All-Conference), and Cassie Pinataro (Section IV Class C Singles Champion, All-Conference) Katelyn Trammel (Sportsmanship Award) Home of the Blue Devils 20 Winter 2015 Nonprofit Org. 1 Gordon Drive Binghamton, NY 13901 U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 155 Binghamton, NY 13901 Superintendent of Schools Lloyd “Joe” Peck, Ed.D. Board of Education Don Edwards - President Spyros Dimatos - Vice President Amy O’Brien Ken Starr Tom Wiser ECRWSS Postal Patron IMPORTANT DATES: February 24: Bus Proposition Vote March 12: BOE Meeting 13: No School—Teacher Conference Day 27: Half-day Dismissal—Teacher Conference Day 30-31: No School—Spring Break April 1-3: No School—Spring Break 9: BOE Meeting to Adopt Budget 14-16: Grades 3-8 ELA Exams 22-24: Grades 3-8 Math Exams 27: Special BOE Meeting BOCES Proposed Administrative Vote May 1-3: Drama Club Musical 4: PreK and Kindergarten Info Night 7: BOE Meeting and Budget Hearing
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